Georgia Tech Alumni Magazine Vol. 32, No. 04 1954

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A publication of the Georgia Tech Alumni Association.




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/n f/ifs Issue

DR. D. M. Reminisces

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MMftC/N BACK in 1951, a howl went out from

all over the industrial world decry­ing the shortage of engineers. Fortune magazine covered it with their excellent article, "A Helluva Shortage of Engi­neers," a title credited to Tech's place­ment director, Fred Ajax. To bring you up to date on the 1954 engineering placement, we followed Fred Ajax on his rounds for a few days. The results of our efforts appear on pages 10, 11 and 12.

IT ISN'T often that a Tech alumnus finds himself the subject of a feature

article in the Georgia Record, the Ath-en's branch alumni magazine. But it happened to G. Nolen (Butch) Bearden, '29, recently. The occasion was Butch's appointment as chairman of the Million Dollar Round Table, the highest honor in the insurance field. The Record just had to "tip their hat to him" even though he is a Tech man. We have known for quite a spell the superiority of Tech men — can't understand why it took the boys in Athens so long to un­cover the truth.

• • • • •

THE March 15th issue of Newsweek featured an excellent article on the

growth and development of Atlanta. The special report was written by Newsweek Southeastern bureau chief, William A. Emerson, Jr., son of Tech Alumnus W. A. Emerson, '12, and neph­ew of Tech's vice-president Cherry Em­erson, '08. Bill's knowledge of his home­town stands him in good stead as he turns in a very superior report on the "Heart of the new South." You may still be able to find a copy if you haven't read it.

• • • • •

SPEAKING of magazines makes us think of a recent letter that came into the

office chiding us in a very pleasant manner for neglecting to recognize an article in Time magazine concerning a Tech alumnus. The reason we didn't report the article in the September 7th issue of Time concerning Ernest Tip-petts, '24, was that we never saw it. You are our clipping service and if you don't keep us on our toes, nobody will. If something comes out in a magazine or paper about you, send it to us. Don't be modest.

• • • • •

R EASONS for the amazing growth of the graduate schools in our insti­

tutions are traced for you in "A Case for Graduate Schools," starting on page 6. Once again we owe Fortune maga­zine a debt for their help as well as Dean Ray Sweigert of Tech's Graduate Division.

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ONE of our alumni was honored with a special award from the Academy

of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences during Academy Award night, March 25th. Hazard E. Reeves, ME '28, was presented with a special "Oscar" for his magnastripe process, stripping magnetic oxide sound tracks on standard motion picture film. The president of Cinerama, Inc. developed the process for the sensa­tional production, "This Is Cinerama," reviewed in the Nov.-Dec, 1952, issue of the ALUMNUS.

Two-time Academy Award winner Fredric March presented the award to Hazard before a capacity audience in New York's Center Theater. A nation­wide television audience also watched the proceedings on NBC-TV. In accept­ing the award, Hazard cited all of the employees of the Reeves Sound Studios for their efforts that had made the award possible.

Two new columnists have been added with this issue, a definite improvement as you will agree. President Ivan Allen appears on page 4 with his "The Presi­dent Reports," and Coach Bobby Dodd writes about the AA on page 20 under "Talk About Tech."

R. B. W., Jr .





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March-April, 1954

The President Reports -

I AM passing on to you in this issue a recent editorial in THE ATLANTA

JOURNAL by Tech's good friend, Dr. Pierce Harris, Pastor of The First Meth­odist Church of Atlanta. We are par­ticularly proud that such a fine recom­mendation of the Tech spirit comes from one of our leading Clergymen, and feel that every alumnus would like to know about it.


"What do all those Tech boys do when they're not attending class or throwing their caps in the air and cheering the Golden Tornado on to victory?" I must have been asked that question a thousand times.

Well, it depends on the boy. Some­times, at night, if you pass the right place, you'd think they spend most of their leisure time eating hot-dogs. But as I say, it depends on the boy.

Spearheaded by a classic statement from Head Coach Bobby Dodd, a defi­nite effort is made to keep faith with the parents who sent the boy to the Tech campus. If a boy's mamma sent

a good boy up here, they try to send her a good boy back home. Sounds like a fair proposition to me. If the boy didn't get a good break at home, you can't expect the Institute of Technology to work a miracle.

The other night, I dropped into a place on the Tech campus where a bunch of young people were holding forth. The "Wesley Foundation," they call it, a sort of "home away from home" for Methodist boys, but a place where any Tech student would find the welcome flag flying high. B. G. Speers is the director, and I must say I was impressed by what I saw and heard. Any mamma whose boy or girl was at that party could have taken one peek in that door and then gone home happy.


Some boy, I didn't get his name, led the crowd (and the place was over­flowing) in a short "meditation." His subject was "Worry," and he handled it like a veteran. In fact, I've never heard it dealt with more expertly, even by men who have had great experience with the subject, intellectually and ac­tually. What he said made sense too, which should be the goal of every ad­dress, though many miss the mark.

While he talked on the campus level to campus people, I thought of George Stewart 's advice to young preachers: "Boys, put the fodder down on the ground, where every billy goat can reach it; if there are any giraffes there — they can stoop over." The lad put the fodder right down where it could be reached.

"We worry too much," he said, "about needless things." He listed some. Fear of flunking a quiz, the letter that didn't come, the health of folks back home, and what other people think of you. "You'd be embarrassed," he said with a smile, "to know how seldom they DO." He was sharp as a tack. And right to the point.

IT'S ALL RIGHT "What if folks do criticize you?" he

prodded. "If it's all right between you and God — it's all right — no matter what others think or say." In that one short, sharp stab at bringing a lesson home to his hearers, that young Teeh boy wrapped up more in one little pack­age than I've sometimes seen spread over a half hour of earnest effort — from a pulpit high and lifted up.

You've heard that gang sing "Ram-blin' Wreck" and it sort of got under your skin. Yeah, but you ought to have heard those young folks swing into, "I need Thee every hour, Stay Thou near by. Temptations lose their power, When Thou art nigh." The music was good; but what sent me home with the bells ringing in my heart was the memory of their lighted, uplifted faces and their clear voices, singing the songs of their faith — boldly and unashamed.

A "social hour" followed, and you were impressed with the fact that these were "typical" young people — with something added. Yeah, I'd say, if their mammas sent a good boy up here. Tech will come mighty near sending them a good boy back home.

I believe you will find this good enough to justify your giving a high recommendation to any mother or fath­er, or to any potential student coming to Georgia Tech.

Ivan Allen, Jr.



X 4000


THE SEVENTH TOPS THEM ALL A Graphic Presentation of the Association's Seven Roll Calls

5 0 - 5 1

Years of Roll Call 51-52 5 3 - 5 4

(Through Mar. 10)


Volume 32 No. 4 QeaiMTk^Jmmmus March-April, 1954

From the Secretary's Desk . . . It hardly seems current to write an editorial without giv­

ing my views on the "what seems to be eternal" triangle; that is the McCarthy-Republican-Democratic fiasco. It should be a relief to stay off of the subject, and that I will.

Your President and trustees have been trying to analyze the objectives and purposes of your Alumni Association. One of the ways that we can bring Georgia Tech and its

alumni closer together is through alumni clubs. It is felt that our efforts have not been directed strongly enough toward a positive program of club activity. Here's the story.

ABOUT CLUBS A Georgia Tech Club is the result

of a natural, almost inevitable, desire of Tech men away from the campus to participate more fully in the life of the Institution and to associate more closely with other Tech men in the same community. A properly func­

tioning club can produce benefits for Tech and for the individual members. It is an outpost of Georgia Tech and thereby represents what Georgia Tech stands for and re­flects on the quality of our Institution.

A club is recommended for any city in which twenty (20) or more Tech men can get together. Up-to-date lists of alumni are available through your National Association office. A mimeographed manual is available to those inter­ested in getting a club started. There is no set rule govern­ing the establishment of a Tech Club. A constitution and by-laws are helpful, but not required.

The success of a club rests directly on the shoulders of the elected officers. One reason for a rejuvenated club

program is that some of our duly-elected officers have sadly or completely neglected to assume their duty; allowing the club to function in a half-hearted manner or die out com­pletely. This happens in areas where we have large groups of alumni who are vitally interested in Tech, as well as other areas.

There are many fine Tech clubs that are doing an out­standing job. I would like to mention a few of them. They are: Atlanta, Augusta, Birmingham, Charlotte, Columbus, Houston, Kingsport, Knoxville, Memphis, Nashville, New York City and Spartanburg. Others are doing better now, while still others fade. We should have at least fifty (50) real active clubs, with perhaps another thirty (30) meeting as occasion demands.

What programs can clubs have? That, of course, will be left up to the officers. Here are some thoughts:

1. A business and get-acquainted meeting at which time officers are elected and committees formed.

2. A meeting at which a guest from Georgia Tech will be principal speaker. Either a member of the faculty or administration; member of the coaching staff, or someone from the Association or Foundation should be available at some time during the year. This would not apply to far-distant places such as the west coast (unless by hap­penstance).

3. A meeting to which wives and gals are invited; possibly a seated dinner or outing.

4. A meeting during vacation period, to which students and pros­pective students are invited.

Please note that films of football games are available as well as the "Highlights" of each season, a sound 16mm film. Other sound films will be available next year which show the campus, etc.

Clubs can undertake to establish scholarships for deserving stu­dents, can go in groups to athletic events, form a bowling team, or engage in local projects.

There just isn't enough space to fully cover this subject. If you live in a city and are further interested, drop me a line. We'll get something started. You'll enjoy it.

Roane Beard

IMPORTANT P.S. If you have a son interested in attend­ing Georgia Tech next fall, have him apply as early as pos­sible. All qualified applicants will not be admitted due to limited facilities.


Ramblin' The President Reports

THE INSTITUTION Engineering — A Case for Graduate Schools Shortage of Engineers? Dr. D. M. Reminisces On the Hill — Engineers Week File for the Future

SPORTS "T" Game and Spring Practice Spring Schedules and Reports Talk About Tech — Coach Dodd Reports

THE ALUMNI With the Clubs News by Classes Nominations Page

2 4

6 9 12 14 16

18 19 20

22 23 25

Copyright 1954 by the Georgia Tech National Alumni Association. For permission to reproduce any portion of the magazine apply to the Editor of THE GEORGIA TECH ALUMNUS, 225 North Ave., Atlanta, Georgia.


Ivan Allen, Jr., '33, Pres. John Staton, '23, Vice-Pres. Dave Arnold, '18, Vice-Pres. Paul Duke, '45, Treasurer

W. Roane Beard, '40, Executive Secretary

S T A F F Bob Wallace, Jr., '49, Editor & Manager

Mary Peeks, Editorial Assistant

O N THE COVER Ten minutes before judging time for the Engi­neers' Week Exhibits — Loren Livermore, senior CE of Lancaster, Pa., tries to get the Civil Engi­neering exhibit operating again. P.S. They won.

Photo — Wallace

Published bi-monthly from September to June, inclusive, by the Georgia Tech National Alumni Association, Georgia Institute of Tech­nology, 225 North Avenue, Atlanta, Ga. Subscription price (25$ per copy) included in the membership dues. Entered as second class matter at the Post Office, Atlanta, Georgia, under Act of March 3, 1879.

March-April, 1954

Engineering—A Case for

In their constant battle for a realistic professional standing, the engineers of this country are looking more and more to our graduate schools for help.

Graduate Schools

FOR years the professional engineers of this country have been striving

for public recognition of their profes­sion similar to that accorded medicine, the law and the ministry. Although they have made great strides in this direction in the past ten years, the en­gineers would be the first to admit that their battle for professional standing is a long way from complete victory at this time.

World War II had come and gone be­fore the engineers had made a dent in the public mind concerning the place of the engineer in society. It was only a small dent, however, for in the minds of a large share of the populace of this country, the word engineer still con­jured up a vision of a grease besmirched guy in overalls laboring over a me­chanical contrivance.

Although the great advances of science during the past war brought fame to the scientists, it did little for the men who held the responsibility of developing the devices that could make productive use of the great scientific achievements. Ask the "man-on-the-street" to name some famous scientists and he will probably start with Ein­stein — ask him to name some engi­neers and he's likely to head his list with Casey Jones.

