Gartner Supply Chain Executive Conference 2013

Post on 27-Jan-2015

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Gartner Supply Chain Executive Conference 2013 Sponsored by Gartner Learn details about Gartner's upcoming Supply Chain Executive Conference in September and how it offers the objective guidance and expertise today's supply chain proficiency demands. ref >>


Register by 26 July to save €400

Reimagine Supply Chain: Fast, Forward, Focus

The World’s Most Important Gathering

of Supply Chain Leaders

23 – 24 September 2013Lancaster London Hotel, London,

Phoenix Melbourne London

Guest keynotes

Alexander scholz

Head of Project Management in Sourcing and Supplier Network, BMW Group

David Gosnell

President, Global Supply Chain and Procurement, Diageo plc

Fast — Quickly implement tactics,

tools and methodologies required

for higher levels of supply chain

network agility and efficiency

Forward — Proactively move

your supply chain ahead of the

competitive curve with innovative

strategies that deliver greater cost

savings and market advantage

Focus — Identify the critical few

supply chain initiatives that will

deliver the most impact and

business value for your enterprise

It’s time to reimagine the very way supply chains work

Global forces are making one thing clear: Supply chain leaders must drive transformation without

delay, and emerge with value networks that are more agile, efficient and cost-effective than ever

before. Join us at Gartner supply Chain executive Conference 2013 for the objective guidance

and expertise today’s supply chain proficiency demands.

Contents2 Overview

3 New in 2013

4 Visionary keynotes and guest speakers

5 Networking opportunities

6 Supply chain analyst team (by role and industry)

7 Event tools to enhance your learning

8 Agenda at a Glance

9 Tracks and session descriptions

13 Roundtables and workshops

14 Sponsors

15 Registration and Team Attendance Program

Reimagine Supply Chain:Fast, Forward, Focus

Reimagine Supply Chain Efficiency:

In 2013, the first $50 smartphone will appear in emerging countries.

the World’s Most Important Gathering of supply Chain Leaders2

What’s new for 2013?•three brand-new tracks

•new research, including key findings from the Gartner inaugural, comprehensive Chief supply Chain officer study — Learn what leading CSCOs consider to be their top opportunities and challenges for the coming year

•All-new guest keynotes, case studies and panel speakers

•Engagingnew session formats including hands-on peer workshops and Magic Quadrant theaters on the Solution Showcase.

•Leading Gartner supply Chain Analysts — 19 in total — available for more one-on-one sessions. See which analysts cover your focus areas so you can meet with them on-site — pages 6 and 7 for details

supply chain is a critical priority for each executive on the supply chain leadership team across multiple roles and industries. our 2013 agenda has you covered.

Who should attend

• ChiefSupplyChainOfficersandOtherSeniorOperationsExecutives

• SupplyandDemandPlanningExecutives

• SourcingandProcurementExecutives


• DistributionandLogisticsExecutives

• SupplyChainITExecutives

• SupplyChainStrategyExecutives

• SupplyChainTransformationandInnovationExecutives

• FieldServiceExecutives


• AerospaceandDefense

• Automotive

• Chemicals

• ClothingandTextiles

• ConsumerPackagedGoods(CPG)

• Energy

• FoodandBeverage


• LifeSciences

• High-Tech

• Industrials

• Retail

see which companies are attending at

steven steutermann Vice President and Conference Chair

Register by 26 July and save €400. Visit or call +44 20 8879 2430 3

The power of a collective experienceGartnerSupplyChainExecutiveConferenceisarareopportunitytoexchangeideasandshare experiences with your industry peers. With over 250 supply chain executives in attendance, you’ll learn what others are doing and why — with a new ability to apply principles and practices that are relevant to your organization’s needs. Plus, hear from the following visionary keynotes.

Gartner keynote

Mike Burkett, Mike Griswold Monday 23 september, 08:30 – 09:15and eric o’Daffer

Reimagine supply Chain — Fast, Forward, Focus

It’s time to reimagine your supply chain and push the boundaries of conventional thinking. Incremental improvement won’t suffice to capitalize on the next wave of global growth. New markets present opportunity and emphasize the need to move quickly and to focus amidrisingcompetition.Futuresupplychainleadersmustengagebusinesspartnerstodrive new market growth while continuing to improve service levels and profits in existing markets. Senior analysts present Gartner’s most current research addressing the changes ahead and the capabilities required for supply chain to be the critical differentiator for global corporations.

