· Your role as member of AIESEC US is testing...

Post on 03-Apr-2018

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GISTesting Guide

Setting expectations…1. You will play with only the basic functionalities included in the beta

version of the system.

2. The functionalities that you will test are related with the Match, Realized and Complete stages of the new customer flows.

3. Your role as member of AIESEC US is testing the system and provide feedback to improve the current functionalities.

4. The more you test the system, the smoother will be the transition.

5. Promote the testing of the system with other members and remember one of the AIESEC Competencies: Proactive Learning.

6. GIS was designed to be user friendly and instinctive, try to test it on your own and with your team in the same way that you did when you opened your Facebook account for the very first time.

7. LCPs and EBs are the main responsibles for the implementation at local level. If you do a great job testing and training your members, the transition will be easier. Lead by the example.

First StepsReceive an invitation email, create your password, complete your profile, the dashboard, feedback.

Invitation email1. Your team leader invite you to

GIS (MC to LCP, LCP to EB, EB to members)

2. Setup your password clicking on this button

3. Set your password on the system*

*Please don’t use the same password that you use for your email or your social network accounts




Login to GIS

2. Write your email and password

1. Go to:


1. Menu: main functionalities of GIS: people, organizations, opportunities, Committees and Library.

2. Notification and Profile: Messaging module, notifications, search bar and your profile

3. Main Dashboard: Links to the different GIS functionalities

4. Feedback globe: Space to provide feedback for the developers.





Complete your profile1. Click on My Profile

2. Click on Edit

3. Complete all the information (personal details, professional details, contact details, skills, backgrounds, languages and interests)

4. Click on Save





Test and Feedback1. To provide directly feedback to

the developers click on

2. Write your piece of feedback. If you have a screenshot, you can include it. To make faster and easier the revision, add the topic of your feedback at the beginning of the comment.

3. You can help to the development of GIS, Click on “Help us decide what to add next” and choose the things that you want to see on the system.




GIS for OGXEP Flow, update profile information, select opportunities and apply.

EP Flow

Complete your profile1. Click on My Profile

2. Click on Edit

3. Complete all the information (personal details, professional details, contact details, skills, backgrounds, languages and interests)

4. Click on Save





Apply to Opportunities1. Find the opportunity in the

Opportunities menu

2. Click on the opportunity

3. Check the opportunity information.

4. Check the information of other applicants in the Applications and decide to apply based on the “matchability” percentage.

5. Apply clicking on the apply button






Track your applicationsIf you want to know what opportunities your EP has applied for, you can do this:

1. Open the most recent applications, go to the applications tab and click on his/her name.

2. Check the “Also applied to..” bar.



Post-matchOnce your applicant is matched with an Opportunity, GIS generates the next steps for him/her.

1. Timeline: Tracks the applicant experience and collect info of the travel (like flight info).

2. Quality Standards: Is a check list with all the logistics and standards for the exchange. Help you to measure the satisfaction of our customer.

3. You need to review and check all the standards before, during and after applicant’s arrival



GIS for TMP/TLPCreate teams, invite members, assign roles, internal communication.

Create a new team1. Go to your committee.

2. Click on “Teams” tab.

3. Click on

4. Fill out all the details of your team





Invite your members1. In the teams tab of your

committee Click on

2. If you Team Member already has an account on GIS, type his/her name and click on Invite. If not, click on invite by email instead and send the invitation.

2 2


Add members to your team1. Click on the team leader position

and edit the position details.

2. To add a new member position beneath the team leader, move your mouse on the top-right border of the team leader position to find a + symbol.

3. Fill out the position details and click on to choose on of your the members that you previously invited




Chat / Conversation1. To start a conversation go to

the message icon.

2. To start a new conversation click on

3. Invite the person/people you are going to talk with clicking on .

4. Write the topic and the message. Also you can attach files.





Next Steps1. If you don’t have an account, ask your LCP for one.

2. Follow this guide with your EB and make them login into the system and test ALL the functionalities

3. Create accounts for all your members, specially team leaders, managers and directors; Make them login to the system and test it.

4. Train your functional teams on their specific function. If your function is not exchanges/TM, you are an strategic area and you should know all the processes and functions of GIS.

5. Don’t invite EPs to GIS. The apply and signup module for EPs will be released soon.

6. LCPs and GIS implementers make a weekly review of the activity tracker.

Ideas to implement GIS faster1. Use the chat to communicate with your team.

2. During LCM deliver a live training session with your members. Make them create their accounts, apply to some opportunities, etc.

3. ICX team can create Opportunities for OGX members and make them apply.

4. Be creative, make your members feel is a cool system (ideas: create an opportunity for quidditch teams, or Beyonce’s dj, etc)

Track your progress…If you want to know how many times your LC has interacted with GIS, go to