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Right To Information Manual



FY - 2006



Manual Number Particulars Page No

Manual 1 GETCO Particulars of Organization, functions & duties

Manual 2 GETCO powers and duties of officer & employees

Manual 3 GETCO Procedure in decision making

Manual 4 Norms for discharge functions

Manual 5 Rules, Regulations, Manual of GETCO

Manual 6 Documents held by Company

Manual 7 Representation of Public

Manual 8 Accessibility to the Public

Manual 9 Directory

Manual 10 Remuneration Details

Manual 11 Budget

Manual 12 Subsidy Programmes

Manual 13 Particular of recipient concessions NA

Manual 14 Details in Electronic form

Manual 15 Particular of facility available for public

Manual 16 Names of Public Information Officer

Manual 17 Such other information


Manual – I


Gujarat Energy Transmission Corporation Limited (GETCO) was set up in May 1999 and is registered under the Companies Act, 1956. The Company was promoted by erstwhile Gujarat Electricity Board (GEB) as its wholly owned subsidiary in the context of liberalization and as a part of efforts towards restructuring of the Power Sector. As a part of the ongoing reforms process in the state power sector, in the year 2003, the Government of Gujarat under the provisions of Gujarat Electricity Industry (Re-Organization & Regulation) Act, 2003 framed the Gujarat Electricity Comprehensive Transfer Scheme, 2003 (the Transfer Scheme) vide Government Notification No: GHU-2003-58-GEB-3537–K dated the 24th October, 2003. The Government of Gujarat issued Notification No. GHU-2004–99-GEB-1104- 7318-K dated the 31st December 2004, notifying the Provisional Opening Balance Sheet as on 31st March 2004 of the Six Transferee Companies containing the value of assets and liabilities transferred from erstwhile Gujarat Electricity Board (GEB) to the Transferee Companies. Assets of the Board were dis-aggregated into six companies – One each in Generation and Transmission and Four in Distribution. As a part of the above exercise, all the generation plants of GEB have been transferred to GSECL, which was a company already, existing since 1993. Subsequently, the Government of Gujarat vide Notification dated 31st March, 2005 notified that pursuant to the Transfer Scheme, the effective date for the transfer of assets, liabilities, proceedings and personnel be further extended to 1st April, 2005. A holding company, Gujarat Urja Vikas Nigam Limited (GUVNL), has been also been formed. Apart from co-ordination functions, GUVNL is also handling Trading and Bulk Supply functions.

1. Company Profile

Gujarat Energy Transmission Corporation Ltd (GETCO) was formed in 1999 and was registered under the Companies Act 1956 as a part of the power sector reforms process in the state. However, the operations of GETCO were limited till the complete unbundling of erstwhile GEB was undertaken in April 2005. The company commenced commercial operation with effect from 1st April 2005. Further, GETCO was notified as State Transmission Utility (STU) by Government of Gujarat vide Notification No.GHU-04-31-GEB-1104-2946-K Dated 29th May


2004 with the purpose of improving efficiency in the state’s electricity transmission activities. Also vide Notification No. GHU-2004-32-GEB-1104-2946-K Dated 29th May 2004 GoG notified the Load Despatch Centre, Jambuva as the SLDC, which is to be operated by the GETCO.

2. Sector Structure As a part of the reform process, the Government of Gujarat has unbundled the various functions of GEB. As a result of this unbundling, electricity transmission has been entrusted to the already existing company - GETCO. Gujarat State Electricity Corporation Limited (GSECL) has taken up the responsibility of electricity generation. Distribution network in the state has been split up among four distribution companies, which cater to the northern, central, southern, and western parts of the state respectively. All these companies have been structured as subsidiaries of a holding company, Gujarat Urja Vikas Nigam Limited (GUVNL). GUVNL is also the single bulk buyer in the state as well as the bulk supplier to distribution companies. It will also carry out the trading function in the state. The pictorial representation of the restructuring is as given below:

Figure 1-1: Sector Structure Post Unbundling

Erstwhile GEB






1.1 Commercial Arrangements

As per the new sector structure, GETCO has entered into a tripartite Transmission Services Agreement with GUVNL and the distribution companies. The contractual / commercial arrangements post unbundling are represented diagrammatically below:

Figure 1-2: Contractual Framework Post Unbundling

It is proposed that the transmission charges shall be allocated to GUVNL/Discoms based on the contracted capacity. At present an adhoc rate of Rs. 2273 / MW / Day has been worked out as the Transmission Charge payable for the capacity contracted by GUVNL/Discoms. The same will get revised after the ARR filed by GETCO with the regulatory Commission gets approved. GUVNL collects the transmission charges payable by the Discoms on behalf of GETCO through the mechanism of the differential Bulk Supply Tariff being charged to the Discoms and pays it forward to GETCO under the Transmission Services Agreement.

Operational Framework

GETCO started functioning as an independent company from 1st April 2005. The bulk power generated at various generating stations in the state and the share of power generated by Central Sector Stations is transmitted to load centres in the







Station wise PPAs Bulk


Transmission Services Agreement


State through an extensive network of 400KV, 220KV, 132KV, 66KV and 33KV transmission lines and Substations. GETCO carries energy to all the six distribution companies in the state, including AEC and SEC, which in turn supply power to the more than 85 lakh consumers across the state. The company is organised into 3 Zonal offices and 111 circles. Each of the circles has separate construction and operation & maintenance divisions that handle respective tasks. There are in all 11 Construction Divisions and another 49 Transmission Divisions. The Construction Divisions are established for construction of new Substations and Lines, while the Transmission Divisions are established for operation and maintenance of the existing Sub-stations and lines. The 11 Transmission Circles are as listed below along with their respective area net work map: • Navsari • Bharuch • Jambuva • Nadiad • Mehsana • Palanpur • Amreli • Junagadh • Gondal • Anjar • Asoj 400 KV

The present infrastructure of GETCO in terms of Lines network and sub-stations is tabulated below:

Transmission Assets as on June 2005

Particulars Sub-Stations

Bays Lines Network(CKM)

400kV 9 28 1,776220kV 66 385 11,557132kV 49 273 4,55066kV 695 2,352 15,89633kV 1 0 69Total 820 3,038 33,348

The total installed capacity of capacitors, as on 30th June 2005 is 3787.5 MVAR. As can be seen above, GETCO is slowly moving towards a more efficient high voltage transmission system by eliminating the low voltage transmission lines in the company. The network map of the GETCO system is enclosed below:

1 10 Transmission and Construction Circle and one 400 KV Asoj Circle which for all administrative purposes in under Jambuva Transmission Circle



Manual - 2


Organisation Structure

GETCO is structured into a three-tier structure with the corporate office in Vadodara, and the Circle and Division Offices in the field areas. There are in all 11 Circle offices and 60 Division offices spread all across the State of Gujarat. Each of the circles has separate construction and operation & maintenance divisions that handle respective tasks. The present organisation structure of GETCO is diagrammatically represented below:

Corporate Office The GETCO corporate office is located at Vadodara. It is functionally divided into 7 departments:

• Technical Department: The Transmission department is headed by a Chief Engineer assisted by 1 CFM and is responsible for repairs & maintenance of the network, sub-stations and other Transmission related assets owned by GETCO. This Department is also responsible for Renovation and Modernization (of S/S & Lines) Refurbishment and Rejuvenation of S/S and lines and Augmentation of S/S and line capacity. It also looks after, replacement of electromechanical Substation energy meter to static meter creation of Data acquition system (DAS and ABT metering, all parallel operation issues of CPP, Load demand of EHT (66 KV and above) & monitoring of DAS system.

• Projects Department: The Project Group is headed by the Vice-President (Projects) and is responsible for planning and execution of the new transmission projects in GETCO. The responsibilities include System and Network Planning according to Grid Code, load requirement and evacuation requirement. Once the Projects are identified, then detailed technical designing of the lines, sub-stations, etc. is carried out. Then the estimated based on the specifications and quantities are prepared. The projects are broadly categorised into two types:


� EPC � Non-EPC There are three departments that are functioning under the administrative jurisdiction of Projects Department. They are: � Engineering:

It is entrusted with the responsibility of System studies, tech & design, technology, technical scrutiny, technical inspections and system drawings. It is also responsible for the Quality and Inspection function at present.

� Procurement: This department is not only responsible for materials management under the projects Group but also caters to the needs of multiple groups within GETCO.

� Contracts: It looks after all the EPC contracts and all tendering procedures involved. Further, it is the monitoring body and co-ordinates between site and procurement department for the non-EPC contracts. It monitors the progress of both EPC and non-EPC contracts.

For Non-EPC contracts, the Circles are responsible for identifying agencies for undertaking the construction work. The Contracts department acts as a co-ordinating agency.

• Human Resource This department looks after all the issues related to Human resource in GETCO including recruitment and training of the GETCO’s personnel. It is headed by a Senior Chief General Manager.

• Finance/Accounts This department is responsible for handling all matters related to finance and maintenance of accounts of GETCO. This is also headed by a Senior Chief General Manager. The key responsibilities of this department is to manage the cashflows for the company, process the bills for payment, purchase proposal scrutiny, book keeping and account maintenance, internal audit, pre-checking, co-ordination with internal and statutory auditors.

• They also deal with funding agencies and are also responsible for GERC related matters like ARR etc. along with the regulatory cell headed by Chief Engineer.

• Information Technology Department


It is headed by Senior Chief General Manager. They are responsible for energy accounting, payroll, network design analysis as well as maintenance of website, intranet, computer equipments, etc. They are currently implementing ERP now to provide end-to-end IT solution to all offices. This department is also responsible for collating information form the field offices and generating MIS reports.

• Load Dispatch This department is situated in Gotri and is headed by a Chief Engineer. The department looks after all the matters related to load dispatch and scheduling of power through GETCO’s transmission network so as to adhere to the GRID Code issued by GERC. It works in consultation with neighbouring State Electricity Boards, Regional Load Despatch Centres and the Regional Electricity Boards.

• Telecom This department is also situated in Gotri and is headed by Additional Chief Engineer. It is responsible for the healthy upkeep of all types of communication facility including PLCC, satellite phones, VHF sets and leased lines taken from VSNL. Figure 1-3: Organisation Setup

Circle Office A Circle Office in GETCO is headed by a Superintending engineer. There are four sections that work under each Circle Office. They are:

• Technical section - It is headed by a Deputy Engineer and looks after operation and maintenance of GETCO network in the respective Circle. The technical team has been uniquely grouped as (i) Hotline Gang and (ii) Sub-Station Squad to address the line maintenance and sub-station maintenance respectively.

• Civil section - It is headed by an Executive Engineer and looks after all the civil works of the Circle.

• Establishment section - It is headed by an Assistant secretary and looks after HR issues and establishment in the Circle.

• Accounts section - It is headed by Accounts officer and looks after accounts maintenance of the respective Circle.


Division Office The Divisions are headed by Executive Engineers and are of two types i.e. Transmission Division and Construction Division.

• Construction Division: Sub-divisions comes under the jurisdiction of this division. Sub-division electrical and civil supervises the construction of new sub-station and hands over it to Transmission Division.

• Transmission Division: Sub-Stations comes under the operational jurisdiction of this division and takes care of maintenance of sub-stations once it is handed over to them by Construction Division.

Each Division is served by three sections as follows:- • HR: It is looked after by Deputy Superintendent/Senior Assistant/junior

Assistant. • Accounts: It is looked after by Deputy Superintendent (Accounts) / Senior

Assistant / Junior Assistant. • Technical: It is headed by a Deputy Engineer.

Each Division is further divided into number of Sub-division in case of Construction Division and Sub-Station in case of Transmission Division. Each Sub-Station has number of operators, line staff and helpers to take care of the Sub-Station and lines and a Junior Engineer or Deputy Engineer would look after a group of sub-stations depending on the size.

400 kV Sub-Station CIRCLE of Asoj All 400 kV Sub-Stations together form a Circle that is located at Asoj in Jambuva and is headed by a Superintending Engineer but depends on Jambuva circle for administrative support. The existing Organisation structure is also presented in the figure below:



Manual -3

Procedure in Decision making for GETCO

DOP (Finance) - Manual GETCO

Sl. No Nature of Power Division Office Circle Office Corporate Office Corporate Office Corporate Office Corporate Office Corporate Office Corporate OfficeSPDT AO AO Dy. CAO COA CFM GM JMD CMD

1.0 Policy & Procedures Defined as the process of defining new accounting policy and procedures, and suggesting modifications to current practices

1.1 Accounting policyFull Powers afterapproval from Board

1.2 Accounting procedures

Approve of the suggestedmodifications and changesin concurrence with Jt. MD

Approve of the suggestedmodifications and changesin concurrence with GM(F&A)

2.0Budget Preparation andApproval

Defined as the process of preparing Annual Unit Wise Budget

2.1 Grant of approval for AnnualUnit Wise Budget

Preparation of CorporationsAnnual Unit Wise Budget injoint concurrence with theJt. MD and submit to theCMD for approval

Preparation of CorporationsAnnual Unit Wise Budget injoint concurrence with theGM (F&A) and submit to theCMD for approval

Review theCorporations AnnualUnit Wise Budget andsubmit to the Boardfor final approval

2.2Reappropriation betweenexpenses heads in the sameunit

Full powers in jointconcurrence with UnitHead for Division/ CircleOffice

Full powers in jointconcurrence with Jt. MD

Full Powers in concurrencewith GM (F&A)

2.3Reappropriation betweenunits in the same expensehead

Full powers in jointconcurrence with UnitHead for Division

Full powers in jointconcurrence with Jt. MD

Full Powers in concurrencewith GM (F&A)

2.4 Any deviations from budget

Up to 25% of theTotal Budget. Above25% with approvalfrom Board

3.0 Expenses Approval Defined as the process of getting approvals for items in line with Annual Unit Wise Budget Plans


All expenses approved asper Annual Unit Wise Budgetplan except purchases andworks

Full powers upto 25%per quarter with carryforward facility inconcurrence with UnitHead, above 25% nexthigher authority

Full powers upto 25%per quarter with carryforward facility inconcurrence with UnitHead, above 25% nexthigher authority

Full powers upto 25%per quarter with carryforward facility inconcurrence with UnitHead, above 25% nexthigher authority

Full powers upto 25% perquarter with carry forwardfacility in concurrence withJt. MD


Salary, reimbursements asapplicable under the termsand conditions of service ofemployee like TA/DA/Medicaletc.

Full powers to approvereimbursementsamounts as perapplicable rules to allunit members in jointconcurrence with UnitHead

Full powers to approvereimbursementsamounts as perapplicable rules to all unitmembers in jointconcurrence with UnitHead

Full powers to approvereimbursementsamounts as perapplicable rules to allcorporate office unitmembers in jointconcurrence withDYCAO

3.3 Any deviations from budget

Submit for approval tothe concerned Divisionoffice Unit Head

Up to 25% of theTotal Budget. Above25% with approvalfrom Board

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DOP (Finance) - Manual GETCO

Sl. No Nature of Power Division Office Circle Office Corporate Office Corporate Office Corporate Office Corporate Office Corporate Office Corporate OfficeSPDT AO AO Dy. CAO COA CFM GM JMD CMD

4.0 Bill passing (per bill) Defined as the process of passing of Bills whose amounts have been approved in the expenses approval process and whose bills have been passed4.1 RA Bills post duly certified Full powers Full powers Full powers

4.2 Final Bills (Work related) -Gross Value

Up to Rs 5 Lakhs in jointconcurrence with UnitHead

Up to Rs 20 Lakhs injoint concurrence withUnit Head

Up to Rs 15 Lakhs injoint concurrence withUnit Head

Upto Rs. 30 lakhs in jointconcurrence with concernedEE/SE

Upto Rs. 50 lakhs in jointconcurrence withconcerned SE/ACE

Full powers in jointconcurrence with concernedCE


Supplier Bills (For billpassing post receivingapproval and proof ofdelivery)

Full Powers in jointconcurrence with UnitHead (Within limits ofthe concerned UnitHead)

Full Powers in jointconcurrence with UnitHead (Within limits of theconcerned Unit Head)

Full Powers in jointconcurrence with UnitHead (Within limits of theconcerned Unit Head)

Full Powers in joint concurrencewith concerned EE/SE (Withinlimits of the concerned EE/SE)

Full Powers in jointconcurrence withconcerned SE/ACE (Withinlimits of the concernedSE/ACE)

Full Powers in jointconcurrence with concernedACE/CE) (Within limits ofthe concerned CE/ACE)

Full powers in jointconcurrence with concernedCE

4.4 Power purchase bills Full powers


All other bills not covered in4.2, 4.3, 4.4 and whoseexpenses have beenapproved in the Annual UnitWise Budget

Full powers Full powers Full powers in jointconcurrence withDYCAO

5.0 Payments Defined as the process of making payments whose amounts have been approved in the expenses approval process

5.1 Cash payments for salaryFull powers in jointconcurrence with UnitHead

Full powers in jointconcurrence with UnitHead

Full powers in jointconcurrence withconcerned EE

5.2 Permanent ImprestUpto Rs. 1000 perinstance and upto Rs.5,000 per annum

Upto Rs. 1,500 perinstance and upto Rs.7,000 per annum

Upto Rs. 2,000 perinstance and upto Rs.8,000 per annum

Upto Rs. 2,500 per instance andupto Rs. 10,000

Upto Rs. 3,000 perinstance and upto Rs.12,500

Upto Rs. 5,000 per instanceand upto Rs. 15,000 perannum

5.3 Cheque/DD/Letter of CreditSingly Upto Rs. 50,000 Upto Rs. 1 lakh


Upto Rs. 2 lakhstogether with Unit Head

Upto Rs. 5 lakhstogether with Unit Head

* Upto Rs. 10 lakhs injoint concurrence withDYCAO* Upto Rs. 15 lakhs injoint concurrence withCOA

* Upto Rs. 15 lakhs in jointconcurrence with COA* Upto Rs. 30 lakhs in jointconcurrence with CFM

* Upto Rs. 30 lakhs in jointconcurrence with CFM* Upto Rs. 50 lakhs in jointconcurrence with GM(F&A)

Upto Rs. 50 lakhs in jointconcurrence with GM (F&A)

Full powers together with Jt.MD

Full Powers in concurrencewith GM (F&A)

5.4 Promissory Notes/Bills ofExchange

Full powers


Statutory payments as andwhen required in cash(Income tax, Sales Tax,Octroi, RTO tax etc)

Full powers in jointconcurrence with UnitHead based on actualamounts

Full powers in jointconcurrence with UnitHead based on actualamounts

Full powers in jointconcurrence withDYCAO based on actualamounts

5.6 Inter Bank Transfers

* Upto Rs. 2 crores in jointconcurrence with CFM* Upto Rs. 5 crores in jointconcurrence with GM(F&A)

* Upto Rs. 5 crores with jointconcurrence with GM (F&A)

Full powers in concurrencewith Jt. MD

Full Powers in concurrencewith GM (F&A)

5.7 Power purchase bills Full powers

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DOP (Finance) - Manual GETCO

Sl. No Nature of Power Division Office Circle Office Corporate Office Corporate Office Corporate Office Corporate Office Corporate Office Corporate OfficeSPDT AO AO Dy. CAO COA CFM GM JMD CMD

5.8 Bills payable againstreceivables and vice versa

Full powers in concurrencewith Jt. MD

Full Powers in concurrencewith GM (F&A)

6.0 Receipts6.1 Cheque Full powers Full powers Full powers

7.0 Billing


Revision of bills postcompletion of proper checksand full justification (relatingto sale of power)

Credit advice for consumersin E HT

Upto Rs. 10,000 per billin joint concurrence withUnit Head

Full powers

Credit advice for allconsumers other than EHT

Upto Rs. 5,000 per billin joint concurrence withUnit Head

Full powers

Debit advice Full powers Full powers Full powers

7.2 Revision of bills in cases ofarithmetic errors

Full powers inconcurrence with UnitHead

Full powers inconcurrence with UnitHead

Full powers inconcurrence with UnitHead

8.0 Treasury/ Investments

8.1 Opening bank accountsFull powers in concurrencewith Jt. MD

Full Powers in concurrencewith GM (F&A)

8.2 Change of signatories Full powers


Power to purchase endorse,transfer, sell or otherwisedeal with Govt. Securitiesetc.

Full powers in jointconcurrence with Jt. MD

Full Powers in concurrencewith GM (F&A)

8.4 Investing surplus funds

Short term (Upto 3 months)

Upto Rs. 5 lakhs inconcurrence with Jt. MDand to be ratified by theBoard

Upto Rs 500 croreswith the approval ofthe Board

Long term (Beyond 3months)

Upto Rs 100 croreswith the approval ofthe Board

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DOP (Finance) - Manual GETCO

Sl. No Nature of Power Division Office Circle Office Corporate Office Corporate Office Corporate Office Corporate Office Corporate Office Corporate OfficeSPDT AO AO Dy. CAO COA CFM GM JMD CMD

9.0 Raising of funds

Short term (Upto 1 Year) foramounts approved by Boardin the Annual Budget Plan

Full powers in jointconcurrence with Jt. MDand to be ratified by CMD

Upto Rs 500 Crores inconcurrence with GM (F&A)

Full powers above toRs 500 crores withthe approval of theBoard

Long term (Beyond 1 Year)Upto Rs 500 croreswith the approval ofthe Board

10.0Book keeping - Approvalfor Journal entries (perentry)

10.1 Rectifications (debit/credit)affecting any personal a/c

Upto Rs. 50,000 in jointconcurrence with UnitHead

Upto Rs. 2 lakhs in jointconcurrence with UnitHead

Upto Rs. 5 lakhs in jointconcurrence withconcerned SE/ACE/CE

Upto Rs. 10 lakhs in jointconcurrence with concernedSE/ACE/CE

Full powers in jointconcurrence with concernedCE

10.2Rectifications (debit/credit)affecting any other a/c'sother than Personal a/c's

Upto Rs. 15 lakhs Upto Rs. 25 lakhs Upto Rs 35 lakhs Upto Rs 50 lakhs Upto Rs 1 Crore Full powers

11.0Write off powers asapproved in the policy

11.1Declaring an asset/inventoryitem as obsolescent(depreciated value)

Upto Rs. 1 lakh perannum, with jointconcurrence from UnitHead

Upto Rs. 1 lakh perannum, with jointconcurrence withconcerned EE/SE

Upto Rs. 1.5 lakhs per annum,with joint concurrence withconcerned EE/SE

Upto Rs. 2 lakhs perannum, with jointconcurrence withconcerned SE

Upto Rs. 3 lakhs perannum, with jointconcurrence with concernedACE

Upto Rs. 2.5 lakhs perannum, in joint concurrencewith concerned CE

Full powers


Powers to write off in Rs.value for difference indisposal value and carryingvalue

Upto Rs. 10,000 in eachcase and Rs. 1 lakh perannum, with jointconcurrence from UnitHead

Upto Rs. 10,000 in eachcase and Rs. 1 lakh perannum, with jointconcurrence withconcerned EE/SE

Upto Rs. 20,000 in each caseand Rs. 1.5 lakhs per annum,with joint concurrence withconcerned EE/SE

Upto Rs. 30,000 in eachcase and Rs. 2 lakhs perannum, with jointconcurrence withconcerned SE

Upto Rs. 50,000 in eachcase and Rs. 3 lakhs perannum, with jointconcurrence with concernedACE

Upto Rs. 1 lakh in eachcase and Rs. 2.5 lakhs perannum, in joint concurrencewith concerned CE

Full powers


Powers to write offreceivables with respect totheft, fraud, negligence andwrite off amounts

Upto Rs. 3,000 in eachcase and Rs. 30,000 perannum, in jointconcurrence with UnitHead

Upto Rs. 3,000 in eachcase and Rs. 30,000 perannum, in jointconcurrence withconcerned EE/SE

Upto Rs. 4,000 in each case andRs. 40,000 per annum, in jointconcurrence with concernedEE/SE

Upto Rs. 5,000 in eachcase and Rs. 50,000 perannum, in jointconcurrence withconcerned SE

Upto Rs. 10,000 in eachcase and Rs. 1 lakh, in jointconcurrence with concernedACE

Upto Rs. 20,000 in eachcase and Rs. 2 lakhs perannum, in joint concurrencewith concerned CE

Full powers

11.4Powers to write off advanceof materials to suppliers andcontractors

Upto Rs. 5,000 in eachcase and upto Rs. 50,000per annum, in jointconcurrence withconcerned SE

Upto Rs. 7,000 in each caseand upto Rs. 70,000 perannum, in joint concurrencewith concerned ACE

Upto Rs. 10,000 in eachcase and upto Rs. 1 lakhper annum, in jointconcurrence with concernedCE

Full powers

11.5Any other amount due to thecorporation becomingirrecoverable

Upto Rs. 4,000 in eachcase and upto Rs. 40,000per annum, in jointconcurrence withconcerned SE

Upto Rs. 5,000 in each caseand upto Rs. 50,000 perannum, in joint concurrencewith concerned ACE

Upto Rs. 6,000 in each caseand upto Rs. 60,000 perannum, in joint concurrencewith concerned CE

Full powers

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DOP (Human Resources) - GETCO

Sl. No Nature of Power Division Office Circle Office Corporate Office Corporate Office Corporate Office Corporate Office Corporate OfficeSPDT ASST.SECY IRO/PO DGM AGM GM CMD

1.0 Policy & Procedures1.1 HR Policy Full powers1.2 Procedures for execution of HR

systemsDesign, review andapprove of the suggestedmodifications and changes

2.0 Approval for activities2.1 Manpower Planning numbers Preparation of

Corporations AnnualManpower Planningnumbers in jointconcurrence with the GM

Review the CorporationsAnnual ManpowerPlanning numbers andsubmit to the CMD/Boardfor final approval

Approval of CorporationsAnnual Manpower Planningnumbers

2.2 Rewards/Incentive/Grade Incrementsplans

Preparation of proposalsfor Reward/ Incentiveplans in joint concurrencewith JMD

Full powers

2.3 Redeployments Full powers in jointconcurrence with CMD

2.4 Service regulations fixation andmodifications

Full powers

2.5 Terms and conditions of service atpolicy level

Approve modificationsto terms and conditionsof service and put it upto the CMD/Board forapproval

Full powers

2.6 Changes in organisation structures,designations and Grades

Full powers with approvalfrom Board

2.7 Welfare budget Preparation ofCorporations Annual UnitWise Welfare Budget injoint concurrence with theGM

Review the CorporationsAnnual Unit Wise WelfareBudget and submit to theCMD/Board for finalapproval

Approval of CorporationsAnnual Unit Wise WelfareBudget

2.8 Training calendar Full powers in jointconcurrence withGM/JMD/CMD

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DOP (Human Resources) - GETCO

Sl. No Nature of Power Division Office Circle Office Corporate Office Corporate Office Corporate Office Corporate Office Corporate OfficeSPDT ASST.SECY IRO/PO DGM AGM GM CMD

3.0 Recruitment3.1 Recruitment plan Preparation of unit wise

recruitment plans forClass III and IV withinthe Circle purview

Preparation ofCorporate Office plansfor Class III and IV

Preparation ofrecruitment plans forClass II and Iemployees for thewhole corporation injoint concurrence withconcerned AGM/GMand CMD

3.2 Selection committeeClass III & IV Full powers for Class III

and IV employeeswithin the purview ofthe Circle in jointconcurrence with theUnit Head

Full powers for all ClassIII & IV employees incorporate office in jointconcurrence withconcerned AGM/GM

Class II Committee members -Concerned Departmenthead, AGM

Ratifying authority

Class I (Posts below AGM in grade) Committee members -CMD, ConcernedDepartment head,AGM (HRM & Trg)

Ratifying authority

Class I (For AGM/GM and above posts) Committee members -CMD, AGM ,Concerned Departmenthead

Ratifying authority

For posts of CMD and other significantposts

Full powers

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _Page 2 of 7 Revised in March 2005

DOP (Human Resources) - GETCO

Sl. No Nature of Power Division Office Circle Office Corporate Office Corporate Office Corporate Office Corporate Office Corporate OfficeSPDT ASST.SECY IRO/PO DGM AGM GM CMD

3.3 Appointing authority Full powers for all ClassIII & IV employeeswithin the purview ofthe Circle in jointconcurrence with theUnit Head

Full powers for all ClassIII & IV employees incorporate office in jointconcurrence withconcerned DGM/AGM

Full powers for Class IIemployees in jointconcurrence with theconcerned GM/CE

Full powers for Class Iemployees in jointconcurrence with theconcerned GM/VP

3.4 Probation confirmation Full powers for Class IIIand IV employeeswithin the purview ofthe Division inconcurrence with theUnit Head

Full powers for Class IIemployees and JEwithin the purview ofthe Circle in jointconcurrence with theUnit Head

Full powers for all ClassIV and III employees incorporate office inconcurrence with theconcernedDGM/AGM/GM

Full powers for Class IIemployees and JE incorporate office inconcurrence with theconcerned AGM/GM

Full powers for Class Iemployees in jointconcurrence with theconcerned GM /CMD

4.0 Compensation4.1 Pay fixation Full powers for Class III

and IV employeeswithin the purview ofthe Division inconcurrence with theUnit Head

Full powers for Class IIemployees and JEwithin the purview ofthe Circle in jointconcurrence with theUnit Head

Full powers for all ClassIV and III employees incorporate office inconcurrence with theconcernedDGM/AGM/GM

Full powers for Class IIemployees and JE incorporate office inconcurrence with theconcerned AGM/GM

Full powers for Class Iemployees in jointconcurrence with theconcernedGM/CE/CMD

4.2 Revision of pay scales Governed bySettlements and submitto the CMD for approval

Approve the suggestedrevisions and keep theBoard updated

4.3 Grant of Routine Increments Full powers for Class IIIand IV employeeswithin the purview ofthe Division inconcurrence with theUnit Head

Full powers for Class IIemployees and JEwithin the purview ofthe Circle in jointconcurrence with theUnit Head

Full powers for all ClassIV and III employees incorporate office inconcurrence with theconcernedDGM/AGM/GM

Full powers for Class IIemployees and JE incorporate office inconcurrence with theconcerned AGM/GM

Full powers for Class Iemployees in jointconcurrence with theconcernedGM/CE/CMD

4.4 Removal of pay anomalies Full powers for all ClassIII & IV employees in injoint concurrence withDGM (ER)

Full powers for all ClassII employees in jointconcurrence with AGM

Full powers for all ClassI employees in jointconcurrence withGM/CMD

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DOP (Human Resources) - GETCO

Sl. No Nature of Power Division Office Circle Office Corporate Office Corporate Office Corporate Office Corporate Office Corporate OfficeSPDT ASST.SECY IRO/PO DGM AGM GM CMD

5.0 Transfers5.1 Class IV Full powers for all unit

members within thedivision purview inconcurrence with UnitHead

Full powers for all unitmembers with in theCorporate Officepurview in concurrencewith concernedDGM/AGM

5.2 Class III Full powers for all unitmembers within theCircle purview inconcurrence with UnitHead

Full powers for all unitmembers with in theCorporate Officepurview in concurrencewith concernedAGM/GM

5.3 Class II Full powers in jointconcurrence withconcerned GM/CE fortransfers within thecircle (Company)

Full powers in jointconcurrence withconcerned CE fortransfers in betweencircles (Companies)

5.4 Class I Full powers all cadresexcept GM/CE/ACE injoint concurrence withconcerned CE/GM

Full powers for cadreslike GM/ACE/CE in jointconcurrence withJMD/CMD

6.0 Sanction of earned leave, half payleave, commuted leave andextraordinary leave

6.1 Class IV & III Sub Division (Dy.Supdt - Esta) - Fullpowers for all unitmembers within in thesub-division purview injoint concurrence withthe Unit HeadDivision (Supdt - Esta)- Full powers for all unitmembers with in theDivision purview in jointconcurrence with theUnit Head

Full powers for all unitmembers within theCircle purview in jointconcurrence with theUnit Head

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _Page 4 of 7 Revised in March 2005

DOP (Human Resources) - GETCO

Sl. No Nature of Power Division Office Circle Office Corporate Office Corporate Office Corporate Office Corporate Office Corporate OfficeSPDT ASST.SECY IRO/PO DGM AGM GM CMD

6.2 Class II Full powers for all unitmembers within theCircle purview in jointconcurrence with theUnit Head

6.3 Class I Full powers all cadresexcept GM/CE/ACE injoint concurrence withconcerned CE/GM

Full powers for cadreslike GM/ACE/CE in jointconcurrence withJMD/CMD

7.0 Retirement7.1 On superannuation Full powers for all Class

IV employees within theDivision purview

Full powers for all ClassIII and IV employeeswithin the Circlepurview

Full powers for all ClassIII and IV employees incorporate office

Full powers for all ClassII employees

Full powers for all ClassI employees

7.2 Extension after superannuation Full powers for all ClassIII & IV employees injoint concurrence withconcernedGM/CE/CMD

Full powers for all ClassII & I employees in jointconcurrence withJMD/CMD

8.0 Sanction of benefits on finalseparation

8.1 All terminal benefits on superannuation Full powers for Class IIIand IV employeeswithin the purview ofthe Division

Full powers for Class IIIand IV employeeswithin the purview ofthe Circle

Full powers for all ClassIII and IV employees incorporate office

Full powers for all ClassI and II employees incorporate office

8.2 All terminal benefits on resignation Full powers for Class IIIand IV employeeswithin the purview ofthe Division

Full powers for Class IIIand IV employeeswithin the purview ofthe Circle

Full powers for all ClassIII and IV employees incorporate office

Full powers for all ClassI and II employees incorporate office

8.3 Encashment of leave Full powers for Class IIIand IV employeeswithin the purview ofthe Division

Full powers for Class IIIand IV employeeswithin the purview ofthe Circle

Full powers for Class IIIan IV employees as pergoverning regulations

Full powers for Class I& II employees as pergoverning regulations

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _Page 5 of 7 Revised in March 2005

DOP (Human Resources) - GETCO

Sl. No Nature of Power Division Office Circle Office Corporate Office Corporate Office Corporate Office Corporate Office Corporate OfficeSPDT ASST.SECY IRO/PO DGM AGM GM CMD

9.0 Discipline9.1 Competent authority

Class III & IV Sub Division - UnitHeadDivision - Unit Head

Unit Head IRO/PO

Class II Concerned DGM/SEClass I Concerned AGM/ACE

9.2 Appellate authorityClass III & IV Unit Head Concerned DGM/SEClass II Concerned AGM/ACEClass I Concerned GM/CE

9.3 Second appellate authorityClass III & IV Concerned AGMClass II Concerned GM/CEClass I JMD/CMD

10.0 Grievance Redressed(Verbal/Written)

10.1 Stage I Sub Division (DySupdt - Esta) - Fullpowers to respond tothe grievance within 15days in jointconcurrence with theUnit Head

Full powers to respondto the grievance with in15 days in jointconcurrence with theDGM/AGM

10.2 Stage II Full powers to respondto the grievance of subdivision within 20 daysin joint concurrencewith the Unit Head

Full powers to respondto the grievance ofDivision/Circle within 20days in jointconcurrence with theUnit Head

Full powers to respondto the grievance with in15 days in jointconcurrence with theDGM/AGM

10.3 Stage III - Grievance Redressed CircleLevel Committee

Full powers to theCircle level GrievanceRedressed Committee[ConcernedGM/CE/ACE andAS/IRO/Po]

Full powers to theCorporate OfficeGrievance RedressedCommittee [ConcernedGM/AGM and DGM(HR)]

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _Page 6 of 7 Revised in March 2005

DOP (Human Resources) - GETCO

Sl. No Nature of Power Division Office Circle Office Corporate Office Corporate Office Corporate Office Corporate Office Corporate OfficeSPDT ASST.SECY IRO/PO DGM AGM GM CMD

10.4 Stage IV - Corporate Office GrievanceRedressed Committee

Full powers to theCorporate OfficeGrievance RedressedCommittee [ConcernedCE/GM and AGM]

11.0 Others11.1 Grant permission for retention of

quarters beyond permissible limits andalso for recovery of rent at the samerate as was being paid by the employeebefore extension

Full powers(* Up to the end ofacademic year, * Up totwo months in othercases)

11.2 Powers to delegate powers to othersduring the strike of Engineers

Full powers inconcurrence with Board

11.3 Charge allowanceClass III & IV Full powers for all unit

members within theCircle purview in jointconcurrence with theUnit Head

Full powers for all ClassIII & IV employees incorporate office in jointconcurrence withconcernedIRO/PO/DGM

Class II Full powers in jointconcurrence withconcerned AGM/GM

Class I (Posts below ACE/CE/GM ingrade)

Full powers in jointconcurrence withconcerned GM/CE

Class I (For GM/CE/ACE and aboveposts)

Full powers in jointconcurrence withconcerned CMD

11.4 Nomination for training programsTraining outside the country Full powersTraining within the country Full powers in

concurrence with CMD

Training nominations for approvedprograms in the training calendar

Full powers in jointconcurrence withconcernedAGM/ACE/CE/GM

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DOP (Committee Levels) - Procurement - GETCO

Sr. No. Subject Matter Division Office Circle Office Corporate OfficeEE SE JMD/CMD

1.0 Opening of Tenders For value more than Rs 5 lakhs For value more than Rs 20 lakhs Full Powers

2.0 Acceptance of Tenders2.1 If the lowest Technically acceptable at the opening of Tenders

I Advertised Up to Rs 75,000 Up to Rs 2.5 lakhs Up to Rs 1 CroreII Limited Up to Rs 50,000 Up to Rs 1.5 lakhs Up to Rs 20 lakhsIII Proprietary Up to Rs 50,000 Up to Rs 1.5 lakhs Up to Rs 30 lakhsIV Casual Up to Rs 10,000 Up to Rs 20,000 Full Powers

3.0 Passing over lower offers for reasons other than variation inspecification

4.0 Power to sanction purchases of immovable assets like land,buildings & fixtures which are not to be included in capitalinventories but to be shown in board’s asset register

Up to Rs 50 lakhs

4.1 Motor vehicles (cars & trucks ) and other transport vehicles &machinery (Jeeps / Tractors with Trailers)

Up to Rs. 10 lakhs

5.0 Waiving of penalty clause in the A/T for delay in deliveryfor orders to be approved by the board

5.1 For proprietary and non-proprietary stores penalty clause maybe waived by the officer within his purchase powers

5.2 Reduction of max penalty of 10% as stated in the A/T.

5.3 Waiving of liquidated damages Full Powers

Remarks :* The exercise of power will be subject to budget provisions.

Half of the powers of acceptance under Sr.No 2 subject to recording of reasons for passing over lower offers

For proprietary stores penalty clause may be waived by the officer within his purchase powers, same as the powers in Sr. No. 2 as applicable limits

The penalties of 10% may be reduced to 5% with the approval of same authority.Full Powers to CMD for further reduction and keeping the Board informed

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Revised in March 2005

DOP (Committee Levels) - Procurement - GETCO

Sr. No. Subject Matter Division Office Circle Office Corporate OfficeEE SE JMD/CMD

6.0 Deletion of replacement clause for goods damaged / lost intransit

6.0A For proprietary stores Same as the powers in Sr. No. 2 as applicable limits6.0B For non-proprietary stores No relaxation is permissible unless there is a

special reason. such relaxation must be approvedby CE (P&P) in concurrence with COA (F&A)

7.0 Extension on delivery7.0A With penalty Up to 2 weeks Full Powers7.0B Without penalty Up to 1 week Up to 2 weeks7.0C Continuation of contract after imposition of full penalty and

without penaltyFull Powers

8.0 Revision of order of penalty by next higher authority to one whohas imposed the penalty

Full Powers

9.0 Acceptance of price variation clause9.0A Variation in the prices for imported material & F.O.R prices for

indigenous 'with ceiling'Full Powers

9.0B Acceptance of price variation where purchase order does notprovide for price variation clause & where variation is justifiedon the grounds of excise duty or enhancement of price ofcontrolled materials by the Govt by the next higher authority.

Full powers

9.0C Statutory variation in the rate of exchange and ceiling Full powers9.0D Variation on marine insurance (sea freight with a custom duty

etc)Full powers

9.0E Acceptance of price variation without ceiling for monopoly orproprietary items

Full powers

Remarks :* Valid reasons for extension without penalty must be recorded

Remarks :By the officers within their purchases as per Sl.No 2

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Revised in March 2005

DOP (Committee Levels) - Procurement - GETCO

Sr. No. Subject Matter Division Office Circle Office Corporate OfficeEE SE JMD/CMD

10.0 Changes in contract condition(i) Payment Terms Full Powers

11.0 Requisition/Disposal of immovable property Full Powers with approval from Board

12.0 Fixing of rent for hiring of immovable or movable propertyexcept T&P to outsiders

Full Powers

Fixing of hire charges for T&P equipment lent to outsiders Full powers

13.A To enforce or waive the recovery from Board’s staff orcontractors and sanction the expenditure or demurrage,wharfage charges, etc paid for non clearance of the goods intime when the expenditure is to be borne by the board takinginto consideration the merit of the each case

Up to Rs 5,000 Up to Rs. 1 lakh

13.B To penalize the board’s staff or condone the irregularities Up to Rs 500 Up to Rs. 5,000 per case Full Powers

14.0 Negotiations Full Powers Full Powers Full powers

15.0 Cancellation of contract or part thereof Full Powers

16.0 Deletion , reduction or increase in the quantities of spares ofproprietary nature

The committee placing the order will have fullauthority for deleting or reducing the quantities. Forincreasing the quantities, approval of the nexthigher authority will be obtained.

The committee placing the order will have fullauthority for deleting or reducing the quantities. Forincreasing the quantities, approval of the nexthigher authority will be obtained.

Full Powers

Remarks :Reports should be made to chairman / Board in case where consequent recurring loss if any exceeds Rs 50,000

Remark:*One person form HR department should also be a member of the committee. For EE level committee IRO/PO, for SE level committee DGM, for JMD level committee AGM.

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Revised in March 2005

DOP (Committee Levels) - Procurement - GETCO

Sr. No. Subject Matter Division Office Circle Office Corporate OfficeEE SE JMD/CMD

17.0 Declaring a material as unserviceable or scrap and to sanctiondisposal by sale auction or destruction

For any material the original price and thedeprecated value are not more than Rs 1 lakh andRs 10,000 respectively and in respect of scrapmaterials estimated sale of value of which is notmore than Rs 10,000 subject to report to SE

For any material the original price and thedeprecated value are not more than Rs 10 lakhsand Rs 1 lakh respectively and in respect of scrapmaterials estimated sale of value of which is notmore than Rs 1 lakh

For any material the original price and thedeprecated value are not more than Rs 2 Crore andRs 20 lakhs respectively and in respect of scrapmaterials estimated sale of value of which is notmore than Rs 20 lakhs

18.0 Powers to write off losses between the book value of thematerial and actual sale

Up to Rs 15,000 in concurrence with DYCAO Full Powers

19.0 Powers to write off losses due to theft, damage or accidents,weather conditions

Up to Rs 2.5 lakhs

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Revised in March 2005

DOP (Individual Levels) - Procurement - GETCO

Sr.No Subject Matter Division Office Circle Office Corporate Office Corporate Office Corporate Office Corporate Office Corporate Office Corporate OfficeEE SE EE (M) SE (M) ACE CE (M) JMD CMD

1.0 Invitation of Tenders1.0A Advertised Up to Rs 1.5 lakh in

concurrence withSPDT (F&A)

Up to Rs 5 lakhs inconcurrence with AO

Up to Rs 2 lakh inconcurrence with AO

Up to Rs 15 lakhs inconcurrence withDYCAO

Up to Rs 20 lakhs inconcurrence with COA/ DYCAO

Full powers inconcurrence with CFM

1.0B Limited Up to Rs 50,000 inconcurrence withSPDT (F&A)

Up to Rs 1.5 lakhs inconcurrence with AO

Up to Rs 1 lakhs inconcurrence with AO

Up to Rs 7.5 lakhs inconcurrence withDYCAO

Up to Rs 10 lakhs inconcurrence withCOA/DYCAO

Up to Rs 20 lakhs inconcurrencewith GM (F&A)

Full powers inconcurrence with GM(F&A)

1.0C Single tender (Proprietary stores) Up to Rs 1 lakh inconcurrence withSPDT (F&A)

Up to Rs 3 lakhs inconcurrence with AO

Up to Rs 2 lakh inconcurrence with AO

Up to Rs 10 lakhs inconcurrence withDYCAO

Up to Rs 20 lakhs inconcurrence withCOA/DYCAO

Up to Rs 30 lakhs inconcurrence with CFM

Full powers inconcurrence with GM(F&A)

2.0 Emergency purchase wheretenders are time limited or suppliesare urgently required in placing ofimmediate order is necessary

(1) Up to Rs 50,000 inconcurrence with AO(2) Up to Rs 1.5 lakhsin concurrence with CE(P&P)

Up to Rs 5 lakhs inconcurrence with CFM

Up to Rs 15 lakhs inconcurrence with GM(F&A)

3.0 Price Preference

4.0 Repeat orders - Up to 50% of valueof original order provided

5.0 Passing over lower offers forreasons other than variation inspecification

6.0 Signing of A/T and Contractagreement

Up to Rs 75,000 Up to Rs 5 lakhs Up to Rs 20 lakhs Up to Rs 30 lakhs Up to Rs 50 lakhs Full powers

7.0 Power to sanction urgent localpurchase of petty items includingconsumable stores (for amountsless than Rs 500, quotations neednot be necessary )

(1) DE - Up to Rs 250in concurrence withSPDT (F&A)(2) EE - Up to Rs 1000in concurrence withDy.SPDT (F&A)

Up to Rs 2,000 inconcurrence with AO

Up to Rs 1,000 inconcurrence with AO

Up to Rs 5,000 inconcurrence with CFM

Up to Rs 10,000 inconcurrence with GM(F&A)

4.0d) Next higher authority shall be the competent authority to approve Repeat orders beyond 50% of the quantity or value of original orders or beyond 4 months of the main order provided a party has agreed to repeat order while

In cases where the original order has been placed for 1 no. of any items, Repeat order can be placed by the competent authority for 100% of the quantity /value of the order provided all otherprovisions laid down.

Half of the powers of acceptance under Sr.No 2 of Acceptance of Tender powers of Committee level powers subject to recording of reasons for passing over lower offers

No Price Preference

4.0a) Original order was the lowest acceptable without any price preference for early delivery4.0b) The repeat order is placed within 4 months of the original orders when there is no conspicuous downward trend4.0c) The approval of the competent authority is taken is case the value of Repeat order including the original exceeds the purchase powers of the concerned authority

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Revised in March 2005

DOP (Individual Levels) - Procurement - GETCO

Sr.No Subject Matter Division Office Circle Office Corporate Office Corporate Office Corporate Office Corporate Office Corporate Office Corporate OfficeEE SE EE (M) SE (M) ACE CE (M) JMD CMD

7.1 Power to sanction purchases ofmovable assets including spareparts of non – proprietary nature

CE (P&P) inconcurrence with COAshall be competent toaccord administrativeapproval and tosanction replacementof these items withannual limit of Rs 1Lakh

7.2 Static machine, tools andequipments such as lathes, drilling& shaping machines, overhead ,cranes, etc

Up to Rs 30,000 inconcurrence with COA

Up to Rs 50,000 inconcurrence with CFM

Up to Rs 1 lakh inconcurrence with GM(F&A)

Full powers

7.3 Portable tools and equipmentsincluding survey, measuring,mathematical, weighing, testing,lab, drawing instruments

Up to Rs 2,000 at atime but Rs 50,000 perannum in concurrencewith AO

Up to Rs 30,000 inconcurrence with COA

Up to Rs 50,000 inconcurrence with CFM

Up to Rs 1 lakh inconcurrence with GM(F&A) per instance

7.5 Furniture, wooden & steel includingcrockery & utensils, Officeequipment such as computers,typewriters, duplicators, calculatingmachines, comptometers, internaltelephones, checkograph, postalscales, etc.

Full powers for itemswith prescribedstandards

Up to Rs 1 lakh inconcurrence withGM(F&A) for non-scaleitems

8.0 Waiving or reduction of securitydeposit under specialcircumstances

9.0 Acceptance of stores deviating fromthe A/T with or without increase orreduction in the contract price

By the next authoritywith full powers to theChairman

10.0 Change in mode of dispatchinvolving extra cost to the board

Between Rs 5,000 to 1 Lakh - By the authority competent to approve purchaseAbove 1 Lakh - Next higher authority with full powers to CMDRemarks :* Purchase of proprietary stores is exempted from the payment of Security Deposit / Earnest Money.

Up to Rs 5,000 - No security

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Revised in March 2005

DOP (Individual Levels) - Procurement - GETCO

Sr.No Subject Matter Division Office Circle Office Corporate Office Corporate Office Corporate Office Corporate Office Corporate Office Corporate OfficeEE SE EE (M) SE (M) ACE CE (M) JMD CMD

(i) From goods / passenger / or road Up to Rs 250 inconcurrence withSPDT (F&A)

Up to Rs 500 inconcurrence with AO

Up to Rs 2,500 inconcurrence with AO

Up to Rs 5,000 inconcurrence withDYCAO

Up to Rs 7,500 inconcurrence withDYCAO

Up to Rs 10,000 inconcurrence with CFM

Up to Rs 25,000 inconcurrence with GM(F&A)

Full powers

(ii) Air freight Up to Rs 5,000 inconcurrence withDYCAO

ACE / CE (TECH) - Upto Rs 7,500 inconcurrence with CFM/COA

Up to Rs 10,000 inconcurrence with CFM

Up to Rs 25,000 inconcurrence with GM(F&A)

Full powers

11.0 Writing off losses incurred in transitdue to leakage of oil, shortage ofcoal, cement ,etc for whichsuppliers or the carriers are notresponsible in the terms of thecontract in each case

Up to Rs 500 inconcurrence with AO

Up to Rs 1,000 inconcurrence with AO

Up to Rs 2,000 inconcurrence withDYCAO

Up to Rs 10,000 inconcurrence with GM(F&A)

Up to Rs 15,000 inconcurrence with CFM

12.0 Refund of S.D

13.0 Minor modifications involving nofinancial repercussions

Full powers inconcurrence with GM(F&A)

14.0 Order of extra accessories againstmain A/T under the same terms &conditions

Up to Rs 20,000 inconcurrence withDYCAO

Up to Rs 35,000 inconcurrence with COA

Up to Rs 50,000 inconcurrence with CFM

Up to Rs 1 lakh inconcurrence with GM(F&A)

Full powers

15.0 Recording of measurements

16.0 80% payment to be made onreceipt of materials afteracceptance in case where bills areheld up for reduction in price or forTechnical clarifications

Up to Rs 40,000 inconcurrence with AO

Up to Rs 60,000 inconcurrence with AO

Up to Rs 80,000 inconcurrence withDYCAO

Up to Rs 1 lakh inconcurrence with COA

Up to Rs 5 lakhs inconcurrence with CFM

Up to Rs 10 lakhs inconcurrence with GM(F&A)

Full powers

FIELD : Asst Store Keeper - Rs 500, Foreman/Surveyor or Electrician -Rs 1,000, SS/JE -Rs 50,000, DE -[ Rs 2 Lakhs (without Check) , Rs 2 Lakhs to Rs 10 Lakhs (with 10% check by EE, over Rs 10 Lakhs (with 20% check byEE)], SPDT (F&A)CORPORATE OFFICE: Asst. Secretary (without check) - Rs. 25,000, Asst. Secretary (with 10% check by EE (Proc) - Rs. 25,000 to 1 lakh, Asst. Secretary (with 20% check by EE (Proc)) - Above 1 Lakh

Remarks :* The authority competent to place e the orders can ask the firms to dispatch the materials by post parcel if it becomes necessary to do so.

Remarks :After the Expiry of guarantee period where applicable & on receipt of no objection certificate-Full powers as applicable under Sr.No 3In other cases - with the approval of the next highest authority with full powers to chairman

Remarks :* Difference in cost of transportation is limited to the figure shown against each authority

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Revised in March 2005

DOP (Individual Levels) - Procurement - GETCO

Sr.No Subject Matter Division Office Circle Office Corporate Office Corporate Office Corporate Office Corporate Office Corporate Office Corporate OfficeEE SE EE (M) SE (M) ACE CE (M) JMD CMD

17.0 Hiring of godowns for storingmaterials

Up to Rs 1,000 permonth in concurrencewith DY SPDT (F&A)

Up to Rs 3,000 permonth in concurrencewith AO

Up to Rs 5,000 permonth in concurrencewith COA

Up to Rs 10,000 permonth in concurrencewith CFM

Up to Rs 25,000 permonth in concurrencewith GM (F&A)

Full powers

18.0 Hiring of office furniture, fans, smallmachines, machine tools, etc

Up to Rs 1,000 inconcurrence with DYSPDT (F&A)

Up to Rs 2,500 inconcurrence with AO

Up to Rs 1,000 inconcurrence with AO

Up to Rs 5,000 inconcurrence withDYCAO

Up to Rs 10,000 inconcurrence withDYCAO

Up to Rs 20,000 inconcurrence with CFM

Up to Rs 20,000 foroffice furniture

19.0 Single Tender enquiry or urgentpurchase without calling for tenders

Up to Rs 5,000 inconcurrence with DYSPDT (F&A) with aannual limit of Rs50,000

Up to Rs 10,000 inconcurrence with AOwith a annual limit ofRs 1 lakh

Up to Rs 5,000 inconcurrence with AOwith a annual limit ofRs 50,000

Up to Rs 10,000 inconcurrence withDYCAO with a annuallimit of Rs 1 lakh

Up to Rs 15,000 with aannual limit of Rs 1lakh in concurrencewith COA

Up to Rs 20,000 with aannual limit of Rs 5lakhs in concurrencewith CFM

Up to Rs 30,000 with aannual limit of Rs 10lakhs in concurrencewith GM (F&A)

Full powers with aannul limit of Rs 15lakhs

20.0A Condonation of minor irregularitiesin connection with the recording ofmeasurements where there issufficient proof that the goods havebeen duly received or dulyaccounted for

Full powers inconcurrence withDYCAO for ordersplaced by therespective office

Full powers inconcurrence with GM(F&A)

20.0B Non-recording of measurements Full powers inconcurrence with GM(F&A)

21.0A Acceptance of delayed tenders tobe accepted with the approval

Full powers inconcurrence with CFM

21.0B Acceptance of late tenders to beconsidered with the approval

Full powers with AO Full powers inconcurrence with CFM

22.0 Acceptance of offers withoutEarnest Money

23.0 Acceptance of excess quantitysupplied by the vendors

24.0 Acceptance of charges beyondF.O.BRemarks :Purchase authority within their powers on the production of document

Offers without earnest money may be considered provided rates & deliveries are favorable. The powers of acceptance will be as per Sr. No 3 but with the concurrence of the next higher authority

Up to Rs 10% with approval of same authority (both in quantities & prices)Beyond 10% with the approval of the next highest authority with full powers to Jt. MD / CMD.

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Revised in March 2005

DOP (Individual Levels) - Procurement - GETCO

Sr.No Subject Matter Division Office Circle Office Corporate Office Corporate Office Corporate Office Corporate Office Corporate Office Corporate OfficeEE SE EE (M) SE (M) ACE CE (M) JMD CMD

25.0 Acceptance of packing andforwarding charges not specified inthe contract

26.0 Payment of dues that the Board islegally to pay under statutory and oract or contract

Up to Rs. 5,000 inconcurrence with GM(F&A)

Up to Rs. 60,000 inconcurrence with GM(F&A)

Full Powers

Remarks :Purchase authority within their powers on the production of documents with the approval of the next higher authority with full powers to CE (P&P) in concurrence with GM (F&A)

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Revised in March 2005

DOP (Committee Levels) - Works - GETCOSr. No. NATURE OF POWER Division Office Circle Office Corporate Office

EE Level Committee SE Level Committee JMD/CMD Level Committee1.0 Works1.1 Administrative approval of all new schemes and works

subject to other provisions under 1.2 to 1.5Up to Rs 1 Crore Up to Rs 10 Crores

1.2 For extension of HT and LT lines establishing new orreplacing old) transformer centers for the purpose of givingnew service connection in already electrified places

Up to Rs 7 Lakhs in each case Up to Rs 30 Lakhs in each case Full Powers

1.3 For special repairs additions and or alterations of existinginstallations, sub-stations equipments, lines residential andtechnical buildings of the board.

Up to Rs 5 Lakhs per occasion per Sub-Division Up to Rs 20 Lakhs per occasion per Sub-Division Up to Rs 50 Lakhs per occasion per Sub-Division

1.4 For emergency works Up to Rs 75,000 on any occasion Up to Rs 5 Lakhs on any occasion Up to Rs. 50 lakhs

1.5 Repairs of transformers - Other than Rate contract Up to Rs 15 Lakhs Up to Rs 50 Lakhs Full Powers with the approval of the Board

2.0 Technical Sanction2.1 For detailed estimate within the administratively approved

amountUp to Rs 30 Lakhs Full Powers

2.2 For detailed estimate which exceed the administrativelyapproved amount

Up to 5% of the admin. Approval or Rs. 10Lakhs, whichever is lower

Up to 10% of the admin. Approval or Rs 20Lakhs, whichever is lower

Full Powers

Remarks:(1) The estimates for the extension should only be approved

(i) after the local authority and/or consumers have agreed to pay various charges strictly as per Board’s rules(ii) provided funds are available in the division under black

Remarks:(1) This delegation should be exercised only if budget provision for the type of work to be sanctioned is available and after preparing a separate estimate for the specific work.For Civil works: DE (Civil) with SPDT (Accounts)/DY SPDT (Accounts) Rs. 40,000/-, EE (Civil) with SPDT (Accounts) Rs. 2 Lakhs, SE (Civil) with AO Rs. 5 Lakhs

Remarks:* The sanction accorded by the committee under this head should be submitted to GM (F&A), if he is not a member of the committee for information.** This delegation should be exercised only if budget provision is available for excell amount.

Remarks:* Repairs will have to be carried out at the rate which is not higher than the rate contract fixed by Corporate Office. The SE can also fix additional agencies at equal or lower rates. However, approved rate contratsshould be first restored to.

Remarks:* The authority exercising the powers should inform SE and SE should consolidate all administrative approvals given by himself and his subordinate officiers and submit the same in a prescribed form to the CE &CFM every month.

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DOP (Committee Levels) - Works - GETCOSr. No. NATURE OF POWER Division Office Circle Office Corporate Office

EE Level Committee SE Level Committee JMD/CMD Level Committee3.0 Execution of Work3.1 Acceptance of lowest technically acceptable offer Up to Rs 50 Lakhs Up to Rs 1 Crore Full Powers

3.2A Acceptance of single tender without re-invitation of tender

I When the tender amount is within the estimated cost Up to Rs 15 Lakhs Up to Rs 30 Lakhs Up to Rs 50 LakhsII When the tender amount is more than estimated cost Up to 15% over estimated cost Up to 25% over estimated cost

3.2B Acceptance of single tender when it is received on re-invitation of tenders

I When tenders amount is within the estimated cost Up to Rs 15 Lakhs Up to Rs 30 Lakhs Up to Rs 50 LakhsII When the tendered amount is more than estimated cost but

within 5% over the estimated costUp to 15% over estimated cost Up to 25% over estimated cost

3.3 Acceptance of the offer which is technically acceptable butnot lowest for any reason

Up to Rs 5 Lakhs Up to Rs 20 Lakhs Up to Rs. 50 Lakhs

3.4 Waiving recovery of dues from consumers and or waived ofminimum charges under special circumstances.

Up to Rs 15,000 Full Powers

3.5 Appointment of personnel of suppliers/contractors forerection, special repairs, testing, commissioning andoverhauling etc and also for hiring consultancy services.

without time limit but subject to the total amountof Rs 1 Lakh in each case

without time limit but subject to the total amountof Rs 5 Lakh in each case

Full Powers

Remarks :The committee exercising this delegation will do so after clearly recording the reasons. For waiver of recoveries of dues or minimum charges from the concerned consumer, a report to the Board should besubmitted.

Remarks :* Before according the sanction the competent committee will ascertain to its members' satisfaction the reasonableness of the rates quoted and also the duration of appointment.** In addition to daily rates, appropriate railway fairs on each way as well.

Remarks :Next highest authority needs to be informed

Remarks :* The competent committee exercising this power delegation shall do so only after clearly recording his reasons in writing for passing over the lowest technically acceptable offer.** In cases where there are tenders lower than the lowest technically acceptable offer, the reasons for rejecting the apparently lower offer should be recorded.

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DOP (Committee Levels) - Works - GETCOSr. No. NATURE OF POWER Division Office Circle Office Corporate Office

EE Level Committee SE Level Committee JMD/CMD Level Committee3.6 Acquiring land through revenue authorities of local bodies for

administratively approved schemeUp to Rs. 25 Lakhs Up to Rs 50 Lakhs

3.7 Purchasing of land on the basis of consent award throughCollector / Commissioner

Up to Rs. 15 Lakhs Up to Rs 25 Lakhs

3.8 Hiring of land on short term and long term basis on Govt andSemi Govt and private parties

Up to Rs. 1,500 per month Up to Rs. 10,000 per month Full Powers

3.9 Fixing rents for hiring of boards immovable property excepttools and plants

Full Powers

3.10 Fixing rents for hiring of movable property except tools andplants to outsiders (in each case)

Up to Rs 5,000 Up to Rs 25,000 Full Powers

3.11 Fixing rent for hiring tools and plants to outsiders Full Powers

3.12 Taking on rent building for store house and officeaccommodation for Board’s use *

Up to Rs. 5,000 per month Up to Rs. 15,000 per month Full Powers

3.13 Sanctioning of expenditure respect of any matter notspecifically provided for budget estimate

Up to Rs. 25,000 Full Powers

Remarks :(a) The period of hire should not exceed one year at any one time subject to minimum rent of 2% per month and also subject to the condition that the property is not required for the Board’s use for the time being(b) The rent chargeable shall be complete calendar month or part thereof viz. part of the month shall be considered as full month while calculating the hire charge.(c) A security deposit equivalent to 10% of the value of the property shall be taken in advance in all cases.(d) Value of the equipment would mean the value which it is cost to the board market value whichever is advantageous to the Board.

Remarks :(a) The rent to be charged should not be less than 2% per month of the value of equipment. However the rent chargeable shall be on daily basis. For this purpose, the month shall be counted as of 30 days.(b) In the case of hirer/ borrower, other Govt. Semi Govt. Dept, the hirer/ borrower will have to insure the moveable property (except tools and plants) against all the risks during the period of hire for the value asmay be indicated by the competent authority)

Remarks :(a) The rent to be charged should not be less than 2% per month of the purchase value of the equipment but, may be fixed at a higher level depending upon the nature of the work for which it is required and thecondition of the equipment. In no case, the transport equipment should be given on hire. However, the rent chargeable shall be on daily basis. For this purpose, the month shall be compared as of 30 days.(b) In the case of hirer / borrower other than Govt. / Semi Govt. Dept., the hirer / borrower will have to insure the tools and plants against all the risks during the period of hire for the value as may be indicated.(c) In the case of Govt. / Semi Govt. Dept, the taking out of insurance as above, may not be insisted at the time of discretion of the competent authority.Note: Value to be indicated should be the Book Value or market value of the tools & plants whichever is higher.

Remarks :* Reasonableness of rent should be verified by the Committee

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EE Level Committee SE Level Committee JMD/CMD Level Committee

4.0 Measurement And Payment Of Bills4.1 Sanction of extra items rate not provided in the tender Full Powers Full Powers

4.2 Incurring expenditure in excess of the amount of technicalsanction after thorough scrutiny and analysis of the reasonsfor increase in expenditure

Full Powers up to 5 % or Rs 5 lakhs which ever islower

Full Powers up to 10% or Rs 10 lakhs which everis lower

Full Powers

4.3 Incurring excess expenses due to increase in quantity in oneor more sub-heads in cases where the amount of technicalsanction is not exceeded

Full Powers up to 15% of the technicallysanctioned amount for each sub-head or Rs 5lakh per sub-head which ever is more

Full Powers

4.4 Utilizing the provision under contingencies or saving in thesanctioned estimate to new items not specifically providedinitially and to meet excess over sub-heads where excesscannot be met from amount of technically sanction including%

Up to Rs. 25,000 Up to Rs. 50,000 Full Powers

Remarks* The rates for extra items should be the same as sanctioned for similar items or as per approved schedules of the rates for Divisions and Circles. When such sanctions are not available, the reasonableness ofthe rates offered shall be examined to the satisfaction of the committee.

Remarks* Each case of excess in the sub-head over estimated provision shall be thoroughly scrutinized by the competent authority and he shall exercise this delegation against clearly recorded reasons for the excess ineach case.

Remarks :* The new items to be sanctioned under this power shall have to be necessary part without which the works can not be completed and not independent items, which can very well be got sanctioned separatelyunder administrative approval. For example, sanction for installing electrical wiring providing water pipes etc in a building when specific provisions for such items were not included earlier can be given. But,construction of a new building or extension to the same building can not be sanctioned under this power though there may be sufficient saving under contegencies.** Where the sanction made under this head exceeds Rs 1,00,000/- report should be made for the information of next higher authority.*** A register should be maintained in the Divisions, and Circles in which sanction under this delegation is accorded to watch the extent of sanction against the provision under contingencies for the work. The totalamount sanctioned so far should be indicated wherever any subsequent sanction to be accorded.

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EE Level Committee SE Level Committee JMD/CMD Level Committee5.0 Power relating to Contractors5.1 Modifications in the standard terms and conditions of

contract for works accepting security deposit and penaltyNext higher level committee Next higher level committee Next higher level committee

5.2 Reduction of amount of the security deposit payable to halfthe prescribed value

Up to Rs 5 lakhs Up to Rs 25 lakhs Up to Rs 50 lakhs

5.3 Waiving of the payment of security deposit Up to Rs 50,000 Up to Rs 1 lakh Up to Rs 2.5 lakhs5.4A Reduction in the amount to be recovered as penalty to half

the payable valueUp to Rs 2 lakhs Up to Rs 15 lakhs Full Powers

5.4B Grant of stoppage period (Reasons beyond control ofcontractor and GETCO)

Full Powers

5.5A Waiving the payment of the amount of penalty Up to Rs 2 lakhs Up to Rs 15 lakhs Full Powers5.5B Extension of time limit for works contract if applied before or

after the expiry of contract periodUp to 50 weeks Up to 100 weeks Full Powers

5.5C Waiving of the production of a solvency certificate of BankGuarantee in lieu thereof

Up to Rs 2 lakhs Up to Rs 5 lakhs Full Powers

Remarks :* The penalty will be chargeable for the period of default for that part of the contract which could not be put up to beneficial use, due to delay on the part of the contractor in completing the work within the given orextended time.** While arriving at the amount of penalty, the competent committee will give the consideration to levy penalty on that part of the work, which could not be put to the intended use.

Remarks :Record for reasonableness justifying grant of stoppage to be maintained and submitted by executing committee while submission of the proposal

Remarks:* Extension of time shall be granted only if genuine cases and the reasons for granting extension shall be clearly recorded.** When referring the cases for the decisions of the competent committee, full reasons with justification for extension asked for are to be submitted. Explanations as to why the remedies provided in the contract inthe cases of failure on the part of the contractors.

Remarks :* No solvency certificate to be asked for contract up to Rs. 15,000/-** The powers have to be exercised when the committee is fully satisfied about the reliability of the contractor as seen form works already carried out by him either within Board or Govt. Etc. and after clearlyrecoring the reasons for waiving of the requirement.

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EE Level Committee SE Level Committee JMD/CMD Level Committee6.0 Payment Of Statutory Fees And Deposits6.1 Condonation of irregularities and sanctioning expenditure

incurred by way of payment to outside department, theamount of penalty or interest charges under statutoryobligations including loss of prompt payment discount, whenthe expenditure is borne by the Board

Up to Rs 2,000 Up to Rs 10,000 Up to Rs 25,000

6.2 Penalizing the Board’s staff to recover the charges incurredby way of payment to outside department the amount ofpenalty or interest charges under statutory obligationsreferred by 7.4 above

Up to Rs 1,000 Up to Rs 5,000 Up to Rs 10,000

6.3 Approval for payment of insurance premium charges andother related charges of Board’s Assets

Up to Rs. 50 Lakhs

7.0 Transport7.1 Awarding carting contracts for specific works after inviting

tendersUp to Rs 2 lakhs Full Powers Full Powers

7.2 Awarding annual carting contractors from a Railway stationto store center and vice versa

Up to Rs 5 lakhs Full Powers Full Powers

8.0 Miscellaneous8.1 Approval for layout of colony Full powers for a colony of 25 quarters8.2 Payment of Compensation

8.3A For injuries suffered by non employees and damage to theirproperty due to fault in Board’s equipment

Up to Rs. 3,000 in each case Up to Rs. 10,000 in each case Up to Rs. 50,000 each case

Remarks :After verification of the claim

8.3B In case of accidents involving loss of human lives Up to Rs. 3,000 in each case Up to Rs. 10,000 in each case Up to Rs. 50,000 each case8.4A Authority competent to sanction payment of compensation to

staff who have suffered injuries /loss of life while on dutywithin limit prescribed under the Workmen CompensationAct. Or payment of advance there against where the claim isundisputed.

Up to Rs. 3,000 in each case Up to Rs. 10,000 in each case Up to Rs. 50,000 each case

Remarks :In case where there is some dispute in the amount on account of interpretation of the provision of Act. The CMD will have a power to sanction the claim.

Remarks :This power is to be exercised after taking into consideration the merits of the case and after all efforts with Department concerned to waive the payment have failed.

Remarks :*One person form HR department should also be a member of the committee. For EE level committee IRO/PO, for SE level committee DGM, for JMD level committee AGM.**Full history of the case is to be submitted to the competent committee giving justification for penalizing the staff.

Remarks :Tenders against estimated annual transport work involved from and to each stores centre to the connecting railway station are to be invited by Public Tendering. There will not be technical sanction for such worksand hence the amount tendered will be the amount for exercising the delegation of power.

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EE Level Committee SE Level Committee JMD/CMD Level Committee8.4B Authority competent to sanction any excess amount above

the limit prescribed under Workmen Compensation ActUp to Rs 5,000 Up to Rs 10,000

8.4C Ex-gratia payment of compensation in case of electricalaccidents involved human lives (or persons other thanBoard’s employee)

Committee is authorized to sanction immediately an ex-gratia payment of compensation not exceeding Rs. 5000 (revised). In each case of Electricalaccident involving human lives. (Of persons other than Board’s employees) on merit irrespective of whether the Board is or is not liable to pay suchcompensation to legal heirs of the deceased. Such payments should be made immediately after the accidents on the basis of the quick assessment,where such assessment clearly show that the electrical accidents arise from internal wiring etc of the consumers installations, no such payment need

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DOP (Individual Levels) - Works - GETCOSr.No. NATURE OF POWER Division Office Circle Office Corporate Office Corporate Office Corporate Office Corporate Office

EE SE ACE CE JMD CMD1.0 Works1.1 For extension of streetlights and for giving L.T.

services connection from the alreadyestablished D.T distribution network in placeswhich are already electrified.

*(1) DE - Up to Rs 80,000 inconcurrence with DY SPDT(F&A)*(2) EE - Up to Rs 3 Lakhsin concurrence with SPDT(F&A)

Up to Rs 6 Lakhs inconcurrence with AO

Up to Rs 7 Lakhs inconcurrence with DYCAO

Up to Rs 10 Lakhs inconcurrence with CFM

Full Powers in concurrencewith GM (F&A)

Full Powers

1.2 Repairs of transformers - Rate contract Full Powers in concurrencewith AO

Full Powers in concurrencewith DYCAO

2.0 Notification of Schemes2.1 Responsibility of notifying scheme prepared

for sanction for inviting public commentsFull Powers

2.2 Publication of sanctioned scheme Full Powers

3.0 Execution of Work

Remarks:*(1) The estimates for the extension should only be approved

(i) after the local authority and/or consumers have agreed to pay various charges strictly as per Board’s rules(ii) provided funds are available in the division under block grants, normal development, rural electrification etc. As the case may be

*(2) The authority exercising the powers should inform SE concerned and the SE should consolidate all administrative approvals given by himself and his subordinate officers and submit the same in a prescribed form to the CE & CFM every month.

Remarks:Repairs will have to be carried out at the rate which is not higher than the rate contract fixed by Corporate Office. The SE can also fix additional agencies at equal or lower rates. However, approved rate contracts should be first resorted to.

Remarks :(a) The scheme has to be notified in prescribed manner and in prescribed form.(b) All comments received by field offices against this notification shall be collected and forwarded to CE on expiry of the period specified for considering comments on notification. If no comments are received, Nil reports shall be sent to CE(c) It shall be responsibility of CE for presenting modified scheme if necessary on the basis of representations and get it sanctioned by the Board.(d) Schemes shall be notified in :

(i) Gujarat Govt. Gazette.(ii) Leading Dailies of the area as may be considered necessary and(iii) Any other paper if considered

Remarks :(a) The schemes sanctioned by the Board shall be published in Gazette and Newspapers as on 2.1 (d) above.

1. All plants, equipments and materials required for execution of each scheme shall be procured in accordance with power delegation for procurement issued separately. Purchase code should provide that duplicate tenders should be obtainedcomplete with technical literature.2. The power Delegation detailed herein pertain to “works contract” i.e. jobs for construction – erections, transport, repairs, etc where entire supply of plants, equipments and materials by the tenderers is not involved. In respect of combined contractsof supply and fabrication of structures and supply and erection of towers as also for other works involving repairs and minor fabrication works and civil engineering works however, “works contract” may include supply of materials also.

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3.1A Invitation of tender (O&M) *(1) JE - Up to Rs 25,000*(2) DE - Up to Rs 1 Lakh*(3) EE - Up to Rs 10 Lakhs

** Up to Rs 30 Lakhs Full Powers in concurrencewith concerned SE/ACEand CFM

3.1B Acceptance of single tender for overhauling,repairing through original equipmentmanufactures (OEM)

Up to Rs 25,000 inconcurrence with SPDT(F&A)

Up to Rs 50,000 inconcurrence with AO

Up to Rs 1 Lakh inconcurrence with DYCAO

(1) Up to Rs 5 Lakhs inconcurrence with COA(2) Up to Rs 10 Lakhs inconcurrence with CFM

Up to Rs 20 Lakhs inconcurrence with GM (F&A)

Up to Rs 40 LakhsAbove Rs 40 Lakhs withapproval from Board

3.1C Acceptance of limited tender for urgent work Up to Rs 1 Lakh inconcurrence with AO

Up to Rs 2 Lakhs inconcurrence with COA

(1) Up to Rs 2 Lakhs inconcurrence with COA(2) Up to Rs 5 Lakhs inconcurrence with CFM

Up to Rs 5 Lakhs inconcurrence with GM (F&A)

Full Powers

3.2 Fixing of tender fees

3.3 Execution of work of miscellaneous nature bythe board on behalf of EHT consumers on thebasis of actual cost of materials and labourplus 15% over head charges

Up to Rs 2 Lakhs peroccasion

Up to Rs 5 Lakhs peroccasion

Up to Rs 10 Lakhs peroccasion

Up to Rs 10 Lakhs peroccasion

3.4 Decision to be taken for departmentalexecution of works either when contractors arenot available or tendered rates are too high offor any reasons which may be in the interest ofthe board

* Up to Rs 1 Lakh ** Up to Rs 3 Lakhs Up to Rs 5 Lakhs Up to Rs 10 Lakhs Up to Rs. 25 Lakhs Full Powers

Remarks :The authority who process the tender etc. Has to specifically certify that nature of the work of really of urgent nature and it can be attended by OEM technically and economically.

(a) The authority who is competent to invite tenders is also competent to fix tender fees subject to minimum tender cost of Rs 1000 or more depending upon work involved.(b) Govt directives to be followed from time to time

3. The term minor fabrication works would mean the amount not exceeding Rs. 50,000/- when the work involves both supply of materials as also fabrication of the same by contractor.

Remarks :*(1) All works costing up to Rs. 50,000 need not be advertised. In urgent or special cases with approval of ACE (Procurement)/CE (P&P).*(2) All works costing more than Rs. 50,000 and above shall be advertised in newspapers as provided in store purchase code. The papers selected may also be other than those mentioned in the code depending on the publicity (local, regional or statewise) required for work. Care should be taken to send advertisement by rotation.*(3) Works costing under Rs. 50,000/- in urgent and special case as may be approved by the SE of the circle may be given to lowest tenderer after inviting limited tender from the registered contractors of the concerned circles. In case for work/repairsof special nature, limited tender inquiry with approval of CE (P&P)/ACE (Procurement) could be issued up to Rs.2 lakhs. Report of such works, should be made to JMD/GM (F&A) giving justification.** Specification and tenders drawing shall be finalized by the authorities competent to invite tenders. Two or four week’s time should be allowed for tendering. The earnest money to be paid at the time of tendering shall be 1 % of the estimated cost.

Remarks :The basis for fixing the tender fees may be on the amount of work involved in preparing the specification and no of drawings.

Remarks :The consumer must deposit the full estimated value of the work in advance. If during the course of execution, it is felt that the estimates are likely to exceed, consumer must deposit excess amount forthwith and the work should only be resumed afterthe further deposit has been received. The compliance of this shall be the responsibility of the authority sanctioning the execution of work.

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3.5 Refunding of earnest money deposit

3.6 Waiver of EMD * Up to Rs 3,000 inconcurrence with AO

(1) Up to Rs 5,000 inconcurrence with DYCAO

(1) Up to Rs 10,000 inconcurrence with EE/COA

Up to Rs. 15,000 inconcurrence with GM (F&A)

Full Powers

3.7 Granting of compensation for fruit bearing orother trees and for damage to standing cropsworked out with the help of revenue or villagepanchayat authorities

Up to Rs 5,000 per claim Up to Rs 10,000 per claim Up to Rs 20,000 per claim Full Powers

3.8 Issue of materials to contracts which are notincluded in schedule but are required for theworks if available in the board’s stores

3.9 Approval of schedule of rates for works. Full Powers

4.0 Measurement And Payment Of Bills4.1 Measurement and recording for works (1) JE - For works up to Rs

50,000 without check by thenext authority(2) JE in concurrence withDE - For works up to Rs 2Lakhs without any check bynext higher authority(3) 100 %check by DE &10% check by EE(4) 100% check by DE &20% check by EE

Remarks :* This power is exercisable only in the case of works which have been administratively approved and technically sanctioned.** The reasons for non availability of contractors are to be reported to the next higher authority.

The authorities inviting tenders can also refund earnest money at their discretion before the tenders are finalized to such of the tenders as are not likely to get the contract.

Remarks :* The competent authority exercising this delegation will do so after clearly recording the special reasons for waiving the earnest money deposit.

Remarks :Where such issues are made reasons for the same should be kept on record. The rates charged for such material should be the issue rates as per the board’s rules or market rates whichever are higher. The rates charged should be reported to SEwith reasons.

Remarks :The concerned field EE shall forward schedule of rate for civil works to concerned CE (P&P) who should before approving ensure that there is uniformity in rate to the maximum extent possible for such works may have been approved for the particulararea under their control, be other CE (P&P) for the respective field offices.

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4.2 Condonation of irregularities viz., not recordingmeasurement properly or at all where there issufficient proof that the work have been carriedout satisfactorily

Full Powers with CFM

4.3 Passing & payment of running accounts billsfor works on the basis of measurementrecorded

Up to any limit by drawingmore than one check ifnecessary to the extent ofactual measurement taken

4.4 Passing any payment of final bill for works * Bill of contract value of Rs5 Lakhs

** Bill of contract value ofRs 20 Lakhs

*** Bill of contract value ofRs 30 Lakhs

Full Powers

5.0 Power relating to Contractors5.1 Authority to sign contract documents

5.2 Refund of security deposit when final bills areheld up

Up to contract Rs 20,000 inconcurrence with SPDT(Accounts) for the contractsaccepted by EE

Up to 100 % for thecontracts accepted by SE

Up to 50 % for the contractsaccepted by ACE(Procurement)

Up to 50 % for the contractsaccepted by CE (P&P)

Up to 50 % for the contractsaccepted by Jt. MD

Up to Rs 50% for thecontracts accepted by theBoard

Remarks :This is subject to monthly statement submitted to the Chairman for information by 15th of following month.

The competent authority who accepts the contracts can also sign the contract documents to the extent of his powers. In case of contracts approved by the chairman and the Board the contractsdocuments should be signed by CE (P&P).

Remarks :All contracts should be signed in the standard approved forms, duly approved by Legal Adviser. if there is any deviation, prior approval of legal advisor and CFM should be obtained before signing the contract.

Remarks :(1) Works measured by JE must be checked by DE during execution specially items not visible after completion of work, such as foundation etc. To the extent of 5% of work recorded.(2) Similarly for works up to Rs 50,000/- to Rs 2 lacs recorded by DE. The EE must check & measure the items during execution specially those that are not visible after completion of work to the extent of 5% work recorded.(3) The amount mentioned is for the value of each contract.(4) Where a DE is not available, JE may be authorized by the SE of the circle concerned to exercised power of DE for the purpose of measurement & recording of works in such case, EE must exercised check required to be exercised by DE.(5) For works above Rs. 50,000/- measurement should be taken jointly by JE and DE. Recording should be done by the JE but 100 % check of recording should be done and certified by the DE

Remarks :* These powers are to be exercised subject to the following conditions.The quantity in excess of estimated quantity shall not be paid for until the sanction of competent authority is obtained for excess work done.** Works executed by contractor for which rates do not exceed in contract document shall not be paid for unless rates are fixed & approved by the competent authority.

* The powers under this head can be exercised up to the limit of contract value, irrespective of the amount of the final bill.** The powers may be exercised by the concerned authorities irrespective of the authorities who accepted the contract provided the contract has been satisfactorily executed. Deviations from the contract e.g. delay in the completion period involvingpenalty have to be got sanctioned by the competent authority.*** All civil works of contract value more than Rs. 1,00,000/- in case where no EE (Civil ) is available in the field shall be checked by the SE (Civil) before passing for payment of the final bills.

Remarks :* SE in concurrence with AO are authorized for refunding up to 100% or any part of security deposit after the work is satisfactorily completed and guaranteed period is over but final bills are held up, provided they are satisfied that the amount due in thefinal.** SE in concurrence with AO are empowered to refund up to 50% of Security Deposit, after the work is satisfactorily completed and the guaranteed period is over, but the final bills are held up, if they are satisfied of the refund of the balance 50%Security Deposit.

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6.0 Payment Of Statutory Fees And Deposits

6.1 Payment of royalties in respect of existingdepartmental telephone and wirelesstelephone connections to P&T

Full Powers Full Powers

6.2 Making deposits with Railway or P&T dept,State and Local authorities for power linescrossing Railways, Tracks, Telephone andTelegraph lines, Highway taking trials boresetc. including acceptance of their terms andconditions and registration viz., agreements

Full Powers Full Powers

6.3 Payment of charges for registration under theFactories Act

Full Powers Full Powers

6.4 Approval of payment demurrage charges or awarfare charges per consignment

Up to Rs 10,000 inconcurrence with CFM

Up to Rs 15,000 inconcurrence with GM (F&A)

Full Powers

7.0 Transport7.1 Sanctioning expenditure for repairs to vehicle

attached to Division, Circles and Corporateoffice*

Full Powers in concurrencewith SPDT (F&A)

Full Powers in concurrencewith AO

Full Powers in concurrencewith DYCAO

*See Annexure-I7.2 Payment of motor vehicle tax and inspection

feesFull power for vehicleattached to division office

Full power for vehicleattached to circle office

Full Powers for vehicleattached to corporate office

Remarks :Cases where such amounts exceed Rs 5,000 may be reported to the Board every six months.

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EE SE ACE CE JMD CMD8.0 Miscellaneous

8.1A In case of accident involving animals life’s Full Powers jointly with CFM

8.1B Authority competent to sanction payment ofmedical expenses at actual

Up to Rs 5,000 Full Powers

8.1C Misc payments (in each case) Full Powers up to Rs 2,000in concurrence with CFM

Full Powers up to Rs 5,000in concurrence with GM(F&A)

Full Powers

8.2 Sale of grass and garden produce by publicauction

Full Powers Full Powers

8.3 Repairs and servicing of furniture, office andequipments, lighting system and other fixturesin office buildings

DE - Up to Rs 1,500 perannum in concurrence withDY SPDT (Accounts)EE - Up to Rs 3,000 perannum in concurrence withSPDT (Accounts)

Up to Rs 5,000 per annumin concurrence with AO

Up to Rs 10,000 per annumin concurrence with DYCAO

Up to Rs 15,000 per annumin concurrence with COA

Up to Rs 25,000 per annumin concurrence with GM(F&A)

Full Powers

8.4 For purchasing the stamped papers andgetting agreement executed by the contractorsin respect or works contracts

Full Powers Full Powers Full Powers

8.5 For amending ordered amount due toarithmetical error.

Up to Rs 200 Up to Rs 500 Full Powers

8.6 Power for passing payment of bills

Annexure - 1Year Light vehicle Heavy vehicle

1 Rs 5,000 pa Rs 6,000 pa2 Rs 8,000 pa Rs 15,000 pa3 Rs 12,000 pa Rs 20,000 pa4 Rs 15,000 pa Rs 25,000 pa5 Rs 12,000 pa Rs 20,000 pa6 Rs 12,000 pa Rs 20,000 pa7 Rs 12,000 pa Rs 20,000 pa

Remarks :Bills should be passed for payment after expenditure section is sanctioned by competent authority

Remarks :Where the legal heirs of the deceased become entitled to receive payment exceeding Rs 1000 (or exceeding the amount paid initially) than the amount initially paid should be adjusted and the balance only paid to legal heirs.

Bullocks - Rs 6,000, Cow - Rs 4,000, Cow (jersey) - Rs 8,000, Calf - Rs 1,000, The Buffalo - Rs 10,000 , Donkey - Rs 1,500 , Goat - Rs 500, Camel - Rs 6,000, Horse - Rs 25,000EE can settle the claims at 50% or less of maximum amount of each animal.

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Manual – 4

Norms set for discharge of functions

All details

Incorporated in Manual 3.


Manual – 5


PRE COMMISSINING PROCEDURES FOR TRANSMISSION LINES INTRODUCTION. Overall procedure, safety rules, Statutory Requirements, switching sequences, observations, passing criteria and documentation of test results etc.have been documented in this report. The detailed inspection and handing over documents are required to be checked for the entire length of transmission line before energization. The detailed inspection/test procedures for each activity have been elaborated in separate section of this documentation. The contents of this report are-

1. Definition. 2. Overall procedures 3. Safety procedures 4. Inspection 5. Statutory Requirements 6. Handing over 7. Protective system. 8. Switching procedures-operations before switching ON. 9. Testing 10. Energization. 11. De-energization 12. Observations and duration. 13. Passing criteria 14. Documentation

DEFINITION. “Transmission System” means all high tensions overhead lines & HT cables(not being an essential part of the distribution system ) transmitting electricity from a generating station to another generating station or a sub station, together with any step up and step down transformers, switch gear and other works necessary to and used for the control of such cables or overhead lines, and such buildings


or part thereof as may be required to accommodate such transformers, switchgear and other works and the operating staff thereof: “Power System” means a system under the control of the Corporation or any Board of Generating Company or other agency and having one or more:

i) Generating station; or ii) Main transmission lines and sub stations; or iii) Generating stations and main transmission lines and sub

stations. “ Load Dispatch Centre” means the Centre so designated where the operation of each of the Electricity Grids constituting the State power system is coordinated.“Sub Station” means a station for transforming or converting electricity for the transmission or distribution thereof and includes transformers, convertors, switch-gear, capacitors, synchronous condensers, structures cables and other appurtenant equipments and any buildings used for that purpose and the site thereof, a site intended to be used for any such purpose and any buildings used for housing the staff of the sub station. “Tie-Line” means a line for the transfer of electricity between two power systems together with switch-gear and other works necessary to, and used for the control of such line OVERALL PROCEDURE. First it is to be ascertained that the transmission line to be energized is ready for operation and has been properly handed over. (Released) in writing. This will include all safety aspects. Electrical Inspector clearance, PTCC clearance, statutory clearance, and final inspection, if any. Instructions for the work and supervision are given by the Engineer Incharge (Line in charge). However all switching and all operational activities will be executed by the regular operators. Line charging instructions received from higher office are clearly understood by the Line in charge and doubts, if any are to be got clarified prior to the energisation of the line. Once the line is handed over for charging no work shall be permitted without a valid WORKPERMIT which is also termed as “line clear”


When the whole system has been energized including the line, it will be kept in this state for 8 hours or more for “soaking” with continuous inspection and monitoring. However, recommendations of the higher office may be checked, otherwise it may be put into continuous operation. SAFETY PROCEDURES. Energization implies an abrupt and serious change of the working conditions in the plant. In order to avoid serious accidents, thorough information must be imparted to all personnel involved in the construction of transmission line. Incharge of the Transmission line (Group head or Divisional head) must ensure that due publicity has been made to public in all the villages/areas/along the line route cautioning them against climbing the towers etc. and that the line is proposed to be charged on so and so date. It is also to be confirmed that the Agencies involved in the construction activities shall not carry out any job on the said line without a valid WORKPERMIT & written NOC & confirmation having removed men, material and earthing from the line before charging. It shall be ensured before charging that all men, material, Tools and plants and any temporary earthing on any part of the entire length of line are removed. It must be ensured that any power supply/low voltage charging used as anti-theft measure must be disconnected and isolated to avoid accidental connection. All equipment tests and pre-commissioning tests must have been completed as per PRE COMMISSIONING PROCUREDUS OF S/S BAY EQUIPMENT. The system must be formally declared ready for energization and handed over for operation in writing. INSPECTION.Before the line is scheduled to be handed over for the pre-commissioning/energization the same shall be inspected by representatives of Corporation and Construction Agency as follows: Such inspection shall include :

i) right of way/way leave/electrical clearance. ii) Foundation and Revetments/Protection work iii) Tower and Tower accessories. iv) Hardware fittings. v) Insulators vi) Conductors and Earthwire vii) Accessories for conductor and Earthwires.


viii) Aviation Warning Signals (Lights/globules/paintings)

RIGHT OF WAY /WAY LEAVE/ELECTRICAL CLEARANCE.Right of way/Way leave clearance. Ensure that no tree/tree branches are falling within the zone of minimum clearance specified . Guidelines of forest/environmental rules shall be followed to avoid excessive tree cutting i.e. all the tree should be cut from ROUTE level in the 3-meter corridor below each line conductor/earth wires. In the balance corridor, Trees branches are only to be lopped to attain the specified clearance as per Table below.

CLEARNACE FOR RIGHT OF WAY TRANSMISSON VOLTAGE IN KV MINIMUM RIGHT OF WAY (IN MTRS) 66 18 132 27 220 35 400 52 (S/C) 400 48 (D/C) THE RELEVANT INDIAN ELECTRICITY RULES ARE GIVEN BELOW Electrical Clearance. In case of line crossings, clearance between lowest conductor of line and top conductor of the other line shall be adequate as follows : (Minimum clearances in mm between lines when crossing each other)

Sr. No.

Nominal system Voltage

66KV 132 KV 220 KV 400 KV

1. 66KV 2440 3050 4580 5490 2. 132 KV 3050 3050 4580 5490 3. 220 KV 4580 4580 4580 5490 4. 400 KV 5490 5490 5490 5490

Jumpers in the tension tower be properly intact with conductor and form a parabolic shape in order to achieve adequate clearance from super steel structure.


Ground clearance. Normally at the time of construction adequate clearance is provided between lowest conductor and ground, but due to delay in charging/commissioning there are chances of dumping/heaping soil, earth and concrete etc. or staking bricks etc. which may cause reduction in ground clearance. In such cases the stored materials shall be removed. Ensure that there is no temporary or permanent construction of houses or shades below the line. If the same has been constructed they shall be removed before charging. The various clearances are given below as guidance however all the clearances indicated in Approved Drawings by H.O. are to be referred. The ground profile at the time of commissioning shall be checked with the profile approved at the time of check survey.

Ground clearance of lowest conductors at critical points/where ever the lowest conductor is touching the ground shall be checked in the field from any of the prevalent method and the values of ground clearance at these critical points shall be recorded in the prescribed format. For hilly Terrain and building clearance, the side clearance from conductors and jumpers at critical points shall also be checked and recorded for all phases of conductor/earthwire towards hill/building side. The permissible minimum ground clearances for different voltages are as given below: Voltage (KV) Ground Clearance (MM) Over National Highway 66 6100 8000 132 6100 8600 220 7015 9800 400 8840 Clearance for Telephone line Crossings: The minimum clearances between the conductors of the power line and tele-communication lines are specified as follows: Voltage (KV) Clearance (MM) 66 2440 132 2745 220 3050


400 4880

Electrical clearance from railway tracks. (Vertical clearance) VOLTAGE BROAD METER & NARROW GUAGES

Outside Station limits (mm) 66 KV 14100 132 KV 14600 220 KV 15400 400 KV 17900

Based on Revised railway Rules (Existing) The vertical clearances between conductors and between conductor and earthwire shall be checked randomly say in any one span of all sections and 10% sections of hilly areas from single line diagram of the towers. FOUNDATION AND REVETMENTS/PROTECTION WORK/FOUNDATION. There shall not be any damage/uneven settlement of foundations. For this, tolerances in levels of all four stubs should not exceed the criteria provided in the Annexure C of IS –5613 (Part-3/Section2) : 1989.*** It is to be ensured that back filling of foundation is properly done. Soil shall be filled over all legs upto ground level. Extra surface earth after foundation back filling shall be removed from legs of the tower beyond a lead distance of 30 mtrs. Any crack or break in chimney, if found, shall be repaired. REVETMENTS / PROTECTION: Cracks/damages to revetments shall be repaired. Wherever revetments are provided, weep holes shall have slope such as to flush out the deposited water away from tower platform. In case of hill terrain, the benching area should be leveled properly. The area around tower shall have proper slope for drainage of rainwater. All above should be done in consultation with civil department. SPECIAL FOUNDATION. All above checks to be carried out for special foundation. TOWER AND TOWER ACCESSORIES.Normal Tower.


After completion of a transmission line, all the towers shall be thoroughly checked before charging the line. Special attention shall be given to the points as mentioned below: Deformed/Buckled/missing/Rusted Members and Nuts and Bolts. It is to be ensured that no members bend, deformed or rusted have been used in towers and if so, the same shall be replaced. If any member is found missing, a new member shall be fixed as per erection drawings of towers. Nuts shall be sufficiently tightened for the required Torque specified by H.O./Approved Drawings *** Minimum 2 or 3 complete threads shall be projected outside the nut. All bolts shall have their nuts facing outside of the tower for horizontal connection and downwards for Vertical connections. Nuts & Bolts shall be properly tag welded/punched as per the specification and proper zinc rich paint (90% zinc contain) shall be applied. It shall be ensured that the circular length of each welding shall be at least 10mm. It shall also be ensured that all extra blank holes provided on tower members are filled with correct size of nuts and bolts. Special Towers:In addition to the above checks for towers, ladders and platforms provided in special towers shall be properly tightened and no foreign material shall be left out on such platforms.

Earthing of Towers:

Ensure that proper earthing of tower has been done and earthing strip is neither damaged nor broken and is properly fixed to the stub. In case of counter poise earthing, it is to be ensured that earthwire is sufficiently buried in the ground and nowhere it has been drag out during cultivation. Before charging of the line ensure that resistance is below 10 ohms. If the value (before stringing) has been recorded higher than 10 ohm earthing shall be changed to counterpoise type. Earthing of special towers shall be verified as per approved drawings applicable for special towers/special foundation. (in case of anchor foundation bolt/anchor plate welded with last leg of special tower) Earthing for Rly. Crossing structures are to be earthed effectivally by two separate and distinct paths and connections. Earth resistance is to be measured & kept on record.


Tower Accessories: All the danger plates, number plates circuit plates, and phase plates shall be in position & as per the specification: All plates shall be properly tightened It shall be ensured that phase plates are fixed in correct phase sequence. Especially at transposition towers, the phase plates in the correct phase sequence shall be provided at each towers or end tower as per the specification of the line. It shall be ensured that the anti-climbing device (ACD) is provided at the suitable height of tower. In case of barbed wire, barbed wire shall be tightly fixed. In case of spike type ACD, all spikes shall be properly fixed and oriented towards outer face of tower. It shall be ensured that the step bolts (for normal towers) are provided up to the peak of tower. Any missing step bolts shall be replaced. HARDWARE FITTINGS Tightening of all bolts and nuts are to be checked up to specified torque. Check the fixing of all security clips (W/R type clips) Surface condition of corona control rings and distance/alignment between tower side arcing horn (wherever applicable) and line side arcing horn /corona control ring to be checked as per approved drawings. To restrict the swing of jumpers, the provision of Pilot strings in case of Tension Towers shall be verified from the approved drawings. INSULATORS. Damaged/broken insulator discs are not to be used at all. Unusual deflection in suspension strings if observed shall be rectified. The insulators shall be cleaned before charging. IR value of individual disc of at least 5% insulators at random shall be checked by 5/10 kV Megger before forming a string CONDUCTORS AND EARTHWIRES. Surface of the conductors shall be free from scratches/rubs. Ensure that conductor strands are not cut and opened up. Wherever strands are found cut/damaged/scratched, they must be repaired with repair sleeves (Normally upto 1/6th nos. of strands in the outer layer.)*** ACCESSORIES FOR CONDUCTOR AND EARTHWIRES. Joints.


All joints on conductor/earthwires shall be away from the tower at a distance of at least 30 meters or as provided in the Technical Specification (TS) Ensure that not more than one joint in a conductor is provided in one span. Ensure that no mid span joint is provided in major crossings roads crossing, railway crossing and major rivers. Ensure that all mid span joints on conductors/earthwire and repair sleeves of compression type are free from sharp edges, rust and dust. Wherever grease is specified the same shall be applied in the joints. Records are to be maintained for length of joints (both in earth wire and conductor) prior to compression and after compression with the details of span of tower (mentioning tower number) and phase in which it is provided specifying the circuit number in case of d/c tower line. Clippings:Ensure that conductor is not over tightened in the suspension clamps. Spacers, Vibration dampers and copper bonds.Placement and no. of spacers/dampers between two sub conductors on each phase shall be verified as per spacer/damper placement chart. Damaged/missing spacers shall be replaced loose/displaced spacers shall be tightened /relocated. Spacing of Vibration dampers from the tower and spacing between damper to damper in case two Vibration dampers (VD) were provided, shall be verified as per the damper placement chart. All loose /displaced VD shall be properly tightened/relocated and missing VDs shall be provided. To be ensured that no copper bond is loose/missing. Jumpers. Verify Electrical clearance of jumpers to tower body as per design. All the jumpers shall be checked properly. In case, jumpers (conductor/Earthwire) is found loose, it shall be tightened sufficiently. Foreign material. Ensure that all foreign materials viz. dead bird, fallen tree branches, bird nests etc. on conductors, earthwires, jumper, insulator string, cross arms are removed. Others: It shall be ensured that all temporary/local earthing guys, T&P (Tools and Plants) foreign material and other loose material which were used during stringing/tower erection have been removed)


In case there is any change in the ground profile before commissioning of line from the approved profile, the extra earth/obstruction/temporary sheds/any other construction shall be removed. AVIATION WARNING/OBSTRUCTION SIGNALS/(LIGHTS/GLOB-

ULES/PAINTING) It shall be ensured that following measures have been taken in the line/Towers falling within obstruction zone of civil aviation and defense establishments as per their requirement and our specification. 1. DAY MARKERS: Painting of Full /top portion of Towers with Red/Orange and White Paints: Globules on earthwires have been provided. 2. NIGHT MARKERS: It shall be ensured that proper aviation lights at the peak level/at specified heights of towers have been provided along with Solar panels/Battery banks/Control cubicles and other accessories as per specification. The functioning of lights with simulation to be checked/verified. STATUTORY REQUIREMENT.

♦ The concerned authorities shall be informed before commissioning the lines and their approval obtained in accordance with Indian Electricity Act, 1910 and Indian Electricity Rule, 1956 and Electricity Supply Act 1948.

♦ Before charging of the line PTCC approval from P&T dept. shall be obtained.

HANDING OVER. The transmission line shall be inspected prior to energization and a formal handing over document to be jointly signed by the representative of ERECTION AGENCY, GEB or Corporation. However all contractual taking over has to be resolved separately as per the terms and condition of the contract. The handing over shall be limited to the completion of Erection and ready for Energization. The relevant format No. ----I------ for handing over is also a part of documentation. Any outstanding points or remaining activities are to be listed jointly by GEB and ERECTION representative as per the Format No. ---II--- and signed jointly. These documents are also to be retained at Division Office with a copy to Circle Office.


The remaining activities/outstanding points are classified in the following category. Details of the SECTIONS:( in format no.II)

A) List of outstanding activities remaining in any part of the line. B) A list of temporary arrangements introduced. C) Check list record properly documented, completed and signed

as per Format No. -----III------ D) Original tracing of Profile, Route Alignment, Tower Design,

Structural Drawings, Bill of Materials, Shop Drawings, Stringing charts (initial and final as applicable) etc. of all towers/line submitted to GEB. With the outstanding activities mentioned above are solved or with only minor points without influence on the charging remain (minor issues handing over of the transmission line shall be accepted by the pre-commissioning team. This handing over for energization with or without remaining activities as per the Format No : ----III----- shall be made by the group head to the commissioning in charge in writing. Shortcomings noticed during the inspection, shall be recorded in the Format No :-----III----to be used and copy of the format is to be given to the responsible parties like SUPPLIER (s) and ERECTION AGENCY etc. for corrective action to be taken on a time schedule.

PROTECTIVE SYSTEM Before energization it must be ascertained that all protective systems for the unit to be energized are operative. This includes confirmation that the protections have been properly tested and that the tests have been documented as per Pre-commissioning Procedure laid down in S/S Bay Equipment. Format no.IV--------. It also includes verification by inspection or otherwise, if necessary by repetition of trip test, that the protections are actually functionally enabled. This verification serves to prevent that energization takes place of a unit where a protection has been disabled for test or other reason.


OPERATIONS- BEFORE SWITCHING ‘ON’ All operational activities (switching etc.) must be coordinated and communicated with the system dispatcher i.e. LDC. In this respect the general procedures already established by GEB will be followed. SWITCHING PROCEDURES. For each activity the instruction to the operators and the communications to the dispatchers will be made in writing or by confirmed telephone messages. The switching procedures first to be properly documented step by step and understood by everybody involved in the switching operation prior to the energization. Any clarification required in the procedures must be resolved. The implication of this is that each and every activity must be listed and described, so that complete information is available for detail investigation, if required in future. TESTING AND MEASUREMENT PROCEDURES. Earth Resistance Measurement. Normally Earth tester is used for measuring.

a) Soil resistivity b) Earth resistance.

a. Prior to the testing of soil resistivity and earth resistance the operation manual of the testing instrument available at site may be referred and procedures to be adopted for measurement of soil resistivity and earth resistance. A typical earth tester has 4 terminals. C1, P1, C2, P2 and 4 similar electrodes are driven in the ground at equal distances and connected to the instruments in the order of C1, P1 and P2, C2. Then the handle is rotated or button is pressed and the reading of the resistance is read on the megger scale. If R is the resistance measured then the Specific resistivity =2�Ra Where ‘a’ is the distance between the electrode and R is the resistance in ohms measured on the megger.

b. In order to measure earth resistance of electrode of the substation, it could be connected to C1 and the value of R could be read in the scale with the rotation of the handle of the megger. This will give the earth


resistance. The value as far as possible shall be below 10 ohm. To improve the value, water shall be sprinkle at the earthing pit.

Before commissioning of the lines following tests may be carried out. Insulation Resistance Test. This test may be carried out with the help of a 2.5 OR 5 KV megger preferably power driven to ascertain the insulation condition of the line. In case 5 KV megger is used for insulation resistance measurement it shall be ensured that the induced voltage is LESS than the value which may damage the instrument. This Test is to be carried out First to the continuity test. Conductor Continuity Test: A simple method continuity test is illustrated below: Once the insulation test is completed and the results confirms no short circuit carry the following. SENDING END RECEIVING END RESULT (OHMS) CLOSE R PH. GS MEGGER R PH. ZERO /LOW OPEN Y PH. GS MEGGER Y PH. HIGH OPEN B PH. GS. MEGGER B PH. HIGH OPEN R PH. GS MEGGER R PH. HIGH CLOSE Y PH. GS. MEGGER Y PH. ZERO/LOW OPEN B PH GS. MEGGER B PH. HIGH OPEN R PH. GS MEGGER R PH. HIGH OPEN Y PH. GS. MEGGER Y PH. HIGH CLOSE B PH GS. MEGGER B PH. ZERI LOW (ALL GS OPEN CONDITION) GS MEANS GROUND SWITCH. If the above test results are ok it confirms the continuity of the line. Phase Sequence (After charging) Once the line is charged from one end, without closing the breaker at the other end the phase sequence is to be checked from the CVT output by the help of phase sequence meter. In case there is other feeder available phase sequence is to be RECHECKED BY THE MEASUREMENT OF SECONDARY voltage of both the feeders (new line & available charged line) Let the secondary voltage of CVT is 110 Volts (ph to ph) for both the Circuit. In case of correct Phase Sequence the voltage reading shall be as follows:


NEW CIRCUIT OLD CIRCUIT VOLTAGE R phase R Phase. 0 R phase Y Phase 110 R Phase B Phase 110 Y Phase R Phase 110 Y Phase Y Phase 0 Y Phase B Phase 110 B Phase R Phase 110 B Phase Y Phase 110 B Phase B Phase 0 Where ,CVT are not provided on all the phases of line, this can be done with the help of bus PT voltages. In case the results are not matching the phase sequence in to be rechecked and reconfirmed before closing the breaker. OBSERVATIONS AND DURATION:Visual and audible inspection (look and listen) of the relevant equipment and readings on permanent instrumentation will be made. This system shall be charged at least for 8 hours. During this time continuous monitoring and inspection will be maintained in control room, auxiliary systems areas and switchyards. This will include frequent scheduled inspection of all equipment and reading of all permanent instrument and recorders and surge arrestor counters, especially system parameters as per standard procedures adopted by GETCO. PASSING CRITERIA. Neither insulation breakdown nor operation of protection system should occur. No abnormal equipment noise, vibration, high temperature is permitted. Corona discharges may not be unreasonable. Local discharges that may be attributable to sharp points shall be carefully located and recorded. After termination of the energization the equipment shall be closely inspected and the points rounded or covered. No unscheduled changes of system or of equipment are permitted during the 8 hour energized condition.


DOCUMENTATION. Switching and operational activity will be recorded in regular manner in the operators log. Likewise all readings of permanent measuring instruments. Copies of this log sheet will constitute the records.

ANNEXURE –1 THE RELEVANT INDIAN ELECTRICITY RULES ARE AS FOLLOWS: cl.79. Clearance from buildings of low and medium voltage lines & service lines. (1) Where a low or medium voltage overhead line passes above or adjacent to or terminates on any building, the following minimum clearance from any accessible point, on the basis of maximum sag, shall be observed: -

a) For any flat roof, open balcony, verandah roof and lean to roof- i. When the line passes above the building a vertical clearance

of 2.5 metres from the highest point, and ii. When the line passes adjacent to the building a horizontal

clearance of 1.2 meters from the nearest point, and b) For pitched roof-

i) When the line passes above the building a vertical clearance of 2.5 metres immediately under the lines, and

ii) When the line passes adjacent to the building a horizontal clearance of 1.2 metres.

(2) Any conductor so situated as to have a clearance less than that specified in sub rule (1) shall be adequately insulated and shall be attached at suitable intervals to a bare earthed bearer wire having a breaking strength of not less than 350 Kg.

(3) The horizontal clearance shall be measured when the line is at a maximum deflection from the vertical due to wind pressure. (Explanation-For the purpose of this rule, expression, ”building” shall be deemed to include any structure, whether permanent or tem cl.80. Clearance from buildings of high and extra-high voltage lines

(1). Where a high or extra-high voltage over head line passes above or

adjacent to any


building or part of a building it shall have on the basis of maximum sag a vertical clearance above the highest part of the building immediately under such line, of not less than

a) for high voltage lines upto an including 33000 Volts. 3.7 metres. b) for extra high voltage lines.-3.7 metres plus 0.30 metres for every addl.

33000 Volts or part thereof. (2). The horizontal clearance between the nearer conductor and any part of

such building shall, on the basis of maximum deflection due to wind pressure, be not less than-

a) for high voltage lines upto and including. 11000 Volts. 1.2 metres. b) for high voltage lines above 11000 volts and upto 2.0 metres and including 33,000 volts. c) for extra-high voltage lines. -2.0 metres plus 0.3 metre for every addl. 33,000 volts or part thereof. (Explanation: For the purpose of this rule expression “building” shall be deemed to include any structure permanent or temporary).

INDIAN ELECTRICITY RULES-1956. cl.77. Clearance above ground of the lowest conductor: (1) No conductor of an overhead line, including service lines, erected across a street shall at any part thereof be at a height less than- a) for low and medium voltage lines . 5.8 metres. b) for high voltages lines 6.1 metres. (2) No conductor of an overhead line, including service lines, erected along any street shall at any part thereof be at a height less than: a) for low and medium voltage lines . 5.5 metres. b) for high voltages lines 5.8 metres. (3) No conductor of an overhead line including service lines, erected

elsewhere than along or across any street shall be at a height less than-


a) for low, medium and high voltage lines up to and including 11000 volts, if bare … 4.6 metres

b) for low, medium and high voltages up to and including 11000 volts, if insulated………… 4.0 metres for high voltage lines above 11000 volts .. 5.2 metre

(4). For extra high voltage lines the clearance above ground shall not be less than 5.2 meters plus 0.3 metres for every 33000 volts or part thereof by which the voltage or part thereof by which the voltage of the line exceeds, 33000 volts. Provided that the minimum clearance along or across any street shall not be less Than 6.1 metres. cl.78. Clearance between conductor and trolley wires : 1) No conductor of an overhead line crossing a tramway or trolley bus route

using trolley wires shall have less than the following clearances above and trolley wire:

a) Low and medium voltage lines …1.2 metres Provided that where an insulated conductor suspended from a bearer wire crosses Over a trolley wire the minimum clearances for such insulated conductor shall be 0.6 metres.

b) High voltage lines up to an including 11000 volts …1.8 metres. c) High voltage lines above 11000 volts metres 2.5

metres. d) Extra-high voltage line ….. 3.0 metres. 2). In any case of a crossing referred to in sub rule (1) whoever lays his line

later in time, shall provide the clearance between his own line and the line which will be crossed in accordance with the provisions of said sub rule. Provided that if the later entrant is the owner of the lower line and is not able to Provide adequate clearance, he shall bear the cost of modification of the upper Line so as to comply with these rules.

cl.83. Clearance- General: - For the purpose of computing the vertical clearance of an overhead line, the maximum sag of any conductor shall be calculated on the basis of the maximum sag in still air and the maximum temperature as specified by


the State Government under Rule 76(2) (d). Similarly, for the purpose of computing any horizontal clearance of an overhead line, the maximum deflection of any conductor shall be calculated on the basis of the wind pressure specified by the State Government under Rule 76(2) (a) (or may be taken 35 whichever is greater).

cl.86. Conditions to apply where telecommunication lines and power lines are carried on same supports.

1. Every overhead telecommunication line erected on supports carrying a

power line shall consist of conductor each having a breaking strength of no less than 270 Kg.

2. Every telephone used on a telecommunication line erected on supports carrying a power line shall be suitably guarded against lightning and shall be protected by cutouts.

3. Where a telecommunication line is erected on supports carrying a high or extra-high voltage power line arrangement shall be made to safeguard any person using the telephone against injury resulting from contact, leakage or induction between such power and telecommunication lines.

cl.87. Lines crossing or approaching each other:

1. Where an overhead line crosses or is in proximity to any telecommunication line, either the owner of the overhead line or the telecommunication line, whoever lays his line later, shall arrange to provide for protective devices or guarding arrangements, in a manner laid down in the Code of Practice or the guidelines prepared by the Power and Telecommunication Co-ordination Committee and subject to the provisions of the following sub-rules.

2. When it is intended to erect a telecommunication line or an overhead line which will cross or be in proximity to an overhead line or a telecommunication line, as the case may be, the person proposing or erect such line shall give one month’s notice of his intention so to do along with the relevant details of protection and drawings to the owner of the existing line.


3. Where an overhead line crosses or is in proximity to another overhead line, guarding arrangements shall be provided so as to guard against the possibility of their coming into contact with each other.

Where an overhead line crosses another overhead line, clearances shall be as under: (Minimum clearances in mm between lines when crossing each other)

Sr.No Nominal system voltage

11-66 KV 110-132 KV

220 KV 400 KV 800 KV

1 Low & Medium 2440 3050 4580 5490 7940 2. 11-66 KV 2440 3050 4580 5490 7940 3 110-132 KV 3050 3050 4580 5490 7940 4 220 KV 4580 4580 4580 5490 7940 5 400 KV 5490 5490 5490 5490 7940 6 800 KV 7940 7940 7940 7940 7940.

Provided that no guarding are required when an extra high voltage line crosses over another extra high voltage, high voltage medium or low voltage line or a road or a tram subject to the condition that adequate clearances are provided between the lowest conductor of the extra high voltage line and the top most conductor of the overhead line crossing underneath the extra high voltage line and the clearance as stipulated in Rule 77 from the top most surface of the road is maintained. INDIAN ELECTRICITY RULES, 1956. CHAPTER VII ELECTRIC SUPPLY LINES, SYSTEMS AND APPARATUS FOR HIGH AND EXTRA-HIGH VOLTAGES. The relevant Portion of the INDIAN ELECTRICITY RULES, 1956. is reproduced below: cl.63. Approval by Inspector-

(1) Before making an application to the Inspector for permission (to commence or recommence supply after an installation has been disconnected for one year or above) at high or extra high voltage to any person, the


supplier shall ensure that the high or extra high voltage electric supply lines or apparatus belonging to him are placed in position, properly joined and duly completed and examined. The supply of energy shall not be commenced by the supplier unless and until the Inspector is satisfied that the provisions of Rules 65 to 69 both inclusive have been compiled with and the approval in writing of the Inspector has been obtained by him:

Provided that the supplier may energize the aforesaid electric supply lines or apparatus for the purpose of tests specified in Rule 65.

(2) The owner of any high or extra high voltage installation shall, before

making application to the Inspector for approval of his installation or additions, there t, test every high or extra-high voltage circuit or additions thereto, other than an overhead line, and satisfy himself that they withstand the application of the testing voltage set out in sub-rule (i) of Rule 65 and shall duly record the results of such tests and forward them to the Inspector

cl.65 Testing, operating and maintenance: (1) Before approval is accorded by the inspector under rule 63 the

manufacturer’s test certificates shall, if required be produced for all the routine tests as required under the relevant Indian Standard.

(2) No new HV or EHV apparatus, cable or supply line shall be commissioned unless such apparatus, cable or supply line are subjected to site tests as per relevant code of practice of the (Bureau of Indian Standard).

(3) No HV or EHV apparatus, cable or supply line which has been kept disconnected, for a period of 6 months or more, from the system for alterations or repair shall be connected to the system until such apparatus cable or supply line subjected to the relevant tests as per code of practice of (Bureau of Indian Standards).

(4) Notwithstanding the provisions of sub rule (1) to (3) (both inclusive) the Inspector may require certain additional tests to be carried out before charging the installations or subsequently.

(6) All apparatus cables, and supply lines shall be maintained in healthy conditions and tests shall be carried out periodically as per the relevant codes of practice of the (Bureau of Indian Standards)


(7) Records of all tests, tripping, maintenance works and repairs of all equipments, cables and supply lines shall be duly kept in such a way that these records can be compared with earlier ones: and

(8) It shall be the responsibility of the owner of all HV and EHV installations to maintain and operate the installation in a condition free from danger and as recommended by the manufacturer and/or by the relevant codes of practice of the (Bureau of Indian Standards) and/or by the Inspector. Ensure that mid span clearance between top conductor and earthwire is adequate (as per Table No.1) TABLE NO. 1. SPAN (MTR) VERTICAL CLEARANCE PERMISSIBLE AT THE MIDDLE OF THE SPAN (mm) 200 4000 300 5500 400 7000 500 8500.



LINE NAME: CHECK LIST FOR TRANSMISSION LINE CIRCUIT DT.OF ENERGIZATION. For Taking over from Agency --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- A. GENERAL DATA AND INFORMATION: I CIRCLE II DIVISION III VOLTAGE RATING: 132 / 220/ 400 KV IV. TYPE OF CIRCUIT S/C D/C S/C ON D/C TOWER. (S/C OR D/C) V. LENGTH OF LINE ________KM TOTAL NOS OF TOWERS.____ VI TOWER TYPE 0-.2 A/ DA EXTN. NORMAL LEG EXTN. 2-15 B/ DB +3 15-30 C/ DC +6 30-60 D/ DD + 9 Special Tower +12








XII. DETAIL CHECK LIST. Description Status Remarks

(Record deficiencies, if any)

Yes No. Check any damage/uneven settlement of foundation Yes No. Check Back filling of foundation is properly filled upto the ground level of all legs

Yes No.

Check Surface earth/concrete after foundation casting is removed from Platform of the Tower beyond a distance of 30 mtrs.

Yes No.

Check crack or break in chimney Yes No. Check crack or damages to retaining wall/revetment and proper weep holes are provided for flushing water

Yes No.

Check that all foundation chimneys are covered with soil and compacted specially in hilly terrain and river nalas banks upto ground level.

Yes No.

Check cliff in foundation levels are within limit. Yes No. Check for missing bolts and nuts Yes No. Check tightening of all B& N Yes No. Check punching, tag welding (at least 10mm Yes No.


circular) length and zinc coating of B&N. Check filling of extra holes in tower members with B&N.

Yes No.

Check verticality of tower Yes No. Check that no tower leg is suspected to be in sinking land or soil erosion field of riverbank, if so proper adequate protection has been provided.

Yes No.

Check fixing & visibility of all tower accessories namely danger./number /circuit /phase/plates/step bolts and anti-climbing device (ACD)

Yes No.

Check correct sequence of fixing of phase/circuit at transposition towers.

Yes No.

Check temporary earthing / guys used during stringing and jumpering, removed.

Yes No.

Check all foreign materials on tower e.g. dense spider, webs, any handing rod, wire kites, bird nests and left over T&P on tower/X arm are removed.

Yes No.

Check that all the insulator discs are free from any damage.

Yes No.

Check that there is no unusual deflection in suspension strings and if any observed should be rectified

Yes No.

Check proper aviation warning signals on tower(s) Yes No. Check that red & white paints have been applied on towers which are falling in aviation route

Yes No.

Check that proper fixing of hardware fittings like corona control ring/arcing horns etc are provided as per the approved drawings/specification.

Yes No.

Check the condition of cotter pins and ensure that proper size cotter pins have provided as per the approved drawings

Yes No.

Check that all insulators are thoroughly cleaned. Yes No. Check that the conductors/sub conductors are free from scratches/rubs.

Yes No.

Checking that all joints on conductor/earthwire are away from the tower as per the specified distance

Yes No.


(at least 30 meters) and joints are as per the approved drawings/specifications Check that no more than one joint in a same conductor is provided in one span.

Yes No.

Check that no mid span joints or repair sleeves are provided in major crossings like high way, railways and major rivers

Yes No.

Check that all mid span joints on conductors/earthwire and repair sleeve of compression type are free from sharp edge rust and dust.

Yes No.

Check that armour rods are provided on suspension towers.

Yes No.

Check that spacers are provided between two sub conductors on each phase as per the spacers as per the approved chart/specification.

Yes No.

Check that all the spacers are properly tightened and free from any external damage.

Yes No.

Check that spacing of vibration dampers from the tower and spacing between damper to damper (where two vibration dampers provided) are properly prefixed and tightened as per the damper placement chart/specification.

Yes No.

Check that all the jumpers are properly fixed and torque tightened as per the approved drawings/specification.

Yes No.

Check that conductors/earthwires/ hardware fittings are free from all foreign material like dead bird/fallen tree/bird nests etc.

Yes No.

Check that right of way is not obstructed by any tree etc.

Yes No.

Check that mid span clearance between top conductor and earthwire is adequate

Yes No.

Note: Minimum clearance for top conductor & earthwire should be as follows:


Check that lowest conductor and ground clearance is more than the required minimum clearance

Yes No.

Note: Minimum ground clearance for different voltage level are as follows

Voltage Ground clearance

66 6100 132 6100 220 7015 400 8840 Check that sag and tension of the section of the line is inline with sag and tension calculation chart/specification approved by HO.



a. Measurement of minimum clearance when the line is crossing another telecommunication line.




Note: Minimum clearance between conductor of power line for different voltage and telecommunication line are as follows

Voltage (in kV) Clearance in (mm

132 2745 220 3050 400 4880

b. Measurement of minimum clearance when the line is crossing another power line



TOWER LOCATION NO. NAME Note: Minimum clearance between lines when crossing:


Sr.No Nominal system volt (kV)

11-66 kV (in mm)

110-132 kV (in mm)

220 kV in mm)

400 kV in mm)

800 kV in mm)


2440 3050 4580 5490 7940

2 11-66 2440 3050 4580 5490 7940 3 110-132 3050 3050 4580 5490 7940 4 220 4580 4590 4580 5490 7940 5 400 5490 5490 5490 5490 7940

c. Measurement of minimum clearance when the line is crossing RLY track





OUTSIDE STATION LIMITS (MM) 66 14100 132 14600 220 15400 400 17900

Measurement of tower footing resistance by earth megger or any other suitable Instrument. The value should not be more than 10 Ohms. LOCATION VALUE (IN OHMS) REMARKS

The above inspection and measurements are carried out in the location mentioned above & the remaining activities temporary arrangements etc. are documented in the format No. -------


SIGNATURE SIGNATURE DATE DATE NAME NAME ORGANISATION ORGANISATION. (Erection Representative) GEB Note: 1. This format is to be filled for each tower location. 2. This format is to be kept at Division with a copy to Circle office. 3. This format to be signed not below the level of Engineer & important Locations like river crossing railway crossing, power line crossing etc. are to be countersigned by minimum EX.ENG. For GEB & in charge of the Working Agency.



Sr.No. Tower No.

Description Observation Completion Inspection

Date Sign Date Sign Date Sign.


a) Outstanding activities remaining in any part of the line b) A List of temporary arrangements introduced. c) Checklist records properly completed & signed as per format d) Original tracing of profile route alignment, tower design,

structural drawings bill of material shop, drawings, stringing


charts indicating initial and final sag etc. of all towers submitted to GEB.

Note: This documents is to be retained at DIVISION OFFICE/CIRCLE OFFICE/HO.


GUJARAT ENERGY TRANSMISSION CORPORATION LIMITED FORMAT NO. III DATE LINE NAME: HANDING OVER RECORD FOR THE CIRCUIT ENERGIZATION. DT.OF ENERGIZATION. A. General Data and information: i) Circle II Division iii) Type of Tower SC / D/C (S/C or D/C) v) Voltage rating 132KV / 220KV / 400KV vi. Tower Loc. From ________to ________ vii) Details: Total no. of Towers Total KM. Sr.No. Description Status Remark

YES NO 1. Check list of entire section of the line along

with towers and accessories under this group have carried out & documented in the format No. -----I---- (This format retained at DIV OFFICE

Yes No.

2. Inspection has been carried out in all towers and the outstanding issues along with temporary arrangements are documented in the format No. II- This format retained at DIV OFFICE

Yes No.

3. Nos of remaining activities points are listed below and these are minor in nature and do not stop charging the line

Yes No.


HANDING OVER CHECK POINTS. Section Points according to

Format. No. II ( Nos of remaining activities)

Points completed and confirmed

Points accepted.

Date Sign Date Sign ABCD


Description Status Remark

YES NO 4. All electrical and ground clearances are as per the

approved drawings issued from HO/CO/DO. have been checked and no deviation has been noted

Yes No.

5. All man and material and temporary antitheft electrical connection, if any, removed from all the locations under this group head have been removed

Yes No.

6 All electrical clearance has been received from CEA electrical Inspector for charging of the line vide order No. Date (Copy enclosed)

Yes No.

7. PTCC clearance has been received from Ministry of Communication Dept. for charging of the line vide Order No. Date (Copy enclosed)

Yes No.

8. All statutory rules and Regulations pertaining to line charging has been carried out and nothing is pending.

Yes No.

9. All working agencies involved in construction/erection of this line are intimated regarding charging of this line and further work. If any are to be carried out only after availing the permit to work (PTW) from the concerned

Yes No.


sub station operating staff. 10. The above line handed over

energization. Accepted for Energization.

The Line handed over With remaining activities: Yes/No. Without remaining activities Yes/No.

Signature Signature Date Date Name Name INCHARGE OF LINE GEB (CONST.) Commissioning CORPORATION


GUJARAT ENERGY TRANSMISSION CORPORATION LIMITED FORMAT NO.----IV------ DATE FORMAT FOR PRE COMMISIONING LINE NAME: OF THE LINE CIRCUIT DT.OF ENERGIZATION. A. General Data and information : i) CIRCLE II DIVISION iii) Total KM (CKT/KMS D/C) v) Voltage rating 132 / 220 / 400 kv vi) Details Total no. of towers: Total KM. Sr.No. Description Status Remark

YES NO 1. The entire section of the line handed over for

energization as per GEB format No. ----III----- ON dated

Yes No.

2. Nos. of remaining activities points are listed as per format No. ----II---- and these are minor in nature and do not stop charging the line

Yes No.

3 Pre-Commissioning tests of Bay/feeder as per the format No. -------- has been completed and test results are documented

Yes No.

4. All the equipments involved in charging of the line are tested and documented as per the pre commissioning formats of bay equipment

Yes No.

5. In case reactor provided in this line all tests are carried out as per the format No. ----/and all test results are documented.

Yes No.

6. All electrical clearance has been received from CEA electrical inspector for charging of the line vide Order No. Date : (Copy to be enclosed)

Yes No.

7. All man and material and temporary antitheft electrical connection, if any, removed from all the locations under this group head have been removed

Yes No.


8 All electrical clearance has been received from CEA electrical Inspector for charging of the line vide order No. Date (Copy enclosed)

Yes No.

9. PTCC clearance has been received from Ministry of Communication Dept. for charging of the line vide Order No. Date (Copy enclosed)

Yes No.

10. All statutory rules and Regulations pertaining to line charging have been carried out and nothing is pending.

Yes No.

11. All working agencies involved in construction/erection of this line are intimated regarding charging of this line and further work. If any are to be carried out only after availing the permit to work (PTW) from the concerned sub station operating staff.

Yes No.

12. All the protections are checked and put into service as per GEB standard format No. (Being released) and documented.

Yes No.




R PHASE GROUND Y PHASE GROUND B PHASE GROUND R PHASE - Y PHASE Y PHASE - B PHASE B PHASE- R PHASE B. Measurement insulation resistance for line : (By using 5 kV or 10 kV motorized megger) Min. value: approx. 150 M Ohm (Value may change with weather condition) BETWEEN MEASURED VALUE IN M-

OHM REMARK Conditions


All Ground switch at other end opened.







OPEN B PHASE GS MEGGER B PHASE HIGH OPEN R PHASE GS MEGGER R PHASE HIGH OPEN Y PHASE GS MEGGER Y PHASE HIGH CLOSE B PHASE GS MEGGER B PHASE LOW If the test value are as per the remark then phase marking at both ends are correct. This test is to be done if the megger value does not show short circuit of the line with ground or between phases in the Measurement.







Connect R& Y Ph. B Ph and all GS Open

R Phase Y Phase Y Phase B Phase B Phase R Phase


Connect R and B Ph. Y Ph. & all GS open

R Phase Y Phase Y Phase B Phase B Phase R Phase


Connect B and Y Ph. R Ph and all GS Open

R Phase Y Phase Y Phase B Phase B Phase R Phase


If the test values are as per the remark then phase marking at both ends are correct. E. MEASUREMENT OF PHASE SEQUENCE: After closing the breaker from one end only he line can be charged.

a. Check the phase sequence by the phase sequence meter connecting At the secondary of the CVT. OK Not OK.

b. Check the phase sequence by the help of multimeter in case of a charged Sub station at the secondary of the CVT (Old and New) in the control panel as per measurement indicated below:





R Phase R Phase 0 R Phase Y Phase 110 R Phase B Phase 110 Y Phase R Phase 110 Y Phase Y Phase 0 Y Phase B Phase 110 B Phase R Phase 110 B Phase Y Phase 110 B Phase B Phase 0

*In case of CVT output is 110v Ph. To Ph. For correct PH. Sequence the values are as indicated.


GUJARAT ENERGY TRANSMISSION FORMAT NO. CORPORATION LIMITED REV: o DATE LINE NAME: COMMISIONING OF THE LINE CIRCUIT COMMISSIONING FORMAT DT.OF ENERGIZATION. NOTE: In case of correct phase sequence the voltage measured between R and R phase, Y and Y phase, B and B phase of old charged circuit will be zero or very small and all other measurement will show full line CVT Ph to Ph secondary voltage. Once the correct phase sequence is established the charging instruction received from DO/CO/LD to be followed and properly documented regarding status of various parameters with and or other lines and generators if any. Charging instruction no. Date (Copy enclosed) I Charging Details. Time a) Voltage KV b)Generator Details Unit No. Capacity MW Gener. MVAR Gener. Remark 1234

c. Lines Sr. No. Name of lines

connected Line reactor

1 In Service Capacity 23456


d. No. and rating of ICTs connected. Sr.No. Rating Tertiary Reactor




The line has been/has not been successfully test charged with or without following operational constraints.




Grid Code

Notification: No. 5 of 2004

In exercise of the powers conferred under Section 86(h) of the Electricity Act, 2003 (Act 36 of 2003) and under Section 42 (b) of the Gujarat Electricity Industry (Reorganisation and Regulation) Act, 2003 (Gujarat Act 24 of 2003), and all powers enabling it in that behalf, the Gujarat Electricity Regulatory Commission hereby makes this "GUJARAT ELECTRICITY GRID CODE" herein after called Grid Code. This Grid Code is applicable for the Gujarat Power Grid only and for the Inter State Transmission, Indian Electricity Grid Code shall be applicable.




1.1 OVERVIEW: 1.1.1 The Gujarat Government, in exercise of powers under the Gujarat

Electricity Industry (Reorganisation and Regulation) Act, 2003, has notified the transfer scheme. Accordingly, Gujarat Energy Transmission Corporation Limited (GETCO) will continue to undertake Transmission activities and business as before on behalf of and as an agent of the GEB till such time the state Government issues an order authorizing the GETCO to undertake such functions and activities on their own and independent of the GEB.

1.1.2 As per the Section 39(2) of the Electricity Act 2003 following are the function of State Transmission Utility to: (a) Undertake transmission of Energy through the Intra-state Transmission

System (b) Discharge all functions of planning and co-ordination relating to intra-

state transmission system with- (i) Central Transmission Utility; (ii) State Governments; (iii) Generating Companies; (iv) Regional Power Committee; (v) Authority; (vi) Licensees; (vii) Any other person notified by the State Government in this


(c) Ensure development of an efficient, co-ordinated and economical system of intra-State transmission lines for smooth flow of electricity from a generating station to load centers;

(d) Provide non-discriminatory open access to its transmission system for use by- (i) any licensee or generating company on payment of the transmission charges; or (ii) any consumer as and when such open access is provided by the State Commission under sub-section (2) of section 42, on payment of the transmission charges and a surcharge thereon, as may be specified by the State Commission


1.1.3 As per the Section 31 (2) of Electricity Act, 2003, the State Load Despatch Centre shall be operated by a Government company/ any authority or corporation established or constituted by or under any State Act, as may be notified by the state Government. Until a Government company or any authority or corporation is notified by the State Government, the State Transmission Utility shall operate the State Load Despatch Centre. As per Section 32 (2) of Electricity Act, 2003, the following are the functions of State Load Despatch Centre, which shall : (a) be responsible for optimum scheduling and despach of electricity

within a State, in accordance with the contracts entered into with teh Licensees or the Generating Companies operating in that State;

(b) monitor the grid operations; (c) keep accounts of the quantity of electricity transmitted through the

State grid; (d) exercise supervision and control over the intra-state transmission

system; (e) be responsible for carrying out real time operations for grid control and

despatch of electricity within the State through secure and economic operation of the State grid in accordance with the Grid Standards and the state Grid Code.

(f) Further, The SLDC and Licensees shall comply with; and ensure directions Regional Load Despatch Centre may give from time to time in connection with the integrated grid operation of the power system or otherwise in regard to matter which affect the operation of the Inter State Transmission System.

1.1.4 In order to perform the above task as well as the requirements as stipulated in Clause 86(h) of the Electricity Act, 2003 and Clause 42 (b) of Gujarat Act No. 24 of 2003 viz. Gujarat Electricity Industry (Reorganisation and Regulation) Act 2003, the Gujarat Electricity Regulatory Commission has formulated this "GUJARAT ELECTRICITY GRID CODE" herein after called Grid Code. This Grid Code is applicable for the Gujarat Power Grid only and for the Inter State Transmission, Indian Electricity Grid Code shall be applicable.

1.1.5 Scope of Grid Code: The Grid Code is designed to facilitate the development, operation and maintenance of an efficient, co-ordinated and economical Gujarat power grid by specifying to STU/ Transmission Licensees and all the Users connected to that system for their technical and procedural obligations. It seeks to be non-discriminatory and to ensure that interfaces are not areas of weakness in the supply chain.


1.2 Structure of the Grid Code: This Grid Code consists of 14 Sections as follows: 1.2.1 Section-1: Introduction – This section outlines the broad features of

the Grid Code. 1.2.2 Section-2: Definitions - The various terms used in the Grid Code are

defined under this section. 1.2.3 Section-3: Management of Grid Code - The Grid Code is a live

document and has to be periodically reviewed by a competent panel as and when required in the light of experience gained. This section formulates the procedures for the same.

1.2.4 Section-4: System Planning code – This section specifies the technical and design criteria and the procedures to be applied by the State Transmission Utility and other Users for planning and development of the power system.

1.2.5 Section-5: Connectivity Conditions – This section specifies the technical criteria and standards to be complied with by STU, Transmission Licensees, the Generating Companies, the Distribution Licensees and other Users connected or seeking connection to the Transmission System.

1.2.6 Section-6: Operation Planning and Security – This section specifies the process by which STU has to carry out the planning of intra state Transmission System, including interface co-ordination with the Users, for a satisfactory grid operation and system integrity.

1.2.7 Section-7: System Operation Metering, Protection, Despatch and Control Code – This section specifies the procedure to be adopted for the scheduling of despatch of the Generating Units to meet the demand and drawal allocations. This section also covers the management of frequency and voltages in the Transmission System, the minimum requirement of protection levels and metering specifications for the various components of the system.

1.2.8 Section-8: Monitoring of Generation and drawal – This section formulates the procedure to be followed by the State Load Despatch Centre for monitoring the generation output, active and reactive reserve capacity required for evaluation of the performance of Generating Stations. The monitoring of scheduled drawal is important to ensure that SLDC contributes towards improving the Regional performance, by observing Grid discipline.

1.2.9 Section-9: Contingency Planning – This section formulates the recovery and normalisation of power supply process to be followed by all the Users in the event of the failure of Gujarat power grid, or the Western Grid resulting in total or partial collapse of the System causing blackouts.


1.2.10 Section-10: Cross Boundary Safety – This section specifies the requirements for safe working practices for maintenance of equipment associated with cross boundary operations and also the procedure to be followed when the work is carried out on electrical equipment connected to another User's System.

1.2.11 Section-11: Safety and Line Clear Permits – This section sets out the procedure for recording of Line Clear Permits and guidelines for ensuring safety from electrical hazards to the consumers, general public and working personnel.

1.2.12 Section-12: Communication and Data acquisition – This section specifies the minimum requirements of Communication and Data Acquisition Facilities to be provided by each User at Connection Points/ Interface Points and cross boundary circuits.

1.2.13 Section-13: Operational Event and Incident/Accident Reporting –This section specifies the details of minimum requirement for the exchange of information relating to Operations and/or Events on the total System including the Western Grid which may have an operational effect.

1.2.14 Section-14: Data Registration – This section specifies a list of all the data required by STU/ Transmission Licensee which is to be provided by the Users and the data required by the Users to be provided by the STU/ Transmission Licensee at the required time specified in the various sections of the Grid Code.

1.3 Implementation and operation of the Grid Code: 1.3.1 The State Transmission Utility/ Transmission Licensee shall be responsible

for implementation of the Grid Code. All the Users shall comply with the Grid Code and assist the State Transmission Utility/ Transmission Licensee in this regard. The Users must provide all the required information and reasonable rights of access, service and facilities necessary for implementation of the Grid Code.

1.3.2 If any User has any difficulty in complying with any of the provisions of the Grid Code, he shall immediately, without delay, inform the same to the State Transmission Utility as well as concerned Transmission Licensee, if any, and shall remedy his non-compliance promptly.

1.3.3 Consistent failure in compliance with the Grid Code may lead to disconnection of the User’s plant or Apparatus. The responsibility for the consequences of disconnection including payment of damages and compensation to consumers rests with the User who consistently violates the Grid Code.

1.3.4 The operation of the Grid Code shall be reviewed regularly by the Grid Code Review Panel in accordance with the provisions of the relevant section of the Grid Code.


1.4 Limitations of the Grid Code: 1.4.1 The Grid Code contains procedures for the management of day to day

technical situations in the Power Grid, taking into account a wide range of operational conditions likely to be encountered under both normal and abnormal conditions. The Grid Code cannot foresee all the possible operating conditions. Users must therefore understand and accept that the SLDC/ STU/Transmission Licensee, in such unforeseen circumstances, may be required to act decisively to discharge his obligations as well as to maintain the security of the System. Users shall provide such reasonable co-operation and assistance as the STU/Transmission Licensee may require in such circumstances. The STU/Transmission Licensee / SLDC shall however refer all such cases for ratification in the next meeting of the Panel.

1.5 Confidentiality 1.5.1 Under the terms of Grid Code, STU/ Transmission Licensee will receive

information from Users relating to their intentions in respect of their generation or supply businesses. STU/ Transmission Licensee shall not, other than as required by Grid Code, disclose such information to any other person without the prior written consent of such informant, unless required by Central/State government departments or any authority.

1.6 Procedures to settle disputes: 1.6.1 In the event of any dispute regarding interpretation between any User

and STU, the matter shall be referred to Gujarat Electricity Regulatory Commission. In the event of any conflict between the parties regarding any provision of the Grid Code, the Gujarat Electricity Regulatory Commission will proceed to settle the issue.

1.7 Communications between STU/ TRANSMISSION Licensee and Users

1.7.1 All communications between STU/ Transmission Licensee and Users shall be in accordance with the provision of the Grid Code. Unless otherwise specifically required by the Grid Code, all communications shall be in writing, except where operation time scales require oral communication, in which case these communications shall be confirmed in writing as soon as practicable. All the Users shall establish and maintain a reliable communication infrastructure and network for this purpose.


1.8 Directives 1.8.1 Under the provisions of the Act, the State Government may issue policy

directives in certain matters. The STU/ Transmission Licensee shall promptly inform GERC and all Users of the requirement of such directives. The Users, subject to the relevant section of the Acts, shall comply with such directive.






In the Grid Code the following words and expressions shall, unless the subject matter or context otherwise requires or is inconsistent therewith, bear the following meanings:

The Electricity Act, 2003 and Gujarat Electricity Industry (Reorganisation and Regulation) Act, 2003 read together.

Active Energy The electrical energy produced, flowing or supplied by an electric circuit during a time interval, being the integral with respect to time of the instantaneous power, measured in units of watt-hours or standard multiples thereof, i.e., 1000 Wh =1 kWh 1000 kWh = 1 MWh 1000 MWh = 1 GWh 1000 GWh = 1 TWh

Active Power The product of voltage and the in-phase component of alternating current measured in units of watts and standard multiples thereof, i.e., 1000 Watts = 1 kW 1000 kW = 1 MW 1000 MW = 1 GW 1000 GW = 1 TW

AECo. The Ahmedabad Electricity Company Limited Apparatus All the electrical apparatus like machines, fittings,

accessories and appliances in which electrical conductors are used.

Apparent Power The product of voltage and alternating current measured in units of volt-amperes and standard multiples thereof, i.e., 1000 VA = 1 kVA 1000 kVA = 1 MVA

Area Load Despatch Centre

One of the three stations in Gujarat State being established under Western Region System Unified Load Despatch Scheme, having as main functions: - Data acquisition and transfer to SLDC; and supervisory control of load centre in their respective area

Area of supply Area within which a Distribution Licensee is authorised by


his License to supply Electricity Automatic VoltageRegulator (AVR)

A continuously acting automatic excitation system to control a Generating Unit terminal voltage.

Auxiliaries All the plant and machinery required for the Generating Unit's functional operation that do not form part of the Generating Unit.

Availability "Fully Available" shall mean that the Generating Unit is available to its contracted capacity. In respect of the Transmission System, "Availability" shall mean the time in hours the Transmission System is capable of transmitting electricity at its rated voltage from the supply point to the delivery point and expressed as a percentage of Annual Availability.

Backing Down Reduction of generation on instructions from SLDC/WRLDC by a Generating Unit under abnormal conditions.

Black Start The procedure necessary for a recovery from a total shutdown or partial shutdown without the availability of electricity from external sources.

Black Start Capability

An ability in respect of a Black Start Station, for at least one of its Generating Units or CCGT Units to start-up from shutdown and to energise a part of the system and be synchronised to the system upon instruction from the State Load Dispatch Centre, within two hours, without any external supply.

Black Start Stations

Generating Stations having Black Start Capability.

Captive Power Plant (CPP)

A Power Plant set up by any person to generate electricity for his use and includes a power plant set up by any co-operative society or association of persons for generating electricity primarily for use of members of such co-operative society or association.

Caution Notice A notice conveying a warning against interference. CBIP Central Board of Irrigation and Power. CCGT Combined Cycle Gas Turbine. CEA Central Electricity Authority. Central Transmission Utility (CTU)

Any Government Company which the Central Government may notify under sub section (1) of section 38 of the Electricity Act, 2003.

CERC Central Electricity Regulatory Commission. Connection The electric power lines and electrical equipment used to


effect a connection of a User's System to the Transmission System.

Connection Conditions

Those conditions mentioned in Section 5 (“Connection Conditions”) which have to be fulfilled before the User’s System is connected to the Grid.

Connection Point/ Interface Point

An electrical point of connection between the Transmission System and the User's System.

Consumer Any person who is supplied with electricity for his own use by a Licensee or the Government or by any other person engaged in the business of supplying electricity to public under the Electricity Act 2003 or any other law for the time being in force and includes any person whose Premises are for the time being connected for the purpose of receiving electricity with the works of a Licensee, the Government or such other person, as case may be.

Control Person A person identified as having technical capability and responsibility for cross boundary safety under section 10 “Cross Boundary Safety” of the Grid Code.

Demand The demand in MW and MVA of electricity (i.e. both Active and Apparent Power), unless otherwise stated.

Demand Control Any of the following methods of achieving a Load reduction: (a) Consumer Load Management initiated by Users. (b) Consumer Load reduction by Disconnection initiated by

Users (other than following an instruction from Load Despatch Centre).

(c) Consumer Load reduction instructed by the Load Despatch Centre.

(d) Automatic under Frequency Load Disconnection. (e) Emergency manual Load Disconnection.

Despatch Operational control of an integrated electricity system involving operations such as: (a) Assignment of levels of output to specific Generating

Plant or Load control devices to effect the most reliable and economical supply as the loads vary,

(b) The control of the operation of Extra High Voltage lines, associated substations and equipment,

(c) The scheduling of various types of transactions with the electric utilities over the interconnecting Transmission Lines.


De-Synchronize The act of taking a Generating Unit off a system to which it has been Synchronised.

Disconnection The physical separation of Users or Consumers from the System.

Discrimination The quality where a relay or protective system is enabled to pick out and cause to be disconnected only the faulty Apparatus.

Distribution Licensees

A Licensee authorised to operate and maintain a Distribution System for supplying electricity to the Consumers in his Area of Supply.

Distribution System

The system of wires and associated facilities between the delivery points on the transmission lines or the generating station connection and the point of connection to the installation of the Consumers.

Drawal The import/export of electrical energy from/to the grid. Earthing Connecting the conducting parts of an equipment or

machinery with the general mass of earth, in such a manner ensuring at all times an immediate discharge of energy without danger, by maintaining the same efficiently at earth's potential.

Earthing Device A means of providing connection between a conductor and earth being of adequate strength and capability.

EHV Extra High Voltage equal to and greater than 66 kV Exciter The source of electrical power providing the field current of

a synchronous machine. Frequency The number of alternating current cycles per second

(expressed in Hertz) at which the system is operating. GEDA Gujarat Energy Development Agency is nodal agency for

development of renewable energy sources in Gujarat. Generating Company

Any company or body corporate or association or body of individuals, whether incorporated or not, or artificial juridical person, which owns or operates or maintains a Generating Station.

Generating Station

Any station for generating electricity, including any building and plant with step-up transformer, switchyard, switch gear, cables or other appurtenant equipment, if any used for that purpose and the site thereof, a site intended to be used for a generating station, and any building used for housing the operating staff of a generating station, and where electricity is generated by water – power, includes penstocks, head and tail works, main and regulatory reservoirs, dams and


other hydraulic works, but does not in any case include any substation.

Generating Unit The combination of an electric power generator and its prime mover and all of its associated equipment, which together constitutes a single generating machine

Generation Schedule

The despatch schedule of a Generating Station.

Generator Capability Curve

A diagram, which shows the MW and MVAr capability limits within which a Generating Unit will be expected to operate under steady state conditions.

GERC Gujarat Electricity Regulatory Commission.

GETCO Gujarat Energy Transmission Corporation Limited

Grid High Voltage backbone system of inter-connected Transmission Lines, Substations and Generating Stations.

Grid Code "Gujarat Electricity Grid Code" - a document describing the procedures and the responsibilities for planning and operation of Gujarat Grid.

Grid Code Review Panel or "Panel"

The Panel with the functions set out in the Grid Code.

GSECL Gujarat State Electricity Corporation Limited

High Voltage or HV

Voltage greater than 440 V and lesser than 66 kV.

IEC International Electro-Technical Commission IEC Standard A standard approved by the International Electro-technical

Commission. IEEE Institution of Electrical and Electronic Engineers, Inc., USA. IEGC Indian Electricity Grid Code, a document developed by the

Central Transmission Utility and approved by the Central Electricity Regulatory Commission.

Indian Standards ("IS")

Those Standards and specifications approved by the Bureau of Indian Standards.

Inter-State Generating Station (ISGS)

A Generating Station in which two or more than two States have a share and whose scheduling is to be coordinated by Regional Load Despatch Centre.

Inter-State Transmission System (ISTS)

Inter-state Transmission System includes: (a) Any system for the conveyance of electricity by means of

a main Transmission Line from the territory of one State to another State;


(b) the conveyance of electricity across the territory of an intervening State as well as conveyance within a State, which is incidental to such inter-state transmission of electricity.

(c) The transmission of electricity within the territory of a State built, owned, operated, maintained or controlled by the Central Transmission Utility.

Interconnecting Transformer (ICT)

Transformer connecting EHV lines of different voltage systems.

Intertripping (a) The tripping of circuit-breaker(s) by commands initiated from Protection at a remote location independent of the state of local Protection; or

(b) Operational intertripping. Intra-state Transmission System

Any system for transmission of electricity other than an Inter-State Transmission System.

Isolation The disconnection of EHV/ HV Apparatus from the remainder of the System in which that EHV/ HV Apparatus is situated.

Lean Period That period in a day when the electrical power demand is lowest.

Licence Any license granted by GERC under provisions of the relevant laws in force.

Load The Active, Reactive or Apparent Power as the context requires, generated, transmitted or distributed.

Load Factor Load Factor is the ratio of the average power to the maximum demand. The load factor depends on the interval of time of the maximum demand and the period over which the average is taken. Units consumed in a given period Load Factor = ------------------------------------------------------- Maximum Demand x No. of hours in the period

Low Voltage or LV Voltage not exceeding 440 volts. Main Protection Protection equipment or system expected to have priority in

initiating either a fault clearance or an action to terminate an abnormal condition in a power system.

Notice to Synchronise

The amount of time (expressed in minutes) that is declared by a Generating Company in relation to a Generator to


enable it to be synchronised following the receipt of an instruction to synchronise.

NPC Nuclear Power Corporation Limited NTPC National Thermal Power Corporation Limited Operating Margin Aggregate available capacity of Generating Station in the

system on real time basis, which is over and above the operating level to the maximum capacity of the Generating Units limited by technical parameters for short duration.

Operation A scheduled or planned action relating to the operation of a System.

Operational Procedures

Management instructions and procedures, both for the Safety Rules and for the local and remote operation of plant and Apparatus, issued in connection with the actual operation of plant and/or Apparatus at or from a connecting site.

Out of Synchronism

The condition where a System or Generating Unit can not meet the requirements to enable it to be Synchronised.

Outage A total or partial regulation in availability due to repair and maintenance of the Transmission or Distribution or Generation facility or defect in Auxiliary System.

Part Load The condition of a Generating Station which is loaded but is not running at its declared availability.

Partial Shutdown A shutdown of a part of the system resulting in failure of power supply, either from external connections or from the healthy part of the system.

Peak Period That period in a day when the electrical power Demand is highest.

Person Any company or body corporate or association or body of individuals, whether incorporated or not, or artificial juridical person.

PGCIL Power Grid Corporation of India Limited. Planned Outage An outage of Generating Plant or part of the Transmission

System, or part of a User's system co-ordinated by SLDC.

Power Factor The ratio of Active Power (kW) to Apparent Power (KVA). Premises Any land, building or structure Protection The schemes and Apparatus for detecting abnormal

conditions on a System and initiating fault clearance or actuating signals or indications.

Protection A group of one or more Protection Relays and/or logic


Apparatus elements designated to perform a specified Protection function.

Rated MW The "rating plate" MW output of a Generating Unit, being that output up to which the Generating Unit is designed to operate.

Reactive Power The product of voltage and current and the sine of the phase angle between them measured in units of volt-amperes reactive and standard multiples thereof, i.e.: 1000 VAr. = 1kVAr 1000 kVAr = 1 MVAr

Regional Power Committee

Committee established by resolution by the Central Government for a specified region for facilitating the integrated operation of the power system in the region.

Regulating Margin The system voltage and frequency beyond which the system should not be operated.

Responsible Engineer/ Operator

A person nominated by an User to be responsible for System control.


The bringing of parts of the System which has gone out of Synchronism with each other, back into Synchronism.

Safety Rules The rules framed by the Users and the Transmission Licensee to ensure safety to persons working on Plant/Apparatus.

SECo The Surat Electricity Company Limited SLDC State Load Despatch Centre. Standing Instructions

An instruction issued by SLDC to a Generating Company whereby, in specified circumstances, the Generating Company should take specified action, as though a valid dispatch instruction has been issued by SLDC.

Start-Up The action of bringing a Generating Unit from shutdown to synchronous speed.

State Transmission Utility (STU)

The utility notified by the Government under Sub-Section (1) of Section 39 of the Electricity Act, 2003, and whose functions have been outlined under Sub-Section (2) of Section 39 of the Electricity Act, 2003.

Station Transformer

A transformer supplying electrical power to the Auxiliaries of a Generating Station, which is not directly connected to a Generating Unit terminal.


Substation Station for transforming or converting electricity for the transmission or distribution thereof and includes transformers, converters, switchgears, capacitors, synchronous condensers, structures, cable and other appurtenant equipment and any buildings used for that purpose and the site therof

Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition or (SCADA)

The communication links and data processing systems, which provide information to enable implementation of requisite supervisory and control actions.

Synchronized Those conditions where an incoming Generating Unit or System is connected to the busbars of another System so that the frequencies and phase relationships of that Generating Unit or System as the case may be, and the System to which it is connected are identical.

System Any Transmission and Distribution System and/or Transmission System, as the case may be.

Total System The Transmission System and all User Systems in Gujarat. Transmission Licensee

A Licensee authorised to establish and operate transmission lines.

Transmission Line All high pressure cables and overhead lines (not being an essential part of the distribution system of a Licensee) transmitting electricity from a Generating Station to another Generating Station or a Substation, together with any step-up and step-down transformers, switch-gear and other works necessary to and used for the control of such cables or overhead lines, and such buildings or part thereof as may be required to accommodate such transformers, switch-gear and other works

Transmission System

The system consisting of high pressure cables and overhead lines of Transmission Licensee for transmission of electrical power from the Generating Station upto Connection Point/ Interface Point with the Distribution System. This shall not include any part of the Distribution System.

Under Frequency Relay

An electrical measuring relay intended to operate when its characteristic quantity reaches the relay settings by decrease in frequency.

User A term utilised in various sections of Grid Code to refer to the persons using the Gujarat Grid, as more particularly identified in each section of the Grid Code. In the General Conditions the term means any person to whom the Grid


Code applies. WRLDC Western Regional Load Despatch Centre.

Words and expressions used and not defined in this Code but defined in the Acts shall have the meanings assigned to them in the said Acts. Expressions used herein but not specifically defined in this Code or in the said Acts but defined under any law passed by a competent legislature and applicable to the electricity industry in the state shall have the meaning assigned to them in such law. Subject to the above, expressions used herein but not specifically defined in this Code or in the Acts or any law passed by a competent legislature shall have the meaning as is generally assigned in the electricity industry.