Guest keynotes

DAvID GosneLL tuesday 24 september, 08:00 – 08:45President, Global supply Chain and Procurement, Diageo plc

David Gosnell is President of Global Supply and Procurement for the world’s leading premium drinks business — a position he has held since January 2003. David has also served on the Diageo plc

Executive Committee since 2008, in recognition of his leadership role within the company. As President of Global Supply and Procurement, David is responsible for Diageo’s world class supply chain delivering to over 180 markets around the world from over 100 production facilities located in 32 counties.

ALexAnDeR sChoLz tuesday 24 september, 09:00 – 09:45head of Project Management in sourcing and supplier network, BMW Group

Alexander Scholz’s current role at BMW Group is in-house Consultant and Head of Project Management in Sourcing & Supplier Network. Prior

to this he was Head of a Program for Re-Engineering both Processes and IT-Systems in Sourcing & Supply Chain for a couple of years. Before working for BMW, he was a Management Consultant in different organizations (Nexolab, Oracle, Accenture) dealing with a variety of projects in the area of Supply Chain Management. He has been educated at Regensburg University, University College of Dublin (UCD) and the University of Lyon. He holds a Masters in Business Administration.

Check back frequently for more guest speaker announcements at

VISIonaRy KeynoTeS and GueST SpeaKeRS

Why Gartner?Gartner is the world leader in supply chain research and advice.

We deliver the insight supply chain executives need to transform their supply chains into demand-driven value networks.

Gartner provides insight supply chain professionals can’t get anywhere else on how to design, build and execute a demand-driven value network that maximizes productivity, minimizes risk and enables innovation.

Advance your initiatives through partnering with experts· Get an unbiased, outside

perspective on your supply chain key initiatives

· Leverage vertical-specific analysts to support the unique issues and complexities of your industry

Design and execute a road map for success · Develop a strategy to transform a

traditional, reactive supply chain into a demand-driven value network

· Build a sustainable and resilient supply chain

Run a world-class supply chain organization· Utilize your resources more

effectively by “extending” your team

· Use our research and toolkits to help educate the extended supply chain team

the World’s Most Important Gathering of supply Chain Leaders4

Reimagine your supply chain with the power of Gartner research, live — Plus, valuable networking opportunities

Peer-to-peerhot topic/industry networking and reception Tohelpyouidentifyyourpeerswhomaybefacingsimilaropportunitiesandchallenges,we offer networking opportunities during session breaks, meals and solution showcase receptions.

Analyst-facilitated sessionsGartner analyst one-on-one meetings Schedule a private half-hour meeting with a Gartner analyst to consult about your opportunitiesand/orchallenges.Thesecomplimentaryconsultingsessionsfillupquickly— or visit the one-on-one desk on-site at the conference.

Analyst-led roundtable discussions Moderated by Gartner analysts, roundtables serve as ideal forums for exchanging ideas and best practices with your peers around a particular issue. Roundtables are reserved for supply chain executives only; vendors and service providers are disallowed. Seating is limited and preregistration is required. see page 13 for topics and descriptions.

Case studies Case studies bring practitioners’ valuable experiences to the audience and highlight best practices and lessons learned, as well as provide a description of strategy and approach, mistakes to avoid and how to measure success. Our 2013 agenda features case studies from leading supply chain executives.

neW! Workshops Small-scale, interactive, analyst-facilitated workshops drill down on specific topics with an actionable, how-to focus. Supply chain executives only; vendors and service providers are disallowed. Seating is limited and preregistration is required. see page 13 for topics and descriptions.

neW! Magic Quadrant theaters Attendtheater-stylepresentationsonvarioustopics,including3PLsandsupplychainplanning tools.

solution providerssolution showcase Interact with leading solution providers to get answers to your questions and validate a shortlist of top vendors that best suit your organization’s needs across a variety of formats, including private face-to-face solution provider meetings that you can book in advance, evening drinks receptions on the show floor and solution provider sessions with case studies.

Face-to-face sponsor meetings Private, prearranged 30-minute meetings that will advance your projects and relationships, regardless of where you are in the buying cycle.


