Geoengineering Research - Bookmarks

Post on 28-Nov-2014

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Deep research of Geoengineering with bookmarks to videos and articles featuring Geoengineering, Chemtrails / SAG, Global Warming, HAARP, and more.


Bookmarks 2012-10-22 - GeoengineeringTable of ContentsGeoengineering Links Articles Videos Chemtrails Links Articles Evidence, Samples Articles Videos Important Articles Videos Videos Morgellons, Smartdust, Other May 31, 2011 (various sources) Detroit No planes and orbs Old Photos Images Disinfo, Debunkers Global Warming Links Articles, News Climategate Evidence Ice Age, Cooling Eco Fees, Carbon Credits Alarmists David Suzuki Videos HAARP, GWEN Towers, PROMIS


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Deep research into geoengineering topics including, Chemtrails (i.e. SAG), Global Warming, Stratosphere Aerosl Geoengineering (SAG / SRM), Solar Radiation Management (SRM), HAARP, reflective aerosol and sulphate aerosol spraying.


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Geoengineering - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Stratospheric sulfate aerosols (geoengineering) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia GEOENGINEERING WATCH! GEO-ENGINEERING CHEMTRAILS DAVID KEITH KEN CALDEIRA AEROSOL SPRAYING Want to know about Chemtrails, HAARP , VLF, UHF and weather modification? Want to prove it to a non-believer? Here you go! | ?????????? = ? ????????? ?Atmospheric Geoengineering with Aluminum Aerosols (Chemtrails) to 'Reduce Global Warming' Lecture?? - YouTube ?David Keith: A surprising idea for "solving" climate change?? - YouTube We Are Change Calgary meets David Keith - Chemtrail / Geo-engineering - YouTube On May 24th, 2011 We Are Change Calgary met with David Keith professor of Earth Sciences at University of Calgary, who was featured in the film "What in the World are They Spraying" outlining proposals for aerosol spraying programs that may use alumina particles to reflect the sun to help combat "Global Warming." David Keith has stated he has not seen the film and that he would not want to see it because the producer is biased in

his opinion and built the evidence around the conclusion and not the other way around. The meeting was attended by about 10 We Are Change Calgary members, and David Keith and his Assistants Hollie Roberts and Ashley Mercer (who works on public perception of geo-engineering) . David Keith has always denied that Chemtrail spraying operations are ongoing, while promoting Geo-engineering "proposals". We must remember that in a CFR meeting it was stated that there were Tens of Millions spent on confusing the public about Geo-engineering. One of Davids main arguments in the meeting is, if there was a large scale chemtrail program that we would have to know about it. He states the paper trail would simply be too large, and there would be too many employees that would blow the whistle. We know this is simply not true because there have been countless large scale military operations that have been completely secret and confidential. David Keith claims there is no evidence to even suggest that Chemtrail operations are ongoing, and that "Chemtrails" have been observed since the 1950's. He also claims the aerosol spraying campaigns he is researching would not look like the "Chemtrail" phenomenon. There is tons of evidence to support the Chemtrail "Theory" but he claims everything he gets sent as evidence is laughable and cannot be taken seriously. The group is going to be meeting with David again, this time with some solid evidence. He stated in the meeting that if these chemtrail programs were ongoing and we could prove it to him, he would dedicate his life to exposing it. Hopefully at the next meeting David takes the proof presented and actually researches it instead of calling it a crazy conspiracy theory. To have David Keith working against Chemtrails would be a huge breakthrough in this issue. I would like to thank David Keith, Ashley Mercer and Hollie Robers for taking the time to meet with We Are Change Calgary. I would also like to thank Michelle and Denise for setting up the meeting, and every member of We Are Change that showed up to the meeting. Special thanks goes to Michelle Robinson for recording the meeting on camera. David Keith's unusual climate change idea | Video on Could precisely engineered nanoparticles provide a novel geoengineering tool? Global warming: Can balloon size of Wembley stadium stop it? | Mail Online Jet contrails above Britain can block sunshine over 20,000 square miles - Telegraph ?Crutzen: Atmospheric Science in the human dominated era of the Anthropocene?? - YouTube ?Dr Paul Crutzen, Nobel Prize Winner of Chemistry in 1995?? - YouTube Chlorinated Hydrocarbons PI-53/PI090: Pesticide Toxicity Profile: Chlorinated Hydrocarbon Pesticides Vido Chemtrails over Cheshire, UK: Insane Geoengineering Activity - February 24, 2011 de mirrorthis2010 (Actualit - mirrorthis2010) - Ionospheric Heating and Weather Control Coalition Against Geo-Engineering Chemtrails In The Sky: Atmospheric And Oceanic Geo-Engineering The Tonka Report


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Stratospheric Aerosol Geoengineering (aka Chemtrails) Facts | Terraforming Geoengineering And Cloud Seeding Statutes REALITY BLOG Weather Modification 101 One Hundred Years of Cloud Seeding | R3zn8D's (R)Evolutionary Blog ocp2011.pdf (application/pdf Object) The US Global Change Research Program for Fiscal Year 2011 A Report by the US Global Change Research Program and the Subcommitteee on Global Change Research. A Supplement to the President's Budget for Fiscal Year 2011. Geoengineering the climate: science, governance and uncertainty | Royal Society Understanding Geo-Engineering and the fears of its consequences - DiploFoundation Climate Change By geo-engineering according to Inter-government Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), it simply means, the deliberate large-scale manipulation of the planetary environment to counteract anthropogenic (man-made) climate change (IPCC 2011). It involves the altering of the climate with the primary intention of reducing undesired climate change caused by human influences. Simply put, it is the possibility of engineering the earths climate system by large-scale manipulation of the global energy balance. Geo-engineering schemes seek to mitigate the effect of fossil-fuel combustion on the climate without abating fossil fuel use; for example by placing shields in space to reduce the sunlight incident on the Earth (Wayne Hall). In another definition, geo-engineering is the idea of applying planetary engineering to Earth and involves the deliberate modification of Earth's environment on a large scale "to suit human needs and promote habitability" (Wikipedia). Typically, the term is used to describe proposals to counter the effects of human-induced climate change. However, others define it more narrowly as nature-integrated engineering projects. An antigeoengineering group, known as Hands Off Mother Earth (H.O.M.E.) refers to it as a large scale schemes that intend to intervene in the earths oceans, soils and atmosphere with the aim of combating climate change. The concept of geo-engineeringg involves blasting sulfate particles into the upper atmosphere to reflect the suns rays; dumping iron particles in the oceans to nurture CO2-absorbing plankton; firing silver iodide into clouds to produce rain; genetically engineering crops to have reflective leaves; spraying seawater into clouds to make clouds whiter; dumping large

quantities of plant matter into the ocean or turning it into charcoal for burying in soils; (all classified under the following three themes: ocean fertilization, sulphate aerosols and cloud whitening. Ocean fertilization involves the growing of large swathes of plankton by dumping nutrients into the ocean. The plankton is supposed to draw down carbon dioxide. Advocates have stated that in reality, the technique doesnt appear to work and threatens marine ecosystems. Sulphate aerosols or artificial volcanoes falls under the category of solar radiation management (SRM) and aims to reduce the amount of sunlight entering the earths atmosphere by putting tiny, reflective particles into the stratosphere. The 1991 eruption of Mount Pinatubo in the Philippines spewed twenty million tonnes of sulfur dioxide into the stratosphere and the entire planet cooled 0.4 to 0.5C. But experts asserted, there will be damage to the ozone as sulfate particles in the stratosphere provide additional surfaces for chlorinated gases such as CFCs and HFCs to react and that reduced sunlight could undermine the amount of direct solar energy available and disturb natural processes such as photosynthesis by altering the wavelength of incoming sunlight. For cloud whitening, it is another solar radiation management technique, which requires modifying the composition of clouds by injecting them with seawater in order to make them whiter. Injection of salt water theoretically increases the clouds condensation nuclei, making them smaller and more reflective. It is stated that the technique may reduce the temperature of the atmosphere and the oceans, but would not reduce levels of greenhouse gases, stressing that altering the composition of the clouds over a quarter to a half of the earths surface will affect weather patterns and could disrupt marine ecosystems, including bird and plant life. The technique is also inherently transboundary and should require international agreement. Debunked: "Geoengineering is like free-riding on our Grandkids" PSAC, 1965, Restoring the Quality of Our Environment.pdf (application/pdf Object) David Keith Geo-engineer: 'We're using air as a waste dump for CO2' | Ever heard of Stratospheric Aerosol Geoengineering? | We 3 Thinking Ever heard of Stratospheric Aerosol Geoengineering? Me neither until I heard of the other name it goes by Chemtrails! Spewing aluminium to save planet earth Spewing aluminium to save planet earth If you look up in the sky and see a plane flying very high with plumes of white stuff spewing out the back then this is chemtrails aka Stratospheric Aerosol Geoengineering. Of course this was the stuff of conspiracy theorists until recently. Remember that the Government said that the plumes of white gas were contrails coming from planes when they are at a certain height? The location that we are in, we can see planes coming and going into Glasgow airport. But the only chemtrails we see are the ones high in the sky. The scientists in the video ADMIT that the Governments spray ALUMINIUM INTO THE AIR. Their reasons? They spray so that the dangerous radiation coming from space will be reflected by the aluminium and sent back out into space to combat climate change. The video below is very interesting in that the scientist has NO IDEA what the side effects are of spraying 100-200 million tonnes of aluminium into the atmosphere. The aluminium doesnt stay in the air though; it comes down with the rain and will be in the water supply, in crops (they need water to grow) and in the air that we breathe. In this video Geo-Engineer David Keith explains the possible consequences of Stratospheric Aerosol Geoengineering. He says, And by the way its not really like a moral hazard. Its more like free-riding on our grandkids. So we might not have to deal with the consequences but our grandkids will? So there will be consequences? What kind of consequences? They dont know because they have only started researching it! What concerns me is that the scientists have no concern whatsoever. If you look up into the sky you will notice that there has been no Stratospheric Aerosol Geoengineering (chemtrails) going on. Up until recently the sky was full of planes pumping out this stuff to save the earth from burning to a crisp. So if it was only contrails then wouldnt it still be going on? I can still see planes going overhead minus the chemtrail. Watch the video, do your own research and make up your own mind on what they are and why they are doing it! An overview of geoengineering of climate using stratospheric sulphate aerosols An overview of geoengineering of climate using stratospheric sulphate aerosols An overview of geoengineering of climate using stratospheric sulphate aerosols Open letter to IPCC on geoengineering | H.O.M.E. At what cost? | H.O.M.E. Features - Professional Engineering The Global Fascist Agenda - US "Secret" Weather Weapons and the Climate Change/Global Warming lies! Maui Chemtrail/Geoengineering Symposium - | News, information, serving Maui, Hawaii weekly The Maui Weekly Exposing the Chemtrails/Geoengineering Agenda / In depth - Changing the planet might help preserve it Tim Lenton, professor of Earth system science at the University of East Anglia, who conducted a review of geo-engineering methods, said scientists must beware of tinkering with a system you do not fully understand. For instance, he said, studies showed that putting sulphate aerosols into the atmosphere caused drying in vulnerable regions such as the Sahel and India. c2b06bb6-3bf4-11de-acbc-00144feabdc0.jpg (JPEG Image, 798x718 pixels) Scientists Consider Whether to Cause Global Cooling | Climate Central The Aerosols Approach The reason people thought of it in the first place is because of natural volcanic eruptions, says climatologist Alan Robock, from Rutgers University in New Brunswick, NJ. Massive volcanic eruptions, like that of Mt. Pinatubo in the Philippines, which sent an enormous