Admittedly, t h e y e a r s f o l l o w i n g World War II (especially the past five years) have seen a definite rise in the public's awareness of the importance of the engineer in maintaining our way of life. But they still haven't granted the professional engineer his number one

goal — a complete professional status. A case in point is a recent TV show which identified two young mechanics working on an automobile engine as students practicing elementary engi­neering. This type of an attitude on the part of our molders of public opinion has had the professional engineers pull­ing their hair out by the roots for years. It i* one of the real tragedies of our time that in America, the country whose high living standard is almost exclusively the product of technological advances, the man responsible for these advances is a virtual anonymity.

Never too far removed from manual labor, engineering in the past has been mainly an art — based essentially on practical experience. Up until the turn of the twentieth century, a high per­centage of engineers came from the non-college group. Their entire capacity to handle an engineering task came from practical experience. From the early 1900's until the early 1920's the engineer became more and more the college trained man who augmented his educational training with experience in the field.

In the early twenties the engineers took another step toward the profes­sional status when licensing of engi­neers was introduced in some of the 48 states. By the early fifties, this licensing had spread to all of the states and the engineering organizations had shifted their emphasis from this to an effort to standardize all of the state license qual­ifications. Many states, for instance, on­ly require one or two of the engineers of a firm to be licensed professional engineers. The thinking has been that in this way these few licensed men would be responsible for all of the en­gineering done by the firm. Imagine what the standing of the medical pro­fession would be if only one or two doc­tors in each hospital were licensed physicians.

In a recent court test in Ohio, it was ruled that every professional engineer

THE CE SCHOOL MOVES TOWARDS THE DOCTORATE LEVEL — this recent addition to the laboratory equipment of Tech's fast-rising CE School is a "river model flume" capable of creating an in­door man-made stream of water with a capacity greater than Peachtree Creek at certain seasons. The new flume, largest of Tech's six such devices, is 80 feet long, 14 feet wide and two feet deep. It will be used in the teaching and studying of the characteristics of water flow in open channels as well as for testing river mod­els, dams, bridges and other structures

which impede the free flow of water in a channel. Since 1950, Tech has been the center of the V. S. Geological Survey's open-channel investigations.

Shown looking over the model during the recent ASCE meeting in Atlanta are, left to right: R. W. Carter of the V. S. Geological Survey; Director Robert Steim-ke of Tech's CE School; Dean of Engi­neering Francis M. Dawson of Iowa State University; Professor C. E. Kindsvater of Tech's CE School and Chief Hydraulic Engineer Carl Paulsen of the V. S. Geo­logical Survey.

From Page 7 — A Case practicing as such must have a license — this may be the wedge that the pro­fessional engineers have been looking for to bring about a much fuller recog­nition of professional licensing in all of the states.

Today, most of the professional en­gineers go to engineering schools, re­ceive their bachelor's degree and then amass the experience required to re­ceive their license. It is doubtful that this will be the way of the future. Professional engineering being based on design which in turn is based on the application of mathematics and the life and physical sciences must move for­ward with the sciences. With the recent colossal forward strides of the sciences, the engineer finds himself faced with two choices for the future: he may drop back into the complete obscurity of the technician level tasks or he may ad­vance himself along with the sciences so that he can apply these new devel­opments to the design of processes, sys­tems and devices that is the lifeblood of his profession and also the lifeblood of industry and our economic system.

As the field of engineering is sur­veyed, it becomes evident that both on-the-job training and formal education have a place in the training of the po­tential members of the profession. The art of engineering can be best acquired through on-the-job experience — engi­neering schools have consistently ex­perienced great difficulty teaching this art at any level. These same schools, however, have been much more suc­cessful in teaching the science of en­gineering than has industry. With the increase in the complexity of engineer­ing almost entirely on the scientific side of the ledger, the responsibility for the increased training must fall on the edu­cational institutions. With the under­graduate or pre-professional curricu­lum now crowded to the limit with the basic tools of the profession, this new load must be diverted into the graduate schools of our engineering institutions.

Of course, the young engineer may still acquire this increased knowledge of his own volition — but the young seldom do, and when they attempt it without proper educational guidance it can confuse rather than increase their knowledge of a chosen field. Remem­ber that the engineer is not at the pro­fessional level until he has developed his capabilities to go into research lead­ing to design, development leading to design, and design based on the sciences. This advanced study, actually it's pro­fessional study, may best be completed at the post-graduate level in an engi­neering institution or university.

That the engineers of today realize the importance of this advanced study can readily be seen in the increased en­

rollments in the graduate divisions of the American engineering institutions. At Tech, the enrollment figures for the graduate division have undergone a ten­fold increase in the past twelve years. Compare this with the two-fold in­crease over the same period in the un­dergraduate school. It is typical of the proportional advance in interest in the graduate divisions of most of our en­gineering institutions.

The need for men with the advanced degrees has been recognized by our industrial leaders for some time. In­dustry emphasises graduate study in the best way they know how — by of­fering more money to the man with the higher degree. This year with the bach­elor's degree pulling in an average of $375 per month, the man holding a master's commands a $450 monthly average and the Ph.D. can expect to start at the $580-$600 range.

On top of the higher salaries, the man with postgraduate study may rea­sonably expect faster advancement to the top of his profession. In the field of management, a recent Fortune Mag­azine survey indicated that 20% of the top executives of 240 companies had taken postgraduate work. And when the top executives of the 50-and -under age bracket were surveyed this percentage spiraled up to 40%.

Industry has also produced evidence of an interest in graduate study in other ways. With government agencies also helping them, they have been placing a great deal of pressure on the engineer­ing institutions to establish off-campus graduate centers. In this way they feel that the young engineers in their em­ploy may stay abreast of the scientific advancements, and consequently their own profession, and still maintain their present positions with their organiza­tions. In addition to this, industry is offering many young engineers the op­portunity to study toward their ad­vanced degrees at the company's ex­pense and often on the company's time. This phenomenon is a rather recent de­velopment brought about by the scar­city of engineers that developed in this country at the beginning of this decade. It is especially prevelant in the aero­nautical field where the scientific ad­vances have been so complex in the past ten years that the engineering fields are in danger of falling hopelessly behind the sciences.

At Tech, the master's degree has been offered since 1925, but the graduate di­vision as we now know it is only in its thirteenth year. Like most gj aduate divisions, Tech's is a community of scholars with a common interest in creative work and advanced profession­al study. It offers the superior student an opportunity to realize the full extent of his capabilities and to gain an inti­

mate acquaintanceship with the funda­mental concepts of his field that will enable him to achieve the highest de­gree of professional competence. Grad­uate study at Tech does not de;'l pri­marily with the traditional methods of meeting known sets of conditio ns. It must go beyond the existing doctrines to the underlying and fundamental principles on which they are based.

At the present time Tech's graduate division offers the degree of Master of Science, with or without designation, in the fields of Aeronautical Engineering. Applied Mathematics, Ceramic Engi­neering, Chemical Engineering, Chem­istry, Civil Engineering, Electrical En­gineering, Engineering Mechanics, In­dustrial Engineering, Industrial Man­agement, Mechanical Engineering, Phy­sics, Public Health, Public Health En­gineering, Sanitary Engineering, Safety Engineering, Textile Engineering and Textiles. In addition, Tech's School of Industrial Management offers study in the field of Industrial Relations and the Architecture School offers a Master of City Planning and a Master of Archi­tecture.

At the doctorate level, degrees are offered in Chemistry, Chemical Engi­neering and Electrical Engineering. Several of Tech's schools are approach­ing that point at which they too may offer the Ph.D. The first Ph.D. did not graduate from Tech until 1950. Sinee that time the institution has conferred the doctorate on 23 men.

A highly successful innovation of the graduate program at Tech has been the Twilight Program in Industrial Man­agement and Industrial Engineering. Twilight classes begin at 6:00 in the evening and are usually scheduled for three hours. It is possible for a student to earn his Master's degree through work accomplished entirely in the Twilight Program. This program is not to be confused with the Tech Engineer­ing Extension Division's Evening School program which is strictly at the under­graduate and adult education level. One of the Twilight Program's most illustri­ous students is Tech's Dean of Students. George Griffin. Dean Griffin started in this program a few years back just to pick up a couple of courses in Person­nel Management. Before he realized it. he was just seven hours short of his Masters in Industrial Management. He is now finishing up his work towards the degree.

It has often been said that a distin­guished graduate program is a necessity in the building of a great university. It is now just as necessary in the building of a great engineering institution. Tech intends to continue to carry the tag of greatness by creating a superior gradu­ate division to supplement its reputa­tion in the undergraduate fields.


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."Helluva shortage of engineers — not this year. Oh, there's still a definite shortage. But, somehow, it doesn't match the rather frantic one we had back in the early part of this decade when that phrase was coined. This year, it looks to me like we can remove the slang from that phrase and just put it down as a shortage of engineers."

Dean Fred Ajax was speaking about the present-day state of affairs in the engineering placement business. A business that he is well acquainted with as head of one of the largest and best organized placement systems operating today in American university circles. The adjectives came from the company representatives that pay visits every year to Tech as well as many other leading colleges and universities in this country.

Tech's placement system, unlike the fictional "Topsy," did not just grow. It is the product of years of labor and experimentation on the part of the administration and the alumni association to assure the placing of Tech men in the best positions available. The man who has carried the largest share of the burden in creating this system is Fred Ajax, a former Tech English professor, known throughout the placement world as "Autocratic Ajax" — a title he ac­quired through his definite and authoritative way of dealing with company representatives during the placement season. However, the man is enigmatic, for he is one of the most democratic men on the campus in his dealing with the stu­dents. His office is always open to the students — no secre­tary to get by; no appointments to make. As a result he sees an average of 200 boys during his busy season.

This busy season stretches from the first of January


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Campbell — Wallace

March-April, 1954

through the middle of May each year. It is during this period that the rep­resentatives of leading American in­dustries come to the campus to talk with the seniors and graduate students who will finish their work at Tech dur­ing the coming year.

The preparation for this season began back in October when Fred Ajax sent a letter to each of the 7,237 companies on his mailing list. This attractive letter (brochure might be a better descrip­tion) lists the type and number of stu­dents who will graduate in the four classes (March, June, September and December) of the coming year. During this same month, he calls a meeting of these graduating students to explain the Tech placement system in detail. At this meeting the students are briefed on their responsibilities for proper prep­aration for the interviews. This includes preparing their own qualification forms on one of two standardized forms, hav­ing their photos made for inclusion on the forms and their own responsibility for a proper appearance at the inter­views.

Between October and January, the placement office is kept busy scheduling interview dates for the many companies who have indicated that they desire to send representatives to the campus for interviews. Some of the companies will ask for a survey of the classes that will give them an indication how many boys are interested in being considered for employment with their particular or­ganization. The placement office com­pletes these surveys as a service to the requesting organizations thus saving many companies a good deal of time and expense that might have been wasted.

In the four months of the 1954 inter­

view season over 400 companies will send representatives to Tech to battle for the 719 seniors and graduate stu­dents who will finish up their college work this year. The fact that 60% of these graduates carry military obliga­tions does not deter the companies in their interviewing. American industry is interested in "long" as well as "short" term employment. The large companies like Bell, Dupont, General Electric and Westinghouse will hire a good man re­gardless of how long he will be with the company before leaving for the mili­tary. All companies interview boys with military obligations, secure a qualifica­tion record and ask them to write for a job after their military service is com­plete. This system, pioneered by Tech, gives our graduates security and assur­ance after their military service has been completed for their contacts have already been made.

What happens when a company comes to Tech for engineers? Well, Let's take a tour with one of them, the Bell System. Before company representa­tives arrive on the campus, the gradu­ates-to-be are notified via a note from the placement office that the Bell Sys­tem will be on the campus for inter­views on February 16th, and that they are interested in IE, IM, EE, ME, Phys., Cer and Math graduates. The first meet­ing is scheduled in the YMCA audito­rium at 9:00 A.M.

At 9:00 A.M. on February 16th, over 200 boys crowd into the "Y" to hear the Bell System representatives tell their story. Dean Ajax opens the meeting with a short humorous talk on the sys­tem and their needs. Representatives of A.T.&T., Southern Bell, Bell Labora­tories, Sandia Corporation and Western Electric follow with short resumes of

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their companies. Then the rush is on as the boys crowd the two tables in the front of the auditorium to sign up for the individual interviews. The Bell team will be on the campus through Feb­ruary 19, so everyone wanting an inter­view with any number of the different companies is assigned an interview time.

The individual interviews are held in various rooms in Knowles Building (in­cluding a storeroom) and it is here that the real personnel work is accom­plished. No job offer is made at this time. As a protection to both companies and the students, all job offers must be made in writing and accepted the same way.