Join more than 2,000 executives on our LinkedIn group and stay in touch year-round


unpaRaLLeLed neTWoRKInG

Michael Burkett Research VP

5Register by 26 July and save €400. Visit or call +44 20 8879 2430

MeeT The SuppLy ChaIn anaLyST TeaM

We’ve identifi ed the analyst team by role, industry and focus area to help you plan in advance who to meet with at the conference this September.


research the supply chains of thousands of

companies. Our role is to provide you with the supply

chain advice and expertise that is essential to drive

your enterprise forward.

simon F. JacobsonDirector

Ray Barger Jr.Director

Andrew stevensDirector

FOCUSAREAS:Manufacturingstrategyandarchitecture; aligning manufacturing and supply chain performance; quality management; environmental, health and safety

FOCUSAREAS:Industrial;aerospaceanddefense; supplier management; lean supply chain

FOCUSAREAS:Lifesciences–supplychainbest practices, supply planning, manufacturing, logistics strategies, vendor management, contracting

supplier Management and Manufacturing


• Openandinteractivepresentationsandconferencesessions

• Analyst-ledroundtables—see page 13

• Acomplimentary,privateone-on-onesessionwiththeanalyst of your choice to consult about your opportunities and/or challenges.

•Workshops—see page 13

Jane BarrettGroup Vice President

FOCUSAREAS:Industrialandautomotive;supply chain strategy and organization design; sales and operations planning

stan AronowDirector


Debra hofmanManaging Vice President

FOCUSAREAS:SupplyChainTop25;supplychain excellence; supply chain metrics and benchmarking

supply Chain top 25 and Performance Metrics

Jan kohlerDirector

Mike GriswoldVice President

tim PayneDirector

FOCUSAREAS:Consumerproducts;salesandoperations planning; inventory strategies; supply chain complexity; supply planning; pull replenishment

FOCUSAREAS:Retail;supplychainstrategy;sales and operations planning; demand sensing and shaping; emerging technologies

FOCUSAREAS:Supplychainmanagementstrategy; supply chain performance management; sales and operations planning best practices

supply Chain Planning

the World’s Most Important Gathering of supply Chain Leaders6

eric o’DafferDirector

steven steutermannVice President and Conference Chair

ken RugglesManaging Vice President

Dana stiffl erManaging Vice President

FOCUSAREAS:Healthcareprovidersandlifesciences; supply chain best practices; value analysis; logistics strategies; vendor management and contracting

FOCUSAREAS:Consumerproducts;supplychain strategy; demand and trade promotion management, downstream data

FOCUSAREAS:Automotive;industrial/discrete;supply chain strategy; sales and operations planning; inventory optimization

FOCUSAREAS:Supplychaintalentandorganizational issues; supply chain outsourcing strategies; supply chain university programs

strategy and Leadership

Mike BurkettVice President and Chief of Research

Matthew DavisDirector

FOCUSAREAS:Newproductintroduction;product life cycle management; new product innovation

FOCUSAREAS:Consumerelectronics;digitalsupply chain; supply chain segmentation; demand sensing and shaping

supply Chain Innovation

James LisicaDirector

Christian titzeDirector


FOCUSAREAS:Supplychainmanagement;enterpriseapplicationsuitesandERP;ITcostoptimization; supply chain transformation and enablement; demand-driven value network orchestration

Logistics and Distribution

noha tohamyVice President

FOCUSAREAS:Consumerproducts;supplychain strategy, sales and operations planning; supply planning and VMI

FOCUSAREAS:Demandmanagement;inventory optimization and network design; supply chain risk management; sales and operations planning

supply Chain Planning

Mike uskertManaging Vice President

Special Offer: Attend this september and gain exclusive access to supply chain insights for a full year! Your paid conference registration includes Gartner events on Demand— complimentary streaming access to recorded Gartner keynote and analyst presentations from our north American supply chain event that took place 21 – 23 May, in Phoenix, Arizona.Watchtheseglobalsessionsfrom any Web-connected device! Visit

Access your agenda on the go with Gartner events navigator mobile app •Manageyouragendaanytime,



• Integratesocialmediaintoyourevent experience

• Accesssessiondocumentsandadd your notes

• AvailableforiPhone,iPadandAndroid

GaIn a GLoBaL peRSpeCTIVe

7Register by 26 July and save €400. Visit or call +44 20 8879 2430

aGenda aT a GLanCe

TraCk a: Strategy and planning

TraCk B: Leadership and Innovation

TraCk C: Supply Chain Management

Roundtables Roundtables Workshops

sunday 22 september 201318:00 Registration

Monday 23 september 201307:30 Registration

08:30 P1. Gartner keynote: Reimagine supply Chain — Fast, Forward, Focus Mike Burkett, Mike Griswold and Eric O’Daffer