2.2.2 INTERPRETATION In the interpretation of this Code, unless the context otherwise requires:

• words in the singular or plural term, as the case may be, shall also be deemed to include the plural or the singular term, respectively;

• the terms "include" or "including" shall be deemed to be followed by "without limitation" or "but not limited to" regardless of whether such terms are followed by such phrases or words of like import;

• references herein to the “code" shall be construed as a reference to this code as amended or modified by the GERC from time to time in accordance with the applicable laws in force.

• the headings are inserted for convenience and may not be taken into account for the purpose of interpretation of this Code.

• references to any statutes, regulations or guidelines shall be construed as including all statutory provisions consolidating, amending or replacing such statutes, regulations or guidelines, as the case may be, referred to.





3.1.1 3.1 Introduction: 3.1.1 The STU/ Transmission Licensee is required to implement and comply with

the Gujarat Electricity Grid Code (GEGC) and to carry out periodic review and amendments of the same with the approval of Gujarat Electricity Regulatory Commission (GERC). A Review Panel shall be constituted by STU, as required in this section, comprising of the representatives of the Users of the Transmission System.

3.1.2 No change in this Grid Code, however small or big, shall be made without being deliberated upon and agreed to by the Grid Code Review Panel and thereafter approved by GERC. However, in an unusual situation where normal day to day operation is not possible without revision of some clauses of Grid Code, a provisional revision may be implemented before approval of GERC is received, but only after discussion at a special Review Panel Meeting convened on emergency basis. GERC should promptly be intimated about the provisional revision. GERC may issue directions requiring STU to revise the Grid Code accordingly as may be specified in those directions and STU shall promptly comply with any such directions.

3.1.3 STU/ Transmission Licensee will be responsible for managing and implementing the Grid Code for discharging its obligations with the Users. STU/ Transmission Licensee will not be, however, required to incur any expenditure on account of travel etc., of any other member of the panel other than its own representative.

3.1.2 3.2 Objective: The objective of this section is to define the method of management of Grid Code documents, implementing any changes/modifications required and the responsibilities of the constituents (Users) to effect the change.

3.1.3 3.3 Grid Code Review Panel: 3.3.1 The Chairperson of the Grid Code Review Panel shall be an Engineer of

the STU not below the rank of Chief Engineer. The Member Secretary of the Panel shall also be nominated by STU. The Review Panel shall consist of the following members on the recommendations of the heads of the respective organisations: (a) One Chief Engineer or General Manager of Gujarat State Electricity

Corporation Limited (GSECL).


(b) One representative at senior executive level of The Ahmedabad Electricity Company Limited (AECo).

(c) One representative at senior executive level of The Surat Electricity Company Limited (SECo).

(d) One representative at senior executive level from National Thermal Power Corporation Limited (NTPC).

(e) One representative at senior executive level from Western Regional Load Despatch Centre (WRLDC).

(f) One representative at senior executive level from Regional Power Committee. However, this member will be inducted after such committee comes into existence.

(g) One representative at senior executive level from each Distribution Licensee other than AECo and SECo.

(h) One representative at senior executive level from each of the Generating Companies other than GSECL feeding the Gujarat Grid feeding not less than 50 MW.

(i) One representative from all CPPs, which are in parallel operation with Gujarat Grid, on rotation basis.

(j) One representative from all the Generating Companies of small Generating Stations of less than 50 MW capacity on rotation basis.

(k) One member from Gujarat Energy Development Agency (GEDA) 3.3.2 Any other member can be co-opted as a member of the panel when

directed by GERC. 3.3.3 The functioning of the panel shall be co-ordinated by STU. The Member

Secretary nominated by STU shall be the convenor. 3.3.4 STU shall inform all the Users, the names and addresses of the Review

Panel Chairperson and the Member Secretary at least 7 days before the first Review Panel meeting. Any subsequent changes shall also be informed to all the Users by STU. Similarly, each User shall inform the names and designations of their representatives to the Member Secretary of the Review Panel, at least three days before the first Review Panel meeting, and shall also inform the Member Secretary in writing regarding any subsequent changes.

3.1.4 3.4 Functions of the Review Panel: The functions of the Review Panel are as follows: (a) Maintenance of the Grid Code and its working under continuous

scrutiny and review. (b) Consideration of all requests for review made by any User and

publication of their recommendations for changes in the Grid Code together with reasons for such changes.


(c) Provide guidance on interpretation and implementation of the Grid Code.

(d) Examination of the problems raised by any User as well as resolution of the problems.

(e) Ensuring that the changes/modifications proposed in the Grid Code are consistent and compatible with Indian Electricity Grid Code (IEGC).

(f) Analysis of major Gujarat Grid disturbances soon after their occurrence and constitute the sub committee to investigate the reasons thereof.

The Review Panel may hold any number of meetings as required subject to the condition that at least one meeting shall be held in every three months. Sub-meetings may be held by STU with the User to discuss individual requirements and with groups of Users to prepare proposals for Review Panel’s consideration.

3.1.5 3.5 Review and Revisions: 3.5.1 The Users seeking any amendment to the Grid Code shall send written

requests to the Member Secretary of the Review Panel with a copy to GERC. If the request is sent to GERC directly, the same shall be forwarded to STU who shall, in consultation with the Distribution Licensees, Generating Companies, Central Transmission Utility (CTU) and such other persons as the GERC may direct or STU may decide to consult, review the Grid Code provisions. STU shall examine the proposed changes/modifications in line with IEGC stipulations and circulate the same along with its comments to all the Review Panel members for their written comments within a reasonable time frame. Whenever it is observed that a certain clause of Grid Code is not consistent with the IEGC, then the same will be discussed in the Review Panel and the clause will be revised to make it consistent with IEGC.

3.5.2 All the comments received shall be scrutinised and compiled by STU. These along with STU’s comments shall be sent to all the members for their response for the proposed change/modification. If necessary, STU shall convene a meeting of the Review Panel for deliberations. The Member Secretary shall present all the proposed revisions of the Grid Code to the Review Panel for its consideration.

3.5.3 Based on the response received, STU shall finalise its recommendation regarding the proposed modification / amendment and submit the same along with all the related correspondence to GERC for approval.

3.5.4 STU shall send the following reports to the GERC at the conclusion of each review meeting of the panel: (a) Reports on the outcome of such review.


(b) Any proposed revision to the Grid Code as STU reasonably thinks necessary for achievement of the objectives referred to in the relevant paragraphs of the Transmission Licence.

(c) All written representations and objections submitted by the Users at the time of review.

3.5.5 All revisions to the Grid Code require the approval of GERC. STU shall publish revisions to the Grid Code, after the approval of GERC. STU may submit proposals for relaxation in such cases where Users have difficulties in meeting the requirements of the Grid Code.

3.5.6 Any change from the previous version shall be clearly marked in the margin. In addition, a revision sheet shall be placed at the front of the revised version noting the number of every changed sub-section, together with reasons for such change.

3.5.7 STU shall maintain copies of the Grid Code with the latest amendments and shall make it available at a reasonable cost to any person requiring it. This may also be made available on the website as soon as feasible. The STU/ Transmission Licensee shall keep an up to date list of recipients of all the copies of the Grid Code, if found necessary to ensure that the latest version of Grid Code is reached to all the relevant recipients.

3.5.8 The Commission, may, on the application of the users or otherwise, call the emergency meeting of the review panel as and when the situation so dictates and make such alterations and amendments in the Grid Code as it thinks fit.






4.2.1 4.1.1 Introduction: The System Planning specifies the technical and design criteria and procedures to be adopted by STUfor the planning and development of the Transmission System. The Users of the Transmission System shall take the "System planning" into account for planning and development of their own System.

4.1.1 Reinforcements and extensions to the System arise due to many reasons of which a few are mentioned below: (a) A development on a User's System already connected to the

Transmission System as a User development. (b) Introduction of a new Connection Point/ Interface Point between an

User's System and the Transmission System. (c) The need to increase System capacity, removal of operational

constraints, maintenance of Security Standards and meeting general increases in Demand.

(d) Steady state and transient stability considerations. (e) Cumulative effects of any combination of the above four.

4.1.2 The work of such reinforcement and extension to the Transmission System may also involve work at a Connection Point / Interface Point of a Generating Company/Distribution Licensee to the Transmission System.

4.1.3 The development of the Transmission System must be planned in advance duly allowing sufficient lead time, considering the following:

(a) Time required for detailed engineering, design and construction work to be carried out. This "System Planning", therefore, enforces the time scales for exchange of information between the STU and the User(s). All the concerned parties, wherever appropriate, shall have due regard to the confidentiality of such information;

(b) Time required for obtaining all the necessary statutory approvals like Notification in government gazette and leading newspapers, Power and Telecommunication Co-ordination Committee (PTCC) clearance, Forest clearance, Railway clearance, Clearance from aviation authorities, National highways, State highways etc., and the right of way permissions wherever required.


4.2.2 4.2 Objective: This section formulates the standards and procedures for the "System Planning" to enable STU in consultation with the Users, to evolve an efficient, co-ordinated, secure and economical Intra State Transmission System in order to satisfy the requirements of Demand and Generation.

4.2.3 4.3 Perspective Plan: 4.3.1 The load forecasting shall be the primary responsibility of Distribution

Licensee within his Area of Supply. The Distribution Licensees shall determine the peak load and energy forecasts of their areas for each of the succeeding 10 years and submit the same annually by 31st January to STU. These shall include the details of demand forecasts, data methodology and assumptions on which the forecasts are based. The peak load and energy forecasts shall be made for overall Area of Supply. The annual peak load forecast shall also be made for each Connection Point / Interface Point with the Transmission System. The peak load requirement at each Connection Point / Interface Point will essentially ensure that the STU may determine the corrective measures to be taken to maintain the capacity adequacy in the Transmission System upto the Connection Point /Interface Point. This will facilitate the Transmission Licensee to develop the compatible Transmission System. However, if the Distribution Licensee receives power at a number of Connection Points / Interface Points in a compact area, which are interconnected in a ring, then such Distribution Licensee shall forward the overall long term Demand forecast for Overall Area of Supply as well as at each Connection Point / Interface Point with the variation or tolerance as mutually discussed and agreed upon with the STU. These forecasts shall be updated annually and also whenever major changes are made in the existing system. Wherever these forecasts take into consideration demands for power exceeding 5 MW by a single Consumer, the Distribution Licensee shall personally satisfy himself regarding the materialisation of such a Demand.

4.3.2 STU shall also review the methodology and assumptions used by the Distribution Licensees in making the Load forecasts, in consultation with them. The resulting overall forecast will form the basis of planning for expansion of Transmission System, which will be carried out by STU. To maintain the reliability of the interconnected regional power systems, all participants must comply with the planning criteria/guidelines of CEA as updated from time to time.

4.3.3 STU shall forecast the demand for power within the Area of Supply for each of the succeeding ten years and provide to the GERC the details of


demand forecasts, data, methodology and assumptions on which the forecasts are based. Based on these forecasts and in coordination with the various agencies identified under section 39 (2) b of Electricity Act 2003, STU shall be responsible to prepare and submit a long term (ten years) plan to the GERC for the compatible intra-state Transmission System expansion to meet the future demand. The planning shall be in conformity with the national perspective for Power Generation and Transmission plan prepared by the CEA. This compatible intra-state Transmission Plan shall also include provision for reactive compensation needed for the Transmission System.

4.3.4 STU shall be responsible for integrating the Load forecasts submitted by each of the Distribution Licensees and determining the long-term (10 years) load forecasts for the State. For determining the requirements for the entire State, an appropriate diversity factor from the data available for the previous years shall have to be chosen. STU shall satisfy itself regarding the probability of materialisation of bulk loads of Consumers with Demands above 5 MW in consultation with the Distribution Licensees concerned.

4.3.5 STU shall extend full support to CTU to finalise the annual planning corresponding to a 5 year forward term for identification of major inter-state Transmission System including inter-regional schemes which shall fit in with the long term plan developed by CEA.

4.3.6 STU shall furnish the requisite planning data to CTU by 31st March every year to enable CTU to formulate and finalise the plan by 30th September each year for next five years.

4.2.4 4.4 Planning Standards and Procedures: 4.4.1 The Intra-State Transmission System shall be planned in accordance with

the " Transmission System Planning and Security Standard” (Attachment with this code).

4.2.5 4.5 Planning Data Requirement: 4.5.1 To enable STU to discharge its responsibilities under the Transmission

Licence by conducting system studies and preparation of the perspective plans, all the Users shall furnish all the data to STU from time to time detailed under Data Registration Section and categorised as Planning Data (PD), vide Annexure "A". The data pertaining to the Generating Stations including CPPs and Generating Units owned by Distribution Licensee working in parallel with grid and Distribution Licensees shall be updated upon any addition of Generating Unit/ modification of the Distribution System.


4.5.2 To enable the Users to co-ordinate planning, design and operation of their plants and systems with the Transmission System they may seek certain salient data of the Transmission System as applicable to them. STU/ Transmission Licensee shall supply these data from time to time as detailed under Data Registration Section and categorised as Detailed Transmission System Data vide Annexure "B".

4.5.3 In addition to the above provisions, the planning code of Indian Electricity Grid Code (IEGC) which call for data exchange shall also apply to the Generating Companies, CPPs, IPPs, Transmission Licensee, Utilities and Distribution Licensees regarding generation / transmission of energy from Inter State Transmission Systems.

4.5.4 The one time data shall be submitted within 6 months from the date the Grid Code comes into effect, by all the concerned to STU. The data other than this one time data shall be made available to STU on first of April and first of October every year.


4.3 ANNEXurE A


4.3.2 PART- I - GENERATION (To be furnished by the Generating Company to STU) A – 1 Standard Planning Data (Generation) A.1.1 THERMAL I. GENERAL: 1. Site: Furnish location map (schematic) showing roads, Railway

lines, Transmission lines, Rivers, and reservoirs if any. 2. Approximate

period of construction.

3. Annual Generation in Million KWH

II. CONNECTION: 1. Connection

Point / Interface Point

Furnish single line diagram of the proposed connection with the Transmission System with clear indication of possibility for right of way for unobstructed outlet.

2. Step up voltage for connection kV

III. STATION CAPACITY: 1. Total Generating

Station capacity (MW).

2. No. of Units and Unit size MW.

State whether development will be carried out in phases and if so, furnish details.



1. Generator (a) Make and Type

(b) Rating (MVA) (c) Terminal Voltage (kV) (d) Rated Power Factor (e) Reactive Power capability (MVAr) in

the range 0.95 leading and 0.85 lagging.

(f) Short Circuit Ratio (g) Direct axis transient reactance (%

on MVA rating)

(h) Direct axis sub-transient reactance (% on MVA rating)

(i) Auxiliary Power requirement 2. Generator Transformer

(a) Type

(b) Rated Capacity (MVA)

(c) Voltage Ratio (HV/LV) (d) Tap change range (+% to -%) (e) Percentage Impedance (Positive

Sequence at Full load).





A.2 Detailed Planning Data (Generation) A.2.1 THERMAL GENERATING STATIONS I. GENERAL: 1. Name of Generating Station: 2. No. and capacity of Generating Units (MW): 3. Single line diagram of Generating Station and switchyard. 4. Relaying and metering diagram. 5. Neutral Grounding of Generating Units. 6. Excitation control 7. Earthing arrangements with earth resistance values. 8. Communication- Details of PLCC and other communication equipment

installed II. PROTECTION AND METERING: 1. Full description including settings for all relays and protection systems

installed on the Generating Unit, Generating Unit Transformer, Auxiliary Transformer and electrical motor of major equipment viz. boiler feed pump, ID fans, condensate extraction pump etc. .

2. Full description including settings for all relays installed on all outgoing feeders from Generating Station switchyard, tie circuit breakers, incoming circuit breakers.

3. Full description of inter-tripping of circuit breakers at Connection Point(s) / Interface Point(s) with the Transmission system.

4. Most probable fault clearance time for electrical faults on the User's system. 5. Full description of operational and commercial metering schemes. 6. Breaker operating time counting from initiation of protective relay to the

opening of breaker. III. SWITCHYARD: 1. In relation to Interconnecting Transformers between EHV / HV Transmission

System and the Generator Transformer Voltage System: (a) Rated MVA (b) Voltage Ratio (c) Vector Group


(d) Positive sequence reactance (maximum, minimum, normal Tap(% on MVA)

(e) Positive sequence resistance (maximum, minimum, normal Tap (% on MVA)

(f) Zero sequence reactance (% on MVA) (g) Tap changer range (+ % to - %) and steps (h) Type of tap changer (OFF/ON) (i) Details of reactors, and other circuits connected to tertiary winding of

ICT. (j) Method of grounding.

2. In relation to switchgear including circuit breakers, isolators on all circuits connected to the points of connection: (a) Rated Voltage (kV) (b) Type of Breaker (MOCB/ABCB/SF6 ---) (c) Rated short circuit breaking current (kA) 3 Phase (d) Rated short circuit breaking current (kA) 1 Phase (e) Rated short circuit making current (kA) 3 Phase (f) Rated short circuit making current (kA) 1 Phase (g) Provisions of auto reclosing with details. (h) Details of instrument transformers

3. Lightning arresters, technical data. 4. Communication- Details of PLCC and other communication equipment

installed at Connection Point(s)/ Interface Point(s). 5. Basic insulation level (kV).

(a) Bus bar. (b) Switchgear. (c) Transformer bushings. (d) Transformer windings.

IV GENERATING UNITS: A. PARAMETERS OF GENERATING UNITS: 1. Rated terminal voltage (kV) 2. Rated MVA 3. Rated MW 4. Inertia constant H (MW Sec./MVA) of Generator 5. Short circuit ratio 6. Direct axis synchronous reactance (% on MVA) (Both unsaturated and

saturated) 7. Direct axis transient reactance (% on MVA) (Both unsaturated and saturated)


8. Direct axis sub-transient reactance (% on MVA) (Both unsaturated and saturated)

9. Quadrature axis synchronous reactance (% on MVA) (Both unsaturated and saturated)

10. Quadrature axis transient reactance (% on MVA) (Both unsaturated and saturated)

11. Quadrature axis sub-transient reactance (% on MVA) (Both unsaturated and saturated)

12. Direct axis transient open circuit time constant (Sec) T’ do

13. Direct axis sub-transient open circuit time constant (Sec) T”do

14. Quadrature axis transient open circuit time constant (Sec) T’qo

15. Quadrature axis sub-transient open circuit time constant (Sec) T”qo

16. Stator resistance (Ohm) 17. Stator leakage reactance (Ohm) Ta

18. Stator time constant (Sec) 19. Rated field current (A) 20. Open circuit saturation characteristic for various terminal voltages giving the

exciting current to achieve the same. 21. Generator Capability Curve 22. Rated stator current (A) 23. Phase connection 24. Number of terminals brought out 25. Rated speed (rpm) 26. Rated Frequency (Hz.) 27. Efficiency at MCR condition (percent) 28. Negative sequence current capability (I2T) 29. Capacitance of generator stator winding to ground (microF/ph) 30. DC resistance of rotor at 200 C (in ohm) 31. Zero sequence reactance X0 (Percentage) 32. Negative sequence reactance X2 (Percentage) 33. Negative sequence reactance R2 (Percentage) 34. Sub-Transient S-C time constant (in second)

(i) Direct axis T”d (ii) Quadrature axis T”q

35. Transient S-C time constant (in second) (i) Direct axis T’d (ii) Quadrature axis T’q

36. Machine saturation at 1.0 pu voltage in p.u. 37. Machine saturation at 1.2 pu voltage in pu 38. Percentage regulation 39. Short circuit characteristics curves


B. PARAMETERS OF EXCITATION CONTROL SYSTEM: 1. Type of Excitation 2. Maximum Field voltage 3. Minimum Field voltage 4. Rated Field voltage 5. Gain factor 6. Feed back strength 7. Time constant for control amplifier 8. Time constant for Exciter 9. Time constant for Feed Back 10. Output voltage of control amplifier 11. Maximum output voltage of control amplifier 12. Minimum output voltage of control amplifier 13. Details of excitation loop in block diagrams showing transfer functions of

individual elements using IEEE symbols along with set values. 14. Dynamic characteristics of over - excitation Limiter 15. Dynamic characteristics of under -excitation Limiter 16. Exciter IEEE model / Type No. 17. Exciter response time C. PARAMETERS OF GOVERNOR/ TURBINE: 1. Governor average gain (MW/Hz) 2. Speeder motor setting range 3. Time constant of steam or fuel Governor valve 4. Governor valve opening limits. 5. Governor valve rate limits. 6. Time constant of Turbine (HP, IP, LP) 7. Governor block diagram showing transfer functions of individual elements

using IEEE symbols along with set values. 8. Type of governor, whether IEEE standard governor used. 9. Regulation and droop. 10. Fraction of total power generated HP, IP, LP turbine 11. Maximum velocity limit HP, IP, LP turbine 12. Minimum velocity limit HP, IP, LP turbine D. OPERATIONAL PARAMETERS: 1. Min. notice required for synchronising a Generating Unit from De-

synchronisation. 2. Min. time between synchronising different Generating Units in a Generating

station. 3. The minimum block load requirements on synchronising.


4. Time required for synchronising a Generating Unit for the following conditions: (a) Hot (b) Warm (c) Cold

5. Maximum Generating Unit loading rate for the following conditions: (a) Hot (b) Warm (c) Cold

6. Minimum load without oil support (MW) V. PLANT PERFORMANCE: 1. Daily Demand Profile (Last Year) Half hourly integrated demand

through out the day 2. Units Generated (Million KWH) 3. Units consumed in Auxiliaries (Million KWH) 4. Units supplied from system to Auxiliary Load5. Seasonal Generation


A.2.2 HYDROELECTRIC STATIONS: I. GENERAL: 1. Name of Generating Station: 2. No. and capacity of units (MW) 3. Expected level of generation (MU) 4. Period of generation (in months) per year 5. Whether the plant is based on water released from dam/canal for irrigation

purposes 6. Rating of all major equipments.

(a) Turbine: (b) Generators: (c) Generator Transformers (d) Auxiliary Transformers

7. Single line diagram of Generating Station and switchyard. 8. Relaying and metering diagram. 9. Neutral grounding of generator. 10. Excitation control. 11. Earthing arrangements with earth resistance values. 12. Communication- Details of PLCC and other communication equipment





2. Minimum time between synchronising different Generating Units in a Generating Station.

3. Minimum block load requirements on Synchronising. A.3 Planning Data Generation (For submission on request by STU) A.3.1 FOR THERMAL GENERATING STATIONS, if desired by STU: A. CONNECTION: 1. Report of studies of parallel operation with Transmission System:

(a) Load flow studies (b) Stability studies (c) Short Circuit studies

2. Proposed connection with Transmission system: (a) Voltage (b) No. of circuits (c) Connection Point(s) / Interface Point(s)




PART - II - DISTRIBUTION (To be furnished by the Distribution Company to STU) B – 1 Standard Planning Data Distribution I. GENERAL: 1. Single Line

Diagram Licensee-wise upto 66kV Substations.

2. Consumer Data Furnish category wise number of Consumers, their connected Loads to the best judgement of the Distribution Licensee

3. Reference to area offices presently in charge of the distribution II. CONNECTION: 1. Connection Points/ Interface Points: Furnish single line diagram showing

Connection Points/ Interface Points. 2. Voltage of supply at Connection

Points/ Interface Points:

3. Names of Grid Sub-Station feeding the Connection Points/ Interface Points:

III. LINES AND SUB-STATIONS: 1. Line Data: Furnish length of line and voltages (EHV level) 2. Sub-station Data: Furnish transformer details of 220/ 11kV,132/11 kV,

66/22 kV, 66/ 11 kV Sub-stations, capacitor installations: IV LOADS: 1. Loads drawn at

Connection Points/ Interface Points:

If the Distribution Licensee receive power at a number of connection points in a compact area, which are interconnected in a ring, then such Distribution Licensee shall forward the overall load drawn for overall Area of Supply as well as at each connection point with the variation or tolerance as mutually discussed and agreed upon with the STU.

2. Details of loads fed at EHV if any:

Give name of Consumer, voltage of supply, contract demand and name of Grid Sub-station from which line is drawn, length of EHT line from Grid Sub-station to Consumer's Premises.

V. DEMAND DATA (FOR ALL LOADS 5 MW AND ABOVE): 1. Type of Load & Rating in HP or KW: State whether furnace loads, rolling

mills, traction loads, other industrial


loads, pumping loads etc. 2. Rated voltage: 3. Electrical loading of equipment: State number and size of motors,

rating of arc furnaces/ induction furnace, types of drive and control arrangements.

4. Sensitivity of load to voltage and Frequency of supply:

5. Maximum harmonic content of Load: 6. Average and maximum phase

unbalance of Load:

7. Nearest Substation from which load is to be fed:

8. Location map to scale: Map shall show the location of load with reference to lines and sub-stations in the vicinity.

VI LOAD FORECAST DATA: 1. Peak load for Connection Point/ Interface Point as well as peak load and

energy forecast for Area of Supply for each of the succeeding 10 years. 2. Details of methodology and assumptions on which forecasts are based. 3. Details of load 5 MW and above.

(a) Name of prospective Consumer. (b) Phasing of load.


B – 2 Detailed Planning Data (Distribution) I. GENERAL: 1. Schematic Single line diagram of Distribution System (showing distribution

lines from Connection Points/ Interface Points with Transmission System 220kV/ 11kV, 132/11 kV, 66/22 kV & 66/ 11 kV Substations, Consumer bus if fed directly from Transmission System)

2. Numbering and nomenclature of lines and Substations (Identified with feeding Grid Substations of the Transmission System and concerned 220kV/11kV, 132/ 11kV, 66/22 kV & 66/11 kV Substation).

II CONNECTION: 1. Connection Points/ Interface Points (Furnish details of existing arrangement

of Connection) 2. Details of metering of Connection Points/ Interface Points. B.3 Detailed Planning Data (Distribution) (For submission on request by STU) I. CONNECTION: 1. Connection Points/ Interface Points as applied for

(a) New (b) Upgrading existing connection

2. Changes in metering at Connection Points/ Interface Points II. LOADS: 1. Details of major loads of 1 MW and above to be contracted for next ten



4.4 ANNEXurE B


(To be furnished to the User on request by STU/ Transmission Licensee) B – 1 Standard Planning Data (Transmission) 1. Name of the line: (Indicating

Generating Stations and Substations to be connected)

2. Voltage of line (kV): 3. No. of circuits: 4. Route length (CKM): 5. Conductor sizes: 6. Line parameters (PU on 100 MVA

base or ohmic values): Resistance/KM Inductive Reactance /KM Suceptance/KM

7. Approximate power flow MW & MVAr:

8. Line Route (Topographic Sheets) 9. Purpose of connection: Reference to scheme, wheeling to other

States etc. 10. Approximate period of



B – 2 Detailed System Data (Transmission) I. GENERAL: 1. Single line diagram of the Transmission System up to 66 kV bus at grid sub-

station: 2. Name of Substation 3. Generating Station connected 4. Number and length of circuits 5. Interconnecting Transformers 6. Substation bus layouts 7. Power transformers 8. Reactive compensation equipment

(a) The details of capacitors installed (b) Additional capacitors to be commissioned along with additional loads.

9. Lightning arresters 10. Bus and/or line reactors II. SUB-STATION LAYOUT DIAGRAMS SHOWING: 1. Bus bar layouts 2. Electrical circuitry, lines, cables, transformers, switchgear etc 3. Phasing arrangements 4. Earthing arrangements 5. Switching facilities and interlocking arrangements 6. Operating voltages 7. Numbering and nomenclature

(a) Transformers (b) Circuits (c) Circuit breakers (d) Isolating switches

III. LINE PARAMETERS: (FOR ALL CIRCUITS) 1. Designation of line 2. Length of line (KM) 3. No. of circuits, size and type of conductor, thermal rating 4. Per circuit values

(a) Operating voltage (kV) (b) Positive phase sequence reactance - ohms/KM (c) Positive phase sequence resistance - ohms/KM (d) Positive phase sequence suceptance - mhos/KM (e) Zero phase sequence reactance - ohms/KM (f) Zero phase sequence resistance - ohms/KM (g) Zero Phase sequence suceptance - mhos/KM



1. Rated MVA 2. Voltage ratio 3. Vector group 4. Positive sequence reactance on rated MVA base (Max., min. & normal) 5. Positive sequence resistance on rated MVA base (max., min. & Normal) 6. Zero sequence reactance on rated MVA base 7. Tap change range (+% to -%) and steps 8. Details of tap changer (OFF/ON) 9. Neutral grounding transformer/resistor values 10. % Impedance (Max/Min/Normal Tap) V. EQUIPMENT DETAILS: (FOR ALL SUB-STATIONS): 1. Circuit breakers 2. Isolating switches 3. Current transformers 4. Potential transformers 5. Lightning arresters 6. Earthing switches VI RELAYING AND METERING: 1. Relay protection installed for all transformers and feeders along with their

settings and level of co-ordination with other users. 2. Metering Details: VII SYSTEM STUDIES: 1. Load flow studies (Peak and lean load for maximum Hydro and maximum

Thermal Generation) 2. Transient stability studies for 3 Phase fault in critical lines, and single pole

reclosing for 400 kV Lines. 3. Dynamic stability studies 4. Short circuit studies ( 3 Phase and single Phase to earth) 5. Transmission and distribution losses in the system. VIII DEMAND DATA: (FOR ALL SUB-STATIONS) 1. Demand Profile (Peak and off Peak load)

(a) Forecast for next 5 years IX REACTIVE COMPENSATION EQUIPMENT: 1. Type of equipment (fixed or variable) 2. Capacities and/or inductive rating (Voltage and MVAr) or its operating range. 3. Details of control 4. Connection Point/ Interface Point to the system.


B.3 Detailed Planning Data (Transmission) I. CONNECTION: 1. Single Line Diagram showing position of connection 2. Sub-station layout diagram

(a) New (b) Addition and Alteration

3. Revised system studies with changed parameters 4. Connection Point/ Interface Point

(a) Voltage (b) Length of circuit (c) Circuit parameters (d) PLCC facilities (e) Relaying with inter tripping arrangements to inter trip system breaker at

Connection Point/ Interface Point to isolate on fault (f) Metering at Connection Point/ Interface Point. (g) Other communication facility






5.1 Introduction: 5.1.1 This section of the Grid Code formulates the technical, design and

operational criteria to be complied with by the new User or Users modifying the existing Transmission System.

5.2 Objective: 5.2.1 The objective of this section is to ensure the following:

(a) All Users or prospective Users are treated equitably. (b) Any new Connection shall not impose any adverse effect on the

existing Users as well as new Connections shall not suffer adversely due to existing Users.

(c) A System of acceptable quality is ensured by specifying the required minimum standards for the design and operational criteria to assist the Users in their requirement to comply with the Licence obligations.

(d) The ownership and responsibility for all the items of equipment is clearly specified in the "Site Responsibility Schedule" for every site where a connection is made.

5.3 Site Responsibility Schedule: 5.3.1 For every connection to the Transmission System for which a connection

agreement is required, the Transmission Licensee shall prepare a Schedule of Equipment, pursuant to the relevant Connection Agreement, with the information supplied by the Users. This Schedule, called a "Site Responsibility Schedule" shall state the following for each item of equipment installed at the Connection Site: - (a) Ownership of the plant/Apparatus. (b) Responsibility for control of plant/Apparatus. (c) Responsibility for operation of plant/Apparatus. (d) Responsibility for maintenance of plant/Apparatus. (e) Responsibility for all matters relating to safety of any person at the

Connection / Interface Site. (f) The management of the Connection / Interface Site.


5.3.2 Each Site Responsibility Schedule, in addition to the above, shall contain all other information setout in the Grid Code. An illustrative "Site Responsibility Schedule" is furnished in the Annexure "C".

5.3.3 The User owning the Connection/ Interface Site shall provide reasonable access and other required facilities for other Users whose equipments are installed/to be installed at the Connection/ Interface Site for installation, operation and maintenance etc.

5.4 System Performance: 5.4.1 The design and construction of all the equipment connected to the

Transmission System shall satisfy the relevant Indian Standard Specifications. In case of equipment for which the Indian Standard Specifications do not exist, the appropriate IEC, or IEEE or other International Standards shall apply.

5.4.2 Installation of all electrical equipment shall comply with IE Rules, 1956 which are in force for time being and will be replaced by new rules made under Electricity Act, 2003.

5.4.3 For every new Connection sought, the Transmission Licensee shall specify the Connection Point /Interface Point and the supply voltage, along with the metering and protection requirements as specified in the "Metering and Protection Standard" under Attachment - 2.

5.4.4 The operation of the Transmission System shall be in accordance with the "Transmission System Operating Standard" under Power System Management & Operation Standard. The User shall however be subject to the grid discipline prescribed by the SLDC and WRLDC.

5.4.5 The insulation co-ordination of the Users' equipment shall conform to the applicable Indian Standards/code of practices. The rupturing capacity of the switchgear shall not be less than that notified by the Transmission Licensee based on system studies.

5.4.6 The equipment for data transmission and communications for all the Generating Stations existing at the time the Grid Code comes into effect shall be owned and maintained by STU/ Transmission Licensee unless alternative arrangements are mutually agreed to. For new Generating Stations the same shall be owned and maintained by STU/ Transmission Licensee, unless otherwise mutually agreed to by the Generating Company.

5.5 Connection Points / interface points: 5.5.1 Generating Company/ CPP: The voltage at the Connection Point/ Interface

Point with the Transmission System may be 400/220/132/66/22/11 kV or as agreed with STU/ Transmission Licensee. The Connection Point /


Interface Point shall be the outgoing feeder gantry point of the Generating Station switchyard/ CPP. The Metering Point shall be the outgoing feeder. All the protection and metering equipment within the perimeter of the Generating Station/ CPP shall be owned and maintained by the Generating Company/ CPP respectively. From the outgoing point onwards, the Transmission Licensee shall maintain all the equipment.

5.5.2 Distribution Licensee: The voltage at the Connection Point/ Interface Point

to the Transmission System may be as specified by the Distribution Licensee. The Connection Point / Interface Point shall be the outgoing feeder gantry of the Transmission Licensee's Substation. The metering point shall be at 11/ 22 kV side of power transformer at Transmission Licensee’s Substation. However, the metering point shall be at the outgoing feeder of substation for supply to two or more Distribution Licensees from the same Substation. The Connection Point / Interface Point to the Transmission System and metering point shall be incoming feeder gantry of Distribution Licensee’s Substation, when the voltage at the Connection Point/ Interface Point is 66kV or above. All the terminal equipment for communication, protection and metering within the Premises of the Transmission Licensee shall be owned and maintained by the Transmission Licensee. The respective Distribution Licensees shall maintain all the equipment from the Connection Point/ Interface Point onwards.

5.5.3 Connections with other Transmission Systems: - The connection, metering and protection scheme, metering point and the voltage for the Western Regional Transmission System shall be in accordance with the mutual agreement between the CTU and STU/ Transmission Licensee. The connection for other neighbouring state transmission systems or any other Transmission Licensees shall also be in accordance with the mutual agreement between the concerned Licensees.

5.5.4 EHV Consumers: - The standard voltage can be as agreed to by the Transmission/Distribution Licensees. The Connection Point/ Interface Point shall be the feeder gantry on their Premises. The metering point for the sale of power to the EHV Consumers shall be at the Connection Point/ Interface Point with their systems.

5.6 Procedure for Applications for connections to the Transmission System: 5.6.1 Any User seeking to establish new or modified arrangements for

connection to and/or use of the Transmission System shall submit the following report, data and undertaking along with an application and


prescribed fee as decided by GERC duly observing the procedural requirements to the Transmission Licensee: (a) Report stating the purpose of the proposed connection and/or

modification, connecting site, description of apparatus to be connected or modification to the Apparatus already connected.

(b) Applicable data along with the data listed in the Annexe A and B of Section 4.

(c) Confirmation that the prospective installation complies with the provisions of IE Rules 1956, which are in force for time being and will be replaced by new rules made under Electricity Act, 2003 and Electricity Act, 2003.

(d) Construction Schedule and target completion date. (e) An undertaking to the effect that the User shall abide by the Grid

Code, IEGC and the provisions of IE Rules 1956, which are in force for time being and will be replaced by new rules made under Electricity Act, 2003, for installation and operation of the Apparatus.

(f) For special loads like arc furnaces, rolling mills etc., Real and Reactive Power values of the Load with time and harmonic level.

5.6.2 The Transmission Licensee shall make a formal offer to the User within fifteen days from the date of receipt of application. The formal offer shall contain all the above information along with any such information as may be reasonably required. The break-up cost of the works to be undertaken shall be furnished duly classified under the sub-heads like materials, labour and supervision. The offer made shall be subject to obtaining or in compliance with the required consents, approvals, permissions for right of way or other requirements, whether of statutory or contractual nature or otherwise.

5.6.3 An User whose development requires the Transmission Licensee to obtain any of the consents, approvals, permissions, and right of ways or to comply with any other requirements mentioned in this Grid Code shall: (a) Provide necessary assistance, supporting information or evidence; and (b) Ensure attendance by such witnesses as the Transmission Licensee

may reasonably request. 5.6.4 The estimated time schedule for completion of such works should also be

identified taking into account the time required to obtain statutory clearances etc., wherever necessary. In respect of offers for modifications to the existing Connections, the offers shall also take into account the terms of the existing Connection Agreement.

5.6.5 If the nature of complexity of the proposed development is such that the prescribed time limit for making the offer is not considered adequate, the Transmission Licensee shall make a preliminary offer within the prescribed


time limit indicating the extent of additional time required for more detailed analysis of the issues. (a) On receipt of the preliminary offer, the User shall indicate promptly

whether the Transmission Licensee should proceed further to make a final offer within the extended time limit.

(b) If necessary, the Transmission Licensee may require the User to furnish some or all of the detailed planning data at this stage itself in advance of the normal time limit.

5.6.6 All offers (other than the preliminary offers) including revised offers shall remain valid for 120 (one hundred and twenty) days from the date of issue of the offer. The Transmission Licensee shall make a revised offer, upon request by a User, if necessitated by changes in data furnished earlier by the User.

5.6.7 The User shall furnish the relevant Detailed Planning Data to the Transmission Licensee within thirty days of acceptance of an offer or such longer period as the Transmission Licensee may agree in a particular case.

5.6.8 Wherever the State Power Grid is connected with the Inter State Transmission System, the provisions of Connection Conditions of IEGC will prevail.

5.7 Right to Reject an Application: 5.7.1 The Transmission Licensee may reject any application for connection to

and/or use of the Transmission system under the following conditions: (a) If the proposed connections violate any provisions under the

Transmission License, (b) If the proposed works stated in the application do not lie within the

purview of the Licence or do not conform to the provisions of the Grid Code,

(c) If the applicant fails to give the undertakings according to clause 5.6.1 of this section.

5.7.2 In the event of an offer becoming invalid or rejected by an applicant within the validity period, no further action shall be taken by the STU/ Transmission Licensee on the Connection applications unless it is substantially different from the original application with regard to the system changes.

5.8 Connection Agreements: 5.8.1 A connection agreement, or the offer for a connection agreement, shall

include, as appropriate within its terms and conditions, the following: (a) A condition requiring both the parties to comply with the Grid Code. (b) Details of connection and/or use of the system.


(c) Details of any capital related payments and any other payments and deposits etc., arising from necessary reinforcement or extension of the System.

(d) A "Site Responsibility Schedule" detailing the division of responsibility at the Connection Sites in relation to ownership, control, operation and maintenance of Plant and Apparatus and to safety of persons.

5.8.2 If any offer was originally made upon an application for development by a User, which is subject to changes in the design parameters, the Transmission Licensee shall make a revised offer to the User including revised terms and extended time limit for submission of data. This revised offer shall form the basis of any connection agreement.

5.9 Metering FOR OPEN ACCESS: 5.9.1 The open access consumer, Generating company, Distribution licensee

and traders shall provide Meters, as may be specified by the Commission for such consumer based on voltage, point and period of supply and tariff category (as also incorporated in Grid Code) as per the Gujarat Electricity Regulatory Commission (Open Access in Intra-state Transmission & Distribution) Regulations, 2004.

5.10 The term ‘Meter’ shall include Current transformers, voltage/potential

transformers, wiring between them and meter box/panel.



5.2.1 SITE RESPONSIBILITY SCHEDULE Name of the Generating Station/substation owner: Telephone No: Fax No: Permanent Address:

Responsibility for Item of Plant or Apparatus

Plant Owner Safety Control Operation Maintenance


----- kV Switch Yard *

Feeders Generating Units *All HV Apparatus on any Connection Site shall be shown on one schematic diagram, which shall include details of the following: 1. Busbars 2. Circuit breakers 3. Isolator 4. Bypass facilities 5. Earthing switches 6. Earth Pits 7. Overhead line entry / gantry 8. Overhead line tapping 9. Cable and cable sealing ends 10. Generating Unit 11. Generating Unit Transformers 12. Generating Unit Auxiliary Transformers including Low Voltage Circuit Breakers 13. Station Service Transformers including Low Voltage Circuit Breakers 14. Capacitors including Synchronous Condensers 15. Series or shunt reactors 16. Grid transformers (Inter Connecting Transformers) 17. Tertiary windings 18. Earthing and Auxiliary Transformers 19. Three phase voltage transformers 20. Single phase voltage transformers and phase identity 21. Surge arresters 22. Neutral earthing arrangements on HV Plant 23. Current transformers 24. Potential Transformer 25. Equipments related to PLCC and SCADA.




6.1 Introduction: 6.1. This section contains the guidelines for STU/ Transmission Licensee to

carry out the planning of power system operation, including interface co-ordination with the Users, fixing the parameters for Operation Margin, contingency reserve, demand control etc., for a satisfactory grid operation and system integrity.

6.2 Objective: 6.2.1 The objective of this section is to define the process, which will allow STU

to minimise transmission outages by co-ordination with the Generating Companies and other Users' outages while maintaining system security to the extent possible. This section also provides guidelines for setting out reserves available from: (a) External connections, (b) System operation and (c) Demand control.

6.3 Demand Estimation: 6.3.1 The Distribution Licensee shall formulate a short-term Demand forecast

considering the previous financial year as base and projecting the Demand for the succeeding 5 years. During this process, he shall review the status of Loads materialising as per the previous Load forecast. Energy sales in each tariff class shall be projected in the forecast period over the corresponding figures relating to the base year by adopting an appropriate statistical method. The projections shall take into account the assumed normal growth for non-specific Loads, specific and identified loads of 1 MW and above. The projections shall also take into account the effects of Demand Side Management, if any, and energy conservation. The peak load requirements at each Connection Point / Interface Point shall be estimated taking into account the distribution losses. The peak load requirement at each Connection Point / Interface Point will essentially ensure that the STU/ Transmission Licensee may determine the corrective/ necessary measures to be taken to maintain the capacity adequacy in the Transmission System upto the Connection Point / Interface Point. This will facilitate the Transmission Licensee to develop the compatible Transmission System. However, if the Distribution Licensee


receives power at a number of Connection Points / Interface Points in a compact area, which are interconnected in a ring, then such Distribution Licensee shall forward the overall long term Demand forecast as well as at each Connection Point / Interface Point with the variation or tolerance as mutually discussed and agreed upon with the STU/ Transmission Licensee. The aggregate energy and peak load requirements for the Area of Supply shall be estimated taking into account the distribution losses. The Distribution Licensee shall forward the short term demand forecast for each Connection Point / Interface Point for peak Load requirement as well as aggregate energy and peak Load demand for Area of Supply on annual basis to the STU, Transmission Licensee and GERC along with the following details on the basis of which the forecast is made. (a) Data, (b) Methodology, (c) Assumptions

6.3.3 It shall be the responsibility of all the Distribution Licensees and Union Territories (Diu, Daman and Dadara Nagar Haveli) to the extent, it affects the Gujarat State Grid, to fully co-operate with STU in preparation of Demand forecasts for the entire Gujarat State.

6.3.4 The Distribution Licensees shall provide their above mentioned estimates for the period from 1st April to 31st March by 31st January of each year on a financial year ahead basis. This shall be updated for every month subsequently in the previous month on month ahead basis, and in the previous day on day ahead basis as required by STU/ Transmission Licensee.

6.3.5 Based on the data furnished by the Distribution Licensees, STU shall make monthly peak and lean period demand estimates for the year ahead, and daily peak and lean period demand estimates for the month ahead.

6.3.6 The Distribution Licensees shall provide to SLDC, estimates of loads that may be shed, when required, in discrete blocks with details of arrangements of such load shedding.

6.3.7 All the data shall be collected in accordance with the procedures agreed to between STU and each User.

6.3.8 The SLDC shall maintain a database of the total demand for the State on an hourly basis.

6.4 Data requirements: 6.4.1 The Users and STU shall provide all the data indicated in the Annexure D

to the SLDC. Each Generating Company shall submit to the SLDC in writing during the month of March every year, the Generation Planning Parameters and the performance chart of the Generator to be applied


from the beginning of April onwards, for the entire year. The Generator Performance chart shall be for each specific Generating Unit and include the details of the Generator Transformers and demonstrate the limitation of reactive capability of the Generating Unit at the Transmission System voltage of 10% above normal as and when required by the SLDC.

6.5 Release of Circuits and Generator Units included in the outage plan: 6.5.1 Notwithstanding provision in any approved outage plan, no cross

boundary circuits or Generating Units of a Generating Company shall be removed from service without specific release from the SLDC. This restriction shall not apply to individual Generating Units of a CPP, which are operating in standalone mode. Once an outage has commenced, and if any change in restoration is apprehended, the SLDC or the User concerned shall inform the other party promptly together with the revised estimation of restoration time.

6.6 Transmission Outage Planning: 6.6.1 The STU shall produce a yearly transmission Outage program for the

period from 1st of April to 31st of March. All the Generating Companies and Distribution Licensees shall furnish, their proposed outage programs containing the identification of the Unit, Substation, etc., date of start of outage and duration of outage, in writing to the SLDC for the year ahead (from 1st of April to 31st of March) by 15th of October each year. In case the Distribution Licensee has planned their internal outage program in such a way, which may induce a loss of load not exceeding 20 MW in his Area of Supply, such outage progam may not be required to be intimated to SLDC. The SLDC shall interact with all the above said agencies and prepare an optimum draft outage plan to minimise interruptions to Consumers to the extent possible, if necessary by rescheduling any of the outages. The finally agreed transmission outage plan, taking into account the regional and user requirements shall be prepared by the SLDC and furnished to all the Users by the 15th of February every year.

6.6.2 The outage plan shall be reviewed by the SLDC quarterly and monthly basis in consultation with all the concerned agencies mentioned above regarding any changes necessitated during the period and the revised outage plan shall be intimated to all the Users. The Users’ requests for additional outages, if any, shall be considered by the SLDC and accommodated to the extent possible. Such changes shall be informed by


the SLDC promptly to all the concerned. The Distribution Licensees shall also inform the Consumers through publications in local newspapers whenever interruptions to power supply would affect them.

6.7 Operating Margin: 6.7.1 Operating Margin comprises of Contingency Reserve and Operating

Reserves required for the satisfactory operation of the power system to cover uncertainties in variations in Demand forecasts, loss of external connections, loss of generation, constraints in the Transmission System and all other factors.

6.7.2 The required Contingency Reserve shall be decided by the SLDC on the basis of historical trends in the reduction of availability of the Generating Companies, imports through inter-state tie lines and increases in Demand forecast during real time operation.

6.7.3 Whenever the Contingency Reserve is to be held by a Thermal Power Station, the SLDC shall include the same in the Indicative running notification and/or subsequent dispatch instructions by which the Generating Company is notified of and/or instructed, that the Generating Unit shall be operated in the Contingency Reserve mode.

6.8 Demand Control: 6.8.1 Automatic load shedding shall be resorted to by means of installation of

the Under Frequency Relays at the Substations of the Transmission Licensee as per the directions of the SLDC to preserve the overall integrity of the power system. The number and size of the discrete blocks with the associated Low Frequency setting predetermined for Automatic Under Frequency Load Shedding shall be determined on rotational basis in consultation with every Distribution Licensee. The frequency settings of these relays shall be co-ordinated in consultation with the Regional Power Committee.

6.8.2 Whenever restoration of large portions of the total Demand disconnection effected by the automatic load shedding is not possible within a reasonable time, the SLDC shall implement additional disconnection manually, to restore an equivalent amount of Demand disconnected automatically. Each Distribution Licensee shall help the SLDC in identifying such load blocks. Load shed by the operation of automatic load shedding devices shall not be restored without specific directions from the SLDC.

6.8.3 Planned manual Disconnection shall be implemented by the SLDC when there is a shortfall in generation, or constraints in Transmission System, or reduction of imports through external connection etc., requiring Demand


Control over prolonged period to control the overdrawal of power from ISGS when the system frequency falls below 49.5 Hz. In such cases a rotational load shedding scheme shall be adopted to ensure equitable treatment for all Consumers as far as practicable.

6.8.4 Emergency Manual Disconnection to deal with unacceptable voltage and frequency levels etc shall be implemented by the SLDC only when loss of generation, mismatch of generation with the Demand or constraints in the Transmission System, as well as in case of overdrawal from the grid in excess of respective schedule affecting the frequency of the regional grid below 49 Hz, result in an emergency situation, requiring load shedding at short notice or no notice, to maintain a regulating margin.

6.8.5 These control measures shall not be withdrawn till the system frequency improves and when the SLDC issues such instructions after review of the situation.

6.9 System Security: 6.9.1 All Users shall co-operate with STU / Transmission Licensee so that the

respective sections of the power system operate in synchronism with Gujarat Power Grid. STU/Transmission Licensee/ CTU shall operate the inter-state links and ensure smooth exchange of power in the Western Grid among the Constituent State Grids.

6.9.2 The Transmission System shall not be isolated from the Western Grid except under the following conditions: (a) Emergency situations that may result in the total grid collapse. (b) Isolation of the system to prevent serious damage to equipment. (c) Instructions of the SLDC or the WRLDC under operating conditions. (d) Operation of updated under frequency/islanding scheme as approved

at western region level. 6.9.3 Complete synchronism shall be restored as soon as the conditions permit.

The restoration process shall be supervised by the SLDC. 6.9.4 The Transmission Lines of 132 kV and above, 66 kV lines meant for

connecting CPP with grid and the Inter Connecting Power Transformers should not be opened without instructions or prior clearance from the SLDC/ ALDC unless under emergencies when prior clearance is not possible. The SLDC shall also be informed and get the clearance, while bringing back these lines into service.

6.9.5 Any tripping of the Transmission Lines 132kV and above or power transformers of 132 kV class (i.e. 132/66kV etc.) and above and 50 MVA and above whether actuated by protective relays or manually, shall be promptly reported to the SLDC/ALDC by the Engineer in Charge of the Substation at the earliest along with the reasons for such tripping and the time required for restoration. The report shall accompany all the relevant


information/data including the outputs of the disturbance recorder, sequential event recorder etc., required for the purpose of analysis. While the restoration of tripped equipment/ line, SLDC shall be informed and get the clearance.

6.9.6 The governors of all the Generating Units of capacity 50 MW and above, for Hydro Generating Station and 200MW and above for thermal Generating Station except run of the river hydroelectric Generating Stations without pondage, steam turbines of combined cycle gas turbines and nuclear Generating Stations, shall be in free operation at all times irrespective of ownership of Generating Unit. If for any reason, the governors are locked, the same should be intimated to the SLDC along with the reasons and duration of such operation. Based on the same, SLDC shall advise WRLDC about such an operation alongwith the reasons and duration thereof. The load limiter, automatic turbine run-up system (ATRS), turbine supervisory coordinated control system etc shall not be used to suppress the normal governor action in any manner. No dead bands and time delays shall be deliberately used. All governors shall have a droop of 3% to 6%.

6.9.7 All Generating Units shall be capable of and shall not be prevented from picking up 5% extra load, more than the declared Maximum Continuous Rating, for at least five minutes or within the technical limits specified by the manufacturers, when the frequency falls due to a system contingency. In case any Generating Unit of 50 MW and above does not meet this requirement for any period, the Generating Company should intimate the same to the SLDC alongwith reasons thereof.

6.9.8 In case the frequency falls below 49.5 Hz, all the partly loaded Generating Units shall pick up additional load at a faster rate, according to their capability. The SLDC in consultation with the WRLDC and the Distribution Licensees including AECo. & SECo. shall prepare a plan for automatic load relief during the low frequency conditions. In case the frequency rises to 50.5 Hz or higher, neither any Generating Unit which is in stand by mode shall be synchronised with the Grid nor Active Power generation at any generating station shall be increased irrespective of the type and ownership, unless advised by SLDC.

6.9.9 No Generating Company shall suddenly increase/decrease its generation by more than 50 MW without prior intimation to the SLDC except during emergencies or to prevent an imminent danger to any costly equipment. Similarly no Distribution Licensee shall cause a sudden decrease/increase in its load due to imposition/lifting of power cuts etc., without prior


intimation and consent of the SLDC, particularly when the frequency is less than 49.5 Hz or above 50.5 Hz.

6.9.10 All Generating Units shall have Automatic Voltage Regulators in operation, with appropriate settings. If for any reason it has to be operated without the same, the SLDC shall be intimated immediately with reasons and duration of such operation and its concurrence obtained. The metering and protection systems shall be provided according to the "Metering and Protection Standard" (Attachment – 2).

6.9.11 Users shall comply with the following applicable standards issued separately: (a) Power System Management and Operation Standard. (b) Supply Code (c) Distribution Code. (d) Power System Safety Standards

6.9.12 The Users shall make all possible efforts to ensure that the grid frequency always remains within the 49.0 - 50.5 Hz band, the frequency range within which the steam turbines conforming to the IEC specifications can safely operate.



6.1.1 OPERATION PLANNING DATA (Clause 6.4.1) A OUTAGE PLANNING DATA: I Demand Estimates:

(a) Estimated aggregate annual sales of energy in million units and peak and lean Demand in MW and MVAr in the Area of Supply for the next financial year from 1st April to 31st of March shall be submitted before October 15.

(b) Estimated aggregate monthly sales of energy in million units and peak and lean demand in MW and MVAr in Area of Supply for the next month shall be submitted before 15th of current month.

(c) Hourly demand estimates for the day ahead shall be submitted by Distribution Licensee to SLDC at 09.00 hours every day.

II. Estimates of load shedding: (a) Details of discrete load blocks that can be shed to comply with

instructions issued by the SLDC when required, from each Connection Point / Interface Point soon after connection is made.

III. Year ahead outage program: (For the period 1st April to 31st March)

(a) Generating Companies outage program: Information shall be furnished by 15th October each year:

(i) Identification of Generating Unit. (ii) MW, which will not be available as a result of outage. (iii) Preferred start dates and start-time or range of start dates and

start times and period of outage. (iv) If outages are required to meet statutory requirements, then the

latest date by which outage must be taken.

(b) WRLDC's Year ahead outage program: (Affecting Transmission System)

Information shall be furnished as draft annual outage plan by 31st December and final annual outage plan by 31st January. (i) MW, which will not be available as a result of outage from Imports

through external connections including ISGS. (ii) Start-Date and Start-Time and period of outage.

(c) CPP's Year ahead outage program:

Information to be furnished by 15th October of each year: (i) MW which will not be available as a result of outage.


(ii) Start-Date and Start-Time and period of outage.

(d) Distribution Licensee’s Year ahead outage program: Information shall be furnished by 15th October of each year (Not pertaining to internal distribution network maintenance which is not substantially affecting the loading on the Transmission Licensee’s lines):

(i) Load in MW not to be availed from each Connection Point / Interface Point as well as Area of Supply in case of radial feeder and if the Distribution System is connected in ring, the Distribution Licensee shall furnish Load in MW not to be availed for his Area of Supply.

(ii) Period of suspension of drawal with Start-date and Start-time.

(e) Advance intimation required for outage for construction of new EHV lines and maintenance due to any unforeseen trouble , but which can be planned & not of extreme nature; shall be given by the Transmission Licensee / Distribution Licensee to SLDC as under Line Voltage Days Advance Notice

66 kV 7

132 kV 7

220 kV 10 400 kV 15

In case, if extreme emergency outage can avail after consulting SLDC for these lines.

B GENERATION SCHEDULING DATA: Schedule and dispatch shall be submitted by: (a) Day ahead hourly MW/MVAR availability (0.00 - 24.00 Hrs.) of all

Generating Units at 09.00 Hrs. every day. (b) Day ahead hourly MW import/export from CPP's and Generating Units

owned by Distribution Licensee of all Generator Units at 09.00 Hrs. every day.

(c) Status of Generating Unit AVR in service (Yes/No) of all Generating Units at 09.00 Hrs. every day.

(d) Status of Generating Unit speed controls system governor in service (Yes/No) of all Generating Units at 09.00 Hrs. every day.

(e) Backing down capability with/without oil support (MW) of all thermal Generating units at 09.00 Hrs. every day.

(f) Hydro Reservoir level & restrictions for all Generating Units at 09.00 Hrs. every day.


(g) Generating Units Hourly summation outputs of all Generating Units at 09.00 Hrs. every day.

(h) Day ahead hourly MW entitlements from Central Sector Generation at 11.00 Hrs. every day.

C. CAPABILITY DATA: (a) Generators shall submit to SLDC up to date capability curves for all

Generating Units on receipt of request from SLDC. (b) CPPs shall submit to SLDC net return capability that shall be available

for export/import from Transmission system on receipt of request from SLDC.

D. RESPONSE TO FREQUENCY CHANGE: (a) Primary Response in MW at different levels of loads ranging from

minimum Generation to registered capacity for frequency changes resulting in fully opening of governor valve.

(b) Secondary Response in MW to frequency changes. E. MONITORING OF GENERATION:

(a) Logged readings of Generators to the SLDC whenever required. (b) Detailed report of Generating Unit tripping on monthly basis.

F. ESSENTIAL AND NON-ESSENTIAL LOAD DATA: (a) Schedule of essential and non-essential Loads on each discrete load

block for purposes of load shedding shall be furnished as soon as possible after connection.

G. PROTECTION DATA: (a) Generators/CPP's shall submit details of protection requirement and

schemes installed by them as per detailed planning data. (b) The Transmission Licensee shall submit details of protection equipment

and schemes installed by them. (c) Detailed system data required for relaying and metering of the

Transmission lines and Substations in relation to connection with any User as per detailed planning data.

H. METERING DATA: (a) Generators/CPPs shall submit details of metering equipment and

schemes installed by them. (b) Detailed planning data (c) STU/ Transmission Licensee shall submit details of metering equipment

and schemes installed by them. ***




7.1 Introduction: 7.1.1 This section specifies the procedure to be adopted for the scheduling of

despatch of the Generating Units to meet the demand and drawal allocations, the management of frequency and voltages in the EHV system, the minimum requirement of protection levels and metering specifications for the various components of the system.

7.2 Objective: 7.2.1 The main objective of this section is to formulate the detailed

methodology to be followed by STU/ Transmission Licensee for healthy operation of the system to meet the specified standards of electrical power under normal operating conditions as follows: (a) Laying down the procedures for the function of SLDC, (b) Defining the responsibilities of the Transmission Licensee and other

Users, (c) Specify the minimum standards of protection to be employed in the

Generating Stations, Substations, and Transmission and Distribution Systems by the concerned agencies.

7.3 General: 7.3.1 It is essential that all the Users of the Transmission System shall fully co-

operate with STU/ Transmission Licensee to maintain the System integrity and healthy operation. The entire Grid is one unit right from the point of generation to the ultimate consumers and the various agencies involved in the management of the power system shall provide a healthy coordination to the SLDC who will be the central agency for operation of the State Grid. The success or failure of the power system entirely depends on the full cooperation of all the participants in this endeavour.

7.4 System operation and despatch: 7.4.1 STU shall operate and maintain the SLDC fully equipped for an optimum

and reliable operation of the power system, until the State Government does not notify any government company or any authority or co-operation to operate SLDC in line with the provisions given in Section – 31 of Electricity Act, 2003.


7.4.2 The estimation of daily Load Demand on day ahead basis shall be carried out, in general, and furnished to the SLDC by the Distribution Licensees keeping in view the following aspects: (a) Outage Planning/Scheduled rostering, (b) Historical data of load for the same month/day/time, (c) Previous day's Demand, (d) Present weather conditions and meteorological reports, (e) Requirement of meeting important Loads on festivals etc., (f) Force Majeure conditions such as cyclones, earthquake, riots etc., (g) Vacations, Sundays and other holidays, (h) Number and frequency of breakdowns and their recovery period.

7.4.3 All the Generating Companies shall furnish their generator availability details of the quarter hourly MW/MVAr/Maximum MWhrs by 9.00 Hrs. of each day for the next day.

7.4.4 The Despatch instructions shall be issued by the SLDC by the telephone message/fax message/e-mail and contain the following: (a) Specific Generating Company to which the instruction applies, (b) The output to which the instruction applies, (c) The start time wherever the same is different from the time the

instruction is issued, (d) Issue time of instruction, (e) Name of the sender of despatch instruction,

7.4.5 The "Power Supply Management and Operation Standard” under Power Generation Section specifies the procedures for the following aspects to be followed by SLDC and all the Users for the satisfactory operation of the system: (a) Outage Planning (b) Generation Scheduling and Despatch (c) Frequency Management (d) Voltage and Reactive Power management (e) Black- start Operations (f) Schedule of Despatch (g) Standards to be met by the Generating Companies (h) Monitoring of Generation

7.4.6 The Gujarat Power Grid normally operates in synchronism with the Western Grid and the WRLDC has the overall responsibility of enforcing the Grid discipline and managing the frequency in the region. The SLDC shall follow the instructions of WRLDC in this regard for backing down/shutting down generation, regulating the load flow etc., to meet the objective. The SLDC shall accordingly instruct the Generating Companies to regulate their generation and hold reserves, if any, of Active and


Reactive Power within their respective declared parameters to ensure that the grid frequency remains in the frequency band of 49.0 to 50.5 Hz..

7.4.7 The SLDC shall also regulate the load as may be necessary to meet this objective. The Transmission System Voltage levels can be affected by regional operation. STU shall optimise voltage management by adjusting the transformer taps to the extent available and switching the capacitors/reactors and take such other operational steps indicated in the Transmission Management and Operating Standard. The SLDC shall also instruct the Generating Companies to regulate the MVAr generation within their declared parameters. The SLDC shall also instruct the Distribution Licensees to regulate their demand if necessary. The Distribution Licensees shall also participate in the voltage management by regulating their drawal and by installing compensatory equipment as may be required. If acceptable voltage levels are still not reached by these measures, the Transmission Licensee shall take necessary steps to augment the voltage level such as strengthening of the Transmission System and/or installation of requisite shunt capacitors adding compensatory equipment, building new lines etc., to meet the voltage criteria.

7.4.8 A regular procedure shall be evolved by SLDC with all the Generating Companies for a pattern of generation reduction at different Generating Stations when the system load comes down after the peak load period. Schedule and Despatch procedure shall be suitably modified from time to time keeping in view of the tariff agreements for achieving optimum cost of power as soon as such arrangements are reached with the Generating Companies.

7.4.9 The Distribution Licensee shall maintain a Power Factor of not less than 0.90 lag as required in the "Distribution Code" and furnish all the data required by the SLDC to ascertain the Reactive Power flow to their Distribution System. The SLDC may also instruct the Distribution Licensees to maintain appropriate Power Factor and take all measures minimise Reactive Power drawal.

7.5 Metering and Protection: 7.5.1 The metering and protection to be provided at the Generating Stations,

Sub-stations and the distribution systems shall meet the specific requirements of the "Metering and Protection Standard" Under Attachment - 2. This standard also forms an integral part of this Code. All users shall co-operate with the STU to ensure correct and appropriate settings of protection to achieve an effective, discriminatory removal of faulty equipment within the target clearance time specified in this Standard. Protective Relay settings shall not be altered, or protection


bypassed and/or disconnected, without consultation and agreement of all the affected Users. In the case where Protection is bypassed and/or disconnected by agreement, then the cause must be rectified and protection shall be restored to normal condition as quickly as possible. If agreement has not been reached, the electrical equipment shall be removed from service forthwith in case it is effecting the security of the system.

7.6 Fire Protection: 7.6.1 All adequate precaution shall be taken and protection shall be provided

against fire hazards to all apparatus in the System conforming to the relevant Indian Standard Specifications and/or provisions of IE Rules 1956, which are in force for time being and will be replaced by new rules made under Electricity Act, 2003 and the Tariff Advisory Committee recommendations.




8.1 Introduction: 8.1.1 This section covers the procedure to be followed by the SLDC for

monitoring the Generating Output, Active and Reactive reserve capacity required for evaluation of the performance of Generating Station. The monitoring of scheduled Drawal is important to ensure that STU/ Transmission Licensee contributes towards improving the Regional performance, and observes Grid discipline.

8.2 Objective: 8.2.1 The objective of this section is to define the responsibilities of all Users in

monitoring the performance of their Generating Units, and the Distribution Licensee’s compliance with the scheduled Drawal.

8.3 Monitoring Procedure: 8.3.1 For the effective operation of the Transmission System, it is important

that the declared availability of the Generating Company is realistic. SLDC shall continuously monitor the Generating Unit outputs and bus voltages. More stringent monitoring shall be performed at any time when there are reasons to believe that the Generating Company's declared availability


may not match with the actual availability, or declared output does not match with the actual output.

8.3.2 STU/ Transmission Licensee shall inform the Generating Company, in writing, if continual monitoring demonstrates an apparent persistent or material mismatch between the dispatch instructions and the Generating Unit output or breach of the "Connection Conditions". Further, more stringent monitoring shall be carried out by the SLDC, if agreement is not reached between the concerned parties on the performance of the Generating Unit. The results of stringent monitoring shall be reported by the SLDC to the Generating Company. Continual discrepancies shall be resolved at appropriate levels (ie GERC unless decided otherwise) for improving the performance, providing more realistic declarations or correcting any breach of "Connection Conditions".

8.3.3 The Generating Companies shall provide to the SLDC quater hourly generation summation outputs wherever no automatic transmitting metering or SCADA equipment exists. All the CPPs (capacity above 5 MW) shall provide to the SLDC quater hourly export/import MW and MVAr. The Generating Company shall provide other logged readings, which the SLDC may reasonably require, for monitoring purposes wherever SCADA data is not available.

8.3.4 The Connection Points / Interface Points with the Inter State Transmission Systems including the Transmission Lines and Substations of the Central Transmission Utility, the metering arrangements including installation, testing, operation and maintenance of meters and processing of data required for accounting of energy exchanges and the average frequency, on 15 minute time block basis shall be provided by the Central Transmission Utility / WRLDC. The timely collection, transmission, and transportation of data shall be the responsibility of the concerned constituents inwhose Premises the meters are installed. The WRLDC shall be responsible for computation of actual net injection of each ISGS and actual net drawal of the state based on meter readings. In the line with the provisions of IEGC, WRLDC shall forward these data by each Thursday noon for the seven day period ending on the previous Sunday mid night. All computations carried out by WRLDC shall be open for checking / verification for a period of 20 days. In case of any omission/ mistake is detected, WRLDC shall forthwith make a complete check and rectify the same.

8.4 Monitoring of Drawal by the Grid: 8.4.1 The SLDC shall continuously monitor actual MW Drawal (Import/Export)

against the scheduled drawal from the Generating Companies, by the use of SCADA equipment wherever available, or otherwise using available


metering. The SLDC shall request the WRLDC and adjacent States as appropriate to provide any additional data required to enable this monitoring to be carried out.

8.4.2 The SLDC shall also monitor the actual MVAr Import/Export. This will be used to assist in the voltage management in the Transmission System.

8.5 Generating Unit Trippings: 8.5.1 The Generating Companies shall promptly inform the tripping of a

Generating Unit and restrictions to generate full load, with reasons, to the SLDC in accordance with the guidelines given in the operational event/accident reporting Section. The approximate and expected time of resynchronisation with grid shall be informed to the SLDC. The SLDC shall keep a written log of all such trippings, including the reasons for the purpose of demonstrating the effect on system performance and identifying the need for remedial measures. The Generating Companies shall submit a detailed report of their Generating Unit trippings to the SLDC every month. While restoring the tripped units, SLDC shall be informed.

8.6 Data Requirements: 8.6.1 The Generating Companies and the CPPs shall submit the following data

on monthly basis to the SLDC in the first week of every succeeding month: (a) Generating Companies:

(i) Quarter hourly generation and summation on real time basis, (ii) Logged readings of Generating Units as required, (iii) Detailed report of the Generator Unit trippings.

(b) CPPs (above 5 MW): Quarter hourly export/import MW on real time basis.




9.1 Introduction: 9.1.1 This section formulates the recovery procedure to be followed by all the

Users in the event of failure of Gujarat power grid, or the Western Grid resulting in total or partial collapse of the System causing blackouts.


9.2 Objective: 9.2.1 The objective of this Section is to define the responsibilities of all the

Users for achieving the fastest possible recovery of the Grid in the event of a failure in the Transmission System, or any sudden loss of Generation or a blackout caused due to the failure of the Western Grid.

9.2.2 The procedure to be adopted for a fast recovery shall take into account the following: (a) The essential loads to be restored immediately, (b) The capabilities of the Generating Stations, (c) The possible transfer of power from the neighbouring Systems through

Inter State Transmission Lines, (d) The extent of immediate availability of power from the Central Sector

Generating Stations. 9.2.3 The main objective is to achieve the following:

(a) Restoration of the total system and associated Demand in the shortest possible time

(b) Resynchronisation of parts of the system which have ceased to be in synchronism,

(c) To ensure that the communication arrangements for use in circumstances of serious disruption to the System, are available to enable senior management representatives of the SLDC, the Transmission Licensee and the Users who are authorised to take decisions on behalf of the Transmission Licensee or the User,

(d) To ensure that the Transmission System can operate in the event the SLDC is incapacitated for any reason.

9.3 Strategy: 9.3.1 The situation prevailing prior to the occurrence of the contingency, e.g.

availability of specific Generating Stations, Transmission Lines, and load Demands will largely determine the restoration procedure to be adopted in the event of a total blackout. The SLDC shall co-ordinate with WRLDC and other SLDCs in determining the extent of problems. The SLDC shall inform all the Users of the situation and advise them to follow the strategy as outlined in this section for restoration. The personnel authorised by the Users shall be readily available at the Users' end for communication and acceptance of all operational communications throughout the period of contingency. The use of communication channels shall be restricted to the operational communications only, till normalcy is restored.


9.4 Total Regional Blackout: 9.4.1 In case of Total Regional Blackout, the recovery shall be as per the Black

Start procedure prepared by WRLDC in consultation with all the constituents of western region. As these procedures are updated periodically, the last updated procedures shall be followed during the total regional blackout.

9.5 Total AND PARTIAL State Transmission System Blackout: 9.5.1 In case of Total and Partial State Transmission System Blackout, the

recovery shall be as per the Black Start/Restoration procedure prepared by SLDC in consultation with all the Users. As these procedures are updated periodically, the lasted updated procedures shall be followed during the total and partial state transmission system blackout. The instruction issued by SLDC in restoration of system from Total or Partial Black Out shall be followed by all the Users even though the same is not specifically mentioned in Black Start procedure/ restoration document.

9.6 Responsibilities: 9.6.1 The SLDC shall maintain a record of Generating Station Black Start

capabilities and associated Generating Station Black Start operation plans. 9.6.2 STU shall prepare, distribute, and maintain up-to-date Black-Start

procedures covering the restoration of the Transmission System following total or partial blackouts. The Users shall agree to these Black Start procedures and promptly inform the SLDC in advance whenever they have difficulty in following the same.

9.6.3 The SLDC shall be responsible for directing the overall Transmission System restoration process by co-ordination with all the Users and in close co-ordination with the WRLDC.

9.6.4 The Distribution Licensees shall be responsible for sectionalising the Distribution System into discrete, unconnected blocks of load. They shall advise the SLDC as to the quantum of load likely to be picked up by the Generator being synchronised.

9.6.5 The Generating Companies shall be responsible for commencing their planned Black Start procedure on the instruction of the SLDC and steadily increasing their generation according to the demand intimated by the SLDC.

9.7 Special Considerations: 9.7.1 During the process of restoration of the Transmission System, or Regional

System blackout conditions, the normal standards of voltage and


frequency need not be applied, and left to the discretion of the SLDC as appropriate depending on the prevailing situation.

9.7.2 The Distribution Licensees shall separately identify non-essential components of essential loads, which may be kept off during System Contingencies. They shall also draw up an appropriate schedule with corresponding load blocks in each case. The non-essential loads can be put on only when the System normalcy is restored, and as advised by the SLDC.

9.7.3 All Users shall pay special attention in carrying out the procedures to prevent secondary collapse of the System due to haste or inappropriate loading.

9.7.4 Despite the urgency of the situation, careful, prompt and complete logging of all operations and operational messages shall be ensured by all the Users to facilitate subsequent investigation into the incident and the efficiency of the restoration process. Such investigation shall be conducted promptly after the incident, and placed before the Grid Code Review Panel for appraisal in its next immediate meeting.



10. SECTION-10


10.1 Introduction: 10.1.1 This section specifies the requirements for safe working practices for

maintenance of equipment associated with cross boundary operations and lays down the procedure to be followed when the work is carried out on electrical equipment connected to another User's System.

10.2 Objective: 10.2.1 The objective of this section is to achieve an agreement on the principles

of safety prescribed in the IE Rules 1956, which are in force for time being and will be replaced by the rules made under Electricity Act, 2003, when working across a control boundary between the STU/ Transmission Licensee and the Users.

10.3 Control Persons and their Responsibility: 10.3.1 STU/ Transmission Licensee and all the Users shall nominate suitably

authorised persons to be responsible for the co-ordination of safety across their boundary. These persons shall be referred to as "Control Persons".

10.4 Procedure: 10.4.1 STU/ Transmission Licensee shall issue a list of Control Persons with their

names, designations, addresses and telephone numbers, to all the Users having direct control boundary with him. This list shall be updated promptly whenever there is any change of name, designation or telephone number of any Control Person named in the list.

10.4.2 All the Users having a direct control boundary with STU/ Transmission Licensee shall issue a similar list of their Control Persons to STU/ Transmission Licensee. This list shall be updated promptly whenever there is any change of name, designation or telephone number of any Control Person named in the list.

10.4.3 Whenever any work across a cross boundary is to be carried out by the User or STU/ Transmission Licensee, the Control Person of the User or STU/ Transmission Licensee as the case may be, who has to carryout the work, shall directly contact his counter part. Code words shall be agreed to at the time of work to ensure correct identification of both the parties. Contact between Control Persons shall normally be made by direct telephone.


10.4.4 If the work extends beyond one shift, the Control Person shall hand over charge to the relief Control Person and fully brief him on the nature of work and the code words in the operation.

10.4.5 The Control Persons shall co-operate to establish and maintain the precautions necessary to be taken for carrying out the required work in a safe manner. Both the established isolation and the established earth shall be kept in the locked positions wherever such facilities exist, and these shall be clearly identified and entered in to log sheet.

10.4.6 The Control Person in charge of the work shall satisfy himself that all the safety precautions to be taken are established before commencing the work. He should issue the safety documentation to the working party to allow the work to commence.

10.4.7 After the completion of the work, the Control Person in charge of the work being carried out should satisfy himself that the safety precautions taken are no longer required, and shall make a direct contact with his counterpart Control Person and request removal of the safety precautions. The equipment shall be declared as suitable for return to service only after confirmation of removal of all the safety precautions, by direct communication, using the code word contact between the two Control Persons, and the return of agreed safety documentation from the working party.

10.4.8 STU shall develop an agreed written procedure for Cross Boundary Safety and continuously update the same.

10.4.9 Any dispute concerning Cross Boundary Safety shall be resolved at the level of STU, if STU is not a party. In case where STU is a party, the dispute shall be referred to the GERC for resolution of the dispute.

10.5 Special Considerations: 10.5.1 All the Users shall comply with the agreed safety rules drawn up in

accordance with IE Rules, 1956 which are in force for time being and will be replaced by the rules made under Electricity Act, 2003 for all Cross Boundary Circuits.

10.5.2 All the equipment on Cross Boundary Circuits, which may be used for the purpose of safety co-ordination and establishment of isolation and earthing, shall be permanently and clearly marked with an identification number or name being unique to the particular Substation. These equipments shall be regularly inspected and maintained in accordance with the manufacturer's specifications.

10.5.3 Each Control Person shall maintain a legibly written safety log, in chronological order, of all operations and messages relating to the safety co-ordination sent and received by him. All these safety logs shall be retained for a period of not less than ten years.


10.5.4 Each of the Distribution Licensees connected to the Transmission System shall maintain an updated map of his System pertaining to the area fed by each Substation, and exhibit the same in the concerned area offices of the Distribution Licensee.

11. SECTION-11


11.1 Introduction: This section sets out the procedure for the record of the Line Clear Permit and sets guidelines for ensuring safety from electrical hazards to the Consumers, general public and working personnel.

11.2 Objective: 11.2.1 The main objective of this section is to ensure safety to the working

personnel of STU/ Transmission Licensee and the Users and maintenance of proper records for the issue of Line Clear Permits for allowing the working personnel to carryout the works.

11.3 Safety Standards: 11.3.1 The "Safety Standard" issued separately formulates the precautions to be

taken for ensuring safety to the general public, Consumers of electricity and the workmen. This forms an integral part of the Grid Code and STU/ Transmission Licensee and all the Users shall comply with this Standard.

11.3.2 STU/ Transmission Licensee shall prepare his own "Safety Manual" for the Transmission Lines; Substations based on this Standard. For the guidance of the Shift Operators, "Operation and Maintenance Manuals" for each Sub-station shall be prepared by the Licensee. These manuals shall contain all the maintenance and operation schedules based on the recommendations of the manufacturers of the various equipments installed in the Substation. These manuals shall be periodically reviewed based on the experience gained and replacement of equipments. A maintenance register for the equipments including the station batteries shall be maintained at the respective Substations. These shall be updated as and when the maintenance work is carried out and shall be periodically reviewed by the appropriate higher authority in whose control the Substation falls. Similar registers shall be maintained for the Transmission Lines.

11.3.3 The Operation Manual shall clearly contain the details of isolation and earthing to be provided for allowing work on the equipments. The Single


Line Diagram of the Substation indicating the positions of various isolating devices shall be prominently displayed in the station. Charts showing the clearances from live parts (section clearance) for working on the isolated equipments where workmen are allowed to work shall be displayed prominently at each Substation.

11.3.4 The "Danger" boards as required in the IE Rules, 1956 which are in force for time being and will be replaced by the rules made under Electricity Act, 2003 and relevant Indian Standard shall be displayed at places approachable by the general public.

11.3.5 Regular maintenance shall be carried out on all the Transmission Lines in accordance with IS:5613 and records of all these shall be maintained. Wherever possible hot line checking and replacement of failed insulators shall be made before and after monsoon.

11.3.6 All the equipments in the receiving stations and Substations shall be maintained in good condition as per the manufacturers' manuals and relevant Indian and/or International standards wherever available. The relays and circuit breakers shall be checked for their proper operation whenever these are taken out for maintenance purposes. The station batteries shall be maintained in good working condition by carrying out routine checks and maintenance works. The DC system provided in all these stations shall be properly maintained with no appreciable leakage current. An on-line monitoring system for monitoring of leakage and detection of ground faults shall be provided.

11.4 Line Clear Permit (LCP): 11.4.1 The format under Annexure E, F and G shall be used. The form under

Annexure E and designated as "Requisition for Line Clear Permit" shall be used by the requesting Safety Coordinator who is an authorised person. The form under Annexure F and designated as "Check List for Line Clear Permit And Line Clear Permit" shall be used at the time of issue of Line Clear Permit. The form under Annexure G and designated as "Line Clear Return" shall be used for the return of the Line Clear Permit after the work for which the Line Clear Permit was taken is completed.




…………………………………….. I Sri/Srimati ---------------------- request Line Clear Permit on the following HT/EHT Line/Equipment.

HV/EHV Apparatus/Line Identification:

Details of works to be carried out:

Estimated time required for completion:

Name and Signature ………………………………. …………………………………………………………

(Requesting Safety Coordinator) (Incharge of the Crew)

Designation………………………… ……………………. Date………………………………………… …………….… (FOR USE IN SUBSTATION FROM WHERE LINE CLEAR PERMIT WILL BE ISSUED) (a) Line Clear Permit issued : Yes/No (b) Number and Date of Issue (Code No.): (c) Time of Issue: (d) Date & Time of Return: (e) Remarks: See Check List LCP - F RECEIPT OF LCP I have received confirmation from ……………………………..(Name of Issuing Safety Coordinator) at …………………………….(location) that the safety precautions have been established and the instructions will not be issued at his location for their removal until his LCP-E is cancelled. Name and Signature……………………………………

(Requesting Safety Coordinator) In charge of the Crew at ………………………..(Time) on ……………………(Date) (To be printed on the reverse of LCP-E: Checklist of Line Clear Permit)


CONDITIONS: (a) This permit is valid only for working in the Feeder/Equipment mentioned

herein and not in any other Feeder/Equipment. (b) Only authorised persons are allowed to work on Feeders/Equipments for

which the permit has been issued. (c) Works as per requisition only should be carried out. (d) Before touching any part of the Feeder/Equipment the same should be

Earthed at two points on either side through standard discharge rods connected with good Earths. Temporary Earths may only be removed after completion of all works and after all the men have come down from the Feeder/Equipment.

(e) Work should be so planned that the Line Clear is returned before or at the time indicated. If unavoidable delay is anticipated advance information should be given to the location from where the Line Clear is issued.

(f) Before return of the Line Clear, it should be ensured that all the men, materials, tools/tackles etc. on line have returned and reported that all temporary returned and reported and all temporary earths removed. There should also be a check on the material, Tools and Plant issued for the work to ensure that nothing is left behind on the Line or Equipment.

(g) Only authorised persons should return Line Clear. (h) In case the Line Clear cannot be returned in person, the same may be

returned to the Line Clear Issuing Authority over Telephone by naming the Code Words assigned and the telephone number which is used for naming the Code Words assigned. In case two or more different Code Words are issued to the two or more persons in whose favour the permit is given, those persons must jointly return the Line Clear by naming their own Code Words. The Line Clear Return will not be deemed to be accepted unless returned by all these persons.

(i) The Line Clear issuing authority should go over the checklist of Line Clear Return before accepting it.

(j) If Line Clear is returned over telephone, the Line Clear Return Form duly filled and signed should be sent to the Line Clear Issuing Authority by post immediately for record.

(k) Control persons should keep all the required data of LCP issued & LCR received. He should monitor and keep specific note in log sheet when more than one LCP are issued on same line/ equip/bay alongwith code words.



check list FOR LINE CLEAR PERMIT AND LINE CLEAR PERMIT LCP-F Number……………………………. Dated………………………………………Time.................. CHECK LIST OF THE LINE CLEAR PERMIT: (a) Name of location for which line clear is issued. (b) Reference and Authority requisitioning line clear: (Indicate original LCP-E

number including suffix and prefix). (c) Identity of HV Apparatus. (d) Sources from which the Line/Equipment is charged. (e) No./name of Circuit Breaker/Isolating Switch open at each of above sources. (f) Whether confirmed that the Line is disconnected at both ends. (g) Whether line is Earthed at both ends. (h) Whether the Circuit Breaker truck removed in case of indoor switchgear

controlling the Feeder/Equipment for which line clear is given. (i) Whether fuses of control supply voltage of the Circuit Breaker/Isolating

Switches controlling the feeder/equipment for which line clear is given are removed and kept in safe custody.

(j) Time of issue of Line Clear Permit and LCP-E No. (k) Name of requesting Safety Coordinator on whom LCP-E is issued. (l) Approximate Time for returning LCP-E as ascertained from the Requesting

Coordinator. Name and Signature………………………………………………………….. (Issuing Safety Coordinator) Designation……………………………………………………………………. LINE CLEAR PERMIT LCP - F No……………………. I Sri/Srimati ------------- (Issuing Safety Coordinator) do hereby issue permission to Sri/Srimati-------------- (Requesting Safety Coordinator) for carrying out works as per requisition No………………………………..Time ........ The EHV/ HV Line/equipment herein described are declared safe. The permission is subject to the conditions given in LCP-E. Name and Signature…………………………………….. (Person issuing Line Clear Permit) Designation……………………………………………….



11.3.1 Line Clear Return LCP - G Number…………………………………. Date ……………………………………………….Time.............. LCP-F No……….. Dated……………. I Sri/Srimati --------------- hereby return the LCP no -----at time ------- for the following HT/EHT Line/Apparatus. I declare that all the crew who were sent on work have been withdrawn, temporary earth(s) removed, all repair tools and materials checked and the Feeders/Equipments mentioned below are safe to be energised. (a) HV/EHV Apparatus/Line Identification: (b) Safety Precaution no longer required: (c) Isolation [State locations and each point of Isolation indicating means by

which Isolation was achieved.] (d) Earthing [State location at which Earthing was established and identify each

point of Earthing means, which achieved Earthing.] (e) Details of work done CHECK LIST TO BE TICKED OFF: (a) Whether all men withdrawn: Yes (b) Whether all temporary Earth removed: Yes (c) Whether materials, Tools and Plant used in the work have been checked: Yes (d) Code Number (If used when Line Clear is returned over phone) ----------------- Name and Signature………………………………………….

(Requesting Safety Coordinator) Designation…………………………………………………… Incharge of the Crew ------------------------

(Designation) ***


12. SECTION-12


12.1 Introduction 12.1.1 This section specifies the minimum requirements of communication and

data acquisition to be provided by each User at connection Points/ Interface Points and Cross Boundary Circuits.

12.2 Objective: 12.2.1 The objective of this section is to define the minimum acceptable

communication and data acquisition requirements to enable STU/ Transmission Licensee to manage the Transmission System in a safe and economic manner consistent with the requirements of his Licence.

12.3 Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA): 12.3.1 STU/Transmission Licensee shall install and make operative an operational

metering data collection system under SCADA for storage, display and processing of operational metering data. All the Users shall make available outputs of their respective operational meters to the SCADA interface equipment.

12.3.2 The data collection, storage and display centre shall be the State Load Despatch Centre (SLDC).

12.4 Communication: 12.4.1 Independent dedicated communication links for voice communications,

written communications and data acquisition shall be installed and maintained by STU/ Transmission Licensee between all the Generating Stations, receiving stations, Substations and SLDC / ALDC. In addition similar links between adjacent Transmission System Substations shall also be established. Other means of reliable communication system shall also be established to ensure the safe and secure grid operation.

12.4.2 The communication shall be available by direct dialling of discrete numbers and also through hotline by just lifting of telephone hand set. Hotline links shall also be established by STU between all the major Generating Stations, important Substations and SLDC.


12.5 Data Acquisition: 12.5.1 The following real time data are required by SLDC for an effective control

of the Power System: (a) MW and MVAr Generated in each Generating Station, (b) MW and MVAr Drawal from the external connection, (c) MVAr and MVAr Hours generated or absorbed in each Generating

Station, (d) MVAr Imported or Exported from the external connections, (e) Voltages in all the System busbars, (f) Frequency in the System, (g) MW & MVAr flow in each Transmission Line.

12.5.2 The Generating Companies shall provide the necessary transducers for the transmission of the above data from their Generating Stations to SLDC/WRLDC.

12.5.3 STU/ Transmission Licensee shall similarly provide the necessary transducers for the transmission of the above data from their receiving stations and Substations to SLDC/WRLDC.

12.5.4 STU shall establish a suitable data transfer link between SLDC and WRLDC for exchange of operational data transmission.

12.5.5 Mutually agreed procedures shall be drawn up between the STU/ Transmission Licensee and other Users outlining inter responsibility, accountability and recording of day-to-day communications and data transmission on operational matters.

12.5.6 All the additional data such as breaker/switch position shall be transmitted on "if change" basis. Geographical Positioning Systems (GPS) may be used for time stamping of the trip information at the respective stations.

12.5.7 At all the 400 kV Lines and important 220 kV Lines, disturbance recorders shall be installed and the recorder data shall be made available at SLDC for post event analysis of the disturbances.



13. SECTION-13


13.1 Introduction 13.1.1 This section covers the details of requirement for the exchange of

information relating to operations and/or events on the Total System including the Western Grid which have or may have an operational effect on: (a) The Gujarat Power Grid in case of an operation and/or event occurring

on a User System, (b) A User System in the case of an operation and/or event occurring in

the Transmission System. 13.1.2 The procedure for issue of warnings in the event of a risk of serious and

widespread disturbance on the whole or part of the Gujarat State Power Grid is set out in this Section.

13.2 Objective: 13.2.1 The objective of this section is to define the incidents to be reported, the

reporting route to be followed and the information to be exchanged between Users to ensure a consistent approach to the reporting of incidents and accidents on the Transmission System. These information are required to identify the potential impact of an operation and/or event and assess the possible risk arising from it, so that appropriate action is taken by the concerned to maintain the integrity of the Transmission System. The action to be taken arising from the exchange of this information depends on the circumstances and details for each case and does not fall within the purview of this section.

13.3 Reportable Incidents: 13.3.1 All events in the Transmission System having an operational effect on the

User's System shall be notified by STU/ Transmission Licensee to SLDC and the Users, whose systems are affected.

13.3.2 All events on the User's System having an operational effect on the Transmission System shall be notified by the User to STU/ Transmission Licensee and SLDC who in turn shall notify the other Users on whose System the event may have an operational effect.


13.3.3 Typical examples of reportable incidents that could affect the Transmission System are as follows: (a) Exceptionally high/low voltage or frequency, (b) Serious equipment problem i.e. major circuit breaker, transformer,

busbar fault, (c) Major problem in the Generating Unit, (d) Tripping of ICT, Transmission Line or Capacitor Bank, (e) Major fire incident, cyclones, storms, earthquakes etc. (f) Major protection failure, (g) Over loading of Equipment or Transmission Line which may result in

hazard to the personnel, (h) Activation of any alarm or indication of abnormal operating condition, (i) Adverse climatic conditions being experienced or forecast, (j) Breakdown, or faults, or temporary changes in the capabilities of Plant

and/or apparatus, (k) Impending risks of protection operation, (l) Loss of load, (m) Accidents, (n) Excessive drawal deviations, (o) Minor equipment alarms. The last two reportable incidents are typical examples of those of lesser consequences, but still affect the Transmission System and can be reasonably classified as minor. They require corrective action but do not warrant management reporting until a later, more reasonable time.

13.3.4 The examples indicated in the above clause 13.3.3 are only illustrative and in no way limit the general requirements to be reported.

13.4 Reporting Procedure: 13.4.1 All reportable incidents occurring in lines and equipments of 66 kV and

above at the Grid Sub-stations shall promptly be reported orally by the User whose equipment has experienced the incident to all other significantly affected Users and SLDC. The reporting User should submit a written confirmation to SLDC within one hour of such oral report. If the reporting incident is of major nature, the written report may be submitted within two hours duly followed by a comprehensive report within 48 hours of the submission of the initial written report. In other cases, the reporting User shall submit a report within five working days to SLDC.

13.4.2 The SLDC shall call for a report from any User on any reportable incident affecting other Users, in case such User whose equipment might have been a source of the reportable incident does not report the same. However this shall not relieve any User from the obligation to report


events in accordance with IE Rules, 1956 which are in force for time being and will be replaced by the rules made under Electricity Act, 2003. The format for such a report shall be as per the approval of the Grid Code Review Panel and typically contain the following: (a) Location of the incident, (b) Date and time of the incident, (c) Plant or Equipment involved, (d) Supplies interrupted and the duration wherever applicable, (e) Amount of Generation lost, wherever applicable, (f) System Parameters before and after the incident,

(Voltage, Frequency, Flows, Generation, etc.) (g) Network configuration before the incident, (h) Relay indications and performance of protection, (i) Brief description of the incident, (j) Estimated time of return to service, (k) Any other relevant information, (l) Recommendations for future improvement, (m) Name and designation of reporting officer.

13.4.3 The report shall contain sufficient detail to describe the event to enable the recipient to assess the implications and risks arising out of the same. The cause need not be included in the report but the recipient may ask for clarifications wherever necessary and it is obligatory that the reporting User shall put his best efforts and provide all the necessary and reasonable information.

13.4.4 In case of a request by either party the oral report shall be written down by the sender and dictated by way of a telephone message or sent by Fax/e-mail to the recipient. In case of an emergency the report can be given only orally and followed by written confirmation.

13.4.5 The maximum time limit allowed for oral report of the event is fifteen minutes from the time of the occurrence of the event.

13.4.6 SLDC will be responsible for reporting event in line with the procedure set in IEGC.

13.5 Significant Events: 13.5.1 Significant event includes such Events having an operational effect e.g.

(a) Tripping of Plant and/or Apparatus manually or automatically, (b) Voltage outside statutory limits, (c) System frequency outside statutory limits, (d) System instability, or (e) System overloads.

13.5.2 Wherever a User reports an event, which the SLDC or STU/ Transmission Licensee considers to have had a significant effect on the Transmission


System, STU/ Transmission Licensee may require the User to report that event in writing within one day.

13.5.3 Wherever STU/ Transmission Licensee notifies SLDC and a User of any event which the User or SLDC considers to have had a significant effect on the Users' System, the User may require the Transmission Licensee to report that event in writing within one day.

13.6 Warnings: 13.6.1 An oral warning shall be issued by SLDC and confirmed in writing as well,

to the STU/ Transmission Licensee and the Users, who may be affected when SLDC knows that there is a risk of widespread and serious disturbance to the whole, or part of, the total System.

13.6.2 Provided that sufficient time is available, the warning shall contain such information, as the SLDC considers reasonable, to explain the nature, extent of the anticipated disturbance, to the User and STU/ Transmission Licensee, provided that such information is available to SLDC.

13.6.3 Each User and STU/ Transmission Licensee, on receipt of such a warning, shall take necessary steps to warn its operational staff and maintain its Plant and Apparatus in the condition in which it is best able to withstand the anticipated disturbance for the duration of the warning.

13.6.4 Scheduling and Despatch may be affected during the period covered by such a warning.

13.7 Loss of communication with the SLDC: 13.7.1 In the event of loss of communication with SLDC the provision made as

above shall not apply but instead the following provision shall apply: 13.7.2 Each Generating Station shall continue to operate in accordance with the

last Despatch instruction issued by SLDC, but shall use all reasonable endeavours to maintain the System frequency at the target of 50 Hz, plus or minus 0.5 Hz by monitoring frequency until such time the new Despatch instructions are received from SLDC.

13.8 Major Failure: 13.8.1 Whenever a major failure takes place, STU/ Transmission Licensee and

other Users shall co-operate and inquire and establish the cause of such failure and produce appropriate recommendations. STU shall submit the inquiry report to the Grid Code Review Panel and submit the report with the recommendations of the Panel to GERC within two months of the incident.


13.9 Accident Reporting: 13.9.1 If any accident occurs in connection with the Generation, Transmission,

Distribution Supply or use of electricity or in connection with any part of electric lines or electrical plant of any person and the accident results or is likely to have resulted in loss of human or animal life or any injury to a human being or an animal, the same shall be dealt with, in accordance with procedures laid down in the Power System Safety Standard.


14. SECTION-14


14.1 Introduction: 14.1.1 This section specifies a list of all the data required by STU, which is to be

provided by the Users, and the data required by the Users to be provided by STU at the required time specified in the various Sections of the Grid Code. The corresponding Sections of the Grid Code contain the obligation to submit the data and define the times at which the data is to be supplied by the Users.

14.2 Objective: 14.2.1 The objective of this section is to list all the data and the corresponding

sections of the Grid Code to be provided by the Users to STU and vice versa.

14.3 Responsibility: 14.3.1 All the Users are responsible for submitting the up-to-date data in

accordance with the provisions of the Grid Code. All the Users shall provide STU, the names, addresses and the telephone numbers of the persons responsible for sending the data. STU shall inform all the Users the names, addresses and telephone numbers of the persons responsible for receiving the data.

14.3.2 STU shall provide up-to-date data to Users as provided in the relevant Sections of the Grid Code.

14.3.3 Responsibility for the correctness of these data rests with the concerned Users providing the data.

14.4 List of Data to be Registered: 14.4.1 The following data are required to be furnished by the Generating

Companies to STU:


(a) Planning Data Requirements - Generation: As per Annexure A - Part I - of Section - 4.

(b) Operation Planning Data pertaining to the Generating Stations - As per Annexure D of Section - 6.

(c) System Data pertaining to the Generating Stations - As per Transmission Section of Power System Management and Operation Standards.

14.4.2 The following data are required to be furnished by the Distribution Companies to STU: (a) Planning Data Requirements - Distribution: As per Annexe A - Part II -

of Section - 4. (b) Operation Planning Data pertaining to Distribution - As per Annexe D

of Section - 6. 14.4.3 The following data are required to be furnished by STU to the concerned:

(a) Planning Data Requirements - Transmission System - As per Annexe B of Section - 4.

(b) Site Responsibility Schedule - As per Annexe C of Section - 5.

14.5 Methods of submission of Data: 14.5.1 The data schedules are structured to serve as standard formats for data

submission and these formats shall be used for written data submission. Wherever standard data formats are not given, these should be developed by SLDC in consultation with the Users.

14.5.2 All the data to be submitted to STU or to such other department including any other Transmission Licensee as STU may from time to time notify to Users. The name of the person who submits each schedule of data shall be indicated.

14.5.3 Wherever a computer data link exists between the User and SLDC /Transmission Licensee, data may be submitted through this link. The data shall be in the same format as specified for paper transmission except for electronic encoding for which some other format may be more appropriate. The User shall specify the method to be used in consultation with STU/SLDC/Transmission Licensee and resolve issues such as protocols, transmission speeds etc., at the time of transmission.

14.6 Changes in User's Data: 14.6.1 Whenever the User becomes aware of the change to any items of the

data registered under License, the User must promptly notify the STU of the changes. STU on receipt of the changes shall promptly correct the database accordingly. This shall also apply to any data compiled by STU regarding his own System.


14.7 Data not Supplied: 14.7.1 All the Users are obliged to supply the data referred to in the individual

Sections of the Grid Code and listed in clause 14.4. In case any data is missing and not supplied by the User, STU may act reasonably. If and when necessary, he may estimate such data depending upon the urgency of the situation. Similarly in case any data is missing and not supplied by STU, the concerned User may, act reasonably. If and when necessary, he may estimate such data depending upon the urgency of the situation. Such estimates, in each case, shall be based upon the corresponding data for similar Plant or Apparatus, or upon such other information, the User or STU, as the case may be, deems appropriate.

14.8 Special Considerations: 14.8.1 STU or any User may at any time make reasonable request for extra data

as necessary. ***




1.0 Introduction 1.1 The Transmission System Planning and Security Standard formulates the

guidelines for planning and expansion of Transmission System in the State of Gujarat. The scope of this standard covers: (a) System studies. (b) Assessment of the system data. (c) Assessment of generation availability. (d) Planning criteria. (e) Security conditions required for maintaining specified degree of

reliability. (f) Criteria for Substation planning. (g) Estimation of reactive power compensation required.

2.0 TRANSMISSION PLANNING 2.1 The long and short term perspective planning involves an integrated

approach for evacuating power from different Generating Stations, irrespective of their ownership, and delivering it to the beneficiaries over an optimally designed Transmission System with reliability, security and economy. The power system in Gujarat has to be planned in such a manner, that the power received from all the Generating Stations, the share of power from Western grid and central sector Generating Stations can be transmitted without constraints to different beneficiaries, as per their allocated shares, maintaining a reasonably good voltage profile, stability conditions and redundancy criteria.

2.2 The transmission planning should be developed to achieve a strong co-ordinated power system for the Western region and ultimately a national grid, where substantial inter-regional transfers can be achieved with optimised utilisation of available generation. The transmission planning shall also provide a high standard of supply to beneficiaries with acceptable degree of reliability and at reasonable cost. The criterion should be that even under the conditions of the specified outages considered in the security standards, the power flow should not be affected. The transmission planning should keep in view the long term future load growth also and the Transmission Lines and Substations shall be so planned that the same can be upgraded when necessary in future, with minimum interruptions and modifications.


2.3 For the purpose of reducing inventory, procurement time and installation time, the Licensee shall adopt standardised designs as far as possible for transmission line towers, structures for substations, substation lighting, control room lighting and ventilation, substation earthing, standardised specification for line materials, transformers, substation equipment, cables, bus bar accessories, insulators, hard wares, lightening arrestors etc.

2.4 The possibility of providing adequate transmission connections within the Gujarat state grid as well as between interstate grids has to be considered wherever economically feasible considering all economic energy/capacity interchanges subject to trade off between new generation and cost of transmission. The modern Flexible AC Transmission System (FACTS) based on thyristor based controls, HVDC, fast controllable phase shifters etc., have also to be considered wherever economically feasible and/or constraints of corridor exist for construction of new Transmission Lines.

3.0 SYSTEM STUDIES 3.1 The loads to be supplied from various Substations at steady state within

the limits of declared voltage and acceptable frequency of 50 Hz and the future load development has to be assessed after making a detailed study of the present conditions and a load survey. A reasonable estimate of transmission losses shall also be included to arrive at peak generation capacity. The system is to be further evolved based on the following power system studies: (a) Load flow (b) Optimal power flow for various conditions. (c) Short Circuit (d) System stability- Steady state (e) System stability-transient (f) Studies to determine switching/temporary over voltages (g) Other studies as required.

3.2 These studies require suitable computer programs. Mathematical models of generation, transmission and load shall be prepared separately for each year of a plan period assessing probable year of commissioning of particular lines, sub-stations, additional transformers in existing sub-stations etc, based on the system network for the year in question with all the generation and load buses properly located. Inter connections with the western grid through neighbouring states at 400kV and 220kV levels shall have to be incorporated. Appropriate equivalent circuit models shall be used to take into account the fault level at the Connection Points/ Interface Points. The interconnection buses shall be modelled by representing significant and necessary portions of the neighbouring


networks to represent realistically the MW and MVA imports/exports. Studies shall be carried out both for peak load and minimum load conditions.

4.0 SYSTEM DATA 4.1 To arrive at a reasonably accurate load forecast and for conducting

studies, compilation and updating of system data is absolutely necessary. The planning study should begin with the proper representation of the existing system to establish the base case and to validate the model. The results obtained for the existing system should be verified with the meter readings, logged data at the Substations and the State Load Despatch Centre to closely match the same. The system parameters have to be updated incorporating the correct data whenever addition or modifications have been carried out on the system either by the survey of the correct line lengths and conductor configurations or preferably by direct measurement of the line impedance values whenever and wherever possible. All the system data shall be the same for both the planning standards and operation standards. The loads shall be modelled at 220 kV, 132 kV and 66 kV buses. The annual minimum load shall be taken as a percentage of annual peak demand as prevailing in the base year.

5.0 GENERATION For peak load conditions, different generation mixes of various Generating Stations, resulting in an optimal average cost shall be determined by conducting the required number of load flow studies, or using well developed computer program packages to determine the same. For the minimum load conditions, the generator which “must run”, shall be used in conjunction with the most economical generation. The generation despatch for the purpose of sensitivity analysis corresponding to a complete closure of a major Generating Station shall be worked out by increasing the generation at other stations to the extent possible keeping in view the maximum likely availability at those stations, cost of power, etc. Transmission constraints will have to be addressed properly. The Transmission System being planned shall consider the adequacy of the network required to transmit power even under various outage conditions specified in the security standards. Studies shall be repeated for normal and contingency conditions as required in the security standards.

6.0 PLANNING CRITERIA 6.1 The Central Electricity Authority (CEA) “Manual on Transmission Planning

Criteria” shall be adopted with modification as stated below, particularly with reference to steady state voltage limits and security standards for withstanding outages.


6.2 The transmission shall be planned in such a way to maintain steady state voltage with in limits as stated below:

Nominal system Voltage kV-rms.

Maximum kV- rms

Minimum kV- rms

66 72.5 60 132 145 120 220 245 200 400 420 360

6.3 Line Loading Limits The permissible line loading limits shall conform to CEA’s “Manual on Transmission Planning Criteria”. The over loading and under loading of lines shall be decided accordingly.

6.4 Options for Strengthening of Transmission Network (a) Addition of new Transmission lines to avoid over loading of existing

system (wherever three or more circuits of the same voltage class are envisaged between two Substations, the next higher transmission voltage may be considered).

(b) Upgradation of the existing Transmission Lines such as raising height of conductor supports and / or switch over to insulated cross-arms to facilitate change over to higher voltage, if the tower design so permits.

(c) Reconductoring of the existing transmission line with higher size of conductors or with AAAC (All Aluminium Alloy Conductor)

(d) The choice shall be based on cost, reliability, right of way requirements, energy losses, down time, etc.

6.5 All single circuit lines shall be planned with double circuit towers, wherever technically feasible, to enable future expansion without right of way problems.

7.0 SECURITY STANDARDS 7.1 Steady State Stability

The system shall be planned to withstand satisfactorily without any load shedding or altering the generation at Generating Stations for at least, any one of the following outage conditions: (a) Outage of any tower in a D/C Transmission Line (b) Two circuits of 66 kV or 132 kV or 220 kV lines. (c) One circuit of 400 kV line. (d) One Interconnecting Transformer. (e) One largest capacity generator. (f) One inter-connecting line with neighbouring grid. The above contingencies shall be considered assuming a pre-contingency system depletion (planned outage) of another 220 kV double circuit line or


400 kV single circuit line in another corridor and not emanating from the same Substation. All the Generating Stations shall operate within the limits as per their reactive capability curves and the network voltage profile shall also be maintained within the specified voltage limits.

7.2 Transient Stability The system shall be designed to maintain synchronism and system integrity under the following disturbances. (a) Outage of the largest size generator in the Western grid or connection

with neighbouring grids. (b) (i) A single line to ground fault on a 400 kV line, single pole opening of

the faulted phase (5 cycles) with unsuccessful reclosure (dead time 1 sec) followed by 3 pole opening (5 cycles) of the faulted line. (ii) 400 kV D/C line:

(A) When both the circuits are in operation, the system shall be capable of withstanding a permanent fault on one of the circuits followed by a three-pole opening (100-m sec.) of the faulted circuit. (B) When one of the circuits is under maintenance / outage the system shall be capable of withstanding a transient fault on the circuit in service.

(c) A permanent 3-phase fault with duration of 8-cycles on 220 kV or 132 kV or 66 kV line assuming three-pole opening.

(d) No stability studies for faults are required for radial lines.

8.0 SUBSTATION PLANNING CRITERIA 8.1 For meeting a particular quantum of load, the number of required

Substations depends upon the choice of voltage levels, the MVA capacity and the number of feeders permissible etc. The number of EHT transformers, Interconnecting Transformers shall also be considered in planning to take care of contingencies of planned/forced outages. The rupturing capacity of the circuit breakers shall have 20 percent margin to take care of increase in short circuit levels as the system grows. The following criteria can be adopted: (a) The capacity of any single substation at different voltage levels

shall not normally exceed: 400 kV 1000MVA 220 kV 320 MVA 132 kV 150 MVA 66 kV 80 MVA


(b) Size and number of Interconnecting Transformers (ICTs) shall be planned in such a way that the outage of any single unit would not overload the remaining ICTs or the underlying system.

(c) Size and number of HT / EHT transformers shall be planned in such a way that in the event of outage of any single unit, the remaining HT / EHT transformers would still supply 80% of the load. This has to be achieved in such a way that, with the connection of the adjacent Substations, the load exceeding the capacity of the available transformers may be transferred on to them.

(d) The rated rupturing capacity of the circuit breakers in any Substation shall not be less than 120% of the maximum fault levels at the substations. (The 20% margin is intended to take care of increase in short circuit levels as the system grows). The minimum rated rupturing of capacity and duration of switchgear at different voltage levels are as follows:

66 kV 25 kA for 1 or 3 sec* 132 kV 31.5 kA for 1 or 3 sec* 220 kV 40 kA for 1 or 3 sec* 400 kV 40 kA for 1 or 3 sec*

* - 1 or 3 sec. Duration may be decided as per fault level.

9.0 REACTIVE COMPENSATION 9.1 Shunt Capacitors

Shunt capacitor shall be installed at 22 kV and 11 kV preferably at load centres. In case it is not possible at load centre, then reactive compensation shall be provided in 66/132 kV systems with a view to meet the reactive power requirement of load close to the load points.

9.2 Shunt Reactors Switchable shunt reactors shall be provided at 400 kV sub-stations for controlling voltages within the limits specified. The step changes shall not cause a voltage variation exceeding 5%. Suitable Line Reactors (Switchable/Fixed) shall be provided to enable charging of 400 kV lines without exceeding voltage limits specified. The line reactors shall be installed for long line at high voltage level for curtailing switching over voltage and limiting the fault currents.



1.0 Introduction 1.1 This standard provide guidelines for the following:

(a) Minimum requirement of metering for commercial and operational purposes to be provided by the User at Connection Points/ Interface Points including Generating Stations, Switching Stations, Substations and also Cross Boundary Circuits.

(b) Minimum requirement of protection to be provided to safeguard the system from faults which may occur.

2.0 METERING REQUIREMENTS: 2 Generating Station Operational Metering: 2.1 The Generating Companies shall install operational metering to the

Licensees' specifications so as to provide operational information for both real time and recording purposes to SLDC in relation to each Generating Unit at each Generating Station in respect of the following: (a) Bus voltage (b) Frequency (c) MW (d) MVAr (e) Any other data agreed to between the Licensee and the Generating

Company 2.2 All the Instrument Transformers used in conjunction with the operational

metering shall be of accuracy class 0.2 except where already existing CT/PT which are of 0.5 class, which may continue to be used. These shall be of suitable rating to meet the burden of lead wires and meters and shall conform to the relevant IEC or IS specifications.

2.3 All the meters shall be calibrated to achieve the overall accuracy of Operational Metering in accordance with the limits agreed to between the Transmission Licensee/Distribution Licensee and the Generating Company. Records of calibration shall be maintained for reference and shall be made available to the Licensee, upon request. Joint site testing shall be carried out at least once in six months.

3.0 Transmission System Operational Metering 3.1 The Transmission Licensee shall install Operational Metering for both real

time and recording purposes at each substation as follows: (a) For Station Busbars:


(i) Bus Voltage. (ii) Frequency.

(b) For Outgoing/Incoming Lines, Power Transformers, Auxiliary Transformers and Compensating Devices: (i) MW. (ii) MVAr. (iii) Power Factor. (iv) Current

4.0 Supervisory Control And Data Acquisition (SCADA) 4.1 The Transmission Licensee shall install and make operative an Operational

Metering Data Collection System under SCADA for storage, display and processing of Operational Metering Data. All Users shall make available outputs of their respective Operational Meters to the SCADA interface equipment.

4.2 The data collection, storage and display centre shall be the State Load Despatch Centre (SLDC).

5.0 Tariff Metering 5.1 The Generating Companies, CPP, the Transmission Licensees and the

Distribution Licensees and EHV Consumers who intend to use open access provisions would need to install the meters suitable for Availability Based Tariff (ABT) at inter-utility exchange points which would record the parameters as mentioned under Clause 5.8

5.2 The Auxiliary transformers in generating stations shall be provided with the following meters: (a) MW (b) Current (c) Voltage (d) Active (e) Energy

5.3 Each metering point associated with determination of energy exported or imported, between the Generating Companies, Transmission Licensees and Distribution Licensees shall be provided with both main and check meters on separate core of CT, PT. The minimum standard of accuracy for these meters shall be Accuracy class 0.2. If present metering system needs upgradation to class 0.2 it shall be completed within 6 months from effective date of this code.

5.4 All the Instrument Transformers used in conjunction with commercial (tariff) metering shall also be of accuracy class 0.2 except where already existing CT/PT which are of 0.5 class, which may continue to be used.


These shall conform to the relevant IEC or IS specifications. The rating shall take into account the burdens imposed by lead wires and metering.

5.5 Data shall be collected from both the main and check metering schemes. 5.6 Voltage failure relays shall be provided to initiate alarm on loss of one or

more phases of the voltage supply to the meter. 5.7 All the meters shall be tested and calibrated at least once in one year

using substandard meters for this purpose. The standard meters shall be calibrated and sealed at Govt. Authorized Meter Testing House/Laboratory once in every year. Record of testing and calibration of substandard meters shall be maintained by the Transmission Licensee according to the guidelines provided in the relevant IEC/IS specifications. Records of these calibrations and tests shall be maintained for reference.

5.8 In case of Inter State Transmission Lines, meters suitable for Availability Based Tariff shall be provided having the following parameters

(a) Net Active Energy import/ export for each 15 minute time block of the day. (b) Net Reactive energy import/ export for the day above 103% of voltage. (c) Net reactive energy export/ import when voltage is below 97%. (d) Cumulative active energy export/ import. (e) Average frequency for each 15 minute time block of the day. (f) Provision of storage of data in non-volatile memory for atleast 10 days. 5.9 The Generating Companies, Transmission Licensees and Distribution

Licensees shall formulate a procedure covering summation, collection and processing of tariff meter readings at various connection sites in their areas. Whenever necessary, these procedures can be revised.

5.10 The ownership, responsibility of maintenance and testing of these meters shall be as mutually agreed to between the Users and the Licensees.


6.0 General Principles 6.1 No item of electrical equipment shall be allowed to remain connected to

the system unless it is covered by the appropriate protection aimed at reliability, selectivity, speed and sensitivity. The guidelines mentioned in the "Manual on protection of Generators, Generator Transformers, and 220 kV and 400 kV networks" vide publication no 274 of C.B.I.P shall be kept in view. All the Generating Companies and the Distribution Licensees shall co-operate with the Transmission Licensee to ensure correct and appropriate settings of protection to achieve effective, discriminatory isolation of faulty line/equipment within the target clearance times specified elsewhere in this Standard.

6.2 Protection settings shall not be altered, or protection bypassed and/or disconnected without consultation and agreement of all affected Users. In


case the protection has been bypassed and/or disconnected by agreement due to any cause, the same should be rectified and protection restored to normal condition as quickly as possible. If agreement has not been reached, the electrical equipments shall be isolated forthwith.

7.0 Protection Coordination 7.1 The settings of protective relays starting from the Generating Unit up to

the remote end of 66 kV / 33 kV and 11 kV lines shall be such that only the faulty section is isolated under all circumstances. The Transmission Licensee shall notify the initial settings and any subsequent changes to the Users from time to time. Routine checks on the performance of the protective relays shall be conducted and any malfunction shall be noted and corrected as soon as possible. The Transmission Licensee shall conduct the required studies for deciding the relay settings, with the data collected from the Users. Representatives of the Generating Companies, Transmission Licensees and Distribution Licensees shall meet periodically to discuss such malfunctions, changes in the system configuration, if any, and possible revised settings of relays.

7.2 The Transmission Licensee shall be responsible for arranging periodical meetings between the Generating Companies and the Distribution Licensees to discuss coordination of protection. The Transmission Licensee shall investigate any malfunction of protection or other unsatisfactory protection issues. The concerned Licensees shall take prompt action to correct any protection malfunction or issue as discussed and agreed to in these periodical meetings.

8.0 Fault Clearance Time 8.1 From stability considerations, the maximum Fault Clearance Time for

faults on any User's system directly connected to the Transmission System, or any faults on the Transmission System itself, shall be as follows:

Voltage Class Target clearance time400 kV 100 m sec. 220 kV 120 m sec. 132 kV 160 m sec. 66 kV 300 m sec.

8.2 Lesser fault clearance time than the above are preferable. 8.3 Lower Fault Clearance Times for faults on a User's system may be agreed

to, but only if, in the opinion of the Transmission Licensee, system conditions allow the same. At the Generating Stations, Line Faults should


be cleared at the Generating Station end, within the critical time, to keep the Generators in Synchronism.

9.0 Generator requirements 9.1 All Generating Units and all associated electrical equipment of the

Generating Company connected to the Transmission System shall be protected by adequate protection, as per CBIP manual vide publication 274, so that the Transmission System does not suffer due to any disturbances originating at the Generating Unit.

10.0 Transmission line requirements Every EHT line taking off from a Generating Station or a Substation or a switching station shall necessarily have distance protection along with other protections as follows: (a) 400 kV lines: - These lines shall have two main distance protections

viz., Main I and Main II with permissive inter trip for remote earth fault. Three zone static/numerical non-switched distance protection with permissive inter trip for accelerated tripping at remote end in case of zone 2 fault as Main I protection shall be provided. Main II protection shall be similar fast protection using direction comparison or phase comparison carrier relay scheme. In addition to the above, single pole tripping and single shot single pole auto reclosing after an adjustable dead time shall be provided. In addition to the above backup protection with OCR and EFR shall be provided.

(b) 220 kV lines: - Three zone static/numerical non-switched distance protection, with permissible Intertrip for end zone fault as main protection in case of zone 2 fault shall be provided. The backup shall be three-phase directional over current relay and earth fault relay protection. Three pole tripping and Single Shot Three Pole Auto-reclosing with adjustable dead time shall be provided for the stability of the power system. However, for short 220 kV lines directional comparison or phase comparison carrier protection as Main II can be provided. In addition to the above backup protection with directional OCR (Over current Relay) and directional EFR (Earth Fault Relay) shall be provided.

(c) 132 kV kV lines: - Three zone static/numerical switched protection with permissible inter trip for accelerated tripping at remote end in case of zone 2 protection shall be provided as main protection. The backup will be directional three-phase over current and earth fault protection.

(d) Busbar Protection: - Adequate busbar protection for the Station Busbar sections in all 400 kV and 220 kV class substations shall be provided.


(e) Local Breaker Backup Protection (LBB): - In the event of any circuit breaker failing to trip on receipt of trip command from protective relays, all circuit breakers connected to the bus section to which the faulty circuit breaker is connected are required to be tripped with minimum possible delay through LBB protection. This protection also provides coverage for faults between the circuit breaker and the current Transformer, which are not covered by other protections. All 220 kV and 400 kV circuits shall have Local Breaker Backup Protection.

(f) 400 kV class Power Transformers: - These shall be provided with differential protection, restricted earth fault protection, Bucholtz protection, and winding temperature protection along with backup directional HV & LV IDMT over current protection.

(g) 220 kV, 132 kV and 66 kV class Power Transformers: -These shall have differential protection, restricted earth fault protection, Bucholtz protection, and winding/oil temperature protection. They shall also have directional over current as backup protection with an instantaneous element. In addition to the above, Over Fluxing Relays, Pressure Relief valves/diaphragms shall be provided for all the power transformers. Appropriate fire protection for all the power transformers as per CBIP specifications and tariff advisory committee recommendations shall be provided. Over fluxing relays shall be provided on transformers having rating more than 100 MVA.

(h) Distribution System: -For smaller transformers of HV class on Distribution System, differential protection shall be provided for 8 MVA capacity and above along with backup time lag over current and earth fault protection with directional feature for parallel operation. Transformers of 1.6 MVA capacity and above but less than 8 MVA shall be protected by time lag over current, earth fault and instantaneous restricted earth fault relays. In addition, all Transformers of 1.6 MVA and above shall be provided with gas operated relays, winding and oil temperature protection.

(i) Distribution Lines: - All the 33kV, 22 kV and 11 kV lines at Connection Points/ Interface Points shall be provided with a minimum of over current and earth fault relays as follows: (i) Plain Radial Feeders: Directional over current and earth fault relays

with suitable settings to obtain discrimination between adjacent relay settings.

(ii) Parallel/Ring Feeders: Directional time lag over current and earth fault relay.

(j) Inadvertent Flow: - When two systems are operating in parallel with floating tie-line, it may not be possible to have tie line absolutely floating because of dynamics of network parameters and there will be


a flow of energy from one system to another system. Such inadvertent flow shall be accounted for the purpose of commercial billing.


Ahmedabad G.D.VYAS

25th August, 2004 SECRETARY




Power System Management Standards

Notification No. 7 of 2005

In exercise of the powers conferred under Section 42 (b) of the Gujarat

Electricity Industry (Reorganisation and Regulation) Act, 2003 (Gujarat Act 24 of

2003), and all powers enabling it in that behalf, the Gujarat Electricity Regulatory

Commission hereby makes following standards, namely:-

Short Title, Extent and Commencement

a. These Standards may be called the Gujarat Electricity regulatory

Commission (Gujarat Power System Management Standards) 2005.

b. These Regulations extend to the whole of the State of Gujarat.

c. These Regulations shall come into force on the date of their

publication in the Gazette.



OVERVIEW: 1.1.1 Scope of Gujarat Power System Management Standards:

The Gujarat Power System Management Standards, herein after called

Power System Management Standards, provide guidelines for the

operation and management of power system including power generation,


power transmission and power distribution and will be supplemental to

Grid Code.

Structure of the Power System Management STANDARDs: Power System Management Standards consist of 4 Sections as


1.2.1 Section-1: Introduction This section outlines the broad features of the Power System Management Standards. 1.2.2 Section-2: Power Generation Management StandardsThis section provides guidelines for operation of Generating Stations. 1.2.3 Section-3: Transmission System Management Standards This section provides guidelines for operation of Transmission System. 1.2.4 Section-4: Distribution System Management Standards This section outlines the guidelines for operation of Distribution System.

1.3 DEFINITIONS 1.3.1 The definitions of terms used in these Standards shall be construed in accordance with those given for the like terms in the Grid Code.

1.4 RespoNsibility 1.4.1 In the interest of system security, SLDC shall have full control for real time operations of power system. SLDC shall issue suitable instructions to any Generating Company/ Station or Licensee or User for safe grid operation, according to the provisions in Grid Code. 1.4.2 The Load Despatch Centre as may be notified by the Government of Gujarat under section 31 of the Electricity Act, 2003 (36 of 2003), shall be the State Load Despatch Centre (SLDC) for the purpose of Grid code.

1.5 Non Compliance 1.5.1 Any User experiencing difficulty in complying with the instructions issued by SLDC, shall promptly report such difficulty to SLDC and take remedial action as directed by SLDC. 1.5.2 In case of, repeated non compliance with the instructions of SLDC, SLDC will take appropriate action according to Grid Code for ensuring the security of the system.


1.6 STANDARDS AND REQUIREMENTS SPECIFIED BY CENTRAL ELECTRICITY AUTHORITY 1.6.1 For effective power system management and operation, the licensees shall follow the Standards and requirements as specified by the Authority according to Section 73 of Electricity Act, 2003 covering matters such as:

(a) the technical standards for construction of electrical plants, electric lines and connectivity to the grid; (b) the safety requirements for construction, operation and maintenance of electrical plants and electric lines; (c) the Grid Standards for operation and maintenance of transmission lines; (d) the conditions for installation of meters for transmission and supply of electricity.



Power Generation Management STANDARDS

2.1 Introduction: 2.1.1 These Standards provide guidelines for operation of power stations

covering aspects of: (a) Outage planning of generating stations, (b) Generation scheduling and despatch, (c) Frequency / Voltage / Reactive power management, (d) Black Start operations etc.

2.2 Outage Planning 2.2.1 The Generating Companies/Captive Power Plants (CPP) shall co-ordinate

with SLDC for their outage plans to ensure adequate availability of power to the Grid System.

2.2.2 Notwithstanding provision in any approved outage plan, no generating unit of a Generating Company or Captive Power Plant feeding the grid in excess of 5 MW shall be removed from service without specific release by the State Load Despatch Centre (SLDC)

2.2.3 Whenever an outage occurs, the user shall inform SLDC about the expected restoration time. Any change in expected restoration time shall be communicated to SLDC.

2.3 GENERATION SCHEDULING AND DESPATCH 2.3.1 All Generating Companies as well as Generating Stations owned by

Licensee shall provide ¼ hourly MW / MVAR / maximum MWH availability (00.00 – 24.00 hours) of all Generating Units, to SLDC daily on day ahead basis by 09.00 hours.

2.3.2 CPPs (5MW and above capacity) feeding in to the grid shall provide the ¼ hourly import / export figures to SLDC daily on day ahead basis by 09.00 hours.

2.3.3 In working out the MW / MVAR / maximum ex-bus MWh, hydro power stations shall take into account their respective prevailing reservoir levels and any other restrictions on water usage and shall report the same to SLDC.


2.3.4 The total ex-bus MWh, which can be actually delivered by Generating Companies during the day, shall also be declared. The maximum capacity for each time block (¼ hour) and the total declared available capacity (MW) for the day, including limitation on generation during any specific period of the day as declared by the Generating Companies along with inputs from CPPs as well as Generating Stations owned by Licensee, shall form the basis of generation scheduling.

2.3.5 In case of thermal stations, the declaration shall be for the capacity of the Generating Station (excluding units closed due to orders from SLDC) to deliver ex-bus MWh for each time block of the day (¼ hour). The capacity of the Generating Plant hereinafter referred to as declared capacity shall form the basis of generation scheduling.

2.3.6 SLDC shall obtain from Western Region Load Despatch Centre (WRLDC) the ¼ hourly MW entitlements from Inter State Generating Stations by 11.00 hours on a day ahead basis.

2.3.7 SLDC shall produce a day ahead ¼ hourly generation schedule after consolidation of the data provided by the Generating Companies/inputs from CPP and Generating Stations owned by Licensee and WRLDC. It will take into account the ¼ hourly demand estimates and latest planned drawal schedule agreed with WRLDC.

2.3.8 In preparation of the despatch schedule, SLDC shall take into account, the priority of the Generation Stations provided by the Distribution Licensees keeping in mind the technical constraints. In case it is not available, the relative commercial costs to the Licensees for the operation of the Generating Units based on latest updated cost structure furnished by Generating Companies/ CPPs shall be used.

2.3.9 SLDC shall prepare the day ahead generation schedule keeping in view the following: (a) Transmission system constraints from time to time. (b) ¼ hourly load requirements as estimated by SLDC based on the inputs

provided by all Distribution Licensees and CPPs. (c) The availability of generation from Generating Companies, Inter State

Generating Companies and CPPs as well as Generating Stations owned by Distribution Licensee together with any constraints in each case.

(d) Optimisation of both MW/MVAR outputs from Generating Stations.


2.3.10 SLDC may also require Generating Companies / CPPs as well as Generating Units owned by Distribution Licensee to generate MVAR within their respective capability limit to maintain station bus voltages within the specified band of maximum and minimum.

2.3.11 SLDC shall intimate tentative generation schedule / import / export schedule for the following day to all Generating Companies / CPPs (including any generating unit not required to be run) by 18.00 hours.

2.3.12 Generating Companies shall promptly report to SLDC regarding changes of Generating Unit availability or capability, or any unexpected situation, which would affect its operation.

2.3.13 All CPPs and Generating Stations owned by Licensee shall similarly report regarding their export to SLDC. SLDC shall advise users as soon as possible of any necessary rescheduling.

2.4 Frequency Management 2.4.1 The SLDC shall endeavour to run the system within the frequency band of

49.0 Hz to 50.5 Hz. 2.4.2 The SLDC shall be vigilant when the frequency begins to rise above 50 Hz

and initiate the following measures to bring down the frequency to around 50 Hz. (a) Advise hydro stations to reduce generation without water spillage and

give appropriate instructions to other Generating Stations. (b) Check generation scheduling Vs generation and request concerned

Generating Company as well as the CPPs and Generating Stations owned by the Distribution Licensee with excess generation to conform to generation schedule.

(c) Advise thermal stations to reduce the generation to the required extent but not to the extent requiring oil support.

2.4.3 In case frequency rises to 50.5 Hz in spite of above measures, the SLDC shall: (a) Advise all the Generating Units as well as CPPs and Generating Units

owned by Licensee to implement backing down schedule which shall always be updated in the merit order, to reduce the generation considering variable cost in reducing order (i.e. Units with the highest variable will back down first); or in logical manner with due consideration to day ahead generation schedule.


2.4.4 In case the frequency still has a rising trend even beyond 50.5 Hz, and if there is import at Connection Points/ Interface Point with Western Grid, SLDC in consultation with WRLDC may island the Gujarat State system from the rest of the Western Grid as may be feasible for system security.

2.4.5 SLDC shall be vigilant when frequency begins to fall below 49.5 Hz and initiate the following measures to raise the frequency to approach 50 Hz: (a) Check generation Vs generation schedule and request concerned

Generating Companies as well as CPPs and Generating Stations owned by the Licensee with less generation to conform to generation schedule.

(b) Check whether there is any excess drawl at any Connection Point/ Interface Point by any Distribution Licensee and advise such Licensee/ Company to restrict its drawl within schedule.

(c) Advise generating stations to synchronise standby machines if available.

2.4.6 In case the frequency still falls and reaches 49.0 Hz the SLDC shall advise the Distribution Licensees to shed load manually. The Distribution Licensees shall not restore normal load shedding unless and until permitted by SLDC.

2.4.7 In case the frequency still continues to fall and reaches 48.5 Hz, SLDC shall in consultation with WRLDC examine the possibility to island the Gujarat State system from rest of Western Grid if there is export at Connection Point / Interface Point with other states in the region.

2.4.8 Automatic load frequency relays would be one of the devices to assist to maintain frequency at 50 Hz.

2.5 VOLTAGE AND REACTIVE POWER MANAGEMENT 2.5.1 Generating companies shall make available to SLDC, STU and

Transmission Licensee the up-to-date capability curves for all Generating Units indicating restrictions if any, to allow accurate system studies and effective operation of the Transmission System. CPPs shall similarly furnish the net reactive capability that will be available for export / import from the Transmission System.

2.5.2 Load flow studies shall be conducted for different conditions of operation commonly encountered. The voltages of all the node points shall have to


be maintained within the specified limits. On the basis of these studies SLDC shall instruct Generating Companies and CPPs to maintain specified voltage levels at connecting Points / Interface Points by transformer tap changing to the extent possible and use MVAR reserves in accordance with technical limits of Generating Units as per capability curves. High transient voltages, which may generally occur during load throw off and switching operations, should be controlled to within specifications.

2.6 Black Start Operations 2.6.1 The SLDC shall maintain and keep updated a record of Generating Station

Black Start capabilities and associated Generating Station Black Start operation plans. The Generating Companies shall be responsible for commencing their planned Black Start procedure on the instruction of the SLDC and steadily increasing their generation according to the demand intimated by the SLDC.

2.6.2 The SLDC may arrange for mock orientation of Black Start preparedness in the system at least once in a year on a prearranged programme to provide for corrections.

2.7 Schedule of Despatch 2.7.1 Generation Despatch All Generating Companies shall regulate generation and CPPs shall

regulate their export according to the daily generation schedule. All Generating Units, above 5 MW including CPPs as well as Generating Stations owned by Licensee, will be subject to despatch instructions of SLDC. CPPs as well as Generating Stations owned by Licensee will be subject to these instructions to the extent of their respective exports to the STU/ Transmission Licensee. SLDC shall issue similar despatch instructions to all Generating Companies / CPPs on same level as previously available for day ahead schedule unless rescheduling is requested by Generating Companies/ CPPs. In the absence of any revised despatch instructions by SLDC, Generating Companies and CPPs shall generate / export according to the available ¼ hourly day ahead generation schedule. Despatch instruction shall be in the standard format. These instructions will recognise declared availability and other parameters, which have been made available by the Generating


Company to SLDC. These instructions shall include date, time, name of the Generating Station, Generating Units (total export in case of CPP), name of operators sending and receiving the same. Despatch instructions may include: (a) Switching a generator in or out of service. (b) Details of reserve to be carried on a unit. (c) Increasing or decreasing MVAR generation/absorption to maintain

voltage profile based on margin level. (d) Beginning pre-planned black start procedures. (e) Holding generating units on standby if available.

2.7.2 Communication with Generating Companies: - Despatch instructions shall be issued by e-mail/Fax/Tele-printer/Telephone/PLCC/VSAT or any other convenient mode of communication and confirmed by concerned officers with name and designation at sending and receiving end and logging the same at each end. All such oral instructions shall be complied with immediately, and written confirmation shall be issued by Fax, Tele-printer or otherwise.

2.7.3 Action required by Generating Companies All Generating Companies and CPPs as well as Generating Stations owned

by Licensee shall comply promptly with despatch instructions issued by SLDC unless such instruction affect the safety of plant or personnel. They shall promptly inform SLDC in the event of any unforeseen difficulties in complying with an instruction. All Generating Units shall have Automatic Voltage Regulators (AVR) in service. All Generating Units shall have the governors available and in service and must be capable of automatic increase or decrease in output within the normal declared frequency range and within their respective capability limits. Generating Companies shall immediately inform SLDC by telephone of any loss or change (temporary or otherwise) of / in the operational capability of any generating unit which is synchronised to the system or which is being used to maintain system reserve. Generating Companies shall inform SLDC of any removal of AVR and / or governor from service along with reasons thereof. CPPs shall similarly inform any change in status affecting their ability in complying with despatch instructions. Generating Companies including CPPs shall not de-synchronise Generating Units


without instruction from SLDC except on the grounds of safety to the plant and personnel, which shall be promptly reported to SLDC. Generating Companies and CPPs shall report any abnormal voltage and frequency related operation of generating units / feeders promptly to SLDC. Generating companies including CPPs shall not synchronise Generating Units without instruction from SLDC. In the event of any emergency in the Generating Station, the Generating Company may synchronise units with the grid with prior intimation in the interest of safe operation of the grid following standing instructions developed for such purpose under “contingency planning” of the Grid Code. Should a Generating Company fail to comply with any of the above provisions, it shall inform SLDC promptly of this failure with reasons.

2.8 Standards to be met by the Generating companies: - 2.8.1 The IEGC/Grid Code specifies voltage and frequency standards with limits

of variation for transmitting the power, which the Generating Company including CPPs as well as Generating Stations owned by Licensee have to comply with.

2.8.2 Thermal/nuclear Generating Units shall not run at leading power factor. However, for the purpose of charging, Generating Unit may be allowed to operate at leading power factor as per the respective capability curves.

2.8.3 The Transmission Licensee shall incorporate conditions in wheeling agreement requiring the generating companies and CPPs as well as Generating Stations owned by Licensee, to commit: (a) Reactive power capability (MVAR) (b) Economic back down level. (c) Loading increment rate from back down level to maximum continuous

rating (MW/Min). (d) Loading decrement rate from maximum continuous rating to back

down level (MW/Min). (e) Pickup rates on synchronising in MW to the extent that it does not

jeopardise safety of its plant and personnel under the following conditions: � Cold Start. � Warm Start.


� Hot Start.

2.9 Monitoring of Generation 2.9.1 The Transmission Licensee shall provide facilities such as SCADA system

and point-to-point voice and data communication links to SLDC for receiving the following real time data from generating companies: (a) Frequency. (b) MW output. (c) MVAR output. (d) MW and MVAR flow in outgoing lines. (e) Voltage at interconnection bus.

2.9.2 The SLDC shall establish suitable procedure for monitoring the following parameters of a generating plant: (a) Declared gross generation capacity. (b) Loading rate of a unit. (c) Un-loading rate of a unit. (d) Active and Reactive power delivery following despatch instructions.



Transmission system management STANDARDS

3.1 Introduction: 3.1.1 This section formulates guidelines for grid operation covering following

aspects: (a) Data management and system studies. (b) Load despatch and communication (c) Voltage and reactive power management. (d) Demand management. (e) System operation.

3.1.2 These Standards shall serve as guidelines for the STU to operate the transmission system for providing an efficient, coordinated and economical system of electricity transmission.

3.2 Data management and system studies 3.2.1 For planning the Transmission System for efficient operation the STU

should collect, store & manage detailed up to date data of the complete system. This will enable in carrying out system studies whenever required. The details of system data to be collected and stored shall generally be as indicated in Annexure- 1.

3.2.2 SCADA system at SLDC shall be equipped with appropriate real time data stamping facility at preferably 5 to 10 seconds interval for facilitating event analysis and data verification.

3.2.3 The STU shall periodically carryout the following system studies. (a) Load flows under different conditions of operation. (b) Steady state and transient stability limits of the system. (c) Location and extent of reactive power compensation required in the system

for maintaining satisfactory voltage profile in the system. (d) Fault levels at different points in the system. (e) Transient & dynamic studies. (f) Any other studies as may be required.


3.3 Load despatch 3.3.1 According to the Section 32 (2) of Electricity Act, 2003, the following are

the functions of State Load Despatch Centre, which shall :

(g) be responsible for optimum scheduling and despach of electricity

within a State, in accordance with the contracts entered into with the

Licensees or the Generating Companies operating in that State;

(h) monitor the grid operations;

(i) keep accounts of the quantity of electricity transmitted through the

State grid;

(j) exercise supervision and control over the intra-state transmission


(k) be responsible for carrying out real time operations for grid control and

despatch of electricity within the State through secure and economic

operation of the State grid in accordance with the Grid Standards and

the state Grid Code.

3.3.2 The SLDC shall also perform the following functions. (a) Daily generation, load scheduling and issuing despatch instructions. (b) Monitoring line MW and MVAR drawls, EHT bus Voltages and

Frequency. (c) Monitoring generation output, export/import at various Connection

Points / Interface Points. (d) Co-ordinating restoration process after partial or total blackouts in the

Transmission System. (e) Finalisation of outage plan for Transmission System for carrying out

maintenance, construction, modification, diversion etc., in co-ordination with the Generating Stations and Distribution System so that the security standards of the Transmission System are not affected.

(f) Co-ordination with Transmission Licensee for installation of automatic under frequency load shedding (AUFLS) for automatic tripping of non-critical Loads as identified by the Distribution Licensee and informed to SLDC,


(g) Co-ordinated operation of major Transmission Lines and generation to maintain frequency and voltage profile within set limits.

(h) Co-ordination of the studies to review adequacy of the system and inter system operating practices under unusually severe system disturbances in association with STU / the Transmission Licensee.

(i) Issue of standing instructions to operating staff of each system to deal with separation of the system from inter-connected network.

(j) Co-ordinate with Regional Power Committee and WRLDC for Inter State Grid Management and event analysis as well as for implementation of corrective measures.

3.4 Communication 3.4.1 The STU / Transmission Licensee shall establish and maintain a reliable

and efficient point-to-point voice and data communication links between State Load Despatch Centre (SLDC), Western Regional Load Despatch Centre (WRLDC), Generating Stations and EHT substations.

3.4.2 All operational communications/instructions transmitted by/to SLDC shall be recorded and preserved by all concerned for such period as may be necessary.

3.5 Reactive Power Management 3.5.1 The STU / Transmission Licensee shall endeavour for optimum use of the

existing reactive resources and the reactive reserves in the system to meet the steady state voltage limits at all buses in the Transmission System as set out in “Transmission System Planning and Security Standard” of Grid Code.

3.6 Voltage Management 3.6.1 The STU / Transmission Licensee shall monitor voltage levels at all EHT

substations of its transmission system on real time by installing data acquisition system.

3.6.2 System voltage shall be regulated by taking all feasible measures to regulate system reactive power flows and frequency.

3.6.3 All local voltage problems shall be remedied to the extent possible by operating local transformer taps by Transmission and Distribution


Licensees in accordance with the provisions of the Grid code or in consultation with the SLDC.

3.6.4 In case of system high voltage, the SLDC shall take the following measures: (a) Request Generating Stations to decrease MVAR generation in

accordance with machine capability curves. (b) Switch in bus reactors where provided in consultation with WRLDC. (c) Switch out capacitors where provided (if they are switched in). (d) Arrange to reduce taps of 400/220 kV and 220/132 kV Interconnecting

Transformers. (e) Switch out one circuit of double circuit transmission line (if lightly

loaded). (f) Any other measures considered necessary.

3.6.5 In case of system low voltage, the SLDC shall take the following measures: (a) Request Generating Stations to increase MVAR generation in

accordance with machine capability curves. (b) Switch out bus reactors (if they are switched in). (c) Switch in capacitors. (d) Arrange to increase system Voltage by changing the taps of 400/220

kV and 220/132 kV Interconnecting Transformers. (e) Restoration of circuits under outage. (f) Instruct manual load shedding

3.7 Demand Management 3.7.1 The STU/ Transmission Licensee shall monitor MW/MVAR loading of each

EHT line and each Interconnecting Transformer on real time basis by installing data acquisition system.

3.7.2 If any system component is being overloaded/overheated, the load on the same shall be reduced following suitable procedure.

3.8 Load Shedding 3.8.1 SLDC shall check whether there is any excess drawl at any Connection

Points/ Interface Points by any Distribution Licensee and advise him to restrict his Drawl within schedule. If there is no such excess Drawl, and there is also no possibility of increasing the generation by the Generating


Companies, load shedding should be ordered by SLDC by tripping such of the lines as found necessary and appropriate at that time. Under frequency relays appropriately set shall be provided for the purpose by the Transmission Licensee wherever possible and once installed, shall not be bypassed under any circumstances unless specifically permitted by SLDC.

3.9 Islanding Scheme 3.9.1 To avoid total blacking out of the grid during system disturbances and for

early normalisation, islanding schemes for major Generating Stations and part/parts of the Transmission System shall be developed by SLDC in consultation with WRLDC, STU, Generating Stations and Distribution Licensees.

3.10 Post disturbance analysis 3.10.1 All major grid disturbances causing tripping of generating units (110 MW

and above), tripping of Transmission lines (220KV and above) causing full/partial system blackout, breakdown of Transmission lines causing prolonged interruption and load restrictions may be promptly discussed in the Grid Code Review Panel. Additionally a sub-committee that may be formed if required by the Panel for further investigation , immediately after the occurrence. Disturbance reports and recommendations made in such meetings shall be compiled and circulated to all members of the Grid Code review Panel for implementation.

3.11 Event Reporting 3.11.1 The STU/Transmission Licensee/SLDC shall monitor all abnormal

occurrences or events affecting the operation of the system as outlined in the Grid Code in section “Operational event and Incident/Accident reporting”.

3.11.2 The Transmission Licensee shall ensure that within 10 minutes of an occurrence, verbal/telephonic communication shall be made by its to a designated officer to the officer in charge of the shift of SLDC who shall have authority to ask for follow up action as deemed fit. The shift officer at SLDC must, however, give utmost priority in safeguarding the system before initiating the reporting procedure.


3.11.3 Within one hour of restoration of normalcy, a preliminary report shall be prepared in a form (to be standardised by the STU) by the designated officer of the Transmission Licensee in consultation with various agencies and communicated to the designated officers of the concerned agencies. (as may be decided by the SLDC)

3.11.4 Within 48 hours, a detailed report shall be prepared in a form (to be standardised by the STU) and communicated to the designated officer/officers of concerned agencies. (as may be decided by the SLDC)

3.12 Outage Planning 3.12.1 The STU/ Transmission Licensee shall ensure that its plan for outage of

circuits / transformers required for maintenance, construction, modification, diversion, etc. does not violate the security standards of Transmission system.

3.13 Protection Coordination 3.13.1 The STU/ Transmission Licensee shall co-ordinate the settings of relays in

the protection schemes of the Transmission System with those of the Generating Companies, CTU and grid system of neighbouring states at respective Connection Points / Interface Points.

3.14 Short Circuit levels 3.14.1 As a routine measure the STU/ Transmission Licensee shall intimate all

Users of the Transmission System, the approximate short circuit level (fault level) of the Transmission System at each Connection Points/ Interface Points both at EHT bus and at HT bus.

3.15 ON LOAD TAP CHANGING 3.15.1 The STU/ Transmission Licensee shall prepare a schedule as approved by

SLDC for operation of on-load taps of power transformers and Interconnecting Transformers at each EHT substation in the Transmission System under abnormal voltage profile.

3.16 Safety co-ordination 3.16.1 The STU/ Transmission Licensee shall observe the general safety

requirements for construction; installation, protection, operation and maintenance of electricity supply lines and apparatus as laid down in IE


Rules 1956, which are in force for time being and as may be subsequently replaced by technical standards for construction of electrical plants, electrical lines and connectivity to the grid formulated by CEA as specified under Section 73(b) of Electricity Act, 2003.

3.16.2 The STU/ Transmission Licensee shall designate suitable Control Persons as specified in Grid Code for co-ordination of safety procedures before work is taken up, during work and after work is completed till the concerned system component is energised, both inside its own Transmission System and across working area between its Transmission System and that of any User.

3.16.3 The STU/ Transmission Licensee shall develop its own safety manual for the purpose of safety co-ordination.

3.17 Maintenance schedules 3.17.1 The STU/ Transmission Licensee shall develop maintenance schedules of

lines and substation equipment in conformity with applicable provisions of I. E. Rules 1956, which are in force for time being and as may be subsequently replaced by technical standards for construction of electrical plants, electrical lines and connectivity to the grid formulated by CEA as specified under Section 73(b) of Electricity Act, 2003 and relevant CBI&P manuals/manufacturers' maintenance manuals.

3.18 Maintenance standards 3.18.1 The STU/ Transmission Licensee shall establish a hierarchy for

implementation of the maintenance standards and its monitoring to comply with the stipulations mentioned in “Standard of Performance of Licensee” issued separately by GERC.

3.19 Spares 3.19.1 For convenience of maintenance, repairs and replacement of line

equipment and substation equipment, the STU/ Transmission Licensee shall develop a suitable policy on spare parts so as to ensure system realibility.

3.20 Testing Laboratories 3.20.1 The STU/ Transmission Licensee shall establish testing laboratories of its

own fully equipped for routine testing of relays, meters, current


transformers, potential transformers, condenser bushings and other electrical accessories used in Substations in accordance with relevant Indian standards and manufacturer’s instructions. Alternatively, the STU/ Transmission Licensee shall have easy access to any accredited testing facilities.

3.21 Testing organization 3.21.1 The STU/ Transmission Licensee may establish testing organisations under

its control, staffed with qualified, trained and skilled persons and equipped with all necessary testing equipment, power supply etc., for conducting periodical field tests of substation equipment such as transformer, circuit breaker, current transformer, potential transformer, station battery, relays and meters, control wiring, cables, lightning arresters, substation earthing, etc. Alternatively, the STU/ Transmission Licensee shall have easy access to any accredited testing facilities.

3.22 Tools, Tackles and skilled manpower 3.22.1 The STU/ Transmission Licensee shall maintain in good condition all

necessary equipment, tools, tackles etc. alongwith required strength of skilled manpower, for carrying out maintenance of lines, substation equipment and ensure their availability at all substations.

3.23 Inspection of lines and substations 3.23.1 The STU/ Transmission Licensee shall carry out periodical inspection of all

lines and sub-stations of its transmission system, to ensure that preventive maintenance of lines and substations is carried out according to preventive maintenance schedules and maintain appropriate records.



Data for operation and studies WITH REFERENCE TO CLAUSE 3.2 All data should be on 100 MVA base. 1. Line data for lines of 132 kV level and above.

(a) From Bus Number: (b) From Bus name: (c) To Bus Number: (d) To Bus Name: (e) Voltage Level (kV): (f) Ckts Number: (g) Line length (KM): (h) Conductor Size and Number of conductors per phase: (i) Pos. Sequence Resistance /Km (in p.u.): (j) Pos. Sequence Reactance /Km (in p.u.): (k) Pos. Sequence Half-line susceptance/Km (in p.u.): (l) Zero Sequence Resistance /Km (in p.u.): (m) Zero Sequence Reactance /Km (in p.u.): (n) Zero Sequence Half line susceptance/Km (in p.u.): (o) Line capacity (amps) (specify ambient temperature ºC and

temperature rise over ambient in ºC): (p) Line reactors (if any) (at both ends) MVAR: (q) Year of commissioning: (r) No. of locations: (s) Suspension/Tension: (t) No. of joints with location nos.: (u) No. of Railway crossing: (v) Road crossing: (w) Express / Highway crossing: (x) Canal crossing: (y) River crossing: (z) EHT line crossing with location:

2. Transformer Data for all 400/220 kV and 220/ 132kV Auto Transformers and Generator Transformers. a) From Bus Number: b) From Bus name:


c) To Bus Number: d) To Bus Name: e) Voltage on HV Side (kV): f) Voltage on LV Side (kV): g) Number of Transformers: h) Resistance (in p.u.): i) Reactance (in p.u.): j) Tap setting: k) Nominal Tap: l) Tap Step: m) Tap Range: n) Transformer Type (2 or 3 winding. Vector Group): o) Rating of Transformer (MVA): p) Year of Commissioning:

2.1 Special data for 3 winding Transformer

a) Impedance between (p.u.) HV-MV: MV-LV: HV-LV: b) Voltage on HV side: c) Voltage on MV side: d) Voltage on LV side: e) Loading capacity of Tertiary (if any): f) Grounding impedance in p.u. :

(if the neutral of the star is grounded)

g) Tan Delta h) DGA i) FRA 3. Bus Data:

a) Bus Number: b) Name of Bus: c) Bus Voltage (kV): d) Gen. Bus/Load Bus: e) P gen. (MW): f) Q gen. (MVAR):


g) P Load (MW): h) Q Load (MVAR): i) V obtained from Gen. Bus: j) MVAR Capability curve for generators: k) Shunt reactor, if any: l) Shunt capacitor if any:

4. MACHINE DATA A) Generator Data

a) Capacity MVA (maximum continuous rating), MW, MVAR, (minimum) & MVAR (Maximum):

b) Generator voltage in kV nominal, minimum, maximum:

c) Sequence impedance of winding on its ‘own’ base/Grounding impedance.

d) Direct Axis: Synchronous Reactance: Transient Reactance: Sub-transient reactance:

e) Quadrature Axis Synchronous Reactance: Transient Reactance: Sub-transient reactance:

f) Inertia constant in MW-Sec/MVA g) Damping constant: h) Armature Resistance: i) Armature Leakage Reactance: j) Direct Axis

Transient time constant: Sub- transient time constant:

k) Quadrature Axis Transient time constant: Sub- transient time constant:

B) Turbine Data (a) Type of Turbine i.e. Hydro/Steam, Francis, Kaplan etc.


(b) Block diagram of turbine model along with the values of gain constants and time constant.

(c) Turbine damping constant (d) Speed of machine, nominal speed (e) Any other constant/ Specification as described in the block diagram

of Turbine model.

C) Exciter Data (a) Block diagram of exciter model along with the values of gain and time

constant like:

Voltage Regulator gain and time constant

Main exciter gain and time constant Stabilising loop/closed loop gain and time constant

(b) Power system stabiliser data.

D) Speed Governor Data. (a) Block diagram of governor model along with the values of gain and

time constant. (b) Max. & Min. valve position limits. (c) Effective speed governor system gain (d) Valve servo time constant.

5. DEMAND DATA FOR ALL 220 kV AND 110 kV SUBSTATIONS (a) Weekly MW/MVAR load details.

MW/MVAR loading should indicate the percentage of agricultural load, industrial load, domestic load & commercial load separately.

Restrictions imposed Assessed reduction in Demand due to restrictions Unrestricted demand


(b) Name of Substation: Typical daily load curve (for week day)


(a) Each Generating Units - Generation MW


(b) All 400/220 kV Line flow - MW and MVAR (c) All 400/220 kV Transformer flow - MW and MVAR (d) All 220/132 kV Transformer flow - MW and MVAR (e) Bus Voltages at 400 kV, 220 kV buses (f) Tap positions - 400/220 kV & 220/132 kV Transformers. (g) Status of Circuit Breaker positions of all 400 kV, 220 kV and 132 kV

lines, transformers, generators.





4.1 Introduction: 4.1.1 This section formulates guidelines for operational criteria covering

following aspects: (a) Demand and Supply Scheduling (b) Load Monitoring. (c) Load Balancing. (d) Voltage Monitoring and Control. (e) Data Logging. (f) Load Management. (g) Communication. (h) Safety Co-ordination (i) Maintenance

4.2 Demand and supply SCHEDULING 4.2.1 All Distribution Licensees (including Licensees having own Generating

Units viz AECO) shall provide ¼ hourly MW / MVAR / maximum MWH requirement (00.00 – 24.00 hours) of their respective area of supply, to SLDC daily on day ahead basis by 09.00 hours.

4.2.2 SLDC shall produce a day ahead ¼ hourly demand schedule after consolidation of the data provided by the Distribution Licensee. It will take into account the ¼ hourly generation availability including latest planned drawal schedule agreed with WRLDC.

4.2.3 SLDC shall prepare the day ahead Demand schedule keeping in view the following: (a) Transmission System constraints from time to time. (b) ¼ hourly Demand requirements as estimated by SLDC.

4.2.4 SLDC may also require the Distribution Licensee to maintain the power factor at 0.9 and above.

4.2.5 SLDC shall intimate the supply schedule for the following day to all Distribution Licensees by 18.00 hours.


4.3 Load Monitoring 4.3.1 Station Log Sheets for 66kV Substations and substations at higher than

66kV voltage and Registers for station operations duly recording the hourly readings of the meters such as current, load, voltage etc., and the station operations shall be maintained at each station. A separate register for the daily energy meter readings for both the energy received and energy sent out shall be maintained along with the above.

4.4 Load balancing 4.4.1 As far as possible the Distribution Licensee shall limit the unbalanced load

on the LT side of the distribution transformers within 10% of the peak load.

4.4.2 The secondary currents and voltages of the distribution transformers shall be recorded at least once a month during expected peak load hours on all the phases.

4.5 Voltage monitoring and control 4.5.1 The Voltage monitoring at each Substation feeding 11 kV Distribution

System shall be carried out by data logging. 4.5.2 The Voltage monitoring on the LT side of the distribution transformers

shall be carried out by the Distribution Licensee as deemed necessary to monitor the voltage levels for at least two numbers of transformers in each 11 kV feeder as follows: (a) One Transformer at the beginning of the feeder. (b) One Transformer at the tail end of the feeder.

4.5.3 Improvement to voltage conditions shall be achieved by operating tap changer wherever available in 22 / 11 kV substations and by contacting over telephone the operators of Transmission Licensee at the Connection Point / Interface Point, to correct Voltage at the sending end whenever required.

4.6 Data Logging 4.6.1 All-important data such as Voltage, Current, Power factor, MW,

Transformer data such as tap position, oil/winding temperature, etc shall be logged on hourly basis in all Substations 66kV and above feeding distribution lines.


