Get Acupuncture Treatment By Experienced Acupuncturists

Post on 19-Feb-2020

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If you are living in New York and suffering from any disease? So only reach city acupuncture, there you can find satisfied and effective acupuncture treatment and massage therapy by experienced acupuncturists.


Acupuncture Treatment and Massage Therapy

What is Acupuncture? Acupuncture is completely natural and does not involve any drugs or

medication. It works by stimulating the body to heal itself, using its own resources. It is still not fully scientifically understood exactly how acupuncture is so effective, but it is known to influence the body and the brain in a number of different ways.

When the needles are inserted into the skin, the nervous system registers this as a micro-injury. This triggers the brain to release chemicals called endorphins. Although these are produced naturally by the body, they work in a similar way to opiate medication. They have the effect of relieving pain and produce a feeling of calm and well-being.

Healing Body and MindAs well as relieving pain and improving many

physical symptoms, acupuncture also benefits mental health. It regulates the levels of neurotransmitters such as dopamine and serotonin and improves the symptoms of depression and anxiety. It also affects the wavelengths at which the brain functions in a similar way to deep meditation. This helps to reduce stress and improve sleep.

Acupuncture For Back Pain Back pain is a common condition which

most people will experience to some extent during their lifetime. It is also one of the most common reasons why people come for acupuncture treatment. Back pain can be successfully treated with acupuncture and TCM in a number of ways. Acupuncture is good for restoring the flow of qi and blood and preventing stagnation.

Acupuncture For Anxiety Acupuncture can help anxiety and

depression by restoring the smooth flow of qi within the body and promoting harmony throughout the organs. As well as relieving symptoms, it aims to treat emotional issues at their deepest level, enabling us to break negative thought patterns and gain a new perspective on life.

Cosmetic Acupuncture Cosmetic acupuncture is a great way

to reduce the signs of aging and improve your appearance, naturally. Unlike treatments like Botox, face-lifts, and chemical peels, cosmetic acupuncture works in gentle harmony with the body. It will leave you not only looking your best, but feeling it as well.

Acupuncture To Quit Smoking Although you will still need some

willpower to quit smoking, acupuncture can help you to deal with some of the withdrawal symptoms and reduce the chances of you slipping back into bad habits. Acupuncture to quit smoking can be performed anywhere on the body depending on your individual withdrawal symptoms.

Best Acupuncture Treatment Center in New YorkIf you are living in New York and suffering from any disease? So only call city acupuncture, there you can find satisfied and effective acupuncture treatment and massage therapy.

Website: Fulton Street #208 New York, NY10038Email: cityacuny@gmail.comPhone:(212)513-0437