Game cafes 1

Post on 15-Apr-2017

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Vocabulary game

1. Having a musical sound; especially a pleasing tune

Melodious:[mɪ'ləʊdɪəs] du dương

2. Containing or characterized by pleasing melody

1. The sound made by a dog

Bow-wow: [‚baʊ'waʊ] tiếng gâu gâu

2. The bark of a dog

1. A slight silly repeated laugh

Giggle: ['gɪgl] cười khúc khích  

2. Because you are amused, ambarrassed or nervous

Rumble: ['rʌmbl] tiếng ầm ầm  

1. A long deep sound or series of sound2. Sounds made by thunder, gun, or vehicle…

2. The sound made by a lion

Roar: [rɔr /rɔː] tiếng gầm, rống  

1. A deep prolonged loud noise

1. A long high unpleasant sound

Whine: [waɪn] tiếng rên rỉ

2. Complain in an annoying, crying voice because you are in pain or unhappy

2. (of people, animals or behavior) noisy and full of life and energy

Boisterous: ['bɔɪstərəs] huyên náo  

1. Noisy and lacking in restraint or discipline

1. To breath noisily through your nose and mouth

Snore: [snɔr /snɔː] tiếng ngáy 

2. While you are asleep

1. The light noise like the noise of silk clothing

Rustle: ['rʌsl] tiếng xào xạc

2. Or leaves blowing in the wind

 2. A series of rapid tapping sounds

Pitter-patter: [‘pitə(r)'pætə(r)] tiếng lộp độp

 1. The sound is usually made by rain drops falling down

1. A loud high shout

Shriek: [ʃrɪːk] tiếng thét

2. For example one that you make when you are excited, frightened or in pain

1. The sound that a door sometimes makes when you open it

Creak: [kriːk] tiếng cót két

2. Or that a wooden floor sometimes makes when you step on it

1. A sharp sound made by small birds or insects

Chirp: [tʃɜːp] tiếng hót líu lo 

2. To speak in a lively and cheerful way

1. The act of catching an object or starting sth with the hands

Snap: [snæp] tiếng tách tách

2. The noise produced by the rapid movement of a finger from the tip to the base of the thumb on the same hand

1. The area at the top of the throat

Larynx ['lærɪŋks] thanh quản

2. Contains vocal cords that are the source of the vocal tone in speech