G Park Street Metho ... the ordinary popular song. ... S'l.Odra Mayo, Leader, Cheryl Wallace, 1st...

Post on 15-Apr-2018

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ubI ia1111I 11y t11t JOHn tJrhtting (1OUlpUt1f

Serving Brownville Brownville Jet poundaGrange Milo Se 01 1 No 4 Wednesday October 17 1962


L to R o Frank Tit omb Abbot County Chairman Governor H Reed Congressman McIntirsj and Mrs Neil Johnston of -k Piscataquis County state Committeewoman

bull oR JamesR Buzzell candidate for sheriff Go ernor John bull Reed Rodney Ross candidateforState R epresentative Congshy-gman Clifford G McIntire

Republican Party heId a per and rally at the Milo

Hall Wed Oc t lOth John H Reed and Congshy

_5 man Clifford McIntire were ed guest speakers supper prepared by the

of Park Street Methoshy

ring the rally and GOP COJllty State Committeewo m an MrS Neil C Johnston of Sebec he shylped with intr oduc tions

Gov Reed said tha t he would recommend emergency legislashytive appropriations early in 1963 to provide matching funds on state programs that might DE eligible for the accelerated

Page 2 THE- T O

THE TOWN CRIER is published each Wednesday evening by the Milo P r inting Company We hope to be of help to the c i tize ns of the towns in our covershyage through ~EWS INFOR lIIA TION AND LOWPIUC shyED ADVERTISING

We accep t no financial r espons ibili ty for err ors in advertising bu t will gladly print corrections

Copies of mostphotos appearing in THE TOWN CRIshyER n ay be obtained through our office If y ou have nevrs or available photos of any sort we

urge you to call 011 dr op in Deadline will be Monday oon b ut we would appreciate copy received e a r lier

in the week Classified ad s 50 cent minim um including up to 12

words 3 ce n ts for ea ch additional w rd Dis play ad space by the c olumn inch

John and Joanne Brigham - E ditor

943-2262 with NEWS ITEMS 943-7384 for AD SPACE

Iiss Deanna Chase daughter of Mr a nd 1Irs Edshygar Chase of Milo was married on the ev ning of Oct

Fire On Philpot Ridge

Milo Fire Depar tment res ponded to analarm Slturday after Ahouse unide tifi ed a t press timehadbe nrazed before =- _ euro I

could ar ive Cause of the b laze was unknovm

Jay(ees To Open Jay-Tem Certer

The Milo Jaycees anounce the opening of their new JayshyTeen Center October 27 at 730 It is going to be open Saturday nights at the Derby Improveshyment Building

The present Student Council will be the Officers ofthe Jayshycee Youth Committe as the Sushypervisors

The opening will have as a theme A HarvestHop The 2 game rooms will be ope n al s o Coke and potato chips will be s old in the downstairs game r oom

O ~ - middotO

(Vf1t ~ h - i _5~~ -I-~

~ ~tllEmM Ashy

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yen- c

a- bull

TO THE CITI ZE N OF _ The Milo J aycees are e

taking the project of = i ng the town In thi _ - _ ~

a ques tionaire wi ll bes _ ted to each famil~ ~ - -=shyCitizens are asked u ES

the questions to the _ ~shytheir ability The p ~- this surveyis to give the -_ cees as well as other _ ~ valuable knowledge abo _ shythe people feel tOWli _

town Once tabulatee ~ - shygive the Jaycees an irul~ bull what the townpeople ~ __~ _ done to improve their ( ~ ity

The survey will et rrl - on October 21s t 1plusmn - members calling o shyvidual home3 The ~ s of the tovVll sh onldbec- ___ by Nove mbe- 8 1962 --ce izens cooperation _ ~ ~ gshytly appreciated

NUTTERS SHOE 5E ~~ Open evenings ITOR ~bull ~

p m to 700 gtm all day Saturday


from a small number to about 180 He told about a minister who was the main attraction at his 0II Conglomeration OJWorJs reoeption and he noticed a man who looked like something

By Nei ll Rober tson

llnle donation this week is about a very familiar topic






~ and while it ray be a mixtwe of h1lIDQr aud serious fac ts I hope you can easily sort out the seeds from the weeds efinition of love depends a lot on who is giving the opinion

_urry-eyed teenager love could be anything from a tickling onlllouod the heart they can t scratch to an abc8s8 on the

Emotioncanbe such a terrific bing as to a lmos t wr ack vith pain 8orrow and sometimes shame and still have

to do with LOVE is a holy ~iritual emotionand should never be connected 1hingcalled LOVF whlchis emphasized in the sentimental the ordinary popular song

5 are sadly deceived by iliis carnal emotion they may lieve to be love because of its intensity but they donTt

live very longbefore they learn that it is possible to have ooon they thought was love with the change of the moon makes them especially vulnerable in a car parked off the

on a moonlight night and the divorce courts prove say is true

donTt mistake fleshly passions fOl pWe and holy mat can only oome frOID God as itls so easy to be deceivedbull etry to show you what your chances are of finding LOVE om the advice of Gods word

told that the worlds human popula tion is about 3 1 2 _ hiehis fairly equally divided between the male ltUld female cannot conceive that God would make things so unfair that

-on tobe in love they must fir s t find the other one per son le worId with whom they can fall in love -- Rats I I say 0

as this thing the ordinary personca11alOl7e peo~le can e about as often as they become attracted by the oppos ite t birds animals and inaeJts have mating instincts but

no sensible persoll wants to elevate thos e instinc ts to that holy estate culled love

~ungsters LOVEis of God for the Bible plLt nly tells that - LOVE and anyone who lowers love to anything less will

their lives for the worseo

_ ~xcept they be agreed equally yoked together

o passages of scripture 1l1S

bull 30

the public with any more

l1e lady toU me If He Is

s a parting bit of advice to which the great majority will attention let me say this as Godvs Almighty truth that ray a couple can ha e Goel- s guarantee of a happy wedded

tJ aD3wer the question in His word lRow can two walk toshyP lus the other bit of advice not

with unbelievers II r sonal1y Yvillnotworry much about couples who will take

their rule of life much for that thus endeth my li ttle s ermonetteo

hear from our readers as to whether or not I should

cfagood tory or a sermon is to have a good beginshyod ending lllld not too much in between

om Lincob called a t our home r ecently and ~ prEty good story her m inister told

a Methodist bimiddot other lately taking over the rate Htis ccmiddotmpletely blind and has only been the r e a few - but n lthat short time has brought the congregation up


A ~ ~ 7~

over when the good Lord made an ape As he was passing minister in the line he said II We dont like you and kept on gQin and much to the minister s surprise he saw the man back in

11 Vie

line again and as he passed the second time he said You can preach anyway The minister became pretty perturbed didnt say anything but when he noticed the Old ball coming the thtrd time he was pretty well deflated as the fellow said didnt want you anyway The good old deacon who was assis in the reception could hear the little by-play and noticing the em barrassmeni of the pastor tried to ease his feelings and said Pastor I wouldnt feel badly about what this man said you seshyhe is the town idiot and he just repeats whlLt he hears

As a klnd of a thought for the day - Think long and seriouslJi about thiDgs that can be decided but once

tie bull Up Foil -u Troop 118 Milo Girl Scouts did a workmanlike job c

Milo streets of litter The s couts deployed with 11tterbags pin s ticks one of each s ide ot a road and picked up all and trash


IN BOTTLED G bull bull bull



You get 6 big adantages wilh 1obil-ftame rangmg from appliances to fuel til Stlrle Stop in --

-$ ~ci- _


Page 4



MILO-The annual observanc e of Laymens Sunday will be held in ilie Milo Baptist Church this coming Sunday morning Oct 21st The laymen of the Chshyurch will be in charge of the Morning Worship Service at 1100 am The theme for ilie daYAs Good Stewards will be nlarged upon by Mr Lloyd Treworgy who will deliver the Sermon Other laymen who middotill be taking part are Mr George Hamlin Mr Vernon Perry Mr Gar dner Osgood _IT KennethRhoda Mr Har-

Id Woodard and Mr Mauriee GoWen Special music will be provided by the Youth Choir md Mr Edwin r eworgy who vill be s inging a solo The ublic is cordially invited to

this service At the E veningService at 7 30

Pastor Hayes will be speaking on the sub ject The Man Who Refused to Compromise This

be the fifth in a series of sermons on Bible characters

On Monday evening Oct 22 he firs t session of the Piscatashyquis Baptist Association School of Leadership Training will be held in the Milo Church beginshyrlngat700 pm Tbreecourshyses ofins true tion are being ofshyered this year The S )ry of

heBaptists will be taught by he Rev Donald Thompson astor of the M llinocket BapshytistChurch Mr CalvinLewis [ Derby will lead a study of

the relationship be tween The Christian Faith and My Job dealingwith the m oral and etshymeal problems involved inboth

bor and management and the gtrofeesionalworld The Revbull John Wanamaker of Augusta

eDirector of Christian Edu-

-of the need for 1-lis sionary and Stewardship Education within the local church During the Worship period a devotional study of the book of Amos will be led by the Rev Lorimer Morrison pastor of the United BaptlstChurch of Dove -Foxshycroft The Rev Ca Yin T Hayes of Milo will serve as Dean of the School The School will be held on three consecushytive Monday nights The cost of registration is fifty cents The School is open to any who may wish to a ttend

NAZARENE CHURCH TneReverendG EmeryPratt

of Quincy Mass was gue t speaker at the mor ning service on October 14th Rev ampMrs Prat t and daughters Alice and Annie were in town visiting re shylatives for the weekend

For 24 Hour Wrecker Service



Bishops IXIbull

Dependable Service Call SimkoS Gen Store 943-2261 Res 943- 797 8


AC Plugs

Customer reports over 30000 miles on one set of


SlOdra Mayo Leader Cheryl Wallace 1st assistant eamiddot Hedda Clark 2nd assistant leader regulars Sandra rEttT

Linda Davis Brenda Fisher and Holly Clark

~ 11 e Bear6e6

qnotel amp ~e6tauraltt In LaGrange

Has Added TEXACO Gasoline amp Oil

II e G1ve ampH Gre en Stamp

The following Milo High Majorettes were chosen last Wedne

bulleniD c cerf

IEr Senior Bdnd under the direction of Mr Maynard Jones ertin the Milo Parking Lot Sunday October 14th to

ence The Milo High Ma jorettes perfor med with the 11ltermission looked and s ounded ver y well at their second public

lt this s eason

bull ZLM STREE T CLUB 10 MILO- The Elm Street Christ shy

mas Club met Thursday afte r shynoon at the home of Mrs Katie Owen vithl1 me mbers a ttendshying

er Sampson Tent 18 Following the business meetshy-r 5 of Union Veterans

ing conducted by Mrs Anna e Town Hall with the Clarki a s ocial after noon was

Julia Dunphey pre- spent Included in the r efreshshyments was a birthday cake mashyde by Mrs Abbie Hoskins in honor of the bir thday of Mrs Nora Hamlin The hostess was assisted in serving by Mrs ~ The mystery prize

presented ~amiddot ~~c d~tr~ Bltgtrtha U shy


MlLO - The Past Presidents Club of Jane Carver Sampson Tent Daughters Union VetershyansCivilWar metatthe hom e of Mrs Mary Patridge Derby THE THREE GIS Friday evening wi tb 10 me mshy

The ThreeG s met Thursdayber s and Mrs Julia Dunphey

evening a t the home of Mrspresident of the tent as a gushy

Elsie Stairs with 11 members est

attendingFoHowing the business meetshy

Following the meeting aproshying conducted by Mrs Ella

gram was presented with each Henderson silent auction was

member contributing The played and refreshments were

hostess assis ted by Mrs Agnesserved by the hostess

Parsons and Mis s Laura PalshyThe next meeting will be the

mer served refreshments evening of November 2 with the

The next meeting will be heldmeeting place to be announced

October 25 at the home of Mr s MILO BRADFORD CLUB Harriet Tuck contd

The Milo-Bradford Club me t Thursday at the home of Mrs Ruth Tapley at Bangor with 10 members attending Apotluck Christmas Caros dinner was served

Send P hoto or NegativeAtthebusiness meeting conshy

for Personalized Cardsducted by Mrs Edna Young it was voted to give a donation to CARVERS PHOTO SERVICI the Milo Comm unity hospital The mystery prizes were awshy 10 Cents Each Min Order 1 00 arded to Mrs P amelia Hussey and Mrs Dorothy Severance Box 147 Milo Maine


The life expectancy of a man to day is 703 years a agam st 473 years in 1900 Improved medical techniques and th e U~e of miracle drngs are largely responRible for this increased longevity

One of the ironies of the drug price con troversy is the charge that th e cost of medication is beyond the reach of oldsters who a short half centnry ago Oldd not have lived to en joy I heir sunset years

Yet statisti cs show that drug prices more often decline- seldom go up fJ 1F ew 8ail those responsible for the cost of food clothing and shelter The onlv villains in this drama afe drugs and the men who manufacture them UP

UP Daggetts Pharmacy

(om plete Pres ( ri pti on

Serv ic e


- ~-


Organization News contd


MILO-Past Matr ons and Past Patrons and Obligation Nigh t were observed Monday evening at the Masonic Hall at a meetshying of Aldworth Chapter OES with the worthy ma tron Mrs Frances Swazey presiding Mrs Albin Hoskins past ma shytron substituted as treasurer

Chapters represented were Echo Brownville F riendship Mars Hill and Silver Leaf Chshyarleston

Guests present were Mrs Anne Mills past grand matron andKennethPullen pastgrand patron

A resolution of r espect was read for the committee by DwishyghtHamlin pastpatronfor Mrs Katharine Thompson past matshyron and the charter was draped in her memory

Mrs Julia Dunphy past mashytron and Mr and Mrs John Rowe were appointed as a comshymittee for a resolutio of resshypects for Edward Cyr of Milli shyDOcket It was voted to have the meeting dates entered on the Neoteric Club calendar Past Matrons and P as t P at shy

rons were honored by a cereshymonywith the worthy matron Mrs Frances Swazey Mrs Sandra Haley conductress and Mrs Emma Barker associate conductress having the speakshyingparts Each honored memshyber was presented a gift

Past Matrons present wer e Mrs Alice Brown Mrs Alice Chase Mrs Elinor Chase Mrs Virginia Chase Mrs Pauline Davis Mrs MaeDoble Mrs Enid Foshay Mrs Rosashymond Golden Mrs Martha Gould Mrs Irma Hamlin Mrs Albin Hoskins Mrs Gena McCorrison Mrs Anne Mills Mrs Annie MorriS Mrs Loshyuise Newman Mrs Gertrude Packard Mrs Carrie P eakes Mrs Grace Peakes Mrs Inez Pullen Mrs Estella Shaw Irs Harriet Tuck and Mrs

Flora Wingler Pas t Patrons present were

Geor ge C Folsom Herbert Foshay Dwight Hamlin Harshyold Newman Fred Packard Arthur Peakes Max Place amp KennethPullen Mrs Carrie

P eakes was presented with a corsage by the Worthy Matron in honor of her birthday Oct 13 Obligation Night was obshyser ved with Leonard Swazey worthy patron leading

A supper was served preced shying the meeting under the direoshytion of the associate matron Mrs Priscilla Chase and Comshymittee

The rugt mee ting will be held November 12 at730 p m when Guest Officers Night will be observed Each officer will invite her own guest officer

A rehear sal willbe held Novshyember 5 at 7 p m


inspection of Echo Chapter O E S was held Tuesday evening in the Masonic Hall with the associate grand matron Mrs Betty Jean Braley of Poshyrtland as the inspecting ofshyfic er

The meeting was opened by the worthy matron Mrs Hazel McKay Mrs Ellen Chambers ser ved as warder

Past grand officers present were Mrs Anne S Mills and Mrs Alice L Graves past grand matrons and Kenneth Pullen past grand patron Other guests were Mrs Anne Wiggin of Charles ton and Mrs Alice Hammond of Dexter grand representative of Minshynesota in Maine

The chapters represented weshyre Lon~ellow SouthPortland Aldworth Milo Friendship Mars Hill Onawa Millinocket White Heather Quebec Wasshysookeag Dexter Silver Leaf Charleston Susie Carr Sanshygerville Fidelity Houlton amp Martha ~sh1ngton Watershyville

Refreshments were s ervedin the dining room under the dirshyection of Mrs Phyllis Hutchinshyson associate matron She was assisted by Mrs Kathshyerine Greenway and Mrs Rita Gould HAPPY HOUR CLUB

The Happy Hour Club met Wednesday evening at the home of Mrs Margaret Hoxie with ten members present The business meeting was conducshyted by the secretary Miss Phyllis McCormack The My-

Vote Fo


stery Prize was won by Mrs Ellis Tobin It was voted to give a donation to the Milo Community Hospital for the utility room

P lana wele made for a supshyper to be held Saturday night at the Grange Hall with men and

children as invited guests This supper will replace the October Birthday Dinner The birthday of Mrs Lydla Rhoda will be honored

Beano was playeEl dWing the evell1Dg The next meetiDg will be at the home of Mrs James Desmond


B S Degree in Business Administration from Lehigh UniverSity

24 years in Real Estate Insurance Business 21 years in Amusement Ride Business 8 years as Sheep Farmer 9 years on Brownville School Committee

Present Selec tman of the Town of Brownville Past Master of Pleasant River Lodge A F A Past President of Three Rivers Fish and Game C Treasurer of tue Brownville Jct Methodist Churc Committeeman of Explorer P ost 112 B S A Former Chairman of Republican County Committee Present Member of Republican State Committee

I~- 4 ~~


laquo0111 Cpound~J JlU IU

~tL~ sr WI 3-88

James ~ ~add




_~ C EDGES A F B bullbull

5 s emi-pro basketball s tarted its season last

--y nightby edging Char-EB 84-81 in a scr imshy

6aIDe that was played at ~ he game was close eyay v1th Charleston leshyo 13- 29 at tJe 1st quarter

s ore was tied 51-51 way point Milo ahshy

- -S- at the end of the thir d t2 Roger Clapp aniDick e oak Bcoring honor s J

_ letting 21 points The0

course Coach Hotham has the alternative to move Webb into the backcourt and putting Mer Ie Har r is another good- shooting lefth~nder into the lineup Two other fine backcour t men up fr om las t y ea r s J V 5 a r e Mike Mulherin amp P aul Grindle Both did we ll la s t yea r for the Junior Panthers amp should make the scramble for fir st five even more interesting to watch Dashyvid P ullen and Simon Brown who played both varsity and J unior Varsity las t yea r could both prove valuable to Coach

e score was pretty dinded wi th Ladd gettshy

-e~ Joe P aul J im LaBosshynd TerryBailey getting

bull --iece Charlie Ar tus had Eben Dewi tthad two

re Joe P aul and JIm s~are are a ll t~achers at 5 Classical Inatitute


eyiewof the P anthers Richardson and Steve 100ked like the only t c an be pa si tive (or

itive) of getting a st shyrthon the team Now a look at some of the

idates Two top ch shy

in and Kevin 0 Con shy xhvin play ed fir s t five year but with a ll the

- tions Goodwin wi ll uave to earn i t this year

r showed US last year ~s the hustle and that

Hothams plans Milo ha s the potenti al but the big question i s Can Coa ch Hotnam de velop i t - shy i t ll be a tough job

NEXT WEEK Te B ownshyville Jc t Ra il r oaders

ilo Sporshyt Shop

We have the RUGER 44 MAGNUM We have the SAVAGE 24-MDL (22 Mag over and 2 Q guage under)



BAILEY BRIEF INGS bullbullbull bull bull bull bull Milos cross country team

had an intra-squad run last Thursday and Cedric Rhoda BlllMulherln andPeter E llis were the fir st three to finish Rhoda unefficially c lock 1326 for the two and o1e half mile sprint _- that is something for the high school senior to be pr oud of - - a tip of the hat i s due Charles Hotham for the long hours he put in coaching baseball this p ast s ummer - shyTom Tresh the Yankeets conshyverted left fi e lder i s a must for the American League Roshyokie of the Year award ---- shyBoston Red Soxfans are saying that J ohnny Pesky (new Hub manager ) i s just what the docshytor order ed ------- if that is the case maybe just maybe Wait til next year will finshya lly come ---- - - New Yorks Tresh looked like the veteran ballplayer in the World Series and Mantle looked like the roshyokie Looks like the Milo P anshythers will have to rely on speed thiB year b ecause height is missing --- the team just doshyesnt htv + n ~+h th r i t had last year -- just thought of a good name for the high school s cr oss country team the Milo Panthers -- get it If anyone is planning to go to Dovers new bowling lanes youd better get there about 6 oclock if you vantto be sure of bowling beshyfore eight

Joe Paul H C l s new bashysketball coach says that the BlackKnights have the desire and the potential to make tr shyouble in Class M this year0

If you want to get rid of that excess fat you may have try square dancing

For the first time s ince 195E Husson College will be without an ex-Milo Panther on its bashysketball team

See you next week

Milo High School Baske tball Schedule 1962-1963

Nov 20



F eb


7 14 18 21

4 11

15 1 8 25 26





H CI at Higgins Searsport at Searsport

Stonington at Milo Lee Academy at Lee B nville Jct a t Milo Blue Hill at Milo Blue Hill at Blue Hill Stonington at Stonington

H C I at Milo Lee Academy at Milo Searsport at Milo Washburn at Milo Bnville Jct a t Bnville Jct

Bangor JV s at Bangor

Mt DesertatNorth shytst Hr~i~

M C I at Pittsfield

( loud e N Trask Complete Ins ur ance Service

41 P ark Str ee t


Organization _Te ~S contd


1flLO - Officers of Dirigo Lodge of Odd Fellows and Orion Rebekah Lodge for the coming year were ins tailed in a joint installation in the Odd Fellows Hall Tuesday evening

Officers were installed for the I dges by a staff from Guilshyford and Greenville and were Mrs Donna Fogg distric t deputy president Lester Warshyman Greenville district de shyputy grand master Mrs Maude Eastman and James Clark deshyputy marchals Helen Race and Floyd McNich deputy wardens Esther Woolsey and Howard Lamber tson deputy secretarshyies Myra Willey of Guilford amp Charles Steeves of Dover- Foxshycroft deputy treasurers Nel shyie Ames and Mer le Dean deshyputy chaplains Velma Butter shyleId Dover-Foxcroft and Rashy]ph Werber deputy guard Virshyginia Littlefield mus ician

Officers installed in Dirigo Lodge were Malcolm Pelkey noble grand E rnest Harmon ice grand Eugene Dunham recording secretar y Herbert Rolfe financial s eer tary Ra shylph Hill treasurer George Crabtree warden Wallace Harris conductor Stan Brown chaplain R ueben Lancaster J r outside guar dian Charles Chshyessa inside guar dian Lewis _lountain Sr Tight s cene sup shyporter Raymond Youngblo 1 left scene supporter Lyman Severance right suppor ter to nob le grand Car Deane left supporter to noble grand and RubertHobb s JuniorPastGrshyand

Officers for Orion Rebekah Lod5e a r e Mrs Ruth Youngshyblood noble grand Mrs Rosashymond Golden right supporter loble glanc Mrs Bertha HowshyJAnd left supporter noble Grshyand MissLawaPalmer dee rand i Mrs Agnes Sawyer right supporter vice grand

s Dorothy Severance left supporter vice grand Mrs h llis Gould chaplain Mis s Georgia Rollins color bearer

s Julia Durphy recording s c elma Washy

tterho1Se financial s ecretary PLEASANT RIVER GRAl~GE Mr s Marion Campbell treashy

MILO-Pleasant RIver Gr a ngesurer Mrs A nna Mooer s a shymet Tuesday evening wi th ther den Mrs Hazel St Louis Worthy Master Currie Austinjunior pa st noble gr and Mr s pr esiding and 44 present inshyFrsda Browll outs ide guar dian cluding two Lom Winn GrangeMrs Dorothy Pierson inside and one from Atkins on C orne- guardian and Mr s Eve lynHo shy

Three applic a tions were r eadxie music ian for m embership and Mrs OnshyMrs Ruth Youngblood was ata Deane Ha rvey Moran and r e -elected as noble grand and Mrs Tennie Tobin were apshywho a lready has a past grand1s pointed as an investiga tingpin was p r esented a gift on beshycommittee It was vo ted tohalf of the lodge Mr s Youngshydonate money to East Piscatashybl ood presented her officers quis Pomona for a battery ~ashywith gifts ndle Itwas also voted to buyA supper preceded the meetshya past masters pining under the direction of Mrs

Lyman Sever ance waS apshyBertha How1and and he r s taff pointed a s chair man of a candy


MILO-The Der by Mothers A program in radio show for m

Ser vice Club m e t Tue sday at was presented by the lecturer

the hom e of Mrs Avis Spear Mrs Me r na Dunham with Her shy

with eigh t members a ttending ber t Dunbam qnnouncer T a shy

The m ee ting was conducted by king part we re Mrs Mernl

Mr s Lila Smith and prayer Dunham Mrs Edna Young Mrs Edna Stevens Mrs Onshywas led by Mrs Avis Spear

The mys tery prize was awshy ata Deane Mrs ShirleyRhoda Mrs Thelma Crabtr ee Earlearded Mrs Edi th Rideout Rhoda LymanSeverance andMail was acknowledged from Chellis Mitchell During theMrs Ida Mer rithew the Nurshyshow the 79thbirthday of Missses Guild and the Red Cross

A donation was voteq for eqshy Lydia Rhoda was r ecogni zed and s he was p r esented wi th auipmentfor the Milo Communshy

i ty Hospital A basic box will corsage

be s ent by Mrs Ma r i on Cun shy Following the program reshyfreshments were servedningham to Da le Rideout at

F ort Dix N J DR H M BURRYIt was r eported that S-Sgt GIVES REPORTDarrell Spear h a s r eturned ON SCOUT DElVEfr om a tour of duty in Newshy

MILO-Dr H M Burry areafoundland and is spending a Chairman of the Boy Scout fundleave with his fami ly and his collection has announced thatparents Mr and Mrs Newshythe canvass of business andbert Spear His next assignshyprofessional people in Miloment will be a t Home s tead AFB Tuesday and VVednesday re shyF l orida sulted in collections and pledgesA le tter was written to Mrs that approximate half the amshyJane Cook at Durham N H ount of the Milo-Derby quotaMrs Mildred King gave a r e shy

The general canvass will be shyp or t on a dinner served a t the gin in a few days he saidDer bvHall for the Bangor and

A oost ok staff

l ~ To n Coutry Clothing Store~ F ormer ly Milo Dr y Goods I ~ This week SPECIA L ALSO HEAVY ZZ Ladies and Chi ldtens WINTER CAR COATS LONG I r ~ RUBBER FOOTWEAR COA TS amp SKI JACKETS -J ~Jj Se era1 styles from SHOP M1LO amp SAVE J$298 up


T HE TO bull _-

VIRGThlA STO ffi t


BROWNVILLE - _ - shyginia G Stone and Job ton were married San ~

ternoon a t the home o~=

John W Meisner in Foxcroft

The bride is the da Mr s Bernice Scone ~_ late Edwar1 Stone anO -S a duate of Browmire - High Sc hool in the clas s _shyThe bridegroon a ~~ Brownville Juncti Hsshyand is employedby ~E Company in Deroy

The c ouple wUlrE5i- wnville

F ollowin5 the euro_= ~- -

ception was held ~ _ t= - ville Grange hall ~ _ ~_ shyWestonMarshan _ -5 -_ ces Ston e were L ~_ _ gift table REfrESl-E_~

s e rvedby Mrs 3c_- lid Mr s _ edam =- Miss Rosemary pound - _

pas sed the gue_- C ~ _ than 70 relatives - _t

were in artendanmiddot-e The wedding ~-) f -= ___

by Mrs Stone and E _ =__ by Mrs Addle W a

Lodging and Breki

WI J7175 30 Water St MILO


Sufficientunto the m ~

the evil thereof

Special Thi s Week Onshy


Ii ~WI

R C A VICTOR - Remote ConTv ~ If-__

_ _ _______


Casi) president jce president

llicTo-Touch 2 G Tone Ar m 2 Wa t P



age I

__ 835 country team ~espaper The

n sale at the th

officers at Milo _ this year are as


middot 055 president Ced shyce president L i shy

_e bull secretary L oi s ~er Cathy B r ashy


for conducting the projec t F r om theD orcas Guild of the

United Baptist Church Mrs Sue Rhoda Mrs Catherine Ellison and Mrs Margaret Peter s Womens Society of Christian Service of the P ark Street Methodist Church Mrs Lenora Byther Mr s Merna Dunham 11118 Elinor Chase and Mrs Isabel Cudhea

Zoning will be worked out so tha t all streets will be canvasshysed and householders are urshyged to co-operate by having pennies for UNICE F when the yOlmg people ring the door bell

Following the canvass all who have participated rill be enter shytained at a Halloween party in the Milo Town Hall with games prizes and refreshments and 3shy

Ue a t bag to take home Any woman desi ring to help

on this project will contact a m e mber of the committee

e rolding a t 19 at 73 0



On Halloween chi ldr en youth and adults of Milo will be given the opportunlty to show their concern for the less for tunate children of the world by par ti shycipating in Tr ick or T r ea t for UNICEF F or the second year B ap tist and Methodist women a re joining to s ponsor this annual event

~ -ill hold bull J Ocl 20 at to Shop It

a m and will A m ee ting to make ini tia l p lshyans was he ld in the Methodis t ves try F riday and the following

new uniforms c ommittees will be res pons ib le


P Output

ore een and gOOi ~he5 he re shy~-___________bullbull e ed __ 2cl

Sergeant James T Me tcalf who recently spent 14 m onths duty in the 7th Infantry band i n Korea was home on leave las t week with his par ents He i s now s tationed at For t Dix

Milo - Paul H Beals SP -4 USASA is home on Furlough He has been stationed at Okinshyawa since Nov of 1960 He will return to dUtj Oct 26 at F t Meade Md at National Securi ty Agency Headquarters

Stanley Brown and his installshying team Mrs Pearl CcLDney Marshal Mrs Thelma Cr abshytree assistant marshal Mrs Freda Brown emblem bea r er Mrs Dorothy Severance regshyalia b ea r er Mrs Ella Hender shyson chaplain and Mrs E velyn Hoxie pi anist and solois ~ we re a t Abbot Grange Saturdayeveshyning and installed the officers of Abbot Grange Dawll of Hope Nor th Guilford and Valley Gr ange Guilford Centel

Others going from here were LymanSeverance George Crshyabtree Mr s Thelma Watershyhouse Mr s Pamelia Hussey Mr and Mr s Ellis Tobi n and Mr and Mrs Ear l e Rhoda

Mr amp Mrs William Burshygess of Dexter vere supper guests on Sunday of Mr and Mrs Myron Smart Their grandson Scott Hamlin of Seb ec Village has visited durshying the school vacation

Several members of Company F World War 1 of the 103 Inshyfantry Division met Monday evening at the home of Paul Valente William Sprowle amp Ha rold Farnham residents of Hollis N H were present This was the first time sevshye ral of these men had been toshygether in 25 years

Others present were Har ry Ellis and Roy Hoskins of town and E rrollEstes of B r ownville

J unction We a r e a ll VERY pleased to

know thatDr A M Carde has returned home after undergoing trea tmentin a Boston hos pi tal

The doctor wishes to ePress his gratitude for the thoughtshyfulness of his friends md for ilie many expressions of c onshy

Mr and Mrs L indon Heal of St Pete r sblU g Florida a r e vi siting a t the hom e of Mr and Mr s Ore l Bemis this week

1 O O F is holding its regshyular meeting on Wednesday at 730P M All Odd Fellows are requested to a tt end


BROWNVILLE - Mrs Carolyn Porter r eturned SWlday from the Milo Com munity Hospi tal where she has been a medical pa tient the past 12 days and re turned to her position Monshyday a s teacher in the third and fourth grades in the Brownville School Dur~ng her absence Mrs Arline Ros e lle of Milo served a s substi tute

Mrs Paul F oulkes was a gushyes t of honor a t a shower held F riday evening a t the home of Mrs Charles Allen with Mrs Donald Knox a s c o-hostess After the presentation of gifts refreshments were s erved The s hower cake was made by Mrs Iltnox P r esent were Mr s Char le s Coburn Mrs Matthe Coburn Mrs Charles Larson Mrs Tyler Ar tes Mrs He len Wright and Mr s Lena Foulkes


Be ilts all outdoors Ideal for hunters angles co struction workers - for any out dOQrsman who wants the very but Vu l can i zed con st ruction bull Sylrnerl tanned lea th~r Tracmiddot ~onmiddottr~d fe Stop In shy 1Y I pairl Vou1I ague it3 tM- fifltt Wrl tE rpr~ e3 t r ~ 0 0 - ac _~


Oct 17

Page l~

Farm Reporter College of the Air Captain Kangaroo Lov of Mike Jack LaLa nne

WABI-TV IHCRSDAY OCTOBER 18 1962 TU ESDAY OCTOBER 23 1962 ~ ~eD Door 230 Hou party 720 Open Door 230 Housepar ty

300 MIllionaire 725 Farm Reporte r 300 Millionaire 330 To Tell The Truth 730 College of the Ai r 330 To Te ll The T ruth If you want to BUY SEL 355 CBS News 800 Captain Kangaroo 335 CBS Nes

RENTor SWAP try To400 Secret Storm 900 For The Lo ve of ilke 400 Secret Storm 430 Edge of Night 9 15 Jac k LaLanne 430 E jge of Night Clas s ified 5 00 Bozo The Clown 945 Love of Mike 500 Bozo The Clown F 600 Ozzle and Harriet 10000alendar 300 Country Caravan Houses For Sale

1 30 Tennessee E rnie 6 30 Mr Ed 1030 T eJU1cssee Ernie 630 Yogi Bear ~lOO The Real McCoys 7 00 News a t Seven 1100 R eal MCCoys 700 News at Seven A few hous es are left a U3O Pete 8lt Gladys 710 SpQrtti Wilites ll30 Pete and Gladys 7 10 Spor ts Hili tes by Village at prices ra LOO Love ot Life 715 Walt r Cronkite News 1200 Love of Life 7 15 Walter Cronkite News

25 CBS ews 730 My Three SOlS 1225 CBS News 730 Loretta Young Show from $3000 to $4500 Lmiddot30 Search F or TOlnorrow 8 00 perry Mason 12 30 Search F OI Tomorrow 800 Lloyd Bridges Show or write today to inspec t

5 Guiding Light 9 00 T he Nurses 1245 Guiding L ight 830 Red Skelton Hour three and four bedroom hi1 Jane Wyman Show 1000 Alfred Hitchcock 1 00 Jane Wyman 9 30 Jack Benoy 30 A the World Turns 1100 N ws At Eleven 1 30 A s The Wo rld Turns 1000 Garry Moore complete with bath fun

Password 11 15 Weather Show 2 00 Paosword 11 00 News At E leen and concrete basement z 11 20 Spor ts Final 11 15 Weather S10W

AY OCTOBER 19 1962 1120 Sports Final ford Agency Orono TeL -_0 Open Door 230 Bouseparty WEDNESD AY OCTOBER 24 1962 2625

_5 Farnl Reporte r 300 Millionaire 720 Open Door 355 CBS News7 0 ollege of the Air 330 To Tell The Truth FOR SALE 725 Farm Repor ter 4 00 Secret Stor m 0 C~ptain Kangaroo 355 CBS News 7 30 College of the Air 4 30 Edge of Night Coleman F loor F urnace

900 Love of Mike 400 Secret Storm 800 C ~p tain Kangaroo The Clown

15 Jack LaLanne 4 30 Edge of Night 500 Bozo condition complete with 1

9 00 Love of l1ike bull 6 00 T ime of Their Livesbull _5 Love of Mike 500 Bozo The Clown ter electric pump and the915 Jack LaLanne 625 Hathaway for Congressmiddot 000 Calendar 600 George Hale Sports 945 Love of Mike 630 Our Man Higgins stat $45 00 ~ 0 TeWlessee Erni e 630 Password 1000 Calendar 700 News at Seven (10 The Real McCoys 700 News a t Seven M C Horne Inc

1030 Tennessee Eruie 710 Sports Hilites 30 Pele amp Gladys 7 10 3ports Hilites 11 00 The R e al McCoys 115 Walter Cronkite Milo

_00 Love of Life 7 15 Walle r Cronki te 11 30 Pete a nd Gladys 7 30 CBS ReportsT EWS 730 R awhide Card of Thanks1200 Love of Life 8 30 Dobie Gilli s

25 CBS _



30 Search For Tomorrow 830 Naked City 1225 CBS News 900 Beverly Hil lbillies On behalf of the P i sca-15 Guidi ng Li cht 930 77 Sunset Strip 1230 Search For To morrow 930 Dick VanDykeJane Wyman Show 1030 Eye Witness County Republican Comm 1245 Guiding Light 1000 Armstrong Circle The s The World Turns 1100 1 ews at E leven 1 00 Jane Wyman The Friendly Thieves I would like to thank the

_ Password 11 15 Welther Show 130 As The World Turns 11 00 News at E leven of the Brownville and Mf1120 Spor ts F inal 2 00 Password 1113 Weather Show

~-1RDAY OCTOBER 201962 urches the Milo Garden ( 2 30 Houseparty 1120 Spor ts FinalCarto~n Capers 515 College Football Scoreboard

3 00 lIUUionaire the Milo Band and their 0 Captain Kangaroo 530 Twentie th Century

3 30 To Tell The Truth 00 Alvin Show 6 00 Bud Leavit t tor Mr Jones and the

30 Mighty Mouse 6 30 Hawaiian Eye zens of Milo for all their 1 00 in Tin Tin 7 30 Jackie Gleason

in making our G O P R 30 Roy Roger s 8 30 Defenders bull _ 00 Sky King 830 Have Gun Will T r avel Channel 5 October 10th such a suco

_30 Candlepin Bowling 1000 Gunsmoke Mr s NellC Johnston-~ 3 Studio City Bandstand 1100 Channel 5 News

