GAUGUIN, Paul, Featured Paintings in Detail (1)

Post on 07-Jan-2017

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GAUGUIN, PaulBonjour, Monsieur Gauguin1889Oil on canvas, 113 x 92 cmNárodní Galerie, Prague

GAUGUIN, PaulBonjour, Monsieur Gauguin (detail)1889Oil on canvas, 113 x 92 cmNárodní Galerie, Prague

GAUGUIN, PaulBonjour, Monsieur Gauguin (detail)1889Oil on canvas, 113 x 92 cmNárodní Galerie, Prague

GAUGUIN, PaulBonjour, Monsieur Gauguin (detail)1889Oil on canvas, 113 x 92 cmNárodní Galerie, Prague

GAUGUIN, PaulBonjour, Monsieur Gauguin (detail)1889Oil on canvas, 113 x 92 cmNárodní Galerie, Prague

GAUGUIN, PaulBonjour, Monsieur Gauguin (detail)1889Oil on canvas, 113 x 92 cmNárodní Galerie, Prague


Featured Paintings in Detail


GAUGUIN, PaulSelf-Portrait1889Oil on wood, 79 x 51 cmNational Gallery of Art, Washington

GAUGUIN, PaulSelf-Portrait (detail)1889Oil on wood, 79 x 51 cmNational Gallery of Art, Washington

GAUGUIN, PaulSelf-Portrait (detail)1889Oil on wood, 79 x 51 cmNational Gallery of Art, Washington

GAUGUIN, PaulSelf-Portrait (detail)1889Oil on wood, 79 x 51 cmNational Gallery of Art, Washington

GAUGUIN, PaulThe Yellow Christ1889Oil on canvas, 92 x 73 cmAlbright-Knox Art Gallery, Buffalo

GAUGUIN, PaulThe Yellow Christ (detail)1889Oil on canvas, 92 x 73 cmAlbright-Knox Art Gallery, Buffalo

GAUGUIN, PaulThe Yellow Christ (detail)1889Oil on canvas, 92 x 73 cmAlbright-Knox Art Gallery, Buffalo

GAUGUIN, PaulThe Yellow Christ (detail)1889Oil on canvas, 92 x 73 cmAlbright-Knox Art Gallery, Buffalo

GAUGUIN, PaulThe Yellow Christ (detail)1889Oil on canvas, 92 x 73 cmAlbright-Knox Art Gallery, Buffalo

GAUGUIN, PaulThe Yellow Christ (detail)1889Oil on canvas, 92 x 73 cmAlbright-Knox Art Gallery, Buffalo

GAUGUIN, PaulVision after the Sermon (Jacob Wrestling with the Angel)1888Oil on canvas, 73 x 92 cmNational Gallery of Scotland, Edinburgh

GAUGUIN, PaulVision after the Sermon (Jacob Wrestling with the Angel) (detail)1888Oil on canvas, 73 x 92 cmNational Gallery of Scotland, Edinburgh

GAUGUIN, PaulVision after the Sermon (Jacob Wrestling with the Angel) (detail)1888Oil on canvas, 73 x 92 cmNational Gallery of Scotland, Edinburgh

GAUGUIN, PaulVision after the Sermon (Jacob Wrestling with the Angel) (detail)1888Oil on canvas, 73 x 92 cmNational Gallery of Scotland, Edinburgh

GAUGUIN, PaulVision after the Sermon (Jacob Wrestling with the Angel) (detail)1888Oil on canvas, 73 x 92 cmNational Gallery of Scotland, Edinburgh

GAUGUIN, PaulVision after the Sermon (Jacob Wrestling with the Angel) (detail)1888Oil on canvas, 73 x 92 cmNational Gallery of Scotland, Edinburgh

GAUGUIN, PaulVision after the Sermon (Jacob Wrestling with the Angel) (detail)1888Oil on canvas, 73 x 92 cmNational Gallery of Scotland, Edinburgh

