Gen C: How to remain relevant in a world where everyone has a voice

Post on 02-Jul-2015

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Millions of online users are active everyday; from the moment they open their eyes to the moment they go to sleep. So how do we go along with them through their lifes and most of all... how do we keep up with everything they do, think or say?


Generation C: How to remain relevant in a world

where everyone has a voice

by Mónica De Salazar

Generation C is (in) the spotlight

Millions of online users are active everyday; from the moment they open their eyes to the moment they go to sleep. So how do we go along with them through their lifes and most of all... how do we keep up with everything they do, think or say?

Generation C has emerged as a enormous group of worldwide online citizens creating contents in all kinds of media such as blog and social media posts, home-made movies and music, pictures, articles and a lot more! All the information that this group develops has one objective: to let other know what they think and how they experience everything in their daily life. The question here is “are we part of this content?”.

It is well known that observation is the only way to really get to really know what others are thinking and finding out what is important to them. Only by doing this we will be able to get along with them.

Every day, billions of dollars are invested in developing new ways for brands and companies to get closer to their users and customers, but not everyone is actually listening to them. Not paying attention to this is the fast track for failure.

Sometimes brands and companies need (or have) to step back, take a look at what is going on out there to have a better response regarding the changes in communication, and only then, come up with how to step in with the right foot into what is really happening.

This has nothing to do with copying trends or trying to be the coolest pastiche made out of things that are talked about. It is all about understanding and being part of it.

Generation C: How to remain relevant in a world where everyone has a voice

How could we come up with a strategy or a plan to be cool or trendy? It is impossible. What some love others will hate, what some think is really useful and practical, others will find confusing and complicated. Then we have to listen and be flexible for changes at all times. Only the ones able to adapt will remain relevant.

Nowadays everyone is talking, posting, creating, sharing and liking products, comments, posts, trends and everything else that comes up as they go around in daily life, the online and offline.

Since people have become powerful content creators, the only way to remain relevant for brands and companies is being part of the conversation. But how are we supposed to do this?

Some think they have to be giving information for others to talk about or comment and share, but experience has shown us that if you give people model messages some will respond as expected, but others might react in ways that we cannot even imagine. Then, instead of trying to tell people what to do and how to do it according to guidelines a better option is to give them a blank canvas and show them options on how to use it... From there sky is the limit.

When we give people tools and information that they can turn into whatever they want, incredible things may happen and, as this is done amazing results appear!

For brands and companies, communities talking about their products and services is by far the best information to know how to structure new plans, products, varieties and ways to communicate. When people feel free to express themselves and their opinion is considered they will keep on giving feedback. On the other hand if they are not considered and they are just getting one way messages, the result will be the rejection of these at some point.

Generation C: How to remain relevant in a world where everyone has a voice

What would you like better? Having a community-based product or service that people will help grow since they are part or it, or having one that is accepted only at some points, but is rejected or worst, ignored by a lot of other people?

One of the hardest things to do is imitate naturality, from makeup to happenings and even TV screens, it means a lot of work, planning and technology has to be done and developed to make things seem natural. So why not using the real thing? And this real thing is what Generation C is coming up day after day through blog posts, pictures, videos, reviews and every other people-based content.

Wouldn’t it be great for brands and companies to have millions of reliable spokespersons instead of paying all that money in advertising and creating messages that may or not get the expected results? One of the main attributes that must not be overlooked about Generation C is they love to be informed and what friends say seems to be more trustful than what an ad may possibly communicate. This is why more and more companies are starting to recognize participative users and costumers as key local spokespersons that may and will influence others.

Generation C: How to remain relevant in a world where everyone has a voice

Right now, the puzzle that brands and companies have to solve is how to get friends with their users and consumers in order to stay relevant. The key is to observe and listen so that when they figure out what is important for their communities, they come up with apps, social networks, tools and branded contents that will help people to show their potential as content creators.

Observation is the door to knowledge, and knowledge is power... then paying attention to Generation C will help brands, companies and even people who want to stand apart from the crowd, to create better ways to communicate things that will make a difference.

Making a difference in a flexible and empathetic way will help us remain relevant in a world where everyone has a voice.

Generation C: How to remain relevant in a world where everyone has a voice