30 College F ootball Kick Off H 15 The Gallant Men (Piscataquis County Statpound Stranger Passing Through

2 45 + CAA Football llitteewoman) Alabama vs TerUlessee

For Sale AKC RegisteredSlNDAY OCTOBER 1 1962 You say youre just a s tranger passing through 1~ acred Heart 500 Amateur Hour cker Spaniel pups 7 weeksWho paused here for a mom ent from the strife30 Colby Telecourse 530 College Bowl inquire Mrs E W B

9 00 Living Word 000 agon Train Of harried living and the cry and hue Milo9 1 5 Ca olle Masti 35 Clinton Street700 Lassie The efltrthly struggles of this m odern life

10 00 Lamp Unto My F eet 730 Dennis the Menace Phone 943-7769 1 30 Look Up and Live 800 Ed Bulliva n Show 11 00 Camera Three 900 Real McCoys F or in y ur has te somewhere along the way ---1111 30 This Is The Life 9 30 True Theater Youve overlooked the Gift of God to man12 00 University of Maine 1000 Candid Camera 1230 The Christophels 1030 What s My Line Nature beauteous colorful and gay

00 Time of Thei r Li ves 11 00 Eric Sevareid Is everywher e according to His Plan 1 30 TrIck or Treat 1115 News 1 45 P ro Football Kick Off ~ O O NY F ootball See r ows of maples wi th their red and gold

Giants vs Detroit And piles of s wir ling leaves upon the ground fOlDAY OCTOBER 22 1962 American Legion Scampering s quirrels Venturesome and bold

-20 Open Door 230 Houseparty And red-cheeked children laughing all around23 Fa rro Reporter 300 M illionaire 730 College of the Air 3 30 To Tell The Truth THURSDAY Oct 18

00 Cap tain Kangaroo 355 CBS News Derby Improvement shyTha t whisper of the wind in trees you hear 900 Love of Mike 400 Secre t Storm 91 5 Jack LaLanne 430 Edge of ight A m elancholy prayer to one imports 945 Love or Mike 500 Bozo the Clown Dame Natures Grand Finale of the y~ar FRIDAY Oct 18 950 P rimary Science 60 0 Fair Exchange Rabboni Royal Arch c Ins tills tranquility within our hearts1000 Calendar 700 News at Seven 1030 ~nnessee Ernie 710 Spor-ts Hilites UDO The Real McCoys 715 Walter Cronkite News MONDAY Oct 22Perchance one day youll pass this way again 1- 30 Pete 8lt Gladys 730 To Tell The Truth

To share with us the joys of earth and sky Nurses Guild00 Lov of Life 800 Ive Got A Secre t

_ 25 CBS News 830 The Lucy Show And sharing find a Peace that will remain Band Boosters 1230 Search For Tomorrow 900 Danny Thomas Forever while the world goes rusbing by ~4 Guiding Light 930 Andy Griff th TUESDAY Oct 231000 Ben Casey Malcolm PetersJane Wyman Show

As The World Turns 11 00 ew at Eleven W S C orkda 11middot1 Upc apr

bull 1uYuk Nmiddot Y thlJI fmiddotf

our readers might ted in int roduct1OIlI

of the people who proshy newspaper bull dnaBradeenhaa done ~-up

Bradeenhas done t-up work for The

1er but was unavallshya picture


~e Lancasfer bull

Wewill ans h1m oh

sandra Mayo



If you cant find time to teach them

spend just a Iittle time

The following poem by- Elizabeth A Rober ts was ree ve ry near press time last week We enjoyed it 80 much plusmna ran it in that issuebut the only space available for it-was 8

that we had to reduce it in the camera to very s mall print Here it is again life-size


The beauty of the leaves in fall For some theyll hear the Masters call Others there wi ll chance to be A far greater ear thy destiny The farmers in the fields will clear Har ves t time is fina lly here God has waved his mighty paint brush and we e see The leaves of golden yellow and the r ed and green~ This is a time to give Him thanks While mother nature continues her imprish pranks Oh I how lucky we mortals really are For weve seen beauty that winter cannot mar

The following poem by Holman Day of Monter ey Ca c

was written for the Milo Chamber of Commerce and was shylished in the bookle t commemorating the 125th AnniverBlO the Townof Milo the 125th Anniversary of thePiscataquiB L No 44 A F ampA Mbull and the 50th Anniversary of the Ame Thread Co in 1948 fheoriginal copy is in the State Libr a Augusta

Mr H Allen Monroe kindly lent us his copy of the booklet ~ which we copied the poem


Is your taste for the tang of the Open have you zes t iJ

Out-of-doors Where the trees make roofs for the steltered glades w

duff spreads woodland floors Do you seek the lure of the winding trails the vistas tita

ahead And a leanto a t night near stream or lake your COt

spruce-bough bed Do you yearnfor a fores t cabin at the rim of a Pebbled shl Where the lakes waves whisper a lullaby and forgot 11

citys roar Is your choice the llft of the noble domes of mountains for

crowned Where sile ce makes serenity and perfect peace is fo Do you seek the spell of the placid lakes and the purriJ

tell- tale reels That promise bounty for those who bless the job of

filled creels I give you answer and earnest pledge that all this grac

bliss Lies open to those who wend their ways to fair Piscatac I mow the land from Chairback Lakes where flashing VI

gleams In its race to fill moss-lined poola of P leasant Rh

streams Schoodic and Beeme and all the ponds the linking tr~

know And all the glory of purple hills in morn and evening g Y~ar after year I came to them in the glor ious days o~ And across the land from the far far West I jour

bull1 _ _ _ _ _ _

  • temp
  • temp2

Page 2 THE- T O

THE TOWN CRIER is published each Wednesday evening by the Milo P r inting Company We hope to be of help to the c i tize ns of the towns in our covershyage through ~EWS INFOR lIIA TION AND LOWPIUC shyED ADVERTISING

We accep t no financial r espons ibili ty for err ors in advertising bu t will gladly print corrections

Copies of mostphotos appearing in THE TOWN CRIshyER n ay be obtained through our office If y ou have nevrs or available photos of any sort we

urge you to call 011 dr op in Deadline will be Monday oon b ut we would appreciate copy received e a r lier

in the week Classified ad s 50 cent minim um including up to 12

words 3 ce n ts for ea ch additional w rd Dis play ad space by the c olumn inch

John and Joanne Brigham - E ditor

943-2262 with NEWS ITEMS 943-7384 for AD SPACE

Iiss Deanna Chase daughter of Mr a nd 1Irs Edshygar Chase of Milo was married on the ev ning of Oct

Fire On Philpot Ridge

Milo Fire Depar tment res ponded to analarm Slturday after Ahouse unide tifi ed a t press timehadbe nrazed before =- _ euro I

could ar ive Cause of the b laze was unknovm

Jay(ees To Open Jay-Tem Certer

The Milo Jaycees anounce the opening of their new JayshyTeen Center October 27 at 730 It is going to be open Saturday nights at the Derby Improveshyment Building

The present Student Council will be the Officers ofthe Jayshycee Youth Committe as the Sushypervisors

The opening will have as a theme A HarvestHop The 2 game rooms will be ope n al s o Coke and potato chips will be s old in the downstairs game r oom

O ~ - middotO

(Vf1t ~ h - i _5~~ -I-~

~ ~tllEmM Ashy

--(I~~-_ i

~gt s~ ~

yen- c

a- bull

TO THE CITI ZE N OF _ The Milo J aycees are e

taking the project of = i ng the town In thi _ - _ ~

a ques tionaire wi ll bes _ ted to each famil~ ~ - -=shyCitizens are asked u ES

the questions to the _ ~shytheir ability The p ~- this surveyis to give the -_ cees as well as other _ ~ valuable knowledge abo _ shythe people feel tOWli _

town Once tabulatee ~ - shygive the Jaycees an irul~ bull what the townpeople ~ __~ _ done to improve their ( ~ ity

The survey will et rrl - on October 21s t 1plusmn - members calling o shyvidual home3 The ~ s of the tovVll sh onldbec- ___ by Nove mbe- 8 1962 --ce izens cooperation _ ~ ~ gshytly appreciated

NUTTERS SHOE 5E ~~ Open evenings ITOR ~bull ~

p m to 700 gtm all day Saturday


from a small number to about 180 He told about a minister who was the main attraction at his 0II Conglomeration OJWorJs reoeption and he noticed a man who looked like something

By Nei ll Rober tson

llnle donation this week is about a very familiar topic






~ and while it ray be a mixtwe of h1lIDQr aud serious fac ts I hope you can easily sort out the seeds from the weeds efinition of love depends a lot on who is giving the opinion

_urry-eyed teenager love could be anything from a tickling onlllouod the heart they can t scratch to an abc8s8 on the

Emotioncanbe such a terrific bing as to a lmos t wr ack vith pain 8orrow and sometimes shame and still have

to do with LOVE is a holy ~iritual emotionand should never be connected 1hingcalled LOVF whlchis emphasized in the sentimental the ordinary popular song

5 are sadly deceived by iliis carnal emotion they may lieve to be love because of its intensity but they donTt

live very longbefore they learn that it is possible to have ooon they thought was love with the change of the moon makes them especially vulnerable in a car parked off the

on a moonlight night and the divorce courts prove say is true

donTt mistake fleshly passions fOl pWe and holy mat can only oome frOID God as itls so easy to be deceivedbull etry to show you what your chances are of finding LOVE om the advice of Gods word

told that the worlds human popula tion is about 3 1 2 _ hiehis fairly equally divided between the male ltUld female cannot conceive that God would make things so unfair that

-on tobe in love they must fir s t find the other one per son le worId with whom they can fall in love -- Rats I I say 0

as this thing the ordinary personca11alOl7e peo~le can e about as often as they become attracted by the oppos ite t birds animals and inaeJts have mating instincts but

no sensible persoll wants to elevate thos e instinc ts to that holy estate culled love

~ungsters LOVEis of God for the Bible plLt nly tells that - LOVE and anyone who lowers love to anything less will

their lives for the worseo

_ ~xcept they be agreed equally yoked together

o passages of scripture 1l1S

bull 30

the public with any more

l1e lady toU me If He Is

s a parting bit of advice to which the great majority will attention let me say this as Godvs Almighty truth that ray a couple can ha e Goel- s guarantee of a happy wedded

tJ aD3wer the question in His word lRow can two walk toshyP lus the other bit of advice not

with unbelievers II r sonal1y Yvillnotworry much about couples who will take

their rule of life much for that thus endeth my li ttle s ermonetteo

hear from our readers as to whether or not I should

cfagood tory or a sermon is to have a good beginshyod ending lllld not too much in between

om Lincob called a t our home r ecently and ~ prEty good story her m inister told

a Methodist bimiddot other lately taking over the rate Htis ccmiddotmpletely blind and has only been the r e a few - but n lthat short time has brought the congregation up


A ~ ~ 7~

over when the good Lord made an ape As he was passing minister in the line he said II We dont like you and kept on gQin and much to the minister s surprise he saw the man back in

11 Vie

line again and as he passed the second time he said You can preach anyway The minister became pretty perturbed didnt say anything but when he noticed the Old ball coming the thtrd time he was pretty well deflated as the fellow said didnt want you anyway The good old deacon who was assis in the reception could hear the little by-play and noticing the em barrassmeni of the pastor tried to ease his feelings and said Pastor I wouldnt feel badly about what this man said you seshyhe is the town idiot and he just repeats whlLt he hears

As a klnd of a thought for the day - Think long and seriouslJi about thiDgs that can be decided but once

tie bull Up Foil -u Troop 118 Milo Girl Scouts did a workmanlike job c

Milo streets of litter The s couts deployed with 11tterbags pin s ticks one of each s ide ot a road and picked up all and trash


IN BOTTLED G bull bull bull



You get 6 big adantages wilh 1obil-ftame rangmg from appliances to fuel til Stlrle Stop in --

-$ ~ci- _


Page 4



MILO-The annual observanc e of Laymens Sunday will be held in ilie Milo Baptist Church this coming Sunday morning Oct 21st The laymen of the Chshyurch will be in charge of the Morning Worship Service at 1100 am The theme for ilie daYAs Good Stewards will be nlarged upon by Mr Lloyd Treworgy who will deliver the Sermon Other laymen who middotill be taking part are Mr George Hamlin Mr Vernon Perry Mr Gar dner Osgood _IT KennethRhoda Mr Har-

Id Woodard and Mr Mauriee GoWen Special music will be provided by the Youth Choir md Mr Edwin r eworgy who vill be s inging a solo The ublic is cordially invited to

this service At the E veningService at 7 30

Pastor Hayes will be speaking on the sub ject The Man Who Refused to Compromise This

be the fifth in a series of sermons on Bible characters

On Monday evening Oct 22 he firs t session of the Piscatashyquis Baptist Association School of Leadership Training will be held in the Milo Church beginshyrlngat700 pm Tbreecourshyses ofins true tion are being ofshyered this year The S )ry of

heBaptists will be taught by he Rev Donald Thompson astor of the M llinocket BapshytistChurch Mr CalvinLewis [ Derby will lead a study of

the relationship be tween The Christian Faith and My Job dealingwith the m oral and etshymeal problems involved inboth

bor and management and the gtrofeesionalworld The Revbull John Wanamaker of Augusta

eDirector of Christian Edu-

-of the need for 1-lis sionary and Stewardship Education within the local church During the Worship period a devotional study of the book of Amos will be led by the Rev Lorimer Morrison pastor of the United BaptlstChurch of Dove -Foxshycroft The Rev Ca Yin T Hayes of Milo will serve as Dean of the School The School will be held on three consecushytive Monday nights The cost of registration is fifty cents The School is open to any who may wish to a ttend

NAZARENE CHURCH TneReverendG EmeryPratt

of Quincy Mass was gue t speaker at the mor ning service on October 14th Rev ampMrs Prat t and daughters Alice and Annie were in town visiting re shylatives for the weekend

For 24 Hour Wrecker Service



Bishops IXIbull

Dependable Service Call SimkoS Gen Store 943-2261 Res 943- 797 8


AC Plugs

Customer reports over 30000 miles on one set of


SlOdra Mayo Leader Cheryl Wallace 1st assistant eamiddot Hedda Clark 2nd assistant leader regulars Sandra rEttT

Linda Davis Brenda Fisher and Holly Clark

~ 11 e Bear6e6

qnotel amp ~e6tauraltt In LaGrange

Has Added TEXACO Gasoline amp Oil

II e G1ve ampH Gre en Stamp

The following Milo High Majorettes were chosen last Wedne

bulleniD c cerf

IEr Senior Bdnd under the direction of Mr Maynard Jones ertin the Milo Parking Lot Sunday October 14th to

ence The Milo High Ma jorettes perfor med with the 11ltermission looked and s ounded ver y well at their second public

lt this s eason

bull ZLM STREE T CLUB 10 MILO- The Elm Street Christ shy

mas Club met Thursday afte r shynoon at the home of Mrs Katie Owen vithl1 me mbers a ttendshying

er Sampson Tent 18 Following the business meetshy-r 5 of Union Veterans

ing conducted by Mrs Anna e Town Hall with the Clarki a s ocial after noon was

Julia Dunphey pre- spent Included in the r efreshshyments was a birthday cake mashyde by Mrs Abbie Hoskins in honor of the bir thday of Mrs Nora Hamlin The hostess was assisted in serving by Mrs ~ The mystery prize

presented ~amiddot ~~c d~tr~ Bltgtrtha U shy


MlLO - The Past Presidents Club of Jane Carver Sampson Tent Daughters Union VetershyansCivilWar metatthe hom e of Mrs Mary Patridge Derby THE THREE GIS Friday evening wi tb 10 me mshy

The ThreeG s met Thursdayber s and Mrs Julia Dunphey

evening a t the home of Mrspresident of the tent as a gushy

Elsie Stairs with 11 members est

attendingFoHowing the business meetshy

Following the meeting aproshying conducted by Mrs Ella

gram was presented with each Henderson silent auction was

member contributing The played and refreshments were

hostess assis ted by Mrs Agnesserved by the hostess

Parsons and Mis s Laura PalshyThe next meeting will be the

mer served refreshments evening of November 2 with the

The next meeting will be heldmeeting place to be announced

October 25 at the home of Mr s MILO BRADFORD CLUB Harriet Tuck contd

The Milo-Bradford Club me t Thursday at the home of Mrs Ruth Tapley at Bangor with 10 members attending Apotluck Christmas Caros dinner was served

Send P hoto or NegativeAtthebusiness meeting conshy

for Personalized Cardsducted by Mrs Edna Young it was voted to give a donation to CARVERS PHOTO SERVICI the Milo Comm unity hospital The mystery prizes were awshy 10 Cents Each Min Order 1 00 arded to Mrs P amelia Hussey and Mrs Dorothy Severance Box 147 Milo Maine


The life expectancy of a man to day is 703 years a agam st 473 years in 1900 Improved medical techniques and th e U~e of miracle drngs are largely responRible for this increased longevity

One of the ironies of the drug price con troversy is the charge that th e cost of medication is beyond the reach of oldsters who a short half centnry ago Oldd not have lived to en joy I heir sunset years

Yet statisti cs show that drug prices more often decline- seldom go up fJ 1F ew 8ail those responsible for the cost of food clothing and shelter The onlv villains in this drama afe drugs and the men who manufacture them UP

UP Daggetts Pharmacy

(om plete Pres ( ri pti on

Serv ic e


- ~-


Organization News contd


MILO-Past Matr ons and Past Patrons and Obligation Nigh t were observed Monday evening at the Masonic Hall at a meetshying of Aldworth Chapter OES with the worthy ma tron Mrs Frances Swazey presiding Mrs Albin Hoskins past ma shytron substituted as treasurer

Chapters represented were Echo Brownville F riendship Mars Hill and Silver Leaf Chshyarleston

Guests present were Mrs Anne Mills past grand matron andKennethPullen pastgrand patron

A resolution of r espect was read for the committee by DwishyghtHamlin pastpatronfor Mrs Katharine Thompson past matshyron and the charter was draped in her memory

Mrs Julia Dunphy past mashytron and Mr and Mrs John Rowe were appointed as a comshymittee for a resolutio of resshypects for Edward Cyr of Milli shyDOcket It was voted to have the meeting dates entered on the Neoteric Club calendar Past Matrons and P as t P at shy

rons were honored by a cereshymonywith the worthy matron Mrs Frances Swazey Mrs Sandra Haley conductress and Mrs Emma Barker associate conductress having the speakshyingparts Each honored memshyber was presented a gift

Past Matrons present wer e Mrs Alice Brown Mrs Alice Chase Mrs Elinor Chase Mrs Virginia Chase Mrs Pauline Davis Mrs MaeDoble Mrs Enid Foshay Mrs Rosashymond Golden Mrs Martha Gould Mrs Irma Hamlin Mrs Albin Hoskins Mrs Gena McCorrison Mrs Anne Mills Mrs Annie MorriS Mrs Loshyuise Newman Mrs Gertrude Packard Mrs Carrie P eakes Mrs Grace Peakes Mrs Inez Pullen Mrs Estella Shaw Irs Harriet Tuck and Mrs

Flora Wingler Pas t Patrons present were

Geor ge C Folsom Herbert Foshay Dwight Hamlin Harshyold Newman Fred Packard Arthur Peakes Max Place amp KennethPullen Mrs Carrie

P eakes was presented with a corsage by the Worthy Matron in honor of her birthday Oct 13 Obligation Night was obshyser ved with Leonard Swazey worthy patron leading

A supper was served preced shying the meeting under the direoshytion of the associate matron Mrs Priscilla Chase and Comshymittee

The rugt mee ting will be held November 12 at730 p m when Guest Officers Night will be observed Each officer will invite her own guest officer

A rehear sal willbe held Novshyember 5 at 7 p m


inspection of Echo Chapter O E S was held Tuesday evening in the Masonic Hall with the associate grand matron Mrs Betty Jean Braley of Poshyrtland as the inspecting ofshyfic er

The meeting was opened by the worthy matron Mrs Hazel McKay Mrs Ellen Chambers ser ved as warder

Past grand officers present were Mrs Anne S Mills and Mrs Alice L Graves past grand matrons and Kenneth Pullen past grand patron Other guests were Mrs Anne Wiggin of Charles ton and Mrs Alice Hammond of Dexter grand representative of Minshynesota in Maine

The chapters represented weshyre Lon~ellow SouthPortland Aldworth Milo Friendship Mars Hill Onawa Millinocket White Heather Quebec Wasshysookeag Dexter Silver Leaf Charleston Susie Carr Sanshygerville Fidelity Houlton amp Martha ~sh1ngton Watershyville

Refreshments were s ervedin the dining room under the dirshyection of Mrs Phyllis Hutchinshyson associate matron She was assisted by Mrs Kathshyerine Greenway and Mrs Rita Gould HAPPY HOUR CLUB

The Happy Hour Club met Wednesday evening at the home of Mrs Margaret Hoxie with ten members present The business meeting was conducshyted by the secretary Miss Phyllis McCormack The My-

Vote Fo


stery Prize was won by Mrs Ellis Tobin It was voted to give a donation to the Milo Community Hospital for the utility room

P lana wele made for a supshyper to be held Saturday night at the Grange Hall with men and

children as invited guests This supper will replace the October Birthday Dinner The birthday of Mrs Lydla Rhoda will be honored

Beano was playeEl dWing the evell1Dg The next meetiDg will be at the home of Mrs James Desmond


B S Degree in Business Administration from Lehigh UniverSity

24 years in Real Estate Insurance Business 21 years in Amusement Ride Business 8 years as Sheep Farmer 9 years on Brownville School Committee

Present Selec tman of the Town of Brownville Past Master of Pleasant River Lodge A F A Past President of Three Rivers Fish and Game C Treasurer of tue Brownville Jct Methodist Churc Committeeman of Explorer P ost 112 B S A Former Chairman of Republican County Committee Present Member of Republican State Committee

I~- 4 ~~


laquo0111 Cpound~J JlU IU

~tL~ sr WI 3-88

James ~ ~add




_~ C EDGES A F B bullbull

5 s emi-pro basketball s tarted its season last

--y nightby edging Char-EB 84-81 in a scr imshy

6aIDe that was played at ~ he game was close eyay v1th Charleston leshyo 13- 29 at tJe 1st quarter

s ore was tied 51-51 way point Milo ahshy

- -S- at the end of the thir d t2 Roger Clapp aniDick e oak Bcoring honor s J

_ letting 21 points The0

course Coach Hotham has the alternative to move Webb into the backcourt and putting Mer Ie Har r is another good- shooting lefth~nder into the lineup Two other fine backcour t men up fr om las t y ea r s J V 5 a r e Mike Mulherin amp P aul Grindle Both did we ll la s t yea r for the Junior Panthers amp should make the scramble for fir st five even more interesting to watch Dashyvid P ullen and Simon Brown who played both varsity and J unior Varsity las t yea r could both prove valuable to Coach

e score was pretty dinded wi th Ladd gettshy

-e~ Joe P aul J im LaBosshynd TerryBailey getting

bull --iece Charlie Ar tus had Eben Dewi tthad two

re Joe P aul and JIm s~are are a ll t~achers at 5 Classical Inatitute


eyiewof the P anthers Richardson and Steve 100ked like the only t c an be pa si tive (or

itive) of getting a st shyrthon the team Now a look at some of the

idates Two top ch shy

in and Kevin 0 Con shy xhvin play ed fir s t five year but with a ll the

- tions Goodwin wi ll uave to earn i t this year

r showed US last year ~s the hustle and that

Hothams plans Milo ha s the potenti al but the big question i s Can Coa ch Hotnam de velop i t - shy i t ll be a tough job

NEXT WEEK Te B ownshyville Jc t Ra il r oaders

ilo Sporshyt Shop

We have the RUGER 44 MAGNUM We have the SAVAGE 24-MDL (22 Mag over and 2 Q guage under)



BAILEY BRIEF INGS bullbullbull bull bull bull bull Milos cross country team

had an intra-squad run last Thursday and Cedric Rhoda BlllMulherln andPeter E llis were the fir st three to finish Rhoda unefficially c lock 1326 for the two and o1e half mile sprint _- that is something for the high school senior to be pr oud of - - a tip of the hat i s due Charles Hotham for the long hours he put in coaching baseball this p ast s ummer - shyTom Tresh the Yankeets conshyverted left fi e lder i s a must for the American League Roshyokie of the Year award ---- shyBoston Red Soxfans are saying that J ohnny Pesky (new Hub manager ) i s just what the docshytor order ed ------- if that is the case maybe just maybe Wait til next year will finshya lly come ---- - - New Yorks Tresh looked like the veteran ballplayer in the World Series and Mantle looked like the roshyokie Looks like the Milo P anshythers will have to rely on speed thiB year b ecause height is missing --- the team just doshyesnt htv + n ~+h th r i t had last year -- just thought of a good name for the high school s cr oss country team the Milo Panthers -- get it If anyone is planning to go to Dovers new bowling lanes youd better get there about 6 oclock if you vantto be sure of bowling beshyfore eight

Joe Paul H C l s new bashysketball coach says that the BlackKnights have the desire and the potential to make tr shyouble in Class M this year0

If you want to get rid of that excess fat you may have try square dancing

For the first time s ince 195E Husson College will be without an ex-Milo Panther on its bashysketball team

See you next week

Milo High School Baske tball Schedule 1962-1963

Nov 20



F eb


7 14 18 21

4 11

15 1 8 25 26





H CI at Higgins Searsport at Searsport

Stonington at Milo Lee Academy at Lee B nville Jct a t Milo Blue Hill at Milo Blue Hill at Blue Hill Stonington at Stonington

H C I at Milo Lee Academy at Milo Searsport at Milo Washburn at Milo Bnville Jct a t Bnville Jct

Bangor JV s at Bangor

Mt DesertatNorth shytst Hr~i~

M C I at Pittsfield

( loud e N Trask Complete Ins ur ance Service

41 P ark Str ee t


Organization _Te ~S contd


1flLO - Officers of Dirigo Lodge of Odd Fellows and Orion Rebekah Lodge for the coming year were ins tailed in a joint installation in the Odd Fellows Hall Tuesday evening

Officers were installed for the I dges by a staff from Guilshyford and Greenville and were Mrs Donna Fogg distric t deputy president Lester Warshyman Greenville district de shyputy grand master Mrs Maude Eastman and James Clark deshyputy marchals Helen Race and Floyd McNich deputy wardens Esther Woolsey and Howard Lamber tson deputy secretarshyies Myra Willey of Guilford amp Charles Steeves of Dover- Foxshycroft deputy treasurers Nel shyie Ames and Mer le Dean deshyputy chaplains Velma Butter shyleId Dover-Foxcroft and Rashy]ph Werber deputy guard Virshyginia Littlefield mus ician

Officers installed in Dirigo Lodge were Malcolm Pelkey noble grand E rnest Harmon ice grand Eugene Dunham recording secretar y Herbert Rolfe financial s eer tary Ra shylph Hill treasurer George Crabtree warden Wallace Harris conductor Stan Brown chaplain R ueben Lancaster J r outside guar dian Charles Chshyessa inside guar dian Lewis _lountain Sr Tight s cene sup shyporter Raymond Youngblo 1 left scene supporter Lyman Severance right suppor ter to nob le grand Car Deane left supporter to noble grand and RubertHobb s JuniorPastGrshyand

Officers for Orion Rebekah Lod5e a r e Mrs Ruth Youngshyblood noble grand Mrs Rosashymond Golden right supporter loble glanc Mrs Bertha HowshyJAnd left supporter noble Grshyand MissLawaPalmer dee rand i Mrs Agnes Sawyer right supporter vice grand

s Dorothy Severance left supporter vice grand Mrs h llis Gould chaplain Mis s Georgia Rollins color bearer

s Julia Durphy recording s c elma Washy

tterho1Se financial s ecretary PLEASANT RIVER GRAl~GE Mr s Marion Campbell treashy

MILO-Pleasant RIver Gr a ngesurer Mrs A nna Mooer s a shymet Tuesday evening wi th ther den Mrs Hazel St Louis Worthy Master Currie Austinjunior pa st noble gr and Mr s pr esiding and 44 present inshyFrsda Browll outs ide guar dian cluding two Lom Winn GrangeMrs Dorothy Pierson inside and one from Atkins on C orne- guardian and Mr s Eve lynHo shy

Three applic a tions were r eadxie music ian for m embership and Mrs OnshyMrs Ruth Youngblood was ata Deane Ha rvey Moran and r e -elected as noble grand and Mrs Tennie Tobin were apshywho a lready has a past grand1s pointed as an investiga tingpin was p r esented a gift on beshycommittee It was vo ted tohalf of the lodge Mr s Youngshydonate money to East Piscatashybl ood presented her officers quis Pomona for a battery ~ashywith gifts ndle Itwas also voted to buyA supper preceded the meetshya past masters pining under the direction of Mrs

Lyman Sever ance waS apshyBertha How1and and he r s taff pointed a s chair man of a candy


MILO-The Der by Mothers A program in radio show for m

Ser vice Club m e t Tue sday at was presented by the lecturer

the hom e of Mrs Avis Spear Mrs Me r na Dunham with Her shy

with eigh t members a ttending ber t Dunbam qnnouncer T a shy

The m ee ting was conducted by king part we re Mrs Mernl

Mr s Lila Smith and prayer Dunham Mrs Edna Young Mrs Edna Stevens Mrs Onshywas led by Mrs Avis Spear

The mys tery prize was awshy ata Deane Mrs ShirleyRhoda Mrs Thelma Crabtr ee Earlearded Mrs Edi th Rideout Rhoda LymanSeverance andMail was acknowledged from Chellis Mitchell During theMrs Ida Mer rithew the Nurshyshow the 79thbirthday of Missses Guild and the Red Cross

A donation was voteq for eqshy Lydia Rhoda was r ecogni zed and s he was p r esented wi th auipmentfor the Milo Communshy

i ty Hospital A basic box will corsage

be s ent by Mrs Ma r i on Cun shy Following the program reshyfreshments were servedningham to Da le Rideout at

F ort Dix N J DR H M BURRYIt was r eported that S-Sgt GIVES REPORTDarrell Spear h a s r eturned ON SCOUT DElVEfr om a tour of duty in Newshy

MILO-Dr H M Burry areafoundland and is spending a Chairman of the Boy Scout fundleave with his fami ly and his collection has announced thatparents Mr and Mrs Newshythe canvass of business andbert Spear His next assignshyprofessional people in Miloment will be a t Home s tead AFB Tuesday and VVednesday re shyF l orida sulted in collections and pledgesA le tter was written to Mrs that approximate half the amshyJane Cook at Durham N H ount of the Milo-Derby quotaMrs Mildred King gave a r e shy

The general canvass will be shyp or t on a dinner served a t the gin in a few days he saidDer bvHall for the Bangor and

A oost ok staff

l ~ To n Coutry Clothing Store~ F ormer ly Milo Dr y Goods I ~ This week SPECIA L ALSO HEAVY ZZ Ladies and Chi ldtens WINTER CAR COATS LONG I r ~ RUBBER FOOTWEAR COA TS amp SKI JACKETS -J ~Jj Se era1 styles from SHOP M1LO amp SAVE J$298 up


T HE TO bull _-

VIRGThlA STO ffi t


BROWNVILLE - _ - shyginia G Stone and Job ton were married San ~

ternoon a t the home o~=

John W Meisner in Foxcroft

The bride is the da Mr s Bernice Scone ~_ late Edwar1 Stone anO -S a duate of Browmire - High Sc hool in the clas s _shyThe bridegroon a ~~ Brownville Juncti Hsshyand is employedby ~E Company in Deroy

The c ouple wUlrE5i- wnville

F ollowin5 the euro_= ~- -

ception was held ~ _ t= - ville Grange hall ~ _ ~_ shyWestonMarshan _ -5 -_ ces Ston e were L ~_ _ gift table REfrESl-E_~

s e rvedby Mrs 3c_- lid Mr s _ edam =- Miss Rosemary pound - _

pas sed the gue_- C ~ _ than 70 relatives - _t

were in artendanmiddot-e The wedding ~-) f -= ___

by Mrs Stone and E _ =__ by Mrs Addle W a

Lodging and Breki

WI J7175 30 Water St MILO


Sufficientunto the m ~

the evil thereof

Special Thi s Week Onshy


Ii ~WI

R C A VICTOR - Remote ConTv ~ If-__

_ _ _______


Casi) president jce president

llicTo-Touch 2 G Tone Ar m 2 Wa t P



age I

__ 835 country team ~espaper The

n sale at the th

officers at Milo _ this year are as


middot 055 president Ced shyce president L i shy

_e bull secretary L oi s ~er Cathy B r ashy


for conducting the projec t F r om theD orcas Guild of the

United Baptist Church Mrs Sue Rhoda Mrs Catherine Ellison and Mrs Margaret Peter s Womens Society of Christian Service of the P ark Street Methodist Church Mrs Lenora Byther Mr s Merna Dunham 11118 Elinor Chase and Mrs Isabel Cudhea

Zoning will be worked out so tha t all streets will be canvasshysed and householders are urshyged to co-operate by having pennies for UNICE F when the yOlmg people ring the door bell

Following the canvass all who have participated rill be enter shytained at a Halloween party in the Milo Town Hall with games prizes and refreshments and 3shy

Ue a t bag to take home Any woman desi ring to help

on this project will contact a m e mber of the committee

e rolding a t 19 at 73 0



On Halloween chi ldr en youth and adults of Milo will be given the opportunlty to show their concern for the less for tunate children of the world by par ti shycipating in Tr ick or T r ea t for UNICEF F or the second year B ap tist and Methodist women a re joining to s ponsor this annual event

~ -ill hold bull J Ocl 20 at to Shop It

a m and will A m ee ting to make ini tia l p lshyans was he ld in the Methodis t ves try F riday and the following

new uniforms c ommittees will be res pons ib le


P Output

ore een and gOOi ~he5 he re shy~-___________bullbull e ed __ 2cl

Sergeant James T Me tcalf who recently spent 14 m onths duty in the 7th Infantry band i n Korea was home on leave las t week with his par ents He i s now s tationed at For t Dix

Milo - Paul H Beals SP -4 USASA is home on Furlough He has been stationed at Okinshyawa since Nov of 1960 He will return to dUtj Oct 26 at F t Meade Md at National Securi ty Agency Headquarters

Stanley Brown and his installshying team Mrs Pearl CcLDney Marshal Mrs Thelma Cr abshytree assistant marshal Mrs Freda Brown emblem bea r er Mrs Dorothy Severance regshyalia b ea r er Mrs Ella Hender shyson chaplain and Mrs E velyn Hoxie pi anist and solois ~ we re a t Abbot Grange Saturdayeveshyning and installed the officers of Abbot Grange Dawll of Hope Nor th Guilford and Valley Gr ange Guilford Centel

Others going from here were LymanSeverance George Crshyabtree Mr s Thelma Watershyhouse Mr s Pamelia Hussey Mr and Mr s Ellis Tobi n and Mr and Mrs Ear l e Rhoda

Mr amp Mrs William Burshygess of Dexter vere supper guests on Sunday of Mr and Mrs Myron Smart Their grandson Scott Hamlin of Seb ec Village has visited durshying the school vacation

Several members of Company F World War 1 of the 103 Inshyfantry Division met Monday evening at the home of Paul Valente William Sprowle amp Ha rold Farnham residents of Hollis N H were present This was the first time sevshye ral of these men had been toshygether in 25 years

Others present were Har ry Ellis and Roy Hoskins of town and E rrollEstes of B r ownville

J unction We a r e a ll VERY pleased to

know thatDr A M Carde has returned home after undergoing trea tmentin a Boston hos pi tal

The doctor wishes to ePress his gratitude for the thoughtshyfulness of his friends md for ilie many expressions of c onshy

Mr and Mrs L indon Heal of St Pete r sblU g Florida a r e vi siting a t the hom e of Mr and Mr s Ore l Bemis this week

1 O O F is holding its regshyular meeting on Wednesday at 730P M All Odd Fellows are requested to a tt end


BROWNVILLE - Mrs Carolyn Porter r eturned SWlday from the Milo Com munity Hospi tal where she has been a medical pa tient the past 12 days and re turned to her position Monshyday a s teacher in the third and fourth grades in the Brownville School Dur~ng her absence Mrs Arline Ros e lle of Milo served a s substi tute

Mrs Paul F oulkes was a gushyes t of honor a t a shower held F riday evening a t the home of Mrs Charles Allen with Mrs Donald Knox a s c o-hostess After the presentation of gifts refreshments were s erved The s hower cake was made by Mrs Iltnox P r esent were Mr s Char le s Coburn Mrs Matthe Coburn Mrs Charles Larson Mrs Tyler Ar tes Mrs He len Wright and Mr s Lena Foulkes


Be ilts all outdoors Ideal for hunters angles co struction workers - for any out dOQrsman who wants the very but Vu l can i zed con st ruction bull Sylrnerl tanned lea th~r Tracmiddot ~onmiddottr~d fe Stop In shy 1Y I pairl Vou1I ague it3 tM- fifltt Wrl tE rpr~ e3 t r ~ 0 0 - ac _~


Oct 17

Page l~

Farm Reporter College of the Air Captain Kangaroo Lov of Mike Jack LaLa nne

WABI-TV IHCRSDAY OCTOBER 18 1962 TU ESDAY OCTOBER 23 1962 ~ ~eD Door 230 Hou party 720 Open Door 230 Housepar ty

300 MIllionaire 725 Farm Reporte r 300 Millionaire 330 To Tell The Truth 730 College of the Ai r 330 To Te ll The T ruth If you want to BUY SEL 355 CBS News 800 Captain Kangaroo 335 CBS Nes

RENTor SWAP try To400 Secret Storm 900 For The Lo ve of ilke 400 Secret Storm 430 Edge of Night 9 15 Jac k LaLanne 430 E jge of Night Clas s ified 5 00 Bozo The Clown 945 Love of Mike 500 Bozo The Clown F 600 Ozzle and Harriet 10000alendar 300 Country Caravan Houses For Sale