4.6.2 The following records among others shall be maintained for each Substation either at centralised location or at each Substation as per the practices of Distribution Licensee. However, the list is suggestive but not exhaustive: (a) Operation and maintenance manuals for the equipment and the entire

station consisting of the details of operation of the station and maintenance of equipment,

(b) Maintenance registers for the equipment and station batteries, (c) Interruption Registers, (d) Line Clearance Register, (e) Equipment registers.

4.6.3 A detailed analysis of the above data shall be made to assess the performance of the equipment, overloading conditions and the necessity for major maintenance.

4.7 Load management 4.7.1 In the event of total or partial black outs of Transmission System or

regional system, the Distribution Licensee shall follow procedures as laid down in the Grid Code for restoring normalcy.

4.7.2 In the event of break down within its own system, the Distribution Licensee shall restore/ maintain supply within the limits specified in the performance standards by taking appropriate measures.

4.8 Communication 4.8.1 The Distribution Licensee shall establish reliable communication facilities

such as Fax, E-mail, etc., with major substations. All operating instructions, messages and data received from or sent to the concerned grid substations and Load Dispatch Centres shall be duly recorded at the Substations.

4.9 Safety coordination The Distribution Licensee and Consumers shall strictly follow the provisions of I E

Rules 1956, which are in force for time being and subsequently the safety requirements for construction, operation and maintenance of electrical plants and electrical lines as specified by CEA inline with the provisions given in section-73(c) of Electricity Act, 2003.


4.10 Maintenance 4.10.1 The Distribution Licensee, for the guidance of the operation and

maintenance staff shall prepare suitable maintenance manuals and programs for the various components of the Distribution System. Proper records shall be kept duly updating the maintenance work done as per schedule, the details of faults, malfunctions etc., encountered in the lines and equipment during the period, the remedial action taken, etc., for each component of the distribution system.

4.10.2 The following pre-requisites shall be first ensured for the satisfactory maintenance: (a) The ability of the system to meet the probable over-loading due to

transfer of loads from the adjacent systems during emergencies. (b) The quality of the materials used. (c) Trained and adequately equipped maintenance staff. (d) Schedule of maintenance for each component of the system.

4.10.3 The maintenance work shall consist of routine inspection, cleaning, testing and adjustments, if any required and is different from the work carried out after a break down of any equipment in service, for restoring the same to the working condition, which cannot be planned in advance.

4.10.4 The maintenance schedules drawn shall cover the following: (a) Inspection (b) Preventive maintenance (c) Overhauls

4.10.5 Inspection (a) This shall include the periodical inspection in service for a check on the

condition of the equipments/lines in service to verify the faults and defects that may develop during its operation so that advance action can be taken to rectify the defects in a planned manner and prevent breakdowns.

4.10.6 Preventive maintenance (a) This shall cover the periodical work including tests required to

determine the electrical and mechanical strengths to ascertain the suitability in service and ensure proper working condition. The schedule drawn shall be on the basis of data obtained from inspection and maintenance checks, giving priority to the defects encountered during operation of the line or equipment.


4.10.7 Overhauls

(a) This shall cover the preventive maintenance work to be done on the equipment based on the past experience and manufacturers' recommendations and involves major disassembly of the equipments. The schedule drawn shall be based on the normal life expectancy of the equipment or data obtained from inspection and maintenance checks.

(b) The maintenance schedules shall be drawn for all the following components of the Distribution System separately: (i) Power transformers and distribution transformers of 500 KVA and

above. (ii) Pole mounted distribution transformers and capacitors. (iii) 22 and 11 kV circuit breakers along with all the associated

switchgear. (iv) LT circuit breakers. (v) Pole mounted auto-reclosers. (vi) 22 and 11 kV distribution lines including G.O.S. (vii) LT lines including switches and fuses. (viii) The Licensee’s authorised representative including meter reader

should report the visible abnormalities of service connection to the appropriate authority for taking corrective action.

4.10.8 Effective maintenance work shall be ensured keeping the following guidelines for the efficient working of the distribution system and for preventing accidents that may arise due to failure of any of the components. However, the following guidelines are suggestive but not exhaustive.

(a) The distribution lines shall be inspected thoroughly before and after the rainy season.

(b) The defects noticed during inspection should be rectified at the time of inspection itself if they are of minor nature, whenever and wherever possible. In case of such of the defects, which cannot be rectified easily, the same


have to be attended to at the earliest possible occasion duly chalking out a program in advance.

(c) If abnormal conditions such as excessive heating or arcing or prohibitively low clearances etc., are observed, the equipment or the line shall be immediately disconnected and rectification of defects carried out.

(d) Manufacturers' instructions shall always be given due consideration and implemented.

(e) A continuous record of all the test results shall be maintained. (f) Appropriate inspection/maintenance checks/history sheets shall be

maintained containing details of all inspection and maintenance work done. (g) All the required safety precautions/safety devices shall be used while carrying

out the maintenance works. (h) The maintenance schedule shall be periodically reviewed by the Distribution

Licensee in the light of previous experience and updated to include all possible improvements required for ensuring adequate maintenance, prevention of accidents and reduction in interruptions.

4.10.9 Off-schedule inspections

Inspections of the following nature shall be carried out to maintain the system at the required level of reliability in operation.

(a) Special inspections: These shall be made immediately after severe weather conditions, such as heavy windstorms, thunderstorms and rains to detect any damage or breakage of poles, insulators, conductors and/or equipment, and necessary action taken.

(b) Emergency inspections: These shall be carried out on a line during its breakdown, to locate and identify the cause of trouble as early as possible in order to restore the power supply.

(c) Follow up inspections: Whenever one or more short time interruptions are noticed which may have taken place due to temporary faults, the inspection shall be carried out to locate and identify the cause of interruptions and suitable maintenance action shall be taken whenever and wherever necessary.

(d) Check inspections: The designated engineer in charge of the distribution system shall make these inspections periodically as a check on the conditions of the line and equipment and the efficacy of


maintenance. He shall point out such defects, which might not have been noticed by the maintenance staff in the first instance.


AHMEDABAD 30th March, 2005





Memorandum of Association Clause Page No. No.

i. Name of the company 1 ii. Registered Office of the Company 1 iii. Object of The Company 1

( A ) The Main Objects To Be Pursued By The Company On Its Incorporation 1

1. Business Of Transmission of Electric Energy 1 2. Load Dispatch Functions 1

3. Research & Development substituted by deleting previous Clause 3

Business Of Generation Electric Energy 1 4. Business Of Distribution Of Electric Energy-Deleted 1( B ) Object Incidental Or Ancillary To The Attainment Of The Main Objects 1 1. Execute PPAs - Deleted 1

2. Profit Centres 2 3. Zonal Committees 2 4. Assist Subsidiaries 2 5. Act As Fuel Suppliers - Deleted 2

6. Execute Agreement/s for Wheeling of Electric Energy etc. Altered/ Modified by replacing previous Clause, namely-

Bulk Power Supply Agreements 27. Acquire Licenses - Deleted 28. Business Through Branches & Agencies 2


9. Research & Development - Deleted & shifted by altering to Main Object A (3) 2

10. Forest Load & Plan Generation 2 11. Mining & Underground Resources - Deleted 3

12. Moveable & Immovable Property 3 13. Property For Residential Or Business Purpose 3 14. Undertake Civil Works 3 15. By-Products & Waste Recycling 3 16. Create Charges On Company’s Assets To Borrow Money 3 17. Lend Monkey & Provide Guarantees 4 18. Transact Negotiable Instruments 4 19. Make Investment 4 20. Bank Accounts 4 21. Preliminary & Pre-Operative 4 22. Avail Financial Intermediation 4 23. Import/ Export Licenses 5 24. Partnerships & Joint Ventures 5 25. Financial Collaborations - Altered / Modified 5

26. Technical Collaborations - Altered / Modified 527. O & M Contracts - Altered / Modified 528. Contracts 5

29. Modify Company’s Assets Or Their Title 5 30. Promote Companies 6 31. Acquire Business 6 32. Control & Manage Other Companies 6 33. Subscribe & Underwrite Shares & Securities 6 34. Business Through Agencies & Subsidiaries 6 35. Donations 6 36. Aid Trade & Employee Associations 7 37. Depreciation Fund & Reserves 7 38. Licenses, Permits, & Privileges 7 39. Patents & Trademarks 7 40. Secret Technical Process 7 41. Support R&D Efforts 7 42. Avail Consultancy Services- Altered / Modified 8

43. Publicity 8 44. Establish Trusts 8 45. Distribution On Winding-Up 8


46. Distribute Dividends & Bonuses To Members 8 47. Employee Welfare 8 48. Establish Institutions For Employee Welfare 9 49. Employee Training 9 50. Refer To Arbitration 9 51. Pursue Objects in Any Capacity 9 52. Electrical Equipment Business 9 53. Fly-Ash Processing -Deleted 9 54. Buying & Selling Agents 9 55. Act As Agent & Trustees 9 56. Plant & Machinery 9 57. Colliery & Coal Washeries - Deleted 9 58. Engineering Business 10 59. Water Works 10 60. Provide Consultancy Services 10 61. Undertake Socio-Economic Welfare Programmes 10 62. Social, Moral & Literary Encouragement 11. 63. Act As Entrepreneur -Deleted 11 64. All Incidental Activities 11 ( C ) Other Objects 1. Deal In Subsidiaries’ Products 11 2. Carriers By Land, Sea, Air 11 3. Deal In Real Estate 11 4. Civil Works 11 5. Trading Business 12 6. Manufacturing & Agricultural Activities 12 7. Electrical Appliance Manufacturing & Trading 12 8. Buying & Selling Agents 12

9. Business in Computers, Electronics, Electrical & Audio-Visual Equipment & Gadgets 12 10. Meaning Of ‘Company’ In The Objects Clause 13 IV. Liability Of Members……………………………………….. 13 V. Shares capital Of The Company ……………………………… 14 Agreement Of Subscribers To Memorandum Of Association


Articles Of Association Article Page No Preliminary

1. Regulations As In ‘Table “A” In The First Schedule To The Companies Act, 1956. Interpretation 2. Definitions

a). The Act 1 b). Board. 1 c). The Company 1 d). Directors 1 e). Divided 1 f). Executor or administrator 1 g). GEB 1 h). GETCL 1 i). Government 1 j). Month 1 k). The Office 1 l). These Presents or Regulations 1 m). Register 1

n). Seal 2 o). Shares 2 p). In Writing and Written. 2 q). Expression in The Act To Bear The Same Meaning In Articles 2 r). Marginal Notes 2 s). Singular Number 2 t). Gender 2 Share Capital 2

3. Authorised Capital 2 4. No Lien On Shares 2 5. Directors May Refuse To Registered Transfer 2 6. Refusal To Register Transfer in Case Where Holding Likely

To Exceed 1% Of The Paid-Up Capital Or Alter The Composition Of The Board 3


7. 1% Restriction Not To Apply To Financial Institutions And Mutual Funds 3

8. Advance Of Calls Not To Earn Dividend 4 9. Transfer Of Debentures, Bonds, Debenture Stock Etc. 4 10. Increase Of Capital 4 11. On What Conditions New Shares May Be issued 4 11 A Full power to give any person (whether Member or not) the option to call for or be allotted Shares of any class of the Company 4 12. Reduction Of Capital 4 13. Buy Back Of Shares 4 14. Issue Sweat Equity 5 15. Sub-Division Of Shares 5 BorrowingPowers 5

16. Power To Borrow 5 17. The Payment Or Repayment Of Moneys Borrowed. 5 18. Terms Of Issue Of Debentures. 6

19. Mortgage Of Uncalled Capital 620. Register Of Charges To Be Kept. 6 21. Register And Index Of Debenture Holders 6 General Meetings 622. Statutory Meeting 6 23. Annual General Meeting 6 24. Time & Place Of Meeting 6 25. Quorum Of General Meeting 6 26. Chairman Of General Meeting 7 27. Chairman’s Decision Conclusive 7 28. Votes Of Members 7 29. Votes In Respect Of Deceased Member 7 30. Form Of Proxy 7 31. Division Of Profits. 7 32. The Company In Annual General Meeting May Declare A Dividend 833. Interim Dividend 8

Board of Directors 834. Appointment and number of Directors 8

35. First Directors 8 36. Chairman To Be Appointed By GEB- Substituted

37. Right Of GEB To Nominate Directors- Substituted 838. Qualification And Experience Of A Full Time Member 8


39. Debenture Director 9 40. Appointment Of Nominee Director 9 41. Board Not To Remove The Nominees 9 42. Tenure Of Nominee On The Board 10 43. Nominee’s Right To Receive Notices 10

43. Fees Other Then Sitting Fees To Be Paid Only To Corporation/ Institution 10

44. Sitting Fees Of Nominees Who Are Corporation Institution Employees 10

46. Whole-Time Nominees May Receive Remuneration 10 47. Special Director 10 48. Meeting Of Directors 11 49. Quorum 11 50. Adjournment Of Meeting For Of Quorum. 11 51. When Meeting To Be Convened. 11 52. Chairman 11 53. Directors May Appoint Committees 12 54. Resolution By Circulation 12

55. Acts Of Board Or Committees Valid Not Withstanding Defective Appointment 12

56. Minutes Of Proceedings of The Board 12 57. Power To Appoint Managing Director 13 58. Functions & Powers Of Managing Director. 13 59. Remuneration Of Managing Director. 13 60. Special Position Of Managing Directors 13 61. Sitting Fees & Traveling Expenses payable to Directors 13 62. Qualification Shares 14 63. Board May Fill Casual Vacancy In The Office Of Director 14 64. Alternate Director 14 64 A Additional Director 14 65. Powers Of Directors 14 66. Prior Acts Of The Board Not To Be Invalidated 14 67. Specific Power Of Board 15 68. a) Accounts To Be Audited 17 b) Appointment Of Auditors 18 c) Qualification And Disqualification Of Auditors 19 d) Audit Of Branch Offices 19 e) Remuneration of Auditors 19 f) Auditors Right To The Access To The Books & Accounts 19

g) Auditors To Report On The Account / Form & Contents Of


Audit Report 19 h) Accounts When Audited & Approved To Be Conclusive

Except As To Errors Discovered Within three Months 20 69. The Seal, Its Custody And Use 20 70. Secrecy 21

71. No Member To Enter The Premises Of The Company Without Permission 21

72. Directors’ & Others Right To Indemnity 21 73. Non Responsible For Acts Of Others 22 Agreement Of Subscribers To Articles of Association 23




I. The name of the Company is “Gujarat Energy Transmission Corporation Limited.”

II. The Registered Office of the Company will be situated in the State of

Gujarat. III. The Objects for which the Company is established are as under:


Business of Transmission of Electric Energy

1. @To plan, acquire, establish, construct, erect, lay, operate, run, manage, maintain, enlarge, alter, renovate, modernize, work and use a power system network in all its aspects and extra-high voltage (EHV), high voltage (MV),medium voltage (MV) and low voltage (LV) lines and associated sub-stations, including distribution centers, computers and materials connected with transmission, distribution, supply of electrical energy, communication and telemetering equipment, to undertake for and on behalf of others the erection, operation, maintenance, management of extra high voltage, high voltage, medium voltage and low voltage lines and associated sub-stations, equipment, apparatus, cables and wires.

Load Dispatch Functions 2. @To undertake planning and coordination activities in regard to

transmission, works connected with the transmission, in the State of Gujarat, scheduling and Load Dispatch functions and such other functions as may be assigned to the Company by law of otherwise by Government or Government Authority concerning the operation of the Power System and to coordinate, aid and advise on the activities of other companies and concerns, including subsidiaries, associates and affiliates, engaged in generation, transmission, distribution, supply and wheeling of electrical


energy. Research & Development 3. @To study , investigate, collect information and data, review operation,

plan research, design and prepare project Report, .diagnose operational difficulties and weaknesses and advise on the remedial measures to improve and undertake development of new and innovative product connected with business of the Company as well as modernize existing EHV,HV,MV,LV lines and Sub-Stations.


1. @@ *** @ Clause Nos. 1,2,3, and 4 of the Main Objects of Memorandum of Association substituted vide Special Resolution passed in the 5th EOGM held on 5th December, 2003 by replacing new Clause 1 to 3. @@ *** Deleted vide Special Resolution passed in the 5th EOGM held on 5th December, 2003. 2. Profit Centers.

To organize the working of the various function and geographical units of the business as considered fit in to various profit centers and to regulate them as such , enforce maintenance of accounts and records etc. for determining their independent profitability and to prescribe distinctive terms and conditions of their operation as profit centers , as different from the conditions applicable to other profit centers, or other parts of the business not designated as such.

3. Zonal Committees. To constitute Zonal Committees for compliance with the requirements of the Electricity Supply Act , section 17 as may be considered necessary .

4. Assist Subsidiaries To arrange, secure, and make available to it subsidiaries and other concerned for the organizations., such facilities , resources , inputs and services as may be required

5. @@ ***


Execute Agreement/ s for Wheeling Charges etc. 6. @@@ To execute agreement/s for Wheeling of Electrical Energy to

Power Distribution Companies / State Electricity Board/s, neighboring States, Utilities and other persons.

7. @@ *** Business Through Branches & Agencies

8. To establish and maintain agencies, branches and local registers, to procure registration or recognition of the Company and to carry on business in any part of the world and to take such steps as may be necessary to give the Company such rights and privileges in any part of the world as are possessed by local Companies or partnerships or as may be thought desirable.

9. @@ *** 10. Forecast Load & Plan Generation.

To Forecast load & Plan Generation in consultation with distribution companies , If any and central generating station.

11. @@ *** 12. Movable & Immovable Property. To purchase , take on lease , mortgage or exchange, hire or otherwise acquire any movable or immovable property and any right or privilege

which the Company may enhance the value of any other property of the Company and in particular any land , building , easement machinery, Plant vehicle and stock – in – trade for the business of the Company.

13. Property for Residential or Business Purpose. To buy , purchase, sell , lease , take on lease , exchange or otherwise acquire land, buildings, flats, easements and hereditaments of any tenure .or description on India or elsewhere whether for residential , business , manufacturing or other purposes required for the Company and any rights, easements , advantages and privileges relating there to and either for investment or resale or for trading in the same and to turn the same into account as may seem expedient , and to construct, alter, improve , decorate , develop, furnish and animation officers, flats, houses, factories, warehouses, godowns ,shops , buildings and other structures, works and conveniences of all kinds on any of the


lands or immovable properties purchased or acquired by the Company for the employees or main business of the Company. ________________________________________________________

___ @@@ Altered/ modified vide Special Resolution passed in the 5th EOGM held on 5th December, 2003. @@ *** Deleted vide Special Resolution passed in the 5th EOGM held on 5th December, 2003.

14. Undertake Civil Work. To build , to construct, alter , maintain, enlarge, pull down, remove or replace , and to work , manage and control any power stations, workshops, their shops, sub-stations, transmission lines , cables, wires , accumulators, works, buildings, offices , factories, mills, shops, machinery, engines , roads, ways, tramways, railways, branches, of sidings ,bridges, dams, weirs, reservoirs, warehouses, wharves, electric works and conveniences, which may seem calculated directly or indirectly to advance the interest of the Company and to join with any other person or company in doing any of the aforesaid things.

15. By-products & Waste Recycling. To manufacture, import, export, deal in or prepare for market, revise, resurrect, restore, recondition, repair, remodel, clean, treat and otherwise manipulate and deal in and turn to account by process or means whatsoever all by-products, refuse and waste and other products capable of being manufactured or produced out of or with the use of all or any raw materials , ingredients, substances of commodities used in the manufacture of all or any of the products which the company is entitled to generate, transmit, co-generate, manufacture or deal in and to make such other use of the same as may be though fit.

16. Create Charges on Company’s Assets to Borrow Money. Subject to the directions of Reserve Bank of India or any other authority in this behalf , wherever applicable to receive money on deposit or loan and borrow or raise. money in such manner , as the Company shall think fit by promissory notes, bills of exchange , hundis and other negotiable or transferable instruments or by debentures, or by debenture stock ( perpetual or otherwise ) and to secure the repayment of any money borrowed, raised or owing by mortgage ,


charge, hypothecation, pledge or lien upon all or any of the Company’s property or assets ( both present and future ), movable and immovable, including its uncalled capital upon such terms, conditions and stipulations as the Directors may deem expedient. And also by a similar mortgage, charge or lien to secure and guarantee the due performance and discharge by the Company or any other person or company any obligation undertaken by the Company or any other person or company as the case may be.

17. Lend Money & Provide Guarantees. To lend and advance money or give credit to such person or companies

and on such terms, conditions and stipulations as may seem expedient ,and in particular to customers and others having dealings with the company, and to guarantee the performance of any contract or obligations and the payment of money of or by any such persons or companies and generally to give guarantees and indemnities for the main business of the Company.

18. Transact Negotiable Instruments. To draw, make accept, endorse, discount, execute and issue promissory

notes , bills of exchange , bills of lading , warrants, Debentures and other negotiable or transferable instrument , but not to do banking business as defined in the Banking Companies Act, 1949.

19. Make Investments. To invest and deal with the funds of the Company not immediately required in any manner from time to time in such assets, properties, securities, shares, bullion, specie or investment or otherwise as from time be determined by the directors and sell or very all such investments and to execute all assignments, transfers, receipts and documents that may be necessary in the behalf.

20. Bank Accounts. To open current , fixed , overdraft or other accounts with any Bank, Bankers, Shroff or Merchant and to pay into and to draw moneys from such Accounts.

21. Preliminary & Pre-operative Expenses. To pay out of the funds of the Company all expenses Which the Company may lawfully pay with respect to the formation and registration of the Company or the issue of its capital, including brokerage and commission for obtaining applications for or taking ,


placing or underwriting or procuring the underwriting of shares, debentures or other securities of the Company.

22. Avail Financial Intermediation. Upon any issue of Shares, debentures , bonds or any other securities of the company , to employ brokers, commission agents, underwriters , merchant bankers, registrars, advisers and to provide for the remuneration of such persons for their services by payment in cash or issue of shares, debentures, bonds, or other securities of the Company, by grating options to take the same or in any other manner allowed by law.

23. Import / Export Licenses . To apply for and acquire permits , licenses and quota rights from the Government of India or from State Governments or from Foreign Government to import and export plant, equipment, spare parts thereof , machinery, raw materials, intermediates , finished products and processing materials connected with the power generating , transmitting facilities of the Company.

24. Partnership & Joint Ventures. To amalgamate, enter into partnership, or into any arrangement or business venture for sharing profits, union of interests, co- operation, joint ventures or reciprocal concessions, with any person or company carrying on or engaged in or about to carry on or engaged in any business or transaction which the Company is authorized to carry on or engage in or which can be carried on in conjunction there with or which is capable of being conducted so as to directly or indirectly benefits the company.

25. @@@ Financial Collaboration. To Collaboration financially with any company , agency , authority for any of the input requirements for the Company’s business and authority for the transmission of energy in any form.

26. @@@ Technical Collaboration. 26. To negotiate, enter into agreements and contracts with foreign companies, firms and individuals fro technical assistance, know how and collaboration in transmission, manufacturing , marketing , importing and exporting of raw materials and any or or all of materials , Products or bye products. ___________________________________________________


@@@ Altered/ modified vide Special Resolution passed in the 5th ECOM held on 5th December, 2003.

27. @@@ O & M Contracts.

To enter into contract , agreements, arrangements in any from and any other manner to operate , maintain and service any unit or units for transmission or any of the activities related to operation and maintenance of a power station, on the basis of consideration and compensation serving the interest of the Company.

28. Contracts. To enter into any arrangements with any Governments or Electricity Board/s or authorities , municipal, local or otherwise or any person or company , in India or abroad that many seem conducive to the objects of the company or and any of them and to obtain from any such Government, authority , person or company , any rights, privileges, characters, contracts , licenses and concession including in particular rights in respects of waters, waterways , roads and highways, which the company may think it desirable and to carry out, exercise and comply therewith

29. Modify Company’s Assets or Their Title. To alter , manage, develop, exchange, lease, mortgage, underlet, sell, give in gifts or otherwise dispose of improve or deal with the land, property , assets and rights and resources and underwriting of the Company or any part thereof for such consideration as the Company think fit and in particular for shares, debentures, bonds or Securities on other company having objects altogether or in part similar to those of this Company PROVIDED THAT no such distribution amounts to reduction of share capital except in accordance with the provisions of the Companies Act in this behalf.

30. Promote Companies. To establish or promote or concur in establishing or promoting any

Company or companies for the purpose of acquiring all or any of the property , right and liabilities of the Company or for any other purpose which may seem directly or indirectly calculated to benefit the Company and to place or guarantee the placing of, underwrite, subscribe for or otherwise acquire all or any part of the shares, debentures or other securities of any such other company.

31. Acquire Businesses.


To acquire and undertake the whole or any part of the business, property and liabilities of any person or company carrying on or proposing to carry on any business which the company authorized to carry on, possessed of property suitable for the purpose of this company, or which can be carried on in conjunction therewith or which is capable of being conducted so as directly or indirectly to benefits the Company.

32. Control & Manage Other Companies. To take part in the management, supervision and control of the business or operations of any company or undertaking entitled to carry on the business which the Company is authorized to carry on.

33. Subscribe & Underwrite Shares & Securities. To underwrite, acquire, take up and hold shares, stocks, debentures debentures stocks, bonds , obligations, and securities issued or guaranteed by any company constituted or carrying on business in India or in any foreign country, and debentures, Debentures stocks, bonds , obligations and securities issued or guaranteed by any Government, sovereign ruler, commissioner , public

________________________________________________________________ @@@ Altered / modified vide Special Resolution passed in the 5th ECOM held on 5th December, 2003.

body , or authority , supreme, municipal , local or otherwise whether in India or in any foreign country in connection with the business which the Company is authorized to carry on and to subscribe for the same , either conditionally or otherwise , and to guarantee the subscription thereof, and to exercise and enforce all rights and powers conferred by or incidental to the ownership thereof.

34. Business Through Agencies &Subsidiaries. To carry on whether in India or anywhere else in the world any business Which this company is authorized to carry on by means, or through the Agency or, any subsidiary company or companies and to enter into any Arrangement with such subsidiary company for sharing the profits and Bearing the losses of any business or branch so carried on. or for financing any such subsidiary company or guaranteeing its liabilities or to make any other arrangement which seem desirable with reference to any business or branch so carried on, including power at


any time and either temporarily or permanently to close any such branch or business.

35. Donations To make donations to such persons or institutions either of cash or any other as may be though directly or indirectly conductive to any of the company’s objects or otherwise expedient and also to subscribe , contribute, or otherwise assist or guarantee money for charitable objects or institutions having scientific , religious or benevolent national , cultural, educational object or objects or general public utility, and to any other useful institutions, funds or purpose which in the option of the Board of Directors are deserving and / or are likely to promote the interests of the business of the Company or to further its objects and / or to charitable and other useful funds whatsoever for any exhibition.

36. Aid Trade & Employee Associations. To aid pecunarily or otherwise , any association, body or movement having for an object the solution, settlement or surmounting or industrial or labour problems or troubles or the promotions of industry or trade.

37. Depreciation Fund & Reserves To create any reserve Funds, sinking funds, depreciation fund, insurance funds, dividend equalization fund or any other special fund, whether for depreciation or for repairing, replacing, rejuvenating, regenerating , modernizing , modifying, improving , extending or maintaining any of the property of the company or for any other purposes conducive to the interest of the company.

38. Licenses, Permits & Privileges . To search for and to purchase or otherwise acquire from any

Government, State or authority, any licenses, permits, concessions, grants, loans, decrees, rights, powers and privileges whatsoever which may seem to the company capable of being turned to account and to work , develop, carry out, exercise and turn to account the same.

39. Patents & Trademarks. To apply for, purchase , or take license or otherwise acquire, protect

and renew in any part of the world , patents, patent rights, brevets, inventions, trade marks, designs, licenses, concession and the like conferring any exclusive or non- exclusive or limited right their use , or


any secret or other information as to any invention which may seem capable of being used for any of the purpose of the company, or the acquisition of which may seem calculated directly or indirectly to benefits the company and to use , exercise , develop, or grant licenses in respect of or otherwise turn to account the property, rights, or information so acquired , and to expand moneys in experimenting upon, testing or improving any such patents inventions or rights.

40. Secret Technical Processes. To purchase and acquire secret process, methods and formulate in

connection with any of the objects of the company and specification and designs for the apparatus and equipment related thereto and to pay for the same by the allotment of fully paid shares of the company or in any way under agreement or agreements for that purpose.

41. Support R & D Efforts. To establish, provide, maintain and conduct or otherwise subsidies ,

research laboratories and experimental workshops for scientific , industrial and technical research and experiments and to undertake scientific, industrial and technical researches , experiments , and tests of all kinds and to promote studies and researches both scientific and technical, investigation by providing, subsidizing, endowing or assisting laboratories workshops, libraries, lectures, discourses, meetings and conferences and providing for the remunerations of scientific or technical professors or teachers and by providing for the award of exhibitions , scholarships, prizes and grants to students or otherwise and generally to encourage, promote, and reward studies , researches, investigations of any kind that may be considered likely to assist of the business which the Company is authorized.

42. Avail Consultancy Services . @@@ To obtain technical information. Know-how and expert advice of financial accommodation for the production. Generation, distribution, transmission of any form of energy, manufacture or marketing of any product hereinbefore mentioned and to pay to or to the order of such firm, company, body corporate, Government authority or person any fee, royalty, shares, bonus, remuneration and otherwise recompense them in any other manner for the services rendered by them.

43. Publicity To adopt such means for making known the business and/or products of this company in which the company is interested as its agent,


representatives or any other way, by advertisements in press, periodicals, magazines, through cine-slides and films, by issue of circulars, posters, calendars, showcards, playing-cards, hoardings, by radio programme, TV programme exhibitions, by publication of books, periodical, by purchase and exhibition of work of art or interest, and by granting prizes, rewards and donations.

44. Establish Trusts

To undertake and execute any trust undertaking whereof may seem desirable and whether gratuitously or otherwise.

45. Distribution on Winding-up In the event of winding up distribute amongst the members, in specie, any property of the company but so that no distributioin amounting to a reduction of capital be made except with the sanction (if any ) for the time being required by law.

46. Distribute Dividends & Bonuses to Members Subject to the provisions of the Companies Act, 1956, to place, to reserve or to distribute as dividend or bonus amongst the members or otherwise to apply, as the company may from time to time think fit, any moneys received by way of premium on shares or debentures issued at a premium by the Company, and any money received in respect of dividends accrued or forfeited shares.

______________________________________________________________@@@ Altered / modified vide Special Resolution passed in the 5th EOGM held on 5th December, 2003. 47. Employee Welfare

To provide for welfare of the directors or Ex-Directors or the Employees or The Employees or Ex-Employees of the company and the wives, widows and families or dependents of connections of such persons, by building or by contributing to the building of houses, dwellings or chawls, by grant of money, pensions, allowances, bonuses, or other payments, or by creating and form time to time subscribing or contributing to provident and other funds or trust and by providing or subscribing towards schools, places of instruction, recreation club, hospitals and dispensaries, medical and other attendance and other assistance as the company shall think fit .

48. Establish Institutions for Employee Welfare.


To establish and support funds and institutions calculated to benefit employees of ex-employees of the company or the dependents or connection of such persons and to grant and allowances.

49. Employee training To train or pay for the training in India or abroad of any of the company’s employees or any other candidates in the interests and for the furtherance of the company’s objects and business.

50. Refer to Arbitration To agree to refer to arbitration and to refer to arbitration disputers present or future between the company and any other company, firm or individual and to submit the same to arbitration to any arbitrator in India or abroad and either in accordance with Indian or any other Foreign System to Law.

51. Pursue Objects in Any Capacity To do all or any of the above things in any part of the world, and either as a principles, agents, trustees, contractors and either as principals, agents, trustees, contractors and either alone or in conjunction with others and either by or through agents, sub-contractors, trustees or otherwise.

52. Electrical Equipment Business To engage in the activities for manufacture, purchase, sale & supply of electric meters, transformers and other electrical equipment, appliances, accessories and components, to supply the same to the customers of the Company.

53. @@ *** 54. Buying & Selling Agents

To act as Buying and Selling Agents of any company, and to do and perform wholly or party the several duties, services and offices which the Buying and Selling Agents of any company usually do and perform and to undertake and to become bound by conditions of any agreement entered into for any purposes.

55. Act As Agents & Trustees To act as agents or brokers and as Trustees for any person or company and to undertake and perform sub-contracts and to do all or part of the above things in any part of the world and either as principals, agents, trustees, contractors and either alone or jointly with other, and either by or through agents, sub-contractors, trustees or otherwise.



@@ *** Deleted vide Special Resolution passed in the 5th EOGM held on 5th December,2005 56. Plant & Machinery

To manufacture, buy, sell, exchange, install, work alter, improve, manipulate, prepare for market, import or export and otherwise deal in all kinds of plant and machinery, wagons rolling stocks, apparatus, boilers, tools, utensils, substances, materials, and things necessary or convenient for carrying business which the company is authorised to carry on or which is usually dealt in by persons engaged in such business.

57. @@ * * * 58. Engineering Business

To carry on the activity of electricians, electronic, electrical and mechanical engineers, telecommunications, chemical engineers, telecommunications, chemical engineers, suppliers of electricity for the purpose of light, heat, motive owner or otherwise, and manufacture of an dealers in apparatus and things required for or capable of being used in connection with the generation, distribution, supply, accumulation and employment of electricity (including in the term electricity all power that may be directly or indirectly derived there from or may be incidentally hereafter discovered in dealing with electricity, solar energy, tidal power or any other natural resources), galvanism, magnetism or otherwise.

59. Water works To purchase, take on lease, hire, exchange or otherwise acquire, sell, transfer, sink, carryout, construct, establish, make, build, run, carry on business or maintain laydown and demolish, dams, reservoirs, waterworks, cisterns, culverts, canals, filter-beds, mains and to execute and do all other acts and things necessary or convenient for obtaining, storing, delivering, measuring, distributing and dealing in water for the business of the Company.

60. Provide Consultancy Services To promote, organize or carry on the business of consultancy services in any field of activity in which it is engaged.

61. Undertake Socio-Economic Welfare Programmes To undertake, carry out, promote and sponsor rural development including any programme for promoting the social and economic


welfare of, or the uplift or the public in any rural area and to incur any expenditure of any programme of rural development and to assist the execution and promotion thereof either directly or through an association or institution or through an independent agency or in any other manner. Without prejudice to the generality of the foregoing, programme of rural development shall also include any programme of promoting the social and economic welfare of or the uplift of the public in any rural area which the Directors consider likely to promote and assist rural development and that the words “ rural area” shall include such areas as may be regarded as rural areas under any of the relevant provision of the Income tax Act, 1961, or any other law relating to rural development for the time being in force or as may be regarding by the Directors as rural areas and the Directors may at their discretion in order to implement any of the above mentioned objects or purposes transfer without consideration or at such fair or concessional value as the Directors may think fit and divest the ownership of any property of the Company to or in favour of such association or institution or any Public or Local Body or Authority, or Central or State Government or any public institutions or Trusts or Funds as the Directors may approve. ________________________________________________________________

@@ * * * Delted vide special Resouiltion passed in the 5th EOGM held on 5th December,2005 62. Social, Moral & Literary Encouragement

To undertake, carry out, promote and sponsor or assist any activity for the promotion and growth of national economy and for discharging what the Directors may consider to be social and moral responsibilities of the company to the public or any section of the public as also any activity which the Directors consider likely to promote national welfare or social, economic or moral uplift or the public or any section of the public and in such manner and by such means as the Directors may think fit and the Directors may without prejudice to the generality of the foregoing undertake, carry out, promote, and sponsor any activity for publication of any books, literature, newspapers, or for organizing lectures of seminars likely to advance these objects or for giving merit awards, for giving merit awards, for giving scholarships, loans or any other assistance to deserving students or other scholars or persons to enable them to prosecute their studies or conducting, or assisting any


institution, fund, trust, having any one or more of the aforesaid objects as one of its manner and the Directors may at their discretion in order to implement any of the above mentioned objects or purposes transfer without consideration or at such fair or confessional value as the Directors may think fit and divest the ownership of any property of the Company to or in favour of any Public or Local Body or Authority or Central or State Government or any Public Institutions or Trusts or Funds as the Directors may approve.

63. @@ * * * 64. All Incidental Activities Generally to do all such other things as may be deemed incidental or

conducive to the attainment of the above objects or any of the them and to do all activities which may be conveniently carred on in connection with any of the Company’s objects or are calculated directly or indirectly to enhance the value of or render profitable any of the Company’s property or rights.

________________________________________________________________ @@ * * * Deleted vide special Resolution in the 5th EOGM held on 5th December,2003.

(C) OTHER OBJECTS 1. Deal in Subsidiaries’ Products

To carry on the business of trading in and dealing in any manner, whatsoever in all commodities, goods and things, manufactured, produced or dealt with in any manner by any of the subsidiaries of the Company.

2. Carriers by Land, Sea, Air To carry on the business of carriers by land, sea and air. 3. Deal in Real Estate

To purchase, take on lease under license or concession or otherwise, lands, buildings, works, mines, mineral deposits, mining rights, plantations, forests and any rights and privileges or interest therein and to explore, work, exercise, develop and to turn to account the same.

4. Civil Work To construct, execute, carry out, improve, work, develop, administer, manager or control in India and elsewhere,Works and conveniences of


all kinds which expression in this Memorandum includes railways, tramways, ropeways, docks, harbours, piers, wharves, canals, reservoirs, embankments, irrigations, reclamations, improvement, sewage, drainage, sanitary, water, gas, telephonic, telegraphic, telex and hotels, warehouses, markets and buildings, private or public and works or conveniences whatsoever.

5. Trading Business To carry on any trading business which may seem to the company capable of being conveniently carried on in connection with any of the company’s objects or calculated directly or indirectly to enhance the value of or render profitable, any of the company’s property or rights.

6. Manufacturing & Agricultural Activities To carry on business as manufacturers of chemicals and manures, distillers, dyemakers, gas-makers, metallurgists and chemical engineers, ship-owners, and charters and carriers by land and sea, what-fingers, warehousemen barge-owners, planters, farmers and sugar merchants, timer merchants, saw-mill proprietors and timber growers, and to buy, sell, grow, prepare for the market, manipulate, import, export and deal in timber and wood of all kinds and to manufacture and deal in wooden articles of all kinds in the manufacture of which timber wood is used and to buy, clear, plant and work timber-estates.

7. Electrical Appliance Manufacturing & Trading To carry on the business of manufacturers and sellers of and dealer in and agents for all kinds of radio apparatus, all kinds of electric lamps including gas filled lamps, vacuum lamps, carbon lamps, and arc lamps, electric discharge tube neon lights, cathode ray turbes, X-ray equipment, resistors, capacitors, coils, transformers, transistors, inductors, wire, cable, timers, plugs, sockets, adapters, jacks, micro-phones, analyzers, switches, amplifiers, testers, controllers, stabilizers and other articles, instruments and things required for or capable of being used for or in connection with the generation, transformation, propagation, radiation, distribution, supply, accumulation and application of electricity, wireless signaling, lighting, heating motive power, X-ray, medical and all other purpose whatsoever and to construct, maintain, work, buy, sell, let on hire and deal in works, plant, machinery, conveniences and things of all kinds capable of being used in connection with such purposes.


8. Buying & Selling Agents To carry on the business of and otherwise to act as buying and selling agents in respect of any commodities, materials, articles and things whatsoever in India or abroad.

9. Business in Computers, Electronics, Electrical & Audio-Viswual Equipment & Gadgets

To manufacture, purchase, sell or otherwise transfer, lease, license, use, dispose of, operate, fabricate, construct, assemble, design, develop, charter, hire, acquire, recondition, work upon or otherwise generally deal in all types of computers, sophisticated electronic machines, tabulators, data processing machines such as card punchers, verifiers, sorters, collators, document originating machines, accounting machines, interpreters, Calculating punches and the like and allied machinery and electronic equipment, of every kind, description and activation, including on line machines for process, design, drawings, technical documentation, accounting, book-keeping, calculating, counting, reckoning, registering, recording, perforating, tabulating, sorting, adding, subtracting, dividing, multiplying, printing, typewriting, copying, reproducing, and distributing machines and machinery systems, television sets, video games, video cassettes players and recorders, cameras, films, tapes, apparatus, appliances, designs, circuits, facilitates and accessories and devices of all kinds, and for all purposes, and any products and component parts thereof or materials, substance, articles or things of a charter similar or analogous to the foregoing, or any of them or connected therewith.

10. Meaning of ‘Company’ in the Objects Clause “And it is hereby declared that the word ‘company’ in this Clause, save when used in reference to this Company, shall be deemed to include any partnership or other body of persons, whether incorporated or not, and whether domiciled in India or elsewhere.”

IV. The liability of the members is limited. V. @ The Authorized Share Capital of the Company is Rs.

2000,00,00,000/- (Rupees Two Thousand Crores only) divided in to 200,00,00,000/- (Ten Hundred Crores) Equity Shares of Rs. 10/- each representing Equity Capital of Rs. 2000,00,00,000 (Two Thousand Crores Only) with power to the Company to increase or reduce such capital and to issue any part or whole of the Capital, original or increased, with the rights, privileges and conditions attached thereto as


may be provided by the Articles of Association of the Company for the time being or by the terms of issue thereof and to classify / re-classify the shares in the Capital in the several classes and attach thereof respectively such preferential, deferred, guaranteed, qualified, or special rights privileges and conditions and to vary, modify, amalgamate or abrogate any such rights, privileges and conditions in such manner as may for the time being provided by the Articles of Association subject always to the provisions of the Companies Act, 1956 and amendments therof.

@ Amended/ modified vide Ordinary Resolution passed in the Second Annual General Meeting held on 14th June, 2001.

@@ Amend/ Modified in the Seventh Extra-Ordinary General Meeting held on 7th March, 2005.


We the several persons whose names and addresses are subscribed desirous of being formed in to a Company in pursuance of the Memorandum of Association

Name of Subscriber

Address,Occupation & Depscription of Subscriber.

No. of Equity Shares taken by each Subscriber

Signature of Subscriber.

Names Address, Description and occupation of the Common Witness.

1.Shri Nalinkumar K. Bhatt S/o. Kantilalbhai Bhatt

“URJHA” Banglow, opp. Vidyutnagar Colony Padra Road, Vadodara:390 015. Chairman, GEB

10(Ten) Sd/-

2. Shri Man Mohan Srivatsava S/o. Shri Shyamlal Srivatsava

Sobha Bunglow, Near GEB Guest House, GEB Colony, Old Padra Road, Baroda – 390 015. Service.

10(Ten) Sd/-

3.Smt. Vilasini Ramchandran W/o. Wing Commander Ramachandram

49,Sampatro Colony, Alkapuri, Baroda – 390005. Service

10(Ten) Sd/-

4.Shri Prahaladrai Chhaganlal Patel S/o. Shri Chhaganlal Patel

Bunglow No. A-2, Vidyutnagar Colony, Old Padra Roda, Baroda 390 015. Service

10(Ten) Sd/-

5. Shri Harishchandra Amritlal Shah S/o. Shri Amritlal Shah

102, Berry Apartment, Vinayak Society, Opp. Navnit Park, Old Padra Road, Baroda – 390020. Service

10(Ten) Sd/-

6.Pravinchandra Sheth S/o Jayntilal Sheth

A – 4, Vidyutnagar Colony, Old Padra Road, Baroda – 390015. Service.

10(Ten) Sd/-

7.Shri Ramesh Gokaldas Sheth S/o. Shri Gokaldas Sheth

96, Shripad Nagar, Opp. Bright School, VIP Road, Karelibaug, Baroda – 390018. Service.








































and we respectively agree to take the number of shares in the capital of the company set opposite to our respective names.

Place : Vadodara Dated : the 20th day of April,1999



Name and Address No. of Shares

Cert. No. LF. No.

Dist. Nos

1. Smt. Vijaylaxmi Joshi, IAS "Shobha” Opp. GEB Colony, Old Padra Road, Vadodara - 390 015.

10(Ten ) 0002 LF. No. 14


2. Shri P.K. Taneja, IAS “GACL HOUSE” 41-A, Urmi Society, Urmi Char Rasta, Vadodara-390 005.

10 (Ten ) 0003 LF No. 10


3. Shri L. Chuaungo, IAS GIPCL House, Near Amar Complex, Sama Road, Vadodara –3900023.

10 (Ten ) 0001 LF No. 15


4. Shri P.H. Rana 1, Bhavana Appt. , Ellora Park, Vadodara-390 023.

10( Ten ) 0004 LF No. 12


5. Shri Ramesh G. Sheth 96, Shripad Nagar, Opp. Bright School, VIP Road, Kareli Baug, Vadodara –390018.

10(Ten ) 0007 LF No. 7


6. Shri Pranlal M. Thanki A-41, Gaurav Park Soc. Behind Utkarsh School, Gadapura, Vadodara –390015.

10 (Ten ) 0006 LF No. 8


7. Shri S. B. Khayaliya B-5/19, Vidyut Nagar Old Padra Road, Vadodara –390015.

10(Ten ) 0005 LF No. 9


Note: In addition to above 70 Equity Shares held by individual shareholders as nominees of GUVNL,GUVNL holds 4,50,000 Equity Shares of Rs 10/- each.


MANUAL - 7 General Public can forward their representation in case of requirement of information or lodging grievances to following officer of GETCO

Sr. No. Transmission Circle Address , Phone Nos and Email address 1. NAVSARI TRANSMISSION CIRCLE

The Superintending Engineer(TR) Gujarat Energy Transmission Corporation Limited (GETCO) Transmission Circle Office, NAVSARI. P.O. KABILPORE – 396 424, (Dist. Navsari) Phone No: Office (02637) 258359 Residence ( 02637) 259465 Fax No. ( 02637 ) 236104 Email address :

2. BHARUCH TRANSMISSION CIRCLE The Superintending Engineer(TR) Gujarat Energy Transmission Corporation Limited (GETCO) Transmission Circle Office, At & post : Maktampur. Bharuch – Pin – 392 012. Phone No: Office (02642) 227306 Residence ( 02637) 226971 Fax No. (02637) 227303 Email address :

3. JAMBUVA TRANSMISSION CIRCLE The Superintending Engineer(TR) Gujarat Energy Transmission Corporation Limited (GETCO) Transmission Circle Office, Makarpura, Jambuva VADODARA – Pin – 390 014. Phone No: Office (0265) 2656855 Residence ( 0265) 2351316


Fax No. ( 0265 ) 2640119 Email address :

4. NADIAD TRANSMISSION CIRCLE The Superintending Engineer(TR) Gujarat Energy Transmission Corporation Limited (GETCO) Transmission Circle Office, Post: Dabhan – 387 320. Tal.: Nadiad Dist. Kheda Phone No: Office (0268) 2581816 Residence ( 0268) - Mobile :9825238111 Fax No. (0268) 2581935 Email address :

5. MEHSANA TRANSMISSION CIRCLE The Superintending Engineer(TR) Gujarat Energy Transmission Corporation Limited (GETCO) Transmission Circle Office, Visnagar Road, MEHSANA – 384 001. Phone No: Office (02762) 251752 Residence ( 02762 251756 Fax No. (02762) 242054 Email address :

6. PALANPUR TRANSMISSION CIRCLE The Superintending Engineer(TR) Gujarat Energy Transmission Corporation Limited (GETCO) Transmission Circle Office, Shivam Building, Near Circuit House, Highway Road,PALANPUR-385001 (Dist. Banaskantha) Phone No: Office (02742) 255974 Residence ( 02742) 255468 Fax No. (02742) 255465 Email address :

7. GONDAL TRANSMISSION CIRCLE The Superintending Engineer(TR) Gujarat Energy Transmission Corporation Limited (GETCO) Transmission Circle Office, Power House compound, Station Plot,


GONDAL – 360 311. Phone No: Office (02825) 240315 Residence ( 02825) 221466 Fax No. ( 02825) 240457 Email address :


AMRELI TRANSMISSION CIRCLE The Superintending Engineer(TR) Gujarat Energy Transmission Corporation Limited (GETCO) Transmission Circle Office, Arjun Complex, 2nd Floor, Opp: Gopi Cinema, Railway Station Road, AMRELI – 365 601. Phone No: Office (02792) 222282 Residence ( 02792) 222202 Fax No. (02792) 222282 Email address :

9. ANJAR TRANSMISSION CIRCLE The Superintending Engineer(TR) Gujarat Energy Transmission Corporation Limited (GETCO) Transmission Circle Office, Near S.T. Bus Stand, NAYA ANJAR (KUTCH) – 370 110. Phone No: Office (02836) 241588 Residence ( 02836) 252525 Fax No. (02836) 241588 Email address :

10 JUNAGADH TRANSMISSION CIRCLE The Superintending Engineer(TR) Gujarat Energy Transmission Corporation Limited (GETCO) Transmission Circle Office, JUNAGADH –362001. Phone No: Office (0285) 2620427 Residence ( 0285) ____ Fax No. ( 0285 ) _____


11. ASOJ TRANSMISSION CIRCLE The Superintending Engineer(TR) Gujarat Energy Transmission Corporation Limited (GETCO) Transmission Circle Office, At & Post Amaliyara. ASOJ - Vadodara -3900002 . Phone No: Office (0265) 2540089 Residence ( 0265) 2310852 Fax No. ( 0265 ) 2540089 WAN -Fax :8290 GUJARAT ENERGY TRANSMISSION CORPORATION LTD.


Transmission Circle Address , Phone Nos and Email address

1. CORPORATE / REGD. OFFICE SMT. VIJAYLAXMI JOSHI , IAS CHAIRPERSON Gujarat Energy Transmission Corporation Limited (GETCO) Sardar Patel Vidyut Bhavan , Race Course, Vadodara-390007. Phone No: Office (0265) 2338299 Residence ( 0265)2340703 Fax No. ( 0265) 2340220 Email address : _____

2. CORPORATE / REGD. OFFICE SHRI P. H. RANA MANAGING DIRECTOR Gujarat Energy Transmission Corporation Limited (GETCO) Sardar Patel Vidyut Bhavan , Race Course, Vadodara-390007. Phone No: Office (0265) 2338498 Residence ( 0265 2290154 Fax No. ( 0265) 2337918/2338164/ 551 2072 Email address : _____


Manual – 8

Accessibility to the Public

Public can access through press, print media, by way of advertisement

and Govt Gazatte. They can also have personal contact

communication with our field officers. Further

public accessibility is also ensured by making

“Bill Board, Advertisement Board, Posters, Hand Bills etc.


Manual - 9


Name Designation Internal Tel. Nos

1. Smt. V. L . Joshi, IAS Chairman 3356 2. Shri P.H. Rana Managing Director 3256 3. Shri K. K. Bhatia Chief Engineer (TR. ) 2066/ 2087 4. Shri S. Mohanram Vice President ( Projects ) 2067/ 2088 5. Shri M.K. Iyer Gen. Manager (F& A , HRD, IT ) 3901 6. Shri D. M. Patel Addl. Chief Engineer 2162 7. Shri U.V. Gupte Addl. Chief Engineer ( GERC) 3912 8. Shri B.C. Shah Chief Finance Manager(F&A ) 3921 9. Shri C.H. Patni Company Secretary 2065/2090 10. Shri I.L. Patel Suptd. Engineer -I 2169 11. Shri S.M. Takalkar Suptd.Engineer -II 2164 12. Shri R.B. Brahmbhatt Suptd. Engineer -III 2167 13. Shri H.J. Patel Suptd. Engineer( Civil) 2166 14. Shri S M. Jhala Ex. Engineer 2161 15. Shri S.C. Shah Ex. Engineer 2169 16. Shri D.C. Mehta Ex. Engineer 2375 17. Shri K.M. Dave Ex. Engineer 2168 18. Shri P.V. Shah Ex. Engineer 2165 19. Shri V.B. Harani Ex. Engineer 2163 20. Shri J.D. Tamhane Ex. Engineer 2374 21. Shri J.S. Patel Ex. Engineer 2373 22. Shri R.D. Naik Ex. Engineer 2169 23. Shri R. P. Chaurasia Ex. Engineer 2362 24. Shri R.C. Valera Ex. Engineer 2183

Sr. No Transmission Circle Address , Phone Nos and Email address 1. NAVSARI TRANSMISSION CIRCLE


The Superintending Engineer(TR) Gujarat Energy Transmission Corporation Limited (GETCO) Transmission Circle Office, NAVSARI. P.O. KABILPORE – 396 424 (Dist. Navsari) Phone No: Office (02637) 258359 Residence ( 02637) 259465 Fax No. ( 02637 ) 236104 Email address :

2. BHARUCH TRANSMISSION CIRCLE The Superintending Engineer(TR) Gujarat Energy Transmission Corporation Limited (GETCO) Transmission Circle Office, At & post : Maktampur. Bharuch – Pin – 392 012. Phone No: Office (02642) 227306 Residence ( 02637) 226971 Fax No. (02637) 227303 Email address :

3. JAMBUVA TRANSMISSION CIRCLE The Superintending Engineer(TR) Gujarat Energy Transmission Corporation Limited (GETCO) Transmission Circle Office, Makarpura, Jambuva VADODARA – Pin – 390 014. Phone No: Office (0265) 2656855 Residence ( 0265) 2351316 Fax No. ( 0265 ) 2640119 Email address :

4. NADIAD TRANSMISSION CIRCLE The Superintending Engineer(TR) Gujarat Energy Transmission Corporation Limited (GETCO) Transmission Circle Office, Post: Dabhan – 387 320. Tal.: Nadiad Dist. Kheda Phone No: Office (0268) 2581816 Residence ( 0268) - Mobile :9825238111 Fax No. (0268) 2581935 Email address :

5. MEHSANA TRANSMISSION CIRCLE The Superintending Engineer(TR)


Gujarat Energy Transmission Corporation Limited (GETCO) Transmission Circle Office, Visnagar Road, MEHSANA – 384 001. Phone No: Office (02762) 251752 Residence ( 02762 251756 Fax No. (02762) 242054 Email address :

6. PALANPUR TRANSMISSION CIRCLE The Superintending Engineer(TR) Gujarat Energy Transmission Corporation Limited (GETCO) Transmission Circle Office, Shivam Building, Near Circuit House, Highway Road,PALANPUR-385001 (Dist. Banaskantha) Phone No: Office (02742) 255974 Residence ( 02742) 255468 Fax No. (02742) 255465 Email address :

7. GONDAL TRANSMISSION CIRCLE The Superintending Engineer(TR) Gujarat Energy Transmission Corporation Limited (GETCO) Transmission Circle Office, Power House compound, Station Plot, GONDAL – 360 311. Phone No: Office (02825) 240315 Residence ( 02825) 221466 Fax No. ( 02825) 240457 Email address :


AMRELI TRANSMISSION CIRCLE The Superintending Engineer(TR) Gujarat Energy Transmission Corporation Limited (GETCO) Transmission Circle Office, Arjun Complex, 2nd Floor, Opp: Gopi Cinema, Railway Station Road, AMRELI – 365 601. Phone No: Office (02792) 222282 Residence ( 02792) 222202 Fax No. (02792) 222282 Email address :

9. ANJAR TRANSMISSION CIRCLE The Superintending Engineer(TR)


Gujarat Energy Transmission Corporation Limited (GETCO) Transmission Circle Office, Near S.T. Bus Stand, NAYA ANJAR (KUTCH) – 370 110. Phone No: Office (02836) 241588 Residence ( 02836) 252525 Fax No. (02836) 241588 Email address :

10 JUNAGADH TRANSMISSION CIRCLE The Superintending Engineer(TR) Gujarat Energy Transmission Corporation Limited (GETCO) Transmission Circle Office, JUNAGADH –362001. Phone No: Office (0285) 2620427 Residence ( 0285) ____ Fax No. ( 0285 ) _____ Email address :

11. ASOJ TRANSMISSION CIRCLE The Superintending Engineer(TR) Gujarat Energy Transmission Corporation Limited (GETCO) Transmission Circle Office, At & Post Amaliyara. ASOJ - Vadodara -3900002 . Phone No: Office (0265) 2540089 Residence ( 0265) 2310852 Fax No. ( 0265 ) 2540089 WAN -Fax :8290



Transmission Circle Address , Phone Nos and Email address

1. CORPORATE / REGD. OFFICE SMT. VIJAYLAXMI JOSHI , IAS CHAIRPERSON Gujarat Energy Transmission Corporation Limited (GETCO) Sardar Patel Vidyut Bhavan , Race Course, Vadodara-390007. Phone No: Office (0265) 2338299 Residence ( 0265)2340703 Fax No. ( 0265) 2340220

2. CORPORATE / REGD. OFFICE SHRI P. H. RANA MANAGING DIRECTOR Gujarat Energy Transmission Corporation Limited (GETCO) Sardar Patel Vidyut Bhavan , Race Course, Vadodara-390007. Phone No: Office (0265) 2338498 Residence ( 0265 2290154 Fax No. ( 0265) 2337918/2338164/ 551 2072

3. CORPORATE / REGD. OFFICE SHRI K.K.BHATIA CHIEF ENGINEER ( TR.) Gujarat Energy Transmission Corporation Limited (GETCO) Vidyut Bhavan , Race Course, Vadodara-390007. Phone No: Office (0265) 5512087/ 5512066 Residence (0265) 2388074 Fax No. (0265) 5512072 Email address :

4. CORPORATE / REGD. OFFICE SHRI S. MOHANRAM VICE PRESIDENT ( PROJECTS) Gujarat Energy Transmission Corporation Limited (GETCO) Vidyut Bhavan, Race Course, Vadodara-390007. Phone No: Office (0265) 5512088/ 5512067 Residence (0265) 2338328


Fax No. (0265) 5512072 Email address : getco@gebmail. Com

5. CORPORATE / REGD. OFFICE SHRI M.K. IYER GENERAL MANAGER ( F &A ,HRD. & IT ) Gujarat Energy Transmission Corporation Limited (GETCO) Vidyut Bhavan, Race Course, Vadodara-390007. Phone No: Office (0265) 5512089/ 5512068 Residence (0265) 2251758 Fax No. (0265) 5512072 Email address :

6. CORPORATE / REGD. OFFICE SHRI K.S.DAVE ADDL. CHIEF ENGINEER Gujarat Energy Transmission Corporation Limited (GETCO) Vidyut Bhavan, Race Course, Vadodara-390007. Phone No: Office (0265) 5512162 Residence (0265) 2512296 Fax No. (0265) 5512072

7 CORPORATE / REGD. OFFICE SHRI B.C. SHAH CHIEF FINANCE MANAGER ( F & A ) Gujarat Energy Transmission Corporation Limited (GETCO) Sardar Patel Vidyut Bhavan, Race Course, Vadodara-390007. Phone No: Office (0265) 2338089 Residence (0265) 2284718 Fax No. (0265) 2337918/5512072

8. CORPORATE / REGD. OFFICE SHRI C. H. PATNI COMPANY SECRETARY Gujarat Energy Transmission Corporation Limited (GETCO) Vidyut Bhavan, Race Course, Vadodara-390007. Phone No: Office (0265) 5512090/5512065 Residence (0265) 2313508


Fax No. (0265) 5512072 Email address : _______

9. CORPORATE / REGD. OFFICE SHRI L.J.DESAI SUPTD. ENGINEER - I Gujarat Energy Transmission Corporation Limited (GETCO) Vidyut Bhavan, Race Course, Vadodara-390007. Phone No: Office (0265) 5512169 Residence (0265) 2352462 Fax No. (0265) 5512072 Email address : _______

10 CORPORATE / REGD. OFFICE SHRI S.M. TAKALKAR SUPTD. ENGINEER – II Gujarat Energy Transmission Corporation Limited (GETCO) Vidyut Bhavan, Race Course, Vadodara-390007. Phone No: Office (0265) 5512164 Residence (0265) 2356291 Fax No. (0265) 5512072 Email address : _______


CORPORATE / REGD. OFFICE SHRI R.B. BRAHMBHATT SUPTD. ENGINEER - III Gujarat Energy Transmission Corporation Limited (GETCO) Vidyut Bhavan, Race Course, Vadodara-390007. Phone No: Office (0265) 5512167 Residence (0265) 2331677 Fax No. (0265) 5512072 Email address : _______


Manual 10

Monthly remuneration of all employees of GETCO

emp-no Name Designation Basic DA other.all Gross.Pay21 N M CHAUDHARI SR. ASSISTANT 7375 1881 4710 1396623 A C GANDHI SR. ASSISTANT 7775 1983 4961 1471924 S B PANCHAL JR. STENOGRAPHER 10925 2786 7129 2084025 V B BHATT SR. ASSISTANT 7175 1830 4585 1359026 R I QURESHI TRACER 7775 1983 4960 1471827 I A CHAUDHARI SR. ASSISTANT 6575 1677 4211 1246328 S H BHATT JR. ASST(TYPIST) 5950 1517 3819 1128629 A S GUPTE SR. ASSISTANT 5600 1428 3600 1062830 R A PATEL JR. ASSISTANT 4475 1141 2998 861431 R C PATEL JR. ASSISTANT 7600 1938 4850 1438833 A V AHIR SR. ASSISTANT 6875 1753 4599 1322734 A U BHATT SR. ASSISTANT 6775 1728 4336 1283935 G B PATEL SR. ASSISTANT 5075 1294 3374 974336 H M PRAJAPATI SR. ASSISTANT 6650 1696 4257 1260337 B C AHIR DRIVER GR-I 7325 1868 5118 1431138 M N PATEL DAFTARY 7775 1983 4960 1471839 M M BHAVSAR PEON 5680 1448 3651 1077940 D N BAROT PEON 5305 1353 3491 1014941 D D PATEL PEON 4350 1109 2819 827844 D B PATEL DY. ENGINEER 14775 3768 14582 3312545 M N VORA JR. ENGINEER 9500 2423 8836 2075952 K J THOMAS ELECTICIAN GR II 5450 1390 3425 1026555 A B PATEL AST. LINEMAN 4735 1208 3820 976356 M D MAKHANIA ELECTICIAN GR II 6250 1594 5945 1378958 P C GAMIT PEON 3400 867 2041 630865 H C PANCHAL DRIVER GR-I 5350 1364 3464 1017866 U A PATEL JR. ASSISTANT 4100 1046 2664 781075 P D GARASIA DRIVER GR-I 4225 1077 3377 867976 B Z GOHIL ACC. OFFICER 9400 2397 5270 1706779 P B CHAUHAN E. E. 14775 3768 11703 3024684 G B DESAI DY SUPDT (ACCT) 8250 2104 5257 1561187 G K GANVIT JR. ASSISTANT 5250 1339 3482 1007188 M K DESAI JR. ASSISTANT 6550 1670 4194 1241491 V R PATEL SUPDT (ACCOUNTS) 10100 2576 6413 1908992 G I MISTRY HELPER 2960 755 1906 562193 A A PATEL DY. ENGINEER 9800 2499 7646 1994594 M S VASAVA AST. SECRETARY 8500 2168 5613 1628195 G M PATEL DY SUPDT (ACCT) 5800 1479 3726 1100596 N V SHAH DY. ENGINEER 11325 2888 8991 2320497 M H KSHATRIYA S. E. 16600 4233 9231 30064

252 MUKESH B CHAUHAN PLANT OP. GR.-I 6200 1581 6084 13865254 DINUBHAI B PATEL HELPER 3250 829 2656 6735256 PARIMAL R JINGGR PLANT OP. GR.-I 6650 1696 6369 14715258 SHARAD B PARMAR JR. ENGINEER 7750 1976 6248 15974261 JAYESH M PATEL HELPER 3030 773 2468 6271262 RAJESH G PATEL HELPER 3030 773 2100 5903264 MANOJKUMAR D PATEL HELPER 3030 773 2943 6746265 DILIPBHAI V PATEL HELPER 3030 773 2014 5817266 BHARATKUMAR H SHARMA DY. ENGINEER 11000 2805 8751 22556268 A P PAWAR HELPER 3175 810 2529 6514

Monthly renumeration received by each officer of GETCO

270 KANUBHAI C PATEL HELPER 3680 938 2908 7526271 MUKESHBHAI L PATEL HELPER 3250 829 2748 6827272 RAKESH DHIRAJ CHAVDA HELPER 3030 773 2640 6443273 HITEN S VARMA HELPER 3030 773 2418 6221274 SHANABHAI R VASAVA HELPER 3030 773 2488 6291276 K B KANTHARIA DY. ENGINEER 13275 3385 14753 31413277 JIGAR G PATEL DY. ENGINEER 9200 2346 8744 20290278 DIPAKBHAI S CHAUDHARI HELPER 3475 886 3002 7363279 ASHOKBHAI H MEHTA PLANT OP. GR.-I 8775 2238 8307 19320280 D B TANDEL HELPER 3100 791 2471 6362281 M V NAIK JR. ENGINEER 9500 2423 9020 20943282 R B PATEL JR. ENGINEER 10100 2576 11297 23973283 A C PATEL HELPER 3100 791 2591 6482284 K V ZALA AST. LINEMAN 6110 1558 4007 11675285 PRAVIN B PATEL JR. ENGINEER 8750 2231 9828 20809286 VIMAL H PATEL JR. ENGINEER 0 0 1 1287 DHANESHCHANDRA I BHATT DY. ENGINEER 15525 3959 14564 34048288 V P PATEL HELPER 3475 886 2361 6722289 J M CHAUHAN HELPER 3030 773 2488 6291290 MAHESH K CHOUDHARY DRIVER GR-I 6875 1753 4919 13547291 JIGNESH B TAILOR HELPER 3030 773 2469 6272292 BHARATBHAI R PATEL HELPER 3175 810 3075 7060293 BHARATBHAI G LAD HELPER 2960 755 2858 6573294 RAMESHBHAI P RATHOD JR. ENGINEER 8250 2104 7871 18225295 ASHVIN B PATEL DY. ENGINEER 14775 3768 13999 32542296 JITENDRA R MISTRY JR. ENGINEER 10700 2729 11950 25379298 JAYANTIBHAI B VANKAR HELPER 2820 719 2730 6269300 JITENDRA N RANA HELPER 2820 719 2582 6121306 V S RATHOD DY. ENGINEER 13275 3385 13562 30222313 B M NAIK DY SUPDT (ACCT) 26586 11369 9621 47576320 M D PATEL LINE INSPECTOR 3501.99 892.9 2805 7200321 B M NAIKA DRIVER GR-I 7775 1983 5427 15185322 J S YADAV DRIVER GR-I 8275 2110 5770 16155323 M N PATEL LINE INSPECTOR 7175 1830 5016 14021324 B D TANDEL LINEMAN 6250 1594 3913 11757327 R TANGAVELU LINEMAN 5950 1517 3730 11197328 K H PARMAR HELPER 4715 1202 4126 10043329 R R PATEL AST. LINEMAN 4985 1271 3516 9772330 MANU C PATEL AST. LINEMAN 4860 1239 3408 9507331 GOVIND B PATEL HELPER 4415 1126 2869 8410333 JASMAT D PATEL S.B.O. GR-II 4985 1271 4263 10519334 I M MANSUR AST. LINEMAN 4235 1080 2896 8211335 C G PARMAR HELPER 4135 1055 3330 8520336 B B PATEL HELPER 4135 1055 3260 8450337 D C TANDEL S.B.O. GR-I 4180 1066 3608 8854338 JITENDRA D PATEL HELPER 4135 1055 3260 8450339 K P PATEL HELPER 4135 1055 3570 8760340 C D PATEL HELPER 3975 1014 3213 8202341 B K PATEL HELPER 4035 1029 3269 8333342 MOHAN C PATEL HELPER 4035 1029 3254 8318343 R C PATEL LINEMAN 3880 989 2467 7336344 H S BHATT S.B.O. GR-II 3935 1004 3785 8724

345 S S PATEL LINEMAN 3980 1015 3190 8185346 N R PATEL S.B.O. GR-II 3680 938 3523 8141347 S D PATEL GARDNER(MALI) 4135 1055 2933 8123348 M C MISTRY PEON 5305 1353 3416 10074352 M G MISTRY DRIVER GR-I 7775 1983 5427 15185353 J V PATEL AST. LINEMAN 4635 1182 4274 10091356 B R LAD ASST. OP. GR.-I 7175 1830 5576 14581358 N J MISTRY S.B.O. GR-I 5180 1321 4315 10816359 R C PATEL S.B.O. GR-I 5055 1289 4827 11171360 S B AHIR DRIVER GR-I 6875 1753 4810 13438361 D S PATEL LINEMAN 6605 1684 4130 12419363 P R LAD S.B.O. GR-II 4930 1257 3950 10137364 J G PATEL AST. LINEMAN 4930 1257 3440 9627365 B B PATEL HELPER 4415 1126 3015 8556366 B D PATEL WATCHMAN 6110 1558 4134 11802367 M N PATEL S.B.O. GR-II 4930 1257 4113 10300368 N B PATEL S.B.O. GR-I 5430 1385 4518 11333369 K M PATEL S.B.O. GR-I 5180 1321 4056 10557370 R B AHIR S.B.O. GR-I 5055 1289 4214 10558371 M R PATEL LINEMAN 5555 1417 3490 10462373 G A PATEL HELPER 4615 1177 3389 9181374 V M PATEL HELPER 3975 1014 3133 8122375 R N PATEL HELPER 3550 905 2809 7264376 G L PATEL HELPER 3975 1014 3134 8123382 D S BHOYA HELPER 3475 886 3230 7591383 P B GAVIT S.B.O. GR-II 3595 917 3328 7840384 NAGIN M PATEL S.B.O. GR-I 5225 1332 4352 10909385 C K GAMIT S.B.O. GR-I 4380 1117 3745 9242386 V C PATEL S.B.O. GR-I 4080 1040 3516 8636387 NAVIN M PATEL S.B.O. GR-II 4180 1066 3354 8600388 T U GAMIT LINEMAN 5305 1353 3877 10535389 R C PATEL AST. LINEMAN 5360 1367 3645 10372390 B D PATEL S.B.O. GR-II 3595 917 2919 7431391 SARAD S PATEL S.B.O. GR-II 3765 960 3465 8190393 K C NAYAKA HELPER 4035 1029 3685 8749394 P K GAIKWAD S.B.O. GR-II 3595 917 2849 7361395 R K PATEL S.B.O. GR-I 4380 1117 3665 9162396 M H CHAUDHARY S.B.O. GR-I 5055 1289 3437 9781397 I B PATEL S.B.O. GR-I 4930 1257 3865 10052399 M R PATEL AST. LINEMAN 5360 1367 3638 10365400 M K PATEL AST. LINEMAN 4035 1029 3040 8104401 K N PATEL HELPER 3805 970 3009 7784402 R T CHAUDHARY S.B.O. GR-I 5430 1385 4247 11062403 D S CHAUDHARY S.B.O. GR-I 5430 1385 4246 11061404 U D PATEL S.B.O. GR-II 4580 1168 3123 8871407 R C PATEL AST. LINEMAN 4860 1239 3065 9164409 R B PATEL LINEMAN 4380 1117 2772 8269410 S M PATEL AST. LINEMAN 4635 1182 2928 8745412 B K LAD JR. ENGINEER 10100 2576 9535 22211415 R J PATEL LINEMAN 5305 1353 4333 10991417 V R PATEL S.B.O. GR-I 5430 1385 4346 11161418 R N PATEL ASST.OP.GR-III 5500 1403 4300 11203

419 N M PATEL ASST. OP. GR-II 5500 1403 5334 12237420 S B PATEL S.B.O. GR-II 5055 1289 4214 10558421 R R PATEL AST. LINEMAN 4805 1225 3853 9883422 V B PATEL HELPER 3975 1014 3805 8794423 P M PATEL AST. LINEMAN 4135 1055 2688 7878424 N M PATEL HELPER 3975 1014 3599 8588425 A Y MANSOOR HELPER 4135 1055 3936 9126426 D D TANDEL HELPER 4035 1029 3557 8621427 V C CHAUHAN HELPER 3400 867 2738 7005428 D B PATEL HELPER 4135 1055 3950 9140432 M N PATEL LINEMAN 5180 1321 3261 9762434 P P GOHIL AST. LINEMAN 5110 1303 3218 9631437 K C PATEL HELPER 4615 1177 4426 10218438 B U RATHOD S.B.O. GR-I 3795 968 3286 8049442 SMT C P SHAH SR. ASSISTANT 7775 1983 5723 15481445 K G KATARGAMWALA PLANT OP. GR.-I 7750 1976 7573 17299446 N M CHAUDHARY PLANT OP. GR.-I 8000 2040 6361 16401448 R B GAMIT SR. ELECTRICIAN 6575 1677 5278 13530451 P D PATEL DRIVER GR-I 8025 2046 6380 16451452 T M PATEL AST. LINEMAN 4235 1080 4460 9775454 S J PATEL HELPER 4135 1055 3308 8498457 M C JAT WATCHMAN 4735 1208 3090 9033458 M I SOLANKI KAMDAR 4035 1029 2991 8055461 H B PATEL HELPER 4035 1029 3232 8296462 C M PATEL HELPER 4035 1029 3255 8319464 B M DESAI ASST.OP.GR-III 5800 1479 5507 12786466 D N BELSARE ASST.OP.GR-III 5500 1403 4408 11311467 A C PATEL S.B.O. GR-II 4080 1040 3212 8332468 D R PATEL LINEMAN 5350 1364 4267 10981471 D C PATEL S.B.O. GR-II 4135 1055 2689 7879472 J M PATEL HELPER 4135 1055 2774 7964475 G P PATEL S.B.O. GR-I 7250 1849 6177 15276476 R N PATEL EL. FITTER GR-I 5950 1517 5600 13067477 S L PATEL S.B.O. GR-I 5350 1364 4185 10899478 SS PATEL LINEMAN 5350 1364 3364 10078479 S C TANDEL HELPER 4615 1177 3972 9764480 D L PATEL HELPER 4135 1055 3330 8520482 K D PATEL AST. LINEMAN 4235 1080 3385 8700484 K M MISTRY ASST.OP.GR-III 5800 1479 5507 12786485 S K MAKWANA ASST.OP.GR-III 5500 1403 4384 11287486 N G LAD ASST.OP.GR-III 5225 1332 4983 11540488 J M PATEL LINEMAN 5100 1301 3212 9613489 K M PATEL LINEMAN 5180 1321 4137 10638490 N C CHAUHAN S.B.O. GR-II 4735 1208 4536 10479491 P R PARMAR HELPER 4060 1035 3577 8672492 P G PATEL S.B.O. GR-II 4035 1029 3339 8403494 D D NAIK S.B.O. GR-I 6180 1576 5127 12883495 B K MEHTA S.B.O. GR-I 5225 1332 4427 10984496 H D PATEL S.B.O. GR-I 5680 1448 4436 11564498 B M PATEL AST. LINEMAN 4860 1239 4055 10154499 K I DESAI HELPER 5110 1303 4328 10741501 B T PATEL HELPER 4135 1055 3468 8658

502 C R PATEL HELPER 3680 938 3169 7787503 B M PATEL LINEMAN 5800 1479 4608 11887504 C C PATEL AST. LINEMAN 6110 1558 5071 12739505 V M PATEL S.B.O. GR-I 5500 1403 5210 12113506 B G PATEL S.B.O. GR-I 5555 1417 4427 11399507 B P PATEL S.B.O. GR-I 5055 1289 4314 10658509 P H MISTRY AST. LINEMAN 4135 1055 3379 8569510 R K PATEL AST. LINEMAN 4480 1142 2899 8521511 H D PATEL AST. LINEMAN 4135 1055 3383 8573512 G M PATEL AST. LINEMAN 4860 1239 3090 9189517 N N DESAI ASST. OP. GR.-I 6975 1779 5524 14278519 B M PATEL LINE INSPECTOR 6250 1594 3913 11757521 G M BILLIMORIA S.B.O. GR-II 4135 1055 3467 8657522 H G BHATT S.B.O. GR-II 3935 1004 3305 8244523 S C PATEL S.B.O. GR-II 3935 1004 3634 8573524 R B PATEL S.B.O. GR-II 4235 1080 4042 9357525 D M PATEL AST. LINEMAN 4735 1208 3060 9003528 S N PATEL HELPER 4035 1029 3461 8525529 M D PATEL HELPER 4035 1029 3184 8248530 B G PATEL HELPER 4035 1029 3184 8248531 KANTILAL N PATEL S.B.O. GR-II 3935 1004 3292 8231537 N B ANARSE PLANT OP. GR.-I 6875 1753 6574 15202542 M B GARASIA HELPER 3325 848 2809 6982543 RAJNIKANT S PATEL DRIVER GR-II 4225 1077 2679 7981545 DINESH C PATEL HELPER 3935 1004 3375 8314550 J L PATEL JR. ENGINEER 8000 2040 7616 17656551 S H PATEL HELPER 3935 1004 3178 8117555 P S AHIRE HELPER 3175 810 2688 6673556 D V TANDEL HELPER 3175 810 2529 6514557 C C PATEL PLANT OP. GR.-I 6425 1638 5164 13227558 D M MAHALA S.B.O. GR-II 3710 946 3234 7890561 A A PATEL HELPER 3250 829 2581 6660563 R S PATEL HELPER 3250 829 2417 6496566 K G PATEL DY. ENGINEER 15150 3863 12902 31915567 A B DESAI DY SUPDT (ESTT) 10925 2786 6928 20639568 B S SAIYAD JR. ENGINEER 9800 2499 9795 22094569 S C KAPADIA DY. ENGINEER 0 0 0 0570 M D KANSARA JR. ENGINEER 9000 2295 9004 20299571 K C PATEL E. E. 16275 4150 12552 32977573 N B PATEL KAMDAR 3100 791 1806 5697575 P M LAD HELPER 3100 791 2311 6202576 J G PATEL HELPER 3550 905 3366 7821577 D R BOGANI DY. ENGINEER 13600 3468 14190 31258578 V M PATEL DY. ENGINEER 9200 2346 8742 20288579 B L VARTHA HELPER 3030 773 2868 6671580 H S NHAVI HELPER 2750 701 2200 5651581 C D PATEL E. E. 16275 4150 13365 33790582 A H RANA JR. ENGINEER 8000 2040 8216 18256583 N C SHAH E. E. 15150 3863 12447 31460584 B B THAKOR JR. ENGINEER 8500 2168 7071 17739585 N N PATEL HELPER 2820 719 2028 5567805 C D RANA DY. ENGINEER 11650 2971 10819 25440

808 A D MEHTA DY SUPDT (ACCT) 9825 2505 6241 18571810 D R PATEL SR. ASSISTANT 9275 2365 5899 17539812 J B PATEL SR. ASSISTANT 7575 1932 4836 14343813 D M NAIK SR. ASSISTANT 7375 1881 4860 14116815 K I PATEL JR. ASSISTANT 6100 1556 3913 11569816 H J PATEL SR. ASSISTANT 6575 1677 4210 12462817 J J PADVI JR. ASSISTANT 5950 1517 3819 11286818 B G CHAUDHARI JR. ASSISTANT 5950 1517 3944 11411819 I G GAMIT JR. ASSISTANT 5950 1517 3819 11286820 P R PATEL SR. ASSISTANT 7100 1811 4714 13625821 N R CHAUHAN STENOGRAPHER 8775 2238 5810 16823822 A A MULLA JR. ASST(TYPIST) 6900 1760 4414 13074823 J I VASHI SR. ASSISTANT 5425 1383 3491 10299824 A M PATEL DRIVER GR-I 7550 1925 5272 14747825 M D RAJPUT DRIVER GR-I 7775 1983 4844 14602827 A S R ATTIAPAN PEON 4805 1225 3104 9134828 R D SOLANKI KAMDAR 5555 1417 3573 10545829 G J PATEL CLEANER 4930 1257 3178 9365830 G M PATEL TRACER 7550 1925 4819 14294831 C B PATEL TRACER 5600 1428 3601 10629832 H R PATEL JR. DRAUGHTMAN 5600 1428 3750 10778837 A K PATEL JR. ENGINEER 10400 2652 8109 21161839 A S PATEL JR. ASSISTANT 4900 1250 3163 9313841 U L PATEL LINE INSPECTOR 6900 1760 4310 12970843 G B AGHEDA SURVEYOR GR-II 9025 2301 6284 17610845 S S SAIYED PEON 5305 1353 3417 10075846 M N TANDEL HELPER 4035 1029 3859 8923852 H N TANDEL SR. ASSISTANT 7550 1925 4819 14294853 D A PATEL JR. ASSISTANT 5350 1364 3444 10158855 P C DESAI MISTRY 6650 1696 4575 12921857 R G SOLNKI MISTRY 6300 1607 4259 12166858 P J KHER MISTRY 6300 1607 4259 12166860 N R PATEL WATCHMAN 4930 1257 3948 10135861 P T GAMIT WATCHMAN 4805 1225 3854 9884863 P C PATEL PEON 4480 1142 2901 8523865 S R VASHI DY. ENGINEER 11650 2971 10650 25271866 S M DHODIA SR. ASSISTANT 6975 1779 5313 14067867 B R PATEL LINE INSPT GR-II 7950 2027 6323 16300868 D K PATEL LINEMAN 5430 1385 3819 10634869 V N KORODIA SURVEYOR GR-II 6875 1753 5631 14259870 M G SHAIKH SURVEYOR GR-II 5975 1524 4742 12241871 R N PATEL PEON 4035 1029 3060 8124872 R T PATEL S.B.O. GR-II 3935 1004 3375 8314873 M B PATEL DRIVER GR-II 4750 1211 3198 9159874 M H PATEL JR. ASSISTANT 4750 1211 3676 9637875 H C PATEL WATCHMEN 4635 1182 3161 8978876 T V GARASIA WATCHMEN 3935 1004 3157 8096880 H M DHUNNA JR. ENGINEER 8984 2295 7436 18715883 D P PATEL JR. ENGINEER 11000 2805 9066 22871886 R S GORI DRIVER GR-I 4100 1046 2666 7812887 S C PADHIAR S.B.O. GR-II 3935 1004 3860 8799890 K R SURTI JR. ENGINEER 9550 2435 9030 21015

893 P L GAVLI SR. ASSISTANT 5250 1339 3382 9971894 N G CHAUDHARY SR. ASSISTANT 6775 1728 4335 12838895 M C PATEL SURVEYOR GR-II 4850 1237 3159 9246896 I K CHAURYA LINEMAN 4280 1091 2712 8083898 N N BHADJA JR. ENGINEER 10100 2576 8633 21309901 P S PATEL JR. ASSISTANT 4000 1020 2500 7520902 P D NAIK JR. ENGINEER 9500 2423 7809 19732903 R D PATEL MISTRY 3710 946 2985 7641907 J R SHAH DY SUPDT (ESTT) 10925 2786 6928 20639911 D C GANDHI JR. ENGINEER 8000 2040 6420 16460912 D R GUJARAT JR. ASSISTANT 4975 1269 2837 9081914 J N PATEL JR. ENGINEER 10400 2652 8317 21369915 Y J PATEL JR. ASSISTANT 3800 969 2476 7245916 M A VHORA DY. ENGINEER 11975 3054 9861 24890917 I G PATEL JR. ASSISTANT 3600 918 2351 6869918 C P SINGH DY. ENGINEER 12300 3137 9818 25255919 N M PRAJAPATI SUPDT (ACCOUNTS) 12850 3277 8132 24259920 A S MEENA PEON 2820 719 1863 5402921 K A PATEL JR. ENGINEER 0 0 1 1922 P P MUNSIF DY. ENGINEER 10700 2729 8500 21929923 R J PANCHOLI JR. ENGINEER 9500 2423 8093 20016924 A A DESAI DY. ENGINEER 11000 2805 10371 24176

1015 V N PATEL S.B.O. GR-I 5055 1289 3961 103051028 G Z SURKAL S.B.O. GR-I 4380 1117 3446 89431113 J B PATEL S.B.O. GR-II 3595 917 3029 75411114 J M GAVIT HELPER 3400 867 2619 68861134 T P PATEL LINEMAN 7100 1811 6385 152961135 M Z PATEL LINEMAN 8025 2046 5884 159551198 H B PATEL JR. ENGINEER 9500 2423 9020 209431221 K M PATEL HELPER 3325 848 2713 68861222 JAYESH C PATEL JR. ENGINEER 8000 2040 7616 176561224 M B PATEL JR. ENGINEER 8000 2040 6261 163011241 K C TANDEL HELPER 3325 848 2783 69561457 NAVIN S PATEL JR. ASSISTANT 4100 1046 2663 78091459 DIPSINGBHAI V PATEL JR. ASSISTANT 0 0 1 11460 V G PATEL JR. ASSISTANT 4000 1020 2965 79851464 M K GAVLI SR. ASSISTANT 6775 1728 3827 123301528 S S PHADKE JR. ENGINEER 12300 3137 10126 255631707 J M DESAI JR. ENGINEER 9500 2423 9021 209441708 R P DESAI JR. ENGINEER 8750 2231 9039 200201709 C M PATEL JR. ENGINEER 9500 2423 8985 209081711 S A MULLA SR. ASSISTANT 7550 1925 4819 142941712 R D RANA DY SUPDT (ACCT) 6650 1696 4241 125871713 DHIREN I MEHTA SR. ASSISTANT 5600 1428 4121 111491714 M D ANAND PLANT OP. GR.-I 7550 1925 6056 155311715 C K PATEL PLANT OP. GR.-I 8000 2040 7600 176401717 RAMESH N PATEL LINE INSPECTOR 8225 2097 6532 168541719 YOGESHBHAI R SHAH LINEMAN 5430 1385 3852 106671721 C R BARIA LINEMAN 5180 1321 3360 98611724 C Z PATEL HELPER 4135 1055 2774 79641726 MAHESH R PATEL LINEMAN 3880 989 2737 76061727 I L DHUMA S.B.O. GR-II 3680 938 2913 7531

1728 D M PATEL S.B.O. GR-II 3595 917 2919 74311729 J K PATEL S.B.O. GR-II 3510 895 2959 73641730 S S PATEL S.B.O. GR-II 3595 917 2919 74311732 P C TANDEL DRIVER GR-II 5250 1339 3428 100171733 S G PATEL S.B.O. GR-II 3595 917 3459 79711734 ARVIND M PATEL S.S. HELPER 3475 886 2757 71181739 TARABEN B CHAUDHARI SR. ASSISTANT 5425 1383 4099 109071741 N C DESAI ASST.OP.GR-III 5387 1373.88 5681 124421742 R T PATEL EL. FITTER GR-I 5950 1517 4723 121901743 A B MEHTA S.B.O. GR-I 5555 1417 5284 122561744 J K PATEL S.B.O. GR-I 7250 1849 6916 160151745 M R RATHOD LINEMAN 4475 1141 4274 98901746 J J PATEL S.B.O. GR-II 3425 873 2960 72581752 C H SHAH JR. ENGINEER 10700 2729 10424 238531758 B B RATHOD LINE INSPECTOR 7175 1830 5734 147391759 K J BHATT AST. LINEMAN 5235 1335 3394 99641761 H D PATEL AST. LINEMAN 4635 1182 3028 88451762 S M PATEL S.B.O. GR-II 4135 1055 3951 91411763 RAJU C PATEL AST. LINEMAN 4735 1208 3899 98421764 R N DESAI AST. LINEMAN 4805 1225 3938 99681765 B R PATEL HELPER 3975 1014 3138 81271767 G O KATRE S.B.O. GR-II 3595 917 2898 74101768 B M PATEL S.B.O. GR-II 3595 917 3458 79701769 D H PATEL S.B.O. GR-II 4035 1029 3562 86261771 HEMRAJ T PADHIAR HELPER 3100 791 2225 61161773 RAKESH B DESAI HELPER 3100 791 2542 64331775 MANUBHAI T KATARIA HELPER 3030 773 2014 58171778 ASHOKKUMAR P BHATT HELPER 3100 791 3007 68981779 GOVINDBHAI N BAVISKAR HELPER 3400 867 2771 70381780 GANUBHAI S DHODIA DY. ENGINEER 10100 2576 11547 242231782 D Z DUDHWALA S.B.O. GR-I 7505 1914 7149 165681784 A N PATEL ASST.OP.GR-III 5500 1403 5233 121361785 S B DHODIA S.B.O. GR-I 4080 1040 3900 90201787 D N PATEL LINEMAN 4180 1066 2650 78961788 C M PATEL AST. LINEMAN 4860 1239 3165 92641789 A N PATEL S.B.O. GR-II 5055 1289 4155 104991791 AJIT Z PATEL S.B.O. GR-I 3795 968 3191 79541792 B B PATEL S.B.O. GR-II 4135 1055 3467 86571793 ANIL GAMANLAL PATEL HELPER 3425 873 2890 71881794 B Z PATEL S.B.O. GR-II 3935 1004 3157 80961795 S B LAD S.B.O. GR-II 3935 1004 3403 83421798 P K LABHA ASST. OP. GR-II 5350 1364 5097 118111799 D N PATEL S.B.O. GR-I 3795 968 3072 78351800 M R PATEL S.B.O. GR-I 3795 968 3191 79541801 S R MITRY S.B.O. GR-I 5225 1332 4265 108221802 B P PATEL LINEMAN 5450 1390 5101 119411803 D S PATEL S.B.O. GR-II 4135 1055 3353 85431804 U K PATEL S.B.O. GR-II 3595 917 2849 73611805 S K PATEL S.B.O. GR-II 3595 917 2359 68711816 S T KAPADIA SR. ASSISTANT 8452.21 2155.21 6471 170781817 C B DESAI SR. ASSISTANT 6775 1031 5673 134791818 G A SHAIKH PEON 5350 1364 3946 10660

1825 R P PATEL EL. FITTER GR-I 7750 1976 6531 162571826 B A PATEL LINE INSPT GR-II 7250 1849 4703 138021827 D C PATEL LINEMAN 6100 1556 4916 125721828 K N PATEL LINEMAN 5055 1289 3284 96281829 P J PATEL LINEMAN 5180 1321 4137 106381830 M D BHAGAT LINEMAN 3980 1015 3190 81851831 P P PATEL AST. LINEMAN 4735 1208 3089 90321832 K R PATEL AST. LINEMAN 4635 1182 3028 88451833 S N PATEL HELPER 4035 1029 3934 89981834 M K PALANPURIA S.B.O. GR-II 3595 917 2973 74851836 M V RATHOD S.B.O. GR-II 3595 917 3458 79701837 S B PATEL S.B.O. GR-II 3595 917 2920 74321844 MANOJKUMAR C PATEL HELPER 3325 848 2809 69821860 D P SOLANKI LINEMAN 3880 989 2617 74861862 I C PATEL S.S. HELPER 4035 1029 3254 83181863 A R PATEL S.S. HELPER 3805 970 2487 72621876 A N RATHOD S.B.O. GR-II 3595 917 3458 79701878 M R PATEL HELPER 4035 1029 2702 77661880 ARVINDKUMAR D PATEL HELPER 3325 848 3212 73851881 RAMDAS Z BHOYE HELPER 3325 848 2209 63821890 N B RATHOD ASST. OP. GR-II 5975 1524 4662 121611891 M S PATEL LINEMAN 5305 1353 3602 102601896 P C PATEL HELPER 3890 992 3268 81501904 D M TANDEL PLANT OP. GR.-I 8775 2238 6112 171251906 R B PATEL LINEMAN 6055 1544 4883 124821909 A T PATHIAR AST. LINEMAN 4805 1225 3853 98831910 N R PATIL S.B.O. GR-II 4735 1208 3718 96611911 K I MISTRY S.S. HELPER 4135 1055 3555 87451913 S G PATEL LINEMAN 3980 1015 2727 77221914 DILIP FATESING PATEL S.B.O. GR-II 3510 895 2672 70771916 R R PATEL HELPER 3325 848 2296 64691917 PRAVIN M PATEL HELPER 3325 848 2713 68861919 D D PATEL S.B.O. GR-II 4080 1040 3218 83381920 R S PATEL S.B.O. GR-II 3425 873 2719 70171922 B N CHAMPANERI S.B.O. GR-I 4805 1225 3879 99091926 A N PATEL S.S. HELPER 3475 886 2221 65821931 ASHOKKUMAR S PATEL DY. ENGINEER 12300 3137 11597 270341932 SUBHASHBHAI C PATEL HELPER 3325 848 2295 64681935 MUKESH R CHAUDHARY S.S. HELPER 3250 829 3053 71321940 HARSHADBHAI C PATEL S.B.O. GR-II 3680 938 3059 76771944 ARVINDBHAI N PATEL S.B.O. GR-II 3510 895 2854 72591951 VIJAYKUMAR B PATEL HELPER 3250 829 2748 68271952 ASHOKBHAI A PATEL HELPER 3175 810 2986 69711954 SHIVAJI S GAVALI HELPER 3175 810 3075 70601957 DASHRATH M PATEL HELPER 3325 848 2643 68161958 P M PATEL JR. ENGINEER 8000 2040 6020 160601959 NARESHBHAI C PATEL HELPER 3250 829 2748 68271960 CHIMANBHAI B PATEL HELPER 3175 810 2758 67431962 KALPESH SUMANBHAI PATEL HELPER 3400 848 3229 74771963 UMED BABUBHAI PATEL HELPER 3325 848 2879 70521964 BHAARATKUMAR M DESAI HELPER 3175 810 2599 65841965 JAGDISHKUMAR P GAMIT HELPER 3475 886 2757 7118

1966 ARVINDKUMAR R TALAVIA HELPER 3175 810 3075 70601967 MOHMAD SULEMAN HANS HELPER 3100 791 3006 68971968 JAYANTIBHAI L PARMAR HELPER 3175 810 2600 65851969 SUNITABEN M GAMIT GARDNER(MALI) 3175 810 2103 60881970 ASHOK SHALIGRAM DANEJ PLANT OP. GR.-I 9275 2365 7330 189701972 K C PATEL PLANT OP. GR.-I 6425 1638 6164 142271973 A R PATEL DY. ENGINEER 14400 3672 15026 330981974 B J PANDORE WATCHMAN 3805 970 3058 78331975 S G BHOYA HELPER 3325 848 2879 70521976 S M PATEL HELPER 3325 848 2643 68161977 R P GAVIT S.B.O. GR-II 3595 917 2924 74361978 P M MAHALA HELPER 3250 829 2655 67341979 BHARATBHAI L TANDEL HELPER 3250 829 2246 63251981 VIMALKUMAR M PATEL S.B.O. GR-II 3510 895 2854 72591984 A N PATEL S.S. HELPER 3250 829 2585 66641986 SUNIL M MACWAN PEON 3325 848 1995 61681987 BALUBHAI C PATEL HELPER 3250 829 2586 66651988 PANKAJBHAI R PATEL HELPER 3250 829 2749 68281989 DASHRATH P PATEL HELPER 3250 829 2748 68271993 BHUPENDRDA D PATEL HELPER 3325 848 2472 66451994 JAGDISH R PATEL HELPER 3325 848 2295 64681995 BHARAT R PATEL HELPER 3325 848 2809 69821997 ASHOK R PATEL HELPER 3325 848 2194 63672005 S N PATEL DY. ENGINEER 10400 2652 8409 214612017 M D PATEL SR. ASSISTANT 8225 2097 6038 163602019 S J CHAUDHARY SR. ASSISTANT 6975 1779 5313 140672020 N J PATEL JR. ASST(TYPIST) 4475 1141 2562 81782021 M A SHAIKH DRIVER GR-I 15011 4977 7186 271742022 N D PATEL DRIVER GR-I 8025 2046 6380 164512025 B H PATEL LINE INSPECTOR 8350 2129 5612 160912026 V C PATEL LINEMAN 5555 1417 3590 105622027 D V PATEL LINEMAN 5100 1301 3312 97132028 I R PATEL LINEMAN 5055 1716 3285 100562029 S B PARMAR LINEMAN 4280 1091 2851 82222030 N C PATEL LINEMAN 4930 1257 3208 93952031 P I PATEL HELPER 3975 1014 3209 81982032 M M JADAV HELPER 4135 1055 2830 80202033 M K PATEL S.B.O. GR-II 3595 931 3022 75482038 C K PATEL PEON 5677 1117 3490 102842039 J D RATHWA WATCHMAN 3805 970 2487 72622040 B B PASI GARDNER(MALI) 5180 1321 4137 106382041 B A PARMAR KAMDAR 3680 938 2742 73602042 A S PATEL WATCHMAN 4235 1080 3385 87002044 D G NAIK ASST. OP. GR-II 6300 1607 6050 139572045 M J SURTI ASST. OP. GR-II 7375 1881 7031 162872048 G H PATEL LINEMAN 6605 1684 4460 127492049 M N PATEL LINEMAN 4280 1091 2861 82322050 D N PADHIYAR S.B.O. GR-II 4805 1225 3845 98752051 P P PATEL HELPER 4235 1080 3384 86992052 N R GAMIT HELPER 4235 1080 3336 86512054 D B RATHOD S.B.O. GR-II 3510 895 2854 72592055 I M SIDHURIA S.B.O. GR-I 5680 1448 4436 11564

2056 S R BIRARI S.B.O. GR-I 4280 1091 3370 87412057 D D CHAUDHRY S.B.O. GR-I 4080 1040 3287 84072058 H R PATEL S.B.O. GR-I 4180 1066 3369 86152059 M N PATEL LINEMAN 5950 1517 3730 111972060 I J MAHYAVANSHI LINEMAN 3880 989 2467 73362061 V R SOLANKI S.B.O. GR-I 4930 1257 4714 109012062 K V PARMAR S.B.O. GR-II 4135 1055 3315 85052063 R G GAMIT S.B.O. GR-I 4080 1040 3218 83382064 B M DESAI S.B.O. GR-I 4280 1091 3584 89552065 K S PARIKH S.B.O. GR-I 6305 1608 3947 118602066 N N DESAI S.B.O. GR-I 4080 1040 3292 84122067 V M PATEL LINEMAN 5100 1301 3211 96122068 H L PATHAN AST. LINEMAN 5110 1303 3217 96302069 J R PATEL HELPER 4035 1029 2865 79292070 A N PATEL S.B.O. GR-II 3595 917 2849 73612071 C N PATEL S.B.O. GR-I 4180 1066 3369 86152073 B K PATEL ASST.OP.GR-III 5500 1403 4409 113122074 L K GAMIT ASST. OP. GR-II 5450 1390 4261 111012075 L T GAMIT ASST. OP. GR-II 5450 1390 4261 111012076 C V GAMIT LINEMAN 4430 1117 2726 82732077 B R PATIL S.B.O. GR-II 4930 1257 3865 100522078 P D PAWAR S.B.O. GR-II 4035 1029 3184 82482079 H V PATEL HELPER 4035 1029 3860 89242082 D M PAREKH S.B.O. GR-II 5555 1417 3490 104622083 N R GAMIT S.B.O. GR-II 4080 1040 3217 83372086 D M PATEL LINEMAN 5805 1480 3642 109272088 R A BARIA HELPER 4515 1151 2855 85212089 P B PATEL S.B.O. GR-II 3595 917 3458 79702090 L H GAMIT S.B.O. GR-I 3510 895 3325 77302091 D R PATEL S.B.O. GR-II 3595 917 3029 75412093 V J KAMOL WATCHMAN 3935 1004 2698 76372094 B R RATHOD S.B.O. GR-II 4335 1106 3413 88542095 C M RATHOD S.B.O. GR-I 3880 989 3065 79342096 L N PATEL S.B.O. GR-I 3880 989 3364 82332098 L V CHAUDHARY LINEMAN 5500 1403 3731 106342099 G M PATEL AST. LINEMAN 4860 1239 3308 94072100 A C DALVI S.B.O. GR-II 3510 895 3199 76042102 M J BHAGARIA S.B.O. GR-II 3680 938 3395 80132103 L M PARGI WATCHMAN 4035 1029 2563 76272105 R O BHATT S.B.O. GR-I 5805 1480 4532 118172106 M M SONI S.B.O. GR-I 5680 1448 4436 115642107 M M PATEL S.B.O. GR-II 3765 960 3465 81902109 R N PATEL S.B.O. GR-II 3795 968 3191 79542110 C B HALPATI HELPER 3400 867 2954 72212111 H N PATEL HELPER 4035 1029 2698 77622117 J M PATEL S.B.O. GR-I 5305 1353 4151 108092118 H J CHAUHAN S.B.O. GR-II 3880 989 3065 79342120 S K PATEL LINE INSPECTOR 8150 2078 5072 153002121 B C VASAVA LINEMAN 5680 1448 3849 109772124 M N VASAVA AST. LINEMAN 5610 1431 3522 105632125 S Z UPADHYAY HELPER 3935 1004 3768 87072127 K J PATEL HELPER 4135 1055 2624 7814

2128 U C RATHOD S.B.O. GR-II 3510 895 2854 72592129 B B BHARADE S.B.O. GR-II 3510 895 2834 72392130 S R PATEL S.B.O. GR-II 3595 917 2849 73612133 M D CHAUDHARI SR. ASSISTANT 6975 1779 5164 139182135 K C PATEL ASST.OP.GR-III 5350 1364 5178 118922149 B J PATEL HELPER 4635 1182 3641 94582163 M R RATHOD LINE INSPT GR-II 7350 1874 4584 138082167 V D MEHTA S.B.O. GR-II 3595 917 3028 75402169 A B PATEL S.B.O. GR-II 3595 917 2359 68712171 R G PATEL S.B.O. GR-II 3595 917 3528 80402172 V N PATEL HELPER 3475 886 2758 71192173 A P PATEL HELPER 4035 1029 3385 84492174 S R CHAUDHARY S.B.O. GR-II 3595 917 2906 74182176 D N PATEL S.B.O. GR-II 3595 917 3099 76112177 J R PATEL S.B.O. GR-II 3680 938 2913 75312182 B R PATEL S.B.O. GR-II 3595 917 3445 79572185 L S PATEL HELPER 3720 949 2723 73922188 C N PATEL HELPER 3890 992 2743 76252189 N C PATEL S.B.O. GR-II 3510 895 2854 72592190 M B PATEL S.B.O. GR-II 3510 895 3381 77862191 B A PATEL S.B.O. GR-II 3510 895 2307 67122194 R M HALPATI S.B.O. GR-II 3510 895 2783 71882198 NARENDRA B PATEL HELPER 3400 867 2699 69662199 S K PATEL HELPER 3595 917 2919 74312200 R C PATEL HELPER 3325 848 2643 68162201 S R PATEL HELPER 3325 848 2809 69822202 J C PATEL HELPER 3325 848 2129 63022203 V B PATEL S.B.O. GR-II 3425 873 3233 75312205 H K PATEL HELPER 3587.5 905 2839 73312206 A H PATEL HELPER 3325 848 2472 66452207 K K DHODI HELPER 3325 848 2643 68162209 K L PATEL HELPER 3935 1004 3107 80462212 RAMESH G PATEL HELPER 3325 848 2472 66452213 I J PATEL HELPER 3325 848 2809 69822217 AJIT B PATEL HELPER 3325 848 2879 70522219 M D PATEL HELPER 3325 848 2892 70652220 R F PATEL HELPER 3325 848 2643 68162221 A N PATEL HELPER 3325 848 2643 68162222 G R PATEL HELPER 3325 848 2809 69822224 ASHOK B PATEL HELPER 3325 848 2809 69822227 S K PATEL HELPER 3935 1004 3305 82442230 K V PATEL HELPER 3825 930 3085 78402238 M J RATHOD PLANT OP. GR.-I 6650 1696 5571 139172240 J B PATEL HELPER 3325 848 2815 69882241 D S PATEL HELPER 3250 829 2585 66642244 P B TANDEL HELPER 3250 829 2585 66642245 K M CHAUDHARI HELPER 3325 848 2643 68162248 A K PARMAR HELPER 3250 829 2656 67352250 N T PATEL HELPER 3475 867 2597 69392252 P R PATEL HELPER 3250 829 2585 66642254 B M MISTRY JR. ENGINEER 9275 2365 9277 209172256 D R PATEL HELPER 3250 829 2574 6653

2258 B D BARIA HELPER 3250 829 2410 64892262 S T CHAURYA LINEMAN 4280 1091 3285 86562263 KHANDUBHAI D PATEL HELPER 3325 848 3183 73562264 DARSHNA C PATEL DY. ENGINEER 9800 2499 7352 196512266 K J THAKARE ELECTRICIAN 6300 1607 4909 128162267 P C CHAUDHARI JR. ENGINEER 8250 2104 9284 196382268 H B LAD HELPER 3250 829 2807 68862270 D B PATEL ELECTRICIAN 4975 1269 4182 104262273 G B CHAUDHARI JR. ENGINEER 8250 2104 6453 168072275 DINESHBHAI S GAMIT HELPER 3175 810 2365 63502278 K G VANKAR HELPER 3175 810 2599 65842280 A S VALVI HELPER 3175 810 2529 65142284 P B CHAUDHARI HELPER 3325 848 3328 75012288 A A GAMIT HELPER 3100 791 2311 62022290 V G PATEL HELPER 3175 810 2600 65852302 R M PATEL LINE INSPECTOR 7950 2027 5130 151072303 R C PATEL HELPER 3250 829 2655 67342305 N R PATEL HELPER 3250 829 2818 68972306 B B PATEL LINE INSPECTOR 6300 1607 4124 120312307 R U AHIR HELPER 3250 829 2749 68282308 M G PATEL HELPER 3250 829 2656 67352311 S P PATEL HELPER 3325 848 2129 63022313 D B VADEKAR HELPER 3100 791 2541 64322314 D V SOLANKI HELPER 3100 791 2224 61152316 R T BAGUL HELPER 3175 810 3424 74092317 D V RATHOD HELPER 3100 791 2704 65952318 K R JOSHI HELPER 3100 791 2471 63622319 R S PATEL HELPER 3325 848 2643 68162321 V S PADVI HELPER 3400 867 2699 69662322 N D PATEL JR. ENGINEER 8250 2104 9284 196382323 A T PATEL HELPER 3030 773 2484 62872324 Q M M PALIDA DY. ENGINEER 11650 2971 9336 239572325 P K CHAUDHARI HELPER 4060 1035 3405 85002327 H A SAIYED JR. ENGINEER 8750 2231 9828 208092328 J N PATEL JR. ENGINEER 7750 1976 8740 184662329 M B PATEL HELPER 2960 755 2512 62272332 C M PATEL JR. ENGINEER 8000 2040 7811 178512333 K N PATEL HELPER 3100 791 2626 65172334 S K PATEL HELPER 3550 905 2814 72692335 JAGDISH B PATEL HELPER 3100 791 3007 68982336 S G GAIN HELPER 3475 886 3230 75912337 D L LAD DY. ENGINEER 11325 2888 9001 232142338 A B PATEL HELPER 3100 791 2147 60382339 C B PATEL JR. ENGINEER 8250 2104 9283 196372340 K S PATEL S.B.O. GR-II 3935 1004 2501 74402343 G B THAKOR HELPER 3890 992 3143 80252345 P N RATHOD HELPER 2960 755 2857 65722347 A B WAGHELA HELPER 4985 1271 3391 96472348 A M SHAIKH HELPER 3325 848 3212 73852349 S P PATEL HELPER 3175 810 2196 61812350 R S GAMIT HELPER 2890 737 2311 59382352 K D KUNWAR DY. ENGINEER 9800 2499 8136 20435

2353 M F CHAUDHARI JR. ENGINEER 8750 2231 8716 196972354 M J PANDIYA Vidyut Sahayak 3000 0 0 30002355 R N AMIN Vidyut Sahayak 3500 0 0 35002356 H H PATEL Vidyut Sahayak 3500 0 0 35002357 D B PATEL Vidyut Sahayak 3500 0 0 35002358 V J BHATT Vidyut Sahayak 3500 0 0 35002359 R V PATIL Vidyut Sahayak 3500 0 1000 45002360 D G VAGHELLA Vidyut Sahayak 3500 0 0 35002361 R M PANDIYA Vidyut Sahayak 3500 0 0 35002362 J S PATIL HELPER 2820 719 2307 58462364 S K PATEL JR. ENGINEER 8000 2040 7974 180142365 J C CHAUDHARI JR. ASSISTANT 4725 1205 3651 95812366 G J PATEL Vidyut Sahayak 3000 0 0 30002367 A L GAMIT HELPER 3400 867 2344 66112368 R I MOTLANI HELPER 4035 1029 3859 89232369 M H GAMIT HELPER 3550 905 2814 72692370 P H GOR Vidyut Sahayak 3000 0 1 30012371 R K PATEL HELPER 3030 773 2456 62592372 R S PARMAR HELPER 2750 701 2343 57942373 M D KOLI HELPER 2750 701 1902 53532374 R P PARMAR HELPER 2750 701 1916 53672375 A C TADVI HELPER 3680 938 2419 70372376 S G CHAUDHARI HELPER 2925 737 2325 59872377 RAMESH K PATEL E. E. 15150 3863 11617 306302378 V G PATEL DY. ENGINEER 11000 2805 8360 221652379 J T PATEL JR. ENGINEER 8250 2104 8264 186182380 MUKESH N PATEL HELPER 3100 1037 2647 67842381 C N BHOYA JR. ENGINEER 8000 2040 8266 183062382 A S GAMIT HELPER 2960 755 2054 57692383 B K AHIR DRIVER GR-II 5975 1524 3811 113102384 U M PATEL PLANT OP. GR.-I 5000 1275 6408 126832385 G J MODI DY SUPDT (ACCT) 8025 2046 6079 161502386 S K GAMIT JR. ENGINEER 7000 1785 6413 151982387 J D PATEL HELPER 2925 737 2708 63702388 R D PATEL HELPER 2925 737 2708 63702389 C C GAMIT HELPER 2750 701 1920 53712390 J J GAMIT HELPER 2750 701 1916 53672391 N Z KUKNA JR. ENGINEER 7250 1849 5259 143582392 B B PAVARADHI PLANT OP. GR.-I 6200 1581 4516 122972393 B P CHAUDHARI JR. ENGINEER 8000 2040 6020 160602394 N B GAMIT JR. ENGINEER 6500 1658 4910 130682395 J C SOLANKI HELPER 2750 701 1833 52842402 C R TANDEL DY. ENGINEER 14400 3672 11908 299802413 P J JOSHI SR. ASSISTANT 8450 2155 5171 157762414 B D PATEL SR. ASSISTANT 14660 6419 6599 276782415 J R DESAI SR. ASSISTANT 7550 1925 4831 143062416 H D NAIK SR. ASSISTANT 5600 1428 3600 106282417 A M CHAMPANERY JR. ASSISTANT 5225 1332 3386 99432418 S D PATEL PEON 5362 1780 3163 103052419 M B PATEL DRIVER GR-II 9525 2429 5911 178652421 M R MEVADIA KAMDAR 5180 1321 3519 100202422 P D CHAUDHRI CLEANER 4635 1182 2928 8745

2425 B M MISTRY ELECTRICIAN 6125 1562 4296 119832426 S M GAMIT LINEMAN 5225 1332 3288 98452427 N A PATEL LINE INSPT GR-II 6475 1651 4051 121772428 SURESH K PATEL LINEMAN 5055 1289 3260 96042429 J M PATEL S.B.O. GR-II 3680 938 3096 77142430 G D PATEL S.B.O. GR-I 4180 1066 3503 87492431 SURENDRA K PATEL HELPER 4135 1055 3330 85202432 N F PATEL HELPER 4135 1055 2624 78142433 K B PATEL AST. LINEMAN 4135 1055 2623 78132434 I D PATEL S.B.O. GR-II 3680 938 2970 75882435 N P LIMBACHIYA PLANT OP. GR.-I 6650 1696 6569 149152436 A N MISTRY PLANT OP. GR.-I 7325 1868 5691 148842453 H R PATEL PLANT OP. GR.-I 6425 1638 4971 130342454 ROHIT M PATEL JR. ENGINEER 8000 2040 8016 180562455 V V SHAH JR. ENGINEER 10100 2576 9586 222622456 R M RATHOD JR. ENGINEER 8000 2040 7615 176552460 H C PATEL JR. ENGINEER 8250 2104 7851 182052461 K R GANVIT JR. ENGINEER 8000 2040 6260 163002464 A N PATEL DY. ENGINEER 9500 2423 7890 198132467 N B PAWAR PLANT OP. GR.-I 6000 1530 4881 124112468 B G PATEL DY. ENGINEER 10700 2729 8340 217692470 KANU M PATEL S.B.O. GR-II 3710 946 3121 77772472 C S PATEL HELPER 3175 810 2598 65832473 A U SHAIKH S.B.O. GR-II 3510 895 3381 77862474 D V CHAUDHARI HELPER 3325 848 2472 66452475 H M SHAIKH HELPER 3175 810 2529 65142476 V J TANDEL PLANT OP. GR.-I 6650 1696 5175 135212478 D M PATEL PLANT OP. GR.-I 6425 1638 4657 127202480 PRAVINKUMAR D RATHOD HELPER 3030 773 2570 63732482 M V PATEL JR. ENGINEER 8000 2040 8016 180562483 D H GAYAKWAD PLANT OP. GR.-I 6650 1696 5176 135222484 N J PATEL ELECTRICIAN 4475 1141 3619 92352485 DILIPBHAI B RATHOD HELPER 3030 773 1948 57512487 A J PATEL ELECTICIAN GR II 4000 1020 2541 75612488 G J KUBER PLANT OP. GR.-I 8775 2238 7234 182472489 NATVARLAL P PATEL JR. ENGINEER 7750 1976 6068 157942490 V B PADIA E. E. 15900 4055 11866 318212491 PRAVINBHAI C PATEL HELPER 3100 791 2471 63622493 H R PATEL HELPER 3100 791 2626 65172494 V D PATEL HELPER 3100 791 2471 63622495 J R PATEL PLANT OP. GR.-I 6200 1581 4833 126142496 N M PATEL PLANT OP. GR.-I 6000 1530 4680 122102497 J N TAILOR HELPER 3030 773 1948 57512499 G S THORAT PLANT OP. GR.-I 5800 1479 4528 118072502 S U SHAIKH JR. ENGINEER 9500 2423 9748 216712507 U K HINGONKER SR. ASSISTANT 6375 1626 3926 119272510 M L PATEL LINEMAN 6725 1715 4203 126432511 K D PATEL AST. LINEMAN 3665.84 935.23 2551 71522512 K M PATEL S.B.O. GR-II 4280 1091 3355 87262513 AMRATBHAI Z PATEL S.B.O. GR-II 4180 1066 3502 87482514 I B PATEL AST. LINEMAN 3935 1004 2699 76382515 R M PATEL S.B.O. GR-II 3795 968 3300 8063

2516 A G PATEL S.B.O. GR-II 3510 895 3034 74392517 J A VANJARA GARDNER(MALI) 5555 1417 3489 104612520 R B PATEL S.B.O. GR-I 7055 1799 6014 148682521 U R DESAI S.B.O. GR-I 5555 1417 4474 114462522 RATILAL B PATEL S.B.O. GR-II 5055 1289 4156 105002525 K D PATEL HELPER 4615 1177 3971 97632527 R T PATEL HELPER 4615 1177 3972 97642528 A K PATEL AST. LINEMAN 4860 1239 3378 94772529 M S PATEL S.B.O. GR-II 4635 1182 3928 97452531 R M PATEL S.B.O. GR-I 5680 1448 4721 118492534 S M PATEL HELPER 4615 1177 2916 87082535 A J PATEL HELPER 4230 1079 2681 79902536 R N PATEL WATCHMEN 6055 1544 3795 113942538 T B PATEL S.B.O. GR-II 5055 1289 4031 103752539 R R PATEL S.B.O. GR-I 4280 1091 3445 88162540 K R PATEL S.B.O. GR-I 5500 1403 4300 112032541 V R PATEL LINEMAN 6400 1632 4004 120362542 A R PATEL LINEMAN 4930 1257 3193 93802544 R B PATEL HELPER 4335 1106 3699 91402545 K C PATEL AST. LINEMAN 3765 960 2397 71222547 M R PATEL S.B.O. GR-II 4180 1066 3277 85232603 N D VASHI SR. ASSISTANT 7375 1881 4710 139662605 P M PATEL PLANT OP. GR.-I 7500 1913 5816 152292606 M K CHAUHAN PLANT OP. GR.-I 7500 1913 6424 158372609 U B PATEL LINEMAN 5055 1289 3184 95282610 H B BILILMORIA AST. LINEMAN 4135 1055 3260 84502611 L L PATEL AST. LINEMAN 4135 1055 2915 81052612 G N PATEL HELPER 3975 1014 3337 83262613 N G TANDEL HELPER 3975 1014 2725 77142614 D D PATEL S.B.O. GR-I 4380 1117 3516 90132615 P V TANDEL HELPER 3975 1014 2725 77142616 D A PATEL HELPER 3935 1004 3375 83142617 I B PATEL DRIVER GR-II 6975 1779 4704 134582618 R K GAMIT LINEMAN 4805 1225 3032 90622619 D M PATEL HELPER 3475 886 3088 74492620 R A PATEL S.B.O. GR-I 3880 989 3259 81282621 A L PATEL S.B.O. GR-I 5055 1289 4340 106842623 N G PATEL S.B.O. GR-II 3680 938 2900 75182624 A B PATEL LINEMAN 5055 1289 3564 99082625 M C PATEL HELPER 4515 1151 3550 92162626 S H PATEL HELPER 3475 886 3019 73802627 N L PATEL LINEMAN 5100 1301 3211 96122628 I S PATEL S.B.O. GR-I 4080 1040 3218 83382629 D R PATEL S.B.O. GR-II 4180 1066 3487 87332630 V M PATEL S.B.O. GR-II 4180 1066 3294 85402631 J P PATEL S.B.O. GR-II 5350 1364 4185 108992632 S D GAMIT HELPER 4515 1151 3544 92102633 J H PATEL HELPER 4060 1035 3202 82972634 K D PATEL AST. LINEMAN 3680 938 2345 69632636 K S PATEL S.B.O. GR-II 5680 1448 4937 120652637 A C PATEL S.B.O. GR-I 4080 1040 3598 87182638 N A NAIK S.B.O. GR-I 3795 968 3286 8049

2639 N N PATEL LINEMAN 5350 1364 3717 104312640 G R BHANDARI S.B.O. GR-I 4280 1091 2711 80822641 S G LAD S.B.O. GR-II 3850 982 3086 79182642 N P PATEL S.B.O. GR-II 3795 968 3266 80292643 M R GARASIA SR. ASSISTANT 7175 1830 4407 134122645 K B PANDYA S.B.O. GR-I 6605 1684 5142 134312646 N M PATEL S.B.O. GR-I 4180 1066 3937 91832647 A K DHODIA S.B.O. GR-I 3795 968 3076 78392648 M S PATEL LINEMAN 7355 1876 5139 143702652 S R PATEL S.B.O. GR-II 3795 968 2491 72542653 M U PATEL S.B.O. GR-II 4035 1029 3456 85202654 N V PATEL S.B.O. GR-II 3935 1004 3304 82432660 N M PATEL HELPER 3030 773 2570 63732661 ALPESH KANCHANBHAI PATELVidyut Sahayak 3500 0 0 35002662 M V PATEL HELPER 3100 791 1991 58822663 R R PATEL HELPER 2820 719 2399 59382664 P M PATEL HELPER 2820 719 2399 59382665 N M PATEL HELPER 3100 791 2541 64322666 N R PATEL HELPER 3100 791 2626 65172667 G M PAWAR HELPER 3030 773 2418 62212668 P C PATEL HELPER 3030 773 1949 57522669 S G PATEL HELPER 3030 773 2569 63722670 N K PATEL JR. ENGINEER 8250 2104 7114 174682671 V C PATEL HELPER 2960 755 2512 62272672 A B RATHOD DY. ENGINEER 9500 2423 7415 193382673 B C PATEL HELPER 2890 737 2445 60722674 N U PATEL HELPER 2890 737 1863 54902675 M M THORAT PLANT OP. GR.-I 5800 1479 4528 118072676 PANKAJ R PATEL JR. ENGINEER 8000 2040 8016 180562677 J B PATEL DRIVER GR-II 7325 1868 4935 141282678 B V PATEL PLANT OP. GR.-I 6000 1530 4980 125102679 BHARAT B PATEL HELPER 2820 719 2398 59372680 SUBHAS PATEL JR. ENGINEER 8000 2040 6661 167012681 SURESH J GANVIT PLANT OP. GR.-I 6000 1530 4681 122112682 J R PATAL HELPER 3030 773 2418 62212683 K B PATEL HELPER 2750 701 2343 57942703 B Z PATEL JR. ENGINEER 9000 2295 8554 198492712 B V PARRHI LINEMAN 4600 1173 3844 96172713 R D PATEL LINEMAN 4805 1225 3272 93022714 R R PATEL AST. LINEMAN 4985 1271 3591 98472715 J S RATHOD LINEMAN 4930 1257 3108 92952716 S B PATEL S.B.O. GR-II 3680 938 3097 77152717 P N PATEL S.B.O. GR-II 3595 917 3028 75402718 C R PATEL S.B.O. GR-II 3595 917 2849 73612719 P A PATEL S.B.O. GR-II 3595 917 2920 74322720 A M PATEL HELPER 3595 917 3119 76312721 R L PATEL HELPER 3475 886 2828 71892722 S R PATEL S.B.O. GR-II 3595 917 3016 75282723 B M PATEL S.B.O. GR-II 3425 873 2890 71882724 R N NAIK S.B.O. GR-II 3795 968 3191 79542727 J G GADHAVI PLANT OP. GR.-I 6650 1696 6369 147152731 S C MISTRY PLANT OP. GR.-I 6875 1753 5547 14175

2732 RATILAL N DASHMUKH DRIVER GR-I 4225 1077 2678 79802807 B R CHAUHAN JR. ENGINEER 9500 2423 9218 211412816 R M TAILOR DY SUPDT (ACCT) 7550 1925 4819 142942823 B D PATEL LINE INSPECTOR 7375 1881 4780 140362845 T C PATEL S.B.O. GR-II 3935 1004 3768 87072875 T B PATEL ASST. OP. GR.-I 6575 1677 5119 133712901 K V PATEL SR. ASSISTANT 6425 1638 3956 120192938 R D PATEL S.B.O. GR-I 5650 1441 4522 116132988 R M PATEL SR. ASSISTANT 5775 1473 3710 109582995 G C PATEL JR. ENGINEER 8750 2231 9828 208093001 S R PATEL PLANT OP. GR.-I 7325 1868 5815 150083003 R D NAIK S.B.O. GR-I 3980 1015 3809 88043005 C B HALPATI PLANT OP. GR.-I 7750 1976 6083 158093007 R R DABEKAR DY. ENGINEER 15150 3863 14219 332323014 N B RATHOD HELPER 3250 829 2748 68273032 D M PATEL JR. ENGINEER 8000 2040 7616 176563501 S D JANGAM Vidyut Sahayak 3500 0 0 35003502 JAKHIRBHAI M BELIM Vidyut Sahayak 3500 0 0 35003503 JATINKUMAR B SOLANKI Vidyut Sahayak 3500 0 0 35003504 SATTARKHAN M PATHAN Vidyut Sahayak 3500 0 0 35003505 KALPESH BOGILAL PATEL HELPER 2890 737 2360 59873506 MANISHKUMAR P JANI Vidyut Sahayak 3500 0 0 35003507 PURANSINH K THAPA Vidyut Sahayak 3500 0 0 35003508 VILASHKUMAR R BADGUJAR Vidyut Sahayak 3500 0 0 35003509 KIRANSINH N PADHIAR Vidyut Sahayak 3500 0 0 35003510 ALPESHBHAI M PATEL Vidyut Sahayak 3500 0 0 35003511 BHARATKUMAR S PATEL Vidyut Sahayak 3500 0 0 35003512 HITESHKUMAR G SHAH Vidyut Sahayak 3500 0 0 35003513 DILIPSINH D RAJPUT Vidyut Sahayak 3500 0 0 35003514 MUKTIDAS GURUSARAN PATELVidyut Sahayak 3500 0 0 35003515 AMERSINH VAJESINH RANA Vidyut Sahayak 3500 0 0 35003516 BHAVESHKUMAR N PATEL Vidyut Sahayak 3500 0 0 35003517 A P PAREKH Vidyut Sahayak 3500 0 0 35003518 JASHVANTBHAI S GOHIL Vidyut Sahayak 3500 0 0 35003519 YOGESHKUMAR M PATEL Vidyut Sahayak 3500 0 0 35003520 MANHARBHAI B PADHIAR Vidyut Sahayak 3500 0 0 35003521 BUPENDRA C RATHOD HELPER 2820 719 2289 58283522 JAYMIN VINUBHAI PATEL Vidyut Sahayak 3000 0 0 30003523 RAJESHBHAI G SURTI HELPER 2820 719 2730 62693524 NARENDRA S RAJESHIRKE Vidyut Sahayak 3000 0 0 30003525 KANDARP U MEHTA Vidyut Sahayak 3000 0 0 30003526 NILESH K PATEL DY. ENGINEER 9200 2346 10317 218633528 JAGDISH R KAHAR HELPER 2820 719 2289 58283530 S C PATEL HELPER 3100 791 2522 64133531 K P TANDEL HELPER 3250 829 2636 67153532 A L PATEL HELPER 2960 755 2857 65723533 M S CHAUDHARI HELPER 2820 719 2729 62683535 R B PATEL HELPER 3175 810 2600 65853536 SMT ANITABEN R PATEL KAMDAR 3030 773 2469 62723537 K M PATEL HELPER 3030 773 2570 63733538 MAHESHBHAI M KOKANI HELPER 3030 773 2014 58173539 B K PATEL HELPER 4292 8498 5281 18071

3541 J D PATEL PLANT OP. GR.-I 6000 1530 4876 124063542 H H PATEL HELPER 3030 773 2943 67463543 A K CHAUHAN E. E. 15525 3959 11459 309433544 A P BHABHOR JR. ENGINEER 8250 2104 6958 173123545 R B MISTRY JR. ENGINEER 9800 2499 10920 232193546 I B PATEL HELPER 2820 719 2730 62693547 F V PATEL HELPER 2750 701 2666 61173548 B K PATEL HELPER 3720 949 3014 76833549 R J PATEL HELPER 2750 701 2236 56873550 ANILKUMAR C PATEL HELPER 2750 701 2666 61173551 S B PATEL HELPER 5906 16525 7793 302243552 MUKESH BABUBHAI PATEL HELPER 2820 719 2729 62683553 BHARATBHAI R PATEL HELPER 2750 701 2253 57043554 PRAVIN M PATEL HELPER 2820 719 2289 58283555 J R TATHOD HELPER 2750 701 2236 56873556 RAJESHKUMAR H KARODIA HELPER 2750 701 2236 56873557 R M PATEL HELPER 2750 701 2236 56873558 H N PATEL HELPER 2750 701 2236 56873559 P R VESUWALA JR. ENGINEER 9550 2435 9067 210523560 S R PATEL HELPER 2750 701 2236 56876540 N G PANJWANI DY. ENGINEER 14400 3672 15976 34048

7 GUSAI S. H. SUPDT (ACCOUNTS) 13125 3347 8455 2492717 VYAS P. L. DY SUPDT (ACCT) 7550 1925 6741 1621620 MENAT A. R. SR. ASSISTANT 5600 1428 3898 1092625 THACKER K. G. SR. ASSISTANT 4750 1211 3117 907826 SOMESHWAR R. K SR. ASSISTANT 4750 1211 3117 907827 MAHESHWARI H. A. SR. ASSISTANT 4750 1211 3116 907728 HADIA V. G. SR. ASSISTANT 4750 1211 5020 1098131 ROZ B. L. TRACER 4750 1211 3116 907732 CHUDASAMA K. A. DAFTARY 5800 1479 4113 1139233 SACHDE K. K. DRIVER GR-II 7325 1868 5191 1438435 NATHANI J. R. PEON 5180 1321 3395 989637 PANDYA M. J. PEON 3680 938 2440 705838 CHAUHAN K. K. PEON 3595 917 2386 689839 PRASAD S. R. WATCHMAN 5305 1353 4613 1127140 KARSAN MOHAN KAMDAR 6725 1715 4785 1322543 SHAH R. N. SR. ASSISTANT 4750 1211 3116 907745 M.D. THACKER DY SUPDT (ACCT) 9525 2429 6154 1810848 A. O. VORANI SR. ASSISTANT 4750 1211 3116 907751 SHAH D R SR. ASSISTANT 4750 1211 3125 908654 PITRODA M. A. JR. DRAUGHTMAN 8025 2046 5312 1538358 TEWANI K V DY. ENGINEER 13650 3481 10977 2810865 KESHARIYA KANAIYA K JR. ASSISTANT 3800 969 2481 725066 N M PANDYA JR. ENGINEER 8000 2040 6838 1687868 N C JOSHI E. E. 15150 3863 11799 3081284 R. M. BUDDHDEV DY SUPDT (ACCT) 10775 2748 6960 2048387 J. F. GAJJAR STENO-TYPIST 3500 893 2331 672488 M. S. VALECHA JR. ENGINEER 7750 2260 7535 1754590 D. B. THACKER SR. ASSISTANT 4600 1173 3030 880391 J. V. MAHESHWARI ACC. OFFICER 9400 2397 6217 1801492 D. V. GOR DY SUPDT (ACCT) 8275 2110 5369 1575493 H. L. RATHOD JR. ASSISTANT 4350 1109 2869 8328

94 A. G. NAGAR JR. ASST(TYPIST) 3700 944 2456 710095 D. B. TANK JR. ASSISTANT 3600 918 2393 691197 J. S. PATEL JR. ASSISTANT 3600 918 2392 691098 P. J. DHRANGADHARIYA Vidyut Sahayak 3000 0 1 300199 M. F. QURESHI Vidyut Sahayak 3000 0 1 3001

100 S. Y. VOHRA Vidyut Sahayak 3000 0 0 3000101 CHAUHAN D. M. DY. ENGINEER 15150 4147 13626 32923103 VASAN RAVA LINEMAN 8025 2330 6187 16542104 JADEJA G. R. LINEMAN 7100 2094 5541 14735105 KHATRI I. Y. LINEMAN 8275 2394 6363 17032106 PANDYA K. T. LINEMAN 5450 1673 4474 11597108 A. H. PANDYA SR. ASSISTANT 4750 1211 3115 9076109 A. N. RATANI SR. ASSISTANT 4750 1211 3115 9076110 H. D. THAKAR SR. ASSISTANT 4750 1211 3115 9076111 N. A. BHATTI SR. ASSISTANT 4750 1211 4544 10505112 M. P. MODI DY SUPDT (ACCT) 6200 1581 4030 11811113 Y. A. MANSURI DY SUPDT (ACCT) 8025 2046 5189 15260114 P. H. ZALA E. E. 14775 3768 11494 30037127 K D DABHI JR. ASSISTANT 3800 969 2517 7286128 G B RANVA JR. ASSISTANT 3800 969 2763 7532130 S I PATEL JR. ENGINEER 8000 2040 6817 16857131 R Z PATEL JR. ENGINEER 7750 1976 6488 16214132 A H SONI JR. ENGINEER 7500 1913 6100 15513133 C J PATEL JR. ENGINEER 7750 1976 6536 16262134 M G IPROLIA JR. ENGINEER 7750 1976 6493 16219135 I K PANCHAL JR. ENGINEER 8000 2040 6622 16662136 J S BRAHMBHATT JR. ENGINEER 7750 1976 6888 16614141 U. B. PAREGI JR. ASSISTANT 3700 944 2455 7099142 S. T. SHARMA JR. ENGINEER 7750 1976 6507 16233145 S. M. MAVADIA JR. ENGINEER 9275 2365 6013 17653147 S D BHARANI DY. ENGINEER 11325 2888 11714 25927148 T. B. PITRODA JR. ASST(TYPIST) 4000 1020 3230 8250151 Y. J. GAMIT JR. ENGINEER 7000 1785 5885 14670152 D. G. VASAVA JR. ENGINEER 7000 1785 5806 14591153 Smt. S. A. BANA PEON 3175 810 4233 8218154 SHRI J. P. THACKER SUPDT (ACCOUNTS) 10650 2716 7609 20975158 A. M. MALEK PEON 2890 737 2686 6313160 D. B. ZALA JR. ENGINEER 8000 2040 6692 16732165 Smt. Y. M. TRIVEDI PEON 3030 773 2030 5833168 D. M. DANGI DY. ENGINEER 8300 2117 8334 18751169 J. S. CHELLANI JR. ASSISTANT 3700 944 2455 7099170 DILIP K. THACKER SUPDT (ACCOUNTS) 10375 2646 6694 19715171 J. K. PARIKH JR. ENGINEER 9800 2499 7451 19750172 N. S. VAIDYA SR. ASSISTANT 4600 1173 3023 8796173 C. V. BHINDE SR. ASSISTANT 4750 1211 3416 9377174 M. V. CHAWDA SR. ASSISTANT 8025 2046 5192 15263175 N. B. GANDHI JR. ENGINEER 8000 2040 6700 16740176 A. M. PAHILWANI DY. ENGINEER 14025 3576 11681 29282177 SHILABEN K. PARMAR Vidyut Sahayak 2613 0 1 2614178 M. M. CHAVDA Vidyut Sahayak 3000 0 1 3001179 K. S. RAO Vidyut Sahayak 3000 0 1 3001180 B. N. SOLANKI Vidyut Sahayak 3000 0 1 3001

181 C. R. VADHER JR. ASSISTANT 3600 918 2386 6904182 K. C. PANCHAL JR. ENGINEER 8175 2261 6845 17281183 B. N. KOTAK DY SUPDT (ACCT) 5800 1479 4185 11464184 R. C. SHAH DY SUPDT (ACCT) 7325 1868 4743 13936185 A. J. CHAVDA DY. ENGINEER 10400 2652 8375 21427186 N. V. CHAUHAN DY. ENGINEER 10400 2652 8678 21730187 K. C. RACHH DY SUPDT (ESTT) 12575 3207 8093 23875188 A. J. MAKWANA PEON 2750 701 1819 5270189 N. G. AHIR PEON 2750 701 1819 5270190 N. K. AHIR PEON 2750 701 1819 5270191 G. N. YADAV PEON 2750 701 1819 5270192 K. H. JUNEJA PEON 2750 701 1819 5270193 A. P. LINDIYA PEON 2750 701 1819 5270208 K T JATIYANI SR. ASSISTANT 7550 1925 5049 14524211 N N RATHOD SR. ASSISTANT 6775 1728 4405 12908213 P R BHAVSAR PEON 5180 1321 3496 9997219 H B NIMAVAT JR. ASSISTANT 3800 969 2475 7244220 BHARAT C SHAH JR. ASSISTANT 3800 969 2476 7245222 D. K. ANTANI DY. ENGINEER 10400 2652 9000 22052223 R. M. ASHAR JR. ENGINEER 7750 1976 6729 16455230 J. S. ANTANI ASST. OP. GR.-I 8450 2155 7553 18158231 M. P. GOR SR. ASSISTANT 4750 1211 3113 9074232 P. L. RATHOD ELECTRICIAN 7175 1830 5094 14099234 L. A. NEPALI WATCHMAN 7075 1804 5990 14869236 H. D. RATHOD DRIVER GR-II 7325 1868 5193 14386238 A. B. RAJGOR LINE INSPECTOR 5500 1403 3600 10503239 R. N. JETHI LINE INSPT GR-II 5225 1332 3825 10382240 J. A. DHOLAKIA LINEMAN 4480 1142 2884 8506241 P. L. GUSAI AST. LINEMAN 4135 1055 2739 7929242 J. A. SAMA AST. LINEMAN 4380 1117 3038 8535243 N. K. VARU HELPER 6180 1576 4477 12233244 B. M. CHAUHAN HELPER 4145 1057 2986 8188245 M. R. MOTA AST. LINEMAN 3680 938 2654 7272246 K. C. THACKER S.B.O. GR-II 3595 917 3072 7584247 P. M. PARMAR LINEMAN 3710 946 2663 7319248 R. K. LOHAR AST. LINEMAN 3710 946 2589 7245250 A. P. GADANI HELPER 4035 1029 3231 8295253 KIRIT KUMAR S GADASA S.B.O. GR-II 3050 778 5384 9212255 D A TABIYAR AST. LINEMAN 3050 778 2114 5942257 RAJENDRA R. JOSHI SR. ASSISTANT 5250 1339 3538 10127261 J. P. PINARA E. E. 15150 3863 13104 32117262 B. K. PARMAR DY. ENGINEER 11325 2888 8260 22473263 S. N. RATHOD SR. TECHNICIAN 11475 2926 7226 21627267 M J JADEJA ASST. OP. GR.-I 8000 2040 6970 17010268 D. D. MAKWANA ASST. OP. GR-II 8000 2040 6896 16936270 P. M. GOR OILMAN GR-I 7950 2027 6721 16698271 M. S. PATHAK ASST.OP.GR-III 5650 1441 5305 12396272 B. O. THACKER S.B.O. GR-I 5305 1353 4125 10783273 H. R. PATHAK ASST.OP.GR-III 5350 1364 4242 10956274 S. A. RAYMA ELECTRICIAN 5500 1403 3930 10833275 N. K. ABOTI FITTER GR-II 4350 1109 2882 8341276 L. J. KOLI PEON 3850 982 2548 7380

277 R. L. PARMAR HELPER 4635 1182 3697 9514278 N. G. PATHAK AST. LINEMAN 4035 1029 2808 7872280 J. M. SOLGAMA S.B.O. GR-II 3595 917 3071 7583281 P. C. SARPATTA S.B.O. GR-II 3680 938 2957 7575282 G. G. GADHAVI WATCHMAN 6305 1608 5353 13266285 D. D. ZALA WATCHMAN 3680 938 3168 7786303 A U SHUKLA LINE INSPECTOR 6900 1760 4732 13392304 M T JOSHI LINEMAN 5055 1289 3813 10157305 B J JADEJA AST. LINEMAN 5191 1952 3119 10262308 J P CHAUHAN S.B.O. GR-II 3510 895 3000 7405309 L J CHARANIA DRIVER GR-II 4750 1211 14196 20157321 P. D. MAKWANA LINEMAN 5225 1332 3739 10296322 Y. M. CHAVDA S.B.O. GR-I 4480 1142 3996 9618323 B. M. MISTRY S.B.O. GR-I 5180 1321 4594 11095324 V. J. DABHI S.B.O. GR-I 4180 1066 2904 8150325 A. S. ANTANI ASST.OP.GR-III 5650 1441 5006 12097326 N. J. CHAUHAN AST. LINEMAN 4985 1271 3572 9828327 P. P. BHATT AST. LINEMAN 3680 938 6793 11411328 M. P. SOLANKI S.B.O. GR-II 3595 917 3906 8418340 J A SAMA HELPER 3100 791 2225 6116341 K. V. KANANI LINEMAN 5350 1364 3824 10538342 M. B. KONDHIYA ASST.OP.GR-III 5650 1441 4991 12082343 N. L. TANK S.B.O. GR-I 5500 1403 4778 11681344 P. H. JETHI S.B.O. GR-I 5500 1403 4780 11683345 D. P. CHAUHAN S.B.O. GR-I 4280 1091 3741 9112346 A. A. GALARIA LINEMAN 4280 1091 3079 8450347 N. K. PARMAR AST. LINEMAN 3765 960 2721 7446348 C. P. RATHOD S.B.O. GR-II 3680 938 2568 7186349 K. U. VAIDYA S.B.O. GR-II 3765 960 3023 7748361 R. A. RAYMA LINEMAN 5055 1289 3621 9965362 K. M. CHAUHAN S.B.O. GR-I 4280 1091 3634 9005364 S. J. SONI S.B.O. GR-I 4180 1066 3010 8256365 K. L. GUSAI S.B.O. GR-I 4280 1091 3741 9112366 H. P. GUSAI LINEMAN 4280 1091 2971 8342367 K. D. PARMAR S.B.O. GR-II 3595 917 2512 7024368 D. J. CHAUHAN S.B.O. GR-II 3680 938 2568 7186369 H. P. CHAUHAN S.B.O. GR-II 3510 895 2455 6860381 J. V. ACHARYA LINEMAN 7075 1804 4850 13729383 M. D. DAVE S.B.O. GR-I 6305 1608 5143 13056384 C. N. RATHOD S.B.O. GR-I 5555 1417 3907 10879385 H. S. JANGHAM S.B.O. GR-I 3880 989 2703 7572386 P. I. VAISHNAV LINEMAN 4680 1193 3244 9117387 D. A. JOSHI AST. LINEMAN 3510 895 2455 6860388 J. R. MER S.B.O. GR-II 3680 938 3140 7758392 S R JADEJA HELPER 3030 773 2176 5979402 R. P. PANDYA LINEMAN 4080 1040 2838 7958403 Y. B. JOSHI S.B.O. GR-I 5055 1289 6336 12680406 B. S. VORA ASST.OP.GR-III 5350 1364 4242 10956408 S. J. KANSARA LINEMAN 3795 968 2812 7575409 P. J. JOSHI S.B.O. GR-II 3595 917 2891 7403410 H. F. SARKI AST. LINEMAN 3850 982 2779 7611412 V S VAGHAMSHI S.B.O. GR-II 3200 816 2707 6723

414 PRASHANT A THACKER HELPER 3030 773 2170 5973422 D. R. JESAR ASST.OP.GR-III 7075 1804 5224 14103423 J. S. PARMAR S.B.O. GR-I 3980 1015 3188 8183424 P. B. MAHESHWARI LINEMAN 4280 1091 2974 8345425 H. M. RATHOD LINEMAN 3980 1015 3521 8516426 A. S. BAKALI AST. LINEMAN 3510 895 2542 6947427 J. R. VYAS S.S. HELPER 3400 867 2383 6650428 H. M. JOSHI S.B.O. GR-II 3510 895 3000 7405430 R. D. DAMOR S.B.O. GR-II 3425 873 2929 7227441 J. A. KHATRI ASST. OP. GR-II 6300 1607 5421 13328442 T H VYAS HELPER 3030 773 2101 5904445 K. R. BHRAMKSHTIYA LINEMAN 6900 1760 4727 13387446 A. S. NANJAN LINEMAN 4080 1040 2839 7959447 H. A. MAHESHWARI S.B.O. GR-II 3510 895 2999 7404448 S. T. GUSAI S.B.O. GR-II 3595 917 2885 7397451 A. M. GOSWAMI S.B.O. GR-II 3595 917 3070 7582452 R. R. GHOGHA WATCHMAN 4335 1106 3007 8448457 S H DHEDA S.B.O. GR-II 3200 816 2707 6723458 G P PARMAR S.B.O. GR-II 3200 816 2708 6724459 D V CHAUHAN AST. LINEMAN 3125 797 2241 6163460 M G SHAH HELPER 3030 773 2100 5903461 P. R. MAHESHWARI LINE INSPECTOR 5100 1301 3523 9924462 J. J. VAGHELA S.B.O. GR-II 3850 982 3281 8113463 KIRAN S. PARMAR S.B.O. GR-I 4480 1142 4495 10117464 H. L. MAHESHWARI S.B.O. GR-I 5180 1321 4377 10878465 KUNWARSINN S. PARMAR S.B.O. GR-I 4280 1091 3636 9007466 J. D. MAHESHWARI ASST.OP.GR-III 4850 1237 3860 9947469 S. V. MAHESHWARI S.B.O. GR-I 3710 946 3164 7820473 N R CHANDE S.B.O. GR-II 3350 854 2830 7034474 K B GOSWAMI HELPER 3030 773 2101 5904481 A. A. RATHOD LINEMAN 5500 1403 3790 10693482 R.S.PARMAR LINEMAN 4930 1257 3164 9351485 S. M. JOSHI S.B.O. GR-II 3680 938 2570 7188488 A. A. RAYMA LINEMAN 4380 1117 3151 8648489 R. Y. VAIDYA S.B.O. GR-II 3680 938 2568 7186490 Y. J. GOR HELPER 3595 917 2333 6845491 A. K. BHAAVSAR S.B.O. GR-II 3680 938 6621 11239493 B. V. JANI S.B.O. GR-II 3510 895 2999 7404497 A B MAHESHWARI S.B.O. GR-II 3200 816 4185 8201500 H A BHOJAK HELPER 3030 773 2101 5904501 K. A. MAHESHWARI ASST. OP. GR.-I 6575 1677 5342 13594503 R. N. SEVAK ASST. OP. GR-II 6975 1779 5502 14256505 M. R. HARIJAN LINEMAN 6605 1684 6873 15162508 R. S. BALIYA S.B.O. GR-II 3710 946 3165 7821509 I. S. JADEJA AST. LINEMAN 3595 917 2331 6843510 R. R. GOSWAMI S.B.O. GR-II 3425 873 2891 7189511 K. N. AYADI LINEMAN 3540 903 2437 6880524 C. G. MENGHANI DY. ENGINEER 14250 3634 12312 30196528 P. S. AIAYAR JR. ENGINEER 8000 2040 6702 16742531 R. K. MAHESHWARI JR. ENGINEER 7250 1849 6104 15203533 N. S. BOKHANI LINE INSPT GR-II 7250 1849 5147 14246536 M. B. ZALA ELECTRICIAN 3880 989 2703 7572

538 V. S. TANK S.B.O. GR-II 3510 895 3000 7405539 H. D. PARMAR S.B.O. GR-II 3595 917 3068 7580540 R. M. CHAUHAN S.B.O. GR-II 3510 895 2999 7404541 A. C. VYAS S.B.O. GR-II 3510 895 2999 7404542 D. H. CHAUHAN AST. LINEMAN 3510 895 3086 7491543 D. M. PARMAR S.B.O. GR-II 3510 895 3000 7405544 S. K. LAKHANI S.B.O. GR-II 3680 938 3139 7757545 V. M. JADEJA S.B.O. GR-II 3850 982 3280 8112546 D. L. GUSAI S.B.O. GR-II 3425 873 2929 7227547 R. M. CHAWDA S.B.O. GR-II 3425 873 2931 7229548 P. R. GADHAVI PLANT OP. GR.-I 6650 1696 5579 13925561 SHASHIKANT K. MENAT S.B.O. GR-II 3125 797 5544 9466564 N. M. JADEJA S.B.O. GR-I 7355 1876 6175 15406565 C. H. RAWAL S.B.O. GR-I 5180 1321 4379 10880567 V. S. BOKHANI HELPER 5110 1303 3659 10072568 J. V. PARMAR S.B.O. GR-II 3510 895 2999 7404569 O. K. VAGHELA S.B.O. GR-I 3710 946 3164 7820570 J. J. PARMAR S.B.O. GR-II 3510 895 2999 7404581 N. H. WADA LINEMAN 4280 1091 2973 8344582 P F SOLANKI S.B.O. GR-I 4080 1040 3470 8590586 J N DALAL S.B.O. GR-II 3850 982 3158 7990587 R R ABOTI S.B.O. GR-II 3510 895 2999 7404588 A A RATHOD S.B.O. GR-II 3425 873 2931 7229590 P S BHATT S.B.O. GR-II 3200 816 2747 6763603 R. G. BHABHORE S.B.O. GR-I 4080 1040 3468 8588605 S. J. TANK S.B.O. GR-II 3425 873 2890 7188606 M. L. GUSAI S.B.O. GR-II 3425 873 2929 7227607 S. J. MUNSHI S.B.O. GR-II 3510 895 3000 7405612 DINESH M CHANDHARIA S.B.O. GR-II 3125 797 2647 6569621 R. K. VADGAMA S.B.O. GR-I 4380 1117 3716 9213622 T. P. ACHARYA S.B.O. GR-II 3880 989 3305 8174625 P. M. CHAUHAN S.B.O. GR-II 3510 895 2454 6859626 R. H. CHAUHAN S.B.O. GR-II 3510 895 3000 7405627 N. R. CHAUHAN S.B.O. GR-II 3510 895 3000 7405628 A. R. JADEJA S.B.O. GR-II 3510 895 3086 7491633 M B KATARIYA S.B.O. GR-II 3200 816 2707 6723637 R D MEHTA HELPER 3030 773 2100 5903641 M. R. PARMAR LINEMAN 4805 1225 3327 9357642 R. P. THACKER S.B.O. GR-I 5055 1289 4277 10621643 J. N. JETHI S.B.O. GR-I 5180 1321 4464 10965644 R. P. GUSAI S.B.O. GR-I 4280 1091 3704 9075645 R. I. VAISHNAV S.B.O. GR-I 4480 1142 3802 9424647 M. K. VORA HELPER 4135 1055 2628 7818648 H. G. VASANI S.B.O. GR-II 3680 938 3140 7758649 M. B. VORA S.B.O. GR-II 3425 873 2932 7230650 M. V. SHAH S.B.O. GR-II 3510 895 3599 8004656 B U RAM HELPER 3030 773 2137 5940657 V K JADEJA HELPER 3030 773 2137 5940688 R G AHIR JR. ENGINEER 8000 2040 6261 16301692 K M CHAUHAN S.B.O. GR-II 3200 816 2746 6762693 V B LALAN HELPER 3100 791 2626 6517694 V. D. MATANG AST. LINEMAN 3200 816 2213 6229

696 K N VEKARIYA DY. ENGINEER 10400 2652 9441 22493699 KALYANJI K BHARYA HELPER 3100 791 2626 6517701 J D VINZUDA S.B.O. GR-II 3425 873 2930 7228702 K. D. DAMORE S.B.O. GR-II 3425 873 2929 7227707 G. J. JADEJA AST. LINEMAN 4035 1029 2806 7870710 B K TANK S.B.O. GR-II 3200 816 2707 6723726 J C LATHIYA S.B.O. GR-II 3350 854 2869 7073728 R B KACHHAD HELPER 3030 773 2609 6412729 N S SHUKLA HELPER 3030 773 2176 5979735 N N KARETHA HELPER 3030 773 2101 5904744 R V KANSARA S.B.O. GR-II 3350 854 2180 6384750 V H JOSHI HELPER 3175 810 2196 6181752 R S SURVASE HELPER 3030 773 2101 5904754 S K VASAVA HELPER 3030 773 2101 5904766 BIJAL K JEPAR S.B.O. GR-II 3125 797 2647 6569768 KANTILAL P BHAGORA S.B.O. GR-II 3050 778 2625 6453775 K S BARANDA S.B.O. GR-II 3050 778 2467 6295779 K L JADEJA HELPER 3030 773 2570 6373781 A K MAHIDA HELPER 3030 773 2137 5940786 SAGARPOTRA BHARAT H. HELPER 3100 791 2225 6116788 HITESH A JETHI HELPER 3030 773 2176 5979794 P H KOTAD AST. LINEMAN 3125 797 2278 6200795 B D MODIYA HELPER 3030 773 3081 6884797 M K KATARA S.B.O. GR-II 3050 778 2586 6414798 B P GOR HELPER 3030 773 2176 5979799 D B GURKHA HELPER 3030 773 2101 5904800 C D BAMANIA S.B.O. GR-II 3050 778 2467 6295805 THAKOR T B SR. ASSISTANT 7325 1868 4750 13943809 JAIN J N SR. ASSISTANT 5775 1473 3776 11024812 RAJGOR A.S. DY SUPDT (ACCT) 9275 2365 6001 17641823 KHALSA J H E. E. 15900 4055 13273 33228829 TRIVEDI H A SR. ASSISTANT 5775 1473 3771 11019832 A. A. BHIRIYANI JR. ENGINEER 8000 2040 6341 16381833 RATHOD A N JR. ENGINEER 8000 2040 8658 18698834 SOLANKI B R CAB. JOIN. GR-I 8000 2040 5667 15707836 MAHESHWARI M D ASST. OP. GR.-I 6775 1728 5347 13850838 JADEJA G R LINE INSPT GR-II 6475 1651 4611 12737839 DANGAR D T LINEMAN 6180 1576 4407 12163840 JADEJA J. R. LINE INSPECTOR 6550 1670 4497 12717841 GOSWAMI R M LINEMAN 5180 1321 3576 10077842 RATHOD A B ELECTICIAN GR II 4930 1257 3532 9719843 TURK F J DRIVER GR-II 6175 1575 4394 12144846 CHAUHAN A D S.B.O. GR-II 3850 982 3279 8111847 MAHSHWARI N M LINEMAN 3795 968 2646 7409849 GUSAI D N S.B.O. GR-I 3710 946 3165 7821850 GAGGAL B K S.B.O. GR-II 0 0 1 1851 TANK R H AST. LINEMAN 3595 917 2511 7023852 MATA A V S.B.O. GR-II 3510 895 2999 7404853 BAROT A J S.B.O. GR-II 3510 895 2999 7404854 JADEJA S R S.B.O. GR-I 3710 946 3165 7821855 CHAUHAN D M KAMDAR 5110 1303 3657 10070859 JADEJA A P WATCHMAN 5305 1353 3659 10317

