games design project - kcdd77098.files.wordpress.comhappiness. Hatred’s powers consist of...

Post on 10-Mar-2021

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games design project

Marie Fictor




LOCATIONThe game a Sidescroller RPG. Some stages are like sidescroller games (eg: kirby or sonic) while some are like RPGs (eg: Paper Mario: the thousand year door)

The game takes place in a semi-distopian future. Although it is not long after our time (like about 50 years or so later).


There are 4 main characters within the game. The main character leads the 3 other charactersm and the player is able to switch between the three during the game.


There are also 2 other sub characters, one who appear once or twice within the cutscenes, and whenever the player looses a life as sort of “revival cutscene” before starting the area of the stage they died in (or where they last saved if it happens during an rpg like stage).

During sidecrolling stages, the player is able to switch as any of the 4 characters needed. While during exploring stages the main character is followed by one other and can switch between the three when neeeded.

Characters start out with a basic attack and can updgrade and add moves as the player goes on the game.

The plot of the game is that a mysterious being has ‘infected’ london and everyone has turned into monsters (that are based on negative emotions, like hatred or jealousy), and the main character tries to stop it before crisis hits.

The game is set in central London. Various areas within the stages are iconic places or abandonned areas.

Lastly there is the main villain that appears sometime during the middle of the game, to trick one of the main characters. He later reappears as the final final boss.

YamiGender: FemaleSpecies: Goddess/fear eaterCharacter role: Main character

About: Yami is mainly known as a fear eater. She roams the universe eating people’s anxieties and fears as energy, calming the one she fed of as she leaves. However, unknown to everyone (appart from her mother) she is actually the goddess of fear. Since her birth, Yami has also been able to seen horrible futures and took it upon herself to warn of said future, and try to prevent it from happening.

Goddess form:Yami is able to turn into her original form, her goddess

form. However, since Gods/Godesses aren’t welcome in the world anymore, she doesn’t use this form anymore- and

instead hides in her human like form.

EthosGender: NoneSpecies: spirit/being of moralityCharacter role: Secondary main character

About: Ethos is the being of morallity, they are the embodiment of all things ethic and good & evil. Ethos has a birth connection with Logos, as is able to sense her location when they choose to do so.

Ethos’ symbol power:Ethos’ symbol is a circle, and once activated- they can summon a powerfull sheild to protect themselves or others.

Later down during the storyline, Ethos’ hand gets ‘corrupted’ by the main villain.

‘Corrupted’ hand:

PathosGender: MaleSpecies: spirit/being of emotionsCharacter role: Secondary main character

About: Pathos is the embodiment of all emotions. He feels them all at once, which can make him a little bit all over the place as he can go from one emotion to the next really fast. Like Ethos, he also has birth connection- Pathos’ being towards Ethos.

Pathos’ symbol is a heart, and is the source of his emotions- without them, Pathos will feel nothing. The power within changes depending on the emotions- anger has fire powers, and Pathos will generally attack when angry, Sadness has water powers but they don’t activate often. Lastly fear has psychic powers, and will only activate as self defense when his fear worsens (which is bad, because it can go out of hand quickly). His happiness has superspeed powers, but it only activates when Pathos is extremly happy, or when he has had too much sugary foods that day... yikes. Unlike the other characters, Pathos’ gameplay changes on the emotion present within the storyline.

Pathos’ symbol power:

HatredGender: MaleSpecies: spirit/embodyment of hatredCharacter role: Villain

About: Not much is known about hatred at first, appart from the fact that he is the leader of all the monsters of chaos roaming around London. It is later revealed that Hatred is actually Pathos this whole time. His emotions replaced with hatred, with the exception of happiness. Hatred’s powers consist of Umbrakinesis.

NothingnessGender: MaleSpecies: spirit

Character role: secondary main character

About: Nothingness isn’t called what he’s called for nothing (pun not intended)- he feels nothing, nothing at all. This is the result of Pathos

loosing all of his emotions, and it is a big problem as Nothingness is prone to turning into Hatred if Pathos’ emotions aren’t returned

fast enough (or at least one until the rest are found). Gameplay wise, he has no attacks at all, the only thing he can do is dull the area and

tempararely make the enemy unable to attack.

LogosGender: FemaleSpecies: spirit/all knowing robotCharacter role: Secondary main character

About: Logos is an all knowing robot, she knows just about everything in the universe- and just like Ethos and Pathos, she has a birth connection- towards Pathos. Logos was actually born with no emotions, but thanks to Pathos’ excess emotions, she is able to feel emotions- her robot eyes change depending on the emotions she feels, similar to that of Pathos’ ones.

Logos’ symbol power:Logos’ symbol is a thought bubble, not only is it the source of knowledge and life for Logos, but it is also where she summons her electric powers. Her eyes generally change to red when she attacks, similar to Pathos’ fiery anger that is generally known to attack.

KairosGender: Male

Species: spirit/being of timeCharacter role: additional character/not playable.

About: Kairos is a being of time, he lives within an alternate reality within our reality and watches all- but is never seen. The only way for him to appear is to stop time for a brief moment. Kairos only appears though when somebody is struggling with a decision, he aids them by telling them to “do it now while you have the time”.

Other than this, not much is known about Kairos, as not many have seen him- although it is beleived he is somewhat related to Ethos,

Pathos and Logos.

TenebraeGender: MaleSpecies: God

Character role: main villain

About: Tenebrae, a god of chaos, is the embodiment of all evil within this universe, not only that but he is extremely powerfull. He feeds on evil and negative emotions (known as Chaos) and is

the actual source of all the monsters of chaos appearing in london and for Pathos becoming Hatred in the first place.

Be warned, Tenebrae is extremely good at deceiving others- and can set people up like

dominoes. And what’s worse is that he is fully aware of the bad he does, yet somehow still

enjoys it.