Gary Kapanowski : Women Finding Equality Within The Workplace

Post on 07-Aug-2015

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Gary Kapanowski : Women Finding Equality Within The Workplace

Gary Kapanowski : Champion of Equal Rights

Besides being an accomplished Accountant who has worked for some of the top government agencies in the country, Gary Kapanowski is a champion of equal rights, especially for women making the same pay within the workplace as men. He was excited to see one giant step forward occurring while attending the 2015 CES trade show in Las Vegas. Intel announced the start of a new $300 million diversity program at the recent CES. This program includes more than just money; the company will incorporate many diversity processes to insure transparency throughout the organization. Gary Kapanowski believes that programs, such as an all-female gaming team and a 14% increase in minority employment, are positive signs of change.

Women in the workplace still make a lot less than their male counter parts, with women in the United States making on average 77 cents for every dollar paid to men. This gap is even worse for African-American and Latina women. According to a recent study done by the National Partnership For Women And Families, the gender-based pay gap is apparent in every state and in all 50 of the country's largest metropolitan areas.

Gary Kapanowksi is very involved in the study of global economy as well. He sees that there are even larger implications to come from the continued inequality in wages between men and women. A recent NPWF study analyzed the U.S. Census Bureau data, and found that the wage gap -- the median yearly pay for women who are employed full time is $11,084 less than men’s. This kind of gap will have major implications for women being able to afford essentials like housing, food and gas. What's worse is that many times, women are the main bread winner in the home. To put it in simple terms, if the gap was eliminated in Seattle, an area that had the worst wage discrepancy, women would be able to afford to buy 2.3 year's more worth of food.

Gary Kapanowski : Tutor of Macomb Literacy Partners

Gary Kapanowski also spends countless hours championing for other causes. He currently helps the community when he can by volunteering as a tutor for Macomb Literacy Partners, an organization that helps in the fight against illiteracy. He also promotes a great program within the Lawrence Technological University Professional Development Center, where students learn about the Six Sigma and Balance Scorecard business models. Whatever his endeavors, Gary Kapanowski always gives hundred and ten percent, and carries a strong work ethic.

Gary Kapanowski




