Georgia 8th Grade Clickbook - Gallopade · Chapter 1: Road to the Civil War Lesson 1: Sectionalism:...

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Georgia 8th Grade Clickbook

Page-by-Page Outline

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Teacher Notes

+ Georgia Standards, by Lesson*

Unit 1: Georgia Geography

Chapter 1: Know Your State Geography

Lesson 1: Where Is Georgia? Reinforcement of 8th Grade Skills Requirement

What Is Geography?

Where in the World Is Georgia?

Know Your Hemispheres

Flash Point

Location: It’s All Relative

Map Skills

Absolute Location

How to Write Latitude & Longitude

Flash Point

Skill Builder

Grid for Absolute Location

Map Skills

Lesson 2: Regions & Physical Features SS8G1a, b, c, d

What Are Regions?

Regions in Georgia

Explore the Regions

Map Skills

Skill Builder

Physical Features of Georgia

Flash Point

Map Skills

Impact on Georgia

The Importance of Water

Skill Builder

Writing Prompt

Enrichment Reading & Higher Order Thinking

Enrichment Reading & Higher Order Thinking

Lesson 3: Georgia’s Climate SS8G1b

Georgia’s Climate

Location & Climate

Map Skills

Impact of Climate

Skill Builder

Skill Builder

Inclement Weather

Unit 2: European Exploration to Colonial Georgia

Special Content Color Key:

Dig Deeper Click&Learn Activity (Bios, Battles, Documents, & More!) Expansion Activity

©Carole Marsh/Gallopade •

Chapter 1: American Indians in Georgia SS8H1a

Lesson 1: The Mighty Mississippian Indians

Mississippian Indians

Mississippian Society

Skill Builder

Cherokee and Creek Indians

Skill Builder

Chapter 2: European Exploration & Settlement

Lesson 1: First European Contact SS8H1-intro

Age of Discovery

Claiming Territory: Different Theories

Skill Builder

Early Explorers & Land Claims

Skill Builder

Lesson 2: Spain & France in the Southeast SS8H1b, c

Spanish Interests

Skill Builder

French Interests in the Southeast

Attempts to Settle the Southeast

Skill Builder

Enrichment Reading & Higher Order Thinking

De Soto in Georgia

De Soto & the American Indians

Flash Point

Impact on American Indians

Writing Prompt

Spanish Missions

Missions on the Barrier Islands

Skill Builder

Writing Prompt

Lesson 3: British Interest in the Southeast SS8H1b

Make Way for Great Britain!

Reasons for British Colonization

Skill Builder

Mercantilism Explained

Primary Source

British in the Southeast

Skill Builder

Map Skills

Chapter 3: Colonial Georgia

Lesson 1: The Founding of Georgia SS8H2a, b, e

Hard Times in Britain

Flash Point

Oglethorpe’s Vision for Georgia

Skill Builder

A Charter for Georgia

©Carole Marsh/Gallopade •

The Trustee Colony

Charter of 1732

Skill Builder

Who Settled Georgia?

Skill Builder

Writing Prompt

Settlement at Yamacraw Bluff

Friends to Georgians

Enrichment Reading & Higher Order Thinking

Skill Builder

Skill Builder

Founding of Savannah

Skill Builder

Skill Builder

Lesson 2: The Trustee Period SS8H2c, e

The Trustee Period

Rules and Regulations

Skill Builder

Georgia’s Agriculture Stumbles

Enrichment Reading & Higher Order Thinking

Tolerance in Georgia

Skill Builder

The Salzburgers

Highland Scots

Flash Point

Skill Builder

The Spanish Threat from Florida

The English and Spanish Clash!

