GEOTHERMAL ENERGY RESOURCE ASSESSMENT ON … · including BR101, where Superstition Mountain is...

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PROCEEDINGS, Twenty-Ninth Workshop on Geothermal Reservoir EngineeringStanford University, Stanford, California, January 26-28, 2004SGP-TR-175


Sabin, A.E.1 Unruh, J.R.2 Walker, J.D.3 Monastero, F.W.4 Lovekin, J.5 Robertson-Tait, A.5 Ross, H.6 Sorensen, M.1

Leong, R.1 Holte, C.T.1 Amos, C.7 and Blackwell, D.8

1Innovative Technical Solutions, Inc., 2730 Shadelands, Walnut Creek, CA 94598, asabin@itsi.com2William Lettis & Associates, 1777 Botelho Dr., Suite 26, Walnut Creek, CA 94596

3Dept. Geology, U. Kansas, 1475 Jayhawk Blvd., 120 Lindley Hall, Lawrence, KS 660454Geothermal Program Office, Code ESC 25, 429 E. Bowen Rd., China Lake, CA 93555

5GeothermEx, Inc., 5221 Central Ave., Richmond, CA 9480467089 Pinecone St., Salt Lake City, Utah, 84121

7University of California, Santa Barbara, Department of Geological Sciences8Dept. Geological Sciences, Southern Methodist U., Dallas, TX 75275


Innovative Technical Solutions, Inc. (ITSI) evaluatedgeothermal potential on selected military bases in theU.S. for the Department of Defense. Assessmentactivities included literature reviews, interviews withlocal specialists, geothermal field investigations at 3installations, and development of conceptualgeothermal occurrence models. Occurrence modelsintegrate geothermal system characteristics with localstructural/tectonic characteristics to identify potentialgeothermal targets. Spatial analyses of selectedcoverages using GIS were also performed for theranges at Nellis AFB in order to identify possiblegeothermal targets.

NAF El Centro has “high” utility-grade geothermalpotential and at least four other installationsinvestigated warrant additional investigation.Twenty-one western U.S. installations have direct-use geothermal potential, with bases in Oregon,Nevada and California having the greatest potential.


Eighteen selected military installations in thecontinental United States were assessed for utility-grade geothermal potential, and over 100 militaryfacilities in Colorado, Utah, Wyoming, Arizona,Washington, Oregon, Idaho, Nevada, New Mexico,California, Alaska, and Hawaii were assessed fordirect-use geothermal potential. This investigationwas part of a larger renewable resource assessmentbeing conducted by the Department of Defense(DoD) on selected military installations as part of the2003 military construction appropriations process.

Data for the utility-grade and direct-use assessmentswere drawn largely from available literature and datagathered from local, state and federal officials.Reconnaissance field work supporting utility-gradeassessments was performed at Naval Air Field El

Centro (NAFEC), CA, Mountain Home AFB, ID, andWhite Sands Missile Range (WSMR), NM.

This article briefly highlights the methods andselected results of a broad geothermal potentialinvestigation. It was excerpted and modified from alarger unpublished report provided to the government(ITSI, 2003).


Utility-grade geothermal fluids are those withtemperatures that can support electricity production.Based on previous analyses, DoD identified eighteenmilitary installations for a utility-grade potentialevaluation, three of which were to be the focus ofspecific field investigations.

Geothermal targets at each base were identifiedthrough a evaluation of published information plusinternally developed occurrence models. Wheretargets were identified at each base, mapping,sampling, and self-potential geophysical surveyswere conducted in these areas.

The last part of this project was to evaluate direct-usepotential from military bases in Colorado, Utah,Wyoming, Arizona, Washington, New Mexico,Oregon, Idaho, Nevada, California, Alaska, andHawaii. The ITSI team created a list of bases,adopted a direct-use evaluation criteria from the Geo-Heat Center (Boyd, 2002), then gathered relevant,publicly-available data to determine which of thesebases might have low temperature geothermalresources.


The eighteen sites selected by DoD for utility-gradegeothermal assessments are located in the Basin andRange, Snake River Plain, Pacific Cordillera and RioGrande Rift tectonic provinces. The followingdescribes geologic characteristics, results of field

work and the geothermal potential assessment of twoof the more intriguing installations: NAF El Centro inthe Salton Trough of the Pacific Cordillera,California and Nellis AFB, in the Basin and Range ofsouthern Nevada.

