Gardenractive( finalised) (1)

Post on 21-Aug-2015

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GardenractiveDone by: Tan Mei Yi (13)

Weng Qi Ying (18)

Justin Foo Shi Yu (21)

Ma Ming Ze (29)

Toh Wei Xiang (37)

Content Page• World of tourism• Hypothesis• Survey• Conducting Survey at the Changi airport• At the Changi airport• Gift for the tourist• Survey Findings• Conclusion for survey• Preparation for Gardenractive• Gardenractive• A part to save the Earth• 3-D view of Gardenractive• A glance at the vehicle• What we have learnt

World of tourismWorld of tourism

• We were given a variety of topics to choose for IPW (Interdisciplinary Project Work). After much consideration, we decided to choose the topic ‘Tourism’ because tourism is the main source of income for Singapore.

Hypothesis• The hypothesis for our group’s project is

“Singapore need a new tourist attraction rather than improve its current tourist attractions”.

• Thus to ensure and reconfirm our hypothesis, we decided to conduct a series of survey on Singaporeans, Permanent Residents and tourists.

Survey• We went around interviewing people from all

walks of life such as Singaporeans, Tourists and permanent residents (20 people each) separately at the Changi Airport, school and shopping malls.

• From the separate results, we combined them together and present them in the form of pie chart.

Conducting Survey at the Changi airport

• This is the first time we interview strangers. We did not have much experience.

• Thus, to show our sincerity, we decided to prepare small gifts which are nicely and attractively wrapped.

• At first, we all did not know how to approach the tourist. But, slowly, we got the hand of it. Thus, the process was fasten up.

• We met people from all walks of life. There were people who are friendly and there were also people who are less friendly. We got rejected but we also did get to interview people.

• In total, we went to the airport twice.

At the Changi airport

Gift for the tourist

Survey Findings1.How old are you?

2.How many tourists attractions in Singapore have you visited?

3. How do you find these tourists attraction?

4. Do you think Singapore has got enough tourists attractions?

5. Are you satisfied with the facilities in Singapore?

6. If Singapore were to build another attraction, what would you prefer?

Conclusion for survey

• From the result gotten, most of the people find that Singapore’s tourist attractions are fun and generally, people are satisfied with the facilities in Singapore.

• Majority of the people thinks that there is sufficient amount of tourist attraction. From question 6, 55% of the people we interviewed preferred to have relaxation as a new attraction.

• Therefore, we decide to build a garden as what most of the people had requested.

Preparation for Gardenractive• We decided that if we want to build a garden

that will attract more tourist, we will have to make it stand out among the other gardens in Singapore such as the botanical garden and the Garden by the bay. So we wanted to plan a little ‘adventure’ in the garden and try to make the design as special as possible.

• Firstly, we gave our garden a name, Gardenractive. Unlike other gardens, our gardens will be interactive and fun. From the first step the costumer made; they will be able to experience a brand new feeling. We had meticulously prepared a very fun and interactive journey which bring them closer to the Mother Nature.

• We also want to emphasize on the need of preserving the environment because governments has been clearing lands to build more housing estates. We will be making our artifact using a software. It will present to you both the internal and external view of the garden.

• The vehicles that the customers can travel on in the garden would be drawn manually on an A4 size paper. Other then these, we will create a website so as to reach to people on the other side of the world through the net.

Finally, we overcame all the problems. We are done planning and came up with our product!

Gardenractive• We have planned a little adventurous journey for the

customers. This journey will take them around the ‘world’ to give them a view on the variety of plants, trees and flowers located in different part of the world.

• There are a variety of animal shaped vehicles for the customers to travel in. The screen on the front portion of the vehicles will be saying a brief explanation of the environment along the journey and also describe the different type of plants around them.

• If the customer is interested in the specific type of plant, they can choose to hop off the vehicles and take a closer look at the plant. They can ask for a guide or walk around themselves as there will be signs and boards to tell them direct them.

• The customers would not be leaving the garden without anything. They can visit the stuff stationed to make their own souvenirs, such as using the leaves of some plant to make a basket and using the banana tree’s leaf to make ketupat

• The garden have a luxurious restaurant(forest retreat restaurant and grille) where the customers can go in and relax or have some food.

• The restaurant is made up of recycled materials like used eater bottles.

A part to save the Earth• We will make everything using recycled materials

to give the people a clearer image that recycled product can be as good as new products and also to spread the importance of recycling and conserving the resources as we will run out of natural resources if we continue to waste them.

• The vehicles will be using solar power to conserve natural resources.

• For customers who are visiting for the second or third time, they can choose to ride on a bicycle to travel around the garden freely. They can exercise as well as to breathe in fresh air.

To do make this adventure possible, we have to make some preparations. We had designed the garden using software which will show you the complete view of the garden.

(3D view of Gardenractive)

A glance at the vehicle

• We designed the vehicles that will be taking the customers around the garden using the shape of different animals (elephant, tigers and kangaroo) which represent different countries. There will be a total of 11 countries included (United States; China; Korea; Japan: Canada; India; Russia; England; Brazil; Australia and Africa)

Picture of designed Vehicle

Mei YiThrough this project, I learnt that as a team, we

have to be very united to complete the assignments given and also to overcome all sorts of problems that we may face. As long as we are united, we can make anything possible. And through this project, I get to work with the people I don’t usually work with and learn from them. Overall, although we had many difficulties, we still managed to overcome it as a team. It was a enjoyable experience.

Qi Ying As the group leader, I have not only placed much stress on

myself but also high expectations on the entire group, which consists of Mei Yi, Ming Ze, Justin, Wei Xiang and myself. I truly appreciate the hard work they have put into our project especially nearing the submission of our project work. I must say that IPW has been an insightful and memorable experience for me. I have learned in many ways what it means to be a group and not an individual, knowing that not everyone is like me. I must also express my thanks to my mentor, Ms Zurianah, who has render lots of helps to me. Thank you!

Ming ZeIPW has taught me many research and

collaboration skills which I can apply for future use. These skills include triangulating the various information gathered and organising information. Other than that, critical thinking skills is also learnt throughout the project. Critical thinking is not just about thinking, but with logic and depth with various perspectives of ideas.

JustinI have learnt many useful skills from IPW

which I can utilize in later parts of my life. Such as the proper ways to interview a person, with the factors affecting a good interview. My level of confidence has also increased after interviewing people at the Changi airport. Overall, I felt that IPW is extremely engaging and fun to participate in!

Wei Xiang Throughout the course of the entire project,

many of us had differing views. Many of times, the group had to accommodate to one of our views and perception even though I know that at several instances they actually do not agree to it. But, it is a group work after all. I learnt that everybody is unique and special in their own ways. I truly appreciate the concepts of having group works. I must also thank our mentor who help us.

Thank you for your time!