Gawn 21 dec 11

Post on 08-Jul-2015

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Mindfulness is the balanced, non-judgmental awareness of what is coming in through the senses in the present moment, including our sense of sense of self; our thoughts and emotions

Being the Still Point of Awareness in the middle of the chaos that is the mind, our emotions, and the world around us

Increased serenity in the face of difficulties More accepting attitude toward life and its challenges More fluid adaptation to change and development of

more effective coping strategies Significant decreases in anxiety and depression Improved concentration and creativity Improved immune system functioning Increased social skills Increased ability to orient attention Increased working memory and planning and

organization Increased sense of calmness, relaxation, and self

acceptance Increased quality of sleep



Moral State of our Nation and it’s Leaders

This is precisely what creates the opportunity

Most people are contracted and more selfish due to fear

Be the opposite – BE SELF-LESS. “Your success and well-being are as important to me as my own”

Connect deeply with people’s hearts - you will forge relationships that will ensure your success for years to come

Seth Godin, Gary Vaynerchuk, Simon Sinek, John Spence, and Tim Sanders

Gary Vaynerchuk - content

Seth Godin - extinction of push marketing

Things are changing so fast. Those who are really comfortable with change will stand out!

Paying attention and actually observing the cessation of little things and big things

Insight = Easier to be cool under pressure = Better able to serve

Serve First



Compassion, Listening , Presence



Matthew Tenney