NAF El CentroNAFEC is located in southeastern California directlysouth of the Salton Sea. The base includes a mainsite with an air field and six distinct bombing rangesincluding BR101, where Superstition Mountain islocated.

The Salton Trough is in the Pacific Cordillera, atectonic province that generally reflects deformationassociated with transcurrent and convergent platemotion along the western continental margin of NorthAmerica (Figure 1). In the Gulf of California,Mexico, the eastern boundary of the oceanic Pacificplate is a series of northwest-striking dextral faultsthat link short, active, NE-trending oceanic spreadingcenters. The system of alternating strike-slip faultsand spreading ridges extends northward intoCalifornia, and terminates in the Salton Trough. TheSalton Trough is about 10-16 km deep, underlain byyoung (Pliocene) oceanic crust, and is a locus ofQuaternary volcanic activity associated withcontinental rifting and nascent sea-floor spreading.

Several areas of very high heat flow in the PacificCordillera are associated with high rates of crustalextension and active volcanism. Rhyolitic volcaniccenters at the southern end of the Salton Sea andrhyolitic flows present at depth within the Quaternarysection (Hulen and Pulka, 2001) indicate thatvolcanism accompanied sedimentation and crustalspreading in the area.

The El Centro area is a site of significant crustalthinning and nascent sea-floor spreading. The step inthe faults to the west into the San Jacinto system isconsidered to be a restraining bend with associatedcrustal shortening. This is consistent with thepresence of basement granitic outcrops in theSuperstition Mountain area to the NW of El Centro.

Neotectonic ActivityThe El Centro area is located in one of the mostseismically active areas of California. Two largeearthquakes have occurred on the Imperial Fault inrecent years: an M=7.1 in 1940 (Neumann, 1942) andan M=6.5 in 1979 (Hutton et al., 1991; Bausch andBrumbaugh, 1996). Seeber and Armbruster (1999)report that their preferred model for crustaldeformation within this releasing bend, transtensionalsystem is one where fault blocks rotate within anoverall extensional regime, similar to interpretationsfor the Walker Lane belt by Oldow et al. (2001).

Heat FlowThe El Centro area lies within the Salton Trough heatflow area (Figure 2) (Blackwell et al., 1991) withheat flow values generally in excess of 100 mW/m2,making it one of the hottest known geothermal areasin the world. Lachenbruch et al. (1985) determinedthat the crust in the area is very thin (~23 km), isunderlain by high-temperature asthenosphere and thatthe heat flow is generated by rapid extension relatedto the opening of the Gulf of California and thecreation of new oceanic crust in the region.

Temperature GradientsCorrected temperature gradients generated fromalmost 40 wells within 100 miles of NAFEC rangefrom 21 to 98°C/km. A well at SuperstitionMountain straddles Bombing Range 101 of NAFECand has a gradient of 64°C/km. This well is the onlysite in the area with a gradient above 50°C/km that islocated outside a KGRA.

Incomplete California Department of Oil and Gasrecords and unpublished material (publicly presentedto NAFEC and BLM by a private developer) identifya zone along the northeast flank of SuperstitionMountain with a calculated temperature gradientexceeding 300ºC/km (17.5ºF/100 ft.).

Geothermal ResourcesThe Salton Trough contains three electricity-producing geothermal fields as well as six KGRAs(Figure 3). By far the most active area of productionis the Salton Sea Geothermal Field at the southernend of the Salton Sea with a capacity in excess of 350MW. California’s two other producing geothermalfields in the Salton Trough - East Mesa and Heber -each generate around 100 MW of power. With over770 MW production from Cerro Prieto (Mexico) inthe southern Salton Trough and an additional 175MW production increase anticipated for the SaltonSea Geothermal Field, total production in the SaltonTrough will soon exceed 1200 MW.

Field Investigation: Superstition MountainThe Superstition Mountain site is on the NW side ofNavy BR 101 (Figure 3). Several factors make itprospective for geothermal resources:

• Regional features include high heat flow, surfacegeothermal manifestations (mudpots, CO2

venting), young silicic volcanic rocks,geophysical anomalies (localized gravity highsassociated with geothermal production at Heberand East Mesa geothermal fields), and activegeothermal production.

