Get ready for laos...CLIMaTE overall on average, the weather in Luang Prabang is fairly moderate....

Post on 05-Jul-2020

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Get ready for laos

“A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.”

– Lao-Tzi

POP’s WOrk In LaOs why we’re herePoP operationsPoP Local Staff

PrE-aDVEnTUrE InFOrMaTIOneverything you need to know before you goPassport and Visa requirements Health awareness and Illness Prevention Climateelectrical appliances dress and attireImportant Phone Numbers

COUnTry sPECIFIC InFOrMaTIOnthe ins and outs of laosLaos overviewabout Luang PrabangLanguageCurrency and Money tipping Getting around Safety

adVeNtUre PaCKet

LOCaL PrOTOCOLhow to fake It like a localtop ten Words and PhrasesWhat to expectPhotography

yOUr TOUrthings you wont want to missHotel Informationadventures and activitiesfood and entertainment

TErMs anD COnDITIOnsthe fine print

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PoP’s work in Laosthe reason we’re all here

PoP LaOs OPEraTIOnsstill relatively untouched by outside influence, Laos encompasses a serenity and charm that cannot easily be found in other parts of the world. Laos is the home to Pencils of Promise’s (PoP) first and largest imprint outside the United states with over 40 employ-ees and 32 completed projects in 3 years. Supporters will be fully immersed in PoP specific processes and philosophies in addition to experiencing the local culture, includ-ing an overnight in a community, which will require a sense of adventure.

PoP is currently working in the province of Luang Prabang in communities that are within a 4-hour radius of the city of Luang Prabang. our communities vary in relative wealth, development, and ethnicity. we strive to operate in the most underserved and remote areas that are not already saturated by NGos.

The PoP Lao team is a diverse group of individuals: men and women, old and young, teachers to construction workers. all united by their unique commitment to change within their communities and to have a work ethic that truly sets them apart from the rest.

What is their favorite part? Sharing their work and their country with you – international advocates and PoP supporters!



LeSLIe eNGLe Laos Country Director

LaNoy KeoSUVaN Country Director

Bay SoULIVaNH Office Manager


ya Laoxyda sHInE Manager

JUa yaNG Deputy SHINE Manager

MeGaN WILLIaMS Programs Coordinator

Pre- adVeNtUre INforMatIoN everything you need to know before you go

PassPOrT anD VIsa rEqUIrEMEnTs:Please make sure your passport is up-to-date before traveling and does not ex-pire within 6 months. a visa is required for Laos and is available for purchase upon arrival at the Luang Prabang airport. you will need to provide 2 passport size photos and the visa will cost $35 USd per person.

HEaLTH aWarEnEss anD ILLnEss PrEVEnTIOnThere are no required inoculations needed to enter into Laos, however the CDC recom-mends vaccinations for Hepatitis a, Hepatitis B, Typhoid, rabies and Japanese Enceph-alitis, as well as taking a prescribed anti-malarial for malaria protection while in country.

dengue fever is also present in Laos and cannot be vaccinated against; we recommend always taking the following mosquito precautions: wearing mosquito repellent with DEET, wearing long sleeves and pants at dawn and dusk, and sleeping under the mosquito net in your hotel.

Please check with your doctor, local health department, or a travel physician to ensure you feel comfortable with the choices you make with regard to optional inoculations.

More specific Health information for Travelers to Laos can be found at the Center for disease Control and Prevention website:


MEDICInEs yOU May nEEDMake sure you have enough of the prescription medicines you take every day to last during your trip. Keep them in their original prescription bottles and always in your carry-on luggage. Be sure to follow security guidelines if the medicines are liquids.

Medicine for traveler’s diarrhea, usually an over-the-counter imodium is sufficient; how-ever your doctor may recommend an rx called Cipro for more severe cases.

Many medicines, even prescription medication can be bought at low cost over the coun-ter at pharmacies in Laos, but we recommend bringing the medications you know and trust with you.

