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Geologic Applications inMineSight®

April 10 - 14, 2000

InnSuites HotelTucson Suite Hotel & Resort

Tucson, AZ

Geologic Applications in MineSight®TOC-1

notes:Table of Contents

Subject Page

Viewing Assay Histograms 1

Slicing Drillhole Views 3

Projecting Surface Geology to Topography 6

Cross-sectional Interpretations 8

Create and Slice/Contour Gradeshells of a Model Item 12

Slicing and Contouring Gradeshells in Plan 16

Planar Interpretation From Sections 18

Create Solids From Planar Interpretations 22

Intersecting Solids and Calculating Solid Volumes 27

Coding Composites with Solids 30

Drillhole Design 31

Coding the Model with Solids 33

Resource Calculation 36

Using Multiple Viewers 42

Geologic Applications in MineSight® TOC-2


Geologic Applications in MineSight®Page 1

notes:Geologic Applications inMineSight®

Viewing Assay Histograms


A histogram view shows relative values, and can be helpful in distinguishing grade intensitiesand mineralization trends when interpreting and interpolating.


A drillhole assay view, triangulated topography, and sectional Grid Set must exist.

Step 1.

Open drillhole view histoAg in folder Histograms, and open the Propertieswindow.

Step 2.

Now go to the Strips/Histograms tab. Click Add Strip.

Strips are boxes which are color-codedaccording to the item cutoffs. The widthof the strips can be changed and canbe different for each strip. A strip canbe represented by a pattern orhistogram. Set the Color andHistogram items to AU2, and set thewidth to 30 and the maximum valueto 1. Add another strip, and select AG2as both the Color and the Histogramitem. For this strip, set the width to 30,and the maximum value to 250. Letsalso add a strip between the AU2 andAG2 histograms, with GEO1 as theColor and Pattern items. Click theMove Strip arrows to position theGEO1 strip in the middle, and the AU2strip on the left of the drillhole trace.Then select the Show Interval Outlinebox, and change to a black color. Click Apply, and then OK.

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notes: Step 3.

Before the view can be seen, we have toset two other adjustments. Since we wantto view in section, we need to install aGrid Set to the viewer. Click the Viewerproperties icon on the MineSight® menubar. A Viewer Properties window willappear. Click the green grid set iconbeside the Installed Grid Set inputwindow, then select the Grid Set namedSection50gridws. Click OK. Sincehistograms can only be viewed in 2-Dmode, select the 2-D mode button to seethe histograms.

Step 4.

Open the triangulated Topography Object topo3D for orientation with the surface,and increment through the sections.

Zoom in on a drillhole until you can see the assay intervals. You can see the first stripwe set up is a histogram colored with AU2 cutoffs. The second strip, along the drillholetrace, is a box of GEO1 colored values ,and the third strip on the right of the trace isa histogram colored with AG2 values.

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notes:Slicing Drillhole Views


The purpose of this exercise is to create a set of markers that show drillhole intersectionswith midbench planes for use during planar interpretations.


Prior to this exercise, a composite view must have been created with display item AGEQ2,and you must have a midbench Grid Set available to use for slicing.

There are two ways to do this. One is to store the pierce points of our drilling in separateGeometry Objects, and use those objects in our interpretation. This uses an operation calledSlice View. The other option is to take advantage of 2-D Mode�s dynamic slicing, and notbother to store the pierce points. Let�s take a look at Slice View first.

Slice View is an operation that will place a marker at every point where drilling in the viewerintersects the midbench Grid Set. Slice view operations are only available at the folder level.We will use Grid Set midbench5gridws to intersect the drillholes.

Step 1.

Open drillhole view compositAGEQ2 in folder SliceDH, and be sure that the displayitem (AGEQ2) and its cutoffs, and the drillholes shown are correct. Then select OK.Also be sure you are in 3-D mode, and volume clipping and plane filtering areturned OFF in the Viewer properties.

Step 2.

We will slice the view and generate the markers in folderSliceDH. To do this, highlight the folder SliceDH, rightclick, and select Slice View from the menu.

Then select the Grid Setmidbench5gridws when the Select aGrid Set window appears. Click OK.

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notes: When the operation is complete, the viewer will show �+� markers in addition to theoriginal drillholes. An object will be created in the folder for each cutoff value definedfor the drillhole view item AGEQ2, and one for the drillhole trace.

Step 3. Close the drillhole view and drillhole survey object. Adjust, through theObject Properties window, the point color, symbol, and size of each cutoff objectcreated. The colors will be red, blue, and green for ageq2=25, ageq2=9, andageq2=belowmin, respectively. Make the point symbol a filled-in circle of size 0.3.

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notes:Step 4. Check the view by clicking the 2-D icon on the MineSight® menu and incrementthrough the benches. You should see colored points appear and move where drillingpierces that bench.