Two weeks before each class gradu­ates, Dean Ajax calls a meeting of the class. At that time each student fills out a qualification record for the permanent files. The alumni placement system is explained to the group, and those who have not yet accepted jobs are put on the alumni placement list at this time. (Around 15% of the class at present rates.)

The alumni placement system is op­erated by the national office under the direction of Roane Beard. It is a free service to both employers and Tech alumni. A weekly placement bulletin is mailed to all alumni who are looking for jobs. The bulletin lists and describes the jobs that are available to the alum­ni. The alumni then contact the compa­nies directly to apply for the available positions. An average bulletin lists around 50 different jobs varying from those requiring no experience to those at the executive level that require many years of experience.

Tech believes that year-round place­ment is as necessary a function of the modern educational institution as are the basic sciences. They have proven it by being the pioneers in the field.

GROUP INTERVIEW — Dean Ajax talks to 150 Tech boys who turned out for the IBM group interview.

MOB SCENE — a group of potential in­terviewees crowd around placement direc­tor Fred Ajax's table to make their ap­pointments for personal talks.



'Ola all to toljoin tltese presents mag come, (Greeting: Whereas

Ijas probioiouslg perseteereb for fonr gears through, ttye arbnous interviewing scljebules boleb out bg tlje autocratic <Ajax; fyas butifuilu, gioen of Ijis abilities in ilye aforesaib activities, usually to life extent of near bisentbobintent; anb Ijas at last become fulljr cognizant of all tfje quirks anb eccentricities of th,e denrgia 'STecb, placement #ustem; now, therefore, He nnber tlje autljoritjr nesteb in us, ha fyerebjr confer upon Ijim tb,e begree of

^attyzlixx of Human ^Engin^^ing witb. all tlje rights, privileges anb Ijonors thereunto appertaining.

$n witness wljereof, tlje signatures of tlje |Jresibent, of tlje Pean of #tubents, anb of tlje ^resibent of tlje JVnak #ocietg are hereto subscribed anb tlje seal of tlje institute is affixeb.

(&ioen at (Atlanta on tlje fourth bag of Pecember, in tlje ]§ear of our |£orb, nineteen lyunbreb anb fiftn-iljree

/fat ffy^lk^ <£.£& 7t DIAN OF f T U D I N T i


THE DIPLOMA — Tech gives this diploma to all interviewers who work Tech for at least four years. 87 company repre­sentatives have received them to date.

PERSONAL INTERVIEW — Senior John Alderman, facing camera, talks with Ed. Wallace, '22, representative of American Telephone and Telegraph.

March-April, 1954

SPACE AT A PREMIUM — Pan-Ameri­can Refineries representative, P. E. Dar­ling, talks with a senior about the oppor­tunities with Pan-Am for ChE's. This in­terview took place in a store room in Knowles Building.

AFTER A HARD DAY — the Bell System repre­sentatives pause for a breather on the steps of Knowles. Left to right: representatives of Bell Laboratories, Chesapeake and Potomac, American Telephone and Telegraph Company, Southern Bell and Western Electric.


DR. D. M. reminisces

Photos and Text — Wallace

DOWN the hall of the second floor of the Old Shop Building came the

man we had been waiting to see. As he came within hearing distance of us, he started grousing about the low caliber of the present-day engineering students.

"If they don't do something about im­proving the background of the students we're getting from the high schools, the Tech diploma is going to be on its way downhill. I can't, for the life of me, understand why they don't teach a good review course in Algebra in the senior year of high school. There should be a law requiring all high school seniors planning to attend engineering schools to take such a review. Instead they teach them that "darn" trig course in the high schools. It isn't worth a toot. Better that they never had trig till they get to college. The high school course just confuses them. Algebra is the thing to teach in high school. Been saying

Two months from retirement time, the Bean

of Southern mathematicians takes a long

look back at his 41 years of teaching.

that for a long time now, and it doesn't look like I'm impressing anyone. Oh well, I can quit worrying about them in June — I'm finishing up then, you know."

We told him we knew that the Spring quarter would be his last as a mathe­matics instructor at Tech. In fact, that 's what we came to see him about. We wanted to put down his memoirs of the old school. We assured him that the alumni would be interested in what he had to say. He came back with a typi­cal D. M. Smith answer. "It's about time they were interested in what I had to say — enough of them went through my math classes without hearing me."

Forty-one years in front of the black­board hadn't dimmed the Doctor's wit or clouded the sharp blue eyes that are Tech's favorite mathematics professor's trademarks.

The Doctor picked up the conversa­tion. "I came to Tech in the fall of 1913. I had been teaching at the Uni­versity of Chicago and working there on my Ph.D. After I started teaching down here, I went back to Chicago every summer to work on my degree. I finally received it in the fall of 1916. The whole t ime I studied at Chicago, I


tutored other students to help meet my expenses — teaching isn't the highest paying profession as you well know. Well, when I finished at Chicago, I fig­ured that I was $81 to the good during the time I spent there. And, of course, I had my Doctorate.

T h e Love for Football "I'm originally a Vanderbilt man —

got my Bachelor's and Master's there in 1905-06. I taught at Centenary College down in Louisiana and Fort Worth Uni­versity in Texas and then went to Chi­cago. I picked up my interest in foot­ball at Vanderbilt. They had some great teams when I was a student there. I did a lot of tutoring of athletes there. Helped me go through school. But I really began to love the game when I came to Tech.

"Coach Alex was the man that de­veloped my interest in the sport. He was one of the most forceful men I ever knew and my favorite on the Tech campus. When I arrived at Tech, he was an assistant football coach under John Heisman. He was also an instructor in the math department and a frater­nity brother of mine. We had a lot in common and became very close friends. Together we worked out the athlete tutoring system here at Tech which has become the envy of many a col­lege. We had a hard time getting it started, but it has paid off for Tech over the years. I believe this system is one of the main reasons why we get the better boys, keep the boys in school and graduate them without any loss in our overall standards.

"You know the high school athlete is pretty spoiled when he gets to college. Some of them are hopelessly spoiled. All this stuff you read in the national magazines about the college alumni spoiling the athletes seems rather odd to me. The truth is the boys are more likely to be ruined before they get to college. Tech's athletic set-up has straightened out a lot more boys than our college football has ruined. Our reputation for treating the athletes in a fair manner after they have entered Tech — allowing them to finish their work for degrees on the scholarship plan even though they never made the team for some reason or another — is another reason why we get the high type athlete at Tech.

T h e Dr. Smith H u m o r "Oh, we've had our share of the ath­

letes that no amount of tutoring could help get through school. I remember one, a rather primitive fullback from the mountains of East Tennessee. One afternoon during a practice scrimmage, this fullback kept busting the signals. Finally he walked over to the quarter­back and said, 'Quit hollering them numbers at me. If you want the ball

toted, come and tell me whur you want it toted.' I don't have to add that he never graduated.

"Another time, the coaches brought me a young outstanding high school football star. They wanted to find out if there was any chance of getting the boy in school and, if so, could we ever get him through Tech. I worked a few sim­ple algebra problems for him and asked him if he understood what I was doing. Yep was his only answer. Jus t plain yep. He would shake his head and say yep to everything I did. I decided to test him, but before I gave him the little quiz I asked him if he had any ques­tions. He answered, 'I notice, professor, that sometimes you put 2X on the board and sometimes it's X2 — why don't you make up your mind where that dern 2 belongs and keep it there? '

"But all of the humorous happenings on the campus in the past 41 years haven't concerned athletes. I remem­ber one year when we were trying to speed up registration by giving each student a slip telling him who to report to in each of the departments. I was giving out slips to one line of students when a little character appeared before me. I'll never forget that boy. He had big ears, and his owlish eyes peered out from behind a pair of horned rimmed glasses. He got his slip from me and was told to spend the rest of the after­noon getting acquainted with the pro­fessors listed on the slip. Just about closing time, he reappeared in the line. I asked him what he wanted now and he replied, 'Another deal — I met all them professors and to tell you the t ruth I don't like the looks of none of them.' We knew we were a rather for­midable looking group, but we weren't aware that we looked that bad.

"Another incident in one of my classes left me without an answer. I was giving a quiz one day, and I .no­ticed this boy standing up looking at his neighbor's paper like he was hyp­notized by it. I told the boy that he seemed to be unduly interested in some­one else's paper. He answered, 'I am and I can't, for the life of me, see how he got 7 for the answer to the third problem.'

"When I told Alex of the incident, he said that he had recently had the same thing happen to him on the practice field. It seems that this big end missed a blocking assignment by a country mile. Alex saw it and wryly observed, 'You certainly missed that block, didn't you.' To which the end retorted, 'I did, what of it? ' Even Alex didn't have an answer to that one.

T h e Math Department Grows

"When I came to Tech, there were only five or six professors and instruc­tors in the math department. Look at

the size of it now. Floyd Fields and Vernon Skiles were the mainstays of the department. I started out as an assistant professor, moved up to asso­ciate professor and finally to full pro­fessor. I took over the department in 1934 and ran it till 1950 when I had to step down as a department head be­cause of my age. We had a lot of su­perior teachers in those 16 years. I al­ways made it a point to secure the very best quality available to teach the un­dergraduate mathematics at Tech. It is so much the basis for engineering.

"By the early 1940's, we had built up what I considered one of the very best mathematics departments in existence. You remember it. Men like Dr. Steen, now head of the department at Alle­gheny College; Dr. Ballou, who will soon take over the department at Mid-dlebury College; Dr. Fulmer, our pres­ent departmental head; Dr. Phelps, now at Rutgers and many other outstanding* mathematicians.

"Then Eugene Talmadge began cam­paigning for re-election against Ellis Arnall. Rumor had it that he would cut teachers salaries if he was re-elected. Everyone thought he would win again and a great exodus of teachers got un­derway. I lost several good men from my department in a short time, then the war came along and virtually fin­ished off the fine department we had built up. We've been rebuilding ever since — Dr. Fulmer is carrying on, and someday will get it back to its 1941 level.

The High Schools Again

"Back to this high school question. I feel very strongly about this situation. It worries me more and more each year. Maybe, as they say, they're doing a good job for the students as a whole; but they're not helping those boys that want to go on to engineering schools. Something must be done for these boys. Engineering is getting more and more complicated — it's about time the high schools realized it.

"Well, I've talked long enough — bet­ter move on to the departmental meet­ing. I have a few things to say there today. Anymore you want to know?"

We asked him about his future plans? What would he do with himself after such a long time on the campus?

"First thing I'm going to do is take myself a vacation," he answered, "I haven't had one since 1917. Been teach­ing in summer school, you know. Then I expect I'll keep on tutoring the boys and help the school with the athletic program. I don't think I could ever give up teaching completely."

We agreed with him and walking back across the campus, we wondered what it would be like without one of its great traditions, Dr. D. M. Smith.

March-April, 1954 13

ENGINEERS' WEEK AT TECH — (top) a future avi­ator tries out the feel of the stick at the AE exhibit. (Bottom) A visiting GI attempts to tie the unbeatable "Tic-Tac-Toe" gadget. on the hill...

THE Civil Engineers' decisive win as the best exhibit in Tech's annual "Engineers' Week" show, held February

25-27, highlighted the campus news of the past two months. It was the third straight victory for the "transit gang" and gave them permanent possession of the trophy they have been holding since 1952.

Featured in the winning exhibit were a scale model of the Seaboard Airline Railroad near Savannah, a harbor model, a model of the Alweg Monorail of Germany, a model showing the construction phases of an airport runway and a rigid frame bridge model. The railroad bridge scale model was the clincher in the eyes of the judges as well as being the crowd pleaser of the show.

The never-say-die spirit of the CE's came to the forefront when the RR bridge and the monorail both broke down ten minutes before the judges were due to pass on the exhibits. With a large crowd looking on, the CE's went to work to get the exhibits in working order before the judges arrived. A more frantic operation you never witnessed, but the models were working per the script by the time the judging committee moved around to these exhibits.

Second place went to the Ceramic Engineers for their exhibit based on the theme "The Use of Ceramics in the Life of People of Today." The Aeronautical School took the third place award for their "Fifty Years of Progress" exhibit.

The student chapter of the St. Patrick's Council once again sponsored the "Hall of Engineering" originated in 1940 by two Tech students, Joe Stubbins and Ed Kneisel, who eventually lost their lives in World War II. This year the superior publicity job done by senior Al Kurser of Long Island, N. Y., and his cohorts on the publicity committee, drew record crowds to the three-day event.