860 LAKHANI R. P. ASST. OP. GR.-I 8900 2270 7666 18836863 VYAS N.R E. E. 15900 4055 11286 31241866 SHEKHWA M. R. PO-I PLANT OP. GR.-I 6425 1638 5550 13613867 GOSWMI B V ASST. OP. GR.-I 4900 1250 4233 10383870 CHAVDA G B S.S. HELPER 3175 810 2806 6791872 DALAWANI L M ASST. OP. GR-II 5950 1517 5159 12626873 MAHESHWARI K K S.B.O. GR-I 5430 1385 4564 11379874 JANI M S S.B.O. GR-I 5055 1289 4256 10600875 MIRANI M C S.B.O. GR-I 4930 1257 4170 10357877 SACHADEV N K LINEMAN 4380 1117 3038 8535878 KHEMCHANDANI H S LINEMAN 5305 1353 3660 10318879 DANICHA RAMJI KARSAN S.S. HELPER 3975 1014 2571 7560881 BAVA D V S.B.O. GR-II 3425 873 2930 7228885 DAVE K N S.B.O. GR-II 3275 835 3317 7427893 JETHI V B S.B.O. GR-I 5555 1417 4689 11661894 PARMAR R H S.B.O. GR-I 3980 1015 3457 8452895 BAROT D R LINEMAN 4280 1091 3079 8450896 SONI G M S.S. HELPER 5715 1457 3941 11113897 JADEJA H J S.B.O. GR-II 3595 917 3071 7583898 JADEJA R B S.B.O. GR-II 3510 895 2999 7404899 JADEJA H V S.B.O. GR-II 3510 895 2823 7228900 JADEJA Y R S.B.O. GR-II 3510 895 2999 7404901 JADEJA P M S.B.O. GR-II 3510 895 2999 7404903 S. V. PATEL S.S. HELPER 3030 773 2137 5940907 M. P. CHAVDA S.S. HELPER 2820 719 2438 5977908 V. B. PARMAR S.S. HELPER 2820 719 1998 5537909 R. M. KHANIA S.S. HELPER 2820 719 2438 5977910 H. D. SOLANKI S.S. HELPER 3100 791 2665 6556911 PARMAR D P LINEMAN 5180 1321 3707 10208912 THACKER A V S.B.O. GR-I 5055 1289 4277 10621914 BHATT M N S.B.O. GR-I 5055 1289 4277 10621915 CHUDASAMA N A S.B.O. GR-I 4080 1040 3554 8674917 MEHTA M V S.B.O. GR-I 3710 946 3165 7821918 PATEL B C S.B.O. GR-II 3680 938 3125 7743919 MEHTA S M S.B.O. GR-II 3595 917 11835 16347931 GAMATI M. K. ASST.OP.GR-III 4475 1141 3341 8957932 RAVAT D J S.B.O. GR-I 4380 1117 3717 9214933 VYAS B C S.B.O. GR-I 0 0 1 1934 PARAMAR R H LINE INSPECTOR 6725 1715 4612 13052935 GOSWAMI B M AST. LINEMAN 4135 1055 2877 8067936 GUSAI R D S.S. HELPER 3475 886 3061 7422937 SATHAWARA R C S.B.O. GR-II 3510 895 20037 24442938 BALDANIA V. M. S.B.O. GR-II 3510 895 3000 7405939 JADEJA N O WATCHMAN 6235 1590 4443 12268943 JADEJA K U AST. LINEMAN 6900 1760 4729 13389945 JADEJA C M S.S. HELPER 3030 773 2211 6014946 M. P. SONI S.S. HELPER 2960 755 2720 6435954 PANDYA P R S.B.O. GR-I 3880 989 2703 7572959 RAVAL M H S.B.O. GR-I 3710 946 3235 7891960 PATEL M K S.B.O. GR-II 3510 895 3086 7491961 PANDYA J S S.B.O. GR-II 3425 873 2930 7228966 JADEJA C J S.B.O. GR-II 4035 1029 2808 7872

971 AHUJA C B DY. ENGINEER 11975 3054 10354 25383972 H. J. GAJJAR LINEMAN 4930 1257 3530 9717973 RAJGOR Y K LINEMAN 4080 1040 2941 8061974 JADEJA R H LINEMAN 3710 946 2682 7338990 N. S. JADEJA S.S. HELPER 3765 960 3275 8000998 GOSWAMI D K LINEMAN 3980 1015 2845 7840999 MARU M J LINEMAN 3980 1015 3757 8752

1001 RATHOD N P S.B.O. GR-II 3595 917 3069 75811002 PRAJAPATI B S AST. LINEMAN 3510 895 2612 70171004 MIRANI D M S.B.O. GR-II 3510 895 3000 74051005 JADAV J K S.B.O. GR-II 3425 873 2753 70511006 JETHAVA N A S.B.O. GR-II 3510 895 2999 74041007 ARAB H. M. AST. LINEMAN 3510 895 2454 68591014 DAIYA H P JR. ASSISTANT 4475 1141 2945 85611025 PANDYA T L S.B.O. GR-II 3765 960 3022 77471028 JETHI G. B. S.B.O. GR-II 3510 895 2824 72291046 SODHA K B S.B.O. GR-II 3510 895 3000 74051047 KHODIYAR D R S.B.O. GR-II 3510 895 2999 74041048 RATHOD A. G. S.B.O. GR-II 3510 895 3000 74051065 DANICHA M P S.B.O. GR-II 3425 873 2929 72271066 VADA L H AST. LINEMAN 3510 895 2418 68231067 JETHAVA D A S.B.O. GR-II 3510 895 3000 74051077 GARO M.B. S.B.O. GR-II 3200 816 2747 67631082 PATEL B C LINE INSPT GR-II 4475 1141 3101 87171083 GADHAVI B K S.B.O. GR-I 5180 1321 4359 108601084 CHAVADA R K S.B.O. GR-I 5055 1289 3496 98401086 PANDYA H P S.B.O. GR-I 4930 1257 3919 101061098 PARMAR S R S.B.O. GR-II 3125 797 2686 66081099 SADHU H V S.B.O. GR-II 3125 797 2685 66071102 BARIA V M S.B.O. GR-I 4380 1117 3716 92131103 GORI D R S.B.O. GR-I 3880 989 3306 81751110 PANCHASARA B V S.B.O. GR-II 3350 854 2868 70721117 S. B. VASAIYA S.S. HELPER 2960 755 2090 58051127 DANGAR L K LINEMAN 5055 1289 3620 99641129 BHATT A S S.B.O. GR-I 3980 1015 3386 83811131 GOHEL P B S.B.O. GR-II 3510 895 3001 74061134 PATEL M R S.B.O. GR-II 3200 816 3244 72601135 MATANG N P S.B.O. GR-II 3125 797 2685 66071142 MAHESWARI S M S.S. HELPER 3475 886 2521 68821144 CHAVADA D J S.B.O. GR-I 3710 946 3165 78211147 KHATRI P M DY. ENGINEER 13650 3481 11785 289161150 ARAB S M S.B.O. GR-II 3200 816 3244 72601152 GUSAI K G S.S. HELPER 3030 773 2137 59401157 M. D. SANJOT DY. ENGINEER 10700 2729 9258 226871158 V. D. HADIA PLANT OP. GR.-I 5400 1377 4682 114591159 P. A. PATEL DY. ENGINEER 10400 2652 10734 237861160 S. G. SOLANKI PLANT OP. GR.-I 5000 1275 3975 102501170 D O VORANI S.S. HELPER 3030 773 2452 62551173 R L NINAMA S.B.O. GR-II 3125 797 2686 66081174 P. S. MEJRANI S.S. HELPER 3030 773 2608 64111175 J. M. CHAVDA S.S. HELPER 2750 701 1952 54031176 PARMAR L R S.B.O. GR-II 3125 797 2915 6837

1192 S. B. VERMA SR. RADIO MECH. 4150 1058 2979 81871193 Y. M. JARIWALA DY. ENGINEER 10700 2729 8926 223551194 R. K. PATEL DY. ENGINEER 10400 2652 8969 220211196 C. G. LOYAL JR. ENGINEER 7000 1785 5921 147061202 PAREKH J M S.B.O. GR-II 3275 835 2808 69181204 S V SIJU S.S. HELPER 3100 791 2183 60741209 J. L. CHAUDHARY JR. ENGINEER 6500 1658 5488 136461213 RAMANUJ P N S.B.O. GR-II 3275 835 2769 68791223 KHARADI B K PLANT OP. GR.-I 5800 1479 4864 121431226 AHIR A. H. DRIVER GR-II 3600 918 2513 70311227 MAHESHWARI D. S. AST. LINEMAN 3200 816 2248 62641229 DAVE D I DY. ENGINEER 12950 3302 11190 274421237 J G AGRAVAT S.S. HELPER 3175 810 2312 62971238 M K DORU S.S. HELPER 3100 791 3739 76301239 D A RAJPUT S.S. HELPER 3100 791 2183 60741242 Y. G. ANAM S.S. HELPER 3030 773 6480 102831248 A. J. PATEL DY. ENGINEER 8900 2270 6953 181231259 V. J. PARMAR S.S. HELPER 2820 719 2171 57101267 SHRIMALI D G AST. LINEMAN 3200 816 2248 62641270 P R SAKARIA S.S. HELPER 3030 773 2137 59401271 H R PAGOR S.B.O. GR-II 3050 778 2625 64531283 L G JOSHI S.S. HELPER 3100 791 2182 60731284 B M MER S.S. HELPER 3030 773 2137 59401319 Y P GOSWAMI JR. ENGINEER 8000 2040 5781 158211375 SEDALIA S. S. S.B.O. GR-II 3510 895 2999 74041392 DAVE R. V. S.B.O. GR-II 3425 873 2929 72271423 B. H. RATHWA S.B.O. GR-II 3595 917 2889 74011459 D. M. AGHARA S.B.O. GR-II 3595 917 2580 70921557 CHAUHAN R. R. S.B.O. GR-II 3795 968 3234 79971559 ASARI A. M. LINEMAN 3710 946 2585 72411710 KATARA N. L. LINEMAN 3710 946 2909 75651752 VYAS M. P. ASST.OP.GR-III 5350 1364 3403 101171756 DAVE C. K. ELECTICIAN GR II 4280 1091 3057 84281758 SELOT B. L. S.B.O. GR-II 3510 895 2998 74031808 PANDYA H V S.B.O. GR-II 3350 854 2868 70721858 JOSHIYARA L. J. LINEMAN 3795 968 2642 74052010 MATA SAMAT KANJI DRIVER GR-II 4225 1077 3039 83412037 BUCHIYA NANJI NARAN DRIVER GR-I 4225 1077 2714 80162038 MARAVADA P K DRIVER GR-II 3600 918 2602 71202048 G. A. CHAUHAN DRIVER GR-II 3500 893 3231 76242101 KHIANI S N DY. ENGINEER 14025 3576 12382 299832103 TEWANI N. V. JR. ENGINEER 11200 2856 9355 234112104 SHEKH A A SR. ASSISTANT 5975 1524 3897 113962106 RAKANI M M CIVIL MISTRY 4600 1173 3300 90732109 RAJPUT R V WATCHMAN 4235 1080 3049 83642166 JADEJA M B DRIVER GR-I 8525 2174 6027 167262167 SACHDE M K LINEMAN 5555 1417 3969 109412168 VADGAMA D K LINE INSPT GR-II 7075 1804 5025 139042201 MAHESHWARI L M DY. ENGINEER 14025 3576 11692 292932204 SALAT K G SR. ASSISTANT 7550 1925 6104 155792208 VORA T M LINE INSPECTOR 6550 1670 4660 128802209 YAGNIK D C DRIVER GR-II 9275 2365 6557 18197

2210 RAJGOR Z V PEON 7250 1849 4705 138042244 KAILA P G LINE INSPECTOR 7550 1925 5204 146792271 SORIYA K N E. E. 14400 3672 12036 301082278 DHULIYA R K LINE INSPECTOR 5350 1364 3823 105372335 TANK A. C. SR. ASSISTANT 10250 2614 7396 202602338 B. R. THUMAR E. E. 15150 3863 13437 324502515 DAVE K P S.B.O. GR-II 3425 873 3015 73132700 P B PARMAR S.B.O. GR-II 3275 835 2299 64092744 K. M. VANKAR SR. ASSISTANT 8900 2270 5755 169253001 P. G. ZALA Vidyut Sahayak 3500 0 1 35013004 H. R. DABHI S.S. HELPER 2890 737 2044 56713005 S. J. PARMAR Vidyut Sahayak 3500 0 1 35013007 R. S. KATARA Vidyut Sahayak 3500 0 1 35013009 V. R. DAMOR Vidyut Sahayak 3500 0 1 35013010 M. K. PANDYA Vidyut Sahayak 3500 0 1 35013012 B. N. KADECHA Vidyut Sahayak 3500 0 0 35003013 M. S. JADEJA Vidyut Sahayak 3500 0 0 35003018 H. M. PANDYA Vidyut Sahayak 2370.9 0 0 23713021 A. R. PANDYA Vidyut Sahayak 3500 0 0 35003023 R. V. JOSHI Vidyut Sahayak 3500 0 0 35003024 S. M. DAVE Vidyut Sahayak 3500 0 0 35003025 M. G. CHUDASAMA Vidyut Sahayak 3500 0 1 35013026 H. K. HADIA S.S. HELPER 2890 737 2045 56723028 B. B. RAIYANI Vidyut Sahayak 3500 0 0 35003031 K. N. MAKWANA S.S. HELPER 2820 719 1998 55373032 R. N. TABIYAD Vidyut Sahayak 3000 0 0 30003035 J. L. SORATHIA S.S. HELPER 2820 719 1998 55373036 A. U. CHHATBAR S.S. HELPER 2820 719 1998 55373037 D. H. VAGHELA Vidyut Sahayak 3000 0 1 30013038 P. T. PANDOR Vidyut Sahayak 3000 0 0 30003039 N. A. ZALA Vidyut Sahayak 3000 0 0 30003041 C. T. GOHIL Vidyut Sahayak 3000 0 1 30013044 J. H. ASARI Vidyut Sahayak 3000 0 1 30013045 C. S. VAGHELA Vidyut Sahayak 3000 0 0 30003046 M. S. MATA Vidyut Sahayak 3000 0 0 30003047 H. P. KHODIYAR Vidyut Sahayak 3000 0 0 30003048 Y. A. VARA Vidyut Sahayak 2500 0 1 25013049 S. J. BAGIYA Vidyut Sahayak 2500 0 0 25003050 M. B. KACHA Vidyut Sahayak 2500 0 0 25003051 R. D. BAMBHANIA Vidyut Sahayak 2500 0 1 25013052 V. T. MAKWANA Vidyut Sahayak 2500 0 0 25003053 R. L. KHATANA Vidyut Sahayak 2500 0 1 25013054 D. D. KHUNGLA Vidyut Sahayak 2500 0 0 25003055 R. R. CHAVDA Vidyut Sahayak 2500 0 0 25003056 N. K. MAHESHWARI Vidyut Sahayak 2500 0 0 25003057 N. R. CHAUHAN Vidyut Sahayak 2500 0 0 25003058 P. K. BHAGORA Vidyut Sahayak 2500 0 1 25013059 D. S. GAMETI Vidyut Sahayak 2500 0 1 25013060 A. J. NAYAK Vidyut Sahayak 2500 0 1 25013061 J. V. PATEL Vidyut Sahayak 1693.5 0 1 16943062 P. L. MALAM Vidyut Sahayak 2500 0 1 25013063 J. B. MER Vidyut Sahayak 2500 0 1 2501

3064 J. K. PARMAR Vidyut Sahayak 2500 0 1 25013065 K. B. VADHER Vidyut Sahayak 2500 0 1 25013066 B. H. BHOLA Vidyut Sahayak 2500 0 1 25013067 J. R. PANDYA Vidyut Sahayak 3000 0 1 30013068 V. A. MESIYA Vidyut Sahayak 2500 0 1 25013069 V. R. GHUGHAL Vidyut Sahayak 2500 0 0 25003070 A. N. ODEDARA Vidyut Sahayak 2500 0 1 25013071 P. K. TATMIYA Vidyut Sahayak 2500 0 0 25003072 H. H. CHAVDA Vidyut Sahayak 2500 0 1 25013073 N. H. PARMAR Vidyut Sahayak 2500 0 1 25013074 K. M. PARAGI Vidyut Sahayak 2500 0 1 25013075 H. R. RATHOD Vidyut Sahayak 2500 0 0 25003076 M. R. PAGI Vidyut Sahayak 2500 0 1 25013077 R. S. DINDOR Vidyut Sahayak 0 0 0 03078 S. P. BAMNIA Vidyut Sahayak 2500 0 0 25003079 B. L. CHAUDHARY Vidyut Sahayak 2500 0 1 25013080 D. C. GANODIA Vidyut Sahayak 2500 0 1 25013081 A. N. GUSAI Vidyut Sahayak 2500 0 1 25013082 R. R. MAKWANA Vidyut Sahayak 2500 0 1 25013083 S. K. MAKWANA Vidyut Sahayak 2500 0 1 25013084 M. M. PARMAR Vidyut Sahayak 2500 0 0 25003085 H. J. SHYARA Vidyut Sahayak 2500 0 1 25013086 N. B. MAYANI Vidyut Sahayak 2500 0 1 25013087 B. M. MAKWANA Vidyut Sahayak 2500 0 0 25003191 R. P. BHOYA Vidyut Sahayak 3000 0 1 30013201 Y. B. JADEJA S.S. HELPER 2960 755 2090 58053204 R. T. BHAMBHANI DY. ENGINEER 11325 2888 14887 291003205 M. H. MAKWANA JR. ENGINEER 7000 1785 7091 158763207 B. H. JADAV JR. ENGINEER 7000 1785 7090 158753209 V. M. VANKAR S.S. HELPER 2820 719 2605 61443211 R. P. AGRAVAT S.S. HELPER 2820 719 2291 58303212 R. R. VADHER S.S. HELPER 2820 719 1998 55373213 P. G. KANNAR S.S. HELPER 2820 719 2411 59503214 R. K. GAGAL S.S. HELPER 2820 719 2291 58303215 M. D. RAMAVAT S.S. HELPER 2750 701 1952 54033217 V. H. RACHHADIA DY. ENGINEER 14775 3768 12397 309403218 R. R. PARMAR JR. ENGINEER 7500 1913 7209 166223219 A. S. YAMNI S.S. HELPER 3680 938 2565 71833220 H. L. LUHAR ELECTICIAN GR II 5100 1301 3503 99043221 K. N. BARMEDA JR. ASSISTANT 3700 1574 2455 77295002 D. R. GOSWAMI PLANT OP. GR.-I 6527.38 1664.86 5780 139725003 M. B. MEHTA SR. RADIO MECH. 5250 1339 3697 102865005 R. A. BRAHMBHATT JR. ENGINEER 7250 1849 6126 152255008 N. D. DAVDA PLANT OP. GR.-I 6000 1530 10368 178985010 A. J. CHAUHAN DY. ENGINEER 10400 2652 8709 217615011 N. J. SOLANKI HELPER 2960 755 2513 62285012 P. K. SHARMA HELPER 2960 755 2054 57695017 M. K. KAMARIYA HELPER 2960 755 2054 57695021 R J THACKER S. E. 17000 4335 11447 327825024 S. F. JADEJA HELPER 2960 755 2164 58795026 D. B. MEHTA JR. ASSISTANT 7950 2027 6164 161415028 D. S. VYAS HELPER 3030 773 2136 5939

5029 K. P. BHANUSALI PLANT OP. GR.-I 5600 1428 4853 118815030 B. N. OZA S.B.O. GR-I 5055 1289 4013 103575031 K. M. JADEJA Vidyut Sahayak 3500 0 1 35015032 K. R. CHAUHAN HELPER 2890 737 2009 56365033 D. M. JADEJA Vidyut Sahayak 3500 0 1 35015034 K. H. JADEJA Vidyut Sahayak 3500 0 1 35015035 P. U. TRIVEDI Vidyut Sahayak 3500 0 1 35015036 M. G. GOR Vidyut Sahayak 3500 0 1 35015037 P. D. ZALA Vidyut Sahayak 3500 0 1 35015038 P. V. KALASAVA Vidyut Sahayak 3500 0 1 35015039 D. B. ASARI Vidyut Sahayak 3500 0 1 35015040 B. M. ASARI Vidyut Sahayak 3500 0 1 35015041 P. R. GOSWAMI HELPER 2890 737 2008 56355042 P. P. HADIYA HELPER 2890 737 2009 56365043 D. P. RATHOD HELPER 2890 737 2008 56355044 B. D. JOSHI Vidyut Sahayak 3500 0 0 35005047 D. P. THAKAR Vidyut Sahayak 3000 0 0 30005048 R. I. RANA Vidyut Sahayak 3000 0 0 30005049 V. V. BHAGORA Vidyut Sahayak 3000 0 1 30015051 S. R. TADVI Vidyut Sahayak 3000 0 0 30005052 R. B. BAPODRA HELPER 2820 719 2063 56025053 R. L. VALA HELPER 2820 719 1820 53595054 D. B. BALASH HELPER 2820 719 1961 55005056 J. P. SOLANKI HELPER 2820 719 1962 55015057 R. N. VARU HELPER 2820 719 1961 55005058 B. G. CHAUHAN HELPER 2820 719 1962 55015059 H. M. NANDANIYA HELPER 2820 719 1961 55005061 I. S. RAYMA HELPER 4635 1182 3161 89785062 A. M. SADAT Vidyut Sahayak 3000 0 1 30015063 V. D. CHAUHAN HELPER 2820 719 2246 57855064 M. R. GOSWAMI Vidyut Sahayak 3000 0 0 30005065 V. A. GOHIL Vidyut Sahayak 3000 0 0 30005066 N. R. DUDIYA Vidyut Sahayak 3000 0 0 30005067 N. R. NIMAVAT Vidyut Sahayak 2500 0 0 25005068 R. N. GUJARATI Vidyut Sahayak 2500 0 0 25005069 K. U. PATEL DY. ENGINEER 8900 2270 8103 192735070 P. N. GUSAI Vidyut Sahayak 2500 0 0 25005071 V. B. PATEL Vidyut Sahayak 2500 0 0 25005072 A. S. PARMAR Vidyut Sahayak 2500 0 0 25005073 B. B. KATARIYA Vidyut Sahayak 2500 0 0 25005074 K. J. GOSWAMI Vidyut Sahayak 2500 0 0 25005075 C. P. MIYATRA Vidyut Sahayak 2500 0 0 25005076 M. B. ODEDARA Vidyut Sahayak 2500 0 0 25005077 P. P. SONAGARA Vidyut Sahayak 2500 0 0 25005078 M. R. PATEL PLANT OP. GR.-I 5400 1377 4667 114445079 K. M. DAMOR PLANT OP. GR.-I 5400 1377 4542 113195080 B. J. GADHAVI PLANT OP. GR.-I 5400 1377 4739 115165081 P. S. PATEL JR. ENGINEER 6500 1658 6533 146915082 A. S. GOHIL DY SUPDT (ACCT) 5800 1479 3785 110645083 R. M. BARIYA Vidyut Sahayak 2500 0 0 25005084 M. K. SAGARPOTRA Vidyut Sahayak 2500 0 0 25005085 K. G. SONDARVA Vidyut Sahayak 2500 0 1 2501

5086 R. K. NANJAR Vidyut Sahayak 2500 0 0 25005087 J. R. GAMIT JR. ENGINEER 6500 1658 8051 162095088 K. G. JADAV Vidyut Sahayak 2500 0 1 25015089 B. V. CHUDASAMA Vidyut Sahayak 2500 0 1 25015090 J. P. PARMAR Vidyut Sahayak 2500 0 1 25015091 S. L. VINZODA Vidyut Sahayak 2500 0 0 25005092 B. S. PANDOR Vidyut Sahayak 2500 0 0 25005093 L. R. PARGI Vidyut Sahayak 2500 0 0 25005094 R. H. CHAVDA Vidyut Sahayak 2500 0 0 25005095 M. J. PARMAR Vidyut Sahayak 2500 0 1 25015096 A. I. SAMA Vidyut Sahayak 2500 0 1 25015097 P. J. ZALA Vidyut Sahayak 2500 0 0 25005098 R. K. SAKARIYA DY. ENGINEER 12625 3219 10914 267585099 D. S. MUSADIA Vidyut Sahayak 2500 0 0 25006002 A H PARMAR HELPER 3030 773 2609 64126008 AD GONDALIYA HELPER 3030 773 2598 64016009 S. V. SADHU HELPER 4985 1271 4771 110276013 K. K. CHAUHAN S.S. HELPER 2960 755 2054 57696014 J. K. SHAH S.S. HELPER 2960 755 2572 62876015 K. R. JOSHI S.S. HELPER 2960 755 2054 57696017 C. J. JADEJA S.S. HELPER 2960 755 2129 58446018 U. K. AMIN JR. ENGINEER 7000 1785 5921 147066020 V. P. JADEJA S.S. HELPER 2960 755 2054 57696023 A. J. RATHVA JR. ENGINEER 7250 1849 6126 152256025 R. H. BELIM S.S. HELPER 2960 755 2090 58056028 H. P. NAKUM S.S. HELPER 2960 755 2091 58066029 B. K. KHASIYA S.S. HELPER 2960 755 2552 62676031 R. S. TARAR S.S. HELPER 2960 755 2090 58056036 H. D. CHAUHAN S.S. HELPER 3030 773 2139 59426040 M. K. VAGHELA SR. ASSISTANT 4750 1211 3001 89626042 V. B.VARMA DY. ENGINEER 10700 2729 11077 245066043 M. A. MAHESHWARI DY. ENGINEER 10700 2729 8328 217576044 N. J. VARU S.B.O. GR-II 3710 946 3162 78186047 M. B. PATEL JR. ENGINEER 7000 1785 5921 147066058 C. V. GAMI Vidyut Sahayak 3500 0 0 35006062 A. C. JOSHI Vidyut Sahayak 3500 0 0 35006065 L. M. PARADHI PEON 3850 982 2447 72796066 C. N. RANA Vidyut Sahayak 3000 0 1 30016067 J. C. GOHIL Vidyut Sahayak 3000 0 1 30016071 J. L. KANJARIYA S.B.O. GR-II 3425 873 2890 71886072 P. P. VAGHELA S.S. HELPER 3325 848 2295 64686074 T. D. JADEJA KAMDAR 2820 719 1998 55376075 A. R. SIJU S.S. HELPER 2820 719 1998 55376076 M. D. CHANDE S.S. HELPER 2820 719 1998 55376077 M. A. GOHIL S.S. HELPER 2820 719 2438 59776078 B. L. MODHVADIYA S.S. HELPER 2820 719 2438 59776079 MANSUKH K. VADIYATAR Vidyut Sahayak 2500 0 0 25006080 NARENDRA H. BAMNIYA Vidyut Sahayak 2500 0 0 25006081 SAMAT G. VAJA Vidyut Sahayak 2500 0 0 25006082 MANOJ V. MAKVANA Vidyut Sahayak 2500 0 0 25006083 MANOJVAN C. GOSWAMI Vidyut Sahayak 2500 0 0 25006084 JAGDISH K. YADAV Vidyut Sahayak 2500 0 0 2500

6085 M. C. PATEL DY. ENGINEER 8900 2270 9009 201796086 N. R. PATEL DY. ENGINEER 8900 2270 9010 201806087 R. V. PATEL DY. ENGINEER 8900 2270 7494 186646088 L. B. GAVLI DY. ENGINEER 8900 2270 7227 183976089 J. B. MAHESHWARI Vidyut Sahayak 2500 0 0 25006090 M. K. MAHESHWARI Vidyut Sahayak 2500 0 0 25006091 A. D. CHAUHAN Vidyut Sahayak 2500 0 0 25006092 R. J. KANET Vidyut Sahayak 2500 0 0 25006093 J. B. JADIYA Vidyut Sahayak 2500 0 0 25006094 H. V. GUNGA Vidyut Sahayak 2500 0 0 25006095 B. S. RENUKA Vidyut Sahayak 2500 0 0 25006096 N. P. BALVA Vidyut Sahayak 2500 0 0 25006097 V. B. ODEDARA Vidyut Sahayak 2500 0 0 25006098 V. P. NAKUM Vidyut Sahayak 2500 0 0 25006099 K. J. KAPDI Vidyut Sahayak 2500 0 0 25006100 J. B. CHAVDA SR. ASSISTANT 4750 1211 3001 89626101 Y. N. VAGHELA Vidyut Sahayak 2500 0 0 25006102 M. S. GONSAI Vidyut Sahayak 2500 0 0 25006103 G. S. LEUA DY SUPDT (ACCT) 5800 1479 3548 108276104 KALARA KALABHAI T. Vidyut Sahayak 2500 0 0 25006105 S. C. TAVIYAD Vidyut Sahayak 2500 0 0 25006106 N. D. RATHWA Vidyut Sahayak 2500 0 0 25006107 RAMESH K. PARMAR Vidyut Sahayak 2500 0 0 25006108 SEVABHAI S. BAMNIYA Vidyut Sahayak 2500 0 0 25006109 R. N. PRAJAPATI DY. ENGINEER 14775 3768 14851 333946111 K. J. TANK Vidyut Sahayak 2500 0 1 25016112 MUKESH K. RATHOD Vidyut Sahayak 2500 0 1 25016113 LAXMAN G. KODIYATAR Vidyut Sahayak 2500 0 1 25016114 RASIK M. CHAUHAN Vidyut Sahayak 2500 0 1 25016115 RASIK K. VAGHELA Vidyut Sahayak 2500 0 0 25006116 MANOJ D. RATHOD Vidyut Sahayak 2500 0 0 25006117 A. S. SIDA Vidyut Sahayak 2500 0 1 25016118 UTTAM D. CHAUHAN Vidyut Sahayak 2500 0 1 25016119 DIPAK K. SOLANKI Vidyut Sahayak 2500 0 1 25016120 NITESHSINH A. ZALA S.S. HELPER 2750 701 2343 57946121 MAHENDRA D. KATARA Vidyut Sahayak 3000 0 1 3001

8 C A PATEL DY. ENGINEER 14775 3768 13874 3241718 JYOTINDRAKUMAR.B.GADHVI SR. ASSISTANT 7575 1932 5733 1524027 V K BORIYADA D.L. DRIVER 5425 1383 4424 1123229 G P CHAVDA LINE INSPECTOR 7175 1830 4837 1384231 C N PATEL LINEMAN 6900 1760 4490 1315033 M G SONI ASST. OP. GR-II 7325 1868 6570 1576334 M B KHETANI PLUMBER 7750 1976 6271 1599744 Z F SAIYED AST. LINEMAN 5180 1321 4138 1063946 N B PATANVADIA LINEMAN 5450 9973 1963 1738654 A M PATEL AST. LINEMAN 4930 1257 4017 1020456 S R PATEL AST. LINEMAN 4805 1225 3923 995371 NARVAT SOMABHAI PATEL S.B.O. GR-II 4860 1239 3065 916472 CS PARMAR CAB. JOIN GR-II 8525 2174 5481 1618074 GN VASAVA LINE INSPECTOR 7175 1830 5734 1473977 G R PARMAR HELPER 4380 1117 3565 906278 V M BARIA HELPER 4380 1117 3061 8558

87 K B BARIA S.B.O. GR-II 4235 1080 3337 865289 R S VASAVA SR. ASSISTANT 8225 2097 4804 1512698 B C TADVI LINEMAN 3980 1015 3191 818699 SHIVABHAI V VASAVA LINEMAN 4080 1040 2590 7710

103 A G PATEL S.B.O. GR-II 4135 1055 3260 8450104 K S PAREKH HELPER 0 0 1 1106 R H TRIVEDI JR. ASSISTANT 7325 1868 5409 14602107 P G BARIA LINEMAN 4080 1040 2590 7710108 F I PATHAN HELPER 3765 960 3049 7774111 M R PATEL HELPER 3935 1004 2566 7505112 N I MACHHI HELPER 4985 1271 4764 11020119 R G LALWANI JR. ASSISTANT 6975 1779 5163 13917121 B R SHAH DY. ENGINEER 14775 3768 15848 34391122 N H PARMAR HELPER 4035 1029 3859 8923125 V H SHAH HELPER 5180 1321 5066 11567126 L P PARMAR HELPER 4235 1080 3654 8969130 J B PATEL HELPER 3680 938 3032 7650131 N J PATEL HELPER 3680 938 2962 7580132 S S PUROHIT HELPER 3680 938 3032 7650136 V K BARIA HELPER 4135 1055 3260 8450141 M D VASAVA SR. ASSISTANT 6200 1581 4620 12401143 J M PATEL HELPER 3595 917 2968 7480144 R D THAKOR HELPER 3595 917 2968 7480145 B B PATEL HELPER 3595 917 2359 6871146 M C RATHAVA HELPER 3400 867 2699 6966147 C G PATEL JR. ASST(TYPIST) 4600 1173 3421 9194149 D M TADVI S.B.O. GR-II 3425 873 2719 7017154 J G CHATURVEDI DY. ENGINEER 15150 3863 14519 33532155 L G BHATT DY SUPDT (ACCT) 9775 2493 7123 19391158 I R TADVI HELPER 3250 829 2636 6715160 C H SAGARIA HELPER 4035 1029 3253 8317162 J C BAROT DY. ENGINEER 12300 3137 13636 29073163 K M TADVI HELPER 3250 829 3144 7223164 J M THAKOR HELPER 3175 810 2766 6751167 C. S. DINDOR HELPER 3175 810 2528 6513169 P K BHIL HELPER 3680 938 2913 7531172 R H MENGAR PLANT OP. GR.-I 6650 1696 6570 14916173 J. D. RATHAVA HELPER 3250 829 2487 6566174 K C VASAVA PLANT OP. GR.-I 7550 1925 6799 16274180 M.T.VARKEY PLANT OP. GR.-I 5800 1479 4608 11887181 B.C.PATEL PLANT OP. GR.-I 6650 1696 6175 14521182 N.B.SONI PLANT OP. GR.-I 6000 1530 4840 12370183 SMT.PANITA N CHAREL KAMDAR 2960 755 1774 5489186 P.S.BHATT PLANT OP. GR.-I 7325 1868 5849 15042188 M.A.DAVE DY. ENGINEER 14400 3672 13529 31601189 V.k.RAMBHAPURWALA. JR. ENGINEER 7750 1976 7411 17137190 P.A.PADARIA Vidyut Sahayak 3500 0 0 3500191 .A.A.RATHOD Vidyut Sahayak 3500 0 0 3500192 A.H.RATHWA. HELPER 3325 848 2194 6367193 G H ZALA S.B.O. GR-II 3680 938 3535 8153194 R.K.SHAH. E. E. 16275 4150 14440 34865195 D.S.BILWAL. HELPER 3510 895 2306 6711

196 M.B.CHAUHAN PEON 2960 755 2217 5932197 P.G.GUPTA. JR. ENGINEER 10700 2729 10124 23553198 A.P.BHALIYA. PLANT OP. GR.-I 5600 1428 5325 12353199 M M CHARPOT. HELPER 3475 886 2285 6646200 R M SUTHAR JR. ENGINEER 9200 2346 7364 18910201 H.S.JADEJA. JR. ENGINEER 8000 2040 7640 17680204 P P SAHSTRABHOJNI S.B.O. GR-I 5650 1441 5456 12547206 N V SHAH LINEMAN 6180 1576 4977 12733207 H C PATEL S.B.O. GR-I 5100 1301 4943 11344210 S M MACHHI S.B.O. GR-I 5350 1364 5097 11811213 B A PATEL HELPER 4315 1100 4137 9552215 A D JAMDAR S.B.O. GR-I 5650 1441 5371 12462216 N K MAKWANA HELPER 3510 895 3501 7906218 D.F.RATHVA HELPER 3720 949 2435 7104219 J G RATHWA HELPER 3400 867 3280 7547303 P J MACWAN ASST. OP. GR.-I 10025 2556 8052 20633309 R G RAOLJI S.B.O. GR-II 5180 1321 4315 10816310 T C BARIA AST. LINEMAN 4930 1257 3108 9295311 C S PATEL S.B.O. GR-II 4680 1193 3669 9542312 A B RATHOD AST. LINEMAN 4805 1225 3132 9162314 K M PATEL LINEMAN 5555 1417 3590 10562316 JETHABHAI R PATEL ASST. OP. GR.-I 8225 2097 7956 18278318 M I MULLA ASST. OP. GR.-I 8525 2174 7199 17898319 R M VALAND AST. LINEMAN 5305 1353 4203 10861321 S V PURANI HELPER 3475 886 2482 6843322 R A PATEL HELPER 3510 895 2307 6712323 M A PARMAR HELPER 3400 867 2174 6441324 M L VASAVA JR. ENGINEER 8750 2231 6838 17819325 M R MACHHI HELPER 3935 1004 3304 8243326 K C RATHVA HELPER 3475 886 2221 6582402 N L PATEL ASST.OP.GR-III 6550 1670 6278 14498404 D D BAPAT ASST.OP.GR-III 5950 1517 5644 13111405 S B MALI LINEMAN 7600 1938 7235 16773407 N S PATEL LINEMAN 5305 1353 3512 10170408 R M ADHYARU S.B.O. GR-II 5100 1301 3958 10359412 J N RANA ASST.OP.GR-III 5350 1364 3912 10626417 M V MAKWANA S.B.O. GR-II 3980 1015 3141 8136418 C A PATEL S.B.O. GR-I 5100 1301 4944 11345419 K S PATEL HELPER 4235 1080 3407 8722420 K D RATHVA WATCHMAN 3935 1004 3564 8503425 S C RAY HELPER 3680 938 2691 7309426 S C PATEL S.B.O. GR-II 3710 946 2550 7206427 N P PARMAR HELPER 4805 1225 3853 9883428 B J PATEL S.B.O. GR-I 5650 1441 5356 12447429 M J BARIA HELPER 3510 895 2783 7188431 S K VASAVA AST. LINEMAN 3425 873 2190 6488432 B P TAPODHAN HELPER 3250 829 2585 6664433 T C TADVI HELPER 3250 829 2083 6162434 M.C.TADVI Vidyut Sahayak 3000 0 0 3000435 U.M.PARMAR. HELPER 3805 970 3009 7784501 R R PATEL ASST.OP.GR-III 7775 1983 7395 17153503 N P CHAVDA ASST. OP. GR-II 6400 1632 5145 13177

508 F R RAJPUT LINEMAN 6250 1594 5356 13200511 R M RATHOD LINE INSPECTOR 6200 1581 3882 11663514 A U RATHVA S.B.O. GR-I 3980 1015 3142 8137515 V B RATHVA S.B.O. GR-I 3980 1015 3141 8136518 S M PATANWADIYA LINEMAN 6475 5297 2309 14081528 S R PATEL HELPER 3680 938 2913 7531529 M C PURANI HELPER 3680 938 3097 7715530 R A RATHODIA HELPER 4335 1106 3461 8902532 V A PATEL JR. ENGINEER 9000 2295 9204 20499536 S A PATEL DY. ENGINEER 13275 3385 12395 29055537 M C GOHIL PLANT OP. GR.-I 10025 2556 8248 20829538 A S SHETH JR. ENGINEER 9200 2346 10518 22064540 V M PATEL ASST. OP. GR-II 4475 1141 4261 9877541 R M PARMAR HELPER 3400 867 2749 7016542 M K VANKAR HELPER 3400 867 2174 6441543 T J SOLANKI HELPER 3325 848 2643 6816545 M D WAGHELA PLANT OP. GR.-I 6650 1696 5335 13681549 R.M.CHAUHAN ELECTRICIAN 3900 995 3080 7975551 C.T.PATEL PLANT OP. GR.-I 9275 2365 7176 18816553 C B VASAVA HELPER 3550 905 2444 6899555 UPENDRA. R. PATEL JR. ENGINEER 10375 2646 10364 23385556 D.D.RATHAVA PLANT OP. GR.-I 6200 1581 4833 12614558 H.K.Rathwa HELPER 3030 773 2101 5904559 N.R.GANDHI Vidyut Sahayak 3000 0 0 3000560 J.I.RATHVA. HELPER 3100 791 2146 6037561 N K MACHHI. HELPER 4135 1055 2830 8020601 V S BIDKAR JR. ENGINEER 11750 2996 11091 25837610 R S SOLANKI KAMDAR 1832.16 467.07 1626 3926621 S B VAIDYA LINEMAN 5055 1289 3513 9857622 P J VANKAR S.B.O. GR-II 3935 1004 3375 8314625 R B SOLANKI LINEMAN 3980 1015 3265 8260626 C S BARIA HELPER 4235 1080 3548 8863627 A S PATEL S.B.O. GR-II 4135 1055 3467 8657628 B C SOLANKI LINEMAN 3980 1015 3190 8185632 J M PATEL HELPER 3680 938 2529 7147635 A P BARIA HELPER 0 0 1304 1304637 S H VOHRA HELPER 3250 829 2818 6897638 H.S.PATEL HELPER 3030 773 2469 6272639 RAMANBHAI J PATEL JR. ENGINEER 10700 2729 10124 23553640 N.D.CHAUHAN HELPER 4715 1202 3321 9238641 G.B.Tadvi. HELPER 3475 886 2578 6939642 M.M.BARIA HELPER 3209.06 818.33 3137 7165702 T T PANDIT ASST.OP.GR-III 6250 1594 5364 13208703 R.K.D.Patel S.B.O. GR-I 5800 1479 5507 12786704 H V TRIVEDI S.B.O. GR-II 4350 1109 4200 9659705 T P TALAVIA LINE INSPECTOR 6125 1562 4018 11705706 J M PATEL ASST.OP.GR-III 5800 1479 5507 12786707 K J PATEL LINEMAN 5800 1479 4608 11887712 P C AMIN S.B.O. GR-I 5100 1301 4868 11269713 S M VASAVA AST. LINEMAN 3850 982 2449 7281716 V I PATEL HELPER 4035 1029 3859 8923717 R C PADHIYAR HELPER 3510 895 3451 7856

718 P.P.JOSHI HELPER 3030 773 2476 6279719 D.C.BHATT HELPER 3595 917 3458 7970720 M.S.RATHWA Vidyut Sahayak 3000 0 0 3000753 H U MALEK HELPER 3250 829 2585 6664754 H G SHAH A.C. P.A. 5000 1275 3401 9676755 H.N.KACHHIA. HELPER 3595 917 3029 7541757 RAMESH M THAKOR HELPER 3250 829 2083 6162758 R M PATEL JR. ENGINEER 9500 2423 10644 22567760 S B VYAS DY. ENGINEER 12625 3219 9823 25667763 B M INAMDAR JR. ENGINEER 10100 2576 7877 20553764 SHRI P.N.BHABHOR HELPER 3100 791 1991 5882765 C.K.BHURIA HELPER 3100 791 1991 5882766 C.R.JOG. DY. ENGINEER 13600 3468 10873 27941767 J. T. SOLANKI JR. ENGINEER 8500 2168 6646 17314768 P.D.PAREKH PEON 5650 1441 3632 10723769 S. P. DAVE PLANT OP. GR.-I 7550 1925 5854 15329771 V B THAKOR HELPER 3250 829 2083 6162772 M.F.THAKOR HELPER 3175 810 2767 6752773 R.G.PARIKH DY. ENGINEER 11650 2971 11040 25661774 D C GOSAI PEON 2960 755 1728 5443778 P S PATEL HELPER 4235 1080 3336 8651779 J A PATEL HELPER 4060 1035 3952 9047785 M P PANDYA HELPER 4235 1080 4042 9357800 A P TADVI LINE INSPECTOR 4850 1237 3302 9389801 V G PRAGAPATI HELPER 3510 895 3364 7769852 R C VASAVA HELPER 3250 829 3144 7223853 S.R.Solanki HELPER 3400 867 3350 7617901 J M SHAH HELPER 3250 829 3214 7293902 R R KHATRI HELPER 3250 829 2585 6664903 SATISH D SHARMA HELPER 3175 810 2766 6751904 P K SOLANKI HELPER 3325 848 2693 6866905 V T BARIA HELPER 3100 791 2380 6271981 I.M.PATANWADIA WATCHMAN 3175 810 2433 6418982 S S RATHWA. HELPER 3400 867 2239 6506983 V J TRIVEDI. SR. ASSISTANT 7375 1881 5443 14699

1006 M A RATHWA SR. ASSISTANT 6375 1626 4076 120771007 M S VAIDYA JR. ASSISTANT 7100 1811 5251 141621011 D R RATHOD S.B.O. GR-I 6180 1576 5127 128831012 N M KOLI ASST. OP. GR-II 4725 1205 4436 103661013 R L BAMANIA S.B.O. GR-I 5180 1321 4056 105571015 M C RATHWA LINEMAN 4380 1117 2772 82691016 L K PATEL S.B.O. GR-II 4805 1225 4081 101111017 V V KOLCHA S.B.O. GR-II 3795 968 3001 77641018 R D NAYAKA S.B.O. GR-I 3980 1015 3142 81371020 K J RATHWA WATCHMEN 3935 1004 2501 74401021 C K RATHWA ASST. OP. GR-II 4850 1237 3804 98911022 JASVANT K TADVI ASST.OP.GR-III 4850 1237 3804 98911023 D M RATHWA S.B.O. GR-I 4080 1040 3302 84221025 V N TADVI LINEMAN 4725 1205 2983 89131026 S K TADVI LINEMAN 4180 1066 2715 79611027 M R RATHWA S.B.O. GR-I 3980 1015 3142 81371028 M V RATHWA AST. LINEMAN 3680 938 2346 6964

1029 I B RATHWA S.B.O. GR-I 3795 968 2988 77511030 P R BHAVSAR JR. ENGINEER 9800 2499 9002 213011034 J H CHOKSHI ASST.OP.GR-III 6400 1632 6140 141721035 V R TADVI S.B.O. GR-I 4080 1040 3422 85421037 V T RATHWA LINEMAN 5055 1289 4043 103871039 S H BARIA HELPER 3975 1014 2526 75151040 S S BARIA HELPER 4135 1055 2624 78141041 A M BAMANIA LINEMAN 3980 1015 2593 75881042 M A BARIA HELPER 4135 1055 3048 82381044 H J BARIA S.B.O. GR-I 5555 1417 4601 115731045 K P PATEL S.B.O. GR-I 5055 1289 4340 106841046 A M TADVI ASST.OP.GR-III 5600 1428 4376 114041047 P N RATHWA ASST. OP. GR-II 4725 1205 3710 96401050 R B PATEL LINEMAN 5055 1289 3437 97811051 R R RATHWA LINEMAN 3980 1015 2528 75231052 D P RATHWA WATCHMEN 3935 1004 2699 76381055 I D NAI ASST.OP.GR-III 5800 1479 4818 120971056 R S PANCHOLI S.B.O. GR-I 5100 1301 4080 104811057 B J TADVI S.B.O. GR-II 593.58 151.3 379 11231058 S M PANCHOLI LINEMAN 5930 1512 5626 130681059 S P PATEL AST. LINEMAN 5485 1399 3447 103311060 M M TADVI LINEMAN 4080 1040 2589 77091062 A M PUROHIT ASST.OP.GR-III 6875 1753 5340 139681064 JAYANTIBHAI K TADVI ASST.OP.GR-III 4850 1237 4168 102551065 G J TADVI ASST.OP.GR-III 4475 1141 3520 91361067 G M TADVI AST. LINEMAN 3935 1004 2501 74401069 K M RATHWA WATCHMEN 4535 1157 2868 85601073 V J GOHIL ASST. OP. GR.-I 8000 2040 6354 163941076 K M GHELOTAR S.B.O. GR-II 3935 1004 3390 83291077 L R RATHWA S.B.O. GR-II 3795 968 3001 77641078 S M PARMAR S.B.O. GR-II 3425 873 2890 71881079 K S TADVI S.B.O. GR-II 3710 946 2936 75921081 P P GOHIL ASST.OP.GR-III 5950 1517 5251 127181082 M D PATEL S.B.O. GR-I 5500 1403 4385 112881083 N S RATHOD S.B.O. GR-I 5800 1479 4795 120741084 K S PANCHAL S.B.O. GR-I 4850 1237 3890 99771085 N C RATHWA LINEMAN 4280 1091 2711 80821086 B C MACHHI HELPER 4860 1239 3812 99111087 R J RATHOD AST. LINEMAN 5430 1385 3413 102281088 P C CHAVDA S.B.O. GR-I 4975 1269 3136 93801089 L R BARIA HELPER 3680 938 3097 77151091 A S TADVI S.B.O. GR-I 4080 1040 3217 83371092 V K RATHWA S.B.O. GR-I 4080 1040 3218 83381094 S L VASAVA LINEMAN 5055 1289 3184 95281095 N M PATEL AST. LINEMAN 5235 1335 3556 101261096 H N SUTHAR HELPER 3680 938 2415 70331097 Y G VOHRA HELPER 3680 938 2345 69631098 R S TADVI S.B.O. GR-II 3710 946 2936 75921100 J K TADVI JR. ASSISTANT 4850 1237 3011 90981102 K D BAMANIA ASST. OP. GR-II 7575 1932 5874 153811105 D N TADVI LINE INSPECTOR 6650 1696 4490 128361107 S K TADVI AST. LINEMAN 3935 1004 2501 7440

1109 R M HARIJAN PART TIME SWEEPR 504 0 742 12461110 P T PATEL DY. ENGINEER 14250 3634 13391 312751112 G N RATHWA SR. ASSISTANT 5075 1294 3146 95151114 K C BHOI PLANT OP. GR.-I 9775 2493 9219 214871117 M K MUNSI PLANT OP. GR.-I 8775 2238 5454 164671118 C C SOLANKI LINE INSPECTOR 6650 1696 4490 128361121 N J PARMAR AST. LINEMAN 5055 1289 3184 95281122 B J PATEL S.B.O. GR-II 4350 1109 3642 91011123 M N BARIA S.B.O. GR-II 4350 1109 3423 88821125 J J ROHIT HELPER 3595 917 2898 74101127 M J HARIJAN PART TIME SWEEPR 504 0 742 12461128 A S MITHA HELPER 3595 917 3106 76181129 D K DESAI HELPER 3595 917 3445 79571130 B P RATHAVA S.B.O. GR-II 3510 895 2959 73641131 N D RATHAVA HELPER 3400 867 2700 69671133 B R PATHAK HELPER 3400 867 2870 71371134 B L WAGHELA HELPER 3400 867 2869 71361135 M P SHIKARI HELPER 3510 895 2783 71881136 M M PATHAN HELPER 3400 867 2345 66121137 S K PATEL HELPER 3400 867 3024 72911138 K J BARIA HELPER 3400 867 2525 67921144 A S TADVI LINEMAN 5180 1321 4056 105571151 R A RATHAVA S.B.O. GR-II 3680 938 3144 77621152 A S PATEL HELPER 3250 829 2083 61621154 M A VASAVA HELPER 3250 829 3171 72501156 S J HALARNEKAR JR. ENGINEER 10100 2576 9572 222481157 D R RAY DY. ENGINEER 14250 3634 11073 289571162 C A MAKWANA JR. ENGINEER 8500 2168 7070 177381163 I C TADVI LINEMAN 4930 1257 3183 93701165 A. C. CHRISTIAN HELPER 3250 829 2748 68271166 K R VASAVA HELPER 3720 949 2522 71911169 P M NALVAYA HELPER 3475 886 2757 71181170 U L RAJAGURU HELPER 3805 970 3650 84251171 J M BARIA HELPER 4515 1151 3550 92161172 V T BHATIA JR. ENGINEER 7500 1913 5876 152891173 S B VASAVA HELPER 3400 867 2700 69671174 R S VASAVA HELPER 3175 810 2529 65141175 P V RATHAVA HELPER 3510 895 2960 73651176 M G RATHAVA JR. ENGINEER 8250 2104 6453 168071177 J B RATHAVA DRIVER GR-II 4600 1173 2906 86791178 V.S.RATHAVA JR. ENGINEER 8250 2104 6453 168071180 N N RATHAVA HELPER 3475 886 2758 71191182 S. B.RATHAVA HELPER 3400 867 2699 69661183 A M RATHAVA JR. ASST(TYPIST) 4750 1211 2951 89121184 R M KOLI HELPER 3325 848 2713 68861186 Y.A.Gheri PLANT OP. GR.-I 7550 1925 5827 153021187 I M RATHAWA HELPER 3475 886 2757 71181188 G P RATHOD HELPER 3325 848 2129 63021189 G S KOLCHA HELPER 3550 905 2814 72691190 RANCHHOD M DAMOR HELPER 3400 867 2700 69671191 HARESHKUMAR R PARMAR DY. ENGINEER 11325 2888 9387 236001195 H.S.ZALA. DY SUPDT (ACCT) 7775 1983 4766 14524

1196 A.H.PRAJAPATI. JR. ENGINEER 9800 2499 8136 204351198 K.C.RATHWA HELPER 3030 773 2559 63621199 M.G.PAWAR E. E. 15900 4055 11548 315031200 M D CHAREL PEON 4735 1208 2943 88861201 S.H.PANDYA. JR. ENGINEER 8500 2168 7070 177381202 K C RATHWA HELPER 3325 848 2809 69821203 J K Rathava HELPER 3100 791 2146 60371293 N S RATHAVA HELPER 3550 905 2991 74461361 BHASKARBHAI R PANDYA PEON 6550 1670 4866 130861362 VITHALBHAI K MALI PEON 6180 1576 4607 123631369 NARENDRAPRASAD M PANDYA DY. ENGINEER 14400 3672 13528 316001377 CHANDRASING U WAGHELA ASST.OP.GR-III 6550 1670 6278 144981378 VAJESING G SINDHA LINEMAN 6400 1632 4335 123671388 BHURAMIYA S SAIYAD WATCHMAN 5860 1494 3968 113221400 HANSA A DAVE DY SUPDT (ACCT) 7775 1983 5723 154811406 PRATIMA N JADEJA SR. ASSISTANT 7550 1925 5566 150411413 KANTILAL SUKHLAL PATEL LINE INSPT GR-II 6725 1715 4203 126431414 MAGANBHAI B PARMAR GARDNER(MALI) 5180 1321 3827 103281415 BHAILALBHAI G PADHIAR S.B.O. GR-I 5225 1332 4957 115141416 MAHENDRAKUMAR H PATEL LINEMAN 5180 1321 4138 106391424 B B DABHI LINEMAN 6305 1608 4262 121751427 M S NAIK LINEMAN 5305 1353 3437 100951428 D. B. CHAUHAN ASST.OP.GR-III 5450 1390 5273 121131439 G K PARMAR S.B.O. GR-I 5100 1301 4869 112701442 R J MOURYA WATCHMAN 6180 1576 4692 124481448 C S CHAUHAN LINE INSPECTOR 7425 1893 4630 139481460 M F SAIYAD HELPER 4815 1228 3887 99301468 KANCHAN K MALI ELECTRICIAN 6775 1728 4513 130161482 D K SINDHA ASST. OP. GR.-I 9025 2301 8536 198621483 U C GOHIL WATCHMAN 5110 1303 4085 104981490 U P PATEL LINEMAN 5055 1289 3185 95291491 P R PATEL ASST.OP.GR-III 7550 1925 7190 166651495 N P PANDYA PLANT OP. GR.-I 10650 2716 10383 237491510 M S PARMAR LINEMAN 6605 1684 5301 135901526 SHASHI M TAILOR JR. ASSISTANT 7775 1983 5723 154811533 AMARSINH L PATEL LINEMAN 5180 1321 3361 98621534 SHANABHAI D PATEL AST. LINEMAN 4985 1271 3242 94981538 PARVATIBEN C RAJPUT GUEST HOUSE ATD. 3935 1004 3156 80951555 SHANTILAL N. PATEL S.B.O. GR-I 6905 1761 5529 141951558 V.R.PAGI AST. LINEMAN 4930 1257 3283 94701559 SHRI R J MEKWAN S.B.O. GR-I 5100 1301 4843 112441560 SMT SUMITRABEN C JAT SR. ASSISTANT 7325 1868 5409 146021562 SHRI P M VALAND AST. LINEMAN 4930 1257 3430 96171563 SHRI MADHUBHAI V BARIA AST. LINEMAN 5055 1289 3961 103051567 SHRI MOHANSINH V PATEL AST. LINEMAN 5180 1321 3360 98611569 SHRI A A PATEL AST. LINEMAN 5180 1321 4138 106391571 SHRI D A PATEL AST. LINEMAN 4930 1257 3108 92951572 SHRI P R PATEL ELECTRICIAN 5100 1301 3211 96121573 GOVINDBHAI.B.SOLANKI AST. LINEMAN 4635 1182 2953 87701578 VINUBHAI RAMBHAI BHOI ELECTRICIAN 6175 1575 4176 119261579 RAJANIKANT A PANCHAL S.B.O. GR-II 6055 1544 5826 134251581 DINESHBHAI R PATEL ASST.OP.GR-III 5225 1332 4984 11541

1583 B.D.PATEL AST. LINEMAN 4930 1257 3948 101351584 C B BHATT S.B.O. GR-I 5100 1301 4868 112691585 V P PATEL AST. LINEMAN 5055 1289 4827 111711586 KANTILAL C PATEL E. E. 15150 3863 11841 308541591 A. D. PATEL JR. ASSISTANT 7550 1925 5666 151411593 SHRI A B GOHEL AST. LINEMAN 4930 1257 3208 93951594 SHRI CHHATRASINH M PATELS.B.O. GR-II 4635 1182 3873 96901595 SHRI FATESINH C SOLANKI S.B.O. GR-II 3576.83 912.15 2946 74351596 SHRI ARVINDBHAI Z PATEL S.B.O. GR-II 5225 1332 4958 115151607 SHRI B K PANCHAL ASST. OP. GR.-I 9275 2365 8804 204441608 SHRI G J RAWALJI ASST. OP. GR.-I 8225 2097 7634 179561611 V.M.PATANWADIA LINEMAN 6180 1576 4179 119351613 BALMUKUND B SHELAT ASST.OP.GR-III 6725 1715 7483 159231620 M D WAGHELA S.B.O. GR-II 4280 1091 4083 94541651 SHRI C G PATEL HELPER 4380 1117 3517 90141652 SHRI V H BARIA S.B.O. GR-I 5430 1385 4246 110611656 SHRI K A PARMAR JR. ASST(TYPIST) 5225 1332 3959 105161660 SHRI H H VASAVA LINEMAN 4380 1117 3221 87181662 SHRI G A PATEL HELPER 4235 1080 3336 86511663 SHRI K N RAULJI S.B.O. GR-II 4235 1080 3336 86511664 BARIA M A S.B.O. GR-II 4135 1055 3443 86331667 B S PATEL S.B.O. GR-II 4235 1080 3337 86521670 B S VASAVA S.B.O. GR-II 4080 1040 3217 83371672 H M KORRNE S.B.O. GR-I 5225 1332 4977 115341679 P M SOLANKI HELPER 4535 1157 4119 98111680 S C SOLNKI ELECTRICIAN 4100 1046 3282 84281682 B C JOSHI S.B.O. GR-I 4850 1237 4634 107211687 R Z SOLANKI HELPER 3935 1004 4304 92431694 P M GOHIL LINEMAN 5055 1289 4118 104621701 B N VASAVA S.B.O. GR-I 4180 1066 3294 85401702 H U SOLANKI ASST.OP.GR-III 5800 1479 4609 118881703 R F VASAVA S.B.O. GR-I 3880 989 3259 81281705 M S PATEL HELPER 2945.83 750.97 2320 60171709 V P PATEL AST. LINEMAN 5180 1321 4055 105561713 K M PATEL JR. ENGINEER 9800 2499 10971 232701715 U.S.PADHIYAR LINE INSPECTOR 9525 2429 7520 194741723 K G MAKWANA HELPER 3680 938 2410 70281724 N C SOLANKI DY. ENGINEER 15150 3863 14219 332321725 R B VALVAI ELECTICIAN GR II 4000 1020 3407 84271726 K K GOHIL LINEMAN 3880 989 2467 73361728 D R PATEL S.B.O. GR-I 5225 1332 4983 115401729 D D MISTRI LINEMAN 5500 1403 4381 112841731 P M PARMAR HELPER 4135 1055 2623 78131733 B M RATHVA S.B.O. GR-I 4080 1040 2852 79721737 S H TRIVEDI JR. ENGINEER 9825 2505 9320 216501739 M B ACHARYA PLANT OP. GR.-I 8775 2238 8268 192811744 RANJAN V RATHVA S.B.O. GR-II 3795 968 3029 77921746 B H BARIA S.B.O. GR-I 5930 1512 4627 120691749 A V MOHILE JR. ENGINEER 9800 2499 9296 215951750 J C BAROT PLANT OP. GR.-I 7100 1811 6779 156901753 J B VASAVA LINEMAN 4280 1091 3032 84031756 V S PATEL LINEMAN 6055 1544 4883 12482

1760 V H PATEL PLANT OP. GR.-I 0 0 200 2001761 H R PATEL PLANT OP. GR.-I 10100 2576 8309 209851766 H M PATEL ASST. OP. GR.-I 5400 1377 4332 111091768 R K PARMAR HELPER 3475 886 3018 73791769 M G PADVI ASST. OP. GR.-I 4900 1250 3339 94891770 D J RANA HELPER 3680 938 3053 76711772 RAMSING V RATHVA ASST. OP. GR-II 5075 1294 4085 104541774 S R PANDYA ASST.OP.GR-III 4750 1211 4550 105111776 J I KAPTAN DY. ENGINEER 14400 3672 15418 334901778 M B PADHIYAR HELPER 5430 1385 4061 108761780 R K BARIA S.B.O. GR-I 5055 1289 3689 100331781 C C SOLANKI HELPER 3595 917 3445 79571782 M S NAIK HELPER 3475 886 2746 71071783 B J PARMAR HELPER 4135 1055 3116 83061784 K V GRINISH JR. ASSISTANT 4750 1211 3526 94871785 P Z BARIA HELPER 4235 1080 3548 88631789 B G LAKOD HELPER 3510 895 2959 73641790 Y T CHAUHAN HELPER 3510 895 2960 73651791 I.D. DHOBI HELPER 3510 895 3029 74341794 L M HARIJAN P/T SWEEPER 504 0 788 12921796 V K HARIJAN P/T SWEEPER 504 0 789 12931797 C J HARIJAN P/T SWEEPER 504 0 789 12931798 H S BHURIA ASST.OP.GR-III 4350 1109 3683 91421800 J P PATEL HELPER 3850 982 3235 80671802 H P PRAJAPATI JR. ASSISTANT 4225 1077 3223 85251805 S C PARMAR HELPER 0 0 1 11813 B V MACHHAR HELPER 3325 848 2295 64681819 R H SOLANKI PLANT OP. GR.-I 6875 1753 4639 132671823 A R PATEL HELPER 3250 829 2655 67341826 L A BAMANIYA HELPER 3350 854 2661 68651829 P D RATHAWA HELPER 3400 867 2771 70381830 B G AMLIYAR HELPER 3250 829 2557 66361833 S P SOLANKI HELPER 3250 829 3144 72231834 SURESH S PATEL HELPER 3250 829 2645 67241837 K B VALA PLANT OP. GR.-I 6650 1696 6569 149151839 S K PATEL PLANT OP. GR.-I 7550 1925 6389 158641842 N T PATEL ASST. OP. GR.-I 5250 1339 5006 115951845 P A PATELIA HELPER 3400 867 2699 69661846 V M KAMOL HELPER 3250 829 2585 66641847 A G BARIA HELPER 4135 1055 3260 84501848 R K RATHWA HELPER 3250 829 2083 61621849 BHARAT C PATEL HELPER 3175 810 2910 68951850 G B PATEL HELPER 5305 1353 4417 110751853 K P VASAVA HELPER 3175 810 2529 65141854 S Z DAMOR HELPER 3175 810 2434 64191855 N M CHAUHAN HELPER 3100 791 2311 62021856 D M GOHIL HELPER 3175 810 2528 65131857 SHRI R N RATHAVA HELPER 3325 848 3040 72131858 SHRI S R BARIA HELPER 3595 917 2294 68061859 J.K.BARIA HELPER 3175 810 2517 65021861 SHRI A D VASAVA HELPER 3475 886 2903 72641862 SHRI M C PADHIAR HELPER 3680 938 2913 7531

1865 J D BARIA HELPER 3100 791 2471 63621869 D.C.DABHI JR. ENGINEER 9000 2295 8021 193161870 B. R. PRAJAPATI HELPER 3030 773 2943 67461873 R. P. PATANWALA PLANT OP. GR.-I 7325 1868 6985 161781874 G .M.PATEL S.B.O. GR-I 5225 1332 4091 106481875 J.S.JOSHI S.B.O. GR-I 5180 1321 5017 115181876 B.J.BARIYA. HELPER 4235 1080 3406 87211880 N D PARMAR PLANT OP. GR.-I 6200 1581 5958 137391881 N M SUDHALKAR P. O. GR.-II 7325 1868 7210 164031883 B S MISTRY PLANT OP. GR.-I 7550 1925 7190 166651884 P M BARIA HELPER 3890 992 3339 82211885 S.R.JOSEPH P. O. GR.-II 6200 1581 5959 137401888 K D DAVE HELPER 5110 1303 4259 106721889 C V SHAH PLANT OP. GR.-I 6000 1530 4841 123711890 H B SHAH HELPER 3500 0 1 35011891 P K PATEL Vidyut Sahayak 3000 0 0 30001892 L J CHAUHAN Vidyut Sahayak 3000 0 0 30001893 M K SAIYAD Vidyut Sahayak 3000 0 0 30001894 B R PATEL Vidyut Sahayak 3000 0 1 30011895 D M BARIA HELPER 3100 791 2372 62631897 D S PADHIYAR HELPER 2890 737 2794 64211899 B B PANDYA JR. ENGINEER 8000 2040 9211 192511900 A A SINDHA HELPER 4035 1029 3386 84501902 YASHWANT A PATEL DY. ENGINEER 14775 3768 11478 300211905 SURYAKANT V PATEL DY. ENGINEER 14575 3717 12417 307091906 INDRAVADAN M PARMAR DY. ENGINEER 15150 3863 12902 319151908 NARANDRA R RAVAL DY. ENGINEER 13275 3385 11319 279791915 BABUBHAI G PARMAR PLANT OP. GR.-I 8500 2168 5286 159541918 HARSHABEN S GANDHI SR. ASSISTANT 7325 1868 4679 138721921 BHURABHAI B RATHWA SR. ASSISTANT 4900 1250 3041 91911922 JAGDISHBHAI S PATEL JR. ASST(TYPIST) 6375 1626 4086 120871923 BHIKHABHAI D VASAVA DRIVER GR-II 4900 1250 3315 94651924 B M PARMAR DRIVER GR-I 8025 2046 4996 150671928 ARVINDBHAI K PATEL PLANT OP. GR.-I 8775 2238 7235 182481929 PRABHATSINGH B THAKOR LINE INSPECTOR 9525 2429 6625 185791931 NARANBHAI R SOLANKI LINEMAN 6400 1632 4004 120361933 DALPATSINH R CHAUHAN LINEMAN 4930 1257 3108 92951934 CHIMANBHAI M WAGHELA LINEMAN 4480 1142 2833 84551936 MUSTUFA V VOHRA S.B.O. GR-II 4475 1141 3519 91351937 ARVINDBHAI J PARMAR AST. LINEMAN 4480 1142 3169 87911938 MAHIJIBHAI S PADHIYAR AST. LINEMAN 4480 1142 2833 84551939 MANUBHAI H PARMAR AST. LINEMAN 5055 1289 3564 99081940 SHANKARBHAI A PATEL HELPER 4380 1117 2772 82691941 JAYANTIBHAI K PARMAR S.B.O. GR-II 4080 1040 3218 83381942 ARJUNBHAI M RABARI HELPER 4380 1117 3775 92721943 RAMESHBHAI B VALAND HELPER 4380 1117 3446 89431944 KABULBHAI A SHAIKH HELPER 4380 1117 3446 89431945 VITTHALBHAI P HARIJAN KAMDAR 6550 1670 4194 124141946 SHAKUNTALABEN B SONI PEON 4135 1055 3060 82501949 BAPUSAHEB P RANA DRIVER GR-I 7550 1925 4706 141811951 BHALABHAI B MAKVANA ELECTICIAN GR II 6975 1779 4355 131091952 CHANDUBHAI P RANA S.B.O. GR-I 4850 1237 4168 10255

1953 KANTIBHAI D CHAUHAN S.B.O. GR-II 5100 1301 4117 105181963 RAMESHBHAI G VASAVA DRIVER GR-II 6875 1753 4295 129231964 RAMESHBHAI B HARIJAN KAMDAR 3850 982 2507 73391965 RAJENDRAKUMAR J PATEL LINE INSPECTOR 6400 1632 4005 120371966 MAFATBHAI M SOLANKI HELPER 4235 1080 3655 89701967 HUSAINBHAI A SHAIKH HELPER 4135 1055 2933 81231968 CHANDRAKANT G VALAND LINEMAN 5180 1321 3649 101501970 MAHESHBHAI P PARMAR AST. LINEMAN 3795 968 2701 74641973 SARDARBHAI L PARGI WATCHMEN 3935 1004 3200 81391982 PRABHATSINH M PARMAR LINEMAN 6400 1632 4004 120361986 PUNAMBHAI C VASAVA S.B.O. GR-II 4380 1117 3845 93421987 BHALABHAI R RABARI AST. LINEMAN 5055 1289 3563 99071988 KALUBHAI R PATEL LINEMAN 5180 1321 3330 98311989 SABURBHAI J PATEL AST. LINEMAN 5180 1321 3335 98361991 DILIPKUMAR B PATEL S.B.O. GR-II 5100 1301 3995 103961993 KANTIBHAI K RATHOD ASST. OP. GR-II 7550 1925 6428 159031994 MUKUND O JOSHI ASST.OP.GR-III 7100 1811 5873 147841996 BHAILALBHAI S CHAUHAN LINEMAN 5430 1385 3412 102271997 JASHUBHAI B RATHWA S.B.O. GR-II 3595 917 2836 73481998 MUKESH C PANDYA HELPER 3595 917 3028 75401999 JAYANTIBHAI M PARMAR S.B.O. GR-II 3935 1004 3305 82442000 JAUDDIN S SHAIKH HELPER 4235 1080 3336 86512001 REVABEN K HARIJAN PART TIME SWEEPR 504 0 0 5042002 KANUBHAI R MEKWAN S.B.O. GR-II 4280 1091 3370 87412003 GOVINDBHAI B MAKWANA ASST. OP. GR-II 5950 1517 4717 121842004 ALABHAI H BAKU S.B.O. GR-I 5500 1403 4299 112022005 PRATAPSINH S BARIA S.B.O. GR-I 5055 1289 3961 103052006 JAGDISHBHAI S BAROT S.B.O. GR-II 5225 1332 4091 106482010 KIRANKUMAR I AMIN JR. ASSISTANT 8525 2174 5428 161272011 ASHOKBHAI J PATEL DRIVER GR-II 7100 1811 4432 133432013 SHANTIBHAI K PARMAR PLANT OP. GR.-I 8250 2104 5974 163282017 BALVANTSINH T BARIA LINEMAN 5555 1417 3489 104612018 MANGALBHAI G PATEL HELPER 4380 1117 3446 89432019 NARVATSINH J BARIA S.B.O. GR-II 5100 1301 3995 103962020 RAFIKMIYA A MALEK HELPER 3680 938 3097 77152022 BHIKHABHAI D HARIJAN PART TIME SWEEPR 504 0 1 5052024 YUNUSHBHAI N VAHORA ASST.OP.GR-III 5950 1517 4643 121102025 VINODBHAI R PATEL ASST.OP.GR-III 7250 1849 6541 156402026 NAZIRMAHMAD I VAHORA ASST.OP.GR-III 7100 1811 6052 149632027 KANTIBHAI M VADAND ASST.OP.GR-III 7325 1868 5691 148842028 BADHARSINH S BARIA S.B.O. GR-I 5055 1289 3961 103052029 RUMALBHAI S BARIA AST. LINEMAN 4735 1208 2989 89322030 ARVINDSINH P BARIA AST. LINEMAN 4735 1208 2989 89322032 MOHANBHAI P HARIJAN PART TIME SWEEPR 504 0 1 5052040 SUBARTISHA D DIWAN LINEMAN 6455 1646 4039 121402041 ARVINDBHAI F BAROT LINEMAN 5430 1385 3412 102272042 RAVJIBHAI H BAJANIA S.B.O. GR-II 4080 1040 3218 83382043 PARVATSINH R BARIA S.B.O. GR-II 4805 1225 4131 101612044 HARIBHAI A HARIJAN KAMDAR 4035 1029 2522 75862047 SHANKARBHAI K HARIJAN LINEMAN 4930 1257 3355 95422048 PRAVINSINH G SOLANKI S.B.O. GR-II 5500 1403 4374 112772049 PRABHUDAS M RATHOD S.B.O. GR-I 4600 1173 3959 9732

2050 RAMESHBHAI B PADHIYAR S.B.O. GR-I 5500 1403 5144 120472051 FULABHAI S PRAJAPATI S.B.O. GR-I 5350 1364 4453 111672053 NARVATSINH P BARIA HELPER 4635 1182 3641 94582054 NAGINBHAI Z HARIJAN PART TIME SWEEPR 504 0 1 5052056 CHIMANBHAI P SOLANKI S.B.O. GR-I 6250 1594 4382 122262057 PRAVINKUMAR S PRAJAPATI ASST. OP. GR-II 5650 1441 4697 117882058 SURESHKUMAR V SOLANKI S.B.O. GR-II 4280 1091 3440 88112059 RAMESHBHAI M CHAUHAN S.B.O. GR-I 4380 1117 3775 92722060 NIKHILCHANDRA T SUTHAR LINEMAN 5555 1417 3489 104612062 PRABHATSINH B PADHIYAR HELPER 6055 1544 4248 118472063 N. T. PRAJAPATI HELPER 4035 1029 2563 76272067 MUNTAJIMODIN N MALEK S.B.O. GR-I 5180 1321 4314 108152068 SHANKARBHAI M PATEL ASST.OP.GR-III 7550 1925 6428 159032071 SOMABHAI M PATEL AST. LINEMAN 4860 1239 3066 91652072 JAYASHKUMAR C PATEL HELPER 4235 1080 2750 80652073 PRAVINBHAI C VAGHELA S.B.O. GR-I 4080 1040 3203 83232075 CHANDUBHAI A SUPAT KAMDAR 4035 1029 2623 76872076 GIRISHCHANDRA V PATEL JR. ENGINEER 13925 3551 11868 293442077 SUDHIRKUMAR B PURANI LINEMAN 5555 1417 3489 104612078 HIMATSINH S PARMAR ASST.OP.GR-III 5500 1403 4575 114782080 KANUBHAI N MASTER ASST.OP.GR-III 7775 1983 6616 163742082 TULSIBHAI R HARIJAN PART TIME SWEEPR 504 0 0 5042083 BHAWANDAS S SINDHI ASST.OP.GR-III 7000 1785 5442 142272084 UDESHIH G PARMAR ASST.OP.GR-III 6550 1670 5591 138112085 RAYSHANG D SINDHA S.B.O. GR-I 5350 1364 4185 108992086 BHARATKUMAR D SOLANKI S.B.O. GR-I 6550 1670 5099 133192089 SANATBHAI R KA-PATEL HELPER 3680 938 3097 77152090 GHANSHYAM A PATEL HELPER 3935 1004 3375 83142091 CHANDRAVADEN G PATEL S.B.O. GR-II 4850 1237 4048 101352092 N S SOLANKI PART TIME SWEEPR 504 0 0 5042095 KIRITKUMAR W MEKWAN S.B.O. GR-I 6180 1576 4495 122512097 RAMANBHAI R RAJPUT HELPER 3595 917 2429 69412098 DAHYABHAI S PARAJAPATI HELPER 3475 886 3007 73682099 JOHNBHAI W MACWAN HELPER 3595 917 3445 79572100 DILIPKUMAR C JOSHI HELPER 3595 917 2836 73482101 NAVINCHANDRA P PRAJAPATIHELPER 3475 886 3007 73682103 RAMESHCANDRA J KACHHIA JR. ENGINEER 9500 2423 8378 203012104 RAJESHKUMAR K SHARMA HELPER 3595 917 2906 74182105 HEMABHAI K BHAGORA S.B.O. GR-II 3510 895 2783 71882106 KALASHWA MAHESHBHAI M AST. LINEMAN 3510 895 2603 70082109 NARANBHAI K GOHIL S.B.O. GR-II 3510 895 2960 73652110 RAMESHBHAI T DINDOR S.B.O. GR-II 3510 895 3029 74342111 MANUBHAI M VALAND HELPER 3510 895 2783 71882112 ASHWINKUMAR D SHARMA HELPER 3400 867 2954 72212113 NILESHKUMAR A GAJJAR HELPER 3510 895 2377 67822114 NARVATSINH S BARIA HELPER 3400 867 2700 69672115 DIPAKKUMAR M SHAH PLANT OP. GR.-I 7550 1925 5272 147472117 AMARSIH N SINDHA HELPER 6550 1670 5590 138102119 SANJAYAKUMAR V SONI HELPER 3400 867 2954 72212120 JITENDRA R PATEL HELPER 3400 867 2700 69672121 MUKUNDBHAI D PAREKH HELPER 3400 867 2955 72222122 MANGALBHAI C PARMAR HELPER 3400 867 2955 7222

2123 NARANBHI M PARMAR HELPER 3400 867 2700 69672126 KHEMABHAI L PATEL HELPER 3850 982 3038 78702128 ANAJUBHAI R BHOYE AST. LINEMAN 3425 873 2190 64882131 A J SHAH DY. ENGINEER 13600 3468 13845 309132133 HITESH S DAVE HELPER 3325 848 2962 71352134 PRAKASH B SHAH DY. ENGINEER 14025 3576 10901 285022135 B S PAREKH JR. ENGINEER 9550 2435 7454 194392136 MANUBHAI B SOLANKI HELPER 3325 848 3157 73302138 RAMJIBHAI M GARASIA S.B.O. GR-II 3425 873 2719 70172143 UDESING J PARMAR HELPER 3325 848 3157 73302150 BHUPATBHAI M VANKER DRIVER GR-II 4225 1077 2678 79802151 SURYAKANT M MISTRY HELPER 3325 848 2643 68162152 RAMESHBHAI T WAGHELA HELPER 3325 848 2200 63732153 HARIBHAI C VASAVA HELPER 3325 848 2264 64372157 MANHARBHAI B TADVI HELPER 3325 848 2129 63022158 ANILKKUMAR A PARAMR HELPER 3325 848 2809 69822162 RAMESHBHAI P WAGHELA DY. ENGINEER 15150 3863 12902 319152166 M M MANDANKA JR. ENGINEER 10100 8034 4565 226992171 HIRABEN.A.BARIA PEON 3250 829 1888 59672172 INAYATBHAI A VOHRA HELPER 3250 829 2586 66652173 UPANDRA A PAREKH HELPER 3250 829 2585 66642174 K S CHAUHAN JR. ENGINEER 9200 2346 7875 194212175 B K BRAHMBHATT HELPER 3250 829 2748 68272176 MAHEBABULI C SAIYED HELPER 3250 829 2829 69082178 ARJUNSINH M GOHEL HELPER 3250 829 2083 61622179 VIJAYKUMAR V BARIA HELPER 3250 829 2586 66652180 MAHESHKUMAR T MISTRY HELPER 4035 1029 3487 85512181 I A MOMIN HELPER 3595 917 2634 71462185 M R PATEL ASST. OP. GR.-I 5600 1428 4927 119552186 B C MAKWANA HELPER 3325 848 2809 69822187 D R SHARMA PLANT OP. GR.-I 7550 1925 6427 159022188 VIJAYBHAI C PATEL SR. ASSISTANT 5975 1524 3835 113342190 MAHESHBHAI K JANI JR. ENGINEER 8500 2168 6645 173132191 DILIPSINH A CHAUHAN HELPER 3175 810 2529 65142192 BHATUBHAI M CHAUDHARY HELPER 3175 810 2529 65142195 RAJESHBHAI M CHAUHAN HELPER 3175 810 2529 65142197 KANTIBHAI B SOLANKI HELPER 3325 848 2809 69822199 B K MAKAVANA JR. ENGINEER 8500 2168 8335 190032200 R J PRAJAPATI HELPER 3850 982 3691 85232202 P R BRAHMBHATT HELPER 3935 1004 2636 75752203 M D PANCHAL HELPER 3175 810 2767 67522204 T G PATEL HELPER 3325 848 2892 70652205 N R WAGHRI S.B.O. GR-I 6055 1544 4098 116972208 N H PANDYA ELECTRICIAN 3900 995 2480 73752209 U A BARIA ELECTRICIAN 3900 995 2479 73742210 SMT B. C. RATHOD KAMDAR 3175 810 1847 58322211 VIPUL D GANATRA JR. ENGINEER 10400 2652 8889 219412212 N.R.MAKWANA ELECTICIAN GR II 3800 969 2418 71872213 S B SHARMA HELPER 3250 829 2748 68272214 PANKAJ M SHAH DY. ENGINEER 10700 2729 10953 243822216 K. C. PATEL HELPER 3250 829 2748 68272220 P. C. VASAVA. ELECTICIAN GR II 3800 969 2418 7187

2221 M. J. MAHIDA P. O. GR.-II 7550 1925 5862 153372222 A. B. SOLANKI HELPER 3595 917 3029 75412223 V. I PARMAR JR. ENGINEER 9800 2499 8382 206812226 G.S.PATEL DY. ENGINEER 11000 2805 8571 223762227 C.C.JOSHI. JR. ENGINEER 9000 2295 8554 198492228 CHANDRAKANT.J.PATEL. PLANT OP. GR.-I 6200 1581 4981 127622229 RAJEESH.G.TALE. JR. ENGINEER 9500 2423 7416 193392231 NIKHIL.N.MEHTA. PLANT OP. GR.-I 6000 1530 4830 123602234 K G BHABHOR HELPER 3890 992 2473 73552235 C S BARIA HELPER 4515 1151 3873 95392236 D V PATEL PLANT OP. GR.-I 7550 1925 5861 153362237 J J VANIYA DY. ENGINEER 11325 2888 9388 236012238 K C VAGHELA HELPER 3030 773 2176 59792240 A A JOSHI JR. ENGINEER 8000 2040 6661 167012241 R C CHAUHAN PLANT OP. GR.-I 7550 1925 5601 150762242 K B GARGE JR. ENGINEER 10400 2652 9868 229202244 S B PATIDAR DY. ENGINEER 14775 3768 12586 311292245 S. V. BARIA HELPER 3935 1004 2501 74402246 M.C.KA'PATEL HELPER 3250 829 2585 66642247 K.S.PATHAN HELPER 3400 867 2429 66962248 NFRATHVA S.B.O. GR-II 3595 917 2848 73602249 N.R.PATEL Vidyut Sahayak 3500 0 0 35002250 ANILBHAI J PATEL S.B.O. GR-I 3710 946 3214 78702251 AJANABEN A PATEL SR. ASSISTANT 5425 1383 3492 103002253 I M VOHRA JR. ENGINEER 9275 2365 7938 195782255 S.R.PATEL HELPER 2960 755 1906 56212256 K.H.MISTRY Vidyut Sahayak 3000 0 0 30002257 N.M.RAMI Vidyut Sahayak 3000 0 0 30002258 K R PARMAR HELPER 3550 905 2814 72692259 P. R. SINDHA HELPER 4035 1029 2865 79292260 A.M.SINDHA HELPER 4335 1106 3070 85112261 D V PARMAR HELPER 4235 1080 2684 79992262 R G RAJ HELPER 3850 982 3313 81452263 B F SINDHA HELPER 3935 1004 2797 77362264 M G VOHRA JR. ASST(TYPIST) 3700 944 2413 70572265 J C THAKOR HELPER 0 0 1 12267 NATVARBHAI M.PANCHAL Vidyut Sahayak 3000 0 1 30012268 N D GARVAL HELPER 3250 829 2083 61622269 L G VOHRA HELPER 3100 791 2224 61152270 J F PATEL E. E. 15525 3959 11889 313732271 B R GOHELL DY. ENGINEER 13600 3468 13890 309582273 B H SINDHA HELPER 4235 1080 3002 83172274 P C RATHVA PLANT OP. GR.-I 6000 1530 3761 112912275 J K SHAH JR. ENGINEER 8000 2040 6860 169002276 C.N.BHANBHOR WATCHMAN 3935 1004 2501 74402277 S.A.VOHRA. HELPER 3100 791 2146 60372302 SHRI PRATAPSING U WAGELAHELPER 4380 1117 4174 96712316 S S MADKE S.B.O. GR-II 4235 1080 3336 86512317 C B GOHIL S.B.O. GR-II 4135 1055 3260 84502318 S K RATHOD LINEMAN 5430 1385 3685 105002320 A P DAVE JR. ASST(TYPIST) 6175 1575 4603 123532330 P M PATEL S.B.O. GR-II 4380 1117 3446 8943

2338 S V TAILOR DY. ENGINEER 11800 3009 9666 244752340 S R TRIVEDI ELECTRICIAN 5600 1428 4457 114852343 R B SOLANKI HELPER 4235 1080 3455 87702344 A M GOHIL S.B.O. GR-II 4235 1080 3761 90762347 C M NATU ASST.OP.GR-III 6550 1670 6278 144982348 M L HARIJAN KAMDAR 3935 1004 2921 78602349 D M WAGHELA S.B.O. GR-II 3935 1004 3768 87072353 J M SHAH JR. ENGINNER 9825 2505 8158 204882354 K L PATEL HELPER 4235 1080 3771 90862357 G K DAMOR HELPER 3720 949 2992 76612358 N C DABHI AST. LINEMAN 3935 1004 2774 77132359 N H GOSWAMI DY. ENGINEER 10700 2729 10125 235542367 J R SHAH S.B.O. GR-I 5800 1479 5582 128612368 P R PATEL HELPER 4380 1117 4173 96702374 C T RATHWA WATCHMEN 3935 1004 2501 74402386 G K PRAJAPATI S.B.O. GR-II 4380 1117 3494 89912387 B S TALAVIA ASST. OP. GR.-I 5400 1377 4332 111092392 M C PARMAR LINEMAN 4180 1066 3342 85882393 T R SOLANKI HELPER 4380 1117 4174 96712394 M C SUTHAR ASST. OP. GR.-I 8225 2097 6148 164702402 B M CHAVDA HELPER 4235 1080 3385 87002410 N N DHAKE PLANT OP. GR.-I 8250 2104 6551 169052411 L S RATHWA WATCHMEN 3850 982 3691 85232416 B J RAWLJI LINEMAN 5500 1403 3541 104442419 D S PARMAR LINE INSPECTOR 2684.16 684.46 1679 50482422 M C TADVI LINEMAN 3795 968 3050 78132423 K S RATHWA AST. LINEMAN 3680 938 2416 70342424 A G KHANIA HELPER 3680 938 2983 76012425 A R RATHWA S.B.O. GR-II 4080 1040 3218 83382426 A K UPADHYAY HELPER 4135 1055 4021 92112427 B M SOLANKI HELPER 3680 938 2983 76012432 H H PUROHIT PLANT OP. GR.-I 9025 2301 8535 198612433 B A GANDHI S.B.O. GR-I 5650 1441 5446 125372438 K M PATEL HELPER 4235 1080 2749 80642439 A T MAYAVANSHI WATCHMEN 4805 1225 3272 93022443 C VIKRAMAN SUPERINTENDENT 9825 2505 7409 197392444 B S SOLANKI GUEST HOUSE ATD. 4135 1055 3308 84982445 J D KADAM GUEST HOUSE ATD. 3680 938 2888 75062448 D G SINDHA HELPER 4135 1055 3331 85212453 B M PADHIAR HELPER 4930 1257 3208 93952455 S R PANDIT ASST. OP. GR.-I 8525 2174 8034 187332456 G N DESAI HELPER 3680 938 2984 76022457 M C RAJPUT S.B.O. GR-I 6055 1544 4723 123222459 C G THAKKAR JR. ENGINEER 10400 2652 9848 229002465 K V PATEL LINEMAN 5500 1403 3731 106342467 V V GARASIYA AST. LINEMAN 3595 917 2655 71672468 R B RATHWA HELPER 3475 886 2395 67562469 S B BHATIA WATCHMAN 3680 938 2962 75802470 A J MALEK HELPER 5305 1353 4133 107912471 A N PATEL PLANT OP. GR.-I 6650 1696 6370 147162472 B C VASAVA ASST. OP. GR.-I 5600 1428 4484 115122474 S V PATELIA S.B.O. GR-II 3595 917 2849 7361

2477 A R BARIA S.B.O. GR-I 5180 1321 4056 105572478 M D VASAVA S.B.O. GR-II 3595 917 2849 73612479 R R GOSWAMI HELPER 3510 895 2924 73292481 R D PARMAR S.B.O. GR-II 5100 1301 3995 103962482 M M THAKKAR ASST. OP. GR.-I 9125 2327 7258 187102483 M A BHAVSAR JR. ENGINEER 10100 2576 8966 216422484 B T PATEL ELECTRICIAN 5075 1294 4845 112142489 S K RATHWA WATCHMAN 3935 1004 2501 74402490 V D PAREKH S.B.O. GR-II 5225 1332 4090 106472491 N M SOLANKI S.B.O. GR-II 5180 1321 4426 109272492 M S RATHWA WATCHMAN 3935 1004 2636 75752493 P R BODANA ELECTRICIAN 3900 995 3130 80252495 S D RATHWA WATCHMAN 3935 1004 2566 75052497 V G DHIRDE DRIVER GR-I 10100 2576 7956 206322498 A A MOGHA HELPER 3595 917 3445 79572499 D R PRAJAPATI HELPER 3595 917 3516 80282500 P C PATEL HELPER 3475 886 2807 71682501 U V PATEL HELPER 3595 917 2976 74882503 P J KAPADIA JR. ENGINEER 9000 2295 8560 198552506 R G PADHIAR HELPER 3510 895 2833 72382508 M R ROHIT HELPER 3400 867 2770 70372510 M B KATARA S.B.O. GR-II 3510 895 2784 71892511 S K SOLANKI P/T SWEEPER 516 0 741 12572512 D M SOLANKI P/T SWEEPER 406.48 0 1 4072515 H S WAGHELA P/T SWEEPER 0 0 1 12516 L J HARIJAN P/T SWEEPER 416.15 0 741 11572517 N A PARMAR GARDNER(MALI) 4735 1208 2806 87492522 J P MAKWANA WATCHMEN 3325 848 2694 68672532 J H GAJJAR DY. ENGINEER 13275 3385 12096 287562534 C L WAGHELA HELPER 3250 829 2585 66642535 S D WAGHELA HELPER 3250 829 2083 61622537 M B TADVI HELPER 3250 829 2656 67352550 R G MAKWANA HELPER 3325 848 2694 68672551 T.R.BARIA S.B.O. GR-I 5180 1321 4126 106272553 G V RATHOD HELPER 3175 810 2529 65142554 M M VASAVA S.B.O. GR-II 3510 895 2783 71882555 M C GOSWAMI HELPER 5055 1289 4214 105582557 C L MACHHAR HELPER 3100 791 2471 63622559 M C CHAUHAN HELPER 3400 867 3280 75472562 A C BHIL HELPER 3100 791 2626 65172564 A R PARMAR HELPER 3100 791 2951 68422566 L B VALVAI HELPER 3100 791 2471 63622568 I B PATEL JR. ENGINEER 8750 2231 8569 195502569 J T CHARPOT HELPER 3400 867 2175 64422571 R K BHOI DY. ENGINEER 15150 3863 14324 333372572 D A PARMAR HELPER 3250 829 2748 68272574 R D HARIJAN PART TIME SWEEPR 211.38 0 0 2122575 G C RATHWA HELPER 3175 810 2599 65842576 P. N. MENGAR PLANT OP. GR.-I 6425 1638 4220 122832579 U U BAROT PLANT OP. GR.-I 6425 1638 6165 142282581 R N SHARMA JR. ENGINEER 12575 3207 12538 283202583 V .B.RATHVA HELPER 3325 848 2809 6982

2584 B.A.WAGHELA JR. ENGINEER 8500 2168 6391 170592585 L.K.BAMANIA HELPER 3850 982 3113 79452586 S B TADVI HELPER 3400 867 2770 70372587 K.M.PATEL PLANT OP. GR.-I 6425 1638 5164 132272588 J.M.PANDYA PLANT OP. GR.-I 6425 1638 5487 135502589 M V RATHVA HELPER 3400 867 2940 72072591 V R THAKER PLANT OP. GR.-I 6000 1530 4981 125112592 A M RATHOD HELPER 3720 949 2944 76132593 S K SANGADA HELPER 3635 927 2879 74412595 T L PANDOR WATCHMEN 4035 1029 2597 76612596 D M PANDYA JR. ENGINEER 0 0 0 02597 A P SHAH JR. ENGINEER 8500 2168 7070 177382598 P D AMIN HELPER 4035 1029 3930 89942599 L K BHEDI HELPER 3595 917 2920 74322605 D H BHAGAT JR. ENGINEER 10100 2576 8636 213122607 R H KAHAR JR. ENGINEER 10400 2652 8109 211612608 R B MISTRY JR. ENGINEER 10100 2576 8128 208042610 M J JOSHI JR. ENGINEER 8500 2168 6645 173132615 J M RAVAL SR. ASSISTANT 8000 2040 5101 151412617 A N SHAH SR. ASSISTANT 7550 1925 5244 147192619 U R PATEL DRIVER GR-I 8025 2046 4996 150672621 R S BARIA LINE INSPECTOR 7350 1874 4584 138082622 B R PATEL LINEMAN 5555 1417 3489 104612623 SAYBA G BARIA AST. LINEMAN 5305 1353 3337 99952624 A D PATEL HELPER 4805 1225 3884 99142625 SABUR B BARIA HELPER 5055 1289 4284 106282626 RATAN S BARIA HELPER 4515 1151 2856 85222627 B K BARIA HELPER 4060 1035 2780 78752630 N A VASAVA TELECOM TECH. 4350 1109 3472 89312632 J K MALVI JR. ENGINEER 10375 2646 8090 211112636 J H DAMOR PLANT OP. GR.-I 7750 1976 6014 157402639 P D PATEL LINE INSPECTOR 6550 1670 4096 123162640 C P PATEL AST. LINEMAN 5235 1335 3294 98642641 M K PARMAR AST. LINEMAN 4860 1239 3430 95292642 M V PATEL S.B.O. GR-II 4860 1239 3563 96622643 S C BARIA HELPER 4515 1151 2855 85212644 A G PATEL S.B.O. GR-II 5305 1353 4151 108092645 A S PATEL AST. LINEMAN 5055 1289 4042 103862646 S A SHAIKH S.B.O. GR-II 4480 1142 3522 91442647 S M PARMAR HELPER 4380 1117 3446 89432648 K R PATEL WATCHMAN 4135 1055 3261 84512650 D S PATEL S.B.O. GR-I 6455 1646 6295 143962652 P S JETHVA S.B.O. GR-I 5225 1332 5477 120342653 S A PATELIA ASST.OP.GR-III 4100 1046 2667 78132654 D D PATEL LINEMAN 5430 1385 3413 102282655 B B BARIA HELPER 4235 1080 3336 86512656 M C PATEL HELPER 4480 1142 3057 86792657 N M PATEL HELPER 4035 1029 2562 76262659 P B PARIKH S.B.O. GR-I 6905 1761 5715 143812661 R M BARIA S.B.O. GR-I 6055 1544 4097 116962662 R N PATEL S.B.O. GR-I 6305 1608 4262 121752664 R M BARIA AST. LINEMAN 6400 1632 4185 12217

2665 B R PATEL HELPER 5055 1289 4214 105582666 N S PATEL HELPER 4480 1142 3747 93692667 K V BARIA S.B.O. GR-I 7505 1914 6202 156212669 R M BARIA S.B.O. GR-I 6055 1544 5033 126322670 P P PATEL S.B.O. GR-I 6055 1544 4414 120132672 L J PATEL AST. LINEMAN 5360 1367 3370 100972673 N S BARIA AST. LINEMAN 4930 1257 3108 92952674 A A BARIA HELPER 5055 1289 4214 105582677 B A BARIA S.B.O. GR-I 6180 1576 3870 116262678 J R PATEL S.B.O. GR-I 5555 1417 3490 104622680 K J BARIA AST. LINEMAN 6610 1686 4464 127602682 B C PATEL AST. LINEMAN 5055 1289 3961 103052683 S R BARIA HELPER 4735 1208 3955 98982684 S B PATEL HELPER 5055 1289 3438 97822685 M K DAMOR WATCHMAN 4805 1225 3771 98012687 V L PATEL S.B.O. GR-I 6605 1684 5637 139262688 B D PATEL S.B.O. GR-I 6755 1723 6291 147692689 V R CHAUHAN S.B.O. GR-I 6905 1761 5371 140372691 D K BARIA LINEMAN 5430 1385 3413 102282692 A M PATEL AST. LINEMAN 5180 1321 3260 97612693 A G PATEL HELPER 4235 1080 3639 89542694 N M SOLANKI WATCHMAN 5430 1385 4446 112612696 S C DESAI ASST. OP. GR-II 7550 1925 5861 153362697 K S NINAMA S.B.O. GR-I 5581.78 1423.44 5699 127042698 K S BHOI S.B.O. GR-I 5430 1385 5351 121662700 RATILAL B BARIA HELPER 5055 1289 4479 108232701 G M PATEL S.B.O. GR-II 4930 1257 4112 102992702 RAMESH B BARIA HELPER 4480 1142 4212 98342705 R V VASAVA SR. ASSISTANT 5425 1383 3999 108072709 H S PATEL S.B.O. GR-I 6605 1684 5472 137612710 M G PATEL AST. LINEMAN 5055 1289 3184 95282711 M R BARIA S.B.O. GR-II 4930 1257 3865 100522712 S D PARMAR S.B.O. GR-II 4035 1029 3184 82482714 P H MACHHI WATCHMAN 4230 1079 3432 87412715 N V PATEL S.B.O. GR-I 6605 1684 5472 137612716 V B THAKOR S.B.O. GR-I 6055 1544 4723 123222717 B N BARIYA S.B.O. GR-I 5800 1479 4505 117842718 B P BARIA S.B.O. GR-I 4930 1257 3866 100532719 B R PATEL LINEMAN 6455 1646 4039 121402720 B G PATEL AST. LINEMAN 4735 1208 2990 89332721 M B PATEL S.B.O. GR-II 5055 1289 4214 105582722 M R PATEL HELPER 3680 938 2723 73412724 P M PATEL S.B.O. GR-I 5305 1353 4417 110752725 J K PATEL S.B.O. GR-I 5555 1417 4620 115922726 M S ADIAL ASST. OP. GR.-I 7775 1983 6229 159872728 J C BARIA LINEMAN 6180 1576 3870 116262729 M S BARIA LINEMAN 5930 1512 3718 111602730 P R PATEL HELPER 4135 1055 3260 84502731 B R PARMAR HELPER 4805 1225 3771 98012732 N B PATEL S.B.O. GR-II 5055 1289 4340 106842734 S P PATEL LINEMAN 5180 1321 3260 97612735 V G BHAVSAR HELPER 3595 917 2835 7347

2738 F D DAMOR PART TIME SWEEPR 504 0 742 12462739 H R SHARMA JR. ASST(TYPIST) 4900 1250 3041 91912740 H S BAMANIA JR. ASSISTANT 4225 1077 2741 80432741 P R SOLANKI JR. ASSISTANT 4225 1077 2742 80442745 M R TADVI DRIVER GR-I 4225 1077 2678 79802747 A N SONI DY SUPDT (ACCT) 9825 2505 6242 185722749 S B DESAI PLANT OP. GR.-I 8000 2040 6805 168452750 SMT.M.B.SANGADA JR. ASST(TYPIST) 4000 1020 2366 73862752 M R BARIA S.B.O. GR-I 4380 1117 3446 89432753 U B BARIA S.B.O. GR-I 4680 1193 3675 95482754 P S PATEL S.B.O. GR-II 5180 1321 4056 105572755 M P CHAUHAN S.B.O. GR-I 5055 1289 3961 103052756 R P BARIA LINEMAN 5555 1417 3490 104622757 R S BARIA AST. LINEMAN 4335 1106 2746 81872758 S N BARIA HELPER 3975 1014 2934 79232759 L B BARIA HELPER 3975 1014 2934 79232760 B G BARIA HELPER 3975 1014 3004 79932762 P K HARIJAN P/T SWEEPER 504 0 742 12462763 M C RATHOD HELPER 4035 1029 3386 84502764 G S DAMOR WATCHMAN 3680 938 2346 69642765 S M GANASWA WATCHMEN 3935 1004 3156 80952767 D.O.ARORA JR. ENGINEER 9800 2499 9304 216032768 A. M. HOLIA JR. ENGINEER 8250 2104 6866 172202770 C D DAMOR HELPER 3805 970 2813 75882771 A. M. PARGI WATCHMAN 3935 1004 3108 80472772 A P TAVIAD PLANT OP. GR.-I 6200 1581 5298 130792773 R M CHAUHAN HELPER 3975 1014 5534 105232774 S V DANGI TECHNICIAN GR.-I 4225 1077 2551 78532775 C. S. BARIA HELPER 3975 1014 3138 81272776 M H VYAS PLANT OP. GR.-I 6425 1638 6164 142272777 D L AMIN PLANT OP. GR.-I 6200 1581 4833 126142778 R C MACHHAR HELPER 3250 829 2418 64972780 J K KATARA JR. ASST(TYPIST) 3900 995 2539 74342783 S.K.SARAIYA DY. ENGINEER 13600 3468 11592 286602786 K.M.HATHIBHAI JR. ENGINEER 8000 2040 6621 166612787 P.R.PATELIA DY. ENGINEER 11064.2 7081.09 3100 212462788 D.B.JOSHI DY. ENGINEER 14400 3672 11837 299092789 N.K.PAREKH HELPER 3000 0 0 30002790 A.F.LOKHANDWALA E. E. 16275 4150 13366 337912791 PRATAP BHAVA DAMOR HELPER 4235 1080 2685 80002792 B H BARIA LINEMAN 5305 1353 3337 99952793 S V RAJPURA JR. ENGINEER 7750 1976 7381 171072795 D C PARMAR DY. ENGINEER 10700 2729 8500 219292796 R. R. BARIA JR. ENGINEER 6750 1721 5298 137692797 M. A, TAVIAD PLANT OP. GR.-I 6200 1581 4833 126142798 P. M. MOHITE JR. ENGINEER 10100 2576 9536 222122799 R J PATEL. JR. ENGINEER 7250 1849 7037 161362800 A.A, DESAI PLANT OP. GR.-I 6000 1530 5280 128102801 P. H. PARMAR JR. ENGINEER 8000 2040 7615 176552802 A V GANDHI PLANT OP. GR.-I 6200 1581 4057 118382903 D G JADAV DY. ENGINEER 13925 3551 12758 302342905 N R PATEL JR. ENGINEER 8500 2168 6645 17313

2908 D K SOLANKI JR. ASST(TYPIST) 4900 1250 3630 97802909 P D PARMAR JR. ASST(TYPIST) 4750 1211 3526 94872911 J K RATHVA LINEMAN 4280 1091 2781 81522914 J M PATEL HELPER 3758.37 958.1 2381 70972915 B B BARIA HELPER 4235 1080 3002 83172916 V N VASAVA HELPER 4235 1080 2749 80642918 U B MISTRY DY. ENGINEER 13650 3481 12020 291512921 V U PATEL LINEMAN 5055 1289 3702 100462923 A. P. SHAH JR. ENGINEER 9800 2499 9002 213012924 J V PATEL JR. ENGINEER 8250 2104 7624 179782927 B.C.GOSAI JR. ENGINEER 9500 2423 7843 197662932 SMT LATABEN J BHATT. PEON 2890 737 2169 57962933 K C RATHODIA HELPER 4635 1182 3723 95402934 S S SHAH DY. ENGINEER 14400 3672 13096 311682936 L.N.PANDYA E. E. 15150 3863 13007 320202937 P.K.DATTA. JR. ENGINEER 9800 2499 8088 203872938 S.R.THAKKAR. SR. ASSISTANT 7550 1925 5566 150412939 P F SOLANKI HELPER 4635 1182 3724 95412940 M.B.Daraji JR. ENGINEER 11000 3740 10070 248103008 NARENDRAKUMAR S PANDYA PLANT OP. GR.-I 8775 2238 8306 193193011 SANABHAI M GOHIL LINEMAN 6550 1670 4276 124963017 RAMESHCHANDRA U JOSHI PEON 6725 1715 4989 134293038 CHIMANBHAI T PRAJAPATI PEON 5180 1321 3827 103283066 DHANSUKHLAL K GANDHI PLANT OP. GR.-I 12850 3277 12023 281503075 NILESHKUMAR N PANDYA HELPER 5415 1381 4414 112103080 HARSADBHAIMULJIBHAIPATELLINEMAN 5180 1321 4212 107133081 JASUBHAI SOMABHAIHARIJANKAMDAR 4035 1029 2990 80543083 ABHESING M PADIYAR LINEMAN 5305 1353 4233 108913085 BHAGAWANDAS F PATEL AST. LINEMAN 5180 1321 4137 106383087 SHRI K N KADAM S.B.O. GR-II 4680 1193 3675 95483088 SHRI K M DEVDA ASST. OP. GR.-I 9025 2301 7182 185083090 A A DIWAN LINEMAN 5650 1441 3647 107383091 SHRI S S PADHIAR AST. LINEMAN 4380 1117 2991 84883092 SHRI D C PATEL AST. LINEMAN 5180 1321 3519 100203093 SHRI M H PARMAR S.B.O. GR-II 4480 1142 3816 94383304 C D PARMAR SR. ASSISTANT 5775 1473 4243 114913308 J N BARIA JR. ENGINEER 10100 2576 7877 205533310 B C PATEL PLANT OP. GR.-I 10375 2646 9599 226203314 S J RAULJI LINEMAN 8775 2238 5453 164663316 R J BARIA LINEMAN 5555 1417 3490 104623317 V S BARIA LINEMAN 5305 1353 3337 99953318 G A BARIA HELPER 3321.4 846.67 2817 69853320 D R PATEL S.B.O. GR-II 4335 1106 3413 88543321 S R PATEL HELPER 4480 1142 3858 94803322 N V PATEL S.B.O. GR-II 4335 1106 3412 88533323 L S BARIA HELPER 4060 1035 2577 76723324 P S BARIA HELPER 4615 1177 3734 95263325 G V PATEL HELPER 4615 1177 2916 87083326 T A BARIA HELPER 4235 1080 3989 93043327 B V BARIA HELPER 5305 1353 3437 100953328 D B VASAIYA WATCHMAN 3935 1004 3108 80473329 H K VASAIYA WATCHMAN 3935 1004 3108 8047

3330 T M PARGI WATCHMAN 3680 938 2913 75313331 D S PARGI WATCHMAN 3935 1004 3108 80473333 S D VASAVA ASST.OP.GR-III 4225 1077 4033 93353334 G R RATHWA ASST.OP.GR-III 4225 1077 3404 87063336 A C PATEL S.B.O. GR-I 5650 1441 4400 114913337 B J PATEL AST. LINEMAN 4860 1239 3065 91643338 A V PATEL HELPER 4930 1257 3355 95423340 M R PATEL ASST.OP.GR-III 5800 1479 5507 127863341 R M BHAGAT ASST.OP.GR-III 4725 1205 4652 105823342 A M SATHWARA S.B.O. GR-I 4850 1237 4615 107023343 C R JAISWAL S.B.O. GR-I 5800 1479 4614 118933344 N A PATEL AST. LINEMAN 1118.86 285.46 709 21143345 M J RATHOD HELPER 4535 1157 3565 92573346 P S PARMAR HELPER 4380 1117 3665 91623348 R M VARIA ASST.OP.GR-III 7175 1830 5734 147393349 K B BARIA S.B.O. GR-I 6250 1594 4871 127153350 M R BODANA S.B.O. GR-I 5100 1301 4605 110063351 R S MALI S.B.O. GR-I 5430 1385 4518 113333352 B P BARIA LINEMAN 6305 1608 3947 118603354 K M PAREKH S.B.O. GR-II 4930 1257 4784 109713356 C M BARIA S.B.O. GR-II 2595.63 661.93 2297 55553357 S S PATEL S.B.O. GR-II 5100 1301 4076 104773358 M S PATEL S.B.O. GR-II 5180 1321 4056 105573360 J B PATEL LINEMAN 4080 1040 2654 77743361 J N VASAVA S.B.O. GR-I 3795 968 2989 77523362 P C RATHWA AST. LINEMAN 3595 917 2664 71763363 N D PATEL S.B.O. GR-I 5800 1479 4528 118073365 R B PATEL S.B.O. GR-I 5225 1332 4090 106473366 B K RATHWA S.B.O. GR-I 4080 1040 3217 83373367 B J OZA PEON 4815 1228 3571 96143368 S C BARIA AST. LINEMAN 5985 1526 3752 112633369 K M PATEL HELPER 4380 1117 3424 89213371 G S SAIYED HELPER 3680 938 2481 70993373 K M PATEL ASST.OP.GR-III 5800 1479 3739 110183374 G V PATEL S.B.O. GR-I 5305 1353 4398 110563375 B C PANDYA S.B.O. GR-I 0 0 929 9293376 R B BARIA LINE INSPECTOR 7075 1804 4417 132963377 S M PATEL AST. LINEMAN 5180 1321 3260 97613378 B S BARIA HELPER 4480 1142 3283 89053379 M V PATEL AST. LINEMAN 4985 1271 3391 96473380 A B PATEL S.B.O. GR-II 5180 1321 4056 105573381 SANATSINH P SHIKARI S.B.O. GR-II 5055 1289 3961 103053382 B R SHAH S.B.O. GR-I 6180 1576 5201 129573383 P K SUTHAR ASST.OP.GR-III 6400 1632 4424 124563384 C M BARIA LINEMAN 5555 1417 3489 104613385 D P BARIA HELPER 3765 960 3166 78913386 S B BARIA HELPER 4480 1142 2833 84553387 M C CHAUHAN HELPER 5055 1289 3184 95283388 J M PATEL JR. ENGINEER 10100 2576 7877 205533389 P C PARMAR ASST. OP. GR.-I 8900 2270 7444 186143390 H P NINAMA ASST. OP. GR.-I 8000 2040 6204 162443391 N K GANASAV ASST. OP. GR-II 5075 1294 3976 10345

3392 J N BHAMAT LINEMAN 5225 1332 3288 98453394 D S PATEL HELPER 4515 1151 3082 87483395 S P PATEL HELPER 4235 1080 2684 79993396 P M TADVI AST. LINEMAN 3595 917 2294 68063398 B C BARIA LINEMAN 6400 1632 4005 120373401 I N RAVLJI HELPER 3595 917 2474 69863402 R B CHAUHAN PEON 3510 895 2294 66993404 RAJENDRASINH J RAULJI HELPER 3400 867 2694 69613408 L M DAMOR S.B.O. GR-II 3510 895 2771 71763412 V S GOR JR. ASST(TYPIST) 4750 1211 3526 94873415 N K GANDHI PLANT OP. GR.-I 7100 1811 4964 138753416 M C BHRAMBHATT S.B.O. GR-I 5430 1385 4247 110623426 B S RATHWA HELPER 3175 810 2529 65143427 P R RATHOD HELPER 3175 810 2604 65893428 M N VASAVA HELPER 3175 810 2529 65143430 D M MUNIYA S.B.O. GR-I 3710 946 3508 81643431 S N BAMANIA DY SUPDT (ACCT) 6875 1753 5093 137213434 N G RAVTAL JR. ENGINEER 12025 3066 9360 244513436 K. B. DAMOR SR. ASSISTANT 6575 1677 3718 119703437 M. U. SWADIA DY. ENGINEER 11975 3054 11298 263273438 R. D. PARMAR HELPER 3250 829 2083 61623439 S. D. UPASANI DY. ENGINEER 11325 2888 10700 249133440 R M THAKUR DY. ENGINEER 11650 2971 11874 264953441 SMT. A.H. PATHAK PEON 5555 1417 4089 110613444 N P RATHWA HELPER 3250 829 2083 61623446 R.N.DESAI DY. ENGINEER 11000 2805 10460 242653447 A.J.AMIN DY. ENGINEER 11650 2971 9471 240923603 A K SHIROLAWALA DY. ENGINEER 13650 3481 12020 291513610 M A JOSHI SR. ASSISTANT 12575 3207 7647 234293614 R V PATEL JR. ASSISTANT 5250 1339 3382 99713615 N J UPADHYAY JR. ASSISTANT 5250 1339 3876 104653618 V A CHHASATIA DRIVER GR-I 6200 1581 4032 118133620 M H PATHAN PEON 4975 1269 3210 94543624 B C PANCHAL JR. ENGINEER 9825 2505 8157 204873630 M B SOLANKI HELPER 3680 938 2621 72393631 B S DARJI HELPER 3680 938 3605 82233636 B K SHAH JR. ENGINEER 8900 2270 9155 203253638 A J SHAH SR. ASSISTANT 7175 1830 4735 137403639 A V SHAH SURVEYOR GR-II 7325 1868 5849 150423640 P M PATEL LINE INSPECTOR 8775 2238 6111 171243641 S B PATEL LINE INSPECTOR 7350 1874 4584 138083642 P R PATEL LINEMAN 6100 1556 3821 114773643 R B BARIA DRIVER GR-I 5975 1524 3746 112453647 K B PATEL JR. ENGINEER 12625 3219 11464 273083649 M J BHATT SR. ASSISTANT 9275 2365 6774 184143650 P K AMIN JR. ASSISTANT 7100 1811 5250 141613652 A C DHOBI CARPENTER 8000 2040 5581 156213653 S S GAIKWAD WATCHMAN 6725 1715 6321 147613661 J P PANCHAL JR. ASSISTANT 4600 1173 3421 91943662 M B SOLANKI PEON 3935 1004 2920 78593665 R M RAJPUT PEON 4235 1080 2570 78853669 S M DAMOR WATCHMAN 3680 938 2345 6963

3670 J P JOSHI JR. ASSISTANT 4225 1077 2742 80443671 JAYESHKUMAR D BHATT JR. ASSISTANT 4750 1211 3526 94873673 B V JOSHI JR. ENGINEER 10925 2786 9004 227153687 A B KAYSTH CARPENTER 7775 1983 5427 151853689 A K RAJBHOI DY. ENGINEER 12300 3137 10126 255633690 V M THAKKAR DY. ENGINEER 11975 3054 11890 269193691 S D SHAH JR. ENGINEER 11000 2805 10370 241754003 SHRI R T SHRVI ASST. OP. GR.-I 8275 2110 8705 190904004 S R GRAMOPADHYA S.B.O. GR-II 5950 1517 5016 124834008 SHRI K S THAKOR ASST. OP. GR.-I 8675 2212 8216 191034012 SHRI GANPAT M PADHIAR HELPER 4380 1117 3947 94444014 SHRI JAISINH L PATEL HELPER 5055 1289 3808 101524015 SHRI MAHENDRA K PANCHAL HELPER 4380 1117 4244 97414016 SHRI B D PATEL S.B.O. GR-II 4350 1109 3424 88834017 SHRI B K BARIA HELPER 4635 1182 4204 100214018 SHRI VAJESINH C PATEL HELPER 4235 1080 3407 87224021 SHRI M M DHAIRIWALA JR. ASST(TYPIST) 5600 1428 4120 111484023 SHRI M B BARIA S.B.O. GR-II 4380 1117 3531 90284501 B.B.SINDHA HELPER 4135 1055 2624 78144502 V M SINDHA HELPER 2607.99 665.21 1703 49774503 P L BARIYA HELPER 3100 791 2626 65174504 D K PATEL E. E. 15525 3959 13322 328064505 H P SHETH JR. ENGINEER 10400 2652 8316 213684506 R M HARIJAN PART TIME SWEEPR 504 0 788 12924507 R B MALIWAD HELPER 3400 867 2770 70374508 D D KHANT HELPER 3400 867 3281 75484509 R D RATHOD HELPER 3030 773 2101 59044510 A.H.MAKAWANA. Vidyut Sahayak 3000 0 0 30004511 N.A.BARIA HELPER 3890 992 3268 81504512 J.D.MAHIDA. PLANT OP. GR.-I 6650 1696 5509 138554513 B.M RATHWA. HELPER 3030 773 2476 62794514 A.G.CHAUDHARI, PLANT OP. GR.-I 6000 1530 4680 122104515 P.J.PATEL. PLANT OP. GR.-I 7550 1925 7190 166654516 B V RATHWA. HELPER 3400 867 2700 69674517 M.B.PARMAR HELPER 3250 829 2083 61624518 D.M.DAMOR HELPER 3250 829 2083 61625000 G R BARIA S.B.O. GR-I 4380 1117 3665 91625001 J R PATEL S.B.O. GR-II 4135 1055 3260 84505002 T G PATEL LINEMAN 6755 1723 4559 130375003 A C BHUVIR HELPER 3510 895 2959 73645005 K N PATEL S.B.O. GR-I 6900 1760 5451 141115006 S H PATEL S.B.O. GR-I 4280 1091 3370 87415008 T C PARMAR HELPER 3030 773 2254 60575011 P D CHAUHAN ASST. OP. GR.-I 5075 1294 4845 112145012 M Y SHAH HELPER 3030 773 2469 62725013 B M VASAVA AST. LINEMAN 3510 895 2241 66465014 K C VASAVA PLANT OP. GR.-I 6425 1638 5005 130685015 A G PATEL PLANT OP. GR.-I 9025 2301 8735 200615016 R R PATEL. Vidyut Sahayak 3500 0 1 35015017 S J Trivedi JR. ENGINEER 8750 2231 6838 178195018 P.D.PANDYA Vidyut Sahayak 3500 0 1 35015019 B.P.GOHIL Vidyut Sahayak 3500 0 0 3500

5021 V N SHAH DY. ENGINEER 15525 3959 12055 315395022 K S PATEL PLANT OP. GR.-I 6200 1581 5959 137405023 S K MALEK Vidyut Sahayak 3000 0 0 30005024 C T SODHA Vidyut Sahayak 3000 0 1 30015025 A M PATEL PLANT OP. GR.-I 5800 1479 5858 131375026 M G GADHVI DY. ENGINEER 10700 2729 8520 219495027 K G PATEL HELPER 3100 791 2056 59475028 C B PARMAR HELPER 3250 829 3088 71675029 K B TADVI JR. ENGINEER 8000 2040 7641 176815030 R R SOLANKI HELPER 4135 1055 3330 85205031 J.B.OZA DY. ENGINEER 15900 4055 13955 339105033 V C PATEL HELPER 3030 773 2559 63625034 N N GAMIT GUEST HOUSE ATD. 2820 719 1866 54055035 G K RATHWA Vidyut Sahayak 0 0 0 05036 S B BHAGORA HELPER 3250 829 2418 64975037 M R VASAVA HELPER 4135 1055 3452 86425038 A K CHAVDA HELPER 3400 867 3281 75485039 S N TADVI HELPER 3325 848 2643 68165040 P V PATEL HELPER 3030 773 2943 67465041 P B BHATT JR. ASSISTANT 6475 1651 3842 119685042 D K TADVI HELPER 3475 886 2757 71185043 Y M PATEL DRIVER GR-I 10100 2576 6261 189375044 D M VANKER HELPER 3475 886 3349 77105045 M S RATHWA HELPER 3030 773 2407 62105046 D C VADAJIA HELPER 2820 719 1962 55015048 S L DAMOR HELPER 3030 773 2559 63625049 M K GANASWA HELPER 2960 755 1906 56215050 D P BHABHOR HELPER 3100 791 2471 63625051 JALPA M THAAKAR JR. ENGINEER 6500 1658 6260 144185052 A R RATHVA HELPER 3550 905 2814 72695053 M P VANKAR KAMDAR 2750 701 2071 55225054 R K SOLANKI GUEST HOUSE ATD. 2750 701 2666 61175056 K J KATARA HELPER 3030 773 2418 62215057 S K PATHAN HELPER 3030 773 2570 63735058 A B BARIYA HELPER 3325 848 2129 63025059 D M VASAVA JR. ENGINEER 6500 1658 5105 132635060 J M PARMAR DY. ENGINEER 10100 2576 7877 205535061 G B Panchal+ HELPER 2890 737 2445 60725062 P B PATEL HELPER 2890 737 2311 59385063 P K DAVE JR. ENGINEER 7500 1913 7180 165935064 S M DAMOR S.B.O. GR-II 3880 989 2467 73365065 L M DAMOR HELPER 2960 755 1906 56215066 S N DAMOR HELPER 2960 755 1906 56215067 A M SHUKLA E. E. 16275 4150 14765 351905068 D J SHAH DY. ENGINEER 14900 3800 14288 329885069 R M ATHAVLE SR. TECHNICIAN 7100 1811 5676 145875070 Y M PATEL HELPER 4235 1080 3384 86995071 R H SAVANT DRIVER GR-II 8275 2110 6569 169545072 P S RATHVA HELPER 3100 791 1991 58826002 B F PARMAR Vidyut Sahayak 3500 0 1 35016003 K.M.VYAS. LINEMAN 7600 1938 5116 146546004 H A PARMAR FIREMAN 3980 1015 2529 7524

6005 Jayanti D Vaghela JR. ASSISTANT 3900 995 2440 73356006 G V DOSHI DY. ENGINEER 14250 3634 13641 315256007 B S TALPADA HELPER 3100 791 2147 60386008 SURESH C VASAVA SR. ASSISTANT 5425 1383 3681 104896009 B A VOHRA HELPER 2820 719 2398 59376011 N S PANCHAL E. E. 15900 4055 11866 318216012 N R THAKOR HELPER 3595 917 2564 70766013 G.P.RATHVA HELPER 3175 810 2037 60226015 R N TAVIYAD HELPER 3100 791 1992 58836016 N.D.SHAH DY SUPDT (ACCT) 10775 2748 6567 200907024 S S SHASTRI SR. ASSISTANT 7775 1983 5723 154817032 B K PATEL SR. ASSISTANT 7550 1925 4633 141087033 G R DURVE SR. ASSISTANT 7325 1868 5409 146027035 H M SHAH JR. ASSISTANT 7325 1868 5409 146027037 T A ZIKRE SR. ASSISTANT 7100 1811 5250 141617039 R K SHAH JR. ASSISTANT 6175 1575 4604 123547040 M U H SHAIKH JR. ASST(TYPIST) 6975 1779 5163 139177042 S B KANITKAR JR. ASST(TYPIST) 5250 1339 3876 104657046 M K MACHHI PEON 5805 1480 4265 115507047 G C PADHIER PEON 5650 1441 3378 104697048 C M RATHVA PEON 4930 1257 3692 98797049 M Z HARIJAN KAMDAR 5180 1321 3049 95507055 C V PATEL LINEMAN 5450 4523 1963 119367056 J M PATANWADIA DRIVER GR-I 6375 1626 5125 131267061 Y M MAKWANA SR. ASSISTANT 5600 1428 4121 111497065 C P PANDYA ASST. OP. GR-II 7775 1983 7384 171427066 R H GOHIL ELECTRICIAN 7375 1881 5886 151427068 R M YADAV LINEMAN 5055 1289 3437 97817072 D G UPADHYAYA SR. ASSISTANT 7775 1983 5723 154817075 N J AMIN SR. ASSISTANT 9275 2365 6774 184147078 G M SHAIKH SR. ASSISTANT 9125 2327 6669 181217081 B U DESAI JR. ASSISTANT 7100 1811 5250 141617083 R N SHAH DY SUPDT (ACCT) 8250 2104 6256 166107095 D P ZAREKAR JR. ASST(TYPIST) 4900 1250 3730 98807099 H P PANCHAL HELPER 3595 917 2359 68717101 SMT.R M BHAGAT SR. ASSISTANT 8025 2046 5899 159707109 R M BHATT DY. ENGINEER 15525 12130 6681 343367111 R C BRAHMBHATT STENO-TYPIST 9275 2365 6774 184147120 H.K.TAILOR SR. STENOGRAPHER 8750 2231 6406 173877121 C.D.BAMANIA ACC. OFFICER 9400 2397 6861 186587126 H.R.DESAI DY SUPDT (ACCT) 9550 2435 7116 191017128 SHRI K.B.BHATT S. E. 17400 4437 12460 342977130 N.V.PARIKH JR. ASSISTANT 7325 1868 5409 146027131 K.B.SHETH JR. ENGINEER 12625 3219 11138 269827132 P M RATHWA AST. SECRETARY 10300 2627 5946 188737133 B C RATHWA. SUPDT (ACCOUNTS) 6750 1721 5006 134777134 J T GANDHI SR. ASSISTANT 7175 1830 5503 145087211 D R PANDYA DY SUPDT (ACCT) 7775 1983 5723 154817214 V B PANAWALA SR. ASSISTANT 5775 1473 4243 114917217 R R JAPE SR. ASSISTANT 8275 2110 6074 164597218 G S SHETH SR. ASSISTANT 7175 1830 5303 143087220 Y J BHATT AST. STORE KEEPE 7100 1811 5250 14161

7222 B R BERAWALA JR. DRAUGHTMAN 8525 2174 6249 169487223 A C SHAH TRACER 7550 1925 5736 152117225 P V RAVAL DRIVER GR-II 9025 2301 7140 184667227 N K PUROHIT CRANE DRIVER 10925 2786 8584 222957228 D S PATEL HELPER 4805 1225 3923 99537229 D B PATHAK PEON 5180 1321 3826 103277230 R K PANCHAL PEON 5180 1321 3827 103287231 B S SOLANKI KAMDAR 5180 1321 3049 95507232 K G PATEL JR. ASSISTANT 7775 1983 5723 154817242 V G PARADKAR DY. ENGINEER 11325 2888 10361 245747244 N P GANDHI DY SUPDT (ACCT) 8275 2110 6073 164587245 V N THAKAR SR. ASSISTANT 7325 1868 5409 146027249 K K PARMAR DRIVER GR-I 7550 1925 6019 154947259 B V SHUKLA SR. ASSISTANT 9275 2365 6774 184147262 D M PATEL DRIVER GR-I 10925 2786 8585 222967275 C M SINDHA LINEMAN 6755 1723 4559 130377276 M M SHAH SR. ASSISTANT 13400 3417 9661 264787279 V G BARIA DAFTARY 7175 1830 5303 143087289 U D BHANGAONKER JR. ASSISTANT 7775 1983 5723 154817293 B B RATHOD LINE INSPECTOR 7350 1874 4584 138087296 G T PRAJAPATI JR. ASSISTANT 6175 1575 4643 123937310 S S SHAH SR. ASSISTANT 7325 1868 5409 146027324 D V DAVDIKAR SR. ASSISTANT 8275 2110 6073 164587331 P P SHAH JR. ENGINEER 11000 2805 10071 238767332 B M PARMAR DY. ENGINEER 14775 3768 13873 324167336 D J PATEL DY. ENGINEER 14775 3768 13873 324167337 M M SOLANKI DRIVER GR-II 7550 1925 4706 141817338 DEVESH N SHAH JR. ENGINEER 10700 4393.5 8821 239157339 S P TADVI LINEMAN 4380 1117 3579 90767343 R H SHAH MISTRY 8450 2155 6703 173087347 V R SHAH JR. ENGINEER 11000 2805 9740 235457349 U. J. BHAVSAR JR. ENGINEER 8750 2231 8331 193127350 K N TECKCHANDANI DY. ENGINEER 13275 3385 11697 283577355 S R PANCHAL JR. ENGINEER 9800 2499 9003 213027356 R M DAMOR SR. ASSISTANT 6000 1530 4481 120117359 N S DESAI DY SUPDT (ACCT) 9825 2505 6242 185727366 N N SHAIKH DY. ENGINEER 11450 2920 10815 251858008 M S JANI DY. ENGINEER 15525 3959 14564 340488009 U C CHAUHAN DY. ENGINEER 14250 3634 13391 312758016 D H PATEL DY. ENGINEER 11650 2971 9371 239928021 S P PANDYA JR. ASST(TYPIST) 5975 1524 4383 118828022 D P PANCHOLI JR. ASST(TYPIST) 5075 1294 3903 102728024 G T MISTRY JR. ASST(TYPIST) 5425 1383 3999 108078029 H N BHATT ASST. OP. GR.-I 7175 1830 6848 158538031 V J PATEL ASST. OP. GR.-I 7175 1830 6998 160038032 R A PATEL ASST. OP. GR-II 7175 1830 6848 158538036 H L PATEL LINE INSPECTOR 6550 1670 4096 123168038 V P THAKKER ASST. OP. GR.-I 7325 1868 6986 161798041 B M MACHHI ELECTRICIAN 6175 1575 4048 117988044 V. M. RATHOD DRIVER GR-I 7775 1983 5024 147828047 J K PANCHAL CLEANER 5805 1480 3742 110278048 S S RATHOD CLEANER 5430 1385 3513 10328

8049 G N BARIA HELPER 4915 1253 3345 95138051 H D PATEL HELPER 4815 1228 3930 99738052 A V PATEL HELPER 5305 1353 3337 99958053 S R PARMAR ELECTRICIAN 4975 1269 3982 102268054 B R PATEL AST. LINEMAN 4860 1239 3065 91648055 C C PATEL S.B.O. GR-I 5055 1289 4214 105588057 C P PATEL S.B.O. GR-II 5055 1289 4214 105588058 A M PATEL HELPER 4860 1239 3894 99938059 R V CHAUHAN HELPER 4715 1202 3784 97018060 M D PATEL AST. LINEMAN 5180 1321 4138 106398062 J M PATEL HELPER 4860 1239 3894 99938064 G M RATHOD FIREMAN 4280 1091 2777 81488069 K G PATEL LINE INSPECTOR 7950 2027 6323 163008073 P.R.KHANGUDA. HELPER 3680 938 2410 70288074 I D MAKWANA ELECTRICIAN 4750 1211 3811 97728075 G R PANCHOLI JR. ENGINEER 8250 2104 8121 184758084 A K MALEK DY. ENGINEER 14025 3576 11952 295538085 D K PATEL JR. ENGINEER 8250 2104 8001 183558086 D S KHARVA DY. ENGINEER 13600 3468 12792 298608088 M C SHETH SR. ASSISTANT 8900 2270 6511 176818091 S P BARIA A.C. P.A. 5150 1313 3342 98058098 M K VASAVA PLUMBER 4225 1077 3377 86798100 S L DABHI JR. ENGINEER 9500 2423 9020 209438101 S N VASAVA AST. LINEMAN 4635 1182 2928 87458104 K B TADVI DRIVER GR-I 6425 1638 4200 122638109 K L HARIJAN PART TIME SWEEPR 516 0 742 12588110 SMT.J L HARIJAN PART TIME SWEEPR 516 0 741 12578112 V P SOLANKI GARDNER(MALI) 3325 848 2194 63678113 P S AMRE PLANT OP. GR.-I 7100 1811 5901 148128115 S C MAKWANA JR. ASST(TYPIST) 4750 1211 3626 95878116 I N VASAVA LINEMAN 4380 1117 2838 83358119 B P SONI JR. ENGINEER 10400 2652 9849 229018124 H D PATEL JR. ENGINEER 10650 2716 10548 239148126 N K DABHI SR. SEC. OFFICER 11850 3022 9287 241598128 L R DESAI HELPER 3250 829 2148 62278129 J N PANCHOLI DY. ENGINEER 15150 3863 14219 332328131 M J SHAH PLANT OP. GR.-I 7550 1925 7190 166658133 D L PARMAR PLANT OP. GR.-I 6650 1696 5335 136818135 R.R.BARIA ELECTRICIAN 3900 995 2544 74398136 B.N.NINAMA ELECTRICIAN 3900 995 2880 77758142 A.M.PATEL SR. ASSISTANT 5425 1383 3185 99938145 P.O.KULSHRESHTHA E. E. 15525 3959 14098 335828148 B.P.MEHTA SR. TECHNICIAN 7550 1925 6019 154948151 VINUBHAI M.PATEL JR. ENGINEER 9500 2423 7596 195198152 G.S.RATHODIA HELPER 4235 1080 3384 86998153 N.K.PATEL HELPER 3175 810 2103 60888154 R.C.DAMOR HELPER 3030 773 2014 58178155 B.K.RAKHOLIA DY. ENGINEER 14775 3768 13873 324168156 R.N.NAI WATCHMEN 3325 848 2194 63678157 M.K.MEHTA S. E. 16600 4233 14391 352248158 SUHAS C SHAH S. E. 15900 4055 13795 33750

378 C B GOHIL S.B.O. GR-I 5950 1517 4621 12088

379 J J PUROHIT ASST. OP. GR.-I 8225 2097 6787 17109380 D B VANKAR S.B.O. GR-I 4080 1040 3921 9041405 S H PARMAR S.B.O. GR-I 5055 1289 3961 10305433 G G VASAVA LINEMAN 4180 1066 2929 8175469 A N GURJUR ELECTICIAN GR II 3880 989 2467 7336856 D M SOLNKI JR. ASSISTANT 7100 1811 4538 13449881 V J PARMAR SR. ASSISTANT 4600 1173 2861 8634

1002 D J BHATT DY. ENGINEER 13600 3468 11077 281451006 H H JADAV SR. ASSISTANT 8775 2238 5585 165981007 B J KAPADIA SR. ASSISTANT 8450 2155 6500 171051008 SHEELA PHILIP SR. ASSISTANT 7100 1811 4788 136991010 B B KANSARA DRIVER GR-I 8775 2238 6112 171251011 S P VASAVA PEON 2157.95 550.59 1439 41481012 G M PATEL JR. ENGINEER 8750 2231 8520 195011016 B J SOLANKI LINEMAN 4725 1205 3407 93371017 A R GOHIL AST. LINEMAN 4035 1029 2764 78281018 N A SHAIKH ELECTRICIAN 6825 1740 10560 191251019 A M SHAIKH AST. LINEMAN 5680 1448 3850 109781020 K M SONI S.B.O. GR-II 4805 1225 4081 101111024 S N VAIDYA SR. ASSISTANT 8275 2110 5423 158081027 J S CHAUHAN S.B.O. GR-I 5475 1364 4454 112931029 N D GAJJAR LINEMAN 5650 1441 4046 111371030 G B VANKAR LINEMAN 4855 1238 3062 91551031 A B PATEL S.B.O. GR-I 5100 1301 3994 103951032 B N BARIA S.B.O. GR-I 5100 1301 3994 103951033 URBARIA S.B.O. GR-II 4135 1055 3467 86571034 N M PRAJAPATI HELPER 4805 1225 3840 98701035 B I PANCHAL HELPER 4805 1225 11313 173431036 R D PATEL HELPER 4380 1117 2772 82691041 V S VASAVA S.B.O. GR-I 4180 1066 3279 85251042 U K PATEL S.B.O. GR-I 5055 1289 4041 103851044 G K PATEL AST. LINEMAN 5235 1335 3294 98641045 R K RAJ HELPER 4135 1055 3260 84501046 R C VASAVA HELPER 3890 992 3143 80251047 P R SHAH S.B.O. GR-I 6250 1594 5340 131841048 I V PATEL S.B.O. GR-I 5100 1301 4378 107791049 I M PATEL S.B.O. GR-I 5650 1441 4838 119291050 M H NARIELWALA S.B.O. GR-I 8150 2078 6930 171581051 G A RANA AST. LINEMAN 5235 1335 6457 130271052 M A PATHAN S.B.O. GR-I 4850 1237 3889 99761053 J D AHIR S.B.O. GR-II 4850 1237 3913 100001054 M A A PATHAN S.B.O. GR-II 4035 1029 9676 147401056 J R PAREKH JR. ENGINEER 9500 2423 7890 198131060 H A PARMAR LINEMAN 5305 1353 3915 105731061 S M PATEL LINEMAN 5430 1385 3413 102281063 R B BARIA S.B.O. GR-I 5800 1479 4528 118071064 A R SHAH S.B.O. GR-I 5650 1441 12717 198081065 G N PATEL S.B.O. GR-I 5225 1332 4482 110391066 M B PANDYA AST. LINEMAN 5430 1385 3685 105001068 M B PATEL AST. LINEMAN 4930 1257 3108 92951069 M S BARIA HELPER 4035 1029 2563 76271070 R M BARIA S.B.O. GR-II 4135 1055 3467 8657

1071 N V BARIA HELPER 938.19 239.26 972 21501072 G R PATEL HELPER 4135 1055 2623 78131073 B M SOLANKI KAMDAR 5430 1385 3494 103091074 H A PATEL S.B.O. GR-I 6305 1608 4906 128191075 S K SINDHVA ASST.OP.GR-III 5350 1364 4185 108991076 K R BARIA ASST.OP.GR-III 5350 1364 4185 108991077 C D BARIA ASST.OP.GR-III 6400 1632 4986 130181078 B S BARIA LINEMAN 5500 1403 3455 103581079 P C BARIA AST. LINEMAN 4380 1117 2848 83451080 S R BARIA S.B.O. GR-I 4280 1091 3584 89551084 N K SOLANKI DY. ENGINEER 12150 3098 9638 248861088 C K PATEL DY. ENGINEER 14775 3768 11699 302421093 J C PATEL PLANT OP. GR.-I 7550 1925 7160 166351095 S G CHAVDA LINEMAN 5800 1479 4074 113531098 S I MACHHI HELPER 4805 1225 3392 94221099 B C AJMERI S.B.O. GR-I 4805 1225 4011 100411101 K R PARAJAPATI S.B.O. GR-II 3850 982 3043 78751102 R M VARMA S.B.O. GR-I 4850 1237 3804 98911103 M C VASAVA HELPER 3805 970 3751 85261104 A D PARMAR S.B.O. GR-I 3710 946 2935 75911105 R M VASAVA S.B.O. GR-I 3795 968 3001 77641106 C K VASAVA ASST. OP. GR.-I 6175 1575 5093 128431107 D S MAKWANA S.B.O. GR-I 5500 1403 4712 116151108 G I VASAVA S.B.O. GR-I 4080 1040 3217 83371109 A M PARMAR S.B.O. GR-I 5225 1332 4906 114631110 K P PARJAPATI LINEMAN 5450 1798 4134 113821112 ASHOK D PARMAR S.B.O. GR-II 3680 938 2970 75881115 K C MISTRY S.B.O. GR-I 5950 1517 4941 124081116 A C PATEL S.B.O. GR-I 4850 1237 4047 101341117 A M PANDYA S.B.O. GR-I 5350 1364 4185 108991118 N S BARIA S.B.O. GR-I 5500 1403 4299 112021119 B G PATEL LINEMAN 5350 1364 3364 100781120 P S RAOLJI AST. LINEMAN 4930 1257 3355 95421121 N P PATEL HELPER 4135 1055 3260 84501124 M M PATEL AST. LINEMAN 4535 1157 3094 87861126 J R PATEL S.B.O. GR-I 6725 1715 5233 136731127 K G MAKWANA S.B.O. GR-I 5260 1341 4246 108471128 K P VASAVA S.B.O. GR-I 4280 1091 3370 87411129 R Z MAKWANA HELPER 3680 938 2724 73421130 G R MARWADI HELPER 3680 938 2529 71471132 R S GAJJAR LINEMAN 6875 2161 4595 136311133 M R NAGRASNA LINEMAN 6650 2104 4956 137101136 M B PATEL DY. ENGINEER 11100 2831 8648 225791137 P J RANA AST. LINEMAN 5180 1321 3719 102201139 M M PATEL JR. ENGINEER 10375 2646 9864 228851140 P C AMIN JR. ASSISTANT 6425 1638 4117 121801144 P N PATEL JR. ENGINEER 11200 2856 9285 233411146 J R MAKWANA LINE INSPECTOR 7000 1785 5792 145771147 G PGAJJAR ELECTRICIAN 7950 2027 8772 187491148 B N RAVAL LINEMAN 6125 1970 4137 122321150 S R SHAH LINEMAN 5180 1321 3650 101511151 P A PATEL LINEMAN 5430 1385 5968 12783

1152 N D TAILOR ELECTICIAN GR II 5180 1321 3589 100901153 C T VALAND S.B.O. GR-II 4035 1029 3254 83181154 B U MACHHI AST. LINEMAN 4805 1225 3272 93021155 B N PATEL ELECTICIAN GR II 5180 1321 16394 228951156 A K KAYASTH S.B.O. GR-I 5100 1301 6545 129461157 B G MISTRY AST. LINEMAN 4805 1225 3032 90621158 N M VANZA S.B.O. GR-II 3935 1004 3380 83191159 V J PATEL HELPER 3935 1004 3472 84111160 I M MACHHI HELPER 4035 1029 3487 85511161 J P PARMAR S.B.O. GR-I 4080 1040 7643 127631162 D B SHAH S.B.O. GR-I 5950 1517 4728 121951163 R M BHATT S.B.O. GR-I 5100 1301 4249 106501164 B T CHAUHAN S.B.O. GR-I 5350 1364 4185 108991166 K P SOLANKI EL. FITTER GR-I 4225 1077 3584 88861167 M V VASAVA HELPER 3400 867 2344 66111169 J K PATEL S.B.O. GR-I 5500 1403 4293 111961170 S B TADVI S.B.O. GR-I 4080 1040 3422 85421172 M D PARJAPATI LINE INSPT GR-II 5800 1479 3639 109181173 MOHAN M PATEL LINEMAN 5305 1353 3337 99951174 R R BARIA AST. LINEMAN 5055 1289 3185 95291175 D M MODI AST. LINEMAN 4335 1106 2963 84041177 R J INTWALA HELPER 4035 1029 2765 78291179 K D PATEL LINEMAN 5500 1403 3455 103581180 B V VALAND HELPER 4035 1029 2977 80411182 R N TADVI AST. LINEMAN 3625 924 2387 69361183 R R VASAVA S.B.O. GR-II 3510 895 3502 79071184 S J CHAUHAN HELPER 3595 917 2364 68761185 D J VASAVA AST. LINEMAN 3510 895 2418 68231188 M B PATEL HELPER 3475 886 2482 68431189 S B VASAVA HELPER 3475 886 2394 67551208 J G RATHWA S.B.O. GR-II 3275 835 3111 72211214 KANUBHAI R PARMAR HELPER 3250 829 2655 67341215 CHAMPAK C TADVI S.B.O. GR-II 3275 835 2605 67151216 B P TADVI HELPER 3250 829 2748 68271218 KANTIBHAI R PARMAR HELPER 3250 829 2418 64971219 T K GUPTA DY. ENGINEER 12625 3219 10769 266131223 G S SOLANKI JR. ENGINEER 8250 2104 6703 170571225 J M VASAVA S.B.O. GR-II 3425 873 2714 70121227 N K PADARIA HELPER 3175 810 2856 68411242 R H PANCHAL DY. ENGINEER 15150 3863 14908 339211246 ARVIND C VASAVA PEON 3325 848 2179 63521254 M. D. GAJJAR HELPER 3100 791 2147 60381255 M. A. VASAVA HELPER 3100 791 2471 63621257 A. M. VASAVA SR. ASSISTANT 4000 1020 2600 76201259 M C RANA HELPER 3175 810 2837 68221269 J K THAKKAR DY. ENGINEER 11650 2971 9246 238671273 N S PATEL SR. ASSISTANT 5250 1339 3382 99711279 I A SHAIKH DY. ENGINEER 15150 3863 12524 315371282 A F GIRASIA HELPER 3030 773 2413 62161288 M P CHAUHAN HELPER 3175 810 2688 66731289 R G VALAND DRIVER GR-II 4100 1046 2910 80561290 M C TADVI KAMDAR 2769.08 706.3 1617 5093

1296 T V JADAV HELPER 3030 773 2476 62791298 K K PATEL HELPER 2960 755 2587 63021299 M D MARVADI HELPER 3175 810 2767 67521300 V B RATHVA HELPER 3400 867 2525 67921302 M M VASAVA HELPER 3550 905 2992 74471307 K M PARMAR HELPER 3325 848 2199 63721309 S R DIWAN JR. ASSISTANT 4900 1250 3163 93131310 S D SURVE HELPER 3175 810 2729 67141311 A B VASAVA HELPER 3475 886 2931 72921313 M F MULLA HELPER 3100 791 2626 65171314 MORI A N HELPER 2960 755 2360 60751315 M B SOLANKI HELPER 3100 791 2471 63621316 D P KATARIA PLANT OP. GR.-I 6425 1638 5487 135501318 M J VASAVA HELPER 3550 905 2814 72691320 SURESH M VASAVA HELPER 2890 737 2528 61551322 A M MAKWANA HELPER 3100 791 2471 63621323 A P PATEL JR. ENGINEER 8750 2231 8715 196961326 SANJAY K PATEL JR. ENGINEER 9550 2435 9548 215331329 R.K.PATEL JR. ASSISTANT 4225 1077 2499 78011330 C.J.VASAVA HELPER 3850 982 3828 86601331 I.P.TADVI HELPER 3100 791 2146 60371334 R F CHAUHAN HELPER 3175 810 2687 66721335 S T MEHTA DY SUPDT (ACCT) 9525 2429 9852 218061336 A.R.PRAJAPATI JR. ENGINEER 7750 2384 6949 170831337 R.B.VASAVA HELPER 3805 970 2422 71971338 H.C.JADAV DY. ENGINEER 14400 4080 12569 310491340 R.K.BARANDA PLANT OP. GR.-I 5000 1275 3918 101931341 N.P.TAPIAWALA DY. ENGINEER 14025 3576 11952 295531342 SANJAY M BARIA HELPER 2750 701 2268 57191343 ANIL D. PATEL HELPER 2750 701 2062 55131344 PANKAJ D. PATEL HELPER 2750 701 2342 57931345 YOGESH S. JADAV HELPER 2750 701 1984 54351346 GUNVANT R. PATEL HELPER 2750 701 5226 86771347 JAYANTI R . PATEL HELPER 2750 701 1778 52291348 AMBALAL K. KOLI HELPER 2750 701 2205 56561349 BHARAT NARAN PATEL HELPER 0 0 1 11350 YOGESH M. PATEL PLANT OP. GR.-I 5800 1479 4818 120971407 T R CHANWALA DRIVER GR-I 9825 2505 6831 191611408 R H KAYASTH DRIVER GR-I 7175 1830 5016 140211409 P B JOSHI HELPER 4825 1231 4059 101151413 M M DELAWALA SR. ASSISTANT 8000 2040 5100 151401416 P J PANDYA SR. ASSISTANT 6575 1677 4310 125621417 R.D.NARIARWALA SR. ASSISTANT 7325 1868 4679 138721418 D A DHORAWALA SR. ASSISTANT 7325 1868 4991 141841420 J B MEHTA SR. ASSISTANT 7775 1983 8887 186451421 M B MISTRY SR. ASSISTANT 6425 1638 4116 121791422 R K PATEL JR. ASSISTANT 8025 2046 5117 151881426 S J JOSHI JR. ASSISTANT 8025 2046 5267 153381430 M S SHAH JR. ASST(TYPIST) 6250 1594 7467 153111433 H C SOLANKI DAFTARY 6180 1576 3963 117191440 M D VIN JR. ASSISTANT 7775 1983 4960 147181441 F D VASAVA ST. KEEPER 5600 1428 3281 10309

1451 S M PATEL HELPER 4035 1029 3487 85511452 B M MISTRY HELPER 4035 1029 3557 86211454 G K PRAJPATI HELPER 4035 1029 2865 79291455 R C RAJ HELPER 3935 1004 3403 83421456 H G GOSWAMI TRACER 6175 1575 4634 123841465 K C PATEL SURVEYOR GR-II 8775 2238 5893 169061466 V B TADVI LINEMAN 5180 1321 3520 100211467 AMARSING B VASAVA LINE INSPT GR-II 5800 1479 3928 112071471 GIRISH R BRAHMANIA DRIVER GR-I 4225 1077 2678 79801472 RAMANBHAI S CHAUDHARY JR. ENGINEER 8000 2040 7616 176561474 SANMUKH S CHANAWALA CLEANER 3175 810 2038 60231475 M B PARMAR SUPDT (ACCOUNTS) 9825 2505 6717 190471476 R A SHAIKH HELPER 4035 1029 10531 155951478 V J PATEL HELPER 4035 1029 2562 76261479 N S CHAUHAN HELPER 4035 1029 3386 84501481 S C PANDYA HELPER 4035 1029 3386 84501482 N T SHAH HELPER 3935 1004 3103 80421483 A P PATEL HELPER 4035 1029 3456 85201484 B C PRAJAPATI HELPER 4035 1029 2835 78991489 I C CHAUDHARI SR. ASSISTANT 5250 1339 3401 99901492 C S MEHTA JR. ENGINEER 10100 2576 9544 222201495 B B JADAV SR. ASSISTANT 6425 1638 4216 122791496 B R PATEL LINE INSPECTOR 8525 2174 5940 166391497 K N PARMAR LINE INSPECTOR 7550 1925 5084 145591498 A M KALOLIA LINE INSPT GR-II 6400 1632 4325 123571499 P F PATEL SURVEYOR GR-II 8775 2238 6111 171241500 B R BERAWALA DRIVER GR-I 10650 2716 7396 207621502 V L PATEL SR. ASSISTANT 4750 1211 2713 86741506 M I SHAH TRACER 7325 1868 6633 158261507 K N MEHTA JR. ASST(TYPIST) 7100 1811 6992 159031509 S H TAILOR JR. ASSISTANT 5950 1517 3819 112861511 R P PRAJAPATI HELPER 4035 1029 3254 83181512 H N SIDHPURIA HELPER 4035 1029 2628 76921513 A A GHARIA HELPER 4035 1029 6225 112891514 C B PRAJAPATI HELPER 4035 1029 3487 85511515 H T PRAJAPATI HELPER 4035 1029 3487 85511516 B H PATEL HELPER 4035 1029 2765 78291517 A M PATEL HELPER 3935 1004 3402 83411518 P P PATEL HELPER 3935 1004 2796 77351519 I U KARBHRI HELPER 5115 1305 4259 106791531 I G KAZI SR. ASSISTANT 7325 1868 7183 163761532 T P SHAH JR. ASSISTANT 7950 2027 5069 150461533 D A MEHTA JR. ASSISTANT 7750 1976 4944 146701537 D J SHAH JR. ENGINEER 11000 2805 9595 234001539 P H PATEL JR. ENGINEER 11000 2805 9316 231211542 H V PATEL JR. ASSISTANT 6125 1562 3929 116161543 P S TAPIAWALA JR. ASSISTANT 5950 1517 3944 114111544 K R SOLANKI MISTRY 6125 1562 4296 119831547 K B PATEL DY SUPDT (ESTT) 11200 2856 7100 211561550 B J SOLANKI JR. ENGINEER 9825 2505 8108 204381553 SMT.A G GAMIT PEON 3100 791 2804 66951556 SHRI V G PATEL DY SUPDT (ACCT) 7100 1811 5445 14356

1557 S V MEHTA DY. ENGINEER 13275 3385 11319 279791558 D L PATEL DY. ENGINEER 9200 2346 6908 184541559 A G BHARADWAJ JR. ENGINEER 9500 2423 7843 197661560 J A PITHWA PEON 2960 755 1951 56661561 J G PANCHAL DY. ENGINEER 12950 3302 10266 265181564 AVANIBEN N.PATEL JR. ASSISTANT 3500 893 2288 66811567 M.A.SHAIKH JR. ASSISTANT 3800 969 3339 81081568 N.A.CHAUHAN JR. ENGINEER 7250 1849 6009 151081569 L.J.DESAI E. E. 16275 4150 12552 329771570 A.Y.ANKALA JR. ASSISTANT 3500 893 2289 66821571 J D KANTARIYA DY. ENGINEER 10700 2729 14870 282991572 B.D.CHAUDHARI JR. ASSISTANT 4850 1237 3011 90981573 B.A.BARAIYA JR. ASSISTANT 3700 944 2413 70571574 J.M.SHAIKH JR. ASSISTANT 3900 995 2538 74331575 J.C.GOSAI JR. ENGINEER 7750 1976 6616 163421652 P N PARIKH DY. ENGINEER 14025 3576 13432 310331654 R P PATEL TRACER 7550 1925 4919 143941655 J C GHADIYALI JR. ASSISTANT 4100 1046 2664 78101660 R L PATEL E. E. 15525 3959 11977 314611667 B. B. VASAVA SR. ASSISTANT 4750 1211 3305 92661670 D K GANVIT SR. ASSISTANT 4750 1211 2713 86741674 K H ISRANI JR. STENOGRAPHER 8525 2174 5428 161271677 H S VAGADIA JR. ASST(TYPIST) 3800 969 2190 69591681 M A SHAIKH DY SUPDT (ACCT) 8250 2104 5257 156111682 U R PATEL PEON 3100 791 2038 59291683 SHRI R G MODI SUPDT (ACCOUNTS) 10100 2576 6839 195151684 SMT M M PATEL PEON 3595 917 2349 68611685 N G PATEL PEON 3030 773 1994 57971687 M K RAULJI JR. ASSISTANT 4100 1046 2355 75011690 SHILABEN V. RANA PEON 2820 719 1864 54031693 P.N.VASAVA AST. SECRETARY 10600 2703 6725 200281694 CHAMPABEN S.SINDHA KAMDAR 2960 755 1951 56661695 B.R.PANCHAL E. E. 15900 4055 11071 310261725 B D VASAVA S.B.O. GR-I 3795 968 3001 77641736 R M PATEL S.B.O. GR-II 4180 1066 3502 87481747 K M VASAVA S.B.O. GR-II 3510 895 2784 71891855 K J ROHIDAS S.B.O. GR-I 5225 1332 4351 109081858 R S PARMAR ASST. OP. GR.-I 7775 1983 6422 161801871 A V NAIKA S.B.O. GR-I 4180 1066 3294 85401872 A S VASAWA S.B.O. GR-I 3880 989 3663 85321873 K B PANCHAL S.B.O. GR-II 5350 1364 4186 109001874 D C VASAWA S.B.O. GR-II 3935 1004 3108 80471875 M P VASAWA LINEMAN 4080 1040 2590 77101877 P S BARIYA AST. LINEMAN 5055 1289 3184 95281879 R M VASAVA S.B.O. GR-I 3980 1015 3341 83361882 D M PATEL HELPER 3935 1004 2636 75751887 J G PATEL S.B.O. GR-I 5225 1332 5153 117101888 D V VASAVA S.B.O. GR-I 4080 1040 3293 84131889 M M PATEL S.B.O. GR-I 5225 1332 5514 120711892 B B PATEL AST. LINEMAN 5305 1353 3337 99951893 P G PATEL HELPER 4135 1055 4104 92941894 A M BARIA HELPER 2133.28 544.01 1356 4034