FOOD anD WaTErdiseases from food and water are the leading cause of illness in travelers. follow these tips for safe eating and drinking to help avoid an ailment: · wash your hands often with soap and water, especially before eating. if soap and water are not available, use an alcohol-based hand gel (with at least 60% alcohol). · Drink only bottled or boiled water, or carbonated drinks in cans or bottles. avoid tap water, fountain drinks, and ice cubes. · do not eat food purchased from street vendors. · Make sure food is fully cooked. · avoid raw meats. · avoid raw cut fruits and vegetables, unless they have a peel (bananas, oranges, etc.).

diseases from food and water often cause vomiting and diarrhea. Make sure to bring diarrhea medicine with you so that you can treat mild cases yourself.

rETUrnED HOME anD sTILL sICkif you are not feeling well, you should see your doctor and mention that you have recently traveled to South east asia.

CLIMaTEoverallon average, the weather in Luang Prabang is fairly moderate. The temperature will range from 70 to 80F during the days and drop down to 50 to 70F at night.

Make sure to bring and consistently apply sunscreen.

Seasons JUNe—oCtoBer: rainy season / Travel is more difficult; days tend to be quite muggy.

NoVeMBer—feBrUary: Dry season / The driest and coolest days in Laos, it can get down to 50’s at night.

MarCH—aPrIL: Hot season / The warmest days in Laos; can stay consistently in the upper 90’s.

ELECTrICaL aPPLIanCEs Laos outlets are made for 220 aC, 50 HZ, so bring a converter to avoid harming any electronics. It is best to also pack a three-prong adapter as many outlets are only suited for two-prongs.

DrEss anD aTTIrE Think comfortable, modest, layered and waterproof. You willl need to dress for sunny and 80s during the day while the evenings can be windy and chilly. keep in mind, no matter what season, rain is always possible. Possible activities include kayaking, hiking, and elephant riding, so pack accordingly.

while visiting PoP’s sites, it is best to be respectful of local cultures and dress respect-fully. Depending on the altitude, some communities are also colder than others. women should cover their shoulders and wear below-the-knee pants or skirts.

The roads in Luang Prabang and in the villagers can be rocky and rough, so remember to have comfortable walking shoes. It is also nice to have something you can slip on and off. Laos is a traditional asian culture and you will need to take your shoes off before entering any home or office.

LUGGaGE Don’t forget to check with the international luggage regulations for your particular airline. Be prepared for weight requirements and other luggage restrictions.

rECOMMEnDED GIFTs FOr sTUDEnTs [ BUT nOT nECEssary ] feel free to bring school supplies and / or hygiene materials for PoP students as numer-ous site-visits are on the itinerary! the local team will help you to best hand out supplies to community leaders and teachers.

IMPOrTanT PHOnE nUMBErs:Laos’ country code is +856

your U.S. carrier may have an international coverage program. If you would like to use your cellphone while in Laos, call your provider and ask to enable international roaming. this will allow you to make phone calls and check email while in Laos – please ask your provider for details as costs vary.

Leslie’s cellphone: +856.20.565.78121 Bay’s cellphone: +856.20.597.73222 Lanoy’s cellphone: +856.20.971.11714 Wendy Cell Phone: +1-516-967-2522 (will be in Us, but available to help) Villa Pumalin Hotel: +856.71.212777

*** when dialing locally, the +856 country code is not necessary

CoUNtry SPeCIfIC INforMatIoNthe ins and outs of laos

aBOUT LaOsLaos is the poorest and most untouched area of South east asia. It is the only landlocked country in the region and has a unique history that sets it apart from its geographic neighbors. From a Us standpoint, Laos has a complicated past with the country in which they were entangled in the Vietnam war with and the victim of the most dropped bombs the world has ever seen. To this day, they have a massive amount of unexploded ordinance (UXo) that litters the country, but all regions you will be traveling are safe. at PoP, we are proud to increase access to education in Laos, as it has suffered so much, but we love wholeheartedly.

From a cultural perspective, Laos has a strong and highly visible heritage. while the western presence is visible in the two main towns (Luang Prabang and the capital of Vientiane), it is unseen throughout the rest of the country. The majority of the country is Buddhist, with other groups practicing Christianity and different indigenous animistic traditions.