1 30 Tennessee E rnie 6 30 Mr Ed 1030 T eJU1cssee Ernie 630 Yogi Bear ~lOO The Real McCoys 7 00 News a t Seven 1100 R eal MCCoys 700 News at Seven A few hous es are left a U3O Pete 8lt Gladys 710 SpQrtti Wilites ll30 Pete and Gladys 7 10 Spor ts Hili tes by Village at prices ra LOO Love ot Life 715 Walt r Cronkite News 1200 Love of Life 7 15 Walter Cronkite News

25 CBS ews 730 My Three SOlS 1225 CBS News 730 Loretta Young Show from $3000 to $4500 Lmiddot30 Search F or TOlnorrow 8 00 perry Mason 12 30 Search F OI Tomorrow 800 Lloyd Bridges Show or write today to inspec t

5 Guiding Light 9 00 T he Nurses 1245 Guiding L ight 830 Red Skelton Hour three and four bedroom hi1 Jane Wyman Show 1000 Alfred Hitchcock 1 00 Jane Wyman 9 30 Jack Benoy 30 A the World Turns 1100 N ws At Eleven 1 30 A s The Wo rld Turns 1000 Garry Moore complete with bath fun

Password 11 15 Weather Show 2 00 Paosword 11 00 News At E leen and concrete basement z 11 20 Spor ts Final 11 15 Weather S10W

AY OCTOBER 19 1962 1120 Sports Final ford Agency Orono TeL -_0 Open Door 230 Bouseparty WEDNESD AY OCTOBER 24 1962 2625

_5 Farnl Reporte r 300 Millionaire 720 Open Door 355 CBS News7 0 ollege of the Air 330 To Tell The Truth FOR SALE 725 Farm Repor ter 4 00 Secret Stor m 0 C~ptain Kangaroo 355 CBS News 7 30 College of the Air 4 30 Edge of Night Coleman F loor F urnace

900 Love of Mike 400 Secret Storm 800 C ~p tain Kangaroo The Clown

15 Jack LaLanne 4 30 Edge of Night 500 Bozo condition complete with 1

9 00 Love of l1ike bull 6 00 T ime of Their Livesbull _5 Love of Mike 500 Bozo The Clown ter electric pump and the915 Jack LaLanne 625 Hathaway for Congressmiddot 000 Calendar 600 George Hale Sports 945 Love of Mike 630 Our Man Higgins stat $45 00 ~ 0 TeWlessee Erni e 630 Password 1000 Calendar 700 News at Seven (10 The Real McCoys 700 News a t Seven M C Horne Inc

1030 Tennessee Eruie 710 Sports Hilites 30 Pele amp Gladys 7 10 3ports Hilites 11 00 The R e al McCoys 115 Walter Cronkite Milo

_00 Love of Life 7 15 Walle r Cronki te 11 30 Pete a nd Gladys 7 30 CBS ReportsT EWS 730 R awhide Card of Thanks1200 Love of Life 8 30 Dobie Gilli s

25 CBS _



30 Search For Tomorrow 830 Naked City 1225 CBS News 900 Beverly Hil lbillies On behalf of the P i sca-15 Guidi ng Li cht 930 77 Sunset Strip 1230 Search For To morrow 930 Dick VanDykeJane Wyman Show 1030 Eye Witness County Republican Comm 1245 Guiding Light 1000 Armstrong Circle The s The World Turns 1100 1 ews at E leven 1 00 Jane Wyman The Friendly Thieves I would like to thank the

_ Password 11 15 Welther Show 130 As The World Turns 11 00 News at E leven of the Brownville and Mf1120 Spor ts F inal 2 00 Password 1113 Weather Show

~-1RDAY OCTOBER 201962 urches the Milo Garden ( 2 30 Houseparty 1120 Spor ts FinalCarto~n Capers 515 College Football Scoreboard

3 00 lIUUionaire the Milo Band and their 0 Captain Kangaroo 530 Twentie th Century

3 30 To Tell The Truth 00 Alvin Show 6 00 Bud Leavit t tor Mr Jones and the

30 Mighty Mouse 6 30 Hawaiian Eye zens of Milo for all their 1 00 in Tin Tin 7 30 Jackie Gleason

in making our G O P R 30 Roy Roger s 8 30 Defenders bull _ 00 Sky King 830 Have Gun Will T r avel Channel 5 October 10th such a suco

_30 Candlepin Bowling 1000 Gunsmoke Mr s NellC Johnston-~ 3 Studio City Bandstand 1100 Channel 5 News

30 College F ootball Kick Off H 15 The Gallant Men (Piscataquis County Statpound Stranger Passing Through

2 45 + CAA Football llitteewoman) Alabama vs TerUlessee

For Sale AKC RegisteredSlNDAY OCTOBER 1 1962 You say youre just a s tranger passing through 1~ acred Heart 500 Amateur Hour cker Spaniel pups 7 weeksWho paused here for a mom ent from the strife30 Colby Telecourse 530 College Bowl inquire Mrs E W B

9 00 Living Word 000 agon Train Of harried living and the cry and hue Milo9 1 5 Ca olle Masti 35 Clinton Street700 Lassie The efltrthly struggles of this m odern life

10 00 Lamp Unto My F eet 730 Dennis the Menace Phone 943-7769 1 30 Look Up and Live 800 Ed Bulliva n Show 11 00 Camera Three 900 Real McCoys F or in y ur has te somewhere along the way ---1111 30 This Is The Life 9 30 True Theater Youve overlooked the Gift of God to man12 00 University of Maine 1000 Candid Camera 1230 The Christophels 1030 What s My Line Nature beauteous colorful and gay

00 Time of Thei r Li ves 11 00 Eric Sevareid Is everywher e according to His Plan 1 30 TrIck or Treat 1115 News 1 45 P ro Football Kick Off ~ O O NY F ootball See r ows of maples wi th their red and gold

Giants vs Detroit And piles of s wir ling leaves upon the ground fOlDAY OCTOBER 22 1962 American Legion Scampering s quirrels Venturesome and bold

-20 Open Door 230 Houseparty And red-cheeked children laughing all around23 Fa rro Reporter 300 M illionaire 730 College of the Air 3 30 To Tell The Truth THURSDAY Oct 18

00 Cap tain Kangaroo 355 CBS News Derby Improvement shyTha t whisper of the wind in trees you hear 900 Love of Mike 400 Secre t Storm 91 5 Jack LaLanne 430 Edge of ight A m elancholy prayer to one imports 945 Love or Mike 500 Bozo the Clown Dame Natures Grand Finale of the y~ar FRIDAY Oct 18 950 P rimary Science 60 0 Fair Exchange Rabboni Royal Arch c Ins tills tranquility within our hearts1000 Calendar 700 News at Seven 1030 ~nnessee Ernie 710 Spor-ts Hilites UDO The Real McCoys 715 Walter Cronkite News MONDAY Oct 22Perchance one day youll pass this way again 1- 30 Pete 8lt Gladys 730 To Tell The Truth

To share with us the joys of earth and sky Nurses Guild00 Lov of Life 800 Ive Got A Secre t

_ 25 CBS News 830 The Lucy Show And sharing find a Peace that will remain Band Boosters 1230 Search For Tomorrow 900 Danny Thomas Forever while the world goes rusbing by ~4 Guiding Light 930 Andy Griff th TUESDAY Oct 231000 Ben Casey Malcolm PetersJane Wyman Show

As The World Turns 11 00 ew at Eleven W S C orkda 11middot1 Upc apr

bull 1uYuk Nmiddot Y thlJI fmiddotf

our readers might ted in int roduct1OIlI

of the people who proshy newspaper bull dnaBradeenhaa done ~-up

Bradeenhas done t-up work for The

1er but was unavallshya picture


~e Lancasfer bull

Wewill ans h1m oh

sandra Mayo



If you cant find time to teach them

spend just a Iittle time

The following poem by- Elizabeth A Rober ts was ree ve ry near press time last week We enjoyed it 80 much plusmna ran it in that issuebut the only space available for it-was 8

that we had to reduce it in the camera to very s mall print Here it is again life-size


The beauty of the leaves in fall For some theyll hear the Masters call Others there wi ll chance to be A far greater ear thy destiny The farmers in the fields will clear Har ves t time is fina lly here God has waved his mighty paint brush and we e see The leaves of golden yellow and the r ed and green~ This is a time to give Him thanks While mother nature continues her imprish pranks Oh I how lucky we mortals really are For weve seen beauty that winter cannot mar

The following poem by Holman Day of Monter ey Ca c

was written for the Milo Chamber of Commerce and was shylished in the bookle t commemorating the 125th AnniverBlO the Townof Milo the 125th Anniversary of thePiscataquiB L No 44 A F ampA Mbull and the 50th Anniversary of the Ame Thread Co in 1948 fheoriginal copy is in the State Libr a Augusta

Mr H Allen Monroe kindly lent us his copy of the booklet ~ which we copied the poem


Is your taste for the tang of the Open have you zes t iJ

Out-of-doors Where the trees make roofs for the steltered glades w

duff spreads woodland floors Do you seek the lure of the winding trails the vistas tita

ahead And a leanto a t night near stream or lake your COt

spruce-bough bed Do you yearnfor a fores t cabin at the rim of a Pebbled shl Where the lakes waves whisper a lullaby and forgot 11

citys roar Is your choice the llft of the noble domes of mountains for

crowned Where sile ce makes serenity and perfect peace is fo Do you seek the spell of the placid lakes and the purriJ

tell- tale reels That promise bounty for those who bless the job of

filled creels I give you answer and earnest pledge that all this grac

bliss Lies open to those who wend their ways to fair Piscatac I mow the land from Chairback Lakes where flashing VI

gleams In its race to fill moss-lined poola of P leasant Rh

streams Schoodic and Beeme and all the ponds the linking tr~

know And all the glory of purple hills in morn and evening g Y~ar after year I came to them in the glor ious days o~ And across the land from the far far West I jour

bull1 _ _ _ _ _ _

  • temp
  • temp2

from a small number to about 180 He told about a minister who was the main attraction at his 0II Conglomeration OJWorJs reoeption and he noticed a man who looked like something

By Nei ll Rober tson

llnle donation this week is about a very familiar topic






~ and while it ray be a mixtwe of h1lIDQr aud serious fac ts I hope you can easily sort out the seeds from the weeds efinition of love depends a lot on who is giving the opinion

_urry-eyed teenager love could be anything from a tickling onlllouod the heart they can t scratch to an abc8s8 on the

Emotioncanbe such a terrific bing as to a lmos t wr ack vith pain 8orrow and sometimes shame and still have

to do with LOVE is a holy ~iritual emotionand should never be connected 1hingcalled LOVF whlchis emphasized in the sentimental the ordinary popular song

5 are sadly deceived by iliis carnal emotion they may lieve to be love because of its intensity but they donTt

live very longbefore they learn that it is possible to have ooon they thought was love with the change of the moon makes them especially vulnerable in a car parked off the

on a moonlight night and the divorce courts prove say is true

donTt mistake fleshly passions fOl pWe and holy mat can only oome frOID God as itls so easy to be deceivedbull etry to show you what your chances are of finding LOVE om the advice of Gods word

told that the worlds human popula tion is about 3 1 2 _ hiehis fairly equally divided between the male ltUld female cannot conceive that God would make things so unfair that

-on tobe in love they must fir s t find the other one per son le worId with whom they can fall in love -- Rats I I say 0

as this thing the ordinary personca11alOl7e peo~le can e about as often as they become attracted by the oppos ite t birds animals and inaeJts have mating instincts but

no sensible persoll wants to elevate thos e instinc ts to that holy estate culled love

~ungsters LOVEis of God for the Bible plLt nly tells that - LOVE and anyone who lowers love to anything less will

their lives for the worseo

_ ~xcept they be agreed equally yoked together

o passages of scripture 1l1S

bull 30

the public with any more

l1e lady toU me If He Is

s a parting bit of advice to which the great majority will attention let me say this as Godvs Almighty truth that ray a couple can ha e Goel- s guarantee of a happy wedded

tJ aD3wer the question in His word lRow can two walk toshyP lus the other bit of advice not

with unbelievers II r sonal1y Yvillnotworry much about couples who will take

their rule of life much for that thus endeth my li ttle s ermonetteo

hear from our readers as to whether or not I should

cfagood tory or a sermon is to have a good beginshyod ending lllld not too much in between

om Lincob called a t our home r ecently and ~ prEty good story her m inister told

a Methodist bimiddot other lately taking over the rate Htis ccmiddotmpletely blind and has only been the r e a few - but n lthat short time has brought the congregation up


A ~ ~ 7~

over when the good Lord made an ape As he was passing minister in the line he said II We dont like you and kept on gQin and much to the minister s surprise he saw the man back in

11 Vie

line again and as he passed the second time he said You can preach anyway The minister became pretty perturbed didnt say anything but when he noticed the Old ball coming the thtrd time he was pretty well deflated as the fellow said didnt want you anyway The good old deacon who was assis in the reception could hear the little by-play and noticing the em barrassmeni of the pastor tried to ease his feelings and said Pastor I wouldnt feel badly about what this man said you seshyhe is the town idiot and he just repeats whlLt he hears

As a klnd of a thought for the day - Think long and seriouslJi about thiDgs that can be decided but once

tie bull Up Foil -u Troop 118 Milo Girl Scouts did a workmanlike job c

Milo streets of litter The s couts deployed with 11tterbags pin s ticks one of each s ide ot a road and picked up all and trash


IN BOTTLED G bull bull bull



You get 6 big adantages wilh 1obil-ftame rangmg from appliances to fuel til Stlrle Stop in --

-$ ~ci- _


Page 4



MILO-The annual observanc e of Laymens Sunday will be held in ilie Milo Baptist Church this coming Sunday morning Oct 21st The laymen of the Chshyurch will be in charge of the Morning Worship Service at 1100 am The theme for ilie daYAs Good Stewards will be nlarged upon by Mr Lloyd Treworgy who will deliver the Sermon Other laymen who middotill be taking part are Mr George Hamlin Mr Vernon Perry Mr Gar dner Osgood _IT KennethRhoda Mr Har-

Id Woodard and Mr Mauriee GoWen Special music will be provided by the Youth Choir md Mr Edwin r eworgy who vill be s inging a solo The ublic is cordially invited to

this service At the E veningService at 7 30

Pastor Hayes will be speaking on the sub ject The Man Who Refused to Compromise This

be the fifth in a series of sermons on Bible characters

On Monday evening Oct 22 he firs t session of the Piscatashyquis Baptist Association School of Leadership Training will be held in the Milo Church beginshyrlngat700 pm Tbreecourshyses ofins true tion are being ofshyered this year The S )ry of

heBaptists will be taught by he Rev Donald Thompson astor of the M llinocket BapshytistChurch Mr CalvinLewis [ Derby will lead a study of

the relationship be tween The Christian Faith and My Job dealingwith the m oral and etshymeal problems involved inboth

bor and management and the gtrofeesionalworld The Revbull John Wanamaker of Augusta

eDirector of Christian Edu-

-of the need for 1-lis sionary and Stewardship Education within the local church During the Worship period a devotional study of the book of Amos will be led by the Rev Lorimer Morrison pastor of the United BaptlstChurch of Dove -Foxshycroft The Rev Ca Yin T Hayes of Milo will serve as Dean of the School The School will be held on three consecushytive Monday nights The cost of registration is fifty cents The School is open to any who may wish to a ttend

NAZARENE CHURCH TneReverendG EmeryPratt

of Quincy Mass was gue t speaker at the mor ning service on October 14th Rev ampMrs Prat t and daughters Alice and Annie were in town visiting re shylatives for the weekend

For 24 Hour Wrecker Service



Bishops IXIbull

Dependable Service Call SimkoS Gen Store 943-2261 Res 943- 797 8


AC Plugs

Customer reports over 30000 miles on one set of


SlOdra Mayo Leader Cheryl Wallace 1st assistant eamiddot Hedda Clark 2nd assistant leader regulars Sandra rEttT

Linda Davis Brenda Fisher and Holly Clark

~ 11 e Bear6e6

qnotel amp ~e6tauraltt In LaGrange

Has Added TEXACO Gasoline amp Oil

II e G1ve ampH Gre en Stamp

The following Milo High Majorettes were chosen last Wedne

bulleniD c cerf

IEr Senior Bdnd under the direction of Mr Maynard Jones ertin the Milo Parking Lot Sunday October 14th to

ence The Milo High Ma jorettes perfor med with the 11ltermission looked and s ounded ver y well at their second public

lt this s eason

bull ZLM STREE T CLUB 10 MILO- The Elm Street Christ shy

mas Club met Thursday afte r shynoon at the home of Mrs Katie Owen vithl1 me mbers a ttendshying

er Sampson Tent 18 Following the business meetshy-r 5 of Union Veterans

ing conducted by Mrs Anna e Town Hall with the Clarki a s ocial after noon was

Julia Dunphey pre- spent Included in the r efreshshyments was a birthday cake mashyde by Mrs Abbie Hoskins in honor of the bir thday of Mrs Nora Hamlin The hostess was assisted in serving by Mrs ~ The mystery prize

presented ~amiddot ~~c d~tr~ Bltgtrtha U shy


MlLO - The Past Presidents Club of Jane Carver Sampson Tent Daughters Union VetershyansCivilWar metatthe hom e of Mrs Mary Patridge Derby THE THREE GIS Friday evening wi tb 10 me mshy

The ThreeG s met Thursdayber s and Mrs Julia Dunphey

evening a t the home of Mrspresident of the tent as a gushy

Elsie Stairs with 11 members est

attendingFoHowing the business meetshy

Following the meeting aproshying conducted by Mrs Ella

gram was presented with each Henderson silent auction was

member contributing The played and refreshments were

hostess assis ted by Mrs Agnesserved by the hostess

Parsons and Mis s Laura PalshyThe next meeting will be the

mer served refreshments evening of November 2 with the

The next meeting will be heldmeeting place to be announced

October 25 at the home of Mr s MILO BRADFORD CLUB Harriet Tuck contd

The Milo-Bradford Club me t Thursday at the home of Mrs Ruth Tapley at Bangor with 10 members attending Apotluck Christmas Caros dinner was served

Send P hoto or NegativeAtthebusiness meeting conshy

for Personalized Cardsducted by Mrs Edna Young it was voted to give a donation to CARVERS PHOTO SERVICI the Milo Comm unity hospital The mystery prizes were awshy 10 Cents Each Min Order 1 00 arded to Mrs P amelia Hussey and Mrs Dorothy Severance Box 147 Milo Maine


The life expectancy of a man to day is 703 years a agam st 473 years in 1900 Improved medical techniques and th e U~e of miracle drngs are largely responRible for this increased longevity

One of the ironies of the drug price con troversy is the charge that th e cost of medication is beyond the reach of oldsters who a short half centnry ago Oldd not have lived to en joy I heir sunset years

Yet statisti cs show that drug prices more often decline- seldom go up fJ 1F ew 8ail those responsible for the cost of food clothing and shelter The onlv villains in this drama afe drugs and the men who manufacture them UP

UP Daggetts Pharmacy

(om plete Pres ( ri pti on

Serv ic e


- ~-


Organization News contd


MILO-Past Matr ons and Past Patrons and Obligation Nigh t were observed Monday evening at the Masonic Hall at a meetshying of Aldworth Chapter OES with the worthy ma tron Mrs Frances Swazey presiding Mrs Albin Hoskins past ma shytron substituted as treasurer

Chapters represented were Echo Brownville F riendship Mars Hill and Silver Leaf Chshyarleston

Guests present were Mrs Anne Mills past grand matron andKennethPullen pastgrand patron

A resolution of r espect was read for the committee by DwishyghtHamlin pastpatronfor Mrs Katharine Thompson past matshyron and the charter was draped in her memory

Mrs Julia Dunphy past mashytron and Mr and Mrs John Rowe were appointed as a comshymittee for a resolutio of resshypects for Edward Cyr of Milli shyDOcket It was voted to have the meeting dates entered on the Neoteric Club calendar Past Matrons and P as t P at shy

rons were honored by a cereshymonywith the worthy matron Mrs Frances Swazey Mrs Sandra Haley conductress and Mrs Emma Barker associate conductress having the speakshyingparts Each honored memshyber was presented a gift

Past Matrons present wer e Mrs Alice Brown Mrs Alice Chase Mrs Elinor Chase Mrs Virginia Chase Mrs Pauline Davis Mrs MaeDoble Mrs Enid Foshay Mrs Rosashymond Golden Mrs Martha Gould Mrs Irma Hamlin Mrs Albin Hoskins Mrs Gena McCorrison Mrs Anne Mills Mrs Annie MorriS Mrs Loshyuise Newman Mrs Gertrude Packard Mrs Carrie P eakes Mrs Grace Peakes Mrs Inez Pullen Mrs Estella Shaw Irs Harriet Tuck and Mrs

Flora Wingler Pas t Patrons present were

Geor ge C Folsom Herbert Foshay Dwight Hamlin Harshyold Newman Fred Packard Arthur Peakes Max Place amp KennethPullen Mrs Carrie

P eakes was presented with a corsage by the Worthy Matron in honor of her birthday Oct 13 Obligation Night was obshyser ved with Leonard Swazey worthy patron leading

A supper was served preced shying the meeting under the direoshytion of the associate matron Mrs Priscilla Chase and Comshymittee

The rugt mee ting will be held November 12 at730 p m when Guest Officers Night will be observed Each officer will invite her own guest officer

A rehear sal willbe held Novshyember 5 at 7 p m


inspection of Echo Chapter O E S was held Tuesday evening in the Masonic Hall with the associate grand matron Mrs Betty Jean Braley of Poshyrtland as the inspecting ofshyfic er

The meeting was opened by the worthy matron Mrs Hazel McKay Mrs Ellen Chambers ser ved as warder

Past grand officers present were Mrs Anne S Mills and Mrs Alice L Graves past grand matrons and Kenneth Pullen past grand patron Other guests were Mrs Anne Wiggin of Charles ton and Mrs Alice Hammond of Dexter grand representative of Minshynesota in Maine

The chapters represented weshyre Lon~ellow SouthPortland Aldworth Milo Friendship Mars Hill Onawa Millinocket White Heather Quebec Wasshysookeag Dexter Silver Leaf Charleston Susie Carr Sanshygerville Fidelity Houlton amp Martha ~sh1ngton Watershyville

Refreshments were s ervedin the dining room under the dirshyection of Mrs Phyllis Hutchinshyson associate matron She was assisted by Mrs Kathshyerine Greenway and Mrs Rita Gould HAPPY HOUR CLUB

The Happy Hour Club met Wednesday evening at the home of Mrs Margaret Hoxie with ten members present The business meeting was conducshyted by the secretary Miss Phyllis McCormack The My-

Vote Fo


stery Prize was won by Mrs Ellis Tobin It was voted to give a donation to the Milo Community Hospital for the utility room

P lana wele made for a supshyper to be held Saturday night at the Grange Hall with men and

children as invited guests This supper will replace the October Birthday Dinner The birthday of Mrs Lydla Rhoda will be honored

Beano was playeEl dWing the evell1Dg The next meetiDg will be at the home of Mrs James Desmond


B S Degree in Business Administration from Lehigh UniverSity

24 years in Real Estate Insurance Business 21 years in Amusement Ride Business 8 years as Sheep Farmer 9 years on Brownville School Committee

Present Selec tman of the Town of Brownville Past Master of Pleasant River Lodge A F A Past President of Three Rivers Fish and Game C Treasurer of tue Brownville Jct Methodist Churc Committeeman of Explorer P ost 112 B S A Former Chairman of Republican County Committee Present Member of Republican State Committee

I~- 4 ~~


laquo0111 Cpound~J JlU IU

~tL~ sr WI 3-88

James ~ ~add




_~ C EDGES A F B bullbull

5 s emi-pro basketball s tarted its season last

--y nightby edging Char-EB 84-81 in a scr imshy

6aIDe that was played at ~ he game was close eyay v1th Charleston leshyo 13- 29 at tJe 1st quarter

s ore was tied 51-51 way point Milo ahshy

- -S- at the end of the thir d t2 Roger Clapp aniDick e oak Bcoring honor s J

_ letting 21 points The0

course Coach Hotham has the alternative to move Webb into the backcourt and putting Mer Ie Har r is another good- shooting lefth~nder into the lineup Two other fine backcour t men up fr om las t y ea r s J V 5 a r e Mike Mulherin amp P aul Grindle Both did we ll la s t yea r for the Junior Panthers amp should make the scramble for fir st five even more interesting to watch Dashyvid P ullen and Simon Brown who played both varsity and J unior Varsity las t yea r could both prove valuable to Coach

e score was pretty dinded wi th Ladd gettshy

-e~ Joe P aul J im LaBosshynd TerryBailey getting

bull --iece Charlie Ar tus had Eben Dewi tthad two

re Joe P aul and JIm s~are are a ll t~achers at 5 Classical Inatitute


eyiewof the P anthers Richardson and Steve 100ked like the only t c an be pa si tive (or

itive) of getting a st shyrthon the team Now a look at some of the

idates Two top ch shy

in and Kevin 0 Con shy xhvin play ed fir s t five year but with a ll the

- tions Goodwin wi ll uave to earn i t this year

r showed US last year ~s the hustle and that

Hothams plans Milo ha s the potenti al but the big question i s Can Coa ch Hotnam de velop i t - shy i t ll be a tough job

NEXT WEEK Te B ownshyville Jc t Ra il r oaders

ilo Sporshyt Shop

We have the RUGER 44 MAGNUM We have the SAVAGE 24-MDL (22 Mag over and 2 Q guage under)



BAILEY BRIEF INGS bullbullbull bull bull bull bull Milos cross country team

had an intra-squad run last Thursday and Cedric Rhoda BlllMulherln andPeter E llis were the fir st three to finish Rhoda unefficially c lock 1326 for the two and o1e half mile sprint _- that is something for the high school senior to be pr oud of - - a tip of the hat i s due Charles Hotham for the long hours he put in coaching baseball this p ast s ummer - shyTom Tresh the Yankeets conshyverted left fi e lder i s a must for the American League Roshyokie of the Year award ---- shyBoston Red Soxfans are saying that J ohnny Pesky (new Hub manager ) i s just what the docshytor order ed ------- if that is the case maybe just maybe Wait til next year will finshya lly come ---- - - New Yorks Tresh looked like the veteran ballplayer in the World Series and Mantle looked like the roshyokie Looks like the Milo P anshythers will have to rely on speed thiB year b ecause height is missing --- the team just doshyesnt htv + n ~+h th r i t had last year -- just thought of a good name for the high school s cr oss country team the Milo Panthers -- get it If anyone is planning to go to Dovers new bowling lanes youd better get there about 6 oclock if you vantto be sure of bowling beshyfore eight

Joe Paul H C l s new bashysketball coach says that the BlackKnights have the desire and the potential to make tr shyouble in Class M this year0

If you want to get rid of that excess fat you may have try square dancing

For the first time s ince 195E Husson College will be without an ex-Milo Panther on its bashysketball team

See you next week

Milo High School Baske tball Schedule 1962-1963

Nov 20



F eb


7 14 18 21

4 11

15 1 8 25 26





H CI at Higgins Searsport at Searsport

Stonington at Milo Lee Academy at Lee B nville Jct a t Milo Blue Hill at Milo Blue Hill at Blue Hill Stonington at Stonington

H C I at Milo Lee Academy at Milo Searsport at Milo Washburn at Milo Bnville Jct a t Bnville Jct

Bangor JV s at Bangor

Mt DesertatNorth shytst Hr~i~

M C I at Pittsfield

( loud e N Trask Complete Ins ur ance Service

41 P ark Str ee t


Organization _Te ~S contd


1flLO - Officers of Dirigo Lodge of Odd Fellows and Orion Rebekah Lodge for the coming year were ins tailed in a joint installation in the Odd Fellows Hall Tuesday evening

Officers were installed for the I dges by a staff from Guilshyford and Greenville and were Mrs Donna Fogg distric t deputy president Lester Warshyman Greenville district de shyputy grand master Mrs Maude Eastman and James Clark deshyputy marchals Helen Race and Floyd McNich deputy wardens Esther Woolsey and Howard Lamber tson deputy secretarshyies Myra Willey of Guilford amp Charles Steeves of Dover- Foxshycroft deputy treasurers Nel shyie Ames and Mer le Dean deshyputy chaplains Velma Butter shyleId Dover-Foxcroft and Rashy]ph Werber deputy guard Virshyginia Littlefield mus ician

Officers installed in Dirigo Lodge were Malcolm Pelkey noble grand E rnest Harmon ice grand Eugene Dunham recording secretar y Herbert Rolfe financial s eer tary Ra shylph Hill treasurer George Crabtree warden Wallace Harris conductor Stan Brown chaplain R ueben Lancaster J r outside guar dian Charles Chshyessa inside guar dian Lewis _lountain Sr Tight s cene sup shyporter Raymond Youngblo 1 left scene supporter Lyman Severance right suppor ter to nob le grand Car Deane left supporter to noble grand and RubertHobb s JuniorPastGrshyand

Officers for Orion Rebekah Lod5e a r e Mrs Ruth Youngshyblood noble grand Mrs Rosashymond Golden right supporter loble glanc Mrs Bertha HowshyJAnd left supporter noble Grshyand MissLawaPalmer dee rand i Mrs Agnes Sawyer right supporter vice grand

s Dorothy Severance left supporter vice grand Mrs h llis Gould chaplain Mis s Georgia Rollins color bearer

s Julia Durphy recording s c elma Washy

tterho1Se financial s ecretary PLEASANT RIVER GRAl~GE Mr s Marion Campbell treashy

MILO-Pleasant RIver Gr a ngesurer Mrs A nna Mooer s a shymet Tuesday evening wi th ther den Mrs Hazel St Louis Worthy Master Currie Austinjunior pa st noble gr and Mr s pr esiding and 44 present inshyFrsda Browll outs ide guar dian cluding two Lom Winn GrangeMrs Dorothy Pierson inside and one from Atkins on C orne- guardian and Mr s Eve lynHo shy

Three applic a tions were r eadxie music ian for m embership and Mrs OnshyMrs Ruth Youngblood was ata Deane Ha rvey Moran and r e -elected as noble grand and Mrs Tennie Tobin were apshywho a lready has a past grand1s pointed as an investiga tingpin was p r esented a gift on beshycommittee It was vo ted tohalf of the lodge Mr s Youngshydonate money to East Piscatashybl ood presented her officers quis Pomona for a battery ~ashywith gifts ndle Itwas also voted to buyA supper preceded the meetshya past masters pining under the direction of Mrs

Lyman Sever ance waS apshyBertha How1and and he r s taff pointed a s chair man of a candy


MILO-The Der by Mothers A program in radio show for m

Ser vice Club m e t Tue sday at was presented by the lecturer

the hom e of Mrs Avis Spear Mrs Me r na Dunham with Her shy

with eigh t members a ttending ber t Dunbam qnnouncer T a shy

The m ee ting was conducted by king part we re Mrs Mernl

Mr s Lila Smith and prayer Dunham Mrs Edna Young Mrs Edna Stevens Mrs Onshywas led by Mrs Avis Spear

The mys tery prize was awshy ata Deane Mrs ShirleyRhoda Mrs Thelma Crabtr ee Earlearded Mrs Edi th Rideout Rhoda LymanSeverance andMail was acknowledged from Chellis Mitchell During theMrs Ida Mer rithew the Nurshyshow the 79thbirthday of Missses Guild and the Red Cross

A donation was voteq for eqshy Lydia Rhoda was r ecogni zed and s he was p r esented wi th auipmentfor the Milo Communshy

i ty Hospital A basic box will corsage

be s ent by Mrs Ma r i on Cun shy Following the program reshyfreshments were servedningham to Da le Rideout at

F ort Dix N J DR H M BURRYIt was r eported that S-Sgt GIVES REPORTDarrell Spear h a s r eturned ON SCOUT DElVEfr om a tour of duty in Newshy

MILO-Dr H M Burry areafoundland and is spending a Chairman of the Boy Scout fundleave with his fami ly and his collection has announced thatparents Mr and Mrs Newshythe canvass of business andbert Spear His next assignshyprofessional people in Miloment will be a t Home s tead AFB Tuesday and VVednesday re shyF l orida sulted in collections and pledgesA le tter was written to Mrs that approximate half the amshyJane Cook at Durham N H ount of the Milo-Derby quotaMrs Mildred King gave a r e shy

The general canvass will be shyp or t on a dinner served a t the gin in a few days he saidDer bvHall for the Bangor and

A oost ok staff

l ~ To n Coutry Clothing Store~ F ormer ly Milo Dr y Goods I ~ This week SPECIA L ALSO HEAVY ZZ Ladies and Chi ldtens WINTER CAR COATS LONG I r ~ RUBBER FOOTWEAR COA TS amp SKI JACKETS -J ~Jj Se era1 styles from SHOP M1LO amp SAVE J$298 up


T HE TO bull _-

VIRGThlA STO ffi t


BROWNVILLE - _ - shyginia G Stone and Job ton were married San ~

ternoon a t the home o~=

John W Meisner in Foxcroft

The bride is the da Mr s Bernice Scone ~_ late Edwar1 Stone anO -S a duate of Browmire - High Sc hool in the clas s _shyThe bridegroon a ~~ Brownville Juncti Hsshyand is employedby ~E Company in Deroy

The c ouple wUlrE5i- wnville

F ollowin5 the euro_= ~- -

ception was held ~ _ t= - ville Grange hall ~ _ ~_ shyWestonMarshan _ -5 -_ ces Ston e were L ~_ _ gift table REfrESl-E_~

s e rvedby Mrs 3c_- lid Mr s _ edam =- Miss Rosemary pound - _

pas sed the gue_- C ~ _ than 70 relatives - _t

were in artendanmiddot-e The wedding ~-) f -= ___

by Mrs Stone and E _ =__ by Mrs Addle W a

Lodging and Breki

WI J7175 30 Water St MILO


Sufficientunto the m ~

the evil thereof

Special Thi s Week Onshy


Ii ~WI

R C A VICTOR - Remote ConTv ~ If-__

_ _ _______


Casi) president jce president

llicTo-Touch 2 G Tone Ar m 2 Wa t P



age I

__ 835 country team ~espaper The

n sale at the th

officers at Milo _ this year are as


middot 055 president Ced shyce president L i shy

_e bull secretary L oi s ~er Cathy B r ashy


for conducting the projec t F r om theD orcas Guild of the

United Baptist Church Mrs Sue Rhoda Mrs Catherine Ellison and Mrs Margaret Peter s Womens Society of Christian Service of the P ark Street Methodist Church Mrs Lenora Byther Mr s Merna Dunham 11118 Elinor Chase and Mrs Isabel Cudhea

Zoning will be worked out so tha t all streets will be canvasshysed and householders are urshyged to co-operate by having pennies for UNICE F when the yOlmg people ring the door bell

Following the canvass all who have participated rill be enter shytained at a Halloween party in the Milo Town Hall with games prizes and refreshments and 3shy

Ue a t bag to take home Any woman desi ring to help

on this project will contact a m e mber of the committee

e rolding a t 19 at 73 0



On Halloween chi ldr en youth and adults of Milo will be given the opportunlty to show their concern for the less for tunate children of the world by par ti shycipating in Tr ick or T r ea t for UNICEF F or the second year B ap tist and Methodist women a re joining to s ponsor this annual event

~ -ill hold bull J Ocl 20 at to Shop It

a m and will A m ee ting to make ini tia l p lshyans was he ld in the Methodis t ves try F riday and the following

new uniforms c ommittees will be res pons ib le


P Output

ore een and gOOi ~he5 he re shy~-___________bullbull e ed __ 2cl

Sergeant James T Me tcalf who recently spent 14 m onths duty in the 7th Infantry band i n Korea was home on leave las t week with his par ents He i s now s tationed at For t Dix

Milo - Paul H Beals SP -4 USASA is home on Furlough He has been stationed at Okinshyawa since Nov of 1960 He will return to dUtj Oct 26 at F t Meade Md at National Securi ty Agency Headquarters

Stanley Brown and his installshying team Mrs Pearl CcLDney Marshal Mrs Thelma Cr abshytree assistant marshal Mrs Freda Brown emblem bea r er Mrs Dorothy Severance regshyalia b ea r er Mrs Ella Hender shyson chaplain and Mrs E velyn Hoxie pi anist and solois ~ we re a t Abbot Grange Saturdayeveshyning and installed the officers of Abbot Grange Dawll of Hope Nor th Guilford and Valley Gr ange Guilford Centel

Others going from here were LymanSeverance George Crshyabtree Mr s Thelma Watershyhouse Mr s Pamelia Hussey Mr and Mr s Ellis Tobi n and Mr and Mrs Ear l e Rhoda

Mr amp Mrs William Burshygess of Dexter vere supper guests on Sunday of Mr and Mrs Myron Smart Their grandson Scott Hamlin of Seb ec Village has visited durshying the school vacation

Several members of Company F World War 1 of the 103 Inshyfantry Division met Monday evening at the home of Paul Valente William Sprowle amp Ha rold Farnham residents of Hollis N H were present This was the first time sevshye ral of these men had been toshygether in 25 years

Others present were Har ry Ellis and Roy Hoskins of town and E rrollEstes of B r ownville

J unction We a r e a ll VERY pleased to

know thatDr A M Carde has returned home after undergoing trea tmentin a Boston hos pi tal

The doctor wishes to ePress his gratitude for the thoughtshyfulness of his friends md for ilie many expressions of c onshy

Mr and Mrs L indon Heal of St Pete r sblU g Florida a r e vi siting a t the hom e of Mr and Mr s Ore l Bemis this week

1 O O F is holding its regshyular meeting on Wednesday at 730P M All Odd Fellows are requested to a tt end


BROWNVILLE - Mrs Carolyn Porter r eturned SWlday from the Milo Com munity Hospi tal where she has been a medical pa tient the past 12 days and re turned to her position Monshyday a s teacher in the third and fourth grades in the Brownville School Dur~ng her absence Mrs Arline Ros e lle of Milo served a s substi tute

