Gateway 4 Detailed options appraisal -

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Committees: Dates:

Open Spaces and City Gardens Projects Sub

12/10/2015 04/11/2015

Subject: St Mary-At-Hill Churchyard Environmental Enhancement Scheme (EE104)

Gateway 4 Detailed Options Appraisal


Report of: Director of the Built Environment

For Decision

Summary Dashboard Project Status – Green Total Estimated Cost – £200,000-£300,000 Overall project risk – Low Total Approved Budget - £20,000 Spend to Date - £14,107

St Mary-At-Hill church is a grade I listed building that was rebuilt by Sir Christopher Wren and Robert Hooke in 1670-74. The churchyard represents one of the few open spaces in the Fenchurch & Monument area, but it is currently underutilised as it is in a state of disrepair with low quality paving, poor access and limited planting (Appendix 1). In addition to the poor design quality, surveys have revealed below ground structures and inadequate drainage causing potential damage to the church and churchyard wall.

The Fenchurch & Monument Area Enhancement Strategy identifies St Mary-At-Hill Churchyard as a key opportunity to increase access to, and enhance the quality of the churchyard for the increasing numbers of workers, residents and visitors to the area. To achieve this, the total available funding of £100,000 was allocated to the scheme from the Section 106 Agreement related to the redevelopment of 20 Fenchurch Street.

In order to address all of the current problems associated with the space, the Working Party developed a series of objectives which were approved at Gateway 3 in April 2015 (Appendix 2). The proposed concept design seeks to address these objectives by delivering new ramped and stepped access, new tree planting and soft landscaping, sustainable drainage, new seating, lighting and re-use of heritage assets (Appendix 3).

There are still a number of uncertainties surrounding the delivery of this project, principally relating to archaeology, drainage and funding. Member approval is now sought to progress the project based on the preferred design approach, which will enable officers to establish clear parameters ahead of Gateway 5. Approval is also sought for officers to develop a formal agreement to carry out the works on the privately owned churchyard and a long term maintenance agreement for the space.

Recommendations It is recommended that Members:

Authorise the progression of the project and the release of funds, as set out in Section 17 of this report;

Authorise officers to arrange additional funding as per the agreed funding strategy to secure the delivery of all project objectives;

Authorise officers to develop a formal agreement to carry out the works on the privately owned churchyard and develop a long term maintenance agreement;

Authorise officers to pursue all necessary Planning and Faculty permissions;

Authorise the use of interest accrued on the £100,000 Section 106 Agreement.

Options Appraisal Matrix See attached.


Appendix 1 Site Location Plan & Photograph

Appendix 2 Schedule of Issues & Objectives

Appendix 3 Indicative Concept Design

Appendix 4 Finance Tables


Report Author Luke Joyce

Email Address

Telephone Number 020 7332 1928

Option Appraisal Matrix

Preferred Approach

1. Brief description St Mary-At-Hill churchyard is one of very few open spaces in this predominantly hard urban environment. It is a unique space with an intimate historic character, with the potential to be a real community asset and enable the increasing numbers of workers, visitors and residents in this area to experience the natural environment and a sense of relief from the busy City streets.

Unfortunately the space is currently in a poor state of repair and is divided into two levels, with the only access to the main seating area via an alleyway, approximately 35 metres in length, and series of steps. The City of London Open Spaces Department have advised that the tree planting is inappropriate as they are too large for the space and potentially damaging the church, the paving is poor quality, and the lack of lighting means that the space has low perceptions of safety, particularly in the winter months.

The Church itself is Grade I Listed and whilst the churchyard wall is not Listed it is protected by being within the curtilage of a Grade I Listed Building and needs a Faculty for any demolition or amendments. The boundary currently demarcated by the wall is considered to be of historic significance, as is the raised upper level of the churchyard, with evidence from as early as 1750 that constant burial had increased the level of the ground. The wall dates from the 19th Century, and is likely to have been erected as a requirement of the 1857 Burial Act. The churchyard sits within the Eastcheap conservation area and is additionally bordered by two grade II listed buildings (6 & 7 St Mary-At-Hill). The Eastcheap conservation area SPD notes that the churchyard has an intimate historic character and that it would benefit from ‘low-key enhancement works’. A Working Party has been established with members of the Church, the Diocese of London and City of London officers in order to guide the project. The Working Party developed a series of objectives that were approved at Gateway 3 in April 2015 (Appendix 2). The objectives focus principally on creating an attractive, inclusive and accessible space; utilising the space as a community and educational facility; improving the planting, drainage and visibility of the space; and re-using and reinterpreting the historic fabric of the yard.