Campbell Evolution of the

WORKING FROM THE PLANS — CE's Leon Treadutell (left) and Ben Christo­pher work on the scale models.

NEARING COMPLETION — the CE's responsible for building the scale model of the Savannah River Bridge, give the equip­ment a dry test in the model tank.

Journal-Constitution — Diehl 14

Journal-Constitution — Diehl


The students had a complaint about this year's show. It revolved around the judges' slight of the Electrical Engi­neering exhibit which they feel should have been awarded a second or third place mention. The EE's featuring an un­beatable electric "Tic-Tac-Toe" machine and a TV eye drew almost as many spectators as the Civil Engineering exhibit, but failed to impress the judges enough to receive a mention. The EE's were peeved at the slight, and The Technique immediately took up the cudgel for them with a scathing editorial written by an Industrial Engineer. This writer is inclined to agree with The Technique that the EE's "was robbed."

Other big news stories on the campus featured a couple of cases of arson. The first case, "the affair de outhouse" broke early in February. It was the climax of a slight feud between the Kappa Sigs and the Delta Tau Deltas. The Delts always answer their phone with a "delta shelta," so the Kappa Sigs, unable to resist temptation placed a small out­house on the Delts lawn one night — the sign on the struc­ture read "Delta shelta, Jr." For three days the structure graced the lawn of the Delts, then they loaded it on a truck and tossed it onto the Kappa Sigs lawn adding a touch of fire to it as they passed. The Kappa Sigs put out the fire and promptly returned the "shelta" to its original resting place — they also rekindled the blaze. The Delts put it out and decided to let the matter rest for awhile, but the Kappa Sigs returned and started a real blaze that reduced the structure to ashes by the time the local fire department arrived on the scene. A lot of cheering and jeering greeted the firemen as fraternity row had an informal open house on Fourth Street that night. The feud evidently died in the ashes for nothing else has cropped out in that area since the final burning of the shack.

The second arson case was a more serious one and was strictly an individual effort. A freshman set fire to the watchman's house at the Third Street entrance to the cam­pus completely destroying the structure. Clever detective work by administration officials tracked down the arsonist who is now an alumnus.

George P. Burdell, Jr.

A STUDY IN HEIGHT — Six-foot nine-inch Albert hea­vy, senior CHE from South Miami, /•'/«.. explains the fractional distillation equipment in the Chemical Engi­neering section.

Winning Exhibit Alumnus — Wallace

THE COMPLETED BRIDGE EXHIBIT — this photo, taken during Engineers' Week.

THERE WAS MORE TO IT — the CE's also built this model harbor for their winning exhibit along with the monorail, an airport runway model and a rigid frame bridge model.

Campbell Alumnus — Wallace March-April, 1954 15


File for the Future Third in a series on the young pro­

fessors at Tech who will be our

university leaders in the future.

Dale Barker, Associate Librarian

A MENTION of the word librarian is musty world of books and yellowed apt to conjure up in the mind's eye documents. But with the modern ideas

a vision of an elderly woman lost in a of library construction has come a mod­

ernization of library personnel. The ac­cent is on youth and knowledge in to day's library.

At Tech, appropriately enough, the associate director of libraries is a young engineering school graduate, Dale Bar­ker. Dale entered Tech as an electrical engineering student in 1946 after a S1,-!-year temporary career in the United States Marines. While a student, he worked in the old Tech library to sup­plement his GI income. The work in­trigued him and before he was half way through engineering school, he decided to be a technical librarian after his graduation. Towards this end, he took all of his electives in the Modern Lan­guage Department at Tech.

He received his B.S. in Electrical En­gineering in June of 1949 and immedi­ately entered the Library School at the University of Illinois to further his ed­ucation. While at Illinois, he met Caro­line Jones, who •was also working on her master's degree in library science. They were married between semesters in January of 1950. The Barkers re­ceived their Master's in June of 1950 and returned to Atlanta to work — he at Tech's library and she at the Emory University Medical Library. They now have one child, Susan, born in Novem­ber of 1953.

A member of many honor societies including Eta Kappa Nu, Tau Beta Pi, Phi Kappa Phi and Beta Phi Mu; Dale also holds professional membership in the American Library Association, As­sociation of College and Research Li­braries, Southeastern Library Associa­tion, Georgia Library A s s o c i a t i o n . Georgia Education Association and the American Association of University Professors.

In this simple direct statement Dale presents his reasons for working on the campus, "I regard myself as a special­ist, devoted to the accumulation, organ­ization and servicing of technical and scientific literature. I would work only in a library which served a technical research program — either in industry or on a campus. The Tech library plays a vital role in serving our expanding academic and research programs. With the rapid growth and development of the library, as it kept pace with the institution, have come many complex problems which present a real chal­lenge to a librarian. It is this vital and challenging character of the Tech li­brary which makes it an attractive place for me to work."

And so the challenges found only on a campus continue to lure the high-type young man into college work who oth­erwise would never consider it because of the notorious salary scale.


It is difficult to write a definition of the American way. But it is easy to find good examples. Here is one:

Giant boy

Scientists now foresee that the already dramatic electrical revolution in this country may be only in its infancy.

The giant now appears to be a boy, with most of his weighty growth still ahead. When such fantastic gains have already been made—in lights, turbines, electronics, TV, radio, electrically powered ships, trains, factories, homes—where can the imagination possibly go from here? What are some of the pre­dictions ?

Take a personal thing first. Millions of homes will have heat pumps to heat and cool automatically —using electricity for fuel.

You can expect to cook food someday by elec­tronics—in seconds. Electrical incinerators will con­sume your waste paper and waste food. Dust will be taken from the air electrically. The day may come when TV screens hang like pictures on the wall, with only a tiny wire to the set.

Nuclear fuels are on the timetable of the scientists.

Energy from the atom will eventually be a major source of power, regardless of whether fossil fuels are seriously depleted. By century's end, most new plants generating electricity will operate with atomic (fission) fuel. Aircraft, battleships, and the like will measure fuel consumption in grams.

What would converting sea water to fresh, at low cost, be worth to drought-deviled seaboard cities? This is possible and will be worth billions to the public. Storing heat from the sun is another long-range project of scientists.

As simply as we can say it, we are beginning, not ending, an era of possibilities involving the health, comfort, welfare and defense of the nation.

The year 2000 looks big and distant. Actually it is only 46 years away. By then, any puny prognostica­tions made today will have been rewritten many times. But larger. Electricity has always been a field where each new fact generates many more things new. The years should be interesting to watch.


T ' Came To Climax Spring Training

Tech's annual "T" game will again be the frosting on the 'Jackets Spring training grind which gets underway on March 29. The intrasquad classic is scheduled for Friday Night, April 23 starting at 8:00 P.M. and will be spon­sored this year by the Greater Atlanta Georgia Tech Club. Out-of-town alumni may purchase tickets directly from the Greater Atlanta Georgia Tech Club — there are no reserved seats and the tariff is $1.25 a head.

With a year of one-platoon play un­der their belts, the Tech coaches expect to have less trouble getting the practice sessions into "high gear" this Spring; a better "T" game should result. This year's game will again feature a squad divided equally into two teams, the Blues and the Whites. Last Spring Pep­per Rodgers led the Whites to an easy win before a record crowd of over 10,-000. The Atlanta Club expects an even greater turnout this year.

When Spring practice gets underway, many of the big guns of Tech's great squads of the past three years will be among the missing. In addition to the 15 graduating lettermen, some of the seniors on this year's squad will be ex­cused from the Spring drills to take part in the various Spring sports. A pre-Spring guess at the 1954 squad by position looks something like this:

ENDS — gone is great competitor, Sam Hensley, the most underrated of

the '53 stars. Also missing will be ace punter Dave Davis, the surprise of '53 at the end position and defensive clutch man, Cecil Trainer. Returning are lettermen Henry Hair, "poo boy" Durham, Bill Sennent and promising sophomore, Bob Juhan. Ends stack up about like '53 with Hair and Durham looking like the starters.

TACKLE — the question mark; Gos-sage, Sherman, Givens and Frey are missing from the '53 group. A lot will depend on how last year's freshmen Ve-reen and Christy come around. Letter-man Daugherty and B-teamers Woolf and West will figure in plans. No guess on starters at this time.

GUARDS —just about the fattest, talentwise, position on the team: Frank Brooks, the sensation of last year's team until he was injured; Jake Shoemaker, who came into his own against Duke and Georgia; Bill Fulcher, a solid junior from Augusta and Buck Wiley up from the B-team plus a host of others. Start­ers should be Shoemaker and Brooks.

CENTER — no trouble picking a starter here; All American Larry Mor­ris is back for his last year and will captain the team. Who will back him up is anyone's guess. Likeliest candi­dates are Jim Summer and J. M. Morris.

QUARTERBACK — despite the loss of sparkplug Rodgers, this should be one of the most improved positions on

the team. Mitchell, with a year's ex­perience to polish him, looks like the number one man but ace ball handler Brigman may give him a real run for his money this year. Other prospects include Burton Grant, Jack Hall, John­ny Menger and Toppy Vann.

HALFBACKS — despite the loss of Hardeman and Brannon, the halfback positions will still be in excellent hands. Ruffin and Teas are back and loom as the top choices while freshmen Volkert and Rotenberry may be ready to move into starting contention. Others includ­ing James L. Morris, Ray Anderson, Stan Cochran and some of last year's more promising freshmen will also be on hand.

FULLBACK — the loss of superb faker, runner, linebacker Turner will be felt here. This is the most wide open slot on the team; any one of six leading candidates could be the starter. Kicking ability may decide the issue. Turning out will be Hunsinger, Humphreys, Mattison, Morrison, Owen.

The big question is who will do the kicking. This point may well decide the fate of the '54 team. Think back over the past three seasons and picture how many times Tech turned the tide with a great Davis punt. Finding a man to replace him is a tough job. With that rough schedule — it's a must for a suc­cessful season.

TRACK MEMORIAL PLAQUE — dedicated the 12th of March, this plaque now hangs in the Athletic Association Building. It was erected by former mem­bers of the Georgia Tech track teams of 1920-43 in memory of their teammates who made the supreme sacrifice during the second world war. Taking part in the ceremony were President Van Leer; Coach Dodd; Morris Bryan, '41, president of Jefferson Mills; Dean George Griffin, '22; and Dale Winthrop Ald-ridge (son of Robert P. "Chick" Aldridge, '39, Tech track immortal who lost his life in the war).

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TALK ABOUT TECH By Coach Bobby Dodd

A T THE suggestion of the editors, we are inaugurating a column in this issue of the ALUMNUS through which we hope to keep you posted on the aims

and accomplishments of your Athletic Association. . . . We have just completed our basketball season with the not impressive

record of two victories and twenty-two defeats; our swimming season with a fourth-place finish in the Southeastern Conference; and our gymnastic sched­ule with one win in five dual meets. . . . On the surface this does not seem much to talk about, but perhaps it would be well to look closer at the personnel of these three teams. . . .

The basketball team had its roughest season in many years, and it is easy to discern why. . . . Coach Whack Hyder worked all season with a varsity squad of thirteen boys of which only one was a Senior and one a Junior. . . . The other eleven men on the squad, which suffered 12 of its 22 defeats by twelve points or less, were Sophomores and Freshmen. . . . It was perfectly obvious to all who saw them play regularly that lack of experience was responsible for sev­eral heartbreaking defeats — particularly a one-point loss to Mississippi State and a last second two-point trimming by Tulane, one of the strongest teams in the SEC this past season. . . .

We are providing our basketball squad with thirteen scholarships, as many as any other team in the conference with the exception of three or four. . . . We are sure that with this year's experience under their belts, plus the addition of a couple of fine ball players who were ineligible this season, things will be on the upgrade in Georgia Tech basketball next year. . . .

Our swimming team, under the capable direction of Coach Freddie Lanoue, improved with each dual meet during the season and staged a great finish to take fourth place in the annual SEC meet at Gainesville, Florida. . . .

Coach Lyle Welser's gymnastic team, although only in its second year of competition after we abandoned the sport for several seasons at Georgia Tech, made a good showing and will improve in the future. . . .