Mrs Paul F oulkes was a gushyes t of honor a t a shower held F riday evening a t the home of Mrs Charles Allen with Mrs Donald Knox a s c o-hostess After the presentation of gifts refreshments were s erved The s hower cake was made by Mrs Iltnox P r esent were Mr s Char le s Coburn Mrs Matthe Coburn Mrs Charles Larson Mrs Tyler Ar tes Mrs He len Wright and Mr s Lena Foulkes


Be ilts all outdoors Ideal for hunters angles co struction workers - for any out dOQrsman who wants the very but Vu l can i zed con st ruction bull Sylrnerl tanned lea th~r Tracmiddot ~onmiddottr~d fe Stop In shy 1Y I pairl Vou1I ague it3 tM- fifltt Wrl tE rpr~ e3 t r ~ 0 0 - ac _~


Oct 17

Page l~

Farm Reporter College of the Air Captain Kangaroo Lov of Mike Jack LaLa nne

WABI-TV IHCRSDAY OCTOBER 18 1962 TU ESDAY OCTOBER 23 1962 ~ ~eD Door 230 Hou party 720 Open Door 230 Housepar ty

300 MIllionaire 725 Farm Reporte r 300 Millionaire 330 To Tell The Truth 730 College of the Ai r 330 To Te ll The T ruth If you want to BUY SEL 355 CBS News 800 Captain Kangaroo 335 CBS Nes

RENTor SWAP try To400 Secret Storm 900 For The Lo ve of ilke 400 Secret Storm 430 Edge of Night 9 15 Jac k LaLanne 430 E jge of Night Clas s ified 5 00 Bozo The Clown 945 Love of Mike 500 Bozo The Clown F 600 Ozzle and Harriet 10000alendar 300 Country Caravan Houses For Sale

1 30 Tennessee E rnie 6 30 Mr Ed 1030 T eJU1cssee Ernie 630 Yogi Bear ~lOO The Real McCoys 7 00 News a t Seven 1100 R eal MCCoys 700 News at Seven A few hous es are left a U3O Pete 8lt Gladys 710 SpQrtti Wilites ll30 Pete and Gladys 7 10 Spor ts Hili tes by Village at prices ra LOO Love ot Life 715 Walt r Cronkite News 1200 Love of Life 7 15 Walter Cronkite News

25 CBS ews 730 My Three SOlS 1225 CBS News 730 Loretta Young Show from $3000 to $4500 Lmiddot30 Search F or TOlnorrow 8 00 perry Mason 12 30 Search F OI Tomorrow 800 Lloyd Bridges Show or write today to inspec t

5 Guiding Light 9 00 T he Nurses 1245 Guiding L ight 830 Red Skelton Hour three and four bedroom hi1 Jane Wyman Show 1000 Alfred Hitchcock 1 00 Jane Wyman 9 30 Jack Benoy 30 A the World Turns 1100 N ws At Eleven 1 30 A s The Wo rld Turns 1000 Garry Moore complete with bath fun

Password 11 15 Weather Show 2 00 Paosword 11 00 News At E leen and concrete basement z 11 20 Spor ts Final 11 15 Weather S10W

AY OCTOBER 19 1962 1120 Sports Final ford Agency Orono TeL -_0 Open Door 230 Bouseparty WEDNESD AY OCTOBER 24 1962 2625

_5 Farnl Reporte r 300 Millionaire 720 Open Door 355 CBS News7 0 ollege of the Air 330 To Tell The Truth FOR SALE 725 Farm Repor ter 4 00 Secret Stor m 0 C~ptain Kangaroo 355 CBS News 7 30 College of the Air 4 30 Edge of Night Coleman F loor F urnace

900 Love of Mike 400 Secret Storm 800 C ~p tain Kangaroo The Clown

15 Jack LaLanne 4 30 Edge of Night 500 Bozo condition complete with 1

9 00 Love of l1ike bull 6 00 T ime of Their Livesbull _5 Love of Mike 500 Bozo The Clown ter electric pump and the915 Jack LaLanne 625 Hathaway for Congressmiddot 000 Calendar 600 George Hale Sports 945 Love of Mike 630 Our Man Higgins stat $45 00 ~ 0 TeWlessee Erni e 630 Password 1000 Calendar 700 News at Seven (10 The Real McCoys 700 News a t Seven M C Horne Inc

1030 Tennessee Eruie 710 Sports Hilites 30 Pele amp Gladys 7 10 3ports Hilites 11 00 The R e al McCoys 115 Walter Cronkite Milo

_00 Love of Life 7 15 Walle r Cronki te 11 30 Pete a nd Gladys 7 30 CBS ReportsT EWS 730 R awhide Card of Thanks1200 Love of Life 8 30 Dobie Gilli s

25 CBS _



30 Search For Tomorrow 830 Naked City 1225 CBS News 900 Beverly Hil lbillies On behalf of the P i sca-15 Guidi ng Li cht 930 77 Sunset Strip 1230 Search For To morrow 930 Dick VanDykeJane Wyman Show 1030 Eye Witness County Republican Comm 1245 Guiding Light 1000 Armstrong Circle The s The World Turns 1100 1 ews at E leven 1 00 Jane Wyman The Friendly Thieves I would like to thank the

_ Password 11 15 Welther Show 130 As The World Turns 11 00 News at E leven of the Brownville and Mf1120 Spor ts F inal 2 00 Password 1113 Weather Show

~-1RDAY OCTOBER 201962 urches the Milo Garden ( 2 30 Houseparty 1120 Spor ts FinalCarto~n Capers 515 College Football Scoreboard

3 00 lIUUionaire the Milo Band and their 0 Captain Kangaroo 530 Twentie th Century

3 30 To Tell The Truth 00 Alvin Show 6 00 Bud Leavit t tor Mr Jones and the

30 Mighty Mouse 6 30 Hawaiian Eye zens of Milo for all their 1 00 in Tin Tin 7 30 Jackie Gleason

in making our G O P R 30 Roy Roger s 8 30 Defenders bull _ 00 Sky King 830 Have Gun Will T r avel Channel 5 October 10th such a suco

_30 Candlepin Bowling 1000 Gunsmoke Mr s NellC Johnston-~ 3 Studio City Bandstand 1100 Channel 5 News

30 College F ootball Kick Off H 15 The Gallant Men (Piscataquis County Statpound Stranger Passing Through

2 45 + CAA Football llitteewoman) Alabama vs TerUlessee

For Sale AKC RegisteredSlNDAY OCTOBER 1 1962 You say youre just a s tranger passing through 1~ acred Heart 500 Amateur Hour cker Spaniel pups 7 weeksWho paused here for a mom ent from the strife30 Colby Telecourse 530 College Bowl inquire Mrs E W B

9 00 Living Word 000 agon Train Of harried living and the cry and hue Milo9 1 5 Ca olle Masti 35 Clinton Street700 Lassie The efltrthly struggles of this m odern life

10 00 Lamp Unto My F eet 730 Dennis the Menace Phone 943-7769 1 30 Look Up and Live 800 Ed Bulliva n Show 11 00 Camera Three 900 Real McCoys F or in y ur has te somewhere along the way ---1111 30 This Is The Life 9 30 True Theater Youve overlooked the Gift of God to man12 00 University of Maine 1000 Candid Camera 1230 The Christophels 1030 What s My Line Nature beauteous colorful and gay

00 Time of Thei r Li ves 11 00 Eric Sevareid Is everywher e according to His Plan 1 30 TrIck or Treat 1115 News 1 45 P ro Football Kick Off ~ O O NY F ootball See r ows of maples wi th their red and gold

Giants vs Detroit And piles of s wir ling leaves upon the ground fOlDAY OCTOBER 22 1962 American Legion Scampering s quirrels Venturesome and bold

-20 Open Door 230 Houseparty And red-cheeked children laughing all around23 Fa rro Reporter 300 M illionaire 730 College of the Air 3 30 To Tell The Truth THURSDAY Oct 18

00 Cap tain Kangaroo 355 CBS News Derby Improvement shyTha t whisper of the wind in trees you hear 900 Love of Mike 400 Secre t Storm 91 5 Jack LaLanne 430 Edge of ight A m elancholy prayer to one imports 945 Love or Mike 500 Bozo the Clown Dame Natures Grand Finale of the y~ar FRIDAY Oct 18 950 P rimary Science 60 0 Fair Exchange Rabboni Royal Arch c Ins tills tranquility within our hearts1000 Calendar 700 News at Seven 1030 ~nnessee Ernie 710 Spor-ts Hilites UDO The Real McCoys 715 Walter Cronkite News MONDAY Oct 22Perchance one day youll pass this way again 1- 30 Pete 8lt Gladys 730 To Tell The Truth

To share with us the joys of earth and sky Nurses Guild00 Lov of Life 800 Ive Got A Secre t

_ 25 CBS News 830 The Lucy Show And sharing find a Peace that will remain Band Boosters 1230 Search For Tomorrow 900 Danny Thomas Forever while the world goes rusbing by ~4 Guiding Light 930 Andy Griff th TUESDAY Oct 231000 Ben Casey Malcolm PetersJane Wyman Show

As The World Turns 11 00 ew at Eleven W S C orkda 11middot1 Upc apr

bull 1uYuk Nmiddot Y thlJI fmiddotf

our readers might ted in int roduct1OIlI

of the people who proshy newspaper bull dnaBradeenhaa done ~-up

Bradeenhas done t-up work for The

1er but was unavallshya picture


~e Lancasfer bull

Wewill ans h1m oh

sandra Mayo



If you cant find time to teach them

spend just a Iittle time

The following poem by- Elizabeth A Rober ts was ree ve ry near press time last week We enjoyed it 80 much plusmna ran it in that issuebut the only space available for it-was 8

that we had to reduce it in the camera to very s mall print Here it is again life-size


The beauty of the leaves in fall For some theyll hear the Masters call Others there wi ll chance to be A far greater ear thy destiny The farmers in the fields will clear Har ves t time is fina lly here God has waved his mighty paint brush and we e see The leaves of golden yellow and the r ed and green~ This is a time to give Him thanks While mother nature continues her imprish pranks Oh I how lucky we mortals really are For weve seen beauty that winter cannot mar

The following poem by Holman Day of Monter ey Ca c

was written for the Milo Chamber of Commerce and was shylished in the bookle t commemorating the 125th AnniverBlO the Townof Milo the 125th Anniversary of thePiscataquiB L No 44 A F ampA Mbull and the 50th Anniversary of the Ame Thread Co in 1948 fheoriginal copy is in the State Libr a Augusta

Mr H Allen Monroe kindly lent us his copy of the booklet ~ which we copied the poem


Is your taste for the tang of the Open have you zes t iJ

Out-of-doors Where the trees make roofs for the steltered glades w

duff spreads woodland floors Do you seek the lure of the winding trails the vistas tita

ahead And a leanto a t night near stream or lake your COt

spruce-bough bed Do you yearnfor a fores t cabin at the rim of a Pebbled shl Where the lakes waves whisper a lullaby and forgot 11

citys roar Is your choice the llft of the noble domes of mountains for

crowned Where sile ce makes serenity and perfect peace is fo Do you seek the spell of the placid lakes and the purriJ

tell- tale reels That promise bounty for those who bless the job of

filled creels I give you answer and earnest pledge that all this grac

bliss Lies open to those who wend their ways to fair Piscatac I mow the land from Chairback Lakes where flashing VI

gleams In its race to fill moss-lined poola of P leasant Rh

streams Schoodic and Beeme and all the ponds the linking tr~

know And all the glory of purple hills in morn and evening g Y~ar after year I came to them in the glor ious days o~ And across the land from the far far West I jour

bull1 _ _ _ _ _ _

  • temp
  • temp2

Page 4



MILO-The annual observanc e of Laymens Sunday will be held in ilie Milo Baptist Church this coming Sunday morning Oct 21st The laymen of the Chshyurch will be in charge of the Morning Worship Service at 1100 am The theme for ilie daYAs Good Stewards will be nlarged upon by Mr Lloyd Treworgy who will deliver the Sermon Other laymen who middotill be taking part are Mr George Hamlin Mr Vernon Perry Mr Gar dner Osgood _IT KennethRhoda Mr Har-

Id Woodard and Mr Mauriee GoWen Special music will be provided by the Youth Choir md Mr Edwin r eworgy who vill be s inging a solo The ublic is cordially invited to

this service At the E veningService at 7 30

Pastor Hayes will be speaking on the sub ject The Man Who Refused to Compromise This

be the fifth in a series of sermons on Bible characters

On Monday evening Oct 22 he firs t session of the Piscatashyquis Baptist Association School of Leadership Training will be held in the Milo Church beginshyrlngat700 pm Tbreecourshyses ofins true tion are being ofshyered this year The S )ry of

heBaptists will be taught by he Rev Donald Thompson astor of the M llinocket BapshytistChurch Mr CalvinLewis [ Derby will lead a study of

the relationship be tween The Christian Faith and My Job dealingwith the m oral and etshymeal problems involved inboth

bor and management and the gtrofeesionalworld The Revbull John Wanamaker of Augusta

eDirector of Christian Edu-

-of the need for 1-lis sionary and Stewardship Education within the local church During the Worship period a devotional study of the book of Amos will be led by the Rev Lorimer Morrison pastor of the United BaptlstChurch of Dove -Foxshycroft The Rev Ca Yin T Hayes of Milo will serve as Dean of the School The School will be held on three consecushytive Monday nights The cost of registration is fifty cents The School is open to any who may wish to a ttend

NAZARENE CHURCH TneReverendG EmeryPratt

of Quincy Mass was gue t speaker at the mor ning service on October 14th Rev ampMrs Prat t and daughters Alice and Annie were in town visiting re shylatives for the weekend

For 24 Hour Wrecker Service



Bishops IXIbull

Dependable Service Call SimkoS Gen Store 943-2261 Res 943- 797 8


AC Plugs

Customer reports over 30000 miles on one set of


SlOdra Mayo Leader Cheryl Wallace 1st assistant eamiddot Hedda Clark 2nd assistant leader regulars Sandra rEttT

Linda Davis Brenda Fisher and Holly Clark

~ 11 e Bear6e6

qnotel amp ~e6tauraltt In LaGrange

Has Added TEXACO Gasoline amp Oil

II e G1ve ampH Gre en Stamp

The following Milo High Majorettes were chosen last Wedne

bulleniD c cerf

IEr Senior Bdnd under the direction of Mr Maynard Jones ertin the Milo Parking Lot Sunday October 14th to

ence The Milo High Ma jorettes perfor med with the 11ltermission looked and s ounded ver y well at their second public

lt this s eason

bull ZLM STREE T CLUB 10 MILO- The Elm Street Christ shy

mas Club met Thursday afte r shynoon at the home of Mrs Katie Owen vithl1 me mbers a ttendshying

er Sampson Tent 18 Following the business meetshy-r 5 of Union Veterans

ing conducted by Mrs Anna e Town Hall with the Clarki a s ocial after noon was

Julia Dunphey pre- spent Included in the r efreshshyments was a birthday cake mashyde by Mrs Abbie Hoskins in honor of the bir thday of Mrs Nora Hamlin The hostess was assisted in serving by Mrs ~ The mystery prize

presented ~amiddot ~~c d~tr~ Bltgtrtha U shy


MlLO - The Past Presidents Club of Jane Carver Sampson Tent Daughters Union VetershyansCivilWar metatthe hom e of Mrs Mary Patridge Derby THE THREE GIS Friday evening wi tb 10 me mshy

The ThreeG s met Thursdayber s and Mrs Julia Dunphey

evening a t the home of Mrspresident of the tent as a gushy

Elsie Stairs with 11 members est

attendingFoHowing the business meetshy

Following the meeting aproshying conducted by Mrs Ella

gram was presented with each Henderson silent auction was

member contributing The played and refreshments were

hostess assis ted by Mrs Agnesserved by the hostess

Parsons and Mis s Laura PalshyThe next meeting will be the

mer served refreshments evening of November 2 with the

The next meeting will be heldmeeting place to be announced

October 25 at the home of Mr s MILO BRADFORD CLUB Harriet Tuck contd

The Milo-Bradford Club me t Thursday at the home of Mrs Ruth Tapley at Bangor with 10 members attending Apotluck Christmas Caros dinner was served

Send P hoto or NegativeAtthebusiness meeting conshy

for Personalized Cardsducted by Mrs Edna Young it was voted to give a donation to CARVERS PHOTO SERVICI the Milo Comm unity hospital The mystery prizes were awshy 10 Cents Each Min Order 1 00 arded to Mrs P amelia Hussey and Mrs Dorothy Severance Box 147 Milo Maine


The life expectancy of a man to day is 703 years a agam st 473 years in 1900 Improved medical techniques and th e U~e of miracle drngs are largely responRible for this increased longevity

One of the ironies of the drug price con troversy is the charge that th e cost of medication is beyond the reach of oldsters who a short half centnry ago Oldd not have lived to en joy I heir sunset years

Yet statisti cs show that drug prices more often decline- seldom go up fJ 1F ew 8ail those responsible for the cost of food clothing and shelter The onlv villains in this drama afe drugs and the men who manufacture them UP

UP Daggetts Pharmacy

(om plete Pres ( ri pti on

Serv ic e


- ~-


Organization News contd


MILO-Past Matr ons and Past Patrons and Obligation Nigh t were observed Monday evening at the Masonic Hall at a meetshying of Aldworth Chapter OES with the worthy ma tron Mrs Frances Swazey presiding Mrs Albin Hoskins past ma shytron substituted as treasurer

Chapters represented were Echo Brownville F riendship Mars Hill and Silver Leaf Chshyarleston

Guests present were Mrs Anne Mills past grand matron andKennethPullen pastgrand patron

A resolution of r espect was read for the committee by DwishyghtHamlin pastpatronfor Mrs Katharine Thompson past matshyron and the charter was draped in her memory

Mrs Julia Dunphy past mashytron and Mr and Mrs John Rowe were appointed as a comshymittee for a resolutio of resshypects for Edward Cyr of Milli shyDOcket It was voted to have the meeting dates entered on the Neoteric Club calendar Past Matrons and P as t P at shy

rons were honored by a cereshymonywith the worthy matron Mrs Frances Swazey Mrs Sandra Haley conductress and Mrs Emma Barker associate conductress having the speakshyingparts Each honored memshyber was presented a gift

Past Matrons present wer e Mrs Alice Brown Mrs Alice Chase Mrs Elinor Chase Mrs Virginia Chase Mrs Pauline Davis Mrs MaeDoble Mrs Enid Foshay Mrs Rosashymond Golden Mrs Martha Gould Mrs Irma Hamlin Mrs Albin Hoskins Mrs Gena McCorrison Mrs Anne Mills Mrs Annie MorriS Mrs Loshyuise Newman Mrs Gertrude Packard Mrs Carrie P eakes Mrs Grace Peakes Mrs Inez Pullen Mrs Estella Shaw Irs Harriet Tuck and Mrs

Flora Wingler Pas t Patrons present were

Geor ge C Folsom Herbert Foshay Dwight Hamlin Harshyold Newman Fred Packard Arthur Peakes Max Place amp KennethPullen Mrs Carrie

P eakes was presented with a corsage by the Worthy Matron in honor of her birthday Oct 13 Obligation Night was obshyser ved with Leonard Swazey worthy patron leading

A supper was served preced shying the meeting under the direoshytion of the associate matron Mrs Priscilla Chase and Comshymittee

The rugt mee ting will be held November 12 at730 p m when Guest Officers Night will be observed Each officer will invite her own guest officer

A rehear sal willbe held Novshyember 5 at 7 p m


inspection of Echo Chapter O E S was held Tuesday evening in the Masonic Hall with the associate grand matron Mrs Betty Jean Braley of Poshyrtland as the inspecting ofshyfic er

The meeting was opened by the worthy matron Mrs Hazel McKay Mrs Ellen Chambers ser ved as warder

Past grand officers present were Mrs Anne S Mills and Mrs Alice L Graves past grand matrons and Kenneth Pullen past grand patron Other guests were Mrs Anne Wiggin of Charles ton and Mrs Alice Hammond of Dexter grand representative of Minshynesota in Maine

The chapters represented weshyre Lon~ellow SouthPortland Aldworth Milo Friendship Mars Hill Onawa Millinocket White Heather Quebec Wasshysookeag Dexter Silver Leaf Charleston Susie Carr Sanshygerville Fidelity Houlton amp Martha ~sh1ngton Watershyville

Refreshments were s ervedin the dining room under the dirshyection of Mrs Phyllis Hutchinshyson associate matron She was assisted by Mrs Kathshyerine Greenway and Mrs Rita Gould HAPPY HOUR CLUB

The Happy Hour Club met Wednesday evening at the home of Mrs Margaret Hoxie with ten members present The business meeting was conducshyted by the secretary Miss Phyllis McCormack The My-

Vote Fo


stery Prize was won by Mrs Ellis Tobin It was voted to give a donation to the Milo Community Hospital for the utility room

P lana wele made for a supshyper to be held Saturday night at the Grange Hall with men and

children as invited guests This supper will replace the October Birthday Dinner The birthday of Mrs Lydla Rhoda will be honored

Beano was playeEl dWing the evell1Dg The next meetiDg will be at the home of Mrs James Desmond


B S Degree in Business Administration from Lehigh UniverSity

24 years in Real Estate Insurance Business 21 years in Amusement Ride Business 8 years as Sheep Farmer 9 years on Brownville School Committee

Present Selec tman of the Town of Brownville Past Master of Pleasant River Lodge A F A Past President of Three Rivers Fish and Game C Treasurer of tue Brownville Jct Methodist Churc Committeeman of Explorer P ost 112 B S A Former Chairman of Republican County Committee Present Member of Republican State Committee

I~- 4 ~~


laquo0111 Cpound~J JlU IU

~tL~ sr WI 3-88

James ~ ~add




_~ C EDGES A F B bullbull

5 s emi-pro basketball s tarted its season last

--y nightby edging Char-EB 84-81 in a scr imshy

6aIDe that was played at ~ he game was close eyay v1th Charleston leshyo 13- 29 at tJe 1st quarter

s ore was tied 51-51 way point Milo ahshy

- -S- at the end of the thir d t2 Roger Clapp aniDick e oak Bcoring honor s J

_ letting 21 points The0

course Coach Hotham has the alternative to move Webb into the backcourt and putting Mer Ie Har r is another good- shooting lefth~nder into the lineup Two other fine backcour t men up fr om las t y ea r s J V 5 a r e Mike Mulherin amp P aul Grindle Both did we ll la s t yea r for the Junior Panthers amp should make the scramble for fir st five even more interesting to watch Dashyvid P ullen and Simon Brown who played both varsity and J unior Varsity las t yea r could both prove valuable to Coach

e score was pretty dinded wi th Ladd gettshy

-e~ Joe P aul J im LaBosshynd TerryBailey getting

bull --iece Charlie Ar tus had Eben Dewi tthad two

re Joe P aul and JIm s~are are a ll t~achers at 5 Classical Inatitute


eyiewof the P anthers Richardson and Steve 100ked like the only t c an be pa si tive (or

itive) of getting a st shyrthon the team Now a look at some of the

idates Two top ch shy

in and Kevin 0 Con shy xhvin play ed fir s t five year but with a ll the

- tions Goodwin wi ll uave to earn i t this year

r showed US last year ~s the hustle and that

Hothams plans Milo ha s the potenti al but the big question i s Can Coa ch Hotnam de velop i t - shy i t ll be a tough job

NEXT WEEK Te B ownshyville Jc t Ra il r oaders

ilo Sporshyt Shop

We have the RUGER 44 MAGNUM We have the SAVAGE 24-MDL (22 Mag over and 2 Q guage under)



BAILEY BRIEF INGS bullbullbull bull bull bull bull Milos cross country team

had an intra-squad run last Thursday and Cedric Rhoda BlllMulherln andPeter E llis were the fir st three to finish Rhoda unefficially c lock 1326 for the two and o1e half mile sprint _- that is something for the high school senior to be pr oud of - - a tip of the hat i s due Charles Hotham for the long hours he put in coaching baseball this p ast s ummer - shyTom Tresh the Yankeets conshyverted left fi e lder i s a must for the American League Roshyokie of the Year award ---- shyBoston Red Soxfans are saying that J ohnny Pesky (new Hub manager ) i s just what the docshytor order ed ------- if that is the case maybe just maybe Wait til next year will finshya lly come ---- - - New Yorks Tresh looked like the veteran ballplayer in the World Series and Mantle looked like the roshyokie Looks like the Milo P anshythers will have to rely on speed thiB year b ecause height is missing --- the team just doshyesnt htv + n ~+h th r i t had last year -- just thought of a good name for the high school s cr oss country team the Milo Panthers -- get it If anyone is planning to go to Dovers new bowling lanes youd better get there about 6 oclock if you vantto be sure of bowling beshyfore eight

Joe Paul H C l s new bashysketball coach says that the BlackKnights have the desire and the potential to make tr shyouble in Class M this year0

If you want to get rid of that excess fat you may have try square dancing

For the first time s ince 195E Husson College will be without an ex-Milo Panther on its bashysketball team

See you next week

Milo High School Baske tball Schedule 1962-1963

Nov 20



F eb


7 14 18 21

4 11

15 1 8 25 26





H CI at Higgins Searsport at Searsport

Stonington at Milo Lee Academy at Lee B nville Jct a t Milo Blue Hill at Milo Blue Hill at Blue Hill Stonington at Stonington

H C I at Milo Lee Academy at Milo Searsport at Milo Washburn at Milo Bnville Jct a t Bnville Jct

Bangor JV s at Bangor

Mt DesertatNorth shytst Hr~i~

M C I at Pittsfield

( loud e N Trask Complete Ins ur ance Service

41 P ark Str ee t


Organization _Te ~S contd


1flLO - Officers of Dirigo Lodge of Odd Fellows and Orion Rebekah Lodge for the coming year were ins tailed in a joint installation in the Odd Fellows Hall Tuesday evening

Officers were installed for the I dges by a staff from Guilshyford and Greenville and were Mrs Donna Fogg distric t deputy president Lester Warshyman Greenville district de shyputy grand master Mrs Maude Eastman and James Clark deshyputy marchals Helen Race and Floyd McNich deputy wardens Esther Woolsey and Howard Lamber tson deputy secretarshyies Myra Willey of Guilford amp Charles Steeves of Dover- Foxshycroft deputy treasurers Nel shyie Ames and Mer le Dean deshyputy chaplains Velma Butter shyleId Dover-Foxcroft and Rashy]ph Werber deputy guard Virshyginia Littlefield mus ician

Officers installed in Dirigo Lodge were Malcolm Pelkey noble grand E rnest Harmon ice grand Eugene Dunham recording secretar y Herbert Rolfe financial s eer tary Ra shylph Hill treasurer George Crabtree warden Wallace Harris conductor Stan Brown chaplain R ueben Lancaster J r outside guar dian Charles Chshyessa inside guar dian Lewis _lountain Sr Tight s cene sup shyporter Raymond Youngblo 1 left scene supporter Lyman Severance right suppor ter to nob le grand Car Deane left supporter to noble grand and RubertHobb s JuniorPastGrshyand

Officers for Orion Rebekah Lod5e a r e Mrs Ruth Youngshyblood noble grand Mrs Rosashymond Golden right supporter loble glanc Mrs Bertha HowshyJAnd left supporter noble Grshyand MissLawaPalmer dee rand i Mrs Agnes Sawyer right supporter vice grand

s Dorothy Severance left supporter vice grand Mrs h llis Gould chaplain Mis s Georgia Rollins color bearer

s Julia Durphy recording s c elma Washy

tterho1Se financial s ecretary PLEASANT RIVER GRAl~GE Mr s Marion Campbell treashy

MILO-Pleasant RIver Gr a ngesurer Mrs A nna Mooer s a shymet Tuesday evening wi th ther den Mrs Hazel St Louis Worthy Master Currie Austinjunior pa st noble gr and Mr s pr esiding and 44 present inshyFrsda Browll outs ide guar dian cluding two Lom Winn GrangeMrs Dorothy Pierson inside and one from Atkins on C orne- guardian and Mr s Eve lynHo shy

Three applic a tions were r eadxie music ian for m embership and Mrs OnshyMrs Ruth Youngblood was ata Deane Ha rvey Moran and r e -elected as noble grand and Mrs Tennie Tobin were apshywho a lready has a past grand1s pointed as an investiga tingpin was p r esented a gift on beshycommittee It was vo ted tohalf of the lodge Mr s Youngshydonate money to East Piscatashybl ood presented her officers quis Pomona for a battery ~ashywith gifts ndle Itwas also voted to buyA supper preceded the meetshya past masters pining under the direction of Mrs

Lyman Sever ance waS apshyBertha How1and and he r s taff pointed a s chair man of a candy


MILO-The Der by Mothers A program in radio show for m

Ser vice Club m e t Tue sday at was presented by the lecturer

the hom e of Mrs Avis Spear Mrs Me r na Dunham with Her shy

with eigh t members a ttending ber t Dunbam qnnouncer T a shy

The m ee ting was conducted by king part we re Mrs Mernl

Mr s Lila Smith and prayer Dunham Mrs Edna Young Mrs Edna Stevens Mrs Onshywas led by Mrs Avis Spear

The mys tery prize was awshy ata Deane Mrs ShirleyRhoda Mrs Thelma Crabtr ee Earlearded Mrs Edi th Rideout Rhoda LymanSeverance andMail was acknowledged from Chellis Mitchell During theMrs Ida Mer rithew the Nurshyshow the 79thbirthday of Missses Guild and the Red Cross

A donation was voteq for eqshy Lydia Rhoda was r ecogni zed and s he was p r esented wi th auipmentfor the Milo Communshy

i ty Hospital A basic box will corsage

be s ent by Mrs Ma r i on Cun shy Following the program reshyfreshments were servedningham to Da le Rideout at

F ort Dix N J DR H M BURRYIt was r eported that S-Sgt GIVES REPORTDarrell Spear h a s r eturned ON SCOUT DElVEfr om a tour of duty in Newshy

MILO-Dr H M Burry areafoundland and is spending a Chairman of the Boy Scout fundleave with his fami ly and his collection has announced thatparents Mr and Mrs Newshythe canvass of business andbert Spear His next assignshyprofessional people in Miloment will be a t Home s tead AFB Tuesday and VVednesday re shyF l orida sulted in collections and pledgesA le tter was written to Mrs that approximate half the amshyJane Cook at Durham N H ount of the Milo-Derby quotaMrs Mildred King gave a r e shy

The general canvass will be shyp or t on a dinner served a t the gin in a few days he saidDer bvHall for the Bangor and

A oost ok staff

l ~ To n Coutry Clothing Store~ F ormer ly Milo Dr y Goods I ~ This week SPECIA L ALSO HEAVY ZZ Ladies and Chi ldtens WINTER CAR COATS LONG I r ~ RUBBER FOOTWEAR COA TS amp SKI JACKETS -J ~Jj Se era1 styles from SHOP M1LO amp SAVE J$298 up


T HE TO bull _-

VIRGThlA STO ffi t


BROWNVILLE - _ - shyginia G Stone and Job ton were married San ~

ternoon a t the home o~=

John W Meisner in Foxcroft

The bride is the da Mr s Bernice Scone ~_ late Edwar1 Stone anO -S a duate of Browmire - High Sc hool in the clas s _shyThe bridegroon a ~~ Brownville Juncti Hsshyand is employedby ~E Company in Deroy

The c ouple wUlrE5i- wnville

F ollowin5 the euro_= ~- -

ception was held ~ _ t= - ville Grange hall ~ _ ~_ shyWestonMarshan _ -5 -_ ces Ston e were L ~_ _ gift table REfrESl-E_~

s e rvedby Mrs 3c_- lid Mr s _ edam =- Miss Rosemary pound - _

pas sed the gue_- C ~ _ than 70 relatives - _t

were in artendanmiddot-e The wedding ~-) f -= ___

by Mrs Stone and E _ =__ by Mrs Addle W a

Lodging and Breki

WI J7175 30 Water St MILO


Sufficientunto the m ~

the evil thereof

Special Thi s Week Onshy


Ii ~WI

R C A VICTOR - Remote ConTv ~ If-__

_ _ _______


Casi) president jce president

llicTo-Touch 2 G Tone Ar m 2 Wa t P



age I

__ 835 country team ~espaper The

n sale at the th

officers at Milo _ this year are as


middot 055 president Ced shyce president L i shy

_e bull secretary L oi s ~er Cathy B r ashy


for conducting the projec t F r om theD orcas Guild of the

United Baptist Church Mrs Sue Rhoda Mrs Catherine Ellison and Mrs Margaret Peter s Womens Society of Christian Service of the P ark Street Methodist Church Mrs Lenora Byther Mr s Merna Dunham 11118 Elinor Chase and Mrs Isabel Cudhea

Zoning will be worked out so tha t all streets will be canvasshysed and householders are urshyged to co-operate by having pennies for UNICE F when the yOlmg people ring the door bell

Following the canvass all who have participated rill be enter shytained at a Halloween party in the Milo Town Hall with games prizes and refreshments and 3shy

Ue a t bag to take home Any woman desi ring to help

on this project will contact a m e mber of the committee

e rolding a t 19 at 73 0



On Halloween chi ldr en youth and adults of Milo will be given the opportunlty to show their concern for the less for tunate children of the world by par ti shycipating in Tr ick or T r ea t for UNICEF F or the second year B ap tist and Methodist women a re joining to s ponsor this annual event

~ -ill hold bull J Ocl 20 at to Shop It

a m and will A m ee ting to make ini tia l p lshyans was he ld in the Methodis t ves try F riday and the following

new uniforms c ommittees will be res pons ib le


P Output

ore een and gOOi ~he5 he re shy~-___________bullbull e ed __ 2cl

Sergeant James T Me tcalf who recently spent 14 m onths duty in the 7th Infantry band i n Korea was home on leave las t week with his par ents He i s now s tationed at For t Dix

Milo - Paul H Beals SP -4 USASA is home on Furlough He has been stationed at Okinshyawa since Nov of 1960 He will return to dUtj Oct 26 at F t Meade Md at National Securi ty Agency Headquarters

Stanley Brown and his installshying team Mrs Pearl CcLDney Marshal Mrs Thelma Cr abshytree assistant marshal Mrs Freda Brown emblem bea r er Mrs Dorothy Severance regshyalia b ea r er Mrs Ella Hender shyson chaplain and Mrs E velyn Hoxie pi anist and solois ~ we re a t Abbot Grange Saturdayeveshyning and installed the officers of Abbot Grange Dawll of Hope Nor th Guilford and Valley Gr ange Guilford Centel

Others going from here were LymanSeverance George Crshyabtree Mr s Thelma Watershyhouse Mr s Pamelia Hussey Mr and Mr s Ellis Tobi n and Mr and Mrs Ear l e Rhoda

Mr amp Mrs William Burshygess of Dexter vere supper guests on Sunday of Mr and Mrs Myron Smart Their grandson Scott Hamlin of Seb ec Village has visited durshying the school vacation

Several members of Company F World War 1 of the 103 Inshyfantry Division met Monday evening at the home of Paul Valente William Sprowle amp Ha rold Farnham residents of Hollis N H were present This was the first time sevshye ral of these men had been toshygether in 25 years

Others present were Har ry Ellis and Roy Hoskins of town and E rrollEstes of B r ownville

J unction We a r e a ll VERY pleased to

know thatDr A M Carde has returned home after undergoing trea tmentin a Boston hos pi tal

The doctor wishes to ePress his gratitude for the thoughtshyfulness of his friends md for ilie many expressions of c onshy

Mr and Mrs L indon Heal of St Pete r sblU g Florida a r e vi siting a t the hom e of Mr and Mr s Ore l Bemis this week

1 O O F is holding its regshyular meeting on Wednesday at 730P M All Odd Fellows are requested to a tt end


BROWNVILLE - Mrs Carolyn Porter r eturned SWlday from the Milo Com munity Hospi tal where she has been a medical pa tient the past 12 days and re turned to her position Monshyday a s teacher in the third and fourth grades in the Brownville School Dur~ng her absence Mrs Arline Ros e lle of Milo served a s substi tute

Mrs Paul F oulkes was a gushyes t of honor a t a shower held F riday evening a t the home of Mrs Charles Allen with Mrs Donald Knox a s c o-hostess After the presentation of gifts refreshments were s erved The s hower cake was made by Mrs Iltnox P r esent were Mr s Char le s Coburn Mrs Matthe Coburn Mrs Charles Larson Mrs Tyler Ar tes Mrs He len Wright and Mr s Lena Foulkes


Be ilts all outdoors Ideal for hunters angles co struction workers - for any out dOQrsman who wants the very but Vu l can i zed con st ruction bull Sylrnerl tanned lea th~r Tracmiddot ~onmiddottr~d fe Stop In shy 1Y I pairl Vou1I ague it3 tM- fifltt Wrl tE rpr~ e3 t r ~ 0 0 - ac _~


Oct 17

Page l~

Farm Reporter College of the Air Captain Kangaroo Lov of Mike Jack LaLa nne

WABI-TV IHCRSDAY OCTOBER 18 1962 TU ESDAY OCTOBER 23 1962 ~ ~eD Door 230 Hou party 720 Open Door 230 Housepar ty

300 MIllionaire 725 Farm Reporte r 300 Millionaire 330 To Tell The Truth 730 College of the Ai r 330 To Te ll The T ruth If you want to BUY SEL 355 CBS News 800 Captain Kangaroo 335 CBS Nes

RENTor SWAP try To400 Secret Storm 900 For The Lo ve of ilke 400 Secret Storm 430 Edge of Night 9 15 Jac k LaLanne 430 E jge of Night Clas s ified 5 00 Bozo The Clown 945 Love of Mike 500 Bozo The Clown F 600 Ozzle and Harriet 10000alendar 300 Country Caravan Houses For Sale

1 30 Tennessee E rnie 6 30 Mr Ed 1030 T eJU1cssee Ernie 630 Yogi Bear ~lOO The Real McCoys 7 00 News a t Seven 1100 R eal MCCoys 700 News at Seven A few hous es are left a U3O Pete 8lt Gladys 710 SpQrtti Wilites ll30 Pete and Gladys 7 10 Spor ts Hili tes by Village at prices ra LOO Love ot Life 715 Walt r Cronkite News 1200 Love of Life 7 15 Walter Cronkite News

