GeeCON Prague 2014 Keynote

Post on 20-Jun-2015

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GeeCON 2014 Prague Keynote slides. Short presentation about the importance of creating and building developer community in the Czech Republic. Delivered on stage in Prague on October 23, 2014.


Ondřej Krajíček @hedragon @ysoftdevs

Welcome to GeeCON

GeeCON in Prague


✦ How many of you took part in a user group event in the last month?

✦ How many of you are working on / for a startup?

✦ How many of you have contributed to an open source project in the last month?

Have you ever wondered, why somewhere good ideas grow?

And somewhere, they are just dying?

Sense of Ownership

The more you contribute, the more you can get in return.

And its better to own a part of something…

All contributions count… as big as building the next big thing,

as small as attending a meetup.

Y Soft

❖ To show that it can be done!

❖ Y Soft Technology Hours

❖ Y Soft University Relations

❖ Y Soft Venture Capital


Two days of learning and sharing knowledge.

No matter where we come from.

This is a result of contribution of many dedicated people.

Including YOU!

The more you contribute, the more you can get in return.

★ Attend a meetup.

★ Join an existing project and contribute to it.

★Help organizing a meetup or a conference.

★ Take your time to support your local user group.

★ Teach.

★Or something completely different…

The more you contribute, the more you can get in return.

The more you contribute, the more you can get in return.

Think about your contribution.

The more you contribute, the more you can get in return.

Think about your contribution.

Because right now, you are building

the developer community.

–Antoine de Saint Exupéry

“Perfection is achieved, not when there is nothing more to add, but when there is

nothing left to take away.”