· FutureNow’s workforce development plans describe the current environment in which creative...

Post on 01-Aug-2020

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FutureNow – Creative and Leisure Industries Training Council Inc brings together industry leaders, training organisations and action groups to make recommendations to government regarding workforce development strategies for Western Australia.

Working across the creative and leisure industries, FutureNow facilitates continual improvement of workforce skills to drive productivity and deliver a competitive edge for West Australian businesses now and looking forward.FutureNow is an industry association led by CEO Julie Hobbs with a Board of high profile industry leaders who inform the State Training Board and the State Government on training delivery investment into the future.

FutureNow plays a leadership role in promoting training to industry, including facilitating partnerships between industry and the training sector.FutureNow aims to ensure that businesses and workers have the right skills, in the right place, at the right time. High level industry advisory / working groups are established to assist FutureNow in dealing with industry sector specific matters relating to all workforce development issues.

A r t s & Cu l tu re | Spo r t & Rec rea t ion | Hosp i ta l i t y | Tou r i sm | In fo rmat ion | Med ia | Te lecommunica t ions | P r int ing


2. FutureNow FocusIn providing high level, strategic and forward looking advice to the state Government on training needs and priorities for public funding, FutureNow focuses on;• Facilitating industry, Government and training organisation collaboration and partnerships.• Demonstrating the value of our industries, justifying funding required for training delivery.• Undertaking rigorous research at State, national and international level.• Facilitating industry consultation on government training policies. • Establishing and varying apprenticeships and traineeships.• Promoting careers and career pathways in the Creative and Leisure Industries as authentic,

realistic and exciting opportunities.• Contributing to development and growth of an industry training culture.• Promoting industry and training organisation best practice. • Ensuring that industry has a say in the standards set for training and collaborating with

national industry skills councils. • Monitoring and reviewing the quality of training delivery and assessment.

3. Your Role

\1. About FutureNow

Help us to help you - give your feedback, tell us what’s working and what’s not in your sector.Tell us what training you need, what skills your future workers will need.Support the employment of graduates, trainees and apprentices; help them become leaders of the future.Support the quality training providers that work so hard to supply you with your future skilled workforce.Support FutureNow, get involved with our work and contribute to the professionalism, productivity and growth of our industries.

FutureNow people:Julie HobbsChief Executive OfficerE: jhobbs@futurenow.org.au

Tracey FarrowProject Manager Tourism & HospitalityE: tfarrow@futurenow.org.au

Rachael DavidsonProject Manager Sport, Recreation and PrintingE: rdavidson@futurenow.org.au

Ann-Marie RyanProject Manager Creative IndustriesE: amryan@futurenow.org.au


FutureNow’s workforce development plans describe the current environment in which creative and leisure industries operate in Western Australia. They outline critical industry skills necessary for future sustainability and growth and establish the context in which these industries are essential not only to the existing lifestyles of the existing population, but in attracting and retaining thousands of new workers from interstate and overseas that will be vital to WA’s future growth and economic prosperity.Current workforce development plans are available for viewing on the FutureNow website• Tourism, Hospitality and Events• Cultural and Creative Industries• Information Technology and Telecommunications• Sport, Recreation and Racingwww.futurenow.org.au/current-plans.html

Visit the FutureNow website for a wide range of industry and training information including news, events, careers, vocational education and training, apprenticeships and traineeships, resources, links and projects.


Sign up to the FutureNow eNews: Your Workforce, Your Future to receive a monthly summary of latest Industry and Training news.


Training Packages delivered in the creative and leisure industries include:

Hospitality and Tourism • SIT Tourism, Travel and Hospitality

Sport and Recreation• SIS Sport, Fitness and Recreation• RGR08 Racing• ACM10 Animal Care and Management (Farriery Qualification only)

Arts and Culture • CUA Creative Arts and Culture

Information and Telecommunications• ICT Information and Communications Technology• BSB Business Services (Library and Information Services Qualifications only)

Printing • ICP Printing and Graphic Arts

6. Contact Us

4. Workforce Development

5. Training Packages

Ar t s & Cu l tu re | Spo r t & Rec rea t ion | Hosp i ta l i t y | Tou r i sm | In fo rmat ion | Med ia | Te lecommunica t ions | P r int ing