General building test certificate Intec Cem N test certificate · Baumbachstraße 7 D-81245...

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Max Frank GmbH & Co. KG

Mitterweg 1 | 94339 Leiblfing | Germany | Phone +49 9427 189-0 | Fax +49 9427 1588 |


General Building Test Certificate Intec® Cem N P-51-10-0011 | 01.02.2016 | english

Tested by: MPA Bau, München

Ïlmffi[ü_åË¡,Ftr cbmE

It,M Ml'^ BAIJ -Ablerluncl BauslofleH,1r r rll)ûi'ilì:iir ifte 7 f)-B I i!45 Munclten

MAX FRANK GmbH & Co. KCTechnologien für die Bauindustrie

Mitterweg I

94339 Leiblfrng

Centrum Baustotfeund Materialprüfung

MPA BAUMaterialprüfungsamtfür daE BauwesenAbteilung Baustoffe

Baumbachstraße 7D-81245 MünchenTel, +49 (0) 89-289-27066Fax +49 (0) E9-289-27069mpa@cbm,bv,tum,de

FG Bitumen und Abdich-tungen

München. 01 ,02,2016

General Building Test Certificate No.: P-51-10-0011

Offichlly approved testing MPA BAU TU München (BAY0l)


ObJect and field of use Injection hose system comprising,,Ver-

preßschlauch Intec-Cem N" and,,lntectin Plus


Joint seal (construction and butt joints) of nomtal

combustibility for structural elements madc ofconcrete with high resistance to penetrating water.

with and without hydrostatic pressure or ground

moisture according to Construction Regulation List

(Bauregelliste) A Paft2 SerialNo. 1.4

Appllcant MAX FRANK GmbH & Co. KC, Leiblfrng

Drte of lssue 01.02.201 I

Valid until 01,02,2021

By virtue of this general building test certifrcate, the above object may be used interms of the Bavarian state building regulations

This general building certifrcate contains 6 pages and 2 appendices.715PZ16/02-INT/GB-02/16

Itm Csntre for Building MaterialsMPA BAU - Abteilung Baustoffe

P-51-10-001 1

Page 2 von 6

I Subject and Field of Application

l.l Subjcct

'l'his gcncral building tcst ccrtificatc is valid for thc production ancl use of the injection hose

systurì cornprising thc products namcd "Vcrprcßschlauch lrttcc-Cletn N" ancl "lntectin Plus

lnjcktionsharz", produccd by Max Frank GmbH & Clo. KC, Gcrrnany for sealing joints (con-

struction and butt joints) of concrete structural componcnts madc of concrctc with high re-

sistancc to pcnctrating water, with and without hydrostatic prcssurct or ground moisturc ac-

cording to thc Construction Regulation List (Bauregelliste) A Part 2 Serial No. 1.4.

1.2 Field of Application

'l'he injection hosc systcm "VerprelJschlauch Intec-Cem N" and "lntcctin Plus

lnjcktionsharz" may bc used ftrr sealing construction and butt joints with a nraximum width of0.25 rnm in structural elements made of'concrete with a high resistance to penetrating watcr

exposcd to thc following.

- Ground nroisture and water without hydrostatic pressure

- Seepage watcr which tcmporarily accunrulates and wålter with hydraulic pressures up to

0.2 MPa (20 rn wâter head)

The seal fulfìls the requirements of scrvicc class A for cxposurc classcs I and 2 in thc WU-


2 Specifications fbr the Construction Product

2.1 Composition, Properties and Chrrrcteristics


Thc construction ¡rroduct consists of thc following products.

Injection ltosc "VctprefJschlauch lntec-Cem N" with accessories (nail packers, Intec hose

clatnps, lntcc standard hose encls, ball-ni¡lples etc., see manufacturer's infonnation).

lnicction rnaterial "lntectin Plus lnjcktionsharz" cornprising components A and B.

rDAfStb - Cuiclelinc, Watcr Impermeable Cloncrete Structures (WU-Guideline) - Version No-

venrber 2003


nm Centre for Building MaterialsMPA BAU - Abteilung Baustotfe

P-51-10-001 1

Page 3 von 6

2. 1.2 Propcrtics and Charactcristics

Prcof is furnished for the use of the construction ¡lrocluct for sealing co¡rstruction and butt

joints in structural elenlents ntacle of concrete highly resistant to water penetration by thc tcst

report No. 5l-10-0011 clated 31.08.2010 according to the testing princi¡rles ftlr joint seals is-

st¡ccl in May 2008. '[hc proof is ccrtificd by this gcttcral building test certificate.

The injectio¡l hose "Veqrrelìschlauch Intec-Cenr N" fullìls the requiremerìts on constrt¡ctiott

nraterials in construction materials fire class 82 (normal conlbustibility) according to

DIN 4102-1. Proof was fumishecl by the test ceftificate No. 810388 duted 01.12.2010 issued

by Holzfrrrschung München (Timber research, 1'UM Munich).

'l'hc injcction matcrial "lntcctin Injcktionsharz" is CIE markcd accorcling to

DIN BN 1504-5 (dcclaration ol'pcrfbrmance No. IPLJP0I datcd 01.07.2013).

2.2 Manufscture, Packaging, Transport, Storagc and Marking

2.2.1 Manufacture

The constructiort proclucts "Vcrprcllschlauch Intec-Cem N" and "lntectin Plus Injcktionsharz"

are factory-procltrced".

2.2.2 P¡ckuging, Transport and Storage

The components of "lntcctin Plus lnjektionsharz" must be stored above 0'C. Further specilì-

catious arc itr thc itrstructions fbr installation antl processing provided by the manufìrcturer.

Thc dctails displayed on the packaging regarcling thc rcquircmurts of othcr lcgal arcas (c.g.

dangerous nlaterials or transport law) arc to bc obscrvcd.


'fhc individual conrponents of the injection hose system "Verpreßschlauch hrtcc-Cern N" arc

to bc rrtarked as follows.