The second option is to not slice the drillholes, andjust use the 2-D dynamic slicing capabilities. Whendoing this, close the sliced drillhole objects, and openthe compositAGEQ2 view. In the Drillhole Propertieswindow, on the Display tab adjust the 2-D optionsprojection volume to less than half the bench height.

On the Intervals tab, add AGEQ2 item label to seethe actual assay values.

On the Strip/histogramtab, add a strip with aPattern for the AGEQ2item to widen the view. Finally, change the view to 2-D mode,and increment through the benches.

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notes: Projecting Surface Geology to Topography


Project geologic surface mapping onto the current topography for use during sectional inter-pretation. For this example, we will assume trench sampling and surface mapping togetherhave defined two interpretive surficial grade zone boundaries.


Closed surface mapping polygons, and a triangulated current topography must exist inMineSight®.

There are two ways to do this, depending on how exact you want the result. The first is to usethe Extrude tool to drape the mapping polygons onto the current topography, then triangu-late the polygons for better visibility. The second method is to, first use the Extrude tool tocreate a solid from the mapping polygons, then intersect those solids with the current topog-raphy with the Intersector tool to perfectly match the intersected topography surface.

The first method is quicker, and will show topography matching along the polyline locations,but will not necessarily match the topography surface between the polygon lines. The sec-ond method results in an exact match of the mapping polygons with the topography. Thisexercise will show the first method.

Step 1. The polygons are located on a plane above topography, and so we will drapedown from these polygons to create our mapping polygons on the topography surface.We will work with each of the polygons sets separately. We will open the objects thatcontain the surface mapping polygons, surfgeo11 and surfgeo12, and currenttopography surface 3dtopo, then use the Extrude tool to drape the polygons ontothe surface.

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notes:Step 2. Create two new Geometry Objects called topgeo11 and topgeo12 in folderSurfGeo, with material types 11 and 12, respectively. Put topgeo11 into active Editmode. Select the polygons in object surfgeo11 to be draped. Open the Extrude Toolby clicking Surfaceè Create Solidè using Extrude Tool. Click anywhere on oneof the polygons, and the Extrude tool will open.

Step 3. Using the Distance + Offset mode, change theDistance to 300, and leave the Offset at 0. The Extrude Directionis perpendicular to the plane containing the selected polygon.Since we are extruding a horizontal polygon, the extrude directionwill have an Azimuth of 0 and a Dip of 90. The blue arrow in theviewer indicates the default direction of extrusion. For theseextrusions, we want to toggle ON Orthogonal to Polyline andEntire Selection.

On the Advanced Tab we want to toggleON Extrude closed planar strings toplanar, Ignore orientation of closedstrings, and the Limit box in the Limitby Surface/Solid section of the window.On that same tab, click the Selectsurface icon, and then click thetopography surface in the viewer. ClickPreview, and if the extrusion looksgood, click Apply.

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notes: Step 4. Exit the Extrude tool, and unselect and close the original polygon object.Repeat the process for the other object to be draped.

Step 5. Create new objects 3dgeo11 and 3dgeo12. Use the Triangulator tool totriangulate within the draped polygons, and for storing the 3-D objects in the newlycreated objects. Then from the Properties window, turn faces ON for both objects.Open the compositegeo2 drillhole view, and click the 2-D icon. Check the adequacyof the polygons by incrementing through the sections.

Cross-sectional Interpretations


Create sectional grade zone interpretations using composited equivalents. Slice the sec-tional views to use with planar interpertations.


A drillhole composite view, sectional Grid Set, topography surface, and mapping surfacemust exist.

We will set up a drillhole view to show AGEQ2 values, and strips colored with cutoffs ondrillloles within +/- 25 meters of the section. Then in 2-D mode, we will digitize on section.

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notes:Step 1. Open drillhole view compositeAGEQ2 in folder secinterp, and open theProperties window. On the Intervals tab, click Add label and select AGEQ2. Changethe Item label style coloring to By cutoff. On the Display tab, make sure theProjection Volume is +/- 25meters. Click Apply. On the Strips/Histograms tab, adda strip with AGEQ2 as the Color and Pattern items, with a strip of 5 and a maximumvalue of 15. Also uncheck the option Show Interval Outline on the Strips/Histogramstab. Then click Apply. Cick OK to close the Properties window.

Step 2. Lets also add the 3-D current topography, and the draped surface mappingresults to the view, by opening the topo3d object in the topo folder, and 3dgeo11and 12 in the surfgeo folder.

Step 3. Now, let�s use 2-D Mode toview the data by section. To do this,click the Viewer properties icon. Clickthe green grid icon next to the InstalledGrid Set box. Select Grid Setsection50gridws, and click OK. Thenclick Change to 2-D Mode on the ViewOptions tab, and click OK. Use theplane controls at the top of the viewerto step through the planes.

