General Quiz 2015-Quizzer's Plight

Post on 15-Jul-2015

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1 This Honorary award, unique in the history of the Oscars, consists of one large statuette and seven miniature statuettes and was given to Walt Disney in 1938. What for?

• Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs

2 Altamount was one of the of the two largest Open Air Concerts in the USA in 1969. It was considered to be a minor blip in comparison to the brainchild of two businessmen who wanted to pay homage to Bob Dylan by dedicating a studio in his hometown.Because the original site could not accommodate the fans expected, the site was shifted to nearby Wallkill, yet retained the name of the original venue. Besides being credited with the invention of the “Revolving Stage” and “musician(s) setting their instrument(s) on fire” this concert remains the most historically significant in rock music. Identify the concert?


• 3 This famous brand borrows its name from the Greek goddess of victory.

• It’s trademark slogan apparently inspired former US president Bill Clinton to get married. What brand and slogan are we talking about?


In 1893, a young German chemist, Felix Hoffman had exhausted all the known drugs in atemptingto ease his father’s arthritis. At Bayer, where he worked, Hoffman prepared a batch of a synthetic type of salicin and tested it in his father. It worked.

Bayer realised that the young employee had created an important new drug and decided to produce the compound from the Meadow Sweet plant and called it ________.


What does this map represent?

Left and Right hand traffic throughout the world.

.It is speculated that this lady borrowed the name Victor from John Milton’s Paradise Lost. Milton frequently refers to God as ‘the Victor’ in Paradise Lost, and the lady attempted to portray her creation Victor as playing God by creating life. Victor’s

adventures happened at Ingolstadt, which also witnessed the creation of a body X on on May 1, 1776, thanks to a German philosopher named Adam Weishaupt. Who’s the

lady and X?

Mary Shelley


• The leaf springs of recycled truck suspensions is the most popular material for this purpose because their high carbon content produces a quality of hardness in the final product that allows it to be flexed without breaking. However, many people use sections of rail that has been packed by freight wheel impact. These items are imported in large quantities from a neighboring country. Making a single final product is a task that takes four men an entire day. What is this object, that also featured in the climax of Bram Stoker’s Dracula? Pics of the initial stages of the process follow

• Kryptos is an encrypted sculpture by the American artist, Jim Sanborn, that is located on the grounds of the ____________ in Langley, Virginia Since its dedication on November 3, 1990, there has been much speculation about the meaning of the encrypted messages it bears. Of the four messages, three have been solved, with the fourth remaining one of the most famous unsolved codes in the world. The sculpture continues to provide a diversion for cryptanalysts, both amateur and professional, who are attempting to decipher the final section. The sculptor has given clues on several occasions.



• X’s disappearance caused an outcry from the public. The Home Secretary, William Joynson-Hicks, pressured police, and a newspaper offered £100 reward. Over a thousand police officers, 15,000 volunteers and several aeroplanesscoured the rural landscape. Sir Arthur Conan Doyle even gave a spirit medium one of X's gloves to find the missing woman. Dorothy L Sayers visited the house in Surrey, later using the scenario in her book Unnatural Death

• X's disappearance featured on the front page of The New York Times. Despite the extensive manhunt, she was not found for 10 days. On 14 December 1926, she was found at the Swan Hydropathic Hotel (now the Old Swan Hotel in Harrogate Yorkshire, registered as Mrs Teresa Neelefrom Cape Town.I D X?


• The following image of a group of monkeys appeared in 1886 in a German journal named Berichte derDurstigen Chemischen Gesellschaft. It parodied an anecdote that was famous through oral transmission but had not yet appeared in print. The anecdote itself has its origins in the harsh winter of 1861-62 that caused someone to doze off in front of a fire in Ghent, Belgium. What anecdote?

• Nikola Tesla once remarked of him: “If he had a needle to find in a haystack, he would proceed at once with the diligence of the bee to examine straw after straw until he found the object of his search. I was a sorry witness of such doings, knowing that a little theory and calculation would have saved him ninety per cent of his labor.”

• Incredibly, Henry Ford kept the last breath of this inventive man in an enclosed test tube. Who?

• Thomas A. Edison

• Argo was Robert Ballard's unmanned undersea video sledge.It had an array of cameras looking forward and down, as well as strobes and incandescent lighting to illuminate the ocean floor. It could acquire wide-angle film and television pictures while flying 50 to 100 feet above the sea floor, towed from a surface vessel, and could also zoom in for detailed views .

