Generation Next - Session 14 Timothy 6 Passion

Post on 12-Jun-2015

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This week Glen looks at 1 Timothy 6:11-16 and Spiritual Passion


Hi! My name is Glen.

1 Tim 6:11 But you, man of God, flee from

these things. Instead pursue righteousness,

godliness, faith, love, endurance and

gentleness. 12 Fight the good fight of the

faith. Take hold of the eternal life to which you

were called when you made your good

confession before many witnesses.

1 Tim 6:13 I charge you before the God who

gives life to all things and Christ Jesus, the one

who made his good confession before Pontius

Pilate: 14 Keep the command without blemish

and above reproach until the appearing of our

Lord Jesus Christ.

1 Tim 6:15 God will bring this about in his own

time, the blessed and only ruler, King of kings

and Lord of all lords. 16 He alone is immortal

and dwells in unapproachable light. No human

eye has seen or can see. To him be honour and

dominion forever. Amen

The Process of

Spiritual Passion

1 Tim 6:11 But you, man of God, flee from

these things.

Let’s talk about You…

Building Godly Identity

1 Tim 6:11 But you, man of God, flee from

these things. Instead pursue righteousness,

godliness, faith, love, endurance and


Motivation is overrated…

1 Tim 6:12 Fight the good fight of the faith.

Take hold of the eternal life to which you were

called when you made your good confession

before many witnesses.

1 Tim 6:13 I charge you before the God who

gives life to all things and Christ Jesus, the one

who made his good confession before Pontius

Pilate: 14 Keep the command without blemish

and above reproach until the appearing of our

Lord Jesus Christ.

1 Tim 6:15 God will bring this about in his own

time, the blessed and only ruler, King of kings

and Lord of all lords. 16 He alone is immortal

and dwells in unapproachable light. No human

eye has seen or can see. To him be honour and

dominion forever. Amen