Garden Mango Fertilisation and Role of Micronutrients

Post on 26-Dec-2015

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The mango season will commence in June but a ot of work is involved




& the ASFIC team


PruningShoots that do not receive sufficient

sunlight must be removed: These shoots do not produce enough food reserves

for the tree

Thus, fruit set in such branches are not satisfactory

Diseased, dead and intermingling branches must be removed

Weed Control: Should keep the area around the base of the tree weed


Thus keep only the area under canopy cover weed free by use of a mamoty.

Until the end of 1st year after planting,

It is important to have an area extending up to about 60 cm away from the tree without weed

During this period use dry grass as a dead mulch

Irrigation: Specially in areas when prolonged dry periods exist, it is

important to irrigate the plants during first three years after planting.

Frequency and amount of irrigation depend on:

rainfall and soil properties

The most critical periods of moisture requirements

From flowering - fruit maturity

From leaf bud burst - leaf maturity

From leaf maturity up to flower bud burst irrigation must be withheld

Irrigation during this period adversely affect flowering


Timely and in required quantity fertilisation is extremely important in order to have an orchard consisting of healthy plants and to harvest a bountiful luscious fruits. Below is a chart giving the plant wise and age wise recommended doses of manure and fertilisers application.

Apply 50 % of the dose 2 months before the flowering season. Apply 25 % of the dose at the time of fruit setting and the balance 25 % after the harvesting is complete















1 - 3 YEARS

5−20 100–200 200−400 250−500 175−350

4 - 6 YEARS

25−50 200–400 400−800 500−750 350−700

7 - 9 YEARS

60−90 400−500 800−1000750−1000700−1000



100 250 1000 1000 1000

Role and deficiency symptoms of micronutrients in Mango

Micronutrients are equally important as macro nutrients for proper growth of mango tree.

The requirement of micronutrients are only traces which is partly met from the soils or through chemical fertilizers or through some other sources.

Role and deficiency symptoms of micronutrients in Mango

Mango trees suffer widely by the deficiency of micronutrients. If these are corrected at proper time, it definitely boosts up the economic yield of the tree.

Hence, it is important to have proper knowledge to identifying deficiency/toxicity symptoms of these micronutrients for timely correction.

Role and deficiency symptoms of micronutrients in Mango

Role of copper

It is a component of plaxtocyanin which plays a role in protein and carbohydrates synthesis.

Cu is essential in several plant enzyme systems involved in photosynthesis.

Cu is part of the chloroplast protein plastocyanin, which forms part of the electron transport chain.

Cu may have a role in the synthesis and/or stability of chlorophyll and other plant pigments.

Role and deficiency symptoms of micronutrients in Mango

Deficiency symptoms of copper

• Copper deficiency are seen frequently in young plants getting large amounts of N, or in the young shoots of adult plants.

• Copper deficiency in mango orchards caused long, tender and “S”shaped branches and leaves with downward curls, both on the lamina and the central vein.

• On the branches, Cu deficiency causes boil-like eruptions on the bark that, at times, weeps sap.

• Progressive terminal branch death may occur under where new shoots were curved or “S”-shaped in the previous year

Role and deficiency symptoms of micronutrients in Mango

Role of iron

• Constituent of cytochrome for respiration. It brings about chlorophyll formation and electron transport.

• Fe is essential in the heme enzyme system in plant metabolism (photosynthesis and respiration). The enzymes involved include catalase, peroxidase, cytochrome oxidase, and other cytochromes.

• Fe is part of protein ferredoxin and is required in nitrate and sulfate reductions.

• Fe is essential in the synthesis and maintenance of chlorophyll in plants and strongly associated with protein metabolism.

Role and deficiency symptoms of micronutrients in Mango

Role of Manganese Activator of enzymes in photosynthesis. Essential for

chlorophyll formation.

Mn is involved in the oxidation-reduction process in photosynthesis.

Role of Zinc Activator of enzymes in respiration. It has role in protein

synthesis. Essential for auxin synthesis.

Zn is required in the synthesis of tryptophan, which in turn is necessary for the formation of indole acetic acid in plants.

Role and deficiency symptoms of micronutrients in Mango

Role of boron

It helps in cell division and cell differentiation.

Role of Molybdenum Activator of enzymes in respiration. It has role in protein

synthesis. Essential for auxin synthesis.

Zn is required in the synthesis of tryptophan, which in turn is necessary for the formation of indole acetic acid in plants.

Role and deficiency symptoms of micronutrients in Mango

Deficiency symptoms of iron

Iron deficiency is manifested by typical chlorosis in new leaves, which have a mesh of green veins contrasting with the yellow of the lamina.

Severely affected leaves may be pale yellow, with little or no green in the veins.

Young leaves are always affected first.

In situations of acute deficiency branches and twigs may die.

Role and deficiency symptoms of micronutrients in Mango

Causes of iron deficiency

Iron deficiency is associated with soils derived from calcareous material or acidic soils with very high levels of manganese (Mn).

Sometimes excessive amounts of Mn in poorly drained soils can induce Fe deficiency in plants.

Associated with an excess of Mn applying large amounts of P fertilizer may also induce Fe deficiency in mango.

Role and deficiency symptoms of micronutrients in Mango

Deficiency symptoms of boron

Boron deficiency first occur in the youngest parts of the plant, while its toxicity is seen at the extremities of the oldest leaves.

Boron deficiency causes death of the apical bud, which results in an excessive number of lateral buds that develop tuft-shaped secondary branches.

Role and deficiency symptoms of micronutrients in Mango

Deficiency symptoms of boron

The floral panicles are smaller and have fewer hermaphroditic flowers.

Boron deficiency caused physiological disorder known as internal necrosis and symptoms starts from browning of seed and measocarp tissues.

Role and deficiency symptoms of micronutrients in Mango

Deficiency symptoms of manganese

Manganese deficiency causes reduced growth, similar to deficiencies of P and Mg.

New leaves have a yellowish green lamina, with a noticeable green mesh between the veins, which are thicker than those associated with Fe deficiency.

The first symptoms appear on new leaves, which have a yellowish green background.

Role and deficiency symptoms of micronutrients in Mango

Deficiency symptoms of Zinc

Zinc deficiency markedly reduced the leaf size and inhibited plant growth appreciably.

Zinc deficiency found to be the cause of severe malformation in mature mango trees

Role and deficiency symptoms of micronutrients in Mango

Let Us Sum Up

Micronutrients are nutrients required by plants throughout life in small quantities to orchestrate a whole range of physiological functions.

Mango trees suffer widely by the deficiency of micronutrients. If these are corrected at proper time, it definitely boosts up the economic yield of the tree.

Role and deficiency symptoms of micronutrients in Mango

Let Us Sum Up

On the branches, Cu deficiency causes boil-like eruptions on the bark that, at times, weeps sap, however, boron deficiency caused physiological disorder known as internal necrosis and symptoms starts from browning of seed and measocarp tissues.

Therefore, it is important to have knowledge of symptoms of micronutrients.