plume of ash into the sky in 1991, have actually cooled the planet in the past, but only for a short period of time, he says. Researchers credit Pinatubo, for example, with cooling the global average surface temperature by about one degree Celsius during the year following the eruption. Research into geoengineering methods, such as releasing volcanic-like aerosol clouds, has gathered support from both U.S. and international funding agencies, but scientists arent convinced that a quick fix is the ideal solution to our climate woes, if instead we could limit our carbon habits. And while most scientists say research should be increased in case geoengineering turns out to be the best bet to fend off climate change, one of the most important unanswered questions is whether researchers can even test the plans to see if they are going to work. There is no actual strategy for geoengineering right now, says Robock. He says that conducting small-scale experiments to test geoengineering methods is still tough because it is hard to detect how the climate changes with just small perturbations. We dont even have the technology available yet to measure it, he says. What scientists do understand is that the smoky plumes rising from active volcanoes contain aerosols of sulfur dioxide, which reflect some of the suns incoming radiation away from the earths surface. When a volcano is particuarly violent and a lot of sulfur dioxide is churned into the upper atmosphere, the effect is significant enough to cool the entire planet by a degree or more for up to a couple of years. To emulate this volcanic effect, scientists, such as the University of Calgarys David Keith, have proposed that we could use airplanes to spray clouds of sulfur dioxide aerosols into the upper atmosphere. Many researchers have used elaborate computer models to predict how the global climate would respond to this, and many have demonstrated that these sulfur clouds would keep the planet from further warming for at least a few years. Keith says there are also small but real experiments to try that would not have an impact on the climate but could provide valuable information to improve the current computer models. Can you learn by emitting just kilogram quantities of sulfur aerosols? The answer is absolutely yes, says Keith, who has been studying many aspects of geoengineering for more than a decade. A TED talk given in 2007 by geoengineering expert David Keith of the University of Calgary. In fact, an increasing number of climate change reports, including the Fourth Assessment Report from the U.N. Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) from 2007 and the Americas Climate Choices reports released by the National Research Council in May 2010, have identified the need to research how effective this type of rapid climate intervention could be if it turns out to be needed in the coming decades. Climate in Context: August 25, 2010 | Climate Central A Small Step Forward for Geoengineering | Climate Central A (Somewhat) Curmudgeonly Take on Geoengineering | Climate Central Geoengineering could slow down the global water cycle Aviation and the Global Atmosphere - IPCC special report Summary for Policymakers: Aviation and the Global Atmosphere Chapters Chapter 1: Introduction Chapter 2: Impacts of Aircraft Emissions on Atmospheric Ozon Chapter 3: Aviation-Produced Aerosols and Cloudiness Chapter 4: Modeling the Chemical Composition of the Future Atmosphere Chapter 5: Solar Ultraviolet Irradiance at the Ground Chapter 6: Potential Climate Change from Aviation Chapter 7: Aircraft Technology and Its Relation to Emissions Chapter 8: Air Transport Operations and Relation to Emissions Chapter 9: Aircraft Emissions: Current Inventories and Future Scenarios Chapter 10: Regulatory and Market-Based Mitigation Measures Annexes A. Authors, Contributors, and Expert Reviewers B. Glossary of Terms C. Acronyms, Abbreviations, and Units D. List of Major IPCC Reports Authors: Joyce E. Penner (professor in the Department of Atmospheric, Oceanic, and Space Sciences at the University of Michigan. Prior to that she served as Division Leader of the Global Climate Research Division at the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory. She is an Associate Editor for the Journal of Geophysical Research and the Journal of Climate. She has served on several scientific advisory committees, including the National Academy of Sciences Atmospheric Chemistry Committee and the National Academy of Sciences Panel on Aerosol Forcing and Climate Change. She has served as Secretary of the Atmospheric Sciences Section of the American Geophysical Union), David H. Lister (Technical Manager in the Propulsion Department of the UK Defence Research and Evaluation Agency (DERA). He has served as Project Manager in the European Community AERONOX program, as a member of the U.S. National Academy of Sciences/National Research Council Panel on Atmospheric Effects of Stratospheric Aircraft, as Chairman of ICAO/CAEP/WG3 (emissions) Technology and Certification Subgroup, and as lead author in the World Meteorological Organization's Scientific Assessment of Ozone Depletion (1994)) David J. Griggs (Head of the IPCC Working Group I Technical Support Unit at the Hadley Centre, UK Meteorological Office), David J. Dokken (Project Administrator of the IPCC Working Group II Technical Support Unit, Washington, DC, USA) and Mack McFarland (Principal Scientist in Environmental Programs at DuPont Fluoroproducts, Wilmington, DE, USA). Edited by: Joyce E. Penner (University of Michigan), David H. Lister (UK Defence Research and Evaluation Agency), David J. Griggs (UK Meteorological Office), David J. Dokken (University Corporation for Atmospheric Research), Mack McFarland (DuPont Fluoroproducts) Aviation and the Global Atmosphere IPCC Special Reports on Climate Change - Complete online versions | UNEP/GRID-Arendal - Publications - Other Aviation and the Global Atmosphere - IPCC - FULL - 070305i5.pdf (application/pdf Object) GeoEngineering Current Actions | Agriculture Defense Coalition GeoEngineering Schemes | Agriculture Defense Coalition GeoEngineering Current Actions | Agriculture Defense Coalition In the audio below, from an AAAS Meeting in February 2010 (San Diego, CA), on a 2009 Royal Society Report on Geoengineering, are the following speakers: 1) Legal Issues & Treaties: Professor of International Law - Catherine Redgwell, University College, London UK and Member of the Royal Society Geoengineering Working Group in 2009. (Catherine Redgwell, General Editor International and Comparative Law Quarterly (2010) - British

International Institute of Comparative Law, 19 Russell Square, London WC1B 5JP) Listen to Redgwell Audio Here (download). 2) Professor Ken Caldeira, Member of the Royal Society Geoengineering Group(2009) In 2010-2011, a Member of the Bipartisan Policy Center Working Group on Geoengineering (Climate Remediation). (Ken Caldeira, Department of Global Ecology, Carnegie Institution of Washington-Stanford, CA in 2011.) 3) Professor David Keith, Canada Research Chair in Energy and the Environment, Director ISEEE - Energy and Environmental Systems Group, University of Calgary, Canada. Member of the Royal Society Geoenginering Group (2009). In 2010-2011, a Member of the Pipartisan Policy Center Working Group on Geoengineering (Climate Remediation). Listen to David Keith Audio Here (download). Posters & Bumper Stickers | Agriculture Defense Coalition Scientists Rank Global Cooling Hacks | Wired Science | wired-geoengineering_methods.jpg (JPEG Image, 612x403 pixels) wired-cooling_potential2.jpg (JPEG Image, 660x443 pixels) Geo-engineering techniques at a glance | Visibly Shaken geoengineeringDomP.jpg (JPEG Image, 799x626 pixels) 116K_2008_Air_Pollution_both_Decreases_and_Increases_Rainfall_SEPT_11_2008_Prof_Rosenfeld_Studies_Aerosols.pdf (application/pdf Object) geoengineering_diagram_big.jpg (JPEG Image, 3125x2083 pixels) graphics_geoengineering_schemes_1.png (PNG Image, 660x468 pixels) diagram showing "reflective aerosols" being sprayed from planes 16_2009_Geoengineering_the_Climate_Science__Governance_and_Uncertainty_September_2009_Royal_Society_Report.pdf (application/pdf Object) GeoengineeringNEW.jpg (JPEG Image, 2008x1834 pixels) - Scaled (50%) LA 6 big.jpg (JPEG Image, 4250x5357 pixels) c2b06bb6-3bf4-11de-acbc-00144feabdc0.jpg (JPEG Image, 798x718 pixels) What is geo-engineering? | Environment | In the second category schemes designed to reduce the amount of sunlight reaching Earth proposals include firing sulphate aerosols into the stratosphere to reflect sunlight back to space; using unmanned ships to increase above-ocean cloud cover by spraying sea water into the air; painting the world's roofs white to increase reflectivity; and even floating thousands of tiny mirrors in space between Earth and the sun. Geo-engineering: green versus greed in the race to cool the planet | Environment | The Observer Their work is being mirrored in the California where Philip Rasch, chief scientist for climate science at the Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, a research group with the US Department of Energy, has proposed fleets of aircraft continually spraying tons of reflective sulphur dioxide into the stratosphere. Geo-engineering critics are appalled, saying the diffusion of the sunlight might result in ozone depletion, reduced plant growth, more humidity in the atmosphere, less energy and even potential damage as particles fall to Earth. Machines that suck up CO2 and aerosol injections into the sky: The geoengineering techniques that have got support of the public | Mail Online IPCC 'considering sending mirrors to space to tackle climate change' - Telegraph IPCC 'considering sending mirrors to space to tackle climate change'Reflective aerosols would be sent into space under a series of radical geoengineering measures being considered by the UN climate science body to tackle climate change, leaked documents disclose. Leaked: smoke and mirror geoengineering ideas from the IPCC | Watts Up With That? Must be IPCC week. When it rains the stupid, it pours. From the Telegraph: IPCC considering sending mirrors to space to tackle climate change Reflective aerosols would be sent into space under a series of radical geo-engineering measures being considered by the UN climate science body to tackle climate change, leaked documents disclose. British to Test Geoengineering Scheme - Technology Review Joint ipcc wgi//ii/iii expert meeting on geoengineering, lima, peru 2011 - agenda (application/pdf Object)