A preferred design approach (Appendix 3) has now been agreed by the Working Party and the approval of Members is now sought to undertake more detailed design work, including the necessary below ground investigations in order to establish the exact parameters and cost of the design.

The key principles of the preferred design in addressing the approved objectives are as follows:


Creating step free access into the churchyard from the street.

Introducing a new stepped entrance into the upper level space to create an additional entry/exit point that will enhance perceptions of safety.

A new accessible slope (1:21), replacing the existing narrow stepped access into upper level.


Creation of a much more open, useable upper space.

New formal seating areas and informal seating on low level wall.

The design will minimise opportunities for skateboarding by adopting a positive design approach such as the use of planting and hand rails for seating where long stretches of wall exist.

The enhancement of the space as a tranquil area, in line with the Noise and Open Spaces strategy and Local Plan.


The restoration of the historic headstones.

Re-use of C18 Lead Cistern as key feature of the space.

Partial removal of the C19 wall to introduce a planting bed with a sustainable drainage system and more diverse flowers and plants in the sunniest part of the space. The exact scope of the length of wall to be removed will be determined following further investigations with CoL Drainage, Highways and Historic Environment teams and presented at the next Gateway.

Maintaining the historic boundary line of the wall and character of the upper level space.

A new feature tree and perimeter shade tolerant planting.

A contemporary lighting scheme to be developed for the next Gateway.


To encourage people into the space by opening up the views and providing visible greenery from the street.

A feature tree in the northwest corner to enhance visibility from the street.

New signage on street and at the entrance to the space.


A detailed drainage survey has identified no direct connection to the mains sewer from the churchyard and no practical means of creating such a connection because the space is surrounded by the basements of adjacent buildings. The only viable option that has been identified is that the upper level needs to act as a soakaway in order to protect the historic fabric of the upper space, the wall and the church itself.

The preferred concept design proposes the removal of a section of the C19 wall to allow for the creation of a rain garden in the form of a stepped planting bed between the upper and lower levels. This section of the wall is where all of the current water runoff goes and is therefore the best location for any new sustainable drainage system. The preferred approach will enable all surface runoff and down pipe flow to be directed to this planting bed, with a sub-surface reservoir to irrigate planting and act as a natural soakaway in times of storm. The exact nature of the present drainage arrangement, degree of archaeological potential and structural performance of the churchyard wall are all to be confirmed with further investigations. These may result in revisions to this design approach.

A maintenance agreement for the soft landscaping and cleansing of the space will be developed between the City and the church and clearly set out at the next Gateway. The responsibility for the maintenance of the hard landscaping, including the restored headstones, lead cistern, railings and gate will also be resolved prior to the next Gateway.

The church are in talks with adjacent landowners regarding the operation of the gates, currently undertaken by Peek House and this position will be clarified at the next Gateway.

The next steps for this project will be to undertake further below ground investigations in the form of trial holes in the specific locations that will be directly affected by the works. Once the full scope of below ground conditions and the detailed design work has been undertaken, a detailed cost estimate will be produced and additional funding may be sought from alternative sources (see section 8), of which there are a number of possibilities for a project of this modest scale. Should additional funding not be secured, a reduced concept will be presented at the next Gateway to enable the delivery of elements of the scheme within the current budget.

2. Scope and exclusions


Re-landscaping the churchyard

Improving access into the space

Improving the drainage of the space

Increasing the wayfinding into the space

Developing a Maintenance Agreement


Works to the church building.

Project Planning

3. Programme and key dates

Task Target date

Detailed design October-November 2015

Stakeholder consultation November-December 2015

Faculty & Planning Permission

December 2015-February 2016

Gateway 5 March 2016

Start on site May/June 2016

4. Risk implications Additional funding not secured Works will be prioritised to enable the delivery of key elements of the scheme within the current budget. Full cost of works exceed estimates As the design options are identified the anticipated cost of the scheme will be refined.