Battle of the Bloody Marsh

Skill Builder

Skill Builder

End of Trustee Georgia

Skill Builder

Skill Builder

Lesson 3: Georgia, the Royal Colony SS8H2d, e

Royal Government in Georgia

Georgia Begins to Thrive

Flash Point

Skill Builder

Enrichment Reading & Higher Order Thinking

Enrichment Reading & Higher Order Thinking

Three Royal Governors of Georgia

Skill Builder

Writing Prompt

Project-Based Learning

Unit 3: The American Revolution & Statehood

©Carole Marsh/Gallopade •

Chapter 1: Road to the Revolution

Lesson 1: Introduction to the Revolution SS8H3-intro

Intro to the American Revolution

Ideas and Discontent

Lesson 2: Road to the Revolution SS8H2e & SS8H3a

The French & Indian War

Flash Point

Land Changes Hands

Proclamation of 1763

Skill Builder

Reactions to the Proclamation

Skill Builder

Skill Builder

Taxes: A Source of Conflict

Flash Point

Stamp Act: “Taxation without Representation”

Reaction to the Stamp Act

Georgia Reacts to the Stamp Act

Flash Point

Tensions Escalate!

Primary Source

Tea Act (1773)

Boston Tea Party

Primary Source

Coercive Acts, or “Intolerable” Acts

Skill Builder

Skill Builder

The Final Straw

Skill Builder

Primary Source

Lesson 3: Declaring Independence SS8H3b

Timeline to Independence

Flash Point

Skill Builder

Writing Prompt

Declaration of Independence

Enrichment Reading & Higher Order Thinking

Meet Georgia’s Signers

Skill Builder

Enrichment Reading & Higher Order Thinking

Project-Based Learning

Chapter 2: Georgia in the Revolution

Lesson 1: Loyalists vs. Patriots SS8H3c

Split Loyalties

Patriot Takeover in Georgia

Skill Builder

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Project-Based Learning

Lesson 2: Fighting in Georgia SS8H3c

Skirmishes in the Backcountry

The British Are Back!

Battle of Kettle Creek

The Siege of Savannah

Skill Builder

Nancy Hart


Skill Builder

Chapter 3: Georgia & the U.S. Constitution

Lesson 1: The First Constitutions: Georgia & United States SS8H3d

Georgia Constitution of 1777

Flash Point

Skill Builder

Writing Prompt

The Articles of Confederation

Flash Point

A Limping Government

Skill Builder

Debate over the Articles

Flash Point

Skill Builder

Lesson 2: Making of the U.S. Constitution SS8H3d

Constitutional Convention 1787

Georgia Makes Its Mark

Flash Point

The Great Compromise

Skill Builder

Skill Builder

The Three-Fifths Compromise

Skill Builder

A Federation Is Established

The Bill of Rights

Skill Builder

Georgia’s Statehood

Flash Point

Unit 4: Expansion & Indian Removal

Chapter 1: Expansion & Growth in Georgia

Lesson 1: Land Policies SS8H5a, b & SS8G1d

Westward Expansion

Georgians Look Westward

Flash Point

Headright System

Land Speculation

Yazoo Land Fraud

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Skill Builder

Land Lotteries

Skill Builder

Skill Builder

The Shifting Capital

Skill Builder

Skill Builder

Lesson 2: Education in Georgia SS8H5a

University of Georgia

Flash Point

Lesson 3: Economics: Cotton & Railroads SS8H5c

Georgia’s Agricultural Economy

Eli Whitney & the Cotton Gin

King Cotton

Skill Builder

Slavery Increases

Skill Builder

Skill Builder

Connecting the State

Railroads Bring Growth

Flash Point

Map Skills

Skill Builder

Chapter 2: American Indian Removal

Lesson 1: Removal of the Creeks SS8h5d

Creeks in Georgia

Map Skills

Clash of Cultures

Flash Point

Hawkins & Assimilation

Red Sticks War

Skill Builder

McIntosh: Man of Two Cultures

Skill Builder

Skill Builder

Lesson 2: Removal of the Cherokee SS8H5e

Cherokee Nation in Georgia

Sequoyah’s Syllabary

Flash Point

A Civilized Nation

Georgia Pushes In!

