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Post on 14-Apr-2017

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Hippo Omary Amonde 1940-2015, Nkakpanya

This is the first work the viewer encounters when walking into the Indigo exhibition, “Tinga Tinga

Today”. It gives an idea as to what the exhibition is about and wha the view can expect.

Big Teeth Amaounou (Jamcel, Hatiti). This mask paper mache mask captures the essence of Caribbean Carnival; exaggerated, fun, and over the top. I identified with this piece a lot because I’m also West Indian. The bright colors, layered material and structure gives

the view a glimpse of the Carnival culture.

Redneck Jones Shawn Crooshank

This piece took up the most of the wall that is sat on. The gesture strokes of the brush give a sense of urgency and the eyes bounce back and forth over the painting. The color also heightens the senses; bright red gives off an urgent atmosphere and the stark black outlines give off a sense of defiance. Although the name Redneck Jones

is curious. This might even be a portrait of sorts.

La Baie Kathleen Shaver

This piece was part of “The Structure of Chaos” collection by Kathleen Shaver. It was part of a row of the their works lining the main hallway in the Cranes

Arts building. The hallway lights were dim which served to the overall mood of the collection. This work in

particular seemed illuminated by the lights due to the thick patches of light colors, especially in the middle.

Handy Dandy Kathleen Shaver

This piece was part of “The Structure of Chaos” collection by Kathleen Shaver. It was part of a row of the their works lining the main hallway in the

Cranes Arts building. The hallway lights were dim which served to the overall mood of the collection. This work in particular seemed illuminated

by the lights due to the thick patches of light colors, especially in the middle.