• A pronounced Bouguer gravity high which maybe due to high-density granites surrounded by

lower density alluvium or due to localizedcementing of alluvium by hot, mineralizingfluids at depth.

• Superstition Mountain is speculated to have been“squeezed” within a left step in the San Jacinto-San Andreas Fault system. Young (i.e., active;not sealed) range-bounding faults in theseregions are preferred fluid pathways.

• Temperature-gradient data from a 1970’s andearly 1980’s reconnaissance program (MikeWood, CA State Oil and Gas office, El Centro,personal communication, 2003; Eric Layman,Layman Energy Associates, personalcommunication, 2002) point to localized hotspots. A 300ºC/km (17.5ºF/100 ft.) temperaturegradient straddles the Navy-BLM border on theNE side of Superstition Mountain.

• An apparent spatial correlation of a barrenvegetative zone with sporadic calcite-veinedfloat (paleo hot-springs?) exists along the NEflank of the mountain.

A self-potential survey at NAFEC was conductedduring this project using a basic radial or “spoke”survey technique. 186 stations were recorded on 11profiles along 11.2 line-km (37,000 line-ft) for anarea of 3.71 km2 (1.43 mi2). Figure 4 showscontoured SP voltages for the Superstition Mountainsurvey, all referenced to an assumed datum of 0millivolts (mV) at Base Station (B.S.) #1. B.S.#1 hasa relative value of about –120 mV and the surveyminimum is about –150 mV with respect to regionalbackground.

Figure 4 illustrates a substantial SP anomaly withsignificant lateral extent, continuity, and amplitude.It occurs over Quaternary alluvium 300-600 m northof granite outcrops of Superstition Mountain. It iselongate sub-parallel to the topography, with a half-amplitude length of about 1800 m and a half-amplitude width of about 500 m. The considerableelongation of the anomaly suggests a SP sourceassociated with covered faults and fractures and apossible covered fluid upflow zone near this location.

SummaryThe combination of geothermal production in theregion, active extension, a temperature gradientanomaly with a coincident SP anomaly, and possiblehot-spring mineralization suggests NAFEC has highutility-grade geothermal potential. A prime target atNAFEC is immediately NE of Superstition Mountain.

Nellis AFBNellis Air Force Range (NAFR) occupiesapproximately 3.1 million acres in southern Nevada(Figure 5) surrounding the Nevada Test Site.Methods employed to assess potential utility-gradegeothermal energy at NAFR included the

construction of a GIS because data and accessrequired to perform an evaluation of geothermalpotential are limited. Results indicate that portions ofNAFR appear prospective, but on-site investigationsare recommended to fully assess these areas.

Geologic and Neotectonic SettingNAFR is within the Basin and Range Province ofsouthern Nevada at the junction between the WalkerLane Belt and the Basin and Range extensionalprovince. GPS velocities and directions of motionindicate that the strain field changes in this regionfrom the east-west extension typical of the Basin andRange to the northwest-southeast directedtranstension characteristic of the Walker Lane belt.

NAFR has some areas of concentrated seismicactivity (e.g. Stonewall Mountain region) but nowell-defined, through-going linear alignments thatmay define discrete seismogenic faults. A problemwith the application of such data for tectonicinterpretations is that the NAFR area is not wellcovered by seismic stations and actual seismicactivity in the area may be under-sampled at present.

The presence or absence of active faults in NAFR isnot well documented. A study on the age andlocation of young structures by Dohrenwend et al.(1996) employed aerial photos and satellite imageryto develop a reconnaissance map of Quaternary andlate Tertiary faults in Nevada. It may be inferredfrom these data that faults are present but relativelysparse. Dohrenwend et al. (1996) observed that thisregion appears devoid of late Quaternary fault scarpsbut noted that this observation may be due to limitedimagery data.

Heat FlowAlthough the majority of very high temperaturegeothermal reservoirs in the Basin and Range areconcentrated in the northwestern portion of Nevada,the presence of warm springs and wells within theNAFR region indicates a potential for high-temperature resources in this area as well (Garsideand Hess, 1994; Shevenell et al., 2000). Severalareas of anomalous heat flow within the Basin andRange stand out among the average high valuescharacteristic of this province including the EurekaLow (the green colored 50-60mW/m2 region incentral NV; Fig. 2) in the southern Great Basin andthe Battle Mountain Heat Flow High to thenorthwest, regions of depressed and elevated heatflow, respectively, relative to background Basin andRange values (Blackwell et al., 1991; Sass et al.,1971).