25 CBS ews 730 My Three SOlS 1225 CBS News 730 Loretta Young Show from $3000 to $4500 Lmiddot30 Search F or TOlnorrow 8 00 perry Mason 12 30 Search F OI Tomorrow 800 Lloyd Bridges Show or write today to inspec t

5 Guiding Light 9 00 T he Nurses 1245 Guiding L ight 830 Red Skelton Hour three and four bedroom hi1 Jane Wyman Show 1000 Alfred Hitchcock 1 00 Jane Wyman 9 30 Jack Benoy 30 A the World Turns 1100 N ws At Eleven 1 30 A s The Wo rld Turns 1000 Garry Moore complete with bath fun

Password 11 15 Weather Show 2 00 Paosword 11 00 News At E leen and concrete basement z 11 20 Spor ts Final 11 15 Weather S10W

AY OCTOBER 19 1962 1120 Sports Final ford Agency Orono TeL -_0 Open Door 230 Bouseparty WEDNESD AY OCTOBER 24 1962 2625

_5 Farnl Reporte r 300 Millionaire 720 Open Door 355 CBS News7 0 ollege of the Air 330 To Tell The Truth FOR SALE 725 Farm Repor ter 4 00 Secret Stor m 0 C~ptain Kangaroo 355 CBS News 7 30 College of the Air 4 30 Edge of Night Coleman F loor F urnace

900 Love of Mike 400 Secret Storm 800 C ~p tain Kangaroo The Clown

15 Jack LaLanne 4 30 Edge of Night 500 Bozo condition complete with 1

9 00 Love of l1ike bull 6 00 T ime of Their Livesbull _5 Love of Mike 500 Bozo The Clown ter electric pump and the915 Jack LaLanne 625 Hathaway for Congressmiddot 000 Calendar 600 George Hale Sports 945 Love of Mike 630 Our Man Higgins stat $45 00 ~ 0 TeWlessee Erni e 630 Password 1000 Calendar 700 News at Seven (10 The Real McCoys 700 News a t Seven M C Horne Inc

1030 Tennessee Eruie 710 Sports Hilites 30 Pele amp Gladys 7 10 3ports Hilites 11 00 The R e al McCoys 115 Walter Cronkite Milo

_00 Love of Life 7 15 Walle r Cronki te 11 30 Pete a nd Gladys 7 30 CBS ReportsT EWS 730 R awhide Card of Thanks1200 Love of Life 8 30 Dobie Gilli s

25 CBS _



30 Search For Tomorrow 830 Naked City 1225 CBS News 900 Beverly Hil lbillies On behalf of the P i sca-15 Guidi ng Li cht 930 77 Sunset Strip 1230 Search For To morrow 930 Dick VanDykeJane Wyman Show 1030 Eye Witness County Republican Comm 1245 Guiding Light 1000 Armstrong Circle The s The World Turns 1100 1 ews at E leven 1 00 Jane Wyman The Friendly Thieves I would like to thank the

_ Password 11 15 Welther Show 130 As The World Turns 11 00 News at E leven of the Brownville and Mf1120 Spor ts F inal 2 00 Password 1113 Weather Show

~-1RDAY OCTOBER 201962 urches the Milo Garden ( 2 30 Houseparty 1120 Spor ts FinalCarto~n Capers 515 College Football Scoreboard

3 00 lIUUionaire the Milo Band and their 0 Captain Kangaroo 530 Twentie th Century

3 30 To Tell The Truth 00 Alvin Show 6 00 Bud Leavit t tor Mr Jones and the

30 Mighty Mouse 6 30 Hawaiian Eye zens of Milo for all their 1 00 in Tin Tin 7 30 Jackie Gleason

in making our G O P R 30 Roy Roger s 8 30 Defenders bull _ 00 Sky King 830 Have Gun Will T r avel Channel 5 October 10th such a suco

_30 Candlepin Bowling 1000 Gunsmoke Mr s NellC Johnston-~ 3 Studio City Bandstand 1100 Channel 5 News

30 College F ootball Kick Off H 15 The Gallant Men (Piscataquis County Statpound Stranger Passing Through

2 45 + CAA Football llitteewoman) Alabama vs TerUlessee

For Sale AKC RegisteredSlNDAY OCTOBER 1 1962 You say youre just a s tranger passing through 1~ acred Heart 500 Amateur Hour cker Spaniel pups 7 weeksWho paused here for a mom ent from the strife30 Colby Telecourse 530 College Bowl inquire Mrs E W B

9 00 Living Word 000 agon Train Of harried living and the cry and hue Milo9 1 5 Ca olle Masti 35 Clinton Street700 Lassie The efltrthly struggles of this m odern life

10 00 Lamp Unto My F eet 730 Dennis the Menace Phone 943-7769 1 30 Look Up and Live 800 Ed Bulliva n Show 11 00 Camera Three 900 Real McCoys F or in y ur has te somewhere along the way ---1111 30 This Is The Life 9 30 True Theater Youve overlooked the Gift of God to man12 00 University of Maine 1000 Candid Camera 1230 The Christophels 1030 What s My Line Nature beauteous colorful and gay

00 Time of Thei r Li ves 11 00 Eric Sevareid Is everywher e according to His Plan 1 30 TrIck or Treat 1115 News 1 45 P ro Football Kick Off ~ O O NY F ootball See r ows of maples wi th their red and gold

Giants vs Detroit And piles of s wir ling leaves upon the ground fOlDAY OCTOBER 22 1962 American Legion Scampering s quirrels Venturesome and bold

-20 Open Door 230 Houseparty And red-cheeked children laughing all around23 Fa rro Reporter 300 M illionaire 730 College of the Air 3 30 To Tell The Truth THURSDAY Oct 18

00 Cap tain Kangaroo 355 CBS News Derby Improvement shyTha t whisper of the wind in trees you hear 900 Love of Mike 400 Secre t Storm 91 5 Jack LaLanne 430 Edge of ight A m elancholy prayer to one imports 945 Love or Mike 500 Bozo the Clown Dame Natures Grand Finale of the y~ar FRIDAY Oct 18 950 P rimary Science 60 0 Fair Exchange Rabboni Royal Arch c Ins tills tranquility within our hearts1000 Calendar 700 News at Seven 1030 ~nnessee Ernie 710 Spor-ts Hilites UDO The Real McCoys 715 Walter Cronkite News MONDAY Oct 22Perchance one day youll pass this way again 1- 30 Pete 8lt Gladys 730 To Tell The Truth

To share with us the joys of earth and sky Nurses Guild00 Lov of Life 800 Ive Got A Secre t

_ 25 CBS News 830 The Lucy Show And sharing find a Peace that will remain Band Boosters 1230 Search For Tomorrow 900 Danny Thomas Forever while the world goes rusbing by ~4 Guiding Light 930 Andy Griff th TUESDAY Oct 231000 Ben Casey Malcolm PetersJane Wyman Show

As The World Turns 11 00 ew at Eleven W S C orkda 11middot1 Upc apr

bull 1uYuk Nmiddot Y thlJI fmiddotf

our readers might ted in int roduct1OIlI

of the people who proshy newspaper bull dnaBradeenhaa done ~-up

Bradeenhas done t-up work for The

1er but was unavallshya picture


~e Lancasfer bull

Wewill ans h1m oh

sandra Mayo



If you cant find time to teach them

spend just a Iittle time

The following poem by- Elizabeth A Rober ts was ree ve ry near press time last week We enjoyed it 80 much plusmna ran it in that issuebut the only space available for it-was 8

that we had to reduce it in the camera to very s mall print Here it is again life-size


The beauty of the leaves in fall For some theyll hear the Masters call Others there wi ll chance to be A far greater ear thy destiny The farmers in the fields will clear Har ves t time is fina lly here God has waved his mighty paint brush and we e see The leaves of golden yellow and the r ed and green~ This is a time to give Him thanks While mother nature continues her imprish pranks Oh I how lucky we mortals really are For weve seen beauty that winter cannot mar

The following poem by Holman Day of Monter ey Ca c

was written for the Milo Chamber of Commerce and was shylished in the bookle t commemorating the 125th AnniverBlO the Townof Milo the 125th Anniversary of thePiscataquiB L No 44 A F ampA Mbull and the 50th Anniversary of the Ame Thread Co in 1948 fheoriginal copy is in the State Libr a Augusta

Mr H Allen Monroe kindly lent us his copy of the booklet ~ which we copied the poem


Is your taste for the tang of the Open have you zes t iJ

Out-of-doors Where the trees make roofs for the steltered glades w

duff spreads woodland floors Do you seek the lure of the winding trails the vistas tita

ahead And a leanto a t night near stream or lake your COt

spruce-bough bed Do you yearnfor a fores t cabin at the rim of a Pebbled shl Where the lakes waves whisper a lullaby and forgot 11

citys roar Is your choice the llft of the noble domes of mountains for

crowned Where sile ce makes serenity and perfect peace is fo Do you seek the spell of the placid lakes and the purriJ

tell- tale reels That promise bounty for those who bless the job of

filled creels I give you answer and earnest pledge that all this grac

bliss Lies open to those who wend their ways to fair Piscatac I mow the land from Chairback Lakes where flashing VI

gleams In its race to fill moss-lined poola of P leasant Rh

streams Schoodic and Beeme and all the ponds the linking tr~

know And all the glory of purple hills in morn and evening g Y~ar after year I came to them in the glor ious days o~ And across the land from the far far West I jour

bull1 _ _ _ _ _ _

  • temp
  • temp2

bulleniD c cerf

IEr Senior Bdnd under the direction of Mr Maynard Jones ertin the Milo Parking Lot Sunday October 14th to

ence The Milo High Ma jorettes perfor med with the 11ltermission looked and s ounded ver y well at their second public

lt this s eason

bull ZLM STREE T CLUB 10 MILO- The Elm Street Christ shy

mas Club met Thursday afte r shynoon at the home of Mrs Katie Owen vithl1 me mbers a ttendshying

er Sampson Tent 18 Following the business meetshy-r 5 of Union Veterans

ing conducted by Mrs Anna e Town Hall with the Clarki a s ocial after noon was

Julia Dunphey pre- spent Included in the r efreshshyments was a birthday cake mashyde by Mrs Abbie Hoskins in honor of the bir thday of Mrs Nora Hamlin The hostess was assisted in serving by Mrs ~ The mystery prize

presented ~amiddot ~~c d~tr~ Bltgtrtha U shy


MlLO - The Past Presidents Club of Jane Carver Sampson Tent Daughters Union VetershyansCivilWar metatthe hom e of Mrs Mary Patridge Derby THE THREE GIS Friday evening wi tb 10 me mshy

The ThreeG s met Thursdayber s and Mrs Julia Dunphey

evening a t the home of Mrspresident of the tent as a gushy

Elsie Stairs with 11 members est

attendingFoHowing the business meetshy

Following the meeting aproshying conducted by Mrs Ella

gram was presented with each Henderson silent auction was

member contributing The played and refreshments were

hostess assis ted by Mrs Agnesserved by the hostess

Parsons and Mis s Laura PalshyThe next meeting will be the

mer served refreshments evening of November 2 with the

The next meeting will be heldmeeting place to be announced

October 25 at the home of Mr s MILO BRADFORD CLUB Harriet Tuck contd

The Milo-Bradford Club me t Thursday at the home of Mrs Ruth Tapley at Bangor with 10 members attending Apotluck Christmas Caros dinner was served

Send P hoto or NegativeAtthebusiness meeting conshy

for Personalized Cardsducted by Mrs Edna Young it was voted to give a donation to CARVERS PHOTO SERVICI the Milo Comm unity hospital The mystery prizes were awshy 10 Cents Each Min Order 1 00 arded to Mrs P amelia Hussey and Mrs Dorothy Severance Box 147 Milo Maine


The life expectancy of a man to day is 703 years a agam st 473 years in 1900 Improved medical techniques and th e U~e of miracle drngs are largely responRible for this increased longevity

One of the ironies of the drug price con troversy is the charge that th e cost of medication is beyond the reach of oldsters who a short half centnry ago Oldd not have lived to en joy I heir sunset years

Yet statisti cs show that drug prices more often decline- seldom go up fJ 1F ew 8ail those responsible for the cost of food clothing and shelter The onlv villains in this drama afe drugs and the men who manufacture them UP

UP Daggetts Pharmacy

(om plete Pres ( ri pti on

Serv ic e


- ~-


Organization News contd


MILO-Past Matr ons and Past Patrons and Obligation Nigh t were observed Monday evening at the Masonic Hall at a meetshying of Aldworth Chapter OES with the worthy ma tron Mrs Frances Swazey presiding Mrs Albin Hoskins past ma shytron substituted as treasurer

Chapters represented were Echo Brownville F riendship Mars Hill and Silver Leaf Chshyarleston

Guests present were Mrs Anne Mills past grand matron andKennethPullen pastgrand patron

A resolution of r espect was read for the committee by DwishyghtHamlin pastpatronfor Mrs Katharine Thompson past matshyron and the charter was draped in her memory

Mrs Julia Dunphy past mashytron and Mr and Mrs John Rowe were appointed as a comshymittee for a resolutio of resshypects for Edward Cyr of Milli shyDOcket It was voted to have the meeting dates entered on the Neoteric Club calendar Past Matrons and P as t P at shy

rons were honored by a cereshymonywith the worthy matron Mrs Frances Swazey Mrs Sandra Haley conductress and Mrs Emma Barker associate conductress having the speakshyingparts Each honored memshyber was presented a gift

Past Matrons present wer e Mrs Alice Brown Mrs Alice Chase Mrs Elinor Chase Mrs Virginia Chase Mrs Pauline Davis Mrs MaeDoble Mrs Enid Foshay Mrs Rosashymond Golden Mrs Martha Gould Mrs Irma Hamlin Mrs Albin Hoskins Mrs Gena McCorrison Mrs Anne Mills Mrs Annie MorriS Mrs Loshyuise Newman Mrs Gertrude Packard Mrs Carrie P eakes Mrs Grace Peakes Mrs Inez Pullen Mrs Estella Shaw Irs Harriet Tuck and Mrs

Flora Wingler Pas t Patrons present were

Geor ge C Folsom Herbert Foshay Dwight Hamlin Harshyold Newman Fred Packard Arthur Peakes Max Place amp KennethPullen Mrs Carrie

P eakes was presented with a corsage by the Worthy Matron in honor of her birthday Oct 13 Obligation Night was obshyser ved with Leonard Swazey worthy patron leading

A supper was served preced shying the meeting under the direoshytion of the associate matron Mrs Priscilla Chase and Comshymittee

The rugt mee ting will be held November 12 at730 p m when Guest Officers Night will be observed Each officer will invite her own guest officer

A rehear sal willbe held Novshyember 5 at 7 p m


inspection of Echo Chapter O E S was held Tuesday evening in the Masonic Hall with the associate grand matron Mrs Betty Jean Braley of Poshyrtland as the inspecting ofshyfic er

The meeting was opened by the worthy matron Mrs Hazel McKay Mrs Ellen Chambers ser ved as warder

Past grand officers present were Mrs Anne S Mills and Mrs Alice L Graves past grand matrons and Kenneth Pullen past grand patron Other guests were Mrs Anne Wiggin of Charles ton and Mrs Alice Hammond of Dexter grand representative of Minshynesota in Maine

The chapters represented weshyre Lon~ellow SouthPortland Aldworth Milo Friendship Mars Hill Onawa Millinocket White Heather Quebec Wasshysookeag Dexter Silver Leaf Charleston Susie Carr Sanshygerville Fidelity Houlton amp Martha ~sh1ngton Watershyville

Refreshments were s ervedin the dining room under the dirshyection of Mrs Phyllis Hutchinshyson associate matron She was assisted by Mrs Kathshyerine Greenway and Mrs Rita Gould HAPPY HOUR CLUB

The Happy Hour Club met Wednesday evening at the home of Mrs Margaret Hoxie with ten members present The business meeting was conducshyted by the secretary Miss Phyllis McCormack The My-

Vote Fo


stery Prize was won by Mrs Ellis Tobin It was voted to give a donation to the Milo Community Hospital for the utility room

P lana wele made for a supshyper to be held Saturday night at the Grange Hall with men and

children as invited guests This supper will replace the October Birthday Dinner The birthday of Mrs Lydla Rhoda will be honored

Beano was playeEl dWing the evell1Dg The next meetiDg will be at the home of Mrs James Desmond


B S Degree in Business Administration from Lehigh UniverSity

24 years in Real Estate Insurance Business 21 years in Amusement Ride Business 8 years as Sheep Farmer 9 years on Brownville School Committee

Present Selec tman of the Town of Brownville Past Master of Pleasant River Lodge A F A Past President of Three Rivers Fish and Game C Treasurer of tue Brownville Jct Methodist Churc Committeeman of Explorer P ost 112 B S A Former Chairman of Republican County Committee Present Member of Republican State Committee

I~- 4 ~~


laquo0111 Cpound~J JlU IU

~tL~ sr WI 3-88

James ~ ~add




_~ C EDGES A F B bullbull

5 s emi-pro basketball s tarted its season last

--y nightby edging Char-EB 84-81 in a scr imshy

6aIDe that was played at ~ he game was close eyay v1th Charleston leshyo 13- 29 at tJe 1st quarter

s ore was tied 51-51 way point Milo ahshy

- -S- at the end of the thir d t2 Roger Clapp aniDick e oak Bcoring honor s J

_ letting 21 points The0

course Coach Hotham has the alternative to move Webb into the backcourt and putting Mer Ie Har r is another good- shooting lefth~nder into the lineup Two other fine backcour t men up fr om las t y ea r s J V 5 a r e Mike Mulherin amp P aul Grindle Both did we ll la s t yea r for the Junior Panthers amp should make the scramble for fir st five even more interesting to watch Dashyvid P ullen and Simon Brown who played both varsity and J unior Varsity las t yea r could both prove valuable to Coach

e score was pretty dinded wi th Ladd gettshy

-e~ Joe P aul J im LaBosshynd TerryBailey getting

bull --iece Charlie Ar tus had Eben Dewi tthad two

re Joe P aul and JIm s~are are a ll t~achers at 5 Classical Inatitute


eyiewof the P anthers Richardson and Steve 100ked like the only t c an be pa si tive (or

itive) of getting a st shyrthon the team Now a look at some of the

idates Two top ch shy

in and Kevin 0 Con shy xhvin play ed fir s t five year but with a ll the

- tions Goodwin wi ll uave to earn i t this year

r showed US last year ~s the hustle and that

Hothams plans Milo ha s the potenti al but the big question i s Can Coa ch Hotnam de velop i t - shy i t ll be a tough job

NEXT WEEK Te B ownshyville Jc t Ra il r oaders

ilo Sporshyt Shop

We have the RUGER 44 MAGNUM We have the SAVAGE 24-MDL (22 Mag over and 2 Q guage under)



BAILEY BRIEF INGS bullbullbull bull bull bull bull Milos cross country team

had an intra-squad run last Thursday and Cedric Rhoda BlllMulherln andPeter E llis were the fir st three to finish Rhoda unefficially c lock 1326 for the two and o1e half mile sprint _- that is something for the high school senior to be pr oud of - - a tip of the hat i s due Charles Hotham for the long hours he put in coaching baseball this p ast s ummer - shyTom Tresh the Yankeets conshyverted left fi e lder i s a must for the American League Roshyokie of the Year award ---- shyBoston Red Soxfans are saying that J ohnny Pesky (new Hub manager ) i s just what the docshytor order ed ------- if that is the case maybe just maybe Wait til next year will finshya lly come ---- - - New Yorks Tresh looked like the veteran ballplayer in the World Series and Mantle looked like the roshyokie Looks like the Milo P anshythers will have to rely on speed thiB year b ecause height is missing --- the team just doshyesnt htv + n ~+h th r i t had last year -- just thought of a good name for the high school s cr oss country team the Milo Panthers -- get it If anyone is planning to go to Dovers new bowling lanes youd better get there about 6 oclock if you vantto be sure of bowling beshyfore eight

Joe Paul H C l s new bashysketball coach says that the BlackKnights have the desire and the potential to make tr shyouble in Class M this year0

If you want to get rid of that excess fat you may have try square dancing

For the first time s ince 195E Husson College will be without an ex-Milo Panther on its bashysketball team

See you next week

Milo High School Baske tball Schedule 1962-1963

Nov 20



F eb


7 14 18 21

4 11

15 1 8 25 26





H CI at Higgins Searsport at Searsport

Stonington at Milo Lee Academy at Lee B nville Jct a t Milo Blue Hill at Milo Blue Hill at Blue Hill Stonington at Stonington

H C I at Milo Lee Academy at Milo Searsport at Milo Washburn at Milo Bnville Jct a t Bnville Jct

Bangor JV s at Bangor

Mt DesertatNorth shytst Hr~i~

M C I at Pittsfield

( loud e N Trask Complete Ins ur ance Service

41 P ark Str ee t


Organization _Te ~S contd


1flLO - Officers of Dirigo Lodge of Odd Fellows and Orion Rebekah Lodge for the coming year were ins tailed in a joint installation in the Odd Fellows Hall Tuesday evening

Officers were installed for the I dges by a staff from Guilshyford and Greenville and were Mrs Donna Fogg distric t deputy president Lester Warshyman Greenville district de shyputy grand master Mrs Maude Eastman and James Clark deshyputy marchals Helen Race and Floyd McNich deputy wardens Esther Woolsey and Howard Lamber tson deputy secretarshyies Myra Willey of Guilford amp Charles Steeves of Dover- Foxshycroft deputy treasurers Nel shyie Ames and Mer le Dean deshyputy chaplains Velma Butter shyleId Dover-Foxcroft and Rashy]ph Werber deputy guard Virshyginia Littlefield mus ician

Officers installed in Dirigo Lodge were Malcolm Pelkey noble grand E rnest Harmon ice grand Eugene Dunham recording secretar y Herbert Rolfe financial s eer tary Ra shylph Hill treasurer George Crabtree warden Wallace Harris conductor Stan Brown chaplain R ueben Lancaster J r outside guar dian Charles Chshyessa inside guar dian Lewis _lountain Sr Tight s cene sup shyporter Raymond Youngblo 1 left scene supporter Lyman Severance right suppor ter to nob le grand Car Deane left supporter to noble grand and RubertHobb s JuniorPastGrshyand

Officers for Orion Rebekah Lod5e a r e Mrs Ruth Youngshyblood noble grand Mrs Rosashymond Golden right supporter loble glanc Mrs Bertha HowshyJAnd left supporter noble Grshyand MissLawaPalmer dee rand i Mrs Agnes Sawyer right supporter vice grand

s Dorothy Severance left supporter vice grand Mrs h llis Gould chaplain Mis s Georgia Rollins color bearer

s Julia Durphy recording s c elma Washy

tterho1Se financial s ecretary PLEASANT RIVER GRAl~GE Mr s Marion Campbell treashy

MILO-Pleasant RIver Gr a ngesurer Mrs A nna Mooer s a shymet Tuesday evening wi th ther den Mrs Hazel St Louis Worthy Master Currie Austinjunior pa st noble gr and Mr s pr esiding and 44 present inshyFrsda Browll outs ide guar dian cluding two Lom Winn GrangeMrs Dorothy Pierson inside and one from Atkins on C orne- guardian and Mr s Eve lynHo shy

Three applic a tions were r eadxie music ian for m embership and Mrs OnshyMrs Ruth Youngblood was ata Deane Ha rvey Moran and r e -elected as noble grand and Mrs Tennie Tobin were apshywho a lready has a past grand1s pointed as an investiga tingpin was p r esented a gift on beshycommittee It was vo ted tohalf of the lodge Mr s Youngshydonate money to East Piscatashybl ood presented her officers quis Pomona for a battery ~ashywith gifts ndle Itwas also voted to buyA supper preceded the meetshya past masters pining under the direction of Mrs

Lyman Sever ance waS apshyBertha How1and and he r s taff pointed a s chair man of a candy


MILO-The Der by Mothers A program in radio show for m

Ser vice Club m e t Tue sday at was presented by the lecturer

the hom e of Mrs Avis Spear Mrs Me r na Dunham with Her shy

with eigh t members a ttending ber t Dunbam qnnouncer T a shy

The m ee ting was conducted by king part we re Mrs Mernl

Mr s Lila Smith and prayer Dunham Mrs Edna Young Mrs Edna Stevens Mrs Onshywas led by Mrs Avis Spear

The mys tery prize was awshy ata Deane Mrs ShirleyRhoda Mrs Thelma Crabtr ee Earlearded Mrs Edi th Rideout Rhoda LymanSeverance andMail was acknowledged from Chellis Mitchell During theMrs Ida Mer rithew the Nurshyshow the 79thbirthday of Missses Guild and the Red Cross

A donation was voteq for eqshy Lydia Rhoda was r ecogni zed and s he was p r esented wi th auipmentfor the Milo Communshy

i ty Hospital A basic box will corsage

be s ent by Mrs Ma r i on Cun shy Following the program reshyfreshments were servedningham to Da le Rideout at

F ort Dix N J DR H M BURRYIt was r eported that S-Sgt GIVES REPORTDarrell Spear h a s r eturned ON SCOUT DElVEfr om a tour of duty in Newshy

MILO-Dr H M Burry areafoundland and is spending a Chairman of the Boy Scout fundleave with his fami ly and his collection has announced thatparents Mr and Mrs Newshythe canvass of business andbert Spear His next assignshyprofessional people in Miloment will be a t Home s tead AFB Tuesday and VVednesday re shyF l orida sulted in collections and pledgesA le tter was written to Mrs that approximate half the amshyJane Cook at Durham N H ount of the Milo-Derby quotaMrs Mildred King gave a r e shy

The general canvass will be shyp or t on a dinner served a t the gin in a few days he saidDer bvHall for the Bangor and

A oost ok staff

l ~ To n Coutry Clothing Store~ F ormer ly Milo Dr y Goods I ~ This week SPECIA L ALSO HEAVY ZZ Ladies and Chi ldtens WINTER CAR COATS LONG I r ~ RUBBER FOOTWEAR COA TS amp SKI JACKETS -J ~Jj Se era1 styles from SHOP M1LO amp SAVE J$298 up


T HE TO bull _-

VIRGThlA STO ffi t


BROWNVILLE - _ - shyginia G Stone and Job ton were married San ~

ternoon a t the home o~=

John W Meisner in Foxcroft

The bride is the da Mr s Bernice Scone ~_ late Edwar1 Stone anO -S a duate of Browmire - High Sc hool in the clas s _shyThe bridegroon a ~~ Brownville Juncti Hsshyand is employedby ~E Company in Deroy

The c ouple wUlrE5i- wnville

F ollowin5 the euro_= ~- -

ception was held ~ _ t= - ville Grange hall ~ _ ~_ shyWestonMarshan _ -5 -_ ces Ston e were L ~_ _ gift table REfrESl-E_~

s e rvedby Mrs 3c_- lid Mr s _ edam =- Miss Rosemary pound - _

pas sed the gue_- C ~ _ than 70 relatives - _t

were in artendanmiddot-e The wedding ~-) f -= ___

by Mrs Stone and E _ =__ by Mrs Addle W a

Lodging and Breki

WI J7175 30 Water St MILO


Sufficientunto the m ~

the evil thereof

Special Thi s Week Onshy


Ii ~WI

R C A VICTOR - Remote ConTv ~ If-__

_ _ _______


Casi) president jce president

llicTo-Touch 2 G Tone Ar m 2 Wa t P



age I

__ 835 country team ~espaper The

n sale at the th

officers at Milo _ this year are as


middot 055 president Ced shyce president L i shy

_e bull secretary L oi s ~er Cathy B r ashy


for conducting the projec t F r om theD orcas Guild of the

United Baptist Church Mrs Sue Rhoda Mrs Catherine Ellison and Mrs Margaret Peter s Womens Society of Christian Service of the P ark Street Methodist Church Mrs Lenora Byther Mr s Merna Dunham 11118 Elinor Chase and Mrs Isabel Cudhea

Zoning will be worked out so tha t all streets will be canvasshysed and householders are urshyged to co-operate by having pennies for UNICE F when the yOlmg people ring the door bell

Following the canvass all who have participated rill be enter shytained at a Halloween party in the Milo Town Hall with games prizes and refreshments and 3shy

Ue a t bag to take home Any woman desi ring to help

on this project will contact a m e mber of the committee

e rolding a t 19 at 73 0



On Halloween chi ldr en youth and adults of Milo will be given the opportunlty to show their concern for the less for tunate children of the world by par ti shycipating in Tr ick or T r ea t for UNICEF F or the second year B ap tist and Methodist women a re joining to s ponsor this annual event

~ -ill hold bull J Ocl 20 at to Shop It

a m and will A m ee ting to make ini tia l p lshyans was he ld in the Methodis t ves try F riday and the following

new uniforms c ommittees will be res pons ib le


P Output

ore een and gOOi ~he5 he re shy~-___________bullbull e ed __ 2cl

Sergeant James T Me tcalf who recently spent 14 m onths duty in the 7th Infantry band i n Korea was home on leave las t week with his par ents He i s now s tationed at For t Dix

Milo - Paul H Beals SP -4 USASA is home on Furlough He has been stationed at Okinshyawa since Nov of 1960 He will return to dUtj Oct 26 at F t Meade Md at National Securi ty Agency Headquarters

Stanley Brown and his installshying team Mrs Pearl CcLDney Marshal Mrs Thelma Cr abshytree assistant marshal Mrs Freda Brown emblem bea r er Mrs Dorothy Severance regshyalia b ea r er Mrs Ella Hender shyson chaplain and Mrs E velyn Hoxie pi anist and solois ~ we re a t Abbot Grange Saturdayeveshyning and installed the officers of Abbot Grange Dawll of Hope Nor th Guilford and Valley Gr ange Guilford Centel

Others going from here were LymanSeverance George Crshyabtree Mr s Thelma Watershyhouse Mr s Pamelia Hussey Mr and Mr s Ellis Tobi n and Mr and Mrs Ear l e Rhoda

Mr amp Mrs William Burshygess of Dexter vere supper guests on Sunday of Mr and Mrs Myron Smart Their grandson Scott Hamlin of Seb ec Village has visited durshying the school vacation

Several members of Company F World War 1 of the 103 Inshyfantry Division met Monday evening at the home of Paul Valente William Sprowle amp Ha rold Farnham residents of Hollis N H were present This was the first time sevshye ral of these men had been toshygether in 25 years

Others present were Har ry Ellis and Roy Hoskins of town and E rrollEstes of B r ownville

J unction We a r e a ll VERY pleased to

know thatDr A M Carde has returned home after undergoing trea tmentin a Boston hos pi tal

The doctor wishes to ePress his gratitude for the thoughtshyfulness of his friends md for ilie many expressions of c onshy

Mr and Mrs L indon Heal of St Pete r sblU g Florida a r e vi siting a t the hom e of Mr and Mr s Ore l Bemis this week

1 O O F is holding its regshyular meeting on Wednesday at 730P M All Odd Fellows are requested to a tt end


BROWNVILLE - Mrs Carolyn Porter r eturned SWlday from the Milo Com munity Hospi tal where she has been a medical pa tient the past 12 days and re turned to her position Monshyday a s teacher in the third and fourth grades in the Brownville School Dur~ng her absence Mrs Arline Ros e lle of Milo served a s substi tute

Mrs Paul F oulkes was a gushyes t of honor a t a shower held F riday evening a t the home of Mrs Charles Allen with Mrs Donald Knox a s c o-hostess After the presentation of gifts refreshments were s erved The s hower cake was made by Mrs Iltnox P r esent were Mr s Char le s Coburn Mrs Matthe Coburn Mrs Charles Larson Mrs Tyler Ar tes Mrs He len Wright and Mr s Lena Foulkes


Be ilts all outdoors Ideal for hunters angles co struction workers - for any out dOQrsman who wants the very but Vu l can i zed con st ruction bull Sylrnerl tanned lea th~r Tracmiddot ~onmiddottr~d fe Stop In shy 1Y I pairl Vou1I ague it3 tM- fifltt Wrl tE rpr~ e3 t r ~ 0 0 - ac _~


Oct 17

Page l~

Farm Reporter College of the Air Captain Kangaroo Lov of Mike Jack LaLa nne

WABI-TV IHCRSDAY OCTOBER 18 1962 TU ESDAY OCTOBER 23 1962 ~ ~eD Door 230 Hou party 720 Open Door 230 Housepar ty

300 MIllionaire 725 Farm Reporte r 300 Millionaire 330 To Tell The Truth 730 College of the Ai r 330 To Te ll The T ruth If you want to BUY SEL 355 CBS News 800 Captain Kangaroo 335 CBS Nes

RENTor SWAP try To400 Secret Storm 900 For The Lo ve of ilke 400 Secret Storm 430 Edge of Night 9 15 Jac k LaLanne 430 E jge of Night Clas s ified 5 00 Bozo The Clown 945 Love of Mike 500 Bozo The Clown F 600 Ozzle and Harriet 10000alendar 300 Country Caravan Houses For Sale

1 30 Tennessee E rnie 6 30 Mr Ed 1030 T eJU1cssee Ernie 630 Yogi Bear ~lOO The Real McCoys 7 00 News a t Seven 1100 R eal MCCoys 700 News at Seven A few hous es are left a U3O Pete 8lt Gladys 710 SpQrtti Wilites ll30 Pete and Gladys 7 10 Spor ts Hili tes by Village at prices ra LOO Love ot Life 715 Walt r Cronkite News 1200 Love of Life 7 15 Walter Cronkite News

25 CBS ews 730 My Three SOlS 1225 CBS News 730 Loretta Young Show from $3000 to $4500 Lmiddot30 Search F or TOlnorrow 8 00 perry Mason 12 30 Search F OI Tomorrow 800 Lloyd Bridges Show or write today to inspec t

5 Guiding Light 9 00 T he Nurses 1245 Guiding L ight 830 Red Skelton Hour three and four bedroom hi1 Jane Wyman Show 1000 Alfred Hitchcock 1 00 Jane Wyman 9 30 Jack Benoy 30 A the World Turns 1100 N ws At Eleven 1 30 A s The Wo rld Turns 1000 Garry Moore complete with bath fun

Password 11 15 Weather Show 2 00 Paosword 11 00 News At E leen and concrete basement z 11 20 Spor ts Final 11 15 Weather S10W

AY OCTOBER 19 1962 1120 Sports Final ford Agency Orono TeL -_0 Open Door 230 Bouseparty WEDNESD AY OCTOBER 24 1962 2625

_5 Farnl Reporte r 300 Millionaire 720 Open Door 355 CBS News7 0 ollege of the Air 330 To Tell The Truth FOR SALE 725 Farm Repor ter 4 00 Secret Stor m 0 C~ptain Kangaroo 355 CBS News 7 30 College of the Air 4 30 Edge of Night Coleman F loor F urnace

900 Love of Mike 400 Secret Storm 800 C ~p tain Kangaroo The Clown

15 Jack LaLanne 4 30 Edge of Night 500 Bozo condition complete with 1

9 00 Love of l1ike bull 6 00 T ime of Their Livesbull _5 Love of Mike 500 Bozo The Clown ter electric pump and the915 Jack LaLanne 625 Hathaway for Congressmiddot 000 Calendar 600 George Hale Sports 945 Love of Mike 630 Our Man Higgins stat $45 00 ~ 0 TeWlessee Erni e 630 Password 1000 Calendar 700 News at Seven (10 The Real McCoys 700 News a t Seven M C Horne Inc

1030 Tennessee Eruie 710 Sports Hilites 30 Pele amp Gladys 7 10 3ports Hilites 11 00 The R e al McCoys 115 Walter Cronkite Milo

_00 Love of Life 7 15 Walle r Cronki te 11 30 Pete a nd Gladys 7 30 CBS ReportsT EWS 730 R awhide Card of Thanks1200 Love of Life 8 30 Dobie Gilli s

25 CBS _



30 Search For Tomorrow 830 Naked City 1225 CBS News 900 Beverly Hil lbillies On behalf of the P i sca-15 Guidi ng Li cht 930 77 Sunset Strip 1230 Search For To morrow 930 Dick VanDykeJane Wyman Show 1030 Eye Witness County Republican Comm 1245 Guiding Light 1000 Armstrong Circle The s The World Turns 1100 1 ews at E leven 1 00 Jane Wyman The Friendly Thieves I would like to thank the

_ Password 11 15 Welther Show 130 As The World Turns 11 00 News at E leven of the Brownville and Mf1120 Spor ts F inal 2 00 Password 1113 Weather Show

~-1RDAY OCTOBER 201962 urches the Milo Garden ( 2 30 Houseparty 1120 Spor ts FinalCarto~n Capers 515 College Football Scoreboard

3 00 lIUUionaire the Milo Band and their 0 Captain Kangaroo 530 Twentie th Century

3 30 To Tell The Truth 00 Alvin Show 6 00 Bud Leavit t tor Mr Jones and the

30 Mighty Mouse 6 30 Hawaiian Eye zens of Milo for all their 1 00 in Tin Tin 7 30 Jackie Gleason

in making our G O P R 30 Roy Roger s 8 30 Defenders bull _ 00 Sky King 830 Have Gun Will T r avel Channel 5 October 10th such a suco

_30 Candlepin Bowling 1000 Gunsmoke Mr s NellC Johnston-~ 3 Studio City Bandstand 1100 Channel 5 News

30 College F ootball Kick Off H 15 The Gallant Men (Piscataquis County Statpound Stranger Passing Through

2 45 + CAA Football llitteewoman) Alabama vs TerUlessee

For Sale AKC RegisteredSlNDAY OCTOBER 1 1962 You say youre just a s tranger passing through 1~ acred Heart 500 Amateur Hour cker Spaniel pups 7 weeksWho paused here for a mom ent from the strife30 Colby Telecourse 530 College Bowl inquire Mrs E W B

9 00 Living Word 000 agon Train Of harried living and the cry and hue Milo9 1 5 Ca olle Masti 35 Clinton Street700 Lassie The efltrthly struggles of this m odern life