Nanre of constnlction product

Confbrmity ¡rruof according to ÜZVCI (scc Scction 4)

- Narne of rnanufhcturcr

Datc ol'nranufacture or chnrge numbcr, if ncccssary cxpiry date

Safety ittstructions and wanrings

2.3 lnstallation

'l'he nlanufacturcr's guidclincs firr.joint sealing a¡rply (A¡l¡rentlix l). These ancl the general

Lruilding tcst ccr"tifìcatc fbrioint sealirrg nrust both lre availalrle at the location of application.


Ilm Centre for Building MaterialsMPA BAU - Abteilung Baustofie

P-51-10-001 1

Page 4 von 6

2.4 Proccssing

The manufacturer's guiclelines apply ftrr processing the joint seal (Appcndix l). The guicle-

lines describe the fìlling of voids antl cracks with different injection nratuials. This gcncral

builcling test certificate ap¡llies exclusively to joint sealing using ,,lntectin Plus lnjcktions-

h¿rrz". The guidelines for use ¿ncl the general building test certificate fcrr joint sealing must

both be avail¿lble at the location of application.

2.5 Regulutions for [Jsc, Maintcnancc and Scrvicing

Not a¡rplicable

3 Proof of Compliance

3.1 General

Thc conlìrmation of'the cornpliance of the construction procluct with the requirements of this

gcttcral building test certificate is effectecl by the proof of compliance basetl on this general

building tcst certifìcate.

3,2 lfirst Test

Not applicablc

3.3 (lontrol of Production Quality at the Plant by the Munufucturcr

Self-control of production quality is to be performecl by the rnanufacturer in the protluctiorr

plant of Max Frank GmbH & Co. KG, Mitterweg 1,94339 Leiblfing, Gennany. The self-

control shall be perfrrrnred accorrling to DIN 18200:2000-05 ancl the principles for testing

ioint scals deveklped by the working team of the testing laboratories on the award of general

building test certificates accorcling to the construction regulations list A, Pafi 2, Cìhaptcr l,Ser. No. 1.4, version May 2008.

- (lontrol of initial materials based on rleclarations by the manufacturer or by suitable tests

(for each chargc delivered)

Injectirln hose: constn¡ction and dirncnsions (fbr each l000m), inrpernreability to fresh

cenrent ¡raste (for each 5000 m)

- lnjcction rcsin: according to DIN EN 1504-5 (foreach chargc ordclivcry)

The results of the self-control of production quality are to be recorrlerl, evaluatetl ancl kept for

at least five years.


nm Contre for Building MaterialsMPA BAU - Abteilung Baustotfe

P-51-10-001 1

Page 5 von 6

4 Compliance Marking

Every construction ¡rroclrrct must be rnarked by the rnanufacturer with the cclmpliance nrark

(Ü mark) acconling to the Gennan state regulations for compliance marks. The Ü nrark shall

bc placed with the required infomratiorr (Appendix 2) on the construction prntluct or its pack-

age (an accompanying leaflet may also be used for this purpose) or, if not ¡rossitrle, on the

delivery note.

5 Lcgal Basis

'l'his gcncral building tcst cerlificate is issuetl on the basis of Article l7 of the Bavarian Con-

struction Rcgulations BayBO in relation to the construction regulations list A, Paft 2, Clhapter

I, Ser. No. 1.4 of thc correspondingly valid version.

6 Legal Instruction

Ob.icction may be raisetl against this general building tcst ccrlificatc within onc rnonth of itsannounccment. The objection mt¡st be filcd in writtcn form or as a protocol at thc Matcrial-

prtifirngsamt fîir tlas Bauwesen, Abtcilung Baustoffc, Technische tiniversität München, Ger-


7 General Remarks

(l) This general building test certificate is pmof of the usability of the constn¡ction product

considered ltcrcin with regard to Gemran state construction rcgulations.

(2\ This general truilding test ccrtifrcatc docs not replace mandatory penrrits, allowances ancl

ccrtifìcations governing the cxccntion of construction projects.

(3) This general building test certificate is issuecl without cxplicit rcfbrcncc to the rights of'

thirrl ¡rarlies, espccially private patents and other rights.

(4) The nranufìrcturer or thc distributor ol'the cclnstruction protluct has, inespectivc of othcr

regulatiotts. to tn¿tke copics of the general building test certificate availablc for thc uscr of the

constructiotr ¡rrocluct and infìrrnr the user that the gcncral building tcst certifìcate nlust be

available at thc location where the ¡rroduct is being uscd.

(5) Thc guidelines for usc supplicd by the ma¡rufacturer have been tcsted by thc tcsting la-

boratory with reganl to their plausibility.

(6) This gencral building test certificate rnay only bc rcproduccd in completc and una-

britlgetl fonn. 'l'lte publication of exceqrts thereof rcquircs thc conscnt of' the Material-


Ilm Centre for Bullding MaterlalsMPA BAU - Abteilung Baustoffe

P-51-10-0011Page 6 von 6

pri.iftlngsamt fìir das Bauwesen, Abteilung Baustoffe of thc Tcchnische Universität München,


The text and diagrams of advertising material must not contradict thc gcncral building test

certificate. This translation of the original Gennan version has not becn approvcd by the Ma-

terialprüfurrgsamt für das Bauwesen, Abteilung Baustoff'e - ,,von dem Matcrialprüfungsamt

für das Bauwesen, Abteilung Baustoffe der Technischen Universität Münchcn nicht geprüfte

Übersetzung der deutschen Originalfassung".

(7) The general builcling test certifrcate can be revoked after issue. The requirements can be

amended or changed after issue, especially if new technical expertise requires this.


-¡fi il,u\.-lng. Bemd rWallner

Lcitcr dcr F'achgruppcBitumcn und Abdichtungen

i,lLtd. Akacl. Dir. Dr.-lng. Th. Wömer

Leiter der ArbeitsgruppeBitumenhaltigc Baustoffe uncl Cesteine


lrrlr¡ll | /¡ril¡v

Mmlsgemþllmg des lntoc'Com N lr{oklloruschlâwho$ ,

htj(kl¡onsgütof .