Tingley et al. (1998) indicate that flow within thickPaleozoic carbonate aquifers in the Basin and Rangetypically connects basins with little or no surface

outflow, and that individual groundwater flow pathsmay stretch for 150 km. Interbasin flow of meteoricfluids at deep levels in these aquifers is accompaniedby an overall downward seepage that effectivelyblankets upwardly flowing heat from deeper levels inthe crust (Tingley et al., 1998). As indicated byGarside and Schilling (1979), the generally lowreported spring and well temperatures throughout thearea occupied by the Eureka Low reflects theregional-scale influence of this hydrologicdisturbance. However, several workers contend thatheat flow values beneath the Eureka Low return totypical Basin and Range values of 80 to 100 mW/m2

at depth (Sass and Lachenbruch, 1982).

Groundwater GeochemistryAvailable groundwater data are limited to a portionof NAFR although data are more plentiful beyond therange boundaries. Geothermometry calculationsgenerated from these wells yield calculatedgroundwater temperatures generally ranging from 30to 105°C, with a rough correlation between the SiO2-chalcedony and the Na-K-Na (Mg-corrected)geothermometers. Several broad geographic patternsin these temperatures are observed:

• Elevated temperatures (e.g., above about 70°Cfor both geothermometers) are present in thenorth-central and far northwestern portions ofNAFR;

• Elevated temperatures appear to exist in the mainbase area;

• Generally low temperatures dominate in theeastern area of NAFR, and

• With the exception of the samples from thenorth-central parts of NAFR, higher-temperaturegeothermometry occurrences in NAFR are fromareas outside the Eureka Low.

Elevated geothermometry temperatures are foundacross widely separated parts of NAFR but sampledensity is sparse; thus, specific statements assessingthe relative potential for geothermal resources onNAFR based on geothermometry, or lack thereof, arenot well constrained by available data.

Geothermal ResourcesThere is no utility-grade geothermal production atNAFR although there are direct-use areas to the eastand west (e.g., Baileys Hot Spring near Beatty; AshSprings near Alamo). According to Garside andSchilling (1979) and Tingley et al. (1998), NAFR ischaracterized by a relative lack of geothermal activityin comparison with adjacent areas throughout thestate of Nevada. Regardless, several areas in andaround NAFR and the adjacent Nevada Test Siteshow evidence of past and present geothermalactivity.

Tingley et al. (1998) summarize data on knownthermal springs on and within 5 km of NAFRproperty. Climax Seep, located east of the BeltedRange to the north of Yucca Flat, has a reportedtemperature of 41.5°C, although Tingley et al. (1998)consider such temperatures for the area anomalous ,unconfirmed, and thus suspect. Additionally, thermalsprings present in Hot Creek Valley, the northwardcontinuation of the Reveille Valley east of theKawich Range, show surface discharge temperaturesaround 60 °C, with estimates of reservoirtemperatures from silica geothermometry up to110°C (Garside and Schilling, 1979). Major, range-bounding normal faults present along the westernmargin of this area and the Reveille Valley to thesouth exert primary control over the distribution ofthermal springs and spring deposits in this area(Garside and Schilling, 1979). To the southwest,thermal fluids from numerous hot and warm springsin the Sarcobatus Flat-Beatty area west of PahuteMesa and Yucca Mountain exhibit temperatures up to42 °C, with the majority of spring temperaturesbetween 25 and 40 °C (Garside and Schilling, 1979;Flynn et al., 1995; Tingley et al., 1998).

The results of deep drilling throughout NAFR and theadjacent Nevada Test Site allow additional inferencesto be drawn about the thermal characteristics of areaswithout reported surface manifestation of geothermalactivity. As reported by Sass and Lachenbruch(1982), the hottest wells in this area lie in thenorthwestern section of the Test Site, centered nearPahute Mesa and the adjacent Gold Flat. The deepestwell evaluated in this location encounteredtemperatures over 120 °C at approximately 3,700 mdepth, although such high temperatures may reflectareas of localized upwelling (Tingley et al., 1998), asadjacent wells at shallower depths show moremoderate temperatures. Wells showing the hottestthermal gradients are also concentrated in this area,with the highest measured value of 50 °C/km in awell to 600 m depth in the Gold Flat area (Sass andLachenbruch, 1982; Tingley et al., 1998).

