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PowerPoint® Lectures prepared by Johnny El-Rady

27 Plant Reproductionand Growth

Essentials of

The Living World

First Edition

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27.1 Angiosperm Reproduction

In asexual reproduction, an individual inherits all of its chromosomes from a single parent

Offspring and parent are genetically identical

In a stable environment, asexual reproduction is more advantageous than sexual reproduction

It has a lower investment of energy

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RunnersLong, slender stems that grow along the soil surface

RhizomesUnderground horizontal stems that create a network underground

Vegetative reproduction occurs when new individuals are cloned from parts of the parent

Fig. 27.1

“Maternity plant”

SuckersSprouts produced by roots give rise to new plants

Adventitious plantletsNew plants arise from notches along the leaves

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Sexual reproduction in plants is characterized by an alteration of generations

Diploid sporophyte haploid gametophyte

Male gametophytes are pollen grainsDevelop from microspores

Female gametophyte is the embryo sacDevelops from a megaspore

Angiosperms have different structures for producing male and female gametes

These are not permanent parts of the adult individual

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Flowers contain male parts (stamens) and female parts (carpels)

Dioecious plantsContain flowers that produce only ovules or only pollen

Monoecious plantsContain male and female parts in separate flowers, but in the same plant

Often flowers contain both parts, but there are exceptions

Fig. 27.17a

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Pollen grains develop from microspores formed in pollen sacs located in the antherEggs develop in ovules, each of which contains a megaspore mother cell

Fig. 20.2Fig. 27.2

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The process by which pollen is transferred to stigma

Self-pollination occurs when a flower’s anther pollinates the same flower’s stigma

This can lead to self-fertilization

Other plants are adapted to outcrossing

Crossing between two different plants

Some plants exhibit self-incompatibility

Genetic relatedness blocks flower fertilization


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In angiosperms, pollen is carried from flower to flower by insects and other animals

These pollinators are drawn to the flower’s nectar

In certain angiosperms and all gymnosperms, pollen is wind-blown and reaches the stigma passively

Wind-pollinated plants grow in dense strands

Fig. 27.3

Yellow flowers attract bees

Long proboscis gets deep nectar supply

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Pollen adheres to stigma and begins to grow a pollen tube

Pollen tube pierces the style and eventually reaches the ovule

Two sperm cells are released


One fertilizes the egg cell to form the zygote (2n)

The other fuses with two polar nuclei to form the endosperm (3n)

Double fertilization

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27.2 Seeds

Development is the entire series of events that occur between fertilization and maturity

The first stage is the formation of the embryo

Early in development, the angiosperm embryo stops developing and becomes dormant because of drying

Outermost covering of ovule develops into seed coat enclosing dormant embryo and a stored food source

Most of embryo’s metabolic activities cease

Germination is the resumption of metabolic activities leading to growth of the mature plant

Occurs when conditions are favorable for plant’s survival

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Fig. 27.4 Development in an angiosperm embryo






Triploid endospermmother cell


First celldivision





Globularproembryo Cotyledon





Root apex (radicle)




Root apicalmeristem


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27.3 Fruit

During seed formation, the flower ovary begins to develop into fruit

Fruits can be fleshy or dry and hard

There are three main kinds of fleshy fruit

Berries Drupes Pomes

Fig. 27.5

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Fleshy fruit are normally dispersed by animals

Animals eat the fruit and excrete the seeds as solid wastes

Dry fruits are dispersed by several mechanisms



By wind By water By attaching to animals

Fig. 27.5e


Fig. 27.5f


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27.4 Germination

Germination is the resumption of a seed’s growth and reproduction

It is triggered by water

The seed coat ruptures and the plant begins to send out roots and shoots

Oxygen is required for active growth

Endosperm or cotyledons provide the food source

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Fig. 27.6 Development of angiosperms

Dicot: Soybean

Cotyledons emerge from the underground

Monocot: Corn

Cotyledon stays


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27.5 Plant Hormones

Differentiation in plants, unlike that in animals, is largely reversible

In the 1950s, F.C. Steward was able to regenerate a fertile carrot plant from bits of phloem tissue

Fig. 27.7

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Following germination, further plant development depends on the activity of meristematic tissues

And the interaction with the environment

Fig. 27.8 Stages of plant differentiation

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Differentiation results from the activation or suppression of key genes

This gene expression is controlled by hormones

Plant hormones are produced in non-specialized tissues

Five major types of hormones





Abscisic acid

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TABLE 27.1

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TABLE 27.1

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27.6 Auxin

Charles Darwin and his son Francis published a book called The Power of Movement in Plants (1881)

In it, they describe the phenomenon of phototropism

Growing plants bending toward light

The Darwins concluded that, in response to light, an “influence” arises at the tip of the shoot

It is then transmitted downward causing the shoot to bend

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Fig. 27.9 The Darwins’ experiment with phototropism

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In 1926, Frits Went identified the hormone involved in phototropism

Fig. 27.10

He called it auxin (from the Gr. word, “to increase”)

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Phototropism can be explained as such

Auxin contents on the two sides of shoot differ

The side that is in the shade has more auxin

Cells elongate more than those on the lighted side

Auxin appears to act by increasing the stretchability of the plant cell wall

Fig. 27.11

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Synthetic auxins are routinely used to control weeds

When treated, the weeds literally “grow to death”

2,4-dichlorophenoxyaceticacidKnown as 2,4-D

Affects only broad-leaved dicots

2,4,5-trichlorophenoxyaceticacidKnown as 2,4,5-T

Kills woody seedlings and weeds

Notorious as the Agent Orange of the Vietnam War

Easily contaminated with dioxin

An endocrine disruptor

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27.7 Other Plant Hormones


Also hasten seed germination

A large class of over 100 hormones

Play major role in stem elongation

Promote elongation between the node regions

Fig. 27.12

Defective in gibberellin production

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27.7 Other Plant Hormones


Stimulate cell division

Determine the course of differentiation

Promote growth of lateral buds

Inhibit formation of lateral roots

Fig. 27.13

Apical meristem intact

Auxin inhibits lateral buds Cytokinins stimulate

lateral buds

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27.7 Other Plant Hormones


Gas that hastens fruit ripening

Fig. 27.14

Accelerates abscission of leaves or fruits damaged by various stress agents

Holly twig

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27.7 Other Plant Hormones

Abscisic Acid (ABA)

Fig. 27.15

May cause synthesis of ethylene

Plays a role in the dormancy of seeds

May also function in transpiration

Opening/closing of stomata ABA causes

efflux of K+ out of guard cells

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27.8 Photoperiodism and Dormancy

Photoperiodism is the physiological response of organisms to changes in the length of day and night

Angiosperm flower productionLong-day plants

Initiate flowers when nights become shorter than a certain length

Short-day plantsInitiate flowers when nights become longer than a certain length

Day-neutral plantsProduce flowers without regard to day length

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Fig. 27.16 How photoperiodism works in plants

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Plants contain a pigment called phytochrome It exists in two forms converted by darkness

Pr (inactive)

Pfr (active)

Fig. 27.17

To this day, the existence of a flowering hormone remains strictly hypothetical

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Plants respond to their external environment largely by changes in growth rate

When conditions are not favorable, they become dormant

They stop growing altogether

In temperate regions, dormancy is generally associated with winter


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27.9 Tropisms

Tropisms are directional and irreversible growth responses of plants to external stimuli

PhototropismGrowth toward sources of light

GravitropismGrowth in response to gravity

Stems grow upward and roots downward

ThigmotropismGrowth in response to touch

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Fig. 27.18 Tropism guides plant growth