Zusålriche Hkwvolso

Fßlng ,nstntctlons lü /nt6c. Cern N /ryodbn Doso

lnlecalon tmlodab .


cornent paslo / suqpo¿¡llon lnlætlon

Rælnhþcúøt,Addlllonêl þtslnrcfons

Mrlr rlirLl(.r; uìlrJtlLrr rg I zl¡ r¡,r/iclrlr¡ v t ¡ lt ti¡ lcltt tc:'.

lntð€t Com N - rn6hrfsch'ì¿rprossb€r6r lnþkllonsschlouch zur Abdichhng ron tutlCl¡lugen 0€0en drtlcksndes und nhhl dr(lcktkltr Wùrrât

Vo?b.r.llun¡ dt. Obaatllohâ:B€hþung d6r Oþorlðch'e dor tuboilslwc wn lGôn Toilon uxl V6rælvlul¿uBoñ -ogl. bls &m lfur$orûol lmikqon.

ln&r. fun N ùiæliott how ß àúlablê lu tnttlt¡pls hlæUcrt& lo 8æt ttotw þlnß ag!*tslNcæ¡n0 and natp¡8ÉÉlitfl wsl€r,

9,ur'.o.p''.p.n lonrnþ útgh sur8f:¡ol Utowottlngþl/I,l muol tnc,*n and hee lmn l@s.ø',dhlos ü1d

doôds, Clgan lhe corrcrolg ¡urlilco dm lo lhô cxpotod á00regal0 ll poSrblð.













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llnr.t:gcblctc d.r lñlaktlon.¡01.r:¡ Hohheumyod0llungon und tp!llwrl0lludgrn:

ZôÌìórìllêiûto ufìd Zofiì€rìlgugponglon€n¡ ,lbdlchtuno von narton Fugon:

PUR tw-lh¡¿ od€r Acry.Hsr¿ (lntscth l-lar¿o)

¡ l(ratlæhl0ltlga lnlehtlon tlolnor Hohlröumo und !p!lton:EP-|lùr¡ô (lnlect¡ñ EP'Har¿)

na'.d.t .ñd aúbr,f lat|a Far aha lttllng q lnloor/Æ,n o, mldt .nd hollow soollont belvacn c!,nc/ta.

ctcmcn t, tèslns sn(W c€nrstl pasles or guspensþr¡s can ôð u66d,

a Fo¡ aa.tlng ol flca þtntt orúy I PllR W n*t ú M oc,ylic ,egn (/nltcl¡n tæht&) câo bs08od

a EP ¡aalnr en tut cd loÌ non.podlÌn ln/æ,lon ol tmttl ùotlow''caüon ,Nt eaqt:!ÂÈß{r)nmwú EP tæ¡tl8 (Jileclf¡. EPres/fl.)

Itrlel,lrtrtt;rlttlur l ltìlt)t ttotì tttith,tt,tl:,

Vrìrllr r-r:t:ì;ìrl )erlc t t I I r 4ct: I t rt t w, tt l,

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Zr:r¡ontfr:irn /$ur¡reltsiorrl I t--etrrerrl pasle/Í)rt';¡wil:;tt,n ¡ttlè(:l¡ttnrrrjektion I

VararDrltr¡rr|!I Ehlañüglgô F¡oñtll¡ân am umoano rn¡t lamanüultm Md€rla¡on beocìlsnI Scfulzld.lûng tr8gen (Hr¡l(þch,l., Êch¡ltrlr.h,lI Eh¿.trô tlômpoñanlm æh, oul ì¡ürf¡tYirla Umtopl€n rw lônlrolr dorauðlslclenden M¡dnÍt0¡ Zwlrtr0'bi|ll'lo !¡ìd dlo Hüùhlto¡roûbânål btrdünr zsÍr.nlþ¡m und ¿€rnañtenporEhn so rÏfrctEn, d¡¡0 klok$on wd ggf. Sohhuch'

ofi|*rúg g¡,vüMobtôl srrrdñ l6rmrn. dar lì¡blâr¡d drl ¡¡ch rlchtâ¡ lr0ñ 8Þ€olzôo,

lrú.oøèn¿f tlrqæÀþgråúðþrñúæêttülpaeþ¡åndüæúþa8rn¡{ æ6gtp{6dvtút¡{oclJió cþdrftg 6bt,rr dd protecü'€ goggb¡, CcJ¡ S,' rrrt¡ätlðl

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errdlÞÐ d!¡ü9. qpæff ara¿rlloû mß'| b N þ edd ptofiiâlút ,ldfdontt9 ol l,p*&f/lo/,ûilúl

ZtJrlruttllritrr /Suspr-rtrsiottr I t.)enrertl ¡;.tsle/.'jtr:;¡.rert:;tolt ltlt.lcl¡utlirìlûlittorì I

Urn¡abun¡aD.dlngsn¡on!¡ SoulClhmpardu'tn vún rdñd. 5' C olrùsllon

lnl.ltlorС.rltlI S¡l ldC.rorì bft riltüârcn Vnpr6asrmoo€n tlândpunpon wlultrdc¡rr Bd orö lf{€küonrrneng¡n deklfþohü PrÍrÞan drtal¿ârì.f ldcklþrËgaràt m¡ât 0bcr ollto aldsnþas Dn¡d(¡6{ehn0',irloSrn'r l¡t€kün0dn¡d( üþôr oh ðn0€br¡ctn.l M¡rþrncllr dtrtdþ kûìÙol¡ârÊrì.