10 00 Lamp Unto My F eet 730 Dennis the Menace Phone 943-7769 1 30 Look Up and Live 800 Ed Bulliva n Show 11 00 Camera Three 900 Real McCoys F or in y ur has te somewhere along the way ---1111 30 This Is The Life 9 30 True Theater Youve overlooked the Gift of God to man12 00 University of Maine 1000 Candid Camera 1230 The Christophels 1030 What s My Line Nature beauteous colorful and gay

00 Time of Thei r Li ves 11 00 Eric Sevareid Is everywher e according to His Plan 1 30 TrIck or Treat 1115 News 1 45 P ro Football Kick Off ~ O O NY F ootball See r ows of maples wi th their red and gold

Giants vs Detroit And piles of s wir ling leaves upon the ground fOlDAY OCTOBER 22 1962 American Legion Scampering s quirrels Venturesome and bold

-20 Open Door 230 Houseparty And red-cheeked children laughing all around23 Fa rro Reporter 300 M illionaire 730 College of the Air 3 30 To Tell The Truth THURSDAY Oct 18

00 Cap tain Kangaroo 355 CBS News Derby Improvement shyTha t whisper of the wind in trees you hear 900 Love of Mike 400 Secre t Storm 91 5 Jack LaLanne 430 Edge of ight A m elancholy prayer to one imports 945 Love or Mike 500 Bozo the Clown Dame Natures Grand Finale of the y~ar FRIDAY Oct 18 950 P rimary Science 60 0 Fair Exchange Rabboni Royal Arch c Ins tills tranquility within our hearts1000 Calendar 700 News at Seven 1030 ~nnessee Ernie 710 Spor-ts Hilites UDO The Real McCoys 715 Walter Cronkite News MONDAY Oct 22Perchance one day youll pass this way again 1- 30 Pete 8lt Gladys 730 To Tell The Truth

To share with us the joys of earth and sky Nurses Guild00 Lov of Life 800 Ive Got A Secre t

_ 25 CBS News 830 The Lucy Show And sharing find a Peace that will remain Band Boosters 1230 Search For Tomorrow 900 Danny Thomas Forever while the world goes rusbing by ~4 Guiding Light 930 Andy Griff th TUESDAY Oct 231000 Ben Casey Malcolm PetersJane Wyman Show

As The World Turns 11 00 ew at Eleven W S C orkda 11middot1 Upc apr

bull 1uYuk Nmiddot Y thlJI fmiddotf

our readers might ted in int roduct1OIlI

of the people who proshy newspaper bull dnaBradeenhaa done ~-up

Bradeenhas done t-up work for The

1er but was unavallshya picture


~e Lancasfer bull

Wewill ans h1m oh

sandra Mayo



If you cant find time to teach them

spend just a Iittle time

The following poem by- Elizabeth A Rober ts was ree ve ry near press time last week We enjoyed it 80 much plusmna ran it in that issuebut the only space available for it-was 8

that we had to reduce it in the camera to very s mall print Here it is again life-size


The beauty of the leaves in fall For some theyll hear the Masters call Others there wi ll chance to be A far greater ear thy destiny The farmers in the fields will clear Har ves t time is fina lly here God has waved his mighty paint brush and we e see The leaves of golden yellow and the r ed and green~ This is a time to give Him thanks While mother nature continues her imprish pranks Oh I how lucky we mortals really are For weve seen beauty that winter cannot mar

The following poem by Holman Day of Monter ey Ca c

was written for the Milo Chamber of Commerce and was shylished in the bookle t commemorating the 125th AnniverBlO the Townof Milo the 125th Anniversary of thePiscataquiB L No 44 A F ampA Mbull and the 50th Anniversary of the Ame Thread Co in 1948 fheoriginal copy is in the State Libr a Augusta

Mr H Allen Monroe kindly lent us his copy of the booklet ~ which we copied the poem


Is your taste for the tang of the Open have you zes t iJ

Out-of-doors Where the trees make roofs for the steltered glades w

duff spreads woodland floors Do you seek the lure of the winding trails the vistas tita

ahead And a leanto a t night near stream or lake your COt

spruce-bough bed Do you yearnfor a fores t cabin at the rim of a Pebbled shl Where the lakes waves whisper a lullaby and forgot 11

citys roar Is your choice the llft of the noble domes of mountains for

crowned Where sile ce makes serenity and perfect peace is fo Do you seek the spell of the placid lakes and the purriJ

tell- tale reels That promise bounty for those who bless the job of

filled creels I give you answer and earnest pledge that all this grac

bliss Lies open to those who wend their ways to fair Piscatac I mow the land from Chairback Lakes where flashing VI

gleams In its race to fill moss-lined poola of P leasant Rh

streams Schoodic and Beeme and all the ponds the linking tr~

know And all the glory of purple hills in morn and evening g Y~ar after year I came to them in the glor ious days o~ And across the land from the far far West I jour

bull1 _ _ _ _ _ _

  • temp
  • temp2

- ~-


Organization News contd


MILO-Past Matr ons and Past Patrons and Obligation Nigh t were observed Monday evening at the Masonic Hall at a meetshying of Aldworth Chapter OES with the worthy ma tron Mrs Frances Swazey presiding Mrs Albin Hoskins past ma shytron substituted as treasurer

Chapters represented were Echo Brownville F riendship Mars Hill and Silver Leaf Chshyarleston

Guests present were Mrs Anne Mills past grand matron andKennethPullen pastgrand patron

A resolution of r espect was read for the committee by DwishyghtHamlin pastpatronfor Mrs Katharine Thompson past matshyron and the charter was draped in her memory

Mrs Julia Dunphy past mashytron and Mr and Mrs John Rowe were appointed as a comshymittee for a resolutio of resshypects for Edward Cyr of Milli shyDOcket It was voted to have the meeting dates entered on the Neoteric Club calendar Past Matrons and P as t P at shy

rons were honored by a cereshymonywith the worthy matron Mrs Frances Swazey Mrs Sandra Haley conductress and Mrs Emma Barker associate conductress having the speakshyingparts Each honored memshyber was presented a gift

Past Matrons present wer e Mrs Alice Brown Mrs Alice Chase Mrs Elinor Chase Mrs Virginia Chase Mrs Pauline Davis Mrs MaeDoble Mrs Enid Foshay Mrs Rosashymond Golden Mrs Martha Gould Mrs Irma Hamlin Mrs Albin Hoskins Mrs Gena McCorrison Mrs Anne Mills Mrs Annie MorriS Mrs Loshyuise Newman Mrs Gertrude Packard Mrs Carrie P eakes Mrs Grace Peakes Mrs Inez Pullen Mrs Estella Shaw Irs Harriet Tuck and Mrs

Flora Wingler Pas t Patrons present were

Geor ge C Folsom Herbert Foshay Dwight Hamlin Harshyold Newman Fred Packard Arthur Peakes Max Place amp KennethPullen Mrs Carrie

P eakes was presented with a corsage by the Worthy Matron in honor of her birthday Oct 13 Obligation Night was obshyser ved with Leonard Swazey worthy patron leading

A supper was served preced shying the meeting under the direoshytion of the associate matron Mrs Priscilla Chase and Comshymittee

The rugt mee ting will be held November 12 at730 p m when Guest Officers Night will be observed Each officer will invite her own guest officer

A rehear sal willbe held Novshyember 5 at 7 p m


inspection of Echo Chapter O E S was held Tuesday evening in the Masonic Hall with the associate grand matron Mrs Betty Jean Braley of Poshyrtland as the inspecting ofshyfic er

The meeting was opened by the worthy matron Mrs Hazel McKay Mrs Ellen Chambers ser ved as warder

Past grand officers present were Mrs Anne S Mills and Mrs Alice L Graves past grand matrons and Kenneth Pullen past grand patron Other guests were Mrs Anne Wiggin of Charles ton and Mrs Alice Hammond of Dexter grand representative of Minshynesota in Maine

The chapters represented weshyre Lon~ellow SouthPortland Aldworth Milo Friendship Mars Hill Onawa Millinocket White Heather Quebec Wasshysookeag Dexter Silver Leaf Charleston Susie Carr Sanshygerville Fidelity Houlton amp Martha ~sh1ngton Watershyville

Refreshments were s ervedin the dining room under the dirshyection of Mrs Phyllis Hutchinshyson associate matron She was assisted by Mrs Kathshyerine Greenway and Mrs Rita Gould HAPPY HOUR CLUB

The Happy Hour Club met Wednesday evening at the home of Mrs Margaret Hoxie with ten members present The business meeting was conducshyted by the secretary Miss Phyllis McCormack The My-

Vote Fo


stery Prize was won by Mrs Ellis Tobin It was voted to give a donation to the Milo Community Hospital for the utility room

P lana wele made for a supshyper to be held Saturday night at the Grange Hall with men and

children as invited guests This supper will replace the October Birthday Dinner The birthday of Mrs Lydla Rhoda will be honored

Beano was playeEl dWing the evell1Dg The next meetiDg will be at the home of Mrs James Desmond


B S Degree in Business Administration from Lehigh UniverSity

24 years in Real Estate Insurance Business 21 years in Amusement Ride Business 8 years as Sheep Farmer 9 years on Brownville School Committee

Present Selec tman of the Town of Brownville Past Master of Pleasant River Lodge A F A Past President of Three Rivers Fish and Game C Treasurer of tue Brownville Jct Methodist Churc Committeeman of Explorer P ost 112 B S A Former Chairman of Republican County Committee Present Member of Republican State Committee

I~- 4 ~~


laquo0111 Cpound~J JlU IU

~tL~ sr WI 3-88

James ~ ~add




_~ C EDGES A F B bullbull

5 s emi-pro basketball s tarted its season last

--y nightby edging Char-EB 84-81 in a scr imshy

6aIDe that was played at ~ he game was close eyay v1th Charleston leshyo 13- 29 at tJe 1st quarter

s ore was tied 51-51 way point Milo ahshy

- -S- at the end of the thir d t2 Roger Clapp aniDick e oak Bcoring honor s J

_ letting 21 points The0

course Coach Hotham has the alternative to move Webb into the backcourt and putting Mer Ie Har r is another good- shooting lefth~nder into the lineup Two other fine backcour t men up fr om las t y ea r s J V 5 a r e Mike Mulherin amp P aul Grindle Both did we ll la s t yea r for the Junior Panthers amp should make the scramble for fir st five even more interesting to watch Dashyvid P ullen and Simon Brown who played both varsity and J unior Varsity las t yea r could both prove valuable to Coach

e score was pretty dinded wi th Ladd gettshy

-e~ Joe P aul J im LaBosshynd TerryBailey getting

bull --iece Charlie Ar tus had Eben Dewi tthad two

re Joe P aul and JIm s~are are a ll t~achers at 5 Classical Inatitute


eyiewof the P anthers Richardson and Steve 100ked like the only t c an be pa si tive (or

itive) of getting a st shyrthon the team Now a look at some of the

idates Two top ch shy

in and Kevin 0 Con shy xhvin play ed fir s t five year but with a ll the

- tions Goodwin wi ll uave to earn i t this year

r showed US last year ~s the hustle and that

Hothams plans Milo ha s the potenti al but the big question i s Can Coa ch Hotnam de velop i t - shy i t ll be a tough job

NEXT WEEK Te B ownshyville Jc t Ra il r oaders

ilo Sporshyt Shop

We have the RUGER 44 MAGNUM We have the SAVAGE 24-MDL (22 Mag over and 2 Q guage under)



BAILEY BRIEF INGS bullbullbull bull bull bull bull Milos cross country team

had an intra-squad run last Thursday and Cedric Rhoda BlllMulherln andPeter E llis were the fir st three to finish Rhoda unefficially c lock 1326 for the two and o1e half mile sprint _- that is something for the high school senior to be pr oud of - - a tip of the hat i s due Charles Hotham for the long hours he put in coaching baseball this p ast s ummer - shyTom Tresh the Yankeets conshyverted left fi e lder i s a must for the American League Roshyokie of the Year award ---- shyBoston Red Soxfans are saying that J ohnny Pesky (new Hub manager ) i s just what the docshytor order ed ------- if that is the case maybe just maybe Wait til next year will finshya lly come ---- - - New Yorks Tresh looked like the veteran ballplayer in the World Series and Mantle looked like the roshyokie Looks like the Milo P anshythers will have to rely on speed thiB year b ecause height is missing --- the team just doshyesnt htv + n ~+h th r i t had last year -- just thought of a good name for the high school s cr oss country team the Milo Panthers -- get it If anyone is planning to go to Dovers new bowling lanes youd better get there about 6 oclock if you vantto be sure of bowling beshyfore eight

Joe Paul H C l s new bashysketball coach says that the BlackKnights have the desire and the potential to make tr shyouble in Class M this year0

If you want to get rid of that excess fat you may have try square dancing

For the first time s ince 195E Husson College will be without an ex-Milo Panther on its bashysketball team

See you next week

Milo High School Baske tball Schedule 1962-1963

Nov 20



F eb


7 14 18 21

4 11

15 1 8 25 26





H CI at Higgins Searsport at Searsport

Stonington at Milo Lee Academy at Lee B nville Jct a t Milo Blue Hill at Milo Blue Hill at Blue Hill Stonington at Stonington

H C I at Milo Lee Academy at Milo Searsport at Milo Washburn at Milo Bnville Jct a t Bnville Jct

Bangor JV s at Bangor

Mt DesertatNorth shytst Hr~i~

M C I at Pittsfield

( loud e N Trask Complete Ins ur ance Service

41 P ark Str ee t


Organization _Te ~S contd


1flLO - Officers of Dirigo Lodge of Odd Fellows and Orion Rebekah Lodge for the coming year were ins tailed in a joint installation in the Odd Fellows Hall Tuesday evening

Officers were installed for the I dges by a staff from Guilshyford and Greenville and were Mrs Donna Fogg distric t deputy president Lester Warshyman Greenville district de shyputy grand master Mrs Maude Eastman and James Clark deshyputy marchals Helen Race and Floyd McNich deputy wardens Esther Woolsey and Howard Lamber tson deputy secretarshyies Myra Willey of Guilford amp Charles Steeves of Dover- Foxshycroft deputy treasurers Nel shyie Ames and Mer le Dean deshyputy chaplains Velma Butter shyleId Dover-Foxcroft and Rashy]ph Werber deputy guard Virshyginia Littlefield mus ician

Officers installed in Dirigo Lodge were Malcolm Pelkey noble grand E rnest Harmon ice grand Eugene Dunham recording secretar y Herbert Rolfe financial s eer tary Ra shylph Hill treasurer George Crabtree warden Wallace Harris conductor Stan Brown chaplain R ueben Lancaster J r outside guar dian Charles Chshyessa inside guar dian Lewis _lountain Sr Tight s cene sup shyporter Raymond Youngblo 1 left scene supporter Lyman Severance right suppor ter to nob le grand Car Deane left supporter to noble grand and RubertHobb s JuniorPastGrshyand

Officers for Orion Rebekah Lod5e a r e Mrs Ruth Youngshyblood noble grand Mrs Rosashymond Golden right supporter loble glanc Mrs Bertha HowshyJAnd left supporter noble Grshyand MissLawaPalmer dee rand i Mrs Agnes Sawyer right supporter vice grand

s Dorothy Severance left supporter vice grand Mrs h llis Gould chaplain Mis s Georgia Rollins color bearer

s Julia Durphy recording s c elma Washy

tterho1Se financial s ecretary PLEASANT RIVER GRAl~GE Mr s Marion Campbell treashy

MILO-Pleasant RIver Gr a ngesurer Mrs A nna Mooer s a shymet Tuesday evening wi th ther den Mrs Hazel St Louis Worthy Master Currie Austinjunior pa st noble gr and Mr s pr esiding and 44 present inshyFrsda Browll outs ide guar dian cluding two Lom Winn GrangeMrs Dorothy Pierson inside and one from Atkins on C orne- guardian and Mr s Eve lynHo shy

Three applic a tions were r eadxie music ian for m embership and Mrs OnshyMrs Ruth Youngblood was ata Deane Ha rvey Moran and r e -elected as noble grand and Mrs Tennie Tobin were apshywho a lready has a past grand1s pointed as an investiga tingpin was p r esented a gift on beshycommittee It was vo ted tohalf of the lodge Mr s Youngshydonate money to East Piscatashybl ood presented her officers quis Pomona for a battery ~ashywith gifts ndle Itwas also voted to buyA supper preceded the meetshya past masters pining under the direction of Mrs

Lyman Sever ance waS apshyBertha How1and and he r s taff pointed a s chair man of a candy


MILO-The Der by Mothers A program in radio show for m

Ser vice Club m e t Tue sday at was presented by the lecturer

the hom e of Mrs Avis Spear Mrs Me r na Dunham with Her shy

with eigh t members a ttending ber t Dunbam qnnouncer T a shy

The m ee ting was conducted by king part we re Mrs Mernl

Mr s Lila Smith and prayer Dunham Mrs Edna Young Mrs Edna Stevens Mrs Onshywas led by Mrs Avis Spear

The mys tery prize was awshy ata Deane Mrs ShirleyRhoda Mrs Thelma Crabtr ee Earlearded Mrs Edi th Rideout Rhoda LymanSeverance andMail was acknowledged from Chellis Mitchell During theMrs Ida Mer rithew the Nurshyshow the 79thbirthday of Missses Guild and the Red Cross

A donation was voteq for eqshy Lydia Rhoda was r ecogni zed and s he was p r esented wi th auipmentfor the Milo Communshy

i ty Hospital A basic box will corsage

be s ent by Mrs Ma r i on Cun shy Following the program reshyfreshments were servedningham to Da le Rideout at

F ort Dix N J DR H M BURRYIt was r eported that S-Sgt GIVES REPORTDarrell Spear h a s r eturned ON SCOUT DElVEfr om a tour of duty in Newshy

MILO-Dr H M Burry areafoundland and is spending a Chairman of the Boy Scout fundleave with his fami ly and his collection has announced thatparents Mr and Mrs Newshythe canvass of business andbert Spear His next assignshyprofessional people in Miloment will be a t Home s tead AFB Tuesday and VVednesday re shyF l orida sulted in collections and pledgesA le tter was written to Mrs that approximate half the amshyJane Cook at Durham N H ount of the Milo-Derby quotaMrs Mildred King gave a r e shy

The general canvass will be shyp or t on a dinner served a t the gin in a few days he saidDer bvHall for the Bangor and

A oost ok staff

l ~ To n Coutry Clothing Store~ F ormer ly Milo Dr y Goods I ~ This week SPECIA L ALSO HEAVY ZZ Ladies and Chi ldtens WINTER CAR COATS LONG I r ~ RUBBER FOOTWEAR COA TS amp SKI JACKETS -J ~Jj Se era1 styles from SHOP M1LO amp SAVE J$298 up


T HE TO bull _-

VIRGThlA STO ffi t


BROWNVILLE - _ - shyginia G Stone and Job ton were married San ~

ternoon a t the home o~=

John W Meisner in Foxcroft

The bride is the da Mr s Bernice Scone ~_ late Edwar1 Stone anO -S a duate of Browmire - High Sc hool in the clas s _shyThe bridegroon a ~~ Brownville Juncti Hsshyand is employedby ~E Company in Deroy

The c ouple wUlrE5i- wnville

F ollowin5 the euro_= ~- -

ception was held ~ _ t= - ville Grange hall ~ _ ~_ shyWestonMarshan _ -5 -_ ces Ston e were L ~_ _ gift table REfrESl-E_~

s e rvedby Mrs 3c_- lid Mr s _ edam =- Miss Rosemary pound - _

pas sed the gue_- C ~ _ than 70 relatives - _t

were in artendanmiddot-e The wedding ~-) f -= ___

by Mrs Stone and E _ =__ by Mrs Addle W a

Lodging and Breki

WI J7175 30 Water St MILO


Sufficientunto the m ~

the evil thereof

Special Thi s Week Onshy


Ii ~WI

R C A VICTOR - Remote ConTv ~ If-__

_ _ _______


Casi) president jce president

llicTo-Touch 2 G Tone Ar m 2 Wa t P



age I

__ 835 country team ~espaper The

n sale at the th

officers at Milo _ this year are as


middot 055 president Ced shyce president L i shy

_e bull secretary L oi s ~er Cathy B r ashy


for conducting the projec t F r om theD orcas Guild of the

United Baptist Church Mrs Sue Rhoda Mrs Catherine Ellison and Mrs Margaret Peter s Womens Society of Christian Service of the P ark Street Methodist Church Mrs Lenora Byther Mr s Merna Dunham 11118 Elinor Chase and Mrs Isabel Cudhea

Zoning will be worked out so tha t all streets will be canvasshysed and householders are urshyged to co-operate by having pennies for UNICE F when the yOlmg people ring the door bell

Following the canvass all who have participated rill be enter shytained at a Halloween party in the Milo Town Hall with games prizes and refreshments and 3shy

Ue a t bag to take home Any woman desi ring to help

on this project will contact a m e mber of the committee

e rolding a t 19 at 73 0



On Halloween chi ldr en youth and adults of Milo will be given the opportunlty to show their concern for the less for tunate children of the world by par ti shycipating in Tr ick or T r ea t for UNICEF F or the second year B ap tist and Methodist women a re joining to s ponsor this annual event

~ -ill hold bull J Ocl 20 at to Shop It

a m and will A m ee ting to make ini tia l p lshyans was he ld in the Methodis t ves try F riday and the following

new uniforms c ommittees will be res pons ib le


P Output

ore een and gOOi ~he5 he re shy~-___________bullbull e ed __ 2cl

Sergeant James T Me tcalf who recently spent 14 m onths duty in the 7th Infantry band i n Korea was home on leave las t week with his par ents He i s now s tationed at For t Dix

Milo - Paul H Beals SP -4 USASA is home on Furlough He has been stationed at Okinshyawa since Nov of 1960 He will return to dUtj Oct 26 at F t Meade Md at National Securi ty Agency Headquarters

Stanley Brown and his installshying team Mrs Pearl CcLDney Marshal Mrs Thelma Cr abshytree assistant marshal Mrs Freda Brown emblem bea r er Mrs Dorothy Severance regshyalia b ea r er Mrs Ella Hender shyson chaplain and Mrs E velyn Hoxie pi anist and solois ~ we re a t Abbot Grange Saturdayeveshyning and installed the officers of Abbot Grange Dawll of Hope Nor th Guilford and Valley Gr ange Guilford Centel

Others going from here were LymanSeverance George Crshyabtree Mr s Thelma Watershyhouse Mr s Pamelia Hussey Mr and Mr s Ellis Tobi n and Mr and Mrs Ear l e Rhoda

Mr amp Mrs William Burshygess of Dexter vere supper guests on Sunday of Mr and Mrs Myron Smart Their grandson Scott Hamlin of Seb ec Village has visited durshying the school vacation

Several members of Company F World War 1 of the 103 Inshyfantry Division met Monday evening at the home of Paul Valente William Sprowle amp Ha rold Farnham residents of Hollis N H were present This was the first time sevshye ral of these men had been toshygether in 25 years

Others present were Har ry Ellis and Roy Hoskins of town and E rrollEstes of B r ownville

J unction We a r e a ll VERY pleased to

know thatDr A M Carde has returned home after undergoing trea tmentin a Boston hos pi tal

The doctor wishes to ePress his gratitude for the thoughtshyfulness of his friends md for ilie many expressions of c onshy

Mr and Mrs L indon Heal of St Pete r sblU g Florida a r e vi siting a t the hom e of Mr and Mr s Ore l Bemis this week

1 O O F is holding its regshyular meeting on Wednesday at 730P M All Odd Fellows are requested to a tt end


BROWNVILLE - Mrs Carolyn Porter r eturned SWlday from the Milo Com munity Hospi tal where she has been a medical pa tient the past 12 days and re turned to her position Monshyday a s teacher in the third and fourth grades in the Brownville School Dur~ng her absence Mrs Arline Ros e lle of Milo served a s substi tute

Mrs Paul F oulkes was a gushyes t of honor a t a shower held F riday evening a t the home of Mrs Charles Allen with Mrs Donald Knox a s c o-hostess After the presentation of gifts refreshments were s erved The s hower cake was made by Mrs Iltnox P r esent were Mr s Char le s Coburn Mrs Matthe Coburn Mrs Charles Larson Mrs Tyler Ar tes Mrs He len Wright and Mr s Lena Foulkes


Be ilts all outdoors Ideal for hunters angles co struction workers - for any out dOQrsman who wants the very but Vu l can i zed con st ruction bull Sylrnerl tanned lea th~r Tracmiddot ~onmiddottr~d fe Stop In shy 1Y I pairl Vou1I ague it3 tM- fifltt Wrl tE rpr~ e3 t r ~ 0 0 - ac _~


Oct 17

Page l~

Farm Reporter College of the Air Captain Kangaroo Lov of Mike Jack LaLa nne

WABI-TV IHCRSDAY OCTOBER 18 1962 TU ESDAY OCTOBER 23 1962 ~ ~eD Door 230 Hou party 720 Open Door 230 Housepar ty

300 MIllionaire 725 Farm Reporte r 300 Millionaire 330 To Tell The Truth 730 College of the Ai r 330 To Te ll The T ruth If you want to BUY SEL 355 CBS News 800 Captain Kangaroo 335 CBS Nes

RENTor SWAP try To400 Secret Storm 900 For The Lo ve of ilke 400 Secret Storm 430 Edge of Night 9 15 Jac k LaLanne 430 E jge of Night Clas s ified 5 00 Bozo The Clown 945 Love of Mike 500 Bozo The Clown F 600 Ozzle and Harriet 10000alendar 300 Country Caravan Houses For Sale

1 30 Tennessee E rnie 6 30 Mr Ed 1030 T eJU1cssee Ernie 630 Yogi Bear ~lOO The Real McCoys 7 00 News a t Seven 1100 R eal MCCoys 700 News at Seven A few hous es are left a U3O Pete 8lt Gladys 710 SpQrtti Wilites ll30 Pete and Gladys 7 10 Spor ts Hili tes by Village at prices ra LOO Love ot Life 715 Walt r Cronkite News 1200 Love of Life 7 15 Walter Cronkite News

25 CBS ews 730 My Three SOlS 1225 CBS News 730 Loretta Young Show from $3000 to $4500 Lmiddot30 Search F or TOlnorrow 8 00 perry Mason 12 30 Search F OI Tomorrow 800 Lloyd Bridges Show or write today to inspec t

5 Guiding Light 9 00 T he Nurses 1245 Guiding L ight 830 Red Skelton Hour three and four bedroom hi1 Jane Wyman Show 1000 Alfred Hitchcock 1 00 Jane Wyman 9 30 Jack Benoy 30 A the World Turns 1100 N ws At Eleven 1 30 A s The Wo rld Turns 1000 Garry Moore complete with bath fun

Password 11 15 Weather Show 2 00 Paosword 11 00 News At E leen and concrete basement z 11 20 Spor ts Final 11 15 Weather S10W

AY OCTOBER 19 1962 1120 Sports Final ford Agency Orono TeL -_0 Open Door 230 Bouseparty WEDNESD AY OCTOBER 24 1962 2625

_5 Farnl Reporte r 300 Millionaire 720 Open Door 355 CBS News7 0 ollege of the Air 330 To Tell The Truth FOR SALE 725 Farm Repor ter 4 00 Secret Stor m 0 C~ptain Kangaroo 355 CBS News 7 30 College of the Air 4 30 Edge of Night Coleman F loor F urnace

900 Love of Mike 400 Secret Storm 800 C ~p tain Kangaroo The Clown

15 Jack LaLanne 4 30 Edge of Night 500 Bozo condition complete with 1

9 00 Love of l1ike bull 6 00 T ime of Their Livesbull _5 Love of Mike 500 Bozo The Clown ter electric pump and the915 Jack LaLanne 625 Hathaway for Congressmiddot 000 Calendar 600 George Hale Sports 945 Love of Mike 630 Our Man Higgins stat $45 00 ~ 0 TeWlessee Erni e 630 Password 1000 Calendar 700 News at Seven (10 The Real McCoys 700 News a t Seven M C Horne Inc

1030 Tennessee Eruie 710 Sports Hilites 30 Pele amp Gladys 7 10 3ports Hilites 11 00 The R e al McCoys 115 Walter Cronkite Milo

_00 Love of Life 7 15 Walle r Cronki te 11 30 Pete a nd Gladys 7 30 CBS ReportsT EWS 730 R awhide Card of Thanks1200 Love of Life 8 30 Dobie Gilli s

25 CBS _



30 Search For Tomorrow 830 Naked City 1225 CBS News 900 Beverly Hil lbillies On behalf of the P i sca-15 Guidi ng Li cht 930 77 Sunset Strip 1230 Search For To morrow 930 Dick VanDykeJane Wyman Show 1030 Eye Witness County Republican Comm 1245 Guiding Light 1000 Armstrong Circle The s The World Turns 1100 1 ews at E leven 1 00 Jane Wyman The Friendly Thieves I would like to thank the

_ Password 11 15 Welther Show 130 As The World Turns 11 00 News at E leven of the Brownville and Mf1120 Spor ts F inal 2 00 Password 1113 Weather Show

~-1RDAY OCTOBER 201962 urches the Milo Garden ( 2 30 Houseparty 1120 Spor ts FinalCarto~n Capers 515 College Football Scoreboard

3 00 lIUUionaire the Milo Band and their 0 Captain Kangaroo 530 Twentie th Century

3 30 To Tell The Truth 00 Alvin Show 6 00 Bud Leavit t tor Mr Jones and the

30 Mighty Mouse 6 30 Hawaiian Eye zens of Milo for all their 1 00 in Tin Tin 7 30 Jackie Gleason

in making our G O P R 30 Roy Roger s 8 30 Defenders bull _ 00 Sky King 830 Have Gun Will T r avel Channel 5 October 10th such a suco

_30 Candlepin Bowling 1000 Gunsmoke Mr s NellC Johnston-~ 3 Studio City Bandstand 1100 Channel 5 News

30 College F ootball Kick Off H 15 The Gallant Men (Piscataquis County Statpound Stranger Passing Through

2 45 + CAA Football llitteewoman) Alabama vs TerUlessee

For Sale AKC RegisteredSlNDAY OCTOBER 1 1962 You say youre just a s tranger passing through 1~ acred Heart 500 Amateur Hour cker Spaniel pups 7 weeksWho paused here for a mom ent from the strife30 Colby Telecourse 530 College Bowl inquire Mrs E W B

9 00 Living Word 000 agon Train Of harried living and the cry and hue Milo9 1 5 Ca olle Masti 35 Clinton Street700 Lassie The efltrthly struggles of this m odern life

10 00 Lamp Unto My F eet 730 Dennis the Menace Phone 943-7769 1 30 Look Up and Live 800 Ed Bulliva n Show 11 00 Camera Three 900 Real McCoys F or in y ur has te somewhere along the way ---1111 30 This Is The Life 9 30 True Theater Youve overlooked the Gift of God to man12 00 University of Maine 1000 Candid Camera 1230 The Christophels 1030 What s My Line Nature beauteous colorful and gay

00 Time of Thei r Li ves 11 00 Eric Sevareid Is everywher e according to His Plan 1 30 TrIck or Treat 1115 News 1 45 P ro Football Kick Off ~ O O NY F ootball See r ows of maples wi th their red and gold

Giants vs Detroit And piles of s wir ling leaves upon the ground fOlDAY OCTOBER 22 1962 American Legion Scampering s quirrels Venturesome and bold

-20 Open Door 230 Houseparty And red-cheeked children laughing all around23 Fa rro Reporter 300 M illionaire 730 College of the Air 3 30 To Tell The Truth THURSDAY Oct 18

00 Cap tain Kangaroo 355 CBS News Derby Improvement shyTha t whisper of the wind in trees you hear 900 Love of Mike 400 Secre t Storm 91 5 Jack LaLanne 430 Edge of ight A m elancholy prayer to one imports 945 Love or Mike 500 Bozo the Clown Dame Natures Grand Finale of the y~ar FRIDAY Oct 18 950 P rimary Science 60 0 Fair Exchange Rabboni Royal Arch c Ins tills tranquility within our hearts1000 Calendar 700 News at Seven 1030 ~nnessee Ernie 710 Spor-ts Hilites UDO The Real McCoys 715 Walter Cronkite News MONDAY Oct 22Perchance one day youll pass this way again 1- 30 Pete 8lt Gladys 730 To Tell The Truth

To share with us the joys of earth and sky Nurses Guild00 Lov of Life 800 Ive Got A Secre t

_ 25 CBS News 830 The Lucy Show And sharing find a Peace that will remain Band Boosters 1230 Search For Tomorrow 900 Danny Thomas Forever while the world goes rusbing by ~4 Guiding Light 930 Andy Griff th TUESDAY Oct 231000 Ben Casey Malcolm PetersJane Wyman Show

As The World Turns 11 00 ew at Eleven W S C orkda 11middot1 Upc apr

bull 1uYuk Nmiddot Y thlJI fmiddotf

our readers might ted in int roduct1OIlI

of the people who proshy newspaper bull dnaBradeenhaa done ~-up

Bradeenhas done t-up work for The

1er but was unavallshya picture


~e Lancasfer bull

Wewill ans h1m oh

sandra Mayo



If you cant find time to teach them

spend just a Iittle time

The following poem by- Elizabeth A Rober ts was ree ve ry near press time last week We enjoyed it 80 much plusmna ran it in that issuebut the only space available for it-was 8

that we had to reduce it in the camera to very s mall print Here it is again life-size


The beauty of the leaves in fall For some theyll hear the Masters call Others there wi ll chance to be A far greater ear thy destiny The farmers in the fields will clear Har ves t time is fina lly here God has waved his mighty paint brush and we e see The leaves of golden yellow and the r ed and green~ This is a time to give Him thanks While mother nature continues her imprish pranks Oh I how lucky we mortals really are For weve seen beauty that winter cannot mar

The following poem by Holman Day of Monter ey Ca c

was written for the Milo Chamber of Commerce and was shylished in the bookle t commemorating the 125th AnniverBlO the Townof Milo the 125th Anniversary of thePiscataquiB L No 44 A F ampA Mbull and the 50th Anniversary of the Ame Thread Co in 1948 fheoriginal copy is in the State Libr a Augusta

Mr H Allen Monroe kindly lent us his copy of the booklet ~ which we copied the poem


Is your taste for the tang of the Open have you zes t iJ

Out-of-doors Where the trees make roofs for the steltered glades w

duff spreads woodland floors Do you seek the lure of the winding trails the vistas tita

ahead And a leanto a t night near stream or lake your COt

spruce-bough bed Do you yearnfor a fores t cabin at the rim of a Pebbled shl Where the lakes waves whisper a lullaby and forgot 11

citys roar Is your choice the llft of the noble domes of mountains for

crowned Where sile ce makes serenity and perfect peace is fo Do you seek the spell of the placid lakes and the purriJ

tell- tale reels That promise bounty for those who bless the job of

filled creels I give you answer and earnest pledge that all this grac

bliss Lies open to those who wend their ways to fair Piscatac I mow the land from Chairback Lakes where flashing VI

gleams In its race to fill moss-lined poola of P leasant Rh

streams Schoodic and Beeme and all the ponds the linking tr~

know And all the glory of purple hills in morn and evening g Y~ar after year I came to them in the glor ious days o~ And across the land from the far far West I jour

bull1 _ _ _ _ _ _

  • temp
  • temp2


_~ C EDGES A F B bullbull

5 s emi-pro basketball s tarted its season last

--y nightby edging Char-EB 84-81 in a scr imshy

6aIDe that was played at ~ he game was close eyay v1th Charleston leshyo 13- 29 at tJe 1st quarter

s ore was tied 51-51 way point Milo ahshy

- -S- at the end of the thir d t2 Roger Clapp aniDick e oak Bcoring honor s J

_ letting 21 points The0

course Coach Hotham has the alternative to move Webb into the backcourt and putting Mer Ie Har r is another good- shooting lefth~nder into the lineup Two other fine backcour t men up fr om las t y ea r s J V 5 a r e Mike Mulherin amp P aul Grindle Both did we ll la s t yea r for the Junior Panthers amp should make the scramble for fir st five even more interesting to watch Dashyvid P ullen and Simon Brown who played both varsity and J unior Varsity las t yea r could both prove valuable to Coach

e score was pretty dinded wi th Ladd gettshy

-e~ Joe P aul J im LaBosshynd TerryBailey getting

bull --iece Charlie Ar tus had Eben Dewi tthad two

re Joe P aul and JIm s~are are a ll t~achers at 5 Classical Inatitute


eyiewof the P anthers Richardson and Steve 100ked like the only t c an be pa si tive (or

itive) of getting a st shyrthon the team Now a look at some of the

idates Two top ch shy

in and Kevin 0 Con shy xhvin play ed fir s t five year but with a ll the

- tions Goodwin wi ll uave to earn i t this year

r showed US last year ~s the hustle and that

Hothams plans Milo ha s the potenti al but the big question i s Can Coa ch Hotnam de velop i t - shy i t ll be a tough job

NEXT WEEK Te B ownshyville Jc t Ra il r oaders

ilo Sporshyt Shop

We have the RUGER 44 MAGNUM We have the SAVAGE 24-MDL (22 Mag over and 2 Q guage under)



BAILEY BRIEF INGS bullbullbull bull bull bull bull Milos cross country team

had an intra-squad run last Thursday and Cedric Rhoda BlllMulherln andPeter E llis were the fir st three to finish Rhoda unefficially c lock 1326 for the two and o1e half mile sprint _- that is something for the high school senior to be pr oud of - - a tip of the hat i s due Charles Hotham for the long hours he put in coaching baseball this p ast s ummer - shyTom Tresh the Yankeets conshyverted left fi e lder i s a must for the American League Roshyokie of the Year award ---- shyBoston Red Soxfans are saying that J ohnny Pesky (new Hub manager ) i s just what the docshytor order ed ------- if that is the case maybe just maybe Wait til next year will finshya lly come ---- - - New Yorks Tresh looked like the veteran ballplayer in the World Series and Mantle looked like the roshyokie Looks like the Milo P anshythers will have to rely on speed thiB year b ecause height is missing --- the team just doshyesnt htv + n ~+h th r i t had last year -- just thought of a good name for the high school s cr oss country team the Milo Panthers -- get it If anyone is planning to go to Dovers new bowling lanes youd better get there about 6 oclock if you vantto be sure of bowling beshyfore eight