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notes: Step 4. In the Data Manager window, highlight folder secinterp. Create a new folderbeneath secinterp called gradezones. In folder gradezones, create a new GeometryObject called lowgrade and give it a Material Type of 11. Highlight this object, clickright and select Edit. This object is now ready to receive new data. Set your currentplane to South 400. We want to digitize boundaries around grades > or equal to 9and < 25 to represent the low-grade zone. To begin the polyline, click PolylineèCreateèClosed Polyline. Now just click at each desired node position. Make sureto digitize in a clockwise direction. When you are finished digitizing, click right. Thepolygon line will change from a thick red line to a thin red line.

¨ If you click left and hold, a yellow line between the last point and the presentpoint will appear.

¨ The coordinates of the cursor position are reported at the bottom of the screen.

¨ Use the Backspace key to delete the last digitized point.

¨ Use Snaps, such as Point Snap or Line Snap, to help place points precisely onthe drillholes.

Repeat this process for each area to be defined on the section. When you arefinished with all the low-grade zones, unselect the new polygons, and repeat thesame process for the high-grade zones that are > or equal to 25. The high-gradezone should be of material type 12.

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notes:You can also digitize in 3-D mode with Volume Clipping ON. To do this, check the option toSnap Edit Grid to Current Plane and volume clipping on the Viewer Properties windowand click on change to 3-D mode. Check the clipping distance on the clipping tab so it is 25meters and click on Apply. Then on the menu bar, click Snap è Plane Snap. Finally, use thePolyline è Create Planar option to create the polylines and digitize normally. You can useany orientation in 3D mode.

We will use these interpretations later with our sliced drillhole data to create planar interpre-tations.

We also need to slice our sectional interpretation as well, and there are two ways to do this.One is to store the pierce points of our sectional interpretations in a separate GeometryObject, and use that object in our interpretation. This uses an operation called Slice View.The other option is to take advantage of 2-D Mode�s dynamic slicing, and not bother to storethe pierce points. This exercise will use Slice View.

Step 5. Close all views except the lowgrade and highgrade objects in foldergradezones. Make sure you are in 3-D mode, and from the Viewer Properties window,turn off clipping and plane filtering. Create a new folder called slicedsectionsunder folder Secinterp. Highlight the new folder, click right, and select Slice View. AFile Selector window will come up. Select Grid Set midbench5gridws and click OK.

When Slice View is complete, you should see markers appear in the viewer. If you look in theData Manager window in folder slicedsections, you will see that two new Geometry Objects11 and 12 were created. These are named the same as the Material Type of the sectionalinterpretation objects. Set the color of object 11 to blue, and 12 to red. Now we can use thesliced drillhole data and the markers we just created to assist with our planar interpretations.

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notes: Create and Slice/Contour Gradeshells of a Model Item


The purpose of this exercise is to create two gradeshells from a model that represent our twograde zones, and then to slice/contour these surfaces to midbench so they can be used asguides when creating planar interpretations.


An interpolated model with an equivalent grade item to use when creating the gradeshells,and a model view must exist.

A gradeshell is an isopach surface that represents the value of the item being displayed. InMineSight ®, we can generate a gradeshell directly from the data in the model. Gradeshellsare for visualization purposes only. While gradeshells provide a good rendition of the area inthe model, they often contain openings and self-intersections. For this reason, they cannotbe used to code models, and they cannot be used for contouring purposes without editing.

Step 1. Open the model viewmodelAGEQI, and make sure theprimary display item is AGEQI. On theModel View Display tab, selectgradeshell 3-D display type.

Step 2. On the Range tab, verify thatImmediate viewer refresh is not on. Setthe 3-D display limits to the whole range,adjust the level range to the upper andlower limits of the slider bar, but DO NOTCLICK APPLY.

Step 3. On the Grade shell tab, use theItem selector icon to choose AGEQI asthe gradeshell primary item, andcompute a grade shell >= 9.0 and lessthan 25.0.

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Step 4. Since the model also contains a Topopercent, we will limit by the secondary itemTOPO greater than 50 percent.

Step 5. Click the Apply button. Every block in the model will be examined to findthose that have AGEQI >=9.0 and < 25. A surface will be created that represents thisin 3-D. The view will preview purple gradeshell surfaces.

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notes: Step 6. The resulting gradeshell is saved by clicking on the Save Gradeshell button.An Open a Geometry Object window will appear. Double click folder gradeshell todefine where it is to be stored. Enter an object name of AGEQ9-25 in this window,then click Open. A new Geometry Object will be created which holds a copy of thegradeshell surface.

Step 7. Repeat steps 3 through 6, but this time create a gradeshell named ageq+25for >= 25 AGEQI, and again limit by a Topo percent of 50.

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notes:Step 8. When you are through, double click the saved gradeshell objects one at atime to go to the Properties window. Change the color of the lower grade gradeshellto blue and the higher grade gradeshell to red. On the Surface tab, click Show linesOFF, Show surface ON, and check the smooth box. Also assign Material Types of11 and 12, respectively to the objects.