Although it is too early yet, as this is written, to make any predictions, it appears as though our Spring Sports program this year should be a good one. . . . Coach Joe Pit tard reports that, with the help of several fine Freshmen prospects, he hopes to have one of Tech's best baseball teams in several sea­sons. . . . Coach Norris Dean gives a similar report on the track squad, also emphasizing the help he will receive from our great crop of Freshmen athletes. . . . The Tech tennis and golf squads, directed by Coach Earl Bortell and Coach Hubert E. Dennison, have many of last year's performers returning and expect to hold their own on tough schedules. . . .

Now let's turn to our football squad, Spring practice and the general outlook for the future. . . .

Our Spring football practice this year should be one of the most interesting and most important in Georgia Tech history. . . . In the twenty practice days permitted by the National Collegiate Athletic Association we must find as adequate replacements as possible for the boys who have taken Georgia Tech to three straight successful post-season bowl games. . . .

Graduating regulars from the 1953 squad, all of whom played an important in Tech's success for the past three seasons, include Orville Vereen, Glenn T.irner, Bob Sherman, Pepper Rodgers, Sam Hensley, Leon Hardeman, Ed Gos-srgs, Roger Frey, Dave Davis and Charlie Brannon — plus capable replace­ments Dick Inman, Ed Carithers, Frank Givens, Joe Hall and Cecil Trainer. . . .

We are going to miss every one of these players, more than we can find words to express the loss here. . . . We can all look back over the three years they played great ball for Tech and think of incident after incident where one or another of these players made plays that meant the difference between victory or defeat for the Yellow Jackets. . . . They were all "clutch" men with that important ability to corns through when the chips were down and blue. . . . They'll be mighty tough to replace. . . .

We have had three great seasons in succession at Tech, but now is the time we must prepare ourselves for some recession in the calibre of our teams. . . . We will have another fine squad in 1954 — one that we hope will keep us in the upper half of Southeastern Conference play for another year or so. . . . We will find out to some extent how strong they are during this year's Spring practice, which will begin March 29. . . . The Alumni will get their chance to Continued on page 20

REUNION — when the New York Giants visited the U. S. Naval Station at Cavite in the Philippines on their Fall exhibition tour, two former Tech teammates saw each other for the first time since 1941 when they played baseball for the 'Jack­ets. Jim Hearn, '43, Giants pitcher, in­troduces Commander Jack Nettles, '41, Naval supply and fiscal officer to Giants manager, Leo Durocher.

"Homecoming; G a m e "

Tech's annual "Homecoming Game" has been set by the Georgia Tech Na­tional Alumni Association as the Ken­tucky clash on October 23. The Wild­cats, who finished up the '53 season as one of the hottest teams in the SEC re­turn to the 'Jackets schedule after a two-year absence. Tech beat the Wild­cats 13-7 the last time they faced them in Lexington, but on their last appear­ance on Grant Field the bluegrass-boys trimmed the 'Jackets 28-14 at the 1950 Homecoming.

The following classes are scheduled for reunion celebrations at this year's Homecoming: 1899, 1904, 1909, 1914, 1919, 1924, 1929, 1934, 1939 and 1944. Better start making your plans now to attend Tech's biggest Homecoming cele­bration.

Attention, Coops of 1952-54

Did you attend the Orange Bowl game of January 1, 1952 (Tech vs. Baylor)? Mr. A. A. Hardeman, '31, of Fort Lau­derdale is trying to locate the Tech COOP student who hitched a ride with him from Miami to Fort Lauderdale on the afternoon of the game. It is im­perative that he gets in touch with this student.

The missing COOP was the only wit­ness to a collision between Mr. Harde­man's automobile and another car in the streets of Fort Lauderdale. In the col­lision, Mrs. Hardeman was badly in­jured and has had to have several seri­ous spinal operations since that time. If you are the man Mr. Hardeman is looking for please get in touch with him at 1637 N. E. 4th Court, Fort Lau­derdale, Florida.

March-April, 1954 19

Golf April 1 — Emory Atlanta April 2 •— Tennessee Atlanta April 8 — Auburn Atlanta April 12 •— Emory Atlanta April 16 — Vanderbilt Atlanta April 20 — Auburn Auburn April 24 — Georgia Athens April 28 — Florida State Athens April 29, 30, May 1 — SEC Athens May 11 — Georgia Atlanta May 15 — Tennessee Knoxville

Baseball Mar. 22 — Stetson Deland Mar. 23 — Stetson Deland Mar. 24 — Rollins Deland Mar. 25 — Ohio State & Rollins. Winter Park Mar. 26 — Florida Gainesville Mar. 27 — Florida Gainesville

The Spring Schedules April 2 — Mercer Atlanta April 3 — Mercer Macon April 9 — Auburn Atlanta April 10 — Auburn Atlanta April 16 — Kentucky Atlanta April 17 — Kentucky Atlanta April 19 — Florida Atlanta April 20 — Florida Atlanta April 23 — Vanderbilt Nashville April 24 •— Vanderbilt Nashville April 30 — Georgia Atlanta May 1 — Georgia Atlanta May 7 — Auburn Auburn May 8 — Auburn Auburn May 14 — Georgia Athens May 15 — Georgia Athens

Track Mar. 27 — Florida Relays Gainesville April 3 — Southern Relays Birmingham April 10 — Florida Gainesville April 17 — Miami & Georgia '. Miami

April 24 — FSU & Georgia Tallahassee May 1 — Auburn Atlanta May 15 — SEC Meet Birmingham

Tennis Mar. 25—Jacksonville NAS . . . Jacksonville Mar. 26 — Florida Gainesvi] le Mar. 27 — Florida State Tallahassee Mar. 30 — Georgia Athens April 3 — Auburn Auburn April 8 — Emory Atlanta April 10 — Vanderbilt Nashville April 14 — Florida Atlant a April 15 — Florida State Atlanta April 16 — Indiana Atlanta April 20 — Georgia Atlanta April 22 — Alabama Tuscaloosa April 24 — Tennessee Knoxville May 1 —Jacksonville NAS Atlanta May 4 — Tennessee Atlanta May F> — LSU Atlanta May 6,7,3 — SEC Tourney Athens

' (Coach Dodd) from page 19 judge when we play our annual Spring T Day game at Grant Field on Friday night, April 23. . . . Make your plans to be there. . . .

In closing let us say that we regret the loss of our Freshman football coach, Bo Hagan, but are proud that he has been able to advance to a varsity coaching position with Southern Methodist University of Dallas, Texas. . . . We feel it is a real compliment to Georgia Tech and its coaching staff when our young men are selected for important positions at other schools. . . . Happily, we secured the services of John R. Bell, '47, who has done such a great job at Americus, Ga., high school in recent years. . . . John was the boy we wanted. . . .

Don't forget to check the schedules of our Spring sports in this issue, attend as many of the games as you can, and mark April 23 right now on your cal­endar as the date of the annual Spring football game. . . . Thanks for your continued support through the good years and the bad — and so long for now. . . .

The Minors

GOLF Coach H. E. Dennison's golfers open

the Spring golf season against Emory on April 1 and although the team will be composed almost exclusively of let-termen, the veteran Tech golfer holds little hope for a spectacular season. 'Almost all of the SEC teams will be greatly improved," says Tech's IM head, "I don't think we have improved as much as most of them have."

Last year's squad gave an excellent account of themselves in every match although they only won one dual meet. The '54 team should better the '53 rec­ord by a few wins.

TENNIS Five of the top six courtmen of the

'53 squad will be back this Spring try­ing to better the nine won - seven lost record of last year's squad. Coach "Shorty" Bortell is counting on Tech's number one man from '53, Mack Mc­Allister and his other veterans, Julian Wade, Jack Heisel, Earle Bortell, Jr., and Sammy Van Leer to turn out a rec­ord equal to or better than that posted by them last Spring.

TRACK ,The Tech cindermen stand to be the

most improved squad in the SEC this year as a wave of freshmen and ex-

FRESHMAN MAINSTAY of the '54 track team is expected to be weight man Carl Vereen of Miami, Florida. Vereen re­cently won the non-conference shot title at the AAC meet in Chapel Hill, N. C.

perienced footballers increase the tal­ent. The track team has already gone last year's group one better by placing a first, second and third in the non-conference events of the Atlantic Coast Conference meet at Chapel Hill in Feb­ruary. Freshman Carl Vereen, expected to be one of Tech's all-time greats in the weights won the first place with his 49-foot 8-inch heave of the shot in that tournament. Tech wound up fourth in the non-conference grouping just two points behind the Florida squad.

BASEBALL An imposing list of freshman stars

added to a great group of holdover

lettermen makes for an excellent out­look for Coach Joe Pittard's charges in the coming SEC baseball race. With last year's entire starting infield back and outfielder Henry Hair, catcher Larry Morris and pitchers Redford, McGarn and Rizzo still in the fold, the 'Jackets should be a much better team this year than the one that won 8 and lost 13 in 1953.

Prominent among the star high school performers turning out for their first season of college ball are Toppy Vann, Rossville's great catcher who was one of the stars of last year's all-star game in Atlanta and pitchers Jack Jordan of Pittsburgh, Pa., Don Brown of Tallahas­see, Fla., and Danny McGregor of Boys' Catholic of Augusta, the winning hurler in the state all-star game. Other fresh­man standouts are infielders Lane Akers, Johnny Menger and Gray Potter and outfielders, George Bailey and Bob Juhan.

Tech opens their season with a six-day Florida trip — sort of an exhibition slate to get them ready for the SEC competition this year.

Don't Miss it —

The ' 5 4 T-game

Friday, April 23, 1954

Grant Field 8:00 P.M.

Admission — $1.25


To avoid standing in line, order your tickets now—Send orders to the Georgia Tech Athleiic Association; Third and Fowler — Atlanta, Georgia.

Make checks payable to:

The Greater Atlanta Georgia Tech Club


Barga ins f r o m " Y e O l d R o b b e r y '

T^e (^oUe^e *)*t*t ^aye SPRINGTIME IS "T" SHIRT T IME-

Young 'Recks will be proud of these Tech "T " shirts. Your choice of three styles (Quesfion mark, shown on left; Ramblin' Reck, shown on right and Yellow Jackef, not shown). Order by style and size. Sizes available now are 2, 4, 6 & 8 in children's and youth sizes 10 & 12 — only $1.10 each postpaid.

Also available —adult "T " shirts in S, M & L sizes at $1.25 each postpaid.

THE TECH RECORDS-They're going fast and our supply is lim­ited. Be sure and get this 78 RPM album that contains all of the Tech favorites (RAMBLIN' 'RECK, ALMA MATER, UP WITH THE WHITE AND GOLD, etc.) Pre­sented by the Tech Band and Glee Club. Order now — only $3.60 per album post­paid.


Just the thing to mix that summer mint

julep in. Three different styles — the Tech

seal style, shown below, the Bowl Glass

(all the Tech bowl scores plus a cut of

Coach Dodd) and the Yellow Jacket glass.

In 12, 10 or 7 oz. sizes. Only .55 each

postpaid — state size and style.

i >': I • 11

TECH APPOINTMENT BOOKS-We still have a few of these photo appointment books in

stock. They're just the thing to keep your daily business

and social appointments up-to-date. A page for each week

plus photos of the Tech campus and sports shots. Attrac­

tively bound, a real bargain at $1.65 postpaid.

To tell you the truth, we overordered on this item. We

thought sure you'd buy them. Shows you how wrong we

can be. We're going to give them just this one more try,

hoping that you will grab them up.

*)l yact haven't received yowt ^tee 4*ac&wie4. e£ ati o£ t£e *?ec4. tte*K&, dxtfi u& a. fra^tcatd today, ?4ctet%e44. it to-: 'StocAuxe— (feotyia *?ec& @9tleae *?KK - ?4tta,ttla. (peon&ia.


No. Item

KIDS' "T " SHIRTS (Sizes 2, 4 , 6 & 8 - $ 1 . 1 0 Each)

Size No.


($1.35 each)

I enclose my check for to cover the above items.

Name - Address.



($3.60 each)


GLASSES (indicate style)

($0.55 each)


March-April, 1954 21


A new Georgia Tech Club was organ­ized in Winston-Salem on February 5 as 21 'Recks turned out for the charter meeting. Officers were elected during the meeting and a meeting for April was voted upon. The April meeting will feature a speaker and film from Tech.