PoP addresses cultural awareness to promote equality through our supplementary sHinE curriculum. we strive to ensure health, sanitation and nutrition equality for ev-eryone in the country. and our identity lessons encompass ethnic minority culture and history, encouraging acceptance and interaction amongst divided groups to empower students to make informed choices for their own future.


aBOUT LaUnG PraBanGthe city of Luang Prabang is a protected UNeSCo World Heritage Site. It is steeped in traditions, from local food carts to handicrafts and monks collecting alms at sunrise.

The town sits at the covalence of two rivers, the Mekong and the khan. The Mekong is a mighty force that runs throughout South east asia and Luang Prabang. It is often called ‘The Jewel of the Mekong’ and is one of the many beautiful ports along its path.

Greater Luang Prabang consists of roughly 100,000 people. The majority of the town is very local, with traditional style houses, families and foods. There are a few main streets that are larger tourist attractions with restaurants, artisan shops and temples.

LanGUaGEThe national language of Laos is Lao, or Laotian. it is similar in script and structure to Thai language. However, there are over 49 additional languages of the different ethnic minority groups. the national schools and curriculum work towards teaching students Lao while maintaining their ethnic diversity and native tongue.

CUrrEnCy anD MOnEyexchange rate:$1 UsD = ~8,000 Laotian kip (Lak)

taking out Moneyyou can withdraw cash at an atM located inside the airport and there are several ad-ditional aTM’s in Luang Prabang; check with your bank for international fees. All ATM’s accept Visa and Mastercard.

there are also several cash exchange stands located on the main street if you wish to bring US dollars to change once here.

Importance of Carrying Cash:almost everything you buy in laos must be paid for in cash, however some ho-tels and restaurants will also accept major credit cards. When buying off the streets prices will vary for locals and foreigners (“Falang Price”). Bargaining and a sense of humor will typically be effective.

TIPPInG if it’s not included in the restaurant receipt, it is suggested to leave 10% - 15% of the total amount. with anything, some kind bargaining will get you a good price. Try to always have exact change when paying.

GETTInG arOUnD Shuttleswhen you first arrive to Luang Prabang airport (LPQ) a PoP team member will meet you with a van. The airport is located just outside of town and only about a 10-minute drive from your hotel.

Walking walking is the main mode of transit for people visiting in Luang Prabng. it’s typically very safe, however please use caution by not walking alone after 10pm at night.

tuk tuksare the major form of transportation in town. Tuk tuks vary in price around town, and as with anything, some kind bargaining will get you a good price. Try to always have exact change when paying.

Motorbikesare available for rent in town for about $10 / day. However, we strongly advise renting a bike only if you are an experienced and comfortable driver. Traffic laws are not recognized and driving a motorbike is not the safest form of transit.

Bicyclesare available for rent in town for about $1 / day and are a great way to see the town.

Vans and truckswith the PoP team, you will travel in a PoP van or truck, or a rented van. we have on-staff drivers that we greatly trust.

saFETyLuang Prabang is a small and safe community, but like any other town, you must take precautions for your own safety. tourists who do not take certain precautions may be targeted. it’s safe during the day, but one should never walk alone at night.

When visiting more remote areas it is best to be aware of your surroundings. Be respect-ful of the other people and cultures you will encounter. Watch where you are walking and do not touch or disturb any agricultural products. always ask before taking photos!

CULtUraL SPeCIfIC INforMatIoNhow to fake it like a local

kEy LaO PHrasEs:attached is a one-sheet with Lao phrases for almost every travel situation.

EssEnTIaL WOrDs, PHrasEs anD CULTUraL CUsTOMsWords & Phrases

Sa-bai-dee Hello!Sa-bai-dee bo? How are you?Khop jai lai lai! thank you very much!Bo pen nyang No worries! Lao people will say this phrase to mean everything from ‘you’re welcome’ to ‘don’t worry about.’ it really sums up the Lao attitude! Kha tote excuse me. anee tao dai? How much does it cost? Check bin! Check pleaseKoy su ____ My name is ______ Jao su nyang? What is your name? Son saep enjoy your meal! Lao people will always say this when they see an other person eating. Hmong a predominant ethnic group in LaosKhmu a predominant ethnic group in Laos.


