Gardening for the apocalypse presentation

Post on 27-May-2015

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  • 1. WILL YOU SURVIVE A DISASTER IN THE QUAD CITIES? Without electricity, fresh running water, or any modern conveniences?

2. NO GROCERY STORE YOU NO EMERGENCY ROOMARE ONNO WALMART YOUR OWN 3. SURVIVAL GARDENINGFOR THE APOCALYPSEMedicinal andHelpful Plantsfrom our ownbackyards 4. SURVIVAL GARDENINGPRODUCES:Clean water, clean air, and safe, clean soilfor growing food. 5. PHYTOREMEDIATION: The direct use of greenplants to stabilize orreduce contamination insoils, surface water, orground water. Costs about one-tenth oftraditional hazard wastecleaning methods, andreduces the amount ofwaste by as much as 98percent. 6. The ChernobylNuclear DisasterSunflower Project:1996, in a pond nearChernobyl, sunflowersremoved 95% of theponds radioactive cesiumand strontium within tendays. 7. Department of Energy In Ashtabula,Ohio, sunflowers reduced uranium in water from 350 parts per billion (ppb) to less than 5 ppb within 24 hours. Researchers are using sunflowers to remove uranium from contaminated springs at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory in Tennesee. Poplar trees and grasses are being used in Iowa City, Iowa to filter water in municipal or industrial wastewater streams. 8. Sunflowers 9. Medicinal Values of SunflowersThe seeds have diureticand expectorantproperties and treatbronchial, laryngeal andpulmonary problems,coughs and colds, alsowhooping cough. 10. Other uses for Sunflowers The leaves make a cattle-food. The stems contain fibers which may beused in making paper and wovenfabrics. When the stalks are dry, they are ashard wood and make an excellent fire. Seeds are eaten, used to makebread, and the oil extracted forcooking. 11. Dandelions 12. Medicinal Values of Dandelion Plants Decreases blood sugar levels Acts as an anticoagulant andantithrombotic agent, reducing dangerof blood clots (post-surgical). Reduces the risk of developingatherosclerosis and other risk factors ofcardiovascular disease . Detoxifies and aids in liver function. Promotes improvement ofgastrointestinal health: constipation,diarrhea, and intestinal cramping. 13. Other Uses of Dandelions The roots are roasted and used in herbal coffees. The leaves and crowns are used for salads and cooked greens. The flower heads are used for making dandelion wine and flavorings. Dandelion is a rich source of vitamins A, B complex, C, and D, as well as minerals such as iron, potassium, and zinc. 14. Solomons Seal 15. Some medicinal uses of Solomons Seal: Solomons Seal is given in pulmonaryconsumption and bleeding of the lungs. Good in inflammations of the stomachand bowels, piles, and chronic dysentery. Soothes and reduces nervousness,distress, excitement, or irritation. It canalso reduce pain or discomfort. For external applications, heals wounds(open), cuts, burns, bruises. Treats skinconditions such as rashes. Reduces rheumatic pain, arthritic pain,inflammation, and infection in the joints. 16. Lavender 17. Medicinal uses of Lavender: Lavender comes from the Latin root lavare, whichmeans "to wash." Research has confirmed that lavender produces slightcalming, soothing, and sedative effects when its scentis inhaled. Beneficial in a variety of conditions, includinginsomnia, alopecia (hair loss), anxiety, stress, andpostoperative pain. Lavender is also used for its antibacterial and antiviralproperties. Treat skin ailments, such as fungalinfections, wounds, eczema, and acne, with lavenderoil. 18. Stinging Nettle 19. Medicinal uses of Stinging Nettle: Reduces levels of inflammatory chemicals in the body by interfering with the way the body transmits pain signals. Treat urinary problems during the early stages of an enlarged prostate, and for urinary tract infections. The leaves and stems of nettle have been used historically to treat arthritis and for sore muscles. Reduces sneezing and itching in people with hay fever, possibly due to lowering the amount of histamine the body produces in response to an allergen. 20. Catnip 21. Various uses for Catnip: Used to treat cancer, nervousness, nightmares, scurvy, tuberculosis, and insomnia. Relieves toothaches. It is also known to be a mild sedative to humans. It is a good source of vitamins A & C. It repels mosquitoes 10 times more effectively (and safer) than DEET. 22. Adler, Tina, Botanical Cleanup Crews. Science News 150.3 (1996): 42-43. Academic SearchPremier. Web. 9 March, 2013. Ampong-Nyarko, Kwesi. Catnip. Agriculture and Rural Development. Government of Alberta,Canada, 8 January, 2013. Web. 9 March, 2013. Coats, Joel, Brian Meyer, and Chris Peterson. Catnip Drives Cats Wild, But Drives MosquitoesAway. Iowa State University College of Agriculture, 27 August, 2001. Web. 9 March, 2013. Ehrlich, Steven D. Stinging Nettle. Lavender. and Dandelion. Complementary Medicine.University of Maryland Medical Center, 2 May, 2011. Web. March 9, 2013. Gonzlez-Castejn, Marta; Francesco Visioli, and Arantxa Rodriguez-Casado. Diverse Biological Activities ofDandelion. Nutrition Reviews 70.9 (2012): 534-547. Academic Search Premier. Web. 9 March, 2013. Grieve, Maud. Sunflowers. A Modern Herbal., n.d. Web. March 9, 2013. McDowell, C. Forrest. How Solomons Seal Works to Heal You. CORTESIA SOLOMONS SEAL. Web. March 9, 2013. Phytoremediation - A Green Solution to Pollution. Biology-Online. n.d. Web. March 9, 2013. 23. DI ANN DUFFEY VULICHENG 337: ENVIRONMENTAL JUSTICEDR. EVERETT HAMNER I Build This Garden For Us Lenny KravitzLet Love Rule, 1989