09:15 vP1. Premier sponsor Plenary

09:45 Networking Break and Showcase Opening

10:15 P2. Guest keynote: tBD

11:15 G1. TheFutureofSupplyChain,andtheFiveImperativesforGettingThere Matt Davis

G2. Moving Your Demand-DrivenJourneyForward—Lessons from Gartner’s Retail Demand-Driven Study Mike Griswold

G3. AFive-YearPlantoAvoidtheObsolescenceofToday'sManufacturing Network Simon Jacobson

AuR1. Roundtable: Winning With Supplier Collaboration Ray Barger

AuR2. Roundtable: Supply Chain PlanningTechnology Tim Payne

12:30 v1. Solution Provider Session v2. Solution Provider Session v3. Solution Provider Session

13:00 AttendeeLunchandSolutionShowcaseDessertReception 13:15 – 13:35MQ1. Magic Quadrant for Supply Chain Planning Christian Titze

14:15 G4. KeyFindingsfromtheGartner Chief Supply Chain Officer Study Mike Burkett

G5. Driving Change With Supply Chain Centers of Excellence Ken Ruggles

G6. FiveStepstoQuicklyLinkingandAligningSupplyChain Segmentation and Supply Management Ray Barger

AuR3. Roundtable: Winning With Supply Chain Customer Collaboration Steve Steutermann

AuR4. Roundtable: GoingFromS&OPMaturity Stage 2 to Stage 3 Mike Uskert

14:00 – 15:30W1. Workshop: Imagine an Outcome-FocusedSupplyChain—TheNewFrontierinHealthcare Eric O’Daffer

15:15 Refreshment Break in Solution Showcase

15:45 v4. Solution Provider Session v5. Solution Provider Session v6. Solution Provider Session

16:30 G7. AssessingYourSupplyChain Planning Process Maturity Tim Payne

G8. Maximize Profitability: How to Integrate Cost-to-Serve and Supply Chain Segmentation Stan Aronow, Matt Davis

G9. How to Build a Logistics ControlTowerforSupplyChain Visibility Christian Titze

AuR5. Roundtable: Strategic Partnerships in the Healthcare Supply Chain Eric O’Daffer

AuR6. Roundtable: Best Practices in SupplyChainTalentManagement Dana Stiffler

17:30 Networking Reception in Solution Showcase 17:45 – 18:05 MQ2. Magic Quadrant for 3PLs James Lisica

19:15 TheGartnerEMEASupplyChainTop25Dinner:TopEMEASupplyChainsRevealed!

tuesday 24 september 201307:00 Registration and Refreshments

08:00 P3: Guest keynote: transforming the Global supply Chain to unlock Business Growth David Gosnell, President, Global Supply and Procurement, Diageo PLC

09:00 P4: Guest keynote: Alexander Scholz, Head of Project Management in Sourcing & Supplier Network, BMW Group

09:45 P5: Guest keynote: tBD

10:30 Refreshment Break in Solution Showcase

11:00 v7. Solution Provider Session v8. Solution Provider Session v9. Solution Provider Session

11:45 G10. Deconstructing Integrated Business Planning Noha Tohamy

G11. Supply Chain Performance Management Debra Hofman

G12. ASurgeinOutsourcing Requires TransformationinLogisticsManagement James Lisica

AuR7. Roundtable: How to Build a Customer Profit and Loss Matt Davis

AuR8. Roundtable: Supply Chain Visibility Mike Burkett

11:45 – 13:15W2. Workshop: AligningRetailand Supply Chain Performance—TheRetail Supply Chain Hierarchy of Metrics Mike Griswold

12:45 AttendeeLunchandSolutionShowcaseDessertReception 13:00 – 13:20 MQ3. MarketScopeforStage3S&OP Tim Payne

14:00 G13. Linking New Product IntroductionandS&OPforImproved Product Launches Jan Kohler, Mike Uskert

G14. The"Yes,But..."Value Chain: Segmenting for ProfitableTradeOffs Matt Davis

G15. Balancing Global Orchestration and Local ExecutionforManufacturingExcellence Simon Jacobson

AuR9. Roundtable: Identifying and Using Supply Chain Metrics Debra Hofman

AuR10. Roundtable: Best Practices in Multichannel CustomerFulfillment Mike Griswold

13:45 – 15:15W3. Workshop: How Supply Chains Can Capitalize on EmergingMarkets Mike Burkett15:00 Refreshment Break in Solution Showcase