Officers elected for the first year were W. H. Eastman, '24, president; Joe Szab-lowski, '51, vice-president; W. L. Mar­tin, Jr., '53, secretary and Toy E. Hill, Jr., '53, treasurer. President Eastman appointed the following committees at the meeting: Constitution and By-Laws — Jim Hartnett, '53, and John Nisbet, '42; Steering — John Green, '26, and Earl Rutherford, '52; Publicity — John Wood, '20; Program — O. L. Thomas, '38, Roy Choquette, '46, and Wayne Richardson, '52; Membership — Bill Parham, '47, Joe Szablowski, '51, Leon­ard Bolston, '51, and Clem Millians, '32.

TULSA, OKLAHOMA Members of the Georgia Tech Club

of Tulsa held their mid-winter meeting on February 11 at the Tulsa Country Club. Famed Tech footballer, Joe Guyon, '18, of Harrah, Oklahoma, was an out-of-town guest at the meeting which featured the "Highlights of 1953." Herman Blondett, '37, was appointed

chairman for the next meeting of the club to be held in the late summer.

HOUSTON, TEXAS Coach Frank Broyles was the fea­

tured speaker at the February 17th stag meeting of the South Texas Georgia Tech Club held in Houston. After a Mexican supper Coach Broyles told the members of the club and their guests about Tech's hopes for the 1954 season.

Honor guests at the meeting were the football coaches of the Greater Hous­ton Colleges.

WASHINGTON, D. C. The Washington Georgia Tech Club

held their annual dinner-dance on Feb­ruary 12 at the Hotel Continental. Fifty alumni and guests turned out for the meeting which also featured the "High­lights of 1953."

ATLANTA, GEORGIA The Greater Atlanta Georgia Tech

Club met at the Brittain Dining Hall on February 25 to hear Tech officials Cherry Emerson, '08, George Griffin, CE '22, and Mrs. Dorothy Crosland speak on "The State of the Institution." A crowd of 90 members turned out for the meeting presided over by Pop Sei-gel, '37, president of the club. The "Highlights of 1953" were also featured on the program.

1954 GREENSBORO, TV. C , OFFICERS — elected at the January 21st meeting of the Greensboro Georgia Tech Club were, left to right: Frank Asbury, '21, secretary-treasurer; Charlie Wolcott, '34, president, and Arthur LeCraw, '23, vice-president. Feature speaker at the meet­ing was editor Bob Wallace of the ALUM­NUS. Showings of the 1954 Sugar Bowl and the 1953 "Highlights" films rounded out the program.

DALLAS, TEXAS A beer party and the showing of the

"Highlights of 1953" were the features of the February 1 meeting of the Great­er Dallas Georgia Tech Club.

During the business meeting that pre­ceded the party the following officers were elected: Dudley Fitts, '47, presi­dent; Morris Silverman, ME '38, vice-president; Joe Smith, Arch '50, vice-president and Joe M. Haas, ME '49, sec­retary-treasurer.

DUBLIN, GEORGIA Dean George Griffin spoke at an in­

formal gathering of Tech men in the Dublin area in Dublin on January 28th. The dean also showed the "Highlights of 1953" to the group. Officers of the club are Wesley Brinson, Com '31, pres­ident; Donald C. Johnston, TE '37, vice-president and Ernest Oatts, ChE '22, secretary-treasurer.

COACH DODD MAKES THE ROUNDS— visiting several Georgia Tech Clubs during the past four months, Coach Bobby Dodd made his usual fine impression everywhere he spoke. In the photo at the left, he is shown with Augusta club officers, left to right: Allen Matthews, '23, outgoing president; Paul Bailey, '42, president; Harry Milligan, '40, director and Boy kin Sanford, '34, treasurer. Not shown in the photo are Dorrah Nowell, '39, vice-president; A. Watson Cordes, '47, secretary; and directors Doug Cone, '35, Carl Edelbut, '18, Winston Cooper, '48, Edmund Kuhlke, '28, and Lyman Robertson, '36. The meeting, held February 11th, drew one of the largest crowds in Tech club history.

In the righthand photo Coach Dodd visits the Gainesville meeting of the Georgia Tech Club of Northeast Georgia. Shown left to right: baseball coach Joe Pittard, Coach Dodd, Mrs. Alice Dodd, Pepper Rodgers and meeting co-chairman George Baker, '27. Other co-chairman, president George S. Haymans. Jr., '32, was not in the picture. Charles R. Simons, '37, vice-president, and Charles R. Frierson, Jr., '49, secretary, are the other new club officers. A crowd of 143 turned out to hear Coach Dodd at this meeting.


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' r t l Eugene C. Patterson, 03, of Chattanoo-u * ' ga, Tenn., died February 12 of a heart attack. Mr. Patterson was Chairman of the Board and Treasurer of the Chattanooga Boil­er & Tank Co. He began his career in Chat­tanooga with Walse & Weidner Boiler Co. in 1903, later working for Casey Hedges Co. and Tenn. Copper Co. He joined the Chattanooga Boiler & Tank Co. in 1908 as a partner, sales manager and chief engineer. In 1909 he be­came secretary and in 1941 was named presi­dent. Mr. Patterson was active in both civic and industrial organizations. He is survived by one son, E. C. Patterson, Jr., who had re­cently succeeded him as president and general manager of Chattanooga Boiler & Tank, sev­eral sisters and two grandchildren. 't\A c- Blake Smith, 04, died February 21,

W H l 1954 at his home, 1224 Emory Dr., N. E., Atlanta, after a long illness. He was associated with the State Highway Dept. for 22 years prior to retirement two years ago. Surviving are his wife, Mrs. Anne Smith; daughters, Miss Clynice Smith and Mrs. Jack W. White, Jr., and stepson, Fred W. Butler. / 1 /» Y. Frank Freeman, '10, received the

' ** 1953 Look magazine award for all-in­dustry achievement. Announced in the March 23rd issue of Look, the citation noted Mr. Freeman's twelve terms as chairman of the Motion Picture Producers' Association, his in­spiring spokesmanship for Hollywood and his leadership in community affairs. Mr. Free­man is president of Paramount studios. He was presented the award on an NBC-TV show by Eddie Cantor. Mr. Freeman was one of the first presidents of the National Alumni Asso­ciation. ' 1 3 Thomas H. Galphin, 13, division records

' • engineer of the Long Lines Dept. of American T & T in Atlanta, recently retired after more than 40 years of service. He was presented a gold pin containing 8 stars, one for every five year period of service, at a dinner held in his honor.

Robert L. Hughes, '13, president of James & Co., Inc., St. Louis, Mo., died Feb. 10 after a month's illness. He had been associated with James & Co. since 1929. Mr. Hughes is survived by his wife, whose address is 7256 Westmoreland Ave., University City, Mo.; and two daughters, Mrs. J. J. Lynch and Mrs. A. C. Lendburg. ' 1 6 Paul R- Yopp, '16> District Manager of

** Babcock & Wilcox, is currently serving as a vice president of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Region IV. This re­gion extends from Virginia over to Mississippi including all southeastern states. "1.1. Maurice N. Gaboury, 22, has been ap-"^•* pointed plant manager of the Bound

Brook, N. J., Plant of American Cynamid Company's Organic Chemicals Division. ' 0"» Max M. Cuba, '23, was recently elected

** without opposition to his third term as chairman of the Municipal Planning Board. His business address is 1345 C & S Bank Bldg., Atlanta.

Lee Hayman Enloe, '23, died March 4, 1954. He had been a partner in the Lawson Realty

& Ins. Co. since coming to Atlanta from Gads­den, Ala., a year ago. He held the Sinclair Refining Co. distributorship in Gadsden for 17 years. Mr. Enloe is survived by his wife, one daughter, Miss Gwen Enloe, and one son, L. H. Enloe, Jr., all of 1704 Pine Ridge Dr., N. E., Atlanta; mother, Mrs. Harvey Enloe, Sr., and several brothers and sisters. ' O / t T n e September 7, 1953, issue of Time • " ^ magazine presented a feature article on

the activities of the consulting engineering firm of Knappen-Tippetts-Abbett-McCarthy of which Ernest F. Tippetts, '24, is a senior partner. The firm was cited for its work of the past five years which showed planned and designed projects in excess of three billion dollars completed. The firm's organization with main offices in New York City stretches around the world — branch offices are located in places like Ankara, Turkey; Athens, Greece; Bagdad; Bogota; Cochabamba; Port-au-Prince; Rangoon; Tripoli; Pusan and To­kyo. The firm has justly earned the appella­tion, "Global Engineers." Mr. Tippetts joined the firm in 1945 after a distinguished career with the Corps of Engineers. His last assign­ment with the Corps was as Head Engineer of the Jacksonville, Florida, district.

Mr. Tippetts' son, William B., is a senior in the Civil Engineering School at Tech. 'Ojj Albin O. Holder, '25, president of Hold-^ ' er International Corp., New York City,

has purchased the retail operation of Bronzini, Ltd., including the shop at 5 E. 52nd St. Bron­zini, Ltd., will move into new offices at 720 Fifth Ave. sometime during April. Mr. Holder plans to open Bronzini Shops in London, Paris and Rome.

W. Cfies Smith, Jr., '25, has joined forces with Mr. Bernard C. Johnson to form a Pon-tiac dealership which operates under the name Smith-Johnson Pontiac. Mr. Smith has been in the automobile business here in Atlanta for 21 years. Their business address is 1210 N. Main St., East Point, Ga. ">Ji B. Wilson Bird, '26, died January 25 at • * ° his home, 3820 Ivy Rd., N. E., Atlanta.

He was manager of the Manufacturing Di­vision of the Atlantic Steel Co. He had been with the company for 30 years. Surviving are his wife, Mrs. Grace Bird, and daughter, Miss Evelyn Bird of Washington, D. C. "yj William J. McAlpin, '27, president of

the J. J. Finnigan Co., Inc., recently held open house at the company's new loca­tion, 722 Marietta St., N. W„ Atlanta. ' 2 8 william D- Corn-well, '28, has joined the

" real estate firm of Roy D. Warren Co. in Atlanta as executive vice-president. He served 13 years as chief architect of the FHA state office in Atlanta and was more recently associated with Builders Specialties Co. Mr. Cornwell's business address is the Atlanta Federal Savings Bldg.

Thomas F. Faires, '28, recently announced the association of Robert Y. Fleming, Frank C. Repult, Jr., and Gerald B. Stratton in the firm of Thomas F. Faires & Associates, Archi­tects. The business address is 1027 Falls Bldg., Memphis, Tenn.

C. R. BEACHAM, '23, the Ford Division's Northeast regional sales manager, is shown as he receives a sol­id silver tray from Ford dealers of the Washington, D. C, sales district. The tray contains the signatures of over 100 Ford dealers in the district over which Mr. Beacham formerly had jur­isdiction as Southeastern sales manager. (Left to right) are G. M. Sanders, of Washington; Robert L. Lewis, of Washington; Mr. Beacham and Frank Palm­er of Hyattsville, Mary­land.

§ | 1 S

Thomas A. Middlebrooks, '28, one of the nation's outstanding authorities on soil me­chanics, died February 3 in an Alexandria, Va., hospital of a form of malaria commonly known as black water fever. He contracted the fever while on a special assignment in Africa last January. Mr. Middlebrooks was chief of the soils branch, Engineering Div., Civil Works, of the Office of the Army Chief of Engineers. His special assignment in Africa was for the French government as consultant on a proposed dam site. Mr. Middlebrooks had previously done consulting work for the French government on a dam project now being built in the Alps. Other large projects in wnich he served as consultant include the Friendship Airport in Baltimore; Fort PecK Dam (Mont.), the world's largest hydraulic-ally-filled earth dam; and had done special studies on the Panama Canal. He is survived by his wife, sons, Thomas, Jr., and William M. Middlebrooks, and daughter, Jennie, all of 914 Enderby Dr., Alexandria, Va.

Trustee William C. Wardlaw, '28, of Atlanta, has been elected president of the Atlanta Rotary Club. Mr. Wardlaw is an investment counsellor in the firm of Wardlaw & Hunter with offices in the Trust Co. of Ga. Bldg. "1Q J r°seP'1 A- McCain, '29, has been ap-*" pointed district manager of American

Blower Corporation's New York City office. ' 3 1 Lee F. Caldwell, '31, died January 23 in ** a Nashville, Tenn., hospital after an

illness of two months. He was an electrical engineer with the Arnold Engineering and Development Center at Tullahoma, Tenn. Sur­viving are his wife, Mrs. Mary Caldwell, one sister and one brother.