Tingley et al. (1998) note that deep holes near PahuteMesa showing estimated reservoir temperatures ofover 90 °C at several kilometers may berepresentative of the thermal regime within deepcarbonate aquifers beneath the area. Despite thepresence of young silicic volcanic rocks and recentbasalt flows within the NAFR and vicinity, there isgeneral agreement that a non-volcanic heat source isthe origin of thermal waters throughout the area(Flynn et al., 1995; Tingley et al., 1998).

SummaryNAFR was evaluated as having high geothermalpotential based on the combination of warm wells,springs and apparent favorable structures all within a

large, poorly explored area situated on the margins ofsome of the most prospective geothermal systems inthe country. Additionally, geothermal occurrencesthroughout the Basin and Range share many similarfeatures with NAFR:

• Range-bounding normal faults show (unmapped)evidence for recent displacement and relativelylarge structural throw;

• Active seismicity;• Apparent strain field changes (e.g. at Stonewall

Mountain);• Gravity anomalies;• Elevated groundwater temperatures (e.g., above

about 70°C for both geothermometers) present inthe north-central and far northwestern portions ofNAFR;

• Deep well data indicating the presence of localizedareas of upwelling of thermal fluids;

• Mineralization suggesting possible hydrothermalactivity including opal, silicification and calcareousdeposits.

The above features have either been described or canbe inferred from geologic data for NAFR. It is clearthat faults of large throw are present, although theyare poorly documented in the literature. Deep, fault-bounded basins are present in the area. Although thelargest gravity anomaly is the Timber MountainCaldera, many other areas show isostatic anomaliesexceeding 15 milligals (mgal) indicating thatsignificant basin fill or areas of low density rocks arepresent. Finally, there are some geothermal featuresand some local utilizations of warm waters.

At least three sites within NAFR warrant furtherinvestigation because they are within a tectonicallyactive region displaying features compatible withknown geothermal occurrences, and because there areno geothermal investigations appear to have everbeen performed at these sites: (1) StonewallMountain, at the western edge of NAFR, is boundedto the north by what appears to be a releasing bend ina strike-slip fault. It is adjacent to the Walker Lanebelt and just east of a cluster of thermal wells, onewith a temperature gradient exceeding 100°C/km. (2)The Kawich and Reveille Valleys are bounded bynortherly-trending Quaternary faults along trend withHot Creek Valley (the northward continuation of theReveille Valley), which is characterized by springswith surface discharge temperatures around 60 °C,with estimates of reservoir temperatures from silicageothermometry up to 110 °C (see Garside andSchilling, 1979). (3) The Groom Range and GroomLake are characterized by steep, linear range frontsand active playas that may be at a releasing step orsome other structure which localizes crustal strainand geothermal resources.


There are currently about 1,000 single-user, direct-use installations and 18 district heating systemsoperating in the United States. For this study, it wasassumed that space heating and cooling are theprimary applications for moderate-temperature(>48°C) geothermal fluids on military bases.

Thirty-five military sites (culled from over 100installations in Colorado, New Mexico, Utah, Idaho,Washington, Oregon, Nevada, Arizona, California,Alaska and Hawaii) were assessed for direct-usepotential. Available literature was reviewed toidentify wells within 5 miles of each installation withtemperature gradients >~20°C/km. Sites were thenassessed using a method modified after the GeoHeatCenter (Boyd, 2002), and grouped into categoriesbased on water temperatures, depth to water, anddistance of wells from military buildings.

Twenty-one of the bases reviewed were determinedto have direct-use potential, the top 11 of which arelisted in Table 1. The most promising of these basesinclude Kingsley Air National Guard Base, Oregon,Fallon NAS, Nevada, Sierra Army Depot, California,Hawthorne Army Ammunition Depot, Nevada, FortBliss, Texas, and Luke AFB, Arizona. All havestructures within 5 miles of wells with measuredtemperatures in excess of 93°C at depths of less than1,000 meters.