^í,D/'/na |tnta¡,|tìatt

a fti ,!do'n wl,hcÊr|6dtpælå arldcrsp€ñsþ/¡t ilß rdnryûlwa ol ttl't//wolâHngll, rnutl öe¡treasl + úeC

tãlaeüor, aq.tlpnairta For Wsd,luB lrlllt æfl'Úoi ,9,d{E uú aæwfuit lot c,t',/t lþ tt'],úlr| ¡rsr{on

iltûllþlqø¡,üú?!furct ptn,ß cur Dáu'fd'a Fo( å,Eor c/.nnllllos vre tsrEãnlffú Ut tN ol a

'/.ûüa *ûlr|c¿l PtW,

a'nr[ 4Í¡ilaa p<mp ñßr lwc ilmâU øøûÉprsflrt r¡Úl./et¡ron

r fho pråsaro srÐdd bo cotti¡rutty nølø¡¡d LrùV a ûwþtnøþr,

\)' IH D{

Zernerrlleirn /lìulilrerr:;lor rsirr jekliorr

Varp?aaaañ!VrßchLEsSltþ* am ðrslsñ NaoSloecnerUw Enüûft rng¡rcrÈæh ¡nbrt€ll

Pî'Drld¡lB lh. tat o,lon okoutþ(þnrd lr,ar4plû lo t ra tttl t¡t/ildcotltÊ.þt o¡ lo t E fuel bngt p¡ tr¡óc

Co¡¡ to¡tl /:)irstú/S¿/sller)s itttt itt jttclittt¡ /ernenlleilrr /liurif JUt rstor rsirriekliotr

(:lBlndt¡t /,)itsfe/.-cìl/l;/)e/¡.s nt t it t iet : I n n t

r dekr¡oñ¡lohloudl lnd FrigÊ orondtú Íftwbr¡€rvoopd€n,Goosmbn n/gooþsråkn &!ßldl{ld t/orîlltion, un MôMLt'tl¡n¡æhJno ¿u varlìhdôrû

f Zfi|gllloln.rAup¡nJon grihdltch nûch Hoßldþrsnoåb€ Í|baûsn.¡ l$klþñsæñhuch dl !þrprsssrn¡lrl¡l lûlen blr ¡m ¿wil¿t Nûg.þ¡d€r (Enü¡ftutlot-

æt{auü) umrdthntÉ lnjokllorìrgú ùtrldll,

a M Wp uú ãnre hød| Mc cltcvil an t þítl cât9âtl vttfi vtøtrÌ - ¡he

rþrnil.L þrt t rttl ba sulfrddtry 1yvÉ/ kt oøer lo ovü rß8rf{,,tkf¡ d [r rlæ¡þttmslclc,

f S&orrxrf patfa u e!ìpetñr, carøluu h $æaîdanæ îrlü lhc muuffi'tJtf/,ItslnnþE,,

I fl fu tÉcþt iô¡r üÊ74t wìlh oúÌÉ¡,l ,/gl,te of sÄpefts/dt ø1, uttfu/rd rþbtmswu gx/f/,)ffi lrþot lrle secød shtll* 6sLr.ôb or ô'ulht h.tÛË,

lll :l) 0€


,. f rtItrrl tllr,lilt /:rrr,l,¡Iì ilr rll.,Irjrrl.t]iJil

;¡r,rrl':lìllr,rll r I LI llìI,rl llìl|lliitrl,,l.ltrrtt

t.t,tttt't¡l lt.t ,lt, :';n ,l)¡.t1.ìt()n !t)¡t1t lhjtt

f. : t . I t t | , I t | ¡ r ; 1 ¡ ; I r , i :ì i i ,' r i r t ' I r : , I í , t I I I t I ¡

, t . I I t ) t I

.,'rIIII{IIìII¡,III iiiI.IIrrIrI IIr1ILtr rlr; l' l1ot r

,"r:i|ìr!lrlllIrIr Illr:ilIrl r jl, )lrì;rlìl'rl,llIll

tl\ntFnl ¡t t',le')tt;!il'tì tt)n iltl\,\ ltt,n


¡ VerBchlusgslùckômzwgll€nNr1g€lfÞcknr(FnlhillrrqJeclllitufr)u,rl)l¡ùlcnundOlllluno.{hlloßon.

I Lùìgsanì und ololchtrì{frl0 [rr¡ck ¡rlþ¡¡rm, trnr. Io bilr.

I Konlh¡ffi[chor Volpiorsdrùck vorlì¡d¿.rl sio Entn]r34hÊn rt€3 VÊrlr€smfllorñl. lJñ.i

dr¡ÕOlìdìl 018¡chmälllg€ VÊrloüuno dâr Vorprn!¡rrr¡¡loriidr, gQf. NùclìDrasaan.

¡ Cùìll€r*llt¡eddoplorl¡rthdstrûrd5àrillNcottrtx:lototlltø¿rrstlhd€Ddc¡ogðlllàv8rvta fttilld up a honrrgurrirË ¡tr'¡t\l¡ott pte'rsutd lo.l nìrr. ol l(, baß rlwly.¡ fu ffruld s€fJr8fralrþn arl lhe lnl&)ll\n nrñlútal attl kt .rttute |to.,rogdìeous /idrì¿ltalÐn Of

tho h¡wt m n nlo.Etl, t tr irÞ(lrull lYcjru/ d rlr,í nol bâ lm rt,ttl Hã hiæl l mq ln l


t :t:iltt,t tl 1,.ì:tlt"' ;t t::l)ì tnlt)t lt(1tt

¡ [t8t Ft¡gnn nt Wili.¿rdurclrlrill bdilBlrldiú Gél8lú, ddsg rJsB V€rora&gnðtân¡l0r.r30€w¡Íhon wd.

¡ Sol(1ru fugùri Birìd lu wdùmrran od€rsndorwoillo ¡¡ ¡(hern (2. B. WarurlìülturU).

a ll walqr ß lli||ng rtn nqly lhtough lhø

vilrctlo.l f)ntl, ob::$w 1116 îiN gæad.