M. Weldon Rogers, '31, has been named pres­ident of Ely & Walker Dry Goods Co., Inc., one of the largest wholesale dry goods houses in the United States. Mr. Rogers joined the company in 1945 and prior to his recent ap­pointment served as vice-president. His busi­ness address is Ely & Walker Dry Goods Co., Inc., Washington Ave. & 16th St., St. Louis, Mo.

Holly W. S-phar, '31, vice-president of Poca­hontas Fuel Co., Inc., New York, N. Y., has been elected secretary of the company. He has been with the organization since 1940.

Maurice J. Wilson, '31, sales engineer with the Atlanta District office of the Carrier Corp., has been transferred to the Syracuse home office as a product specialist on Conduit Weathermaster Systems. He has been with the company for 23 years. '"JO Col. Lewis M. Flint, '32, recently re-'*•" ceived the Legion of Merit in Korea

for outstanding service as the corps' quarter­master. He has been assigned to the Quarter­master School Center at Ft. Lee, Va. Col. Flint is a veteran of 14 years' army duty. His wife, Sara, lives at 327 W. Lyle Ave., College Park, Ga.

A. Syd Williams, '32, has been transferred from Miami, Fla., to Copenhagen, Denmark. Syd is with Coca Cola Export and is returning to his former pre-war location. His wife and four children will join him soon. ' 3 3 ®T- Paul K- Calaway, '33, is now Acting **** Director of the Georgia Tech Engineer­

ing Experiment Station, succeeding Dr. Her-schel H. Cudd. Dr. Calaway had been Director of the School of Chemistry since 1947 prior to his recent appointment.

James A. Stenhouse, '33, was recently named Tar Heel of the Weak, the highest honor given any individual by the City of Char­lotte, N. C. His career as an architect began when Mr. Walter Pratt, of Charlotte, watched a youth making a sketch of Hotel Charlotte and remarked to the boy that he should be working for an architect. The boy liked the idea and Mr. Pratt put him in touch with Mr. J. N. Pease ('07), who put him to work as second assistant office boy in his architectural office. That was in 1925. Today Mr. Stenhouse and Mr. Pease are partners in one of the largest architectural and engineering offices in the country. After grdauating from high school and Ga. Tech, Mr. Stenhouse returned to Charlotte and became associated with M. R. Morris. In 1938 when Mr. Pease returned to Charlotte they formed a partnership and


The Designs For America's Future

Are On Today's Draft Boards


c&/ix?7ii£ec£s and t&ngrineejrs ATLANTA.

after three years together the company was one of the largest in the country. Mr. Sten-house is married to the former Louise Hunter. They have three boys and one girl. His busi­ness address is 119 E. 5th St., Charlotte, N. C.

Hugh Stubbins, '33, is head of Hugh Stub-bins Associates, a Lexington, Mass., Architec­tural firm which has been the recipient of numerous awards. The firm was recently cited for its design of Massachusetts buildings in a design competition conducted by Progres­sive Architecture, a national magazine. Awards were also recently received for the design for a proposed school and for a proposed apart­ment house which replaces the corridors with elevators between each pair of apartments. Among the firm's many other awards are the 1950 AIA Award of Merit, awards from several national magazines, as well as Government National Competition awards. i^A A. J. Mundy, Jr., 34, has been named • ^ a vice-president of Brown & Root, Inc.,

Houston, Texas. He joined the company in 1946 and was division manager before his promotion. /»»c Robert C. Eley, Jr., '35, is now Service " " Superintendent at the Barksdale Works

of DuPont in Washburn, Wisconsin. Vincent L. Millen, '35, died Jan. 25, 1954. He

was buried at Arlington Cemetery. Mr. Millen is survived by his wife, who resides at 3701-C Winthrop Ave., Ft. Worth 7, Texas. /«»£ Chauncey W. Huth, '36, chief of the '**' Missions Planning & Coordination Office

at Redstone Arsenal, Huntsville, Alabama, has organized a committee made up of key arsenal chiefs which serves as trouble shooter for vital problems affecting the missions of the arsenal. The committee has reportedly made great progress toward trimming red tape and confusion connected with operating procedure and intra-arsenal coordination. iVf Samuel S. Dewson, '37, has been ap-' ' pointed combination electric type­

writer-time equipment manager at IBM's Co­lumbia, S. C, office. He has been with the company since 1941.

Col. L. C. Hays, Jr., '37, and Mrs. Hays, an­nounce the birth of a son, Lawrence C. Ill, Jan. 19. This is their third child. Col. & Mrs. Hays' home address is 330 8th Ave., Coronado, Col.

Robert D. Johnston, '37, and his family have returned to Atlanta after 15 years in Va. and New Jersey. Their address is 1947 Stovall Blvd., N. E„ Atlanta.

Cot. Sam R. Young, '37, recently received the Legion of Merit for "contributing directly to the over-all effectiveness of the United Na­tions forces in Korea." He served as installa­tions director for a year prior to July, 1953. His mailing address is Box 13, BOQ, APO 323, % P. M., San Francisco, Cal.

ROBERT S. HOLMES, '38, recently re­signed his position with the Federal Civil Defense Administration, Washington, D. I.'.. to assume new duties and responsibili­ties as Executive Assistant to the President of Wald Industries in Huntingdon, Penna. Well known in traffic circles as a member of the Institute of Traffic Engineers and as the institute's first executive secretary from 1947-51, Bob was also editor of TRAFFIC ENGINEERING, official publi­cation of 7.T.E. For the past three years he has served as general engineer and director of the Emergency Restoration Di­vision, Engineering Office of F.D.C.A.

i o n Major Paul Reynolds, Jr., '39, and Mrs. ' * * Reynolds, announce the birth of a son,

Paul III, Jan. 24, in Atlanta. Major Reynolds is stationed at Goose Air Base, Labrador.

John A. Swint, '39, is now plant manager of the Automatic Transmission Div. of Ford Mo­tor Co., P. O. Box 2097, Livonia, Michigan. i A{\ Julius Marquette, '40, has been appoint-u ed Assistant to Director of Engineering,

General Engineering Dept. at the Campbell Soup Company's General Offices, Camden. N. J. ' 4 1 Warren c - Gregory (M.D.), '41, has ^ ' opened an office for the practice of

pediatrics. His address is 114 West Boscownn St., Winchester, Va.

Richard Hunter Yancey III, '41, and Mrs Yancey, announce the birth of a son, Richard Hunter IV, Feb. 17. Their home address is 176 Huntington Rd„ N. W., Atlanta, Ga. I A A MARRIED: Joseph Riddell Moore, '42, to *™ Miss Sadie Louise Parrish, March 4.

Mr. Moore is plant engineer with Coats & Clark, Inc., Albany, Ga. #«•» MARRIED: Benjamin Jackson Aycock, '43. ^ ° to Miss Edith Bell, Feb. 19. Mr. Aycock

is employed by Lockheed Aircraft at Mari­etta, Ga. Their home address is 120 LaFayette Dr., N. E., Atlanta. 'AA Dr. James L. McPherson, '44, recently ^ * joined DuPont's Polychemical Dept. at

their Experiment Station in Wilmington, Del­aware. *A£ Trustee Paul A. Duke, '45, has joined ^ a the Fabricating Division of Atlantic-

Steel as Sales Engineer. He will handle the sales of accessories to the construction field. Mr. Duke joined the company in 1948 and since that time has helped establish the Prod­uct Engineering Dept. and was active in the installation and initial operation of the com­pany's new electric furnace. His address is 1830 Colland Dr., N. W., Atlanta, Ga. i Af. Alexander Blair, '46, has joined the ^** staff of the Los Alamos Scientific Lab­

oratory of the Univ. of Cal. His home address is 1382 Iris St., Los Alamos, N. M.

ENGAGED: Eugene E. Elmore III, '46, to Miss Helen Persons. Mr. Elmore is a dealer service representative of the Texas Company. His permanent mailing address is 22 Habersham Way, N. W., Atlanta, Ga.

Daniel C. Kyker, '46, now an Atlanta resi­dent, has been named Schenectady's "Out­standing Young Man of the Year" by the Schenectady Jr. Chamber of Commerce. The award was made for his community services and professional contribution in the New York City area during 1953. Mr. Kyker is sales en­gineer with General Electric, Peachtree Rd. at 28th St. in Atlanta, having been transferred from Schenectady last October.

Lt. Col. Joseph B. Mayo, '46, has been re­assigned to the Far East. His permanent mail­ing address is 1130 Elm St., Portsmouth, Va. 'A"7 Fred T. Bridges, '47, is supervisor, Of-^ ' fice Systems & Procedures, with Rey­

nolds Metal Parts Div. His address is 430 Sprite Rd., No. 7, Louisville, Ky.

Arthur Hollander, '47, and Mrs. Hollander, announce the birth of a son, Alan Ray, Feb. 23. Mr. Hollander is production coordinator for the foreign branches of Smith Kline & French Laboratories, pharmaceutical special­ties. Their home address is 733 Brentwood Rd.. Philadelphia, Pa.

Rujus G. Price, Jr., '47, has been appointed district sales manager for the Orangeburg Manufacturing Co., Inc., with headquarters in Atlanta. He will serve Ga., Fla., Ala., Tenn and the Carolinas. Mr. Price's home address is 730 E. Wesley Rd., N. E., Atlanta. *AQ ENGAGED: Clyde William Carver, Jr., '48, ^** to Miss Julianne Hartrampf. The wed­

ding will take place April 24. Mr. Carver is associated with Sears, Roebuck in Atlanta. More on Page 26

BENJAMIN H. SPURLOCK, JR., '38, as­sociate professor of Mechanical Engineer­ing at the University of Colorado, has been elected to serve his second consecu­tive 3-year term as a member of the coun­cil of the American Society of Heating and Ventilating Engineers. The Council directs the activities of the ASHVE which supports research projects in leading American colleges as well as conducting its own research laboratory in Cleveland. Ohio.


OFFICERS NOMINATED Be Sure and Vote For Your Class Representative

ARTICLE FIVE of the By-Laws of the Georgia Tech National Alumni Association are quoted below for your information. These By-

Laws were adopted at the Annual Business Meeting, September 27, 1947 and amended on November 2, 1951.

"The officers of the Association shall be nominated and elected in the following manner:

"The President shall appoint a nominating committee of three members of the Association who shall not be members of the Board of Trustees. This committee shall nominate one eligible person for each office,' and the names of such nominees shall be published in the alumni magazine, together with appropriate ballots in blank. Each member shall send his ballot to the alumni secretary, voting for the persons so nominated, or for any other members of the Association as desired for such office. The secretary shall tabulate such vote and declare the persons which have received the largest number of votes for each office as elected thereto. The foregoing steps shall be taken so as to insure the completing of the election prior to the beginning of the term to be served by such officers.

"The executive secretary shall be elected and the terms of his employment made by the Board of Trustees."

March 1, 1954

Mr. Ivan Allen, Jr., President Georgia Tech National Alumni Association Atlanta, Georgia

Dear Ivan:

On behalf of Paul Corn, R. A. Siegel and myself, acting as the nominating committee for the election of officers for the Georgia Tech National Alumni Association for the year 1954-55, we nominate the following officers:









These gentlemen have indicated their willingness to serve, if elected, and, in the opinion of your nominating committee, should make an outstanding group of officers for the coming year.

With all good wishes for a successful year,

Yours very truly,

(Signed) Henry W. Grady, Chairman

FOR PRESIDENT — David J. Ar­nold, 'IS, president of the Commer­cial Bank and Trust Company of Griffin, Georgia. A former State Senator, Dave has been a tower of strength for Tech in the Griffin area. He is a past president of both the Griffin Chamber of Commerce and the Georgia Bankers Associa­tion and a former member of the Committee to draft the new State Constitution in 1944-45. He has served on the National Association Board since January, 1952 and, at present, is our vice-president-at-large.

FOR VICE-PRESIDENT — Jack F. Glenn, '32, assistant president of the Citizens and Southern National Bank of Atlanta''. One of Atlanta's young civic and business leaders, Jack joined the C&S bank in 1951 after a successful career as head of Branch Office Operations with Courts and Company. A leader in Community Chest, YMCA, Chamber of Commerce, American Legion and Boy Scout work, he has held respon­sible positions in these and other civic organizations. At present, he is a member of the Georgia Tech Athletic Board and has been on the National Association Board since 1950.