15:30 G16. Jumpstart Your Supply Chain Risk Management Initiatives,EvenonaBudget Stan Aronow

G17. EstablishinganAttractiveandEffectiveSupply Chain Career Path Architecture Dana Stiffler

G18. TheFive-StepPathtoSupply Management Maturity: TransformingSourcingandProcurement Ray Barger

AuR11. Roundtable: Supply Chain Risk Management Noha Tohamy

AuR12. Roundtable: TrackandTraceinEurope Andrew Stevens

16:30 Conference Close

the World’s Most Important Gathering of supply Chain Leaders8


supply chain reimagination starts hereThreenewagendatrackswithnewresearch,speakersandobjective advice to help you transform your supply chain in 2013:

a strategy and PlanningThematurityofyourorganization,whenitcomestoend-to-end supply chain planning, will pave the way to a reimagined supply chain. We help organizations determine where they sit on the updated five-stage GartnerS&OPMaturityModel,andhowtomovetowardintegrated business planning. We also show how transformational strategies can drive more successful demand insights, product launches, optimized product portfolios and reduced inventory.

B Leadership and InnovationInnovation will be key to the reimagination of your supply chain. We help you home in on the few breakthrough innovations that can propel you forward, including supply chain segmentation and cost to serve, and we provide a view on the most mature levels of orchestration across theentirevaluenetwork.Excitingnewcontentalsohelpsyou innovate in some of the more difficult challenge areas for supply chains, including product and portfolio complexity and risk management.

C supply Chain ManagementForsome,areimaginedsupplychainwillirreversiblyalterhow we design our global and local supply footprint. We look at what it takes to understand your maturity level, transform your supply chain and plan for the supply chain of the future, drawing from several new global Gartner studies. We also help you address key organizational and leadership challenges, including how best to leverage centers of excellence, and how to tackle the continuing talent management crisis. We help you understand and prepare for these changes to mature your supply management functions.

IT virtual track: supply Chain ItThiscollectionofconferencesessionsandprogramshasastrongerITorientationtothem,andarewell-suitedbothforsupplychainITexecutivesaswellassupplychain executives who want a stronger understanding of theITunderpinningtheirsupplychaininitiativesandprocesses.

Agenda Builder

Personalize and organize your conference experience

Timeisacriticalresource,andmanagingitwellthroughoutthe event is essential. So it makes sense to schedule and coordinate all your sessions and activities with Agenda Builder — your online conference organizer. Use it to create and customize a curriculum aligned with your needs and interests, based on these criteria:

• Dateandtime

• Track

• Analystandspeakerprofiles

• Sessiondescriptions

• Sessiontypes

• Keyinitiatives

• Verticalindustries


Register by 26 July and save €400. Visit or call +44 20 8879 2430 9

TRaCK a: STRaTeGy and pLannInG

G1. the Future of supply Chain, and the Five Imperatives for Getting there

We delve into the five imperatives for a supply chain transformation framework: 1)formafoundation;2)focusonthreeimperatives;3)fixthegap;4)formalizethearchitecture;and5)fundandfollow.Andwe provide you details on how to implement these five best practices.

Matt Davis

G4. key Findings from the Gartner Chief supply Chain officer study

We’ll review the key findings from Gartner’s inaugural, comprehensive study ofchiefsupplychainofficers(CSCOs),including what leading CSCOs consider to be their top opportunities and challenges for the coming year.

Mike Burkett

G7. Assessing your supply Chain Planning Process Maturity

Improving supply chain planning, through higher process maturity, requires a methodology to identify and assess current process maturity and future state. We’ll describe this maturity model, and put you on a path to advance along the maturity curve.

Tim Payne

G10. Deconstructing Integrated Business Planning

Orchestration, full financial alignment, demand shaping and network collaboration are terms used to describe integratedbusinessplanning(IBP).Buthow can companies achieve these defining capabilities? We’ll show how leading companies have deconstructed their IBP goals and identified the technology, organization and process required to reach them.

Noha Tohamy

G13. Linking new Product Introduction and s&oP for Improved Product Launches

We’ll look at how successful supply chain organizations are strengthening the link between new product introduction and S&OP,resultinginimprovedtrade-offdecisions and more-successful product launches

Jan Kohler, Michael Uskert

G16. Jumpstart your supply Chain Risk Management Initiatives, even on a Budget

Does your management view improving resiliency and managing the risks across your supply chain as important, but doesn’t offer a large budget in support? We’ll describe how companies can take advantage of existing people, processes and technologies to move their supply chain risk management capabilities up the maturity curve.