ITSI conducted this work pursuant to DoD ContractN68936-02-R-0236. ITSI acknowledges theGeothermal Resource Council for assistance withdata gathering, the University of Utah’s Energy &Geoscience Institute for use of their SP fieldequipment, the Navy’s Geothermal Program Officefor valuable data and interpretations and selectedindividuals from NAFEC, Mountain Home AFB andWSMR for valuable assistance in the field.


Bausch, D.B., and Brumbaugh, D. (1996), YumaCommunity Earthquake Hazard Evaluation, YumaCounty, AZ: Arizona Earthquake Information Center.( )

Blackwell, D.D., Steele, J.L., and Carter, L.S. (1991),Heat-flow patterns of the North American continent:a discussion of the Geothermal Map of NorthAmerica, in Slemmons, D.B., Engdahl, E.R., Zoback,M.D., and Blackwell, D.D., eds., Neotectonics ofNorth America: Boulder, Colorado, GeologicalSociety of America, Decade Map, 1, 423-436.

Boyd, T.L. (2002), Western States GeothermalDatabases CD: Geothermal Resources CouncilTransactions, 27, 605-609.

Dohrenwend, J.C., Schell, B.A., Menges, C.M.,Moring, B.C. and McKittrick, M.A. (1996),Reconnaissance photogeologic map of young(Quaternary and Late Tertiary) faults in Nevada, inSinger, D.A., 1996, ed., An Analysis of Nevada'sMetal-Bearing Mineral Resources: Nevada BureauMines and Geology, Open-File Report 96-2, p. 9-1 to9-12.

Flynn, T., Shevenell, L., Buchanan, P., Garside, L.J.,Trexler, D. (1995), Geothermal resource assessmentof the Yucca Mountain area, Nye County, Nevada,final report: No. UNLV 99D, SCP Study No.

Garside, L.J., and Hess, R.H. (1994), Nevadageothermal resource use – 1993 update: GeothermalResources Council Bulletin, 23, 2, 47-54.

Garside, L. J., and Schilling, J.H. (1979), ThermalWaters of Nevada: Nevada Bureau of Mines andGeology, Bulletin 91, 167 p.

Guth, P.L. (1990), Superposed Mesozoic andCenozoic deformation, Indian Springs Quadrangle,southern Nevada, in Wernicke, B.P., ed., Basin andRange extensional tectonics near the latitude of LasVegas, Nevada: Boulder, Colorado, GeologicalSociety of America Memoir 176, 237-249.

Hulen, J.B., and Pulka, F.S. (2001), Newly-discovered, ancient extrusive rhyolite in the SaltonSea Geothermal Field, Imperial Valley, California:Proceedings, Twenty-Sixth Workshop on GeothermalReservoir Engineering, Stanford University,Stanford, California, January 29-31, SGP-TR-168.

Hutton, L.K., Jones, L.M., Hauksson, E., and Given,D.D. (1991), Seismotectonics of southern California,in Slemmons, D.B., Engdahl, E.R., Zoback, M.D.,and Blackwell, D.D., eds., Neotectonics of NorthAmerica: Boulder, Colorado, Geological Society ofAmerica, Decade Map 1, 133-152.

Innovative Technical Solutions, Inc. (2003),Geothermal Energy Resource Assessment on MilitaryLands. Department of Defense Contract. N68936-02-R-0236, 144 p.

Lachenbruch, A.H., Sass, J.H., and Galanis, S.P., Jr.(1985), Heat flow in southernmost California and theorigin of the Salton Trough: Journal of GeophysicalResearch, 90, 6709-6736.

Neumann, F. (1942), United States Earthquakes,1940: US Coast and Geodetic Survey Serial 647, 74p.

Oldow, J.S., Aiken, C.L.V., Hare, J.L., Ferguson,J.F., and Hardyman, R.F. (2001), Activedisplacement transfer and differential block motionwithin the central Walker Lane, western Great Basin,Geology, 29, 1, 19-22.

Sass, J.H., Lachenbruch, A.H., Munroe, R.J., Green,G.W., and Moses, T.H., Jr. (1971), Heat flow in thewestern United States: Journal of GeophysicalResearch, 76, 6356-6431.

Sass, J.H., Lachenbruch, A.H., Dudley, W.W., Jr.,Priest, S.S. and Munroe, R.J., (1988), Temperature,thermal conductivity and heat flow near YuccaMountain, Nevada: Some tectonic and hydrologicimplications: U.S. Geological Survey Open-FileReport 87-649, 118 p.