Joe Paul H C l s new bashysketball coach says that the BlackKnights have the desire and the potential to make tr shyouble in Class M this year0

If you want to get rid of that excess fat you may have try square dancing

For the first time s ince 195E Husson College will be without an ex-Milo Panther on its bashysketball team

See you next week

Milo High School Baske tball Schedule 1962-1963

Nov 20



F eb


7 14 18 21

4 11

15 1 8 25 26





H CI at Higgins Searsport at Searsport

Stonington at Milo Lee Academy at Lee B nville Jct a t Milo Blue Hill at Milo Blue Hill at Blue Hill Stonington at Stonington

H C I at Milo Lee Academy at Milo Searsport at Milo Washburn at Milo Bnville Jct a t Bnville Jct

Bangor JV s at Bangor

Mt DesertatNorth shytst Hr~i~

M C I at Pittsfield

( loud e N Trask Complete Ins ur ance Service

41 P ark Str ee t


Organization _Te ~S contd


1flLO - Officers of Dirigo Lodge of Odd Fellows and Orion Rebekah Lodge for the coming year were ins tailed in a joint installation in the Odd Fellows Hall Tuesday evening

Officers were installed for the I dges by a staff from Guilshyford and Greenville and were Mrs Donna Fogg distric t deputy president Lester Warshyman Greenville district de shyputy grand master Mrs Maude Eastman and James Clark deshyputy marchals Helen Race and Floyd McNich deputy wardens Esther Woolsey and Howard Lamber tson deputy secretarshyies Myra Willey of Guilford amp Charles Steeves of Dover- Foxshycroft deputy treasurers Nel shyie Ames and Mer le Dean deshyputy chaplains Velma Butter shyleId Dover-Foxcroft and Rashy]ph Werber deputy guard Virshyginia Littlefield mus ician

Officers installed in Dirigo Lodge were Malcolm Pelkey noble grand E rnest Harmon ice grand Eugene Dunham recording secretar y Herbert Rolfe financial s eer tary Ra shylph Hill treasurer George Crabtree warden Wallace Harris conductor Stan Brown chaplain R ueben Lancaster J r outside guar dian Charles Chshyessa inside guar dian Lewis _lountain Sr Tight s cene sup shyporter Raymond Youngblo 1 left scene supporter Lyman Severance right suppor ter to nob le grand Car Deane left supporter to noble grand and RubertHobb s JuniorPastGrshyand

Officers for Orion Rebekah Lod5e a r e Mrs Ruth Youngshyblood noble grand Mrs Rosashymond Golden right supporter loble glanc Mrs Bertha HowshyJAnd left supporter noble Grshyand MissLawaPalmer dee rand i Mrs Agnes Sawyer right supporter vice grand

s Dorothy Severance left supporter vice grand Mrs h llis Gould chaplain Mis s Georgia Rollins color bearer

s Julia Durphy recording s c elma Washy

tterho1Se financial s ecretary PLEASANT RIVER GRAl~GE Mr s Marion Campbell treashy

MILO-Pleasant RIver Gr a ngesurer Mrs A nna Mooer s a shymet Tuesday evening wi th ther den Mrs Hazel St Louis Worthy Master Currie Austinjunior pa st noble gr and Mr s pr esiding and 44 present inshyFrsda Browll outs ide guar dian cluding two Lom Winn GrangeMrs Dorothy Pierson inside and one from Atkins on C orne- guardian and Mr s Eve lynHo shy

Three applic a tions were r eadxie music ian for m embership and Mrs OnshyMrs Ruth Youngblood was ata Deane Ha rvey Moran and r e -elected as noble grand and Mrs Tennie Tobin were apshywho a lready has a past grand1s pointed as an investiga tingpin was p r esented a gift on beshycommittee It was vo ted tohalf of the lodge Mr s Youngshydonate money to East Piscatashybl ood presented her officers quis Pomona for a battery ~ashywith gifts ndle Itwas also voted to buyA supper preceded the meetshya past masters pining under the direction of Mrs

Lyman Sever ance waS apshyBertha How1and and he r s taff pointed a s chair man of a candy


MILO-The Der by Mothers A program in radio show for m

Ser vice Club m e t Tue sday at was presented by the lecturer

the hom e of Mrs Avis Spear Mrs Me r na Dunham with Her shy

with eigh t members a ttending ber t Dunbam qnnouncer T a shy

The m ee ting was conducted by king part we re Mrs Mernl

Mr s Lila Smith and prayer Dunham Mrs Edna Young Mrs Edna Stevens Mrs Onshywas led by Mrs Avis Spear

The mys tery prize was awshy ata Deane Mrs ShirleyRhoda Mrs Thelma Crabtr ee Earlearded Mrs Edi th Rideout Rhoda LymanSeverance andMail was acknowledged from Chellis Mitchell During theMrs Ida Mer rithew the Nurshyshow the 79thbirthday of Missses Guild and the Red Cross

A donation was voteq for eqshy Lydia Rhoda was r ecogni zed and s he was p r esented wi th auipmentfor the Milo Communshy

i ty Hospital A basic box will corsage

be s ent by Mrs Ma r i on Cun shy Following the program reshyfreshments were servedningham to Da le Rideout at

F ort Dix N J DR H M BURRYIt was r eported that S-Sgt GIVES REPORTDarrell Spear h a s r eturned ON SCOUT DElVEfr om a tour of duty in Newshy

MILO-Dr H M Burry areafoundland and is spending a Chairman of the Boy Scout fundleave with his fami ly and his collection has announced thatparents Mr and Mrs Newshythe canvass of business andbert Spear His next assignshyprofessional people in Miloment will be a t Home s tead AFB Tuesday and VVednesday re shyF l orida sulted in collections and pledgesA le tter was written to Mrs that approximate half the amshyJane Cook at Durham N H ount of the Milo-Derby quotaMrs Mildred King gave a r e shy

The general canvass will be shyp or t on a dinner served a t the gin in a few days he saidDer bvHall for the Bangor and

A oost ok staff

l ~ To n Coutry Clothing Store~ F ormer ly Milo Dr y Goods I ~ This week SPECIA L ALSO HEAVY ZZ Ladies and Chi ldtens WINTER CAR COATS LONG I r ~ RUBBER FOOTWEAR COA TS amp SKI JACKETS -J ~Jj Se era1 styles from SHOP M1LO amp SAVE J$298 up


T HE TO bull _-

VIRGThlA STO ffi t


BROWNVILLE - _ - shyginia G Stone and Job ton were married San ~

ternoon a t the home o~=

John W Meisner in Foxcroft

The bride is the da Mr s Bernice Scone ~_ late Edwar1 Stone anO -S a duate of Browmire - High Sc hool in the clas s _shyThe bridegroon a ~~ Brownville Juncti Hsshyand is employedby ~E Company in Deroy

The c ouple wUlrE5i- wnville

F ollowin5 the euro_= ~- -

ception was held ~ _ t= - ville Grange hall ~ _ ~_ shyWestonMarshan _ -5 -_ ces Ston e were L ~_ _ gift table REfrESl-E_~

s e rvedby Mrs 3c_- lid Mr s _ edam =- Miss Rosemary pound - _

pas sed the gue_- C ~ _ than 70 relatives - _t

were in artendanmiddot-e The wedding ~-) f -= ___

by Mrs Stone and E _ =__ by Mrs Addle W a

Lodging and Breki

WI J7175 30 Water St MILO


Sufficientunto the m ~

the evil thereof

Special Thi s Week Onshy


Ii ~WI

R C A VICTOR - Remote ConTv ~ If-__

_ _ _______


Casi) president jce president

llicTo-Touch 2 G Tone Ar m 2 Wa t P



age I

__ 835 country team ~espaper The

n sale at the th

officers at Milo _ this year are as


middot 055 president Ced shyce president L i shy

_e bull secretary L oi s ~er Cathy B r ashy


for conducting the projec t F r om theD orcas Guild of the

United Baptist Church Mrs Sue Rhoda Mrs Catherine Ellison and Mrs Margaret Peter s Womens Society of Christian Service of the P ark Street Methodist Church Mrs Lenora Byther Mr s Merna Dunham 11118 Elinor Chase and Mrs Isabel Cudhea

Zoning will be worked out so tha t all streets will be canvasshysed and householders are urshyged to co-operate by having pennies for UNICE F when the yOlmg people ring the door bell

Following the canvass all who have participated rill be enter shytained at a Halloween party in the Milo Town Hall with games prizes and refreshments and 3shy

Ue a t bag to take home Any woman desi ring to help

on this project will contact a m e mber of the committee

e rolding a t 19 at 73 0



On Halloween chi ldr en youth and adults of Milo will be given the opportunlty to show their concern for the less for tunate children of the world by par ti shycipating in Tr ick or T r ea t for UNICEF F or the second year B ap tist and Methodist women a re joining to s ponsor this annual event

~ -ill hold bull J Ocl 20 at to Shop It

a m and will A m ee ting to make ini tia l p lshyans was he ld in the Methodis t ves try F riday and the following

new uniforms c ommittees will be res pons ib le


P Output

ore een and gOOi ~he5 he re shy~-___________bullbull e ed __ 2cl

Sergeant James T Me tcalf who recently spent 14 m onths duty in the 7th Infantry band i n Korea was home on leave las t week with his par ents He i s now s tationed at For t Dix

Milo - Paul H Beals SP -4 USASA is home on Furlough He has been stationed at Okinshyawa since Nov of 1960 He will return to dUtj Oct 26 at F t Meade Md at National Securi ty Agency Headquarters

Stanley Brown and his installshying team Mrs Pearl CcLDney Marshal Mrs Thelma Cr abshytree assistant marshal Mrs Freda Brown emblem bea r er Mrs Dorothy Severance regshyalia b ea r er Mrs Ella Hender shyson chaplain and Mrs E velyn Hoxie pi anist and solois ~ we re a t Abbot Grange Saturdayeveshyning and installed the officers of Abbot Grange Dawll of Hope Nor th Guilford and Valley Gr ange Guilford Centel

Others going from here were LymanSeverance George Crshyabtree Mr s Thelma Watershyhouse Mr s Pamelia Hussey Mr and Mr s Ellis Tobi n and Mr and Mrs Ear l e Rhoda

Mr amp Mrs William Burshygess of Dexter vere supper guests on Sunday of Mr and Mrs Myron Smart Their grandson Scott Hamlin of Seb ec Village has visited durshying the school vacation

Several members of Company F World War 1 of the 103 Inshyfantry Division met Monday evening at the home of Paul Valente William Sprowle amp Ha rold Farnham residents of Hollis N H were present This was the first time sevshye ral of these men had been toshygether in 25 years

Others present were Har ry Ellis and Roy Hoskins of town and E rrollEstes of B r ownville

J unction We a r e a ll VERY pleased to

know thatDr A M Carde has returned home after undergoing trea tmentin a Boston hos pi tal

The doctor wishes to ePress his gratitude for the thoughtshyfulness of his friends md for ilie many expressions of c onshy

Mr and Mrs L indon Heal of St Pete r sblU g Florida a r e vi siting a t the hom e of Mr and Mr s Ore l Bemis this week

1 O O F is holding its regshyular meeting on Wednesday at 730P M All Odd Fellows are requested to a tt end


BROWNVILLE - Mrs Carolyn Porter r eturned SWlday from the Milo Com munity Hospi tal where she has been a medical pa tient the past 12 days and re turned to her position Monshyday a s teacher in the third and fourth grades in the Brownville School Dur~ng her absence Mrs Arline Ros e lle of Milo served a s substi tute

Mrs Paul F oulkes was a gushyes t of honor a t a shower held F riday evening a t the home of Mrs Charles Allen with Mrs Donald Knox a s c o-hostess After the presentation of gifts refreshments were s erved The s hower cake was made by Mrs Iltnox P r esent were Mr s Char le s Coburn Mrs Matthe Coburn Mrs Charles Larson Mrs Tyler Ar tes Mrs He len Wright and Mr s Lena Foulkes


Be ilts all outdoors Ideal for hunters angles co struction workers - for any out dOQrsman who wants the very but Vu l can i zed con st ruction bull Sylrnerl tanned lea th~r Tracmiddot ~onmiddottr~d fe Stop In shy 1Y I pairl Vou1I ague it3 tM- fifltt Wrl tE rpr~ e3 t r ~ 0 0 - ac _~


Oct 17

Page l~

Farm Reporter College of the Air Captain Kangaroo Lov of Mike Jack LaLa nne

WABI-TV IHCRSDAY OCTOBER 18 1962 TU ESDAY OCTOBER 23 1962 ~ ~eD Door 230 Hou party 720 Open Door 230 Housepar ty

300 MIllionaire 725 Farm Reporte r 300 Millionaire 330 To Tell The Truth 730 College of the Ai r 330 To Te ll The T ruth If you want to BUY SEL 355 CBS News 800 Captain Kangaroo 335 CBS Nes

RENTor SWAP try To400 Secret Storm 900 For The Lo ve of ilke 400 Secret Storm 430 Edge of Night 9 15 Jac k LaLanne 430 E jge of Night Clas s ified 5 00 Bozo The Clown 945 Love of Mike 500 Bozo The Clown F 600 Ozzle and Harriet 10000alendar 300 Country Caravan Houses For Sale

1 30 Tennessee E rnie 6 30 Mr Ed 1030 T eJU1cssee Ernie 630 Yogi Bear ~lOO The Real McCoys 7 00 News a t Seven 1100 R eal MCCoys 700 News at Seven A few hous es are left a U3O Pete 8lt Gladys 710 SpQrtti Wilites ll30 Pete and Gladys 7 10 Spor ts Hili tes by Village at prices ra LOO Love ot Life 715 Walt r Cronkite News 1200 Love of Life 7 15 Walter Cronkite News

25 CBS ews 730 My Three SOlS 1225 CBS News 730 Loretta Young Show from $3000 to $4500 Lmiddot30 Search F or TOlnorrow 8 00 perry Mason 12 30 Search F OI Tomorrow 800 Lloyd Bridges Show or write today to inspec t

5 Guiding Light 9 00 T he Nurses 1245 Guiding L ight 830 Red Skelton Hour three and four bedroom hi1 Jane Wyman Show 1000 Alfred Hitchcock 1 00 Jane Wyman 9 30 Jack Benoy 30 A the World Turns 1100 N ws At Eleven 1 30 A s The Wo rld Turns 1000 Garry Moore complete with bath fun

Password 11 15 Weather Show 2 00 Paosword 11 00 News At E leen and concrete basement z 11 20 Spor ts Final 11 15 Weather S10W

AY OCTOBER 19 1962 1120 Sports Final ford Agency Orono TeL -_0 Open Door 230 Bouseparty WEDNESD AY OCTOBER 24 1962 2625

_5 Farnl Reporte r 300 Millionaire 720 Open Door 355 CBS News7 0 ollege of the Air 330 To Tell The Truth FOR SALE 725 Farm Repor ter 4 00 Secret Stor m 0 C~ptain Kangaroo 355 CBS News 7 30 College of the Air 4 30 Edge of Night Coleman F loor F urnace

900 Love of Mike 400 Secret Storm 800 C ~p tain Kangaroo The Clown

15 Jack LaLanne 4 30 Edge of Night 500 Bozo condition complete with 1

9 00 Love of l1ike bull 6 00 T ime of Their Livesbull _5 Love of Mike 500 Bozo The Clown ter electric pump and the915 Jack LaLanne 625 Hathaway for Congressmiddot 000 Calendar 600 George Hale Sports 945 Love of Mike 630 Our Man Higgins stat $45 00 ~ 0 TeWlessee Erni e 630 Password 1000 Calendar 700 News at Seven (10 The Real McCoys 700 News a t Seven M C Horne Inc

1030 Tennessee Eruie 710 Sports Hilites 30 Pele amp Gladys 7 10 3ports Hilites 11 00 The R e al McCoys 115 Walter Cronkite Milo

_00 Love of Life 7 15 Walle r Cronki te 11 30 Pete a nd Gladys 7 30 CBS ReportsT EWS 730 R awhide Card of Thanks1200 Love of Life 8 30 Dobie Gilli s

25 CBS _



30 Search For Tomorrow 830 Naked City 1225 CBS News 900 Beverly Hil lbillies On behalf of the P i sca-15 Guidi ng Li cht 930 77 Sunset Strip 1230 Search For To morrow 930 Dick VanDykeJane Wyman Show 1030 Eye Witness County Republican Comm 1245 Guiding Light 1000 Armstrong Circle The s The World Turns 1100 1 ews at E leven 1 00 Jane Wyman The Friendly Thieves I would like to thank the

_ Password 11 15 Welther Show 130 As The World Turns 11 00 News at E leven of the Brownville and Mf1120 Spor ts F inal 2 00 Password 1113 Weather Show

~-1RDAY OCTOBER 201962 urches the Milo Garden ( 2 30 Houseparty 1120 Spor ts FinalCarto~n Capers 515 College Football Scoreboard

3 00 lIUUionaire the Milo Band and their 0 Captain Kangaroo 530 Twentie th Century

3 30 To Tell The Truth 00 Alvin Show 6 00 Bud Leavit t tor Mr Jones and the

30 Mighty Mouse 6 30 Hawaiian Eye zens of Milo for all their 1 00 in Tin Tin 7 30 Jackie Gleason

in making our G O P R 30 Roy Roger s 8 30 Defenders bull _ 00 Sky King 830 Have Gun Will T r avel Channel 5 October 10th such a suco

_30 Candlepin Bowling 1000 Gunsmoke Mr s NellC Johnston-~ 3 Studio City Bandstand 1100 Channel 5 News

30 College F ootball Kick Off H 15 The Gallant Men (Piscataquis County Statpound Stranger Passing Through

2 45 + CAA Football llitteewoman) Alabama vs TerUlessee

For Sale AKC RegisteredSlNDAY OCTOBER 1 1962 You say youre just a s tranger passing through 1~ acred Heart 500 Amateur Hour cker Spaniel pups 7 weeksWho paused here for a mom ent from the strife30 Colby Telecourse 530 College Bowl inquire Mrs E W B

9 00 Living Word 000 agon Train Of harried living and the cry and hue Milo9 1 5 Ca olle Masti 35 Clinton Street700 Lassie The efltrthly struggles of this m odern life

10 00 Lamp Unto My F eet 730 Dennis the Menace Phone 943-7769 1 30 Look Up and Live 800 Ed Bulliva n Show 11 00 Camera Three 900 Real McCoys F or in y ur has te somewhere along the way ---1111 30 This Is The Life 9 30 True Theater Youve overlooked the Gift of God to man12 00 University of Maine 1000 Candid Camera 1230 The Christophels 1030 What s My Line Nature beauteous colorful and gay

00 Time of Thei r Li ves 11 00 Eric Sevareid Is everywher e according to His Plan 1 30 TrIck or Treat 1115 News 1 45 P ro Football Kick Off ~ O O NY F ootball See r ows of maples wi th their red and gold

Giants vs Detroit And piles of s wir ling leaves upon the ground fOlDAY OCTOBER 22 1962 American Legion Scampering s quirrels Venturesome and bold

-20 Open Door 230 Houseparty And red-cheeked children laughing all around23 Fa rro Reporter 300 M illionaire 730 College of the Air 3 30 To Tell The Truth THURSDAY Oct 18

00 Cap tain Kangaroo 355 CBS News Derby Improvement shyTha t whisper of the wind in trees you hear 900 Love of Mike 400 Secre t Storm 91 5 Jack LaLanne 430 Edge of ight A m elancholy prayer to one imports 945 Love or Mike 500 Bozo the Clown Dame Natures Grand Finale of the y~ar FRIDAY Oct 18 950 P rimary Science 60 0 Fair Exchange Rabboni Royal Arch c Ins tills tranquility within our hearts1000 Calendar 700 News at Seven 1030 ~nnessee Ernie 710 Spor-ts Hilites UDO The Real McCoys 715 Walter Cronkite News MONDAY Oct 22Perchance one day youll pass this way again 1- 30 Pete 8lt Gladys 730 To Tell The Truth

To share with us the joys of earth and sky Nurses Guild00 Lov of Life 800 Ive Got A Secre t

_ 25 CBS News 830 The Lucy Show And sharing find a Peace that will remain Band Boosters 1230 Search For Tomorrow 900 Danny Thomas Forever while the world goes rusbing by ~4 Guiding Light 930 Andy Griff th TUESDAY Oct 231000 Ben Casey Malcolm PetersJane Wyman Show

As The World Turns 11 00 ew at Eleven W S C orkda 11middot1 Upc apr

bull 1uYuk Nmiddot Y thlJI fmiddotf

our readers might ted in int roduct1OIlI

of the people who proshy newspaper bull dnaBradeenhaa done ~-up

Bradeenhas done t-up work for The

1er but was unavallshya picture


~e Lancasfer bull

Wewill ans h1m oh

sandra Mayo



If you cant find time to teach them

spend just a Iittle time

The following poem by- Elizabeth A Rober ts was ree ve ry near press time last week We enjoyed it 80 much plusmna ran it in that issuebut the only space available for it-was 8

that we had to reduce it in the camera to very s mall print Here it is again life-size


The beauty of the leaves in fall For some theyll hear the Masters call Others there wi ll chance to be A far greater ear thy destiny The farmers in the fields will clear Har ves t time is fina lly here God has waved his mighty paint brush and we e see The leaves of golden yellow and the r ed and green~ This is a time to give Him thanks While mother nature continues her imprish pranks Oh I how lucky we mortals really are For weve seen beauty that winter cannot mar

The following poem by Holman Day of Monter ey Ca c

was written for the Milo Chamber of Commerce and was shylished in the bookle t commemorating the 125th AnniverBlO the Townof Milo the 125th Anniversary of thePiscataquiB L No 44 A F ampA Mbull and the 50th Anniversary of the Ame Thread Co in 1948 fheoriginal copy is in the State Libr a Augusta

Mr H Allen Monroe kindly lent us his copy of the booklet ~ which we copied the poem


Is your taste for the tang of the Open have you zes t iJ

Out-of-doors Where the trees make roofs for the steltered glades w

duff spreads woodland floors Do you seek the lure of the winding trails the vistas tita

ahead And a leanto a t night near stream or lake your COt

spruce-bough bed Do you yearnfor a fores t cabin at the rim of a Pebbled shl Where the lakes waves whisper a lullaby and forgot 11

citys roar Is your choice the llft of the noble domes of mountains for

crowned Where sile ce makes serenity and perfect peace is fo Do you seek the spell of the placid lakes and the purriJ

tell- tale reels That promise bounty for those who bless the job of

filled creels I give you answer and earnest pledge that all this grac

bliss Lies open to those who wend their ways to fair Piscatac I mow the land from Chairback Lakes where flashing VI

gleams In its race to fill moss-lined poola of P leasant Rh

streams Schoodic and Beeme and all the ponds the linking tr~

know And all the glory of purple hills in morn and evening g Y~ar after year I came to them in the glor ious days o~ And across the land from the far far West I jour

bull1 _ _ _ _ _ _

  • temp
  • temp2


Organization _Te ~S contd


1flLO - Officers of Dirigo Lodge of Odd Fellows and Orion Rebekah Lodge for the coming year were ins tailed in a joint installation in the Odd Fellows Hall Tuesday evening

Officers were installed for the I dges by a staff from Guilshyford and Greenville and were Mrs Donna Fogg distric t deputy president Lester Warshyman Greenville district de shyputy grand master Mrs Maude Eastman and James Clark deshyputy marchals Helen Race and Floyd McNich deputy wardens Esther Woolsey and Howard Lamber tson deputy secretarshyies Myra Willey of Guilford amp Charles Steeves of Dover- Foxshycroft deputy treasurers Nel shyie Ames and Mer le Dean deshyputy chaplains Velma Butter shyleId Dover-Foxcroft and Rashy]ph Werber deputy guard Virshyginia Littlefield mus ician

Officers installed in Dirigo Lodge were Malcolm Pelkey noble grand E rnest Harmon ice grand Eugene Dunham recording secretar y Herbert Rolfe financial s eer tary Ra shylph Hill treasurer George Crabtree warden Wallace Harris conductor Stan Brown chaplain R ueben Lancaster J r outside guar dian Charles Chshyessa inside guar dian Lewis _lountain Sr Tight s cene sup shyporter Raymond Youngblo 1 left scene supporter Lyman Severance right suppor ter to nob le grand Car Deane left supporter to noble grand and RubertHobb s JuniorPastGrshyand

Officers for Orion Rebekah Lod5e a r e Mrs Ruth Youngshyblood noble grand Mrs Rosashymond Golden right supporter loble glanc Mrs Bertha HowshyJAnd left supporter noble Grshyand MissLawaPalmer dee rand i Mrs Agnes Sawyer right supporter vice grand

s Dorothy Severance left supporter vice grand Mrs h llis Gould chaplain Mis s Georgia Rollins color bearer

s Julia Durphy recording s c elma Washy

tterho1Se financial s ecretary PLEASANT RIVER GRAl~GE Mr s Marion Campbell treashy

MILO-Pleasant RIver Gr a ngesurer Mrs A nna Mooer s a shymet Tuesday evening wi th ther den Mrs Hazel St Louis Worthy Master Currie Austinjunior pa st noble gr and Mr s pr esiding and 44 present inshyFrsda Browll outs ide guar dian cluding two Lom Winn GrangeMrs Dorothy Pierson inside and one from Atkins on C orne- guardian and Mr s Eve lynHo shy

Three applic a tions were r eadxie music ian for m embership and Mrs OnshyMrs Ruth Youngblood was ata Deane Ha rvey Moran and r e -elected as noble grand and Mrs Tennie Tobin were apshywho a lready has a past grand1s pointed as an investiga tingpin was p r esented a gift on beshycommittee It was vo ted tohalf of the lodge Mr s Youngshydonate money to East Piscatashybl ood presented her officers quis Pomona for a battery ~ashywith gifts ndle Itwas also voted to buyA supper preceded the meetshya past masters pining under the direction of Mrs

Lyman Sever ance waS apshyBertha How1and and he r s taff pointed a s chair man of a candy


MILO-The Der by Mothers A program in radio show for m

Ser vice Club m e t Tue sday at was presented by the lecturer

the hom e of Mrs Avis Spear Mrs Me r na Dunham with Her shy

with eigh t members a ttending ber t Dunbam qnnouncer T a shy

The m ee ting was conducted by king part we re Mrs Mernl

Mr s Lila Smith and prayer Dunham Mrs Edna Young Mrs Edna Stevens Mrs Onshywas led by Mrs Avis Spear

The mys tery prize was awshy ata Deane Mrs ShirleyRhoda Mrs Thelma Crabtr ee Earlearded Mrs Edi th Rideout Rhoda LymanSeverance andMail was acknowledged from Chellis Mitchell During theMrs Ida Mer rithew the Nurshyshow the 79thbirthday of Missses Guild and the Red Cross

A donation was voteq for eqshy Lydia Rhoda was r ecogni zed and s he was p r esented wi th auipmentfor the Milo Communshy

i ty Hospital A basic box will corsage

be s ent by Mrs Ma r i on Cun shy Following the program reshyfreshments were servedningham to Da le Rideout at

F ort Dix N J DR H M BURRYIt was r eported that S-Sgt GIVES REPORTDarrell Spear h a s r eturned ON SCOUT DElVEfr om a tour of duty in Newshy

MILO-Dr H M Burry areafoundland and is spending a Chairman of the Boy Scout fundleave with his fami ly and his collection has announced thatparents Mr and Mrs Newshythe canvass of business andbert Spear His next assignshyprofessional people in Miloment will be a t Home s tead AFB Tuesday and VVednesday re shyF l orida sulted in collections and pledgesA le tter was written to Mrs that approximate half the amshyJane Cook at Durham N H ount of the Milo-Derby quotaMrs Mildred King gave a r e shy

The general canvass will be shyp or t on a dinner served a t the gin in a few days he saidDer bvHall for the Bangor and

A oost ok staff

l ~ To n Coutry Clothing Store~ F ormer ly Milo Dr y Goods I ~ This week SPECIA L ALSO HEAVY ZZ Ladies and Chi ldtens WINTER CAR COATS LONG I r ~ RUBBER FOOTWEAR COA TS amp SKI JACKETS -J ~Jj Se era1 styles from SHOP M1LO amp SAVE J$298 up


T HE TO bull _-

VIRGThlA STO ffi t


BROWNVILLE - _ - shyginia G Stone and Job ton were married San ~

ternoon a t the home o~=

John W Meisner in Foxcroft

The bride is the da Mr s Bernice Scone ~_ late Edwar1 Stone anO -S a duate of Browmire - High Sc hool in the clas s _shyThe bridegroon a ~~ Brownville Juncti Hsshyand is employedby ~E Company in Deroy

The c ouple wUlrE5i- wnville

F ollowin5 the euro_= ~- -

ception was held ~ _ t= - ville Grange hall ~ _ ~_ shyWestonMarshan _ -5 -_ ces Ston e were L ~_ _ gift table REfrESl-E_~

s e rvedby Mrs 3c_- lid Mr s _ edam =- Miss Rosemary pound - _

pas sed the gue_- C ~ _ than 70 relatives - _t

were in artendanmiddot-e The wedding ~-) f -= ___

by Mrs Stone and E _ =__ by Mrs Addle W a

Lodging and Breki

WI J7175 30 Water St MILO


Sufficientunto the m ~

the evil thereof

Special Thi s Week Onshy


Ii ~WI

R C A VICTOR - Remote ConTv ~ If-__

_ _ _______


Casi) president jce president

llicTo-Touch 2 G Tone Ar m 2 Wa t P



age I

__ 835 country team ~espaper The

n sale at the th

officers at Milo _ this year are as


middot 055 president Ced shyce president L i shy

_e bull secretary L oi s ~er Cathy B r ashy


for conducting the projec t F r om theD orcas Guild of the

United Baptist Church Mrs Sue Rhoda Mrs Catherine Ellison and Mrs Margaret Peter s Womens Society of Christian Service of the P ark Street Methodist Church Mrs Lenora Byther Mr s Merna Dunham 11118 Elinor Chase and Mrs Isabel Cudhea

Zoning will be worked out so tha t all streets will be canvasshysed and householders are urshyged to co-operate by having pennies for UNICE F when the yOlmg people ring the door bell

Following the canvass all who have participated rill be enter shytained at a Halloween party in the Milo Town Hall with games prizes and refreshments and 3shy

Ue a t bag to take home Any woman desi ring to help

on this project will contact a m e mber of the committee

e rolding a t 19 at 73 0



On Halloween chi ldr en youth and adults of Milo will be given the opportunlty to show their concern for the less for tunate children of the world by par ti shycipating in Tr ick or T r ea t for UNICEF F or the second year B ap tist and Methodist women a re joining to s ponsor this annual event

~ -ill hold bull J Ocl 20 at to Shop It

a m and will A m ee ting to make ini tia l p lshyans was he ld in the Methodis t ves try F riday and the following

new uniforms c ommittees will be res pons ib le


P Output

ore een and gOOi ~he5 he re shy~-___________bullbull e ed __ 2cl

Sergeant James T Me tcalf who recently spent 14 m onths duty in the 7th Infantry band i n Korea was home on leave las t week with his par ents He i s now s tationed at For t Dix

Milo - Paul H Beals SP -4 USASA is home on Furlough He has been stationed at Okinshyawa since Nov of 1960 He will return to dUtj Oct 26 at F t Meade Md at National Securi ty Agency Headquarters

Stanley Brown and his installshying team Mrs Pearl CcLDney Marshal Mrs Thelma Cr abshytree assistant marshal Mrs Freda Brown emblem bea r er Mrs Dorothy Severance regshyalia b ea r er Mrs Ella Hender shyson chaplain and Mrs E velyn Hoxie pi anist and solois ~ we re a t Abbot Grange Saturdayeveshyning and installed the officers of Abbot Grange Dawll of Hope Nor th Guilford and Valley Gr ange Guilford Centel

Others going from here were LymanSeverance George Crshyabtree Mr s Thelma Watershyhouse Mr s Pamelia Hussey Mr and Mr s Ellis Tobi n and Mr and Mrs Ear l e Rhoda

Mr amp Mrs William Burshygess of Dexter vere supper guests on Sunday of Mr and Mrs Myron Smart Their grandson Scott Hamlin of Seb ec Village has visited durshying the school vacation

Several members of Company F World War 1 of the 103 Inshyfantry Division met Monday evening at the home of Paul Valente William Sprowle amp Ha rold Farnham residents of Hollis N H were present This was the first time sevshye ral of these men had been toshygether in 25 years

Others present were Har ry Ellis and Roy Hoskins of town and E rrollEstes of B r ownville

J unction We a r e a ll VERY pleased to

know thatDr A M Carde has returned home after undergoing trea tmentin a Boston hos pi tal

The doctor wishes to ePress his gratitude for the thoughtshyfulness of his friends md for ilie many expressions of c onshy

Mr and Mrs L indon Heal of St Pete r sblU g Florida a r e vi siting a t the hom e of Mr and Mr s Ore l Bemis this week

1 O O F is holding its regshyular meeting on Wednesday at 730P M All Odd Fellows are requested to a tt end


BROWNVILLE - Mrs Carolyn Porter r eturned SWlday from the Milo Com munity Hospi tal where she has been a medical pa tient the past 12 days and re turned to her position Monshyday a s teacher in the third and fourth grades in the Brownville School Dur~ng her absence Mrs Arline Ros e lle of Milo served a s substi tute

Mrs Paul F oulkes was a gushyes t of honor a t a shower held F riday evening a t the home of Mrs Charles Allen with Mrs Donald Knox a s c o-hostess After the presentation of gifts refreshments were s erved The s hower cake was made by Mrs Iltnox P r esent were Mr s Char le s Coburn Mrs Matthe Coburn Mrs Charles Larson Mrs Tyler Ar tes Mrs He len Wright and Mr s Lena Foulkes


Be ilts all outdoors Ideal for hunters angles co struction workers - for any out dOQrsman who wants the very but Vu l can i zed con st ruction bull Sylrnerl tanned lea th~r Tracmiddot ~onmiddottr~d fe Stop In shy 1Y I pairl Vou1I ague it3 tM- fifltt Wrl tE rpr~ e3 t r ~ 0 0 - ac _~


Oct 17

Page l~

Farm Reporter College of the Air Captain Kangaroo Lov of Mike Jack LaLa nne

WABI-TV IHCRSDAY OCTOBER 18 1962 TU ESDAY OCTOBER 23 1962 ~ ~eD Door 230 Hou party 720 Open Door 230 Housepar ty

300 MIllionaire 725 Farm Reporte r 300 Millionaire 330 To Tell The Truth 730 College of the Ai r 330 To Te ll The T ruth If you want to BUY SEL 355 CBS News 800 Captain Kangaroo 335 CBS Nes

RENTor SWAP try To400 Secret Storm 900 For The Lo ve of ilke 400 Secret Storm 430 Edge of Night 9 15 Jac k LaLanne 430 E jge of Night Clas s ified 5 00 Bozo The Clown 945 Love of Mike 500 Bozo The Clown F 600 Ozzle and Harriet 10000alendar 300 Country Caravan Houses For Sale

1 30 Tennessee E rnie 6 30 Mr Ed 1030 T eJU1cssee Ernie 630 Yogi Bear ~lOO The Real McCoys 7 00 News a t Seven 1100 R eal MCCoys 700 News at Seven A few hous es are left a U3O Pete 8lt Gladys 710 SpQrtti Wilites ll30 Pete and Gladys 7 10 Spor ts Hili tes by Village at prices ra LOO Love ot Life 715 Walt r Cronkite News 1200 Love of Life 7 15 Walter Cronkite News

25 CBS ews 730 My Three SOlS 1225 CBS News 730 Loretta Young Show from $3000 to $4500 Lmiddot30 Search F or TOlnorrow 8 00 perry Mason 12 30 Search F OI Tomorrow 800 Lloyd Bridges Show or write today to inspec t

5 Guiding Light 9 00 T he Nurses 1245 Guiding L ight 830 Red Skelton Hour three and four bedroom hi1 Jane Wyman Show 1000 Alfred Hitchcock 1 00 Jane Wyman 9 30 Jack Benoy 30 A the World Turns 1100 N ws At Eleven 1 30 A s The Wo rld Turns 1000 Garry Moore complete with bath fun

Password 11 15 Weather Show 2 00 Paosword 11 00 News At E leen and concrete basement z 11 20 Spor ts Final 11 15 Weather S10W

AY OCTOBER 19 1962 1120 Sports Final ford Agency Orono TeL -_0 Open Door 230 Bouseparty WEDNESD AY OCTOBER 24 1962 2625

_5 Farnl Reporte r 300 Millionaire 720 Open Door 355 CBS News7 0 ollege of the Air 330 To Tell The Truth FOR SALE 725 Farm Repor ter 4 00 Secret Stor m 0 C~ptain Kangaroo 355 CBS News 7 30 College of the Air 4 30 Edge of Night Coleman F loor F urnace

900 Love of Mike 400 Secret Storm 800 C ~p tain Kangaroo The Clown

15 Jack LaLanne 4 30 Edge of Night 500 Bozo condition complete with 1

9 00 Love of l1ike bull 6 00 T ime of Their Livesbull _5 Love of Mike 500 Bozo The Clown ter electric pump and the915 Jack LaLanne 625 Hathaway for Congressmiddot 000 Calendar 600 George Hale Sports 945 Love of Mike 630 Our Man Higgins stat $45 00 ~ 0 TeWlessee Erni e 630 Password 1000 Calendar 700 News at Seven (10 The Real McCoys 700 News a t Seven M C Horne Inc

1030 Tennessee Eruie 710 Sports Hilites 30 Pele amp Gladys 7 10 3ports Hilites 11 00 The R e al McCoys 115 Walter Cronkite Milo