Enrichment Reading & Higher-Order Thinking

Skill Builder

Skill Builder

Jackson & Indian Removal

Primary Source

©Carole Marsh/Gallopade •

Cherokees Take Action

Flash Point

Missionaries Continue the Fight

Worcester v. Georgia

Treaty of New Echota

Flash Point

Forced Removal

Primary Source

Skill Builder

Skill Builder

Writing Prompt

Unit 5: The Civil War & Reconstruction

Chapter 1: Road to the Civil War

Lesson 1: Sectionalism: Slavery & States’ Rights SS8H5a

Sectionalism Divides the Nation

Flash Point

Comparing North & South

Skill Builder

Issue of States’ Rights

Nullification Controversy

Skill Builder

The Issue of Slavery

Reasons For & Against Slavery

Flash Point

Skill Builder

Slave Life on the Plantation

Abolitionists in the North

Skill Builder

Skill Builder

Writing Prompt

Project-Based Learning

Lesson 2: Compromises Delay the Civil War SS8H5a

Slavery in the West?

The Missouri Compromise (1820)

Skill Builder

Tensions Rise Again (1850)

Compromise of 1850

The Georgia Platform (1850)

Skill Builder

Skill Builder

Skill Builder

Writing Prompt

Lesson 3: Events Leading to Secession SS8H5a

Path to the Civil War

The Kansas-Nebraska Act

Bleeding Kansas

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Skill Builder

The Dred Scott Case

Skill Builder

Election of 1860

Flash Point

Map Skills

Secession Begins

A Big Decision for Georgia

Georgia Secedes

Skill Builder

Alexander Stephens at the Secession Convention

Primary Source

Project-Based Learning

Chapter 2: The Civil War

Lesson 1: Beginning of the War SS8H5a

Creation of the Confederacy

To Preserve the Union

First Shots of the Civil War

Skill Builder

Primary Source

A Nation Firmly Divided

Map Skills

Union vs. Confederacy

Skill Builder

The Union Blockade

Blockade Runners

Flash Point

Lesson 2: Life in Georgia SS8G1d & SS8H5a, b

Georgians in the Civil War

Heart of the Confederacy

Skill Builder

Georgia’s Home Front

Skill Builder

Lesson 3: Key Battles of the Civil War SS8H5b

Battle of Antietam

The Emancipation Proclamation

Effects of Emancipation

Flash Point

Writing Prompt

Battle of Gettysburg

The Gettysburg Address

Flash Point

Primary Source

Skill Builder

Lesson 4: War Comes to Georgia SS8H5b

War Comes to Georgia

©Carole Marsh/Gallopade •

Horror At Andersonville Prison

Skill Builder

The Atlanta Campaign

Burning of Atlanta

Sherman’s March to the Sea

Skill Builder

Primary Source

Surrender of the Confederacy

Chapter 3: Reconstruction

Lesson 1: Intro to Reconstruction SS8H6-intro

What Was Reconstruction?

Lesson 2: Economic Reconstruction SS8H6b, c, e

Hard Times for Georgians

Economic Woes in Georgia

Flash Point

Primary Source

Cotton’s Comeback

Skill Builder

Tenant Farmers & Sharecroppers

Flash Point

Arrival of Northerners

The Freedmen’s Bureau

Skill Builder

Primary Source

Churches Bring Education

Objections to Northern Aid

Skill Builder

Writing Prompt

Lesson 3: Political Reconstruction SS8H6a, b, c, d

Plans for Political Reconstruction

Flash Point

Presidential Reconstruction (1865-1866)

Congressional Reconstruction (1866-1867)

Military Reconstruction (1867-1870)

Skill Builder

Writing Prompt

13th, 14th, and 15th Amendments

Skill Builder

Georgia’s Freedmen Vote

Black Legislators in Georgia

The Ku Klux Klan in GA

Skill Builder

Skill Builder

Skill Builder

End of Reconstruction

Writing Prompt

©Carole Marsh/Gallopade •

Unit 6: The New South

Chapter 1: The New South Era

Lesson 1: Georgia Industry Grows SS8H7a

Democrat “Redeemers”

The Bourbon Redeemers

Skill Builder

The Bourbon Triumvirate

Henry Grady’s New South

Skill Builder

Primary Source

International Cotton Expositions

Flash Point

Skill Builder

Lesson 2: Success & Growing Pains SS8H7a

New Industries in Georgia

Mill Towns

Atlanta: Gate City to the South

Flash Point

Primary Source

Enrichment Reading & Higher Order Thinking

Labor Issues

Skill Builder

Skill Builder

Skill Builder

Chapter 2: The Populists Party

Lesson 1: The Populist Movement SS8H7a

The Populists: Farmers Unite!