1907 R B VASAVA LINEMAN 4180 1066 2650 78961923 H A VASAWA LINEMAN 4080 1040 2793 79131924 P M BARIYA AST. LINEMAN 4135 1055 2830 80201925 G A DELAWALA S.B.O. GR-II 4850 1237 4047 101341961 NARENDRA K TADVI S.B.O. GR-II 3275 835 2605 67151985 SOMABHAI P VASAVA S.B.O. GR-II 3350 854 2661 68651996 SHANTILAL B PARMAR HELPER 3325 848 2471 66441998 JAYESH M RANA S.S. HELPER 3935 1004 2642 75812008 B R PARMAR JR. ENGINEER 10100 2576 10091 227672018 H M SONI SR. ASSISTANT 7775 1983 5826 155842034 S B GOHIL HELPER 4035 1029 2563 76272036 B G PATEL HELPER 4035 1029 2632 76962037 J H PANCHAL HELPER 4035 1029 5296 103602084 J S CHAUDHARV S.B.O. GR-II 4080 1040 5543 106632085 K A GAMIT S.B.O. GR-II 4080 1040 3496 86162087 C T RANA HELPER 4035 1029 2936 80002097 M M VANKAR S.B.O. GR-I 3880 989 3138 80072112 D A VASAVA S.B.O. GR-II 3510 895 2783 71882113 S M JADAV HELPER 3595 917 2294 68062126 JAGDISH. R. PATEL S.B.O. GR-I 4180 1066 2929 81752134 F G TARSADIA DRIVER GR-II 8025 2046 5397 154682136 N N CHAUDHARI S.B.O. GR-II 4180 1066 3369 86152137 C S CHAUDHARI S.B.O. GR-I 4080 1040 3218 83382138 M V VASAVA S.B.O. GR-I 4280 1091 3430 88012139 R B PATANWADIA LINEMAN 5950 1517 3730 111972140 G R PATEL S.B.O. GR-I 4975 1269 4149 103932141 A V CHAUDHARI S.B.O. GR-II 3510 895 2783 71882144 B F RAJ S.B.O. GR-I 5800 1479 4528 118072145 S G BARIA S.B.O. GR-I 5180 1321 4056 105572146 B D YADAV S.B.O. GR-I 5100 1301 4358 107592147 K F VASAVA LINEMAN 5430 1385 3413 102282148 C D PRAJAPATI LINEMAN 5055 1289 3538 98822150 R M CHAUDHARI S.B.O. GR-I 3710 946 2936 75922154 R N MISRA DY. ENGINEER 12950 3302 9943 261952160 R R ACHARYA PLANT OP. GR.-I 8250 2104 6808 171622162 Y S PATHAN PLANT OP. GR.-I 9275 2365 7176 188162166 R J PRAJAPATI LINEMAN 5180 1321 3260 97612168 D H VYAS S.B.O. GR-II 3935 1004 3108 80472181 P P ROHIT HELPER 3510 895 2242 66472184 S C TADVI S.B.O. GR-II 3510 895 2783 71882192 S R GOHIL HELPER 3510 895 3047 74522196 S R VASAVA S.B.O. GR-II 3510 895 2959 73642208 P G PARMAR HELPER 3325 848 2472 66452214 D M PARAMR HELPER 3325 848 2378 65512225 S L PATEL HELPER 4035 1029 2627 76912226 S M BHATT DY. ENGINEER 15150 3863 14627 336402228 B C SHARMA HELPER 3935 1004 3305 82442234 R D VASAVA HELPER 3250 829 2083 61622237 K A PARMAR JR. ENGINEER 6750 1721 6442 149132257 M S VASAVA S.B.O. GR-II 3275 835 2605 67152260 B N PATEL SR. ASSISTANT 4600 1173 2975 87482269 D R CHAUDHARI S.B.O. GR-II 3275 835 5007 9117

2276 A A MOKASHI DY. ENGINEER 11000 2805 10980 247852279 S N BHURIYA S.B.O. GR-II 3275 835 3442 75522282 K N PANCHAL S.B.O. GR-I 5225 1332 4351 109082283 D G CHAUDHARI S.B.O. GR-II 3275 835 2099 62092287 K M SOLANKI HELPER 3100 791 1992 58832298 S N NAIR JR. ASSISTANT 4000 1020 3254 82742309 P R CHAUDHARY HELPER 3175 810 2197 61822310 S H VASAVA S.B.O. GR-II 3510 895 2783 71882311 A D VASAVA S.B.O. GR-I 3625 924 3218 77672312 K S KOTHARI DRIVER GR-II 6575 1677 4112 123642316 B R GHEEWALA DY SUPDT (ACCT) 10650 2716 6757 201232320 N B GOHIL HELPER 3100 791 3154 70452321 J A DIWAN HELPER 3030 773 2262 60652322 C N PATEL HELPER 3100 791 3084 69752326 D M CHAUDHARY SR. ASSISTANT 4900 1250 2795 89452328 R K GOHIL DY. ENGINEER 11325 2888 11302 255152330 S G PATEL S.B.O. GR-I 4180 1066 3608 88542332 J N PATEL JR. ENGINEER 7750 1976 6456 161822334 CHAUDHARY R. M. HELPER 3550 905 2444 68992336 Y D TARSADIA HELPER 2960 755 2054 57692339 F G BHORNIYA HELPER 2960 755 2359 60742340 H G VASAVA AST. LINEMAN 3510 895 2242 66472341 R C VASAVA HELPER 3325 848 2879 70522345 G.P.VASAVA DRIVER GR-II 4225 1077 2989 82912349 A R VASADIA PEON 2960 755 1877 55922350 D N VASAVA HELPER 2960 755 2364 60792351 V B PATEL DY SUPDT (ACCT) 6000 1530 4549 120792352 J M PATEL HELPER 3030 773 2428 62312353 J L VASAVA SR. ASSISTANT 5075 1294 2893 92622356 R R TAILOR HELPER 3100 791 2541 64322359 M S MAKWANA P/T SWEEPER 504.4 0 741 12462360 K M PATEL S.B.O. GR-II 3510 895 2854 72592363 R.K.PATEL JR. ASST(TYPIST) 4100 1046 2356 75022365 S.L.VASAVA HELPER 3550 905 2444 68992366 R.D.PATEL HELPER 3030 773 2414 62172367 K.C.PARMAR HELPER 2960 755 2586 63012368 S.M.PATEL HELPER 3175 810 2365 63502369 R.M.TADVI HELPER 3175 810 2529 65142372 B.H.SHINGALA JR. ENGINEER 10700 2729 8232 216612377 R.R.NAIK HELPER 2750 701 2631 60822378 R.A.PATEL HELPER 2750 701 2204 56552380 M.D.LAD HELPER 2750 701 2062 55132382 U.M.BHATT PLANT OP. GR.-I 6875 1753 5866 144942383 M.V.PRAJAPATI HELPER 2750 701 1916 53672384 N.S.GAMIT HELPER 2750 701 1778 52292385 J.R.PATEL HELPER 2750 701 1916 53672386 R.A. TANDEL HELPER 2750 701 2342 57932387 V.G. BARBHOYA HELPER 2750 701 1778 52292388 M.S.PATEL HELPER 2750 701 1778 52292389 M.K.PATEL HELPER 2750 701 2245 56962390 SURESHBHAI B. PATEL HELPER 2750 701 2200 56512391 P.B.PRAJAPATI HELPER 2750 701 2343 5794

2392 M.H.PRAJAPATI HELPER 2750 701 1916 53672393 H.G.RAJ HELPER 3819 1331 3065 82152394 B.L.PATEL HELPER 2750 701 2613 60642395 K.R.PATEL HELPER 2750 701 1778 52292396 D.D.AHIR HELPER 2750 701 2063 55142397 S.T.PATEL HELPER 2750 701 1778 52292398 B.V.PATEL HELPER 2750 701 2200 56512399 B.M.PATEL HELPER 2750 701 1916 53672400 A.K.PATEL HELPER 2750 701 2204 56552401 H.G.PATEL HELPER 2750 701 1916 53672402 A.N.DHIMMAR HELPER 2750 701 1916 53672403 P.C.PATEL HELPER 2750 701 1778 52292404 R.R.PATEL HELPER 2750 701 1778 52292405 P.D.PATEL HELPER 2750 701 2062 55132406 A.S.VASAVA HELPER 3325 848 2129 63022649 C A PARMAR S.B.O. GR-I 5100 1301 4065 104662804 B M VAIDYA DY. ENGINEER 11650 2971 11915 265362810 D A PANDYA PLANT OP. GR.-I 9000 2295 7416 187112812 V S PRAJAPATI DY SUPDT (ACCT) 9825 2505 5996 183262814 S V TEVAR SR. ASSISTANT 10025 2556 7474 200552815 V T SHAH DY SUPDT (ACCT) 7775 1983 4960 147182817 A P BHAVSAR SR. ASSISTANT 7100 1811 4585 134962819 B G PATEL DRIVER GR-I 6875 1753 4638 132662821 N M PATEL DRIVER GR-I 7100 1811 4965 138762822 I A MALEK DRIVER GR-II 5600 1428 3796 108242828 A B VASAVA LINE INSPT GR-II 5350 1364 3632 103462829 C B PATEL LINE INSPECTOR 6825 1740 4264 128292830 B P THAKARDA AST. LINEMAN 5110 1303 3474 98872831 K G SOLANKI AST. LINEMAN 5860 1494 3968 113222832 J C PATEL PEON 4930 1257 3134 93212833 M G VASAVA LINEMAN 4080 1040 2589 77092834 V C VASAVA HELPER 3890 992 2669 75512836 M N VASAVA LINEMAN 4930 1257 3477 96642837 A M VASAVA LINEMAN 4805 1225 3102 91322838 V S VASAVA LINEMAN 4580 1168 3123 88712839 K V DESAI AST. LINEMAN 4235 1080 2754 80692840 S C TADVI HELPER 4515 1151 3775 94412842 R M VASAVA LINEMAN 4180 1066 2651 78972843 J R VASAVA AST. LINEMAN 3595 917 2294 68062844 U C VASAVA HELPER 3975 1014 4865 98542847 H R GOHIL HELPER 4035 1029 3461 85252850 MOHAN R. VASAVA WATCHMAN 3975 1014 2725 77142852 I B TADVI CLEANER 4135 1055 2623 78132853 B T PATEL DY. ENGINEER 14400 3672 11705 297772858 A B CHAUDHARY JR. ENGINEER 8750 2231 7526 185072859 V P GUJJAR JR. ENGINEER 9200 2346 8303 198492864 J D SAGARIA LINEMAN 6550 1670 4424 126442865 S C KOLI LINEMAN 5650 1441 3830 109212866 M N PATEL AST. LINEMAN 5180 1321 3260 97612868 K T VASAVA S.B.O. GR-II 3935 1004 3305 82442869 H A TADVI HELPER 3890 992 3268 81502870 B B KHER DY. ENGINEER 15150 3863 13951 32964

2874 A K SHAH PLANT OP. GR.-I 8000 2040 5181 152212876 N J PATEL SR. ASSISTANT 6975 1779 4460 132142877 A J RANA DRIVER GR-I 7775 1983 5627 153852878 M G PATEL LINEMAN 6550 1670 4096 123162880 SURESHBHAI M. PATEL LINEMAN 5180 1321 3260 97612881 A M GANDHI LINEMAN 5055 1289 9336 156802882 M A PATEL LINEMAN 5430 1385 3685 105002883 A I MISTRY AST. LINEMAN 4805 1225 3272 93022885 L P PATEL S.B.O. GR-II 4475 1141 3590 92062886 M B VASAVA AST. LINEMAN 3353.35 855.32 2133 63412888 S C SOLANKI HELPER 3595 917 2849 73612890 B D ARYA S.B.O. GR-I 3795 968 3286 80492891 R V VANKAR PEON 5555 1417 3573 105452892 G H RATHWA WATCHMAN 3935 1004 2501 74402896 S R SHARMA JR. ENGINEER 10100 2576 8819 214952898 P P DOLIA JR. ENGINEER 9500 2423 8129 200522902 B M CHAUDHARI ASST. OP. GR-II 5450 1390 4261 111012904 M J ROHIDAS LINEMAN 5680 1448 3565 106932905 S V CHAVDA LINEMAN 5650 1441 3622 107132906 S N VASAVA LINEMAN 4930 1257 3355 95422907 B F BARIA AST. LINEMAN 4235 1080 2684 79992908 C M PATEL AST. LINEMAN 4135 1055 2693 78832910 M K MODI S.B.O. GR-I 5512 1407 4138 110572913 J G PATEL HELPER 4135 1055 3330 85202918 V A PRAJAPATI S.B.O. GR-I 5950 1517 4642 121092919 G S VASAVA DRIVER GR-I 5975 1524 4044 115432922 O B VASAVA AST. LINEMAN 4860 1239 3308 94072924 K H PRAJAPATI AST. LINEMAN 4235 1080 2966 82812925 K B CHAUHAN HELPER 4805 1225 4010 100402926 D P PANDYA S.B.O. GR-I 4180 1066 3587 88332929 B M VANSADIA S.B.O. GR-I 5950 1517 4642 121092930 R B PATEL S.B.O. GR-I 5180 1321 4371 108722931 G A RAO LINEMAN 5950 1517 4940 124072932 H K PATEL S.B.O. GR-I 4930 1257 4187 103742934 B S BARIA HELPER 3720 949 2943 76122935 D J BHAIYA HELPER 4230 1079 2893 82022937 D P GOHIL HELPER 4615 1177 2916 87082939 R R GOHIL S.B.O. GR-I 5225 1332 4090 106472940 N G PARMAR S.B.O. GR-I 5225 1332 4090 106472941 R G PARMAR S.B.O. GR-I 4080 1040 3217 83372942 A M TADVI S.B.O. GR-I 3710 946 3011 76672943 C K VASAVA AST. LINEMAN 3595 917 3002 75142947 M M PATEL ASST. OP. GR.-I 7550 1925 6239 157142948 N R GOHIL ASST. OP. GR.-I 6915 1764 5777 144562949 P G PATEL S.B.O. GR-I 5500 1403 4375 112782950 J G PATEL AST. LINEMAN 4860 1239 3990 100892951 P N PARMAR S.B.O. GR-II 3680 938 3084 77022954 M G PATEL S.B.O. GR-I 6400 1632 5180 132122955 G C OZA ASST. OP. GR.-I 6375 1626 5445 134462956 C K TARBADA LINEMAN 5805 1480 3932 112172957 K D TADVI LINEMAN 4930 1257 3108 92952958 A R RAVAL AST. LINEMAN 4860 1239 3308 9407

2959 MADHAV R. VASAVA WATCHMAN 4235 1080 2685 80002962 C M VASAVA S.B.O. GR-I 4280 1091 4381 97522963 H C VASAVA LINE INSPT GR-II 5350 1364 3364 100782964 D N PARMAR HELPER 3475 886 2757 71182965 D M VASAVA S.B.O. GR-I 5350 1364 4528 112422966 V G VASAVA S.B.O. GR-I 4850 1237 3804 98912967 P C TADVI S.B.O. GR-I 4180 1066 4012 92582969 M H VASAVA LINE INSPT GR-II 5500 1403 3455 103582971 S A VASAVA LINEMAN 4280 1091 2712 80832973 N S VASAVA WATCHMAN 3850 982 2449 72812974 M D VASAVA S.B.O. GR-II 3510 895 2929 73342976 N C VASAVA HELPER 3805 970 3008 77832977 S R SHAIKH HELPER 4135 1055 4287 94772978 M C VYAS HELPER 4135 1055 3538 87282979 M S PADHIYAR HELPER 4135 1055 2934 81242981 N M VASAVA AST. LINEMAN 3595 917 2474 69862982 S S TADVI LINEMAN 3852 982 2451 72852983 R A PATEL HELPER 4035 1029 3962 90262984 P G PARMAR S.B.O. GR-II 3595 917 2739 72512985 K K KATARIA HELPER 3680 938 2346 69642987 K D CHAUDHARY SR. ASSISTANT 6575 1677 4046 122982993 R B VASAVA S.B.O. GR-II 3510 895 2960 73652998 B L TAMBOLI PLANT OP. GR.-I 6875 1753 5347 139752999 R A PATEL DY. ENGINEER 15150 3863 15501 345143002 R C BARIA WATCHMAN 3325 848 2130 63033026 A N CHUDHARY PLANT OP. GR.-I 6425 1638 12088 201513037 M M VASAVA S.B.O. GR-II 3093.46 788.49 2508 63903038 A S VASAVA S.B.O. GR-II 3425 873 2719 70173041 S T GAMIT JR. ENGINEER 8750 2231 6838 178193042 A P PRANJAPE DY. ENGINEER 11975 3054 10220 252493045 S J TADVI SR. ASSISTANT 4150 1058 2383 75913046 J S KHAIRNAR JR. ENGINEER 9500 2423 9498 214213048 N. C. BRAHMBHATT HELPER 3100 791 2146 60373049 A K DEVADHARA HELPER 4035 1029 3386 84503050 ASHOK B VASAVA HELPER 3100 791 2146 60373051 P K PATEL S.B.O. GR-I 4280 1091 3370 87413052 D M PATEL S.B.O. GR-II 4280 1091 3429 88003053 S M VASAVA S.B.O. GR-I 3880 989 3065 79343055 C R PATEL DY. ENGINEER 13600 3468 10573 276413057 B L RATHOD HELPER 3030 773 1949 57523061 P B RATHOD HELPER 2960 755 2365 60803062 C C VASAVA HELPER 3400 867 2869 71363063 D Z PATEL DY. ENGINEER 11000 2805 10981 247863064 M A PATEL JR. ENGINEER 8250 2104 8263 186173065 B N SOLANKI P/T SWEEPER 570.1 0 856 14263066 H S SOLANKI KAMDAR 2750 701 1819 52703067 C R VASAVA HELPER 3475 886 2221 65823068 C B PATIL HELPER 3030 773 2417 62203069 V A RATHVA HELPER 3400 867 2245 65123070 V C TADVI HELPER 3325 848 2643 68163071 B A VYAS DY. ENGINEER 11975 3054 9322 243513072 R R PATEL JR. ENGINEER 7750 1976 6068 15794

3073 P A MEHTA DY. ENGINEER 11000 2805 9396 232013074 I D PATEL HELPER 4480 1142 3593 92153076 VASAVA NARESHBHAI G HELPER 3250 829 2083 61623081 K P MODI PLANT OP. GR.-I 8025 2046 6826 168973082 K N SHAH E. E. 46575 11877 32438 908903083 N S PATEL DY. ENGINEER 11325 2888 8822 230353087 D R MEHTA HELPER 3030 773 2569 63723091 KANCHAN D.PATEL HELPER 2820 719 2290 58293092 S.J.MODI PLANT OP. GR.-I 6650 1696 5675 140213093 BHARATBHAI.K.PANCHAL HELPER 3030 773 4023 78263096 M.L.VASAVA DRIVER GR-II 4350 1109 2754 82133098 SANDIP HARSHVADAN KAYSTHJR. ASSISTANT 3500 893 10065 144583099 A.D.KORAT JR. ENGINEER 9000 2295 7031 183263100 BHIMSING A. PADHIYAR DY. ENGINEER 13275 3385 10323 269833101 D.G.PATEL JR. ENGINEER 8250 2104 6595 169493102 MAHENDRA M. VASAVA HELPER 2750 701 2342 57933103 SHANKAR BHAYJI TADVI HELPER 2750 701 2342 57933104 NAGIN M. PRAJAPATI HELPER 2750 701 2342 57933105 RAMUBHAI C. PATEL HELPER 2750 701 2769 62203106 AMRAT C. CHAUDHARY HELPER 2750 701 1916 53673107 MAHESH R. PATEL HELPER 2750 701 2343 57943108 K.G.KHALASI JR. ENGINEER 8000 2040 7616 176563109 VITTHAL BABUBHAI VASAVA HELPER 3100 791 2471 63623110 UTTAMBHAI P.VASAVA HELPER 2820 719 1821 53603111 J.S.PAREKH E. E. 15150 3863 11903 309163112 V.R.CHAUDHARY PLANT OP. GR.-I 5800 1479 3638 109173504 D M VASAVA S.B.O. GR-II 3795 968 3586 83493505 C R VASAVA S.B.O. GR-II 3510 895 4408 88133513 PRAVIN M TAILOR JR. ASSISTANT 7375 1881 5398 146543514 S J PANCHAL DY. ENGINEER 12625 3219 10770 266143517 K L BARIA E. E. 15525 3959 14524 340083518 M F R PATEL HELPER 3030 773 7706 115093519 ISHWARBHAI J SOLANKI JR. ASSISTANT 3600 918 2351 68693520 ASHLAM A MASTER HELPER 2890 737 3628 72553521 ISHWAR A SOLANKI P/T SWEEPER 178.43 0 885 10633522 R M VASAVA HELPER 3475 886 2833 71943524 B.G.GURJAR LINEMAN 5180 1321 4314 108153525 K.G.SOLANKI HELPER 3325 848 2961 71343526 RAMAN B.GOHIL HELPER 2820 719 1821 53603527 PASAVABHAI Z PARMAR HELPER 2960 755 2512 62273528 PANKAJ R. VASAVA HELPER 3100 791 2225 61163529 RANJITBHAI B.RATHOD HELPER 3030 773 1949 57523530 VASANTBHAI N. PANDYA HELPER 4035 1029 3386 84503531 JAGDISH T BHAVSAR JR. ASSISTANT 6175 1575 3960 117103532 B.M.AMLIYAR PLANT OP. GR.-I 5600 1428 4376 114043533 NITIN G. MEHTA HELPER 2750 701 1778 52293534 SANDIP N. PATEL HELPER 2750 701 1778 52293535 SATISH J. PATEL HELPER 2750 701 1916 53673536 KHUMANSING M. CHAUHAN HELPER 2750 701 2200 56513537 ANIL P. MACHHI HELPER 2820 719 1962 55013538 BALVANTSINH A PARMAR HELPER 2750 701 2201 56523539 MAHESH A. GOHIL HELPER 2750 701 1984 5435

3540 DALSUKH T. PARMAR HELPER 2750 701 2476 59273541 JIGNESH R. PATEL PEON 2890 737 1863 54903542 BHARAT R. PATEL HELPER 3030 773 2101 59044001 ATUL B.JOSHI HELPER 4035 1029 3184 82484002 K.P.LAKDAWALA HELPER 2820 719 4130 76694003 R.VPARMAR HELPER 3100 791 3614 75054004 YOGESH D. MACHHI HELPER 2750 701 2410 58614005 J.N.PRAJAPATI HELPER 2750 701 2411 58624006 D.J.PAWAR HELPER 2750 701 1778 52294007 K.S.AHIR HELPER 2820 719 2257 57964008 D.B.PATEL HELPER 2820 719 2460 5999

5 H S SHAH DY. ENGINEER 14400 3672 11405 2947719 R S SHARMA SR. ASSISTANT 12850 3277 8132 2425924 A R MEHTA SR. ASSISTANT 8525 2174 6309 1700826 N N UPADHYAY SR. ASSISTANT 7175 1830 7166 1617128 C M PATEL TRACER 8775 2238 5366 1637931 S D SHELAT SR. ASSISTANT 0 0 0 032 V P SARIYA SR. ASSISTANT 7325 1868 5002 1419533 K M TALATI SR. ASSISTANT 7325 1868 5469 1466236 N B PATEL SR. ASSISTANT 5775 1473 3710 1095837 Y P BRAHMBHATT JR. ASSISTANT 5350 1364 3444 1015838 D K SHAH JR. ASSISTANT 6550 1670 4194 1241440 R K DARJI SR. ASSISTANT 7550 1925 4353 1382842 U K V NAIR STENOGRAPHER 6650 1696 3758 1210445 R F DABHI PEON 5350 1364 3043 975746 G L JANI PEON 5500 1403 3538 1044147 J D MEKWAN DAFTARY 7775 1983 4960 1471848 F F DABHI WATCHMEN 7075 1804 4417 1329649 I R BAROT TRACER 7100 1811 6631 1554260 M S JANI DY. ENGINEER 14025 3576 11486 2908762 T K PATEL DY SUPDT (ACCT) 10925 2786 7669 2138068 P S PATEL JR. ASST(TYPIST) 5600 1428 3813 1084173 C S UPADHYAY SUPDT (ACCOUNTS) 10375 2646 6585 1960675 P A JOSHI SUPDT (ACCOUNTS) 10650 2716 6757 2012376 R C PARMAR PEON 2890 737 1907 553477 J L SOLANKI JR. ASST(TYPIST) 5775 1473 3710 1095879 B L MODI JR. ASSISTANT 3800 969 2475 724480 D S SHAH SR. ASSISTANT 9525 2429 6054 1800882 S B CHAUHAN DY SUPDT (ACCT) 7775 1983 4960 1471883 J J BHATT E. E. 15525 3959 14644 3412884 S.R. CHARAN JR. ENGINEER 10100 2576 8635 2131185 H.T.PATEL S. E. 17400 4437 9670 31507

205 S M BHAVSAR DY SUPDT (ACCT) 9775 2493 6904 19172208 D M WAGHELA SR. ASSISTANT 7325 1868 4678 13871209 D V UPADHYAY JR. ASST(TYPIST) 6400 1632 7932 15964227 K P MEHTA LINEMAN 7325 4768 7911 20004228 B S PARMAR LINEMAN 7550 3265 8136 18951229 K S PARMAR DRIVER GR-I 9275 2365 6455 18095234 B N PATEL DY. ENGINEER 11000 2805 8820 22625239 M N DAVE SR. ASSISTANT 7550 1925 4819 14294241 D R PANDYA ELECTICIAN GR II 8000 2040 7004 17044242 A B ZALA DRIVER GR-II 5775 1473 3624 10872

244 G B THAKKER LINEMAN 6605 1684 4625 12914246 S M ZALA AST. LINEMAN 5360 1367 3370 10097248 R F DABHI WATCHMAN 7950 2027 5546 15523250 F N PATHAN S.B.O. GR-II 3595 917 3219 7731251 A F PATEL S.B.O. GR-II 3880 989 3065 7934253 N B SHAH S.S. HELPER 3635 927 2666 7228254 Y J PATEL S.B.O. GR-II 3680 938 2913 7531260 P J WAGHELA DRIVER GR-I 4225 1077 3852 9154262 M A SODHA S.B.O. GR-I 5500 1403 4299 11202263 N N DAVE S.B.O. GR-I 4850 1237 4047 10134265 S S PARMAR ASST.OP.GR-III 6300 1607 6264 14171266 S G BRAHMBHATT S.B.O. GR-II 3680 938 3182 7800269 M K SOLANKI PART TIME SWEEPR 1245 0 0 1245270 M N HARIJAN PART TIME SWEEPR 1245 0 0 1245271 C B PATEL AST. LINEMAN 3680 938 2415 7033272 M P WAGHELA KAMDAR 3325 848 2129 6302274 M D BHATT S.S. HELPER 4135 1055 3260 8450283 K H PRAJAPATI S.B.O. GR-I 5225 1332 4090 10647284 M A PARMAR S.B.O. GR-I 4380 1117 3447 8944285 U I VOHRA ASST.OP.GR-III 5800 1479 4528 11807286 J K BRAHMBHATT LINEMAN 5180 1321 3260 9761287 B B DABHI AST. LINEMAN 4635 1182 2929 8746288 D M BRAHMBHATT S.B.O. GR-II 3680 938 2983 7601289 Y N VOHRA S.S. HELPER 3550 905 5906 10361290 R D PATEL AST. LINEMAN 3680 938 2415 7033291 M R WAGHELA S.S. HELPER 3720 949 2555 7224292 T M HARIJAN PART TIME SWEEPR 1204.79 0 1 1205293 J S SUTHAR JR. ENGINEER 8000 2040 6261 16301303 B H PATHAN S.B.O. GR-I 4805 1225 4834 10864304 M K WANKER S.B.O. GR-II 4280 1091 20104 25475305 H N PATEL S.B.O. GR-I 6055 1544 5026 12625306 D S PARMAR LINE INSPT GR-II 6250 1594 4226 12070307 A S BARIYA AST. LINEMAN 5360 1367 3370 10097308 R S SODHAPARMAR S.S. HELPER 4135 1055 3261 8451309 H B DARJI S.B.O. GR-II 3680 938 2913 7531310 R K BHATT S.S. HELPER 3720 949 3130 7799312 R D BHILL S.B.O. GR-II 4380 1117 3446 8943313 M A BARIYA S.B.O. GR-I 5055 1289 3961 10305314 A N PATEL S.B.O. GR-I 5055 1289 4214 10558315 H G CHAPANERI S.B.O. GR-I 5350 1364 4453 11167318 B G BARIYA S.S. HELPER 4635 1182 2929 8746319 M B BARIYA HELPER 4635 1182 3641 9458320 B R BARIYA S.S. HELPER 4635 1182 2928 8745321 N N CHAUHAN WATCHMAN 0 0 1 1323 J B HARIJAN PART TIME SWEEPR 1164.7 0 0 1165324 SMT L G THAKOR KAMDAR 3030 773 1919 5722325 J D PATEL JR. ENGINEER 8500 2210 8694 19404326 C C ZALAIYA HELPER 3935 1004 3108 8047327 H C SONAGARA WATCHMAN 3680 938 2529 7147328 V R PATEL PLANT OP. GR.-I 6425 1638 6311 14374330 V R PATEL PLANT OP. GR.-I 6000 1568 4907 12475331 S S PRAJAPATI ASST.OP.GR-III 5650 1441 4414 11505

332 A I SHAIKH S.B.O. GR-I 5500 1403 4299 11202333 M B DESAI S.B.O. GR-I 6755 1723 4996 13474334 H T PARMAR S.B.O. GR-I 5555 1417 3489 10461336 S B BARIYA AST. LINEMAN 4985 1271 3142 9398337 S B BARIYA S.S. HELPER 4860 1239 3811 9910338 M V BARIYA S.S. HELPER 4135 1055 3260 8450340 A F GOHIL S.B.O. GR-II 4380 1131 3549 9060341 G N RAULJI S.B.O. GR-I 5305 1353 4152 10810342 I A MALEK S.B.O. GR-I 4380 1117 3446 8943343 D P WANKER S.B.O. GR-II 6080 2027 4108 12215344 P R PATEL S.B.O. GR-I 4480 1142 3522 9144345 K C GANGHI LINEMAN 5680 1448 3566 10694346 B U BARIYA LINEMAN 4280 1091 2711 8082347 B J BARIYA S.S. HELPER 5525 1737 3155 10417348 B B BARIYA S.S. HELPER 4235 1080 2684 7999349 M M BARIYA S.S. HELPER 5525 1737 3155 10417354 D U BARIYA S.B.O. GR-I 4930 1257 4112 10299362 D G BAROT S.B.O. GR-I 5225 1332 5037 11594363 A N CHIRSTIAN S.B.O. GR-I 5350 1364 3632 10346364 R H WAGHELA S.B.O. GR-II 4380 1117 3665 9162365 V B WAGHELA LINEMAN 5555 1417 3490 10462366 S C CHAUHAN AST. LINEMAN 4135 1055 2623 7813367 P B CHAVDA S.S. HELPER 3935 1004 3108 8047368 B C CHAUHAN S.B.O. GR-II 3680 938 3097 7715369 S M MALEK HELPER 3030 773 2417 6220370 J S HARIJAN PART TIME SWEEPR 1245 0 0 1245371 H P PATEL S.B.O. GR-I 4380 1117 3447 8944372 V A ROHIT S.B.O. GR-I 5225 1332 4332 10889373 A N UPADHYAY S.B.O. GR-I 4380 1117 3540 9037374 R C PARMAR S.B.O. GR-I 5225 1332 4091 10648375 C N PANCHAL LINE INSPECTOR 6250 1594 4226 12070376 J A PAREKH AST. LINEMAN 4035 1029 2563 7627377 A S PARMAR S.S. HELPER 5215 1330 3352 9897378 P P PATEL S.S. HELPER 3550 905 2466 6921379 G K WAGHELA PART TIME SWEEPR 763.06 0 0 763403 H P PATEL JR. ENGINEER 10375 3897 9534 23806404 R P PATEL SR. ASSISTANT 6650 1696 4357 12703408 G M PARIHAR ASST.OP.GR-III 6975 1779 6731 15485411 P H DAVE ASST. OP. GR.-I 7325 1868 6132 15325412 V C PRAJAPATI ASST. OP. GR.-I 7775 1983 7460 17218413 V S CHAUHAN LINEMAN 5805 1480 3932 11217414 S M PARMAR LINE INSPECTOR 5950 1517 4773 12240415 S M PARMAR AST. LINEMAN 4235 1080 2897 8212416 Y A PATHAN AST. LINEMAN 5235 1335 3830 10400418 J D VALAND S.B.O. GR-II 3680 938 3097 7715419 B B SHARMA HELPER 4635 1182 3403 9220420 N S HARIJAN HELPER 4535 1157 3565 9257421 S M SODHAPARMAR HELPER 4135 1055 2624 7814422 J U PARMAR S.B.O. GR-II 3595 917 3029 7541423 C K PADHIAR DRIVER GR-II 11475 2926 7101 21502424 B R KURMI GARDNER(MALI) 5305 1353 3019 9677425 M R PATELIA WATCHMAN 3935 1004 2699 7638

426 P C WAGHELA KAMDAR 5100 1301 3161 9562428 s.m.chauhan HELPER 3250 829 2748 6827429 J.V.DANI JR. ENGINEER 8000 2040 7700 17740432 S B BARIYA S.B.O. GR-I 6755 1723 5256 13734433 R M PANCHAL ASST.OP.GR-III 6125 1562 4777 12464434 U B BHATT S.B.O. GR-I 5800 1479 4581 11860435 M S PATEL S.B.O. GR-I 4800 1118 3961 9879437 R P PADHIAR S.B.O. GR-II 3680 938 2988 7606438 K L PARMAR HELPER 4135 1055 3260 8450439 K M SHAH S.B.O. GR-II 3680 938 2912 7530441 P P RAO JR. ENGINEER 9500 2423 8129 20052442 H I PANDYA S.B.O. GR-I 4380 1117 3665 9162443 K M PUROHIT S.B.O. GR-I 5350 1364 4185 10899444 J M PARMAR S.B.O. GR-I 5100 1301 3473 9874445 H M CHAUHAN S.B.O. GR-I 5100 1301 3994 10395446 N C PATEL LINEMAN 4975 1269 9943 16187447 K D ZALA AST. LINEMAN 4235 1080 2684 7999449 B C CHAUHAN HELPER 4135 1055 3255 8445450 R I SHARMA S.B.O. GR-II 3595 917 2474 6986457 K C WAGHELA LINEMAN 6305 1608 3947 11860459 A C PARMAR AST. LINEMAN 4135 1055 2623 7813461 N K KHANT S.B.O. GR-II 3680 938 3097 7715462 M M PARMAR S.B.O. GR-II 3680 938 2913 7531463 M Y MALEK HELPER 3550 905 2814 7269464 S L ZALA S.B.O. GR-II 3595 917 3029 7541465 A A PATHAN HELPER 4515 1151 2955 8621468 D R HARIJAN PART TIME SWEEPR 1245 0 1 1246469 A D SOLANKI PART TIME SWEEPR 0 0 1 1470 D D BHANGI PART TIME SWEEPR 1245 0 1 1246475 M A VHORA JR. ENGINEER 9800 2499 9705 22004476 M K PATEL JR. ENGINEER 9800 2499 7646 19945478 G G CHAUHAN PLANT OP. GR.-I 9275 2365 8594 20234480 K P PAREKH PLANT OP. GR.-I 7325 1868 6205 15398481 N N PATEL LINE INSPT GR-II 7000 1785 4370 13155482 H P PATEL ELECTICIAN GR II 4850 1237 3523 9610483 M P PATEL LINE INSPT GR-II 6475 1651 4536 12662485 I N MALEK AST. LINEMAN 4235 1080 2684 7999486 K C CHAUHAN AST. LINEMAN 4235 1080 2684 7999490 P R VALVAI S.B.O. GR-II 3680 938 3665 8283491 K J BARIYA AST. LINEMAN 3935 1004 2596 7535492 M H DAMOR AST. LINEMAN 3595 917 2464 6976493 B B BARIYA HELPER 4135 1055 2623 7813494 J M CHAUHAN HELPER 3550 905 2336 6791495 S Z BHURIYA HELPER 3680 938 2345 6963496 I I VHORA AST. LINEMAN 4135 1055 2830 8020497 N P VYAS DRIVER GR-II 4750 1211 3068 9029499 A L WAGHELA PART TIME SWEEPR 803.27 0 1 804501 K R RAMI JR. ENGINEER 9500 2423 7766 19689502 B H PRAJAPATI S.B.O. GR-I 7075 1804 6583 15462503 R N PATEL S.B.O. GR-I 6755 1723 4567 13045504 M G VHORA S.B.O. GR-I 5305 1353 4152 10810506 J K PATEL AST. LINEMAN 3765 960 2563 7288

507 A F SOLANKI HELPER 4335 1106 3397 8838508 K A MALEK S.B.O. GR-II 3680 938 3097 7715509 M A PARMAR HELPER 3550 905 2631 7086511 P D HARIJAN PART TIME SWEEPR 1245 0 1 1246521 J B SHARMA S.B.O. GR-I 5100 1301 4611 11012523 K J RAVAL S.B.O. GR-I 5650 1441 4772 11863524 K M ZALA S.B.O. GR-II 4380 1117 3212 8709525 K B BARIYA LINE INSPECTOR 6900 1760 4310 12970526 S R PATEL AST. LINEMAN 4235 1080 2684 7999527 G D GOHIL HELPER 4135 1055 3363 8553528 M S ZALA HELPER 4635 1182 3403 9220532 M B HARIJAN PART TIME SWEEPR 1245 0 1 1246533 V I MACWAN JR. ENGINEER 8250 2104 9718 20072542 V Z BARIYA S.B.O. GR-II 4380 1117 3431 8928543 B B CHAUHAN S.B.O. GR-I 5100 1301 4070 10471544 N B RANA S.B.O. GR-I 4380 1117 3446 8943545 R M SODHA LINEMAN 4975 1269 3211 9455546 N B SOLANKI LINEMAN 4380 1117 3222 8719549 R R ZALA AST. LINEMAN 3680 938 2346 6964551 A A SHAIKH S.B.O. GR-I 0 0 1 1552 R B BARIYA S.B.O. GR-II 4805 1225 3771 9801553 J J GOHIL S.B.O. GR-I 4380 1117 3446 8943555 B R BARIYA LINEMAN 5055 1289 3184 9528556 B G BARIYA AST. LINEMAN 4735 1208 2989 8932557 D M BARIYA HELPER 3975 1014 3139 8128559 P P WAGHELA HELPER 3805 970 3009 7784560 B R PATEL HELPER 4035 1029 3254 8318561 M D WAGHELA PART TIME SWEEPR 1245 0 0 1245604 H N JANI SR. ASSISTANT 8775 2238 6483 17496605 G M PARMAR SR. ASSISTANT 8525 2174 6309 17008606 H K PARMAR SR. ASSISTANT 7375 1881 4711 13967607 H B RAUIJI JR. ASST(TYPIST) 5350 1364 4146 10860608 G H BHADRESA PEON 5305 1353 3169 9827610 V P PARMAR DY SUPDT (ACCT) 8025 2046 5117 15188614 P R PARMAR ASST. OP. GR.-I 6375 1626 5332 13333615 R S PRAJAPATI ASST. OP. GR.-I 6575 1677 5162 13414616 K C PATEL ELECTRICIAN GR-I 6175 1575 3867 11617617 S D JOSHI LINE INSPECTOR 6250 1594 4153 11997618 S J BRAHMBHATT AST. LINEMAN 3765 960 3058 7783619 R P SHAH S.B.O. GR-I 3795 968 3191 7954620 J C THAKER S.B.O. GR-II 3595 917 4956 9468621 V S PATEL S.B.O. GR-II 3680 938 2998 7616632 K C BARIA S.B.O. GR-I 4280 1091 3369 8740633 S B BARIA S.B.O. GR-I 4380 1117 3446 8943634 B P SOLANKI S.B.O. GR-I 4380 1117 3447 8944636 D V BARIA LINEMAN 4280 1091 2711 8082637 M M PATELLIYA S.B.O. GR-I 3795 968 3191 7954642 A P DAVE S.B.O. GR-I 5555 1417 4620 11592643 M D DAMOR ASST.OP.GR-III 4850 1237 3786 9873645 D S RAJPUT LINEMAN 6605 1684 11654 19943646 V R ZALA LINEMAN 6180 1576 3870 11626647 H V ZALA HELPER 4135 1055 3261 8451

648 A M DABHI HELPER 3550 905 2803 7258658 G B PATEL JR. ENGINEER 8750 2231 8580 19561662 R G JOSHI JR. ENGINEER 8250 2104 6453 16807665 J A BARIA LINEMAN 5100 1301 3362 9763666 B R PARMAR DRIVER GR-I 7325 1868 4809 14002667 C P BHIL DRIVER GR-I 5250 1339 3453 10042668 K M MAKWANA DRIVER GR-I 4900 1250 3239 9389669 M R WADIA ELECTRICIAN 4350 1109 3548 9007670 J P DAVE LINEMAN 3980 1015 2624 7619673 H V CHOPDA WATCHMAN 3935 1004 3211 8150677 M V SHARMA S.B.O. GR-II 3680 938 4144 8762680 S T VALVAI S.B.O. GR-II 3595 917 2474 6986683 S R CHAUHAN CLEANER 3935 1004 2672 7611685 B G CHAUHAN KAMDAR 3475 886 2316 6677686 A M RATHOD HELPER 3510 895 2886 7291687 P M PARMAR DRIVER GR-I 5250 1339 4341 10930688 B M BRAHMBHATT DRIVER GR-II 4225 1077 3413 8715689 M A SHAIKH DY. ENGINEER 11975 3054 9562 24591695 K D RAVAL ASST. OP. GR.-I 8525 2174 8144 18843697 L J MISTRY LINEMAN 4580 1168 5982 11730698 R M WAGHELA AST. LINEMAN 4335 1106 3412 8853699 J M NAIK AST. LINEMAN 3680 938 2992 7610700 M J RANA S.B.O. GR-I 3795 968 3001 7764701 M B PARMAR HELPER 3550 905 3450 7905702 S N SHAH S.B.O. GR-II 3595 917 2928 7440703 U B SOMPURA HELPER 3250 829 2677 6756711 A A SOLANKEY SR. ASSISTANT 8525 2174 6309 17008712 K K TRIVEDI S.B.O. GR-I 5650 1441 4498 11589713 D P PARMAR S.B.O. GR-I 5225 1332 4253 10810714 B J ZALA S.B.O. GR-I 5100 1301 4243 10644715 N M PATEL S.B.O. GR-I 4380 1117 4206 9703716 F R CHAUHAN LINEMAN 4725 1205 3134 9064717 G K MAKWANA LINEMAN 4805 1225 3257 9287718 N P PARMAR HELPER 3475 886 2578 6939719 R D KALASWA S.B.O. GR-II 3595 917 3029 7541720 P J SHAH S.B.O. GR-II 3595 917 2849 7361740 K P PARMAR PLANT OP. GR.-I 10100 2576 7804 20480742 P J DESAI PLANT OP. GR.-I 7325 1868 7016 16209744 H R PANJABI LINEMAN 5680 1448 3849 10977745 R P MESARIA LINEMAN 5350 1364 3364 10078746 P T MAKWANA LINEMAN 4080 1040 2760 7880747 U M PAREKH AST. LINEMAN 3850 982 3042 7874748 S H RAMANUJ ELECTRICIAN 4225 1077 2890 8192749 G R BHATT HELPER 3475 886 2931 7292750 H B BAROT HELPER 3475 886 2221 6582751 P P KACHHIA HELPER 3475 886 2758 7119752 L G DAMOR S.B.O. GR-II 3510 895 2784 7189753 K A SOLANKI HELPER 3400 867 2694 6961755 K I SHAH S.B.O. GR-II 3510 895 2959 7364756 B N VAGHELA HELPER 3400 867 2699 6966758 R P PATEL HELPER 3400 867 2939 7206760 H A BHAVSAR PLANT OP. GR.-I 7325 1868 10437 19630

763 R S SHAH SR. ASSISTANT 8775 2238 6484 17497768 Y B JOSHI S.B.O. GR-I 5225 1332 4436 10993771 K S RAVAL ASST.OP.GR-III 5500 1403 5288 12191772 R B RATHOD LINE INSPECTOR 8950 2282 7989 19221773 H R SHAH LINEMAN 5350 1364 3599 10313774 K S BARIYA LINEMAN 4280 1091 2711 8082776 M B PATEL ELECTRICIAN GR-I 6175 1575 4108 11858778 B C THAKOR HELPER 4135 1055 3363 8553779 R P RATHOD S.B.O. GR-II 3510 895 2959 7364780 L T KASOTA S.B.O. GR-II 3595 917 2849 7361781 V A BAROT S.S. HELPER 3475 886 2837 7198782 J M PATEL S.B.O. GR-I 4930 1257 4182 10369783 T J PATEL HELPER 3400 867 2595 6862784 S B RATHOD AST. LINEMAN 3765 960 3081 7806785 J K DAMOR WATCHMAN 3935 1004 3211 8150786 K S PARMAR WATCHMAN 3935 1004 2597 7536789 R G DESAI DY. ENGINEER 10400 2652 8349 21401791 S B PATEL S.B.O. GR-II 4280 1091 3370 8741792 B H PATEL S.B.O. GR-I 4725 1205 3785 9715793 J P RATHOD S.B.O. GR-I 5350 1364 5006 11720794 G V PATEL S.B.O. GR-II 4380 1117 3446 8943796 M P FAKIR LINEMAN 3980 1015 2727 7722798 K S PANDOR S.B.O. GR-II 3595 917 2849 7361800 B.A.KADIA LINEMAN 5180 1321 3520 10021802 B N MAKVANA S.B.O. GR-I 5100 1301 3995 10396803 A V MAKVANA S.B.O. GR-I 4480 1142 3522 9144804 J M MALEK S.B.O. GR-II 4380 1117 3446 8943805 M M JADAV LINEMAN 5100 1301 3211 9612808 K V TRIVEDI AST. LINEMAN 3595 917 2294 6806809 D R PATEL AST. LINEMAN 4860 1239 3065 9164810 V K CHAVDA E. E. 15525 3959 14624 34108811 N M BARIA S.B.O. GR-I 4380 1117 3446 8943812 A J PAREKH S.B.O. GR-II 4280 1091 3584 8955813 M J PATEL S.B.O. GR-I 4280 1091 4979 10350814 R N BARIA S.B.O. GR-II 4380 1117 3446 8943815 R.I.PATHAN LINEMAN 5100 1301 3467 9868816 P V PATEL LINEMAN 4380 1117 2773 8270817 L R KHARADI HELPER 3250 829 2418 6497818 S S BARIA S.B.O. GR-II 3595 917 3029 7541823 B V HATHI SR. ASSISTANT 9025 2301 5742 17068825 M P SUKHADIA PLANT OP. GR.-I 10375 2646 9295 22316826 S G PANDYA JR. ENGINEER 8000 2040 7951 17991828 V Z SHETH ASST. OP. GR.-I 10025 2556 7491 20072829 A S SUTHER ASST. OP. GR.-I 6825 1688 5764 14277831 D J DAVE PLANT OP. GR.-I 8775 2238 7464 18477832 S P RATHOD LINE INSPT GR-II 6475 1651 4290 12416834 M S THAKOR LINEMAN 7055 1799 4644 13498835 J K THAKER EL. FITTER GR-I 6975 1779 7280 16034836 J B DULERA LINEMAN 4480 1142 4538 10160839 S K PARGI LINEMAN 3710 946 2364 7020840 A G BRAHMBHATT S.B.O. GR-II 3610 962 3325 7897841 P S DESAI HELPER 3935 1004 2501 7440

845 H S WAGHELA KAMDAR 6900 1760 4550 13210852 J R HATHI PLANT OP. GR.-I 8500 2168 5525 16193853 A V SHAH SR. TECHNICIAN 4600 1173 3056 8829854 M S DAVE S.B.O. GR-I 5180 1321 4314 10815856 J R MAKWANA HELPER 3175 810 2609 6594862 P G JETHWA S.B.O. GR-I 4280 1091 3473 8844864 H N JANI ASST.OP.GR-III 10700 2728 8505 21933865 J V PANCHAL S.B.O. GR-I 4975 1269 4064 10308866 K M PATEL LINEMAN 4080 1040 2759 7879870 P C NAYAK HELPER 6725 1715 6503 14943874 M J RABARI DRIVER GR-I 6875 1753 5666 14294875 P R SUTHER S.B.O. GR-II 3595 917 3866 8378876 B C BHATT HELPER 3550 905 3539 7994877 G.V.RAVAL HELPER 3325 848 3245 7418878 K U SOLANKI HELPER 3250 829 2748 6827879 GKASHODA WATCHMAN 3325 848 2747 6920886 B B VALAND HELPER 3400 867 2694 6961890 O R PATEL HELPER 4480 1142 3057 8679891 R M PANCHAL DY. ENGINEER 13600 3468 12871 29939892 H .V.SATHWARA. HELPER 3175 810 3108 7093895 R G RATHOD HELPER 3100 791 2147 6038896 G K PATEL PLANT OP. GR.-I 6200 1581 6171 13952897 B R PATEL PLANT OP. GR.-I 6200 1581 6024 13805898 M L GOHIL GARDNER(MALI) 2960 755 1971 5686900 N P DAMOR HELPER 3475 886 3381 7742902 H M KANANI DY. ENGINEER 14900 3800 11871 30571903 C B PARMAR DY SUPDT (ACCT) 8525 2174 5215 15914904 M T HOTCHANDANI SR. ASSISTANT 7175 1830 5455 14460906 K L SANGHAVI SR. ASSISTANT 7550 1925 5776 15251908 K G RATHOD SR. ASSISTANT 6575 1677 4046 12298910 H R SHARMA SR. ASSISTANT 4750 1211 2713 8674911 T R SAPRA PEON 6055 1544 3734 11333913 R B PADHIYAR DRIVER GR-I 7550 1925 5084 14559916 M S CHRISTIAN SR. ASSISTANT 4750 1211 2951 8912917 K R PATEL SR. ASSISTANT 4750 1211 3069 9030919 D O SHRIVASTAV CLEANER 3510 895 2863 7268921 B S KHANDLA LINEMAN 4725 1205 2983 8913922 V B DABHI LINEMAN 4280 1091 2711 8082923 J D NAKIA S.B.O. GR-I 4380 1117 3446 8943925 G V MEHTA S.B.O. GR-I 3980 1015 3416 8411927 I P SHAIKH AST. LINEMAN 3680 938 2345 6963928 B R ZALA S.B.O. GR-II 3510 895 2853 7258929 H K PARMAR AST. LINEMAN 3765 960 2398 7123930 R B TADVI S.B.O. GR-I 3980 1015 3141 8136934 M A KHOKHAR DY. ENGINEER 11650 2971 9071 23692935 U D WAGHELA JR. ENGINEER 9275 2365 7443 19083940 S G ALGOTAR SR. ASSISTANT 6375 1626 3926 11927941 J R SAPRA LINE INSPT GR-II 7250 1849 4886 13985943 R K SOLANKI LINEMAN 5800 1479 3929 11208945 G B RANA LINE INSPECTOR 6725 1715 4539 12979947 V L MISTRY PLANT OP. GR.-I 6000 1530 4001 11531949 J H SOLANKI HELPER 3935 1004 2906 7845

951 J V NANGHA AST. LINEMAN 4735 1208 3227 9170952 H J MAKWANA AST. LINEMAN 3680 938 3097 7715953 M T ZALA HELPER 4735 1208 11035 16978954 M K ZALA HELPER 4235 1080 2685 8000955 V M ZALA HELPER 4335 1106 2821 8262956 U J SURANI HELPER 4235 1080 3336 8651958 G A MAKWANA HELPER 4515 1151 3081 8747960 M K RANA WATCHMAN 3935 1004 2699 7638962 B J PARMAR GARDNER(MALI) 4135 1055 2582 7772963 K K PURBIYA P/T SWEEPER 505 0 1084 1589968 P K SHAH DY. ENGINEER 12525 3194 13501 29220973 B A DAVE ASST. OP. GR.-I 8000 2040 6804 16844974 N T MAKWANA PLANT OP. GR.-I 6875 1753 6618 15246977 Y S DAVE ELECTICIAN GR II 5650 1441 3971 11062978 B N LAKHTARIA AST. LINEMAN 4985 1271 3142 9398979 K C JAMOD LINEMAN 4280 1091 2711 8082980 D U METALIA S.B.O. GR-II 3680 938 3182 7800981 N J KANANI S.B.O. GR-II 3595 917 2849 7361982 F P SOLANKI S.B.O. GR-II 3595 917 3029 7541983 C G KHANDLA S.B.O. GR-II 3765 960 3822 8547984 S J PARMAR HELPER 3510 895 2504 6909985 J U DAVE S.B.O. GR-II 3510 895 2960 7365987 K.M.JOSHI HELPER 3175 810 12327 16312991 J D PATEL S.B.O. GR-I 4080 1040 3212 8332993 D I TRIVEDI S.B.O. GR-I 4080 1040 4501 9621994 S K KURESHI S.B.O. GR-I 4280 1091 3370 8741995 D B MEHTA LINEMAN 5680 1448 3565 10693997 D A LADOLA HELPER 3975 1014 2934 7923998 R B CHAUHAN HELPER 3475 886 2758 7119999 H N RAWAL S.B.O. GR-I 4080 1040 2793 7913

1000 S I PATHAN HELPER 3400 867 2345 66121001 M G ZALA WATCHMAN 5180 1321 3649 101501002 S G MOKANI S.B.O. GR-II 3595 917 2835 73471003 N N PATHAN HELPER 3175 810 2688 66731011 J M KOLCHA S.B.O. GR-I 3980 1015 3710 87051012 S G ZALA ASST.OP.GR-III 5650 1441 4991 120821013 S R BARIA S.B.O. GR-I 4280 1091 3370 87411014 I R PATEL S.B.O. GR-I 4080 1040 3218 83381015 B R UPADHYAY LINEMAN 5180 1321 3859 103601016 G L WAGHELA AST. LINEMAN 3935 1004 2773 77121017 A B VORA AST. LINEMAN 3680 938 2530 71481018 V S SABHAD AST. LINEMAN 3680 938 2529 71471019 B P JADAV S.B.O. GR-II 3765 960 3166 78911022 M V VYAS S.B.O. GR-I 5350 1364 4038 107521023 N K SAKARIA S.B.O. GR-I 4850 1237 4169 102561024 B A WAGHELA S.B.O. GR-I 5500 1403 8973 158761025 B R RAWAL LINEMAN 5225 1332 3549 101061026 N K RANA AST. LINEMAN 4235 1080 3749 90641028 A M KANDIA S.B.O. GR-II 3765 960 3167 78921029 R H KAMEJALIA HELPER 4135 1055 3570 87601030 B B RESHMIYA S.B.O. GR-II 3935 1004 3402 83411032 D P PATEL S.B.O. GR-I 4080 1040 3218 8338

1033 B G MEHTA S.B.O. GR-I 4480 1142 3746 93681034 J B CHAUHAN S.B.O. GR-I 4850 1237 3672 97591035 U G RANA LINEMAN 4725 1205 3219 91491036 C N BARIA AST. LINEMAN 4235 1080 2684 79991037 K C RATHOD S.B.O. GR-II 3595 917 2849 73611039 G.C.THAKORE HELPER 3510 895 2886 72911040 K R PATEL S.B.O. GR-I 5800 1479 4903 121821043 R C PANDYA JR. ASSISTANT 4600 1173 2975 87481044 T A PAGI DRIVER GR-I 8275 2110 5149 155341047 G L PAREKH ASST. OP. GR.-I 6375 1626 5067 130681048 U A MOMIN ASST. OP. GR.-I 6775 1728 5779 142821050 N A SOLANKI LINEMAN 4930 1257 4112 102991051 P V PARMAR LINEMAN 4805 1225 4010 100401052 D H SOLANKI LINEMAN 4975 1269 3136 93801053 R H RAMI AST. LINEMAN 4635 1182 3948 97651054 R S GOSWAMI AST. LINEMAN 3765 960 2656 73811056 A M SAMAL HELPER 3475 886 2395 67561057 D A DODIYA HELPER 4415 1126 3764 93051062 V B PARMAR DY. ENGINEER 13925 3551 13176 306521063 S.G.SHAIKH. HELPER 3175 810 2609 65941066 C.B.BARIA. HELPER 3175 810 2038 60231067 D P WAGHELA S.B.O. GR-I 4080 1040 3492 86121069 S J FANAT LINEMAN 4380 1117 2772 82691070 K K JADEJA HELPER 3325 848 2638 68111071 R H KHODAKIYA S.B.O. GR-I 4930 1257 3865 100521072 K R PATEL S.B.O. GR-I 4080 1040 3421 85411073 R N PARMAR S.B.O. GR-I 5180 1321 4314 108151075 G A MER LINEMAN 5680 1448 3565 106931076 S V PARMAR LINEMAN 4280 1091 2787 81581077 V K DABHI S.B.O. GR-II 3680 938 2900 75181079 S R UPADHYAY AST. LINEMAN 3680 938 2529 71471080 R K DABGAR S.B.O. GR-II 3510 895 2960 73651082 D D CHAUHAN LINEMAN 5055 1289 3184 95281083 R H ACHARYA S.B.O. GR-I 5650 1441 4900 119911084 D C CHAMPANERI S.B.O. GR-I 5680 1448 4947 120751085 R J TRIVEDI S.B.O. GR-II 4480 1142 3928 95501086 M M VYAS S.B.O. GR-I 5500 1403 5556 124591087 I M CHAMPANERI S.B.O. GR-II 3595 917 3028 75401089 A G ZALA AST. LINEMAN 3935 1004 2797 77361090 I K SINEJIYA S.B.O. GR-II 3510 895 2960 73651091 J P RANA WATCHMAN 5180 1321 3649 101501092 S S MEHTA HELPER 3250 829 2418 64971103 P D SORATHIYA LINE INSPECTOR 5500 1403 3730 106331106 D C DASADIYA S.B.O. GR-I 5180 1321 4315 108161107 B M JADAV S.B.O. GR-I 4080 1040 3287 84071108 S C DAVE S.B.O. GR-II 4985 1271 4156 104121110 H L ZALA HELPER 3805 970 3785 85601111 R K JOSHI S.B.O. GR-I 5225 1332 4352 109091112 P M ACHARYA S.B.O. GR-I 4035 1029 3184 82481113 M S PRAJAPATI S.B.O. GR-I 4080 1040 3218 83381114 J P TRIVEDI S.B.O. GR-I 3980 1015 3244 82391115 N S KHANDLA LINEMAN 5180 1321 3649 10150

1116 K K DAVE AST. LINEMAN 3935 1004 2699 76381117 H M SANTOKI HELPER 4035 1029 2562 76261119 B M PATEL S.B.O. GR-II 3595 917 3474 79861120 V M JAMBUKIYA WATCHMAN 4235 1080 2896 82111121 M G RANA S.B.O. GR-I 3980 1015 3216 82111122 L A KARELIYA S.B.O. GR-I 3980 1015 3341 83361123 Y U PATHAN S.B.O. GR-I 3980 1015 2733 77281124 M R DABHI S.B.O. GR-I 3980 1015 3330 83251126 S K PARMAR AST. LINEMAN 3850 982 2449 72811127 S G CHAUHAN HELPER 3475 886 3296 76571128 G L PARMAR HELPER 3475 886 2221 65821130 A V KHANDLA S.B.O. GR-II 3595 917 3106 76181131 A D DAVE LINEMAN 5180 1321 3650 101511132 H M MEHTA AST. LINEMAN 4080 1040 2869 79891133 N G TRENTIYA S.B.O. GR-I 5305 1353 3337 99951134 S R WAGHELA S.B.O. GR-I 4280 1091 3370 87411135 D D ZALA S.B.O. GR-I 4280 1091 3370 87411137 M O DABHI S.B.O. GR-II 0 0 1 11138 R P SANGADA HELPER 3400 867 2174 64411139 M A ZALA HELPER 3805 970 3273 80481140 H G GANGADIYA WATCHMAN 4635 1182 2928 87451142 H N TRIVEDI JR. ENGINEER 9500 2423 7656 195791143 N P PANCHAL DY. ENGINEER 10700 2729 9124 225531144 J R BHATT JR. ENGINEER 9275 2365 7243 188831146 B B SATAPARA JR. ENGINEER 10100 2576 7877 205531148 R B DHAMECHA JR. ENGINEER 9275 2365 9509 211491152 B V CHAUHAN EL. FITTER GR-I 4600 1173 3156 89291153 A K JOSHI LINEMAN 4380 1117 2773 82701154 M R RAULJI LINEMAN 5930 1512 3718 111601155 S H WAGHELA LINEMAN 3980 1015 2728 77231157 G J VYAS S.B.O. GR-II 3680 938 3167 77851158 D M DEVAL S.B.O. GR-II 3850 982 3042 78741159 J D SORATHIYA AST. LINEMAN 4035 1029 2647 77111160 P K PATEL HELPER 3635 927 3061 76231161 M V CHAVDA S.B.O. GR-II 4080 1040 3422 85421163 R U CHAUHAN S.B.O. GR-II 3680 938 3188 78061164 R M SONAGRA S.B.O. GR-II 3595 917 3673 81851165 N J ZALA HELPER 4715 1202 3283 92001169 B R GARASIYA DRIVER GR-II 4225 1077 2678 79801170 R G KANJARIYA HELPER 3400 867 2858 71251175 A V GOHIL LINEMAN 4380 1117 2772 82691181 R G KHANDLA S.B.O. GR-I 4380 1117 3665 91621183 J L DAMORE S.B.O. GR-I 3980 1015 3340 83351184 D G VYAS S.B.O. GR-I 5305 1353 5195 118531186 G L PARMAR LINEMAN 4480 1142 3057 86791188 D S PATEL HELPER 3475 886 2757 71181189 B K CHAUHAN S.B.O. GR-II 226.4 57.73 687 9711192 M J BHATT S.B.O. GR-I 3980 1015 3142 81371193 B K SOLANKI S.B.O. GR-II 4080 1040 3217 83371194 G V YAGNIK ASST.OP.GR-III 6900 1760 6864 155241195 S L SADHU LINEMAN 4380 1117 3101 85981196 L G LADOLA HELPER 4335 1106 3488 8929

1202 R B ZALA JR. ENGINEER 9275 2365 7243 188831206 C K VYAS JR. ENGINEER 7250 1849 7492 165911208 K M PAREKH PLANT OP. GR.-I 5600 1428 4376 114041209 H R SATANI ASST. OP. GR.-I 5600 1428 4376 114041211 N K BHATT ELECTICIAN GR II 4450 1135 3065 86501212 D K SOLANKI LINE INSPT GR-II 5975 1524 4144 116431214 J K ACHARYA AST. LINEMAN 3850 982 2642 74741215 M L RAMI AST. LINEMAN 4135 1055 2830 80201216 J P PARMAR S.B.O. GR-II 0 0 1 11217 R B PATEL AST. LINEMAN 3680 938 2345 69631218 Y R KHOKHAR HELPER 3510 895 2960 73651219 J S CHAVADA HELPER 3475 886 2221 65821220 V K VADHER S.B.O. GR-II 3595 917 3029 75411221 P B WAGHELA HELPER 3550 905 2779 72341224 M G SONDLA DRIVER GR-II 5600 1428 3797 108251226 S V VADVAI HELPER 3250 829 2246 63251227 A J GAMI ASST. OP. GR-II 4900 1250 4087 102371228 P P PARMAR HELPER 3250 829 2246 63251229 D B MECWAN HELPER 0 0 1 11230 A B DABHI HELPER 3250 829 2748 68271231 L S MAKWANA S.B.O. GR-II 4080 1040 3422 85421232 M H JOSHI S.B.O. GR-I 4080 1040 3321 84411233 J C CHAMPANERI S.B.O. GR-II 4080 1040 3421 85411234 M N CHAUHAN S.B.O. GR-I 3980 1015 6699 116941235 V H ZALA LINEMAN 4380 1117 2991 84881236 P R MAKWANA AST. LINEMAN 3935 1004 2882 78211237 M S THAKORE HELPER 0 0 0 01238 P S WAGHELA S.B.O. GR-II 3595 917 2849 73611239 R M PAREKH HELPER 3595 917 3009 75211240 B J BARIYA S.B.O. GR-I 4280 1091 3370 87411241 S P PATEL S.B.O. GR-II 3765 960 3063 77881244 B D PANARA S.B.O. GR-II 3980 1015 3953 89481246 K B BARIYA AST. LINEMAN 4135 1055 2623 78131253 H M MEHTA S.B.O. GR-I 5055 1289 4214 105581257 A J SURANI HELPER 3400 867 2939 72061258 B R PARMAR HELPER 3510 895 2418 68231259 A B DABHI HELPER 3400 867 2869 71361265 R M MAKWANA HELPER 3250 829 2688 67671266 P K DABHI HELPER 4815 1228 3941 99841269 Y M PUROHIT HELPER 3400 867 2803 70701270 J V BHATT HELPER 3400 867 2587 68541273 S K RATHOD HELPER 3250 829 2585 66641274 A D SONAGRA S.B.O. GR-I 4080 1040 3422 85421275 M A CHAUHAN PLANT OP. GR.-I 6650 1696 5175 135211277 S R YADAV JR. ENGINEER 8000 2040 6261 163011283 P V WAGHELA HELPER 3175 810 2524 65091286 S R BARIYA S.B.O. GR-I 3880 989 3259 81281287 B S BARIYA HELPER 3175 810 2609 65941294 S K INDARIA HELPER 3325 848 2809 69821295 T K KHRISTI S.B.O. GR-II 3795 968 3191 79541297 R M TALPADA HELPER 3100 791 1992 58831299 A L ZALA JR. ASSISTANT 3900 995 2538 7433

1302 H.S.KATARA S.B.O. GR-II 3510 895 2960 73651303 B R BAMANA HELPER 3400 867 2524 67911308 M C ZALA HELPER 3100 791 3039 69301312 D H MAKWANA HELPER 3325 848 2892 70651314 D L TADVI HELPER 3100 791 2471 63621315 B L TADVI HELPER 3100 791 2471 63621316 R N SHAIKH HELPER 3100 791 2574 64651317 P K SENAPATHY DY. ENGINEER 12625 3219 12206 280501318 L D PARMAR HELPER 4335 1106 3630 90711320 R M ANSARI HELPER 4480 1142 3600 92221322 P B BARIYA HELPER 0 0 637 6371327 K A ZALA JR. ASSISTANT 3800 969 2476 72451328 P K DARJI HELPER 3030 773 2101 59041332 C R TANKOLIA HELPER 3325 848 2296 64691335 B S THAKOR HELPER 4235 1080 3549 88641336 D J PARMAR JR. ASST(TYPIST) 4100 1046 3209 83551338 L D KATARA HELPER 3100 791 3427 73181341 N S SHUKLA DY. ENGINEER 11000 2805 12341 261461342 J A JANI JR. ENGINEER 8250 2104 15501 258551343 G H RATNU WATCHMAN 3325 848 2129 63021344 B R SOLANKI DY SUPDT (ACCT) 8025 2046 5959 160301347 N G VANODIYA DY. ENGINEER 14025 3576 11181 287821348 G H ZALA S.B.O. GR-II 4080 1040 3217 83371350 K J PATEL HELPER 3475 886 2395 67561352 V S GOHIL HELPER 4145 1057 2630 78321353 V A BARANDA JR. ENGINEER 7000 1785 7028 158131354 K S BARIYA HELPER 3100 791 2146 60371355 B V BARIYA HELPER 3100 791 2146 60371356 G K PATEL HELPER 4035 1029 2562 76261358 M B MACHHI HELPER 3175 810 2196 61811359 D C PATEL Vidyut Sahayak 3500 0 0 35001360 M H SOLANKI Vidyut Sahayak 3500 0 0 35001361 Z.S.TRIVEDI JR. ASSISTANT 3800 969 2190 69591363 D.K.CHAVADA HELPER 2890 737 2456 60831364 S V PANDYA JR. ENGINEER 10400 2652 10180 232321366 D R VYAS Vidyut Sahayak 3500 0 0 35001367 A J DAVE Vidyut Sahayak 3097 0 0 30971368 S B SAU Vidyut Sahayak 3500 0 0 35001369 M A BARIYA JR. ASSISTANT 3595 917 2258 67701370 K S RANA HELPER 3030 773 2569 63721371 B K JADAV HELPER 2960 755 2365 60801372 D H CHUDASAMA HELPER 2820 719 2399 59381373 M T PARMAR Vidyut Sahayak 3000 0 0 30001374 J R BAROLIYA HELPER 3100 791 1991 58821375 N R ZALA HELPER 3175 810 2688 66731376 G T PADHERIA JR. ENGINEER 7750 1976 7614 173401377 G N DODIYA DY SUPDT (ACCT) 8000 2040 4500 145401378 J J BHATT HELPER 3550 905 2814 72691379 S R DAVAIYA HELPER 3100 791 2471 63621380 V B MISTRY Vidyut Sahayak 2500 0 0 25001381 H M PARMAR Vidyut Sahayak 2500 0 0 25001382 J R DAMOR Vidyut Sahayak 2500 0 1 2501

1383 J S WAGHELA Vidyut Sahayak 2500 0 0 25001384 H R SURI PLANT OP. GR.-I 6000 1530 4981 125111385 K H PRAJAPATI PLANT OP. GR.-I 6200 1581 3883 116641386 N J MAKWANA E. E. 16275 4150 11656 320811387 N M DESAI GARDNER(MALI) 2750 701 1778 52291388 N K LIMBACHIYA Vidyut Sahayak 2500 0 0 25001389 N M PANDIT DY. ENGINEER 10700 2729 8018 214471390 H D VYAS DY. ENGINEER 10100 2576 7777 204531391 G G MAKWANA PLANT OP. GR.-I 5425 1383 4237 110451392 P R GURKHA HELPER 2750 701 1916 53671393 B K BHARWAD PLANT OP. GR.-I 7550 1925 5084 145591394 H.M. KADIA JR. ENGINEER 9200 2346 7598 191441395 R.B.RANA. HELPER 2960 755 2054 57691501 R H DAVE ELECTRICIAN 3900 995 2479 73741502 M C RAVAL HELPER 3100 791 2471 63621507 H J GOSWAMI HELPER 3100 791 2147 60381509 H B SAMETRIA HELPER 3100 791 2147 60381510 J U MEHTA HELPER 3400 867 2525 67921511 D L ZALA HELPER 3325 848 2809 69821518 N B PARMAR HELPER 3100 791 2701 65921522 B L PATADIA HELPER 3250 829 2656 67351525 S K PANDYA HELPER 3030 773 2418 62211526 D R DAVE HELPER 3030 773 2418 62211529 P T NINAMA HELPER 3325 848 2643 68161538 D J TADVI HELPER 0 0 1 11540 N K SHAH E. E. 16275 4150 12145 325701541 N T PATEL HELPER 3250 829 2153 62321542 H S MODI HELPER 3250 829 2586 66651543 D H TRIVEDI PLANT OP. GR.-I 7100 1811 6960 158711544 R P GOHIL KAMDAR 2960 755 1729 54441545 M J VASAVA DY. ENGINEER 9800 2499 7793 200921546 R T KALARA HELPER 3175 810 2766 67511548 A M PATHAN HELPER 3030 773 2417 62201549 F U DAMOR HELPER 3175 810 2688 66731550 M B WAGHELA HELPER 2890 737 2311 59381551 K D ZALA HELPER 3100 791 2626 65171554 J G CHAUHAN HELPER 4235 1080 2684 79991555 P K PARMAR HELPER 4035 1029 3184 82481556 N L BAMANIYA HELPER 3475 886 2931 72921558 R L LAKHTARIYA HELPER 3030 773 2418 62211561 D R RABARI DRIVER GR-I 8025 2046 5598 156691562 D F RAJPUT Vidyut Sahayak 3500 0 1 35011563 Y A SHAIKH Vidyut Sahayak 3500 0 0 35001564 S.R.ROZARA Vidyut Sahayak 3500 0 0 35001565 R R JADEJA Vidyut Sahayak 3500 0 0 35001566 R S LADHANI JR. ENGINEER 9200 2346 7184 187301573 R R THAKAR JR. ASSISTANT 4750 1211 3169 91301575 D R PATEL Vidyut Sahayak 3000 0 0 30001578 B V SISODIYA Vidyut Sahayak 3210 0 0 32101579 D L PATEL Vidyut Sahayak 3500 0 0 35001580 S N DAVE Vidyut Sahayak 3500 0 0 35001581 N R PATEL Vidyut Sahayak 3000 0 0 3000

1582 M M PATEL Vidyut Sahayak 3500 0 0 35001584 R M TAVIYAD Vidyut Sahayak 3000 0 0 30001585 F H RANA Vidyut Sahayak 3081 0 0 30811586 P A DAVE DY. ENGINEER 13600 3468 10572 276401587 B B PATEL Vidyut Sahayak 3000 0 1 30011588 V R DAVE Vidyut Sahayak 3000 0 0 30001589 B K MACHHI HELPER 3805 970 2612 73871590 R P ZALA Vidyut Sahayak 3000 0 0 30001591 V S PATEL Vidyut Sahayak 3000 0 0 30001592 K R VASAVA Vidyut Sahayak 3000 0 0 30001594 R B TADAVI Vidyut Sahayak 0 0 0 01595 J B ZALA HELPER 2960 755 2523 62381596 S V GOHIL Vidyut Sahayak 3000 0 36 30361597 R R JADAV Vidyut Sahayak 3000 0 0 30001598 K M PAREKH Vidyut Sahayak 3000 0 1 30011599 D P MAKWANA Vidyut Sahayak 3000 0 1 30011600 N H ZALA DRIVER GR-I 5800 1479 4074 113531601 J F SINDHA HELPER 3100 791 10548 144391602 K R RAWAL WATCHMAN 4635 1182 2998 88151605 K A WAGHELA HELPER 2820 719 1962 55011606 H B PARMAR Vidyut Sahayak 3000 0 0 30001607 R D RATHOD Vidyut Sahayak 3000 0 0 30001608 D R PANDYA Vidyut Sahayak 3000 0 1 30011609 L V VANKAR Vidyut Sahayak 3000 0 0 30001610 J J VANKAR Vidyut Sahayak 3000 0 0 30001611 D D WAGHELA Vidyut Sahayak 3000 0 0 30001612 R L VALA Vidyut Sahayak 3000 0 0 30001613 M H TIRGAR Vidyut Sahayak 3000 0 0 30001614 N D JADAV Vidyut Sahayak 3000 0 0 30001616 V S JADEJA Vidyut Sahayak 3000 0 0 30001617 J S JETHVA Vidyut Sahayak 3000 0 0 30001618 V M BARIYA Vidyut Sahayak 3000 0 1 30011619 B T CHIKANI JR. ENGINEER 9500 2423 8140 200631621 R N TRIVEDI S.B.O. GR-II 3595 917 3403 79151622 G K DAVE E. E. 15525 3959 11164 306481623 G J PATEL PEON 2750 701 1613 50641624 N R SHUKLA HELPER 3935 1004 3305 82441625 D A JADEJA HELPER 2960 755 2128 58431626 M M WAGHELA Vidyut Sahayak 0 0 0 01627 B S GOSAI Vidyut Sahayak 2500 0 0 25001628 I K SINEJIA Vidyut Sahayak 2500 0 0 25001629 N S PRAJAPATI Vidyut Sahayak 2500 0 0 25001630 P P PATEL Vidyut Sahayak 2500 0 0 25001631 N M PATEL Vidyut Sahayak 2500 0 0 25001632 D J VALAND Vidyut Sahayak 2500 0 0 25001633 J B MALI Vidyut Sahayak 2500 0 0 25001634 N L SONI Vidyut Sahayak 2500 0 0 25001635 M B BHEDI Vidyut Sahayak 2500 0 0 25001636 A R BARIA Vidyut Sahayak 2500 0 0 25001637 R B DAMOR Vidyut Sahayak 2500 0 0 25001638 R R MALI Vidyut Sahayak 2500 0 0 25001639 C L PARMAR Vidyut Sahayak 2500 0 0 2500

1641 R G MAHIDA Vidyut Sahayak 2500 0 0 25001642 R R PRAJAPATI Vidyut Sahayak 2500 0 0 25001643 P K PABANI DY. ENGINEER 14400 3672 10756 288281644 N I MAKWANA JR. ENGINEER 8000 2040 8215 182551645 H V SANGADA HELPER 3325 848 2296 64691646 S F DAMOR HELPER 3030 773 2570 63731647 R M GOHIL HELPER 3100 791 1992 58831648 U K GOHIL HELPER 3100 791 2471 63621649 A M TALPADA JR. ASSISTANT 0 0 0 01651 S B PARMAR Vidyut Sahayak 2500 0 0 25001652 A P PARMAR JR. ASSISTANT 3800 969 2475 72441654 V S ROJE Vidyut Sahayak 2500 0 0 25001655 S G BHATT DY SUPDT (ACCT) 10100 2576 6413 190891656 M B PATEL DY. ENGINEER 10400 2652 8576 216281657 R H PATHAN LINEMAN 4380 1117 2772 82691658 R .C .PARMAR Vidyut Sahayak 2500 0 0 25001659 R.M.UMARANIA PLANT OP. GR.-I 5975 1524 5557 130561660 G.V.MAKAWANA. SR. ASSISTANT 6575 1677 4210 124621661 V H MANVAR Vidyut Sahayak 2500 638 1250 43881662 M A MORICHAUAN HELPER 3325 848 2129 63021703 G A DARJI DY SUPDT (ACCT) 10100 2576 7410 200861708 P K PATEL JR. ASSISTANT 6550 1670 4926 131461709 V D MAKWANA JR. ASST(TYPIST) 4475 1141 2563 81791710 G K RAWAL PEON 7775 1983 5783 155411713 K N KAPADIA DY. ENGINEER 13650 3481 10202 273331717 P B PARMAR PLANT OP. GR.-I 7750 1976 6275 160011719 D K DABHI LINE INSPECTOR 7750 1976 5068 147941721 R M VALAND LINE INSPECTOR 7000 1785 4611 133961722 I P THAKORE LINEMAN 5800 1479 4659 119381723 J O PURABIA PLUMBER 7250 1849 5851 149501725 K B PARMAR HELPER 4735 1208 3140 90831726 C K THAKORE HELPER 4435 1131 2807 83731727 G F MOMIN AST. LINEMAN 4235 1080 2896 82111728 B K DABHI HELPER 5215 1330 4231 107761729 P G THARWALA S.B.O. GR-II 3680 938 6644 112621730 N J SHAH S.B.O. GR-II 3795 968 3674 84371731 Y M JANI HELPER 3635 927 2958 75201732 N P RATHOD HELPER 3550 905 2361 68161733 B K SOLANKI HELPER 3550 905 2894 73491734 R M PATEL AST. LINEMAN 3595 917 2649 71611735 R N VARIYA HELPER 3550 905 2361 68161736 K C WAGHELA HELPER 3475 886 2386 67471739 D S PARMAR WATCHMAN 5800 1479 4658 119371743 B N HARIJAN KAMDAR 3510 895 2126 65311744 V K PARMAR JR. ASSISTANT 6175 1575 4663 124131751 S S CHAUHAN S.B.O. GR-I 6100 1556 4757 124131752 M M MANSURI S.B.O. GR-I 5500 1403 4299 112021753 R.A.PRAJAPATI S.B.O. GR-I 3980 1015 3917 89121754 G L ZALA S.B.O. GR-I 4280 1091 3584 89551755 P J RATHOD LINEMAN 5555 1417 3906 108781757 B S SOLANKI S.B.O. GR-II 3980 1015 3340 83351758 N M PATEL HELPER 3720 949 3200 7869

1759 M B ACHARYA S.B.O. GR-II 3680 938 3097 77151760 S B TRIVEDI S.B.O. GR-II 3680 938 3664 82821761 N G PATEL JR. ENGINEER 9500 2423 9081 210041764 M M BHATT ASST. OP. GR.-I 8000 2040 6204 162441767 R D DAVE LINEMAN 5650 1441 3547 106381768 D S WAGHELA S.B.O. GR-II 3510 895 3325 77301769 M M RATHOD S.B.O. GR-II 3595 917 2848 73601770 H V DALWADI S.B.O. GR-II 3680 938 3172 77901771 N M MAKWANA S.B.O. GR-II 3510 895 2783 71881781 P V PATEL SR. ASSISTANT 11150 2843 8146 221391782 R C BHATT DRIVER GR-I 6650 1696 4397 127431783 G D PATEL S.B.O. GR-I 4380 1117 3665 91621785 L D PATEL S.B.O. GR-I 4280 1091 3445 88161786 J B BHOI S.B.O. GR-I 5500 1403 4659 115621787 J S TADVI LINE INSPECTOR 5450 1390 3425 102651788 G J SONALA LINEMAN 3980 1015 2528 75231789 N S VASAVA S.B.O. GR-II 3680 938 2913 75311790 H V SHARMA S.B.O. GR-I 3595 917 2849 73611791 N G TABIYAD S.B.O. GR-II 0 0 1 11792 M R JOSHIYARA WATCHMAN 3935 1004 3211 81501793 R R WAGHELA PART TIME SWEEPR 504 0 742 12461794 D A PATEL S.B.O. GR-I 3980 1015 3415 84101801 R A PARMAR S.B.O. GR-I 4380 1117 3446 89431802 R A DAVE S.B.O. GR-I 5100 1301 4335 107361803 M H SOLANKI S.B.O. GR-I 4725 1205 3945 98751804 G M JANI S.B.O. GR-I 3980 1015 3842 88371805 A M SHAIKH LINEMAN 5305 1353 3735 103931806 S G RAULJI LINEMAN 4380 1117 2847 83441807 K G PATEL HELPER 3400 867 2700 69671808 D C PATEL S.B.O. GR-II 3795 968 3001 77641809 D G RAWAL AST. LINEMAN 3510 895 2933 73381810 K K VASAVA S.B.O. GR-II 4080 1040 3293 84131811 P G PUROHIT JR. ENGINEER 10100 2576 10092 227681812 A H UPADHYAY ASST.OP.GR-III 5450 1390 4534 113741813 N A PRAJAPATI S.B.O. GR-I 5180 1321 4996 114971814 G D PATEL S.B.O. GR-I 4380 1117 11407 169041815 D S PANCHAL JR. ASSISTANT 4350 1119 2881 83501817 R S WAGHELA LINEMAN 5350 1364 3632 103461818 R U ZALA LINEMAN 3880 989 2662 75311820 V A RATHOD HELPER 4335 1106 4165 96061821 S V PAL AST. LINEMAN 3680 938 2345 69631822 V R WAGHELA S.B.O. GR-II 3595 917 2849 73611832 B S BARIYA S.B.O. GR-I 5650 1441 4414 115051833 V A PAREKH S.B.O. GR-I 5180 1321 4056 105571835 C M DABHI LINEMAN 5430 1385 3412 102271836 L B PATHAN AST. LINEMAN 4435 1131 3489 90551837 KD ZALA HELPER 3975 1014 3337 83261841 S A VALAND S.B.O. GR-I 4480 1142 3597 92191842 C M ZALA S.B.O. GR-I 4380 1117 3446 89431843 M A VOHRA S.B.O. GR-I 4380 1117 3447 89441845 A R CHAUHAN LINEMAN 5650 1441 3830 109211846 D S BARIYA AST. LINEMAN 5360 1367 3370 10097

1848 F H PATHAN AST. LINEMAN 3595 917 2474 69861849 A M RATHVA LINEMAN 3710 946 2364 70201850 M U MANSURI S.B.O. GR-II 4080 1040 3491 86111851 A N PATHAN S.B.O. GR-I 5225 1332 4110 106671852 N A MALEK S.B.O. GR-I 4725 1205 3794 97241855 V U PATHAN LINEMAN 6055 1544 4097 116961856 M B RATHOD AST. LINEMAN 5485 1399 3721 106051858 K P PATHAN HELPER 4335 1106 3630 90711859 V M WAGHELA HELPER 4035 1029 2976 80401860 K A MAHIDA WATCHMAN 6905 1761 4313 129791862 M G PATEL JR. ENGINEER 11200 2856 8965 230211864 N M THAKKER P. O. GR.-II 8775 2238 6796 178091867 V N SUTHAR PLANT OP. GR.-I 8025 2046 6625 166961870 K R WAGHELA DRIVER GR-I 4900 1250 3089 92391873 J P CHAUHAN LINEMAN 3980 1015 2529 75241875 S M HARIJAN HELPER 4135 1055 3148 83381876 W A RAZVI AST. LINEMAN 3680 938 3200 78181877 A P PATHAN S.B.O. GR-II 3475 886 3018 73791878 S G SHAH S.B.O. GR-II 3595 917 2849 73611879 K BBHAVSAR S.B.O. GR-II 3680 938 3097 77151882 A A MALEK WATCHMAN 4985 1271 3391 96471884 M C PARMAR KAMDAR 3325 848 2096 62691887 M K ZALA ELECTRICIAN 5075 1294 3297 96661888 R N BAMANIA GARDNER(MALI) 4805 1225 2744 87741889 C T MAKWANA WATCHMAN 3325 848 2224 63971890 D K PARMAR GARDNER(MALI) 3100 791 1901 57921891 A N WAGHELA S.B.O. GR-I 4380 1117 3446 89431892 N D NAKIYA S.B.O. GR-I 4600 1173 3614 93871893 A M GAJJAR S.B.O. GR-I 5350 1364 4538 112521894 S M PATEL S.B.O. GR-II 4380 1117 3446 89431895 P S RATHOD LINEMAN 4600 1173 2981 87541896 B I TRIVEDI LINEMAN 4080 1040 2895 80151897 A N PATEL S.B.O. GR-II 3595 917 2849 73611912 P K SOLANKI S.B.O. GR-I 4380 1117 4206 97031914 S B NAIR S.B.O. GR-I 4280 1091 3584 89551915 H J SOLANKI LINE INSPT GR-II 6900 1760 4828 134881916 P C PATEL LINEMAN 5350 1364 3514 102281917 B A RATHOD LINEMAN 4380 1117 2867 83641918 B H CHAUHAN AST. LINEMAN 5485 1399 3721 106051919 B C WAGHELA HELPER 4135 1055 3984 91741920 M J JOSHI S.B.O. GR-II 3680 938 3569 81871921 K S CHAUHAN AST. LINEMAN 4035 1029 2563 76271922 B M PARMAR HELPER 3475 886 2931 72921923 H M KAPADIA S.B.O. GR-II 3510 895 2783 71881924 J B VYAS S.B.O. GR-II 3510 895 2959 73641934 G G VANIA ASST. OP. GR.-I 6375 1626 4936 129371935 R C THAKORE ASST. OP. GR.-I 8025 2046 6484 165551938 K D DEWAL S.B.O. GR-II 3595 917 3028 75401939 A R PARMAR HELPER 3550 905 2802 72571940 N P PATEL S.B.O. GR-II 3595 917 3715 82271941 G M VYAS S.B.O. GR-I 5225 1332 4091 106481942 N K SAIYED S.B.O. GR-I 5055 1289 4967 11311

1943 A J PAREKH S.B.O. GR-I 5350 1364 3364 100781944 N G BAROT S.B.O. GR-I 3980 1015 3142 81371946 M S PAREKH LINEMAN 4380 1117 2992 84891947 R B BHOI HELPER 4235 1080 3618 89331948 H P RATHOD S.B.O. GR-II 3595 917 3104 76161949 N S DESAI S.B.O. GR-II 0 0 1 11971 J C DIWAN HELPER 3175 810 2529 65141972 A A VOHRA HELPER 3100 791 2626 65171973 M.V.PATEL JR. ENGINEER 9800 2499 9413 217121974 N A SINHA JR. ENGINEER 8250 2104 6866 172201981 R S ZALA HELPER 3175 810 2688 66731982 R S PATEL HELPER 3250 829 2818 68971986 L P PRAJAPATI JR. ENGINEER 9800 2499 7646 199451989 K M TAVIAD HELPER 3100 791 2471 63621991 D A BHAVSAR HELPER 2960 755 2364 60791992 P H PATEL HELPER 3030 773 2570 63731994 C G PATEL HELPER 2890 737 2382 60091995 G M BARIA HELPER 3175 810 2038 60231996 J B PATEL Vidyut Sahayak 3500 0 1 35011997 T.A.SAIYED Vidyut Sahayak 3500 0 0 35001998 R I PANDAV HELPER 3250 829 2689 67681999 J C PATEL Vidyut Sahayak 3000 0 0 30002000 M B MAHIDA HELPER 3100 791 1992 58832005 D N PATEL SR. ASSISTANT 8025 2046 4915 149862006 S M TUNVAR SR. ASSISTANT 5600 1428 3601 106292007 R J PARMAR PEON 4035 1029 3020 80842008 S A VOHRA DRIVER GR-I 5250 1339 3453 100422013 H P PATEL JR. ENGINEER 9800 2499 7887 201862017 T V PATEL PLANT OP. GR.-I 9525 3940 5565 190302018 J L RAVAL DRIVER GR-II 5600 1428 3516 105442019 B A CHUDGAR LINE INSPT GR-II 6125 1562 4297 119842020 B A BARIA LINEMAN 4600 1173 2906 86792021 R A MAKWANA ELECTICIAN GR II 4450 1135 2815 84002022 R R DABHI AST. LINEMAN 3850 982 2519 73512023 P C PATEL LINEMAN 4080 1040 3364 84842025 G P PATEL WATCHMEN 3680 938 2983 76012027 R J CHAUHAN HELPER 3475 886 2221 65822030 F R KUCHERAWALA HELPER 3595 917 3491 80032031 K V PATEL S.B.O. GR-II 3595 917 3015 75272033 J R BRAMBHATT S.B.O. GR-II 3510 895 2959 73642037 B Y PATEL PLANT OP. GR.-I 7500 1913 7148 165612038 R J DODIYA WATCHMEN 3325 848 2643 68162040 S R HEMANI PLANT OP. GR.-I 9550 2435 8582 205672042 J K PATEL SR. ASSISTANT 7375 1881 5503 147592043 P J BHATT S.B.O. GR-I 4480 1142 3747 93692044 B P PATEL S.B.O. GR-I 5100 1301 3995 103962045 M S DESAI S.B.O. GR-I 4725 1205 3709 96392046 P R BAVA HELPER 3975 1014 2525 75142047 G L PATEL AST. LINEMAN 3935 1004 2872 78112048 R D PATEL AST. LINEMAN 3765 960 3521 82462050 B L RATHOD HELPER 3595 917 3016 75282053 M G VEPARI DRIVER GR-I 4100 1046 2806 7952

2054 H M SHARMA PLANT OP. GR.-I 7100 1811 6251 151622059 G K SOLANKI JR. ENGINEER 8500 2168 8301 189692062 D A SHAIKH LINEMAN 4600 1173 2907 86802063 V M RAVAL S.B.O. GR-I 5180 1321 4055 105562064 G R BARIA S.B.O. GR-I 4380 1117 3446 89432065 A P PRAJAPATI S.B.O. GR-I 3980 1015 3340 83352066 B R RAVAL S.B.O. GR-I 4080 1040 3421 85412067 N G SHARMA HELPER 3250 842 2167 62592068 J G SHARMA HELPER 3175 810 2702 66872070 B B ZALA HELPER 3100 791 2574 64652072 N S PATHAN AST. LINEMAN 5485 1399 3447 103312073 N B PARMAR S.B.O. GR-I 5350 1364 4453 111672074 F C DABHI S.B.O. GR-I 4975 1269 3900 101442075 G H MECWAN S.B.O. GR-I 4280 1091 3370 87412076 G G PATEL S.B.O. GR-I 3980 1015 3440 84352077 R G VADHER HELPER 3510 895 2783 71882081 U K GANJA LINEMAN 6755 1723 4221 126992082 M H DAVE AST. LINEMAN 3935 1004 2796 77352084 K S LEUVA S.B.O. GR-I 5225 1332 4351 109082085 K R YADAV S.B.O. GR-I 4480 1142 3508 91302086 B P KERALIYA S.B.O. GR-I 3980 1015 3141 81362087 R M BARIYA S.B.O. GR-II 3595 917 2848 73602088 S S RATHOD S.B.O. GR-I 3880 989 3065 79342091 R B PATEL LINEMAN 5100 1301 3362 97632092 R K PATEL LINEMAN 4180 1066 2859 81052094 A J MALEK S.B.O. GR-I 4725 1205 4030 99602095 M K JADAV S.B.O. GR-I 4080 1040 3217 83372097 N K BARIA AST. LINEMAN 4035 1029 2562 76262098 M K SADAT S.B.O. GR-II 3510 895 2959 73642100 P S DAVE S.B.O. GR-II 4180 1066 3294 85402101 I S BHAVIYA LINEMAN 4475 1141 3140 87562102 J M BARIA LINEMAN 3980 1015 2529 75242103 R R YADAV S.B.O. GR-I 3980 1015 3340 83352104 V M PATEL S.B.O. GR-I 3980 1015 3141 81362105 A D UPADHYAY S.B.O. GR-I 3980 1015 3141 81362106 N N VARIA S.B.O. GR-I 3980 1015 3927 89222107 B J SONDHA HELPER 3550 905 2992 74472110 S B RAVAL HELPER 3510 895 3414 78192112 G K THAKOR LINEMAN 4380 1117 3446 89432113 M A PATEL S.B.O. GR-I 4080 1040 4018 91382114 R A THAKOR HELPER 3975 1014 3138 81272115 H B LIMBACHIYA S.B.O. GR-II 3680 938 3480 80982116 H A PAREKH S.B.O. GR-II 3595 917 2849 73612117 R B NINAMA HELPER 3595 917 3028 75402118 N J VOHRA HELPER 3250 829 2960 70392119 D L P A R M A R HELPER 3100 791 2626 65172121 M A PATEL HELPER 3475 886 2746 71072229 N T RAJPUT DRIVER GR-I 7325 1868 5908 151012250 S N VOHRA S.B.O. GR-II 3680 938 2913 75312251 D.R.SUTHAR S.B.O. GR-II 3680 938 3166 77842301 M M PATEL PEON 3100 791 2039 59302304 K M BARIYA HELPER 4480 1142 3607 9229

2305 N A SHAH HELPER 3100 791 1992 58832307 B S TRIVEDI PLANT OP. GR.-I 9000 2295 7226 185212309 D H SHAH HELPER 3100 791 2626 65172310 S N JOSHI HELPER 3250 829 3828 79072311 C R BARIYA HELPER 6180 1576 4501 122572312 R L PATEL HELPER 3325 848 3484 76572313 D T WAGHELA DRIVER GR-I 9525 2429 8658 206122317 S H RATHVI HELPER 5305 1353 4416 110742318 R C RANA HELPER 3030 773 2559 63622322 R H VASAVA HELPER 3475 886 2757 71182325 S A SHAIKH JR. ASSISTANT 3700 944 2136 67802326 D N MEDA HELPER 3595 917 2844 73562327 M M PAREKH JR. ENGINEER 9800 2499 9305 216042328 S G PARMAR HELPER 3850 982 2449 72812329 Y A SHAH PLANT OP. GR.-I 7550 1925 6028 155032330 D S GOSWAMI PLANT OP. GR.-I 7325 1868 6174 153672333 R G PATEL HELPER 2890 737 2528 61552334 N S PATHAN HELPER 4235 1080 3654 89692336 K S SHAH Vidyut Sahayak 3500 0 0 35002337 H C PARMAR HELPER 3250 829 2083 61622338 B K PATEL Vidyut Sahayak 3000 0 0 30002339 H T KERALIYA Vidyut Sahayak 3000 0 0 30002340 J R RAVAL Vidyut Sahayak 3000 0 0 30002341 D R DODIYA Vidyut Sahayak 3000 0 1 30012342 T N KANJARIYA Vidyut Sahayak 3000 0 1 30012343 C B DAMOR Vidyut Sahayak 3000 0 1 30012344 A K PARMAR Vidyut Sahayak 3000 0 1 30012345 B N MAKWANA JR. ENGINEER 8500 2168 6645 173132346 J K PARMAR Vidyut Sahayak 3000 0 0 30002347 D K KATARIA Vidyut Sahayak 3000 0 0 30002348 Y M JADEJA Vidyut Sahayak 3000 0 0 30002349 V H RANA Vidyut Sahayak 3000 0 0 30002350 V I JADAV HELPER 2820 719 1962 55012351 L H CHAUHAN Vidyut Sahayak 3000 0 0 30002352 L M SONARA HELPER 3100 791 2471 63622354 D H JACOB JR. ASSISTANT 6775 1728 4336 128392355 D B PARMAR JR. ENGINEER 9275 2365 7242 188822356 D P PARMAR DY. ENGINEER 13650 3481 10611 277422357 R T SINDHA PEON 2750 701 1819 52702358 U B MITRA JR. ENGINEER 8500 2168 6390 170582359 R R RATHWA HELPER 3325 848 2718 68912360 J R DAMOR HELPER 3100 791 2704 65952361 B M PATEL PLANT OP. GR.-I 5800 1479 6460 137392362 K B BAROT Vidyut Sahayak 2500 0 0 25002363 B R WAGHELA Vidyut Sahayak 2500 0 0 25002364 C B KHANDLA Vidyut Sahayak 2500 0 0 25002365 K J KHANT Vidyut Sahayak 2500 0 0 25002366 R G RADHANPURA DY. ENGINEER 16275 4150 12777 332022367 S L LIMGAVKAR E. E. 15525 3959 10814 302982368 B.V.VASAVA HELPER 3510 895 4037 84422406 R T SATANI DY. ENGINEER 15900 4055 12343 322982410 D S CHAUHAN DY. ENGINEER 11000 2805 15230 29035

2414 K M CHHAIYA JR. ENGINEER 9800 2499 8137 204362417 N K BAROT PLANT OP. GR.-I 5600 1428 4447 114752419 M N SHUKLA PLANT OP. GR.-I 5600 1428 6390 134182422 H R MEHTA PLANT OP. GR.-I 9500 3904 5556 189602423 P C ZALA JR. ASST(TYPIST) 4475 1141 2786 84022424 B P JAGIRDAR JR. ASST(TYPIST) 4475 1141 2657 82732427 K S JUNEJA LINE INSPT GR-II 0 0 0 02428 J R MAKWANA PLANT OP. GR.-I 8525 2174 6605 173042429 J S BRAHMBHATT LINEMAN 5305 1353 3337 99952430 D G BALOLIYA LINEMAN 5055 1289 3185 95292431 T B DODIYA LINEMAN 4725 1205 2983 89132432 R J BRAHMBHATT S.B.O. GR-II 3595 917 2918 74302433 P V RAULJI S.S. HELPER 3475 886 2827 71882434 A S SHARMA S.S. HELPER 3400 867 2700 69672435 H J PARMAR S.B.O. GR-II 3680 938 3097 77152436 K C BAROT S.S. HELPER 3510 895 2866 72712437 S M SHAIKH S.B.O. GR-II 4350 1109 3423 88822438 D D SOLANKI S.B.O. GR-II 3510 895 2784 71892439 N P PARGHI S.B.O. GR-II 3510 895 2783 71882440 H K SATANI S.S. HELPER 3510 895 3046 74512441 K M CHAVDA HELPER 3475 886 2395 67562443 M M PATEL S.S. HELPER 3550 905 2809 72642444 P I PARMAR S.B.O. GR-II 3475 886 2758 71192445 M G PATHAN S.S. HELPER 3595 917 2939 74512446 T S BHATTA HELPER 3595 917 3016 75282447 S G ZALA DRIVER GR-I 8025 2046 5398 154692448 K B SABHAD DRIVER GR-II 6875 1753 4639 132672449 D S RCHAUHAN PEON 3680 938 2478 70962450 R G SONDLA GARDNER(MALI) 3680 938 2345 69632451 J T PARMAR KAMDAR 3935 1004 2699 76382452 M G HINGORANI JR. ENGINEER 10650 2716 8301 216672454 K H RATHOD DY. ENGINEER 10400 2652 9868 229202463 K B TANK JR. ENGINEER 8000 2040 6585 166252472 R M PARMAR HELPER 3175 810 2275 62602476 A P GUJJER PLANT OP. GR.-I 0 0 0 02478 B P CHAUHAN HELPER 3100 791 2151 60422480 R M KHANT HELPER 3100 791 1992 58832481 K P CHAUHAN HELPER 3100 791 2311 62022482 M V MODI DY SUPDT (ACCT) 7750 1976 4363 140892483 H.I.BHAGAD. DY. ENGINEER 12950 3302 10072 263242485 A.M.DOSHI DY. ENGINEER 13600 3468 12104 291722489 A C SHAH DY. ENGINEER 12950 3302 10072 263242493 S I MANSURI PLANT OP. GR.-I 6875 1753 7162 157902496 Kum D H PATEL JR. ASSISTANT 3700 944 2414 70582498 M K SAVADIYA DY. ENGINEER 14775 3768 13973 325162602 C T SOLANKI DY. ENGINEER 14025 3576 11111 287122607 A J SONI JR. DRAUGHTMAN 21137 9353 7930 384202611 D M KATUDIA SR. ASSISTANT 9575 2442 6428 184452613 J R PATEL SR. ASSISTANT 8025 2046 6258 163292614 G J RAJAN SR. ASSISTANT 10775 2748 6835 203582619 N S PATEL SR. ASSISTANT 6375 1626 4185 121862620 A G KANAL SR. ASSISTANT 6775 1728 4336 12839

2621 A N TALATI SR. ASSISTANT 7775 1983 4960 147182623 N S MALEK JR. ASSISTANT 4975 1269 3210 94542625 K H JOSHI JR. ASSISTANT 7075 1804 5443 143222626 A K PARMAR AST. STORE KEEPE 4725 1205 3054 89842627 N S PRAJAPATI SR. ASSISTANT 5600 1428 3601 106292628 K R JOSHI SR. ASSISTANT 7325 1868 4828 140212629 B M ZALA HELPER 5860 1494 4115 114692633 I K GHARIA HDV DRIVER 37475 18120 11672 672672636 I G DALICHAND PEON 5180 1321 3339 98402637 D K WAGELA KAMDAR 7075 1804 4523 134022640 R P MECWAN HELPER 4035 1029 2727 77912641 M D KHRISTI HELPER 3935 1004 2796 77352643 F M ZALA HELPER 3425 873 2285 65832644 M F DABHI HELPER 4035 1029 2865 79292646 A N TAVIYAD WATCHMAN 3935 1004 2699 76382647 R M VARIA DRIVER GR-I 4225 1077 2989 82912648 M D MAKWANA LINE INSPT GR-II 5600 1428 3516 105442649 M N DAVE DY. ENGINEER 14400 3672 12161 302332655 A S PARMAR AST. STORE KEEPE 8300 2117 5288 157052657 M C BARIA PEON 4635 1182 4602 104192660 A B VALAND LINEMAN 6055 1544 4248 118472661 N R WAGHELA DRIVER GR-I 7325 1868 5118 143112662 K H PARGHI WATCHMAN 4035 1029 2765 78292664 M P PARMAR HELPER 3550 905 2336 67912672 J C NAYAK JR. ASSISTANT 6550 1670 5026 132462673 R S BAJVA S.B.O. GR-II 3510 895 3046 74512675 K K PARMAR HELPER 4035 1029 3262 83262676 L B RATHOD HELPER 3935 1004 3187 81262677 M S BARIYA HELPER 0 0 1 12678 N S RATHOD HELPER 4035 1029 3263 83272682 P H AGRAVAT DY. ENGINEER 11325 2888 12528 267412683 G R MODI SR. ASSISTANT 5250 1339 3482 100712686 B Z WAGHELA LINEMAN 4580 1168 3124 88722687 B K PATEL LINEMAN 5650 1441 3830 109212689 B R TRIVEDI PEON 4480 1142 2900 85222691 M F CHAUHAN JR. ENGINEER 9800 2499 7661 199602692 N R MISTRY JR. ENGINEER 9800 2499 7352 196512694 M N CHAUDHRY SR. ASSISTANT 4900 1250 3164 93142695 N R PARMAR LINE INSPECTOR 7000 1785 4720 135052696 A M PATEL SURVEYOR GR-II 7175 1830 5016 140212699 G J MOMIN TRACER 8775 2238 5585 165982704 G S SHARMA SR. ASSISTANT 4750 1211 3051 90122705 R R PATEL MISTRY 6725 1715 4708 131482711 M D PATEL DY. ENGINEER 13275 3385 14294 309542712 D R BHATT JR. ENGINEER 11650 2971 11010 256312716 S P RANA DRIVER GR-II 4750 1211 3861 98222720 S S BHATT PEON 4235 1080 8474 137892722 R J SHAH JR. ENGINEER 11000 2805 9065 228702725 P A DARJI SR. ASSISTANT 7193 1767 4177 131372726 M K CHAVDA SR. ASSISTANT 4900 1250 3040 91902728 D P JOSHI DRIVER GR-II 5975 1524 3896 113952730 V H SOLANKI MISTRY 6100 1556 4364 12020

2733 N L SOLANKI WATCHMAN 3325 848 2129 63022741 M K SHAH JR. ENGINEER 9500 2423 7605 195282743 R M BHOI CRANE DRIVER 6575 1677 4605 128572750 Kum. T K TRIVEDI JR. ASSISTANT 3700 944 2413 70572755 A B PATEL DY. ENGINEER 11325 2888 9330 235432756 S K PRAJAPATI JR. ASST(TYPIST) 4600 1173 2976 87492757 D S CHRISTY DY. ENGINEER 11325 2888 9331 235442758 C P DABHI LINEMAN 5950 1517 4028 114952763 R K DARJI Vidyut Sahayak 3500 0 0 35002764 D N BAROT PEON 2960 755 1950 56652768 D S DARJI JR. ASST(TYPIST) 7100 1811 4538 134492769 B S BAROT HELPER 3030 773 2176 59792770 M M PATEL DY SUPDT (ESTT) 8525 2174 5429 161282771 A K PANCHAL Vidyut Sahayak 3000 0 0 30002774 B A BHAVSAR JR. ASSISTANT 3800 969 2475 72442775 D M WAGHELA PEON 3030 773 2064 58672776 N R DALWADI DY SUPDT (ACCT) 6650 1696 4407 127532778 A.V.HINDUJA. SUPDT (ACCOUNTS) 12575 3207 7960 237422804 R. V. PATEL TRACER 7325 1868 4679 138722805 K. S. PATEL JR. ASSISTANT 5950 1517 3819 112862807 N. T. VOHRA SURVEYOR GR-II 9025 2301 15076 264022811 M. R. DAMOR PEON 3765 960 2360 70852812 M R PATEL LINEMAN 4850 1237 3423 95102814 D H DABHAI HELPER 3100 791 2626 65172815 M H SHRIVASTAV PEON 3030 773 1994 57972822 B. S. PATEL JR. ASSISTANT 6250 1594 4107 119512831 S H MASRANI JR. ASSISTANT 7325 1868 5619 148122833 R.J.PARIKH JR. ENGINEER 10100 2576 8333 210092834 N H CHAUHAN HELPER 3100 791 2704 65952835 P H MISTRY JR. ENGINEER 11000 2805 9065 228702913 V U CHAMPANERI SR. ASSISTANT 8025 2046 6975 170462915 B N MAKWANA SR. ASSISTANT 7175 1830 4586 135912916 J V RAVAL SR. ASST(TYPIST) 7375 1881 4526 137822918 P J GOSALIA SR. ASSISTANT 0 0 0 02919 Y U MOMIN TRACER 6425 1638 4116 121792920 K V DAVE SR. ASSISTANT 8025 2046 4916 149872921 D S SANGHANI SR. ASSISTANT 5425 1383 3492 103002922 B S GOR JR. ASSISTANT 4475 1141 2898 85142923 K P PATEL SR. ASSISTANT 7775 1983 4766 145242924 D B SHUKLA SR. ASSISTANT 4900 1250 3041 91912927 K S PATEL DRIVER GR-I 8525 2174 5728 164272928 R T YADAV CLEANER 4035 1029 2562 76262929 N C KAMEJALIA STORE HELPER 4135 1055 2831 80212932 J S SABHAD PEON 6725 1715 4136 125762933 B M PARMAR PEON 5555 1417 3435 104072934 H I VOHRA PEON 0 0 0 02936 P S RANA JR. ASSISTANT 4750 1211 3228 91892937 R J CHAUHAN JR. ASSISTANT 4975 1269 3086 93302944 D J JANI TRACER 4750 1211 2951 89122946 V J SURANI LINEMAN 5650 1441 3547 106382947 B G LADOLA LINEMAN 5225 1332 3549 101062948 P C CHAVDA SURVEYOR GR-II 6650 1696 4490 12836

2950 D K PATEL HELPER 4235 1080 3341 86562951 B S RANA HELPER 4035 1029 2765 78292952 N S SABHAD PEON 4135 1055 2583 77732955 C G PATEL JR. ENGINEER 8500 6136 11075 257112964 K L OZA SR. ASSISTANT 7775 1983 5784 155422966 A K MALEK LINE INSPT GR-II 8225 2097 5735 160572968 G G JADAV LINEMAN 4600 1173 2946 87192969 F J GOHIL DRIVER GR-II 5600 1428 3516 105442970 G D RANA PEON 3680 938 2308 69262971 M R RANA WATCHMAN 3680 938 2529 71472981 U A MISTRY DY. ENGINEER 13275 3385 10589 272492982 A P PATEL JR. ENGINEER 9800 2499 14395 266942985 N G PATEL MISTRY 6250 1594 4382 122262986 S H PARMAR PEON 5305 1353 3284 99422989 R. J. DABHI DY. ENGINEER 12300 3137 11287 267242990 A G SOLANKI JR. ENGINEER 8250 2104 6620 169742992 H.M.BRAHMBHATT JR. ASSISTANT 3900 995 2539 74342994 N T VOHRA JR. ASSISTANT 3900 995 2539 74342995 P R PARMAR STORE AST. 3900 995 2539 74342999 R.H.SHAH DY. ENGINEER 11975 3054 9502 245313001 R S SOLANKI SUPDT (ACCOUNTS) 12575 3207 7647 234293003 A N SOLANKI DY. ENGINEER 11975 3054 9860 248893008 P C MEHTA DY. ENGINEER 11000 2805 9065 228703009 N M YADAV DY. ENGINEER 11000 2805 7577 213823010 V L ZALA WATCHMAN 5055 1289 3857 102013011 P P AGRAWAL JR. ASSISTANT 4475 1141 2562 81783012 D G GHADHVI DRIVER GR-I 10925 2786 7311 210223014 J J PATEL JR. ASSISTANT 3800 969 2380 71493015 H A PATEL JR. ASSISTANT 3700 944 2320 69643016 N M DOSHI JR. ENGINEER 7750 1976 6616 163423017 KU. J M RATHOD JR. ASSISTANT 3400 867 1971 62383018 R.V.PATEL MISTRY 3455 881 2467 68033101 R S VANKAR HELPER 3680 938 2913 75313105 K A BAROT HELPER 4235 1080 2896 82113108 S A PATHAN Vidyut Sahayak 3500 0 1 35013109 H A SHAH Vidyut Sahayak 3500 0 1 35013110 S P KAZI JR. ASSISTANT 5250 1339 2988 95773111 J M JOSHI HELPER 3030 773 2569 63723112 T M PATEL DY. ENGINEER 13925 3551 12686 301623113 L N TAVIYAD Vidyut Sahayak 3000 0 1 30013115 H D VAISHNAV HELPER 3100 791 2541 64323116 A B SOLANKI Vidyut Sahayak 3000 0 0 30003117 A D CHAVADA Vidyut Sahayak 3000 0 1 30013118 K P PARMAR Vidyut Sahayak 3000 0 1 30013119 V G MULIYA DRIVER GR-I 8525 2174 5727 164263120 K G DANGI HELPER 3100 791 1992 58833121 M I WAGHELA DY. ENGINEER 11000 2805 10981 247863122 M K MAKWANA HELPER 3100 791 1992 58833123 J C DOSHI E. E. 16275 4150 12633 330583203 A Y JOSHI PLANT OP. GR.-I 6875 1753 6639 152673205 F P PATHAN HELPER 2960 755 2204 59193206 V K RABARI JR. ENGINEER 9550 2435 8420 20405

3207 S P JOSHI PLANT OP. GR.-I 7550 1925 6086 155613208 P S BARIYA HELPER 3030 773 2417 62203209 K B VADGAMA JR. ENGINEER 10100 2576 9586 222623211 R K NINAMA HELPER 3890 992 2474 73563212 K M DAMOR HELPER 3850 982 2642 74743214 A C PATEL E. E. 16275 4150 12552 329773216 R B VALAND HELPER 3250 829 2585 66643217 M A DABHI HELPER 3250 829 2586 66653218 M A VOHRA E. E. 15525 3959 12443 319273219 R P BHATT JR. ENGINEER 10925 2786 8513 222243220 D N PATELIYA WATCHMAN 3325 848 2129 63023221 Smt K C JAISHWAL PEON 2820 719 1651 51903222 P R SOLANKI PEON 5100 1301 2905 93063223 H D JOSHI DY SUPDT (ACCT) 9000 2295 5725 170203224 U S TADVI DY SUPDT (ESTT) 7775 1983 4378 141363225 L.M. PATEL DY. ENGINEER 11325 2888 8481 226943301 N U SOLANKI HELPER 0 0 568 5683303 H J SHAH S.B.O. GR-I 0 0 0 03305 D D KATARIYA Vidyut Sahayak 3000 0 0 30003306 H P PARMAR Vidyut Sahayak 3000 0 0 30003307 J G LUKHAD Vidyut Sahayak 3000 0 0 30003308 H L WAGHELA HELPER 3250 829 2748 68273309 A V RATHAWA HELPER 3595 917 2849 73613310 B K RAJPURA E. E. 15525 3959 13848 333323311 K V DAMOR HELPER 3100 791 2626 65173312 G M DARJI HELPER 3100 791 2626 65173313 J K PATEL HELPER 2960 755 2512 62273314 P L PARMAR Vidyut Sahayak 2500 0 1 25013315 M B DALWADI Vidyut Sahayak 725.75 0 0 7263316 P P PARMAR Vidyut Sahayak 2500 0 0 25003317 N B KHADIA JR. ENGINEER 8000 2040 6713 167533318 N M THANKI JR. ENGINEER 8000 2040 9371 194113319 K R DABHI HELPER 4930 1257 9324 155113320 P P PATEL PLANT OP. GR.-I 9025 2301 6986 183123321 B.R.KACHIYA HELPER 3935 1004 2501 74403503 K A BRAHMBHATT DRIVER GR-I 8025 2046 6441 165123504 H H PATEL HELPER 3030 773 2521 63243505 N J JOSHI S.B.O. GR-I 5350 1364 4270 109843506 M D DABHI HELPER 4515 1151 3776 94423507 J B Ka.PATEL HELPER 4035 1029 2976 80403508 R D SOLANKI HELPER 4035 1029 2765 78293509 F B PARMAR HELPER 4035 1029 3386 84503511 B U KATARA HELPER 3100 791 2471 63623512 H S WAGHELA HELPER 2890 737 2381 60083513 S N BHAVSAR Vidyut Sahayak 3500 0 0 35003514 B.P.PATEL Vidyut Sahayak 3500 0 0 35003515 H.J.PURANI Vidyut Sahayak 3500 0 0 35003516 S N SAIYAD Vidyut Sahayak 3000 0 1 30013517 H P VYAS Vidyut Sahayak 3000 0 1 30013518 S R BAROT S.B.O. GR-I 4080 1040 3421 85413519 B V PRAJAPATI Vidyut Sahayak 3000 0 1 30013520 B S PARMAR HELPER 3175 810 2687 6672

3521 P V SHAH E. E. 16275 4150 12385 328103522 P B MAKWANA Vidyut Sahayak 3000 0 0 30003523 M B CHAUHAN Vidyut Sahayak 3000 0 0 30003524 A P BHARUCHA Vidyut Sahayak 3000 0 0 30003525 B D ASARI HELPER 3100 791 2086 59773526 H S CHAUHAN JR. ENGINEER 9275 2365 8873 205133527 K B DABHI HELPER 2960 755 2055 57703528 H P CHAVDA Vidyut Sahayak 3000 0 0 30003529 M D PARMAR Vidyut Sahayak 3000 0 0 30003530 D R CHAUHAN HELPER 3325 848 2643 68163532 K J GANDHI DY. ENGINEER 11650 2971 11302 259233533 V M JOSHI PLANT OP. GR.-I 5800 1479 4528 118073534 S B TRIVEDI PLANT OP. GR.-I 5400 1377 4386 111633535 U G GADHVI WATCHMAN 4930 1257 3257 94443536 A.K.WAGHELA HELPER 2890 737 2445 60723537 R.J.JANI DY. ENGINEER 12300 3137 11211 266483538 P.B.PATEL. DY. ENGINEER 14025 3576 13244 308453539 N.L..PATEL. S.S. HELPER 2960 755 1971 56863540 K.F.MALEK. S.S. HELPER 3475 886 2220 65813541 D.J.NANAMA. S.S. HELPER 3475 886 2315 6676

10 VYAS S.B. DY SUPDT (ACCT) 10525 2684 6679 1988818 PATODIA M.P. SR. ASSISTANT 4900 1250 3163 931322 PARMAR P.B. DRIVER GR-II 4350 1109 3080 853924 GOHIL J.S. JR. ASSISTANT 6975 1779 5103 1385727 KABRIYA G.S. DY SUPDT (ACCT) 8250 2104 5257 1561128 JOSHI H.B. DY. ENGINEER 13925 3551 11031 2850738 PANDYA R.G. DY SUPDT (ACCT) 11200 2856 7425 2148143 CHUDASAMA M.M. JR. ASSISTANT 4000 1020 2501 752149 SONDARVA M.D. JR. ASSISTANT 4300 1097 2788 818552 MEHTA P.V. DY. ENGINEER 11325 2888 10640 2485356 GOHEL B S JR. ASSISTANT 8025 2046 5117 1518862 K T PATEL DY. ENGINEER 11000 2805 8736 2254164 P B SHUKLA S. E. 16600 4233 10476 3130965 V R RAI DY. ENGINEER 15150 3863 11312 3032567 A R SONDAGAR Vidyut Sahayak 3000 0 0 300068 H B BHAT DY SUPDT (ACCT) 9525 2429 6054 1800869 S S VAGHELA PEON 1951.68 497.5 1350 380070 N P MAHESHVARI DY. ENGINEER 12625 3219 8749 2459371 S K BHURA SUPERINTENDENT 6750 1721 4744 1321572 S B VASAVA PEON 2750 701 1819 527073 J D GOSWAMI Vidyut Sahayak 3000 0 0 300075 B D VANKAR PEON 2306.43 587.93 1558 4453

517 TRANBADIA R.D. DY. ENGINEER 11325 2888 8821 23034519 SATANI R.P. JR. ENGINEER 9275 2365 8476 20116533 JADAV J.D. LINE INSPECTOR 6300 1607 5258 13165538 JASANI V.V. LINEMAN 4180 1066 3588 8834539 BALAS M.B. LINEMAN 4080 1040 2589 7709542 GARALA D.G. S.B.O. GR-II 3680 938 3096 7714555 RADADIA BHAVESH B. CLEANER 3175 810 2276 6261579 CHAUHAN P.S. AST. LINEMAN 3350 854 2312 6516583 CHAUHAN D.B. S.B.O. GR-II 3595 917 3029 7541587 MEGHNATHI V.M. S.B.O. GR-II 3425 873 2190 6488

614 PARMAR A.C. S.B.O. GR-II 3935 1004 3305 8244618 ZALA P.K. ELECTRICIAN 7550 1925 5084 14559624 BHATTI N.K. S.B.O. GR-II 3595 917 3028 7540631 DODIA P.B. S.S. HELPER 5930 1512 4924 12366636 JADVANI I.O. LINE INSPECTOR 8150 2078 9231 19459641 JAMOD B.P. S.B.O. GR-II 4735 1208 3954 9897645 DADHANIA H.J. S.B.O. GR-II 3595 917 3029 7541646 MEGHNATHI D.B. S.B.O. GR-II 3425 873 2960 7258655 ABDA A.N. LINEMAN 4380 1117 2842 8339658 KANABAR A.D. S.B.O. GR-II 3595 917 2849 7361669 BARANDA A.S. LINEMAN 4080 1040 2794 7914673 OZA A.K. LINEMAN 4180 1066 2650 7896681 BHATT S.P. S.B.O. GR-I 4180 1066 3503 8749685 MARU M.V. S.B.O. GR-II 3595 917 2849 7361695 DAYATAR M. K. S.B.O. GR-II 3595 917 2849 7361697 GAJERA K.K. S.B.O. GR-II 3680 938 2913 7531698 VANVI P.B. S.B.O. GR-II 3595 917 3028 7540706 CHAUHAN H.K. S.S. HELPER 3100 791 2146 6037713 RATHVA M.J. S.S. HELPER 3100 791 2471 6362714 ARASKER P.M. S.S. HELPER 3100 791 2225 6116715 MANAT V.L. S.S. HELPER 3030 773 1949 5752724 NIMBARK J N HELPER 4335 1106 3630 9071726 BARAD D N HELPER 3175 810 2688 6673731 GOSWAMI N B JR. ENGINEER 7750 1976 6899 16625742 TRIVEDI N B Vidyut Sahayak 3500 0 0 3500743 VYAS J M Vidyut Sahayak 3500 0 0 3500744 DAMOR M K Vidyut Sahayak 3500 0 1 3501745 VASANI R G S.S. HELPER 3250 829 2246 6325808 JADEJA D.B. PEON 4135 1055 2582 7772813 MAKWANA A.H. DY. ENGINEER 10400 2652 16670 29722815 PARMAR A.J. PLANT OP. GR.-I 10100 2576 8309 20985817 BARAD R.R. PLANT OP. GR.-I 8525 2174 7031 17730818 GOHIL R.A. PLANT OP. GR.-I 9275 2365 7640 19280823 SOLANKI M.V. LINEMAN 3795 968 2416 7179826 PUROHIT R.M. S.B.O. GR-II 3595 917 2849 7361827 CHAVDA A.B. HELPER 3475 886 3088 7449831 GARASIA R.V. WATCHMAN 3935 1004 2502 7441847 CHAUHAN L.N. JR. ENGINEER 9825 2505 10115 22445852 MOHIDA D.J. LINE INSPECTOR 5300 1352 3333 9985854 GURKHA L.M. HELPER 4515 1151 2856 8522862 HINGORA A.S. LINEMAN 3880 989 2468 7337864 DETROJA R.R. S.B.O. GR-I 3795 968 3191 7954868 RATHVA N.R. HELPER 3400 867 2174 6441869 KASUNDRA V.M. WATCHMAN 5860 1494 3675 11029871 MORI H.L. E. E. 15525 3959 12055 31539872 NAYAK R.M. SR. ASSISTANT 4750 1211 3069 9030875 JADEJA R.H. WATCHMAN 5180 1321 3260 9761877 PANDYA P.D. S.B.O. GR-I 7205 1837 5959 15001878 KAMLIYA D.B. S.B.O. GR-I 5305 1353 4416 11074879 BAMBHANIYA K.B. S.B.O. GR-I 5305 1353 4397 11055881 SEVRA M.V. LINEMAN 5350 1364 3364 10078885 MAVLANKAR L.G. LINEMAN 4080 1040 2793 7913

887 DODIYA S.M. S.B.O. GR-II 3595 917 2848 7360888 HARKANIA V.N. S.B.O. GR-II 3680 938 2913 7531891 NALVAYA S.S. HELPER 3325 848 2643 6816905 MONPARA S.S. S.B.O. GR-I 5055 1289 4837 11181906 KAMALIA A.R. LINEMAN 4930 1257 3107 9294907 SARIKHADA R.K. LINEMAN 4380 1117 2772 8269908 RATHOD M. B. S.B.O. GR-I 3880 989 4455 9324909 SOLANKI M.B. S.B.O. GR-II 3680 938 3172 7790910 SOLANKI M.M. S.B.O. GR-II 3680 938 3097 7715911 SOLANKI G.B. AST. LINEMAN 3680 938 2529 7147912 SOLANKI S.B. HELPER 3550 905 2444 6899921 PARWANI C.N. S.B.O. GR-I 6305 1608 4913 12826922 NAKUM D.M. S.B.O. GR-I 5180 1321 4315 10816932 PATEL C.B. S.B.O. GR-I 3980 1015 2528 7523935 ASHAR K.J. LINEMAN 4180 1066 2860 8106937 SHYARA D.D. AST. LINEMAN 3595 917 2634 7146941 GHODASARA R.M. S.B.O. GR-I 4930 1257 3866 10053942 DHARSANDIYA A.L. S.B.O. GR-I 4280 1091 3370 8741944 SOLANKI K.N. S.B.O. GR-I 4805 1225 3771 9801945 VAGHASIYA J.N. LINEMAN 4380 1117 2772 8269946 VYAS G.B. S.B.O. GR-I 5180 1321 4315 10816947 BAMBHANIYA D.B. S.B.O. GR-II 3680 938 3664 8282951 GOHIL J.V. S.B.O. GR-I 4280 1091 3584 8955952 JANI P.J. S.B.O. GR-I 4280 1091 3584 8955956 PARMAR M.H. S.B.O. GR-I 3795 968 3191 7954957 BHATT R.B. S.B.O. GR-II 3595 917 3029 7541964 HINGORA K.N. AST. LINEMAN 3425 873 2191 6489966 N H TANK HELPER 3250 829 2829 6908971 GOHIL B.S. HELPER 5515 1406 4305 11226979 RATHAVA R.B. HELPER 3325 848 2632 6805987 PARMAR P.M. HELPER 3250 829 2585 6664

1002 DHARAJIYA R V HELPER 3250 829 3111 71901004 SARVAIYA P N S.B.O. GR-II 3350 854 2731 69351006 CHAUDHARY S.M. JR. ENGINEER 8000 2040 6260 163001012 NINAMA N.C. HELPER 3250 829 2083 61621013 DUDHAREJIA S. J. SR. ASSISTANT 6975 1779 4286 130401017 VYAS N.M. E. E. 15525 3959 14556 340401020 BHALODIA V.G. HELPER 3325 848 2809 69821030 RAMANANDI L.M. HELPER 3175 810 3043 70281031 MORI J.V. HELPER 3250 829 2153 62321032 GOHIL D.K. HELPER 3175 810 2688 66731034 DEVALIA M.K. HELPER 3325 848 2809 69821035 JOSHI A.D. HELPER 3325 848 3323 74961036 MAHIDA S.A. HELPER 3250 829 2083 61621038 BARAD V.K. HELPER 3250 829 2749 68281041 SANKHAT M.M. HELPER 3250 829 2083 61621042 UDESH A.N. S.B.O. GR-I 3795 968 2988 77511043 CHAUHAN B.H. DRIVER GR-II 4225 1077 2990 82921045 RATHOD N.K. HELPER 3100 791 2471 63621046 DER P.H. HELPER 3100 791 2626 65171048 VANKAR L N HELPER 3100 791 2471 63621049 VAGHELA P S HELPER 3100 791 3105 6996

1052 PATEL D G HELPER 3100 791 2224 61151054 SOLANKI H D HELPER 3100 791 2626 65171057 RATHOD D N HELPER 3100 791 2626 65171066 BARAD M.J. HELPER 3100 791 2626 65171067 KAMBAD R.M. HELPER 3100 791 2312 62031072 MAKWANA G.B. HELPER 3325 848 2809 69821074 VORA K K HELPER 3250 829 2388 64671075 LADANI M C HELPER 3175 810 2688 66731076 BAMBHANIA B K HELPER 3100 791 3106 69971077 RATHAVA M K HELPER 3030 773 1949 57521078 KATARA J K HELPER 3030 773 2956 67591087 BARIA K V S.B.O. GR-II 3595 917 3404 79161088 GOHEL J R HELPER 3100 791 2147 60381089 VYAS P V HELPER 3250 829 2748 68271092 JANI M D HELPER 3100 791 2626 65171097 BAMBHANIYA P B HELPER 3100 791 2626 65171100 VASAVA P R JR. ENGINEER 7000 1785 6678 154631101 PARMAR B P JR. ENGINEER 7000 1785 6678 154631102 CHAUDHARI B C JR. ENGINEER 7000 1785 5490 142751103 SOLANKI B B HELPER 2960 755 2364 60791106 SENJALIYA P R JR. ENGINEER 9800 2499 7646 199451108 BARAIYA A K Vidyut Sahayak 3500 0 1 35011109 BARAIYA D R Vidyut Sahayak 3500 0 0 35001110 THAKAR M C Vidyut Sahayak 3500 0 0 35001111 GOHIL R N Vidyut Sahayak 3500 0 0 35001112 JANI R H Vidyut Sahayak 3500 0 0 35001113 ZALA S B Vidyut Sahayak 3500 0 0 35001114 TRIVEDI M B Vidyut Sahayak 3500 0 0 35001115 UPADHYAY M M Vidyut Sahayak 3500 0 0 35001116 RAVAL Y B Vidyut Sahayak 3500 0 0 35001117 DAMOR S K Vidyut Sahayak 3500 0 0 35001118 VARNAGAR R G Vidyut Sahayak 3500 0 0 35001119 PATHAK B D ASST.OP.GR-III 6900 1760 5928 145881121 CHAUHAN P J HELPER 2960 755 2512 62271122 VIRAMGAMA B D HELPER 3030 773 2883 66861123 PARMAR N D JR. ENGINEER 7250 1849 5883 149821125 D J AJODIYA KAMDAR 3030 773 1919 57221126 N C MALVI JR. ENGINEER 6750 1721 6781 152521129 P L GOHIL HELPER 2820 719 1966 55051130 V C GAUSWAMI HELPER 2820 719 2257 57961131 S B KAPADVANJI HELPER 2820 719 1821 53601132 N S CHAUHAN HELPER 2820 719 2398 59371133 M D ANTROLIYA HELPER 2820 719 2258 57971134 N V CHAVDA Vidyut Sahayak 2500 0 0 25001135 N K CHARANIYA Vidyut Sahayak 3000 0 0 30001136 V R MARU Vidyut Sahayak 3000 0 0 30001137 P N BAMANIYA Vidyut Sahayak 3000 0 0 30001138 B D RATHVA Vidyut Sahayak 3000 0 1 30011139 S D DAMOR HELPER 2960 755 2512 62271141 J P CHAVDA Vidyut Sahayak 3000 0 0 30001142 M A MORI Vidyut Sahayak 3000 0 0 30001143 B K KHER Vidyut Sahayak 3000 0 0 3000

1144 B P GOHIL HELPER 3100 791 1992 58831145 B J KHANRA Vidyut Sahayak 2500 0 0 25001146 D A CHAVDA Vidyut Sahayak 2500 0 0 25001147 J B SOLANKI Vidyut Sahayak 2500 0 0 25001148 R M RAVLIYA Vidyut Sahayak 2500 0 0 25001149 R D GADASA Vidyut Sahayak 2500 0 0 25001150 S R VAGHELA Vidyut Sahayak 2500 0 0 25001151 M S TADVI Vidyut Sahayak 2500 0 1 25011152 S D PATEL JR. ENGINEER 6750 1721 6443 149141153 N K MARU S.B.O. GR-II 3765 960 2978 77031154 I M CHAUHAN JR. ENGINEER 6750 1721 6443 149141155 T G PATEL HELPER 5430 1385 3685 105001156 A M CHANCHAD DY. ENGINEER 10100 2576 7877 205531157 J R PATEL JR. ENGINEER 6500 1658 6209 143671158 N G PATEL JR. ENGINEER 6500 1658 6026 141841159 H L HINDOCHA DY. ENGINEER 12300 3137 9572 250091160 B M RATHOD LINE INSPT GR-II 5450 1390 3425 102651161 V M CHAVDA ASST.OP.GR-III 5950 1517 5853 133201162 D H GAREJA Vidyut Sahayak 2500 0 0 25001163 K N SOLANKI JR. ENGINEER 8500 2168 6645 173131164 R M JADAV Vidyut Sahayak 2500 0 0 25001165 V N RATHOD Vidyut Sahayak 2500 0 0 25001166 J B GADHIYA Vidyut Sahayak 2500 0 1 25011302 UPADHYAY H.B. DY. ENGINEER 14025 3576 13125 307261304 CHAUDHARI V.S. SR. ASSISTANT 7550 1925 4819 142941306 VANKAR K.M. SR. ASSISTANT 5600 1428 3181 102091307 MAYATRA R.B. SR. ASSISTANT 5075 1294 3273 96421311 JOSHI J.J. SR. ASSISTANT 4450 1135 2957 85421317 RAVAL A.A. DY. ENGINEER 11000 2805 11671 254761320 CHANIYA H.K. JR. ENGINEER 10650 2716 10252 236181323 THUMAR C.R. JR. ENGINEER 8250 2104 7967 183211324 SAMA M.F. ELECTRICIAN 7750 1976 4828 145541325 DHADHAL A.K. WATCHMAN 5305 1353 3337 99951329 JANUBEN VIRABHAI GARDNER(MALI) 4135 1055 2933 81231330 LEAUVA A.R. TECHNICIAN GR.-I 4350 1109 3260 87191331 KAVAR M.M. S.B.O. GR-I 3980 1015 3141 81361332 PARMAR D.B. HELPER 4135 1055 3570 87601333 SANGHANI D.P. S.B.O. GR-II 3595 917 2294 68061334 CHAUHAN I.M. S.B.O. GR-II 3595 917 3029 75411335 VASAVA J.B. S.B.O. GR-II 3510 895 2779 71841336 VASAVA R.C. AST. LINEMAN 3595 917 2294 68061340 BARAIYA B.D. LINE INSPECTOR 5350 1364 3632 103461341 CHAUHAN H.U. LINEMAN 4805 1225 3392 94221342 RATHOD M.P. LINEMAN 4480 1142 3169 87911343 CHAUHAN R.N. LINEMAN 4380 1117 3113 86101344 JANI L.P. LINEMAN 4280 1091 3032 84031345 CHAUHAN D.J. LINEMAN 4080 1040 2590 77101346 BAMANA R.L. LINEMAN 3880 989 2467 73361347 TERAIYA M.H. DRIVER GR-II 5600 1428 3936 109641348 GOHIL C.D. CLEANER 4975 1269 3947 101911349 DABHI G.B. AST. LINEMAN 3595 917 2474 69861356 BORAD B.M. JR. ENGINEER 9800 2499 7647 19946

1359 DAVE B.K. ASST. OP. GR.-I 8450 2155 5889 164941360 GOSAI C.H. PLANT OP. GR.-I 8025 2046 6624 166951361 KATARA N.P. LINEMAN 4280 1091 3032 84031362 GARANIYA M.D. LINEMAN 4380 1117 3101 85981363 JAMOD K.B. HELPER 3805 970 2707 74821364 VEGDA R.P. S.B.O. GR-I 3795 968 3192 79551365 TADAVI D.B. AST. LINEMAN 3595 917 3467 79791368 RAVIYA N.L. HELPER 3635 927 2879 74411371 GOHIL AMBABHAI N. S.B.O. GR-I 6900 1760 5711 143711372 MORI L.J. ASST.OP.GR-III 5350 1364 4488 112021373 KAPASI F.A. ASST.OP.GR-III 5350 1364 4586 113001374 CHAUHAN G.A. S.B.O. GR-I 5350 1364 4801 115151375 JOSHI H.B. LINEMAN 4380 1117 3839 93361377 PANCHOLI M.J. S.B.O. GR-II 3595 917 2895 74071378 BHIL R.J. WATCHMAN 4135 1055 3279 84691379 CHAVDA M.G. S.B.O. GR-II 3510 895 2960 73651381 GANDHI B.V. S.B.O. GR-I 6305 1608 5229 131421382 CHAVDA M.N. S.B.O. GR-I 4380 1117 3446 89431383 VADODARIYA V.L. S.B.O. GR-I 4280 1091 3370 87411384 RAJYAGURU N.G. S.B.O. GR-I 5350 1364 4270 109841385 THAKAR C.G. LINE INSPT GR-II 5305 1353 3338 99961386 PARMAR K.L. S.B.O. GR-II 4860 1239 4055 101541387 VAGHELA U.G. S.B.O. GR-II 3595 917 3015 75271390 DESAI D.V. ASST.OP.GR-III 6725 1715 4539 129791391 BHATT R.J. S.B.O. GR-I 5650 1441 4697 117881392 MEHTA B.B. S.B.O. GR-I 5305 1353 4151 108091393 MEHURIYA M.G. S.B.O. GR-I 4180 1066 3947 91931395 BABARIYA J.D. S.B.O. GR-II 3595 917 3075 75871399 JOSHI N.G. S.B.O. GR-II 3510 895 2960 73651401 JANI K.L. S.B.O. GR-I 4180 1066 3503 87491402 KACHHYA R.S. S.B.O. GR-I 4280 1091 3370 87411403 MAKWANA N.A. S.B.O. GR-I 4280 1091 3370 87411404 GELAT J.M. S.B.O. GR-I 4080 1040 3217 83371405 HINGORA U.M. AST. LINEMAN 4135 1055 2830 80201407 TAVIAD N.Z. S.B.O. GR-II 3510 895 2783 71881408 RATHAVA H.R. S.B.O. GR-II 3510 895 2959 73641411 PATEL R.P. JR. ENGINEER 9800 2499 8381 206801414 PANDYA J.M. ASST. OP. GR.-I 9025 2301 7575 189011415 JANI C.F. ASST. OP. GR.-I 8450 2155 7181 177861417 JADEJA N.K. ELECTRICIAN 7175 1830 5185 141901418 DABHI K.R. LINEMAN 4180 1066 2860 81061419 MOTHIYA R.M. HELPER 5915 1508 4912 123351420 MAKWANA D.N. LINE INSPT GR-II 6250 1594 4226 120701421 JANI V.H. S.B.O. GR-II 3595 917 3029 75411423 DOBARIA A.J. S.B.O. GR-I 4280 1091 3584 89551431 DAVE R.K. S.B.O. GR-I 5430 1385 4331 111461432 RAJYAGURU H.G. ASST.OP.GR-III 6550 1670 5317 135371433 GELATAR D.M. ASST.OP.GR-III 5600 1428 4796 118241434 KHUMAN M.M. S.B.O. GR-I 4280 1091 3370 87411435 UMAT B.M. LINEMAN 5350 1364 3364 100781436 SAMA D. F. AST. LINEMAN 4135 1055 2624 78141437 DERVADIYA B.D. S.B.O. GR-II 3680 938 2913 7531

1438 JOSHI R.M. S.B.O. GR-II 5180 1321 4384 108851440 BHASKAR D.B. AST. LINEMAN 3510 895 2417 68221441 CHAUHAN I.K. S.B.O. GR-I 5500 1403 4299 112021442 CHAUHAN R.M. S.B.O. GR-I 4930 1257 3866 100531443 GOHIL S.M. S.B.O. GR-I 5055 1289 3961 103051444 RATHOD I.M. S.B.O. GR-II 4035 1029 3156 82201445 BARAIYA P.M. LINE INSPECTOR 5450 1390 3425 102651446 MAKWANA A. B. S.B.O. GR-I 3795 968 3001 77641447 MAKWANA J.B. HELPER 3480.06 887.79 2403 67711451 GELATAR P.M. S.B.O. GR-I 4280 1091 3584 89551452 GURUM Y.R. S.B.O. GR-I 2632.42 671.01 1671 49741453 MAKWANA A.B. S.B.O. GR-I 4280 1091 3370 87411454 MAKWANA R.G. S.B.O. GR-I 3710 946 2820 74761455 RATHAVA R.R. S.B.O. GR-I 3710 946 2936 75921456 JOTANGIA L.N. HELPER 3475 886 2395 67561463 DESAI N.M. PLANT OP. GR.-I 8775 2238 9074 200871465 DESAI G.P. ASST. OP. GR.-I 8775 2238 7404 184171467 RAVAL K.S. ELECTRICIAN 7175 1830 5015 140201469 KHANT J.D. LINEMAN 4080 1040 2590 77101472 LANGALIYA P.V. HELPER 4235 1080 2685 80001473 TRIVEDI N.D. S.B.O. GR-II 3595 917 3119 76311482 MEHTA M.M. S.B.O. GR-I 5555 1417 4620 115921483 PATHAN A.A. S.B.O. GR-I 5650 1441 4697 117881484 MEHTA G.B. S.B.O. GR-I 4280 1091 3370 87411485 JAGANI P.V. S.B.O. GR-I 4080 1040 3474 85941486 CHAUHAN S.M. S.B.O. GR-I 3880 989 3260 81291487 BADMALIYA K.S. LINEMAN 4280 1091 2711 80821491 BHATTI H.H. S.B.O. GR-I 5430 1385 4653 114681493 BHATT A.B. S.B.O. GR-I 4280 1091 3584 89551494 BALAPARIYA A.H. LINE INSPT GR-II 6550 1670 4096 123161498 SAKARIYA C.R. AST. LINEMAN 3510 895 2505 69101501 VAGADIYA N.J. S.B.O. GR-I 5555 1417 4759 117311503 BINIWALA S.K. S.B.O. GR-I 5305 1353 4634 112921504 JOSHI D.L. S.B.O. GR-I 3880 989 3259 81281505 DAVE P.R. S.B.O. GR-I 3980 1015 3340 83351506 DAFDA G.H. AST. LINEMAN 3595 917 2294 68061509 PARAGI B. K. S.B.O. GR-II 3350 854 2705 69091513 DAFDA C.K. S.B.O. GR-II 3510 895 2960 73651522 RAJYAGURU B.B. HELPER 3400 867 3248 75151525 GOSWAMI I.U. DY. ENGINEER 14025 3576 10900 285011528 SORATHIYA V.B. HELPER 3250 829 2246 63251536 BAMANA J.N. S.B.O. GR-II 3275 835 2605 67151537 GONDALIYA N.H. S.B.O. GR-II 3350 854 2830 70341538 BHATT N.R. SR. ASSISTANT 4750 1211 2951 89121539 JOSHI J.B. S.B.O. GR-II 3350 854 2833 70371540 TRIVEDI A.G. S.B.O. GR-I 4380 1117 3446 89431548 RATHOD R.N. HELPER 3550 905 2992 74471550 LALKIYA V.R. AST. LINEMAN 3595 917 2564 70761552 DAMOR K.B. S.B.O. GR-II 3350 854 2662 68661553 GADESHIYA N.R. HELPER 3175 810 2528 65131554 J. K. BHEDA HELPER 3325 848 2295 64681555 A.A. SOJITRA HELPER 3250 829 2327 6406

1556 J.J.BHATT HELPER 3250 829 3111 71901557 A.B.SHEKH HELPER 3250 829 2246 63251559 VARDANGAR R.N. AST. LINEMAN 3350 854 2312 65161561 SHRIMALI R.H. HELPER 3325 848 2295 64681562 D.K. RAVAL HELPER 3325 848 2836 70091564 A.J. GONDALIYA HELPER 3325 848 2809 69821566 DEVMURARI K.K. S.B.O. GR-II 3350 854 2912 71161567 DUHERA P.R. HELPER 3250 829 2327 64061568 CHAUHAN R.B. AST. LINEMAN 3275 835 2098 62081569 RATHOD A.N. S.B.O. GR-II 3350 854 2829 70331571 BAKRANIYA J.B. HELPER 3250 829 2246 63251573 PORIYA B.M. HELPER 3680 938 2345 69631574 JADEJA N.M HELPER 3325 848 2378 65511576 BHATTI D.I. HELPER 3100 791 2704 65951578 KURESHI S.R. HELPER 3100 791 2704 65951579 BALDANIYA D.B. HELPER 3100 791 2626 65171581 JALALI A.F. HELPER 3100 791 2225 61161582 DHAPA M.R. HELPER 4635 1182 3873 96901583 PANERI K.L HELPER 3400 867 2955 72221584 BHATT K.P. HELPER 3100 791 2704 65951585 TRIVEDI B.C HELPER 3100 791 2704 65951586 UPADHYAY K.L. HELPER 3100 791 2704 65951589 JOSHI N.D. HELPER 3100 791 2225 61161591 PARMAR R.J. HELPER 3100 791 2225 61161593 GONDALIYA J.A. HELPER 3100 791 2224 61151594 BUMTARIYA J.R. HELPER 3030 773 2644 64471595 KALAVADIA D.V. HELPER 3100 791 2224 61151597 PATEL M.R. HELPER 3100 791 2957 68481599 PARAVADIA R S LINEMAN 6055 1544 4249 118481604 JADEJA D.B. HELPER 3250 829 3079 71581610 MAKWANA R U HELPER 3175 810 2276 62611611 PARMAR V K HELPER 3175 810 2687 66721613 CHRISTION V I DRIVER GR-II 8025 2046 4996 150671614 PARMAR M M AST. LINEMAN 3765 960 2397 71221615 PATEL B M HELPER 3030 773 2101 59041617 PANDIYA M D HELPER 3030 773 2569 63721618 TRIVEDI S J HELPER 3030 773 2101 59041620 GAMIT P D PLANT OP. GR.-I 5800 1479 4882 121611621 GAMIT N S PLANT OP. GR.-I 5800 1479 4528 118071622 RATHOD M R PLANT OP. GR.-I 5800 1479 4528 118071623 CHOPADA CHOUHAN B T HELPER 3030 773 2570 63731625 PARMAR A D HELPER 3175 810 2687 66721626 PATEL A J DY. ENGINEER 11975 3054 10220 252491628 DODHIYAR R H HELPER 3100 791 1992 58831629 GUNDHANI V D SR. ASSISTANT 4750 1211 3069 90301631 PANDYA H H HELPER 3175 810 2687 66721633 GOHEL A N JR. ASSISTANT 4000 1020 2600 76201634 MISTRY A J JR. ENGINEER 8250 2104 8167 185211637 GAUDANI N M E. E. 15150 3863 11690 307031638 RANA H G HELPER 3100 791 2704 65951639 MEHTA K G HELPER 3100 791 2626 65171640 KHARADI H A HELPER 2960 755 1906 5621

1641 HATHILA N S HELPER 2960 755 1906 56211642 DAMOR V B HELPER 2960 755 1906 56211643 PARIKH N N JR. ENGINEER 7250 1849 7015 161141646 NAYAK J G PLANT OP. GR.-I 5800 1479 4528 118071648 KUBAVAT K J JR. ENGINEER 8250 2104 7072 174261649 JANI B R DY. ENGINEER 12950 3302 10072 263241650 VORA K H E. E. 15900 4055 11867 318221651 NINAMA R K Vidyut Sahayak 3500 0 0 35001653 BHATT B H HELPER 3030 773 2569 63721654 RAJYAGURU A J HELPER 3100 791 2958 68491655 B H KAPDI HELPER 2960 755 2587 63021656 J S KAPASI HELPER 3100 791 2704 65951657 A P TRIVEDI HELPER 3030 773 2569 63721658 BUNDHELIYA V C HELPER 3100 791 2224 61151659 J M TAMBOLI DY. ENGINEER 10700 2729 8340 217691660 P V BORICHA HELPER 2820 719 1962 55011661 V H MAKWANA HELPER 2820 719 1962 55011662 G G JETHWA HELPER 2820 719 1962 55011663 L H CHAUHAN HELPER 2820 719 2399 59381664 G D KHARADI Vidyut Sahayak 4000 0 0 40001665 B G DABHI Vidyut Sahayak 3500 0 0 35001666 P D PADHARIYA Vidyut Sahayak 3500 0 0 35001667 R V CHAVDA Vidyut Sahayak 3500 0 0 35001668 T S GELADIYA Vidyut Sahayak 3500 0 0 35001669 A B ZINJUWADIYA Vidyut Sahayak 3000 0 1 30011670 R R BHIL Vidyut Sahayak 2500 0 0 25001671 M M BARAIYA Vidyut Sahayak 3000 0 0 30001672 R M PARMAR Vidyut Sahayak 3500 0 0 35001673 H S MOUR Vidyut Sahayak 3000 0 0 30001674 M C KHAMBHLA Vidyut Sahayak 0 0 1 11675 B B LIMBANI DY SUPDT (ACCT) 10275 2620 6524 194191676 A R KHOKHHAR Vidyut Sahayak 2500 0 1 25011677 D B BHARIYA Vidyut Sahayak 2500 0 0 25001678 S P NATHANI Vidyut Sahayak 2500 0 0 25001679 M M PARMAR Vidyut Sahayak 2500 0 0 25001680 N B DHOLAKIYA Vidyut Sahayak 2500 0 0 25001681 B V KAMALIYA Vidyut Sahayak 2500 0 0 25001683 B L DAMOR Vidyut Sahayak 2500 0 0 25001684 D J RATHOD Vidyut Sahayak 2500 0 0 25001685 K G CHAUHAN Vidyut Sahayak 2500 0 0 25001686 K H DHAKIYA Vidyut Sahayak 2500 0 0 25001687 V D NINAMA Vidyut Sahayak 2500 0 0 25001688 L P AGHERA HELPER 2960 755 2128 58431689 R N PANDYA HELPER 3100 791 1991 58821690 S G SAMA HELPER 2750 701 1916 53671691 G P KACHA JR. ENGINEER 10100 2576 8382 210581692 R R PANDYA JR. ENGINEER 6750 1721 6538 150091693 J A CHAUHAN P/T SWEEPER 1245 0 0 12451694 M M VASAVA JR. ENGINEER 6500 1658 6301 144591695 P V KATAKIYA Vidyut Sahayak 2500 0 0 25001696 J B PADHIYAR Vidyut Sahayak 2500 0 0 25001697 R B SONDARVA Vidyut Sahayak 2500 0 0 2500

1698 V H MEHTA Vidyut Sahayak 2500 0 0 25001699 R M PARMAR Vidyut Sahayak 2500 0 0 25001700 D N SINGAL Vidyut Sahayak 2500 0 0 25001703 GOHIL C.B. SR. ASSISTANT 9350 2384 5711 174451704 RANA J.J. SR. ASSISTANT 5100 1301 3736 101371705 OZA H.A. JR. ASSISTANT 5100 1301 2906 93071711 KESHAV ARJAN KAMDAR 8125 2072 4976 151731713 MEHTA R.K. SR. ASSISTANT 4150 1058 2694 79021717 ANANDWALA A.Y. HELPER 3325 848 3180 73531720 BARANDA R.S. HELPER 3250 829 2246 63251721 PARMAR P.D. E. E. 15900 4055 11866 318211729 KALASWA R.S. S.B.O. GR-II 3795 968 3001 77641730 MANDIR R.L. S.B.O. GR-II 3680 938 2900 75181731 PARWADIA M.D. AST. LINEMAN 3595 917 2294 68061733 GOHEL M.R. S.B.O. GR-II 3510 895 2783 71881735 BHATT N.K. DRIVER GR-I 8525 2174 5301 160001740 VAGHELA K.N. S.B.O. GR-I 3795 968 3191 79541741 PANDIT M.R. AST. LINEMAN 3935 1004 2501 74401742 RAJYAGURU A.P. AST. LINEMAN 3595 917 2369 68811743 GOHIL S.M. S.B.O. GR-II 3680 938 2988 76061744 GOHEL J.M. S.B.O. GR-II 3510 895 2959 73641745 GOHIL M.D. CLEANER 5915 1508 4005 114281746 MANGA ARJAN GARDNER(MALI) 5555 1417 3435 104071750 NINAMA D.K. S.B.O. GR-II 3350 854 2662 68661752 VANKANI B.C. JR. ENGINEER 10100 2576 10450 231261758 PANDYA B.B. LINE INSPECTOR 7750 1976 4828 145541759 BARIA F.R. LINEMAN 5225 1332 3289 98461761 BARIA R.J. AST. LINEMAN 3935 1004 2501 74401762 PATEL H.M. HELPER 3805 970 2422 71971763 PATEL J.M. HELPER 3805 970 2422 71971764 PARMAR D.R. AST. LINEMAN 3595 917 2868 73801765 CHUDASAMA B.A. S.B.O. GR-I 4080 1040 3492 86121767 PARMAR M.M. HELPER 3805 970 2422 71971770 BAMBHANIA R.B. GARDNER(MALI) 4930 1257 2812 89991774 JETHVA M.H. S.B.O. GR-II 3425 873 2890 71881783 VANJARA J.S. S.B.O. GR-I 4380 1117 3446 89431784 SAI R.H. S.B.O. GR-I 5305 1353 3337 99951785 RANA M.V. LINEMAN 6755 1723 4221 126991787 PARMAR D.M. S.B.O. GR-II 3795 968 3266 80291788 DAMOR D.S. S.B.O. GR-I 3795 968 3001 77641789 MARU K.D. S.B.O. GR-I 3795 968 3191 79541790 DHODIA S.C. S.B.O. GR-I 3710 946 2364 70201792 TRIVEDI K.C. S.B.O. GR-II 3595 917 2849 73611794 RAVAL A.J. HELPER 3325 848 2892 70651795 DODIYA N.V. HELPER 3250 829 2748 68271796 JANI S.M. S.B.O. GR-I 6605 1684 5142 134311797 MAKWANA J.G. S.B.O. GR-I 4380 1117 3446 89431798 JADAV P.P. S.B.O. GR-I 5350 1364 4185 108991799 BHATT M.H. S.B.O. GR-I 4080 1040 3217 83371800 JANI B.H. LINEMAN 5650 1441 3830 109211801 UPADHYAY D.J. LINEMAN 4280 1091 2925 82961802 SARVAIYA N.S. HELPER 3805 970 2422 7197