_00 Love of Life 7 15 Walle r Cronki te 11 30 Pete a nd Gladys 7 30 CBS ReportsT EWS 730 R awhide Card of Thanks1200 Love of Life 8 30 Dobie Gilli s

25 CBS _



30 Search For Tomorrow 830 Naked City 1225 CBS News 900 Beverly Hil lbillies On behalf of the P i sca-15 Guidi ng Li cht 930 77 Sunset Strip 1230 Search For To morrow 930 Dick VanDykeJane Wyman Show 1030 Eye Witness County Republican Comm 1245 Guiding Light 1000 Armstrong Circle The s The World Turns 1100 1 ews at E leven 1 00 Jane Wyman The Friendly Thieves I would like to thank the

_ Password 11 15 Welther Show 130 As The World Turns 11 00 News at E leven of the Brownville and Mf1120 Spor ts F inal 2 00 Password 1113 Weather Show

~-1RDAY OCTOBER 201962 urches the Milo Garden ( 2 30 Houseparty 1120 Spor ts FinalCarto~n Capers 515 College Football Scoreboard

3 00 lIUUionaire the Milo Band and their 0 Captain Kangaroo 530 Twentie th Century

3 30 To Tell The Truth 00 Alvin Show 6 00 Bud Leavit t tor Mr Jones and the

30 Mighty Mouse 6 30 Hawaiian Eye zens of Milo for all their 1 00 in Tin Tin 7 30 Jackie Gleason

in making our G O P R 30 Roy Roger s 8 30 Defenders bull _ 00 Sky King 830 Have Gun Will T r avel Channel 5 October 10th such a suco

_30 Candlepin Bowling 1000 Gunsmoke Mr s NellC Johnston-~ 3 Studio City Bandstand 1100 Channel 5 News

30 College F ootball Kick Off H 15 The Gallant Men (Piscataquis County Statpound Stranger Passing Through

2 45 + CAA Football llitteewoman) Alabama vs TerUlessee

For Sale AKC RegisteredSlNDAY OCTOBER 1 1962 You say youre just a s tranger passing through 1~ acred Heart 500 Amateur Hour cker Spaniel pups 7 weeksWho paused here for a mom ent from the strife30 Colby Telecourse 530 College Bowl inquire Mrs E W B

9 00 Living Word 000 agon Train Of harried living and the cry and hue Milo9 1 5 Ca olle Masti 35 Clinton Street700 Lassie The efltrthly struggles of this m odern life

10 00 Lamp Unto My F eet 730 Dennis the Menace Phone 943-7769 1 30 Look Up and Live 800 Ed Bulliva n Show 11 00 Camera Three 900 Real McCoys F or in y ur has te somewhere along the way ---1111 30 This Is The Life 9 30 True Theater Youve overlooked the Gift of God to man12 00 University of Maine 1000 Candid Camera 1230 The Christophels 1030 What s My Line Nature beauteous colorful and gay

00 Time of Thei r Li ves 11 00 Eric Sevareid Is everywher e according to His Plan 1 30 TrIck or Treat 1115 News 1 45 P ro Football Kick Off ~ O O NY F ootball See r ows of maples wi th their red and gold

Giants vs Detroit And piles of s wir ling leaves upon the ground fOlDAY OCTOBER 22 1962 American Legion Scampering s quirrels Venturesome and bold

-20 Open Door 230 Houseparty And red-cheeked children laughing all around23 Fa rro Reporter 300 M illionaire 730 College of the Air 3 30 To Tell The Truth THURSDAY Oct 18

00 Cap tain Kangaroo 355 CBS News Derby Improvement shyTha t whisper of the wind in trees you hear 900 Love of Mike 400 Secre t Storm 91 5 Jack LaLanne 430 Edge of ight A m elancholy prayer to one imports 945 Love or Mike 500 Bozo the Clown Dame Natures Grand Finale of the y~ar FRIDAY Oct 18 950 P rimary Science 60 0 Fair Exchange Rabboni Royal Arch c Ins tills tranquility within our hearts1000 Calendar 700 News at Seven 1030 ~nnessee Ernie 710 Spor-ts Hilites UDO The Real McCoys 715 Walter Cronkite News MONDAY Oct 22Perchance one day youll pass this way again 1- 30 Pete 8lt Gladys 730 To Tell The Truth

To share with us the joys of earth and sky Nurses Guild00 Lov of Life 800 Ive Got A Secre t

_ 25 CBS News 830 The Lucy Show And sharing find a Peace that will remain Band Boosters 1230 Search For Tomorrow 900 Danny Thomas Forever while the world goes rusbing by ~4 Guiding Light 930 Andy Griff th TUESDAY Oct 231000 Ben Casey Malcolm PetersJane Wyman Show

As The World Turns 11 00 ew at Eleven W S C orkda 11middot1 Upc apr

bull 1uYuk Nmiddot Y thlJI fmiddotf

our readers might ted in int roduct1OIlI

of the people who proshy newspaper bull dnaBradeenhaa done ~-up

Bradeenhas done t-up work for The

1er but was unavallshya picture


~e Lancasfer bull

Wewill ans h1m oh

sandra Mayo



If you cant find time to teach them

spend just a Iittle time

The following poem by- Elizabeth A Rober ts was ree ve ry near press time last week We enjoyed it 80 much plusmna ran it in that issuebut the only space available for it-was 8

that we had to reduce it in the camera to very s mall print Here it is again life-size


The beauty of the leaves in fall For some theyll hear the Masters call Others there wi ll chance to be A far greater ear thy destiny The farmers in the fields will clear Har ves t time is fina lly here God has waved his mighty paint brush and we e see The leaves of golden yellow and the r ed and green~ This is a time to give Him thanks While mother nature continues her imprish pranks Oh I how lucky we mortals really are For weve seen beauty that winter cannot mar

The following poem by Holman Day of Monter ey Ca c

was written for the Milo Chamber of Commerce and was shylished in the bookle t commemorating the 125th AnniverBlO the Townof Milo the 125th Anniversary of thePiscataquiB L No 44 A F ampA Mbull and the 50th Anniversary of the Ame Thread Co in 1948 fheoriginal copy is in the State Libr a Augusta

Mr H Allen Monroe kindly lent us his copy of the booklet ~ which we copied the poem


Is your taste for the tang of the Open have you zes t iJ

Out-of-doors Where the trees make roofs for the steltered glades w

duff spreads woodland floors Do you seek the lure of the winding trails the vistas tita

ahead And a leanto a t night near stream or lake your COt

spruce-bough bed Do you yearnfor a fores t cabin at the rim of a Pebbled shl Where the lakes waves whisper a lullaby and forgot 11

citys roar Is your choice the llft of the noble domes of mountains for

crowned Where sile ce makes serenity and perfect peace is fo Do you seek the spell of the placid lakes and the purriJ

tell- tale reels That promise bounty for those who bless the job of

filled creels I give you answer and earnest pledge that all this grac

bliss Lies open to those who wend their ways to fair Piscatac I mow the land from Chairback Lakes where flashing VI

gleams In its race to fill moss-lined poola of P leasant Rh

streams Schoodic and Beeme and all the ponds the linking tr~

know And all the glory of purple hills in morn and evening g Y~ar after year I came to them in the glor ious days o~ And across the land from the far far West I jour

bull1 _ _ _ _ _ _

  • temp
  • temp2

_ _ _______


Casi) president jce president

llicTo-Touch 2 G Tone Ar m 2 Wa t P



age I

__ 835 country team ~espaper The

n sale at the th

officers at Milo _ this year are as


middot 055 president Ced shyce president L i shy

_e bull secretary L oi s ~er Cathy B r ashy


for conducting the projec t F r om theD orcas Guild of the

United Baptist Church Mrs Sue Rhoda Mrs Catherine Ellison and Mrs Margaret Peter s Womens Society of Christian Service of the P ark Street Methodist Church Mrs Lenora Byther Mr s Merna Dunham 11118 Elinor Chase and Mrs Isabel Cudhea

Zoning will be worked out so tha t all streets will be canvasshysed and householders are urshyged to co-operate by having pennies for UNICE F when the yOlmg people ring the door bell

Following the canvass all who have participated rill be enter shytained at a Halloween party in the Milo Town Hall with games prizes and refreshments and 3shy

Ue a t bag to take home Any woman desi ring to help

on this project will contact a m e mber of the committee

e rolding a t 19 at 73 0



On Halloween chi ldr en youth and adults of Milo will be given the opportunlty to show their concern for the less for tunate children of the world by par ti shycipating in Tr ick or T r ea t for UNICEF F or the second year B ap tist and Methodist women a re joining to s ponsor this annual event

~ -ill hold bull J Ocl 20 at to Shop It

a m and will A m ee ting to make ini tia l p lshyans was he ld in the Methodis t ves try F riday and the following

new uniforms c ommittees will be res pons ib le


P Output

ore een and gOOi ~he5 he re shy~-___________bullbull e ed __ 2cl

Sergeant James T Me tcalf who recently spent 14 m onths duty in the 7th Infantry band i n Korea was home on leave las t week with his par ents He i s now s tationed at For t Dix

Milo - Paul H Beals SP -4 USASA is home on Furlough He has been stationed at Okinshyawa since Nov of 1960 He will return to dUtj Oct 26 at F t Meade Md at National Securi ty Agency Headquarters

Stanley Brown and his installshying team Mrs Pearl CcLDney Marshal Mrs Thelma Cr abshytree assistant marshal Mrs Freda Brown emblem bea r er Mrs Dorothy Severance regshyalia b ea r er Mrs Ella Hender shyson chaplain and Mrs E velyn Hoxie pi anist and solois ~ we re a t Abbot Grange Saturdayeveshyning and installed the officers of Abbot Grange Dawll of Hope Nor th Guilford and Valley Gr ange Guilford Centel

Others going from here were LymanSeverance George Crshyabtree Mr s Thelma Watershyhouse Mr s Pamelia Hussey Mr and Mr s Ellis Tobi n and Mr and Mrs Ear l e Rhoda

Mr amp Mrs William Burshygess of Dexter vere supper guests on Sunday of Mr and Mrs Myron Smart Their grandson Scott Hamlin of Seb ec Village has visited durshying the school vacation

Several members of Company F World War 1 of the 103 Inshyfantry Division met Monday evening at the home of Paul Valente William Sprowle amp Ha rold Farnham residents of Hollis N H were present This was the first time sevshye ral of these men had been toshygether in 25 years

Others present were Har ry Ellis and Roy Hoskins of town and E rrollEstes of B r ownville

J unction We a r e a ll VERY pleased to

know thatDr A M Carde has returned home after undergoing trea tmentin a Boston hos pi tal

The doctor wishes to ePress his gratitude for the thoughtshyfulness of his friends md for ilie many expressions of c onshy

Mr and Mrs L indon Heal of St Pete r sblU g Florida a r e vi siting a t the hom e of Mr and Mr s Ore l Bemis this week

1 O O F is holding its regshyular meeting on Wednesday at 730P M All Odd Fellows are requested to a tt end


BROWNVILLE - Mrs Carolyn Porter r eturned SWlday from the Milo Com munity Hospi tal where she has been a medical pa tient the past 12 days and re turned to her position Monshyday a s teacher in the third and fourth grades in the Brownville School Dur~ng her absence Mrs Arline Ros e lle of Milo served a s substi tute

Mrs Paul F oulkes was a gushyes t of honor a t a shower held F riday evening a t the home of Mrs Charles Allen with Mrs Donald Knox a s c o-hostess After the presentation of gifts refreshments were s erved The s hower cake was made by Mrs Iltnox P r esent were Mr s Char le s Coburn Mrs Matthe Coburn Mrs Charles Larson Mrs Tyler Ar tes Mrs He len Wright and Mr s Lena Foulkes


Be ilts all outdoors Ideal for hunters angles co struction workers - for any out dOQrsman who wants the very but Vu l can i zed con st ruction bull Sylrnerl tanned lea th~r Tracmiddot ~onmiddottr~d fe Stop In shy 1Y I pairl Vou1I ague it3 tM- fifltt Wrl tE rpr~ e3 t r ~ 0 0 - ac _~


Oct 17

Page l~

Farm Reporter College of the Air Captain Kangaroo Lov of Mike Jack LaLa nne

WABI-TV IHCRSDAY OCTOBER 18 1962 TU ESDAY OCTOBER 23 1962 ~ ~eD Door 230 Hou party 720 Open Door 230 Housepar ty

300 MIllionaire 725 Farm Reporte r 300 Millionaire 330 To Tell The Truth 730 College of the Ai r 330 To Te ll The T ruth If you want to BUY SEL 355 CBS News 800 Captain Kangaroo 335 CBS Nes

RENTor SWAP try To400 Secret Storm 900 For The Lo ve of ilke 400 Secret Storm 430 Edge of Night 9 15 Jac k LaLanne 430 E jge of Night Clas s ified 5 00 Bozo The Clown 945 Love of Mike 500 Bozo The Clown F 600 Ozzle and Harriet 10000alendar 300 Country Caravan Houses For Sale

1 30 Tennessee E rnie 6 30 Mr Ed 1030 T eJU1cssee Ernie 630 Yogi Bear ~lOO The Real McCoys 7 00 News a t Seven 1100 R eal MCCoys 700 News at Seven A few hous es are left a U3O Pete 8lt Gladys 710 SpQrtti Wilites ll30 Pete and Gladys 7 10 Spor ts Hili tes by Village at prices ra LOO Love ot Life 715 Walt r Cronkite News 1200 Love of Life 7 15 Walter Cronkite News

25 CBS ews 730 My Three SOlS 1225 CBS News 730 Loretta Young Show from $3000 to $4500 Lmiddot30 Search F or TOlnorrow 8 00 perry Mason 12 30 Search F OI Tomorrow 800 Lloyd Bridges Show or write today to inspec t

5 Guiding Light 9 00 T he Nurses 1245 Guiding L ight 830 Red Skelton Hour three and four bedroom hi1 Jane Wyman Show 1000 Alfred Hitchcock 1 00 Jane Wyman 9 30 Jack Benoy 30 A the World Turns 1100 N ws At Eleven 1 30 A s The Wo rld Turns 1000 Garry Moore complete with bath fun

Password 11 15 Weather Show 2 00 Paosword 11 00 News At E leen and concrete basement z 11 20 Spor ts Final 11 15 Weather S10W

AY OCTOBER 19 1962 1120 Sports Final ford Agency Orono TeL -_0 Open Door 230 Bouseparty WEDNESD AY OCTOBER 24 1962 2625

_5 Farnl Reporte r 300 Millionaire 720 Open Door 355 CBS News7 0 ollege of the Air 330 To Tell The Truth FOR SALE 725 Farm Repor ter 4 00 Secret Stor m 0 C~ptain Kangaroo 355 CBS News 7 30 College of the Air 4 30 Edge of Night Coleman F loor F urnace

900 Love of Mike 400 Secret Storm 800 C ~p tain Kangaroo The Clown

15 Jack LaLanne 4 30 Edge of Night 500 Bozo condition complete with 1

9 00 Love of l1ike bull 6 00 T ime of Their Livesbull _5 Love of Mike 500 Bozo The Clown ter electric pump and the915 Jack LaLanne 625 Hathaway for Congressmiddot 000 Calendar 600 George Hale Sports 945 Love of Mike 630 Our Man Higgins stat $45 00 ~ 0 TeWlessee Erni e 630 Password 1000 Calendar 700 News at Seven (10 The Real McCoys 700 News a t Seven M C Horne Inc

1030 Tennessee Eruie 710 Sports Hilites 30 Pele amp Gladys 7 10 3ports Hilites 11 00 The R e al McCoys 115 Walter Cronkite Milo

_00 Love of Life 7 15 Walle r Cronki te 11 30 Pete a nd Gladys 7 30 CBS ReportsT EWS 730 R awhide Card of Thanks1200 Love of Life 8 30 Dobie Gilli s

25 CBS _



30 Search For Tomorrow 830 Naked City 1225 CBS News 900 Beverly Hil lbillies On behalf of the P i sca-15 Guidi ng Li cht 930 77 Sunset Strip 1230 Search For To morrow 930 Dick VanDykeJane Wyman Show 1030 Eye Witness County Republican Comm 1245 Guiding Light 1000 Armstrong Circle The s The World Turns 1100 1 ews at E leven 1 00 Jane Wyman The Friendly Thieves I would like to thank the

_ Password 11 15 Welther Show 130 As The World Turns 11 00 News at E leven of the Brownville and Mf1120 Spor ts F inal 2 00 Password 1113 Weather Show

~-1RDAY OCTOBER 201962 urches the Milo Garden ( 2 30 Houseparty 1120 Spor ts FinalCarto~n Capers 515 College Football Scoreboard

3 00 lIUUionaire the Milo Band and their 0 Captain Kangaroo 530 Twentie th Century

3 30 To Tell The Truth 00 Alvin Show 6 00 Bud Leavit t tor Mr Jones and the

30 Mighty Mouse 6 30 Hawaiian Eye zens of Milo for all their 1 00 in Tin Tin 7 30 Jackie Gleason

in making our G O P R 30 Roy Roger s 8 30 Defenders bull _ 00 Sky King 830 Have Gun Will T r avel Channel 5 October 10th such a suco

_30 Candlepin Bowling 1000 Gunsmoke Mr s NellC Johnston-~ 3 Studio City Bandstand 1100 Channel 5 News

30 College F ootball Kick Off H 15 The Gallant Men (Piscataquis County Statpound Stranger Passing Through

2 45 + CAA Football llitteewoman) Alabama vs TerUlessee

For Sale AKC RegisteredSlNDAY OCTOBER 1 1962 You say youre just a s tranger passing through 1~ acred Heart 500 Amateur Hour cker Spaniel pups 7 weeksWho paused here for a mom ent from the strife30 Colby Telecourse 530 College Bowl inquire Mrs E W B

9 00 Living Word 000 agon Train Of harried living and the cry and hue Milo9 1 5 Ca olle Masti 35 Clinton Street700 Lassie The efltrthly struggles of this m odern life

10 00 Lamp Unto My F eet 730 Dennis the Menace Phone 943-7769 1 30 Look Up and Live 800 Ed Bulliva n Show 11 00 Camera Three 900 Real McCoys F or in y ur has te somewhere along the way ---1111 30 This Is The Life 9 30 True Theater Youve overlooked the Gift of God to man12 00 University of Maine 1000 Candid Camera 1230 The Christophels 1030 What s My Line Nature beauteous colorful and gay

00 Time of Thei r Li ves 11 00 Eric Sevareid Is everywher e according to His Plan 1 30 TrIck or Treat 1115 News 1 45 P ro Football Kick Off ~ O O NY F ootball See r ows of maples wi th their red and gold

Giants vs Detroit And piles of s wir ling leaves upon the ground fOlDAY OCTOBER 22 1962 American Legion Scampering s quirrels Venturesome and bold

-20 Open Door 230 Houseparty And red-cheeked children laughing all around23 Fa rro Reporter 300 M illionaire 730 College of the Air 3 30 To Tell The Truth THURSDAY Oct 18

00 Cap tain Kangaroo 355 CBS News Derby Improvement shyTha t whisper of the wind in trees you hear 900 Love of Mike 400 Secre t Storm 91 5 Jack LaLanne 430 Edge of ight A m elancholy prayer to one imports 945 Love or Mike 500 Bozo the Clown Dame Natures Grand Finale of the y~ar FRIDAY Oct 18 950 P rimary Science 60 0 Fair Exchange Rabboni Royal Arch c Ins tills tranquility within our hearts1000 Calendar 700 News at Seven 1030 ~nnessee Ernie 710 Spor-ts Hilites UDO The Real McCoys 715 Walter Cronkite News MONDAY Oct 22Perchance one day youll pass this way again 1- 30 Pete 8lt Gladys 730 To Tell The Truth

To share with us the joys of earth and sky Nurses Guild00 Lov of Life 800 Ive Got A Secre t

_ 25 CBS News 830 The Lucy Show And sharing find a Peace that will remain Band Boosters 1230 Search For Tomorrow 900 Danny Thomas Forever while the world goes rusbing by ~4 Guiding Light 930 Andy Griff th TUESDAY Oct 231000 Ben Casey Malcolm PetersJane Wyman Show

As The World Turns 11 00 ew at Eleven W S C orkda 11middot1 Upc apr

bull 1uYuk Nmiddot Y thlJI fmiddotf

our readers might ted in int roduct1OIlI

of the people who proshy newspaper bull dnaBradeenhaa done ~-up

Bradeenhas done t-up work for The

1er but was unavallshya picture


~e Lancasfer bull

Wewill ans h1m oh

sandra Mayo



If you cant find time to teach them

spend just a Iittle time

The following poem by- Elizabeth A Rober ts was ree ve ry near press time last week We enjoyed it 80 much plusmna ran it in that issuebut the only space available for it-was 8

that we had to reduce it in the camera to very s mall print Here it is again life-size


The beauty of the leaves in fall For some theyll hear the Masters call Others there wi ll chance to be A far greater ear thy destiny The farmers in the fields will clear Har ves t time is fina lly here God has waved his mighty paint brush and we e see The leaves of golden yellow and the r ed and green~ This is a time to give Him thanks While mother nature continues her imprish pranks Oh I how lucky we mortals really are For weve seen beauty that winter cannot mar

The following poem by Holman Day of Monter ey Ca c

was written for the Milo Chamber of Commerce and was shylished in the bookle t commemorating the 125th AnniverBlO the Townof Milo the 125th Anniversary of thePiscataquiB L No 44 A F ampA Mbull and the 50th Anniversary of the Ame Thread Co in 1948 fheoriginal copy is in the State Libr a Augusta

Mr H Allen Monroe kindly lent us his copy of the booklet ~ which we copied the poem


Is your taste for the tang of the Open have you zes t iJ

Out-of-doors Where the trees make roofs for the steltered glades w

duff spreads woodland floors Do you seek the lure of the winding trails the vistas tita

ahead And a leanto a t night near stream or lake your COt

spruce-bough bed Do you yearnfor a fores t cabin at the rim of a Pebbled shl Where the lakes waves whisper a lullaby and forgot 11

citys roar Is your choice the llft of the noble domes of mountains for

crowned Where sile ce makes serenity and perfect peace is fo Do you seek the spell of the placid lakes and the purriJ

tell- tale reels That promise bounty for those who bless the job of

filled creels I give you answer and earnest pledge that all this grac

bliss Lies open to those who wend their ways to fair Piscatac I mow the land from Chairback Lakes where flashing VI

gleams In its race to fill moss-lined poola of P leasant Rh

streams Schoodic and Beeme and all the ponds the linking tr~

know And all the glory of purple hills in morn and evening g Y~ar after year I came to them in the glor ious days o~ And across the land from the far far West I jour

bull1 _ _ _ _ _ _

  • temp
  • temp2


Oct 17

Page l~

Farm Reporter College of the Air Captain Kangaroo Lov of Mike Jack LaLa nne

WABI-TV IHCRSDAY OCTOBER 18 1962 TU ESDAY OCTOBER 23 1962 ~ ~eD Door 230 Hou party 720 Open Door 230 Housepar ty

300 MIllionaire 725 Farm Reporte r 300 Millionaire 330 To Tell The Truth 730 College of the Ai r 330 To Te ll The T ruth If you want to BUY SEL 355 CBS News 800 Captain Kangaroo 335 CBS Nes

RENTor SWAP try To400 Secret Storm 900 For The Lo ve of ilke 400 Secret Storm 430 Edge of Night 9 15 Jac k LaLanne 430 E jge of Night Clas s ified 5 00 Bozo The Clown 945 Love of Mike 500 Bozo The Clown F 600 Ozzle and Harriet 10000alendar 300 Country Caravan Houses For Sale

1 30 Tennessee E rnie 6 30 Mr Ed 1030 T eJU1cssee Ernie 630 Yogi Bear ~lOO The Real McCoys 7 00 News a t Seven 1100 R eal MCCoys 700 News at Seven A few hous es are left a U3O Pete 8lt Gladys 710 SpQrtti Wilites ll30 Pete and Gladys 7 10 Spor ts Hili tes by Village at prices ra LOO Love ot Life 715 Walt r Cronkite News 1200 Love of Life 7 15 Walter Cronkite News

25 CBS ews 730 My Three SOlS 1225 CBS News 730 Loretta Young Show from $3000 to $4500 Lmiddot30 Search F or TOlnorrow 8 00 perry Mason 12 30 Search F OI Tomorrow 800 Lloyd Bridges Show or write today to inspec t

5 Guiding Light 9 00 T he Nurses 1245 Guiding L ight 830 Red Skelton Hour three and four bedroom hi1 Jane Wyman Show 1000 Alfred Hitchcock 1 00 Jane Wyman 9 30 Jack Benoy 30 A the World Turns 1100 N ws At Eleven 1 30 A s The Wo rld Turns 1000 Garry Moore complete with bath fun

Password 11 15 Weather Show 2 00 Paosword 11 00 News At E leen and concrete basement z 11 20 Spor ts Final 11 15 Weather S10W

AY OCTOBER 19 1962 1120 Sports Final ford Agency Orono TeL -_0 Open Door 230 Bouseparty WEDNESD AY OCTOBER 24 1962 2625

_5 Farnl Reporte r 300 Millionaire 720 Open Door 355 CBS News7 0 ollege of the Air 330 To Tell The Truth FOR SALE 725 Farm Repor ter 4 00 Secret Stor m 0 C~ptain Kangaroo 355 CBS News 7 30 College of the Air 4 30 Edge of Night Coleman F loor F urnace

900 Love of Mike 400 Secret Storm 800 C ~p tain Kangaroo The Clown

15 Jack LaLanne 4 30 Edge of Night 500 Bozo condition complete with 1

9 00 Love of l1ike bull 6 00 T ime of Their Livesbull _5 Love of Mike 500 Bozo The Clown ter electric pump and the915 Jack LaLanne 625 Hathaway for Congressmiddot 000 Calendar 600 George Hale Sports 945 Love of Mike 630 Our Man Higgins stat $45 00 ~ 0 TeWlessee Erni e 630 Password 1000 Calendar 700 News at Seven (10 The Real McCoys 700 News a t Seven M C Horne Inc

1030 Tennessee Eruie 710 Sports Hilites 30 Pele amp Gladys 7 10 3ports Hilites 11 00 The R e al McCoys 115 Walter Cronkite Milo

_00 Love of Life 7 15 Walle r Cronki te 11 30 Pete a nd Gladys 7 30 CBS ReportsT EWS 730 R awhide Card of Thanks1200 Love of Life 8 30 Dobie Gilli s

25 CBS _



30 Search For Tomorrow 830 Naked City 1225 CBS News 900 Beverly Hil lbillies On behalf of the P i sca-15 Guidi ng Li cht 930 77 Sunset Strip 1230 Search For To morrow 930 Dick VanDykeJane Wyman Show 1030 Eye Witness County Republican Comm 1245 Guiding Light 1000 Armstrong Circle The s The World Turns 1100 1 ews at E leven 1 00 Jane Wyman The Friendly Thieves I would like to thank the

_ Password 11 15 Welther Show 130 As The World Turns 11 00 News at E leven of the Brownville and Mf1120 Spor ts F inal 2 00 Password 1113 Weather Show

~-1RDAY OCTOBER 201962 urches the Milo Garden ( 2 30 Houseparty 1120 Spor ts FinalCarto~n Capers 515 College Football Scoreboard

3 00 lIUUionaire the Milo Band and their 0 Captain Kangaroo 530 Twentie th Century

3 30 To Tell The Truth 00 Alvin Show 6 00 Bud Leavit t tor Mr Jones and the

30 Mighty Mouse 6 30 Hawaiian Eye zens of Milo for all their 1 00 in Tin Tin 7 30 Jackie Gleason

in making our G O P R 30 Roy Roger s 8 30 Defenders bull _ 00 Sky King 830 Have Gun Will T r avel Channel 5 October 10th such a suco

_30 Candlepin Bowling 1000 Gunsmoke Mr s NellC Johnston-~ 3 Studio City Bandstand 1100 Channel 5 News

30 College F ootball Kick Off H 15 The Gallant Men (Piscataquis County Statpound Stranger Passing Through

2 45 + CAA Football llitteewoman) Alabama vs TerUlessee

For Sale AKC RegisteredSlNDAY OCTOBER 1 1962 You say youre just a s tranger passing through 1~ acred Heart 500 Amateur Hour cker Spaniel pups 7 weeksWho paused here for a mom ent from the strife30 Colby Telecourse 530 College Bowl inquire Mrs E W B

9 00 Living Word 000 agon Train Of harried living and the cry and hue Milo9 1 5 Ca olle Masti 35 Clinton Street700 Lassie The efltrthly struggles of this m odern life

10 00 Lamp Unto My F eet 730 Dennis the Menace Phone 943-7769 1 30 Look Up and Live 800 Ed Bulliva n Show 11 00 Camera Three 900 Real McCoys F or in y ur has te somewhere along the way ---1111 30 This Is The Life 9 30 True Theater Youve overlooked the Gift of God to man12 00 University of Maine 1000 Candid Camera 1230 The Christophels 1030 What s My Line Nature beauteous colorful and gay

00 Time of Thei r Li ves 11 00 Eric Sevareid Is everywher e according to His Plan 1 30 TrIck or Treat 1115 News 1 45 P ro Football Kick Off ~ O O NY F ootball See r ows of maples wi th their red and gold

Giants vs Detroit And piles of s wir ling leaves upon the ground fOlDAY OCTOBER 22 1962 American Legion Scampering s quirrels Venturesome and bold

-20 Open Door 230 Houseparty And red-cheeked children laughing all around23 Fa rro Reporter 300 M illionaire 730 College of the Air 3 30 To Tell The Truth THURSDAY Oct 18

00 Cap tain Kangaroo 355 CBS News Derby Improvement shyTha t whisper of the wind in trees you hear 900 Love of Mike 400 Secre t Storm 91 5 Jack LaLanne 430 Edge of ight A m elancholy prayer to one imports 945 Love or Mike 500 Bozo the Clown Dame Natures Grand Finale of the y~ar FRIDAY Oct 18 950 P rimary Science 60 0 Fair Exchange Rabboni Royal Arch c Ins tills tranquility within our hearts1000 Calendar 700 News at Seven 1030 ~nnessee Ernie 710 Spor-ts Hilites UDO The Real McCoys 715 Walter Cronkite News MONDAY Oct 22Perchance one day youll pass this way again 1- 30 Pete 8lt Gladys 730 To Tell The Truth

To share with us the joys of earth and sky Nurses Guild00 Lov of Life 800 Ive Got A Secre t

_ 25 CBS News 830 The Lucy Show And sharing find a Peace that will remain Band Boosters 1230 Search For Tomorrow 900 Danny Thomas Forever while the world goes rusbing by ~4 Guiding Light 930 Andy Griff th TUESDAY Oct 231000 Ben Casey Malcolm PetersJane Wyman Show

As The World Turns 11 00 ew at Eleven W S C orkda 11middot1 Upc apr

bull 1uYuk Nmiddot Y thlJI fmiddotf

our readers might ted in int roduct1OIlI

of the people who proshy newspaper bull dnaBradeenhaa done ~-up

Bradeenhas done t-up work for The

1er but was unavallshya picture


~e Lancasfer bull

Wewill ans h1m oh

sandra Mayo



If you cant find time to teach them

spend just a Iittle time

The following poem by- Elizabeth A Rober ts was ree ve ry near press time last week We enjoyed it 80 much plusmna ran it in that issuebut the only space available for it-was 8

that we had to reduce it in the camera to very s mall print Here it is again life-size


The beauty of the leaves in fall For some theyll hear the Masters call Others there wi ll chance to be A far greater ear thy destiny The farmers in the fields will clear Har ves t time is fina lly here God has waved his mighty paint brush and we e see The leaves of golden yellow and the r ed and green~ This is a time to give Him thanks While mother nature continues her imprish pranks Oh I how lucky we mortals really are For weve seen beauty that winter cannot mar

The following poem by Holman Day of Monter ey Ca c

was written for the Milo Chamber of Commerce and was shylished in the bookle t commemorating the 125th AnniverBlO the Townof Milo the 125th Anniversary of thePiscataquiB L No 44 A F ampA Mbull and the 50th Anniversary of the Ame Thread Co in 1948 fheoriginal copy is in the State Libr a Augusta

Mr H Allen Monroe kindly lent us his copy of the booklet ~ which we copied the poem


Is your taste for the tang of the Open have you zes t iJ

Out-of-doors Where the trees make roofs for the steltered glades w

duff spreads woodland floors Do you seek the lure of the winding trails the vistas tita

ahead And a leanto a t night near stream or lake your COt

spruce-bough bed Do you yearnfor a fores t cabin at the rim of a Pebbled shl Where the lakes waves whisper a lullaby and forgot 11

citys roar Is your choice the llft of the noble domes of mountains for

crowned Where sile ce makes serenity and perfect peace is fo Do you seek the spell of the placid lakes and the purriJ

tell- tale reels That promise bounty for those who bless the job of

filled creels I give you answer and earnest pledge that all this grac

bliss Lies open to those who wend their ways to fair Piscatac I mow the land from Chairback Lakes where flashing VI

gleams In its race to fill moss-lined poola of P leasant Rh

streams Schoodic and Beeme and all the ponds the linking tr~

know And all the glory of purple hills in morn and evening g Y~ar after year I came to them in the glor ious days o~ And across the land from the far far West I jour

bull1 _ _ _ _ _ _

  • temp
  • temp2

bull 1uYuk Nmiddot Y thlJI fmiddotf

our readers might ted in int roduct1OIlI

of the people who proshy newspaper bull dnaBradeenhaa done ~-up

Bradeenhas done t-up work for The

1er but was unavallshya picture


~e Lancasfer bull

Wewill ans h1m oh

sandra Mayo



If you cant find time to teach them

spend just a Iittle time

The following poem by- Elizabeth A Rober ts was ree ve ry near press time last week We enjoyed it 80 much plusmna ran it in that issuebut the only space available for it-was 8

that we had to reduce it in the camera to very s mall print Here it is again life-size


The beauty of the leaves in fall For some theyll hear the Masters call Others there wi ll chance to be A far greater ear thy destiny The farmers in the fields will clear Har ves t time is fina lly here God has waved his mighty paint brush and we e see The leaves of golden yellow and the r ed and green~ This is a time to give Him thanks While mother nature continues her imprish pranks Oh I how lucky we mortals really are For weve seen beauty that winter cannot mar

The following poem by Holman Day of Monter ey Ca c

was written for the Milo Chamber of Commerce and was shylished in the bookle t commemorating the 125th AnniverBlO the Townof Milo the 125th Anniversary of thePiscataquiB L No 44 A F ampA Mbull and the 50th Anniversary of the Ame Thread Co in 1948 fheoriginal copy is in the State Libr a Augusta

Mr H Allen Monroe kindly lent us his copy of the booklet ~ which we copied the poem


Is your taste for the tang of the Open have you zes t iJ

Out-of-doors Where the trees make roofs for the steltered glades w

duff spreads woodland floors Do you seek the lure of the winding trails the vistas tita

ahead And a leanto a t night near stream or lake your COt

spruce-bough bed Do you yearnfor a fores t cabin at the rim of a Pebbled shl Where the lakes waves whisper a lullaby and forgot 11

citys roar Is your choice the llft of the noble domes of mountains for

crowned Where sile ce makes serenity and perfect peace is fo Do you seek the spell of the placid lakes and the purriJ

tell- tale reels That promise bounty for those who bless the job of

filled creels I give you answer and earnest pledge that all this grac

bliss Lies open to those who wend their ways to fair Piscatac I mow the land from Chairback Lakes where flashing VI

gleams In its race to fill moss-lined poola of P leasant Rh

streams Schoodic and Beeme and all the ponds the linking tr~

know And all the glory of purple hills in morn and evening g Y~ar after year I came to them in the glor ious days o~ And across the land from the far far West I jour

bull1 _ _ _ _ _ _

  • temp
  • temp2

If you cant find time to teach them

spend just a Iittle time

The following poem by- Elizabeth A Rober ts was ree ve ry near press time last week We enjoyed it 80 much plusmna ran it in that issuebut the only space available for it-was 8

that we had to reduce it in the camera to very s mall print Here it is again life-size


The beauty of the leaves in fall For some theyll hear the Masters call Others there wi ll chance to be A far greater ear thy destiny The farmers in the fields will clear Har ves t time is fina lly here God has waved his mighty paint brush and we e see The leaves of golden yellow and the r ed and green~ This is a time to give Him thanks While mother nature continues her imprish pranks Oh I how lucky we mortals really are For weve seen beauty that winter cannot mar

The following poem by Holman Day of Monter ey Ca c

was written for the Milo Chamber of Commerce and was shylished in the bookle t commemorating the 125th AnniverBlO the Townof Milo the 125th Anniversary of thePiscataquiB L No 44 A F ampA Mbull and the 50th Anniversary of the Ame Thread Co in 1948 fheoriginal copy is in the State Libr a Augusta

Mr H Allen Monroe kindly lent us his copy of the booklet ~ which we copied the poem


Is your taste for the tang of the Open have you zes t iJ

Out-of-doors Where the trees make roofs for the steltered glades w

duff spreads woodland floors Do you seek the lure of the winding trails the vistas tita

ahead And a leanto a t night near stream or lake your COt

spruce-bough bed Do you yearnfor a fores t cabin at the rim of a Pebbled shl Where the lakes waves whisper a lullaby and forgot 11

citys roar Is your choice the llft of the noble domes of mountains for

crowned Where sile ce makes serenity and perfect peace is fo Do you seek the spell of the placid lakes and the purriJ

tell- tale reels That promise bounty for those who bless the job of

filled creels I give you answer and earnest pledge that all this grac

bliss Lies open to those who wend their ways to fair Piscatac I mow the land from Chairback Lakes where flashing VI

gleams In its race to fill moss-lined poola of P leasant Rh

streams Schoodic and Beeme and all the ponds the linking tr~

know And all the glory of purple hills in morn and evening g Y~ar after year I came to them in the glor ious days o~ And across the land from the far far West I jour

bull1 _ _ _ _ _ _

  • temp
  • temp2