Stan Aronow

Fast. Gartner predicts that by 2016 more than 40% of new logistics application purchases will be delivered through the cloud.

the World’s Most Important Gathering of supply Chain Leaders10

G2. Moving your Demand-Driven Journey Forward – Lessons from Gartner’s Retail Demand-Driven study

Gartner’s study of 200 global retailers reveals how those retailers identify demand-driven opportunities, overcome challenges, and prioritize their activities as they move their demand-driven journey forward.

Mike Griswold

G5. Driving Change With supply Chain Centers of excellence

Centersofexcellence(COEs)candriveopportunities, innovations and profit, or they can be just another layer in an alreadycomplexbusiness.ThekeyisunderstandinghowtofocusCOEsonthebusinesses’ critical issues and opportunities,andtostructuretheCOEsoit has support and credibility to “move the needle” in the right direction.

Ken Ruggles

G8. Maximize Profitability: how to Integrate Cost-to-serve and supply Chain segmentation

Demand-driven leaders profitably manage trade-offs that create differentiated value for customers. Some companies are segmenting supply chains to enable these trade-offs and integrating cost-to-serve analysis to manage profitability. We share an emerging innovation – “the menu of

supply chain services” – used by several leading organizations as the connection for how to set differentiated cost/service goals and optimize complexity for maximum profitability.

Stan Aronow, Matthew Davis

G11. supply Chain Performance Management

We help you focus on the supply chain metrics that matter, and use those metrics to manage trade-offs across the end-to-end supply chain and deliver a profitable perfect order.

Debra Hofman

G14. the “yes, But ...” value Chain: segmenting for Profitable trade offs

Gartner’s five-stage Demand-Driven Value Network Maturity Model reflects the necessary journey through standardization to value-added differentiation and profitability. Segmentation has emerged as a critical stop along that journey. We show when to consider supply chain segmentation, how to assess readiness, the risks of implementation, and how to avoid reverting back to Stages 1 and 2.

Matthew Davis

G17. establishing an Attractive and effective supply Chain Career Path Architecture

Lack of career path is the single biggest reason supply chain professionals leave your company for a competitor, or elect to do something else entirely. Leading supply chain organizations are aggressively addressing this challenge.

Dana Stiffler

TRaCK B: LeadeRShIp and InnoVaTIon

Forward. Gartner predicts that by 2015 the resource scarcity debate will shift from commodities to content and competencies, substantially disrupting Fortune Global 500 supply chains.

Reimagine Supply Chain:

InKorea,Tescoenablesconsumerstobuygroceriesviapictures of virtual shelves from their mobile phones on the way to work and receive their entire order at home when they return in the evening.

Register by 26 July and save €400. Visit or call +44 20 8879 2430 11

TRaCK C: SuppLy ChaIn ManaGeMenT

G3. A Five-year Plan to Avoid the obsolescence of today’s Manufacturing network

Theshiftingdynamicsofsupplychainstrategy is pushing manufacturing activity closertothecustomer.This,inturn,isaltering the layout of the manufacturing network and impacting the number, location and kinds of manufacturing facilities an organization operates.

Simon F Jacobson

G6. Five steps to Quickly Linking and Aligning supply Chain segmentation and supply Management

Tooptimizethevalueofsupplychainsegmentation, companies must use five key steps to link strategy and trade-offs with other supply chain functions, particularly supply management. Learn how to take three immediate actions to align supply chain segmentation and supplier segmentation to create value.

Ray Barger Jr

G9. how to Build a Logistics Control tower for supply Chain visibility

Building on last year’s discussion of supply chain visibility at a higher level, this year we’ll talk about two approaches to building a logistics control tower to achieve supply chain visibility.

Christian Titze

G12. A surge in outsourcing Requires transformation in Logistics Management

Asurgeintheoutsourcingoflogisticswillmean organizations have to rethink and rework how they manage logistics within their supply chain. We’ll help you do that, as well as show you what defines a good third-partylogistics(3PL)provider.

James Lisica

G15. Balancing Global orchestration and Local execution for Manufacturing excellence

Consistency and reliability drive the need for common business processes across manufacturingoperations.Ascompaniesrevamp their production systems, the trade-offs between enterprise standardization and local execution must be defined and managed.