To restore your original model view, in the Model View Properties window, click the Rangetab and set the range back to a limited view without clicking Apply. On the Display tab, setthe 3D Display Type back to Standard View. Click Apply. Click on OK to close the view.

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notes: Slicing and Contouring Gradeshells in Plan

Step 1. Make sure objects ageq9-25 and ageq+25 in folder gradeshell are the onlyones open in the viewer. In the Properties window of each solid, verify that each hasan appropriate material type and associated code. Create a folder called slicedshellswithin folder gradeshell.

Step 2. Highlight the folder slicedshells, click right, and select Slice View. From theFile Selector, choose the Grid Set midbench5gridws. Click OK. When the slicinghas completed, close all the gradeshells.

You can see that two new Geometry Objects were created in folder slicedshells foreach material type. Change the Azimuth to 0 and the Dip to -90. Click the ViewerProperties icon and make sure Grid Set midbench5gridws is attached. Go to 2-Dmode. Then step through the levels and view the features on each level. Note thatthe features would need to be edited if linked into solids, or used to code any model.

There is another way to create polylines similiar to sliced surfaces without using aGrid Set. This is the Contour Surface operation. This is very quick and easy, but it isdone one surface (or solid) at a time.

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notes:Step 3. Close everything that is open, change to 3-D mode, and open object ageq9-25 in folder gradeshell. In folder gradeshell, create a new folder namedcontourshells, and create a new Geometry Object called Contourshell11. Assign itmaterial 11. Put Contourshell11 into active Edit mode. Now click Polyline è ContourSurface. The Contour Surface window will appear. All that is required is a start andend elevation, and an increment. There is also a smoothing option that works verywell. We want to slice from 202.5 to 562.5, with an increment of 5meters. Then clickon the blue surface icon in the Contour Surface window, and click on the ageq9-25gradeshell in the viewer. Select Apply.

The contouring will proceed as soon as you click on the solid. The only disadvantageof Contour Surface is that it only contours horizontally. When you compare thecontouring to the slicing you see they are very close, but the contouring is smoothedand more continuous than the sliced method. We will use the contoured objects asguides when creating the planar interpretations. Close all open objects when youhave finished.

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notes: Planar Interpretation from Sections


Create level or bench plan interpretations based on initial sectional interpretations.


You must have created sectional interpretations, midbench sliced triangulated current to-pography, drillhole composites, and sectional interpretations, midbench contoured gradeshells,and have a midbench Grid Set available.

What we are going to do is view all of these objects at the same time in such a manner thatdefining the planar outlines are a little easier than connecting the dots. Each object will besetup a little differently, so each object is distinguishable. If you had two sets of opposingsections, you could very easily digitize the planar outlines.

Step 1. In the SliceDH folder, open ageq2=25, ageq2=9 and ageq2=belowmin.Select all of the objects in the Data Manager window, click right and go to Properties.On the Advanced tab, toggle OFF Data is selectable in viewers. When we digitzeor edit the bench outlines, these data points will not be selectable or editable.

Step 2. In the gradezones folder under the secinterp folder, open the highgradeand lowgrade objects, then go to Properties. On the Polylines tab, toggle ONPolygon fill. On the Advanced tab, toggle OFF Data is selectable in viewers.When we digitze or edit the bench outlines, these data will not be selectable oreditable.

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notes:Step 3. In the slicedsectionsfolder under the secinterp folder,open the 11 and 12 objects, then goto Properties. On the Points tab,change the 11 symbol to a squarewith a center dot at size 0.6. Changethe 12 symbol to a square, with an�x� at size 0.5. On the Advanced tab,make sure Data is selectable inviewers is toggled ON. When wedigitze or edit the bench outlines,these data may be snapped to.

Step 4. In the contouredshells folder under the gradeshell folder, open thecontourshell11 and 12. If you want to edit these strings when interpreting the benchplans, then do not change the selectability of the data. Duplicate these objects into anew folder named planinterp, and change their names to plan11 and plan12. Editthese objects. This will preserve the original contours. Also create a new object forinternal waste named plan10.

If you will be creating new objects for the bench plans, then create a new foldernamed planinterp. Create objects named plan11 and plan12 to represent the low-grade and high-grade plan interpretations, respectively. For this example, we willcreate three new objects, with one representing internal waste named plan10. Changeits properties to green and Material type 10.

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notes: Step 5. The last piece of data to bring into the viewer is the topography that hasbeen sliced to midbench named topomidbench5. When the topo exists on a bench,we will extend our interpretations to the topo as appropriate, and the data should beselectable.

Step 6. We will use the midbench5gridws Grid Set to digitize in 3-D, and need tobe sure it is attached to the viewer. We are in 3-D mode, and we will use volumeclipping at +/- 2 meters so we only see one bench at a time. We also need to makesure Snap edit grid to current plane is ON. Under the Snap menu on the menu bar,click plane snap ON.

