Get soft pink lips with natural home remedies

Post on 07-May-2015

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Get soft pink lips with natural home remedies


Soft & Pink Lips with Natural Home Remedies

1. Use Pomegranate Seeds and Milk

Crush up the seeds and mix it with some milk cream. If you apply this home remedy to your lips regularly, you will start to see them becoming redder and fuller. The great thing about this remedy is that there are no side effects.

2. Apply Cucumber Juice

Apply a bit of cucumber juice. Simply slice a cucumber, rubbing it against your lips to allow the juices to soak on. If you do this for five minutes each day, you can lighten dark lips to a beautiful pink color.

3. Mix Rose Petals in Milk

Simply soak some rose petals in milk for a little bit of time. Then use the petals to make a paste, adding a few drops of both glycerin and honey. Dab the paste on your lips and wait fifteen minutes before gently rubbing it off using milk. This remedy can produce amazing results.

4. Massage with Lemon Juice

Cut a thin slice from the lemon, sprinkling a bit of sugar on top and rub your lips with this combination each day. This works well because lemon works to naturally bleach your lips, returning them to their light, pink color while sugar works to exfoliate dead skin cells.

5. Apply Berry Mixture

Berries such as raspberries and strawberries have many benefits that are great for solving the problem related to dark lips. All you need to do is make a paste using raspberries and mix it with some aloe vera juice and pure honey. After applying this homemade paste, leave it on for five minutes before rinsing it off and replacing it with a lip balm that is homemade.

6. Mix Turmeric Powder with Milk

Mix raw turmeric powder and milk cream to achieve great results. You can also try mixing turmeric powder and gram’s flour to light your lips. Just keep in mind that gram’s flour dries out lips making it a poor option for those whose lips are already dry.