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?GEOENGINEERING - STRATOSPHERIC HYDROGEN SULFIDE AEROSOLS?? - YouTube ?Enhanced bright cloud formation?? - YouTube WEATHER MODIFICATION: cloud seeding, atmospheric services - Weather Modification, Inc. ?"Eugenics" ~ Chemtrails, Genocide & "burning tree's down to stop global warming"???? - YouTube

Nightingale - Governer 2010 Chelene Nightingale Talks Chemtrails / SAG - YouTube THE JEFF FARIAS SHOW: "GEO-ENGINEERING 101" (PART 1/3) - YouTube Here is the complete discussion with Journalist and Documentary Film maker MICHAEL J. MURPHY on the Subject of CHEMTRAILS and GEOENGINEERING. It is presented in Three Parts... Original Show Date: Wednesday, May 12, 2010 GEO-ENGINEERING HAS EXISTED FOR AT LEAST TEN YEARS!!!! THE JEFF FARIAS SHOW: "GEO-ENGINEERING 101" (PART 2/3) - YouTube THE JEFF FARIAS SHOW: "GEO-ENGINEERING 101" (PART 3/3) - YouTube Social Indoctrination and Geoengineering Max Igan 1/4 - YouTube Social Indoctrination and Geoengineering Max Igan 2/4 - YouTube Social Indoctrination and Geoengineering Max Igan 3/4 - YouTube Social Indoctrination and Geoengineering Max Igan 4/4 - YouTube We Are Change Calgary meets David Keith - Chemtrail / Geo-engineering - YouTube David Keith on the BBC HARDtalk Show Geo-Engineering Stephen Sackur - YouTube ?Pt. 1 of 14: Conversation with Dr. David Keith 05/24/11 about Chemtrails?? - YouTube Dr. David Keith, environmental scientist at the University of Calgary, his assistant, Hollie Roberts, and Ashley Mercer, who is working on her public perception of geoengineering PhD, were gracious enough to host a conversation with the public, many of whom are trying to learn or believe in Chemtrails. We had permission to tape all the people present in the room. ?Pt. 2 of 14: Conversation with Dr. David Keith 05/24/11 about Chemtrails?? - YouTube ?Pt. 3 of 14: Conversation with Dr. David Keith 05/24/11 about Chemtrails?? - YouTube ?Pt. 4 of 14: Conversation with Dr. David Keith 05/24/11 about Chemtrails?? - YouTube ?Pt. 5 of 14: Conversation with Dr. David Keith 05/24/11 about Chemtrails?? - YouTube ?Pt. 6 of 14: Conversation with Dr. David Keith 05/24/11 about Chemtrails?? - YouTube ?Pt. 7 of 14: Conversation with Dr. David Keith 05/24/11 about Chemtrails?? - YouTube ?Pt. 8 of 14: Conversation with Dr. David Keith 05/24/11 about Chemtrails?? - YouTube ?Pt. 9 of 14: Conversation with Dr. David Keith 05/24/11 about Chemtrails?? - YouTube ?Pt. 10 of 14: Conversation with Dr. David Keith 05/24/11 about Chemtrails?? - YouTube ?Pt. 11 of 14: Conversation with Dr. David Keith 05/24/11 about Chemtrails?? - YouTube ?Pt. 12 of 14: Conversation with Dr. David Keith 05/24/11 about Chemtrails?? - YouTube ?Pt. 13 of 14: Conversation with Dr. David Keith 05/24/11 about Chemtrails?? - YouTube ?Pt. 14 of 14: Conversation with Dr. David Keith 05/24/11 about Chemtrails?? - YouTube


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A contrail (normal jet trail) could never form below -35C and even at -35C it requires 100% relative humidity to form. To become persistent, the contrail needs -40C and 60% relative humidity. (Appleman Chart). These conditions are not considered common, yet "persistent contrails" are being reported around the world at an ever increasing rate. Combine this with many official government reports (221, HR 2977 and more) discussing aerosal spraying from planes flying at altitude in order to either address global warming or global cooling, and it becomes difficult to refute that something strange is going on.


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Chemtrail Research | Chemtrail Patents | Geoengineering Patents | ALTNEWS.INFO STRANGE DAYS STRANGE SKIES Chemtrails, an Introduction Worldwide Chemtrails Map - Have you seen the Map? | The Strong Watchman Worldwide Chemtrails Image and Video Map LDS Freedom Forum - View topic - Clear skys? Where are the Chemtrails? Patriot CAJeffO Blog Chemtrails No Joke Hard Proof EPA's RadNet Data | RadNet | US EPA Monitoring Results from Detroit, MI | RadNet | US EPA


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The Science of Air Pharmacology or Chemtrails (EXCELLENT) This page is written by the person that invented the DOE's biggest project on re-mediation for the ozone hole. Jim Phelps invented the DOE's "Global Shield" Weather Control Projects in the mid-1980s to compensate for man's damage to the ozone layer leading to global warming. Jim Phelps spotted the predominate mechanisms for global warming and found ways to lessen the damage using commercial aircraft to make cloud systems to cool the Earth. The "HOLMESTEAD" - Chemtrails: points to ponder - Jim Phelps. The "HOLMESTEAD" - Chemtrails: points to ponder - insider stories? Phelps_on_Chemtrails.pdf (application/pdf Object) Star Wars Stepping stones to weather control shielding and cover up. Subversion against the American People using national security. Ozone Hole leads to special measures for health and UV control, a national emergency. Introduction: Part of The Methods, zero-point / scalar energy Star Wars, Space Shields, UV, and the weather--->Founded on Fluoride. Hello Chemtrail Interest persons, Welcome to the DOEWatch Web page. This page is written by the person that invented the DOE's biggest project on remediation for the ozone hole. This report is for enlightenment of the world and is already causing very much interest all around the Internet community. The inventions discussed here came from direct experience at the Oak Ridge National Lab and working the Q-cleared world of DOE's nuclear weapons. This piece is about the origin of the Ozone Hole and the methods in use and being designed to attempt to fix what Man's pollution has done to our weather and our environment. Chemtrails: The "SHOCKING" Truth The Tom Bearden Website - clouds Chemtrails Coming Out Of The Closet? Chemtrails - FAA Official Confirms Ongoing East Coast 'Military Operation' Exposed: Secret Presidential Chemtrail Budget Uncovered Congress Exceeds Billions To Spray Populace Like Roaches : Chemtrails and Weather Derivatives : Chemtrails Exposed Why In The World Are They Spraying? : 116J_2005_NASA_Studies_Water_Vapor_January_25_2005_Investigation_of_How_Aircraft_Can_Avoid_Creating_Vapor_Trails.pdf (application/pdf Object) 116J_2005_NASA_8_Persistent_Jet_Contrails_Newsletter_2005_Page_8.pdf (application/pdf Object) 116J_2006_33_NASA_Contrails_to_Cirrus_Clouds_Morphology_Microphysics_by_David_Atlas_January_JAMC_2006.pdf (application/pdf Object) 116J_2008_NASA_1_Satellite_Picture_Aircraft_Contrails_2008_Warm_Climate.pdf (application/pdf Object) Chemtrail conspiracy theory no longer a hoax. United States Rain Enhancement Cloud Seeding program revealed. | PRESS Core Evidentiary News, World News, Special Reports, Technology, Health, Videos, Polls, Free energy, Cures, War Crimes, Crime Against Humanity, Corruption A Summary of Rain Enhancement (Cloud Seeding) Operations in Texas Say No To Corporate America: CHEMICALS KILL! The Chemtrail Smoking Gun - Geoengineering Chemtrailing.pdf (application/pdf Object) Chemtrailing May Be Re-Terraforming by an Alien Species ??by George Paxinos November 13, 2011 The Origin of Oxygen in Earth's Atmosphere: Scientific American Chemtrails, Aluminum Powder And A Mass Aluminum Poisoning In The UK Sinister Secrets in the Sky (Above Cyprus in the Mediterranean) | Loose Lips Sink Ships and 747s Too | BILLS-107hr2977ih.pdf (application/pdf Object) Basic Facts | 911 We Know CHEMTRAIL SUNSCREEN TAUGHT IN US SCHOOLS >> Four Winds 10 -