1803 DAVE C.J. HELPER 3250 829 2327 64061807 KALU NOORMOHMAD S.B.O. GR-I 8475 2161 6990 176261808 TRIVEDI D.L. S.B.O. GR-I 5500 1403 4574 114771810 CHAUHAN B.K. LINEMAN 4930 1257 3355 95421811 QURESHI I.A. HELPER 5115 1304 3991 104101813 RATHOD C.B. AST. LINEMAN 3510 895 2241 66461814 BELIM M.I. AST. LINEMAN 4635 1182 3160 89771815 MACHHAR N.B. S.B.O. GR-II 3680 938 2913 75311817 RATHOD J.C. HELPER 3325 848 3597 77701821 PATEL N.L. ASST. OP. GR.-I 8450 2155 7946 185511822 CHAUHAN D.K. PLANT OP. GR.-I 8275 2110 7035 174201823 SISODIA M.K. S.B.O. GR-I 4930 1257 4676 108631825 DERWALIA M.A. LINEMAN 4080 1040 2896 80161827 NANDHA A.G. S.B.O. GR-II 3595 917 2849 73611830 MEHTA J.L. HELPER 3250 829 2748 68271841 BHATT R.R. S.B.O. GR-I 4280 1091 3584 89551842 PANDYA R.M. S.B.O. GR-I 5305 1353 4416 110741843 GANDHI M.N. S.B.O. GR-I 5055 1289 4265 106091844 PRABTANI B.D. S.B.O. GR-I 4180 1066 3294 85401845 RATHOD H.B. LINEMAN 5650 1441 3830 109211846 MANDIR K.L. LINEMAN 4930 1257 3108 92951847 SHUKAL D.B. S.B.O. GR-II 3595 917 3028 75401848 RATHOD P.L. S.B.O. GR-II 3510 895 2959 73641849 JAMOD N.P. HELPER 3400 867 3247 75141851 CHUDASAMA J.K. S.B.O. GR-I 5180 1321 4056 105571852 PATEL P.S. S.B.O. GR-I 5055 1289 4214 105581853 PRAJAPATI N.L. S.B.O. GR-I 4180 1066 3959 92051854 GORAJIYA B.L. LINEMAN 5800 1479 4818 120971855 TADVI S.C. AST. LINEMAN 0 0 0 01858 ANJARA G.S. S.B.O. GR-II 3510 895 2784 71891861 TRIVEDI V.C. S.B.O. GR-I 5055 1289 4214 105581862 VANKAR A.V. ASST.OP.GR-III 4725 1205 3710 96401863 DAMOR P.P. HELPER 4060 1035 2577 76721864 SOLANKI B.R. LINEMAN 3980 1015 2529 75241865 DODHA B.T. S.B.O. GR-II 3965 1010 3060 80351866 RATHWA J.D. S.B.O. GR-II 3765 938 2920 76231868 TADVI M. B. S.B.O. GR-II 3425 873 2719 70171869 BHABHOR V.N. S.B.O. GR-II 3425 873 2879 71771872 TRIVEDI H.R. S.B.O. GR-II 5735 1463 4766 119641873 TRIVEDI B.J. S.B.O. GR-I 4280 1091 3370 87411874 PITALIA N.D. S.B.O. GR-I 4280 1091 3145 85161875 SONARA D.R. LINEMAN 4180 1066 2726 79721876 MARU A.K. S.B.O. GR-II 3795 968 3191 79541877 CHAUDHARI S.V. AST. LINEMAN 3680 938 2346 69641878 BAGDA M.K. S.B.O. GR-II 3510 895 2959 73641881 BARAIYA J.M. S.B.O. GR-I 6605 1684 5637 139261882 BAROT B.R. S.B.O. GR-I 6605 1684 5471 137601883 SHUKLA P.J. S.B.O. GR-I 5055 1289 5116 114601884 PATEL S.J. LINEMAN 4380 1117 2773 82701886 RATHOD H.A. S.B.O. GR-II 3680 938 3097 77151887 BHATT P.J. S.B.O. GR-II 3595 917 2965 74771888 TAVIYAD B.F. S.B.O. GR-II 3595 917 2895 7407

1901 VARSAT K.S. S.B.O. GR-I 4080 1040 3292 84121902 NINAMA K.B. S.B.O. GR-I 4080 1040 3217 83371904 PATEL K.K. S.B.O. GR-I 4080 1040 3846 89661905 KHARADI B.K. LINEMAN 4080 1040 2589 77091906 PATEL K.N. S.B.O. GR-II 3680 938 2755 73731907 DAVE R.S. S.B.O. GR-I 4080 1040 3217 83371908 RATHAVA V.N. S.B.O. GR-II 3595 917 2849 73611909 CHANDPA J.K. S.B.O. GR-II 3350 854 2662 68661912 ANDHARIYA V. B. HELPER 3325 848 2809 69821913 PANDYA I C HELPER 3175 810 2688 66731914 LATIWALA F.N. HELPER 3325 848 2797 69701915 MAKWANA M.R. S.B.O. GR-II 3425 873 2708 70061916 PARMAR H.M. AST. LINEMAN 3350 854 2144 63481920 PANDYA S.B. HELPER 3935 1004 3108 80471923 KHASIYA S.V. HELPER 3250 829 2829 69081927 KOTHIWAL R.K. CLEANER 3175 810 2276 62611928 SOLANKI J.B. PEON 3175 810 2086 60711930 GONDALIYA J.A. HELPER 3250 829 3012 70911931 BORICHA J.L. JR. ENGINEER 6750 1721 5299 137701933 BHATTA M.H. HELPER 3100 791 2626 65171934 GARNIYA H.P. HELPER 3100 791 2626 65171935 ANIYALIYA G.R. HELPER 3100 791 1992 58831936 MAKWANA D.H. HELPER 3100 791 2471 63621937 MAKWANA B.G. HELPER 3100 791 2491 63821938 RANA R.A. HELPER 3100 791 2471 63621939 BODER J.M. KAMDAR 3100 791 1960 58511942 PATEL N.G. JR. ENGINEER 7750 1976 7382 171081944 PARSANA B.M. JR. ENGINEER 8000 2040 8720 187601945 SHUKAL D.K. HELPER 2890 737 2311 59381946 MORI U.M HELPER 3100 791 2466 63571947 DESAI A.P. HELPER 3100 791 5268 91591948 RANA K.G. HELPER 3100 791 2146 60371949 BRAHMBHAT A.J. HELPER 3100 791 2626 65171950 BARAD J.C. HELPER 3100 791 2147 60381953 PAREKH N.V. HELPER 3175 810 2688 66731956 BHATT H.A HELPER 3175 810 2688 66731957 CHAUHAN S N HELPER 3175 810 2856 68411960 DEVMURARI V D HELPER 3250 829 3083 71621961 PATEL R B S.B.O. GR-I 3795 968 3001 77641962 PATEL B I DRIVER 8000 2040 4981 150211965 JANI G B HELPER 3030 773 2570 63731966 GOHIL K P HELPER 3030 773 2439 62421967 RAJYAGURU H N HELPER 3175 810 2688 66731968 AMBALIYA M A DRIVER 4100 1046 2601 77471971 CHAUDHARY A S PLANT OP. GR.-I 5800 1479 4818 120971972 PATEL R K PLANT OP. GR.-I 5800 1479 4528 118071973 KOKANI Y N PLANT OP. GR.-I 5800 1479 4528 118071975 KANJARIYA P I S.B.O. GR-I 3795 968 3001 77641980 THAKKER N T PLANT OP. GR.-I 5800 1479 4528 118071981 PANDYA C D HELPER 3175 810 2688 66731983 GAJJAR V B JR. ENGINEER 7250 1849 5683 147821985 JOSHI D M JR. ENGINEER 7250 1849 7731 16830

1986 JOSHI S H HELPER 3250 829 2748 68271987 KADRI Y S HELPER 3935 1004 3305 82441989 VASAVA M V JR. ENGINEER 9000 2295 7705 190001990 TRIVEDI N B PLANT OP. GR.-I 6000 1530 5594 131241991 DESAI M N HELPER 3030 773 2176 59791993 KACHHADIYA S S HELPER 3100 791 2146 60371994 UPADYAY J P Vidyut Sahayak 3500 0 0 35001995 RAJYAGURU Y V Vidyut Sahayak 3500 0 0 35001996 BHAL C C Vidyut Sahayak 3500 0 0 35001997 JOSHI M B Vidyut Sahayak 3500 0 0 35001998 SERSIYA R M Vidyut Sahayak 3500 0 0 35001999 VYAS K B Vidyut Sahayak 3500 0 0 35002000 BHATT H H Vidyut Sahayak 3500 0 0 35002003 MANANI P.L. DY. ENGINEER 13275 3385 11319 279792005 MANKODI M.J. SUPDT (ACCOUNTS) 11475 2926 7273 216742007 NIMAVAT J.M. DY SUPDT (ACCT) 7550 1925 4819 142942008 DAVE M.S. SR. ASSISTANT 5600 1428 3601 106292009 BHATT H.D. DY SUPDT (ACCT) 6000 1530 3700 112302013 RAVAL N.H. SR. ASSISTANT 4750 1211 3069 90302016 BORICHA A.M. SR. ASSISTANT 5075 1294 3423 97922027 BORICHA R.N. HELPER 3400 867 2954 72212029 SHAH J.M. SR. ASSISTANT 7325 1868 4678 138712030 KOTHIWAL D.K. PEON 3175 810 2085 60702031 SOLANKI J.H. PEON 3175 810 2085 60702032 CHANCHIYA J.M. GARDNER(MALI) 3175 810 2086 60712033 CHANCHIYA R.N. KAMDAR 3175 810 2085 60702038 MEHTA V.K. SR. ASSISTANT 5075 1294 3273 96422043 JOSHI R.K. JR. ASSISTANT 4225 1077 2425 77272044 MAKWANA S.B. SR. ASSISTANT 4750 1211 3069 90302050 VAGHELA V.M. PEON 5180 1321 3791 102922055 SOLANKI DIPAK BABUBHAI JR. ENGINEER 8000 2040 6861 169012059 DAVE R.N. SR. ASSISTANT 8525 2174 6189 168882062 SOSA D.H. SURVEYOR GR-II 5250 1339 4156 107452063 PARMAR K.D. LINE INSPECTOR 5950 1517 4176 116432064 PARMAR M.B. LINEMAN 5225 1332 4223 107802065 CHUCHAN R.J. DRIVER GR-I 5425 1383 4290 110982068 SOLANKI J.N. PEON 3890 992 2435 73172073 RAMDEVPUTRA B.J. DY. ENGINEER 14025 3576 11111 287122082 VAMJA H.R. JR. ENGINEER 9800 2499 7794 200932085 GANDHI H C JR. ENGINEER 7250 1849 6434 155332086 DODIA B J SR. ASSISTANT 8675 2212 5306 161932121 PANCHAL J C DY. ENGINEER 11000 2805 10261 240662170 THAKKER K.R. JR. ASSISTANT 7950 2027 5069 150462187 JANI D.V. SR. ASSISTANT 4150 1058 2694 79022197 VALA M.B. JR. ENGINEER 8250 2104 8263 186172205 CHAUHAN A. M. JR. ASSISTANT 5800 1479 3726 110052207 VASAVADA P. V. LINEMAN 5305 1353 3735 103932208 SIDDA G.H. LINE INSPECTOR 7350 1874 6077 153012241 SOJITRA BAVCHAND M. DY. ENGINEER 12625 3219 10390 262342243 KALSALIYA D.M. SR. ASSISTANT 7550 1925 4819 142942245 TRIVEDI BATUKLAL K. LINE INSPT GR-II 5350 1364 3364 100782246 CHAUHAN HUSEN A. LINEMAN 5350 1364 3765 10479

2249 BHATTI C. H. DRIVER GR-I 5800 1479 4073 113522274 GANAVA P V DRIVER 6425 1638 4503 125662287 BARAD B.L. PEON 3100 791 2038 59292288 SOLANKI D B JR. ENGINEER 12300 3137 11167 266042295 BARIA D B DRIVER GR-I 7550 1925 5272 147472296 VAGHELA N K DRIVER GR-I 9025 2301 6284 176102297 NIMAVAT K K DY. ENGINEER 14025 3576 11532 291332298 PATEL K K JR. ENGINEER 6750 1721 5602 140732300 DUDAKIYA R B DY. ENGINEER 14400 3672 12268 303402301 ADHVERYU K N HELPER 3250 829 2586 66652303 VAGELA K.H. HELPER 3325 848 2378 65512309 CHUDASAMA V R HELPER 3175 810 2549 65342311 PANDYA M G HELPER 3325 848 4124 82972313 CHAUHAN J P PLANT OP. GR.-I 7775 1983 5999 157572314 MEHTA D B HELPER 3175 810 2038 60232315 RATHOD D S HELPER 3175 810 2912 68972316 GHOGHARI R M PLANT OP. GR.-I 6000 1530 3927 114572319 BALDANIA L V DY. ENGINEER 11325 2888 9670 238832320 PARMAR M B HELPER 3030 773 2569 63722322 VYAS J C HELPER 3100 791 1991 58822327 SOLANKI D B SR. ASSISTANT 4900 1250 4167 103172328 PARWADIYA D D HELPER 3100 791 2224 61152331 PUROHIT J B HELPER 3030 773 2549 63522332 SHEKHA V K HELPER 2820 719 3426 69652335 D M SONDARAVA HELPER 3100 791 2641 65322336 P M RAJYAGURU HELPER 3030 773 2418 62212337 G G RATHVA DY. ENGINEER 8300 2117 8115 185322338 PANCHAL K M DY. ENGINEER 10700 2729 12747 261762340 V N PADHIYAR Vidyut Sahayak 2500 0 0 25002341 G G GONDALIYA PEON 2750 701 1819 52702342 Z M PARMAR JR. ENGINEER 9200 2346 8408 199542343 S H DOSHI JR. ENGINEER 6500 1658 5627 137852344 A S GOSAI JR. ENGINEER 6500 1658 6005 141632350 BHOOT R D CIVIL MISTRY 4475 1141 3622 92382351 D.B GOHIL PEON 2820 719 1863 54022352 S P PATEL DY. ENGINEER 11325 2888 10300 245132360 PATEL U A PEON 2820 719 1863 54022363 R P PANDYA DY. ENGINEER 11975 3054 9502 245312364 R M CHUDASAMA Vidyut Sahayak 3000 0 0 30002365 K A SUTHAR PEON 1951.68 497.5 1351 38002396 K R CHAUHAN Vidyut Sahayak 3000 0 0 30002397 B P MAKADIYA JR. ENGINEER 3980 1015 3344 83392403 BHATT P P HELPER 3100 791 2626 65172404 NAYAK K S HELPER 4335 1106 2745 81862405 JANI P N HELPER 3030 773 2417 62202406 MEHTA R K HELPER 3175 810 2603 65882408 VAGHELA K K HELPER 4235 1080 3548 88632410 VYAS R V Vidyut Sahayak 3500 0 0 35002411 PATEL J D Vidyut Sahayak 4000 0 0 40002412 GOHIL R G Vidyut Sahayak 3500 0 0 35002413 A A LIMBASIYA HELPER 2820 719 1820 53592414 D K BAGDA HELPER 2820 719 2258 5797

2415 T M PARMAR HELPER 2820 719 2836 63752416 P V RATHOD HELPER 2820 719 1961 55002417 V B BORICHA HELPER 2820 719 1820 53592418 J M DAFDA HELPER 2820 719 2398 59372419 G J MARU HELPER 2820 719 1821 53602420 N A AMRELIYA HELPER 2820 719 2399 59382421 M B SOLANKI HELPER 2820 719 2399 59382422 M M BAGDA HELPER 2820 719 2836 63752424 R R PARMAR HELPER 3175 810 2687 66722425 J G RATHOD PEON 2820 719 1793 53322433 R D DAMOR Vidyut Sahayak 2500 0 0 25002434 L A KATARA Vidyut Sahayak 2500 0 0 25002435 S S RATHVA DY. ENGINEER 8900 2270 6953 181232436 N S RAMAVAT DY SUPDT (ACCT) 9525 2429 5816 177702437 H R PARMAR Vidyut Sahayak 3000 0 0 30002438 G M JADAV HELPER 3400 867 2344 66112439 H B RANA JR. ASSISTANT 3000 0 0 30002440 S P KANSARA JR. ENGINEER 7500 1913 6250 156632441 N K PANDYA PLANT OP. GR.-I 8775 2238 7626 186392442 A H PALAT Vidyut Sahayak 2500 0 0 25002443 S J TADVI Vidyut Sahayak 2500 0 0 25002504 PANDYA A.A. SR. ASSISTANT 9825 2505 7098 194282506 SMT. VORA P.K. JR. ASSISTANT 4475 1141 3268 88842507 PANDYA G. S. SR. ASSISTANT 6175 1575 3806 115562508 JOSHI B.B. JR. ASSISTANT 4725 1205 3473 94032509 SMT.LASHKARI K.G. PEON 5055 1289 3704 100482510 MORI B.J. DRIVER GR-I 8025 2046 6320 163912511 VAGHELA H.A. E. E. 15150 3863 11431 304442519 PIPARIA A.R. DY. ENGINEER 10400 2652 9789 228412522 VARMA P.S. JR. ENGINEER 9275 2365 10585 222252523 KASUNDRA R.R. JR. ENGINEER 8000 2040 7830 178702527 ACHARYA M.B. PLANT OP. GR.-I 9025 2301 8432 197582528 ZALA L.H. TECHNICIAN GR-II 4600 1173 2972 87452530 ZALA K.B. LINE INSPECTOR 6825 1740 4384 129492531 DANGER M.M. LINE INSPT GR-II 5350 1364 3632 103462532 TRIVEDI G.N. LINEMAN 4080 1040 2794 79142533 MEHTA M.M. AST. LINEMAN 4135 1055 2659 78492534 PATEL D.J. S.B.O. GR-I 3710 946 3192 78482535 VADHER T.D. HELPER 3550 905 3385 78402537 PATHAK G.J. HELPER 3475 886 2777 71382538 NAKIA R.C. S.B.O. GR-I 3980 1015 3141 81362539 UPADHYAY S.B. AST. LINEMAN 3765 960 2586 73112540 MARU K.K. S.B.O. GR-II 3510 895 2779 71842541 SOLANKI DHIRU BHOTHA HELPER 3975 1014 3157 81462542 RANA N.A. HELPER 3325 848 2164 63372543 MORI M.D. DRIVER GR-I 9275 2365 7270 189102544 ZALA U.B. DRIVER GR-I 7775 1983 4963 147212547 GOHIL D.J. WATCHMAN 4235 1080 2720 80352551 CHANDNANI H.C. JR. ENGINEER 8250 2104 9395 197492559 PARMAR B. P. AST. LINEMAN 3350 854 2682 68862560 RATHOD V.C. HELPER 3325 848 3180 73532566 BARAD S.H. LINE INSPT GR-II 7350 1874 4952 14176

2567 TANK B.A. AST. LINEMAN 6235 1590 4216 120412568 MAKWANA P.D. AST. LINEMAN 4235 1080 2896 82112570 SAMA A.I. S.B.O. GR-I 5430 1385 4518 113332571 BARAIYA P.C. S.B.O. GR-I 3980 1015 3341 83362572 PARGI S.M. HELPER 3400 867 2344 66112573 TRIVEDI P.P. HELPER 3550 905 3012 74672574 UPADHYAY V.S. S.B.O. GR-II 3680 938 3097 77152584 BHATT P.D. LINEMAN 6250 1594 4226 120702585 RATHOD M.M. HELPER 4135 1055 3260 84502588 MAKWANA B.A. HELPER 3550 905 2992 74472589 TRIVEDI J.R. S.B.O. GR-II 3510 895 2947 73522590 BELIM S.M. HELPER 3325 848 2809 69822591 PANDYA R.R. S.B.O. GR-II 3350 854 2830 70342592 ZALA A.K. HELPER 3325 848 2129 63022595 BAVALIA A.S. HELPER 3325 848 2663 68362596 CHAUHAN P.K. HELPER 3325 848 2643 68162597 DAMOR K.K. HELPER 3175 810 2529 65142598 RANPURA J.A. HELPER 3250 829 2586 66652599 SARVAYA D. M. HELPER 3325 848 2809 69822600 BARAIYA G.B. HELPER 3250 829 2606 66852601 DESAI A.P. S.B.O. GR-I 4380 1117 3650 91472602 TRIVEDI R.L. HELPER 3550 905 2992 74472603 MER K.N. AST. LINEMAN 3510 895 2417 68222606 MAKWANA G.U. HELPER 3325 848 2643 68162607 RATHOD A.B. AST. LINEMAN 3425 873 2362 66602608 VORA D. K. AST. LINEMAN 4235 1080 3002 83172614 SOLANKI B.M. ASST. OP. GR.-I 9025 2301 8470 197962616 ROKADIA B.R. CAB. JOIN. GR-I 8525 2174 6700 173992617 RATHOD A.N. LINEMAN 6400 1632 5085 131172618 BHATT R.B. AST. LINEMAN 5985 1526 4051 115622619 SHAIKH Y.R. LINEMAN 4380 1117 3464 89612620 MORI M.G. DRIVER GR-II 5975 1524 4857 123562621 PARMAR J.J. S.B.O. GR-II 4280 1091 4125 94962623 TRIVEDI V.P. S.B.O. GR-II 3595 917 3029 75412624 UPADHYAY S. M. AST. LINEMAN 5305 1353 3602 102602626 SAMA F. S. AST. LINEMAN 3510 895 2804 72092627 PANDYA K.A. S.B.O. GR-II 3425 873 2719 70172628 HALVADIA P.J. GARDNER(MALI) 5180 1321 3326 98272632 GELATAR H.V. HELPER 3100 791 2224 61152633 KURESHI A.K. HELPER 3100 791 2974 68652636 VELANI J. A. HELPER 3100 791 2974 68652637 PANDYA V.B. HELPER 3100 791 2974 68652639 GOHIL B.G. PLANT OP. GR.-I 8775 2238 8204 192172641 PATHAK A.K. ASST.OP.GR-III 6900 1760 6532 151922642 SHAH G.C. S.B.O. GR-I 6605 1684 6263 145522643 TRIVEDI M.J. S.B.O. GR-I 6180 1576 5875 136312644 PANDYA J.M. S.B.O. GR-I 5800 1479 5503 127822645 MAKWANA B.G. LINEMAN 4850 1237 3872 99592646 JANI A.T. S.B.O. GR-I 3980 1015 3776 87712648 BAGDA R.G. LINEMAN 3980 1015 2727 77222649 RATHOD M.K. S.B.O. GR-II 3850 982 3236 80682650 SIYATRA M.A. LINEMAN 4080 1040 3202 8322

2651 JADEJA D.J. HELPER 3175 810 3043 70282652 RAJYAGURU R K HELPER 4035 1029 3826 88902654 HAPANI U J HELPER 3175 810 2528 65132657 HARKAWAT S S DY. ENGINEER 12950 3302 13232 294842658 DESAI H S JR. ENGINEER 8250 2104 6573 169272659 KUKADIA R J DY. ENGINEER 11650 2971 9071 236922660 DAMOR R N HELPER 3030 773 2456 62592661 TRIVEDI P.J. ASST.OP.GR-III 7775 1983 6423 161812663 VYAS J.R. S.B.O. GR-I 6755 1723 6400 148782666 BHATT D.D. S.B.O. GR-II 3980 1015 3777 87722667 PARMAR L.K. S.B.O. GR-II 3680 938 3097 77152668 TRIVEDI M.J. S.B.O. GR-I 5055 1289 4214 105582669 RAJYGURU S.P. S.B.O. GR-I 3980 1015 3142 81372670 GOHIL H.M. S.B.O. GR-II 3510 895 2783 71882672 SAVANI A.P. HELPER 3325 848 2663 68362673 DAMOR J F Vidyut Sahayak 3500 0 0 35002674 PATEL M J Vidyut Sahayak 3500 0 0 35002675 PARMAR R A Vidyut Sahayak 3500 0 0 35002676 PARMAR S V JR. ENGINEER 9500 2423 10579 225022681 PANDYA J.S. S.B.O. GR-I 4480 1142 4233 98552683 RAJYAGURU B.K. ASST. OP. GR.-I 6900 1760 5885 145452684 TRIVEDI A.P. S.B.O. GR-I 5650 1441 5333 124242687 RATHOD A.N. HELPER 5015 1279 3977 102712689 GONDALIA J.R. AST. LINEMAN 3510 895 2241 66462702 TRIVEDI A.N. S.B.O. GR-I 4480 1142 3560 91822703 JOSHI S.M. S.B.O. GR-I 4380 1117 4141 96382704 JANI J.R. ASST.OP.GR-III 5100 1301 4478 108792705 LASHKARI R.D. LINEMAN 5500 1403 4629 115322706 SAKARIA K.B. S.B.O. GR-II 3595 917 3029 75412708 VADHER H.B. HELPER 3325 848 2670 68432710 DAMOR C.M. S.B.O. GR-II 3425 873 2890 71882712 PANDYA J. N. HELPER 3250 829 3111 71902714 RATHOD K K HELPER 3175 810 2549 65342723 GOHIL D.G. S.B.O. GR-I 4930 1257 3860 100472726 VYAS H.R. S.B.O. GR-I 4480 1142 3293 89152727 ZALA J.B. S.B.O. GR-II 3680 938 2908 75262728 DODIYA R.B. S.B.O. GR-I 3980 1015 3340 83352729 PATEL R.C. S.B.O. GR-II 3510 895 2783 71882730 JADAV B.A. S.B.O. GR-II 3680 938 2913 75312731 KUVADIYA K.S. LINEMAN 5500 1403 3730 106332733 GADESHIYA J.K. HELPER 3175 810 2038 60232735 LAD I B JR. ENGINEER 7750 1976 6268 159942741 PATHAN S.H. S.B.O. GR-I 6055 1544 5026 126252742 RAJYGURU S.P. S.B.O. GR-I 4805 1225 3272 93022743 MEHTA A.H. S.B.O. GR-I 4380 1117 3246 87432744 PANDYA S.J. S.B.O. GR-I 6055 1544 4098 116972746 DANGAR G.V. LINEMAN 6400 1632 5085 131172747 DOKADIYA V.L. AST. LINEMAN 4235 1080 2897 82122748 VYAS J.R. S.B.O. GR-II 3680 938 2913 75312750 PATEL K.N. S.B.O. GR-II 3680 938 3097 77152751 PATEL R.C. S.B.O. GR-II 3680 938 3096 77142754 JOSHI K.S. HELPER 3250 829 2748 6827

2756 GUSAI B.F. HELPER 3250 829 2585 66642761 TRIVEDI H.J. S.B.O. GR-I 6305 1608 5989 139022762 CHAUHAN R.G. S.B.O. GR-I 6180 1576 5875 136312764 TIMANI P.D. S.B.O. GR-I 5500 1403 5195 120982765 MORI N.K. LINE INSPT GR-II 5350 1364 4232 109462766 PARMAR B.B. LINEMAN 4480 1142 3540 91622767 GAYAKWAD S.J. S.B.O. GR-I 3795 968 2416 71792768 MORI M.H. S.B.O. GR-II 3765 960 3166 78912769 DAVE D.J. HELPER 3890 992 2873 77552770 KASODARIYA T.R. S.B.O. GR-II 3350 854 2731 69352787 DHAMECHA N.B. LINEMAN 5055 1289 3184 95282789 NAMSA M.G. S.B.O. GR-I 3795 968 3001 77642791 SOLANKI I.R. AST. LINEMAN 3595 917 2294 68062792 RATHAVA P.B. S.B.O. GR-II 3710 1052 2931 76932794 PARMAR G.M. S.B.O. GR-II 3510 895 2783 71882796 CHUDASAMA N.A. WATCHMAN 4805 1225 3272 93022805 SHAIKH H A PLANT OP. GR.-I 6875 1753 5314 139422807 TRIVEDI T P HELPER 3175 810 2687 66722808 MEKWAN S S PLANT OP. GR.-I 5600 1428 4375 114032809 KAMOL R B HELPER 2960 755 1906 56212811 VYAS M.C. S.B.O. GR-I 5180 1321 4315 108162812 SARVAIYA B.V. S.B.O. GR-I 5430 1385 3685 105002814 DASADIYA H.V. S.B.O. GR-I 4080 1040 3212 83322816 PATEL JATIN G. AST. LINEMAN 3680 938 2621 72392819 GOHIL H.D. WATCHMAN 4635 1182 2928 87452820 BHURIA K. J. S.B.O. GR-II 3425 873 2719 70172822 RATHAVA G. M. HELPER 3250 829 2083 61622836 RATHOD P.J. S.B.O. GR-II 3425 873 2891 71892837 KURESHI A.A. S.B.O. GR-II 3510 895 2959 73642839 TRIVEDI S.V. S.B.O. GR-II 3510 895 2960 73652841 CHAUHAN B.V. HELPER 3250 829 2748 68272842 BAROLIYA G.V. HELPER 3325 848 2295 64682843 RAJYAGURU K.P. HELPER 3100 791 2471 63622844 PANDYA K.D. HELPER 3100 791 2626 65172845 DHRUV P C HELPER 3595 917 2849 73612901 VYAS J. M. HELPER 3400 867 3322 75892907 PATEL D L PLANT OP. GR.-I 6200 1581 4983 127642951 ZALA D.B. HELPER 3250 829 2581 66602952 TIMANI J.D. HELPER 3250 829 2748 68272953 NINAMA R M JR. ENGINEER 0 0 0 02954 RAMANUJ S H JR. ENGINEER 9000 2295 10034 213293001 MODEN Y.H. HELPER 3250 829 3111 71903002 BHATT V.A. HELPER 3250 829 3111 71903003 LANGALIA K.J. HELPER 3400 867 2870 71373004 LANGALIA C.J. HELPER 3325 848 2809 69823051 ANDHARIYA V.K. HELPER 3175 810 3043 70283052 TRIVEDI R M S.B.O. GR-I 7355 1876 6082 153133101 PATEL V.A. PLANT OP. GR.-I 7550 1925 6205 156803106 TADVI G K HELPER 3250 829 2748 68273107 CHAUDHARI P Z PLANT OP. GR.-I 5800 1479 4818 120973110 PATEL V S JR. ENGINEER 7250 1849 7275 163743111 NINAMA M S HELPER 2960 755 2359 6074

3112 PATEL V V PLANT OP. GR.-I 7325 1868 6057 152503113 VARIYA A N DY. ENGINEER 13600 3468 11253 283213114 PATEL R B JR. ENGINEER 6750 1721 6781 152523115 J J VAGHEMSHI JR. ENGINEER 9000 2295 7480 187753116 D S ASARI Vidyut Sahayak 3000 0 0 30003117 K R CHARPOT Vidyut Sahayak 3000 0 0 30003118 M V BARANDA Vidyut Sahayak 3000 0 0 30003119 G N PARMAR HELPER 3000 0 0 30003120 J M DABHI HELPER 3000 0 0 30003126 N T JANI PLANT OP. GR.-I 5600 1428 5286 123143128 P P SOLANKI DY SUPDT (ACCT) 5800 1479 4425 117043133 M A PATEL JR. ENGINEER 7750 1976 7769 174953134 R V KATARA Vidyut Sahayak 3500 0 0 35003135 G T KHOKHARIYA Vidyut Sahayak 2500 0 0 25004101 C A GOHIL Vidyut Sahayak 2500 0 0 25004102 P C DHABHI Vidyut Sahayak 2500 0 0 25004103 P H BARAZYA Vidyut Sahayak 2500 0 0 25004104 M K DEDUN Vidyut Sahayak 2500 0 0 25004105 S R VAGHELA Vidyut Sahayak 2500 0 0 25004106 R H ASHODA Vidyut Sahayak 2500 0 0 25004107 S K MAKWANA Vidyut Sahayak 2500 0 0 25004108 V K PATALIYA Vidyut Sahayak 2500 0 1 25014109 R P BHURA Vidyut Sahayak 2500 0 1 25014110 D N GUJARATI Vidyut Sahayak 2500 0 1 25014111 N R HADIYA Vidyut Sahayak 2500 0 1 25014112 B S RATHVA Vidyut Sahayak 2500 0 0 25004113 A H PATHAN Vidyut Sahayak 2500 0 0 25004114 M R CHAUHAN Vidyut Sahayak 2500 0 0 2500

9 PATEL SURESHBHAI.H. DY. ENGINEER 11325 2888 9331 2354410 PATEL AMRATLAL.R. JR. ENGINEER 11000 2805 8791 2259617 TRIVEDI NAREDRAKUMAR.M. DY SUPDT (ACCT) 10525 2684 6679 1988821 PATEL NATAVARLAL.A. SR. ASSISTANT 10250 2614 6507 1937122 BAROT GUNVANT .H. SR. ASSISTANT 9800 2499 6225 1852423 PARMAR SAVABHAI.P. SR. ASSISTANT 8225 2097 5242 1556426 PANDYA DIPAKKUMAR.K. SR. ASSISTANT 7775 1983 4960 1471828 PATEL MAHENDRABHAI.M. SR. ASSISTANT 7375 1881 4710 1396630 JANI NAVINCHANDRA.N. JR. ASSISTANT 7325 1868 4778 1397131 MEHTA KUM. PALLAVIBEN B.SR. ASSISTANT 6575 1677 4211 1246332 SHAH AJAYKUMAR. D. SR. ASSISTANT 6575 1677 4908 1316033 PARMAR KESHAVBHAI B. SR. ASSISTANT 5600 1428 4256 1128434 PATEL SMT. GITABEN. P. SR. ASSISTANT 5600 1428 3600 1062835 JADEJA RAMSINH.G. JR. ASSISTANT 5250 1339 2988 957736 GOSWAMI MAHENDRAGIRI.B. JR. ASSISTANT 5250 1339 3382 997137 PRAJAPATI ASHOKKUMAR.C. JR. STENOGRAPHER 7325 1868 4879 1407239 JANI HASUMATIBEN.A. JR. ASST(TYPIST) 4900 1250 3263 941341 BHATT CHETANKUMAR.N. TRACER 5975 1524 3835 1133445 THAKOR CHANDUJI.F. LINEMAN 7775 1983 6135 1589346 PATEL SURESHBHAI.C. LINEMAN 6000 1530 5044 1257449 KHOKHAR ALIKHAN.A. DRIVER 7550 1925 5272 1474750 BHATT DHARMENDRA.S. DRIVER 4900 1250 3457 960751 PATEL SURESHKUMAR.B. SR. TECHNICIAN 5800 1479 4073 1135252 RABARI BABARBHAI.J. DAFTARY 5800 1479 3726 11005

53 CHAUDHARI PRAHLADBHAI.D.WELDER 5975 1524 4444 1194354 PRAJAPATI NIRMOHI.M. PEON 6235 1590 3998 1182356 THAKER VINODKUMAR.J. PEON 5305 1353 3018 967657 THAKOR MANAJI.M. S.B.O. GR-I 5180 1321 5240 1174158 JOSHI JAYPRAKASH R. S.B.O. GR-II 4035 1029 3386 845059 DESAI RAMSHI.L. WATCHMAN 6180 1576 4966 1272261 WAGHELA SURESHBHAI.M. KAMDAR 4930 1257 3478 966565 PATEL AMRUTLAL.D. SUPDT (ACCOUNTS) 11200 2856 7525 2158169 RAVAL KEYUR.K. SR. RADIO MECH. 5075 1294 3407 977672 KAPADIA MAHESHKUMAR.V. DY. ENGINEER 10100 2576 8029 2070573 NAYAR SUNITABEN.A. JR. ASST(TYPIST) 4600 1173 2975 874874 PATEL MUKESHKUMAR.G. JR. ASSISTANT 4000 1020 2601 762175 MEHTA KUM.KAILASBEN.M. JR. ASSISTANT 4750 1211 3069 903076 PATEL PRAVINKUMAR J. HELPER 3680 938 3097 771578 DESAI SHAILESHKUMAR.N. E. E. 15525 3959 11977 3146179 KODALIA GULAMHUSEN.I. DY SUPDT (ACCT) 8500 2168 5413 1608180 RAVAL GIRISHBHAI.C. JR. ASSISTANT 7775 1983 4960 1471881 DABHI GIRISHBHAI.N. JR. ENGINEER 9200 2346 7759 1930583 PATEL MANGALBHAI.K. JR. DRAUGHTMAN 7775 1983 4961 1471985 PATEL BHARATKUMAR.N. HELPER 3250 829 2083 616286 RAVAL RAJESHKUMAR.K. HELPER 3250 829 2327 640687 PATEL PRAHLADBHAI.A. PEON 6725 1715 4303 1274389 PARMAR BALDEVBHAI.M. AST. SECRETARY 12850 3277 8132 2425990 CHAUDHARY KIRTIKUMAR.S. JR. ENGINEER 7750 1976 6416 1614292 SUTHAR NATVARBHAI.H. E. E. 15900 4055 13410 3336593 VANKAR RAMJIBHAI.S. DY SUPDT (ACCT) 9000 2295 5725 1702094 PATEL RAJESHBHAI.H. JR. ENGINEER 7500 1913 5875 1528895 MODH KIRITKUMAR.A SUPDT (ACCOUNTS) 10650 2716 6757 2012396 MODH SHANTILAL.K. S. E. 17400 4437 10975 3281297 DAVE KIRITKUMAR.S. ADD. CHEF ENGR. 18250 4654 11507 34411

153 MEVADA VRAJLAL.M. DY. ENGINEER 14025 3576 11983 29584154 RABADI MATLABALI R. DY. ENGINEER 15150 3863 15985 34998155 PATEL PRAVINCHANDRA M. DY. ENGINEER 14775 3768 12885 31428156 PATEL VASANTBHAI.M. DY. ENGINEER 12900 3290 10354 26544159 PATEL BHAGVANBHAI D. JR. ENGINEER 8250 2104 7066 17420162 PANDYA VISHNUPRASHAD G. DY SUPDT (ACCT) 10791 1691 7773 20255163 JOSHI CHANDRAKANT.R. SR. ASSISTANT 7775 1983 4961 14719165 PATEL BHAGWANDAS A. SR. ASSISTANT 7175 1830 4585 13590167 YAGNIK KUM.BINABEN.K. SR. ASSISTANT 6650 1696 5142 13488171 PATEL CHHATRASINH J. LINEMAN 5680 1448 3565 10693172 DABHI CHEHARAJI.T. DRIVER GR-I 10100 2576 6262 18938173 DABHI DAHYAJI T. DRIVER GR-II 7375 1881 4600 13856174 THAKOR KAPURJI L. LINEMAN 5055 1289 3563 9907175 VOHRA RAUBHAI A. AST. LINEMAN 4735 1208 3344 9287176 THAKOR AMRUTJI G. S.S. HELPER 3475 886 2220 6581177 NAYAK JITENDRAKUMAR C. S.S. HELPER 4035 1029 3472 8536179 BEHLIM AYUBKHAN R. S.B.O. GR-II 3935 1004 3305 8244180 PARMAR NATVARBHAI S. S.B.O. GR-II 3680 938 3097 7715181 MAKWANA LALITKUMAR D. S.S. HELPER 3595 917 3119 7631182 CHAUDHARI BABUBHAI L. S.B.O. GR-II 3680 938 3665 8283183 NAYAK DEVENDRA K. S.B.O. GR-II 3680 938 3756 8374184 RABARI SOMABHAI J. S.B.O. GR-II 3595 917 3148 7660

185 SENMA RAMESHBHAI M. S.S. HELPER 3475 886 2815 7176186 RAVAL BANSIBHAI B. S.S. HELPER 3680 938 3246 7864187 VYAS JAYANTIBHAI K. PEON 4860 1239 3138 9237188 THAKOR BABUJI A. CLEANER 5430 1385 3820 10635190 THAKOR UDAJI A. GARDNER(MALI) 5055 1289 3563 9907192 DAVE RAJENDRAKUMAR P. ASST.OP.GR-III 5350 1364 4453 11167193 TRIVEDI KAUSHIKKUMAR.M ASST.OP.GR-III 5350 1364 4453 11167194 PATEL DASHARATHBHAI MOH.S.B.O. GR-I 5180 1321 4837 11338195 PATEL RAMESHKUMAR P. S.B.O. GR-I 4280 1091 3370 8741196 JOSHI MUKUNDKUMAR.V. LINEMAN 5180 1321 3260 9761197 ASARI KANUPRASAD S. ELECTRICIAN 4180 1066 3294 8540198 PANDYA ANILKUMAR B. S.B.O. GR-I 4180 1066 3572 8818199 VANKAR SOMABHAI G. S.S. HELPER 3595 917 3029 7541200 DODIYA ASHOKKUMAR D. S.B.O. GR-I 4080 1040 3217 8337201 RATHOD RAJUSINH J. S.B.O. GR-II 3595 917 3161 7673203 BHANGI KANTIBHAI M. P/T SWEEPER 504.4 0 741 1245204 PATEL ASHOKKUMAR A. S.B.O. GR-I 4805 1225 4011 10041205 PRAJAPATI MANGALBHAI P. LINEMAN 5180 1321 3520 10021207 GARASIYA BABULAL S. S.S. HELPER 3475 886 2746 7107208 PATEL KAMLESHKUMAR A. S.S. HELPER 3400 867 2699 6966209 PATEL JAYANTIBHAI M. S.B.O. GR-I 4180 1066 3294 8540210 PATEL GANPATBHAI C. S.S. HELPER 3550 905 2814 7269211 PATEL PRAHLADBHAI C. PLANT OP. GR.-I 8775 2238 8710 19723212 PATEL RAMANBHAI M. ASST. OP. GR.-I 6575 1677 5119 13371213 PATEL RAMBHAI B. ASST. OP. GR.-I 6775 1728 5371 13874214 PATEL NATVARLAL I. ASST.OP.GR-III 6300 1607 4909 12816215 RAVAL VINODKUMAR H. LINEMAN 5500 1403 3730 10633216 PARMAR BHANUPRASAD.M. ELECTRICIAN 5100 1301 3595 9996217 PATEL PRAVINKUMAR D. S.S. HELPER 3475 886 2746 7107218 PATEL BHAILALBHAI P. S.B.O. GR-II 3765 960 3166 7891219 PARMAR DHARMENDRAKUMAR KS.B.O. GR-II 3595 917 3028 7540220 PATEL RAMESHBHAI S. S.B.O. GR-I 5055 1289 3437 9781221 PATEL AMTHABHAI AMBARAM LINEMAN 5950 1517 4864 12331222 PATEL MAHENDRABHAI N. AST. LINEMAN 4035 1029 2765 7829223 PANCHAL RASIKLAL G HELPER 3400 867 2700 6967224 RAMI RAJESHKUMAR.D. HELPER 3400 867 2870 7137225 BHATT KIRTIKUMAR V. S.S. HELPER 3475 886 2920 7281227 SUTHAR JAYANTILAL I. DY. ENGINEER 11650 2971 9071 23692228 CHAUDHARI GANESHBHAI N. ASST. OP. GR.-I 6575 1677 5448 13700229 DAVE KANUBHAI N. ASST. OP. GR.-I 6575 1677 5119 13371230 NINAMA CHANDUBHAI M. ASST. OP. GR.-I 6375 1626 5255 13256232 PATEL BALDEVBHAI A. LINEMAN 4380 1117 2772 8269233 DESAI NAGJIBHAI H. AST. LINEMAN 4035 1029 2562 7626234 THAKOR HIRAJI.F. AST. LINEMAN 4035 1029 2563 7627235 ZALA DOLSINH D. S.S. HELPER 3400 867 2940 7207236 PRAJAPATI SENDHABHAI R. S.B.O. GR-II 3680 938 2983 7601238 CHAUDHARI NARSANGBHAI L.S.S. HELPER 3680 938 4206 8824239 ASARI DILIPKUMAR V. WATCHMAN 3935 1004 3108 8047240 SOLANKI MANUBHAI K. P/T SWEEPER 504.4 0 741 1245241 PARMAR CHIMANBHAI B. ASST. OP. GR.-I 6775 1728 5272 13775244 JOSHI MANOJKUMAR B. S.S. HELPER 3400 867 2870 7137245 PATEL GORDHANBHAI C. AST. LINEMAN 4235 1080 2896 8211

247 BHAVSAR PANKAJKUMAR.C. S.S. HELPER 3680 938 2621 7239248 MODI RASIKLAL D. PLANT OP. GR.-I 9275 2365 7872 19512250 PRANJAPE BHALCHANDRA G. E. E. 14575 3717 14852 33144251 PATEL DASHARATHLAL MAG. LINEMAN 4930 1257 3355 9542252 PATEL GANESHBHAI S. PLANT OP. GR.-I 10100 2576 8562 21238253 PATEL MAYURBHAI P. JR. ASSISTANT 4000 1020 2601 7621254 PATHAK HITESHKUMAR N. HELPER 3250 829 2748 6827255 PATEL BABUBHAI A. ELECTRICIAN 6375 1626 4309 12310256 PARMAR MATHURBHAI U. HELPER 3680 938 2715 7333257 PATEL BABUBHAI. N. HELPER 3935 1004 3107 8046258 RAVAL BHARATKUMAR. M. HELPER 3175 810 2528 6513259 GOR KIRITBHAI N. HELPER 3250 829 2749 6828260 SUTHAR DIVYAKANT S. HELPER 3175 810 2757 6742263 PATEL RAMESHBHAI J. JR. ENGINEER 8000 2040 8015 18055264 JANI SUNILKUMAR N. JR. ENGINEER 8250 2104 8263 18617265 CHAUDHARI BHARATKUMAR J.JR. ENGINEER 8000 2040 8016 18056266 LEUVA RAMESHKUMAR M. JR. ENGINEER 9000 2295 7031 18326268 PATEL SANJAYKUMAR K. JR. ASSISTANT 3700 944 2413 7057269 CHAUDHARY SHANKARBHAI.A JR. ENGINEER 8000 2040 6260 16300270 SAMRAT CHANDRAJIT V. DY. ENGINEER 12900 3290 13181 29371271 PATEL JAYANTIBHAI C PLANT OP. GR.-I 7325 1868 6389 15582272 SANYAL RASIKBHAI T. HELPER 3175 810 2767 6752273 PATEL VISHNUBHAI H. HELPER 3175 810 2688 6673274 THAKOR MATHURJI VALAJI HELPER 3030 773 2101 5904275 MAKWANA VINODKUMAR V. HELPER 2820 719 2398 5937276 TARBADA N.G. HELPER 5055 1289 3184 9528277 GOSAI ANANDGIRI A. HELPER 3175 810 2276 6261278 MOCHI ARVINDBHAI G. HELPER 3175 810 2688 6673279 DESHMUKH NILESHKUMAR K. HELPER 2820 719 1961 5500280 PATEL JASHVANTKUMAR K. HELPER 3175 810 2688 6673281 LEUVA HASMUKHBHAI M Vidyut Sahayak 2419.25 0 0 2419301 PATEL VINODKUMAR. D. ASST.OP.GR-III 5800 1479 4818 12097302 PATEL CHANDULAL C. ASST.OP.GR-III 5350 1364 4553 11267303 PATEL MOHANBHAI I. S.B.O. GR-I 5055 1289 4215 10559304 LIMBACHIYA LAXMANBHAI N.S.B.O. GR-I 5650 1441 4772 11863305 THAKOR SHANKARJI C. LINEMAN 5650 1441 4056 11147306 THAKOR PRATAPBHAI. S. LINEMAN 5055 1289 3961 10305307 PATEL JASVANBHAI.K. AST. LINEMAN 3935 1004 2571 7510308 PRAJAPATI BHIKABHAI A. S.B.O. GR-I 4080 1040 3422 8542309 PADHYA RAJESHKUMAR S. AST. LINEMAN 5305 1353 3677 10335310 THAKOR KHODAJI L. S.B.O. GR-I 4380 1117 2991 8488312 BEHLIM NIZAMKHAN M. S.B.O. GR-I 4480 1142 3747 9369313 KURESHI MAHEBUBBHAI. M. S.B.O. GR-I 4380 1117 3446 8943314 PRAJAPATI KANTIBHAI N. LINE INSPT GR-II 6846.48 1745.73 4274 12866315 PATEL DASHARATHBHAI MAG.AST. LINEMAN 5110 1303 3474 9887316 MODI JAGDISHKUMAR B. HELPER 3680 938 3096 7714317 NAYEE VISHNUBHAI S. S.B.O. GR-II 3550 905 3628 8083318 CHAUDHARI RAMANBHAI P. HELPER 3680 938 3723 8341320 MODI JAGDISHCHANDRA C. S.B.O. GR-I 4380 1117 3740 9237321 PARMAR KIRTIKUMAR S. S.B.O. GR-I 4280 1091 5908 11279322 VALAND HASMUKHBHAI D. S.B.O. GR-I 4180 1066 3503 8749323 DESAI KALPESHKUMAR N. LINEMAN 5180 1321 4533 11034

324 PATEL SITARAM M. LINEMAN 5055 1289 4328 10672325 RABARI VIRAMBHAI R. S.B.O. GR-I 5055 1289 4498 10842326 PRAJAPATI KANUBHAI M. S.B.O. GR-II 4135 1055 3467 8657327 PATEL HASHMUKHBHAI P. S.B.O. GR-II 3680 938 3705 8323328 CHAUDHARI PETHUBHAI M. DY. ENGINEER 11975 3054 12244 27273330 VOHRA IDRISHBHAI.S. ASST. OP. GR.-I 8775 2238 6795 17808331 CHAUDHARI DALSANGBHAI J.ASST. OP. GR.-I 7575 1932 6260 15767333 RAVAL BALDEVBHAI M. LINEMAN 5450 1390 4542 11382335 PATEL GOVINDBHAI N. HELPER 3595 917 2294 6806336 CHAUDHARI BABUBHAI N. S.B.O. GR-I 4180 1066 5161 10407337 PATEL KANUBHAI K. S.B.O. GR-II 3680 938 3097 7715338 TURI NATVARBHAI N. HELPER 3595 917 2849 7361339 ZALA BHIKHUBHA J. WATCHMAN 5555 1417 3767 10739340 PARMAR JASHVANTLAL M. ASST. OP. GR-II 5975 1524 4961 12460341 PARMAR ANILBHAI G. LINEMAN 4380 1117 2813 8310342 PRAJAPATI MAFATLAL M. AST. LINEMAN 4035 1029 2563 7627343 PATEL HASHKUKHBHAI M. S.B.O. GR-I 4080 1040 3422 8542344 PATEL JAYANTIBHAI S. S.B.O. GR-I 4180 1066 3502 8748345 PATEL SHAILESHKUMAR J. S.B.O. GR-II 3635 927 3061 7623346 VANKAR MAHESHKUMAR M. S.B.O. GR-I 4280 1091 3669 9040347 PATEL NARANBHAI G. LINEMAN 0 0 1 1348 CHAUDHARY POPATLAL L LINEMAN 5180 1321 3520 10021349 SOLANKI HARGOVANBHAI S. S.B.O. GR-II 4035 1029 2764 7828350 THAKOR ANARJI K. S.B.O. GR-II 4035 1029 3386 8450351 PATEL HASHMUKHBHAI L. HELPER 3400 867 2944 7211352 DAMOR NATVAR K. HELPER 3400 867 2700 6967353 RAVAL AMRUTBHAI S. DRIVER GR-II 6175 1575 4331 12081354 PATEL GOVINDBHAI A. S.S. HELPER 3680 938 3097 7715355 VASAVA PRAVINKUMAR.T. S.B.O. GR-I 4080 1040 3306 8426356 DAVE HIMATLAL H. JR. ENGINEER 13675 3487 13709 30871357 BHANDVEKAR ASHISHKUMAR HJR. ASST(TYPIST) 4600 1173 2976 8749358 BAMANA VITHALBHAI K. HELPER 3100 791 2471 6362361 GELAT NARANBHAI F. HELPER 3250 829 2586 6665362 MANSURI KADARBHAI B. DY. ENGINEER 14025 3576 15288 32889363 KHARADI KANTILAL.K. HELPER 0 0 1 1366 KUMBHAR VINODBHAI.B. WATCHMAN 3325 848 2720 6893367 PATEL DINESHBHAI B. HELPER 3680 938 5131 9749369 PATEL DILIPKUMAR A. HELPER 3100 791 2626 6517370 PATEL RAMESHBHAI D. HELPER 3935 1004 3305 8244372 DAMOR DHRUVKUMAR L. HELPER 3250 829 2749 6828373 PATEL SURESHBHAI G. HELPER 3250 829 2749 6828374 NINAMA NAVINBHAI P. HELPER 3175 810 2529 6514375 ASARI RAMESHKUMAR B. HELPER 3250 829 10078 14157376 PATEL KIRITKUMAR M. HELPER 3935 1004 3305 8244377 PATEL MAHENDEAKUMAR N. HELPER 3250 829 2083 6162378 PATEL DINESHKUMAR N. HELPER 3680 938 3574 8192379 BRAHMBHATT PRAVINKUMAR GHELPER 3635 927 2501 7063380 PATEL ASHOKBHAI J. HELPER 3400 867 2870 7137381 PATEL RAJNIKANT C. HELPER 3100 791 2626 6517383 SAIYED HAMIDBHAI U. HELPER 4135 1055 3009 8199384 TABIYAR MAHENDRAKUMAR B.HELPER 3680 938 2913 7531385 DAMOR PRAKASHKUMAR S. HELPER 3475 886 2757 7118

386 PATEL ANILKUMAR R. HELPER 3030 773 2792 6595387 DESAI SAVJIBHAI S. HELPER 3475 886 2395 6756388 PATEL JAGDISHKUMAR I. HELPER 3100 791 2626 6517389 PATEL BABUBHAI I. HELPER 3100 791 2471 6362390 PATEL BHARATKUMAR K. HELPER 3680 938 3159 7777391 PATEL PRAVINBHAI N HELPER 3030 773 2407 6210392 PATEL SURESHKUMAR A. HELPER 2820 719 3101 6640393 PAREKH HASHMUKHBHAI L. HELPER 3250 829 2585 6664394 PATEL RANCHHODBHAI .S S.B.O. GR-I 4280 1091 4687 10058395 SOLANKI CHANDUBHAI M. HELPER 2820 719 2399 5938396 PARMAR MUKESHKUMAR I. HELPER 2820 719 2398 5937397 VANKAR DANABHAI D. HELPER 3175 810 2038 6023398 PATEL MUKESHKUMAR N. HELPER 3635 927 3131 7693399 CHAUHAN MUBARAKALI S. HELPER 3030 773 2570 6373400 NAYEE JITENDRAKUMAR B. HELPER 3030 773 2559 6362455 GAMETI LAXMANBHAI K SR. ASSISTANT 7575 1932 4646 14153456 VANKAR AMRUTBHAI S SR. ASSISTANT 7375 1881 4526 13782457 DINDOR LALJIBHAI R SR. ASSISTANT 5425 1383 3356 10164458 JADAV HARGOVINDBHAI. A. JR. ASST(TYPIST) 4900 1250 3040 9190459 JOSHIYARA GALAJIBHAI K DRIVER 7100 1811 4432 13343460 DESAI FULJI. J. PEON 4335 1106 2810 8251461 KURESHI ABDULRAHIM.I. DY. ENGINEER 14025 3576 10900 28501463 SHAH CHANDRA PRAKASH V. SR. ASSISTANT 5600 1428 3460 10488467 JOSHI PRAVINKUMAR K ASST. OP. GR.-I 8775 2238 6796 17809468 THAKARDA MANAJI.M. LINE INSPECTOR 9775 2493 6064 18332469 BARIA JETHABHAI R ELECTRICIAN 5800 1479 4528 11807470 CHENVA KANTIBHAI M LINE INSPECTOR 6125 1562 3837 11524471 PARMAR GULABBHAI G AST. LINEMAN 5985 1526 3751 11262472 PARMAR BHEMABHAI. G. LINEMAN 4805 1225 3033 9063473 SUTHAR VISHNUKUMAR B S.B.O. GR-II 4080 1040 3218 8338474 PATEL VINODKUMAR V S.B.O. GR-II 3935 1004 3380 8319475 KADIYA RAJENDRAKUMAR.K. AST. LINEMAN 3935 1004 2587 7526476 PATEL GOPALKRISHNA D S.B.O. GR-II 3680 938 3097 7715477 KHARADI SHANKABHAI R HELPER 3550 905 2813 7268478 GAMETI NATVARBHAI B HELPER 3400 867 2699 6966479 DAMA JIVABHAI B DRIVER GR-I 6175 1575 3868 11618480 CHAUHAN TRILOKSINGH J WATCHMAN 4985 1271 3390 9646483 KANSARA CHANDRAKANT A ASST. OP. GR.-I 8775 2238 7453 18466484 CHAUHAN GUNVANTSING P ASST. OP. GR.-I 8000 2040 5796 15836485 PURANI HARIKRISHNA B ASST. OP. GR.-I 6575 1677 5612 13864487 ZALA JASVANTSANG U AST. LINEMAN 4635 1182 2928 8745488 PRAJAPATI KANTIBHAI D HELPER 3475 886 2745 7106489 CHAVDA LALJI TAKHUJI S.B.O. GR-II 3850 982 3043 7875491 VANKAR JITENDRABHAI G. S.B.O. GR-II 3795 968 3191 7954492 ZALA BALVANTSINH U AST. LINEMAN 3595 917 2474 6986493 SOLANKI RUPSINHBHAI R WATCHMAN 3935 1004 2501 7440494 KATARA VINODKUMAR S. S.B.O. GR-I 4080 1040 3218 8338495 PRAJAPATI KANTILAL S S.B.O. GR-I 4680 1193 3909 9782496 CHAVDA RANJITKUMAR. B. S.B.O. GR-I 4180 1066 3397 8643497 RATHOD KANOPSINH A. S.B.O. GR-I 4380 1117 3735 9232498 SOLANKI BHARATSINH S LINEMAN 5180 1321 3649 10150499 KHARADI DOLABHAI P LINEMAN 4805 1225 3182 9212

500 DAMOR VALAJIBHAI R LINEMAN 4805 1225 3272 9302501 PATEL NAGINBHAI S S.B.O. GR-I 4719.22 1203.51 4025 9947502 PRAJAPATI MAHESHBHAI S S.B.O. GR-II 3765 960 3167 7892503 VANKAR NATVARBHAI K HELPER 3475 886 3007 7368505 KATARA BABUBHAI S HELPER 3935 1004 3108 8047506 AMBALIYA HIMMATLAL J HELPER 3475 886 2758 7119507 VAGELA DIPAKKUMAR N. JR. ENGINEER 9275 2365 7243 18883508 PARMAR ASHWINKUMAR V S.B.O. GR-I 5430 1385 4246 11061509 JOSHI MARKANDKUMAR K S.B.O. GR-I 5500 1403 4019 10922510 PARMAR MANUBHAI D S.B.O. GR-I 4380 1117 5093 10590511 DAMOR RUPABHAI.S. S.B.O. GR-I 4380 1117 3446 8943512 PATHAN AFJALKHAN A LINEMAN 6180 1576 4179 11935513 DAMOR THAVARRABHAI.H. LINEMAN 4805 1225 3032 9062514 PATEL KANTIBHAI D. S.B.O. GR-II 3850 982 3129 7961515 MEMON MOHMADYUNUS N HELPER 3475 886 2746 7107516 RAJPUT LAXMANSINH N HELPER 4235 1080 3337 8652517 DAMOR BABUBHAI M. AST. LINEMAN 3765 960 2586 7311518 KHARADI JIVAJI R WATCHMAN 12555 4581 4372 21508519 CHAVDA MULCHANDBHAI B S.B.O. GR-I 5055 1289 4258 10602520 PRAJAPATI PRAHLAD.K. S.B.O. GR-I 4380 1117 3665 9162522 PATEL VISHNUBHAI H S.B.O. GR-II 4180 1066 3278 8524523 THAKARDA PRABHUBHAI R LINE INSPECTOR 6900 1760 4310 12970524 THAKOR KALUSINH C. S.B.O. GR-II 3765 960 2978 7703526 PATEL KIRITKUMAR.S. HELPER 3400 867 2344 6611528 KHARADI TULSIBHAI N ASST. OP. GR.-I 6175 1575 4815 12565530 NAYAK KANAIYALAL B ASST. OP. GR.-I 7575 1932 6260 15767531 PATODIYA BHIKHABHAI L LINEMAN 5350 1364 3632 10346532 PANDYA PRAVINDCHANDRA T LINEMAN 5095 1299 3463 9857533 PARMAR MUKESHBHAI.G. LINEMAN 4080 1040 2793 7913534 DARJI DEVENDRAKUMAR R. HELPER 3400 867 2870 7137535 BHOYA AMRATLAl c S.B.O. GR-I 4180 1066 3294 8540536 BAROT KARANKUMAR R S.B.O. GR-II 3765 960 3166 7891537 PRAJAPATI BABUBHAI J HELPER 3475 886 3047 7408538 DAMOR DHANJIBHAI J HELPER 3475 886 2746 7107539 PATHAN YASINKHAN A S.B.O. GR-I 4280 1091 3505 8876540 PATEL VISHNUBHAI.H. S.B.O. GR-I 4380 1117 3446 8943543 DUND VIRJIBHAI A AST. LINEMAN 4235 1080 2897 8212544 BARIA PARVATSINH L HELPER 4815 1228 3778 9821545 PATEL BHARATKUMAR I. HELPER 3400 867 2869 7136546 LIMBACHIYA VIJAYKUMAR L HELPER 3400 867 2699 6966547 GAMAR KANABHAI J WATCHMAN 3935 1004 2501 7440548 MAKWANA BAHADURSINH T WATCHMAN 5115 1304 3477 9896549 PATEL NAVINKUMAR .C. S.B.O. GR-I 4080 1040 4055 9175550 PATEL MATHURBHAI N HELPER 4515 1151 3550 9216551 RATHOD RAMSINH C HELPER 3550 905 2814 7269553 RAVAL DINESHBHAI. B. HELPER 3400 867 2699 6966554 ASARI CHANDUBHAI K WATCHMAN 4035 1029 2563 7627555 JANSARI RASIKBHAI M S.B.O. GR-I 5305 1353 4549 11207556 SUTHAR KALYANBHAI V S.B.O. GR-I 5225 1332 4351 10908557 BAROT NARAYANDAS D S.B.O. GR-I 4930 1257 3846 10033558 BAVA SURENDRAGIRI G S.B.O. GR-I 4280 1091 3445 8816559 BARIA CHATURBHAI B. LINEMAN 6400 1632 4005 12037

560 KHARADI NARANBHAI D AST. LINEMAN 4135 1055 2624 7814561 PATEL VASANTLAL R S.B.O. GR-II 3765 960 2978 7703562 DAMOR AMRAJI K HELPER 3475 886 2757 7118563 PATEL GANPATBHAI H. HELPER 3400 867 2870 7137564 VARSAT VALJIBHAI M WATCHMAN 4035 1029 2563 7627565 SOLANKI RAJABHAI C P/T SWEEPER 504.4 0 741 1245566 BHAGORA BABUBHAI D S.B.O. GR-I 4280 1091 2925 8296567 NINAMA CHANDULAL K S.B.O. GR-I 4280 1091 3370 8741568 MAKWANA SURESHBHAI M S.B.O. GR-I 4080 1040 3218 8338569 SUVERA HARMESHBHAI M LINEMAN 4930 1257 3108 9295570 FERA KAMJIBHAI M HELPER 3400 867 2700 6967571 RATHOD SARDARSINH P S.B.O. GR-I 5225 1332 4090 10647572 MALAVIYA FULABHAI S. S.B.O. GR-I 5055 1289 3961 10305573 RAHEVAR AMARSINH B S.B.O. GR-I 5305 1353 4417 11075574 PATEL NANSINH G. S.B.O. GR-I 4180 1066 3294 8540575 NINAMA BABULAL D LINEMAN 5055 1289 3961 10305576 BARIYA GUMANSINH.V. LINEMAN 5055 1289 3185 9529577 DAMOR ALKHAJI MANAJI S.B.O. GR-II 4035 1029 3184 8248578 LIMBAT ARJUNBHAI S HELPER 3550 905 2813 7268579 DAMOR MANUBHAI B HELPER 3550 905 2266 6721580 PARMAR LALJIBHAI K WATCHMAN 5985 1526 3752 11263581 SOLANKI KANTIBHAI.V P/T SWEEPER 504.4 0 741 1245582 DAMOR VIRAMBHAI L. S.B.O. GR-I 4380 1117 3446 8943583 KHANT KALABHAI D. S.B.O. GR-I 4380 1117 3431 8928584 BAVA ASHVINGOR B S.B.O. GR-I 4180 1066 3293 8539586 PATEL VITTHALBHAI S LINEMAN 5650 1441 3547 10638587 PATEL BHEMABHAI S AST. LINEMAN 5860 1494 3675 11029588 RATHOD JASWANTSINGH J AST. LINEMAN 3935 1004 2698 7637591 BHANGI ISHWARBHAI R P/T SWEEPER 504.4 0 741 1246592 PATEL AMRUTBHAI.R. S.B.O. GR-I 5350 1364 4453 11167593 KADIYA JAGDISHKUMAR.A. S.B.O. GR-I 4930 1257 4197 10384594 VANKAR KHEMABHAI D S.B.O. GR-I 5055 1289 3961 10305595 PARMAR BABUBHAI M. S.B.O. GR-I 4080 1040 3218 8338596 MAKWANA CHHATRASINH B LINEMAN 5350 1364 3364 10078597 BARIA DALPATSINH S AST. LINEMAN 4235 1080 2685 8000598 PATEL CHANDRAKANT I. S.B.O. GR-II 3935 1004 3305 8244599 PATEL MAHESHKUMAR K. S.B.O. GR-II 3935 1004 3603 8542603 MISTRY PRAVINKUMAR O JR. ENGINEER 9500 2423 8277 20200604 MEHTA SNEHAL G. JR. ENGINEER 10100 2576 10202 22878609 JOSHI GAURISHANKR B PLANT OP. GR.-I 9825 2505 7595 19925610 SUTHAR BHIKHABHAI S. JR. ENGINEER 10100 2576 10388 23064612 PATEL RATILAL S. LINE INSPECTOR 7350 1874 5135 14359614 PATEL KANTIBHAI H. LINEMAN 5055 1289 3437 9781615 PATEL BHAVSING C ASST. OP. GR-II 6575 1677 5119 13371616 BARIA RAMANBHAI K. LINEMAN 4680 1193 2955 8828617 PATEL ISHVARBHAI B. S.B.O. GR-II 3765 960 3153 7878618 CHAVDA DILIPKUMAR.C. HELPER 3400 867 2869 7136619 MANAT HIRABHAI S S.B.O. GR-I 4180 1066 3487 8733620 PATEL NITINKUMAR B. S.B.O. GR-II 3765 960 3647 8372621 VISAT SURJIBHAI B S.B.O. GR-II 3595 917 2849 7361623 PATEL BHARATKUMAR. P. S.B.O. GR-II 3765 960 2978 7703625 PANDOR NATUBHAI S S.B.O. GR-II 3850 982 6138 10970

626 MANAT PUNJABHAI J HELPER 3475 886 2221 6582627 BHANGI DINESHBHAI S P/T SWEEPER 504.4 0 741 1245628 PATEL CHHANABHAI A S.B.O. GR-I 4280 1091 3370 8741629 BRAHMBHATT NAVINKUMAR J S.B.O. GR-I 4080 1040 3288 8408630 PARMAR RAMESHBHAI S S.B.O. GR-I 3980 1015 3216 8211631 MAKWANA BHARATKUMAR. S. S.B.O. GR-I 4080 1040 3415 8535632 MAKWANA NARSINH N LINEMAN 5650 1441 3547 10638633 MALEK IQBALHUSSEIN D AST. LINEMAN 4135 1055 2624 7814634 MAKWANA JASHVJI K HELPER 3595 917 3029 7541635 DAMOR LAXMANBHAI K AST. LINEMAN 3595 917 2294 6806636 SAGAR GOVINDBHAI M HELPER 3400 867 2700 6967637 DAMOR MANILAL K S.B.O. GR-I 4380 1117 3446 8943638 BHAGORA AMRUTLAL S S.B.O. GR-I 4238.53 1080.92 3356 8676639 BALEVA POPATLAL D S.B.O. GR-I 4380 1117 3446 8943640 PANDOR VISHNUKUMAR D S.B.O. GR-I 4080 1040 3491 8611641 GARASIA VILSHANKUMAR M HELPER 3550 905 3675 8130642 TARAL KHEMABHAI K HELPER 0 0 0 0643 SUVERA CHANDUBHAI A HELPER 3475 886 2931 7292644 KHARADI AMRUTBHAI S HELPER 3550 905 2814 7269648 PANCHAL PRABHABHAI D HELPER 3935 1004 3403 8342649 WAGAT CHANDUBHAI K HELPER 3400 867 2700 6967653 JOSHIYARA NARSINHBHAI R WATCHMAN 4035 1029 3184 8248654 MANAT KANTILAL R HELPER 3400 867 2699 6966655 PATEL RAMESHKUMAR S HELPER 3250 829 2748 6827657 PANDYA ASHISHKUMAR.J. HELPER 3250 829 2749 6828660 PARMAR CHHAGANBHAI S HELPER 3475 886 2827 7188661 SUTHAR RAJENDRAKUMAR P. HELPER 3250 829 2829 6908662 PARMAR LAXMANJI K HELPER 3325 848 2892 7065663 PANDOR DHANJIBHAI S HELPER 4035 1029 2976 8040664 PRAJAPATI BHANUBHAI J HELPER 3595 917 3029 7541665 ASARI NAVINCHANDRA C HELPER 3400 867 2700 6967666 KHARADI PUNABHAI S HELPER 3400 867 2699 6966669 MAKWANA PABAJI S HELPER 3325 848 2643 6816670 PATEL SURESHKUMAR A S.B.O. GR-I 4180 1066 4308 9554671 BHOI PRAVINBHAI K HELPER 3325 848 2713 6886672 PATEL PRAVINCHANDRA P HELPER 3250 829 2748 6827673 GARWAL RAMANBHAI K HELPER 3475 886 2757 7118674 RATHOD GANPATLAL M HELPER 3250 829 2748 6827675 VIJAPURA ROSANALI M JR. ENGINEER 8000 2040 6861 16901676 DARJI KANAIYALAL.R. JR. ENGINEER 0 0 1 1677 PATEL NAVNITKUMAR P. DY. ENGINEER 12950 3302 12261 28513678 GADSA BABUBHAI R HELPER 3475 886 2757 7118679 PANCHAL RAJESHKUMAR M HELPER 3100 791 1991 5882680 GAJJAR NILESHKUMAR. M. JR. ENGINEER 7750 1976 6068 15794681 PATEL BABUBHAI MAGANLAL E. E. 0 0 1 1682 VANKAR DILUBHAI M HELPER 3325 848 3049 7222683 PATEL NARESHKUMAR M HELPER 3250 829 2327 6406684 RATHOD VINUBHAI S HELPER 3175 810 2365 6350685 VANKAR BHIKHABHAI J HELPER 4035 1029 3183 8247686 BARIA KANTILAL D DRIVER GR-II 4350 1109 2754 8213687 MISTRY RAKESHKUMAR R HELPER 3175 810 2529 6514688 RAVAL ISHVARBHAI M PEON 3325 848 2096 6269

690 PATEL NATWARBHAI.K. PLANT OP. GR.-I 8500 2168 7010 17678692 NAYI MUKESHKUMAR J HELPER 3175 810 2038 6023693 THAKAR VINODCHANDRA D HELPER 4805 1225 3771 9801694 PANCHAL GHANSHYAMBHAI P HELPER 4805 1225 3771 9801695 THAKAR PRADIP N HELPER 4235 1080 2754 8069697 SOLANKI HARIBHAI M HELPER 4235 1080 3548 8863698 PATEL JAGDISHKUMAR T HELPER 3595 917 2849 7361699 MANSURI VALIBHAI J HELPER 3100 791 2631 6522701 PARMAR KANJIBHAI P HELPER 3250 829 2586 6665702 PATEL HARSHADKUMAR J S.B.O. GR-I 5180 1321 4851 11352705 YADAV DILIP ARVINDBHAI JR. ENGINEER 8000 2040 6261 16301707 PATEL RAJESHKUMAR S HELPER 3100 791 2626 6517708 RAMARAkhIYA MULCHAND A HELPER 3100 791 2471 6362710 SHAH PRAMODCHANDRA C DY. ENGINEER 11325 2888 9670 23883711 JOSHI NARENDRAKUMAR J DY SUPDT (ACCT) 9525 2429 5816 17770712 PARMAR KANUSINH.N. HELPER 3175 810 2529 6514715 NAYAK ISHWARLAL C S.B.O. GR-I 4080 1040 3217 8337716 RAVAL PRAFULABEN M JR. ASSISTANT 6975 1779 4461 13215717 PATEL BALVANT J. HELPER 3030 773 1948 5751718 PATEL SANJAY S. HELPER 3030 773 2645 6448719 PATEL DIPAKKUMAR I. HELPER 3030 773 2569 6372720 PATEL ARVINDBHAI N. HELPER 3030 773 1949 5752721 PATEL NARESHBHAI.V. HELPER 3030 773 2570 6373722 CHAUHAN RAKESHKUMAR.Y. HELPER 3030 773 1949 5752723 PATEL SHAILESHKUMAR.M. HELPER 3030 773 2559 6362724 THAKARDA SENDHAJI G. HELPER 3100 791 2626 6517725 SOLANKI GANUJI.P. HELPER 3100 791 2471 6362726 PATEL BHARATKUMAR.R. HELPER 3030 773 1948 5751727 TRIVEDI DIPAKKUMAR.K. S.B.O. GR-II 3680 938 3097 7715729 RAVAL JEEGNESHKUMAR.S. HELPER 2820 719 1962 5501730 PANCHAL PRAKASHBHAI.K. JR. ENGINEER 10375 2646 8609 21630731 PATEL BIPINCHANDRA.V JR. ASSISTANT 5075 1294 3147 9516732 MAKWANA ARVINDKUMAR M. HELPER 2820 719 2258 5797733 BHANGI MANIBHAI MITHABHIHELPER 2820 719 1821 5360734 MOJAGAR MAYANKKUMAR D. HELPER 0 0 1 1735 BARANDA MAHENDRAKUMAR K.JR. ENGINEER 8000 2040 6660 16700736 CHAMAR KANUBHAI HIRABHAIHELPER 3100 791 2471 6362737 SHRIMALI MAHENDRAKUMAR SJR. ASSISTANT 3500 893 2200 6593738 PATEL UMANGKUMAR P. HELPER 2960 755 2587 6302739 RAVAL SHASHIKANT B. HELPER 4930 1257 3308 9495740 CHAUDHARY VIJAYKUMAR R. JR. ENGINEER 7750 1976 6068 15794741 TABIYAD KANTILAL G. HELPER 3100 791 2626 6517743 SADAT MAGANBHAI R. PLANT OP. GR.-I 5600 1428 4655 11683744 PATEL TARUNBHAI K. DY. ENGINEER 9500 2423 7415 19338745 PATEL BALDEVBHAI D. DY. ENGINEER 10700 2729 8553 21982746 VISAT NARAYANBHAI B. JR. ENGINEER 8000 2040 6260 16300747 PARMAR DHARMENDRAKUMAR KHELPER 3030 773 2176 5979748 BARIA SHIVABHAI U. HELPER 3100 791 1991 5882749 VANKAR RAMANBHAI D. HELPER 3175 810 2767 6752750 PANCHAL MAHESHKUMAR K. HELPER 2960 755 2364 6079751 THAKOR VIKRAMBHAI S. HELPER 3030 773 2407 6210752 PATEL POPATBHAI U. PLANT OP. GR.-I 6200 1581 5294 13075

753 JODHHA NARENDRASINH V. HELPER 3250 829 2830 6909754 DEDHAROTIA AKABARALI M. HELPER 3030 773 2101 5904755 PATEL S.C. JR. ENGINEER 0 0 0 0757 SOLANKI REVABHAI G. HELPER 3100 791 2626 6517758 PATEL POPATBHAI K. HELPER 3325 848 2295 6468759 PANCHAL MAHENDRAKUMAR B.HELPER 3030 773 2570 6373760 SHETH GULAMMUDDIN A. JR. ENGINEER 8000 2040 7615 17655761 PANDOR D. A. WATCHMAN 0 0 0 0858 KHAMAR KAUSHIKKUMAR. R. SR. ASSISTANT 7775 1983 4767 14525859 PARMAR MANOJKUMAR C. SR. ASSISTANT 7175 1830 4586 13591860 PARMAR ISHVARBHAI. A. JR. ASSISTANT 5250 1339 3251 9840861 MAKWANA RAJENDRA. G. JR. ASST(TYPIST) 5250 1339 3382 9971862 DARJI SURESHCHANDRA. V. PEON 5350 1364 3773 10487864 PATEL AMARATBHAI H. DRIVER GR-I 9525 2429 6387 18341865 THAKOR BALUSING KUNVARJIDRIVER GR-II 5425 1383 3411 10219869 DESAI CHANDRAVADAN. D. PLANT OP. GR.-I 10375 2646 8792 21813871 MALLAH KHAJANCHIPRASAD LLINE INSPECTOR 9150 2333 5682 17165873 BARIA JAVANSINH H. LINEMAN 5055 1289 3185 9529874 PATEL HARIBHAI KACHARDASLINEMAN 5055 1289 3185 9529875 PARGHI BHURABHAI L. AST. LINEMAN 4035 1029 2563 7627876 SAIYAD HABIBMIYA. R. ASST. OP. GR-II 6175 1575 4177 11927877 PATEL VISHNUBHAI N. S.B.O. GR-I 4180 1066 3294 8540878 PATEL DASRATHBHAI. G. S.S. HELPER 4035 1029 3385 8449879 BHAVSAR NIRANJAN. R. S.B.O. GR-II 3935 1004 3305 8244880 PATEL ASHOKKUMAR S S.B.O. GR-II 3680 938 3172 7790881 MAHERIA NATVARLAL. H. S.S. HELPER 3550 905 2803 7258882 DINDOR AARATSHINH. P. S.S. HELPER 3595 917 2849 7361883 SHRIMALI NATWARLAL.D. GARDNER(MALI) 4495.43 1146.5 2826 8468886 DARJI DEVENDRAKUMAR.R. SR. ASSISTANT 7325 1868 4679 13872888 PATEL BABUBHAI J. PLANT OP. GR.-I 12025 3066 9872 24963891 KHAMAR VASANTKUMAR. A. PLANT OP. GR.-I 9000 2295 7841 19136892 VAIDYA RAMNIKLAL. F. PLANT OP. GR.-I 8025 2046 6826 16897896 SAIYAD IBRAHIM IMAMMIYA ASST. OP. GR-II 6375 1626 5285 13286897 TAGGAD PALVINDERSING P DRIVER GR-I 9525 2429 5911 17865898 UPADHYAY JAYESHKUMAR L. S.B.O. GR-II 3935 1004 5830 10769899 PATEL NATAVARBHAI B AST. LINEMAN 4035 1029 2797 7861901 PARMAR GIRISHKUMAR K S.B.O. GR-II 3595 917 2848 7360902 WAGHELA DIPAKKUMAR M. S.S. HELPER 3680 938 2913 7531903 BHAMBHI KANUBHAI. N. S.S. HELPER 3595 917 2849 7361905 PATEL BHARATKUMAR K S.B.O. GR-I 5225 1332 4338 10895906 PATEL KANUBHAI MADHAVLALS.B.O. GR-I 5225 1332 6883 13440907 PATEL PRAVINKUMAR. J. S.B.O. GR-I 4930 1257 4029 10216908 PATEL BHARATKUMAR S. S.B.O. GR-I 4930 1257 4235 10422909 RATHOD PRABHATJI. B. LINEMAN 6900 1760 5584 14244910 CHAVDA PRAVINSINH J. LINEMAN 4280 1091 2925 8296912 VANKER MAHESHKUMAR D. HELPER 3400 867 2870 7137913 PATEL ARVINDKUMAR FULAJIS.S. HELPER 3400 867 2870 7137914 BHANGI NATAWARBHAI P P/T SWEEPER 504.4 0 754 1258916 KHAMAR RAJENDRAKUMAR . JASST.OP.GR-III 5950 1517 4642 12109917 PATEL ASHOKKUMAR P. ASST.OP.GR-III 5950 1517 5026 12493918 KHODABHAI SONAJI THAKOR ASST. OP. GR-II 6825 1740 5302 13867919 MEHTA HARSHADKUMAR. N. S.B.O. GR-I 4380 1117 3665 9162

920 PATEL ALKESHKUMAR A LINEMAN 5225 1332 3289 9846921 PATEL RATANSINH. M. AST. LINEMAN 4235 1080 2779 8094922 NAYEE NILESHKUMAR. S. S.B.O. GR-II 3765 960 4124 8849923 TANDEL PRAHLAD K S.B.O. GR-II 3935 1004 3305 8244924 MEHTA SUNILKUMAR P. S.B.O. GR-II 3935 1004 3305 8244925 AMIN NARESHKUMAR.J. S.B.O. GR-I 4180 1066 3293 8539926 PRAJAPATI J H S.B.O. GR-II 4035 1029 3822 8886928 PATEL VISHNUBHAI M S.B.O. GR-I 5225 1332 5581 12138929 DHOBI DILIPKUMAR KALIDASS.B.O. GR-I 4280 1091 3370 8741930 MAHERIA RAMANLAL M S.B.O. GR-I 4380 1117 3665 9162932 PATEL BHAGVANJI MOTIBHAIAST. LINEMAN 4235 1080 2684 7999937 PATEL JASVANTKUMAR V. JR. ENGINEER 9500 2423 9850 21773938 RABARI BABARBHAI M. SR. ASSISTANT 7175 1830 4585 13590942 GOR JAYPRAKASH S PLANT OP. GR.-I 9275 2365 7176 18816943 PARMAR MAHESHKUMAR G. S.B.O. GR-I 4280 1091 3669 9040944 PATEL RAMESHCHANDRA B S.B.O. GR-I 4280 1091 3659 9030945 CHAUDHARI LALJIBHAI V. S.B.O. GR-I 4280 1091 3439 8810947 THAKOR MANGAJI BAPUJI LINE INSPECTOR 7950 2027 4950 14927948 PATEL KANTIBHAI ATMARAM LINEMAN 5055 1289 3438 9782949 BARIA JUVANSINH L. LINEMAN 4930 1257 3108 9295950 PRAJAPATI BABULAL. J. AST. LINEMAN 4135 1055 2623 7813951 PRAJAPATI KANTILAL. B. AST. LINEMAN 3805 970 3564 8339952 BAROT KANUBHAI C. S.S. HELPER 3475 886 2746 7107953 KHARADI SHANTILAL S S.S. HELPER 3475 886 2920 7281954 PATEL NARENDRAKUMAR G S.S. HELPER 3510 895 2783 7188955 PATEL KANAIYALAL. T. S.S. HELPER 3720 949 2943 7612956 PARMAR GOVINDBHAI S. S.S. HELPER 3475 886 2746 7107957 BHIL KISANKUMAR. S. S.S. HELPER 3400 867 4668 8935958 PATEL KANAIYALAL. RAMDASS.S. HELPER 3805 970 3052 7827959 DAMOR RATILAL ADHELABHAIWATCHMAN 3550 905 2266 6721960 PATEL GHANSHYAMBHAI D S.B.O. GR-I 6180 1576 4817 12573961 PATEL VISHNUBHAI. P. S.B.O. GR-I 5055 1289 3961 10305962 PATEL URMILBHAI S. S.B.O. GR-I 4930 1257 3866 10053963 PATEL VINODKUMAR C. S.B.O. GR-I 4280 1091 3659 9030965 PATEL RAMESHBHAI.B. LINEMAN 7075 1804 4771 13650966 BEHLIM IMTIYAZALIKHA N. AST. LINEMAN 4035 1029 2764 7828968 PATEL RAJENDRAKUMAR A. S.B.O. GR-I 4180 1066 3294 8540969 PRAJAPATI ISHAVARLAL A. S.B.O. GR-I 3980 1015 3341 8336970 PATEL SAILESHKUMAR. P. S.B.O. GR-II 3680 938 4283 8901972 PANCHAL PARESHKUMAR.D. HELPER 3475 886 3007 7368974 PATEL AMRUTBHAI JETHIDASS.B.O. GR-I 4380 1117 3446 8943975 GAVIT VALLBHBHAI S. S.B.O. GR-I 4380 1117 3446 8943977 PATEL RAMESHCHNDRA. H. LINEMAN 5225 1332 3373 9930978 PAGI BHARATSINH R. AST. LINEMAN 4035 1029 2562 7626980 PARMAR PRAVINKUMAR. K. S.S. HELPER 3595 917 2849 7361981 PATEL HASMUKHBHAI. M. S.S. HELPER 3595 917 2849 7361987 PATEL SHANKARBHAI. M. LINEMAN 5055 1289 3284 9628988 PATEL UMEDBHAI BABABHAI S.B.O. GR-II 3765 960 2978 7703989 PATEL PRAVINKUMAR. I. S.S. HELPER 3595 917 2849 7361990 MODI HITESHKUMAR. M. S.S. HELPER 3510 895 2783 7188995 PRAJAPATI KAUSHIK S. PLANT OP. GR.-I 8775 2238 7234 18247997 PAREKH DILIPKUMAR. G. LINEMAN 5180 1321 4056 10557

998 MANSURI RAFIKAHEMAD. M. S.B.O. GR-II 3765 960 3166 7891999 PATEL BABULAL SOMABHAI AST. LINEMAN 4035 1029 3816 8880

1000 PANCHASARA DALAPATBHAI MAST. LINEMAN 3935 1004 3113 80521001 PATEL CHAMANLAL P. AST. LINEMAN 3765 960 2473 71981002 PATEL CHATURBHAI. M. S.B.O. GR-II 3935 1004 3305 82441003 PATEL GHANSHYAMBHAI. H. S.B.O. GR-I 4280 1091 3370 87411004 PATEL SANKARBHAI AMBARAMS.B.O. GR-I 4280 1091 3370 87411005 PATEL MADHAVBHAI I. S.B.O. GR-I 4280 1091 5854 112251006 PATEL MANUBHAI KANTILAL S.B.O. GR-I 4280 1091 3370 87411009 PATEL MUKESHKUMAR B S.S. HELPER 3475 886 3723 80841010 WAGHELA JAYANTIBHAI M P/T SWEEPER 504.4 0 741 12451011 PATEL VIHABHAI NAGARDAS JR. ENGINEER 9500 2423 7890 198131013 PATEL RAMABHAI BABABHAI ASST. OP. GR.-I 8000 2040 6205 162451014 PATEL PRATAPSINH C. ASST. OP. GR.-I 7175 1830 5576 145811015 AMIN BHIKHABHAI K. ASST. OP. GR.-I 6575 1677 4394 126461018 PRAJAPATI KANUBHAI .H. S.B.O. GR-II 4235 1080 2684 79991019 PATEL BALDEVBHAI N. AST. LINEMAN 4235 1080 2896 82111020 PRAJAPATI SURESHBHAI. B.S.S. HELPER 3635 927 3136 76981021 NAYAK HARSHADKUMAR. R. S.S. HELPER 3475 886 2990 73511022 WAGHELA SETANJI BHAVANJIWATCHMAN 4315 1100 3211 86261023 NAYAK VIJAYKUMAR N. S.B.O. GR-I 5500 1403 4384 112871024 PATEL KANTIBHAI M S.B.O. GR-I 5055 1289 4478 108221025 THAKOR GEMARJI VIRAJI. S.B.O. GR-I 4280 1091 3370 87411026 PATEL JAYANTIBHAI P. S.B.O. GR-I 4280 1091 3370 87411027 KHARADI KANTILAL S. LINEMAN 5180 1321 3260 97611029 UPASANI ANILKUMAR K S.B.O. GR-II 4235 1080 4063 93781030 PATEL RAMESHBHAI B S.B.O. GR-II 3680 938 2913 75311031 PATEL CANDUBHAI .R. S.S. HELPER 3475 886 2920 72811033 PATEL BIPINKUMAR G. JR. ENGINEER 10400 2652 8654 217061036 PARMAR SHAILESHKUMAR D PLANT OP. GR.-I 6875 1753 5864 144921040 PATEL SURESHBHAI AMBALALS.B.O. GR-II 3680 938 3097 77151041 PANCHOLI DIPAKKUMAR K. S.S. HELPER 3680 938 3555 81731042 PATEL HARSHADKUMAR. D. S.S. HELPER 3475 886 2920 72811047 DESAI MALABHAI G. S.S. HELPER 3475 886 2746 71071048 PATEL BHAGVANBHAI. T. S.B.O. GR-I 4380 1117 3665 91621049 PATEL MAHESHKUMAR B S.B.O. GR-I 4380 1117 3940 94371050 PATEL ARVINDKUMAR A S.B.O. GR-I 4280 1091 4230 96011051 NAYAK VINODBHAI RATILAL S.B.O. GR-I 5055 1289 4289 106331055 KHAMAR RAJESHKUMAR. M. S.B.O. GR-II 4035 1029 5168 102321056 PRAJAPATI VINODKUMAR. M.S.S. HELPER 3510 895 2959 73641058 PATEL NATAVARBHAI D ASST.OP.GR-III 5500 1403 4384 112871059 VYAS ATULKUMAR. N. S.B.O. GR-I 5305 1353 5010 116681060 MISTRY RAMESHCHANDRA. M.S.B.O. GR-I 4805 1225 3770 98001061 PARMAR KANUBHAI L. S.B.O. GR-I 4380 1117 4115 96121062 BEHLIM IBRAHIMMIYA.M. LINEMAN 5100 1301 3466 98671063 PATEL GANPATBHAI B S.B.O. GR-II 5555 1417 5195 121671064 PARMAR DINUBHAI NAGJI. S.B.O. GR-II 3935 1004 3714 86531065 CHAUHAN NATUBHAI. R. S.S. HELPER 3850 982 2906 77381067 VORA DINMOHMAD B. S.B.O. GR-I 5180 1321 4445 109461068 NAYAK HARISHKUMAR. S. S.B.O. GR-I 5225 1332 4254 108111070 WAGHELA KARANBHAI RAJUJIS.B.O. GR-I 4180 1066 4146 93921071 NAYEE DASHARATHBHAI R. LINEMAN 5500 1403 4300 11203

1072 SINDHAVA RAMANBAHI M LINEMAN 5055 1289 3185 95291073 VYAS DINESHCHANDRA.M. S.B.O. GR-II 3935 1004 3108 80471074 THAKOR BADARJI GOVINDJI S.B.O. GR-II 3935 1004 3108 80471075 PATEL RAMESHBHAI S. S.B.O. GR-II 3935 1004 3305 82441076 WAGHELA DINESHKUMAR B P/T SWEEPER 504.4 0 741 12451077 PATEL ARVIND. A. JR. ENGINEER 10700 2729 8553 219821078 PATEL BABABHAI K. S.B.O. GR-I 4930 1257 4112 102991080 PATEL NARENDRAKUMAR. B. S.B.O. GR-I 5500 1403 5899 128021081 ZALA JALAMSINH M S.B.O. GR-I 4380 1117 3775 92721082 DALWADI RAMEASHBHAI. R. S.B.O. GR-II 3595 917 2924 74361083 PATEL BHARATKUMAR K S.B.O. GR-II 3935 1004 3107 80461084 PRAJAPATI AMRUTBHAI M. S.S. HELPER 3475 886 2920 72811086 SHAH VASTUPAL AMRUTLAL ASST. OP. GR.-I 6575 1677 8378 166301088 MOJAGAR NARENDRABHAI. D.ASST. OP. GR.-I 6575 1677 6605 148571089 CHAUHAN AMRITLAL S. ASST. OP. GR.-I 6575 1677 5119 133711091 RABARI HEMRAJ RAMABHAI LINEMAN 5180 1321 3519 100201092 PATEL VIKRAMBHAI M S.B.O. GR-II 4235 1080 3818 91331093 CHAVDA NANDULAL R. LINEMAN 3710 946 2364 70201094 DAMOR LALITBHAI M S.S. HELPER 3475 886 2746 71071095 BUJ BADABHAI B. WATCHMAN 3935 1004 2604 75431096 BHANGI GALABHAI S P/T SWEEPER 504.4 0 742 12461100 PATEL AMRISHKUMAR K S.S. HELPER 3680 938 3176 77941101 PRAJAPTI BALDEVBHAI. P. S.S. HELPER 3680 938 2900 75181102 MAKWANA SURESHKUMAR A. PLANT OP. GR.-I 6650 1696 7479 158251103 PATEL BABUBHAI K. S.S. HELPER 3475 886 2394 67551104 DAMOR RAMABHAI KALABHAI WATCHMAN 4035 1029 3184 82481106 MORI VIRAMBHAI VAKTAJI WATCHMAN 3325 848 2643 68161107 SHEKHALIYA DAHYABHAI. K.LINEMAN 4805 1225 3272 93021109 SUVERA KANTILAL K S.S. HELPER 3400 867 2893 71601110 THAKOR GHEMARJI DALAJI AST. LINEMAN 6900 1760 4655 133151111 VAGHELA MAHENDRAKUMA. M.S.S. HELPER 3250 829 3177 72561112 QUERESHI AHMEDKHAN.A. DRIVER GR-II 5425 1383 3817 106251113 SHRI PARTHIV P.SHAH JR. ENGINEER 9500 2423 8138 200611116 CHAVDA ISHWARBHAI. M. S.S. HELPER 5180 1321 4055 105561117 PATHAN FAKIRMOHMAD. A. S.S. HELPER 3935 1004 4516 94551119 PARMAR KADARMIYA DADUMIAS.S. HELPER 3325 848 2643 68161123 DAVE MUKESH GUNVANTLAL. S.S. HELPER 3325 848 2821 69941125 NAYEE INDRAKANT P. S.S. HELPER 3400 867 2699 69661127 WAGHELA NARSINHBHAI M. JR. ENGINEER 8500 2168 8510 191781128 PARMAR SURESHKUMAR. R. S.S. HELPER 3250 829 2585 66641129 LIMBACHIYA VASANTKUMAR SS.S. HELPER 3325 848 2130 63031130 PATEL ARVINDKUMAR. I. S.S. HELPER 3250 829 4696 87751131 SHUKLA KAMLESHBHAI. D. S.S. HELPER 3250 829 2748 68271133 DESAI VALAJIBHAI. S. S.S. HELPER 3400 867 2869 71361134 MISTRI RAJESHKUMAR A. PLANT OP. GR.-I 6650 1696 5176 135221135 SOLANKI DIGANTKUMAR. V. JR. ENGINEER 8000 2040 8016 180561137 PRAJAPATI RAMESHBHAI. D.PLANT OP. GR.-I 6425 1638 5005 130681138 PATEL KANTILAL J. PLANT OP. GR.-I 9000 2295 7417 187121139 VANKAR AMRUTBHAI K. PLANT OP. GR.-I 7750 1976 7422 171481141 BRAHMBHATT BIPINKUMAR N S.S. HELPER 3510 895 2784 71891142 CHAUDHARY MANISHKUMAR K.S.S. HELPER 3250 829 3722 78011143 GAMETI RAMESHCHANDRA. L.S.S. HELPER 0 0 488 488

1144 RATHAVA MAHESHBHAI. H. S.S. HELPER 3100 791 2471 63621145 DEDUN KANTIBHAI. L. S.S. HELPER 3100 791 2574 64651147 SAIYAD ALTAFHUSEN M. S.S. HELPER 3100 791 2626 65171149 MAKWANA PASAJI PRATAPJI S.S. HELPER 3175 810 3020 70051151 NAYAK YOGESHCHANDRA K. PLANT OP. GR.-I 7325 1868 6065 152581153 PATEL GOPALBHAI K. PLANT OP. GR.-I 9550 2435 7863 198481154 PRAJAPATI AMARATBHAI K. S.S. HELPER 3175 810 3020 70051155 SATHAWARA CHAMPAKLAL. S.S.S. HELPER 3175 810 2688 66731160 PATEL JAYANTIBHAI. S. S.S. HELPER 3100 791 2471 63621162 BHAVSAR KAMLESH NATVAR S.S. HELPER 3250 829 3157 72361164 PATEL SAILESHKUMAR. B. S.S. HELPER 3100 791 2471 63621165 PARMAR MAHESHKUMAR. N. S.S. HELPER 3635 927 2318 68801166 KALASAVA ARVIND NAVJI S.S. HELPER 3550 905 2814 72691167 GOSWAMI BHARATKUMAR. C. S.S. HELPER 3030 773 2417 62201168 RAVAL RANCHHODBHAI. C. LINEMAN 4480 1142 2833 84551169 MAKWANA SHANKARJI. T. S.B.O. GR-I 4080 1040 3003 81231170 GOSAI NAGESHWAR. G. S.S. HELPER 6615 1704 5607 139261172 PATEL MAHESHBHAI.R. S.S. HELPER 3030 773 3054 68571173 PATEL ASHVINKUMAR.S. S.S. HELPER 3030 773 2622 64251174 PATEL UMESHBHAI.R. S.S. HELPER 3030 773 2629 64321175 PATEL VISHNUBHAI.S. S.S. HELPER 3030 773 2559 63621176 PATEL RAJENDRAKUMAR J. S.S. HELPER 3030 773 2559 63621177 PATEL LALABHAI MANILAL S.S. HELPER 3030 773 2407 62101178 PATEL VISHNUBHAI.P. S.S. HELPER 3030 773 2634 64371179 CHAUHAN PRUTHVISINH.D. S.S. HELPER 3030 773 2254 60571181 PATEL VINODBHAI A. S.S. HELPER 3030 773 2569 63721182 PATEL NITESHKUMAR M. S.S. HELPER 3030 773 2407 62101184 CHAUDHARY BHARATKUMAR L.WATCHMAN 3325 848 2891 70641185 PATEL DIPAKKUMAR K. S.S. HELPER 3030 773 1949 57521186 PATEL KANAIYALAL A. S.S. HELPER 3030 773 1949 57521187 MALEK NURMAHMAD.I S.S. HELPER 3030 773 2569 63721188 NINAMA R. S. S.S. HELPER 3400 867 2334 66011189 THAKOR PRAHLADJI S. S.S. HELPER 3030 773 2559 63621190 PARMAR ASHOKKUMAR K. JR. ENGINEER 8500 2168 6645 173131191 NINAMA NAVINBHAI B S.S. HELPER 3720 949 3517 81861192 PATEL SATISH AMRUTLAL JR. ENGINEER 6750 1721 6401 148721193 SUTARIYA NARENDRAKUMAR TJR. ENGINEER 6750 1721 5761 142321194 MODI SURESHBHAI MANILAL PLANT OP. GR.-I 6200 1581 5830 136111195 PATEL DINESHKUMAR M. DY. ENGINEER 11325 2888 10403 246161196 PRAJAPATI RAMANBHAI A S.S. HELPER 2960 755 2512 62271197 PRAJAPATI MUKESHKUMAR S S.S. HELPER 2960 755 2512 62271198 CHAUHAN L.A. S.S. HELPER 3935 1004 3108 80471199 MAKWANA DHIRAJKUMAR A. S.S. HELPER 3100 791 3105 69961200 RATHOD A.S. S.S. HELPER 3100 791 2696 65871201 PRAJAPATI J.N. S.B.O. GR-II 3635 927 3348 79101202 SHAH ASHOKKUMAR RASIKLALDY SUPDT (ACCT) 10275 2620 6266 191611203 PATHAN H.N. S.S. HELPER 3175 810 2688 66731204 KHARADI P. S. S.S. HELPER 3030 773 2569 63721205 MASTER Y.M. S.S. HELPER 3030 773 2407 62101206 THAKOR J.D. S.S. HELPER 2820 719 1962 55011207 PATEL B. F. PLANT OP. GR.-I 6425 1638 5155 132181208 THAKOR RAVAJI G S.S. HELPER 2820 719 2399 5938

1209 THAKOR PRAHALDJI L S.S. HELPER 3325 848 4967 91401210 BRAHAMBHATT YAGNESH V S.S. HELPER 3425 873 2890 71881211 THAKOR SHAMBHUJI S S.S. HELPER 2798.91 713.78 2867 63801212 PATEL GOVINDBHAI.L. S.S. HELPER 4805 1225 4010 100401213 BHAGORA AMRUTBHAI M S.S. HELPER 3550 905 2992 74471214 PATEL JAGDISHKUMAR.A. S.S. HELPER 5430 1385 4518 113331355 PARGHI SURAMABHAI N. SR. ASSISTANT 7375 1881 4526 137821356 ZALA MAHENDRASINH.C. SR. ASSISTANT 7325 1868 4679 138721358 ZALA JITENDRASINH.D. JR. ASSISTANT 5250 1339 3251 98401360 PATEL BHOGILAL C. PEON 5305 1353 3094 97521363 PATEL JAYENDRAKUMAR R JR. ENGINEER 9000 2295 9229 205241367 PATEL GOKALBHAI L. PLANT OP. GR.-I 7750 1976 6602 163281369 PRAJAPATI PRABHUDAS C. LINE INSPECTOR 5800 1479 3928 112071370 TRIVEDI SURESHKUMAR S. LINEMAN 6550 1670 4424 126441371 BARIA RAMANSINH H. ASST.OP.GR-III 6575 1677 5119 133711372 BHAVSAR VRAJESHKUMAR R. TELECOM TECH. 4350 1109 2972 84311373 SHAIKH BHIKHABHAI S LINEMAN 5805 1480 3932 112171376 MAKWANA BHUPATSINH N. S.B.O. GR-II 4035 1029 3184 82481377 PATEL BALVANTBHAI P. S.B.O. GR-II 3935 1004 3375 83141378 MAKVANA GIRISHKUMAR N. S.B.O. GR-II 3680 938 3097 77151379 MAKVANA BHIKHUSINH C. HELPER 3595 917 3029 75411380 PARMAR HARSHADKUMAR M. HELPER 3550 905 2991 74461381 VANKER AMRUTLAL K. HELPER 3475 886 2919 72801382 PATEL NARSINHBHAI M. CLEANER 3595 917 2294 68061383 DAMOR BHURAJI R. WATCHMAN 4035 1029 2562 76261385 DABHI ATULBHAI K. GARDNER(MALI) 1008 0 1483 24911389 DAVE NITINCHANDRA. N. SR. ASSISTANT 9525 2429 6066 180201395 BHAVSAR JYANTILAL.V. ASST. OP. GR.-I 9025 2301 6976 183021396 JOSHI NATVARLAL P. PLANT OP. GR.-I 8025 2046 6625 166961398 PATEL JITUBHAI M. LINE INSPECTOR 7550 1925 4706 141811399 CHAUHAN HEMTAJI P. DRIVER GR-I 7775 1983 4843 146011400 MAKWANA RAJUSHINH F. LINEMAN 6905 1761 4658 133241401 JOSHI ROHITKUMAR K. LINEMAN 5555 1417 3768 107401402 PATEL ISHWARBHAI M. LINEMAN 5055 1289 3185 95291403 RATHOD BABARSINH U. HELPER 4145 1057 3746 89481404 ZALA NAVALSINH U. S.B.O. GR-II 4035 1029 3386 84501405 TADVI JASHUBHAI S AST. LINEMAN 3680 938 2345 69631406 PATEL PRAHLADBHAI P. HELPER 3550 905 2266 67211407 SOLANKI KALIDAS C. S.B.O. GR-II 3765 960 3270 79951408 MAKWANA HALUSINH B. HELPER 3595 917 2474 69861410 NADIA LAVJIBHAI L. S.B.O. GR-I 6180 1576 4817 125731411 BAROT MANHARBHAI A ASST.OP.GR-III 5500 1403 4574 114771412 MAKWANA RATUSINH J S.B.O. GR-I 5180 1321 4056 105571413 VYAS RAJENDRAPRASHAD U. S.B.O. GR-I 4280 1091 3370 87411414 MAKWANA PARBATSINH G LINEMAN 0 0 1 11415 CHAMAR BABUBHAI M. S.B.O. GR-II 3595 916 3351 78621416 BAROT BUDHHISAGAR A. S.B.O. GR-II 5138 1734 3404 102761417 DABHI BUDHABHAI R. HELPER 4135 1055 3467 86571418 BHANGI VITTHALBHAI M. P/T SWEEPER 504.5 0 742 12461419 PATEL RAMESHBHAI. P. ASST.OP.GR-III 5225 1332 4436 109931420 BHAVSAR KIRITKUMAR B. S.B.O. GR-I 4280 1091 3584 89551421 PATEL BHARATKUMAR A. S.B.O. GR-I 4380 1117 3751 9248

1422 PATEL VALAJIBHAI N. S.B.O. GR-I 4380 1117 2992 84891424 ZALA KHODSINH T. LINEMAN 5180 1321 3519 100201425 RATHOD BHARATSINH U. HELPER 4235 1080 2684 79991426 RATHOD PRABHATSINH K. HELPER 3400 867 2869 71361429 PATEL HASMUKHBHAI I. ASST. OP. GR.-I 8775 2238 7234 182471430 PATIL PRATAPBHAI P. ASST. OP. GR.-I 7575 1932 5881 153881433 SOLANKI JETHALAL M. DRIVER GR-I 7775 1983 5233 149911434 RATHOD KESHRISINH A. LINE INSPT GR-II 5800 1479 3929 112081435 MAKWANA BALUSANH. D. LINEMAN 5055 1289 3438 97821436 RATHOD SHAMBHUSINH M. AST. LINEMAN 4135 1055 2623 78131437 PATEL KANUBHAI B. ASST. OP. GR-II 5950 1517 4642 121091438 PATEL KAMLESHKUMAR K. HELPER 3475 886 2931 72921439 DODHA RATNABHAI V. S.B.O. GR-II 3935 1004 3305 82441440 DINDOR GAUTAMBHAI D. S.B.O. GR-II 3935 1004 3108 80471441 PARMAR MAGANBHAI V. S.B.O. GR-II 3550 905 2981 74361442 PANDOR SARDARBHAI H. AST. LINEMAN 3850 982 2642 74741443 SOLANKI ARVINDKUMAR R. HELPER 3595 917 3029 75411444 PATEL ANILKUMAR N. HELPER 3400 867 3225 74921449 VANKAR LAXMANBHAI R. S.B.O. GR-I 4930 1257 3107 92941450 SUTHAR RAJNIKANT P S.B.O. GR-I 4930 1257 3950 101371451 PATEL SAMBHUBHAI P S.B.O. GR-I 4380 1117 3775 92721452 MAKWANA BALUSANGH H. AST. LINEMAN 4735 1208 2989 89321453 PATEL HASMUKHLAL.H. S.B.O. GR-II 3935 1004 3305 82441454 RATHOD JITUSINH J S.B.O. GR-II 3765 960 3048 77731455 CHAUHAN LAXMANSINH M. HELPER 3550 905 2266 67211456 BHANGI KANTIBHAI C. P/T SWEEPER 504.4 0 741 12461457 MAKWANA NATUSANGH S. S.B.O. GR-I 5305 1353 4417 110751458 RATHOD NAVALSINH A. S.B.O. GR-I 5055 1289 3961 103051459 PATEL NAGINBHAI A. S.B.O. GR-I 4930 1257 4112 102991460 ZALA MADANSINH J. S.B.O. GR-I 4805 1225 4010 100401462 SHIKH DHARAMSINGH B. AST. LINEMAN 4735 1208 3059 90021463 BHATT VILASH. P. S.B.O. GR-II 3935 1004 3177 81161464 DARJI RAJENDRAKUMAR J. S.B.O. GR-II 4035 1029 3487 85511465 PATEL SUNILKUMAR K. HELPER 3475 886 2757 71181466 VAGHELA NATVARBHAI G. P/T SWEEPER 504.4 0 741 12451467 PANCHAL JAYANTIBHAI K. ASST.OP.GR-III 5500 1403 4299 112021468 BODAT KHUMANBHAI N. S.B.O. GR-I 4380 1117 3447 89441469 PANCHAL RAMESHBHAI M. S.B.O. GR-I 4280 1091 3445 88161470 DAVE ASHVINKUMAR B. S.B.O. GR-I 4280 1091 3800 91711471 PARMAR ARJUNSINH M. HELPER 3475 886 2932 72931472 PATEL VINODKUMAR D. HELPER 3550 905 2266 67211473 PATEL KANTIBHAI D. HELPER 3550 905 2803 72581474 BHANGI GANDABHAI K. P/T SWEEPER 504.4 0 741 12461475 PRAJAPATI DAHYABHAI P S.B.O. GR-I 5180 1321 4444 109451476 PATEL KESHABHAI P S.B.O. GR-I 5055 1289 4340 106841478 PATEL RAMESHCHANDRA D. S.B.O. GR-I 5055 1289 4214 105581479 PATEL RAMESHBHAI A. LINEMAN 5180 1321 3520 100211480 ZALA DAULATSINH H. LINEMAN 4635 1182 2929 87461481 VAGHELA MUKUNDKUMAR K. S.B.O. GR-II 4035 1029 3184 82481482 DABHI KISHORSINH J. HELPER 4860 1239 4055 101541484 BARANDA JASUBHAI K. HELPER 3550 905 2814 72691485 PATEL ASHOKBHAI.V. HELPER 3680 938 5392 10010

1486 NINAMA SURENDRABHAI M. HELPER 3475 886 2931 72921488 SUTHAR SHASHIKANT G. S.B.O. GR-I 4930 1257 3865 100521489 JAVAT PANNALAL J. S.B.O. GR-I 4280 1091 3584 89551490 SOLANKI PRUTHVISINH G. S.B.O. GR-I 4380 1117 3447 89441491 PATEL MATHURBHAI B. LINEMAN 6400 1632 4985 130171492 BARIA HIMATSINH R. LINEMAN 4680 1193 2955 88281493 PATEL RASIKBHAI B. S.B.O. GR-II 3935 1004 3304 82431494 BHAVSAR MAHESHKUMAR C. S.B.O. GR-II 4080 1040 3491 86111495 KHALAK MOHAMADHUSAN A. HELPER 3595 917 2849 73611496 BHANGI KANTIBHAI H. P/T SWEEPER 504.4 0 741 12461499 BHAVSHAR HARISHMUMAR. C.ASST.OP.GR-III 5350 1364 4185 108991500 MAHERIA MAHENDRAKUMAR.K.S.B.O. GR-I 4891.72 1247.37 4237 103761501 MAKWANA RAMABHAI D. S.B.O. GR-I 5180 1321 4314 108151502 PATEL MATHURBHAI R. LINEMAN 6100 1556 3822 114781503 CHAUHAN CHANDUSANG J. AST. LINEMAN 5110 1303 3474 98871504 PATEL NANABHAI S. AST. LINEMAN 4135 1055 2624 78141505 FERA GOVINDBHAI K AST. LINEMAN 3595 917 2473 69851506 KAZI MUSTAKHHUSAIN G S.B.O. GR-II 4035 1029 3386 84501507 BARIYA GANPATSINH N. AST. LINEMAN 3935 1004 2501 74401508 KACHHAVA KARANSINH J. HELPER 3595 917 3029 75411509 BARANDA ASHVINKUMAR B. HELPER 3475 886 2757 71181511 PATEL CHANDUBHAI M. ASST.OP.GR-III 5500 1403 4863 117661512 FERA KANABHAI S. S.B.O. GR-I 4930 1257 3865 100521513 GOHIL KISHORCHANDRA V. S.B.O. GR-I 5225 1332 4351 109081514 PARMAR ZAVERBHAI. G. LINEMAN 5305 1353 3602 102601515 ASARI MANJIBHAI R. AST. LINEMAN 3935 1004 2502 74411516 BHAMBHI BABUBHAI V. S.B.O. GR-II 4635 1182 2929 87461517 PARGHI KAMAJIBHAI M. HELPER 3720 949 2943 76121518 PANDOR KIRANBHAI S. S.B.O. GR-II 3935 1004 3714 86531519 CHAUHAN JAYANTILAL C. HELPER 3475 886 3279 76401520 KAZI RIAZUDIN JILUDIN ASST. OP. GR-II 5800 1479 4818 120971521 MAKVANA LALLUBHAI K. S.B.O. GR-I 5055 1289 3961 103051522 BHAGORA VISHRAMBHAI R. S.B.O. GR-I 5055 1289 4214 105581523 CHAUHAN RATANSINH G. S.B.O. GR-I 5430 1385 4246 110611526 BARIA RATAJI U. S.B.O. GR-II 3850 982 3236 80681527 PATEL NANABHAI R. HELPER 3805 970 3078 78531528 KHARADI CHHAGANLAL M. S.B.O. GR-I 4380 1117 3446 89431529 KHANT KANTIBHAI T. S.B.O. GR-II 4280 1091 3584 89551530 KATARA KANJIBHAI M. HELPER 3805 970 3009 77841531 PANDOR MANAJI GALAJI HELPER 3810 971 2972 77531532 KHARADI KANTILAL V. HELPER 3595 917 2849 73611533 PANDYA MANAHARLAL H. S.B.O. GR-I 6755 1723 4559 130371534 PATEL BABUBHAI H. S.B.O. GR-I 4480 1142 3746 93681536 PANCHAL VINODCHANDRA P. ASST. OP. GR-II 6125 1562 5082 127691538 BARIA ARATSINH J. AST. LINEMAN 4235 1080 2684 79991539 PRAJAPATI SUKHABHAI S. S.B.O. GR-II 3935 1004 3305 82441540 PATEL KANUBHAI M. S.B.O. GR-II 4860 1239 4055 101541541 SHAH BHARATKUMAR R. HELPER 3975 1014 3338 83271543 PATEL SUMANTKUMAR L. S.B.O. GR-II 3765 960 3166 78911544 PATEL GOVINDBHAI C. S.B.O. GR-I 4480 1142 3731 93531545 RATHOD MANGALSHINH. S. ASST.OP.GR-III 5500 1403 4299 112021546 MANAT MOHANBHAI D. S.B.O. GR-I 4180 1066 3503 8749

1547 UPADHYAY NARESHKUMAR M. S.B.O. GR-I 4280 1091 3584 89551548 BAROT KANTILAL M. LINE INSPECTOR 7950 2027 4950 149271549 BARIA BALVANTSINH G. AST. LINEMAN 4335 1106 2745 81861550 PARMAR PRABHATSINH N. S.B.O. GR-I 4380 1117 3666 91631551 PANCHAL RAMESHKUMAR S. S.B.O. GR-I 4380 1117 3665 91621552 RATHOD ASHOKKUMAR S. S.B.O. GR-II 3850 982 3235 80671553 PATEL RAJENDRA B. S.S. HELPER 3475 886 2394 67551554 BAMNA MAGANBHAI N. HELPER 3475 886 2746 71071555 PATEL REVABHAI P. S.B.O. GR-I 5180 1321 4400 109011556 PATHAK JAYANDRA. B. ASST.OP.GR-III 5350 1364 4586 113001557 PATEL KANUBHAI B. S.B.O. GR-I 5350 1364 4376 110901558 PATEL KANUBHAI J. S.B.O. GR-I 5055 1289 4214 105581560 BARIA UDESINH R. AST. LINEMAN 5110 1303 4003 104161561 MALEK ZAHIRMIYA N. S.B.O. GR-II 3680 938 3097 77151562 VASAVA DHANJIBAHI.J. AST. LINEMAN 3935 1004 3155 80941563 NADIA AMRUTBHAI J. AST. LINEMAN 4035 1029 3386 84501565 SUTHAR SUDHIRKUMAR N. S.B.O. GR-I 4380 1117 3446 89431566 CHAUHAN NARSING. C. ASST.OP.GR-III 5800 1479 4528 118071567 RATHOD MAHENDRASINH N. S.B.O. GR-II 4380 1117 3446 89431568 PATEL RAJESHSINH C. LINEMAN 5800 1479 3639 109181569 BARIA MANSINH V. LINEMAN 4805 1225 3032 90621570 BRAHMBHATT GIRISHKUMAR MS.B.O. GR-II 3765 960 2978 77031571 CHAUHAN JAWANSINH M. HELPER 0 0 1 11572 PATEL RAMESHBHAI.P HELPER 3720 949 2369 70381573 SOLANKI MAHESHKUMAR R. P/T SWEEPER 504.4 0 741 12461578 BUVAL HARAJIBHAI K. WATCHMEN 3850 982 2449 72811579 PATEL ISHVARBHAI K. DY. ENGINEER 14025 3576 17284 348851581 PATEL DAHYABHAI S. HELPER 3935 1004 3375 83141583 GHORI SAMSUDIN K. HELPER 3325 848 2643 68161584 PATEL DIPAKKUMAR S. HELPER 3175 810 2529 65141588 BARANDA VISHRAMBHAI K. SR. ASSISTANT 5425 1383 3356 101641589 GARASIA SHANKERJI M. LINEMAN 4080 1040 2589 77091590 WAGHELA KESHAJI S. PLANT OP. GR.-I 9550 2435 7385 193701592 PANCHAL SHAILESHKUMAR T.HELPER 3175 810 2529 65141593 RATHOD FULABHAI N. HELPER 3250 829 2749 68281595 PATEL NARSINHBHAI V. DRIVER GR-I 8025 2046 4996 150671596 PATEL DINESHBHAI S. HELPER 3175 810 2688 66731598 NAYAK HARIKRUSHNA C. PLANT OP. GR.-I 8775 2238 6348 173611600 PATEL KANTIBHAI J. HELPER 3175 810 2688 66731601 THAKOR KANTIBHAI K. HELPER 3175 810 2528 65131603 PANDYA KIRANKUMAR D. HELPER 3935 1004 3305 82441604 BARIA BABARBHAI M. S.B.O. GR-II 3680 938 2912 75301605 PARMAR KANTIKUMAR S. HELPER 3175 810 2688 66731606 DAVE ASHVINKUMAR M. JR. ENGINEER 8250 2104 8263 186171608 JOSHI MINESHKUMAR K. HELPER 3100 791 2146 60371609 ZALA VIKRAMBHAI C. HELPER 3100 791 2471 63621612 PATEL BHARATKUMAR P. JR. ENGINEER 8000 2040 8266 183061613 SONI NALINKUMAR C. HELPER 3175 810 2688 66731615 PATEL NAGINKUMAR N. HELPER 3100 791 2626 65171616 PRAJAPATI RAJUBHAI M. HELPER 3935 1004 3305 82441619 PATEL NATVARLAL L. DY SUPDT (ACCT) 8525 2174 5215 159141621 BAROT MAHENDRAKUMAR J. S.B.O. GR-II 3680 938 3096 7714

1623 RANA PRUTHVISINH H. PLANT OP. GR.-I 9025 2301 7437 187631624 UPADHYAYA KAMLESHKUMAR HS.S. HELPER 3030 773 2569 63721625 PATEL MAHENDRAKUMAR S. S.S. HELPER 3100 791 2471 63621626 SOLANKI HITENDRASINH G. S.S. HELPER 3100 791 1991 58821627 PATIL VINUBHAI M. S.S. HELPER 6710 2797 3244 127511628 MAHETA HEMANTKUMAR K. S.S. HELPER 3030 773 2418 62211629 SUIHAR SALIMBHAI A. JR. ENGINEER 9825 2505 8157 204871630 PATEL MAHESHKUMAR B. HELPER 3030 773 2569 63721631 VAGHADIYA KISHORKUMAR S.HELPER 3250 829 2749 68281632 PATEL RAISINGH M. S.B.O. GR-I 4380 1117 2991 84881633 PRAJAPATI ASHOKKUMAR L. S.B.O. GR-I 4280 1091 2926 82971634 DAVE CHIRAGBHAI A. S.B.O. GR-II 3680 938 2529 71471635 PATEL BHANUBHAI P. S.B.O. GR-I 5305 1353 3602 102601636 PRAJAPATI RAMESHBHAI R. HELPER 3100 791 2146 60371637 DAVE GAJENDRAKUMAR S. HELPER 4135 1055 2880 80701638 MALIWAD RAYSINGHBHAI N. HELPER 3250 829 2246 63251639 PATEL MAHESHKUMAR C. HELPER 2960 755 2054 57691640 DESAI NAVGHANBHAI N. HELPER 3100 791 1992 58831642 PATEL JAYESHKUMAR K. HELPER 3030 773 2559 63621643 CHAUDHARI ISHVARBHAI N. HELPER 2960 755 2512 62271644 BALEVIYA BABUBHAI G. DRIVER 4100 1046 2602 77481645 BAROT RAJENDRAKUMAR J. HELPER 3175 810 2529 65141646 PATEL RAMESHBHAI C. JR. ENGINEER 7250 1849 5808 149071647 VYAS HARSHADRAY U. HELPER 3475 886 2758 71191648 PARMAR KIRTIKUMAR S. HELPER 2820 719 2398 59371649 RAVAL R. N. JR. ENGINEER 8250 2104 6205 165591650 PARMAR M.M. HELPER 3400 867 2345 66121651 RATHOD M A JR. ENGINEER 6500 1658 5106 132641652 PATEL N J HELPER 3030 773 2569 63721653 CHAUHAN U.V PLANT OP. GR.-I 9025 2301 7186 185121654 VANKAR KHEMABHAI J HELPER 3175 810 2528 65131655 KHANT VINUBHAI K HELPER 2820 719 2258 57971656 ISUBBHAI IBRAHIMBHAI ZAZHELPER 3030 773 1949 57521657 PARMAR VINODKUMAR A JR. ENGINEER 8000 2040 6901 169411658 KHOKHARIYA J J HELPER 3030 773 2418 62211659 ASARI H.B. HELPER 3100 791 2471 63621660 GAMETI AKBARBHAI BABUBHIHELPER 3030 773 2886 66891661 BHAGORA M.D. JR. ENGINEER 6750 1721 6645 151161662 ZALA G R HELPER 3935 1004 3305 82441802 PATEL CHIMANLAL .S DY SUPDT (ACCT) 10775 2748 6566 200891806 RATHOD KANUBHAI.Z. SR. ASSISTANT 5600 1428 3601 106291807 PATEL GIRISHKUMAR S. SR. ASSISTANT 5425 1383 3185 99931808 VOHRA ABDULWAHID H. JR. ASST(TYPIST) 5600 1428 3600 106281809 CHAVDA PRAHLADBHAI.S. DRIVER GR-II 7100 1811 8688 175991810 PARMAR. KANUBHAI. M. PEON 5305 1353 3019 96771814 OZA VINODCHANDRA.A. JR. ENGINEER 10925 2786 10907 246181816 PANDIT NACHIKET. U. JR. ENGINEER 10700 2729 8500 219291818 MAKWANA HEMTAJI.M. PLANT OP. GR.-I 9275 2365 7598 192381819 RAMI AMRUTLAL H. JR. ENGINEER 10650 2716 10636 240021820 PATEL BHAGABHAI K PLANT OP. GR.-I 9825 2505 8086 204161821 VIHOL SHANKARJI.P PLANT OP. GR.-I 9025 2301 7437 187631824 KADIYA JAGANNATH. C. ASST. OP. GR.-I 6575 1677 5119 13371

1825 PRAJAPATI KANABHAI.G. ASST. OP. GR.-I 6775 1728 5610 141131827 PRAJAPATI BABUBHAI M. SR. ELECTRICIAN 7775 1983 5637 153951828 PATEL SURESHKUMAR.P. TELECOM TECH. 5150 1313 3695 101581829 PATEL NANALAL V. DRIVER GR-I 5425 1383 3681 104891831 PATEL HIRABHAI.M. LINEMAN 6055 1544 3795 113941832 BHATT MUKESHCHANDRA.N...ELECTRICIAN 5100 1301 4302 107031834 PATEL DASHARATHBHAI.N. LINEMAN 5180 1321 3519 100201835 PATHAN ZAKIRULLAKHAN.I S.B.O. GR-I 4180 1066 3503 87491837 PATEL VISHNUBHAI.N. S.B.O. GR-II 3935 1004 3709 86481838 PRAJAPATI KASTURBHAI D. S.B.O. GR-II 3935 1004 3305 82441839 PATEL MUKESHKUMAR.M. S.B.O. GR-II 3765 960 3553 82781840 TRIVEDI RAJENDRAKUMAR K.S.B.O. GR-I 3980 1015 3341 83361841 RAWAL DINESHKUMAR.B. S.B.O. GR-II 3680 938 3097 77151842 VAIDHA JITENDRAKUMAR.C. HELPER 5055 1289 3961 103051843 PATEL RAMESHBHAI.H. HELPER 3680 938 3084 77021844 PATEL SATISHKUMAR.A. S.B.O. GR-II 3765 960 3053 77781845 AMIN JAYANTIBHAI.D. HELPER 4035 1029 4007 90711846 PATEL MAHENDRAKUMAR.G. HELPER 1117.66 285.08 905 23071847 PATEL ASHOKKUMAR.N. HELPER 3595 917 3028 75401850 PATEL RAJNIKANT C. HELPER 4035 1029 3471 85351852 VAGHELA NATWARLAL.C. P/T SWEEPER 504.4 0 742 12461858 PATEL HARSHAD.J. JR. ENGINEER 9800 2499 10739 230381862 PATEL RAMESHKUMAR.M. PLANT OP. GR.-I 7750 1976 6176 159021864 PATEL RAISINGHBHAI C. LINE INSPECTOR 7750 1976 4828 145541866 VOHRA ABDULMAJID.A. LINEMAN 5600 1428 4644 116721867 BARIYA GULABSINH.V. AST. LINEMAN 4860 1239 3065 91641868 DAMOR KANTIBHAI.D. AST. LINEMAN 4235 1080 2684 79991869 RAVAL NARESHKUMAR.A. AST. LINEMAN 4035 1029 2764 78281870 PATEL RAMESHCHANDRA.H. S.B.O. GR-II 3765 960 3166 78911872 PATEL HEMANTKUMAR R. HELPER 3475 886 2746 71071873 DAVE VIJAYKUMAR P. HELPER 3475 886 2920 72811874 KHANMA KIRANBHAI.N. HELPER 3475 886 2745 71061875 TARAR KANTIBHAI K. HELPER 3475 886 2746 71071876 BHANGI LAXMANBHAI.R. P/T SWEEPER 504.4 0 741 12461877 PATEL NATWARLAL.V. DY. ENGINEER 14400 3672 12394 304661878 PATEL VIJAY.K. JR. ENGINEER 10400 2652 7796 208481880 PATEL MAGANBHAI.J. PLANT OP. GR.-I 11200 2856 9482 235381882 PATEL RAMCHANDRABHAI S. PLANT OP. GR.-I 9825 2505 8332 206621884 PATEL DASHARATHBHAI.M. S.B.O. GR-I 5225 1332 4351 109081885 KORI ASHOKKUMAR.B. S.B.O. GR-I 5350 1364 4185 108991886 CHAUDHARI LAVJIBHAI G. S.B.O. GR-I 5055 1289 4214 105581887 PATEL PRAVINBHAI S. S.B.O. GR-I 4380 1117 3446 89431890 PATEL KANTIBHAI V. LINE INSPECTOR 7350 1874 4584 138081892 PATEL DASHARATHBHAI.B. S.B.O. GR-II 3935 1004 2699 76381893 THAKOR CHANDUJI.S. S.B.O. GR-I 4180 1066 3503 87491894 PARMAR KANTILAL H S.B.O. GR-II 3935 1004 3690 86291895 PARMAR ISHVARLAL.A. AST. LINEMAN 3680 938 2621 72391896 PATEL RAJESHKUMAR K S.B.O. GR-II 3680 938 2604 72221897 MEHTA YOGESHKUMAR.C. HELPER 3416 871 3267 75541898 KADIYA VISHNUKUMAR.R. HELPER 3595 917 2564 70761899 BHAGORA KANTILAL S HELPER 3400 867 2699 69661901 MAKWANA RAMESH.C. P/T SWEEPER 748.46 0 1169 1917

1907 PATEL KANAIYALAL.J. LINEMAN 5180 1321 3650 101511908 PATEL NARENDRAKUMAR.I. S.B.O. GR-I 4180 1066 3293 85391912 PATEL KIRITKUMAR.K. S.B.O. GR-I 5055 1289 4214 105581913 PARMAR HASMUKHKUMAR.M. S.B.O. GR-I 4380 1117 3446 89431914 PRAJAPATI BHIKHABHAI.D. S.B.O. GR-I 4280 1091 3584 89551915 MANSURI MOHMEDAIYUB.F. S.B.O. GR-I 8660 2208 6142 170101916 BARIA MANORSINH K LINEMAN 5650 1441 3547 106381917 THAKOR VIRAMJI.B. AST. LINEMAN 4805 1225 3272 93021918 CHAUHAN SURESHCHANDRA.K.S.B.O. GR-II 3680 938 3097 77151919 THAKOR VAJAJI.P. HELPER 3475 886 2291 66521920 PATEL PRAVINKUMAR.S. HELPER 3400 867 2700 69671921 BHANGI KANUBHAI.L. P/T SWEEPER 504.4 0 742 12461922 CHAUHAN MOSAMKHAN M. ASST. OP. GR.-I 6375 1626 5286 132871923 PATEL KARSHANBHAI.C. ASST. OP. GR.-I 6775 1728 5610 141131924 PATEL NATWARLAL.H. ASST. OP. GR.-I 6775 1728 10691 191941925 SHRIMALI PRAHLADBHAI. D.ASST. OP. GR-II 6125 1562 5403 130901926 PATEL RAMANLAL D. LINEMAN 7250 1849 4608 137071927 VAGHELA ISHVARBHAI.N. LINEMAN 4680 1193 3190 90631928 PANDYA RAKESHKUMAR.B. HELPER 3550 905 2803 72581929 DESAI HARGOVANBHAI H. S.B.O. GR-I 4180 1066 3369 86151930 DARJI CHANDRAKANT.M. HELPER 3475 886 2746 71071931 PARMAR ARVINDKUMAR.C. S.B.O. GR-II 3550 905 3067 75221932 PANDYA DILIPKUMAR. A. S.S. HELPER 3400 867 3173 74401934 BHANGI BABUBHAI C. P/T SWEEPER 455.59 0 655 11111935 CHAVDA MAHENDRASINH.L. S.B.O. GR-I 5225 1332 4351 109081936 CHAVDA JILUJI.N. LINEMAN 5650 1441 3547 106381937 MISTRY VIJAYKUMAR.P. ASST. OP. GR-II 6375 1626 5386 133871938 PATEL ASHVINBHAI.P AST. LINEMAN 4035 1029 2765 78291939 FERA MAGANBHAI D. AST. LINEMAN 4035 1029 3254 83181940 CHAUDHARI BHAGUBHAI R. AST. LINEMAN 4035 1029 2765 78291942 PRAJAPATI RAMESHBHAI.A. HELPER 3680 938 2913 75311944 PRAJAPATI BABUBHAI.M. S.B.O. GR-I 4280 1091 2925 82961945 PATEL CHAMANBHAI.B. S.B.O. GR-I 4480 1142 3746 93681946 MODI MAHESHKUMAR A. S.B.O. GR-I 4930 1257 3865 100521947 PATEL KANJIBHAI.B. S.B.O. GR-I 4930 1257 3865 100521948 PATHAN HUSENKHAN.A. LINEMAN 5650 1441 3547 106381949 PATEL SANATKUMAR.U. AST. LINEMAN 3935 1004 2784 77231950 PATEL SHAILESHKUMAR.B. HELPER 3595 917 2849 73611951 PATEL PRAVINBHAI.R. AST. LINEMAN 4035 1029 2764 78281952 THAKOR KALUJI.S. S.B.O. GR-II 3765 960 2978 77031954 JOSHI BHASKARRAI.H PLANT OP. GR.-I 8025 2046 6223 162941955 PARMAR YASHVANTSHINH. S.ASST. OP. GR.-I 6375 1626 5286 132871956 PRANAMI MANABHAI P. ASST. OP. GR.-I 6575 1677 5119 133711957 CHAUDHARI MAHENDRAKUM.S ASST. OP. GR.-I 6375 1626 4937 129381958 PARMAR ALKHABHAI J LINEMAN 5350 1364 4166 108801959 CHAUDHARY KACHARABHAI D.AST. LINEMAN 4035 1029 2865 79291960 RAVAL PRAVINKUMAR. M. S.B.O. GR-II 4735 1208 3717 96601961 PATEL RAMANBHAI V S.B.O. GR-II 4035 1029 3386 84501963 CHAUDHARY AMRATBHAI.K. HELPER 3475 886 2920 72811965 SATHWARA RAMESHKUMAR.K. HELPER 3400 867 2700 69671967 VAGHELA MUKESHBHAI G. P/T SWEEPER 504.4 0 741 12451968 JANI DILIPKUMAR B. S.B.O. GR-I 4930 1257 4365 10552

1969 PATEL BALDEVBHAI.R. HELPER 3765 960 3166 78911970 BHAGORA RANCHHODBHAI K S.B.O. GR-I 3980 1015 3141 81361971 PATEL SHANKERBHAI.R. HELPER 6550 1670 5427 136471972 CHAUHAN PRAVINKUMAR.S. HELPER 3595 917 3029 75411973 PATEL ASHOKBHAI.P. HELPER 3475 886 2989 73501974 PATEL SOMABHAI.P. DY. ENGINEER 11650 2971 10354 249751975 PATEL DASHARATHBHAI A. ASST.OP.GR-III 5350 1364 4434 111481976 PATEL PRAVINKUMAR.J. S.B.O. GR-I 5225 1332 4886 114431977 MODI PANKAJKUMAR. B. S.B.O. GR-I 4280 1091 3370 87411978 THAKOR VIRAMJI.F. S.B.O. GR-I 4280 1091 3369 87401979 PARMAR BABARJI.N. ASST. OP. GR.-I 6175 1575 4814 125641982 PATEL KANUBHAI.P. S.B.O. GR-I 4180 1066 2945 81911983 PATEL VISHNUBHAI.J. S.B.O. GR-II 3765 960 3166 78911984 KHANT BACHUBHAI.V. HELPER 3595 917 2849 73611985 CHAVDA PRATAPSINH.D. WATCHMAN 5180 1321 3519 100201986 MAKWANA CHATURBHAI.D. P/T SWEEPER 504.4 0 741 12461987 PATEL JAYANTIBHAI.D. S.B.O. GR-I 5430 1385 4500 113151988 PATEL SITARAM. M. S.B.O. GR-I 5225 1332 4416 109731989 PATEL SURESHBHAI.V. S.B.O. GR-I 5225 1332 4090 106471990 TRIVEDI DINESHCHANDRA.R.S.B.O. GR-I 5225 1332 4352 109091991 RATHOD JAGATSINH.U. LINEMAN 5650 1441 3547 106381992 PATEL RAMESHBHAI.M. S.B.O. GR-I 4080 1040 3421 85411993 PATEL VISHNUBHAI M S.B.O. GR-II 3935 1004 3375 83141994 PRAJAPATI AMRUTBHAI.P. S.B.O. GR-II 3765 960 2468 71931995 PATEL JASWANTBHAI S S.B.O. GR-II 3680 938 3097 77151996 MAKWANA KALYANJI.V. HELPER 3595 917 3029 75411997 PATEL MOHANBHAI C. HELPER 3475 886 2757 71182002 RAMI RAJNIKANT K. DY. ENGINEER 15525 3959 12831 323152008 DARJI MUKESHBHAI.B. HELPER 3680 938 3097 77152012 PATEL HASHMUKHLAL I HELPER 3325 848 2892 70652013 NINAMA CHANDUBHAI.S. HELPER 3850 982 3042 78742014 NINAMA KIRANKUMAR.R. HELPER 3400 867 2174 64412015 PATEL BHAGABHAI.B. HELPER 3680 938 2530 71482018 PATEL SURENDRAKUMAR T. HELPER 3680 938 3084 77022019 TABIYAR RAMESHBHAI.V. HELPER 3595 917 2849 73612021 PATEL MANILAL.K. JR. ENGINEER 9500 2423 8427 203502022 DAMOR JIVABHAI.M. HELPER 3595 917 2848 73602023 CHHATRALA JAYVADAN C. HELPER 3510 895 2783 71882024 PRAJAPATI RAMESHBHAI.B. HELPER 3935 1004 2783 77222025 PATEL VISHNUBHAI.D. HELPER 4135 1055 13141 183312027 PRAJAPATI ASHVINKUMAR.G.DY. ENGINEER 11325 2888 9387 236002030 PATEL RAMESHKUMAR D. HELPER 3100 791 2626 65172031 RABARI TEJABHAI.J. HELPER 3100 791 2696 65872032 PATEL RAMESHBHAI R HELPER 3100 791 1991 58822033 DAMOR MANGALABHAI.D. HELPER 3175 810 2365 63502034 PATEL PRAVINKUMAR H. HELPER 3250 829 2749 68282035 PATEL ALPESHKUMAR. M. HELPER 3680 938 3084 77022036 PATEL PARSHOTTAMBHAI.R. HELPER 3680 938 2345 69632038 CHAUHAN RANJISHINH. A. HELPER 3250 829 2748 68272040 PATEL BABUBHAI.J. PLANT OP. GR.-I 9275 2365 7176 188162041 PATEL MAHESHKUMAR.P. JR. ENGINEER 9800 2499 8137 204362042 PATEL MUKESHKUMAR.R. JR. ENGINEER 9800 2499 8752 21051

2043 PATEL SHARADKUMAR.V. JR. ENGINEER 9500 2423 12428 243512044 PRAJAPATI MAHESHBHAI.P. JR. ENGINEER 9800 2499 7646 199452045 PATEL MAHENDRAKUMAR.R. HELPER 3100 791 2626 65172046 CHAVDA DINESHKUMAR.V. HELPER 3030 773 2839 66422047 VOHRA ZUBERBHAI.B. JR. ENGINEER 8250 2104 7072 174262048 PATEL PARSHOTTAMBHAI.K. S.B.O. GR-I 5055 1289 3438 97822051 PATEL SUNILBHAI.K. HELPER 3175 810 2687 66722053 MEWADA JITENDRA A. DY. ENGINEER 14025 3576 12255 298562054 PATEL PRAVINKUMAR D. HELPER 3030 773 2569 63722056 SATHVARA NATVARBHAI M. HELPER 3635 927 2879 74412057 PATEL VIPULKUMAR B. HELPER 3030 773 2574 63772058 PATEL MANILAL.A. HELPER 3100 791 2704 65952059 KADIYA RAJESHKUMAR K. HELPER 3250 829 3164 72432060 VIHOL JAGDISH.M. HELPER 3030 773 2407 62102061 PATEL SHAILESH.C. HELPER 3030 773 2559 63622062 PATEL VIPULKUMAR.K. HELPER 3030 773 2559 63622063 PATEL DINESHBHAI.S. HELPER 3030 773 2559 63622064 PATEL GIRISHKUMAR.N. HELPER 3030 773 2101 59042065 PATEL KIRTIKUMAR M. HELPER 3030 773 2559 63622066 DHIRMALANI PRAKSAH.S. DY. ENGINEER 11325 2888 8821 230342067 PATEL JITENDRAKUMAR.J. AST. LINEMAN 3595 917 2474 69862068 PARMAR RAMABHAI S. PLANT OP. GR.-I 8525 2174 6605 173042070 CHAVDA VIKRAMSINH L. JR. ASSISTANT 4850 1237 3011 90982071 SONI VIJAYKUMAR A. JR. ASSISTANT 5425 1383 3946 107542072 KHARADI RAMJIBHAI.K WATCHMAN 3325 848 2643 68162073 PARMAR JITENDRAKUMAR D. HELPER 2820 719 2258 57972074 ASARI BABUBHAI R. WATCHMAN 3325 848 2130 63032075 PATEL KANAIYALAL N S.B.O. GR-I 5055 1289 4732 110762076 SUKHADIA HASMUKHABHAI R.DY. ENGINEER 11000 2805 10981 247862077 PARMAR KISHANBHAI B. HELPER 3805 970 3008 77832078 PRAJAPATI JITENDRA I. HELPER 3030 773 2407 62102079 KANORIYA ARUN HIRABHAI JR. ENGINEER 7000 1785 7027 158122080 FANEJA SHANKARBHAI N. HELPER 3100 791 2626 65172081 PARMAR BHAGVANDAS N. HELPER 3550 905 2897 73522082 PATEL RAMESHBHAI K. HELPER 3030 773 2407 62102083 DAVE JANAKKUMAR J. JR. ENGINEER 7250 1849 5683 147822084 BARANDA MUKESHKUMAR L. HELPER 3100 791 2626 65172085 CHAUDHARI MANILAL B HELPER 3030 773 2407 62102086 BARANDA RAJESHKUMAR K HELPER 3100 791 2626 65172087 CHAMAR LAVAJIBHAI V HELPER 3100 791 2626 65172088 RATHOD AGARSINH N HELPER 3030 773 1949 57522089 BANGA JAGADISHKUMAR B HELPER 3100 791 2471 63622090 GANASAVA JYANTIBHAI A HELPER 3030 773 1949 57522091 MAKAWANA ALPESHKUMAR H HELPER 2820 719 4326 78652092 CHAMAR DAHYABHAI G. HELPER 3325 848 2643 68162093 CHAUDHJARY ISHVARBHAI F HELPER 5305 1353 4417 110752094 PATEL MAHENDRAKUMAR B HELPER 3030 773 2101 59042095 PARMAR GIRISHKUMAR P DY. ENGINEER 11800 3009 11106 259152096 KHARADI JAYNTIBHAI S. HELPER 3030 773 2413 62162103 PRAJAPATI RANCHHOD. P. DY. ENGINEER 14400 3672 11404 294762107 THAKOR CHHANAJI. R. DY SUPDT (ACCT) 10025 2556 6407 189882117 MANSURI JAVIDHUSEN G. SR. ASSISTANT 5600 1428 3701 10729

2118 CHAUHAN MUKESHKUMAR. J JR. ASSISTANT 5250 1339 3382 99712119 VARDHAN JYOTSANA.M. SR. ASSISTANT 5250 1339 3251 98402120 MAKWANA ISHWARJI. M. JR. ASSISTANT 5425 1383 3492 103002123 VASAVA MAHENDRA P. SR. ASSISTANT 5425 1383 3491 102992124 PARMAR BINDUBEN J. SR. ASSISTANT 5425 1383 3492 103002128 PATHAN SALIMKHAN. A. TRACER 7100 1811 4538 134492129 JANI DHARMESH A. TRACER 6175 1575 4130 118802134 RAJGOR NARANBHAI. J. DRIVER 8275 2110 6705 170902135 THAKOR MANAJI. T. DRIVER 7775 1983 4844 146022136 PRAJAPATI MAHENDRA. G. STORE HELPER 3510 895 2505 69102139 THAKOR GANDAJI. M. CLEANER 4135 1055 2934 81242145 BHIL PRAVIN. S. PEON 3175 810 1847 58322146 SHAH TUSHAR.P. JR. ASSISTANT 5250 1339 3382 99712147 PARMAR RAJESH B. STORE HELPER 3250 829 2327 64062149 PRAJAPATI MANJULABEN.K. JR. ASSISTANT 4750 1211 3069 90302150 CHAUDHARI KIRTIKUMAR. F.WATCHMAN 3325 848 2811 69842151 SHAH SHANTILAL. B. SR. ASSISTANT 5600 1428 3700 107282154 DOSHI SURESHKUMAR. M. E. E. 15900 4055 12265 322202155 KHAMAR YOGESH. R. JR. ASSISTANT 6975 1779 4460 132142156 NAYEE VITHALBHAI. S. SUPDT (ACCOUNTS) 12435.59 3171.28 7904 235112157 LAKUM SHANKARJI. C. PEON 3030 773 1994 57972158 PATEL SMT. ASHABEN. K. JR. ASSISTANT 4000 1020 2600 76202159 TETAR JITENDRA.V. DY. ENGINEER 14400 3672 10215 282872187 PATEL VINOD. I. DY. ENGINEER 11650 2971 9246 238672189 JOSHI KAUSHIKKUMAR.I. SR. ASSISTANT 7100 1811 4539 134502190 SHIRAZI WAQUAR A. SR. ASSISTANT 5600 1428 3600 106282193 RAJPUT HIRSINGH. B. LINEMAN 6725 1715 4203 126432198 PRAJAPATI GANDABHAI. V. DRIVER 8025 2046 5599 156702199 PATEL DAHYABHAI. S. SURVEYOR GR-II 8775 2238 6112 171252200 CHAUDHARI VALJIBHAI M. WATCHMAN 3325 848 2892 70652202 PARMAR SHAILESH. A. JR. ASSISTANT 4000 1020 2600 76202203 TRIVEDI KAMALESHKUMAR.M.DY. ENGINEER 14775 3768 13973 325162204 SONI SUNIL. M. JR. ENGINEER 10400 2652 8576 216282205 LIMBACHIYA JAGDISH. A. DY. ENGINEER 14025 3576 11531 291322211 PARIKH JAYENDRA. H. DY. ENGINEER 12950 3302 10654 269062212 SHAH RAKESH. C. JR. ENGINEER 11000 2805 9066 228712213 PARMAR RAMANBHAI. S. SR. ASSISTANT 8025 2046 4915 149862214 JADAV RAMESHCHANDRA. N. JR. ASSISTANT 5425 1383 3492 103002216 THAKOR SENDHSJI RAMAJI DRIVER 9525 2429 6625 185792217 PATHAN IDRISKHAN. M. CIVIL MISTRY 7775 1983 5427 151852220 PATEL MAHENDRA. R. JR. ENGINEER 11325 2888 9331 235442221 DAVE UTPAL. K. JR. ASSISTANT 4000 1020 2600 76202233 RAJPUT NARPATSINH A. JR. ENGINEER 11000 2805 8240 220452237 ASARI KANTILAL. T. WATCHMAN 3935 1004 2502 74412238 CHAUHAN RAJENDRASINH. D.PEON 4035 1029 2598 76622241 BHAGORA RAVISHANKAR. K. JR. ASSISTANT 4850 1237 3132 92192242 THAKOR RANCHHOD. C. SR. ASSISTANT 7575 1932 4646 141532243 PATEL SOMABHAI. N. JR. ENGINEER 9800 2499 7842 201412244 PATEL NANALAL. V. DY. ENGINEER 14775 3768 11773 303162246 PARMAR HANSABEN N. JR. ASSISTANT 4225 1077 2636 79382247 PARMAR RAJENDRA.M CIVIL MISTRY 4350 1109 4122 95812251 JOSHI KIRTIKUMAR V. DY. ENGINEER 12150 3098 11126 26374

2256 DABHI KUMESHCHANDRA. H. SURVEYOR GR-II 8775 2238 5454 164672257 PARIHAR CHHAGANLAL. H. LINE INSPECTOR 8525 2174 5940 166392259 PATEL CHHAGANBHAI G. LINEMAN 5055 1289 3185 95292260 KUSHWAHA DEVNARAYAN. C. WATCHMAN 4735 1208 2989 89322263 PATEL VINAYCHANDRA. J. JR. ENGINEER 10700 2729 8751 221802265 MAKWANA BIPINCHANDRA C. JR. ASSISTANT 4000 1020 2496 75162266 MAKWANA GITABEN. J. PEON 3175 810 2085 60702267 LODHARI DHARMESH S. JR. ENGINEER 7750 1976 6068 157942269 SHAH PARESH. J. DY. ENGINEER 11975 3054 14112 291412270 CHAVDA KANUBHAI B. PEON 5180 1321 2950 94512271 DANTANI CHHAGANBHAI. B. JR. ASSISTANT 5250 1339 3251 98402278 PATEL KETAN. H. JR. ENGINEER 9800 2499 7842 201412279 BHRAMBHATT ARVINDKUMAR MJR. ASSISTANT 5250 1339 3251 98402280 ASARI AMRUTLAL. K. SR. ASSISTANT 6975 1779 4286 130402281 PARMAR ATUL. S. JR. DRAUGHTMAN 5425 1383 3491 102992282 PATEL HASHMUK. N. LINE INSPECTOR 5950 1517 3880 113472283 PATEL RAMANSIH. C. LINEMAN 5500 1403 3455 103582284 THAKOR JAYANTI. R. PEON 6900 1760 4414 130742285 DAMOR SAVAJIBHAI. S. WATCHMAN 3680 938 3189 78072286 KHARADI CHANDUBHAI.D. WATCHMAN 3935 1004 2797 77362287 KHARADI SURESH. H. STORE HELPER 3400 867 2429 66962296 PRAJAPATI VISHNU. K. DY. ENGINEER 11975 3054 9561 245902299 DESHMUKH ASHOKBHAI.B. DY. ENGINEER 13275 3385 10589 272492301 MANISH V PATEL JR. ASSISTANT 3600 918 2260 67782302 PATEL VINODCHANDRA N JR. ENGINEER 11000 2805 8791 225962303 KHATRI BHADRESH B DY. ENGINEER 11000 2805 8791 225962501 GURJAR JITENDRAKUMAR K. JR. ENGINEER 9500 2423 7416 193392502 SHAH PARESHKUMAR C. DY. ENGINEER 11325 2888 9122 233352503 JOSHI HITESHKUMAR.I. HELPER 3510 895 2783 71882513 PATEL ASHVINBHAI.D. DY. ENGINEER 15150 3863 12343 313562519 PATEL MANILAL S. PLANT OP. GR.-I 10650 2716 8757 221232520 SOLANKI NARPATSING H. PLANT OP. GR.-I 9550 2435 7385 193702521 PATEL NATVARLAL D. ASST. OP. GR.-I 5600 1428 5779 128072523 PATEL KANTIBHAI A. DY SUPDT (ACCT) 10525 2684 7417 206262526 PATEL ANJANABEN C. JR. ASST(TYPIST) 4750 1211 3111 90722527 ARYA RAJNIKANT S. TELE.ATTN 6875 1753 4639 132672528 CHARAN NATUBHAI .B A.SEC.INSPECTOR 5600 1428 5051 120792529 CONTRACTOR ATULKUMAR S. MISTRY 6400 1632 4324 123562530 PATEL MAHENDRAKUMAR B. A.C. P.A. 6875 1753 5174 138022531 BHATT SURESHKUMAR M. DRIVER GR-I 5975 1524 3896 113952534 KURESHI BACHUBHAI. J. LINE INSPECTOR 8350 2129 5194 156732543 PATEL GHANSHYAMBHAI K. FIREMAN 3980 1015 2802 77972546 THAKOR JAVANJI P. HELPER 3975 1014 3338 83272547 PARGI BADJIBHAI K. HELPER 3680 938 2715 73332548 PRAJAPATI AMRUTBHAI M. HELPER 3680 938 3097 77152549 PRAJAPATI MANABHAI D. HELPER 3680 938 2345 69632551 WAGHELA RAMESHBHAI.N. AST. LINEMAN 4335 1106 2963 84042552 WAGHELA NARSINH MAGANLALAST. LINEMAN 4135 1055 2933 81232553 WAGHELA NATUSHINH. L. AST. LINEMAN 4235 1080 2896 82112555 THAKOR AMRAJI MANGAJI HELPER 4035 1029 2764 78282556 BARIYA GOPALBHAI. D. AST. LINEMAN 5206.36 1327.72 3306 98402557 PATEL SHANKERBHAI.R. AST. LINEMAN 4135 1055 2624 7814

2558 PARMAR BHALABHAI B AST. LINEMAN 4135 1055 2623 78132559 CHRISTIAN JOHN J. CLEANER 3680 938 2416 70342561 PANDOR JIVAJI.B. WATCHMAN 4135 1055 3260 84502565 THAKER NAYANABEN R. PEON 3595 917 2078 65902567 BHANGI DASHRATHBHAI M. PART TIME SWEEPR 504.4 0 742 12462569 PATEL SURYAKANT M E. E. 16275 4150 13365 337902571 PATEL ASMITKUMAR B. JR. ENGINEER 9200 2346 8223 197692572 VAGHELA PRAFULKUMAR P. PLANT OP. GR.-I 6650 1696 5185 135312574 DABHI MUKESHKUMAR RAVAJIGARDNER(MALI) 628.88 160.41 566 13562575 SOLANKI GANPATBHAI N. KAMDAR 3250 829 2246 63252578 DAVE ARVINDKUMAR C. SR. ASSISTANT 8013 2114 4675 148022583 SOLANKI HASHMUKHBHAI M. TECHNICIAN GR-II 4000 1020 2540 75602585 SAXENA VIJAYKUMAR R. DRIVER GR-I 4100 1046 2602 77482586 PATEL DALPATSINH G. HELPER 3475 886 2221 65822587 VANKAR ARVINDBHAI.P. HELPER 3400 867 2174 64412588 PARMAR DAHYABHAI S. HELPER 3325 848 2643 68162592 VAHORA MOHMADUMAR G. E. E. 15525 3959 12366 318502596 PATEL NARENDRA KESHAVLALHELPER 3175 810 2632 66172598 BAVA DASHARATHGER B. PLANT OP. GR.-I 9000 2295 7416 187112599 PANDYA HITESHKUMAR H. FIREMAN 4735 1208 2989 89322600 PATEL DINESHBHAI M HELPER 3175 810 2688 66732601 JOSHI DHANANJAY M. JR. ENGINEER 9800 2499 7646 199452602 VAJUBHA A.GOHIL HELPER 4335 1106 3413 88542604 PATEL SAILESHKUMAR K. HELPER 3175 810 2529 65142605 THAKOR BALUBEN R. GARDNER(MALI) 2960 755 2055 57702606 DAVE SUNILKUMAR P. JR. ENGINEER 7250 1849 5683 147822607 KOTHARI RAMESHCHANDRA K.E. E. 16275 4150 14419 348442608 PATEL PRAVINKUMAR A. HELPER 3100 791 3040 69312609 NINAMA HITENDRAKUMAR P. HELPER 3550 905 3010 74652610 PATEL VINODKUMAR V. HELPER 3030 773 2019 58222612 PATEL DHANABHAI.R. HELPER 2960 755 2055 57702613 PATEL RAMESHBHAI MANILALHELPER 3030 773 2101 59042614 PATEL PRAHLADBHAI K. HELPER 4380 1117 3665 91622615 NITESHKUMAR M. BAROT 00FIREMAN 3765 960 2585 73102616 CHAVADA KIRITCHANDRA S. HELPER 2820 719 2403 59422617 SOLANKI VINODKUMAR I. HELPER 2820 719 1821 53602618 CHAVADA PRAVINJI K HELPER 2820 719 1961 55002619 PATEL AMRUTLAL.P. DY. ENGINEER 11000 2805 10431 242362620 PRAJAPATI MUKESHBHAI G. FIREMAN 3125 797 2008 59302621 JADAV RAMESHCHANDRA D. HELPER 3100 791 2062 59532622 PATEL SUMANBHAI B. HELPER 3030 773 1949 57522623 PARMAR BABUBHAI M HELPER 3030 773 1949 5752