Objections to the works by key stakeholders Officers will be working in partnership with key stakeholders throughout the process. Damage to heritage assets during construction Once the final design solution is agreed, the method and approach for construction works will identify potential risks and plan accordingly. Below ground archaeology may affect the programme Identify the potential impact of works on below ground archaeology with City of London Historic Environment Team. Develop a design that will minimise the archaeological impact and establish a programme for investigation and recording as an integral part of the work, details of which would be agreed following evaluation. Contamination of land Risk of contamination to be assessed in conjunction with CoL Environmental Health team. Securing Planning Permission Officers will work closely with CoL Planning and Heritage departments to ensure consensus on proposals prior to any submissions.

5. Benefits and disbenefits


Improved quality of open space

Improved access to open space

Enhancement to the historic setting of the listed church

Improved air quality and sustainable drainage

Enhancement of a community facility Disbenefits

Potential conflict between increased use of the space and adjacent occupiers. There are no immediate residents and adjacent land owners and stakeholders have already been engaged and will continue to be throughout the next stages of the project.-

6. Stakeholders and consultees

The Working Party is chaired by the City of London, and comprises representatives from St Mary-At-Hill Church, the Diocese of London and City of London officers.

As part of the next stage of design work, adjacent landowners, residents, Ward Members and other stakeholders will be consulted on the emerging proposals.

Resource Implications

7. Total Estimated cost


This sum represents a significant increase on the previous estimated cost of £100,000. The reasons for this increase are that the extent of the drainage issues was not clear at the previous Gateway. A cost range is proposed at this point as the extent of the below ground archaeology and conditions is not yet clear. Once the preferred design approach is agreed, a detailed cost estimate can be established through targeted investigations of below ground conditions. This will be presented at the next Gateway.

8. Funding strategy The St Mary-At-Hill Garden Payment Section 106 will be used to fund the project to the next Gateway. In addition to the Section 106 funding, £17,500 has been secured through the Mayors Air Quality Fund. Further funding will be sought from a number of possible sources including Section 106, Community Infrastructure Levy and externally through the Church and the Diocese of London.

9. Ongoing revenue implications

The development of a Maintenance Agreement and the additional costs of ongoing maintenance of this space will be established prior to the next Gateway. Once the likely implications are known, advice will be taken as to whether to cost can be met through Local Risk budgets or a commuted sum.

10. Affordability The funding currently available for this project through the St Mary-At-Hill Garden Payment will be utilised to develop a fully workable design for the space up to the next Gateway. Additional funding will be sought from a number of sources, including third parties such as the Church. Should additional funding not become available, the works will be prioritised to enable the delivery of key elements of the scheme within the current budget.

11. Procurement strategy

The City’s highways term contractor is likely to be recommended to implement the scheme as they are best placed to offer the services required and the best value for money. This is to be confirmed at the next Gateway. Any other consultants that are deemed to be necessary shall be appointed by competitive tender (where appropriate) through the City of London Procurement Service. The new horticultural sundries framework is likely to be utilised for the planting.

12. Legal implications

The creation of a Maintenance Agreement between The City of London and St Mary-At-Hill Church will be undertaken in conjunction with the City’s Legal Team.

13. Sustainability and energy implications

It is anticipated that the increase in soft landscaping in this location will contribute to improved air quality and sustainable drainage.

14. Equality Impact Assessment

Officers have carried out an Equalities Impact Assessment, with results indicating that the project could deliver positive impacts for a number of user groups, particularly based around increased accessibility into the space and the church.

15. Recommendation Recommended

16. Next Gateway Gateway 5 - Authority to Start Work

17. Resource requirements to reach next Gateway

Table 1 revised budget to next Gateway

Revised Budget to reach next Gateway

Description Approved Budget (£)

Resources required to Gateway 5 (£)

Revised Budget to Gateway 5 (£)

Fees 6,050 20,786 26,836

P&T Staff Costs 13,950 639 14,589

Highways Staff Costs

- 3,000 3,000

Works -

1,000 1,000

TOTAL 20,000 25,425 45,425

For a more detailed breakdown of the project finances please see Appendix 4.

Appendix 1 – Site Location Plan & Photograph

St Mary-At-Hill Churchyard – Existing

Appendix 2 – Schedule of Issue and Objectives

St Mary-At-Hill Public Realm Issues & Objectives

ID Accessibility Outcome / Objective Next steps

A1 Stepped access into the space from both street and church entrances

AO1 An inclusive and accessible space for all users To discuss this matter with CoL Access Team and establish the parameters of what would be required to create a space that is fully accessible to all users.