• Which immense tragedy did the Argo discover in the early hours of September 1st, 1985?

• The wreckage of titanic

• The so called Ararat anomaly appears in certain photographs. What is it that can apparently be seen in these photos?

• Pics follow.

• The remains of noah’s ark

The Stereoscope, introduced in 1844 by David Brewster, is believed to have been the world's first example of


• 3D Camera, able to take three-dimensional pictures.

• During one of the depositions in the film “The Social Network”, it is mentioned that the invention of Facebookmade Mark Zuckerberg "the biggest thing on a campus that included nineteen Nobel Laureates, fifteen Pulitzer Prize winners, two future Olympians, and a movie star." One of the lawyers then asks, "Who was the movie star?" and the response is, "Does it matter?" This movie star was, in fact, _______, who was enrolled at Harvard from 1999 to 2003 and helped screenwriter Aaron Sorkin by providing him insider information about goings-on at Harvard at the time Facebook first appeared there.

Natalie Portman

• It was designed by the British Ministry of Information during the period 27 June – 6 July 1939 It was produced as part of a series of three "Home Publicity" posters . Each poster showed the slogan under a representation of a "Tudor Crown” (a symbol of the state). They were intended to be distributed to strengthen morale in the event of a wartime disaster, such as mass bombing of major cities using high explosives and poison gas, which was widely expected within hours of an outbreak of war Copies of Keep Calm and Carry On were retained until April 1940, but stocks were then pulped as part of the wider Paper Salvage campaign. An October 1940 edition of the Yorkshire Post and Leeds Mercury records the poster being hung in a shop in Leeds The typeface is often assumed to be Gill Sans, which is very close but not exact (see the terminals of the 'C', for example). The lettering was perhaps hand drawn by a now-unknown designer. What Poster are we talking about?


Identify X?

Hello Kitty

This is Cubestormer 2.Give its use?

Solve Rubik’s Cube.

X Whaaaat?

• The taxon X was formally named in 1842 by Sir Richard Owen, who used it to refer to the "distinct tribe or sub-order of Saurian Reptiles" that were then being recognized in England and around the world. The term is derived from the Greek words meaning "terrible," "potent," or "fearfully great" and meaning "lizard" or "reptile". Though the taxonomic name has often been interpreted as a reference to X‘s teeth, claws, and other fearsome characteristics, Owen intended it merely to evoke their size and majesty.

• Dinosaur


• According to the FAI (FédérationAéronautique Internationale) guideline, as of Jan 3, 2013, a total of 530 people from 38 countries are known to have gone into space, but only 3 people have visited this place on earth. Which place ?

• Hint follows.

Hell yeah, He was one of them

• Sixty years ago, on 28 February 1953, X walked into the Eagle pub in Cambridge, UK, and announced something for which he would later share a Nobel Prize. "We have found the secret of life," his collaborator and subsequent fellow Nobel laureate Y later quoted him as saying. The pair really had figured out something very close to that. What??

Watson and Crick discovered the double helixed DNA

What’s the Funda???

Identify these guys?

• Walt Disney and Wernher von braun

• Due to its negative depiction of Indians, which film became the first to be fully censored in India???

Indy Jones Temple of Doom


• The name ‘X’ is from a fictional paradise peopled by Black Amazons and ruled by Queen Calafia. The kingdom of Queen Calafia, according to Montalvo, was said to be a remote land inhabited by griffins and other strange beasts, and rich in gold. “Know ye that at the right hand of the Indies there is an island called X, very close to that part of the Terrestrial Paradise, which was inhabited by black women without a single man among them, and they lived in the manner of Amazons. They were robust of body with strong passionate hearts and great virtue. The island itself is one of the wildest in the world on account of the bold and craggy rocks.” ----- The Adventures of Esplandián Identify X.


• The ______ were 19th century English textile artisans who protested against newly developed labor saving machinery from 1811 to 1817. Though the origin of the term is uncertain, a popular theory is that it is named after Ned ____ a youth who allegedly smashed two stocking frames in 1779 and whose name became emblematic with the movement. The term is used today to refer to people who fear technology and innovation and prefer the stays quo. Give the term.


• The X (Paradoxurus hermaphroditus) denizen of the Y plantations of Java, Sumatra, and Sulawesi, eats only the ripest Y cherries. Unable to digest the Y, the X graciously deposits them on the jungle floor where they are eagerly collected by the locals. The stomach acids and enzymatic action involved in this unique fermentation process produces the beans for the world’s rarest Y. Give X and Y.