WhoAmI's ChemTrail Awareness - CHEMTRAIL SUNSCREEN TAUGHT IN US SCHOOLS Chemtrail Sunscreen Taught In US Schools - David Icke Website Chemtrails Promoted and Taught in 7th Grade Textbook | Gathering Spot Iowa womans photo sparks push for new cloud type @ Chemtrails in Home ChemTrails - US Patent #5003186 - Stratospheric Welsbach Seeding for Reduction of Global Warming Weather Modification (HAARP+Chemtrails) 100% Confirmation (PDF from the Alex Jones Caller) Chemtrails.pdf (application/pdf Object) chemtrails and vaccines - Chemtrail Truth How to protect yourself from the Chemtrails - and what they are! - The International Starseed Network If you DON'T believe chemtrails are real why is it listed in a bill at the library of congress? // Current CHEMTRAILS - CONTRAILS Brand New Chemtrail Type Detected - Chemtrails Global Skywatch Trail Research Report Rosalind Peterson: The Chemtrail Cover-Up GLOBAL POLITICAL AWAKENING: Rosalind Peterson: The Chemtrail Cover-Up California Skywatch | Protecting your right to know The "HOLMESTEAD" - Chemtrails: points to ponder - Rosalind Peterson on the weather modification bill. chemtrials : Censored31: EXPERIENCE is the new REALITY. CHEMTRAILS - CONTRAILS Space Preservation Act of 2001 (Introduced in the House) Declassified NZ Defence Force Reports Reveal Chemtrail Linked To Outbreak Of Illnesses | NORTHLAND NEW ZEALAND CHEMTRAILS WATCH Declassified NZ Defence Force Reports Reveal Chemtrail Linked To Outbreak Of Illnesses | New Zealand's local news community Patent for seeding stratosphere with metal aerosol in jet fuel to prevent global warming | The Continuing Catastrophe Called Chemtrails + = EVIDENCE??? Morgellons Suffers @ How Long do Contrails Last? Contrail Science Persisting and Spreading Contrails Contrail Science Rep. Kucinich's HR 2977 Names Chemtrails As An 'Exotic Weapon' Rep Kucinich Rewrites HR 2977 - 'Chemtrails' Disappear Rep Kucinich Rewrites HR 2977 - 'Chemtrails' Disappear Chemtrails Chemtrails, an Introduction The Keys to Understanding Chemtrails (Sep. 18, 2000) What are chemtrails? Chemtrail manager letter - Cloverleaf (Witness 2) Chemtrail mechanic letter U.S. Law Allows Testing of Chemicals and Biological Agents on "Civilian Population" - Chemtrails Global Skywatch Noticing More Blue Skies of Late? A Field Report from the Etheric Resistance (May 10, 2010) Awakening to Chemtrail Poisoning in Southern Michigan 9Aug. 1, 2008) Interior View of Smaller Chemtrail Sprayer Plane? (Feb. 11, 2008) BBC NEWS | Americas | US admits chemical weapons tests BBC News - Fireworks may have caused Arkansas bird deaths Declassified NZ Defence Force Reports Reveal Chemtrail Linked To Outbreak Of Illnesses Falling birds likely died from massive trauma - Dead Birds Falling from the Sky, Dying Fish Raise Internet Speculations Ranging from UFOs to the End Times | God Discussion

Absolut proof of Chemtrails?: Chemtrails (Project Cloverleaf); Are Chemtrails real? Here are 4 videos that seems to prove they are. What are ... Chemtrails Explained Jaw-dropping image of enormous 'supercell' cloud in Glasgow, Montana | Mail Online Chemtrail conspiracy theory - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Chemtrails In The Sky: Atmospheric And Oceanic Geo-Engineering The Tonka Report The shield of Ra: Could solar reflection save the planet? - Evergreen Air and a Secret Chemtrail Facility Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind! Evergreen Air and a Secret Chemtrail Facility : Chemtrails Flights Exposed - Evergreen Aviation (A CIA Front), page 1 North American Weather Consultants - Cloud Seeding/Weather Modification Weather Modification Service Companies in the United States Operation Popeye: A true story of weather modification as a weapon Is Morgellons Disease Caused By Chemtrail Spraying? Silence is Betrayal: CHEMTRAILS Chemtrails: The Best Evidence Contrail Science Fw: 317A- (X) HTML - CHEMTRAILS - 20090310-0330 Chemtrail Central :: View topic - John Holdren, Obama's Science Czar, says: Forced abortions.. ENVIRONMENTAL OCCURRENCE AND PERSISTENCE - National Toxicology Program I am a Chemtrail Pilot....ask me a question! - Page 6 German Pilot Describes Chemtrails Being Spread: Chemtrails (Project Cloverleaf); German Pilot Describes Chemtrails Being Spread Sat Oct 31, 2009 this news piece is from ... Consumer Health Articles: CHEMTRAILS IN THE SKY AND THE NEW MICROBES Are Chemtrails Masking True Global Warming OPINIONS REGARDING THE FUNCTIONS OF CHEMTRAILSSTRATOSPHERIC AEROSOL GEOENGINEERING NORTHLAND NEW ZEALAND CHEMTRAILS WATCH PATTERNS OF CHEMTRAILS DAMAGE TO PLANTS AND INSECTS OUR FILM PAGE ON CHEMTRAILSGEOENGINEERING IN NORTHLAND NORTHLAND NEW ZEALAND CHEMTRAILS WATCH Chemtrails: Proof From An Insider Contrails: The Real Reason Contrails: Killing Us Softly Chemtrails 911 - Exposing aerial crimes and aerosol operations,because it's an emergency! Chemtrail Action Network - Working to reclaim our skies!! German Scientist Exposes Chemtrails As Military Operations Are contrails left by jet aircrafts really chemtrails to alter the atmosphere? | Chemtrails - The spying disinfo-agents (english sub) - Tanker Enemy Canale Video Chemtrailawareness American Free Press News June, 2002 - NASA Confirms Weather-Shaping Chemtrails undergroundbound - German Scientist Exposes Chemtrails As Military Operations Chemtrails environmental modification chemtrail spraying earthquake weapon electromagnetic warfare aerosol fibers and morgellons | Monitoring the Planned Poisoning of Humanity Chemtrails - The clouds of death - weather wars Concerns About Chemtrails Given Fresh Impetus Toxic Barium In Chemtrails - What It Means Chemtrails/Chemtrail Facts/Chemtrail Books/Contrails/Chemtrails Confirmed/Weather Modification Chemtrails the NWO plan to Destroy You by Poisoning the Air - Sherry Shriner Chemtrails ChemTrails & "flu-like" symptoms- TGS HiddenMysteries ThE~Magazine

WHISTLEBLOWER CONTACTS IAHF WITH INSIDE INFO ON CHEMTRAILS: HOW TO DETOX & PROTECT OURSELVES | Love for Life Chemtrails and Project Cloverleaf - Chemtrails Spraying and Project Cloverleaf - PROJECT CLOVERLEAF Chemtrail Information - Stop Chemtrail Spraying in California! Chemtrails and Oceans - Chemtrails Spraying and Oceans - OCEANS Chemtrail Information - Stop Chemtrail Spraying in California! Chemtrails - An Insider Speaks Out - TGS HiddenMysteries ThE~Magazine Feb 2000 Vol 10 Chemtrails And Depopulation - An Insider Speaks Out | Before It's News

Evidence, Samples Articles

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Space Preservation Act of 2001 (Congress Chemtrail bill - H. R. 2977) Rep. Kucinich's HR 2977 Names Chemtrails As An 'Exotic Weapon' Bill Text - 107th Congress (2001-2002) - THOMAS (Library of Congress) 221.pdf (application/pdf Object) (good) IMPORTANT. Search for "aerosol" in this government document and read the various sections where it's found. It should become apparent that loopholes have been created to allow, what most researchers believe is, current and ongoing chemtrailing to occur without requiring international regulation. Eg.. 100km by 100km area may be sprayed, the use of terms like "local", etc. to exclude international regulation. -------- UK House of Commons, Science and Technology Committee: The Regulation of Geoengineering ------- See: Space Mirrors, Stratospheric Aerosols, Space-based Reflectors. See: David Keith, Jason Blackstock -------- -- We conclude that geoengineering techniques should be graded according to factors such as trans-boundary effect, the dispersal of potentially hazardous materials in the environment and the direct effect on ecosystems. The regulatory regimes for geoengineering should then be tailored accordingly. Those techniques scoring low against the criteria should be subject to no additional regulation to that already in place, while those scoring high would be subject to additional controls. So for example, at the low end of the scale are artificial trees and at the high end is the release of large quantities of aerosols into the atmosphere. -- 51. Dr Blackstock considered that because stratospheric aerosols and cloud whitening were the only category of techniques that could be used with a rapid impact on the climate system there was a need to get regulatory structures in place before large scale field tests were started.106 He said that field experiments designed to have demonstrably negligible environmental and trans-boundary risks were valuable for feasibility testing deployment technologies, and for exploring local-scale physical, chemical and biological interactions that could damage the environment when scaled up.107 Dr Blackstock explained that once you start running into the potential for transboundary impacts, or at least a perception of transboundary impacts, and so international mistrust, international concern of what another country will do with that technology can come up very rapidly.108 Professor Keith added that governance is central at the point where we lock it, and the reason is that it is so cheap that the challenge for the international system will be to restrain unilateral action.109 -- 53. There is a wider issue. For understandable reasons there is a tendency to approach regulation of geoengineering as we do reducing emissions of greenhouse gases, which requires action by many parties. Reduction of emissions requires global action with a global impact. By contrast, as John Virgoe has pointed out, some geoengineering techniques only require local action to have a global impactone possible example, would be the release of stratospheric aerosols. The regulatory regime applying to a geoengineering technique does not need to be so extensive as that for the reduction of emissions. It could focus on setting targets, managing a process and cost-sharing. This reduces the complexity of the governance task, while simultaneously reducing the need for a universal process, though wide participation would remain strongly desirable on ethical and political grounds.111 -- see diagram on page 38 and 65: Initial research on deployment technologies for the SRM schemes of stratospheric aerosol and cloud brightening have recently begun to emerge, including the first sub-scale field testing of aerosol deployment. (7,14) -- 10. Conversely, SRM could substantially influence the climate in monthsbut with much greater uncertainty about the net climatic eVects. SRM schemes such as stratospheric aerosols and cloud brightening aim to cool the planet by reflecting a fraction of the incoming sunlight away from Earth. Natural experiments caused by volcanoes have demonstrated the rapid impact potential of SRM, and the recent reviews show such schemes should be technically simple to deploy at low cost relative to mitigation. But these reviews also stress that SRM would at best unevenly ameliorate regional climatic change, and may generate serious unintended consequences. For example, SRM could produce droughts with severe implications for regional and global food production, and delay the recovery of the ozone layer by decades, while doing almost nothing to address ocean acidification. This makes SRM unsuitable as an alternative to mitigation. -- 14. The increased scientific attention stratospheric aerosols and cloud brightening have been receiving has recently sparked the development and subscale field testing ofSRMdeployment technologies. Even labbased development of SRM technologies raises the prospect that national or corporate interests might try (or just be perceived as trying) to control or profiteer from nascent SRM technologies. And a national security framing of emerging SRM research, especially if classified, would dangerously provoke such international perceptions. Nonetheless, in 2009 the U.S. Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) held a meeting to consider pursuing geoengineering research highlights the potential for such developments. -- Joan Ruddock: I think it would be entirely premature, becauseweare