Tom Watson: Georgia Populist

Skill Builder

Chapter 3: Race in the New South

Lesson 1: Discrimination & Disenfranchisement SS8H7b

Jim Crow Segregation

Jim Crow in the South

Flash Point

Plessy v. Ferguson

Skill Builder

Skill Builder


Georgia: A One-Party State

Skill Builder

Ku Klux Klan at the Polls

Writing Prompt

Map Skills

Lesson 2: Hope and Violence in the New South SS8H7b, c, d

Leading Black Voices

Booker T. Washington

©Carole Marsh/Gallopade •

W.E.B. DuBois

Flash Point

Skill Builder

Help for the Black Community

Skill Builder

1906 Atlanta Race Riot

Leo Frank Case

Flash Point

Skill Builder

Unit 7: WWI, Depression, & Recovery

Chapter 1: World War I

Lesson 1: Start of the War SS8H8-intro

Outbreak of World War I

U.S. Stays Neutral (1914-1917)

Skill Builder

Off to War!

Skill Builder

Lesson 2: Georgia in WWI SS8H8a

Georgia Contributes to WWI

Contributions & the Economy

Skill Builder

End of WWI

Primary Source

Chapter 2: Depression & the New Deal

Lesson 1: Disasters in Georgia SS8H8b

Prosperity after WWI

Agriculture Hit Hard

Skill Builder

Skill Builder

Impact on Georgians

Skill Builder

Lesson 2: The Great Depression SS8H8b

Black Tuesday: Crash of 1929

The Great Depression

The Cycle of Depression

Flash Point

Skill Builder

Depression in Georgia

Skill Builder

Lesson 3: FDR’s New Deal & Eugene Talmadge SS8H8c, e

Roosevelt’s New Deal

New Deal Programs

Flash Point

Skill Builder

Primary Source

Eugene Talmadge

©Carole Marsh/Gallopade •

Talmadge’s Governorship

Skill Builder

Talmadge & the New Deal

The New Deal in Georgia

Skill Builder

Writing Prompt

Unit 8: World War II & Postwar Growth

Chapter 1: World War II

Lesson 1: Causes of WWII SS8H9-intro

Treaty of Versailles

Skill Builder

Economic Problems

Rise of Dictators

Flash Point

Skill Builder

Fascist Governments

Flash Point

Appeasement on the Road to War

Skill Builder

Skill Builder

Lesson 2: United States in WWII SS8H9a

Isolationism in the U.S.

Primary Source

Prepare for War!

The Lend-Lease Act

Skill Builder

Primary Source

Writing Prompt

Attack on Pearl Harbor

The U.S. Enters WWII

Flash Point

Skill Builder

Skill Builder

Beginning of the End

The Holocaust

Victory Over Japan

Flash Point

Lesson 3: Georgia’s Role in WWII SS8H8d & SS8H9b, c

Military Bases in Georgia

Legislators Lead the Way

Flash Point

War Brings Recovery

Bell Aircraft in Marietta

Shipyards on Georgia’s Coast

Skill Builder

Changes in Georgia Society

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Skill Builder

FDR’s Ties to Georgia

Flash Point

Skill Builder

Chapter 2: Postwar Growth in Georgia

Lesson 1: Growth and Change SS8H10a, b

Changes on the Farm

Skill Builder

Enrichment Reading & Higher Order Thinking

Atlanta Grows Up

Two Mayors Lead the Way

Skill Builder

Major League Sports

Flash Point

Unit 9: GA & the Civil Rights Movement

Chapter 1: Early Civil Rights (1940-1959)