¡he Esle/&ßp€ns¡o/ì m(r3t ñrìvo lå€optlülûtily lo l$tdt tt nttiJa llB iù¡ttlw¡lhul bing îushød out

a ll n(x ors0¡y, latko xulÛbld lttttliùtrbølùt e il i{lirn (dÊ. ||Ðlat h0. sèoilníol ottlÊ( setltu;,t ol ütí:h wilh Lrtslo ols¡ttiklt),




Zerrre¡ rl ll /'l-ìr r:;l )en:;i()n:iir r jrl,rlior r

( ;e¡DÉ/,1 I ¡; t :., 1 c/.i') t t ::l sp¡ t : : t t tt t t t tleI I to t t ¡luilroiltlciltl /ù05lrrìtt:ìii)tlr I t )elrreltl lt,ì:,1ë/!;tt':l)ctt:;tt)lt ¡tllù tl\)ttiir¡clìu'ìr - ' I

Dird(l moh ^lrshlu$

dæ Vtrpor*ß hriokl¡sr.Bchlsmh rn¡ltoþ Vakuumo8rtll l€€ren. F€ld0uñO doslnnen Schhrchon durch Nnchuugon von ulrolchordsoubolem W0BBar, um slne sÞåtsro Wþdårv8rprså&rtoar 0ow¡iMoi5lon.Fruatlorn¡dr Jo M€lsr lniÊkl¡orìssctìlåuch mhd. 5 ljt€rsåut¡eror Wm¡qr dlrch dm Schlouch dougon, n¡chdomkálfìô sichlDarÊ Voftinrolnigurì0 nìolìr auaossÊlt w¡rd,

NL¡ coñdollü 0¡ ilþ ¡.iællon ptwæs and priu to llølßfitonù]4 ol lhe c€nÞn|, ßd')ce pßsg!trø uú dtan ll1ß

lnse tnrq a wm .tovìco. usn a sulfrcbnl quilililyd dæn waie( lo ctæn lhe Innet 8lJrlac€ ol the hose loNsln/.9 û lù porúh lu¡lln¡ htodi¡nt.

clñn wilü W I m ¡riæilú hoto knglh atld ûl vls¡bLrortf¡rn¡larìlt lloÉ ðoût lhrshùd uL

Nsch Ab€chluss d6l gchht ctualnlgunglömn d¡o Vors;lfßrilikkô an beldsnNsgslpac*ern (Enllfllunosschhr lÕhan)

entfeml wdm,O.r lñ1.ê. Cam t{ lnlal¡lonarohlÕuohlrl aomh l0?.lno woltoro lnlokllon vot-bo.âllâ1.

Upon complet¡on d clænhg ol lhenlæliø lnsa ilþ r&tplóts, cdvr€clorg,f|c, al bolh 6ñ& ol the circoll cån Òe


ma h,cc.catn N lnl.calon hoda ltnow rcady lt t mp.raad lntaca¡onl¡'!qu,ßd,

I l;rr,'irrlel,lrirrr I lil.t:;trt trtlLrcltt'tt


Var¡rb.llung!f Ens0hläglgô Richl[n¡en und Mottþlðltor der gerut¡€mdsruchârl ¿un¡ Vcr&l*iblì q)n

RJÊ rnd ¡k¡y' Hr¿m t ôtchlorìr Sclr¡l¿I!ôk trn lrtgon lHsndsctþho, Sclxrl¡t ilo elc)t Ern¿slñe Komæ¡nntoñ mlú OUI wrúlvonr umþplôn ¿ur Ì(onkolþ dor susleþh€fdon Mlschrsg¡ loln l¡Josser odor 0rklore Motoriô¡an ÃJgoben

ItttaoUoât¡ tìoeso oÒsúw tlÞ tnlwnt gtk/f/lnx uuJ tulbl9 hoñ lha saloly dssocrot/ons ,W l¡tlo

usa ol PUR, acrylic anct EP rø81¿9,

a Wþør prowltw c1f/lhitlg (9kil8 ärxt p¡olüflitÛ gog0læ, ølc).a Sliiln,n¡xwclt.a lilø ßcf/ilnfr'd &cfftlþtg hlo utollw cottl!¡ror to ætm lr,t con6L'l dÉ8,ea 0f tflxJrû.

a 0o rcl rdd wûlèt o, olhål r¡8rt&rs lspC¡$s lo tBdrlqt




I lirrzlrtJeklron I Hesrrr irrler:lri'rrr

V.?arbaltun¡l!.ltta lopftelt dr PUÊ. tIld Acryl.H8aâ bl tnhr¡chlodlch txd lnnpùdurôbh¡r{ig - ûltc

mchstolìôfit€rrÂngÊb.ñ brd¡hrn ¡lch ¡ul+2f C l¡lïrnæntur¡ lopf¡.it lnt olh PUR W-H0.2 c0. æ0 Í*r. födraI: hl.ol¡n

^cryl.|lE r c!. 60 n{n

umerþún!.ù.dlñ3l¡ñ¡ail¡ lnleolln PUR.Hqr¡: Mhd€tbfllôltomps¡hr +8r CI Inbolh

^crt.Húr:: lthd¡llb¡ule5Çnps¡tú tr C

r Mhdslhsr¿lonp€ntur vo. dr¡ l¡lcJËî +tr c

t,ú.oüof' Um.!a The vatþß RJR eú

'É,ylc tBrt rt{f,' dlfrtt, ø f$ úd fq uasdFn ó fo

loflçDtotw?Æ." N cß|l d}wr ô6þry a,! ôosâd on sñ an¡/Ëfy'. turFÈ¡ihû, ol +tr C.a lnÞtf,n Rß I'N rr'¡h W.u" SU Ítt, Hætht ætyb Êaln øerotr, @ nh.À,rrbtant ltr,,''/pa,tr,',trrtrta fut Ítaælht PLn túß l¿rF'rtuns ol tvwluol e¡trrrn s rrnl¡f Òo âl þtsl r€P oa fur rnlæ¡h c/¡cryflcr€tt¡t fvpeatw¡c ol artn¡rd &,flntÊ ñtßaÞcrtþrl f Ca W fiihlnvxn tú&t lutpaûlu. øÞr to nfu1g b +ï C

I I : tt. t,:t: tl lt

Hiurirrjoktir,rrr I llesrn irlectlort

H¡rrva?brauohlr Ff¡h.o0. d0.lnlFr C¡m N lbpe¡¡ælf{rclEqt cs. t,ã h/10 fma Css¡mhårzr€rbrsuch bt abhångþ ìiúrì dår Ouolttt dor Brlonogr.