GAUGUIN, PaulNevermore (O Taiti)1897Oil on canvas, 60 x 116 cmCourtauld Gallery, London

GAUGUIN, PaulNevermore (O Taiti) (detail)1897Oil on canvas, 60 x 116 cmCourtauld Gallery, London

GAUGUIN, PaulNevermore (O Taiti) (detail)1897Oil on canvas, 60 x 116 cmCourtauld Gallery, London

GAUGUIN, PaulNevermore (O Taiti) (detail)1897Oil on canvas, 60 x 116 cmCourtauld Gallery, London

GAUGUIN, PaulNevermore (O Taiti) (detail)1897Oil on canvas, 60 x 116 cmCourtauld Gallery, London

GAUGUIN, PaulWhere Do We Come From? Who Are We? Where Are We Going? 1897Oil on canvas, 141 x 346 cmMuseum of Fine Arts, Boston

GAUGUIN, PaulWhere Do We Come From? Who Are We? Where Are We Going? (detail)1897Oil on canvas, 141 x 346 cmMuseum of Fine Arts, Boston

GAUGUIN, PaulWhere Do We Come From? Who Are We? Where Are We Going? (detail)1897Oil on canvas, 141 x 346 cmMuseum of Fine Arts, Boston

GAUGUIN, PaulWhere Do We Come From? Who Are We? Where Are We Going? (detail)1897Oil on canvas, 141 x 346 cmMuseum of Fine Arts, Boston

GAUGUIN, PaulWhere Do We Come From? Who Are We? Where Are We Going? (detail)1897Oil on canvas, 141 x 346 cmMuseum of Fine Arts, Boston

GAUGUIN, PaulWhere Do We Come From? Who Are We? Where Are We Going? (detail)1897Oil on canvas, 141 x 346 cmMuseum of Fine Arts, Boston

cast GAUGUIN, Paul Featured Paintings in Detail (1)

images and text credit   www. Music wav.       created olga.e.

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GAUGUIN, Eugène Henri Paul

Gaugin Paul was a French Post-Impressionist painter, sculptor, printmaker, ceramist, and write, and was an important figure in the Symbolist movement, and his

experimentation was indicative of the Synthetist style of modern art.

He also paved the way to the appreciation of primitivism, as his paintings employed many of the simplistic techniques employed by Naïve artists.

As an individual he was prone to bouts of depression and once attempted suicide. As a painter, he was disappointed with Impressionism, as he felt that the tradition of European painting had simply become imitative, and lacked the symbolic depth that he desired. He also thoroughly enjoyed the art of Africa and Asia, which was full of

symbolic depth, vigor, and meaning. In his escape from the traditional European paintings, he sought to find a tropical paradise, in which he could paint in an

increasingly primitive style and live off the land.

Lacking recognition for his work and with no money, he sailed to the tropical islands of Tahiti and Marquesas, in French Polynesia. His

exploits there generated much interest, especially his reputed sexual exploits with young native girls, some of which appear as the

subjects in his paintings.

In Polynesia, he often sided with the natives in their conflicts with the church and colonial authorities, eventually writing a book about his experiences there. Gaugin’s physical escape allowed his stylistic

escape of post-Renaissance painting, as he paid little attention to classical perspective and eliminated gradations of color and


Inspired by the primitivism of the countries in which he lived, he also used primitive elements in his paintings to great success.

Where do we come from? What are we? Where are we going?,

1897 This is Paul Gaugin’s most famous painting, and he considered it his masterpiece, and the culmination of his thoughts. In Tahiti, as he was painting his masterpiece, Gaugin declared that he would commit suicide upon its completion.

Although this was something he had previously attempted, this was not the case, as the artist died of syphilis in 1903. The painting was meant to be read from right to left, with the three main figures in the painting representing the three questions of

the title. The figures are arranged from the beginning stages of life, from young figures with a child, to the middle aged figure in the middle, to the elder figure on the

left of the painting. The idol in the background, situated behind the elder figure, represents the “Beyond.”