Gandhi vs hitler presentatn

Post on 08-May-2015

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This presentation highlights two people MOHANDAS KARAM


had a great impact on the history of the

twentieth century. Their actions have affected the lives of millions of people

through the world.

Gandhi V/S Hitler• Gandhi and Hitler are two men who changed the history of the world. Both men of strong character in their own right.• Two men who draw passion among people, love or hatred, very strong indeed.• Both loved their people. Gandhi fought against the British to ensure that his people were free, whereas Hitler fought against some "suspected" forces which were out to disintegrate his people. • Both were very charismatically hypnotic when it came to casting spells on people with their speeches, inspiring them and getting them to follow them. They were very stubborn and determined and no power could make them change their minds when set. They believed in their cause and the confidence they exuded was phenomenal.

• Hitler and Gandhi both gained respect of their people in very short period of time.• Gandhi brand of non-violence and Satyagraha brought him many admirers from all around the world including Martin Luther King Junior who used the non-violence and non co-operation principles expounded by the Mahatma in the Civil Rights Movement.• Hitler believed that Force was the one and only way of subjugating people and getting them around.• Hitler's speeches were filled with power and hatred.• Gandhi's speeches though powerful were soft and full of love.

Adolph Hitler and Germany

Adolph Hitler

Adolph Hitler rose to power after World War I. The Treaty of Versailles (which ended World War I) was harsh on Germany,

Germany were forced to pay $33 billion in reparations (war damages).

The Germans had to give up their military.

Many people were out of work and the country was having an inflation (high prices and few goods)

He was a total ruler : a dictator who controlled every part of the citizen’s lives

All political parties except the Nazi Party were against the law All magazines, newspapers and books had to be approved by the government

The Gestapo (secret police) made sure no one expressed Ideas against Hitler or his government

Propaganda ( the spread of one point of view) was widely used to spread the Nazi philosophy

Adolph Hitler

Hitler blamed all of Germany’s problems on the Jews. They became scapegoats ( the ones who were blamed).

Hitler started his policy of anti-Semitism (hostility against Jews)

The Jew lost their businesses, they were told where they could work and who they could marry

All Jews were forced to wear a yellow Star of David on their clothes so they could be identified.

Star of David

World War II

Hitler used blitzkrieg (lightning warfare) to take over Poland, Denmark, Holland, Belgium and France.

He controlled most of Western Europe by 1940. Britain was the only holdout. Germany joined up with Italy and Japan to become The Axis Powers.

The United States, Britain and the Soviet Union were joined as The Allied Powers in 1940.

World War II ended because of the American victory in the Pacific and the Soviet’s great manpower in Europe. Hitler committed suicide in 1945.

Leadership Qualities of Hitler Public Speaking Hitler was a captivating public speaker. He would enrapture crowds with his vision and sense of purpose of the nation.

Understanding Human Nature Adolf Hitler understood human nature very well. He rallied the whole nation behind him.

Constant Influence Adolf Hitler successfully used propaganda to bring the whole nation under his will. Through the constant use of media and communications, he managed to cause a whole nation to think alike to serve his cause.

Confidence He had a lot of confidence thinking that he could achieve his goals. Although in the end his confidence was overturned, he did have it which is a good characteristic of a leader.

Famous Quotes from Adolf Hitler

“Strength lies not in defence but in attack”.

“People may not always believe what you say, but they will believe what you do”.

“Demoralize the enemy from within by surprise, terror, sabotage, assassination. This is the war of the future.”

“I do not see why man should not be just as cruel as nature.”


•Ability to persuade

•Unify groups of people

•Cast visions of goal

•Motivate and direct

•Trustworthy and diligent

•Raise the bar of expectations


• Strong opponent of violence• Organized non-violent civil resistance• Refusal to comply with unjust laws• Provoked significant legislative change• Guided Bardoili protest and Salt March• Won freedom for India from British Empire


Ahinsa: - ideal that injury to another creature not only injured the other, but oneself. This notion encompasses a sense of active compassion.

Karma yoga: - emphasized work as a means to the goal of enlightenment. Instead of focusing on the intellect, faith or psycho-physical experimentation, karma yoga provides a path to spiritual goals through ordinary, everyday experience.

Satyagraha: -truth fastness, holding to the truth, power of truth, or truth-force

Mohandas Gandhi

• Mohandas Gandhi was the leader of the independence movement in India. He worked with the Indian National Congress for over 30 years to gain India’s independence from Great Britain.

• Gandhi followed a philosophy of passive resistance. Passive resistance was a non- violent method of protesting for political and social changes• Gandhi led boycotts (a refusal to conduct business), protests and work stoppages against the British.• One of the protests Gandhi led was to have people refuse to buy British clothing. He asked them to follow his example and wear only cotton and simple clothes made in India.

Another boycott was the Salt March in 1930. Salt was needed by everyone but the British were the only ones who were supposed to make or sell it. Gandhi and some followers marched 250 miles to the sea. He urge people to make their own salt. The British jailed over 60,000 people (including Gandhi) in the following weeks for this act of civil disobedience (a refusal to obey government laws ).

Gandhi and the Salt March

After World War II Britain gave India its independence. Gandhi’s hoped for a unified nation but violence between India’s Hindus and Muslims escalated. Two new countries were created, India with its Hindu majority and Pakistan with the Muslim majority.Strong religious differences continue today with the Sikh religion seeking independence in the Punjab StateGandhi was killed by a Hindu fanatic who objected to Gandhi’s effort to keep peace between Hindus and Muslims.

Gandhi with Nehru, India’s first Prime Minister