Lesson 1: Beginnings of Change SS8H10c

Times Were A’Changin’

Truman for Civil Rights

Georgians for Change

Flash Point

Skill Builder

End of the White Primary

The Governor’s Race of 1946

Skill Builder

Skill Builder

Lesson 2: Brown v. Board of Education SS8H11a

Inequality in Education

Primary Source

Brown v. Board of Education

The Decision to Integrate

Resistance to Integration

Skill Builder

A New Flag

Skill Builder

Chapter 2: The Civil Rights Movement (1960-1970)

Lesson 1: Integration in Georgia SS8H11a

To Integrate, or Not?

Sibley Commission Results

Skill Builder

Enrichment Reading & Higher Order Thinking

Lesson 2: Protesting for Change SS8H11b, c & SS8H12a

Nonviolence & Transportation

Citizens for Civil Rights

The Albany Movement

Skill Builder

©Carole Marsh/Gallopade •

Skill Builder

March on Washington

Landmark Legislation

Skill Builder

New Faces in Politics

Contributions of Andrew Young

Lester Maddox

Flash Point

Writing Prompt

Unit 10: Modern Georgia

Chapter 1: The Legacy of Jimmy Carter

Lesson 1: From Farmer to President SS8H12b

Peanut Farmer From Plains

Early Political Career of Jimmy Carter

Governor of Georgia

Flash Point

Road to the Presidency

Major Issues during Carter’s Presidency

Carter’s Accomplishments as President

Skill Builder

After Carter’s Presidency

Skill Builder

Enrichment Reading & Higher-Order Thinking

Enrichment Reading & Higher-Order Thinking

Chapter 2: Recent Developments in Georgia

Lesson 1: 1996 Summer Olympic Games SS8H12a, c

Road to the 1996 Olympic Games

Let the Games Begin!

The Games Bring Growth

Skill Builder

Lesson 2: Georgia’s Modernizing Economy SS8H12d

Tourism in Georgia

Hollywood Comes to Georgia!

Expansion in Savannah

Flash Point

Enrichment Reading & Higher Order Thinking

Project-Based Learning

Unit 11: Georgia’s Government

Chapter 1: Georgia’s Government

Lesson 1: Basic Concepts of Government SS8CG1a, b, c, d, e

The Georgia State Constitution

Relationship Between State & Federal

Flash Point

Separation of Powers

Skill Builder

Checks and Balances

©Carole Marsh/Gallopade •

Skill Builder

Skill Builder

Rights and Responsibilities

Skill Builder

Voting in Georgia

Flash Point

I Pledge Allegiance to the Flag

Flash Point

Writing Prompt

Lesson 2: Legislative Branch SSCG2a, b, c, d

Georgia’s General Assembly

Skill Builder

General Assembly Leadership

The Legislative Branch

Funding the State Government

Who Gets the Money?

Flash Point

Project-Based Learning

Lesson 3: Executive Branch SS8CG3a, b

The Executive Branch

Skill Builder

Branching Out!

Flash Point

Skill Builder

Lesson 4: Judicial Branch SS8CG4a, b, c, d

Interpreting the Law

Flash Point

Selection of Judges

Flash Point

You Must Obey the Law

Skill Builder

Steps in the Criminal Justice Process

Skill Builder

Writing Prompt

Lesson 5: Georgia’s Court System & Juvenile Offenders SS8CG5a, b, c

Delinquent Behavior, or Unruly Behavior?

Writing Prompt

Juveniles Have Rights, Too

Steps in the Juvenile Criminal Justice System

Skill Builder

Do the Crime, Do the Time

Skill Builder

Lesson 6: Local Governments in Georgia SS8CG6a, b

City Governments

Enrichment Reading & Higher Order Thinking

County Governments

©Carole Marsh/Gallopade •

Local Governments Help State Government

Skill Builder

Special-Purpose Governments

A Growing Population

Funding and Spending Decisions

Flash Point

Writing Prompt

Project-Based Learning

Unit 12: Economic Understandings

Chapter 1: Georgia’s Economy

Lesson 1: Transportation Systems SS8E1a, b

Do You Want to Trade?