3 PANCHAL D.K. DY. ENGINEER 15150 3863 12448 3146111 MISTRY C.S. DY SUPDT (ACCT) 10025 2556 6367 1894812 GOSWAMI K.M. SR. ASSISTANT 7175 1830 4507 1351215 MAHETA V.A. SR. ASSISTANT 6375 1626 3757 1175818 PARMAR G.R. SR. ASSISTANT 6000 1530 3850 1138020 PATEL J.C. SR. ASSISTANT 7325 1868 4678 1387121 H.R. THAKER SR. ASSISTANT 7100 1811 4538 1344922 DAVE G.L. SR. ASSISTANT 5600 1428 3601 1062924 PATEL G.J. JR. ASSISTANT 4600 1173 2975 874825 PARMAR R.L. SR. ASSISTANT 4750 1211 3069 9030

27 DHOBI R.M. ASST. OP. GR.-I 8675 2212 7480 1836728 PARMAR V.D. TRACER 5075 1294 3273 964230 PATEL A.H. DRIVER GR-I 4900 1250 3190 934031 PATEL B.B. ELECTRICIAN 3980 1015 4662 965732 PANCHAL P.A. PEON 4235 1080 2642 795733 DABHI L.D. PEON 3765 960 2454 717934 RAVAL B.N. PEON 3765 960 2454 717935 PATEL R.S. E. E. 15150 3863 11690 3070336 NINAMA R T S.B.O. GR-I 3540 903 2806 724938 R.I. NAGORI E. DRIVER GR-II 5600 1428 3937 1096541 RAVAL H.S. HELPER 3175 810 2569 655451 M J BHATI JR. ASSISTANT 4750 1211 3069 903054 M I NAGORI JR. ASSISTANT 3500 893 2289 668255 A S PATEL JR. ENGINEER 9000 2295 7430 1872556 K D SHUKLA JR. ASSISTANT 3500 893 2288 668157 J D BARAD JR. ASSISTANT 3500 893 2288 668159 DAVE K C SUPDT (ACCOUNTS) 10925 2786 7354 2106561 SOLANKI R D AST. SECRETARY 11525 2939 7303 21767

105 K.G.PATEL SR. ASSISTANT 5425 1383 3355 10163106 K.S.PATEL SR. ASSISTANT 4900 1250 3263 9413107 J.S.NAYEE SR. ASSISTANT 5600 1428 3601 10629114 V.P. PARMAR DY. ENGINEER 11450 2920 9089 23459119 R.M. JOSHI PLANT OP. GR.-I 9550 2435 9560 21545120 D.M. BHAGAT PLANT OP. GR.-I 9550 2435 7385 19370124 I.B. BAROT ASST. OP. GR.-I 6975 1779 6213 14967125 L.R. CHAUDHARY ASST. OP. GR.-I 6975 1779 5424 14178126 A.P.MEWADA ASST. OP. GR.-I 6975 1779 5947 14701127 P.N. PARMAR ASST. OP. GR.-I 6975 1779 5773 14527128 N.B.PATEL LINEMAN 4180 1066 2650 7896129 P.A. ASARI LINEMAN 3980 1015 2528 7523130 N.K. DESHMUKH ELECTICIAN GR II 4080 1040 2589 7709131 J.A.AGEWAN S.B.O. GR-II 3765 960 2965 7690133 P.B.PATEL AST. LINEMAN 1305.66 332.8 1016 2655134 D.K. LIMBACHIYA S.B.O. GR-II 3795 968 2983 7746135 V.H. PATEL AST. LINEMAN 3595 917 2294 6806136 M.M. MEVADA S.B.O. GR-II 3595 917 2848 7360137 N.R. GUPTA S.B.O. GR-I 3795 968 3191 7954139 V.N.PATEL AST. LINEMAN 3935 1004 3108 8047140 J.M. MAKWANA DRIVER 7100 1811 4965 13876141 D.L.RAJPUT WATCHMAN 5555 1417 6047 13019143 K.R.KATARA WATCHMAN 3680 938 3859 8477144 K.B. VYAS WATCHMAN 0 0 1 1145 S.S.MAKWANA P/T SWEEPER 450 0 734 1184146 M. K. SAINI PLANT OP. GR.-I 8275 2110 6414 16799148 H.M.PANCHAL ASST. OP. GR.-I 7575 1932 6381 15888149 A.K.RAVAL ASST. OP. GR.-I 6975 1779 5924 14678150 R.C.VYAS LINEMAN 5225 1332 3288 9845151 N.R. PRAJAPATI S.B.O. GR-I 6488 2665 3850 13003152 R.R. PATEL S.B.O. GR-II 3680 938 3084 7702153 S.C. PATEL S.B.O. GR-II 3680 938 2900 7518154 B.A. PARMAR S.B.O. GR-II 3595 917 2848 7360155 A.M. MANSURI S.B.O. GR-II 3510 895 2784 7189

156 N.C.SOLANKI S.B.O. GR-I 4280 1091 3370 8741157 D. J. SONI S.B.O. GR-I 4180 1066 3294 8540158 D. C. PATEL S.B.O. GR-I 4180 1066 3294 8540159 J. K. RAMI S.B.O. GR-I 4080 1040 3951 9071160 J. S. CHAVADA LINEMAN 5100 1301 3212 9613161 M. S. RAVAL LINEMAN 4080 1040 2589 7709162 R.A. PATEL S.B.O. GR-II 3680 938 2900 7518163 B. K. KHOKHARIYA AST. LINEMAN 3595 917 2294 6806164 N. B. BAROT S.B.O. GR-II 3510 895 2960 7365165 Smt S. S. MAKAWANA P/T SWEEPER 225 0 959 1184166 B.M. THAKOR ASST.OP.GR-III 7425 1893 6297 15615167 R.J. PATEL ASST.OP.GR-III 5350 1364 4453 11167168 S.T.PATEL S.B.O. GR-I 4180 1066 3379 8625169 K.M.PATEL S.B.O. GR-I 4180 1066 3503 8749170 A.S.PRAJAPATI LINEMAN 5225 1332 3288 9845171 U.D.PARMAR S.B.O. GR-II 3680 938 2912 7530172 R.N.SOLANKI S.B.O. GR-II 3595 917 8085 12597173 K.K. BHAGORA ELECTRICIAN 3795 968 2415 7178174 V.M. PATEL S.B.O. GR-I 4048 1159 3131 8338176 S.R. BHANGI P/T SWEEPER 450 0 734 1184177 N.T. RAJPUT S.B.O. GR-I 5055 1289 3184 9528178 N.S. VANKAR S.B.O. GR-I 4080 1040 3217 8337179 B.H. PATEL S.B.O. GR-I 4280 1091 3370 8741180 H.D. CHAUHAN S.B.O. GR-I 4480 1142 3821 9443181 B.S. PARMAR LINEMAN 5555 1417 3490 10462182 M.B. RAVAL S.B.O. GR-II 3680 938 2983 7601183 P.H. CHAUDHARY S.B.O. GR-II 4135 1055 3335 8525184 A.M. PANDOR LINEMAN 3795 968 2416 7179185 K.M. SOLANKI S.B.O. GR-II 3510 895 2959 7364186 M.K.MAKWAVNA P/T SWEEPER 450 0 734 1184187 B.G.THAKOR S.B.O. GR-I 5055 1289 3955 10299189 D.K. JADAV S.B.O. GR-I 4080 1040 3287 8407190 M.A. SOLANKI S.B.O. GR-I 4180 1066 3503 8749191 R.N. PATEL LINEMAN 5055 1289 3185 9529193 K.N. SHRIMALI S.B.O. GR-II 3595 917 3016 7528194 K.T. PATEL S.B.O. GR-II 3510 895 2959 7364195 K.G. GAMETI AST. LINEMAN 3425 873 2190 6488196 L.P. RAJPUT WATCHMAN 5430 1385 4246 11061197 K.L. MAKAWANA P/T SWEEPER 450 0 734 1184198 S.H. CHAUDHARY ASST.OP.GR-III 5650 1441 4499 11590199 J.K. JOSHI S.B.O. GR-I 4280 1091 3370 8741200 C.H. PATEL S.B.O. GR-I 4805 1225 3770 9800201 N.D. PATHHAN S.B.O. GR-I 4380 1117 3665 9162202 K.P. THAKKAR LINEMAN 4975 1269 3136 9380203 L.R. VANSIYA S.B.O. GR-II 3710 946 2936 7592204 J.V. MAKWANA S.B.O. GR-II 3680 938 2900 7518207 A.U. MANSURI S.B.O. GR-I 5180 1321 4295 10796208 B.P.PARIKH S.B.O. GR-I 5100 1301 3211 9612209 V.L.DESHMUKH S.B.O. GR-I 4080 1040 3816 8936211 K.H.SUNSARA LINEMAN 6180 1576 4179 11935212 P.S.PARMAR LINEMAN 4380 1117 2992 8489214 S.A.RAVAL S.B.O. GR-II 3680 938 2900 7518

215 G.K.RATHOD LINEMAN 3540 903 2437 6880216 D.C.BHANGI P/T SWEEPER 450 0 734 1184217 A.A.SHAH ASST.OP.GR-III 5100 1301 4778 11179218 R.P.PATEL S.B.O. GR-I 5055 1289 5004 11348219 B.P.PATEL ASST.OP.GR-III 5500 1403 4574 11477220 H.V.THAKOR S.B.O. GR-I 4380 1117 3446 8943221 U.A.PADHYA LINEMAN 5805 1480 3642 10927222 A.K.RATHOD LINEMAN 4080 1040 2590 7710223 R.M.PARMAR ELECTRICIAN 4080 1040 2589 7709224 V.M.OZA S.B.O. GR-I 3795 968 3001 7764226 L.K.GOSAI S.B.O. GR-II 3425 873 2719 7017227 R.H.BHANGI P/T SWEEPER 450 0 734 1184228 N.M.CHAUDHARY ASST.OP.GR-III 5350 1364 4578 11292229 M.D.GAJJAR S.B.O. GR-I 4180 1066 4521 9767230 D.G.PRAJAPATI S.B.O. GR-I 4280 1091 3370 8741231 B.S.THAKOR S.B.O. GR-I 4080 1040 4514 9634232 M.R.PARMAR LINEMAN 5225 1332 3289 9846233 A.K.PATEL LINEMAN 3980 1015 3211 8206234 A.J.PATEL S.B.O. GR-II 4053 1012 3079 8144235 D.K.CHAMAR HELPER 3400 867 2699 6966236 N.R.PARMAR AST. LINEMAN 3680 938 2529 7147237 U.D.BHANGI P/T SWEEPER 450 0 734 1184238 B.K.SATHWARA S.B.O. GR-I 5180 1321 4056 10557239 D.S.PATEL S.B.O. GR-I 4280 1091 3370 8741240 A.F.SHEKH S.B.O. GR-I 5390 1520 4053 10963241 R.J.RABARI S.B.O. GR-I 4280 1091 3470 8841242 J.S.GAMI LINEMAN 5475 1458 3390 10323243 C.D.THAKOR AST. LINEMAN 3935 1004 2501 7440244 P.T.CHAVADA S.B.O. GR-I 3880 989 3065 7934246 N.S.PRAJAPATI S.B.O. GR-I 4180 1066 3293 8539247 D.S.RATHOD P/T SWEEPER 450 0 734 1184249 D.N.BHAVSAR ASST.OP.GR-III 5350 1364 4720 11434250 D.D.PRAJAPATI ASST.OP.GR-III 5225 1332 4352 10909251 A.K.MODH S.B.O. GR-I 4280 1091 3584 8955252 K.M.SHUKLA ASST.OP.GR-III 5500 1403 5438 12341254 B.J.PRAJAPATI S.B.O. GR-I 4036 1150 3256 8442255 P.S.MODH S.B.O. GR-II 3595 917 3029 7541256 A.M.PARMAR S.B.O. GR-II 3680 938 4226 8844259 A.A.RAVAL ASST.OP.GR-III 5100 1301 3995 10396260 S.A.KADIA ASST.OP.GR-III 5350 1364 4185 10899261 A.M.PATEL ASST.OP.GR-III 4975 1269 3900 10144262 A.M.KHARADI LINEMAN 5100 1301 3211 9612263 A.P.MEVADA LINEMAN 4180 1066 3953 9199264 D.H.CHAUDHARY S.B.O. GR-II 3595 917 2848 7360265 P.M.PATEL S.B.O. GR-II 3510 895 2783 7188266 G.C.LIMBACHIYA S.B.O. GR-II 3510 895 2784 7189268 B.S.SOLANKI P/T SWEEPER 450 0 734 1184269 R.G.RATHOD S.B.O. GR-I 4380 1117 3447 8944270 A.T.PANDOR ASST. OP. GR-II 4850 1237 3804 9891271 B.C.GAMAR ASST. OP. GR-II 4725 1205 3743 9673272 V.V.CHAVDA S.B.O. GR-I 0 0 71 71273 V.V.THAKARDA LINEMAN 6055 1544 4098 11697

274 R.H.PATEL LINEMAN 4080 1040 2665 7785275 B.D.NAYAK AST. LINEMAN 3850 982 2449 7281276 J.K.PARGHI S.B.O. GR-I 3710 946 2363 7019277 M.J.PATEL AST. LINEMAN 3510 895 2241 6646279 S.K.PARIKH S.B.O. GR-I 4805 1225 3751 9781280 K.G.PATEL ASST.OP.GR-III 5350 1364 4186 10900281 B.N.CHAPANERIYA ASST.OP.GR-III 5350 1364 4185 10899282 P.N.PARMAR S.B.O. GR-I 4080 1040 3202 8322283 R.C.SHARMA LINEMAN 5430 1385 3413 10228284 K.J.PARMAR ELECTRICIAN 4080 1040 2589 7709286 B.A.DABHI ELECTRICIAN 3795 968 2416 7179287 P.M.PARMAR AST. LINEMAN 3595 917 2711 7223288 S.G.BHANGI P/T SWEEPER 450 0 734 1184289 B.G. PRAJAPATI S.B.O. GR-II 3510 895 2959 7364292 D.V. GADHVI PLANT OP. GR.-I 6875 1753 5348 13976298 I.H. DAMOR S.B.O. GR-I 3540 903 2806 7249299 B.R. BHIL DRIVER 7325 1868 4569 13762301 L.K. MAKWANA P/T SWEEPER 225 0 959 1184305 Musabji M.A. HELPER 3595 917 3080 7592306 H.H.GDHAVI AST. LINEMAN 3425 873 2362 6660308 D.M. TARAL LINEMAN 4080 1040 2590 7710310 N.B. JOSHI HELPER 3550 905 2998 7453311 M.M. JOSHI HELPER 3935 1004 2796 7735312 B.A. DESAI HELPER 3935 1004 3103 8042313 K.V. SOLANKI HELPER 3250 829 2585 6664315 V.R.PATEL HELPER 3175 810 2197 6182319 A.B.PATHAN HELPER 3100 791 1992 5883322 P.K.PATEL HELPER 3250 829 2585 6664323 P.B.SUTHAR JR. ENGINEER 8250 2104 6453 16807334 P U PATEL HELPER 3175 810 3432 7417335 R G BRAHAMBHATT DY SUPDT (ACCT) 8525 2174 5429 16128336 D. H. PARMAR SR. RADIO MECH. 4750 1211 2998 8959337 H D KHOKHARIA HELPER 4035 1029 3184 8248338 P M BARANDA HELPER 3100 791 2471 6362340 M S PATEL HELPER 3030 773 2407 6210341 B.M.THAKKAR HELPER 3030 773 2407 6210343 B R PATEL HELPER 3030 773 2407 6210344 S D PATEL HELPER 3030 773 2407 6210346 M I PATEL HELPER 3030 773 2865 6668347 P B PADHYA HELPER 3030 773 2634 6437351 J J PANCHAL HELPER 3935 1004 3473 8412352 P A DABHI LINEMAN 5305 1353 4222 10880353 V R MODI S.B.O. GR-II 3850 982 3112 7944355 R J BHATI HELPER 3030 773 2418 6221357 D P RAJGOR HELPER 3030 773 2417 6220359 V G PATEL HELPER 2960 755 2364 6079360 A I PATEL HELPER 4735 1208 3717 9660361 P M BHAVSAR Vidyut Sahayak 3500 0 1 3501362 R D KOTED Vidyut Sahayak 3500 0 1 3501363 N G PATEL Vidyut Sahayak 3500 0 1 3501364 H C PATEL Vidyut Sahayak 3500 0 0 3500366 G A SUNSARA HELPER 3030 773 2570 6373

367 K T PATEL Vidyut Sahayak 3500 0 0 3500368 S H PATEL Vidyut Sahayak 3500 0 0 3500369 K A MODI JR. ENGINEER 9800 2499 11698 23997372 MAKWANA M P HELPER 2820 719 2253 5792373 PARMAR H M HELPER 2820 719 1821 5360374 SOLANKI P V HELPER 2820 719 1821 5360375 MAKWANA M H HELPER 2820 719 2258 5797376 PARMAR A H HELPER 2820 719 2253 5792377 PARMAR R V HELPER 2820 719 2258 5797378 BHAGORA A D HELPER 3030 773 1948 5751379 MEVADA M S JR. ENGINEER 7750 1976 6456 16182380 J S VARSAT HELPER 3100 791 1991 5882381 J K BHAGORA HELPER 3100 791 1992 5883382 MEMAN M A Vidyut Sahayak 3000 0 0 3000383 GHANCHI M R Vidyut Sahayak 3000 0 0 3000384 J A MEHTA JR. ENGINEER 7750 1976 6068 15794385 K J MEVADA Vidyut Sahayak 2500 0 0 2500386 A P BAROT Vidyut Sahayak 2500 0 0 2500387 N C CHAUDHARI Vidyut Sahayak 2500 0 0 2500388 H L RABARI Vidyut Sahayak 2500 0 0 2500389 N A VANKAR JR. ASSISTANT 4850 1237 3132 9219390 J P NAYAK HELPER 3595 917 2294 6806391 MODH S D JR. ENGINEER 7750 1976 6068 15794392 PRAJAPATI A P Vidyut Sahayak 1532.25 0 0 1532393 PARMAR D K Vidyut Sahayak 2500 0 0 2500394 PATEL J B Vidyut Sahayak 2500 0 0 2500395 MEVADA K P Vidyut Sahayak 2500 0 0 2500396 PARMAR M V Vidyut Sahayak 2500 0 1 2501397 PARMAR S K Vidyut Sahayak 2500 0 0 2500398 PARMAR R B Vidyut Sahayak 2500 0 0 2500399 PRAJAPATI D. S. Vidyut Sahayak 2500 0 0 2500400 RAMI A. D. Vidyut Sahayak 2500 0 0 2500406 GHASURA A N SR. ASSISTANT 5800 1479 3291 10570407 JADAV D M SR. ASSISTANT 5425 1383 3356 10164408 PARBADIYA I N SR. ASSISTANT 5425 1383 3492 10300412 SHAIKH I A PEON 4035 1029 2624 7688413 KOSIYA V.R. S.B.O. GR-II 3425 873 2890 7188415 ZOPE N.C. DY. ENGINEER 13925 3551 13175 30651417 PATEL V.A. DY. ENGINEER 12300 3137 9822 25259422 PATEL K.S. JR. ENGINEER 7750 1976 6416 16142426 CHAUHAN N.S. PLANT OP. GR.-I 7325 1868 4935 14128428 PUVAR F.S. LINE INSPECTOR 7750 1976 6285 16011429 PATEL R.A. LINEMAN 4975 1269 3135 9379430 PATEL V.G.. LINEMAN 5000 1275 3854 10129431 PARMAR M.U. DRIVER GR-II 7550 1925 4706 14181432 THAKOR O.S. AST. LINEMAN 4135 1055 2831 8021433 KHARADI R.D. AST. LINEMAN 3765 960 2397 7122435 PARMAR N.J. ELECTRICIAN 3795 968 2416 7179436 SOLANKI J.V. S.B.O. GR-II 3680 938 2900 7518437 PATEL R.R. AST. LINEMAN 3680 938 2345 6963440 PATEL S.J. S.B.O. GR-I 3980 1015 3141 8136441 BHAGORA S.L. S.B.O. GR-I 3625 924 2872 7421

442 PANCHAL D.V. S.B.O. GR-II 3510 895 2784 7189443 SENMA R.L. AST. LINEMAN 3595 917 2294 6806444 BHANGI I.D. P/T SWEEPER 450 0 1491 1941446 PATEL K.G. JR. ENGINEER 0 0 0 0447 VANKAR K.B. PLANT OP. GR.-I 9550 2435 8101 20086452 JANI D.C. ASST. OP. GR.-I 7175 1830 6114 15119453 PATHAN Y.F. ASST. OP. GR.-I 7575 1932 5290 14797454 PARMAR B.B. LINE INSPECTOR 8275 2110 5149 15534455 PANDYA A.J. DRIVER 5600 1428 3516 10544456 THAKOR D.A. LINEMAN 5225 1332 3288 9845457 PARMAR R.R. LINEMAN 3980 1015 2529 7524458 PATEL J.S. S.B.O. GR-I 3795 968 3001 7764459 NAYAK H.K. S.B.O. GR-II 3595 917 3597 8109460 PATEL R J AST. LINEMAN 3595 917 2294 6806462 BHADIYATAR P.M. S.B.O. GR-II 3510 895 2783 7188463 PRAJAPATI L.A. GARDNER(MALI) 5305 1353 3735 10393465 BHANGI G.S. P/T SWEEPER 510 0 736 1246466 VEDANCHIYA K.M. S.B.O. GR-I 4280 1091 3370 8741468 NAYAK D.K. S.B.O. GR-II 3980 1015 3341 8336469 DESAI I C S.B.O. GR-II 3510 895 2418 6823471 BHAGORA K.J. S.B.O. GR-I 4280 1091 3370 8741472 PARMAR R.P. S.B.O. GR-I 4080 1040 2590 7710473 CHAUHAN I.B. S.B.O. GR-I 3795 968 3001 7764474 THAKOR S.M. LINEMAN 4580 1168 2894 8642475 PARMAR M.D. LINEMAN 3625 924 2926 7475476 MODI P.B. S.B.O. GR-II 3510 895 2959 7364477 PARGI B.K. HELPER 324.28 82.67 208 615478 BHANGI P.N. P/T SWEEPER 504 0 741 1245479 PRAJAPATI R J S.B.O. GR-I 5055 1289 3961 10305480 PATEL R B S.B.O. GR-I 4180 1066 3278 8524481 PATEL K B S.B.O. GR-I 4930 1257 4235 10422482 PATEL R N S.B.O. GR-I 5180 1321 4141 10642483 BARIYA B L LINEMAN 5100 1301 3211 9612487 BHANGI C.H. P/T SWEEPER 504 0 741 1245488 VANKAR A.H. S.B.O. GR-I 5055 1289 3185 9529489 PRAJAPATI G.P. ASST.OP.GR-III 5225 1332 4427 10984490 TAMHANE U.V S.B.O. GR-I 5055 1289 3961 10305492 PATEL J.P. S.B.O. GR-I 3795 968 3001 7764494 PATEL R.G. S.B.O. GR-II 3680 938 2913 7531495 PATEL P.A. S.B.O. GR-II 3510 895 2783 7188497 THAKOR D.V. ASST.OP.GR-III 5100 1301 5360 11761498 KODARVI N.F. S.B.O. GR-I 3980 1015 3142 8137499 PANDOR M.R. S.B.O. GR-I 3795 968 2416 7179500 DAMOR B.D. S.B.O. GR-II 3595 917 2849 7361501 PANCHAL S.C. S.B.O. GR-II 3425 873 2719 7017502 JAT B.K. WATCHMAN 3680 938 2622 7240503 PATEL B.V. S.B.O. GR-I 4180 1066 3503 8749504 CHAMAR B M S.B.O. GR-I 4080 1040 3421 8541505 PATEL V K S.B.O. GR-I 4380 1117 3666 9163506 JOSHI P.M. S.B.O. GR-I 3795 968 3001 7764507 BEGADIYA V S S.B.O. GR-II 3710 946 2922 7578508 NINAMA V D S.B.O. GR-II 3510 895 2783 7188

510 PANCHAL K.A. S.B.O. GR-I 4080 1040 3293 8413511 PATEL B.B. S.B.O. GR-I 4080 1040 3422 8542512 BIHARI A H HELPER 3550 905 3079 7534513 DAVE B.C. S.B.O. GR-I 4805 1225 3032 9062515 ASARI R.L. S.B.O. GR-I 3980 1015 3142 8137516 RAJPUT R.T. S.B.O. GR-I 4080 1040 3218 8338517 GARASIYA K.N. ASST.OP.GR-III 4225 1077 3112 8414518 G. M. BHATIYA S.B.O. GR-I 4080 1040 3202 8322519 RABGARIYA N.K. S.B.O. GR-I 3880 989 3065 7934520 BALEVA R,K, S.B.O. GR-I 3710 946 2936 7592521 KHARADI J.S. S.B.O. GR-I 3710 946 2936 7592522 SOLNKI T.M. S.B.O. GR-II 3595 917 3939 8451523 PATEL M.N. S.B.O. GR-I 3980 1015 3141 8136525 SATHWARA S.N. S.B.O. GR-II 3595 917 2835 7347527 PRAJAPATI K N S.B.O. GR-II 3510 895 2241 6646528 PATEL D.S. ASST.OP.GR-III 5800 1479 4528 11807531 CHAUDHARY G B S.B.O. GR-I 5055 1289 11542 17886532 KHATRI K S S.B.O. GR-I 4180 1066 3294 8540533 BHAVSAR P H S.B.O. GR-I 3980 1015 3227 8222534 PRAJAPATI V T ELECTICIAN GR II 3795 968 2416 7179535 BARIYA T M LINEMAN 4930 1257 3108 9295536 SHAIKH S.S. S.B.O. GR-II 5141 1142 3574 9857537 PATEL R.N. S.B.O. GR-II 3595 917 3029 7541538 PARMAR B K S.B.O. GR-II 3595 917 2848 7360539 BHANGI D.M. P/T SWEEPER 450 0 795 1245540 THAKOR K T S.B.O. GR-I 4080 1040 3217 8337541 RAVAL R.N. S.B.O. GR-I 3795 968 3001 7764542 SHRIMALI P A S.B.O. GR-I 4280 1091 3370 8741543 PATEL J N S.B.O. GR-I 4080 1040 3202 8322544 DEKAWADIYA D G LINEMAN 3980 1015 2529 7524545 SOLANKI R H S.B.O. GR-II 3680 938 2913 7531546 PATEL S A AST. LINEMAN 3680 938 2529 7147547 WAGHELA V.I. S.B.O. GR-II 3595 917 2849 7361550 PRAJAPATI D G S.B.O. GR-I 4080 1040 3217 8337551 PRAJAPATI V G S.B.O. GR-I 4080 1040 3406 8526552 PARMAR P P S.B.O. GR-I 3880 989 3141 8010553 SINDHI M F S.B.O. GR-I 4080 1040 3422 8542554 JOSHI M J LINEMAN 4600 1173 3252 9025555 MEHRA B.A. S.B.O. GR-I 3710 946 2935 7591556 DAVE H H S.B.O. GR-II 5180 1321 4131 10632557 PARMAR K B S.B.O. GR-II 3510 895 2783 7188558 BAROT D.J. ASST.OP.GR-III 5100 1301 4352 10753559 PATEL B.S. S.B.O. GR-I 4280 1091 3370 8741560 PRAJAPATI A.V. S.B.O. GR-I 5055 1289 3438 9782561 VOHRA A.K. ASST.OP.GR-III 5225 1332 4090 10647562 PATEL D.P. LINEMAN 4850 1237 3059 9146563 PATEL G.A. LINEMAN 3980 1015 2528 7523564 VAGHELA M.L. S.B.O. GR-II 4035 1029 3169 8233565 PRAJAPATI S.T. S.B.O. GR-I 3710 946 2936 7592567 THAKARDA J.M. S.B.O. GR-I 4805 1225 4573 10603568 PATEL R.R. S.B.O. GR-I 4080 1040 3422 8542569 PATEL A.S. S.B.O. GR-I 3980 1015 3141 8136

570 PATEL S.N. S.B.O. GR-I 4080 1040 3218 8338571 JADAV C.S. AST. LINEMAN 3765 960 2586 7311573 PARMAR M.K. HELPER 3400 867 2869 7136575 BHANGI I.M. P/T SWEEPER 504 0 742 1246576 PATEL H V ASST.OP.GR-III 5225 1332 3363 9920577 PANDYA B C S.B.O. GR-I 3790 506 3822 8118578 YARDI D J ASST.OP.GR-III 5225 1332 4091 10648579 LIMBACHIYA N R S.B.O. GR-I 4280 1091 3445 8816580 PATEL B B ELECTRICIAN 3980 1015 2827 7822581 PATEL R M S.B.O. GR-I 3795 968 6900 11663582 DAVE A I S.B.O. GR-II 3680 938 2900 7518583 PRAJAPATI G V S.B.O. GR-I 3795 968 3191 7954584 PATEL P G HELPER 3400 867 2869 7136598 PATDIYA N.G. S.B.O. GR-II 3425 873 3046 7344601 PATEL D.G. HELPER 3325 848 2295 6468608 PARMAR R.B. S.B.O. GR-II 3425 873 2789 7087609 TABIYAD B.J. S.B.O. GR-I 3540 903 2806 7249610 ASARI K.J. S.B.O. GR-II 4230 1135 3041 8406616 PATEL D.K. JR. ENGINEER 8250 2104 7349 17703618 PATEL P.S. DY. ENGINEER 14250 3634 13480 31364621 JADEJA C.P HELPER 4860 1239 3065 9164624 NINAMA V.M S.B.O. GR-II 4345 1212 3054 8611629 J.P THAKKAR AST. LINEMAN 4035 1029 2764 7828631 GHANCHI H.S HELPER 3250 829 2585 6664632 DARJI H.I HELPER 3250 829 2586 6665635 PATEL S.R HELPER 3250 829 2749 6828638 MODI A.M S.B.O. GR-II 3350 854 3065 7269644 PATEL P.M S.B.O. GR-II 3175 810 2529 6514646 BHAGORA R.L HELPER 3250 829 2585 6664650 PARMAR K.C HELPER 3400 867 2174 6441655 M.A. GOSAI HELPER 3475 886 2931 7292658 K.R. MANVER S.B.O. GR-II 3510 895 2959 7364662 PATEL S.D HELPER 3175 810 2599 6584666 PATEL S.D HELPER 3175 810 2365 6350668 B.J. CHAUDHARI HELPER 3680 938 3097 7715672 SHRIMALI A.T. S.B.O. GR-II 3275 835 2605 6715673 SADHU R.P. S.B.O. GR-II 3275 835 4048 8158674 SAIYAD K.A. HELPER 3175 810 2529 6514675 FERA B.K. S.B.O. GR-II 3275 835 2605 6715676 PARMAR B.R. S.B.O. GR-II 3510 895 3081 7486677 CHAVDA R.D. HELPER 3175 810 4734 8719681 VAGHELA C.J. HELPER 3175 810 2037 6022682 RANA M.P. S.B.O. GR-II 3546 881 2977 7404683 PARMAR K.G HELPER 3175 810 2038 6023684 PARMAR S.A SR. ASSISTANT 4150 1058 2591 7799685 PATEL P.B. HELPER 3765 960 3153 7878686 THAKOR P.B HELPER 3250 829 2748 6827689 SHERA H.I HELPER 3175 810 2688 6673690 BAWA D.B HELPER 3250 829 2083 6162702 JOSHI P.K PLANT OP. GR.-I 6875 1753 6217 14845704 PARMAR M.G DY. ENGINEER 15150 3863 11993 31006707 BHIL K.K S.B.O. GR-II 3200 816 2547 6563

710 RAVAL Y.C. HELPER 3100 791 2225 6116711 PARMAR B.H. HELPER 3100 791 2471 6362716 PATEL B.N. HELPER 3100 791 2471 6362717 GAMETI A.R. HELPER 3100 791 2471 6362718 PARMAR C.S. HELPER 3175 810 2038 6023720 ASARI B.M. S.B.O. GR-II 3510 895 2783 7188722 PANCHASRA K.M. HELPER 3100 791 2466 6357723 NINAMA K.A. HELPER 3100 791 2471 6362729 ASARI J.N. S.B.O. GR-II 3200 816 2547 6563732 PATEL D.M. HELPER 3100 791 2626 6517733 PARMAR R.M. HELPER 3100 791 2471 6362735 PATEL B.H. HELPER 3100 791 3797 7688736 PANDYA K.D. HELPER 3100 791 2471 6362737 PATEL M.D HELPER 3100 791 2471 6362739 PATEL K.S. HELPER 3100 791 2704 6595746 PANCHIWALA R.A. DY SUPDT (ACCT) 10525 2684 11667 24876747 BHRAHMAN V.S. PEON 4135 1055 2657 7847753 BHARA A.G. S.B.O. GR-II 3200 816 2708 6724756 SOLANKI M.D. HELPER 3100 791 2471 6362761 CHANDRARAO K M HELPER 3100 791 2471 6362762 DAMOR R.L. S.B.O. GR-II 3200 816 3042 7058764 PATEL R.B. DY. ENGINEER 11650 2971 11475 26096767 PATEL B.I. HELPER 3595 917 3029 7541768 PATEL M. G. HELPER 3175 810 2767 6752770 DAMOR J D HELPER 3030 773 2417 6220771 NINAMA J. J. HELPER 3030 773 2418 6221772 BHARADA L. N. HELPER 3030 773 2418 6221773 AMBALIYA A R HELPER 3030 773 2570 6373774 SHRIMALI J G SR. ASSISTANT 4750 1211 10301 16262775 A P PATEL HELPER 3250 829 2656 6735777 PATEL J N HELPER 3030 773 2559 6362778 PATEL P H HELPER 3030 773 2407 6210779 BHANJI J B P/T SWEEPER 504 0 741 1245780 PRAJAPATI M P JR. ENGINEER 7750 1976 7531 17257783 Patel K.M. HELPER 2960 755 2512 6227784 JOSHI D J HELPER 2960 755 2364 6079785 PATEL S N HELPER 2960 755 2365 6080787 PATEL D S HELPER 3175 810 2767 6752788 H P CHAUHAN DY. ENGINEER 10700 2729 8739 22168789 A N PATEL PLANT OP. GR.-I 5800 1479 4528 11807791 M J PATEL HELPER 3030 773 8394 12197792 I S GANCHI HELPER 2820 719 2399 5938793 H P PATEL Vidyut Sahayak 3500 0 1 3501794 B T PATEL Vidyut Sahayak 3500 0 1 3501795 B B VAGHELA HELPER 2820 719 2399 5938796 C A BHAHMBHATT HELPER 2820 719 2399 5938797 M A CHAUDHARI HELPER 2820 719 3102 6641798 R K PATEL Vidyut Sahayak 3500 0 1 3501799 M A PATEL Vidyut Sahayak 3500 0 1 3501800 S K PATEL Vidyut Sahayak 3500 0 1 3501804 SONERI S.M. SR. ASSISTANT 7175 1830 4586 13591807 PRAJAPATI K.N. SR. ASSISTANT 8025 2046 4916 14987

808 RAMNANI C.N. SR. ASSISTANT 5600 1428 3601 10629809 DESAI N.K. DRIVER GR-I 7775 1983 4844 14602810 BAMCHA N.R. PEON 4930 1257 2812 8999812 THAKKAR B A DY SUPDT (ACCT) 9825 2505 6242 18572813 V C RAJPUT Vidyut Sahayak 3000 0 1 3001814 G M VAGAT Vidyut Sahayak 3500 0 1 3501815 D M PATEL Vidyut Sahayak 3500 0 0 3500818 PATEL R.K. DY. ENGINEER 15150 3863 12524 31537819 PATEL L.R. DY. ENGINEER 15150 3863 14262 33275820 VYAS D.J. DY. ENGINEER 14775 3768 11699 30242821 PATEL J.S. DY. ENGINEER 14400 3672 13621 31693822 PATEL P.J. JR. ENGINEER 9800 2499 8382 20681824 RAMI M.V. PLANT OP. GR.-I 9275 2365 7872 19512827 GOSWAMI M.B. LINE INSPECTOR 7775 1983 6305 16063828 PATEL V.I. ASST. OP. GR-II 5450 1390 4331 11171829 GOSWAMI C.R. LINEMAN 5100 1301 3211 9612830 NAYEE R.T. AST. LINEMAN 1797.5 1150 0 2948833 JANSARI N.M. S.B.O. GR-II 3595 917 3029 7541834 SATHWARA D.C. S.S. HELPER 3400 867 2345 6612835 BHOJAK M.B. AST. LINEMAN 3425 873 2190 6488836 NAYAK K.J. S.B.O. GR-II 3510 895 2784 7189837 KATERIYA V.H. S.B.O. GR-I 3540 903 2983 7426838 BUBADIYA S.K. S.B.O. GR-II 3425 873 2719 7017839 MALI R.J. S.B.O. GR-II 3425 873 2719 7017840 BHANGI D.K. P/T SWEEPER 450 0 795 1245841 PATEL J.P. S.B.O. GR-II 3510 895 2783 7188843 PARMAR M.M. S.S. HELPER 3400 867 2699 6966844 PATEL N.V JR. ENGINEER 10400 2652 8629 21681845 PARMAR R.K. PLANT OP. GR.-I 6425 1638 5647 13710846 PATEL P.M. S.S. HELPER 3325 848 2643 6816847 SHRIMALI G.A. DRIVER GR-II 5975 1524 4045 11544851 R K PATEL HELPER 3030 773 2101 5904853 B R PARMAR HELPER 3100 791 2471 6362854 PATEL J N S.B.O. GR-I 4180 1066 3503 8749855 VANIYA R J HELPER 3082 702 2567 6351858 CHAUDHRY G.D. DY. ENGINEER 12900 3290 9584 25774861 PATEL G.C. PLANT OP. GR.-I 10375 2646 8533 21554862 PARMAR P.M. PLANT OP. GR.-I 9275 2365 7176 18816863 NARAT M.M. LINE INSPECTOR 5950 1517 3730 11197864 RAVAL K.R. AST. LINEMAN 3595 917 2294 6806866 CHUHAN K.R. S.B.O. GR-II 3595 917 2849 7361867 PATEL K.M. S.B.O. GR-II 3680 938 2345 6963869 THAKARADA R.J. S.S. HELPER 3325 848 2809 6982870 PATEL R.B. S.B.O. GR-II 3595 917 3029 7541871 PATEL P.R. S.B.O. GR-II 3595 917 3029 7541872 PATEL D.B. S.B.O. GR-II 3680 938 2900 7518873 THAKOR S.D. S.B.O. GR-II 3595 917 3015 7527874 BHAVSAR R.B. S.B.O. GR-II 3510 895 2784 7189876 GUPTA Y.H. S.B.O. GR-II 3510 895 2959 7364877 PATEL S.M. PLANT OP. GR.-I 12575 3207 9691 25473880 VAGHELA R.P P/T SWEEPER 450 0 733 1183881 NAYI A.J. SR. ASSISTANT 4450 1135 2882 8467

887 M M PATEL Vidyut Sahayak 3500 0 1 3501888 N V PATEL Vidyut Sahayak 3500 0 1 3501890 GARODA N L HELPER 3850 982 4547 9379891 SOLANKI J B HELPER 2820 719 2399 5938892 SOLANKI M R HELPER 2820 719 2258 5797893 CHAUHAN J G HELPER 2820 719 2258 5797894 THAKOR R S Vidyut Sahayak 3000 0 1 3001895 SHRIMALI K K Vidyut Sahayak 3000 0 1 3001897 THAKKAR J.K. JR. ENGINEER 10650 2716 10103 23469898 PATEL P.P. JR. ENGINEER 9800 2499 7896 20195902 PATEL N.R. PLANT OP. GR.-I 10100 2576 8562 21238904 RAJAPUT C.K. DRIVER GR-II 5600 1428 3797 10825905 LALPURA D.D. LINE INSPECTOR 7550 1925 5272 14747906 PATEL M.B. LINEMAN 5500 1403 4161 11064907 PRAJAPATI R.B. LINEMAN 5100 1301 3916 10317908 PATEL B.V. LINEMAN 4280 1091 3011 8382909 THAKOR H.V. LINEMAN 4180 1066 2859 8105910 CHUHAN V.U. AST. LINEMAN 3935 1004 2502 7441911 PRAJAPATI N.M. S.B.O. GR-I 4080 1040 3217 8337912 PARMAR D.S. S.B.O. GR-I 3710 946 2936 7592913 PATEL K.S. S.B.O. GR-II 3680 938 2975 7593914 SOLANKI P.V. S.B.O. GR-I 3710 946 2550 7206915 PATEL S.P. S.B.O. GR-II 3595 917 2848 7360916 RAJAPUT P.R. WATCHMAN 4130.23 1053.37 2945 8129917 GARASIYA B.K. WATCHMAN 2863.64 730.28 1818 5412921 SOLANKI B.S WATCHMAN 3325 848 2448 6621922 SHRIMALI P.K. S.B.O. GR-II 3425 873 2719 7017923 THAKOR C. M. S.S. HELPER 3030 773 2176 5979924 BRAHMBHATT K. J. S.S. HELPER 3030 773 2418 6221925 GARASIYA N K Vidyut Sahayak 2500 0 0 2500927 CHAMAR R.K. PLANT OP. GR.-I 8275 2110 6415 16800928 PATEL B.A. ASST. OP. GR.-I 8000 2040 4981 15021930 RAMI R.G. S.B.O. GR-II 3680 938 3097 7715931 PATEL V.K. S.B.O. GR-II 3680 938 5130 9748934 BHANGI S.H. P/T SWEEPER 450 0 796 1246935 CHAUHAN P.C. AST. LINEMAN 4035 1029 2562 7626936 BAROT P. R. S.S. HELPER 3030 773 2570 6373937 M K NANECHA HELPER 3250 829 2585 6664938 V B PATEL HELPER 3030 773 2417 6220939 PATEL R I HELPER 3030 773 2413 6216940 MENAT S R HELPER 3175 810 2529 6514941 MULIYANA J B Vidyut Sahayak 2500 0 0 2500942 BRAHMBATT P N HELPER 3030 773 2407 6210943 DARJI S.R. S.B.O. GR-I 4180 1066 6157 11403944 PATEL A.J. S.B.O. GR-I 4180 1066 3294 8540946 PARAJAPATI A.S. S.B.O. GR-I 4080 1040 4558 9678947 TRIVEDI.B.N. LINEMAN 4080 1040 2895 8015949 SOLANKI S.S. S.B.O. GR-II 3510 895 2783 7188950 NALVAYA V.N. S.B.O. GR-II 3540 903 3494 7937954 NINAMA D A Vidyut Sahayak 2500 0 1 2501955 MUKHI A.R. Vidyut Sahayak 2500 0 0 2500956 TARAL F.J. Vidyut Sahayak 2500 0 0 2500

957 RANA K B DRIVER GR-I 5075 1294 3196 9565958 GARASIYA B V Vidyut Sahayak 2500 0 1 2501959 DABHI P L Vidyut Sahayak 2500 0 1 2501960 BHAGORA A J Vidyut Sahayak 2500 0 1 2501961 PATEL R.K. ASST.OP.GR-III 5225 1332 4358 10915962 PATEL S.H. S.B.O. GR-I 4930 1257 3355 9542963 PARMAR K.V. S.B.O. GR-I 4280 1091 3370 8741964 JOSHI S.S. S.B.O. GR-I 4180 1066 3294 8540965 SOLANKI M.M. LINEMAN 5100 1301 3212 9613966 RAVAL D.N. LINEMAN 4080 1040 3929 9049967 PATEL B.P. S.B.O. GR-II 3595 917 2849 7361968 PATEL J.V. S.B.O. GR-II 3595 917 3029 7541969 PRAJAPATI N.P S.S. HELPER 3475 886 2746 7107970 ASODA S S HELPER 2820 719 2112 5651971 BARANDA A K HELPER 2820 719 2257 5796972 THAKORE B S HELPER 2960 755 2582 6297973 PATEL S C HELPER 4480 1142 3816 9438974 MEHTA B S HELPER 3720 949 3130 7799976 PATEL A.R. S.B.O. GR-I 5055 1289 3706 10050977 PATEL G.M. S.B.O. GR-I 4930 1257 3617 9804978 PATEL P.C. S.B.O. GR-I 4380 1117 5599 11096979 PATEL G.D. S.B.O. GR-I 4380 1117 3222 8719981 PATEL R.H. LINEMAN 4080 1040 2664 7784982 PATEL K.I. S.B.O. GR-I 3795 968 3001 7764983 SARSAVA J.G. AST. LINEMAN 3680 938 2345 6963985 PATEL P.H. S.B.O. GR-II 3510 895 2854 7259986 PATEL P.V S.B.O. GR-II 3510 895 2783 7188987 DIWAN J H HELPER 3030 773 2407 6210988 K S PATEL LINEMAN 5555 1417 3490 10462990 KURESHI J.D. S.B.O. GR-I 4930 1257 3846 10033991 PANDYA Y.C. S.B.O. GR-I 4180 1066 3503 8749992 PATEL S.J. S.B.O. GR-I 4080 1040 3217 8337996 PATEL S.M. S.B.O. GR-II 3595 917 2848 7360997 VOHARA A.V. S.B.O. GR-II 3425 873 2890 7188998 MAKWANA D.S. LINEMAN 4380 1117 2992 8489

1000 S U SAIYAD S.B.O. GR-I 5500 1403 4300 112031001 DABHI N D Vidyut Sahayak 2500 0 0 25001005 PATEL M.S. ASST.OP.GR-III 5225 1332 4351 109081006 PATEL V.N. S.B.O. GR-I 3980 1015 3141 81361007 PATEL R.S. S.B.O. GR-I 3980 1015 3212 82071008 RATHOD G.N. LINE INSPECTOR 7000 1785 4370 131551011 PRAJAPATI G.K. S.B.O. GR-II 3680 938 2913 75311012 RATHOD A.V. AST. LINEMAN 3595 917 2294 68061014 S.A. MAKWANA P/T SWEEPER 225 0 1021 12461015 JOSHI V.R S.B.O. GR-I 5350 1364 4270 109841016 SHUKLA V.S. ASST.OP.GR-III 5500 1403 4551 114541017 THAKARDA C.R. ASST.OP.GR-III 5350 1364 3899 106131018 NAYAK D.R. S.B.O. GR-I 4380 1117 2773 82701019 RAMI P.P. S.B.O. GR-I 3980 1015 3141 81361020 PATEL S.K. LINEMAN 4930 1257 3108 92951021 SADHU B.M. AST. LINEMAN 3850 982 2642 74741023 PATEL R.P. S.B.O. GR-II 3595 917 2474 6986

1024 VYAS V.S. AST. LINEMAN 5305 1353 3602 102601025 PARMAR A.H. S.B.O. GR-II 3510 895 3351 77561027 PATEL S.N. AST. LINEMAN 3680 938 2345 69631028 CHAVDHARI R.V AST. LINEMAN 3680 938 2345 69631029 PATEL B.P S.B.O. GR-II 3510 895 2783 71881036 PATEL A.M. S.B.O. GR-I 5055 1289 3437 97811037 PATEL B.A. S.B.O. GR-I 4930 1257 3430 96171038 PATEL V.B. S.B.O. GR-I 4380 1117 8363 138601040 PATEL V.M. LINEMAN 5100 1301 3311 97121042 PATEL M.B. S.B.O. GR-I 4180 1066 3294 85401043 PRAJAPATI M.B. LINEMAN 3980 1015 2727 77221044 JESHTI B.D. S.B.O. GR-II 3595 917 2849 73611045 PATEL S.M. ELECTRICIAN 4280 1091 2926 82971046 SOLANKI K.P P/T SWEEPER 174.2 0 790 9651047 R R PATEL HELPER 3030 773 2570 63731051 JOSHI B.P. JR. ENGINEER 9500 2423 9498 214211053 PATEL B.J. PLANT OP. GR.-I 8775 2238 6795 178081054 PANDYA K.K. ASST. OP. GR.-I 7775 1983 8240 179981055 PATEL C.M. ASST. OP. GR-II 5950 1517 4642 121091056 DAVE S.G. LINEMAN 5650 1441 3830 109211057 PATEL G.K. LINEMAN 5055 1289 3184 95281058 PATEL R.R. LINEMAN 4180 1066 2934 81801059 NAYEE K.J. AST. LINEMAN 4035 1029 3926 89901060 VYAS J.D. AST. LINEMAN 3680 938 2345 69631061 VYAS B.J. S.B.O. GR-II 3680 938 3097 77151062 PARMAR K.B. ELECTRICIAN 3710 946 2364 70201063 S K PATEL HELPER 3030 773 2407 62101064 G S TRIVEDI HELPER 3030 773 2101 59041066 V B PATEL HELPER 3030 773 2570 63731073 BAROT G.H. SR. ASSISTANT 8275 2110 5467 158521076 PATEL M.B. JR. ENGINEER 7750 1976 5874 156001079 RATHOD H.K. ASST. OP. GR.-I 9775 2493 8290 205581080 PANCHAL V.L. PLANT OP. GR.-I 8775 2238 7446 184591081 THAKER B.M. PLANT OP. GR.-I 8775 2238 7006 180191083 RATHOD V.G. DRIVER GR-I 6175 1575 3868 116181084 THAKOR R.U. LINE INSPT GR-II 6400 1632 4005 120371085 BHATIA S.P. LINEMAN 5055 1289 3185 95291086 THAKOR S.C. LINEMAN 4930 1257 3108 92951087 BAVA R.C. LINEMAN 3757.38 957.8 2377 70921088 PADHYA R.C. S.B.O. GR-II 3880 989 3259 81281089 THAKOR F.G. AST. LINEMAN 3680 938 2622 72401090 CHAUDHARY A.M. S.B.O. GR-II 3595 917 2849 73611091 PATEL S.D. AST. LINEMAN 3765 960 2398 71231092 THAKOR S.M. S.B.O. GR-II 3680 938 3080 76981094 KAZI M.I. S.B.O. GR-II 3510 895 2784 71891095 THAKOR S.A. GARDNER(MALI) 7075 1804 4948 138271096 RAJPUT S.R. WATCHMAN 5805 1480 4077 113621099 THAKER A.C. ELECTRICIAN 5950 1517 4176 116431100 PATEL M.T. S.S. HELPER 3100 791 3304 71951106 BADSAH R.G. ASST.OP.GR-III 5500 1403 4300 112031107 PATEL R.B. S.B.O. GR-I 5305 1353 4531 111891108 VANKAR J.H. ASST.OP.GR-III 5225 1332 4090 10647

1109 PARMAR D.M. ASST.OP.GR-III 5100 1301 3995 103961110 MAKWANA V.S. LINEMAN 5305 1353 3337 99951112 NAYEE H.V. LINEMAN 3980 1015 2529 75241113 SOLANKI V.M. S.B.O. GR-II 3595 917 2923 74351115 PATEL D.B AST. LINEMAN 3475 886 2221 65821121 PATEL M.B. ASST.OP.GR-III 5500 1403 4962 118651122 PATEL C.H. ASST.OP.GR-III 5350 1364 4453 111671123 PATEL M.M. S.B.O. GR-I 5180 1321 4315 108161124 PATEL B.S. S.B.O. GR-I 5055 1289 4214 105581125 PATEL N.M. LINEMAN 5100 1301 3211 96121126 PATEL H.B. AST. LINEMAN 4435 1131 3028 85941127 PATEL D.S. S.B.O. GR-I 4080 1040 3293 84131130 BHANGI H.A. P/T SWEEPER 450 0 734 11841137 KHAMAR P.J. ASST. OP. GR.-I 7375 1881 6282 155381138 TRIVEDI R.J. ASST. OP. GR.-I 6975 1779 6841 155951139 MAKWANA S.G. ASST. OP. GR-II 6775 1728 5272 137751140 SOLANKI A.M. ASST. OP. GR.-I 6575 1677 5613 138651141 NAYAK R.N. LINEMAN 5350 1364 3765 104791142 PATEL N.S. LINEMAN 4080 1040 2589 77091143 PATEL B.S. AST. LINEMAN 3850 982 2449 72811145 PATEL B.K. S.B.O. GR-II 3595 917 2849 73611146 PATEL V.H. S.S. HELPER 3400 867 2700 69671156 DADAWALA I.R. ASST.OP.GR-III 5650 1441 4696 117871157 PATEL R.T. S.B.O. GR-I 5305 1353 4417 110751159 CHAUDHRI G.M. S.B.O. GR-I 4280 1091 3569 89401160 MAKWANA R.V. LINEMAN 5100 1301 3212 96131162 PRAJAPATI I.J. S.B.O. GR-I 3795 968 3547 83101163 NONIYA M.V. AST. LINEMAN 3680 938 2345 69631170 THAKOR C.V. PLANT OP. GR.-I 8025 2046 6624 166951171 PATEL P.C. PLANT OP. GR.-I 7550 1925 7414 168891172 SUTHAR A.R. PLANT OP. GR.-I 7550 1925 5476 149511173 PATEL K.R. ASST. OP. GR.-I 7175 1830 5905 149101174 PATEL M.D. LINEMAN 5500 1403 3731 106341175 THAKOR B.J. ELECTRICIAN 5950 1517 4028 114951176 PATEL H.J. LINEMAN 4080 1040 3751 88711177 PATEL B.A. S.S. HELPER 3635 927 2956 75181178 NAYAK H.R. S.B.O. GR-II 3935 1004 3305 82441180 PATEL B.P. S.B.O. GR-II 3510 895 2784 71891185 THAKOR A.S. ASST.OP.GR-III 5500 1403 5143 120461186 THAKOR A.B. S.B.O. GR-I 5305 1353 4152 108101187 PATEL B.V. ASST.OP.GR-III 5350 1364 4185 108991188 JAISWAL H.K. S.B.O. GR-I 5421 1794 3817 110321189 PATEL K.K. LINEMAN 5225 1332 3288 98451190 JOSHI A.A. LINEMAN 4280 1091 2711 80821191 PATEL K.K. LINEMAN 3880 989 2467 73361192 RAVAL R.A. AST. LINEMAN 3850 982 3520 83521193 RAVAL S.A. S.S. HELPER 3550 905 2992 74471195 J.G. SHRIMALI S.S. HELPER 3100 791 2471 63621198 PATEL S.D S.S. HELPER 4145 1057 3607 88091199 BHAKHARIA A.H S.S. HELPER 3100 791 2483 63741200 SOLANKI G.J. S.S. HELPER 2960 755 2365 60801203 PATEL J.M. JR. ENGINEER 10375 2646 9845 22866

1206 ACHARYA M.D. JR. ENGINEER 9500 2423 9458 213811212 SOLANKI H.P. SR. ASSISTANT 6000 1530 3401 109311213 DESAI G.V. SR. ASSISTANT 5425 1383 3085 98931216 RATHOD D.M. DRIVER GR-I 4750 1211 2998 89591217 DESAI D.C. LINE INSPECTOR 7350 1874 4584 138081218 VAGHELA A.P. LINEMAN 6180 1576 3871 116271219 RANAVAT B.H. LINEMAN 5100 1301 3211 96121220 RAVAL A.A. LINEMAN 3980 1015 2528 75231221 DOGRE D.M. PEON 3595 917 2078 65901222 PATEL M.P. AST. LINEMAN 3680 938 2346 69641223 PARMAR H.N. ELECTRICIAN 3795 968 2491 72541224 SUTARIA M.T. ELECTRICIAN 3795 968 2416 71791225 SHAIKH I.M. S.B.O. GR-I 3710 946 2936 75921226 BARANDA A.S. S.B.O. GR-I 3795 968 3002 77651227 PATEL V.N. S.B.O. GR-II 3595 917 2849 73611228 KHARADI A.K. S.B.O. GR-I 3710 946 3122 77781229 THAKOR G.A. AST. LINEMAN 3595 917 2294 68061230 PATEL V.B. AST. LINEMAN 3595 917 2848 73601231 PARMAR D.L. S.B.O. GR-II 3510 895 2784 71891232 PATEL V.R. HELPER 3400 867 2870 71371233 PATEL B.N. S.B.O. GR-II 3510 895 2959 73641237 PATEL R.H. JR. ENGINEER 9500 2423 8129 200521238 PARMAR H.M. ASST. OP. GR.-I 7575 1932 5881 153881239 PRAJAPATI R.C. ASST. OP. GR.-I 7775 1983 7612 173701240 VAGHELA J.M. ASST. OP. GR.-I 6575 1677 5448 137001241 THAKOR H.P. LINEMAN 5100 1301 3212 96131242 NAYAK K.M. S.B.O. GR-I 4180 1066 3294 85401243 PATEL K.T. S.B.O. GR-I 3710 946 2936 75921244 PARMAR R.K. S.B.O. GR-I 3710 946 2935 75911245 PATEL B.P. S.B.O. GR-II 3680 938 3097 77151246 PATEL K.S. S.B.O. GR-II 3510 895 2960 73651247 PATEL B.S. JR. ENGINEER 10100 2576 10342 230181248 SHUKLA H.P. S.B.O. GR-I 6725 1715 5233 136731249 PATEL B.K. ASST.OP.GR-III 5500 1403 4300 112031251 PARMAR A.A. S.B.O. GR-I 4080 1040 3202 83221252 SHUKLA B.G. LINEMAN 5500 1403 4104 110071254 AMIN P.S. S.B.O. GR-II 3850 982 3235 80671255 MEHTA B.S. AST. LINEMAN 3595 917 2447 69591256 PARMAR P.D. S.B.O. GR-I 3710 946 3122 77781257 PATEL J.D. S.B.O. GR-I 5180 1321 4315 108161258 PATEL V.D. S.B.O. GR-I 4080 1040 3303 84231259 BAROT N.J. S.B.O. GR-I 4080 1040 3496 86161260 PANCHAL M.K. S.B.O. GR-I 3980 1015 3216 82111262 MAHESWARI H.M. S.B.O. GR-I 3880 989 3857 87261263 PATEL B.G. S.B.O. GR-II 3595 917 2923 74351264 PATEL S.P. S.B.O. GR-II 3680 938 2900 75181265 PARMAR L.N. S.B.O. GR-I 3625 924 2872 74211266 BHANGI S.M. P/T SWEEPER 504 0 742 12461267 THAKARDA P.R. ASST.OP.GR-III 5225 1332 4176 107331268 PATEL N.B. S.B.O. GR-I 4380 1117 3446 89431269 PATEL A.K. S.B.O. GR-I 4080 1040 3217 83371270 PATEL P.D. S.B.O. GR-I 4080 1040 3422 8542

1271 PATEL S.D. ELECTRICIAN 4180 1066 2725 79711272 PATEL A.I. S.B.O. GR-I 3710 946 2936 75921273 PATEL A.B. S.B.O. GR-I 3710 946 3006 76621274 PARMAR M.J. S.B.O. GR-II 3595 917 2919 74311275 PATEL J.K. S.B.O. GR-II 3595 917 2919 74311276 BHAGORA D.V. WATCHMAN 3935 1004 3108 80471277 GHATAD K.D. P/T SWEEPER 450 0 937 13871278 PATEL K.G. S.B.O. GR-I 4080 1040 3218 83381279 PATEL S.V. S.B.O. GR-I 4080 1040 3303 84231281 PANDYA M.J. S.B.O. GR-I 4180 1066 6429 116751282 CHAUHAN J.B. S.B.O. GR-I 3980 1015 3142 81371283 PATEL B.I. S.B.O. GR-II 3680 938 3097 77151284 PATEL S.H. S.B.O. GR-II 3680 938 2900 75181285 BHANGI V.M. P/T SWEEPER 450 0 795 12451286 PATEL R.K. S.B.O. GR-I 4380 1117 3447 89441287 PATEL K.S. S.B.O. GR-I 3980 1015 3141 81361288 BHOI K.L. ASST.OP.GR-III 4000 1020 3773 87931290 MALIVAD V.B. LINEMAN 4180 1066 3009 82551291 YARDI K.R. S.B.O. GR-II 4735 1208 3792 97351292 PATEL M.J. AST. LINEMAN 3425 873 2431 67291293 PRAJAPATI M.H. S.B.O. GR-II 3680 938 3066 76841294 KAKAREJA R.M. P/T SWEEPER 304.83 0 633 9381295 PARMAR B.M. ASST.OP.GR-III 5100 1301 4778 111791296 GHETIYA I.V. S.B.O. GR-I 4280 1091 3584 89551298 THAKARDA G.V. S.B.O. GR-I 3980 1015 3142 81371299 BARANDA S.S. LINEMAN 4180 1066 2651 78971300 PARMAR M.K. LINEMAN 4080 1040 2589 77091301 PATEL R.H. S.S. HELPER 3975 1014 3139 81281302 PRAJAPATI V.D. S.B.O. GR-I 3795 968 3001 77641303 PATEL M.H. S.B.O. GR-II 3510 895 2959 73641304 MAKWANA H.P. S.B.O. GR-I 5430 1385 4246 110611305 VAGHELA P.D. ASST.OP.GR-III 5350 1364 4454 111681306 MAKWANA V.M. S.B.O. GR-I 4080 1040 3218 83381307 PATEL V.B. S.B.O. GR-I 3980 1015 3341 83361308 GHANCHI I.U. S.B.O. GR-II 3595 917 3028 75401310 PATEL R.S. S.B.O. GR-I 3980 1015 3141 81361312 PARMAR M.K. S.B.O. GR-I 4080 1040 3218 83381314 THAKOR K.S. S.B.O. GR-I 4805 1225 4011 100411315 KHATRI M.I. S.B.O. GR-I 4180 1066 3279 85251317 PATEL A.B. S.B.O. GR-I 3795 968 3001 77641318 SOLANKI R.V. S.B.O. GR-II 3510 895 2784 71891319 PARMAR T.J. P/T SWEEPER 290.34 0 514 8041320 PRAJAPATI B.R. S.B.O. GR-I 3980 1015 3141 81361321 RAJPUT H.K. S.B.O. GR-I 3980 1015 3141 81361323 BARIA M.P. S.B.O. GR-I 3980 1015 3141 81361324 PATEL K.P. S.B.O. GR-II 3680 938 3096 77141325 PATEL J.H. S.B.O. GR-I 4280 1091 3584 89551326 BHRAHMABHATT D.K. S.B.O. GR-I 4080 1040 3218 83381327 PATEL P.C. S.B.O. GR-I 4080 1040 3422 85421328 LABOLA J.B. S.B.O. GR-I 3980 1015 4362 93571330 SOLANKI B.R. S.B.O. GR-II 3510 895 2959 73641331 GHATAD A.M. P/T SWEEPER 450 0 889 1339

1332 SOLANKI K.V. S.B.O. GR-I 4280 1091 3370 87411333 CHAMAR M.B. S.B.O. GR-I 4080 1040 3630 87501334 B.R. RANA S.B.O. GR-I 4080 1040 3218 83381336 SOLANKI A.D. S.B.O. GR-II 3850 982 3042 78741337 RATHVA B.K. S.B.O. GR-I 3710 946 2936 75921338 SOLANKI K.G. S.B.O. GR-II 3510 895 2783 71881339 BHANGI K.M. P/T SWEEPER 450 0 937 13871340 RATHOD D.J. ASST.OP.GR-III 5500 1403 4300 112031341 NAGARIA H.K. S.B.O. GR-I 3980 1015 3141 81361342 SOLANKI M.S. S.B.O. GR-II 3510 895 2784 71891343 JADAV R.B. S.B.O. GR-II 3510 895 2959 73641344 SHUKLA B.J. S.B.O. GR-II 4280 1091 3584 89551345 OZA A.K. S.B.O. GR-I 3980 1015 3141 81361346 DEDON N.J. S.B.O. GR-I 3795 968 3001 77641347 KHARADI G.K. S.B.O. GR-I 3795 968 3001 77641348 PADHRECHA V.B. LINEMAN 5100 1301 3211 96121349 PATEL N.R. S.B.O. GR-II 3680 938 3097 77151350 CHANGESA H.J. S.B.O. GR-II 3595 917 3029 75411351 PATEL Y.M. HELPER 3400 867 2700 69671354 BHAGORA R.S. S.B.O. GR-II 4373 1230 2880 84831355 PARGI R.S. S.B.O. GR-I 3540 903 2807 72501356 GAMIT P.G. S.B.O. GR-I 3540 903 2806 72491365 VYAS P.J. S.B.O. GR-II 3425 873 2890 71881373 PATEL A.A S.B.O. GR-II 3400 867 2700 69671374 SHRIMALI G.K. WATCHMAN 3325 848 2643 68161375 PARMAR D.G. WATCHMAN 3325 848 2643 68161379 PATEL J.S. WATCHMAN 3325 848 2130 63031381 BHANGI B.D. P/T SWEEPER 450 0 796 12461382 RATHOD J.V. P/T SWEEPER 450 0 796 12461387 SOLANKI P.R. HELPER 3475 886 2757 71181388 BHANGI K.M P/T SWEEPER 225 0 1021 12461389 BHANGI A.K. P/T SWEEPER 450 0 937 13871392 ZALA B.C. AST. LINEMAN 3275 835 2098 62081396 RAJPUT R.C. AST. LINEMAN 3275 835 2262 63721399 MAKWANA L.D. P/T SWEEPER 450 0 796 12461400 THAKOR D.N. HELPER 3325 848 2378 65511401 PATHAN S.G. S.B.O. GR-II 3680 938 2913 75311405 PATEL K.M HELPER 3175 810 2687 66721410 BHAVSAR G.M HELPER 4915 1253 4101 102691411 D S BAROT S.B.O. GR-II 3595 917 3029 75411412 KHARSAN P.P S.B.O. GR-II 3680 938 2913 75311413 NAI I.A HELPER 3250 829 2083 61621414 SOLAMKI A.D HELPER 3680 938 2723 73411416 PATEL D.K HELPER 3175 810 2599 65841421 TABIYAR V.S HELPER 3175 810 2529 65141423 BABI N.I S.B.O. GR-II 3275 835 2769 68791430 J.M.Ninama JR. ASST(TYPIST) 3900 995 2245 71401431 PATEL M.D AST. LINEMAN 3100 791 2626 65171432 SALAT A.L. HELPER 3100 791 2704 65951433 RABARI J.V. HELPER 3100 791 2146 60371436 SOLANKI R.J. S.B.O. GR-II 3368 943 2566 68771439 PARMAR D.S. HELPER 3100 791 2471 6362

1441 SOLANKI A.J. HELPER 3100 791 2626 65171442 TURI D.R. HELPER 3100 791 2471 63621443 PARMAR K.K. HELPER 3100 791 2471 63621444 SOLANKI B.M. HELPER 3100 791 2471 63621445 PANCHAL S.V. HELPER 3100 791 1991 58821446 PARMAR J.U. HELPER 3100 791 2626 65171448 ANSARI M.A. HELPER 3100 791 2626 65171449 THAKOR M.D. HELPER 3100 791 2626 65171450 VANKAR P.D. HELPER 3100 791 2471 63621451 NINAMA V.S. S.B.O. GR-II 3200 816 2547 65631452 GADAT A.S. HELPER 3100 791 2471 63621453 SHROFF K.A. JR. ENGINEER 8500 2168 8085 187531456 SHAH H.V. JR. ENGINEER 9000 2295 7030 183251457 KULKARNI K.A. JR. ENGINEER 8500 2168 6645 173131458 SOLANKI S. G. DRIVER GR-I 8025 2046 4997 150681460 KHOKHARIYA R. M. HELPER 3030 773 2417 62201461 DAMOR I. R. HELPER 3030 773 1948 57511462 DAMOR V. V. HELPER 3030 773 2417 62201467 OZAT Z. S. HELPER 3030 773 2418 62211468 R.K.Ghatad. P/T SWEEPER 450 0 937 13871470 PATEL JAYANTI MOHANLAL SR. ASSISTANT 5250 1339 2988 95771471 PANDYA MAHENDRA J HELPER 3030 773 2418 62211473 PATEL ROHIT B HELPER 3030 773 2418 62211474 PATEL MUKESH S HELPER 3030 773 2569 63721475 N.J.Vaghela. HELPER 3030 773 2418 62211477 KATARA D K HELPER 3100 791 2471 63621478 PARMAR P C HELPER 3250 829 2748 68271482 PATEL ANIL S HELPER 3030 773 2407 62101486 THAKORE PUNAMJI R HELPER 3030 773 2407 62101487 THAKOR CHANDANJI N HELPER 3030 773 2559 63621494 A A MANSURI JR. ENGINEER 8000 2040 6410 164501498 B M PATEL JR. ENGINEER 7750 1976 7381 171071499 M D ACHARYA S.B.O. GR-I 3880 989 3065 79341500 M A PATEL HELPER 2960 755 2512 62271503 SHETH K T E. E. 15150 3863 11965 309781504 PANCHAL L B DY. ENGINEER 11325 2888 8991 232041508 SHAH V H DY SUPDT (ACCT) 8750 2231 5569 165501515 SHRIMALI K P SR. ASSISTANT 5425 1383 3492 103001517 BRAHMBHATT R C SR. ASSISTANT 8025 2046 5815 158861518 PATEL B S SR. ASSISTANT 7775 1983 4960 147181519 CHAVDA M L. SR. ASSISTANT 4600 1173 2976 87491520 PATEL P K SR. ASSISTANT 7325 1868 4678 138711521 PANDYA A M SR. ASSISTANT 4600 1173 2861 86341522 ADHIYOL D R SR. ASSISTANT 5250 1339 3382 99711525 RABARI V V PEON 3765 960 2360 70851526 KALMA P R PEON 4335 1106 2811 82521527 SHARMA N M PEON 3935 1004 2265 72041529 KHOKHARIA B G CLEANER 3680 938 2622 72401530 DABHI M J S.B.O. GR-II 3595 917 2849 73611531 PATEL S R S.B.O. GR-II 3680 938 2987 76051533 TRIVEDI V.V. JR. ASSISTANT 5100 1301 3289 96901534 JOSHI H.K. SR. ASSISTANT 5425 1383 4081 10889

1535 TRIVEDI S.J. TRACER 8025 2046 5436 155071537 N.B.PADHIYAR JR. ENGINEER 10100 2576 7878 205541547 J. M. PATEL HELPER 3475 886 2993 73541552 H B DAVE PEON 6055 1544 3885 114841553 P V LIMBACHIYA JR. ASSISTANT 3800 969 2476 72451554 R O GULATI JR. ENGINEER 7750 1976 7381 171071555 D G PATEL Vidyut Sahayak 3500 0 1 35011556 G P DABHI DY. ENGINEER 12900 3290 11349 275391558 A J BEGADIA WATCHMAN 3850 982 2738 75701559 M N PATEL DY SUPDT (ACCT) 6425 1638 4592 126551561 SHAH V M JR. ASSISTANT 7775 1983 4961 147191562 GHORI I P JR. ASSISTANT 4100 1046 3293 84391563 CHAUHAN P N DY. ENGINEER 11450 2920 9089 234591564 RAVAL M G DY SUPDT (ESTT) 10025 2556 7244 198251565 C B PATEL DY. ENGINEER 12300 3137 10494 259311566 PARMAR B M JR. ENGINEER 8500 2168 7070 177381571 PATEL A P DY. ENGINEER 14400 3672 12568 306401575 THAKOR L B SR. ASSISTANT 6175 1575 3960 117101576 PATEL S K SR. ASSISTANT 4600 1173 2975 87481577 PATEL A M SURVEYOR GR-II 5775 1473 4156 114041578 RAJPUT D B LINE INSPECTOR 9275 2365 6455 180951581 PATEL V H S.B.O. GR-II 3680 938 2913 75311583 DESAI S J PEON 2067.5 527 1548 41421586 K.C VAIDYA DRIVER GR-II 5600 1428 3937 109651588 B. S. PATEL HELPER 3030 773 2176 59791589 PANCHAL M. G. DY. ENGINEER 14400 3672 12236 303081590 A K BAKSHI JR. ENGINEER 8000 2040 6620 166601602 SING H B DY. ENGINEER 12300 3137 9818 252551603 KARNAVAT K K JR. ENGINEER 12625 3219 10074 259181606 MAKWANA N D CIVIL MISTRY 4350 1109 3080 85391607 PATEL R D DRIVER GR-I 4900 1250 3457 96071608 THAKOR A S PEON 3595 917 2348 68601610 SHARMA N.M. SR. ASSISTANT 5250 1339 3646 102351611 N.J. PATEL JR. ENGINEER 12300 3137 10125 255621631 RATHOD N K DY. ENGINEER 14775 3768 12543 310861634 SHRIMALI J M SR. ASSISTANT 6425 1638 4117 121801635 RAO S K LINE INSPECTOR 9275 2365 6455 180951636 PATEL N S SURVEYOR GR-II 5975 1524 4553 120521637 PATEL D K LINE INSPT GR-II 5500 1403 3869 107721638 PATEL M B LINEMAN 4975 1269 3509 97531639 BEGDIYA R D PEON 3765 960 2454 71791640 SADAT R K WATCHMAN 4035 1029 2866 79301664 SHAIKH M A LINE INSPT GR-II 6650 1696 5175 135211665 SINDHI F S LINEMAN 5225 1332 3681 102381666 PATEL G F LINEMAN 5225 1332 3549 101061667 RANA H S PEON 3595 917 2258 67701668 BARIA P.J. SR. ASSISTANT 4600 1173 2631 84041669 R.V. SUTHAR JR. ENGINEER 8750 2231 7014 179951671 PATEL B K DY. ENGINEER 11000 2805 8735 225401682 PARMAR P M DY. ENGINEER 11000 2805 8735 225401684 PATEL N N SR. ASSISTANT 5250 1339 3251 98401687 PATEL J K PEON 3765 960 2360 7085

1689 A.P. MODI JR. ENGINEER 12625 3219 10391 262351690 PUROHIT N G JR. ENGINEER 10375 2646 8298 213191701 PATEL R.B. LEADING FIREMAN 4350 1109 2754 82131703 PRADHAN S.S. LEADING FIREMAN 3880 989 2467 73361706 PATEL G. B. E. E. 16650 4433 11433 325161707 KHODIDAS L. JADAV TECHNICIAN GR-II 3900 995 2479 73741708 PRAVINKUMAR R. DAMOR HELPER 3030 773 2457 62601709 POPATBHAI S. BAMANA HELPER 3030 773 1949 57521713 D L SHRIMALI HELPER 3325 848 2632 68051715 PATEL MUKUNDKUMAR D. HELPER 3475 886 2220 65811717 PATEL RAJESHKUMAR S HELPER 3175 810 2688 66731718 C. K. MAKWANA HELPER 3175 810 2276 62611719 M K CHAUHAN PLANT OP. GR.-I 7100 1811 6051 149621721 PATEL PATHKKUMAR A. HELPER 3030 773 2101 59041722 PATEL CHETANKUMAR I HELPER 3030 773 2100 59031726 ANIT. CHAKARABARTHY JR. ENGINEER 7750 1976 6068 157941728 BHOGILAL I. PATEL PLANT OP. GR.-I 7100 1811 5998 149091732 R V RABARI DRIVER GR-I 5600 1428 5062 120901735 J H PARMAR DY. ENGINEER 11650 2971 11040 256611736 K V PARMAR HELPER 3030 773 2417 62201737 T N PARMAR PLANT OP. GR.-I 6650 1696 4357 127031739 B C PATEL Vidyut Sahayak 3500 0 1 35011740 R P PATEL Vidyut Sahayak 3500 0 0 35001741 V K PATEL Vidyut Sahayak 3500 0 0 35001742 H B PATEL Vidyut Sahayak 3500 0 0 35001743 S B VIHOL Vidyut Sahayak 3500 0 0 35001746 M M PATEL Vidyut Sahayak 3500 0 1 35011747 M I PATEL Vidyut Sahayak 3500 0 1 35011749 RAVAL M H DY SUPDT (ACCT) 6650 1696 4091 124371750 PARMAR A D Vidyut Sahayak 3000 0 0 30001751 PARMAR M V Vidyut Sahayak 3000 0 0 30001752 CHAUHAN M K Vidyut Sahayak 3000 0 0 30001753 KADIA S K PLANT OP. GR.-I 7325 1868 5690 148831754 M B PATEL E. E. 15150 3863 10554 295671755 MODI R V PLANT OP. GR.-I 5600 1428 4376 114041756 MAKWANA G P Vidyut Sahayak 2500 0 0 25001757 THAKARDA J V Vidyut Sahayak 2500 0 0 25001758 JANSARI J M Vidyut Sahayak 2500 0 0 25001759 B M GOSAI Vidyut Sahayak 2500 0 0 25001760 J M PRAJAPATI Vidyut Sahayak 2500 0 0 25001904 CHAUDHARY J. N. JR. ENGINEER 7500 1913 5875 152881907 MAKWANA D M SR. ASSISTANT 4450 1135 2548 81331909 GALASARA M N S.B.O. GR-I 3795 968 3001 77641911 DAMOR R D JR. ASSISTANT 4850 1237 2768 88551912 MALEKPURA G. K. S.S. HELPER 3030 773 5184 89871914 RAJGOR A. N. S.S. HELPER 3030 773 2570 63731916 PATEL G. K. S.S. HELPER 3030 773 2821 66241917 BHAVSAR V. P. S.S. HELPER 3030 773 3296 70991920 PATEL T P S.S. HELPER 3175 810 2529 65141921 PATEL M B S.S. HELPER 3935 1004 5215 101541922 DAMOR K M S.S. HELPER 3250 829 2585 66641955 THAKOR M K DY. ENGINEER 13275 3385 11553 28213

1956 MAKWANA R S PLANT OP. GR.-I 6425 1638 5005 130681958 TANK J J PLANT OP. GR.-I 6200 1581 4957 127381959 J C KHARADI S.S. HELPER 3100 791 2146 60371960 M A ASARI S.S. HELPER 3100 791 2471 63621961 K A NINAMA S.S. HELPER 3100 791 2471 63621963 M K PATEL S.S. HELPER 2960 755 2364 60791964 V B RATHOD S.S. HELPER 2960 755 2128 58431966 G P PATEL S.S. HELPER 2960 755 2512 62271967 R G THAKARADA S.S. HELPER 2960 755 2364 60791969 P C RAJPUT S.S. HELPER 2960 755 2513 62281972 M M VAGHELA HELPER 5615 1432 3526 105731973 D K Sadhu S.B.O. GR-I 10244 4448 5003 196951974 J V JOSHI Vidyut Sahayak 3500 0 1 35011975 S P ZALA Vidyut Sahayak 3500 0 1 35011976 A K SUTHAR HELPER 2820 719 2257 57961977 R N OZAT Vidyut Sahayak 3500 0 1 35011978 A M PATEL Vidyut Sahayak 3500 0 1 35011979 S K PATEL Vidyut Sahayak 3500 0 1 35011980 D K OZA Vidyut Sahayak 3500 0 1 35011981 D S PATEL Vidyut Sahayak 3500 0 0 35001982 R M PRAJAPATI Vidyut Sahayak 3500 0 0 35001983 D M SHARMA Vidyut Sahayak 3500 0 1 35011984 R M PATEL Vidyut Sahayak 3500 0 0 35001985 A R PATEL Vidyut Sahayak 3500 0 1 35011986 B B GOSWAMI Vidyut Sahayak 3500 0 1 35011987 M M PATEL Vidyut Sahayak 3500 0 1 35011988 M D PRAJAPATI Vidyut Sahayak 3500 0 1 35011989 S P PATEL Vidyut Sahayak 3500 0 1 35011990 D K PATEL Vidyut Sahayak 3500 0 1 35011991 A V PATEL Vidyut Sahayak 3500 0 1 35011992 V I PATEL Vidyut Sahayak 3500 0 0 35001993 U J VAGHELA Vidyut Sahayak 3500 0 0 35001994 S S KSHATRIYA Vidyut Sahayak 3500 0 0 35001995 P M PATEL Vidyut Sahayak 3500 0 0 35001996 PARMAR I A HELPER 2820 719 2258 57971997 SHRIMALI B D HELPER 2820 719 2398 59371998 CHAVADA D N HELPER 2820 719 2257 57961999 SOLANKI A M HELPER 2820 719 5545 90842000 PARMAR G J HELPER 2820 719 2257 57962001 SOLANKI C D HELPER 2820 719 2492 60312002 DABHI V A HELPER 2820 719 2257 57962003 KAPADIYA S R HELPER 2820 719 2258 57972004 CHAVADA S H HELPER 2820 719 1820 53592005 SOLANKI R M HELPER 2820 719 2258 57972006 DIMARI D N HELPER 4335 1106 3412 88532007 PARMAR D J HELPER 2820 719 2112 56512008 CHAUHAN M J HELPER 2960 755 2364 60792009 PARMAR K R HELPER 2820 719 2399 59382010 RAVAL V D Vidyut Sahayak 4000 0 0 40002011 RATHOD R A Vidyut Sahayak 3000 0 0 30002012 PATEL D M DRIVER GR-I 7175 1830 4477 134822013 PATEL B R E. E. 15900 4055 11072 31027

2014 K K SOLANKI DY SUPDT (ACCT) 6200 1581 3820 116012015 ASARI R M Vidyut Sahayak 2500 0 1 25012016 KADIA M P Vidyut Sahayak 2500 0 1 25012017 MODI J J Vidyut Sahayak 2500 0 1 25012018 CHAUDHARI J K Vidyut Sahayak 2500 0 1 25012019 PANCHAL J K Vidyut Sahayak 2500 0 1 25012020 DABHI R K Vidyut Sahayak 2500 0 1 25012021 NAYEE P R Vidyut Sahayak 2500 0 1 25012022 SOLANKI S H Vidyut Sahayak 2500 0 1 25012023 PATEL R C Vidyut Sahayak 2500 0 1 25012024 BAVA D G Vidyut Sahayak 2500 0 0 25002025 SOLANKI K C Vidyut Sahayak 2500 0 1 25012026 KULKARNI V V DY. ENGINEER 14400 3672 14160 322322027 PRAJAPATI P M Vidyut Sahayak 2500 0 0 25002028 MAKWANA H D Vidyut Sahayak 2500 0 0 25002029 SENMA M C Vidyut Sahayak 2500 0 0 25002030 SOLANKI G V Vidyut Sahayak 2500 0 0 25002031 PARMAR M K Vidyut Sahayak 2500 0 0 25002032 MAKWANA A F Vidyut Sahayak 2500 0 0 25002033 VAGHELA N J Vidyut Sahayak 2500 0 0 25002034 PARMAR K K Vidyut Sahayak 2500 0 0 25002035 CHENVA S J Vidyut Sahayak 2500 0 0 25002036 PARMAR R S Vidyut Sahayak 2500 0 0 25002037 RATHOD D K Vidyut Sahayak 2500 0 0 25002038 PARMAR P A Vidyut Sahayak 2500 0 0 25002039 PARMAR A B Vidyut Sahayak 2500 0 0 25002040 PARMAR J L Vidyut Sahayak 2500 0 0 25002041 MANVAR K R Vidyut Sahayak 2500 0 0 25002042 VALAND H D Vidyut Sahayak 2500 0 0 25002043 PADHIYAR G M Vidyut Sahayak 2500 0 0 25002044 PARMAR M P Vidyut Sahayak 2500 0 0 25002045 M M VAIRAGHIBAVA Vidyut Sahayak 2500 0 0 25002046 I A VARAN Vidyut Sahayak 2823 0 0 28232047 G D PRAJAPATI Vidyut Sahayak 2660 0 0 26602048 T M KANZARIYA Vidyut Sahayak 2500 0 0 25002049 N V KANBI Vidyut Sahayak 2500 0 0 25002050 K C BHILOCH Vidyut Sahayak 2740 0 0 27402102 PATEL B A S.B.O. GR-I 6305 1608 5229 131422103 PRAJAPATI M K S.B.O. GR-II 3510 895 2241 66462104 PATEL R A S.B.O. GR-II 3510 895 2784 71892105 RATHOD B D AST. LINEMAN 3680 938 2345 69632107 PATEL K B S.B.O. GR-I 4080 1040 3421 85412108 LIMBACHIYA P K AST. LINEMAN 4735 1208 3227 91702109 PATEL M S LINE INSPT GR-II 5650 1441 3547 106382110 PATEL S V S.B.O. GR-I 4380 1117 7638 131352111 THAKOR L L S.B.O. GR-II 3680 938 2900 75182112 ASARI S P HELPER 3510 895 2784 71892113 DHARKHAD Y R DY. ENGINEER 11975 3054 9322 243512114 MEVADA P P JR. ENGINEER 8250 2104 9247 196012118 PATEL V. A. S.B.O. GR-I 5430 1385 4240 110552119 KOTAD J B HELPER 3175 810 2528 65132122 SONI B S JR. ENGINEER 8000 2040 11709 21749

2123 CHAUDHRY B V JR. ENGINEER 7000 1785 5765 145502126 PATEL K M HELPER 3100 791 2704 65952127 PATEL M A HELPER 3175 810 2529 65142129 R G Patel JR. ENGINEER 7250 1849 9206 183052130 K C PATEL HELPER 3175 810 2688 66732131 A I MANSURI HELPER 3850 982 3042 78742135 ASARI D R HELPER 3100 791 2471 63622136 MLEKPURA G S S.B.O. GR-I 4280 1091 3584 89552137 PANCHAL C G Vidyut Sahayak 3000 0 0 30002138 CHAUDHARY D M Vidyut Sahayak 2500 0 0 25002139 CHAUDHARY M D Vidyut Sahayak 2500 0 0 25002140 BAROT R M Vidyut Sahayak 2500 0 0 25002141 RAVAL B B DY SUPDT (ACCT) 26905 8504 7310 427192142 M S MEVADA JR. ENGINEER 7750 1976 7307 170332143 D S THAKOR Vidyut Sahayak 2500 0 1 25012144 R A DESAI Vidyut Sahayak 2500 0 1 25012145 D M PRAJAPATI Vidyut Sahayak 2500 0 1 25012146 PATEL R A JR. ENGINEER 8750 2231 7494 184752147 PRAJAPATI Y M Vidyut Sahayak 2500 0 0 25002148 PARMAR B H Vidyut Sahayak 2500 0 0 25002501 A S PATEL HELPER 2960 755 2673 63882503 M J RAMI HELPER 2960 755 2512 62272504 SOLANKI K M HELPER 3175 810 2528 65132506 R P VARMA DY. ENGINEER 10400 2652 8108 211602507 Y A MALVI HELPER 3325 848 2643 68162508 M R GUPTA Vidyut Sahayak 3500 0 0 35002511 N B SHUKLA HELPER 3030 773 2570 63732512 A H RATHOD Vidyut Sahayak 3500 0 1 35012513 D D PATEL Vidyut Sahayak 3500 0 0 35002514 S C PATEL Vidyut Sahayak 3677 0 0 36772515 R D BARAD Vidyut Sahayak 3500 0 1 35012516 D J RAHEVAR Vidyut Sahayak 3677 0 0 36772517 K D PATEL Vidyut Sahayak 3500 0 1 35012518 B M PATEL Vidyut Sahayak 3500 0 1 35012519 B H RAVAL HELPER 3635 927 2879 74412520 S B PATEL Vidyut Sahayak 3500 0 0 35002521 S J PATEL Vidyut Sahayak 3000 0 0 30002522 R N PATEL Vidyut Sahayak 3112 0 0 31122523 M M SHEIKH Vidyut Sahayak 3500 0 0 35002524 S S TRIVEDI Vidyut Sahayak 3500 0 0 35002525 J R JORVIYA DY. ENGINEER 12300 3137 8834 242712526 S J JOSHI DY SUPDT (ACCT) 6425 1638 3956 120192528 SOLANKI K A HELPER 2820 719 2257 57962529 SOLANKI R S HELPER 2820 719 2258 57972530 SOLANKI D L HELPER 2820 719 2257 57962531 VANKAR B L HELPER 2820 719 2257 57962532 PARMAR S J HELPER 2820 719 2258 57972533 PALADIYA R R HELPER 2820 719 1821 53602534 PANDYA B R HELPER 2820 719 2257 57962535 PARMAR A M HELPER 2820 719 2258 57972539 VARSAT R R HELPER 2960 755 2364 60792540 PATEL S S S.B.O. GR-II 3510 895 2783 7188

2541 PARMAR M K Vidyut Sahayak 3100 0 0 31002542 VAGHELA R S Vidyut Sahayak 3083 0 0 30832543 B S NADODA HELPER 3175 810 2688 66732544 THAKOR B N Vidyut Sahayak 2500 0 0 25002545 SOLANKI J R Vidyut Sahayak 2500 0 0 25002546 THAKOR F G Vidyut Sahayak 2500 0 1 25012547 M L VOHRA HELPER 3325 848 2809 69822548 PARMAR J N Vidyut Sahayak 2500 0 0 25002549 DAMOR S V Vidyut Sahayak 2500 0 0 25002550 BHAGORA S D Vidyut Sahayak 2500 0 0 25002551 ZALA M S Vidyut Sahayak 2500 0 0 25002552 VALAND M R Vidyut Sahayak 2500 0 1 25012553 PRAJAPATI S K Vidyut Sahayak 2500 0 0 25002554 RATHOD N S Vidyut Sahayak 2500 0 0 25002555 ANSARI Z A Vidyut Sahayak 2500 0 0 25002556 CHAUDHARI I V Vidyut Sahayak 2500 0 0 25002557 PARMAR S S Vidyut Sahayak 2500 0 0 25002558 MISTRI J B Vidyut Sahayak 2500 0 0 25002559 TARAL H K Vidyut Sahayak 2500 0 0 25002560 THAKOR D M Vidyut Sahayak 2500 0 0 25002561 THAKOR K V Vidyut Sahayak 2500 0 0 25002562 CHAUDHARI M N Vidyut Sahayak 2500 0 0 25002563 SOLANKI D V Vidyut Sahayak 2500 0 0 25002564 KHOKHARIYA M S Vidyut Sahayak 2500 0 0 25002565 MAKWANA B M Vidyut Sahayak 2500 0 0 25002566 PARMAR B P Vidyut Sahayak 2500 0 0 25002567 PARMAR M V Vidyut Sahayak 2500 0 0 25002568 PANCHAL P N Vidyut Sahayak 2500 0 0 25002569 PARMAR R P Vidyut Sahayak 2500 0 0 25002570 PARMAR G K Vidyut Sahayak 2500 0 0 25002571 PARMAR A G Vidyut Sahayak 2500 0 0 25002572 PARMAR J J Vidyut Sahayak 2500 0 0 25002573 SHENVA N L Vidyut Sahayak 2500 0 0 25002574 SOLANKI R M Vidyut Sahayak 2500 0 0 25002575 SHRIMALI G D Vidyut Sahayak 2500 0 0 25002576 THAKOR V N Vidyut Sahayak 2500 0 2400 49002577 YOGI R J Vidyut Sahayak 2500 0 0 25002578 THAKOR B M Vidyut Sahayak 2500 0 0 25002579 RATIYA D M Vidyut Sahayak 2500 0 0 25002580 CHAMAR R P Vidyut Sahayak 2500 0 0 25002702 C V DESAI HELPER 2820 719 1821 53602703 A M PATEL Vidyut Sahayak 3500 0 1 35012704 C R PATEL Vidyut Sahayak 4500 0 1 45012705 M M PATEL Vidyut Sahayak 3500 0 0 35002706 S D DAVE Vidyut Sahayak 3500 0 1 35012708 H P PATEL Vidyut Sahayak 3500 0 0 35002709 M N PRAJAPATI HELPER 2960 755 2587 63022711 B D JOSHI Vidyut Sahayak 3500 0 0 35002712 A M CHAVDA Vidyut Sahayak 3500 0 0 35002714 M N PATEL JR. ENGINEER 8250 2104 7851 182052715 H S PATEL JR. ENGINEER 6750 1721 5623 140942716 H M BHAMBHATT HELPER 2960 755 2365 6080

2717 S L MENAT HELPER 3100 791 2631 65222718 PARMAR P S HELPER 2820 719 2258 57972719 PARMAR S R HELPER 2820 719 1820 53592720 PARMAR K H HELPER 2820 719 1820 53592721 PARMAR J N HELPER 2820 719 2258 57972723 SHRIMALI D M HELPER 2820 719 2258 57972724 VANKAR L K HELPER 2820 719 2544 60832725 AGRAWAL J N HELPER 2820 719 2257 57962726 PARMAR R R HELPER 3030 773 2417 62202727 DAMOR D S HELPER 2960 755 2364 60792728 RATHOD J H HELPER 2820 719 2258 57972729 DABHI K R HELPER 2820 719 2257 57962730 PARMAR H K HELPER 2820 719 2257 57962731 JADAV B S HELPER 2820 719 2257 57962732 SOLANKI J M HELPER 2820 719 2398 59372733 MENAT J A HELPER 2960 755 2365 60802734 PARMAR D K Vidyut Sahayak 3000 0 0 30002735 DESAI L L Vidyut Sahayak 3000 0 0 30002736 PANCHAL M B Vidyut Sahayak 3000 0 0 30002737 PRAJAPATI D P Vidyut Sahayak 2500 0 0 25002738 RAVAL C B Vidyut Sahayak 2500 0 125 26252739 PATEL V C E. E. 15150 3863 11832 308452740 MEVADA V K E. E. 15150 3863 11690 307032741 PATEL N J PLANT OP. GR.-I 5600 1428 4376 114042743 MODH J. K. Vidyut Sahayak 2500 0 0 25002744 GAUSWAMI H. C. Vidyut Sahayak 2500 0 0 25002745 MODI K. B. Vidyut Sahayak 2500 0 0 25002746 SOLANKI M.K. Vidyut Sahayak 2500 0 0 25002747 SHRIMALI A. H. Vidyut Sahayak 2500 0 0 25002748 KOTWAL K. M. Vidyut Sahayak 2500 0 0 25002749 BAROT N.I. Vidyut Sahayak 2500 0 0 25002750 PATEL R.M. Vidyut Sahayak 2500 0 0 25002751 BHEGODA D.K. Vidyut Sahayak 2500 0 0 25002752 THAKOR H.C. Vidyut Sahayak 2500 0 0 25002753 GAUSWAMI R.D. Vidyut Sahayak 2500 0 0 25002754 THAKOR S.H. Vidyut Sahayak 2500 0 0 25002756 C.D.SWAMI DY SUPDT (ACCT) 7100 1811 4538 134492757 CHAUHAN Y R Vidyut Sahayak 2500 0 0 25002758 MEVADA V G Vidyut Sahayak 2500 0 0 25002759 RATHOD B K Vidyut Sahayak 2500 0 0 25002760 GAMAR N N Vidyut Sahayak 2500 0 0 25002761 MAKWANA J K Vidyut Sahayak 2500 0 0 25002762 GANASWA B K Vidyut Sahayak 2500 0 0 25002763 TABIYAD G L Vidyut Sahayak 2500 0 0 25002764 NAYEE K S Vidyut Sahayak 2500 0 0 25002765 VANKAR B K Vidyut Sahayak 2500 0 0 25002766 SINDHI M A Vidyut Sahayak 2500 0 0 25002767 SOLANKI P K Vidyut Sahayak 2500 0 0 25002768 PARMAR A K Vidyut Sahayak 2500 0 0 25002769 PRAJAPATI P D Vidyut Sahayak 2823 0 75 28982770 BHATIYA K D Vidyut Sahayak 2742 0 75 28172771 THAKOR C P Vidyut Sahayak 2742 0 75 2817

2772 RANA V P Vidyut Sahayak 2903 0 0 29033101 PRAJAPATI M. H. Vidyut Sahayak 2500 0 0 25003102 PARMAR ANILKUMAR R Vidyut Sahayak 2500 0 1 25013103 PARMAR B K Vidyut Sahayak 2500 0 1 25013104 PARMAR B S Vidyut Sahayak 2500 0 1 25013105 SISODIYA D J Vidyut Sahayak 2500 0 1 25013106 PATEL M M S.B.O. GR-II 3510 895 2959 73643107 H M AGHARIYA Vidyut Sahayak 2500 0 0 2500

3 MAKADIYA N C E. E. 15900 4055 13060 330157 PARMAR M L DRIVER GR-II 10925 2786 7584 21295

21 DAVE S M JR. ASSISTANT 6100 1556 4491 1214722 JOSHI A L JR. ASSISTANT 6100 1556 3914 1157023 J M JADIYA SR. ASSISTANT 4750 1211 3069 903024 PANDYA Y N SR. ASSISTANT 4750 1211 3069 903030 VASAVADA S I SR. ASSISTANT 7775 1983 5664 1542231 TRIVEDI A J SR. ASSISTANT 7375 1881 21080 3033633 VYAS H B SR. ASSISTANT 5425 1383 3492 1030034 SAVALIA N N JR. ASSISTANT 4750 1211 3069 903035 BHATT K J JR. ASSISTANT 4600 1173 2975 874840 SARVAIYA K M PEON 4930 1257 3821 1000846 B A JADEJA WATCHMAN 5180 1321 3325 982651 D H BHATT JR. ASSISTANT 4600 1173 2976 874953 P I BHATT JR. STENOGRAPHER 6000 1530 4502 1203256 N J BHATT DY SUPDT (ACCT) 8250 2104 5257 1561157 KAPADI B. D. PEON 3100 791 2039 593058 R D JETHVA DY SUPDT (ACCT) 10375 2646 6585 1960660 K.J.SAMPAT DY SUPDT (ACCT) 10100 2576 6414 1909062 B.H.JANI DY. ENGINEER 47661 14384 40449 249463 D.H.ADHVARYOO SUPDT (ACCOUNTS) 9825 2505 6866 1919666 H.B.DODIA SR. ASSISTANT 8675 2212 11404 2229168 D.L.ZALA P/T SWEEPER 1245 0 0 124570 B.K.GHETIYA ADD. CHEF ENGR. 16275 4150 12273 3269873 R.R.THAKAR SUPDT (ACCOUNTS) 11750 2996 7444 2219074 I.M.JADEJA E. E. 14400 3672 11116 29188

102 GANDHI J M JR. ENGINEER 9800 2499 8942 21241104 UKANI N G SR. TECHNICIAN 15670 8357 6815 30842109 S.A.KHETI E. E. 15900 4055 14053 34008127 GHUTLA D R DY. ENGINEER 15150 3863 11993 31006129 MEHTA K L PLANT OP. GR.-I 6000 1530 4210 11740130 JADEJA J R TECHNICIAN GR-II 5950 1517 4738 12205131 SHAH N I HELPER 3890 992 2765 7647134 S K SATA PLANT OP. GR.-I 6200 1581 4348 12129154 VARANIYA N V LINEMAN 6875 2037 5974 14886155 CHAVDA S R LINEMAN 5400 1635 4648 11683156 VYAS D D LINEMAN 5800 1763 5157 12720157 RAVAL A M DRIVER GR-II 8525 2174 5940 16639158 R.R.RAVAL JR. ENGINEER 9000 2553 8926 20479203 BHATT H J DY. ENGINEER 14400 3672 13469 31541204 THAKAR H M JR. ENGINEER 10100 2576 11042 23718207 SHETH N M JR. ENGINEER 9200 2346 9315 20861208 VAISHNAV V K PLANT OP. GR.-I 8775 2238 6348 17361209 SONDAGAR V V JR. ENGINEER 8000 2040 8114 18154

210 KOTADIYA N S PLANT OP. GR.-I 7325 1868 5788 14981211 GONDALIYA K N JR. ENGINEER 7750 1976 6656 16382213 PATEL G K ASST.OP.GR-III 9350 2384 7795 19529217 MER N V HELPER 5515 1406 3879 10800218 JADEJA V G HELPER 3975 1014 2526 7515219 MAKWANA V T HELPER 3890 992 2796 7678221 PARMAR K K AST. LINEMAN 3935 1004 2773 7712222 SOLANKI M M AST. LINEMAN 3765 960 2586 7311226 BHADANI M T ELECTRICIAN 6725 1715 5277 13717227 PANDYA M K LINE INSPECTOR 6125 1562 4610 12297229 K T ZANKHALIYA HELPER 7355 1876 5140 14371230 SOLANKI O K HELPER 5415 1381 3810 10606232 PARMAR J J HELPER 3805 970 2707 7482234 RATHOD P A S.B.O. GR-I 3710 946 4137 8793236 MEHTA P N DRIVER GR-II 10375 2646 7207 20228237 RATHOD G J DRIVER GR-II 7325 1868 5118 14311238 VYAS B D DRIVER GR-II 7775 1983 4844 14602244 THAKAR V N SR. ASSISTANT 7175 1830 5715 14720245 PARMAR P C JR. ASST(TYPIST) 4850 1237 3132 9219246 PITRODA R J JR. ASSISTANT 4750 1211 2713 8674254 SOLANKI S N KAMDAR 4315 1100 3198 8613255 VAGHELA D K GARDNER(MALI) 4335 1106 2746 8187259 S V SHELANI DY. ENGINEER 11325 2888 9670 23883261 TRIVEDI I H DY. ENGINEER 14400 3672 11489 29561262 ADHIA P K DY. ENGINEER 10700 2729 8339 21768268 JADEJA J D PLANT OP. GR.-I 6650 1696 6218 14564272 MAKWANA M B AST. LINEMAN 4985 1271 3391 9647274 PARMAR P V DRIVER GR-II 6175 1575 4331 12081276 JADEJA D N AST. LINEMAN 3935 1004 4044 8983277 MAKWANA R B HELPER 3890 992 3785 8667278 MAKWANA R K HELPER 5515 1406 4662 11583279 SOLANKI J N HELPER 4615 1177 3262 9054280 AKWALIA MANSUKH B S.B.O. GR-I 3795 968 2957 7720281 JADEJA B N HELPER 3635 927 3110 7672282 KALOLA C K S.B.O. GR-I 3795 968 2957 7720283 DONGA M B HELPER 3635 927 3111 7673284 U G THAKAR HELPER 3325 848 2854 7027285 D V SARVAIYA HELPER 3250 829 2083 6162287 D A JANI DY SUPDT (ACCT) 6875 1753 4398 13026288 J B PARMAR HELPER 3250 829 2606 6685289 M B VYAS HELPER 3325 848 2366 6539291 JADEJA C V S.B.O. GR-I 5555 1417 4556 11528292 TRIVEDI B J S.B.O. GR-I 4280 1091 5735 11106293 DANIDHARIA J S S.B.O. GR-I 4180 1066 3246 8492294 GONDALIA R M S.B.O. GR-I 4380 1117 3396 8893295 SORATHIA A B ELECTRICIAN 6550 1670 4587 12807296 SORATHIA D K LINEMAN 4280 1091 3033 8404297 JADEJA VIRENDRASINH R S.B.O. GR-I 3710 946 3079 7735299 SIDDHPARA S.P. AST. LINEMAN 3595 917 2474 6986301 MAKWANA B B ASST. OP. GR-II 4725 1205 4428 10358302 BHATT J C S.B.O. GR-I 4280 1091 4144 9515303 RATHOD J S S.B.O. GR-I 4280 1091 3321 8692

304 JADEJA S J LINE INSPT GR-II 5350 1364 4232 10946309 P B CHUDASAMA HELPER 3475 886 2891 7252312 JETHVA D B ASST. OP. GR-II 5600 1428 4311 11339313 JADEJA R J S.B.O. GR-I 4280 1091 3321 8692315 MONPARA G G LINEMAN 4930 1257 3563 9750317 MAKWANA M P HELPER 4515 1151 3497 9163318 JADEJA D V HELPER 3550 905 2602 7057321 RAMOTIA V G S.B.O. GR-I 4930 1257 4141 10328322 KOCHARA M N S.B.O. GR-I 4280 1091 3321 8692323 BAGTHARIA R L S.B.O. GR-I 4280 1091 3535 8906324 HARIYANI M V S.B.O. GR-I 4280 1091 3534 8905325 DABHI B B LINEMAN 5805 1480 3642 10927326 HADA D A AST. LINEMAN 4985 1271 3516 9772329 VAHANI C R S.B.O. GR-II 3710 946 3079 7735330 B J SARVAIYA HELPER 5305 1353 4086 10744333 LAMBA G K ASST.OP.GR-III 5500 1403 5124 12027335 JOSHI K A S.B.O. GR-I 5805 1480 4578 11863336 SARVAIYA B B AST. LINEMAN 4860 1239 3308 9407339 PARMAR M H AST. LINEMAN 4735 1208 2989 8932340 VINDA R J DY SUPDT (ACCT) 10375 2646 6996 20017341 JOSHI R N S.B.O. GR-I 5555 1417 4557 11529342 RAIYANI M.B. S.B.O. GR-I 4180 1066 3246 8492343 THUMAR H P S.B.O. GR-I 4380 1117 3382 8879344 BALDHANIA B R S.B.O. GR-I 3980 1015 3180 8175345 RAKHOLIA D G LINEMAN 4380 1117 2992 8489346 MONPARA R M LINEMAN 4280 1091 3118 8489348 ZALA DHARMENDRA R S.B.O. GR-I 3710 946 6185 10841349 JADEJA VIKRAMSIH M S.B.O. GR-I 3710 946 3074 7730354 AJODIYA D B ELECTRICIAN 7575 1932 4721 14228356 MAKWANA K B LINEMAN 5055 1289 3438 9782359 JOGARAJIA C T S.B.O. GR-I 4480 1142 3293 8915361 VEKARIYA M G LINEMAN 4600 1431 4040 10071362 TANK J B LINEMAN 4805 1225 3272 9302363 TARAL M D HELPER 3635 927 2319 6881365 BHABHOR S R AST. LINEMAN 3595 917 2867 7379366 DAFDA S V S.B.O. GR-I 3795 968 2957 7720369 JETHVA B D AST. LINEMAN 3680 938 2345 6963374 AGHERA P M S.B.O. GR-I 6305 1608 4262 12175375 CHAUHAN D R LINEMAN 5305 1353 3602 10260377 D T AGRAVAT S.B.O. GR-I 4080 1040 3203 8323378 RATHOD D J HELPER 3890 992 3028 7910379 BRAHMBHAT CHIRAG P S.B.O. GR-I 3710 946 3074 7730381 BHATT S M S.B.O. GR-I 4380 1117 3396 8893382 THAKAR D G S.B.O. GR-I 4380 1117 4273 9770383 SHUKLA A D S.B.O. GR-I 4380 1117 3684 9181384 UPADHAYAY H S S.B.O. GR-I 4280 1091 3535 8906385 MAKWANA G K LINEMAN 6055 1544 3794 11393388 V K SARVAIYA HELPER 3325 848 2378 6551389 J T GOHEL HELPER 5180 1321 4460 10961390 C N DHAMECHA HELPER 3325 848 2129 6302392 B P GOSAI S.S. HELPER 3325 848 2663 6836394 J K PANARA S.B.O. GR-I 4180 1066 3540 8786

395 D R VAGADIYA HELPER 3325 848 2295 6468401 M.R.GEDIYA HELPER 3100 791 2590 6481403 L.H.PARMAR HELPER 3175 810 2651 6636406 B.R.KHUNT HELPER 3175 810 2196 6181408 K.H.THAKAR PLANT OP. GR.-I 7750 1976 7208 16934409 I.A. AGWAN HELPER 3100 791 2435 6326410 SOLANKI P.K. JR. ENGINEER 7750 1976 6068 15794411 ZALA R.M. HELPER 3250 829 2316 6395414 D.V.SITAPARA DY. ENGINEER 15150 3863 12902 31915415 NINAMA H.S. HELPER 3175 810 2196 6181416 T.B.LIMBANI E. E. 15150 3863 12447 31460417 A.L.KHARADI Vidyut Sahayak 3000 0 0 3000418 D.P.DAMOR Vidyut Sahayak 3000 0 0 3000419 S.A.DAMOR Vidyut Sahayak 3000 0 0 3000420 G.D.BARIYA Vidyut Sahayak 3000 0 0 3000421 R.D.VARSAT Vidyut Sahayak 3000 0 0 3000422 C.V.TADVI Vidyut Sahayak 3000 0 0 3000423 R.B.CHUDASAMA HELPER 2960 755 2054 5769424 D.C.TANK HELPER 3100 791 2435 6326425 H.N.CHUDASHAMA HELPER 3030 773 1949 5752427 R.C.DHANDHUKIYA PLANT OP. GR.-I 5800 1479 4462 11741428 D.R.GODHAVIA HELPER 3030 773 2101 5904452 R M SARDHARA HELPER 3325 848 2295 6468453 K.Z.CHAUDHARY PLANT OP. GR.-I 6000 1530 4612 12142455 DUDHATRA K.V. HELPER 3175 810 2197 6182493 H D RATHOD HELPER 3250 829 2710 6789501 K F RATHOD HELPER 3250 829 2083 6162615 S T KATRODIYA HELPER 3475 886 2220 6581624 KORAT G T JR. ENGINEER 9500 2423 8128 20051633 MAHIDA S B ASST. OP. GR.-I 5075 1294 3918 10287675 THANKI JIVANLAL N. S.B.O. GR-II 4135 1055 3420 8610677 TRIVEDI JALPESH D JR. ENGINEER 8000 2040 6981 17021687 PARMAR GIRISH B AST. LINEMAN 3595 917 3423 7935717 J.B.HALPATI PLANT OP. GR.-I 6000 1530 4603 12133728 BHADRRECHA RAMESH N. S.B.O. GR-II 3680 938 3054 7672741 TRIVEDI PRABHASHANKAR S.S.B.O. GR-I 5430 1385 4183 10998742 TRIVEDI A K S.B.O. GR-I 5555 1417 4336 11308766 KHANT KATUBHAI K S.B.O. GR-I 4805 1225 3949 9979770 BHATT KAMLESH P. S.B.O. GR-II 3425 873 2850 7148783 JOSHI R B S.B.O. GR-I 4380 1117 3595 9092784 PANDYA SHAILESH M. S.B.O. GR-II 4380 1117 3433 8930785 B L PANDYA AST. LINEMAN 4335 1106 3500 8941825 VASAVADA DUSHYANT K. LINE INSPECTOR 5350 1364 3364 10078833 PARGHI M M S.B.O. GR-II 3510 895 2903 7308845 ZALA R N ASST. OP. GR-II 7575 1932 5785 15292872 BHATT BALKRISHNA U S.B.O. GR-I 3880 989 3635 8504901 MARADIA D K LINE INSPECTOR 5350 1364 3364 10078905 JANI P M DRIVER GR-II 7575 1932 4722 14229929 KHORAVA NALIN K. S.B.O. GR-II 3680 982 2804 7466951 TANK KISHOR C S.S. HELPER 3250 829 2606 6685952 BHAGORA BABUBHAI M S.B.O. GR-II 3275 835 2567 6677966 DAMOR RAVJI S S.B.O. GR-II 3350 854 2623 6827

967 ATRI DINESH V S.S. HELPER 4930 1257 3809 9996968 ZALA YOGESH N PLANT OP. GR.-I 6425 1638 5104 13167969 MODHA PRADIP N S.S. HELPER 3325 848 2295 6468972 RATHOD PRAKASH P S.S. HELPER 3935 1004 3371 8310973 KHIRA SURESH D S.S. HELPER 3325 848 2601 6774975 LALA KAILASHCHANDRA G DY. ENGINEER 13925 3551 11987 29463976 KAMBARIA VAJSHI K S.S. HELPER 3325 848 3979 8152977 VASOYA CHANDULAL K. DY. ENGINEER 11975 3054 11842 26871978 MADAM MALADE R S.S. HELPER 3325 848 2295 6468979 MUSANI ABBASSALI A S.S. HELPER 3400 867 2831 7098980 DER HAMIR A JR. ENGINEER 8000 2040 6980 17020984 SACHDEV MANSUKH D S.S. HELPER 3250 829 2083 6162985 CHAUHAN MUKESH L S.S. HELPER 3250 829 2586 6665986 JADEJA NIRMALSINH R S.S. HELPER 3325 848 2593 6766987 UPADHYAY KAMLESH K S.S. HELPER 3250 829 3500 7579990 HADIYAL NAVINCHANDRA H S.S. HELPER 3250 829 2711 6790994 KUMBHARANA MANISH P S.S. HELPER 3250 829 2362 6441996 BHATT BHARAT M S.S. HELPER 3250 829 2585 6664997 CHUDASAMA NARENDRA A S.S. HELPER 3175 810 2721 6706998 NAKUM JETHABHAI P S.S. HELPER 3250 829 2711 6790999 CHAUHAN BIPIN H S.S. HELPER 3250 829 2362 6441

1005 RAVAL A H SR. ASSISTANT 6000 1530 4160 116901007 MEHTA A S SR. ASSISTANT 6200 1581 4561 123421010 MEHTA V P JR. ASST(TYPIST) 4750 1211 3069 90301027 MONPARA R J S.B.O. GR-I 3710 946 2931 75871036 GOSAI R N S.B.O. GR-I 3710 946 2881 75371037 VYAS D R S.B.O. GR-I 3795 968 3143 79061039 JADEJA N J DRIVER GR-I 7550 1925 5959 154341043 JOSHI HARISH D. S.B.O. GR-II 3425 873 2851 71491062 SARVAIYA ASHVIN M. ASST.OP.GR-III 5225 1332 4567 111241064 HADIA R J ASST.OP.GR-III 6900 1760 6176 148361074 THUMAR V H HELPER 3325 848 2379 65521104 CHAUHAN H R HELPER 3890 992 3752 86341109 RATHWA K M S.B.O. GR-II 3350 854 2790 69941110 SOLANKI B G HELPER 3325 848 2663 68361111 DHADHAL V D S.B.O. GR-I 3880 989 3020 78891112 CHAVDA D V S.B.O. GR-I 4080 1040 3815 89351114 VYAS V N S.B.O. GR-I 3710 946 2893 75491123 JADEJA BHARATSINH V S.B.O. GR-I 3980 1015 3290 82851128 MARVANIA PRAVIN K S.B.O. GR-II 3425 873 2850 71481136 SOLANKI G C ELECTRICIAN 5950 1517 4176 116431139 MORVADIA H G HELPER 3805 970 2612 73871153 JADEJA A M S.B.O. GR-I 3980 1015 3295 82901159 RATHOD THAKARSHI G. S.B.O. GR-II 3425 873 2851 71491161 JOSHI N D S.B.O. GR-I 4080 1040 3815 89351162 ZALA J G S.B.O. GR-II 4035 1029 3914 89781163 KAPADI S C S.B.O. GR-I 4080 1040 3815 89351169 KALATHIA LAXMAN M. S.B.O. GR-II 3425 873 2361 66591173 MOVALIA C P S.B.O. GR-I 3980 1015 3136 81311174 SAVALIYA R F S.B.O. GR-I 3880 989 3021 78901179 DAVE VAJERAM G. S.B.O. GR-II 3425 873 2851 71491187 CHAUHAN RAMANLAL B. S.B.O. GR-II 3425 873 2851 7149

1192 KOLCHA B D S.B.O. GR-II 3350 854 2790 69941198 KHATANA N K S.B.O. GR-II 3850 982 3191 80231212 SINDHAV J M JR. ASSISTANT 4100 1046 2664 78101246 CHOTALIYA K M HELPER 3325 848 2663 68361253 BEG MADINABEG K HELPER 3325 848 2295 64681254 JANI N D HELPER 3325 848 2378 65511255 ADMANI VALLIMAMAD G HELPER 3680 938 3854 84721256 PARMAR J H HELPER 3250 829 3040 71191257 RATHOD HARISH M. HELPER 3325 848 2891 70641260 PANDYA G T HELPER 3175 810 3002 69871263 MAHANT B S JR. ENGINEER 8000 2040 7514 175541271 DABHI R B JR. ASSISTANT 4750 1211 3069 90301280 KARATHIA D K PLANT OP. GR.-I 7100 1811 5616 145271288 PANCHAMIA V N JR. ASSISTANT 4600 1173 2630 84031289 GAUR PEEYUSH S PLANT OP. GR.-I 7100 1811 6099 150101303 GAMOT P D DY SUPDT (ACCT) 8000 2040 4501 145411305 THAKAR C B SR. ASSISTANT 7325 1868 4679 138721309 PADHARIYA B B DRIVER GR-II 6538 1834 4409 127811310 MAKWANA D L DRIVER GR-II 4900 1250 3457 96071311 TILAVAT B M PEON 3680 938 2124 67421313 K R GANGADIA PEON 3325 848 1929 61021314 JOSHI C V DRIVER GR-II 4750 1211 3776 97371324 TRIVEDI B N DY. ENGINEER 15150 3863 13705 327181326 KOTHIYA H M DY. ENGINEER 14775 3768 11478 300211331 HINGU V K JR. ENGINEER 9800 2499 7646 199451335 NAKUM V H JR. ENGINEER 8000 2040 6668 167081342 RANA K C LINE INSPECTOR 8275 2110 6533 169181343 JOGARAJIYA B M LINE INSPECTOR 8525 2174 5421 161201344 SORATHIYA H S LINE INSPECTOR 7550 1925 5272 147471345 THUMAR A H LINE INSPECTOR 6875 1753 4811 134391347 BALDANIYA K D TECHNICIAN GR-II 5950 1517 4326 117931350 KUKAD V T LINEMAN 6900 1760 5465 141251351 SOLANKI R B LINEMAN 5055 1289 3564 99081352 THUMAR D H LINEMAN 4805 1225 3392 94221354 JADEJA V N PLUMBER 4180 1066 3240 84861357 RUDATALA H O AST. LINEMAN 4135 1055 2933 81231358 BARIYA G S AST. LINEMAN 4035 1029 2942 80061361 GURKHA V S HELPER 3935 1004 2501 74401362 SATODIYA G D HELPER 3935 1004 2501 74401363 JOSHI H H S.B.O. GR-I 3710 946 2931 75871364 RAIYANI C B S.B.O. GR-II 3710 946 3079 77351368 KATIRA VIJAY V. S.B.O. GR-I 4080 1040 3209 83291369 THUMAR D V HELPER 3635 927 3180 77421371 CHAUHAN VIRENDRA N. GUEST HOUSE ATD. 3850 982 2642 74741372 JETHWA J S CLEANER 3036.47 774.24 2216 60271373 ZALA J K WATCHMAN 5555 1417 13345 203171374 NIMAVAT M B WATCHMAN 4480 1142 3465 90871375 MAHIDA R B WATCHMAN 3595 917 2294 68061380 VYAS MUKESH T. S.B.O. GR-II 3425 873 2680 69781382 KOTAK JITENDRA K. S.B.O. GR-II 3425 873 2851 71491385 JOSHI P I HELPER 3325 848 3008 71811387 GOHIL DINESH J S.B.O. GR-II 3425 873 2840 7138

1392 RATHWA R B S.B.O. GR-II 3350 854 2790 69941395 BHARDAWA K K GARDNER(MALI) 3325 848 2378 65511397 BHUT BABULAL K. S.B.O. GR-II 3510 895 2919 73241398 K H DHADUK HELPER 3400 867 2344 66111399 V A KORAT HELPER 3250 829 2543 66221400 J R DUDHATRA HELPER 3765 960 3212 79371401 H A MAKRANI HELPER 3595 917 3072 75841402 M B KOTADIYA HELPER 3595 917 2563 70751403 CHAUHAN B B HELPER 3325 848 2600 67731404 NINAMA M N S.S. HELPER 3250 829 2083 61621405 DAV G B HELPER 3250 829 2083 61621407 CHUDASAMA K H PLANT OP. GR.-I 10100 2576 8247 209231411 PISAWADIA H L DY. ENGINEER 14400 3672 11189 292611414 VYAS A M DY. ENGINEER 15150 10151 6584 318851418 RATHOD K.S. PLANT OP. GR.-I 6875 1753 5445 140731422 KARENA R.G. HELPER 3175 810 2196 61811423 VANSDADIA P.K. DY. ENGINEER 12300 3137 9203 246401425 AHYA M. P. DY. ENGINEER 15150 3863 12116 311291426 MAKWANA P.M. P/T SWEEPER 1245 0 1482 27271428 B.M.ZALA WATCHMAN 3935 1004 3046 79851429 GHELANI N.C. DY. ENGINEER 11000 2805 10230 240351432 PIPALIYA C. S. DY. ENGINEER 13600 3468 13699 307671435 M.M.GADARIA DRIVER GR-I 7550 1925 4706 141811436 H.J.DHAMECHA E. E. 15525 3959 12055 315391437 R.V.JADEJA S.S. HELPER 3030 773 1949 57521438 M.G.TATAMIYA JR. ENGINEER 7750 1976 6649 163751439 R.J.PATEL E. E. 15900 4055 11548 315031440 P.B.PARMAR DY. ENGINEER 10400 2652 8888 219401441 S.S.RADADIYA S.S. HELPER 2960 755 2128 58431442 G.S.VANPARIA DY. ENGINEER 12300 3137 10494 259311443 C.V.PADMANI DY. ENGINEER 13600 3468 11592 286601444 D.M.CHAUHAN DY. ENGINEER 11450 2920 10691 250611445 D.G.VED E. E. 16275 4150 11819 322441446 P.D.MANKAD PLANT OP. GR.-I 5800 1479 4454 117331447 K.B.MAHIDA Vidyut Sahayak 2500 0 1 25011448 S.M.RATHOD S.S. HELPER 3030 773 1949 57521513 PATEL G M SR. ASSISTANT 7775 1983 5508 152661515 SATODIA L G SR. ASSISTANT 6775 1728 4335 128381516 JADAV A T SR. ASSISTANT 5600 1428 3750 107781518 VANPARIA K L SR. ASSISTANT 5075 1294 4069 104381521 JOSHI ALKA R. JR. ASSISTANT 4750 1211 3134 90951522 JOSHI P P SR. ASSISTANT 4750 1211 3069 90301523 BHAGAT J H SR. ASSISTANT 4900 1250 2795 89451525 MAKWANA C L JR. ASSISTANT 5250 1339 3532 101211528 RATHOD C J DRIVER GR-II 8775 2238 6262 172751530 VASANTSWAMI S N CLEANER 4035 1029 2935 79991534 KANKRECHA K N PEON 6775 1728 4336 128391559 CHAVDA K R LINE INSPECTOR 5775 1473 4555 118031561 MAKWANA J K PEON 4930 1257 3305 94921575 DHADUK K K JR. ASSISTANT 4750 1211 3169 91301589 PARMAR H M CRANE DRIVER 9275 2365 5759 173991592 JADEJA H G PEON 3680 938 2124 6742

1603 VACHHANI N G JR. ENGINEER 10100 2576 11292 239681630 RANPARIA H.G. DY. ENGINEER 14775 3768 13814 323571651 DUND SURESH K LINEMAN 4475 1141 3537 91531652 JADEJA ARVINDSINH D AST. LINEMAN 3935 1004 3966 89051654 KATARA MAGAN K S.B.O. GR-I 4180 1066 3450 86961655 KANTESHIYA SAHSHIKANT M S.B.O. GR-I 4380 1117 3381 88781656 BHATT HARESH U S.B.O. GR-I 3980 1015 4121 91161657 TABIYAR DINESH A AST. LINEMAN 3595 917 2294 68061661 JADEJA VANRAJSINH D LINEMAN 7250 1849 4886 139851662 DAGRA MALSI B LINEMAN 4080 1040 2931 80511664 VADHER PRAVINSINH G S.B.O. GR-I 4280 1091 3680 90511666 BARASADA PRAFUL K S.B.O. GR-I 3980 1015 3295 82901667 PATEL VIJAY A AST. LINEMAN 3595 917 2474 69861668 UPADHYAY PRAKASH N S.B.O. GR-II 3935 1004 3062 80011669 RATHVA SHANKAR J S.B.O. GR-I 3710 946 2892 75481670 DEVRUKHAR JAYESH J S.S. HELPER 3475 886 2776 71371681 JOSHI YOGESH R LINEMAN 5100 1301 5737 121381682 RAMANANDI BANSHIDHAR J AST. LINEMAN 4985 1271 3142 93981687 THORIA ASHOK P AST. LINEMAN 3850 982 3417 82491688 KAWAR HARJIVAN M S.B.O. GR-I 3540 903 2803 72461690 SOLANKI RAMESH J AST. LINEMAN 3425 873 3254 75521702 DAVE CHANDRASHEKHAR R S.B.O. GR-I 5430 1385 3885 107001706 MEHTA VINOD R SR. ASSISTANT 7575 1932 5105 146121707 KANSARA MAYUR D SR. ASSISTANT 7550 1925 5089 145641708 MANKAD MADHUKAR P SR. ASSISTANT 7175 1830 4705 137101709 VYAS VIRAJ H SR. ASSISTANT 4750 1211 5253 112141710 TANK BHARAT C SR. ASSISTANT 5425 1383 3355 101631712 SISODIA LABHUBEN B PEON 3935 1004 2595 75341716 BHATT VIKASCHANDRA C S.S. HELPER 3680 938 3054 76721717 SAVALIA GOBAR N S.S. HELPER 3475 886 4328 86891718 OZA ARCHANA K. JR. ASSISTANT 5075 1294 3339 97081719 BHATT MANOJ P S.S. HELPER 3550 905 2773 72281720 SARKAR AMRISH R S.S. HELPER 3325 848 3395 75681722 PRAJAPATI PRADIP G DY. ENGINEER 13275 3385 12159 288191731 CHAUHAN MANISH J JR. ASSISTANT 4350 1109 2493 79521732 CHAUHAN JIVUBHA R LINEMAN 6180 1576 4179 119351733 CHAUHAN MUKESH G LINEMAN 4600 1173 2971 87441734 VAJA NATUBHA B LINEMAN 4380 1117 2772 82691736 CHAVDA KISHOR D S.S. HELPER 4615 1177 3362 91541737 SAMA KASAM D S.S. HELPER 4235 1080 3037 83521738 JOSHI CHETAN P S.B.O. GR-I 4280 1091 3067 84381739 DAVE SUNIL Y S.B.O. GR-I 3710 946 3079 77351740 SOLANKI DOLUBHA T S.S. HELPER 3890 992 3054 79361742 PANDYA HAESHAD B S.B.O. GR-II 3595 917 2329 68411743 GEDIYA JAYESH B HELPER 3400 867 2430 66971745 PARMAR GIRISH H AST. LINEMAN 3510 895 2488 68931752 UPADHYAY SANJAY H DY. ENGINEER 14025 3576 12073 296741756 ODEDARA NATHABHAI M JR. ENGINEER 7750 1976 6068 157941758 DAVE ASHWIN S ASST. OP. GR.-I 8775 2238 5573 165861760 LABADIA LABHSHANKAR B ASST. OP. GR-II 7950 2027 6801 167781761 MANKAD KISHOR B ASST. OP. GR-II 5775 1473 4698 119461764 CHAUHAN JAYANTILAL N DRIVER GR-I 2625 669 2110 5404

1765 ODEDARA DEVASHI H ELECTRICIAN 7550 1925 5392 148671767 SIPAI CHANDBHAI S LINE INSPECTOR 5350 1364 3830 105441768 SODHA MAHAMADYUNUS K LINEMAN 5100 1301 5010 114111769 PARMAR MOHAN J LINEMAN 4480 1142 4579 102011770 DHARAVIYA LALJI K LINEMAN 4380 1117 3887 93841771 MOGAL KHALIL I LINEMAN 4380 1117 6331 118281773 DHORIYA KISHOR K S.B.O. GR-I 4380 1117 3763 92601774 CHAUHAN BABULAL R S.S. HELPER 4135 1055 2623 78131775 OZA TARUN K S.S. HELPER 3935 1004 3100 80391782 NAGHERA VASANT A KAMDAR 3712.5 947 2992 76521783 BHARADIA MUKESH V S.B.O. GR-II 3510 895 2277 66821784 CHAUHAN RAVAJI D S.B.O. GR-II 3425 873 2850 71481786 VAJA PUNA K S.S. HELPER 3325 848 2129 63021787 VYAS VIPULKUMAR C TECHNICIAN GR-II 4000 1020 4141 91611795 ZALA MAHAVIRSINH G LINEMAN 4930 1257 3355 95421796 KANCHAVA ANOPSINH A LINEMAN 4280 1091 4530 99011797 DHOLAKIA RAJENDRA J S.S. HELPER 4515 1151 2855 85211798 SUMARA ALLARAKHA K S.S. HELPER 4615 1177 2916 87081799 JOSHI RAJESH J S.B.O. GR-I 3795 968 3148 79111800 PANDYA MITESH B S.B.O. GR-I 3795 968 2995 77581801 PARMAR JESING R S.B.O. GR-I 3710 946 2893 75491804 KESHWALA HARDAS J AST. LINEMAN 4635 1182 2928 87451806 KOTIA ASHOK H PLANT OP. GR.-I 6650 1696 5099 134451807 AASIYANI HARILAL K S.S. HELPER 3325 848 2129 63021816 GOJIYA VEJANAND H. S.S. HELPER 5055 1289 3507 98511823 KAKKAL DAUD I DRIVER GR-I 9525 2429 6387 183411824 BAMANIYA RAMJIBHAI S SR. ASSISTANT 4900 1250 2796 89461825 PANDOR UMED N LINEMAN 4475 1141 3945 95611826 TANK PARSOTTAM G LINEMAN 4380 1117 2773 82701827 MADAM MADAN R AST. LINEMAN 4235 1080 2896 82111830 DOLAR DILIP A S.B.O. GR-I 5055 1289 4155 104991831 BHATT YOGESH J S.B.O. GR-I 5055 1289 3903 102471834 RATHOD VIRSING M AST. LINEMAN 3595 917 4282 87941838 KARAMATA BHUPAT D CLEANER 3935 1004 2501 74401845 DAVERA PARBAT C AST. LINEMAN 3425 873 2361 66591847 SOJITRA RATILAL C JR. ENGINEER 9800 2499 7767 200661851 BOPALIYA ARVIND A DY. ENGINEER 14025 3576 11601 292021852 MEHTA VIPUL P PLANT OP. GR.-I 7750 1976 7335 170611855 PADALIA SHANTILAL K JR. ENGINEER 7750 1976 7983 177091856 MEHTA BHAILAL P LINEMAN 5180 1321 5295 117961858 VAJA DILIP B DRIVER GR-I 6175 1575 6327 140771860 VASAVADA BHADRESH K AST. LINEMAN 4235 1080 4609 99241861 SOLANKI MEGHA M HELPER 4235 1080 3325 86401862 JADEJA CHANDRASINH K AST. LINEMAN 4535 1157 2932 86241863 SAMA IQBAL U AST. LINEMAN 4635 1182 3757 95741864 NINAMA MANGALBHAI S S.B.O. GR-II 3510 895 2743 71481865 MAKWANA RAMNIK R S.B.O. GR-II 3510 895 2918 73231867 RATHOD BHANJI K AST. LINEMAN 3510 895 3305 77101870 PRAJAPATI SUNIL G S.S. HELPER 3325 848 2663 68361871 BHATT MUKUND J LINE INSPECTOR 7350 1874 6515 157391874 RAVAL HARSHAD N S.B.O. GR-I 6755 1723 5815 142931875 TRIVEDI RAJESH M ELECTRICIAN 5500 1403 3934 10837

1876 JOSHI JYOTIN R. ASST.OP.GR-III 5100 1301 4191 105921881 PARMAR KISHOR J LINEMAN 5225 1332 4064 106211882 PARMAR AMRUT J LINEMAN 4380 1117 2773 82701885 KANSARA KAMAL D S.B.O. GR-I 4725 1205 9182 151121886 VYAS VIJAY N S.B.O. GR-I 4805 1225 4145 101751887 GUSAI GOPALGAR B S.S. HELPER 4582.06 1168.98 4751 105021889 MEHTA DINESH P S.S. HELPER 3720 949 2684 73531891 AGRAVAT HARSUKH J DY. ENGINEER 12625 3219 10890 267341893 MANKAD PRADUMAN M AST. LINEMAN 4035 1029 2901 79651894 MANKAD RAJESH R S.B.O. GR-I 4180 1066 3976 92221895 CHAUDHARY DAYALAL L HELPER 3890 992 3093 79751899 PARMAR HARSHAD D S.S. HELPER 3550 905 2772 72271900 JADEJA JAGATSINH J S.B.O. GR-I 3935 1004 3063 80021901 JADEJA MOHBATSANG N S.S. HELPER 3850 982 3191 80231902 THAKER GIRISH M AST. LINEMAN 3935 1004 3373 83121908 GOSWAMI HITESH A S.S. HELPER 3100 791 2706 65971911 VYAS ASHOK B S.S. HELPER 4035 1029 3175 82391912 SACHDEV CHIMANLAL D S.S. HELPER 5055 1289 3507 98511913 ZALA RAGHUVIRSINH R S.S. HELPER 3325 848 2472 66451914 GOSAI SHEELA K JR. ASSISTANT 6100 1556 4034 116901915 SAPARA HITEN G JR. ENGINEER 7750 1976 6188 159141916 PATEL KANAIYALAL A S.S. HELPER 3100 791 2933 68241917 GHERAVADA VARSHA S GARDNER(MALI) 3100 791 2260 61511921 CHAUDHARY MANSUKH R LINEMAN 4280 1091 2747 81181923 THAKER JAYPRAKASH M ASST. OP. GR-II 5300 1352 4426 110781925 SOLANKI BHARAT D S.B.O. GR-I 4080 1040 3171 82911927 DALJADEJA HANUBHA M S.S. HELPER 3680 938 2345 69631930 VITHALANI PRADIP K S.B.O. GR-II 3425 873 2851 71491932 JANI JASHWANT N S.B.O. GR-I 5305 1353 3603 102611935 NEHRU VINAYKANT V S.B.O. GR-I 6305 1608 5139 130521936 DATTANI MAGANLAL C S.B.O. GR-I 7250 1849 5626 147251937 TAHKAR SANAT C S.B.O. GR-I 4380 1117 3440 89371938 PANDYA PRAKASH R S.B.O. GR-I 3710 946 3608 82641939 PARMAR BABU K S.B.O. GR-I 3795 968 2806 75691940 THAKER KISHOR V S.S. HELPER 3720 949 2370 70391944 KHANDHAR DINESH G S.S. HELPER 3325 848 3731 79041947 SHUKLA BHAVESH R S.B.O. GR-II 3350 854 2791 69951949 GOHEL PRAVIN N S.S. HELPER 3325 848 3352 75251951 PANDYA HITESH R LINEMAN 5225 1332 3549 101061952 DESAI RAMESH M AST. LINEMAN 4035 1029 3340 84041954 VYAS KRISHNACHANDRA H S.B.O. GR-I 4280 1091 3151 85221959 JOSHI DILIP C S.S. HELPER 3550 905 2444 68991960 SOLANKI JAYANTILAL G S.S. HELPER 3325 848 2771 69441961 KHARADI VASANT L LINEMAN 4180 1066 2860 81061962 JOSHI MANSUKH P AST. LINEMAN 4635 1182 3160 89771964 PARMAR CHUNILAL B S.B.O. GR-II 3510 895 2902 73071971 BHATT BIPIN K LINE INSPECTOR 5225 1332 4639 111961973 JADEJA K N LINEMAN 5055 1289 3438 97821977 PANDYA DINESH K S.B.O. GR-I 4930 1257 4248 104351978 JANI PRAVIN B S.S. HELPER 5915 1508 4314 117371980 GELHOR BABUBHAI M S.B.O. GR-I 3710 946 2968 76241981 DAVE BALKRISHNA Y S.B.O. GR-I 4280 1091 3359 8730

1984 SATODIYA JAGDISH N S.B.O. GR-II 3510 895 2907 73121985 BHATT RAJESH A S.B.O. GR-II 5055 1289 4156 105001986 NAKUM KANTILAL M DRIVER GR-II 5500 1403 5621 125241987 SANJOT DINESH L DRIVER GR-II 3967.57 1012.21 2859 78391991 KAPADIYA KAUSHIK B LINEMAN 4380 1117 5596 110931993 SAVALIYA BIPIN N S.B.O. GR-I 4280 1091 4828 101991994 BAGDA BABUBHAI D S.B.O. GR-II 3850 982 3191 80231996 GOSHWAMI CHAMANGIRI J S.B.O. GR-I 3980 1015 3726 87211999 SAMA ALARAKHA O S.B.O. GR-II 3425 873 2679 69772007 RAJENDRA P. CHHOTAI DY SUPDT (ACCT) 9000 2295 6745 180402009 KISHOR T TANK SR. ASSISTANT 9775 2493 7866 201342010 UPENDRA T BHATT SR. ASSISTANT 7325 1868 4250 134432014 J H BHATT JR. ASST(TYPIST) 5100 1301 3736 101372033 VINOD M THAKER WATCHMAN 3680 938 2932 75502034 B K JADEJA WATCHMAN 3680 938 2933 75512035 VAJU N GOHEL KAMDAR 5180 1321 3791 102922037 PRAVINCHANDRA C.KAPADIYAPEON 6725 1715 4929 133692044 R.B.SAVALIA DY. ENGINEER 11000 2805 10340 241452045 MAHENDRA G. RAJYAGURU ELECTRICIAN 5800 1479 4573 118522047 ASHWIN S PANDYA ASST. OP. GR-II 6775 1728 6153 146562051 ANANT H.O. ASST.OP.GR-III 5350 1364 4989 117032052 VAGHELA J.J. DRIVER GR-II 4100 1046 3252 83982053 MOHAMAD N SAIYAD LINEMAN 5225 1332 4137 106942054 SHILESH V JOSHI AST.LINEMAN 4235 1080 3354 86692055 BAMANA PRAVIN A S.B.O. GR-I 3980 1015 3091 80862067 BHARATSINH J SOLANKEE AST. LINEMAN 3680 938 2932 75502068 H.M.ZALA PLANT OP. GR.-I 6650 1696 6469 148152069 H.M.JADEJA S.S. HELPER 3030 773 2499 63022071 DAMOR SHANKARBHAI B. Vidyut Sahayak 3500 0 1 35012072 PARMAR RAYSING V. Vidyut Sahayak 3500 0 1 35012073 VERAT LAXMANBHAI D. Vidyut Sahayak 3500 0 1 35012074 ROZ HIMATSINH H. Vidyut Sahayak 3500 0 1 35012080 VINODRAI P MEVADA PLANT OP. GR.-I 8775 2238 8129 191422082 N U DAVE PLANT OP. GR.-I 8025 2046 6132 162032084 D J THUMMAR PLANT OP. GR.-I 6650 1696 6219 145652088 JAYESHKUMAR B VYAS SR. ELECTRICIAN 5975 1524 4707 122062090 HARESHBHAI B PABARI LINEMAN 5180 1321 4202 107032093 KANTILAL O JOSHI S.B.O. GR-I 4380 1117 4085 95822097 P B BHATT HELPER 5215 1330 4667 112122098 S.H.BHATT HELPER 3250 829 3070 71492099 MANSINGBHAI P DAMOR WATCHMAN 3935 1004 2537 74762100 S V SONGRA WATCHMAN 3680 938 2932 75502103 PARSOTTAM B RUPARELIA DY. ENGINEER 12300 3395 11962 276572106 P D JADEJA AST. LINEMAN 3595 917 2868 73802110 M J PARMAR PLANT OP.GR.-I 8000 2040 7348 173882114 BHAVESH L. LAHERU JR. ENGINEER 7750 1976 6456 161822116 PATEL KAMLESH R. S.B.O. GR-II 3935 1004 3259 81982117 KANJI R SAVSANI LINEMAN 5180 1321 4102 106032119 SANATKUMAR M RAMAVAT LINEMAN 4380 1117 3540 90372120 JALUBHAI H KALASAWA LINEMAN 3980 1015 2563 75582121 JANI PARESH R AST. LINEMAN 3595 917 2599 71112122 BAROT HARIVADAN N. S.B.O. GR-II 3680 938 2908 7526

2124 YUSUF N SAIYAD DRIVER GR-I 9525 2429 7460 194142128 DHARMESH V MARU AST. LINEMAN 3850 982 3062 78942129 ANIRUDHSINH G RANA AST. LINEMAN 3850 982 2881 77132132 K G TANK S.B.O. GR-I 3795 968 3559 83222136 D K NINAMA HELPER 3475 886 2750 71112139 V B PADARIYA S.B.O. GR-I 3710 946 3144 78002140 PITHADIA MAHESH I. S.B.O. GR-II 3510 895 2918 73232141 C.B.SHUKLA S.S. HELPER 3400 867 2345 66122142 DAVE JAYESH J. S.B.O. GR-II 3510 895 2918 73232144 MANOHARSINH J JADEJA WATCHMAN 5985 1526 4715 122262148 KIRITSINH B GOHIL WATCHMAN 3680 938 2933 75512154 N M RATHOD HELPER 3250 829 3069 71482159 BHARAT J TRIVEDI PLANT OP. GR.-I 6650 1696 6218 145642162 V D BHUVA HELPER 3325 848 2378 65512163 GOHEL ASHWIN N S.B.O. GR-I 3795 968 3142 79052165 AJUBKHAN I BALOCH AST. LINEMAN 3935 1004 3126 80652167 VIREN V DAVE HELPER 0 0 0 02169 DAMJI H GADHIA LINEMAN 5180 1321 4637 111382171 RAVISINH H PARMAR AST.LINEMAN 4635 1182 3689 95062172 R.P.BOGHARA HELPER 3175 810 3847 78322173 VIJAY K MAKWANA AST.LINEMAN 4135 1055 3865 90552175 NARAN A CHUHAN AST. LINEMAN 3850 982 3062 78942178 JANTILAL N RACHHA DRIVER GR-I 8525 2174 6700 173992183 J N PARMAR WATCHMAN 3680 938 2932 75502184 M J VAGHELA HELPER 3635 927 2899 74612186 V J JADEJA WATCHMAN 3400 867 2720 69872187 B R RATHOD HELPER 3250 829 3069 71482189 M.D.BHATTI ELECTRICIAN 4180 1066 3313 85592190 R.R.GHATALIA JR. ENGINEER 8000 2040 8832 188722191 D.N.GONDALIA S.S. HELPER 3250 829 3069 71482193 K.M.JAVIA S.S. HELPER 3100 791 2147 60382201 DHIRAJLAL K SADARIA JR.ENGINEER 10100 2576 9512 221882202 D.D.BABARIYA S.S. HELPER 3100 791 2431 63222204 BHARATKUMAR T CHAUHAN ASST. OP. GR-II 5450 1390 4869 117092205 ASHOKKUMAR O ANANT S.B.O. GR-I 5305 1353 3602 102602207 VYAS PARESH N. ASST.OP.GR-III 4975 1269 4092 103362208 J.J.DAVE S.S. HELPER 3030 773 2416 62192211 LAKHDHIRSIN B JADEJA LINEMAN 5055 1289 3512 98562216 ASHOK K.KUBAVAT S.B.O. GR-I 3980 1015 2727 77222217 R S BHIMDA S.B.O. GR-I 3795 968 2991 77542219 K I THAKER S.B.O. GR-I 3710 946 3074 77302220 D N MERJA WATCHMAN 3680 938 2530 71482223 VAGADIA RAJESH M S.B.O. GR-II 3595 917 2807 73192224 M.I.JUVARIYA S.S. HELPER 3100 791 2586 64772225 SOMABHAI D. MAKWANA S.S. HELPER 3100 791 2431 63222226 JAYDEVKUMAR P JADEJA ASST.OP.GR-III 5225 1332 4676 112332229 PURNENDU B VORA S.B.O. GR-I 5055 1289 4724 110682230 J J BHATT S.B.O. GR-I 4480 1142 4175 97972233 ASHOK M KARIA S.B.O. GR-I 5305 1353 4950 116082236 H T BHATT HELPER 6485 1654 5150 132892238 D A KAKADIA HELPER 3175 810 2619 66042242 HITESH N HATHI AST. LINEMAN 3595 917 2404 6916

2243 ANILLUMAR C NAYAK HELPER 3475 886 2255 66162244 R B GAJERA HELPER 3550 905 2951 74062246 BHOJANI SATISH T. S.B.O. GR-II 3595 917 3379 78912248 BHARATSINH A JADEJA HELPER 4515 1151 3597 92632250 PATHAN RASULKHAN H. S.S. HELPER 3250 829 2711 67902257 P J DAVE DRIVER GR-I 7550 1925 5959 154342258 MUKESH P PATEL ELECTRICIAN 4080 1040 2709 78292260 M.J.SOLANKI S.S. HELPER 3030 773 2438 62412262 KARIM M KAMALIA DRIVER GR-I 8775 2238 6890 179032268 M.M.KACHHAD HELPER 3030 773 2531 63342269 P.S.GOHIL DY. ENGINEER 10400 2652 11086 241382270 M.H.PATEL DY. ENGINEER 12625 3219 11778 276222277 BALA DIPAK H. S.B.O. GR-II 3425 873 2850 71482279 BELIM ABDULLATIF H. S.B.O. GR-II 3350 854 2791 69952280 G V GADHIYA HELPER 3325 848 3137 73102281 M K CHIKHALIYA JR. ENGINEER 9800 2499 9237 215362282 A K BHATT HELPER 4415 1126 3491 90322285 J G POKIYA HELPER 3325 848 2295 64682286 R K RANA HELPER 3325 848 3137 73102287 K D KHODIYAR JR. ENGINEER 9800 2499 9236 215352288 H V TANK HELPER 3250 829 3669 77482289 BHAKTIRAM J DESHANI HELPER 3250 829 2606 66852290 MAHIPATSINH M JADEJA HELPER 3595 917 3379 78912291 J.R.PARMAR PLANT OP. GR.-I 6425 1638 6016 140792296 A V BHAGAT HELPER 3250 829 2606 66852297 MAKWANA MUKESH N S.B.O. GR-II 3425 873 2680 69782298 V.B.JADEJA S.S. HELPER 5305 1353 7724 143822299 G.S.SORATHIA S.S. HELPER 4930 1257 4078 102652304 B.C. MANDALIYA S.S. HELPER 3030 773 2531 63342305 P.G.CHAPLA PLANT OP. GR.-I 5800 1479 5394 126732306 J.B. MAKWANA S.S. HELPER 3100 791 2586 64772307 BHARAT S MAKAWANA LINE INSPECTOR 5950 1517 4813 122802312 RAJESH B SOLANKEE S.B.O. GR-I 4080 1040 3815 89352314 MANOJ V MARU S.S.HELPER 3475 886 2777 71382315 SHAIKH MAHMADRAFIK K AST. LINEMAN 3510 895 2418 68232316 J.V.LIMBANI PLANT OP. GR.-I 5800 1479 5395 126742317 A.A.PATEL E. E. 15525 3959 14038 335222361 MAHESH M VYAS PLANT OP. GR.-I 6875 1753 5713 143412364 Y J DAVE HELPER 3475 886 2395 67562365 V K RAWAL ASST. OP. GR.-I 6575 1677 5896 141482369 G.B.BHUT HELPER 3175 810 3002 69872370 K.L.GOHIL HELPER 3175 810 3002 69872371 N.N.JOSHI S.S. HELPER 3100 791 2146 60372423 MAKWANA N A LINEMAN 3980 1015 2528 75232428 THAKAR VIRENDRA V. AST. LINEMAN 3595 917 2620 71322437 MAVADIA A M PLANT OP. GR.-I 7100 1811 6847 157582448 JOSHI L S ASST. OP. GR.-I 8675 2212 6879 177662449 VASAVADA D V ELECTRICIAN 7175 1830 5755 147602453 SARVAIYA S K S.B.O. GR-II 3425 873 2190 64882463 KATHIRIYA R B JR. ENGINEER 9500 2423 8129 200522475 Y.N.GOHIL S.B.O. GR-I 4180 1066 3980 92262482 DAUDIA DIPAK D. HELPER 3030 773 2534 6337

2507 FALADU PRAVIN H S.B.O. GR-II 3425 873 2851 71492508 PARGI VIRSING P. S.B.O. GR-II 3350 854 2623 68272561 BHATT R K S.B.O. GR-I 4180 1066 4270 95162571 BHUVA K P ASST.OP.GR-III 5450 1390 4192 110322586 MEHTA H N HELPER 3805 970 2422 71972591 TRIVEDI V B ASST.OP.GR-III 6375 1626 4886 128872593 NARIGRA MAHESH R S.B.O. GR-II 4235 1080 3347 86622595 VAGHELA N D LINEMAN 4280 1091 2925 82962596 NIRMAL K R HELPER 5615 1432 5228 122752600 KAMALIA A R HELPER 3680 938 3443 80612635 SARVAIYA K G HELPER 3250 829 2083 61622637 BHALODI A R HELPER 3250 829 2792 68712639 TERAIYA V.S. HELPER 3175 810 2196 61812676 M.J.KARAVADIA S.S. HELPER 3595 917 2868 73802677 SODHLIA D.B. HELPER 3250 829 2780 68592684 RATANPARA C K S.B.O. GR-I 5500 1403 4568 114712709 DHADUK P.L. HELPER 3100 791 2146 60372717 VYAS P.R. HELPER 3030 773 2860 66633004 OZA D B JR. ASSISTANT 0 0 1 13010 RATHOD C.P. S.S. HELPER 3100 791 2492 63833011 VISHROLIYA N.M. S.S. HELPER 3175 810 3002 69873013 CHAUHAN A.C. S.S. HELPER 3030 773 2101 59043015 PUROHIT N.R. HELPER 3175 810 2197 61823030 RAIJADA N.K. HELPER 3030 773 1949 57523033 GOHEL C.K. HELPER 3030 773 2535 63383046 V.V.CHAPLA HELPER 3100 791 2924 68153047 G.V.ADHVARYOO JR. ASSISTANT 3700 944 2414 70583051 JADIA B.H. PLANT OP. GR.-I 6200 1581 5573 133543054 V.P.VEKARIA DY. ENGINEER 10700 2729 8339 217683056 RAJESH G. DADHANIA HELPER 3100 791 2147 60383070 VEKARIA C.T. HELPER 3030 773 2175 59783071 RAMANI H.G. HELPER 3030 773 2175 59783072 JOSHI J.H. HELPER 3030 773 2101 59043403 DARJI CHETAN C. JR. ENGINEER 7750 1976 6456 161823404 LAKHA MAMAD RAYAB S.S. HELPER 3100 791 3572 74633407 GODI MAHMADSALIM A. S.S. HELPER 3100 791 2473 63643408 JOSHI VIPUL R. S.S. HELPER 3720 949 2479 71483409 RAUL PRAVINSINH J. PLANT OP. GR.-I 6875 1753 5883 145113410 CHAWADA KISHAN G. ASST. OP. GR.-I 5975 1524 5552 130513413 KATHESIYA SURESH K. S.S. HELPER 3175 810 2072 60573415 VYAS CHITARANJAN C. S.S. HELPER 3175 810 3751 77363418 KARMUR BOGHA S. KAMDAR 3100 791 2147 60383419 CHAUDHARI MUKESH M. PLANT OP. GR.-I 5800 1479 4461 117403420 PATEL NARESH S. PLANT OP. GR.-I 5800 1479 4461 117403422 CHAUDHARI HITEN R. PLANT OP. GR.-I 5800 1479 4461 117403423 BHATT GHANSHYAM D. S.S. HELPER 3325 848 2769 69423424 MEHTA DILIP B. S.S. HELPER 3175 810 2293 62783425 VACHHANI ASHOK H. S.S. HELPER 3175 810 2742 67273426 SONDARVA LALJI K. S.S. HELPER 3100 791 2706 65973428 SHUKLA MANISH B. S.S. HELPER 3175 810 2310 62953429 JADEJA CHHATRASINH S. S.S. HELPER 3100 791 2147 60383430 MITHANI RAMESH P. DY. ENGINEER 13650 3481 12130 29261