You can also use the edit grid Volume Controller set at an unequal volume distanceto see a bench ahead and/or behind. Then you can toggle clipping ON/OFF with theVolume clipping icon on the menu bar while the edit grid Volume Controller is ONat the same time, to toggle from one plane to more than on plane but less than all theplanes. The edit grid Volume Controller is under the editgrid menu on the menu bar.

Step 7. Turn VolumeClipping ON with theVolume clipping icon onthe menu bar. Change yourview dip to -90, and changethe plane to plan 512.50 sowe can digitize an example.You should see in theviewer, only that data for thatplane. If you change the dipslightly, you should see linesappear between some of themarkers that represent oursections. They are coloredthe same as our sections.

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notes:Before we start digitizing, we must put Geometry Object plan12 into Edit mode. We will bedigitizing the high-grade zone first. Then go to PolylineèCreate planarèClosed polygonand start digitizing. Turn on Polygon fill after you have digitized to see the defined zones.

Below is a picture of the completed polygon with Polygon fill turned on.

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notes: Create Solids from Planar Interpretations


Link planar interpretations together to represent specified grade zones and internal waste asappropriate


Plan interpretations must be completed and the polygons must be closed, duplicate pointsremoved, polygon lines sequencing in the same direction, points densified and endpointsmoved to the same side. Checking the polylines before the linking process does not neces-sarily mean you cannot correct the data while doing the linking. The data can be correctedwhile you are creating the links, however, you will save time by checking the data first.

In this example, we will link some plan10 internal waste planar interpretations into solids.

Step 1. Create a new folder called solids, and a new Geometry Object namedsolid10. Put this object into Edit mode. Then open object plan10 in the planinterpfolder and select everything.

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notes:Step 2. Activate the properties of solid10,and toggle ON the Show Faces option underthe Surfaces tab. Toggle off Show Lines. Tobegin the linking process, select Linker fromthe tools menu on the menu bar. The linkerwindow will appear. Pay attention to theinstructions displayed in the Message window.

You can either start linking from the top or fromthe bottom. For this exercise, you will start fromthe top.

Step 3. In the Linker window, click Close First End, then click Link. Select the firstcontour. It will turn yellow. Then click on the second contour below it, and it will turnblue.

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notes: If you click right, the contours will link using the endpoints as the only guidelines. For thesedata, this will work fine. However, for more complex data, you have to add strong nodes.Strong nodes are guidelines that help in the linking process. To add these, click the first(yellow) contour, then click a corresponding place on the second (blue) contour. A yellow linewill appear, connecting the two contours. Add a couple of strong nodes. When you�ve fin-ished adding strong nodes, click right and the link will appear. This is just a preview. If the linklooks good, click Apply. If not, click Cancel, and begin again.

Notice there are different LINK options in the Linker. The first two, Link and Partial Link, aregenerally used when the contours to be linked are not regular shaped. This means that fromone section to another, the polygons are not really alike in shape. These two options allowyou to do a more detailed linking.

The Quick and Auto Link are more automatic ways of linking. Contrary to the first two waysmentioned above, these two are generally applied when the polygons to be linked are regu-lar in shape. The linking process is much faster.

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notes:Step 4. We will pick another set of contours for this example. First toggle ON theClose First End option, then proceed by clicking the Quick Link button, followed byselection of the first two contours to be linked. You see the preview of the polygon linkas you go. Then toggle OFF the Close First End option, and select consecutivecontours by single clicking on each of the contours you want linked, but not the last.When you get to the last, toggle ON the Close second End option, click the QuickLink button, followed by selection of the last two contours to be linked in the order tobe linked. When you are done, click Apply.

Step 5. To use the Auto Link option to connect some of the contours, go to a differentset of contours, and do not setup any closed ends. Click the Auto Link button, thendraw a box in the viewer to enclose those contours you want linked. Click right to seethe preview, and then Apply to save the result. Now you can use triangulation toclose the top and bottom contours with the Triangulator tool on the menu bar.

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notes: To redo a link, you have to delete it, then re-link it. To delete a link, click Delete Link/Node, then click on the link. The link will turn yellow. If you clicked on the wrong link,just click on the right one and it will become highlighted. When the correct link ishighlighted, click right and it will be deleted. When you redo a link, the old strongnodes will be used unless you delete them. Delete a strong node the same way youdelete a link. When all links have been completed, choose SurfaceèCheck forself-intersecting to see if each link set is okay. Any self-intersections are a reasonto delete and redo the link. When you are satisfied with all the links, close the LinkEditor window. Answer No to the question Merge Links?