A2 Poor lighting may discourage some users

A3 Gates currently controlled by church, but operated by businesses (Peek House)

A4 Significant level change within the space AO2 An appropriate intervention that delivers an accessible space with minimal disruption to existing structures

To establish the level of intervention that could be achieved without significant risk of disruption to existing structures. A5 Below ground structures – difficult to change


ID Use/Function Outcome / Objective Next steps

F1 Conflicts between adjacent land uses (noise, appearance) and use of space

FO1 To encourage the managed use of the space in order to minimise conflicts between adjacent landowners

Contact adjacent landowners and establish potential issues/conflicts between users. Church to begin developing a vision of the future for the building to inform how new users/uses can be accommodated. To consult local stakeholders on what would encourage them to use the space.

F2 No connection/combined offer with other church spaces

FO2 To create a strong connection between the internal and external use of the church and accommodate the increasing activities of the church as a community facility.

F3 Church seeking to develop as a community centre

F4 Increasing footfall in coming years

F5 Rubbish left in the space by users FO3 To create a safe and welcoming space that

F6 Space is not well used by local workers or residents

is managed and maintained with a sense of openness that enables movement through the space, without being design specifically as a route.

F7 Space currently used as a cut through (for those who know the area)

F8 Lots of children use the church FO4 To create an attractive, welcoming space at different times of the day and encourage educational use of the church in conjunction with local businesses and organisations.

F9 Space is not welcoming, particularly in winter or when raining

ID Design/Heritage Outcome / Objective Next steps

D1 Use of historic railings, walls and lead planter

DO1 To maintain a strong sense of local identity through re-use and reinterpretation of the historic fabric and materials within the space.

To catalogue all of the existing elements of architectural or historic interest within the space. To establish broad parameters around what type of planting would appropriate based on the local microclimate and scale of the space. To explore precedent of the use of contemporary lighting other historic buildings/churches.

D2 Headstones in poor condition, but a significant asset for the space

D3 Inappropriate tree species for location DO2 To incorporate soft landscaping into the space that is appropriate to the scale, character and setting of the churchyard.

D4 Poor quality planters

D5 Poor lighting & current appearance may discourage certain users

DO3 To develop a contemporary lighting scheme that creates a safe, secure and attractive space for all users.

D6 Below ground conditions DO4 A modest and appropriate design solution that minimises the likely impact on structures below ground.

ID Maintenance Outcome / Objective Next steps

M1 No current maintenance agreement in place between church and CoL

MO1 A clear maintenance agreement in place where all parties are fully aware of their roles and responsibilities for the upkeep of the churchyard.

To create an interim arrangement for the works to, and maintenance of the space in the short term via an exchange of letters To develop a long-term maintenance agreement between the City and the Church. Church to address management issues relating to the maintenance of adjacent building via the churchyard

M2 No consideration given to the management/maintenance of adjacent building and how this could impact on space

M3 Problems with drainage MO2 A functional space that utilises both natural and engineered drainage solutions to effectively mitigate existing and potential future issues associated with water run-off within the churchyard.

To explore most appropriate options and locations for drainage within the space.

M4 Significant potential to explore how to manage the space in the future in terms of seating/tables, resources and space

MO3 A space that is flexible and adaptable to the changing needs of its users.

Church to establish the potential for additional resources/space that may be required to ensure a flexible space for a range of uses.

ID Wayfinding Outcome / Objective Next steps

W1 Difficulty finding the space from wider area

WO1 To improve the overall legibility and knowledge of the space throughout the wider area.

Church to explore how the collective offer is currently publicised. To establish the existing level of signage and wayfinding in adjacent streets and within the wider area.

W2 Currently no connectivity between the local churches

W3 Camels and clock provide informal wayfinding

WO2 To improve the visibility of the space from the adjacent streets through a combination of formal and informal wayfinding methods.

W4 Poor legibility of entrance from street

Appendix 3 – Indicative Concept Design

Appendix 4 – Finance Tables Table 1 - spend to date

St Mary At Hill Churchyard

Description Approved Budget (£)

Expenditure (£) Balance (£)

PreEv P&T Fees




PreEv P&T Staff Costs








Table 2 - revised budget to next gateway

Revised Budget to reach next Gateway

Description Approved Budget (£)

Resources required to

Gateway 5 (£)

Revised Budget to Gateway 5






P&T Staff Costs




Highways Staff Costs












Table 3 - Funding Strategy

Funding Source Amount (£)

S106 20 Fenchurch Street


TfL 17,500

TOTAL 45,425