Simon F Jacobson

G18. the Five-step Path to supply Management Maturity: transforming sourcing & Procurement

Increase your team’s supply management maturity and multiply the value of sourcing and procurement to your company. Learn the five-step path to supply management functional maturity, and gain clarity on the key initiatives that define this step-by-step transformation journey.

Ray Barger Jr

Focus. Gartner predicts that, by 2016, less than 20% of companies will be able to provide end-to-end supply chain visibility.

Dwight klappich Research VP

the World’s Most Important Gathering of supply Chain Leaders12 the World’s Most Important Gathering of supply Chain Leaders12

RoundTaBLeS and WoRKShopS

Reimagine the Healthcare Chain:

By 2017, smart buildings will apply behavioral analytics to correctly perceive health emergencies and request care virtually.

Eachroundtableisananalyst-moderated,participatorysession.Aninteractivesharingof best practices, attendees should arrive prepared to share at least one best practice orsuccessstory.Thisistheidealforumforexchangingideaswithyoursupplychainpeers. Roundtables are restricted to a limited number of participants and are available to supplychainexecutivesonly(SCMproviderorganizationsareineligible).Attendeeswillbe accepted on a first-come, first-served basis. Reservations can be made through the onlineAgendaBuildertool.

Theseinteractiveworkshopsarepresentedby Gartner experts and provide an opportunity to drill down on specific how-to topics in an extended, small group environment. Workshops are available to supply chain executives only, and capped at 30 participants. Pre-registration is required.

AuR1. Winning With supplier Collaboration

Ray Barger

AuR2. supply Chain Planning technology

Tim Payne

AuR3. Winning With supply Chain Customer Collaboration

Steve Steutermann

AuR4. Going From s&oP Maturity stage 2 to stage 3

Mike Uskert

AuR5. strategic Partnerships in the healthcare supply Chain

Eric O’Daffer

AuR6. Best Practices in supply Chain talent Management

Dana Stiffler

AuR7. how to Build a Customer Profit and Loss

Matt Davis

AuR8. supply Chain visibility

Mike Burkett

AuR9. Identifying and using supply Chain Metrics

Debra Hofman

AuR10. Best Practices in Multichannel Customer Fulfillment

Mike Griswold

AuR11. supply Chain Risk Management

Noha Tohamy

AuR12. track and trace in europe

Andrew Stevens

W1. Imagine an outcome-Focused supply Chain — the new Frontier in healthcare

Healthcare reform is forcing all members of the healthcare value chain to focus on the intersection of cost, patient outcomes and revenue. Workshop participants will learn how to define supply chains role in this new frontier, and explore the capabilities they should be building today.

Eric O’Daffer

W2. Aligning Retail and supply Chain Performance – the Retail supply Chain hierarchy of Metrics

By linking retail and supply chain metrics, companies can have a cross-functional approach to measuring end-to-end business performance. We’ll take workshop participants through the steps needed to align retail and supply chain performance, using the retail supply chain hierarchy of metrics as a guide.

Mike Griswold

W3. how supply Chains Can Capitalize on emerging Markets

Emergingmarketsrepresentahugeopportunity for companies and their supply chains, but also unprecedented risks. Participants will collaboratively put together an action list and roadmap for capitalizing on emerging markets within their supply chains.

Mike Burkett

Roundtables Workshops

Register by 26 July and save €400. Visit or call +44 20 8879 2430 13

SoLuTIon ShoWCaSe and MedIa paRTneRS


Attend for the latest technologies and services — shop, learn, compare and decide Test-driveleadingsupplychaintechnologiesandservicesbeforeyoubuy,anddevelopashortlistofthevendorsandserviceprovidersthat meet your needs best — all in one place, all at the same time.

sponsorship opportunities

Forfurtherinformationabout sponsoring this event:

telephone: +44 1784 267456



Media and Association Partners


Sponsors as of 29 May 2013, and subject to change

supply chain councilsccSM

Quintiq’ssupplychainplanningandoptimization(SCP&O)platformenables enterprises to improve efficiency at every stage of the supply chain. It powers planning and optimization of personnel, resources, and processes across all planning horizons. Many of the world’s largest, most successful enterprises rely on Quintiq to achieve their business