Step 6. Go to Selection on the menu bar and select Save. Then copy the plan10solidinto the same folder, change its name to plan10solidmerge. Select everything inthis object for editing then go to Surfaceèmerge selected. This will merge all ofthe individual links into a single solid. Choose Surfaceè Check for self-intersectingand SurfaceèCheck for Openings to see if each link is okay. There should be noopenings at each end. Any openings, or any self-intersections are a reason to deleteand redo the link. Close the Geometry Objects called plan10solid andplan10solidmerge.

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notes:Intersecting Solids and Calculating Solid Volumes


The purpose of this exercise is to create unique, non-overlapping solids. TheIntersector tool will be used to clip one solid with another.


Solids must contain no openings and self-intersections.

Step 1.

Open objects s1holemerg ands1merg in the folderintersectsolids. Click right andselect target. These solids arenot located in the same 3-Dspace as the previous objects wehave been working with. Targetplaces you where the object is.This view shows 3-D polygonsthat represent a solid with a holein two of the sections. The holewas separated from the originalstrings, linked into a mergedsolid, and is shown in the viewer.We will intersect solidss1holemerg and s1merg toproduce a solid with a hole. Wewill put the result in a new objectnamed s1mergfinal.

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notes: Step 2. Click SurfaceèIntersector Tool. The Intersector Tool will appear on yourscreen.

The Group A portion of the window is to represent the first solid, or first set ofsolids to be used with the Intersector Tool. Use the blue Surface icon to choosefrom the viewer, or the red Block icon to choose from the Object Contents browser.After selecting the A solid, or group of solids, click right to end the selection. In ourcase, Solid A is the large dark green solid s1merg. A blue box appears aroundSolid A.

The Group B portion of the window is to represent the second solid or set ofsolids to be used with the Intersector Tool. Click right after making theselection. In our case Solid B is the light green solid s1holemerg. A grey boxappears around Solid B.

Step 3. Select the icon representing Solid A - Solid B (the fourth one). Since we areexclusively using solids, also click on the solid versus solid only box, and then usethe Preview icon to check the results. Then click Apply if the results are correct. TheSurface Storage window will appear. Send the results to the Open Edit Objects1mergfinal, then click OK. Close objects s1merg and s1holemerg.

The Intersector Tool operations (left to right, top only) are described below.

All Intersection Pieces - all the separate components created by the intersection of the twosolids will be saved as separate pieces.

Intersection of A and B - Only the portion of the solids which intersect each other.

Union of A and B - The portions of each solid which are unique, are saved and mergedtogether. (i.e., everything except what was saved for the intersection of A and B option).

Solid A - Solid B - Solid A with the portion defined by the intersection of A and B removed.

Solid B - Solid A - Solid B with the portion defined by the intersection of A and B removed.

Lines of Intersection - between the two solids.

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notes:Step 4. If you wanted to check the results of intersecting the two solids above, firstcreate a new object named s12int. Proceed as above, but use solids s1merg ands1holemerg, and select the Intersection of A and B (the third intersection option)option. Send results to s12int.

Step 5. We will now calculate the volumes of our four solids and check the results.Open objects s1merg and s1holemerg. On the main menu bar selectSurfaceèCompute volumeèSolid volume and pick one of the solids. The volumewill be shown in the message window. Then pick the second solid.

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notes: Close those solids and open s1mergfinal and s12int. Click on each to calculate thevolumes. The volume of s1mergfinal will be approximately equal to the volume ofs1merg - s1holrmerg - s12int. The volumes will be within a few cubic meters. Thesubcelling factor can be changed, by selecting Fileè Project settingsèVolumes,for more accurate results.

Coding Composites with Solids


The purpose of this exercise is to code drillhole composite intervals with the best grade zonesolid representation, so that the composite intervals reflect the appropriate grade zonesbefore final model interpolation. The method, called Spearing, determines the intervals in-side a solid, and then assigns a code to an item in the drillhole file as represented by thatsolid. Spearing is very similar to model coding in MineSight®.


A composite drillhole view and solids must exist.

Step 1. The first thing we need to do is open the solids we wish to use. OpenGeometry Objects plan10solidmerg in folder spearing and close everything else.Check the material type of this solid. It should be 10.The material type determinesthe value given to the item we select to code.

Step 2. Open dril lholeview compositextra3 infolder spearing. Open theProperties window and goto the Spear tab. The firstthing we have to do isselect our GeometryObjects. To do this, click thered Geometry icon just tothe right of the selectedgeometry box. This willbring up a File selectorwindow. Highlight folderplan10solidmerg, andclick OK. Select xtra3 asthe code item. Codeintervals >45% inside asolid. Click the Preview button. This will find all the intervals that will be affected bythe coding, and highlight them.