dealingwith techniques herewhichare not proven techniques, which have great risks, which do not have a regulatory framework, and frankly, at the moment, it would be, I think, quite ridiculous for Government to be making any choices. But in terms of the major areas where there is interest, injecting sulphate aerosols into the stratosphere, for example, there is some current work which has Government funding; there has been work on low level cloud development, which again has some Government funding; and there has been another study on the impact of oceanic iron fertilisation on cloud formation. So on some of these areas, which are the ones that are particularly being put forward by those who advocate these kind of solutions as a Plan B, there is what I would call a watching brief taking place, and some small amount of Government funding, and as you continue to question, I can indicate further what the Government is interested in doing. -- (smoking gun) 6. Taking the specific cases of Cloud Whitening and Atmospheric Sulphur Aerosol schemes, if they have only a local impact over an area of x100km by x100km, eVects can be shown to be undetectable outside this region, have no impact on other nations or groups, and any perturbation experiment has a lifetime of less than one month, then little regulation is required. In such cases, international participation should be encouraged, and no commercial funding, other than charitable donations, should be permitted. Calibrated data should be made freely available as soon as possible after the experiment. Recommendation 3 is that where the nature of the geoengineering research is in a locality, of size and duration such that it is significantly smaller than other human emissions, is not the subject of any commercial or private gain, and has no impact on other regions outside the test zone, then there should be a registry and full open documentation and no international regulation is required. 7. For geoengineering research which occurs on larger scales (eg. Sulphurs aerosols in the stratosphere, with large residence times, large scale ocean fertilisation experiments) then international regulation is required. Recommendation 4 is that where the geoengineering research is on a regional scale, there needs to be regulation. -- Facing the Mirror -- Reflection options receiving serious attention include injecting aerosols into the stratosphere and enhancing the reflectivity of clouds. If these techniques can be proven, each is estimated to have the capacity to neutralise the warming expected from the current concentration of greenhouse gases. They are both estimated to be low cost compared to sequestration and would lower average temperatures relatively rapidly. The fundamental diVerence between sequestration and reflection, however, is that sequestration addresses the root issue (the concentration) while reflection merely treats the symptom (warming). IIASA - PRESS RELEASE (support for 221) sap2-3-final-report-all.pdf (application/pdf Object) Chemtrails, Agenda 21 and Barium in Mohave County AZ Toxic Levels Of Barium And Aluminum Found In Several Mohave County Arizona Residents : Toxic Levels Of Barium And Aluminum Found In Several Mohave County Arizona Residents Case_Orange_10052010_core.pdf (application/pdf Object) Chemtrails Produced by Aviation Fuel Laced With Trimethylaluminum Kipnews | Knowledge is power Watch the Sky Wright-Patterson, Air Traffic Controllers Vindicate Chemtrail Conspiracy Theorists | scatteringEdTellerwithnotes.pdf (application/pdf Object) California State Department of Health Services Water Quality Test Results from 1984 - 2002 Chemtrails 911 - Lab Results & Health Effects Chemtrails: Proof From An Insider (excellent) Allan Buckman is President and co-founder of Microbetech, a Nevada-based bioremediation company. Former wildlife biologist and environmental scientist with the California Department of Fish & Game, Allans 38-year career has given him crucial insight into environmental stress and the decline of ecosystems. In Allan presented at the 60th Annual DPI/NGO Conference at the United Nations (New York) in 2007 and spoke about the role of pollution in an ever-increasing plant death problem related to the persistent jet clouds we now associate with stratospheric aerosol geoengineering operations (chemtrail spraying) and discussed a biorestoration alternative. In his speech, Allan corroborates the data presented in What In The World Are They Spraying?, saying: The fallout contains aluminum, strontium, radium, boron, and many more metals, all of which have been documented in every drinking water supply in California and Arizona since about 1987. They only way that could happen is from air application, but no explanations are available. The time for skepticism is over: whatever the purpose of these operations, they are destroying the planet. Tune in as Allan discusses the impact of aerosol geoengineering on all life. Chemtrails - Barium, Aluminum, Titanium CONFIRMED In Rainwater Global Warmig and Ice Ages chemtrail.pdf (application/pdf Object) The shield of Ra: Could solar reflection save the planet? - Temperature and Precipitation Maps | May 2011 History Secret Experiments Conducted on U.S. Citizens, page 1 Index of /library/testing

GEOENGINEERING TESTS What Is Gallium At 110 ppm Doing In Phoenix Air Samples Shasta5_07Backbone.pdf (application/pdf Object) Shasta5_08RainEShastaLake.pdf (application/pdf Object) northerncalschoolair191.pdf (application/pdf Object) orinda.pdf (application/pdf Object) 24 CA ARB + NOAA 2010 Science Implementation Plan 2009-Climate Change.pdf (application/pdf Object) 24 CA ARB A-Z Index of All Top Level Programs and Topics October 28, 2008.pdf (application/pdf Object) 1.jpg (JPEG Image, 610x789 pixels) 2.jpg (JPEG Image, 610x789 pixels) United States Patent: 5003186 BTS | Air Carrier Traffic Statistics (number of flights) Data Elements (number of flights) UKFieldTrialspolicy.jpg (JPEG Image, 496x698 pixels) LUKAS BARIUM REPORT.jpg (JPEG Image, 625x800 pixels) air_particulates_2008.jpg (JPEG Image, 2550x3300 pixels) - Scaled (25%) air_particulates_2009_a.jpg (JPEG Image, 3300x2550 pixels) northerncalschoolair191.pdf (application/pdf Object) Arizona Skywatch Phoenix Air Particulates 2009 Phoenix Air Particulates 2008 Phoenix Air Particulates Arizona environment barium and other metals geo-engineering and global dimming aerosols effects on surface water aerosol_devices_components_experiment-CArchuleta2003.pdf (application/pdf Object) List of comonents Arizona environment barium and other metals geo-engineering and global dimming aerosols effects on surface water patent 5003186.pdf (application/pdf Object) Contrails - Lab Reports Show 3 Distinct Pathogens Chemtrails: 'Exotic Weapons' Says Space Preservation Act of 2001 (Feb. 26, 2006) Contrails Vs Chemtrails - Facts And Chronology Chemtrails - Facts, Plagiarism, And Propaganda The Sky IS Falling Millions were in germ war tests | Politics | The Observer Aerosol Crimes & Cover Up - Carnicom Institute Chem Metals (process to distill) Stratospheric Aerosol Geoengineering, Bio-Active Crystalline Cationic Polymers GROUND SAMPLES : MICROSCOPIC FIBERS REVEALED CHEMTRAIL GROUND SAMPLE: MICROSCOPIC VIEWS Aerosol Operation Crimes & Cover Up - MORGELLONS : A DISCOVERY AND A PROPOSAL The "HOLMESTEAD" - Chemtrails: Holmestead soil tests. The "HOLMESTEAD" - Chemtrails - Spray Tankers Tracked by Radar, Lab Tests Raise Concerns. Stratospheric Welsbach seeding for reduction of global warming - US 5003186 - Curing oven using Wellsbach conversion - US 5033203 - Chemtrail Lab Analysis - Virulent Bio-Toxin Soup Chemtrail Central :: View topic - FIBER DISEASE ALERT: COTTON: A CLEAR AND PRESENT DANGER! Barium And Chemtrails - Facts On Toxicity The Chemtrail Smoking Gun - Geoengineering


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CHEMTRAILS NO LONGER A CONSPIRACY ITS FACT "GOVERNMENT REPORT 128 PAGE PDF FILE" - YouTube 100% PROOF U.S.A. has tested using RAIN to spread influenza virus. ON AMERICAN CITIZENS! - YouTube ?Extreme levels of Barium in blood: Chemtrails??? - YouTube Barium in the Blood: Chemtrails? Version no music - YouTube?? ?Alan DiCicco exposing barium in our blood at the Mohave county health board?? - YouTube ?Barium in the Blood: Chemtrails? Version no music?? - YouTube ?TOXIC LEVELS: Of Barium And Aluminum Found in Arizona's Mohave county residents?? - YouTube 2-27-2011-Chemtrails-Apalachicola.jpg (JPEG Image, 1008x1458 pixels) IRAN HAS BLUE SKIES AND NO JET TRAILS In Iran jet trails are non-existent except normal contrails that disappear behind the aircraft within seconds or maybe a minute or two. But what NASA refers to as LINGERING CONTRAILS, that spread out and become clouds....DO NOT EXIST OVER IRAN, NORTH KOREA, CUBA or any nation where airspace is restricted to friendly commercial air traffic. Here is a video documentary on IRAN and you will not see one trail nor find SAT images with trails over that nation. A government in the so-called FREE WORLD has the duty not to harm its citizens with classified dangerous experimentation and for that matter without lawful consent. Such a government would be in breach of all Constitutional authority to rule. Is this not true?