FOR VICE-PRESIDENT-AT-LARGE — Eugene C. Smith, '27, president of the Hygeia Coca-Cola Bottling Company of Pensacola, Florida. One of Pensacola's civic leaders, Gene has served as president of the Chamber of Commerce in that city as well as a leader in Community Chest, YMCA, Boy Scout and Chil­dren's Home activities. He is presi­dent of the Pensacola Georgia Tech Club. Since his graduation in June of 1927, he has been in the Coca-Cola bottling business. He has been on the National Association Board since 1951.

FOR TREASURER — Paul A. Duke, '45, sales engineer with the fabri­cating division of Atlantic Steel Company. An all-american center at Tech, Paul has been the aggressive spokesman for the more recent Tech graduates when it comes to alumni affairs. Holder of degrees in me­chanical and industrial engineering from Tech, he was a student leader while on the campus. At present he is a vice-chairman for the Atlanta Red Cross Drive and a deacon in the Trinity Presbyterian Church. A member of the National Association Board since 1951, Paul was elected treasurer this past year.


All active members of the Georgia Tech National Alumni Association who desire to confirm the foregoing nomi­nations, or who wish to vote for class secretaries may do so by filling out the ballot shown or one similar to it and mailing it by midnight May 1, 1954 to the address shown. This vote is not for confirmation of nomination but for elec­tion. Write-in ballots are welcomed.

BALLOT FOR NATIONAL ALUMNI OFFICERS, 1954-55 • My check in the box indicates approval of the slate selected by the

nominating committee or I vote for the following write-in candidates: FOR PRESIDENT: FOR VICE-PRESIDENT: FOR VICE-PRESIDENT (At Large): FOR TREASURER: CLASS SECRETARY (for my Class).

SIGNED _CLASS_ Mail form to Secretary, National Alumni Association,

Georgia Tech, Atlanta, Ga. Not Valid Without Signature Mail by Midnight, May 1

March-April, 1954 25

Frederick B. Cornish, '48, was recently elected acting secretary of the Philadelphia Chapter of the American Institute of Indus­trial Engineers. Mr. Cornish is a staff mem­ber, office of the president, of the Industrial Division of Minneapolis-Honeywell Regulator Co. in Philadelphia.

Alien C. Flint, '48, has a distributorship for Westinghouse in Charleston, S. C. His address is Livingston & Haven, Inc., Meeting St., Charleston.

Joe S. Gilliam, '48, has been named manager of government sales for the B. F. Goodrich Industrial Products Div., Akron, Ohio.

Mark Hampton, '48, was on the campus re­cently when he had a winning entry in the exhibition "Florida Architecture by Florida Architects." Mr. Hampton's display was a de­sign of a two-bedroom residence. The exhibit was shown in many southeastern cities. His home address is 4406 Beach Park Dr., Tampa, Fla. 'AQ Thomas J. Barfield, Jr., '49, sales repre-^ ~ sentative of the Johns-Manville Bldg.

Products Div., Atlanta, was graduated recently from an advanced training course in modern sales techniques at the Johns-Manville Train­ing Center, Manville, N. J. Mr. Barfield's home address is 431 Ridgeway Ave., Statesville, N. C.

James H. Fisher, '49, has joined the Produc­tion Dept. of American Cynamid Company's Fortier plant near New Orleans.

Cpt. William T. Greene, Jr., '49, is en route to the U. S. after serving with the Korean Military Advisory Group as a cryptography specialist. His permanent address is Route 4, Macon, Ga.

Joe Chapman Lane, Jr., '49, has been ap­pointed manager of Advertising & Sales Pro­motion for the Westinghouse Electronic Tube Div., Elmira, N. Y. His home address is 110 Roosevelt Dr., Horsehead, N. Y.

Kern K. Neiswander, '49, has joined the American Viscose Corp. as staff engineer. His business address is 1617 Pennsylvania Blvd., Philadelphia 3, Pa.

Wylie Smith, '49, has been appointed elec­trical engineer for the City of Marietta, Geor­gia. His home address is 1210 Frasier St., Marietta. / e n MARRIED: Lt. William Edward Bartlett, " ' w '50, to Miss Ann DuBois Snyder, Feb.

13. Their address is 40-08 204th St., Bayside, L. I., N. Y.

MARRIED: Robert Meadows Chastain, '50, to Miss Frances Daniel, March 20. Mr. Chastain is employed by Southern States Equipment Corp. in Hampton, Ga.

ENGAGED: Donald J. Knapp, '50, to Miss Ann Sheedy. The wedding will take place in the summer. Mr. Knapp is associated with Henry Taylor & Son in Atlanta.

Arnold P. Litman, '50, is now out of the ser­vice and working for the Metals Division of Olin Industries, Inc. His address is 1710 State St., Alton, 111.

Bennet R. Mogue, '50, and Mrs. Mogue, an­nounce the birth of a daughter, Nancy Julia, Feb. 4. Mr. Mogue is a chemical engineer with the Piedmont Emulsified Asphalt Co. Their home address is 115 Crystal Springs, Apt. 4, Spartanburg, S. C.

Ewell Pope, Jr., '50, and Mrs. Pope, an­nounce the birth of a daughter, Donna Lisa, Jan. 11. Their home address is 1322 Greenland Dr., N. E., Atlanta, Ga.

Lt. Thomas N. Saffold, '50, was recently graduated as a jet fighter pilot at Laredo AFB, Texas. His permanent mailing address is 1612 Woodbine Ave., Atlanta.

John A. Sheffield, Jr., '50, sales representa­tive of the Johns-Manville Bldg. Products Div., Cincinnati, Ohio, recently graduated from the Johns-Manville Training Center, Manville, N. J., after completing an advanced training course in modern sales techniques. Mr. Sheffield lives with his wife and two sons at 1132 "E" Elmdale Rd., Paducah, Ky.

John Tomme, '50, formerly field engineer for Southern States Equipment Co., has been ap­pointed district representative in New York and New England States.

Rex L. Townsend, '50, special representative of the Johns-Manville Government Dept., At­lanta, recently graduated at the Johns-Man­ville Training Center, Manville, N. J., from an advanced training course in modern sales techniques. Mr. Townsend's home address is 1654 Stephens Dr., N. E., Atlanta. ' 5 1 MARRIED: Phillip Lamar demons, '51, to a ' Miss Eleanor Gard, March 27. Mr. Clemons is employed by the Albritton-Wil-liams Construction Co., Inc., Tallahassee, Fla.

ENGAGED: Lawrence Howard Fortson, '51, to Miss Ruth Jenkins. The wedding date will be announced later. Mr. Fortson is associated with the Mystic Tape Corp., Atlanta.

Lt. William S. Jett II, USN, '51, recently re­ceived his wings at Pensacola. His permanent mailing address is 217 Queen St., Mt. Pleas­ant, S. C.

MARRIED: William Blackshear Pace, '51, to Miss Mary Jean Stephens, Feb. 27. Mr. Pace is with Capital Airlines in Washington, D. C.

Klaus Putter, '51, has joined the staff of the Guided Missile Lab., Hughes Research and Development Laboratories, Culver City, Calif.

Richard H. Scheldt, '51, has been transferred by DuPont to their Kingston, N. C„ plant.

Melvin L. Snow, '51, is now in charge of a quality control program with TEMCO, Nash­ville, Tenn. ' C O ENGAGED: Lt. Wayne L. Beech, '52, USN, a > * to Miss Margaret Jones. The wedding •will take place in June. Lt. Beech is stationed at Long Beach, Calif., "where he is on the staff of Commander Mine Div. 113.

Lt. James A. Cain, Jr., '52, was recently graduated as a jet fighter pilot at Laredo AFB, Texas. His permanent address is 3487 Joy Rd., N. W., Atlanta.

Lt. Joe A. Campbell, USMC, '52, has been assigned to Advanced Training Unit at Kings-ville, Texas. He will receive training in the Navy's TV Shooting Star Jet Trainer. His permanent mailing address is 1704 Second Ave., W., Birmingham, Ala.

Lt. Louis Y. Dawson III, '52, is serving with the 8th Army's 79th Engrg. Const. Bn. in Korea. The battalion is aiding in the recon­struction of Korea under the Armed Forces Aid to Korea program. Lt. Dawson's perma­nent mailing address is 33 Church St., Charles­ton, S. C.

Lt. Charles F. Dewald, '52, is serving with the Army Signal Corps in Philadelphia. He resides with his wife and son, Mike, at 2£3 Madison Ave., Fort Washington, Pa.

Richard M. Dufour, '52, USN, was recently-promoted to the rank of Lt. (jg) while serving with Construction Battalion Detachment 1504 at the U. S. Naval Communications Station on Guam. His permanent mailing address is 1298 Dickenson Rd., West Englewood, N. J.

Robert E. Eschmann, '52, is associated with the Methods & Standards section of DuPont's Martinsville, Va., plant. His address is 310 Thomas Heights.

Herschel W. Godbee, '52, was recently pro­moted to the rank of first lieutenant. He is stationed at the Ordnance Guided Missile School, Redstone Arsenal, Huntsville, Ala.

George J. Hill, Jr., '52, has been promoted to the rank of lieutenant, USN, and is serving aboard the attack aircraft carrier, USS Val­ley Forge, with home port at Norfolk, Va. His permanent mailing address is 3457 Southview Ave., Montgomery, Ala.

ENGAGED: Lt. Hayne D. McCondichie, '52, to Miss Mary Katherine Davis. The wedding will take place in April. Lt. McCondichie is sta­tioned in Birmingham, Ala.

Navy Ens. John F. Mahaffey, '52, recently re­ceived his wings at Pensacola, Fla. His per­manent mailing address is Center Dr., Vidalia, Ga.

James B. Parten, '52, is now with the Occi­dental Life Ins. Co. of Cal. as Brokerage Man­ager. His address is 210 Volunteer Bldg., At­lanta.

Paul W. Perfect, '52, USN, was recently pro­moted to the rank of lieutenant (jg) aboard the heavy cruiser USS St. Paul. His perma­nent mailing address is 706 S. W. 6th St., Ft. Lauderdale, Fla.

ENGAGED: Henry C. Sellers, '52, to Miss Janet Lundell. The wedding will take place April 10 in Cambridge, 111. Mr. Sellers is now serv­ing in the U. S. Army.

MARRIED: Lt. Robert Harlan Slaughter, '52, to Miss Mary Elizabeth Bargeron, March 14. Lt. Slaughter is presently stationed at the Army Chemical Center, Md. He will complete his tour of duty in the spring, at which time he will join the Shell Chemical Corp., Houston, Texas.

ENGAGED: Bruce D. Smith, '52, to Miss Evelyn Marie Ovelman. The wedding is scheduled lor September. Mr. Smith is with the Philco Corp. in Philadelphia. His mailing address is 538 High St., Philadelphia 44, Pa.

Howard C. Bennett, '52, and Mrs. Ben­nett, announce the birth of a daughter. Debora Jean, Feb. 13. Their home address is 6020 Tabor Ave., Apt. C-3, Philadelphia 11, Pa.

MARRIED: Milton Wesley Bennett, '52, to Miss Dolores Smithson, Feb. 20. Mr. Bennett is em­ployed by General Electric in Syracuse, N Y . C O ' Lt. John Gaddis, '53, is a member of the ^ ^ 2nd Engineering Construction Group that recently received a meritorious unit cita­tion for its services in Korea. His permanent mailing address is 203 Avery St., Decatur, Ga.

Lt. Robert C. Gillespie, '53, is now serving with the 26th Infantry Regiment of the 1st Div. at Bamberg, Germany. His wife, San­dra, lives at 876 Custer Ave., Hapeville, Ga.

ENGAGED: Lt. Donald H. Gordon, '53, to Miss Ann Cathey. The wedding will take place in the spring. Mr. Gordon's mailing address is 303 Lakemoore Dr., Atlanta.

ENGAGED: Ervin C. Lentz, Jr., '53, to Miss Marilyn Hansen. The wedding date will be an­nounced later. Mr. Lentz is working as a re­search assistant while attending graduate school at Penn State, His mailing address is Phi Kappa Tau House, State College, Pa.

Herbert A. Mcintosh, '53, USN, recently graduated from the Fire Control Technicians School at San Diego, Cal., with an average of 93.33. He is serving aboard the USS Eversole. His permanent address is 1030 Eustis Dr., Au­gusta, Ga.

Joe A. Paget, '53, and Mrs. Paget, announce the birth of a daughter, Jan Fielder, Feb. 1. Mr. Paget is associated with DuPont at their Savannah River Project.

Robert Wielage, '53, has received his resis-tration to practice architecture in the State of Florida, and has formed a partnership with Mr. Frank McLane, Jr.

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