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notes:Step 3. To check the spearing, go into 2-D mode using Grid Set section50gridws,and look at several sections. Remember that an interval had to be 45% inside a solidto be coded. Also remember that 2-D mode projects drillholes onto the plane you arelooking at. So if a drillhole seems incorrect, it could be just far enough off the plane,that the display is incorrect. In this situation, look at the drillhole using 3-D VolumeClipping instead of 2-D mode. This allows you to see the placement of the drillholein relation to the solid with more accuracy. If this looks OK, click Update and thecoding will execute.

There are some other options available when spearing. One is to store the percentageof the interval which is inside the solid. Just specify an Interval Percent item beforecoding. Only items that can hold percent values can be used here. This includes anyitem with a minimum of 0 and a maximum of either 1 or 100. You can also reset anitem before coding to a user-specified value.

Drillhole Design


To define a location, azimuth, and dip for a new in-fill drillhole to maximize the drilling pro-gram results, and provide collar and survey information to use when adding the hole to thedatabase.


You must have a drillhole view showing all applicable drilling.

This tool can be useful when in-fill drilling needs to pierce specific deposit areas or zones.The drill hole trace can then be viewed in any orientation.

Step 1. Close all other open views, and opendrillhole view assays, Click right and selecttarget. Start the Drillhole design tool byselecting ToolsèDrillhole Design Tool fromthe main menu bar.

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notes: Step 2. In this example, we will specifiy a name, and set the collar by clicking onthe set collar button, changing our snap to point snap, and then clicking on anexisting collar since we already have a drill pad. The coordinates will show in theEast, North, and Elevation boxes.

Step 3. We will also define additional parameters regarding the deposit and drill,such as bedding dip(-37), dip direction(270), and the drill rod size(NX) to be used.

Step 4. Next, we input values for the direction, dip, and length of the drillhole, untilthe path of the hole is acceptable. As you change parameters, click the Previewbutton to see the change, and click Apply when finished.

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notes:Coding the Model with Solids


Use multiple solids to code multiple zone and zone percent items in a model. The zone itemsbeing coded into will represent from highest to least, the solids that intersect that block andthe zpct items will represent the percent of each solid in each block


You must have a model with an items to code, a model view, and applicable solids.

In this exercise, we are going to use solids s1, s2, s3, s4, and S5 to code a model file itemzone1 through zone4, and percent items zpct1 through zpct4. We will code all the solids ata time. Before we begin coding, let�s check that our solids have the correct material type.Remember the material type controls the value given to the item we code.

Step 1. Close all other views, open all solids in folder modelcode, select one object,and select target. Double click on each solid to bring up the Properties window, andmake sure the material types are 1-5 for the solids s1-s5. Now that we�ve checkedour solids, create a new model view called code, and change the Primary Displayitem to zone1, the item that will contain the majority solid in the block. Set the cutoffsto 1 to 5 with an increment of 1. Set the cutoff colors to match your solids. Also set the3D display type style to 3D blocks.

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notes: Step 2. Now go to the Geometry tab. Here we have to select the solids we want tocode with. To do this, click the Select button. Highlight folder modelcode, and clickOK. All of the solids should now show in the selection box.

Step 3. Now click the Code Model tab.Set this up as shown below. We aregoing to code the model with code andpercent items, with the codes assignedto items zone1 - zone4 by majority blockowner in decending order. This willresult in zone1 containing the code forthe solid with the largest presence, andzone2 - zone4 containing the code forthe solid with the next largest presence.We are also resetting the item beforecoding, and coding the entire model.When this is all set up, click the Codebutton.

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notes:Step 4. When the coding is complete, view a bench plane through the model, andquery model blocks to see if it was coded correctly. The sum of all the zpct items in ablock should be = or < 100 percent.

The option to reset the model item before coding, clears out all previous coding ofthe selected model item. This does not affect any other model items. The part of themodel that will be coded can be specified also. By default, only the portion of themodel which is being displayed will be coded. If you want to code the entire model,you must check the option to Code Entire Model.

Normalizing- Often when we code percent items, we can end up with blocks havingmore than 100%. This can be caused by overlapping solids or rounding errors. Thereare several ways to work around these problems when doing our coding. One is toproportionally normalize the percentages. This lessens all of the percentages by equalamounts. To do this, change the Normalize option from None to Proportionally onthe Code Model tab. This takes the excess percentage from the lowest priority material.If you are using a User-Defined Order in your coding you can also normalize bypriority. To do this, change the Normalize option to By Priority.

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notes: Another option is to normalize against an item. An example of this is normalizingagainst topo. If your topo is 50% in a particular block, then the sum of the percentagesfor that block will be < or = 50%. The item you are normalizing against, must beanother percent item. This is done by specifying an item in the Normalize AgainstItem box on the Code Model tab.

The last normalization option is a normalization tolerance. This allows you to forcethe sum of the percentages in a block to be 100%. This can be very useful if youhave small gaps between your solids. You specify the largest amount that can beadded, up to 20%.

Resource Calculation


Calculate a detailed resources report based on interpolated model grades and a solid.