Rainwater Sample from Alachua County Tests Positive for Aluminum and Barium - YouTube n August 14, 2011, I collected a rainwater sample for analysis of Aluminum and Barium at an EPA approved facility - Basic Laboratory, Redding, CA. -- The report revealed 197.0 ug/L of Aluminum and 28.5 ug/L of Barium. I had submitted six previous requests for Aluminum content during 2011 but this was my first ever request for Barium. The Rainwater collection method is covered in this video. High resolution MODIS satellite image shows the conditions for August 14th, 2011 subset=USA7.2011226.aqua.250m&vectors=coast%2Bborders How to Collect Rainwater Sample for Chemtrail Heavy Metal Testing - YouTube Rapid Response - LANCE - Subsets [1 of 3] Chemtrails - History and Information by Alan Watt - YouTube Article: More useful information: Watch "What in the World Are They Spraying?" here: Alan Watts Website: [2 of 3] Chemtrails - History and Information by Alan Watt - YouTube [3 of 3] Chemtrails - History and Information by Alan Watt - YouTube Morgellons | Chemtrails - Dr. Hildegarde Staninger 1/3 - YouTube Morgellons | Chemtrails - Dr. Hildegarde Staninger 2/3 - YouTube Morgellons | Chemtrails - Dr. Hildegarde Staninger 3/3 - YouTube ?Scientific analysis of chemtrails on doppler radar rules out.mp4?? - YouTube 4/20/11 Chem. Trails in Hawaii Michael J. Murphy on We Are CHANGE TV 1/4 - YouTube HR 2977 - The actual House Resolution regarding Chemtrails & HAARP EXPOSED! (MIRROR) - YouTube Climate I: Is The Debate Over? @32' mark - YouTube James Corbett On Chemtrails & Disinformation - A NZ Perspective - YouTube Snow Tested For Ammonia. Ammonia? MMMMMHmmmm | Please Share - YouTube Chemtrails and Acid snow ? WTF !!!!! - YouTube


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NASA Scientist: Persistent Contrails Cause Global Warming | Before It's News NASA - Those Hazy Jet Trails May Heat Up The Debate About Global Warming Geoengineering and Chemtrail Related Patents Omega-News: Chemtrail Patents: United States Patent 4,686,605

Chemtrail Research | Chemtrail Patents | Geoengineering Patents | ALTNEWS.INFO CHEMTRAILS - Did An Airline Mechanic Stumble Upon The Truth? NASA - Education Resources from the Science Directorate at NASA LaRC -- NASA/NOAA Cloud Chart S'COOL One-Page Cloud ID Chart Cloud_ID.pdf (application/pdf Object) cloudchart.pdf (application/pdf Object) Developing an International Framework for Geoengineering - Council on Foreign Relations | Monitoring the Planned Poisoning of Humanity Millions Spent to Confuse Public About Geoengineering | Chemtrails Secret Military space warfare VTRPE HAARP CHEMTRAIL INFO - VTRPE MILITARY PROGRAM WITH FULL EXPLANATION/PICS GetTRDoc (application/pdf Object) Military Said Behind Up To Four Different Chemtrail Programs Discovery Channel Best Evidence-Rosalind Peterson Responds.pdf (application/pdf Object) Stratospheric sulfate aerosols (geoengineering) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia US Patent 3899144 Powder Contrail Generation | Thanks to for the vid you can down load the pdf here EDUCATE YOURSELF: Chemtrails - US Patent 3899144 - Powder Contrail Generation - YouTube Thanks to for the vid you can down load the pdf here PowderContrailGeneration.pdf (application/pdf Object) United States Patent: 5286979 Chemtrails or Always take the weather (and Welsbach Patent) with you Compenetration Weblog Scientific Evidence Related To Geo-engineering From Francis Mangels | NORTHLAND NEW ZEALAND CHEMTRAILS WATCH Food Integrity Now Francis Mangels Chemtrails E36 Chemtrails and Aluminum Oxide - Chemtrails Spraying and Aluminum Oxide - ALUMINUM OXIDE Chemtrail Information - Stop Chemtrail Spraying in California! A Combined Mitigation/Geoengineering Approach to Climate Stabilization Nanoparticles-in-the-atmosphere.pdf (application/pdf Object) Download047b.pdf (application/pdf Object) CEINT_Atmosphere.pdf (application/pdf Object) aluminum resistant crops - Google Scholar Monsanto develops Aluminum Resistant biotech seeds | Thom Hartmann - News & info from the #1 progressive radio show Delivering genetically engineered crops to poor farmers | International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI) ACTRIS - Home ACTRIS (Aerosols, Clouds, and Trace gases Research InfraStructure Network) is a European Project aiming at integrating European ground-based stations equipped with advanced atmospheric probing instrumentation for aerosols, clouds, and short-lived gas-phase species. ACTRIS will have the essential role to support building of new knowledge as well as policy issues on climate change, air quality, and long-range transport of pollutants. ACTRIS - Stations EARLINET A European Aerosol Research Lidar Network to Establish an Aerosol Climatology: EARLINET. The EARLINET Objective Aerosols affect life on earth in several ways. They play an important role in the climate system; the effect of aerosols on the global climate system is one of the major uncertainties of present climate predictions. They play a major role in atmospheric chemistry and hence affect the concentrations of other potentially harmful atmospheric constituents, e.g. ozone. They are an important controlling factor for the radiation budget, in particular in the UV-B part of the spectrum. At ground level, they can be harmful, even toxic, to man,

animals, and plants. Because of these adverse effects that aerosols can have on human life, it is necessary to achieve an advanced understanding of the processes that generate, redistribute, and remove aerosols in the atmosphere. A quantitative dataset describing the aerosol vertical, horizontal, and temporal distribution, including its variability on a continental scale, is necessary. The dataset is used to validate and improve models that predict the future state of the atmosphere and its dependence on different scenarios describing economic development, including those actions taken to preserve the quality of the environment. The EARLINET data set is the most comprehensive compilation of data available for this purpose. EBAS Welcome to EBAS EBAS is a database hosting observation data of atmospheric chemical composition and physical properties. EBAS hosts data submitted by data originators in support of a number of national and international programs ranging from monitoring activities to research projects. EBAS is developed and operated by the Norwegian Institute for Air Research (NILU). We hope the information found on the web-site is self explanatory, and we would particularly ask you to consider the text found in the data disclaimer and in the info pages associated to the filter criteria. EBAS - Stations (interactive) EARLINET-ASOS - European Aerosol Research Lidar Network Advanced Sustainable Observation System (application/pdf Object) Cloudnet Home Page Cloudnet: Data Archive Cloudnet is a research project supported by the European Commission under the Fifth Framework Programme and contributing to the implementation of the Key Action "Global change, climate and biodiversity" within the Energy, Environment and Sustainable Development Contract no. EVK2 - 2000 - 00611 . Motivation This project which started on 1 April 2001, aims to use data obtained quasi-continuously for the development and implementation of cloud remote sensing synergy algorithms. The use of active instruments (lidar and radar) results in detailed vertical profiles of important cloud parameters which cannot be derived from current satellite sensing techniques. A network of three already existing cloud remote sensing stations (CRS-stations) will be operated for a two year period, activities will be co-ordinated, data formats harmonised and joint, analysis of the data performed to evaluate the representation of clouds in four major european weather forecast models. CORDIS Archive : EESD - Energy, Environment and Sustainable Development (FP5 1998-2002)- European Commission Europa : CORDIS : Search : Simple search : Exploitable Results : results Use this search to see all papers on Aerosol. Europa : CORDIS : Search : Simple search : Exploitable Results : results


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200 Million Tons of Aluminum Aerosol Chemtrail Poisoning All Life! Scientific Proof! - YouTube David Keith Ken Caldeira geoengineers deny that programs are going on. For copies of lab results showing aluminum, barium, manganese, thorium, nickel, and many other toxic heavy metals at levels 100's of X over the max limit for human exposure. See and click on the 2008 and 2009 results. WE ARE SHOOTING A DOCUMENTARY FILM. We're in the process of filming the documentary, "What in the World Are They Spraying?", an in-depth feature exposing the SAG aka Chemtrail agenda. The budget is $22,350.00. We'd appreciate any donations made towards our efforts in exposing this important issue. Please contact Mike Murphy at for donation, instructions, a detailed outline and more information. Thanks to luckymauro for the video clip.... This is 1 clip already shot for the documentary. Could a ban of transparent reporting at the Asilomar conference this past February in San Diego be an attempt to cover-up world-wide contamination from Stratospheric Aerosol Geo-Engineering Programs? Geo-engineers gathered once again near Monterey California at the Asilomar International Conference on Climate Intervention Technologies meeting to develop norms and guidelines for what they say will be controlled experimentation on geo-engineering the planet. While many claim that stratospheric aerosol geoengineering (SAG), aka chemtrail programs are in full-scale deployment, organizers of this meeting showed a lack of transparency by either denying or holding reporters to a high set of rules which limited what information was brought to the attention of the public. While we might never know how much information from the conference was suppressed in articles and reports, we do know some of the information that was not included. The issue of current SAG deployment and the use of aluminum in these programs seemed to be missing from reports and articles that came out of the conference.' NATIONAL SECURITY & CLIMATE CHANGE: 6.26.08 Hearing - YouTube ?"Eugenics" ~ Chemtrails, Genocide & "burning tree's down to stop global warming"???? - YouTube CHEMTRAILS & Aviation Expert Mark McCandlish DELIVERS the FACTS - YouTube Mark McCandlish ,is an aerospace illustrator who has worked for many of the top aerospace corporations in the United States .In