Sci giir Adrr¡0 rtl ArEd¡uírbdlrn0 ñyB ilrù û¡rdHûflllsl,rrþrùch: 2 h/10 fm

à'tr,ut acñurâpllont

t* h üt0 da @tßuûN'n, æú û s gd qâny *i0t slælü tttix (0ß nrn) t[âvo¿Ú0ccw'g,,'tpttüt uío.tÌrt þ2lg l10rr, nr

I lår7¡nJrrl(li(rn I Hc:;ttt utlet:lirttt

ln¡.¡llon e.rlüI Bel kLhen bþ mnftírn \hrplr¡gl¡qlg€n Flondpreæe tie.uonden,

a 8olofð8€ron r{6ktþrìrn6ôgro €þklrbcùo EhlorÌ''p0nütl0rì¡tænf ftniorEgortl r¡(B 0ber Cne ¡nrbnþôe Drudíroslno wrltl0en,a lrl€lrt'ion¿drüdr 0ber å¡ì orìgÉönchtoÉ M¡normbf rlðfl(tþ l(ontóllcrü.

lalaaltor, aQulpmúlra Fstßlutola'nú tomed*ï qr¡nlrtþ3o/æhs, ¡r€,roornr¡€rrd lheuæol as¡Ír'D/É

lüûdptirp.a fu¡ r&lor, d bee q./onfrlæ ol tâhs, vre t?foolf''qú [ß tN oten sþclrþsl

úrgþa.ülptþlt@ba 'i,¡p,a fh. ty'rri¡l¡l Wp arr6l hû,r ,r,Ìlf€t ta leàþ prss&r¡ ßß/¡etþn.

¡ 7ìågåcrl¡¡ rrþa¡g b cðnlllffldy nwú&rrud uûlrry omonornctrl


Hr'r,'¡rìiekl¡()rì | Ec:,;irt hrierliort

nrlîl¡.ñ d.? Arbrlti¡rrlt¡¡t Nrô ì,bÍÉn&ûg !oû lnlâclh PUR md EP.Hùroñ

^rba¡trg.rtto rf¡t lnteolin

SærhlrEldoer 'ddgfl,r Ntú \ðrwondt¡ìg ì/oñ hlaûlh

^cryl.Hür¿ ^rbc¡bgor¡b rror Eñürhn dea lhr:e

rnh L8ltungftea¡sôr r6lrlgoo.

a Aw W sd f,ç.n,meã, td h @ntßfr/n wilh Rß utd EP ¡ülrÉ can Oe cþor¡edvlthln&,thgpÉdp/ctuw.

f loob erd oqþnsrl uú wlth httú{lbt eø¡ilc r¡gtr o¡¡t ôc desned wilh w6aú prlat loUßlwdülûg ol lltotür

.ll EI


I Llr.'llirl.ltirn f ll:: ut r)1, t¡t)t)

Vorprolaon:KggFlkoph¡fìfFl h orrlnn N¡0oh¡cl.roÍr!{l{il¡tJ{irì l^u}ftllIuilq ilìrltnll(¡llr trìoßgchl¡r ¡ch

^.1ù010r mll

f h!ilìL@fni¡l!ol cir reallùrr)

lnl.c,lon:::c.âw conÊal hüd tilpqlo nlo lhal:,1 thullú atxútKlot llh¡sø tlclill¡titùahdnq braolhq lubÊ n\âtl ûd<ry'itÈr qlltnil lil:;ilL\l t4&'b).

EnllÍ¡f lrn dor Schloucl¡e8:¡ [ìnír¡llon (Jort lntoklronr!;clrliluclrulrsclnrll'].; utF' (lsrì erslFn KtrJ€lkôpln¡frfFl

(Flsr'hk.lLìtnipFq. t)l9 ¡m /wêrlrû ll;rrjiìl['ncknr b. rr f nlhflrnc¡l;rclrliluclr I lxrr lurtrll¡ /mdon Nngolfx¡ckrr ilrl l(r,t{ilkq-úritrtrelva{eclìlÉl}ðrì L,r!', ¡n ¿wÊrl€n Lnlllllluô{13

Bcl rlsr[h ¡dÂL1lsr nrl l-ì¡chkof,lnippol orninl/on

Hosa dralùtng:a FúIlhîn)loíJßtr|rc:¡o:aLIß,tvúIIil!ItILqt¡LùI hertúr¡¡pl¡e(n1lI)R,JNItxqola)

utll¡l tÈgln È\hú¡JÊs hatù llF :tn¡1 xhttll¡r ¡ ot lr¡onlhor hl)o.I l)loto ;,hd ,;lt¡lh! a:ínúú\1ot w¡ll, t.Lvrt Jl ltt.xl ttL,DlÈ ¿v1Ú / ()t úßett inlqnol htBa Ptlil

conne-lù wilh /t8l ¡eod9¡l ñlfplÊ ñl\1 lha \Á-.ffi.í¡trañlhtL lt'ìro û:; wtll

I r rJr:l ¡:rrr I i i,:'tn lnlt:' llt)|

I l.rr.'rn¡,rrt I li,' tit ttt, . lr,'ir

¡ Mil milßroo¡n, l¡ô! rnri¡r¡rrrxlorrr D¡uck ln¡rkloilslur¿ einljr6!!6tì¡ lì¡€kliún8dr6k wrì 0 Drs m8x 80 b¡r rlnlqnrrì

I Mnxlrokl¡rIk mr¡fi nk-hl ororclìl v¡r(i(rì.¡ Oplirblr Miltlorún Druck út'¡r údan l¡n0ar8n l€rlrnurn ¡(orrlrn(rlgrlrh lùllrrñ.