CULTUraL CUsTOMs TO DONoP: Put hands together in front of the chest in a namaste or praying position, and give a slight up and down of the head. this is the polite way to introduce yourself to someone.

KeeP tHe feet doWN: in Buddhist culture the head is ‘holy’ and the feet are ‘dirty’. Therefore, you should never put your feet up. Do not rest your feet on a chair, put them on a table, or point at anything with your feet.

stay loW: since the head is ‘holy’, it is polite to duck slightly when walking past an elder to show respect for them. do this and even the most traditional of Lao grannies will be impressed.

WHaT TO EXPECTCultural BackgroundLaos is the only land-locked country in South east asia. It is situated around the massive Mekong river and is plentiful with lush, gorgeous scenery from mountainsides to river valleys.

the country is home to a very traditional people who love their country greatly. Socio-economic obstacles of extreme poverty, illiteracy and disease are debilitating to Laos’ economy and its citizens:

· 75% of the labor force works in agriculture. (Decide.Lao) · The Lao government estimates that about 75% of children go to primary school and 41% go to secondary school; these numbers fluctuate greatly across gender and ethnic lines. (Decide.Lao) · The national literacy rate is 72%, with women ranking at 63% and men at 82% (Decide.Lao) · the life expectancy in Laos is 62.5 years; there are less than 3 physicians available per 10,000 people (WHO). · Students in remote areas often live more than four hours away from the nearest primary school (Decide.Lao). · with the primary school completion rate rising by roughly 1% per year, the MDG target goals look beyond reach. (UNDP)

Handicraft Vendors & HandoutsBegging and street vending is much less prevalent in Laos than in the neighboring countries – and we want to keep it that way! It is best to buy handicrafts from the night-time handicraft market. Prices are negotiable and the family running the booth makes most pieces.

PoP staff will assist you in giving anything out to locals or students. In order to continue to tradition of no begging, we work to make sure we give any goods to local leaders and teachers. and we like to promote education and good health by giving school supplies and hygiene materials, not toys and candy.

PoP’s CommitmentPoP’s commitment to equality and justice is demonstrated through our rural reach. we build our schools in remote areas throughout Laos in predominately ethnic minority com-munities. The majority of Laos’ 6 million inhabitants are farmers who live in inaccessible rural areas and who face significant barriers to educational access and achievement.

PHOTOGraPHyWhen taking pictures of people it is better to ask before shooting. Some locals may want to charge you for taking pictures of them.

yoUr toUr things you won’t want to miss

HOTEL: VILLa PUMaLInVilla Pumalin is a lovely 10-room Guest House along the Mekong river and a short walk to the heart of Luang Prabang. Combining the cultural heritage of Lao with the quaint-ness and comfort of a Bed & Breakfast, the Villa Pumalin serves as a charming oasis.

in addition, as each room is equipped with cable TV, wifi, private bathroom, balcony & air conditioning, the Villa Pumalin offers western-style conveniences to its guests.


aDVEnTUrEs anD aCTIVITIEsLuang Prabang has a range of different outdoor activities that can be quite appealing. Hikes, kayaking, boat tours, elephant riding through the nature reserve, to just name a few. Sight seeing is also an appealing option as the main strip has endless shopping full of handmade artisan crafts and is spotted with numerous traditional Buddhist temples, or Wats which is the name for temple in Lao.

PoP will be setting up a unique and balanced itinerary. If you plan to stay after your scheduled PoP adventure, our local staff can provide a list of activity options.

FOOD anD EnTErTaInMEnTLuang Prabang is lined with restaurants and bars. from international favorites such as French, italian, Chinese to traditional meals – they won’t disappoint. You will taste a wide variety of foods but please make sure to speak with the local staff if you have any food allergies or dietary restrictions. We hope you will enjoy the local favorites such as laap (minced meat salad with fresh herbs) and pho (a Lao take on the traditional Vietnamese noodle soup).

There is a small nightlife area with western-style bars. all venues close by 11:30 PM, the town curfew. Hotels will also lock gate at that time.

A generation empowered will empower the world.