Get an English teaching job abroad – Hybrid certification

Post on 27-Jun-2015

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description teaching English abroad, how to get jobs – Hybrid certification explains your paid job prospects with a hybrid certificate, challenges you will face applying for teaching jobs abroad from your home country and your options for finding teaching jobs abroad from your home country.


Hybrid certificationGet an English teaching job abroad – 3EBC INTERNATIONAL TEFL CERTIFICATE



Paid job prospects hybrid

Hybrid courses are a blend of online training and classroom training for teaching practice.

On a scale of one to ten where one is the worst and ten is the best:

If you take the teaching practice course in your home country, the prospect of finding a paid teaching job is five or six.

If you take the teaching practice course in the country where you want to teach, the prospect of finding a paid teaching job is nine or ten.



Your challenges

The root of the problem lies in where you are.

Getting a job abroad teaching English is location, location, location.

Take the practical part of the course in the country where you want to teach.

This increases your chances of getting a job abroad teaching English with a hybrid TEFL certificate to nine or ten.

If you want to teach in Spain, EBC runs the practical side of its hybrid course in Madrid.

Your challenges

Getting a job abroad teaching English is location, location, location.

Most schools that hire teachers want to meet a candidate face-to-face before hiring them.

If you are in your home country and you are asked to attend an interview in, for example Argentina, how are you going to get there?

Your challenges

How long are you willing to wait at home for a job? It will probably take a few months to find something.

How much are you willing to spend over and above the course fee to travel to the country, maintain yourself and attend interviews in the hope that you will get hired?



Your options

If you are not in the country where you want to teach, hit job portals hoping that you get lucky.

You will be one of hundreds of applicants for each position so do not expect to find a job quickly.

If you are in the country where you want to teach, the school you are studying with ought to have direct contacts with schools that need English teachers. EBC does, but we appear to be unique in this respect.

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Get an English teaching job abroad - 3 - endEBC INTERNATIONAL TEFL CERTIFICATE