You must have a model with appropriate grade values, a model view and a solid.

In this example, we have an interpolated model with grade values, and a previously as-signed item of the model that represents high-grade and low-grade zones, and another itemthat represents the percent of the zone item that is in a block. We will output a report thatprovides tonnes and grade of each ore type(low-grade 11 and high-grade 12)è at variouscutoffs for each of the zones and by bench.

To create a detailed resources report, we will make use of procedure PITRES.DAT. Theseresources can be generated from a MS pit, from polygons properly stored in a VBM, fromDIPPER pits, from external partials files (e.g., from IGP or MineSight®), or from rectangularboundaries.

In this exercise, we will use a block partials file generated in MineSight® from a solid thatrepresents the combined sum of the grade zones in our project. This partials file containsinformation about the location and percentage of each block in the model that is intersectingthe solid. This information creates a more accurate resources calculation, since only thepercent of the block inside the solid is applied to the final calculation and not the entire block.

We will first set up what model items will be used, and how the report will be calculated,using PITRES. Then generate a partials file, and finally generate the report.

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notes:Step 1. Go to MS Compass� Procedure Manager. Go to the Group menu, andselect STRIPPER MINE PLANS. Then go to the Operations menu and select Report.The following pictures show you the information that needs to be input in the panels:

Be sure the Norun button ischecked.

Panel 1

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notes: Panel 2

The file name mspart.outis the name of the partialsfile you will input in anupcoming MineSight®

input window.

Panel 3

Panel 4

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notes:Panel 5

Panel 6

When the last panel is completed ,click on Go. Go to a DOS window or Explorer and copy thefile mxpert.bat to msrunres.bat. This file will be entered in a MineSight® Generate Reserveswindow. Then turn OFF the norun button.

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notes: Step 2. In MineSight®, open the Resource model view, and the Geometry Objectcalled bigsolid. Target on one of these objects if it is not in the view. Make sure yourviewer is in 3-D mode.

Step 3. Go to the MineSight® Surface menu and select Generate Partials.

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notes:Step 4. Click the icon with the blue ribbon in the Generate Partials window, and selectthe solid from the viewer (single left click on the solid).

Step 5. Go to Options and click the ModelView icon. Select resource from the filebrowser and click OK.

Step 6. Input the partials filenamemspart.out in the Generate Partials window.Click Apply and close the window. Verify thatthis file exists in your directory.

Step 7. Go to the MineSight® Surface menuand select Generate reserves. Make sure thesame information as before is input in thewindow. At the bottom, in the Reservesapplication section, uncheck Use siteapplications. Click the File selector icon, andselect the file msrunres.bat. Then click Apply.The report will then run.

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notes: Scroll down the report to see the details. The resources are reported by zone, bygrade cutoffs, for items AGEQI, AGI, and AUI. At the end of the report, you see asummary table with total volume and resources by bench, and bench average grades,for our three grade items. If you compare the results from a M608V1 run, you will seea minor difference in the resources calculated. This is due to the fact that M608V1takes into account the whole block for the resources computation, whereas PITRESconsiders only the percent of the block that is inside the solid, and applies this factorto the calculation. An optional weighting item in the block model, like ORE% can beused in the M608V1 run so that similar resources are obtained. Many of the procedurepanels in MS Compass� have access to a help file that provides a more detaileddescription about the different options in the panels. The Help menu in theMINESIGHT® procedure Manager allows you to access the help file for a particularprocedure directly.

Using Multiple Viewers


Multiple viewers are useful when you need to view the same data more than one way.


You must have created objects, views, and Grid Sets available.

Multiple viewers show the same data. Each viewer can have different Viewer Properties.The differences in the views are based upon those properties that can be changed in theviewer properties window, and the overall orientation of the views. These different settingswould include 2-D or 3-D mode, background color, distance or plane clipping, grid sets,camera position, hidden surfaces and lines or not, vertical exaggeration, and coordinategrids and labels.

In this example, we will have two viewers with different background colors showing eightobjects using the same Grid Set, but with different clipping distances, and different orienta-tions. We will then digitize a line on a plane.

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notes:Step 1. Open all the objects in folder multiview and create a new viewer. Highlightthe folder, click right, select NewèViewer and call it viewer2. On the menu bar,select Window and Tile windows, then reposition and resize the windows to meetyour needs.

Step 2. Click inside viewer1 to make it active, then go to Viewer Properties and setup the view options and clipping as shown in the following windows.

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notes: Step 3. Click inside viewer2 to make it active, then go to Viewer Properties and setup the view options and clipping as in the following windows.

Step 4. Now we will digitize apolygon to see what happens inthe viewers. Start by creating anew object named x and place itin Edit mode. On the menu bar,select SnapèPlane snap, thenorient your view and select fromthe menu bar, PolylineèCreateplanarèClosed polyline andstart digitizing. You will see yourdigitizing in both viewers.