Transportation Systems in Georgia

Flash Point

Goods Comes In, Goods Go Out

Successful Georgia Entrepreneurs

Map Skills

Skill Builder

Growing Georgia Jobs

Skill Builder

Skill Builder

Lesson 2: Impact of Georgia’s Entrepreneurs and Businesses SS8E2a, b, c

Starting a Business


Georgia Businesses that Really Took Off

Skill Builder

Leading the Way for Georgia’s Growth

Flash Point

Writing Prompt

Project-Based Learning

Chapter 2: Personal Money Management

Lesson 1: Your Money, Your Life SS8E3a, b, c, d

Economic Choices Begin Now!


Increasing Income

Skill Builder

Making Economic Choices

Skill Builder

Spend, or Save?

Weigh Your Options

Writing Prompt

Keep a Budget

Spending Adds Up

Debt is Tricky!

Debt: Benefits & Risks

Skill Builder

©Carole Marsh/Gallopade •


Flash Point

Skill Builder


Options for Investing

Skill Builder

Skill Builder

Skill Builder

Dig-Deeper Battles

Battle of Antietam

Battle of Gettysburg

Battle of Kettle Creek

Siege of Savannah

Battle of Chickamauga

Dig-Deeper Biographies

Hernando de Soto (1496 - 1542)

Tomochichi (1650 - 1739)

James Oglethorpe (1696 - 1785)

The Salzburgers

The Highland Scots

Button Gwinnett (1735 - 1777)

Lyman Hall (1724 - 1790)

Elijah Clarke (1742 - 1799)

William Few, Jr. (1748 - 1828)

George Walton (1749 - 1804)

Abraham Baldwin (1754 - 1807)

Austin Dabney (1765 - 1830)

Andrew Jackson (1767 - 1845)

Sequoyah (c.a. 1770 - 1840)

Major Ridge (c.a. 1771 - 1839)

Chief William McIntosh (1778 - 1825)

John Ross (c.a. 1790 - 1866)

Alexander Stephens (1812 - 1873)

Joseph E. Brown (1821 - 1894)

Alfred H. Colquitt (1824 - 1894)

John B. Gordon (1832 - 1904)

Henry McNeal Turner (1834 - 1915)

Rebecca Latimer Felton (1835 - 1930)

Henry Grady (1850 - 1889)

Booker T. Washington (1856 - 1915)

Tom Watson (1856 - 1922)

W.E.B. DuBois (1868 - 1963)

Franklin Delano Roosevelt (1882 - 1945)

Benito Mussolini (1883 - 1945)

Carl Vinson (1883 - 1981)

Adolf Hitler (1889 - 1945)

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William B. Hartsfield (1890 - 1971)

Benjamin Mays (1894 - 1984)

Richard B. Russell (1897 - 1971)

Ellis Arnall (1907 - 1992)

Jimmy Carter (1924 - present)

Lester Maddox (1915 - 2003)

Ivan Allen, Jr. (1911 - 2003)

Martin Luther King, Jr. (1929 - 1968)

Maynard Jackson (1938 - 2003)

Milestone Decisions

Plessy v. Ferguson (1896)

Dred Scott v Sanford

Milestone Documents

Day of Infamy Speech

Declaration of Independence

Georgia’s State Constitutions

Bill of Rights

Emancipation Proclamation

Gettysburg Address

“I Have a Dream” Speech

Explore More!

Valley and Ridge

Appalachian Plateau

Blue Ridge


Coastal Plains

Convict Lease System

Who Is Jim Crow?

League of Nations

The City Too Busy to Hate

Sons of Liberty

Separation of Power & Checks and Balances

The Republican Party

Systems of Government

Project-Based Learning

Labor in the 1900s & Laws Today

Promote Georgia

Hurricane Tracker

Georgia’s Sports

In Their Own Words

King Cotton & the Cotton Gin

Know Your County

Know Your City

©Carole Marsh/Gallopade •