Sass, J.H., Lachenbruch, A.H. (1982), Preliminaryinterpretation of thermal data from the Nevada TestSite S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 82-973,30 p.

Seeber, L., and Armbruster, J.G. (19990, AnnualProgress Report 1999, Earthquakes, Faults, andStress in South

Shevenell, L., Garside, L., Hess, R.H. (2000), NevadaGeothermal Resources: Nevada Bureau of Mines andGeology Map 126.

Tingley, J.V., Castor, S.B., Weiss, S.I, Garside, L.J.,Price, J.G., LaPointe, D.D., Bonham, H.F., Jr., andLugaski, T.P. (1998), Mineral and energy resourceassessment of the Nellis Air Force Range, U.S. AirForce Air Combat Command, Clark, Lincoln, andNye Counties, Nevada: Nevada Bureau of Mines andGeology Open-File Report 98-1, 2 vols., 800 p.

Figure 1. Military installations considered for utility-grade assessment and their tectonic provinces.

Figure 2. Heat flow map of U.S. Heat flow boundaries generally mimic tectonic province boundaries.

Figure 3. NAFEC region with Superstition Mountain target, geothermal producers, KGRAs and importantstructures.

Figure 4 -120 mgal SP anomaly along NE flank of Superstition Mountain, NAFEC.

Figure 5. NAFR location map with approximate boundaries, young faults, hot springs and hot wells (modifiedafter Tingley et al., 1998).

Figure 6. Digital elevation model (green low and red high elevations) with earthquake locations and faults,NAFR.

Table 1. Prioritized List of Military Installations with Geothermal Direct-Use Potential

Rank Military Facility Well Temperatures or Gradients and Distances fromBuildings

1 Kingsley Field Air NationalGuard Base, OR (Air Force)

5 mi S of the Klamath Falls district heating system, with > 300wells with temperatures above 160°F; highest measured T within 5miles is the Kent well (306°F). Two Air Force wells about 2 mi Shave gradients over 4°F/100 ft at less than 500 ft.

2 Naval Air Station Fallon,NV

FOH-3 measured 376°F at 6,952 feet. Numerous wells in andaround the base have gradients above 4.5°F/100 ft.

3 Sierra Army Depot, CA

Well MP21-HLI, with a gradient of 4.3°F/100 ft, is withinboundary of the base, about 5 mi W of the Depot StorageFacilities. Amedee No. 2, 4 mi from Amedee Airfield (NevadaANG) recorded 225°F. Base is partially closed.

4 Hawthorne ArmyAmmunition Depot, NV

Three wells (El Capitan, HAW-GC, and HHT-1) withtemperatures > 180°F at 1,000 ft or less are within 5 mi of themain cluster of base buildings.

5 Camp Williams, UT (Army)Nine wells with temperatures > 120°F are clustered near the StatePrison about 3.5 mi N of the main cantonment area. Five have Ts> 150°F at less than 500 feet.

6 Gowen Field Air NationalGuard Base, ID (Air Force)

Twelve wells within 5 mi of the ANG Base (including BoiseGeothermal No. 4 at 175°F) have Ts >160°F.

7 Fort Bliss, NM/TX (Army)MG-16, appx 4 mi SE of McGregor Range Camp recorded 173°Fat 1,500 feet. Two others (MG-14 and N-9) with Ts > 160°F at1,000 feet or less are within 2 mi of the camp.

8 Fort Huachuca, AZ (Army) Geo-Heat Center database lists 5 wells >135°F within 5 mi of theMain Post. Highest T is 154°F appx 4.5 mi SW.

9Twenty-nine Palms MarineCorps Air/Ground CombatCenter, CA (Navy)

Three wells with temperatures from 127°F to 152°F are withinabout 5 mi of the Main Base. TNP6, 2 mi W of the Airfield,reported 153°F.

10 Luke Air Force Base, AZWithin 5 mi of buildings at Luke AFB, 4 wells report Ts from 120to 133°F at depths ranging from 1,043 to 2,320 feet. a well S ofMcMicken reported 184°F at 705 feet.

11 Davis-Monthan Air ForceBase, AZ

Well PM-15, just outside the SW boundary of base (on theopposite side of the airstrip appx 2 mi from the main buildingcluster), has a temperature >120°F at 2,500 feet.