d¡rtl¡ch Vo.d¡nqân dor I l;r/or il(:lr Íl kkrno Vor,:rxloh¡Uurr riül¡liclìt Achlunl:

^uch rnìl wrsr lld'rdpr69g6 f.irìí qrh[,])lf.ha l)rEkd,ìr7at€l\lr

lHydrflrfrk), dro qgl.7(t lichltrlon hlron kiriltrr.

a Now ñlìcl lhñ clfrKr) ¡n1ñ wrlh nrxkttl{, kn\l litrhníJ p¡csrut'a htrriltu ll,o pto!ìrut ! | tl il td L\tt,p) h ot O to û rf tri¡ ol B0 Dors

a LO1Ilit'tn?,nt)dêIal,1l¡tg.-\tÍanholltttlhãn:Jßrrllñ¡tl,hqhttotttto-ThttÍ llrt,øtn iJ olwt, llri t)pIM lLntìIy k, tterl4t dlú it¡lo èvü ht )Éô, Òt¿Æl¡ad clucts

¡ Coulroni/tlsÂlssthliIì.rønh1iúildñt.thliDnl:arîôvdrt):ilng$lvilhilndlttttt,wlti!1 eut çaulat cott!k!dtLh! tlttüû\ß

æ',,f | /i,, ,:tt iltlt.t lt,'n



ll:rr, rn¡rl,,trtrr I Ii,::trt rrt¡r'.lt,tn

I L rl , ú rlIl. lr{ ri l I fil' .il1 il ¡lt't .lt, 'tl lì rr;'ilr¡r',,rì | /;!rr,//r il)ßtt lt\ln


tìai 6ingr w8gserfuìlìr€odsn Fuqs dardútrchlon. (lü:¡ diln ll¡r, in rlo, Fr¡go dhlrlookûntì ohos ruef¡68púll ¿u wuralfnSolchr¡ [i¡qon Índ ¡] wrdiltrnn0n trlâr ¡¡d8rFul¡1., lu sicfßlì (r. B. Wsssrlrùllu'ìrl).

tl wdlù it ndwilU sttùtgty lltuluh !t,àt û¡ Nlsd lolol, obssrvt lhtr /Èrw SfEsdÍl,o tolin null lnw! llrt ol\ro¡htrtily ktlkt,lan ûlsldè lhe lo¡nl wtlhoul balnght;|x,11dilll næÈss& y. lala su/laD/d fyeru¿tr)slhlo¡o tñl.tcl[te k ¡, wtlour| sr:tbng

ol out& su lacè ol et ¿a t pllì fúsld or



¡ Nsch Abschl!¡æ d6s loJeklk)ñ:ivof0sn063 r¡ffJ vor Fn.,o dor VGr¡¡bn¡h¡ñgntod

rh!¡ lnj.rkl()n¡, I i¡uo!¡ Vcrprc*ehluh ilrilklle Vakuuil¡lar¿ll l*rcrì(Arìæhlusslrìúksl B lctM lnll/\tl

t lqokllonnnchl¡wh komphrll l(u!illugùrì. nuch l5 ilr¡o Wilrloroil è[ìèul llur¿ ubSaug&ì.

lìsir'n68lð [rl lrìl6cllrì St].:¿iùhB¡n¡osr ar6 dsm ljchlouch s¡'¡qonI Feu¡tlormel: þ m lnjahlro.Éfhlilr[h rlrrl rÌilrxl. O.? I lnloclrrr Íìporiuhckriger übø tJur

V¡kuur¡r tjurch den SclJlùuclì ùblugaull8rì VgirrrÍl zwgftml wrFrl€rhol€n

a AltÈt coùV,rlelþtr ol ilb! ¡iliælfrn þte:È\s ãud Nùt lo lhÊ ha¡dânnq Õl lho r&sln, ttlLra[úa{ÆuÈ and dftùn lho hos€ {rîln0 ¿ vn.ü¡nt &vtiat (sùl¡tl1lo tdtltlo,r uott.g. ICEM l0lIAD).

a fhtsh lhe c'otplè16 rÐJ/ì nl O/ ¿h9 hôsç, nnnill lfur ¡ttx:o\s úlot f, w0¡l¡t1|9 lnto olillrt\o\inxtloly 15 nur ü¡il fttdly ßr roÉ llìa rarD¿iÙ:r)ü resfi rasøues ugnQ l¿tælrh

spælolclüt1er.a Oononlrul!:fúlntolhr:;liltg, ¡rinùll¿\til0?rc'lè,iiltú tÈt l trhtiælùù àös8lerì1rlà.

n8pùl lhis prædss lwtrra

i I rr 'lt1r,l.tti,tr I li.i: tn,tn

Zur grfon fr¡llurrg rlor fugo, irvwtlulb.Jal VÊrrlrtBrluñflaZÊ¡l rlFl lnjsklKñ5gr¡1o..

ot¡ ll¡l¡ot .rv¡oln¡l ttilatwf ¡Jrr:,*tt,Hrìr¿8u!lr'll 8ñll¿nfl (fÊr Arb€lt3lr{.' FlÍu oilÉ fu¡klrorrl¡drigo

^t diclrturç n¡oht

rw ' n6nd 0r lo.(l6rlc¡

Ro ittjæl al lût:;l orta, lr(tlut lw¡ca.htlhñ lha ß9n waúhùbltly ln)ø, n u.lcr lnontut., txÍf.(l n¡L\:l¡ou ol Utx ¡ot, ¡ i nol nemss¿ry /o Í hÊ ßstn lo øx|nxl')hont lho wotkttg it¡nl lo :;ltw llt'l llte tduli3lutt:lt)nnq.