E2openistheleaderincollaborativeexecution,deliveringcloud-based solutions that connect customers, outsourced partners, and suppliers across the extended supply chain in real-time to streamline complex processes,andenablerapiddecisionmaking.E2opencustomers include Celestica, Cisco, Dell, Hitachi, IBM, LSI, Motorola, RIM, Seagate, and

AmberRoadistheleadingproviderofGlobalTradeManagement solutions that optimize supply chain execution decisions, manage regulatory trade compliance and automate Restricted Party

Infosys(NYSE:INFY)isagloballeaderinbusinessconsulting, technology and outsourcing solutions. Infosys BPO, the outsourcing subsidiary, is an end-to-end outsourcing services

Centiro is a leading edge developer of software for logistics and transportation. We offer software and cloud-basedsolutionsforTransportManagementandSupply/Demand Chain process

OM Partners is a software and consulting company delivering Supply Chain Planning Solutions for Mill Products(paperandpackaging,metals,floorcovering…)andSemiProcessindustries(chemicals,pharmaceuticals,consumerproducts…)

GTNexusprovidesthecloud-basedcollaborationplatform that leaders in nearly every sector rely on to automate hundreds of supply chain processes on a global scale, across entire trade

ProcessWeaver specializes in providing the most comprehensive automated multi-mode shipping solutions. ProcessWeaver solutions work integrally withmultipleglobal,regionalandlocalParcel/LTL/TLcarriers and freight

ManhattanAssociatesprovidessupplychainsolutionsto organizations that consider supply chain software, processes and technology strategic to their market leadership. With over 2,000 staff supporting 1,200 customersglobally,ManhattanAssociatesiswellplaced to serve the local and global supply chain needs of companies of every

Oracle is the world’s Supply Chain Management leader with a complete suite of applications that cover demandandsupplyplanning,sales&operationsplanning,transportation,warehouse&globaltrademanagement, procurement, manufacturing, distributed order orchestration, and product lifecycle

the World’s Most Important Gathering of supply Chain Leaders14

ReGISTRaTIon and TeaM Send

supply Chain team Attendance Program: Leverage more value across your organization SupplyChainExecutiveConferenceisdesignedforeachexecutiveonasupplychainleadership team, from supply chain heads to the heads of planning, sourcing, manufacturing,logisticsandIT.It’saperfectopportunitytocometogetherasasupplychain leadership team.

team benefits

• TeammeetingwithaGartneranalyst(supplychainexecutivesonly)

• On-siteteamsupport:Workwithasinglepointofcontactforon-site team deliverables

Complimentary registrations

• 1forevery3paidregistrations

• 2forevery5paidregistrations

• 3forevery7paidregistrations

Formoreinformation,emailemea.teamsend@gartner.comorcontactyour Gartner account manager. Details at

Gartner event tickets

We accept one supply chain conference ticket as full payment. Please note that neither Gartner Summit, Catalyst or Symposium tickets can be used. If you are a client with questions about tickets, please contact your Gartner account manager or call +44 20 8879 2430.

Register by 26 July and save €400!

Forusepre-event,on-siteandpost-event,ourEventApprovalToolsmakeiteasytodemonstrate the substantial value of your Gartner event experience to your manager. Theyincludeacustomizableletter,cost-benefit analysis, top reasons to attend and more.

visit for details

early-bird price: €2,075 standard price: €2,475

GnsCC5: Please use this code when registering



Phone: +44 20 8879 2430

event approval Tools

Lancaster London Hyde Park London,UKW22TY Phone: +44 20 7262 6737 Fax:+442077243191

Please visit for details on special rates for hotel room booking.

Venue and hotel

Register by 26 July and save €400. Visit or call +44 20 8879 2430 15

©2013Gartner,Inc.and/oritsaffiliates.Allrightsreserved.GartnerisaregisteredtrademarkofGartner, Inc. or its affiliates. Pattern-Based Strategy is a trademark of Gartner, Inc. or its affiliates. Formoreinformation,

Phoenix, Az May 21 – 23

Melbourne, Australia August 12 – 13

London, u.k. september 23 – 24


the World’s Most Important Gathering of supply Chain Leaders

see Inside:

New and notable in 2013 — page 3

Unparalleled networking opportunities — page 5

Meet the analysts — page 6

early-bird discount!Register by 26 July 2013 to save €400 off the standard delegate rate! (see page 15 for details)

23 – 24 September 2013 | London, UK

Alumni: Did you attend last year?

Scan for alumni benefits

Return address Gartner, PO Box 754, North Shields NE291EJ,UnitedKingdom