this exclusive interview, Mark shares his insight to alien reproduction vehicles,( or ARVs),that the US not only has operational antigravity propulsion devices, but we have had them for over the past fifty years. Mark shares his views on the technology of reversed engineering, chemtrails, what they are, and possibilities of WHO is doing the spraying.. Most of Mark's clients are in the defense industry.and he occasionally has worked directly for the military, but most the time he has worked for civilian corporations that are defense contractors and build weapons systems for the military. He has worked for all the major defense contractors: General Dynamics, Lockheed, Northrop, McDonald-Douglas, Boeing, Rockwell International, Honeywell, and Allied Signet Corporation. In this remarkable two hour interview, Mark McCandlish shares all that he knows and the possibilities of who may be behind all the secrets of Geoengineering as well as other worldly craft, how to spot them, and some methods of recording your data as well as tracking. He was also a part of the DISCLOSURE PROJECT. About Mark McCandlish: Mark McCandlish Contact Information: This is a Chemtrails Kill Production in conjunction with the GIC Radio Network. (Join the Nikola Aleksic calls for a stop to Serbian chem trails and GMO foods. - YouTube CHEMTRAILS - Weatherman Admits Military Spraying Chemicals In The Sky - YouTube @1:20 military dropping chaff for anti-radar. * Meteorologist admits government sprays chemtrails in the air! It blocked up his radar! - YouTube Olgacom Scandal: The Connection of New World Order, China, Chemtrails & Big Business - YouTube Olgacom Scandal: The Connection of New World Order, China, Chemtrails & Big Business - INGAORAMA "know a little but about a lot" The Olgacom Scandal 2011 olgacomscandal - Discovery Channel on Chemtrails Shocking: Chemtrails admitted - YouTube?? Public Meeting in the San Francisco Bay Area, Geoengineering admitted. David Keith, Ken Caldiera. Ken Caldiera says he doesn't know anything about how atmospheric aluminum,etc will effect the human population, 1:23:25 is pretty incriminating since, he was at the previous conference. You have to admit it is quite infuriating when they look right into the camera and lie, then use a scapegoat to walk? away (as in the later footage that preceeds it). * PROOF Poison is INTENTIONALLY sprayed in our air to make us sick! Share this video! * - YouTube A Case for Including -Chemtrails- in the Disability Known as -Aerotoxic Syndrome - YouTube Scientific analysis of chemtrails on doppler radar rules out.mp4?? - YouTube see 2:30 mark ... YouTube - C.F.R. MEETING DISCUSSES "GEO-ENGINEERING"[To "Fight Global Warming"]6/7 C.F.R. MEETING DISCUSSES "GEO-ENGINEERING"[To "Fight Global Warming"]7/7 - YouTube History of UK Chemical Spraying Admitted by BBC Documentary - CHEMTRAILS - YouTube RTE News Chemtrail Spraying Cover Up===? - YouTube NEWS coverage of CHEMTRAILS 2011-FORWARD TO ALL - YouTube?? Chemtrails Exposed By Ex CIA Top Dog - Part 1 - YouTube Chemtrails Exposed By Ex CIA Top Dog - Part 2 - YouTube Chemtrails Exposed By Ex CIA Top Dog - Part 3 - YouTube Chemtrails Exposed By Ex CIA Top Dog - Part 4 - YouTube Chemtrails Exposed By Ex CIA Top Dog - Part 5 - YouTube Geoengineering: Destroying the Atmosphere - Rosalind Peterson - YouTube Radio Liberty Seminar, October 23, 2011, Aptos, California. Rosalind Peterson and Allan Buckmann present their findings relating to geoengineering. To download the PowerPoint presentation and a host of documents, please visit: To support the seminar organizers, please visit: Slide show GeoEngineering Current Actions | Agriculture Defense Coalition

Rosalind Peterson: The Chemtrail Cover-Up - YouTube John Holdren on Science Debate - YouTube Holdren Forced To Respond To Controversy Over Totalitarian Population Control Proposals - YouTube CHEMTRAILS - CONTRAILS The sprayer failure - YouTube NWO OWNS WIKIPEDIA (Chemtrails WAKE UP) - Part 1 - YouTube?? Australia gives murdoch $10m for chemtrails haarp geo engineering qld floods nwo - YouTube History Channel Documentary Validates Chemtrails and Weather Warfare - YouTube?? Weather warfare, chemtrails, on the History Channel 1of4 - YouTube?? Weather warfare, chemtrails, on the History Channel 2of4 - YouTube?? Weather warfare, chemtrails, on the History Channel 3of4 - YouTube?? Weather warfare, chemtrails, on the History Channel 4of4 - YouTube?? Photophoretic levitation of engineered aerosols for geoengineering Aerosols could be injected into the upper atmosphere to engineer the climate by scattering incident sunlight so as to produce a cooling tendency that may mitigate the risks posed by the accumulation of greenhouse gases. Analysis of climate engineering has focused on sulfate aerosols. Here I examine the possibility that engineered nanoparticles could exploit photophoretic forces, enabling more control over particle distribution and lifetime than is possible with sulfates, perhaps allowing climate engineering to be accomplished with fewer side effects. The use of electrostatic or magnetic materials enables a class of photophoretic forces not found in nature. Photophoretic levitation could loft particles above the stratosphere, reducing their capacity to interfere with ozone chemistry; and, by increasing particle lifetimes, it would reduce the need for continual replenishment of the aerosol. Moreover, particles might be engineered to drift poleward enabling albedo modification to be tailored to counter polar warming while minimizing the impact on equatorial climates. Photophoretic levitation of engineered aerosols for geoengineering PDF Photophoretic levitation of engineered aerosols for geoengineering - Supporting Information - pnas.1009519107_SI.pdf (application/pdf Object)


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"What in the World are They Spraying?" - Official Trailer - YouTube 1 of 7 What in the world are they spraying? (Chemtrails) - YouTube 2 of 7 What in the world are they spraying? (Chemtrails) - YouTube 3 of 7 What in the world are they spraying? (Chemtrails) - YouTube 4 of 7 What in the world are they spraying? (Chemtrails) - YouTube 5 of 7 What in the world are they spraying? (Chemtrails) - YouTube 6 of 7 What in the world are they spraying? (Chemtrails) - YouTube 7 of 7 What in the world are they spraying? (Chemtrails) - YouTube History of UK Chemical Spraying Admitted by BBC Documentary - CHEMTRAILS - YouTube G. Edward Griffin Talks Candidly About Chemtrails/SAG - YouTube Mike Murphy discusses chemtrails with congressional candidate Mark Reed | InfoShare HowStuffWorks Videos "Best Evidence: Chemtrail Believers" - YouTube Vido Chemtrails over Cheshire, UK: Insane Geoengineering Activity - February 24, 2011 de mirrorthis2010 (Actualit - mirrorthis2010) Vido Chemtrails: Aerial Pilots View 'Just Following Orders' - March 5, 2010 de mirrorthis2010 (Actualit - mirrorthis2010) - What in the world are they doing to us vitamin D deception - VERY GOOD - YouTube very good video. chemtrail weapon now discovered--the light frequency needed for Vitamin D production blocked by aluminum. The source of many disease is this intentional or not sickening of world population by deflection of essential energy waves. The controllers are killing their own. Accident or fate. You decide. CHEMTRAIL HEALTH EFFECTS ON HUMANS AND ENVIRONMENT - YouTube

1 hour presentation by Dsire Rver, Netherlands A lecture that goes into detail about chemtrails and how they affect us and our world and why. Address by Sofia Xenidis At the Belfort Group Chemtrail Symposium - YouTube Albeit she is still a child (technically), I was struck by how poised and clearly interested she is in the topic. Not to mention her conviction. This is a great example of a young person demonstrating her right and ability to speak out on an issue. Sadly, It's another example of what the kids of some European countries are pursuing while the kids in the US are tied up with other things. Other things being their indoctrination into the brand known as America. And the "Dumbing Down" agenda implemented by the Department of Education isn't exactly helping. Praise goes to Sofia! International Symposium CHEMTRAILS Belfort Group - YouTube INVITATION Belfort-Group International Symposium 29th May 2010 The illegal spraying of harmful substances in the atmosphere by airplanes also known as CHEMTRAILS : THE TRUTH! = PROGRAM = Saturday, May 29th 2010 International Symposium The illegal spraying of harmful substances in the atmosphere by airplanes, also known as chemtrails The Truth! Location: Faculty of Bio-Sciences, Oehoe-Auditorium, University of Ghent, Coupure Links 653, Ghent, Belgium Official language: English Admission fee: 15 Euros Morning program 9h00 Doors open 9h30 10h30: Welcome, getting acquainted, followed by the presentation of different organisations and grassrootgroups. Opportunity for questions and discussion. 10h30 Coffee break 11h00 12h30 Lecture Geo-engineering by Michael Murphy, journalist and political activist from the Los Angeles area, USA 12h30 Lunch break Afternoon program 14h00 Brotherhood - Welcome by Peter Vereecke of the Belfort-Group 14h05 Why are we here? - Introduction by Sofia Xenidis 14h10 What in heaven is going on? Contrail or Chemtrail ? Confrontation of two visions : 14h10 -14h40 *Contrail: the official vision of meteorologists, which states that the phenomenon is explained as water vapour, which can linger and spread in frozen state depending on different factors. Speaker : Stijn Helsen, Belgium 14h40 15h40 *Chemtrail: for security reasons this speaker will remain anonymous untill the 29th. 15h40 16h00 2. What are the plans for the future? The state of affairs on geo-engineering by Mr. Michael Murphy, journalist and political activist from the Los Angeles area, USA 16h00 16h30 Break 16h30 - 17h30 What is it doing to us ? Effects of chemtrails on humans, animals and nature. Speaker : Ms. Dsire Rver, The Netherlands 17h30 18h30 Bye bye blue sky Documentary film on Chemtrails, world premire. Director: Patrick Pasin, France 18h30 Ring the bells - Closing words by Peter Vereecke Sunday May 30th 2010 Guided walking tour for our international guests in the city center Gentse stadskuip followed by a luncheon 10h30 : Meeting at the City Hall of Ghent and guided walk 12h30 : Lunch: Gentse Waterzooi, typical local dish in Restaurant t Vosken Breaking the Nuremberg Code: The US Military's Human-Testing - 1of2 - YouTube Part 1 of Heather Wokusch discussing "Breaking the Nuremberg Code." Covers Edgewood Arsenal, Project 112/SHAD and Stratton VA. Breaking the Nuremberg Code: The US Military's Human-Testing - 2of2 - YouTube (coast to coast am) - Chemtrail Phenomena Discussed !! - YouTube Clifford Carnicom interviwed ... opens phone lines to pilots.

MUST SEE!!! CHEMTRAIL BOMBSHELL...Qantas Caught Red Handed March 29/30th 2012 - YouTube Qantas has been exposed big time in its spraying of chemtrails over Melbourne. We capture on 2 consecutive days how differently the 2 flights (QF63 and QF64) react as they fly over Melbourne. Since the Melbourne F1 Grand Prix we have virtually been Chemtrail free. We have filmed the 2 major sprayers with not a trace of any trail. However March 29th and QF63 gives us the biggest spray Melbourne has ever seen at 28,000 feet (a height not condusive to contrails). Only 45 minutes later on exact flight path at 39,000 feet (11,000 feet higher & 22C cooler conditions) has the tinniest of trails. Following day with same weather conditions we see QF64 at 30,000 feet have ABSOLUTELY NO TRAIL WHATSOVER. But this time QF64 still at 39,000, only 45 minutes later give out one of it's long freaky creepy trails. This is a nail in the coffin for all the pathetic CON Trail crap we are made to believe we are seeing. CHEMTRAILS ARE A FACT AND MAJOR AIRLINES ARE BEHIND THIS EVIL ATTACK ON HUMANITY. Chemtrails The facts - YouTube The chemtrail conspiracy holds that some contrails are actually chemicals or biological agents deliberately sprayed at high altitudes for a purpose undisclosed to the general public. In this presentation we will try to give 4 possible explanations for this phenomena. NBC -affiliated KMIR Reports on chemtrail/geoengineering - YouTube A CHEMTRAIL APPEAL November 15th 2011 - YouTube British Chemtrail Engineered Indian Summer Bristol Stylie - Allan Buckman - YouTube British Summer - Allan Buckman Chemtrails are actually called geoengineering. Aluminum Oxide and Sulfur Dioxide are added to jet fuel or sprayed by commercial wide- body aircraft at ~$0.3/pound (in dollars adjusted for 1997 inflation), leaving those giant white trails in the sky.