Ha¡zinjr:klirrrr I fìe:; i t t i t

I l¿¡r,,i r r jel,.l ron | /-lt.rsrn tr 4t,'t:llott

Àle rüc¡tio.n ^ngsbarì

ln rh€rn VorprË8prolol(oll$tlull€o. Elno Prolokor.vorfrgo índen gle h d9tgroach&û.Pl0¡rrì€$olúilb filr Wt .Btuì'varfta',

Fonl.rn 81. dl.ra ¡oÍaolo. lcletonlroh unbt00rl¿7 lae.o on odr?l!d.n tlr rloh d.. PDt

W¡lledç¡ú, ú inrylãnl ddlûbyf,rlgottl dnirØtulqltu1 tffin ø wnñ ls htc{tø h ø.r h¡oçl$toPlãtútþV gtffioês lu walítlgh, 8ttßltù6',Pþcso¿th lv'ohue.oopy Woúlng +at e4n læ4 e.tountoad n cawfry.tnaxlßni,co¡n.

I lilzrr¡elitltrrr I R':sttt n4er-,1i,-ttt

ktnfi3fl dþ Anlohhß$tr¡ck! !n l¡aldanNrodpac¡€rn (FJlrcnwt0Eschlðuch€.ì

enlbmt $üden.

l¡l ¡omlt l0r.lnc w.ltcro lnltltlon mlllñù.cüñ PUB ilV-Hârt b.rall.

Nlat f,,rp*/rþtt d hlacfut rþsa cþ¡r,r'g,lhroddøfú,tcanbo úiûttnaø al àd/t,sn! Uer ønraúlu s o( örorlrrg trDæ,thclnfÚ,ûêør N htþolloa hæebnov Êattl lot a tlpÉlr'ft,nwlthPUàNVtuln.

.il .t û€

-"'-* Ël

,1.1 ,i,.1 EI


,/r ¡::;rl ;lir:l re I lrr r'¡¡ci:;e | ñ k t i I t, v t : tl t ¡ I lt )t t t t: t I ¡( il t

¡ kfoldlonråröeilon sollon vom Foclmam Þ¿w 0e6chllom Þæonoldrrdr0€lùrt'¡,erú€n.r Ehulmñ úxJ tldürûr rjôr Vtr¡xûe¡lìù¿o ¡Êl gûefi¡lËit$d$d¡atì.¡ CcÌrnd{sldrtr0 ltú€ñ. Au!€fl -, Mr¡d-'Jnd l'landrchn¡I Wrû¡brilmg boi RtuntsrìpÓltlr k¡lirÞ Nr8ûuguìg €rfqd(r¡dì

¡ lrllêctþnü,ortsñoulctbecatnúo,ttþyer¡relerrodspeclelslsløll,Horrwü,¿tftNttihþla uûfu,, Utt n)¡k âil olto bô edad Úrrl ltf aho r}1,-rúlâ Elâil.

a h/ß{llktt tæl,' @n b ø rt€f.llh rnãñ and ll B r*oûnenø lMl hl ,€'',onalptoþ(l/r,1bo wo¡î ãl aI lhnat lo aw¡d üry acf*lanlsl uql¿.9{ra ro st^r8, t þ sür ô/ú ro

awld b¡88,ûrf1' ln lunæ.a l,lo twn th ôxltsc|,¡c,t It næß'dty, il v)tkhq ol toÉñ lmltaal'nê.

ll[j;il/lrt;lto I llrrr./r;l:¡r.r | fu t! inft.rnìrllitrt

r Torfp€rslu3n üb€r +4ø C wåltgtd der

^usltlirtrrìg: hofirûthot!

^bðtiguro orlordor¡dì

(Enlrlüodo w.ùûdúgqxxlljklo s¡rìd oCl. ho{ù toxþch)

r ¡hn-ll0€n ì0i rìþht 0Þ€r r.l0 O uld r¡còl mlor ìS Cf neküm¡ho¡:e mrgirm rnil Ldllâr¡{rìtô ¿u rt{ßlåhdch€n l-tsnBlollwü¡dúoÊn, &¡0r

dctìl wì$rsftg€låhrdsnd

a il, llÉ'A€.tÊî, lrt€ lanlper€ture e¡øeeô +40Ò A ünþW fur,edng, lünolh ú tll',cliott itn&tBsrúy, ü otty otrupotûûut ¡rúnrs ue llglrty lotdc.

a Ib rcl alo¡e hlæltoû /atf| dl rentperaføe¡ eôoð +.{0o C d boþw r8o Cr ,4eclbn rosinr m tþl dwlruntû¡,ltñy lwñlu/, os W r*cl (funn lo a ldtmreSs

ættul,./diltnlcte conØ.tnd on cf,ilacl wûh alr hú{úlr


Ztt:,¡tzltr.:l tr Hil tt^,,ri:,rr I i\' h I i I n v t,tl i t t lt tt t ¡¡¡ I t, tt t

¡ñlaor9un0!¡ Al s{c}rger¡chlo Enl¡dBrrig çHan¡ nË10ñllô0r10 Oôblrìdo ola $an (B6dll > Sclyotlcofll0frofI ÂFtmtleerlo Gourxro or¡ tfuEtstoí ) Rsldhg¡ Nhht al{ol)tndêrì* htsctin PUB.l"lsr¿ > sorìd€drÉl (Auslschl&8€l-N'Ì 080104f AboobunderB lntectln Ptn Har¿ > Sondern{il (^b6þcllibtd Nr ü0t06)

Oltpotatta Fleaso drsl//re lñal tlu dlepose otlhose p¡út tcto cooætya &npüod t,ol dMñ (tlod), mslo cüilaùwa Er¡Ì,//fd 4/p,sïc tæl,/€nls > rcctc{|a l,loa.W&d ln|dclú, PUR ñCn > lva¡dut wâBlc, Vtrhdc W Wl@a llsntdtod lntælln Pllñlt€d/n >ltÆstøc{de' üOtoS

trElll¡ Frunk OmbH t Oo. KO

Mlll€rwo0 I

04339 Lo¡bmng, Gormârìylet, +19 9t27 108.0F¡x r¿0 0427 1688





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