Why ???

• To protect the Taj from bomber jets in 1942.

• In 2000, there was a poll conducted in Japan by the Fuji Research Institute to identify the greatest Japanese innovation of the 20th century. Karaoke finished second in the poll, followed by the Sony Walkman. Then came video gaming consoles, CDs and compact cameras. The films of famous director Akira Kurosawa finished in 7th place, just ahead of Nintendo's Pokemon. Which commonplace invention topped the poll?


• This is a PEZ dispenser (for the uninitiated, PEZ is an Austrian company making mint candies..) This was later incorporated by other mint candy manufacturers too, like tic tac. Why is it shaped this way?

PEZ mints were first marketed as an alternative to smoking, and so the dispensers were similar in shape to a cigarette lighter.


• The X River in northern Democratic Republic of the Congo is the headstream of the MongalaRiver, a tributary of the Congo River. It is roughly 250 km in length. It lends its name to a particularly virulent family of beings, which have wreaked havoc since 1977. In 2000,their name was changed to add Zaire to it, though it has been discontinued since 2010. These particular beings have eluded medical science, and even recently (and ongoing) caused great speculation about bringing an apocalyptic end if they break loose. Give me X.

• Ebola River, lending its name to the epidemic.

• Edison’s first patented invention was never used for the purpose for which it was made.

• The people who were supposed to use it were unimpressed and more importantly they thought it would reduce the time taken for performing a particular activity and this would reduce the time they had to convince people.

What invention greatly used in the modern day?



In a bid to increase profits, radio stations in the 1920s convinced businesses that sold household goods to sponsor their radio shows. With the advent of the daytime serial drama format, the motive was to appeal to the main consumers of household goods, being female homemakers. A product of Proctor & Gamble called Oxydol was one of the sponsors of a popular daytime serial drama in 1933. This is the supposed origin of a commonly used term. What term?


British gunners in WWII were able to locate and shoot down German planes at night due to the invention of radar, which the Germans knew nothing about. • To cover up the invention of radar, the British spread about an urban legend which suggested that the massive increase in night vision of their pilots was due to _________________. • This rationale was further popularized by the British Royal Air Force through a a story about the night vision flying prowess of their skilled fighter pilot John "Cats' Eyes" Cunningham. • In response to the story, many British people began to ___________as they wanted to improve their vision so that they could see better during the compulsory blackouts that were common during World War II. • This alleged legend not only convinced the Germans, but also persists even to this day. • What is the legend/rationale?

• The Royal Air Force in order to keep their on-board Airborne Interception Radar (AI) under wraps, according to research pulled from the files of the Imperial War Museum, the Mass Observation Archive, and the UK National Archives, the Ministry provided another reason for their success: carrots.

_________often contains citric acid because it preserves some of the oils in______itself.

________became the first product to be sold in a sachet in India??


• In 1999 a team of Lockheed Martin engineers used the English system of measurement, while the rest of the team used the metric system for a Mars orbiter.

• The use of two different measurement systems prevented the spacecraft's navigation coordinates from being transferred from a spacecraft team in Denver to a lab in California. The orbiter was then lost in space, and ________ was out $125 million.

• Who???

Alternative Poster for what film?


• Thomas Jefferson is known for two things: being the father of democracy and being the inventor of a chair with a seat able to be turned on its base to face in any direction.

• How do we commonly know this commodity?


Identify x & y?

• In 1994, Apple chose the internal codename “X" for its PowerMac 7100. Though it was meant as an homage to XY (and an in-joke that the computer would make Apple "billions and billions" of dollars), they also used the codenames "Piltdown Man" and "Cold Fusion" for the Power Mac 6100 and 8100, respectively. When XY found out that he was being put alongside scientific hoaxes, he sued Apple. Though Apple won the suit, the codename was changed to BHA (Butt Head Astronomer) ... which prompted yet another lawsuit from the p.o.'d astronomer! Apple won again, but their lawyers demanded the engineers change the codename one more time, which they did. The PowerMac 7100 was known by its final codename LAW, which stood for "Lawyers Are Wimps."


X in beverage advertisements are typically made of acrylic so they won’t melt under hot photography lights or move around. Bubbles are made by adding detergent, and water is added so light will filter through better.

When a chewing gum gets stuck in your clothing, Keep your cool and grab X. Rub it on the gum to harden it, then scrape it off with a spoon.I D X?