Future of Juvenile Justice

Post on 16-Apr-2017

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History and Future: Juvenile Justice

Precedent and Future Trends

Courts began to realize that juveniles were different than adults

“Kids are not adults,” by treating them accordingly and holding them accountable in developmentally appropriate ways we can reduce the harm and risk they pose to themselves and others”

After Intake, the juvenile can either be dismissed,

sent to diversion, or go to court as determined by the

intake officer.

Community efforts make a positive impact on our youth

Police Involvement in Juvenile Justice

How they become involved What they can do


PolicePolice are the first are the first line of defense, line of defense,

and should handle and should handle with carewith care

What is Juvenile Court?

There are dependency cases and status offenses that can also bring a child into the court room.

Constitutional rights play a major role in juvenile sentencing

Incarcerating may include:

•House arrest•Foster care•Secured juvenile facilities

Non-incarcerating options may include:

•Verbal warning•Fine or restitution•Electronic monitoring or probation

Residential placement

Privatization came about as a form of


Juvenile Justice Policy

Science and Juvenile Development

Studies have shown the differences in the adolescent brain•Adolescent reasoning •Long term goals

Juvenile justice should be evidence based

Informed decisions

Sensible and effective policy is necessary

Office of Juvenile Justice Delinquency and Prevention (OJJDP)

Juveniles do not need to be victimized when they enter the justice system

SuccessIncarceration should be a last resort

Police, intake officers, and judges should utilize new policies

Judge should choose non-incarceration options suitable for juveniles before incarceration

New juvenile justice policy and reform needs to be implemented to reduce recidivism

Police departments need stricter juvenile justice policies

Intake officers are now aware of the science behind the juvenile brain

OJJDP needs to be more involved

Don’t forget

Constitutional rights are very important

National Criminal Justice Reference Service, 2015, U.S. Supreme Court Cases

Retrieved from https://www.ncjrs.gov/html/ojjdp/9912_2/juv2.html

Juvenile Justice Information Exchange, 2015, Community Based Alternatives

Retrieved from http://jjie.org/hub/community-based-alternatives/key-issues/

International Association of Chiefs of Police, 2015, Pg. 1, Para 3, Law Enforcement Leadership Role in Juvenile Justice

Retrieved from http://www.theiacp.org/portals/0/documents/pdfs/JuvenileJusticeSummitReport.pdf

Police and Juvenile Offenders, 2008, Police Roles and Discretion

Retrieved from http://www.sagepub.com/upm-data/19435_Section_II.pdf

U.S. Department of Justice, October 2012, Juvenile Delinquency Probation Caseload).

Retrieved from http://www.ojjdp.gov/pubs/239082.pdf

National Center for Juvenile Justice, 2014, Juvenile Court Statistics 2011) Retrieved from http://www.ncjj.org/publications.aspx?mode=tags&SearchText=Case%20Processing

Office of Juvenile Justice Delinquency and Prevention, 2006, National Report; Juvenile Offenders in Correctional Facilities

Retrieved from http://www.ojjdp.gov/ojstatbb/nr2006/html/chp7.html

Families Unlocking Futures, 2012, A Walkthrough in the Juvenile Justice System

Retrieved from http://www.njjn.org/uploads/digital-library/Fam_Unlock_Future_EXEC_SUMNOEMBARGO.pdf

Annie E. Casey Foundation, January 2009, Reform the Nations Juvenile Justice System

Retrieved from http://files.eric.ed.gov/fulltext/ED507790.pdf