After enough are sprayed, the sky turns to overcast. They are patented by US Patent 5003186 and are mentioned by Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, Council on Foreign Relations, UK Parliamentary OST, and other think tanks, agencies, and in academia. These scientists are trying to imitate the volcanic ash emissions caused by Mt. Pinatubo that erupted in 1991 in the Philippines. Studies by NASA have shown that the ash coverage cooled the earth, so this is their solution global warming, now referred to as climate change. I say we let nature run its course, and switch to cleaner fuels. The spraying needs to stop. Sulfur Dioxide causes acid rain, Aluminum oxide causes reproductive harm and skin irritation. CO2 increasing is actually a plus, because more plant life will grow, and eventually the plant life will balance out the excess CO2. These scientists clearly don't care about the long term consequences, and the "greater good" they push in the "Geoengineering Option" by the CFR is total non-sense. SUVs and factories causing climate change is baloney, especially if the scientific community's false solution is to dump pollutants in the atmosphere using aircraft. These scientists are scam artists, trying to push a carbon tax system for their banker masters who issue their grant money. The US gets de-industrialized and China and India have no restrictions under this system. The Rothschild banking dynasty out of London will pocket the carbon tax money and make the rest of the world their peasant slaves. I am not joking. I know it sounds cartoonish and outlandish, but you have to do your homework to even grasp what I am talking about. Go to my website to see all of the documents I reference in this film. Give these out to your friends. This aerial spraying program must stop as soon as possible. Calling this phenomenon a "conspiracy theory" isn't going to work anymore, because we have the actual white papers on this. Send this video and my website and especially the documents, to everyone you know. KiwiClare: Why Is Aluminium In The Rainwater? Geo-engineering & Chemtrails It is amazing how few people notice what is going on in a major part of their environment! This film was made in Whangarei, Northland, New Zealand in April-May 2010 in order to draw people's attention to what is going on in their skies. A series of interviews with locals is presented to show how oblivious the majority of people are to what is going on, followed by an interview with 90-year-old Betty Hooper, who is well aware. Hooper , who has seen chemtrails both in New Zealand and overseas, made the suggestion that we start a chemtrails watch group in the region, which is why Northland, NZ has its own watch website now. (PS If she looks healthy for 90, it may be because her mother was anti-vaccination). I encourage others to get the rainwater in their areas tested. The more evidence there is to show a criminal operation is taking place, the easier it will be to draw the public's attention to it. Related: Bill Gates funds cloud factory,18167,23756,24878,25638,26637;wap2 Desert Chemtrails: What & Why Are They Spraying Phoenix Today? - YouTube Madrid chemtrails 06-02-2011 (E) - YouTube Extreme Chemtrails Amsterdam 9 Februari 2011 Nato Aerosol Crimes - YouTube Chief Asks Government to Stop Chemtrails - YouTube Chief Golden Light Eagle of the Galactic Federation of Light asks the government to quit poisoning the planet with chemtrails. ALEX JONES - CHEMTRAILS ARE REAL - 8-4-09 part 1 - YouTube ALEX JONES - CHEMTRAILS ARE REAL - 8-4-09 PART 2 - YouTube Absolute proof of Chemtrails - YouTube BREAKING! MAINSTREAM PROOF ~ CHEMTRAILS ARE REAL! - YouTube Chemtrail Overdose 2010 - YouTube chemtrails all over me head - YouTube Chemtrails over Los Angeles Jan. 24, 2012 Time Lapse - YouTube Chemtrail Plane Gets "Buzzed" by Anomalies | Zenith Shot - April 14, 2012 [HD] - YouTube Pissed Off Beyond Belief Proof they are Spraying Radiation in the Chemtrails - YouTube Please Download this and re-upload share spread this information, please copy links and direct back to the original videos for information. You have my permission. I own this and give my blessing, but do it quick ! Everyone needs to know about this. Links are at the bottom of description. While at work, I suddenly tasted a metal taste and heard other's say the same thing. Then my hands and feet started going numb and my eyes started burning, so on break I looked up and noticed a fleet of jets dumping massive amounts of chemicals on us. But this was not the long lingering kind it fogged out of the plane and dispersed quickly. Even though I had known about the spraying of aluminum, barium from a previous experience as a farmer. I did not pay that much attention to chemtrails. But when I felt this new spray, I immediately went and bought me a video camera and started filming and learned how to upload them to U-Tube because I wanted to warn my friends and anyone else who would take the time to listen. So This is a compilation from the start of my filming the new chemicals in the chemtrails to present day. I wish I could bring better news, but sometimes freedom requires a sacrifice and many have shed blood so we

could be free. Some may have died in vain, but soon we may all have a decision to make. Thanks for watching this and I hope you can spread this knowledge on. I have posted the links to all the resources that can get you started in your journey for the truth. There are thousands more who are trying to expose the truth, so please do not stop, do not give up and do not give in. Stay strong. Blessings Ion Detox Alexander Higgins compilation of all the EPA BETA monitors. Talk - Dr. Doug Rokke - Depleted Uranium (DU) DEPLETED URANIUM IN THE HUMAN BODY: Sr Rosalie Bertell, PhD Weaponized Fukushima Fallout: Radioactive Fullerenes and Dr Doug Rokke military scientist on the dangers of Depleted Uranium ammunition-Alex Jones Show 3/3 Compilation of EPA Monitors a Must See Beta Monitors are Down All Over the US EPA's equipment goes down during Chemtrails Green Report Driving Time Trees Dying The Change Aerosol Spraying Over Amarillo.. suspected Depleted Uranium in Spray - YouTube If you pause this video on the close up shots you can see that what coming from it is so massive that it blocks the sun and creates a shadow on the back side. Also a physicist could take measurements and tell that the volume is as large as the 767 jet and as wide. When I was a kid, jets did not leavy massive trails was wide and as tall at the jet they ice crystals trailed behind each engine and only when the atmosphere and humidity was right. Please pause this and go frame by frame on the close up shots if you have doubts about this being some form of massive chemical assualt on my town. Because I felt the effects of this chemical. I had a nasty metal taste, skin twitched and itched, eyes were blurry, and ears rang loudly. This is probably the most serious video you've ever watched. Please do something, silence is a position in this. It's odd that within a week of me posting this video we had two radiation leaks in the United States. Now if someone uses a hand held Gieger counter they can just say, "Oh that was from the accidental releases. I knew they were going to do this when Japan happened. I've followed the Military operations that involve spraying American Farms with Aluminum and Barium since 1989 when they sprayed my farms and many others. I spent over $160,000 testing and taking photographs trying to record the damage. I've involved all levels of government. I was nominated Who's Who of American Agriculture and received that prestigious award in the early 90's for my work involving this monstrosity. I also researched and made available the way to remove these metals via Iontophoresis. I make the Blue Prints for Destruction of Heavy Metals available for free on my channel as well as offer support in selling these units and information regarding the importance of doing Iontophoresis treatments during this time. However on December 17th, the air and the chemtrails became startling different. I posted a video when I felt this. The symptoms are skin itching, hands and feet going numb. This change happened suddenly and because I'm watching for this I immediately understood what was going on. So I looked out the window and witnessed not the long lingering chemtrails but these types of chemtrails. Then I noticed the swelling behind other's eyes or on top of the eyelids and all the sudden coughing and sneezing. People complained of not being able to focus and a dizzy or sleepy feeling. I think we are being attacked by terrorist whether from within or from abroad and no one is doing a damn thing about it. If I'm right.. Don't even worry about it. Just hug your wife or husband and both of you hold your children. Because if these nano particles embed themselves deep in our lungs or our children's lungs, it's over for you. I just want to make one comment against all the people out there mainly so called Christians who, at times, violently screamed, "Conspiracy Theorist." Time after time you defended these lucerfarians, they rode this genocide on your backs like a camel. You were the people who helped usher in this evil on our nation because us "Conspiracy Theorist," were usually right, but the lucerfarians and Illuminati did not have to even defend themselves, because you good so called God fearing Christians defended them. You had a knee jerk rejection to the information without even taking the time to look it up or check it out. I guess Paul Revere was a terrorist too. When he rode his horse down the road screaming, "The British are coming, the British are coming," you'd went back to sleep. But back then everyone understood what the British Empire would do to you and your family if they got ahold of you... so they woke up and did something. Many people tried to warn you idiots, but you wanted to pass the buck to God or whatever, and freedom has always depended on sacrifice. Now you may or may not understand what these psychopaths are capable of, but it won't matter you will see the result. I'm sure you'll cry and be sad when it affects you, and soon it will. Because if I'm right and I am. It will be affecting everyone. Compilation of EPA Monitors a Must See Beta Monitors are Down All Over the US - YouTube CHEMTRAILS TALK by PATRICK LYNCH 2012. DVD Quality - YouTube This helps towards the upkeep of the radio show. Make copies & give out to as many people as you can FreeTruth Show Mondays from 9pm GMT Thank you to everyone who attended and thank you to Margaret of the Bournemouth branch of the British Constitution Group for inviting me again. Bournemouth British Constitution Group HOUSE OF COMMONS GEOENGINEERING REPORT Bill Gates backs climate scientists lobbying for largescale geoengineering Weather as a Force Multiplier: Owning the Weather in 2025 H.A.A.R.P. OFFICIAL WEBSITE OPEN SKIES TREATY http:/