3431 KANJARIA VINAYKANT K. S.S. HELPER 3100 791 2590 64813435 VANIYA KARSHAN V. S.S. HELPER 3100 791 3970 78613437 CONTRACTOR HAMZA T. S.S. HELPER 5430 1385 4661 114763438 JADEJA YUVRAJSINH J. S.S. HELPER 3030 773 3688 74913441 KHIMURIA JAGDISH H. S.S. HELPER 3100 791 2590 64813442 ADHIA JAYESH C. S.S. HELPER 3250 829 2538 66173443 RAWAL NALIN P. S.B.O. GR-I 4380 1117 3396 88933444 BODA SHANKAR P. S.S. HELPER 3030 773 3497 73003445 PARMAR DILDARHUSAIN B. S.S. HELPER 4135 1055 2658 78483446 PANIA RAJESH K. PLANT OP. GR.-I 5800 1479 4966 122453451 TANK TUSHAR K. JR. ENGINEER 8000 2040 7580 176203452 MAKWANA HARILAL V. S.S. HELPER 3100 791 2027 59183453 CHAWADA MARAKHI P PEON 3100 791 2073 59643454 SOLANKI HARIDAS B. S.S. HELPER 3250 829 2544 66233456 JADEJA ASHOK M. JR. ENGINEER 7500 1925 6633 160583458 CHANDALIA ASHWIN N. PLANT OP. GR.-I 6200 1581 5356 131373459 MADHUCHHAND MARKANRAI H.S.S. HELPER 3100 791 2435 63263460 KATARA DASHRATH V. Vidyut Sahayak 3500 0 1 35013461 KATARA NATUBHAI M. Vidyut Sahayak 3500 0 1479 49793462 KATARA JAYANTI S. Vidyut Sahayak 3500 0 1 35013463 DINDOR MANSING L. Vidyut Sahayak 3500 0 516 40163464 BALEVA NARESH V. Vidyut Sahayak 3500 0 0 35003465 KHARADI ASHOK T. Vidyut Sahayak 3500 0 1 35013466 ASARI ROHIT B. Vidyut Sahayak 3500 0 1 35013467 KHARADI BABUBHAI S. Vidyut Sahayak 3500 0 1 35013468 KOTAD RAMESH J. Vidyut Sahayak 3500 0 1 35013469 PARAGI NAVNIT M. Vidyut Sahayak 3500 0 0 35003470 GELAT AMARUT K. Vidyut Sahayak 3500 0 1 35013471 KANANI NARAN B. S.S. HELPER 3595 917 2599 71113472 DANGAR KANJIBHAI V. JR. ENGINEER 7750 1976 6769 164953473 OZA KISHOR F. S.S. HELPER 3100 791 2259 61503475 SAPOVADIYA PRAVIN B. S.S. HELPER 3595 917 3062 75743477 KHARADI BABUBHAI J. Vidyut Sahayak 3000 0 1535 45353479 VYAS SANJAY B. S.S. HELPER 3030 773 3804 76073480 KASHIPARA KISHOR B. S.S. HELPER 3030 773 2601 64043481 CHAUHAN KAMLESH R. S.S. HELPER 3030 773 2439 62423482 BHATT MANSUKH N. S.S. HELPER 3400 867 2831 70983483 MADAM PARBHAT R. S.S. HELPER 3400 867 2344 66113485 DAVE RAVINDRA S. S.S. HELPER 3765 960 3123 78483486 UPADHYAY MANOJ S. S.S. HELPER 3595 917 2987 74993487 POPAT MILAN A. DY. ENGINEER 10100 2576 8079 207553488 PANDOR HIMMATSINGH M. DY SUPDT (ESTT) 6200 1581 4095 118763489 SODHA RAJENDRASINH U. JR. ASST(TYPIST) 4100 1046 2698 78443490 JANI DINKARRAI D S.S. HELPER 6180 1576 4179 119353491 SONDARVA BHIKHALAL R. JR. ASSISTANT 3800 969 2380 71493492 MAJITHIA BHARAT R. S.S. HELPER 4060 1035 3358 84533493 PARMAR DINESH M. Vidyut Sahayak 3000 0 1064 40643494 BHOI CHIMAN K. Vidyut Sahayak 3833.35 0 86 39203495 NINAMA RAJENDRA K. Vidyut Sahayak 3000 0 0 30003496 KHARADI RAMESH K. Vidyut Sahayak 3000 0 1 30013497 GARASIA SONJI R. Vidyut Sahayak 3000 0 275 32753498 GOSWAMI MAYUR K. S.S. HELPER 3030 773 2535 6338

3499 BAGADA NARENDRA D. S.S. HELPER 3100 791 3499 73903501 JAYENDRAPRASAD H. RAWAL SR. ASSISTANT 8775 2238 6363 173763502 M.H.MORADIA DY. ENGINEER 10700 2729 8553 219823503 S.G.THUMAR JR. ENGINEER 9275 2365 7595 192353504 A.N.PARMAR JR. ENGINEER 8000 2040 6740 167803505 P.G.LAKHATARIYA Vidyut Sahayak 3000 0 0 30003506 J.M.MACHHI Vidyut Sahayak 3000 0 0 30004000 VEKARIYA SHANTILAL P. JR. ENGINEER 9500 2423 7415 193384001 VAJA MAHESH L. S.S. HELPER 3100 791 2147 60384002 BHUVA KANTIBHAI J. DY. ENGINEER 10400 2652 8696 217484004 KACHHAWA BHAVESH J. S.S. HELPER 3030 773 2535 63384006 BAROT DHARMENDRA H Vidyut Sahayak 4000 0 0 40004007 MOLIYA DHARMESH B Vidyut Sahayak 4000 0 1 40014008 NASIT JAYESH D. Vidyut Sahayak 4000 0 1 40014010 KALARIYA RENISH P Vidyut Sahayak 4000 0 0 40004011 VISAVADIYA YOGESH J. Vidyut Sahayak 4000 0 0 40004012 GOHIL KALUBHAI L S.S. HELPER 3030 773 3013 68164013 JADEJA VIJAYANDRASINH N S.S. HELPER 3030 773 3017 68204014 RATHOD RAJESH S. Vidyut Sahayak 4000 0 0 40004015 SHUKLA NIRANJAN H DY. ENGINEER 11000 2805 9515 233204016 NINAMA SHIVABHAI S. S.S. HELPER 2960 755 2901 66164017 PARMAR AMARSHI B S.S. HELPER 3100 791 2147 60384018 JOSHI D B S.S. HELPER 3100 791 2491 63824021 ANDANI MAHESH T. S.S. HELPER 2960 755 3531 72464022 THAKKAR RAJESH I S.S. HELPER 3030 773 3633 74364023 ANJARIA ABHIGNA H PLANT OP. GR.-I 5800 1479 4751 120304024 MODI ASHOK G. PLANT OP. GR.-I 6000 1530 5191 127214027 KELAN BABU S. S.S. HELPER 4435 1131 3438 90044028 DAVE JITENDRA T. S.S. HELPER 2960 755 3317 70324029 BALBHADRA D.C S.S. HELPER 3400 867 2660 69274030 MANGNANI DEVENDRA D. S.S. HELPER 3175 810 2767 67524031 PATEL PRAVINKUMAR D. DY. ENGINEER 13275 3385 11439 280994032 PANDOR RAMESH C. Vidyut Sahayak 2500 0 56 25564033 VAGADIA D.J. PLANT OP. GR.-I 5600 1428 4801 118294034 MANANI MANOJ A. PLANT OP. GR.-I 5400 1377 4231 110084035 DUDHAREJIA ABHAY M. PLANT OP. GR.-I 5800 1479 4532 118114036 RATHOD ASHWIN M. DY SUPDT (ACCT) 6200 1581 7393 151744037 RATHOD G.A. PLANT OP. GR.-I 5200 1326 4011 105374038 BHATIA DIVYAKANT G. PLANT OP. GR.-I 5800 1479 4752 120314039 BADARSHAHI K.D. PLANT OP. GR.-I 5800 1479 4461 117404040 PATELIYA UDABHAI V. Vidyut Sahayak 2500 0 0 25004041 DAVE KIRIT D. S.S. HELPER 2750 701 2924 63754042 BHONIYA PRABHUDAS P. E. E. 15150 3863 12264 312774043 KURANGIA VELJI K. S.S. HELPER 6360 1622 5182 131644044 PATELIA VECHAT S. Vidyut Sahayak 2500 0 952 34524045 TADVI LAXMAN P. Vidyut Sahayak 2500 0 593 30934046 GUGADIYA R.K. S.S. HELPER 3765 960 3123 78484047 RAVALDEV B.C. S.S. HELPER 3935 1004 2699 76384048 S.G. KANJIYA DY. ENGINEER 10100 2576 7877 205534049 GOHIL V J S.S. HELPER 3030 773 2383 61864050 PARIYA V.A. S.S. HELPER 3100 791 2146 60374051 SOMAIYA HITESH C. S.S. HELPER 2960 755 2153 5868

4052 ZANKAR J.B. JR. ENGINEER 7500 1913 6250 156634053 MAHIDA V.J. S.S. HELPER 3720 949 2370 70394054 HADIAL BHANJIBHAI L. DY. ENGINEER 12950 3302 10072 263244055 MAKWANA AJAY K. S.S. HELPER 3400 867 2174 64414056 MISTRY KAMLESH B Vidyut Sahayak 3000 0 0 30004057 CHAUHAN PREMAJI M. S.S. HELPER 2750 701 2009 54604058 DANIDHARIYA JAMANADAS A.S.S. HELPER 2960 755 2153 58684104 MALASANA G. G. JR. ENGINEER 9800 2499 8382 206814121 BUVAL R. P. SR. ASSISTANT 5600 1428 3181 102094122 JOSHI P. N. SR. ASSISTANT 5775 1473 4208 114564177 M. N. JADEJA DRIVER GR-II 5425 1383 3681 104894178 D. S. MUNSHIANI SR. ASSISTANT 4750 1211 2951 89124196 P. J. BHOJANI JR. ASSISTANT 5600 1428 3600 106284306 U R MANKAD SR. ASSISTANT 10025 2556 7239 198204501 K.G.DAFTARI DY. ENGINEER 11325 2888 9241 234544502 A.K.PATEL JR. ENGINEER 10100 2576 8382 210584503 H.J.PADALIYA P. O. GR.-II 5425 1383 5057 118654504 M.C.SORYA PLANT OP. GR.-I 7100 1811 6567 154784505 D.B.PATEL P. O. GR.-II 5975 1524 5558 130574506 H.G.JOSHI S.B.O. GR-II 3595 917 2849 73614507 S.N.JAGANI HELPER 2820 719 2399 59384508 H.V.TRIVEDI TELECOM TECH. 2787.2 710.74 1947 54454509 M.M. BAGDA HELPER 2820 719 2253 57924510 S.V. PARMAR Vidyut Sahayak 3500 0 0 35004511 K.M. TANNA Vidyut Sahayak 3500 0 0 35004512 A.R.PARMAR Vidyut Sahayak 3500 0 0 35004513 A.R.BHADJA Vidyut Sahayak 3500 0 0 35004514 V.M.JOSHI Vidyut Sahayak 3500 0 303 38034515 A.K.ACHARYA Vidyut Sahayak 3500 0 0 35004516 KUM. J.S.RANA Vidyut Sahayak 3000 0 0 30004517 A.R.GAJJAR S.B.O. GR-I 3795 968 3001 77644518 H.R.MAKHECHA HELPER 3250 829 2911 69904519 KUM.R.M.MANSURI Vidyut Sahayak 3000 0 1 30014520 Y.H.AGRAVAT HELPER 2960 755 2054 57694544 P. R. DEVAIYA S.B.O. GR-I 4080 1040 3422 85424572 S K RANA HELPER 3250 829 2585 66644583 M. B. BHATT S.B.O. GR-I 4180 1066 3503 87494615 S. A. CHRISTIAN ELECTRICIAN 3540 903 2330 67734632 N. R. BARAIYA ST. KEEPER 4450 1135 2771 83564657 C B BHALODIYA DY. ENGINEER 14025 3576 11651 292524672 C B MACHHAR AST. LINEMAN 3350 854 2661 68654683 H U PATEL S.B.O. GR-I 4080 1040 3496 86164700 A D PARADAVA HELPER 3030 773 1949 57524708 K. N. RATHOD S.B.O. GR-II 3425 873 2890 71884724 N. G. DERSARI S.B.O. GR-I 4080 1040 3916 90364819 J T PARMAR HELPER 3030 773 4946 87494845 B M RATHVA HELPER AST. LINEMAN 3275 835 2099 62094893 B F ATIT HELPER 3030 773 2101 59044976 VALA N B LINEMAN 5055 1289 3185 95295053 NAYAKA G C S.B.O. GR-II 4180 1066 3503 87495058 KALASAVA G N LINEMAN 3710 946 2364 70205082 R. O. GADHIYA S.S. HELPER 3475 886 2482 6843

5124 MALAKIA K G S.B.O. GR-I 4080 1040 3842 89625126 CHAUDHARI N N LINEMAN 3795 968 2501 72645136 H V UPADHYAY S.S. HELPER 4135 1055 2623 78135139 V. B. JOSHI S.S. HELPER 2960 755 2054 57695140 B. N. PARECHA S.S. HELPER 2960 755 2054 57695142 B. H. PADSUMBIA S.B.O. GR-I 3880 989 3232 81015143 MEHTA G S S.B.O. GR-I 3880 989 3065 79345144 DALWADI P S S.B.O. GR-I 4080 1040 2590 77105162 KATARIA G A S.B.O. GR-I 3980 1015 3142 81375164 DAVE P D S.B.O. GR-I 5055 1289 4518 108625175 KACHROLA J P AST. LINEMAN 3765 960 2680 74055176 PANDYA B M DRIVER GR-I 3800 969 2703 74725180 I N GOHIL S.S. HELPER 3680 938 2529 71475188 ZALA H A S.B.O. GR-II 3595 917 2849 73615201 NINAMA D T ASST. C.R.O. 4600 1173 3614 93875204 VANKAR C S LINEMAN 4280 1091 2711 80825336 D A GONDALIA S.S. HELPER 3030 773 1949 57525343 N. V. PANARA S.S. HELPER 3030 773 2634 64375349 J. R. DETROJA S.S. HELPER 2960 755 2128 58435360 P. R. RATHOD S.S. HELPER 2820 719 1962 55015369 NAYAKPARA M K S.S. HELPER 3325 848 2643 68165379 N. A. RAJPRA S.S. HELPER 3030 773 2100 59035382 BAVARVA R M S.S. HELPER 3030 773 2749 65525386 A. P. DUDHREJIA S.S. HELPER 3030 773 1949 57525390 J.J. DABHI S.B.O. GR-II 3680 938 3177 77955403 DABHI M. V. DY SUPDT (ACCT) 10025 2556 6366 189475409 GHELANI L. P. JR. ASSISTANT 4600 1173 3486 92595411 VAGADIA B. N. PEON 4380 1117 3277 87745453 G.H. RUPALA JR. ENGINEER 9800 2499 8632 209315455 AJANI T. B. DY. ENGINEER 10700 2729 9143 225725456 VATSRAJ M. T. JR. ASSISTANT 5100 1301 3736 101375459 RANSARIA N. R. PLANT OP. GR.-I 7500 1913 6160 155735460 SATOLA K.J. ASST. OP. GR.-I 8675 2212 7153 180405462 KAVAR L. C. ASST. OP. GR.-I 8000 2040 6804 168445466 VARANIA R. M. LINE INSPECTOR 6250 1594 3913 117575467 ZALA D. G. LINEMAN 5500 1403 4005 109085468 BAMBHAVA K. S. LINEMAN 5180 1321 3520 100215469 KHENDERIA S. R. LINEMAN 5055 1289 3184 95285470 KATARIYA D. N. LINEMAN 4280 1091 2711 80825472 SAPARA J. G. GARDNER(MALI) 3935 1004 2463 74025473 THAKAR N. M. S.B.O. GR-II 3595 917 3129 76415474 NAIR A. A. AST. LINEMAN 3510 895 2241 66465478 JADEJA A. N. WATCHMAN 3680 938 2605 72235482 KAVAIYA R.D S.B.O. GR-II 3425 873 2890 71885488 GOSAI G H S.B.O. GR-II 3680 938 3188 78065489 HULANI A D JR. ENGINEER 9800 2499 9136 214355494 G. A. DABHI DRIVER GR-II 5250 1339 4156 107455497 M. D. VANIA PLANT OP. GR.-I 6200 1581 4833 126145500 P P SOLANKI HELPER 3030 773 2101 59045501 HIRANI D. G. DY. ENGINEER 13600 3468 12612 296805502 PATEL V. G. DY. ENGINEER 11325 2888 9670 238835508 VARAN R. G. LINE INSPECTOR 7175 1830 4478 13483

5511 ZALA R. K. LINEMAN 3980 1015 2902 78975512 JADEJA S. R. AST. LINEMAN 3510 895 2242 66475513 BAGTHARIA K. N. S.B.O. GR-II 3510 895 2417 68225514 JADEJA H. M. HELPER 3475 886 3019 73805515 RAVAL J. C. HELPER 4815 1228 4139 101825527 C M RAVAL PLANT OP. GR.-I 6875 1753 5313 139415551 ZALA N. S. S.B.O. GR-I 5055 1289 4732 110765552 GADHIYA V. K. S.B.O. GR-I 4280 1091 3032 84035553 CHHATROLA A. G. S.B.O. GR-I 4280 1091 4642 100135555 KHOKHANI M A S.B.O. GR-II 3425 873 2890 71885558 LORIYA G P S.B.O. GR-II 3350 854 2899 71035601 JADEJA A. N. DRIVER GR-II 6575 1677 4605 128575604 JOSHI M. P. ASST. OP. GR.-I 8225 2097 7413 177355605 PADSUMBIA B. J. ASST. OP. GR.-I 7775 1983 6430 161885608 CHUDASMA P. N. LINEMAN 4280 1091 2711 80825609 THAKAR S. S. HELPER 3805 970 2707 74825610 KANJARIA N. D. S.B.O. GR-I 3710 946 3122 77785613 KOTAK A. J. S.B.O. GR-II 3680 938 3189 78075616 L. G. CHAUHAN S.B.O. GR-II 3425 873 2362 66605651 BHADJA G. B. S.B.O. GR-I 5305 1353 3735 103935652 R. J. ZALA S.B.O. GR-I 5180 1321 4050 105515653 PARMAR K. N. S.B.O. GR-I 5055 1289 3961 103055654 GADHIYA M. K. S.B.O. GR-I 4480 1142 3522 91445655 CHAWDA D. M. LINEMAN 5555 1417 3489 104615656 ZALA N. V. LINEMAN 3795 968 2606 73695658 JEMS R. O. HELPER 5215 1330 3282 98275661 JADEJA R K S.B.O. GR-II 3425 873 2719 70175664 M. K. DAVE HELPER HELPER 0 0 1 15665 D H MORI AST. LINEMAN 3350 854 2395 65995702 KANJIA K. K. ASST.OP.GR-III 5950 1517 4176 116435703 ZALARIA N. M. S.B.O. GR-I 0 0 0 05704 PANDYA B. R. S.B.O. GR-I 5180 1321 4315 108165705 BHAGDEV H. V. S.B.O. GR-I 4930 1257 4235 104225706 KAVAR V. S. LINEMAN 4805 1225 3392 94225707 DEKAWADIA A. H. LINEMAN 4930 1257 3355 95425708 GOSAI K. I. S.B.O. GR-I 3880 989 3259 81285710 HALWADIA B. S. WATCHMAN 5555 1417 3490 104625751 VIDJA K. B. ASST.OP.GR-III 5800 1479 4818 120975752 BHATT P. B. S.B.O. GR-I 4280 1091 3584 89555753 PARMAR M. N. S.B.O. GR-I 4280 1091 3471 88425754 RAJPARA A. G. S.B.O. GR-I 7075 1804 5670 145495755 PANDYA P. J. S.B.O. GR-I 3880 989 3065 79345758 BODA R B S.B.O. GR-II 3510 895 2960 73655759 JADEJA B J HELPER 3325 848 2295 64685761 M I RAMANUJ AST. LINEMAN 3350 854 2144 63485802 CHAWDA D. D. S.B.O. GR-I 4280 1091 3365 87365803 VIDJA M. L. S.B.O. GR-I 4080 1040 2998 81185805 MALEK H. I. LINEMAN 5180 1321 3260 97615806 SADHU V. R. EL. FITTER GR-I 5225 1332 3681 102385808 KANZARIA S. P. S.B.O. GR-II 3680 938 2988 76065809 NANDANI B. D. S.B.O. GR-II 3680 938 2900 75185818 M G DESAI AST. LINEMAN 3425 873 2190 6488

5819 D. J. ADROJA JR. ENGINEER 9800 2499 8088 203875853 DAVE M. K. S.B.O. GR-I 4930 1257 3865 100525854 ASARI D. S. S.B.O. GR-I 4280 1091 3370 87415855 AGRAVAT H. R. LINEMAN 4280 1091 2786 81575857 JADEJA H. H. AST. LINEMAN 3595 917 2474 69865902 RIBADIA M. R. S.B.O. GR-I 4930 1257 4112 102995903 PANCHALA J. V. S.B.O. GR-I 4380 1117 3650 91475904 DAMOR G. R. S.B.O. GR-I 4280 1091 3370 87415905 RANA N. H. LINEMAN 5180 1321 3519 100205906 VARANIA D. R. LINEMAN 4280 1091 3296 86675910 ROHIT A. G. HELPER S.B.O. GR-II 3510 895 2771 71765911 BHATT J L AST. LINEMAN 3510 895 2418 68235951 VORA I. I. S.B.O. GR-I 5180 1321 4315 108165953 DINDOR G. S. S.B.O. GR-I 4180 1066 3503 87495954 JOSHI A. K. S.B.O. GR-I 4180 1066 3683 89295955 JANI D. P. LINE INSPECTOR 7075 1804 4948 138275957 TUWAR D. M. S.B.O. GR-I 3795 968 3076 78396010 P. B. THAKER PEON 3720 949 2425 70946104 HARIYANI DHARMENDRA G JR. ENGINEER 9800 2499 8649 209486107 PANDYA MAHENDRA N TRACER 7775 1983 5663 154216116 MEHTA VINODRAI K SR. ASSISTANT 10775 2748 6567 200906120 JOSHI HARSHA H JR. ASSISTANT 6100 1556 4590 122466123 MANKAR SANJAYKUMAR D SR. ASSISTANT 5600 1428 4086 111146124 TRIVEDI KALPANA D JR. ASSISTANT 5100 1301 3735 101366127 JADEJA RANJITSINH S SR. ASSISTANT 12850 3277 9216 253436129 TANK BHARATKUMAR N JR. ASSISTANT 6900 1760 5051 137116131 JADEJA MAHAVIRSINH N JR. ASST(TYPIST) 5225 1332 4264 108216136 PARMAR HANSA B PEON 3680 938 2712 73306141 RAMOLIYA K G DY ENG. DY. ENGINEER 14400 3672 12604 306766146 MAKWANA D B SURVEYOR GR-II 5150 1313 4080 105436151 D. B. SAVALIYA DY SUPDT (ACCT) 10925 2786 7869 215806152 BHATT DURLABHJI N. PEON 6900 1760 5051 137116153 JOTANGIYA UMESH V. JR. ASSISTANT 5225 1332 3824 103816154 ASHOKKUMAR K. TRIVEDI SUPDT (ACCOUNTS) 10100 2576 7621 202976155 J. R. VAIDYA E. E. 15150 3863 10826 298396156 D. B. KALOLA DY. ENGINEER 11000 2805 9680 234856178 KUMBHAR R H SR. ASSISTANT 7375 1881 4526 137826179 TRIVEDI M R SR. ASSISTANT 6975 1779 4286 130406180 RAVAL B S WATCHMAN 4735 1208 3954 98976181 RAVAL M S WATCHMAN 5055 1289 4214 105586182 DAMOR C U WATCHMAN 3935 1004 3107 80466184 S. S. GAMIT Vidyut Sahayak 3000 0 0 30006234 PARMAR K B DRIVER GR-II 5425 1383 3882 106906235 CHAVDA V C NOT PROVIDED 6475 1651 4657 127836236 PARMAR P B PEON 3475 886 2308 66696238 ROKAD D.H. DY. ENGINEER 12950 3302 10774 270266240 J. H. RAVAL JR. ENGINEER 8000 2040 6740 167806241 PRADYUMANSINH R. JADEJA JR. ASSISTANT 3800 969 2511 72806265 GOHIL S V LINE INSPT GR-II 6650 1696 4656 130026272 ADESHRA U. J. JR. ENGINEER 8000 2040 8316 183566303 PATEL M G DY. ENGINEER 10400 2652 8316 213686345 MACHHAR P J LINEMAN 5305 1353 3800 10458

6346 MANKAD K M LINEMAN 5350 1364 7828 145426353 CHAUHAN KANTILAL V PEON 3250 829 2167 62466356 CHAWDA K R DRIVER GR-I 4350 1109 3115 85746357 THAKAR H. P. LINE INSPECTOR 5800 1479 4139 114186359 R. S. BHIMANI JR. ENGINEER 10100 2576 8702 213786373 VARSADA P K JR. ENGINEER 9800 2499 8381 206806374 PANDYA B U SR. ASSISTANT 9350 2384 6144 178786375 PANDYA S J SR. ASSISTANT 8675 2212 5643 165306381 JADEJA R L WATCHMAN 5305 1353 3735 103936383 CHEKHALIYA S D DY. ENGINEER 13650 3481 11526 286576386 MEHTA G. C. DRIVER GR-II 8025 2046 6595 166666388 BHATT RAKESH J. PEON 2890 737 1835 54626401 PARMAR R. A. JR. ENGINEER 9500 2423 7855 197786402 N. K. KUKADIYA DRIVER GR-II 8525 2174 5727 164266434 DAVE B. H. LINE INSPT GR-II 8025 2046 4996 150676436 Smt. SHETH MADHAVIBEN R JR. ASSISTANT 4475 1141 2786 84026437 VADGHASIYA MUKESH R PEON 2890 737 1690 53176439 M. K. JANI JR. ENGINEER 9800 2499 7842 201416461 CHOKSI J. H. DY. ENGINEER 12300 3137 9818 252556462 DATTA S. C. JR. ENGINEER 11000 2805 13430 272356463 PATEL D. R. JR. ENGINEER 11000 2805 8790 225956465 Smt. BAKULABEN G. PATEL Vidyut Sahayak 3000 0 0 30006491 N. M. NAKUM DY. ENGINEER 11325 2888 9330 235436492 J. P. TILARA JR. ENGINEER 9800 2499 8087 203866493 M. P. CHAUHAN SR. ASSISTANT 8000 2040 5100 151406494 MISS N. V. AVASIYA JR. ASSISTANT 6400 1632 4201 122336495 M. K. SOLANKI JR. ENGINEER 6500 1658 5399 135576496 K. S. CHAUHAN TRACER 7550 1925 4819 142946497 K. V. RAIJADA LINE INSPT GR-II 8025 2046 5598 156696498 B. R. VYAS LINEMAN 5225 1332 3681 102386499 B. N. SODHA DRIVER GR-II 7775 1983 5426 151846500 Smt. N. H. VAGHELA JR. ASSISTANT 3700 944 2413 70576531 S. V. PANWALA DY. ENGINEER 13275 3385 10920 275806533 A. H. PANDYA SR. ASSISTANT 0 0 0 06534 B. M. GAMETI MISTRY 3795 968 2701 74646535 Mrs. D. H. VAGHASIYA PEON 3250 829 2132 62116551 A. C. CHOKSI DY. ENGINEER 15150 3863 13303 323166552 Y. V. JOSHI SR. ASSISTANT 5075 1294 5942 123116553 H. D. MANDAVIA JR. ASSISTANT 4900 1250 3164 93146554 P. J. DUDHREJIA STORE HELPER 3850 982 2738 75706555 P. S. KAGATHARA WATCHMAN 3175 810 2529 65146556 R. L. JADEJA WATCHMAN 5680 1448 4436 115646557 G. J. JADEJA WATCHMAN 5305 1353 4151 108096558 N. A. MANKODI SR. ASSISTANT 8025 2046 5317 153886559 D. M. JADEJA DRIVER GR-II 5975 1524 4194 116936560 G. K. MONPARA CLEANER 4930 1257 3478 96656561 S. K. MEHTA PEON 5500 1403 3729 106326576 P. C. CHAUHAN DY. ENGINEER 12300 3137 9202 246396601 SOLANKI H.M. ELECTRICIAN 3540 903 2791 72346609 KALOLA J M S.B.O. GR-II 3350 854 2830 70346613 BHIMANI R. B. JR. ENG. JR. ENGINEER 10100 2576 9512 221886614 AGHARA S K PLANT OP. GR.-I 8000 2040 6804 16844

6621 D. B. VAMJA DY. ENGINEER 10400 2652 8317 213696622 O. A. JAKASANIA SR. ASSISTANT 8225 2097 5242 155646628 S B CHAVDA HELPER 3100 791 2225 61166632 S K ROY PLANT OP. GR.-I 6875 1753 5347 139756701 R. M. MEGHAPARIA HELPER 3400 867 3243 75106702 N R AGRAVAT HELPER 3030 773 1949 57526754 J D DABHI HELPER 3030 773 2176 59796801 Y M JADEJA HELPER 3030 773 2101 59046803 PANDYA S H JR. ENGINEER 8250 2104 8469 188236805 R. B. RANA SR. ASSISTANT 4600 1173 3031 88046806 B. R. PANDYA S.B.O. GR-II 3680 938 3097 77156807 SMT. B. A. KHURESHI KAMDAR 2960 755 1951 56666809 P. M. SANGHANI PLANT OP. GR.-I 6650 1696 6202 145486810 M. M. JADEJA WATCHMAN 3250 829 2083 61626811 S. U. CHAUHAN CLEANER 2960 755 4674 83896814 ROT C. L. HELPER 2960 755 1906 56216815 DAMOR R. A. HELPER 2960 755 2365 60806818 GOHEL M. V. DRIVER GR-II 6375 1626 4309 123106819 R. N. RATHWA JR. ENGINEER 7000 1785 5491 142766820 M. P. SARVAIYA HELPER 3100 791 1991 58826821 C. G. TARAL Vidyut Sahayak 3500 0 1 35016822 R. R. RATHOD Vidyut Sahayak 3500 0 0 35006823 K. M. MAHIDA Vidyut Sahayak 3500 0 1 35016824 J. P. BHAGORA Vidyut Sahayak 3500 0 1 35016825 M. D. VYAS S.S. HELPER 2890 737 2008 56356826 M. M. KAMALIYA S.S. HELPER 2890 737 2322 59496827 C. T. PANDOR Vidyut Sahayak 3500 0 1 35016828 SOLANKI M. M. ASST. C.R.O. 5350 1364 4435 111496830 H. J. DABHI Vidyut Sahayak 3500 0 1 35016831 ISMAILSHA ALISHA HELPER 4035 1029 2865 79296834 R. G. THUMAR JR. ENGINEER 9500 2423 7890 198136835 D. K. NINAMA Vidyut Sahayak 3000 0 0 30006836 A. N. TABIYAD Vidyut Sahayak 3000 0 0 30006837 D. M. ZALA S.S. HELPER 2820 719 1962 55016839 J. M. VAGHELA HELPER 3100 791 1992 58836841 V. N. JOSHI JR. ENGINEER 9550 2435 7932 199176842 P. B. KUNJERA JR. ENGINEER 8250 2104 6453 168076843 NILESH P. DABHI Vidyut Sahayak 2500 0 1 25016845 A. J. ADHYARU E. E. 15525 3959 10813 302976846 M. H. DEVMURARI Vidyut Sahayak 2500 0 1 25016847 S. J. BAGTHARIA Vidyut Sahayak 2500 0 1 25016848 K. S. DHAMA PLANT OP. GR.-I 5000 1275 4168 104436849 B. K. SATOLA HELPER 3030 773 2419 62226850 B. C. MEHTA PLANT OP. GR.-I 5400 1377 4223 110006851 L. R. JADEJA JR. ASSISTANT 3500 893 2288 66817102 Y. S. UPADHYAY Vidyut Sahayak 3500 0 0 35007103 J. B. PATEL Vidyut Sahayak 3500 0 0 35007106 N. M. SARVAIYA S.S. HELPER 2890 737 1863 54907108 D. A. PADSUMBIA Vidyut Sahayak 3500 0 0 35007111 R. J. PARMAR S.S. HELPER 2890 737 2322 59497114 DOMADIA HASMUKH M. Vidyut Sahayak 3000 0 259 32597115 K. C. DAVE Vidyut Sahayak 3500 0 1 3501

7116 A. S. UPADHYAY Vidyut Sahayak 3500 0 1 35017117 K. N. JOSHI Vidyut Sahayak 3500 0 1 35017119 N. J. PARADVA S.S. HELPER 2890 737 2456 60837122 N. K. BHATT Vidyut Sahayak 3500 0 0 35007127 M. R. BHATANA Vidyut Sahayak 3500 0 0 35007129 B. G. CHAUHAN S.S. HELPER 2890 737 2008 56357130 J. H. RAWAL Vidyut Sahayak 3000 0 0 30007133 M. G. RATHOD S.S. HELPER 2820 719 1962 55017134 S. N. ZALA Vidyut Sahayak 3000 0 1 30017142 PANDYA BHAVESH D. Vidyut Sahayak 3000 0 0 30007143 R. K. KAKKAD Vidyut Sahayak 3000 0 1 30017303 M. K. ZALA S.S. HELPER 2960 755 2054 57697518 A. M. VAGHELA HELPER 2960 755 2202 59177545 I. M. ZALA Vidyut Sahayak 3500 0 0 35007550 J. K. DAMOR Vidyut Sahayak 2806.5 0 0 28078504 D. M. ZALA HELPER 3030 773 2634 64378551 P. B. JADEJA Vidyut Sahayak 3500 0 1 35018552 K. J. DEVRUKHAR Vidyut Sahayak 3500 0 1 35018553 A. M. RATHOD S.S. HELPER 2890 737 2311 59388554 R. H. MAKVANA S.S. HELPER 2890 737 2456 60838555 A. B. JODIYA S.S. HELPER 2890 737 2162 57898556 D. C. SOLANKI S.S. HELPER 2890 737 1863 54908560 J. J. BABARIYA Vidyut Sahayak 3500 0 0 35008563 D. K. ZALA S.S. HELPER 3250 829 2581 66608568 H. B. TILADA Vidyut Sahayak 3000 0 260 3260

2 J.M.JANI DY SUPDT (ACCT) 5800 1479 3725 110043 D.J.VINDA SR. ASSISTANT 7775 1983 4960 147184 N.C.TANK JR. DRAUGHTMAN 12850 3277 8132 242595 J A PUROHIT PEON 3100 791 3114 70056 R.D.SOLANKI GARDNER(MALI) 4135 1055 2685 78757 R.M.GODHANI E. E. 15150 3863 11690 307038 N.K. RATHAWA SUPERINTENDENT 6750 1721 4319 127909 S.J. GUPTA SUPDT (ACCOUNTS) 8750 2231 5569 16550

10 J.H.LADANI SR. ASSISTANT 4750 1211 3069 903011 A.N.DOSHI SR. ASSISTANT 4750 1211 3069 903032 MEHTA N C SR. ASSISTANT 6775 1728 4336 12839

106 DHABLA S L DRIVER GR-II 4100 1046 2602 7748202 RADADIYA C R E. E. 16275 4150 13366 33791223 CHAUHAN N J S.B.O. GR-I 3795 968 2940 7703267 PANDYA Y C ASST. OP. GR.-I 5975 1524 4836 12335271 MAKWANA A K LINEMAN 5305 1353 3736 10394298 TANK K M S.B.O. GR-II 3710 946 4842 9498301 G.C.THAKAR E. E. 15525 3959 10814 30298302 L.B. PARMAR SR. ASSISTANT 5975 1524 3836 11335303 A.K.RAM Vidyut Sahayak 3000 0 0 3000304 N.C.PATEL JR. ENGINEER 6500 1658 6409 14567305 H.M.RACHHADIYA ASST. OP. GR.-I 4750 1211 4084 10045307 B.R.VASAN SR. ASSISTANT 5600 1428 3600 10628319 MAHIDA R S S.B.O. GR-II 3595 917 2803 7315334 JADEJA B B S.B.O. GR-I 5305 1353 4481 11139337 BHALARA G.G. S.B.O. GR-I 3710 946 2888 7544338 PARMAR R S S.B.O. GR-II 3795 968 2952 7715

347 KANDOLIA R M AST. LINEMAN 3595 917 2364 6876358 AJODIYA P B ASST.OP.GR-III 4975 1269 3843 10087364 DAMOR J N LINEMAN 3795 968 2416 7179368 ROHIT B D AST. LINEMAN 3510 895 2242 6647370 PARMAR GULAB B. S.B.O. GR-II 3350 854 2623 6827391 S J PANCHAL S.B.O. GR-II 3425 873 3160 7458393 D V BHALODI S.B.O. GR-II 3425 873 2853 7151396 M L BALVA HELPER 3325 848 2638 6811401 D.C.VAISHNANI DY. ENGINEER 10400 2652 8576 21628402 G.T.SOLANKI DY. ENGINEER 11000 2805 11617 25422403 VANSH D.R. SR. ASSISTANT 5075 1294 3274 9643604 GALCHAR M D DY SUPDT (ACCT) 6000 1530 3401 10931606 PARMAR B P SR. ASSISTANT 8525 2174 5366 16065607 RAJDEV Y M SR. ASSISTANT 7550 1925 6248 15723610 GURGATIYA B M PEON 5555 1417 3156 10128613 KOTIA V L PLANT OP. GR.-I 6875 1753 5341 13969616 SINDHAV D H HELPER 3250 829 2548 6627617 SALET S B HELPER 3325 848 2630 6803625 KADRI N J JR. ENGINEER 9500 2423 7416 19339630 RATHOD A R ASST. OP. GR-II 6175 1575 5199 12949632 KATARA K B ASST. OP. GR.-I 4900 1250 3786 9936635 FALDU A A LINEMAN 5225 1332 3549 10106636 MEHTA J H ELECTRICIAN 6900 1760 4655 13315639 MOKARIYA N K LINEMAN 4280 1091 2925 8296640 RATHOD P J AST. LINEMAN 3680 938 2529 7147641 VASAVA J C AST. LINEMAN 3680 938 2420 7038643 S D ODEDARA S.S. HELPER 4735 1208 3226 9169646 MOTIVARAS R C S.B.O. GR-II 3595 917 2987 7499648 ODEDARA R K AST. LINEMAN 4635 1182 3160 8977651 JADAV B B DRIVER GR-II 8275 2110 5563 15948652 BHALODIYA D B CLEANER 5180 1321 3859 10360653 JAYABEN HAMIR GARDNER(MALI) 4135 1055 2830 8020658 PARSOTAM RAGHAV P/T SWEEPER 1245 0 1 1246659 A.L.JETHAWA JR. ENGINEER 7750 1976 6456 16182660 DHOKIA J V HELPER 3890 992 3223 8105664 THANKI P J ASST. OP. GR.-I 6975 1779 5344 14098665 POLA HAJA LINEMAN 4975 1269 3508 9752667 LODHARI K V AST. LINEMAN 3765 960 2586 7311671 THANKI JAYESH J HELPER 3550 905 2266 6721672 PARVATIBEN NATHU P/T SWEEPER 1245 0 1 1246674 PARMAR M N HELPER 3325 848 2854 7027679 SINGARAKHIYA L B HELPER 3250 829 2547 6626680 GOHEL A L HELPER 3325 848 2853 7026681 KARAVADRA K V JR. ENGINEER 10100 2576 7878 20554684 JOSHI G M ASST. OP. GR.-I 8450 2155 7085 17690690 PUROHIT U P AST. LINEMAN 3680 938 2529 7147691 JOSHI D R HELPER 4060 1035 3358 8453692 ODEDARA A K DRIVER GR-II 7775 1983 5426 15184696 S R POPAT HELPER 3325 848 2638 6811697 RATHOD K V HELPER 3325 848 2770 6943698 POPAT N P HELPER 3805 970 2959 7734699 PARMAR K N HELPER 3325 848 2638 6811

700 A.A.SHEIKH DY. ENGINEER 11000 2805 9065 22870702 THANKI J J ASST. OP. GR-II 5600 1428 4732 11760703 PANDIYA B B S.B.O. GR-I 4380 1117 7197 12694704 JOSHI M K S.B.O. GR-I 4805 1225 4206 10236705 MAKWANA A P LINEMAN 5305 1353 3602 10260706 SINDHAV V H S.B.O. GR-I 3710 946 2931 7587707 KHISTARIA J A S.B.O. GR-II 4735 1208 2989 8932708 SAVDAS ARSHI S.B.O. GR-II 4735 1208 3899 9842709 TAVIYAD N M WATCHMAN 3720 949 2900 7569710 C M THANKI DY. ENGINEER 11650 3229 10798 25677713 S R BARANDA S.S. HELPER 3100 791 2435 6326714 B.D.MAHIDA S.S. HELPER 3100 791 2435 6326715 V K MAHIDA S.S. HELPER 3100 791 1992 5883720 J A HEDPARA HELPER 3250 829 2711 6790721 THANKI S J S.B.O. GR-I 5055 1289 4156 10500722 ODEDARA B R S.B.O. GR-I 4180 1066 3455 8701723 ZALA P D S.B.O. GR-I 3980 1015 3294 8289724 CHAUHAN R L LINEMAN 5055 1289 3437 9781725 DAMOR S S S.B.O. GR-I 3625 924 3010 7559726 THANKI B M S.B.O. GR-II 3595 917 2807 7319727 KHISTARIYA V J S.B.O. GR-II 3935 1004 2906 7845729 BAPODARA K G HELPER 3325 848 2129 6302730 JETHVA V.J. S.S. HELPER 3250 829 2246 6325731 PARMAR R.K. HELPER 3100 791 2590 6481732 SINGRAKHIYA P.G. HELPER 3100 791 2668 6559733 KODIYATAR M.B. HELPER 3100 791 2590 6481734 D.J.AGATH PLANT OP. GR.-I 5800 1479 4462 11741735 J.R.BAPODARA WATCHMAN 5305 1353 3602 10260736 N.L.ODEDRA PLANT OP. GR.-I 5600 1428 4370 11398739 RADA B.P. JR. ENGINEER 8250 2104 7707 18061744 SARVAIYA B C LINEMAN 4475 1141 2831 8447745 VASAVA M C AST. LINEMAN 3850 982 2449 7281746 MEHTA H M S.B.O. GR-I 3710 946 3079 7735747 MEHTA J V AST. LINEMAN 4135 1055 2933 8123748 KORIYA R S S.B.O. GR-II 3680 938 3129 7747749 BHANAT M P S.B.O. GR-II 3510 895 2731 7136750 DAMOR C D S.B.O. GR-II 3425 873 2669 6967751 J.B.KADEGIA JR. ASSISTANT 5225 1332 6307 12864753 MOTIVARAS J.J JR. ENGINEER 8250 2104 7746 18100754 CHAVDA B.D. Vidyut Sahayak 3500 0 202 3702756 R.B. PANDYA HELPER 3250 829 2581 6660758 M.A.KARIA HELPER 3030 773 2534 6337759 B.M.PATEL DY. ENGINEER 13275 3385 10987 27647760 V.B.VISAVADIA JR. ENGINEER 7750 1976 7283 17009761 CHAVDA K B ASST. OP. GR-II 5950 1517 4574 12041763 RATHOD D D S.B.O. GR-I 4180 1066 3246 8492764 JOSHI V D LINEMAN 5430 1385 3413 10228767 KHOKHARIYA N K AST. LINEMAN 3595 917 2664 7176768 JAYABEN CHANDULAL P/T SWEEPER 1245 0 0 1245769 DABHI R A HELPER 3550 905 2940 7395772 D.V.MEHTA HELPER 3030 773 2535 6338773 P.J.PANCHANI HELPER 2960 755 2054 5769

774 P.M.DAVE DY. ENGINEER 10700 2729 8339 21768776 D.R.MAKADIA HELPER 3400 867 2414 6681777 S.R.CHANDEGRA JR. ENGINEER 12025 3066 10262 25353778 I.C.RATHWA Vidyut Sahayak 2500 0 1250 3750779 D.D.PATEL Vidyut Sahayak 2500 0 1551 4051780 S.J.PATEL E. E. 14025 3576 10199 27800781 BAPODARA V S S.B.O. GR-I 4280 1091 2711 8082782 VADHER V C S.B.O. GR-I 5055 1289 4661 11005786 KAPADVANJI Z I LINEMAN 4280 1091 3032 8403787 BAPODARA J D S.B.O. GR-II 3850 982 2998 7830788 BHALODIA N A S.B.O. GR-II 3625 924 3006 7555789 MAKWANA D B HELPER 3805 970 2813 7588790 SAVITABEN RAMESH P/T SWEEPER 1245 0 0 1245791 N.B.PANDIYA AST. LINEMAN 4735 1208 3414 9357792 M.H.TRIVEDI HELPER 4815 1228 3772 9815793 M.B.KAPADI HELPER 3250 829 2581 6660794 H.H.MADALANI DY. ENGINEER 10400 2652 7276 20328795 P.S.JOSHI HELPER 3175 810 2651 6636796 P.D.MODHA HELPER 4615 1177 3620 9412802 LAKHLANI R R ASST. OP. GR-II 7750 1976 6200 15926803 BAPODARA N M ASST.OP.GR-III 5350 1364 5184 11898805 MODHA S J S.B.O. GR-I 4280 1091 3535 8906806 GHETIYA K B LINEMAN 4280 1091 2711 8082807 PIRJADA S S AST. LINEMAN 4985 1271 4099 10355808 PANDOR D B AST. LINEMAN 3595 917 2564 7076809 BARIA N.R. S.B.O. GR-II 3680 938 2345 6963811 ODEDARA B M S.B.O. GR-II 3595 917 2987 7499812 GOHEL D K S.B.O. GR-II 4235 1080 3500 8815813 H D MANDALIYA P/T SWEEPER 1245 0 0 1245815 MONPARA V B HELPER 3935 1004 3329 8268821 NANAVATI H B ASST.OP.GR-III 6825 1740 5473 14038822 JOSHI J M ASST. OP. GR-II 7375 1881 5905 15161823 THAKAR U T S.B.O. GR-I 4180 1066 3455 8701824 DEVARUKHKAR S J S.B.O. GR-I 5430 1385 4455 11270826 KANA ARJAN LINEMAN 4805 1225 3032 9062827 MANVAR R R S.B.O. GR-I 3795 968 3222 7985830 JOSHI K M S.B.O. GR-II 4735 1208 3711 9654832 DEVSHI ALA P/T SWEEPER 1245 0 0 1245834 KANERIA H G S.B.O. GR-II 3680 938 3569 8187835 BHATT H R HELPER 3805 970 3155 7930841 PATEL H G DY. ENGINEER 11325 2888 9071 23284843 MONPARA C B ASST. OP. GR.-I 6575 1677 5472 13724844 CHAUHAN B G ASST. OP. GR.-I 6375 1626 5212 13213846 RATANPARA M K LINE INSPECTOR 6125 1562 4296 11983847 RATHOD A D LINEMAN 4180 1066 2859 8105849 MENDPARA R G S.B.O. GR-II 3595 917 2983 7495850 ACHARYA M V S.B.O. GR-I 3710 946 2931 7587851 LADANI K H S.B.O. GR-II 3595 917 3721 8233852 VACHHANI M L S.B.O. GR-II 3680 938 3570 8188853 HINSU K V S.B.O. GR-II 3680 938 3049 7667861 ACHARYA R V S.B.O. GR-I 5180 1321 3989 10490862 RATNAPARA J K S.B.O. GR-I 4930 1257 3877 10064

863 MAKARANI G A S.B.O. GR-I 3980 1015 3090 8085866 PATHAN Y I LINEMAN 5055 1289 3513 9857867 MENDPARA R R HELPER 4615 1177 3147 8939868 C K SAPARIYA S.B.O. GR-I 3710 946 3079 7735869 BHARAT KHIMJI P/T SWEEPER 1340 0 1 1341870 HEDPARA R J HELPER 3325 848 2770 6943873 VANJA H J HELPER 3325 848 2771 6944874 JADAV M P HELPER 3325 848 5800 9973875 NIMBARK D.V. HELPER 3100 791 2668 6559876 RAMADATTI G. V. HELPER 5180 1321 4049 10550877 KATHAD M.P. HELPER 3100 791 2435 6326878 HERMA P.B. HELPER 3100 791 2590 6481879 KATHAD D.R. HELPER 3100 791 2146 6037881 JOSHI B K S.B.O. GR-I 4180 1066 3245 8491882 PANARA A G S.B.O. GR-I 3980 1015 3294 8289883 THUMAR J R S.B.O. GR-I 3980 1015 3295 8290884 ZATAKIA M K S.B.O. GR-I 3980 1015 3090 8085885 VIRA GANDA LINEMAN 4930 1257 3477 9664886 VANKAR R D S.B.O. GR-I 3710 946 2888 7544887 KARANGIA R L HELPER 3975 1014 3292 8281890 JETHAVA J.C. HELPER 3100 791 2435 6326891 KARAVADARA M.S. HELPER 3100 791 2590 6481893 RATHOD R.G. HELPER 3100 791 1992 5883894 CHAUHAN K.R. HELPER 3325 848 2853 7026895 ODEDARA J.M. HELPER 3100 791 1991 5882899 I S HINGORA HELPER 5180 1321 3260 9761900 K.K.KOPASA Vidyut Sahayak 3000 0 1 3001902 SOLANKI N D LINEMAN 4280 1091 3102 8473903 CHAUHAN Y N AST. LINEMAN 4035 1029 2866 7930906 JOSHI M P HELPER 3250 829 2711 6790908 RAMOLIYA R D HELPER 3250 829 2711 6790909 VISANI JITESH A. HELPER 3250 829 2083 6162910 PARMAR N S S.S. HELPER 3250 829 2662 6741913 SOLANKI M T LINEMAN 8025 2305 6797 17127914 NAREJA N A LINEMAN 8025 2305 5784 16114915 GUNJARIYA M N LINEMAN 5800 1738 4705 12243916 FATANIA M K LINEMAN 6000 1789 5019 12808922 KHARADI D B S.B.O. GR-II 3425 873 2850 7148923 KANERIA R M HELPER 3550 905 2951 7406925 A P DAV WATCHMAN 3325 848 2604 6777927 JETHVA S C WATCHMAN 3510 895 2743 7148932 USDADIA K L TECHNICIAN GR-II 4000 1020 2540 7560992 PARAVADA HIMATLAL H S.S. HELPER 3250 829 2327 6406993 KHARA DEVAJI K S.S. HELPER 3400 867 10613 14880995 SOLANKI LALIT K S.B.O. GR-I 5180 1321 5542 12043

1009 MODI K S SR. ASSISTANT 4750 1211 3069 90301011 MANVAR G N DRIVER GR-I 7325 1868 5118 143111012 SOLANKI H S DRIVER GR-I 6650 1696 4157 125031013 RATHOD R P PEON 3325 848 2179 63521014 JADEJA R T WATCHMAN 4805 1225 3392 94221016 VAGHELA B G PART TIME SWEEPR 1340 0 1 13411022 KACHHI M K ASST. OP. GR.-I 7100 1811 5961 14872

1025 KAKADIA M C S.B.O. GR-I 3710 946 3166 78221026 SOUN B B HELPER 0 0 1 11028 SOLANKI D R AST. LINEMAN 4335 1106 2745 81861033 GHETIYA N B LINE INSPECTOR 5225 1332 3549 101061034 TRIVEDI A N S.B.O. GR-I 3710 946 2363 70191035 RAVRANI N T AST. LINEMAN 3680 938 2621 72391041 VYAS S B S.B.O. GR-II 3935 1004 3254 81931042 VAGHELA H V S.B.O. GR-II 3425 873 2846 71441048 CHUDASAMA R H HELPER 3325 848 2379 65521052 DAVE D M HELPER 3250 829 2787 68661061 SHUKAL K J ASST. OP. GR.-I 7575 1932 6603 161101063 RAJYAGURU M B S.B.O. GR-I 4280 1091 3529 89001065 MANVAR R T LINE INSPECTOR 5225 1332 3288 98451066 PARADAVA T G LINEMAN 5805 1480 4077 113621067 KANSAGARA R G S.B.O. GR-I 3980 1015 3652 86471068 BHASA R M LINEMAN 3795 968 2691 74541069 KUWAD B B S.B.O. GR-II 3595 917 2983 74951071 KATAKIA PREMJI S. S.B.O. GR-II 3425 873 3400 76981082 KARDANI P M S.B.O. GR-I 4080 1040 3166 82861083 SUVA M K ASST.OP.GR-III 6775 1728 5693 141961084 NIMAVAT H L ASST.OP.GR-III 5100 1301 4191 105921086 RATHOD V V ELECTRICIAN 6250 1594 5377 132211088 ZALA M C AST. LINEMAN 3680 946 2642 72681089 DODIA H N HELPER 3890 992 2474 73561102 ZAPADIA P B S.B.O. GR-II 3935 1004 3058 79971103 RANA M J S.B.O. GR-I 4380 1117 3390 88871105 VADODARIA H J LINEMAN 4380 1117 2857 83541106 PARMAR A H LINEMAN 4280 1091 2787 81581108 SADARIA H T AST. LINEMAN 3425 873 2361 66591115 NAINU R M LINEMAN 4380 1117 2857 83541116 KAPUPARA G G S.B.O. GR-II 4235 1080 3494 88091117 MANAVADARIA P M S.B.O. GR-II 3425 873 2850 71481118 LALAKIA D P S.B.O. GR-II 3425 873 2850 71481122 KATARA A N LINEMAN 3980 1015 2528 75231126 KOCHARA B D S.B.O. GR-II 3425 873 2675 69731127 KACHHADIA UMESH N. S.B.O. GR-II 3510 895 2914 73191131 KOTADIA H T S.B.O. GR-I 4280 1091 3637 90081133 TRIVEDI R H S.B.O. GR-I 5180 1321 4075 105761137 BARIYA A G AST. LINEMAN 4535 1157 3207 88991140 HIRAPARA M G HELPER 3550 905 2768 72231141 MAKWANA D M HELPER 3975 1014 3087 80761142 RATHOD R M HELPER 3475 886 2973 73341143 MAKWANA G M PART TIME SWEEPR 1340 0 0 13401144 RATIYA B B HELPER 3250 829 2544 66231151 KOTADIA D K S.B.O. GR-I 3980 1015 3090 80851152 KANERIA N H S.B.O. GR-I 4380 1117 3609 91061154 GHETIYA J T S.B.O. GR-I 3980 1015 3289 82841155 BARIYA R J LINEMAN 4080 1040 2674 77941156 MARADIA K M S.B.O. GR-I 4180 1066 3629 88751157 DAVE M D S.B.O. GR-II 3510 895 2241 66461158 SOLANKI V R HELPER 3325 848 2295 64681160 CHAUHAN G A S.B.O. GR-II 3425 873 2916 7214

1164 DAVE B D S.B.O. GR-I 4280 1091 3530 89011165 KOTADIA G B LINEMAN 5180 1321 3650 101511166 GAUSWAMI S D AST. LINEMAN 3595 917 2474 69861167 RATHOD S V LINEMAN 3795 987 2739 75211168 MAHIDA D S S.B.O. GR-II 3595 917 2802 73141170 DHAMSANIYA SURESH G. S.B.O. GR-II 3425 873 2846 71441171 MANVAR M V S.B.O. GR-I 3980 1015 3090 80851172 DHOKIA A D S.B.O. GR-II 3850 982 3730 85621175 KAVA R S HELPER 4235 1080 2685 80001176 DANIDHARIA J S S.B.O. GR-II 3595 917 3072 75841181 KATARIA H B S.B.O. GR-II 3595 917 3491 80031183 SHINGADIA H D S.B.O. GR-II 3425 873 2916 72141185 BAGDA A L HELPER 3325 848 2130 63031186 CHORVADA M R JR. ENGINEER 7000 1785 5490 142751188 DOLERA P B HELPER 3325 848 2905 70781215 GOTHI P N S.B.O. GR-II 3350 854 2619 68231218 RATHOD N V S.B.O. GR-II 3350 854 2780 69841220 JOSHI M M HELPER 3595 917 2294 68061221 CHUDASAMA B N HELPER 3595 917 2474 69861227 MORADIA C M HELPER 3325 848 2296 64691228 DHINOJA B N HELPER 3595 917 3107 76191229 CHAUHAN A M HELPER 3595 917 3072 75841230 CHAVDA M S HELPER 3595 917 2474 69861233 BELANI J K HELPER 3250 829 2263 63421234 SHIYARA K V HELPER 3400 867 2174 64411235 KAPADVANJI M J HELPER 3595 917 2844 73561236 GOHEL N B HELPER 3325 848 2129 63021237 MORI D M HELPER 3400 867 2826 70931238 SINGAL N M HELPER 3325 848 2607 67801240 VIROJA R B HELPER 3325 848 2295 64681241 BHORANIA H V HELPER 3325 848 2129 63021242 ANTALA A V HELPER 3325 848 2409 65821244 CHAVDA R N HELPER 3595 917 2294 68061247 KOTHADIA S M HELPER 3400 867 2655 69221248 KAPADVANJI B K HELPER 3400 867 2685 69521249 SONAGARA R M HELPER 3595 917 2564 70761250 DESAI N C HELPER 4805 1225 3392 94221251 BELIM M A HELPER 3325 848 3154 73271252 MALANI R G HELPER 3325 848 2919 70921259 KALARIYA K J HELPER 3325 848 2766 69391261 HINGU R R JR. ENGINEER 8000 2040 6260 163001264 KHODIYAR H D JR. ENGINEER 8000 2040 6860 169001266 MAKADIA V S HELPER 3250 829 2246 63251267 MAKWANA Y B HELPER 3325 848 2378 65511268 BHATTI R M HELPER 3325 848 2295 64681269 DOLERA M A HELPER 3250 829 2788 68671274 GAMBHIR D R SR. ASSISTANT 4225 1077 2741 80431275 KHANDHAR D N HELPER 3175 810 2038 60231276 DADHANIA J H PLANT OP. GR.-I 7100 1811 5961 148721281 BHANVADIA M G HELPER 3400 867 2175 64421293 BHAGORA V V HELPER 3100 791 2431 63221333 DOD R N JR. ENGINEER 9550 2435 8935 20920

1339 GOGLA N A A. P/S. ATD-III 9025 2301 6871 181971346 LADVA M H ELECTRICIAN 7075 1804 5410 142891349 BAROT A B LINE INSPECTOR 5600 1428 3602 106301360 PATEL M B S.B.O. GR-I 3795 968 2940 77031366 MEHTA L A S.B.O. GR-I 4930 1257 3802 99891384 JOSHI B S S.B.O. GR-II 3425 873 2675 69731386 MODHVADIYA D A S.B.O. GR-II 3425 873 2850 71481391 PARDWA N B S.B.O. GR-II 3425 873 2675 69731413 SHAH U C E. E. 15150 3863 11611 306241415 VANIYA L D S.S. HELPER 3175 810 2275 62601421 TRIVEDI B.N. DY. ENGINEER 12525 3194 10309 260281526 MAKWANA H H SR. ASSISTANT 5775 1473 3710 109581574 PANDYA H H SR. ASSISTANT 7375 1881 4860 141161602 DHOKIA M H JR. ENGINEER 10100 2576 7878 205541607 JADAV N J LINE INSPECTOR 5350 1364 3364 100781610 BHATTI H S WATCHMAN 0 0 0 01611 DODIA B N DRIVER GR-II 5250 1339 3303 98921658 LAKHDHIR JAGDISH G S.B.O. GR-II 3680 938 2907 75251659 PARMAR MAGAN T S.S. HELPER 3325 848 2771 69441673 MAKADIA HARDAS K S.B.O. GR-II 3935 1004 3683 86221735 KUKKAD NURMAHAMAD T LINEMAN 4805 1225 3032 90621744 MAKWANA DAYALAL B. S.B.O. GR-II 3425 873 2675 69731788 REVAR NANJIBHAI R S.S. HELPER 3250 829 2543 66221818 CHAVADA CHANDRAKANT B S.S. HELPER 3175 810 2524 65091822 PARMAR NILESH M JR. ENGINEER 8750 2231 7276 182571829 KATARIYA JIVABHAI J ASST.OP.GR-III 4475 1141 3749 93651837 RANA VIKRAMSINH S WATCHMAN 3850 982 2642 74741841 SARVAIYA DEVJI A S.B.O. GR-II 3425 873 2846 71441842 MAKWANA RAVJI S HELPER 3325 848 2295 64681843 BAGADA JAYANTILAL C. S.B.O. GR-II 3425 873 2675 69731880 JOSHI RAJNIKANT M ASST.OP.GR-III 5100 1301 4312 107131888 BHARWADA VIJAY M S.B.O. GR-II 3850 982 3191 80231890 MODHVADIA DINESH M S.S. HELPER 3100 791 2146 60371898 TRIVEDI LALIT H LINEMAN 5055 1289 3438 97821903 BHALIA GIRISH H S.S. HELPER 3100 791 2147 60381905 THEBA YUNUS M S.S. HELPER 3100 791 2147 60381909 GOSAI MUKESH D S.S. HELPER 3100 791 2225 61161920 RATHOD PARSOTAM P S.S. HELPER 3250 829 2548 66271943 SONDARVA TUSHAR G S.B.O. GR-II 3425 873 2675 69731950 RATHOD BHAVAN N S.S. HELPER 3475 886 2752 71131955 MAKWANA BHUPAT B S.B.O. GR-II 3425 873 2846 71441956 PATAR NANJI J S.S. HELPER 3325 848 2295 64681957 VINZUDA AMRUT H S.B.O. GR-II 3425 873 2675 69731958 DHADA IQBAL A S.S. HELPER 4930 1257 3808 99951963 MEHTA BHARAT I S.B.O. GR-I 3980 1015 3090 80851965 JOSHI DIPAK V S.S. HELPER 3550 905 2444 68991976 BHAYANI RAJESH K ASST.OP.GR-III 5600 1428 4824 118521983 JOSHI KIRTIKANT D S.B.O. GR-II 3935 1004 3254 81931992 GAMETI KAVJIBHAI B LINEMAN 4080 1040 2589 77091998 PARMAR NAGJI K AST. LINEMAN 3510 895 2241 66462064 G M KACHHADIA HELPER 4805 1225 3032 90622168 JITENDRA R. VYAS AST. LINEMAN 3595 917 2564 7076

2192 S.B.AVARANI JR. ENGINEER 11000 2805 10229 240342212 L S VASAVA S.B.O. GR-II 3350 854 2618 68222235 ZINA GOVA PARMAR S.B.O. GR-II 3425 873 2850 71482239 M.B.GOSAI S.S. HELPER 5555 1417 5112 120842241 RASIK G DHULIA S.B.O. GR-I 3710 946 3166 78222247 RAMESH B. BHATTI AST. LINEMAN 3595 917 2474 69862404 KURANI S P SR. CASHIER 8775 2238 5586 165992405 THAKAR M D SR. ASSISTANT 4750 1211 3069 90302410 GAMIT D N SR. ASSISTANT 6575 1677 3717 119692412 JOSHI BHARAT D. JR. ENGINEER 9000 2295 8427 197222420 PUROHIT B P ELECTRICIAN 0 0 0 02421 RENUKA J N ELECTRICIAN 4475 1141 3166 87822422 SARVANI S B LINEMAN 5055 1289 3634 99782425 TEJA POLA BALAS HELPER 4135 1055 3518 87082426 BHATT Y R S.B.O. GR-II 4235 1080 3281 85962429 PUROHIT R G HELPER 3550 905 3034 74892432 ABDA S H HELPER 572.61 145.98 614 13332434 VASAVADA H P S.B.O. GR-II 3425 873 2846 71442441 KHANPARA L M JR. ENGINEER 10400 2652 8888 219402442 UNAL H I JR. ENGINEER 9500 2423 9153 210762450 BAGTHARIA D T ELECTRICIAN 5000 1275 3526 98012451 JOSHI H R LINE INSPECTOR 5950 1517 3730 111972452 FALDU R M LINEMAN 4280 1091 3117 84882454 KATHAD B G LINEMAN 4080 1040 2589 77092455 MARU D B S.B.O. GR-I 3625 924 3006 75552457 NANDANIA L A S.B.O. GR-II 3710 946 3074 77302458 VASAVA M V AST. LINEMAN 3595 917 2294 68062461 DAFDA D M WATCHMAN 4380 1117 2772 82692465 UKANI P G HELPER 3250 829 3271 73502467 KATARIA M C HELPER 3325 848 2849 70222468 RENUKA R N HELPER 3250 829 8689 127682469 MAHIDA R.J. HELPER 3100 791 1992 58832470 GOSWAMI H.M. HELPER 3325 848 2839 70122473 DIVRANIA N G S.B.O. GR-I 6905 1761 5282 139482474 GAUSWAMI M B ASST.OP.GR-III 6725 1715 5492 139322477 JADAV D T LINEMAN 4380 1117 2773 82702478 UNADKAT S V AST. LINEMAN 4735 1208 3344 92872480 SIDA A O DRIVER GR-II 7575 1932 4722 142292481 VAISHNAV H D HELPER 3325 848 2295 64682483 GHAVARI B.R. P/T SWEEPER 190.82 0 1 1912485 PANDYA B. K. HELPER 3100 791 2421 63122486 PANDYA H.G. PEON 3030 773 1994 57972493 TANK V K S.B.O. GR-I 6455 1646 4698 127992495 VYAS R S S.B.O. GR-I 6360 1622 5107 130892496 DAMODAR HARI S.B.O. GR-I 6305 1608 5148 130612497 SONDARVA G J ELECTRICIAN 5800 1479 4074 113532498 GOSWAMI R B LINE INSPECTOR 5775 1473 3623 108712499 LADANI H B LINEMAN 5055 1289 3438 97822501 PANARA P M S.B.O. GR-I 3795 968 3237 80002503 FALDU C N HELPER 3805 970 3168 79432504 PUROHIT N A HELPER 3890 992 3315 81972506 CHAUHAN L T KAMDAR 3475 886 2482 6843

2510 BORICHA K G HELPER 5680 1448 4559 116872511 SUMRA M J S.B.O. GR-I 5055 1289 4149 104932512 TRIVEDI P N S.B.O. GR-I 4280 1091 3315 86862513 MEHTA J N S.B.O. GR-I 4280 1091 5955 113262514 BAJANIA A P AST. LINEMAN 3935 1004 2796 77352515 PARMAR N G LINE INSPT GR-II 5350 1364 3632 103462516 TANK P K LINEMAN 4380 1117 3102 85992517 NANAVATI J M S.B.O. GR-II 3795 968 2952 77152518 GHODASARA K P HELPER 3475 886 2220 65812522 VIBHAKAR R M S.B.O. GR-I 6605 1684 5057 133462523 DOSHI R G ASST.OP.GR-III 5350 1364 4124 108382525 VADHER T D AST. LINEMAN 3850 982 2449 72812526 J B PARGHI S.B.O. GR-I 3795 968 3312 80752527 MULTANI A A HELPER 3250 829 2085 61642531 GAJERA V R JR. ENGINEER 9500 2423 8919 208422532 VASAVADA J D S.B.O. GR-I 6755 1723 5508 139862533 PALA P L S.B.O. GR-I 6605 1684 5058 133472534 JOSHI K D S.B.O. GR-I 6180 1576 4739 124952535 TIWARI A S S.B.O. GR-I 5180 1321 3990 104912536 UNADKAT U V ELECTICIAN GR II 5500 1403 3869 107722537 BHARAD R M LINEMAN 5430 1385 3685 105002540 SARVAIYA N J S.B.O. GR-II 4280 1091 3604 89752541 DAVE G N S.B.O. GR-II 4235 1080 3119 84342542 OZA D B S.B.O. GR-II 3425 873 2932 72302543 CHUDASAMA D.G. HELPER 3250 829 2706 67852544 VADHER S.P. HELPER 3175 810 5363 93482551 KANERIA J M S.B.O. GR-I 3710 946 3079 77352552 ROKAD V V S.B.O. GR-I 3980 1015 3389 83842553 PARMAR R M S.B.O. GR-I 3980 1015 5105 101002556 VADHER KHIMAND G. S.B.O. GR-II 3510 895 2738 71432559 DAVE A D HELPER 3325 848 2472 66452560 PANDYA K V HELPER 3325 848 2448 66212563 DHULESIA H B S.B.O. GR-I 3795 968 3091 78542565 KATARA R H LINEMAN 3980 1015 2528 75232566 GANDHI DIVYAKANT V. HELPER 3550 905 2266 67212569 DHERA G M HELPER 3325 848 8335 125082570 KADECHA D A HELPER 3765 960 2930 76552572 GAMOT B K S.B.O. GR-I 5110 1303 4193 106062573 JOSHI K B S.B.O. GR-I 4080 1040 3370 84902574 BHALODI R C S.B.O. GR-I 3980 1015 3090 80852575 DESAI R G S.B.O. GR-I 5305 1353 9373 160312576 DHARSANDIA G B S.B.O. GR-I 3625 924 2825 73742577 BHATT J C S.B.O. GR-II 4235 1080 3499 88142578 RATHOD R B HELPER 3680 938 2530 71482579 KANPARA A P HELPER 6900 1760 4654 133142580 PANDYA D.N. HELPER 3175 810 2038 60232581 BHALODIA T B S.B.O. GR-I 4380 1117 3610 91072582 BHALODI B B S.B.O. GR-I 4380 1117 3794 92912583 VACHHNI H S S.B.O. GR-I 4380 1117 3719 92162585 ODEDARA P K S.B.O. GR-II 3765 960 2935 76602588 PATHAK V B HELPER 3325 848 2379 65522589 MARADIA M H HELPER 3325 848 2365 6538

2592 DAVE R P S.B.O. GR-I 5055 1289 3981 103252594 ASHODARIA S K S.B.O. GR-I 6900 1760 4654 133142598 BHATT R L S.B.O. GR-II 5305 1353 4083 107412604 JOSHI J D HELPER 3325 848 2295 64682605 SHINGALA V N HELPER 3250 829 2083 61622607 TANK J.R. S.B.O. GR-II 3595 917 3073 75852608 KUNDARIA K.J. S.B.O. GR-I 5500 1403 4483 113862609 MORI M.N. S.B.O. GR-I 4080 1040 3369 84892610 VADHER J.B. HELPER 3100 791 2587 64782630 R J GAUSWAMI S.B.O. GR-II 3425 873 2675 69732632 DOBARIYA DHIRAJLAL L. S.B.O. GR-II 3425 873 2745 70432633 DAVE G B S.B.O. GR-II 3595 917 2982 74942634 PANDYA A K HELPER 3250 829 2788 68672638 MAKWANA K M HELPER 3250 829 2706 67852646 CHAUDHARY P.R. PLANT OP. GR.-I 5800 1479 4454 117332647 CHAUDHARY M.K. PLANT OP. GR.-I 5800 1479 4454 117332648 CHAUDHARY V.C. PLANT OP. GR.-I 5800 1479 4454 117332649 DINDOR P.C. PLANT OP. GR.-I 5800 1479 4454 117332650 KASIRI A.R. HELPER 3250 829 2696 67752656 PAGI B P S.B.O. GR-II 3350 854 2618 68222658 BARIYA K M S.B.O. GR-II 3350 854 2786 69902660 TERVADIA B.B. HELPER 5555 1417 3767 107392672 RANINGA K.J. HELPER 3175 810 2667 66522674 VAJA D.G. HELPER 3030 773 2101 59042678 CHAUDHRY Y L PLANT OP. GR.-I 6000 1530 4695 122252679 CHUDHARY N M PLANT OP. GR.-I 6000 1530 4606 121362681 SUMRA S M HELPER 3325 848 2602 67752683 PATOLIA V J HELPER 3935 1004 3103 80422688 BAPODARA B J JR. ENGINEER 8000 2040 6861 169012691 VAISHNAV P T HELPER 5180 1321 4760 112612692 KARGATHIYA R B HELPER 3680 938 3874 84922693 VANAVI J G S.B.O. GR-II 3935 1004 3329 82682695 VACHHANI V V HELPER 6180 1576 5001 127572696 FALDU B G HELPER 3935 1004 3686 86252697 BALAS L P HELPER 3325 848 2378 65512698 CHAUHAN A V HELPER 3325 848 2378 65512699 JOSHI V R HELPER 3250 829 2706 67852701 PATEL B.J. DY. ENGINEER 12950 3302 10072 263242702 BHURA G.D. Vidyut Sahayak 3500 0 1 35012703 PARMAR H.D. Vidyut Sahayak 3500 0 1 35012704 KOCHRA R.D. Vidyut Sahayak 3500 0 1 35012705 GAMETI R.A. Vidyut Sahayak 3500 0 1 35012706 BAMANIYA R.M. Vidyut Sahayak 3500 0 1 35012707 VAGHELA B.D. JR. ASSISTANT 3800 969 2476 72452710 DABHI K.R. JR. ENGINEER 6750 1721 6348 148192712 NALVAYA R.B. Vidyut Sahayak 3000 0 1 30012713 PATEL S.G. Vidyut Sahayak 3000 0 0 30002714 BHALODIYA D.M. HELPER 3680 938 3217 78352715 RATHOD R.V. Vidyut Sahayak 3000 0 1 30012716 RELWANI R.J. JR. ENGINEER 8000 2040 7060 171002718 CHAUHAN G.K. JR. ENGINEER 7000 1785 5491 142762719 RATHVA D.D. DY. ENGINEER 8900 2270 6954 18124

2720 S.B.DODIYAR Vidyut Sahayak 2500 0 0 25002721 S.L.VAGHELA DY SUPDT (ACCT) 5800 1479 3725 110042722 V.M.MALIWAD Vidyut Sahayak 2500 0 1 25012723 R.S.PANDOR Vidyut Sahayak 2500 0 0 25002724 M.K.MAHIDA HELPER 3030 773 2261 60642725 S,G,VINZUDA PLANT OP. GR.-I 5000 1275 4380 106552726 R.B.SOLANKI HELPER 3100 791 2146 60372727 K.R.JANJRUKIA HELPER 3175 810 2726 67112728 V.H.CHAVDA HELPER 3100 791 2586 64772729 A.N.THAKAR S.B.O. GR-I 5180 1321 3604 101053009 GAJERA N.B. S.S. HELPER 3175 810 2276 62613012 DADHANIYA R.G. S.S. HELPER 3250 829 2787 68663014 VACHHANI K.M. HELPER 3175 810 2037 60223017 VASAVA K.C. PLANT OP. GR.-I 5800 1479 4454 117333018 GAMIT R.R. PLANT OP. GR.-I 5800 1479 4454 117333020 PURI M.C. HELPER 3100 791 2467 63583021 FATANIA A.G. HELPER 3100 791 1992 58833022 DERVANIA D.S. HELPER 3100 791 2586 64773023 JOSHI H.B. HELPER 3175 810 2488 64733024 SOLANKI D.M. HELPER 3175 810 2651 66363027 ANKOLA A.K. HELPER 3400 867 2826 70933028 Y.M.BARVADIA HELPER 3030 773 2101 59043029 PATEL D.M. JR. ENGINEER 8750 2231 7494 184753031 PATHAN A.S. HELPER 3100 791 2586 64773032 PANDYA R.M. HELPER 3030 773 11693 154963035 DABHI A.V. HELPER 3030 773 2378 61813040 M.R.PATEL JR. ENGINEER 7250 1849 6809 159083041 D.D.MANDANIA JR. ENGINEER 8250 2104 8147 185013042 G.K.GOHIL JR. ENGINEER 7250 1849 6809 159083043 N.P.CHRISTI JR. ENGINEER 7250 1849 5683 147823044 S.G.DAVE JR. ENGINEER 9825 2505 8403 207333045 R.A.BAPODARA SR. ASSISTANT 5075 1294 3524 98933048 K.V.BHORANIA HELPER 3030 773 2100 59033049 R.A.SIPAHI S.B.O. GR-I 5500 1403 4230 111333050 FALDU K.J. HELPER 3030 773 2530 63333052 SAVARIYA N.D. JR. ENGINEER 12850 3277 10638 267653053 MECWAN T.J. DY. ENGINEER 15150 3863 14896 339093057 RATHOD P.S. Vidyut Sahayak 3500 0 0 35003058 JADAV S.V. Vidyut Sahayak 3500 0 0 35003059 KATARA K.V. Vidyut Sahayak 3500 0 1 35013060 BHAGORA V.M. Vidyut Sahayak 3500 0 1 35013061 KOCHRA M.M. Vidyut Sahayak 3500 0 0 35003062 BHURA K.H. Vidyut Sahayak 3500 0 0 35003065 J.H.DEVRA JR. ENGINEER 8500 2168 7070 177383066 GOR M.N. HELPER 3175 810 2197 61823069 SAPARIA A.N. HELPER 3100 791 2061 59523074 PANSURIA R.G. JR. ASSISTANT 3800 969 2475 72443075 BHIMANI S.N. HELPER 3250 829 2510 65893078 UCHDADIYA J.K. HELPER 3030 773 2798 66013079 J.S.TADVI Vidyut Sahayak 3000 0 0 30003080 OZA Y.V. HELPER 4035 1029 2562 76263081 G.V.VADUKIYA HELPER 3325 848 2296 6469

3082 DAMOR B.M. Vidyut Sahayak 3000 0 1 30013083 GOR C.N. HELPER 3250 829 2246 63253085 SHAIKH M.D. HELPER 3030 773 2101 59043086 KASUNDRA B.C. HELPER 2960 755 1906 56213087 PANDYA P.J. HELPER 3100 791 1991 58823088 P.M.SAPARIA PLANT OP. GR.-I 6425 1638 5404 134673089 R.K.CHAVDA HELPER 2960 755 2054 57693090 MATHAI T.J. JR. ENGINEER 8500 2168 6646 173143091 PARGI L.S. Vidyut Sahayak 2500 0 1 25013092 JADAV N.P. DY SUPDT (ACCT) 7775 1983 4960 147183093 V.J.KHANT DY. ENGINEER 10700 2729 9142 225713094 M.L.DAKI HELPER 3030 779 1984 57933095 CHAUHAN D.B. HELPER 3030 773 2101 59043096 TRIVEDI B.N. S.B.O. GR-II 3275 835 3491 76013097 DHINGANI K.N. DY. ENGINEER 13650 3481 11294 284253098 R.K.CHAUDHARY JR. ENGINEER 6500 1658 4910 130683400 ERDA RAMLAL V S.S. HELPER 3100 791 2466 63573405 YAMANI RAJAK A. S.S. HELPER 3250 829 2083 61623432 SADIA BHIMJI D. S.S. HELPER 3100 791 2146 60373433 SADIA MAHESH H. S.S. HELPER 3100 802 2228 61303436 JOSHI KAMLESH N. S.S. HELPER 3250 829 2544 66233439 BHEDA KISHOR B. S.S. HELPER 3175 810 2038 60233449 VADHER JAYANTILAL D S.S. HELPER 2960 755 2326 60414026 HADA CHANDRASINH K. S.S. HELPER 2960 755 2054 57694104 ESOTIYA C.A. DY. ENGINEER 14400 3672 11404 294764113 VORA S.J. SR. ASSISTANT 5975 1524 3835 113344119 KARANGIA B.R. SR. ASSISTANT 5075 1294 3523 98924121 KATARIYA RAJU B. PEON 3935 1004 2560 74994608 APARNATHI J.L. SR. ASSISTANT 6775 1728 4335 128384610 DABHI K.G. DRIVER GR-I 8525 2174 7539 182384612 CHAVDA R.C. DY. ENGINEER 14400 3672 11405 294774614 SMT. S.H.GARCHAR DY SUPDT (ACCT) 6650 1696 4407 127534628 RADIA V.J. ASST. OP. GR.-I 8225 2097 7265 175874631 ALVI K.I. LINE INSPECTOR 7775 1983 5064 148224634 TANK N.K. LINEMAN 5100 1301 3595 99964635 BHUVA V.B. LINEMAN 5500 1403 3868 107714636 BHADJA M.A. LINEMAN 4930 1257 3478 96654637 DHADUK J.M. AST. LINEMAN 4135 1055 2830 80204640 KAMANI K.H. S.B.O. GR-I 4080 1040 3422 85424641 PARSANIA T.H. S.B.O. GR-I 3795 968 3286 80494643 MONPARA D.J. AST. LINEMAN 3765 960 2655 73804645 KASUNDRA J.H. S.B.O. GR-II 3680 938 3097 77154646 RAM J.M. S.S. HELPER 3550 905 2532 69874647 JADEJA V.J. S.B.O. GR-II 3595 917 3029 75414648 GHETIYA G. P. WATCHMAN 3475 886 3241 76024649 R.B. JOSHI WATCHMAN 3680 938 2530 71484651 BATHANI K.D. AST. LINEMAN 3425 873 2190 64884654 SHAIKH M.A. JR. ENGINEER 9000 2295 7031 183264657 VARDANGAR B.H. S.B.O. GR-I 5350 1364 5700 124144659 THUMBER D.V. S.B.O. GR-I 5055 1289 6672 130164660 PARMAR N.R. S.B.O. GR-I 4280 1091 3370 87414662 ANKOLA R.M. LINEMAN 5350 1364 3765 10479

4663 GALCHAR H.L. DRIVER GR-I 4900 1250 3432 95824664 THUMBER B.M. LINEMAN 5305 1353 3602 102604666 SHAIKH M.A. S.B.O. GR-I 3795 968 3191 79544668 PANDYA P.J. S.B.O. GR-I 3795 968 3776 85394669 PARMAR H.R. S.S. HELPER 3475 886 3019 73804671 SHAIKH N.N. S.B.O. GR-I 4280 1091 3584 89554672 CHAUHAN K.S. S.B.O. GR-I 5055 1289 3942 102864673 MAKVANA S.M. S.B.O. GR-I 5055 1289 3437 97814674 CHAVDA N.S. LINEMAN 5650 1441 4696 117874676 JOSHI P.J. S.B.O. GR-II 3680 938 3097 77154677 MEHTA K.A. S.S. HELPER 3475 886 2221 65824678 PARMAR B.S. S.B.O. GR-II 3370 859 2846 70754681 KARGATIA N.B. S.B.O. GR-I 5055 1289 4214 105584686 SOLANKI J.B. S.S. HELPER 3475 886 2758 71194688 RATHOD R.B. S.S. HELPER 3325 848 2809 69824690 GALCHAR K.B. S.B.O. GR-II 4635 1182 3873 96904691 GALCHAR N.S. ASST. OP. GR-II 4725 1205 3709 96394692 BHATT M.K. S.B.O. GR-I 4280 1091 3470 88414693 KUKADIA P.G. S.B.O. GR-I 4280 1091 3584 89554694 CHAUHAN S.B. S.B.O. GR-I 5305 1353 4152 108104695 MEVADA B.V. LINEMAN 4180 1066 2651 78974696 RAJYAGURU S.B. S.B.O. GR-II 3595 917 3028 75404697 GORAD R.M. AST. LINEMAN 3595 917 2544 70564698 MEHTA D.J. S.B.O. GR-II 3595 917 3583 80954703 SOLANKI K.S. S.B.O. GR-I 5500 1403 4575 114784704 VAJA B.D. S.B.O. GR-I 4280 1091 3584 89554706 THEBA Y.A. LINEMAN 5055 1289 3184 95284707 MARVANIA M.G. S.B.O. GR-II 3980 1015 3340 83354708 SHIHORA M.R. S.B.O. GR-I 3710 946 4153 88094709 UNADKAT S.V. S.S. HELPER 3475 886 3018 73794710 GARCHAR K.S. S.B.O. GR-I 4180 1066 3937 91834711 SEVARA J.K. S.B.O. GR-I 3710 946 3122 77784712 JAYESHKUMAR V.TANK S.S. HELPER 3250 829 4245 83244713 CHAUHAN LALITKUMAR C. S.S. HELPER 3250 829 3612 76914715 M. I.S. JAGA S.S. HELPER 3325 848 2809 69824723 PARMAR A.N. AST. LINEMAN 4735 1208 2989 89324725 CHOPRA N.D. S.B.O. GR-I 3795 968 3191 79544726 SOLANKI L.A. AST. LINEMAN 3595 917 2474 69864727 KALOLA M.T. S.B.O. GR-II 3595 917 3029 75414728 VYAS Y.H. S.S. HELPER 3475 886 2931 72924729 KOTAK A.N. S.S. HELPER 3475 886 2757 71184730 CHAVDA A.G. LINEMAN 4480 1142 2833 84554737 VANVI P.U. LINEMAN 5180 1321 3519 100204739 RAKHOLIA V.N. S.B.O. GR-I 5180 1321 4314 108154740 UNADKAT K.N. S.B.O. GR-I 5950 1517 3730 111974742 DOBA M.R. S.B.O. GR-I 3980 1015 3340 83354744 CHAUHAN M.H. S.S. HELPER 3550 905 2991 74464751 SAIHORA P.R. S.B.O. GR-I 5500 1403 6695 135984752 KAMANI P.A. S.B.O. GR-I 5180 1321 4315 108164753 PANSURIA L.J. S.B.O. GR-I 4280 1091 3609 89804754 MER K.B. LINEMAN 5225 1332 3680 102374756 BABARIA M.J. S.B.O. GR-II 3765 960 3166 7891

4757 JORA K.U. AST. LINEMAN 3680 938 2345 69634766 AJMERA N.P. S.B.O. GR-I 4280 1091 3370 87414767 ZALA K.K. S.B.O. GR-I 5305 1353 4398 110564768 VANVI R.A. S.B.O. GR-I 4080 1040 3218 83384771 YADAV K.N. LINEMAN 5100 1301 3995 103964772 MEHTA J.K. S.B.O. GR-II 3680 938 3097 77154774 SOLANKI V.K. AST. LINEMAN 3765 960 2398 71234783 PONKIA R.M. S.B.O. GR-I 3980 1015 3340 83354784 JOSHI B.B. S.B.O. GR-II 3595 917 2848 73604786 SAVALIA A.K. AST. LINEMAN 3425 873 4862 91604791 J.G.MARVANIA S.B.O. GR-I 5500 1403 4575 114784792 KARETHA G.H. S.B.O. GR-I 4280 1091 3583 89544793 SADARIA J.T. S.B.O. GR-I 4280 1091 3370 87414794 KALOLA M.V. S.B.O. GR-I 4280 1091 3370 87414796 GODHANI U.S. S.B.O. GR-I 3795 968 2606 73694802 THANKI J.B. S.S. HELPER 3850 982 3331 81634803 KATHAD A.H. HELPER 3250 829 2819 68984807 BHARADAVA N.U. S.S. HELPER 3100 791 2471 63624809 D.L. PARGI S.S. HELPER 3100 791 2471 63624812 MAHIDA N.J. S.S. HELPER 3100 791 2626 65174821 SHEIKH M T HELPER 3250 829 4321 84004823 VIRDA S H HELPER 3100 791 2983 68744825 VAJA M R HELPER 3250 829 2574 66534827 BHATT N N DY. ENGINEER 11325 2888 8990 232034828 KOTADIYA K M HELPER 3100 791 3006 68974829 PANDYA H B S.B.O. GR-II 4235 1080 3548 88634835 GOHIL P M JR. ENGINEER 7000 1785 6677 154624836 PATEL DEEPAK KHUSHALBHAIJR. ENGINEER 7000 1785 5490 142754837 VITHALANI A K Vidyut Sahayak 3500 0 0 35004838 JADEJA D G Vidyut Sahayak 3500 0 0 35004840 KATARA R M Vidyut Sahayak 3500 0 0 35004841 VANJARA H J Vidyut Sahayak 3500 0 0 35004846 SARVAIYA M D S.S. HELPER 3030 773 1949 57524848 BHATT M N S.S. HELPER 2960 755 2513 62284849 B L BARVADIA HELPER 5180 1321 5110 116114850 P R GAREJA S.S. HELPER 3030 773 2570 63734851 A J ZAPADA S.S. HELPER 2820 719 2694 62334852 B M CHAVDA S.S. HELPER 2820 719 2258 57974853 B V MAKWANA S.S. HELPER 2820 719 2398 59374854 M B MANVAR S.S. HELPER 2820 719 2258 57974855 B R JOSHI S.S. HELPER 2820 719 3610 71494856 S A MAKRANI S.S. HELPER 2820 719 2398 59374857 S D KHARADI Vidyut Sahayak 3000 0 0 30004858 N V BAMANIA Vidyut Sahayak 3000 0 500 35004859 J B PARMAR Vidyut Sahayak 3000 0 0 30004860 D C VAJA Vidyut Sahayak 3000 0 0 30004861 S V VALA Vidyut Sahayak 3000 0 0 30004862 B P CHASIYA S.S. HELPER 2890 737 2456 60834863 A J GOSWAMI S.S. HELPER 3100 791 2471 63624864 N B TANK Vidyut Sahayak 2500 0 0 25004865 G B VADHER Vidyut Sahayak 2500 0 0 25004866 A D CHAUHAN Vidyut Sahayak 2500 0 0 2500

4867 V A ODEDARA Vidyut Sahayak 2500 0 0 25004868 A P CHAVDA Vidyut Sahayak 2500 0 0 25004869 K B NINAMA Vidyut Sahayak 2500 0 0 25004870 P A NINAMA Vidyut Sahayak 2500 0 0 25004871 A J MORIDHARA Vidyut Sahayak 2500 0 0 25004905 RAGHUVAUSHI R.M. SR. ASSISTANT 6175 1575 3961 117114907 DAVE P.H. JR. ASSISTANT 4475 1141 2898 85144912 KUKADIYA T.M. JR. ENGINEER 10100 2576 7878 205544919 VEKARIA M.A. LINEMAN 4380 1117 3101 85984920 VANPARIA K.L. AST. LINEMAN 4135 1055 2934 81244921 JOSHI Y.M. S.B.O. GR-I 4080 1040 3422 85424922 BHALODIYA G.G. AST. LINEMAN 4135 1055 2623 78134924 DAVE G.J HELPER 3550 905 2814 72694925 VAMJA S.R. S.B.O. GR-II 3595 917 3028 75404953 SOLANKI V.G. LINEMAN 5055 1289 3437 97814963 GHODASARA A.L. S.B.O. GR-I 3795 968 3191 79544983 SOLANKI A.R. LINEMAN 4380 1117 2772 82694984 BAGIA N.J. LINEMAN 4180 1066 2964 82105004 RABARA J.A. S.B.O. GR-I 5055 1289 4306 106505055 BHAGORA N.D. S.B.O. GR-I 3795 968 3001 77645065 KATARIYA L.B. HELPER 3595 917 3180 76925118 BHATT K.C. HELPER 5430 1385 4518 113335119 R A MAHIDA HELPER 3475 886 3294 76555133 VANPARIYA R.N. HELPER 3325 848 2200 63735180 KADCHHI M R HELPER 3175 810 2529 65145190 CHUDASAMA V N HELPER 3100 791 3484 73755224 H N KORADIYA HELPER 2960 755 2970 66855408 ZALA Z.B. JR. ASSISTANT 4350 1109 2819 82785418 VALA J.V. JR. ENGINEER 9800 2499 8753 210525500 KATAKIYA D.J. HELPER 3325 848 2129 63025571 PARMAR G.M. AST. LINEMAN 3595 917 3463 79755615 DUDAKIYA R.G. S.B.O. GR-I 4180 1066 3503 87495623 PUROHIT B.K. S.B.O. GR-I 3980 1015 3142 81375647 KHER M.N. HELPER 3400 867 2770 70375665 Y.I. CHOTIYARA HELPER 3175 810 2687 66725670 PANDIT J.K. HELPER 4235 1080 3880 91955727 KODIYATAR J K HELPER 3030 773 2101 59045744 DHAGE S S WATCHMAN 5305 1353 3735 103935985 SODHA P.G. S.B.O. GR-II 3595 917 2848 73606102 GHETIYA K.T. DY. ENGINEER 12900 3290 10552 267426174 OZA V.J. SR. ASSISTANT 5425 1383 3492 103006256 NANAVATI A.H. DY SUPDT (ACCT) 8000 2040 5426 154666257 MANKODI H.K. SR. ASSISTANT 8525 2174 5429 161286264 PANDIT A.M. JR. ASSISTANT 5100 1301 3389 97906265 DAVE H.S. SR. ASSISTANT 5600 1428 3180 102086266 SAVALIA R.P. JR. ASSISTANT 5225 1332 3366 99236267 BHANDARI H.Y. JR. ASSISTANT 5350 1364 3544 102586268 VAISHNAV M.H. JR. ASSISTANT 4475 1141 2898 85146269 SMT S T JOSHI JR. ASSISTANT 4350 1109 2819 82786271 KHANPARA D.L. JR. ASSISTANT 4725 1205 3053 89836272 TRIVEDI M.A. JR. ASSISTANT 6100 1556 4589 122456273 CHANDERA P.P. SR. ASSISTANT 5075 1294 3274 9643

6274 GARCHAR K.M. SR. ASSISTANT 5075 1294 4673 110426276 MEHTA H.J. DRIVER GR-I 5775 1473 4057 113056277 DHAMELIA R.H. PEON 3595 917 2800 73126279 VALA K.D. PEON 4930 1257 3182 93696280 BHALODI M.K. CLEANER 5055 1289 3563 99076282 MAKADIA V.A. SURVEYOR GR-II 10375 2646 7207 202286293 THAKAR HARSHADRAY H. SR. ASSISTANT 7775 1983 4960 147186299 RAVAT ANIL K. JR. ENGINEER 8000 2040 6260 163006304 FALDU M.M. SR. ASSISTANT 9775 2493 6211 184796306 VYAS Y.V. LINE INSPECTOR 8275 2110 5770 161556309 KODIYATAR V.L. DRIVER GR-I 5425 1383 3410 102186313 JADEJA R.K. WATCHMAN 3680 938 2346 69646326 VADHAVANA C.H. LINE INSPECTOR 7550 1925 5272 147476327 CHAVADA H.R. SURVEYOR GR-II 5075 1294 3577 99466331 ODEDARA B.K. WATCHMAN 3765 960 2680 74056332 GADHER .D.H. LINEMAN 5180 1321 3649 101506334 AGHERA J M HELPER 3175 810 2758 67436336 RAJA V T DY. ENGINEER 13275 3385 8399 250596337 CHUDASMA G K PEON 3175 810 2085 60706350 V H GOVANI DY. ENGINEER 14775 3768 10060 286036351 A K JOSHI SR. ASSISTANT 5600 1428 5299 123276352 J Y PARMAR JR. ASSISTANT 4100 1046 2664 78106353 H D SONDARVA DRIVER GR-II 4900 1250 3458 96086354 D N NAIKIA TRACER 8525 2174 5429 161286355 S D THUMAR LINE INSPT GR-II 5350 1364 3765 104796356 J S MAKWANA LINEMAN 4280 1091 2712 80836357 P D ZALA PEON 3400 867 2226 64936365 SOLANKI R.S. MISTRY 6300 1607 4517 124246367 JADEJA B.K. JR. ASSISTANT 4600 1173 2976 87496368 NATHVANI A.N. JR. ASSISTANT 5950 1517 3919 113866373 RAMANI A.J. DY. ENGINEER 14400 3672 11836 299086385 BHANDERI M. K. JR. ENGINEER 10925 2786 9004 227156389 VYAS C H HELPER 2960 755 5909 96246390 ASODARIA R F E. E. 15900 4055 12264 322196410 MEGHNATHI V M HELPER 3175 810 2688 66736694 RATHAVA R. S. S.B.O. GR-II 3350 854 2662 68666853 CHAUHAN H.G. HELPER 3250 829 2586 66656857 RAVAL R K HELPER 3100 791 2146 6037

21 MURALIDHARAN K IYER Sr.CGM(FA HR IT) 21400 5457 15260 4211793 RAVINDRA R PANDYA SUPDT (ACCOUNTS) 12850 3277 9977 26104

120 C B VANKAR PEON 5305 1353 4714 11372190 K R KUMARAN SR. ASSISTANT 12575 3207 11189 26971196 MOHMAADSALIM SHAIKH P.S.CHAIRMAN/M.F 10600 2703 28383 41686198 KANUBHAI C SHAH SR. ASSISTANT 10650 2716 7736 21102202 DASARATHBHAI T JOSHI DRIVER GR-II 10100 2576 10256 22932203 MAGANBHAI S PARMAR SR. ASSISTANT 9550 2435 7192 19177221 K J GOHIL SR. ASSISTANT 8275 2110 7303 17688223 K M VANKAR SR. ASSISTANT 7775 1983 5955 15713267 V C THAKORE GARDNER(MALI) 5235 1335 3866 10436270 K R PATEL PEON 5430 1385 4177 10992366 GOPALBHAI O PARIKH SR. ASSISTANT 10650 2716 7936 21302389 KANTIBHAI K HARIJAN PEON 6180 1576 4607 12363

503 KANCHANBHAI V VANKAR SR. ASSISTANT 9800 2499 7141 19440508 NARANDRA T BENDUGADE SR. ASST(TYPIST) 12850 3277 9276 25403526 JITESHCHANDRA R SHAH SR. ASSISTANT 9550 2435 6966 18951527 BHAGWANBHAI R PATEL DRIVER GR-II 9525 2429 7520 19474531 J A PATEL SR. ASSISTANT 8025 2046 4695 14766539 DAHYABHAI M WAGHALA DAFTARY 8450 2155 8522 19127544 SOMABHAI R SINDHAVA ELECTRICIAN 7075 1804 5658 14537548 CHANDUBHAI J SOLANKI ELECTRICIAN 6550 1670 5259 13479550 JAYANTIBHAI B RAJPUT ELECTRICIAN 5950 1517 3830 11297557 JITSING M RATHOD HELPER 5360 1367 3470 10197589 JAYSHREE G GAYTONDE STATISTICIAN 9825 2505 7159 19489594 NAYANA V TALATI LEGAL AST. 8525 2174 6249 16948671 INDIRA THULASIDAS SR. STENOGRAPHER 10000 2550 7481 20031688 MOHAMEDYOUSUF M SHAIKH SR. STENOGRAPHER 12175 3105 8803 24083

1635 L A PATEL SR. ASSISTANT 8025 2046 7911 179821637 V U BHATT DY SUPDT (ACCT) 8025 2046 5898 159691641 K K SOLANKI PEON 5430 1385 4002 108171659 DAHYABHAI N VANKAR PEON 6180 1576 5006 127621671 T ATHILINGOM DY SUPDT (ACCT) 8025 2046 6370 164411808 VIVEK K DHUMAL SR. ASSISTANT 7775 1983 5873 156311810 KANTIBHAI M. MEHTA SR. ASSISTANT 7775 1983 6951 167091836 L B TADVI SR. ASSISTANT 7775 1983 8814 185721879 ABBAS A VOHRA PEON 5305 1353 3119 97771882 F M BARIA DAFTARY 5305 1353 3119 97771897 DURGESHKUMAR B. PAREKH PEON 5350 1364 4346 110601898 I A KADRI SR. ASSISTANT 7575 1938 6384 158972302 JAYSHREE Y SHAH SR. ASSISTANT 7775 1983 5873 156312303 ISMAIL I SHAIKH PEON 5305 1353 3915 105732307 JAYENDRA D BHOJANI SR. ASSISTANT 7375 1881 5443 146992353 KUSUMBEN R PATEL SR. ASSISTANT 7575 1932 5583 150902356 Y G OZA STATISTICIAN 12300 3137 8891 243282367 KISHOR I PARMAR SR. ASSISTANT 7550 1925 7255 167302418 K T THOMAS JR. STENOGRAPHER 10300 2627 8490 214172439 B. M. MEHTA JR. ASST(TYPIST) 8025 2046 5998 160692489 SMT. PRATIBHA J. MANKAD TEL. OPERATOR 7325 1868 5409 146022498 M G VAGHESHWARI JR. ASSISTANT 7325 1868 5409 146022503 R B DARJI DRIVER GR-I 7550 1925 6169 156442505 N R DESAI TEL. OPERATOR 7550 1925 8147 176222540 P R MAHESHWARI JR. ASSISTANT 7325 1868 5409 146022558 POONAM A. SAWLANI JR. ASSISTANT 7775 1983 4557 143152566 K D HARIJAN KAMDAR 7075 1804 4173 130522574 RASHMIKA P TRIVEDI JR. ASSISTANT 8275 2110 6073 164582599 S R TRIVEDI S. E. 17800 4539 13485 358242817 VIKRAM I DESAI D/E. SUPERVISOR 7325 1868 5699 148922863 RANJITKUMAR K CHAWDA JR. I/O AST 7100 1811 5391 143022883 PRADEEP V VYAS JR. ASST(TYPIST) 6975 1779 5163 139172889 PURANSINH VIRBAHADUR PEON 4293.54 1094.72 2536 79242901 A R RAVAL TEL. OPERATOR 7325 1868 5848 150412902 J K UPADHAYAY TEL. OPERATOR 7100 1811 4812 137232907 A. P. BEHERE JR. ASSISTANT 7375 1881 5443 146992923 A. G. PRAJAPATI PEON 4600 1173 3421 91942930 AJITSINH B CHAUHAN PEON 4480 1142 3301 8923

2950 HASMUKH S MALI PEON 4480 1142 3302 89242954 B B MEHTA E. E. 13275 3385 12095 287552963 BABUBHAI MAHIJI HARIJAN KAMDAR 4235 1080 2496 78112964 DIPAK B NANNAVARE TEL. OPERATOR 6875 1753 4062 126903314 M S MALI PEON 4930 1257 3652 98393327 K K PRAJAPATI PEON 4930 1257 3652 98393335 R D PAREKH JR. ASSISTANT 6875 1753 5093 137213363 S S UTTEKAR ELECTRICIAN 4600 1173 3716 94893374 SHRI G K GOSWAMI JR. ASST(TYPIST) 6175 1575 4938 126883388 BHARTI K PANCHAL JR. ASST(TYPIST) 6425 1638 6236 142993464 S D SOLANKI KAMDAR 4135 1055 3060 82503477 SHRI D M RATHOD PEON 5350 1364 4071 107853490 G B DODIA PEON 4135 1055 3060 82503502 SHRI D H MEHTA SR. I/O AST 8000 2040 5880 159203542 N B HARIJAN KAMDAR 4135 1055 2440 76303543 K J GAJJAR JR. ASSISTANT 6175 1575 5551 133013571 K J RAJPUT TEL. OPERATOR 6175 1575 4603 123533576 M G SOLANKI JR. ASST(TYPIST) 7100 1811 5250 141613577 JITESH J PARMAR SR. STENOGRAPHER 8250 2104 6656 170103579 SHRI A M SHAIKH STENO-TYPIST 655.82 167.27 1405 22283600 NAFISHKHAN M PATHAN JR. ASSISTANT 5425 1383 3999 108073602 NEETA D SHAH JR. ASSISTANT 7775 1983 5724 154823604 A K SHAH DY. ENGINEER 15150 3863 12922 319353620 SURESHBHAI D BHAVSAR JR. I/O AST 8025 2046 7014 170853649 PRAFULLABEN G. CHAUDHARYDY SUPDT (ACCT) 6000 1530 4480 120103654 J B BARAD SR. STENOGRAPHER 8250 2104 6056 164103664 V K RAULJI SUPDT (ACCOUNTS) 9000 2295 6951 182463676 R D PADHIYAR E. DRIVER GR-I 7775 1983 8365 181233678 AJITHAN N. JR. STENOGRAPHER 7500 1913 5531 149443684 SAILESH N JOSHI JR. I/O AST 5975 1524 11394 188933707 J.F. PATEL PEON 4805 1225 3665 96953726 S N PATEL HELPER 4235 1080 2749 80643749 HANSA A SHAH JR. ASSISTANT 5250 1339 3876 104653758 M S DAVE SUPDT (ACCOUNTS) 9000 2295 8935 202303762 J P SHAH SR. STENOGRAPHER 7500 1913 5530 149433778 K.M. SHAH DY. ENGINEER 14575 3717 15856 341483796 V J JANSARI JR. ASSISTANT 5250 1339 3876 104653879 P P GANDHI JR. ASSISTANT 5075 1294 4194 105633897 M H TRIVEDI JR. ASSISTANT 5075 1294 4722 110913900 M B VASAVA HELPER 3935 1004 3232 81713929 R G RAJPUT PEON 3765 960 2816 75413943 R R THAKAR PEON 3765 960 2801 75263977 R K PATEL JR. ASSISTANT 7325 1868 5409 146024000 G I GAVIT JR. I/O AST 7100 1811 4186 130974066 H B PAREKH SUPDT (ACCOUNTS) 9000 2295 6581 178764080 Y H GOLE DY. ENGINEER 11975 3054 14329 293584083 B J SOLANKI JR. ASSISTANT 4750 1211 3526 94874085 H M ROHIT PEON 3680 938 12202 168204091 A C PATEL JR. ASSISTANT 4750 1211 3526 94874100 R K RANA JR. ASSISTANT 4750 1211 3626 95874111 C S MANE DRIVER GR-I 5775 1473 10265 175134113 C.U.PATEL JR. ASST(TYPIST) 4750 1211 4476 10437

4130 J S RATHWA SR. ASSISTANT 4900 1250 3731 98814170 B N CHAUHAN STENOGRAPHER 5600 1428 4120 111484174 R G VYAS JR. ASSISTANT 8450 2155 8273 188784175 P N PATEL METER INSPECTOR 5800 1479 4858 121374192 D P HARIJAN PEON 3595 917 2682 71944198 K C BAROT PEON 4515 1151 3361 90274247 H K ACHARYA DY. ENGINEER 14400 3672 13828 319004253 HARISH B RAUT JR. I/O AST 4750 1211 3526 94874258 J A HIRE PEON 3510 895 2623 70284259 M K SHAIKH PEON 3540 903 5393 98364276 H M PATEL JR. ASSISTANT 6775 1728 5024 135274307 N A PATHAN TEL. OPERATOR 4750 1211 6838 127994348 K R SONI SR. ASSISTANT 10650 2716 11686 250524355 M C PATEL C.F.M 16798.38 4283.84 10697 317794368 A P PARMAR DY. ENGINEER 12900 3290 10084 262744382 M R SHASTRI DY. ENGINEER 14400 3672 11224 292964384 P P CHANDRA JR. ASSISTANT 8775 2238 7594 186074405 D G PARMAR SEC. INSPECTER 8000 2040 6360 164004410 R M KATHTRIA WATCHMAN 3765 960 2463 71884423 NITA P BAROT JR. ASSISTANT 4350 1109 3211 86704430 M K RATHWA WATCHMEN 3935 1004 2566 75054437 S G PRASAD DY. ENGINEER 15150 3863 11795 308084448 S K GUPTA DY. ENGINEER 14775 3768 12060 306034457 VENU BIRAPPA DY. ENGINEER 12300 3137 9629 250664463 G D RATHWA WATCHMAN 3850 982 2534 73664500 R S PARMAR WATCHMEN 3325 848 8408 125814502 K.D.KAVAIYA DY. ENGINEER 15150 3863 9522 285354516 S D KARAMBELKAR DY. ENGINEER 13650 3481 10655 277864556 N C MUNSHI PER. OFFICER 12525 3194 9800 255194569 M C VASAVA PEON 3250 829 2441 65204574 K R RAO PEON 3325 848 3047 72204578 PARUL B DIVECHA JR. ASSISTANT 4100 1046 3036 81824600 R A KUKADIA ACC. OFFICER 9700 2474 7070 192444616 MEHUL S PATEL JR. ENGINEER 10100 2576 7957 206334624 B R PANDYA E. E. 15525 3959 11925 314094632 R C VALERA E. E. 15150 3863 12438 314514636 I S CHRISTIAN JR. ENGINEER 10400 2652 8184 212364667 V J BARIA GARDNER(MALI) 3250 829 1953 60324668 L J RABARI GARDNER(MALI) 3250 829 2441 65204673 NIRAJ K KAVISHWAR JR. ASSISTANT 4900 1250 3143 92934681 J R TADVI DRIVER GR-II 5600 1428 6345 133734694 K M DAVE E. E. 15150 3863 11795 308084708 K K BHATIA CHIEF ENGINEER 19400 4947 15050 393974715 G S JADAV SR. RADIO MECH. 5075 1294 3297 96664725 V V PUROHIT JR. ENGINEER 9800 2499 7929 202284767 R.P.CHAURASIA E. E. 15150 3863 11643 306564777 M K SHAH JR.PROGRAMMER 9500 2423 6930 188534779 H M SHAH E. E. 16275 4150 14765 351904800 I J PATEL E. E. 15900 4055 15576 355314813 P J SHUKLA FIREMAN 14207.9 3621.88 9268 270984817 M S SODHI DY. ENGINEER 11000 2805 10400 242054823 M P MAJMUNDAR DY. ENGINEER 15150 3863 11795 30808

4824 N R BRAHMBHATT FIREMAN 3880 989 2607 74764843 B.S.GOSWAMI PER. OFFICER 10600 2703 9105 224084848 B H KADAKIA DY. ENGINEER 11650 2971 9135 237564868 P. C. GANDHI CONTROL R. D. 4900 1250 4617 107674870 R.T.PARMAR WATCHMEN 6400 1632 4860 128924871 I.J.VASAVA DRIVER GR-II 4750 1211 7008 129694876 HARSHAD.U.TREVEDI. AST. SECR. 10900 2780 6525 202054887 P.L.MAHIDA. JR. ASSISTANT 5425 1383 4394 112024898 D J SHAH E. E. 15150 3863 14522 335354909 H D SHARMA DY. ENGINEER 12150 3098 11459 267074915 V.D.PATEL DY. ENGINEER 15150 3863 14219 332324964 NITIN.S.PATEL. JR. ASSISTANT 4900 1250 2896 90464965 J.S.SHAH DY. ENGINEER 12300 3137 13683 291204974 H R DESAI S. E. 16600 4233 9411 302444982 K.D.GUPTE JR. ENGINEER 9500 2423 8717 206404991 J.B.SHAH CHIEF ENGINEER 21900 5585 15610 430955001 .J S PATEL S. E. 17116.93 4364.82 20254 417355002 G.R.TADVI DRIVER GR-I 7775 1983 13058 228166006 HEMANT.V.NANAVATI. JR. ASST(TYPIST) 4100 1046 4335 94816029 P.K.RODE. DY SUPDT (ESTT) 10375 2646 19146 321676037 JANAK.S.SHAH DY. ENGINEER 14400 3672 13529 316016038 K.G MAKAWANA DY. ENGINEER 10400 2652 8288 213406042 D M PATEL C.E. (MATERIAL) 19512.9 5116.35 13940 385696044 K.T.PILLAI. I. R. O. 12150 3098 12465 277136050 J.J.MECWAN DY. ENGINEER 15150 3863 11795 308086052 A H PATEL E. E. 15900 4055 12205 321606057 p. L. DARJI DY. ENGINEER 15150 3863 14219 332326063 J P MIRANI PROGRAMMER 13275 3385 9574 262346068 A C MEHTA DY. ENGINEER 15150 3863 12095 311086069 M T VADSOLA DY. ENGINEER 14400 3672 9664 277366071 H M DABLA DY. ENGINEER 12625 3219 10186 260306082 KUM.KAPILABEN.G.SOLANKI JR. ENGINEER 8000 2040 6361 164016083 SHRI.P.R.JOSHI DY. ENGINEER 11325 2888 9298 235116086 V B HARANI E. E. 16275 4150 13187 336126100 B C SHAH C.F.M 17350 4424 12426 342006106 SHRI P B MEHTA DY. ENGINEER 12525 3194 9801 255206110 SHRI L G LAD E. E. 15900 4055 21061 410166111 SHRI D C MEHTA E. E. 16275 4150 12487 329126112 SHRI R B BRAHMBHATT S. E. 17400 4437 18897 407346132 A.H.JHALA SR. SEC. OFFICER 12900 3290 8150 243406137 P T DADHANIA S. E. 16600 4233 15220 360536144 A M PARMAR SUPDT (ACCOUNTS) 10100 2576 7350 200266155 SHRI Y.A. DAVE DY. ENGINEER 9800 2499 7728 200276162 SHRI A C PANDYA DY. ENGINEER 11975 3054 9382 244116166 SHRI U V GUPTE C.E. (MATERIAL) 18700 4769 13371 368406168 SHRI VARGHESE ALEXANDAR SR. STENOGRAPHER 10600 2703 7700 210036171 M.B.PARMAR. AST. SECRETARY 11850 3022 8576 234486176 KUM U L SHROFF SR. ASSISTANT 8025 2046 5899 159706180 K.A.DABHI DRIVER 7775 1983 10096 198546181 H.J.JADEJA DRIVER 4000 1020 5426 104466198 SHRI A C MORE DY. ENGINEER 11650 2971 12005 266266199 SHRI N V REDE C.E. (MATERIAL) 18700 4769 16176 39645

6205 Y.M.BHATT DY SUPDT (ACCT) 10025 2556 7798 203796210 B.L.PATEL SR. TECHNICIAN 6875 1753 4474 131026212 Y.V.JOSHI DY. ENGINEER 11975 3054 9382 244116214 SHRI A A DODIA DY. ENGINEER 14775 3768 13873 324166215 K.N.RATHOD S. E. 17000 4335 14731 360666228 SHRI S R MASHIHI DY. ENGINEER 10400 2652 9849 229016235 SHRI A S RAJPUT E. DRIVER GR-I 8275 2110 6570 169556242 M.N.MSHAIKH TEL. OPERATOR 7325 1868 5848 150416250 A.R.SHAH DY. ENGINEER 13650 3481 10655 277866251 J.D.TAMHANE E. E. 16275 4150 12487 329126253 H M SONI JR. ENGINEER 10700 2729 6808 202376262 J.D.PARMAR PEON 5430 1385 4002 108176267 K.V.THAKKAR SR. ASSISTANT 10025 2556 13699 262806268 J I PATEL HELPER 4985 1271 3990 102466272 B.J.Patel DY.GEN.MANAGER 16600 4233 12714 335476274 G J BHATT E. E. 17400 4437.5 16637 384746281 P P TRIVEDI E. E. 15900 4055 15526 354816285 S S TRIVEDI ACC. OFFICER 9400 2397 7086 188836286 A V CHAUDHARY SUPDT (ACCOUNTS) 6750 1721 5256 137276297 R.D.NAIK E. E. 15900 4055 12206 321616299 R.P.SHAH DY. ENGINEER 13275 3385 12493 291536310 K.I.SHAH DY. ENGINEER 14400 3672 11224 292966312 C.G.PANDYA ADD. CHEF ENGR. 19150 4883 13686 377196325 P.Y.DESAI JR.PROGRAMMER 9500 2423 6931 188546328 L D RATHWA WATCHMAN 3935 1004 2567 75066329 H.J.PATEL S. E. 16600 4233 9411 302446330 C.D.DHOLAKIA DY. ENGINEER 14400 3672 9065 271376344 N A MAKWANA JR. ENGINEER 7750 1976 6248 159746352 P V SHAH E. E. 15900 4055 12205 321606354 S M JHALA E. E. 15900 4055 12505 324606356 D H MACHCHAR WATCHMAN 3475 886 4558 89196360 R P RAVAL DY. ENGINEER 14775 3768 11362 299056362 S M TAKALKAR S. E. 17000 4335 12180 335156365 C P PATEL ADD. CHEF ENGR. 17800 4539 10250 325896366 B V DAVE ADD. CHEF ENGR. 17800 4539 12489 348286372 K I RANGWANI SUPDT (ACCOUNTS) 10100 2576 7351 200276373 S I VASAVA SUPDT (ACCOUNTS) 6500 1658 4830 129886386 R R UMRAWALA JR. ENGINEER 8000 2040 7640 176806390 S U BHATT JR. ENGINEER 9500 2423 7596 195196393 N N MOORTHY E. E. 15525 3959 14874 343586403 S L AGRAWAL JR. ENGINEER 9500 2423 9020 209436407 M M CHAUDHARI DY. ENGINEER 8900 2270 7134 183046410 S.A.PATEL PER. OFFICER 10600 2703 8336 216396412 V.H.SHAH SUPDT (ACCOUNTS) 10925 2786 7929 216406414 R D CHANDEL DY. ENGINEER 10700 2729 6807 202366415 R D MEHTA S. E. 17400 4437 13287 351246418 J D MAKWANA PEON 2820 719 2204 57436421 N P SHAH DY. ENGINEER 10400 2652 8184 212366424 B.S.PENDSE DY SUPDT (ACCT) 7550 1925 5766 152416425 M.K.DAMOR HELPER 3400 867 2239 65066426 G K RATHWA HELPER 3175 810 2103 60886427 S K TRIVEDI DY. ENGINEER 15150 3863 9522 28535

6430 H S BRAHMBHATT FITTER GR-I 3425 873 2255 65536431 P V MORI HELPER 6575 1676.75 4666 129186443 J R RATHWA HELPER 3595 917 2428 69406444 B A PARMAR HELPER 3325 848 2451 6624



Manual 11

Annual Budget FY 2005-06

Vidyut Bhawan Race Course, Vadodara – 390 007


Table of Contents1.0 ..............................................................................................................INTRODUCTION 228

2.0 ............................................................ REVENUE FROM TRANSMISSION CHARGES 229

3.0 .................................................................... BUDGET FOR REVENUE EXPENDITURE 229


4.0 ............................................ BUDGETED REVENUE EXPENDITURE FOR FY 2005-06 234


5.0 ......................................................................BUDGET FOR CAPITAL EXPENDITURE 235


ANNEXURE – 1: REPAIRS & MAINTENANCE EXPENSES.......................................... 241

ANNEXURE – 2: EMPLOYEE COSTS .............................................................................. 242

ANNEXURE- 3: ADMINISTRATION AND GENERAL EXPENSES............................... 243


ANNEXURE- 5: INDICATIVE PROFIT & LOSS STATEMENT..................................... 250

List of Tables

Table 1 – Revenue from Transmission Charges ..................................................... 229 Table 2 – Repairs and Maintenance Expenses Budget ........................................... 230 Table 3 – Administration and General Expenses Budget ......................................... 231 Table 4 – Employee Cost Budget.......................................................................... 232 Table 5 – FY 2005-06 Budget for GETCO as a whole ............................................. 234


Table 6 – FY 2005-06 Budget (Circle Wise) ........................................................... 234 Table 7 – FY 2005-06 Monthly Budget (Circle Wise)............................................... 235 Table 8 – Circle Wise Capital Expenditure Budget FY 2005-06................................ 236 Table 9 – Capital Expenditure Plan for FY 2005-06 ................................................ 236 Table 10 – Capex on Existing Assets – FY 2005-06 ............................................... 237

15. Introduction As per the Electricity Act, 2003 and the Gujarat Electricity Industry

(Reorganisation and Regulation) Act, 2003, the Gujarat Electricity Board has been unbundled into seven corporate entities namely –

1. Gujarat Urja Vikas Nigam Limited (GUVNL) 2. Gujarat State Electricity Corporation Limited (GSECL) 3. Gujarat Energy Transmission Corporation Limited (GETCO) 4. Uttar Gujarat Vij Company Limited (UGVCL) 5. Paschim Gujarat Vij Company Limited (PGVCL) 6. Madhya Gujarat Vij Company Limited (MGVCL) and 7. Dakshin Gujarat Vij Company Limited (DGVCL)

While GUVNL is the holding and bulk supply company, the other six are functional entities. Our company, GETCO, is entrusted with the transmission function for the entire state of Gujarat. The Gujarat Energy Transmission Corporation Limited was incorporated on 19th May 1999 and the Certificate of Commencement was obtained on 23rd June 1999. The opening balance sheet of the company was notified by the Government of Gujarat on dated 31-12-2004. The company has commenced commercial operation with effect from 1st April 2005. The salient features of the company’s operations are as follows –

1. GETCO is engaged in the business of transmitting electricity across the State of Gujarat.

2. GETCO carries energy to all the six distribution companies in the state, including AEC and SEC, which in turn supply power to the more than 85 lakh consumers across the state.


3. The company is organised into 10 circles. Each of the circles has separate construction and operation & maintenance divisions which handle respective tasks.

4. Total number of substations (as on 31.03.2005) – 849 5. Total number of employees – 10585

GETCO has started independent operations with effect from 1st April 2005 and the Company’s first Annual Financial Statements (Budget Estimates) showing the estimated income and expenditure under Profit and Loss Account and Budget for Capital Expenditure for the financial year 2005-06 is hereby presented. The major assumptions considered for preparation of Budget Proposal 2005-06 are detailed as under –

16. Revenue from Transmission Charges Revenue for GETCO comes from transmission charges recoverable from GUVNL as per the Transmission Service Agreement (TSA). The expected revenue is fairly certain, as it has no variable component. The rate worked out as the TSA is Rs 2273 per MW per day. The revenue for GETCO is computed in the following manner:

Table 1 – Revenue from Transmission Charges

Total Contracted Capacity 7869 MW

Capacity Charges payable by GUVNL Rs. 2273 / MW / day

Total Annual Revenue for GETCO Rs. 652.85 Crores

17. Budget for Revenue Expenditure Revenue expenditure is split into the following heads:

1. Repairs and Maintenance Expenses (R&M) 2. Administration and General Expenses (A&G) 3. Employee Costs 4. Interest Cost


Of the above expenses, as per current as well as envisaged accounting practice, Interest Cost is accounted for in the Head Office Books, that is, no interest cost is booked in Circle Books. The approach followed for budgeting is in line with the prevailing accounting practice. Therefore, the budget for revenue expenditure at the circle level has been formulated for expenses excluding interest cost. It is also to be noted that the interest cost is as per the liabilities allocated to GETCO in the proposed Financial Restructuring Plan (FRP). The same will have to be updated as and when the FRP for the sector is approved by the Government of Gujarat. This condition will apply to debt repayments as well. Another important issue is with regards to the Junagadh Circle which has been formed recently by carving out area and assets from Amreli, Gondal and Ajnar Transmission Circles. The budget for operating expenses for Junagadh shall be separately prepared from the budgets for Amreli, Gondal and Anjar.

17.1 Basis for determination of Circle Wise Expenses Circle wise costs incurred in the past have been taken as the basis for determining costs for the next year. The past year costs have then been escalated based on certain assumptions which have been developed by the Finance department based on past trends and certain costs which the company will incur over and above the existing/regular costs.

17.2 Repairs and Maintenance Expenses Repairs and maintenance expenditure includes expenditure on network assets like transformers, lines, civil works etc. Repairs and Maintenance expenditure in FY 2004-05 was Rs 2,616 lakhs. However, this year major work on repairs and maintenance is to be undertaken for old lines, transformers and structures. Hence an increase of 15% has been assumed over the expenses incurred during the previous year. Therefore, the budget for FY 2005-06 is Rs. 3008.59 lakhs.

Table 2 – Repairs and Maintenance Expenses Budget

Circle 2004-05 (Prov.)

2005-06 (Budget)

2005-06 (Monthly)

Navsari 281.77 324.03 27.00


Bharuch 241.86 278.14 23.18 Jambuva 383.67 441.22 36.77 Nadiad 192.96 221.90 18.49 Mehsana 254.85 293.07 24.42 Palanpur 236.34 271.79 22.65 Gondal 311.84 358.62 29.88 Amreli 197.95 227.64 18.97 Anjar 514.94 592.18 49.35 Total 2,616.17 3,008.59 250.72

The details of the head wise and circle wise break-up is given at Annexure 1.

17.3 Administration and General Expenses The increase in the Administration and General expenses can usually be linked to the inflation. Hence an escalation of 4%2 per annum is assumed over the previous year cost which takes into account not only the inflationary trend but also the increases in costs due to corporatisation of the company. There are also certain costs like Legal and Audit Charges amounting to Rs. 170 Lakhs and Rs.100 Lakhs on account of Fringe Benefit tax which were not incurred in the previous year but are likely to be incurred during the coming year and hence have been considered as additional A&G expenses during FY 2005-06. These costs have not been allocated to the circle offices and will be accounted for under the Corporate Office expenses. Based on the above, the Administration and General expenses have been budgeted at Rs 3292.00 Lakhs for FY 2005-06. Apart for the above mentioned A&G costs, GETCO will have to pay a monthly charge of Rs. 128 Lakhs per month to PGCIL towards ULDC Charges. This amounts to Rs. 1,536 Lakhs per year and are booked as Corporate expenses. Hence the total A&G charges for the FY 2005-06 will amount to Rs. 4,828 Lakhs.

Table 3 – Administration and General Expenses Budget

Rs Lakhs Circle 2004-05

(Prov.) 2005-06 (Budget)

2005-06 (Monthly)

2 Rate of inflation is actually around 5% but in order to bring in efficiency in costs, the escalation of 4% has been assumed.


Navsari 228.42 237.56 19.80

Bharuch 176.25 183.30 15.28 Jambuva 481.74 501.01 41.75 Nadiad 311.90 324.38 27.03 Mehsana 271.70 282.56 23.55 Palanpur 257.38 267.68 22.31 Gondal 326.94 340.02 28.34 Amreli 298.87 310.82 25.90 Anjar 287.51 299.01 24.92 Corporate Office 265.053 2,081.654 173.47 Total 2,905.77 4,828.00 403.33

17.4 Employee Costs Employee cost includes basic salary/wages, dearness allowance, other allowance, medical reimbursement, staff welfare expenses and terminal benefits. For the purpose of estimation of basic salary and wages 4% escalation has been estimated for 2005-06 keeping in view of annual increments and promotions and regular retirements. Also, merger of 50% Dearness Allowance in Basic Salary has been considered effective from 01-04-2005. Dearness allowance is estimated as 20% of the basic salary and wages for 2005-06 taking into consideration increase of 3% during April 05 and Dec 05. The increase in the Basic salary and the Dearness allowance will also affect the other allowances and terminal benefits and hence have been escalated suitably. For other items of employee costs and staff welfare expenses, 5% escalation is estimated over the previous year actual expenses. There is also a special allocation of Rs. 250 Lakhs for the purpose of providing new uniforms to the employees of GETCO. The total escalation of the employee cost over the previous year works out to 20%5.Table 4 – Employee Cost Budget

(Rs. Lakhs) Circle 2004-05

(Prov.) 2005-06 (Budget)

2005-06 (Monthly)

Navsari 1,350.35 1,615.25 134.60

3 GEB Head Office costs (Rs. 1,564 Lakhs) allocated to GETCO in proportion of contribution of transmission A&G costs (Rs. 2,640 Lakhs) in the total GEB A&G Costs (Rs. 15,586 Crores). 4 Inclusive of Rs. 1,536 Lakhs payable as ULDC Charge to PGCIL, Rs. 170 Lakhs towards Legal & Audit Charges and Rs. 100 Lakhs towards payment on account of Fringe Benefit Tax. 5 The same has been assumed in the GETCO ARR and the Strategic Business Plan.


Bharuch 918.83 1,092.19 91.02Jambuva 2,295.71 2,736.25 228.02Nadiad 1,923.85 2,301.59 191.80Mehsana 1,881.56 2,230.58 185.88Palanpur 1,503.70 1,808.74 150.73Gondal 1,979.54 2,366.31 197.19Amreli 1,615.19 1,930.45 160.87Anjar 1,392.97 1,715.27 142.94Corporate Office 2,326.336 2,829.02 235.75Total 17188.03 20,625.64 1,718.80

The employee cost is computed based on the paybill for GETCO head office employees for the month of April 2005. The increases as mentioned earlier have been assumed for the Head Office employees also.

17.5 Interest and Financial Charges The interest cost has been budgeted based on the liability allocation as per the Opening Balance Sheet7 of GETCO since most of the liabilities of erstwhile GEB are still not identified to specific functions and are, therefore, being allocated on some basis in the FRP. Total Long term loans amounting to Rs. 1926 Crores have been provisionally allocated to GETCO. A weighted average interest of 9.10% has been assumed as the rate of interest chargeable on these loans. Also based on the capital expenditure proposed during the year, some interest will be payable to the lenders. Based on the same, the interest cost of GETCO for FY 2005-06 is Rs. 17,318.66 lakhs. The financial charges payable on the borrowings have been assumed as 1% of borrowings and are projected to be Rs.163.28 lakhs. Hence the total interest and financial charges of GETCO for the FY 2005-06 is budgeted to be Rs.17,481.94 lakhs. The same has no comparison with the past as most of the interest and financial charges as per the earlier accounting practise were parked in head office prior to unbundling and not to specific functions.

17.6 Depreciation The depreciation has been worked out in line with the provisions of the Companies Act and an average rate of 5.3% has been assumed to calculate the depreciation chargeable for the current year. In addition to this, it has been assumed that some part of the total investment done during the year will be 6 Allocation based on Paybill for GETCO HO employees for the month of April 2005 and terminal benefits allocated to GETCO in proportion of the contribution of GETCO employee’s Basic and DA in the total Basic and DA of the HO employees. 7 As per the FRP Proposal


capitalised and hence depreciation has also been computed on these additions to the GFA for an average period of 6 months. Based on the same, the total depreciation for the year 2005-06 works out to Rs. 22,569.76 Lakhs.

18. Budgeted Revenue Expenditure for FY 2005-06 Based on the parameters and basis as mentioned above, the following is the consolidated revenue expenditure budget including the expenditure on account of Interest Cost and Depreciation for FY 2005-06 –

Table 5 – FY 2005-06 Budget for GETCO as a whole Rs Lakhs

Sr No Expense Item Budget 2005-06

1 Repairs and Maintenance 3,008.59 2 Administrative and General Expenses 4,828.00 3 Employee Costs 20,625.64 4 Interest Costs 17,481.94 5 Depreciation 22,569.76 6 TOTAL 68,513.93

18.1 Circle Wise Budgets The circle wise budget for each of the circles is as follows –

Table 6 – FY 2005-06 Budget (Circle Wise)

Rs. Lakhs Circle R&M

2005-06 A&G

2005-06 EMP

2005-06 TOTAL 2005-06

Navsari 324.03 237.56 1,615.25 2,176.84 Bharuch 278.14 183.30 1,092.19 1,553.63 Jambuva 441.22 501.01 2,736.25 3,678.48 Nadiad 221.90 324.38 2,301.59 2,847.86 Mehsana 293.07 282.56 2,230.58 2,806.22 Palanpur 271.79 267.68 1,808.74 2,348.21 Gondal 358.62 340.02 2,366.31 3,064.95 Amreli 227.64 310.82 1,930.45 2,468.90 Anjar 592.18 299.01 1,715.27 2,606.47 Corporate Office - 2,081.65 2,829.02 4,910.67 Total 3,008.59 4,828.00 20,625.64 28,462.23


18.2 Monthly budgets for circles Based on the above yearly budget for operating expenses, the monthly circle wise budget works out to be as follows –

Table 7 – FY 2005-06 Monthly Budget (Circle Wise)

Rs. Lakhs Circle R&M

2005-06 A&G

2005-06 EMP

2005-06 TOTAL 2005-06

Navsari 27.00 19.80 134.60 181.40 Bharuch 23.18 15.28 91.02 129.47 Jambuva 36.77 41.75 228.02 306.54 Nadiad 18.49 27.03 191.80 237.32 Mehsana 24.42 23.55 185.88 233.85 Palanpur 22.65 22.31 150.73 195.68 Gondal 29.88 28.34 197.19 255.41 Amreli 18.97 25.90 160.87 205.74 Anjar 49.35 24.92 142.94 217.21 Corporate Office - 173.47 235.75 409.22 Total 250.72 402.33 1,718.80 2,371.85

18.3 Monitoring Mechanism The circle offices will be required to submit expenditure on a monthly basis. The expenditure so submitted will be entered into a budget-tracking sheet. Such sheet will indicate the extent to which the budget is being followed and amount remaining to be spent for the year. Therefore, the same provides for a cumulative monthly tracking system. However, the same can be modified to represent adherence to budgets for smaller periods of time as well, say, fortnights, weeks or even days.

19. Budget for Capital Expenditure Capital Expenditure in forms a very critical part of the business of any company. In GETCO the Capital Expenditure is undertaken mainly for two purposes:

• New Capacity Addition • System Improvement

Each of the circles in GETCO has a separate construction division. These divisions are responsible for implementation of the project till commissioning after which the project is taken up by Operation and Maintenance Division. Capital


expenditure budget for new capacity addition is based on the plan drawn by the Projects Department of GETCO. As per the plan, the following is the circle wise Capital Expenditure budget for FY 2005-06 –

Table 8 – Circle Wise Capital Expenditure Budget FY 2005-06

Rs. Lakhs

Sr No 1.1.1 Circle Capex 1 Navsari 849.00 2 Bharuch 2,055.00 3 Jambuva 513.00 4 Nadiad 1,924.00 5 Mehsana 857.00 6 Palanpur 2,307.00 7 Gondal 1,411.00 8 Amreli 770.00 9 Anjar 3,058.00

10 Junagadh 257.00 TOTAL 14,000.00

The details of the new capacity addition as per the proposed Capital Expenditure Plan for the FY 2005-06 is as outline below:

Table 9 – Capital Expenditure Plan for FY 2005-06

Rs. Lakhs Sr No Line/SS Projects Capital Expenditure

1 400 KV Transmission Lines 641 2 220 KV Transmission Lines 3,186 3 220 KV Sub Stations 2,734 4 66 KV Transmission Lines 0 5 66 KV Substations 7,439

a 30 Non EPC Substations 3,848 b 14 EPC Substations 3,591

6 TOTAL 14,000 The above budget does not include projects that will be implemented this year but were accounted for in last year’s budget. The circle wise scheme wise details of the above mentioned capital expenditure are enclosed at Annexure 4.


FY 2005-06 will also include 3 more heads under capital expenses that till last financial year included only repairs and maintenance head. The three new additions are – 1. Renovation and Modernisation (ITEM I) 2. Rejuvenation and Refurbishment (ITEM II) 3. Augmentation of Sub station & line capacity (ITEM III). All the above heads are included under Capex and the money allocated to them is as follows –

Table 10 – Capex on Existing Assets – FY 2005-06

Rs. Lakhs

Sr.No. Particulars Propsed

2005-06 Remark

I1 Sub Station (One to One Replacement) 1433.72 Approved vide Board resolution No. 23/360

dtd. 17.01.05 (Iitm A-17)2 Strengthening of Lines. (One to One

Replacement)200.57 100% Materials procured under ADB

1826.Corp. may receive credit of Rs.973.5lacs against old line material being sold.

3 Installation of Data Acquisition System (DAS) through Static meters

626 Approved vide GETCO resolution No.25.11/196 dtd. 16.02.05.The ADB has sanctioned scheme. (Rs. 790lacs is sanctioned under ADB loan)

4 Modernisation of office buildings 46.275 Procurement of Modern testing equipments

& Tools tackles.16.73

Total for R & M 2323.29

II1 Sub Station Bus strengthening & Provision of

new Bus.820.00

2 Refurbishment of Sub station by latesttechnology upgradation / automation

750.00 Approved vide GETCO resolution No.26.15/216 dtd. 02.05.05.The scheme pose to APDRP for the year 05-06 & 06-07 (Rs. 1700 lacs is sanctionedunder APDRP)

Total for R & R 1570.00

III1 Existing X'mer Augmentatin & New X'mer

installation with associated bay equipments.2000.00

2 Augmentation of lines by providing highersize conductor & making ring mains.


Total for AUG 2180.00

Grand Total 6073.29





19.2 for Capital Expenditure on Existing Assets

19.2.1 ITEM NO.I - RENOVATION AND MODERNISATION (R & M) This capital expenditure is mainly intended for the purpose of renovation and modernisation of Old Circuit Breakers in the GETCO system. The normal life of Circuit Breaker is designated as 25 years from the date of its manufacture, assembly and despatch to the site for installation. In case of GETCO, the Circuit Breakers of all categories installed before 1975 have already completed its service life of more than 25 years. This ageing of the breakers has resulted in numerous problems for the company. Some of the problems faced the company are outlined below:

• The supply of spares and after-sales-service by the Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEM) has been discontinued due to the Circuit Breakers becoming obsolete.

• In some cases, even the OEM no longer exists and their representatives have stopped responding to the requirements of the Company.

• The Air blast technology being used in the old Circuit Breakers involves large number of moving parts which have to be supplied with dry air leading to need for continuous maintenance.

• The Bulk Oil Circuit Breaker (OCB) has limited short time current rating and these have resulted in failures at many places.

• The overall operation of the Circuit Breakers has slowed down and the fault levels have increased in the sub-stations where these breakers are installed.

• The chances of fire hazards are also more in OCB compared to latest technology circuit breakers like VCB, SF6.

19.2.2 ITEM NO.II - REJUVEANATION AND REFURBISHMENT (R & R) Some of the Sub-stations in GETCO are very old and have been set-up as early as 1950’s and 1960’s. These Sub-Stations have very old and bulky design. This affects the overall operations of the Sub-Stations and also it is difficult to make these sub-stations and the equipment in these sub-stations compatible with the latest technology equipments. The refurbishment in terms of technology upgradation of these sub-stations would be helpful in:

• Eliminating the conventional method of operation and would provide P.C. based operational activities;


• Would provide the facility for storing and transferring data for 10 years due to inbuilt facility;

• The information which is inbuilt in latest technology equipments will be useful to decide the life of equipments. This will facilitate would also facilitate timely maintenance and to avoid premature failure of equipments and help in Load & Demand side management.

• The inbuilt safety features will also reduce chances of accidents. It will also reduce the chances of fire hazard.

19.2.3 ITEM NO.III - AUGMENTATION OF SUB STATION & LINE CAPACITY (AUG) The loading on sub-station equipments like power transformer, C.T. is efficient when they are loaded between 75 to 85%. The increase in the demand for power due to increased consumption by all categories of consumers will warrant for augmentation of capacity of the sub-station to cater the increased demand of power. Augmentation is also needed to keep redundancy in the system to provide continuous uninterrupted power supply to important consumers. The transmission lines are the nerves of power flow from Generation station to the end consumers. The transmission line loading is a function of the standard capacity of particular size of line conductor. Augmentation of line capacity shall therefore be required to meet increased demand of power. In case of exigency, to cater to the demand of power, a ring main system augmentation of line capacity shall be required for a safe transmission system. These reasons have substantiated the need for investments for augmentation of sub-stations and Line capacities.

19.3 ADB, Earthquake Rehabilitation and Tribal Projects In addition to the above mentioned Capital Expenditure Schemes, certain investments are proposed to be undertaken under the ADB Project (1804), Earthquake Rehabilitation and the Tribal Programme (TASP8). The details of the same are depicted in the following tables:

8 TASP - Tribal Area Sub Plan, is a scheme for development of tribal areas managed by Ministry of Tribal Affairs, Government of India. The grants are routed through the state government.


Table 11: Projects under ADB Project (1804) and Earthquake Rehabilitation for FY2005-06

Sr. No. Transmission Schemes Cost (Rs. Crores)

1 ADB Project (No. 1804) 4.69 2 Earthquake Rehabilitation 13.87

Total 18.56

Table 12: Approved Projects under TASP for FY2005-06

Sr. No.

Transmission Schemes Cost (Rs. Crores)

1 Sub Stations 220 KV - 1 nos 66 KV - 11 nos


2 Transmission Lines - 100 CKM 6.00 3 System Improvement Link Line Cap Bank

Augmentation 7.40

Total 26.00

The above projects are to be undertaken during the FY 2005-06.

- 241 -


Navsari Bharuch Jambuva Nadiad MehsanaCircle2004-05(Prov.)










Plant & Machinery 260.26 299.29 168.49 193.76 253.47 291.49 171.74 197.50 206.33 237.29Buildings 1.03 1.19 53.09 61.05 9.04 10.39 2.62 3.02 8.82 10.14Civil Works 1.48 1.70 13.38 15.39 63.19 72.67 6.53 7.51 19.22 22.11Hydraulic Works - - - - 0.37 0.43 - - 0.44 0.51Lines & Cable Networks 13.47 15.49 3.30 3.80 48.66 55.96 2.59 2.97 12.93 14.87Vehicles 4.56 5.24 1.76 2.03 2.82 3.25 7.15 8.23 4.40 5.06Furniture & Fixtures 0.45 0.52 1.35 1.55 3.72 4.28 2.02 2.32 2.19 2.52Office Equipment 0.52 0.60 0.50 0.57 2.39 2.75 0.31 0.35 0.50 0.57TOTAL REPAIRS AND MAINTENANCE 281.77 324.03 241.86 278.14 383.67 441.22 192.96 221.90 254.85 293.07

Palanpur Gondal Amreli Anjar TotalCircle2004-05(Prov.)










Plant & Machinery 174.71 200.92 172.09 197.90 160.47 184.54 190.09 218.60 1,757.64 2,021.29Buildings 13.03 14.99 4.51 5.18 2.25 2.59 0.00 0.00 94.39 108.55Civil Works 14.33 16.48 26.83 30.85 15.03 17.29 7.21 8.29 167.20 192.28Hydraulic Works 1.22 1.40 - - - - - - 2.04 2.34Lines & Cable Networks 25.00 28.75 90.23 103.77 9.50 10.93 285.80 328.67 491.48 565.20Vehicles 4.58 5.27 15.38 17.69 8.63 9.92 30.33 34.88 79.62 91.56Furniture & Fixtures 3.05 3.51 1.23 1.42 1.48 1.70 1.21 1.39 16.70 19.21Office Equipment 0.42 0.48 1.58 1.81 0.59 0.68 0.30 0.35 7.10 8.17TOTAL REPAIRS AND MAINTENANCE 236.34 271.79 311.84 358.62 197.95 227.64 514.94 592.18 2,616.17 3,008.59

- 242 -

ANNEXURE – 2: EMPLOYEE COSTSNavsari Bharuch Jambuva Nadiad MehsanaCircle











SALARIES,WAGES 593.09 925.23 410.66 640.63 978.60 1,526.62 851.65 1,328.58 834.75 1,302.20OVER TIME 43.18 45.34 24.61 25.84 66.86 70.21 50.35 52.87 72.38 76.00DEARNESS ALLOWANCE 364.41 185.05 256.16 128.13 610.10 305.32 514.01 265.72 519.51 260.44OTHER ALLOWANCES. 191.57 287.35 121.05 181.57 331.92 497.88 247.68 371.52 234.07 351.10BONUS 0.64 0.67 0.08 0.08 0.50 0.53 1.35 1.42 0.13 0.13Sub-Total 1,192.88 1,443.63 812.55 976.24 1,987.98 2,400.55 1,665.04 2,020.10 1,660.83 1,989.88OTHER STAFF COSTS 33.07 34.72 21.97 23.06 72.17 75.77 63.37 66.54 41.26 43.33STAFF-WELFARE EXPENSES 10.18 10.69 5.03 5.29 6.81 7.15 18.38 19.30 16.79 17.63STAFF UNIFORMTERMINAL BENEFITS 114.21 126.20 79.27 87.59 228.75 252.77 177.06 195.65 162.67 179.74TOTAL EMPLOYEE COSTS 1,350.35 1,615.25 918.83 1,092.19 2,295.71 2,736.25 1,923.85 2,301.59 1,881.56 2,230.58

Palanpur Gondal Amreli Anjar Corporate Office TotalCircle2004-05(Prov.)












SALARIES,WAGES 683.90 1,066.89 884.44 1,379.73 716.87 1,118.31 658.38 1,027.07 296.12 461.95 6,908.46 10,777.20OVER TIME 55.59 58.37 48.80 51.24 47.75 50.14 29.18 30.64 1.36 1.42 440.06 462.07DEARNESS ALLOWANCE 402.55 213.38 540.57 275.95 438.36 223.66 361.67 205.41 224.72 92.39 4,232.06 2,155.44OTHER ALLOWANCES. 185.35 278.03 263.73 395.60 214.37 321.55 188.42 282.63 76.95 115.42 2,055.10 3,082.65BONUS 2.24 2.35 1.56 1.64 2.19 2.29 3.25 3.41 - - 11.92 12.52Sub-Total 1,329.64 1,619.01 1,739.11 2,104.16 1,419.53 1,715.96 1,240.89 1,549.16 599.15 671.18 13,647.61 16,489.87OTHER STAFF COSTS 34.53 36.26 49.73 52.22 21.17 22.23 26.95 28.30 12.28 12.89 376.50 395.33STAFF-WELFAREEXPENSES 12.96 13.60 14.32 15.04 10.10 10.60 8.14 8.55 - - 102.72 107.86

STAFF UNIFORM - 250.00 - 250.00TERMINAL BENEFITS 126.58 139.87 176.37 194.89 164.40 181.66 116.99 129.27 1,714.90 1,894.94 3,061.20 3,382.58TOTAL EMPLOYEE COSTS 1,503.70 1,808.74 1,979.54 2,366.31 1,615.19 1,930.45 1,392.97 1,715.27 2,326.33 2,829.02 17,188.03 20,625.64

- 243 -

ANNEXURE- 3: ADMINISTRATION AND GENERAL EXPENSESNavsari Bharuch Jambuva Nadiad MehsanaCircle











RENT (INCLUDING LEASE RENTALS) 1.31 1.36 - - - - 1.63 1.70 0.20 0.20RATES & TAXES 15.09 15.70 10.19 10.60 49.77 51.76 16.99 17.67 24.04 25.01INSURANCE, INSPECTION CHARGES 12.69 13.20 11.33 11.78 18.86 19.62 27.33 28.43 11.58 12.04COMMUNICATION CHARGES 18.97 19.73 9.56 9.94 23.43 24.37 22.46 23.36 17.53 18.23LEGAL CHRGS 0.08 0.08 0.44 0.46 0.30 0.31 1.27 1.32 0.75 0.78AUDIT FEES - - - - - - - - - -CONSULTANCY FEES AND EXPENSES - - 0.00 0.00 0.05 0.05 0.00 0.00 - -TECHNICAL FEES - - 0.71 0.74 2.21 2.30 0.72 0.75 0.00 0.00OTHER PROFESSIONAL CHARGES 0.01 0.01 0.03 0.03 2.56 2.66 5.79 6.02 - -CONVEYANCE & TRAVELLING 89.32 92.89 55.48 57.69 142.55 148.25 114.17 118.74 90.43 94.04ADMIN EXPENSES INCURRED FOR RESTORATIONOF DAMAGES/FLOODS

- - - - - - - - - -


- - - - - - - - - -

OTHER FEES & SUBSCRIPTIONS - - 0.00 0.00 0.01 0.01 1.03 1.07 0.11 0.11BOOKS AND PRDICALS 0.15 0.16 0.02 0.02 0.44 0.46 0.79 0.82 0.02 0.02PRINTING & STATIONERY 6.83 7.11 3.95 4.11 8.87 9.23 6.83 7.10 7.38 7.68EXPENDITURE ON COMPUTER BILLING & EDP CHA 1.68 1.75 0.58 0.60 0.65 0.68 0.58 0.60 1.67 1.74ADVT EXP.(OTHER THAN PURCHASE RELATED) 0.07 0.07 0.20 0.21 1.90 1.97 0.06 0.07 0.38 0.39ZEROX COPY CHARGES 0.53 0.55 0.90 0.94 2.34 2.43 1.56 1.63 1.45 1.51CONTRI.S & CHARITIES - - - - - - - - - -ELECTRICITY CHRGS 35.95 37.38 33.86 35.21 142.15 147.83 68.59 71.33 72.20 75.09WATER CHRGS 1.89 1.97 31.09 32.33 2.51 2.61 10.36 10.78 3.67 3.81MAINTENANCE TO TREE PLANTATION - - 0.00 0.00 0.44 0.46 - - 0.05 0.06ENTERTAINMENT 0.55 0.58 0.16 0.17 0.39 0.40 0.41 0.43 0.01 0.01EXP. ON MEETINGS & CONFERENCE 0.01 0.01 0.04 0.04 0.82 0.85 0.27 0.28 0.04 0.05GUEST HOUSE EXPENSES 0.01 0.01 - - 0.08 0.08 0.06 0.06 - -MISCELLANEOUS EXPENSES 10.73 11.16 7.03 7.31 38.05 39.57 10.39 10.80 26.53 27.59ADMINISTRATION EXPENSES 195.89 203.72 165.61 172.23 438.38 455.91 291.29 302.95 258.03 268.35FREIGHT 9.02 9.38 1.44 1.49 8.23 8.56 0.05 0.06 0.00 0.00OTHER PURCHASE RELATED EXPENDITURE 22.12 23.00 6.05 6.30 19.84 20.63 19.23 20.00 11.29 11.75FABRICATION CHRGS - - 1.64 1.71 13.12 13.64 1.22 1.27 1.80 1.87FAB.CHGS ABSORBD IN COST OF FAB-CR - - - - - - (1.07) (1.11) (1.80) (1.87)MATERIALS-RELATED EXPENSES 31.14 32.38 9.13 9.50 41.18 42.83 19.44 20.21 11.30 11.75REV.STAMPS ON RECPTS ISUED BY BOARD 0.01 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.00 0.00EXPENDITURE ON TRAINING TO STAFF. 1.39 1.45 1.51 1.57 2.18 2.27 1.16 1.21 2.37 2.46GENERAL EXPENSES 1.40 1.45 1.51 1.57 2.19 2.27 1.17 1.22 2.37 2.46TOTAL ADMINISTRATION & GENERAL EXPENSES 228.42 237.56 176.25 183.30 481.74 501.01 311.90 324.38 271.70 282.56

- 244 -

Palanpur Gondal Amreli Anjar Corporate Office TotalCircle2004-05(Prov.)












RENT (INCLUDING LEASE RENTALS) 2.08 2.17 1.27 1.32 4.63 4.82 0.77 0.80 2.79 2.90 14.69 15.27RATES & TAXES 12.03 12.51 21.29 22.15 11.99 12.47 7.67 7.97 - 100.00 169.06 275.82INSURANCE, INSPECTION CHARGES 13.62 14.16 21.40 22.26 18.79 19.55 10.79 11.23 13.16 13.69 159.57 165.95COMMUNICATION CHARGES 18.20 18.93 26.04 27.08 25.46 26.48 24.06 25.02 25.67 26.69 211.38 219.83LEGAL CHRGS - - 0.14 0.14 0.61 0.63 0.17 0.18 4.98 155.17 8.73 159.08AUDIT FEES - - - - - - - - 10.43 30.85 10.43 30.85CONSULTANCY FEES AND EXPENSES 0.00 0.00 0.09 0.10 0.09 0.09 0.53 0.55 70.52 73.34 71.28 74.13TECHNICAL FEES - - 0.43 0.44 0.85 0.89 0.76 0.79 0.93 0.97 6.62 6.89OTHER PROFESSIONAL CHARGES 0.17 0.17 2.48 2.58 0.10 0.10 0.98 1.02 13.98 14.54 26.09 27.14CONVEYANCE & TRAVELLING 75.63 78.65 112.71 117.22 113.96 118.52 118.10 122.83 34.10 35.46 946.44 984.30ADMIN EXPENSES INCURRED FORRESTORATION OF DAMAGES/FLOODS - - - - - - 1.41 1.47 - - 1.41 1.47


- - - - - - 15.30 15.91 - - 15.30 15.91

OTHER FEES & SUBSCRIPTIONS 0.01 0.01 8.91 9.26 0.00 0.00 - - 0.53 0.55 10.59 11.02BOOKS AND PRDICALS 0.13 0.14 1.36 1.41 0.30 0.32 0.00 0.00 0.55 0.57 3.77 3.92PRINTING & STATIONERY 5.45 5.67 11.15 11.59 12.75 13.26 10.84 11.28 44.09 45.85 118.14 122.87EXPENDITURE ON COMPUTER BILLING &EDP CHA 1.29 1.34 3.20 3.33 0.45 0.47 0.69 0.72 3.21 3.34 14.00 14.56

ADVT EXP.(OTHER THAN PURCHASERELATED) 0.65 0.68 2.24 2.33 1.64 1.70 4.42 4.59 6.38 6.63 17.93 18.65

ZEROX COPY CHARGES 1.23 1.28 2.03 2.11 1.15 1.19 1.80 1.87 0.09 0.09 13.08 13.60CONTRI.S & CHARITIES 0.00 0.00 0.05 0.05 - - 0.00 0.01 4.40 4.58 4.46 4.64ELECTRICITY CHRGS 92.26 95.95 77.81 80.92 66.33 68.98 42.46 44.16 - - 631.60 656.86WATER CHRGS 1.34 1.39 9.27 9.64 3.80 3.96 5.66 5.89 - - 69.60 72.39MAINTENANCE TO TREE PLANTATION 0.04 0.04 0.05 0.05 - - 0.05 0.05 0.00 0.00 0.63 0.66ENTERTAINMENT 0.09 0.10 0.08 0.08 0.33 0.34 0.01 0.01 0.57 0.59 2.61 2.72EXP. ON MEETINGS & CONFERENCE 0.04 0.05 0.10 0.11 - - 0.03 0.03 0.97 1.01 2.33 2.42GUEST HOUSE EXPENSES - - 0.03 0.04 - - - - 0.00 0.00 0.19 0.19MISCELLANEOUS EXPENSES 16.12 16.76 7.36 7.66 23.18 24.11 15.26 15.87 5.77 6.00 160.41 166.83

- 245 -

Palanpur Gondal Amreli Anjar Corporate Office TotalCircle2004-05(Prov.)












ADMINISTRATION EXPENSES 240.38 250.00 309.50 321.88 286.41 297.86 261.78 272.25 243.12 522.84 2,690.38 3,068.00FREIGHT 4.08 4.24 0.65 0.68 1.61 1.67 0.23 0.24 0.03 0.04 25.34 26.36OTHER PURCHASE RELATEDEXPENDITURE 11.58 12.04 14.28 14.85 9.69 10.08 23.10 24.02 8.03 8.35 145.21 151.02

FABRICATION CHRGS 3.77 3.92 1.67 1.74 1.32 1.37 4.68 4.86 (0.15) (0.15) 29.07 30.23FAB.CHGS ABSORBD IN COST OF FAB-CR (3.77) (3.92) (1.80) (1.87) (1.31) (1.37) (2.39) (2.48) - - (12.14) (12.62)MATERIALS-RELATED EXPENSES 15.65 16.28 14.81 15.40 11.31 11.76 25.62 26.65 7.91 8.23 187.49 194.99REV.STAMPS ON RECPTS ISUED BYBOARD 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.01 0.01 0.18 0.18 0.21 0.22

EXPENDITURE ON TRAINING TO STAFF. 1.34 1.40 2.64 2.74 1.15 1.19 0.11 0.11 13.84 14.40 27.68 28.79GENERAL EXPENSES 1.35 1.40 2.64 2.75 1.15 1.20 0.11 0.12 14.02 14.58 27.90 29.01TOTAL ADMINISTRATION & GENERALEXPENSES 257.38 267.68 326.94 340.02 298.87 310.82 287.51 299.01 265.05 545.65 2,905.77 3,292.00

Charges payable to PGCIL as ULDC Charges (Booked under Corporate Office Expenditure) : Rs. 1,536 LakhsHence Total A&G expenses for GETCO : Rs. 4,828 Lakhs


Sr.No Name of the Line / SS (Circlewise) District

(Within and around)

Qty. Estimated

Cost (Rs. Lacs)

1 2 3 4 5 6

Nadiad TR Circle

1 Lilo of 400 KV Asoj-Amreli at Chorania D/C Suredranagar 21.355 KM 641 EPC

2 66KV S/S Hirapura + Line Ahmedabad 1 No. 257 EPC

3 66KV S/S Tarnetar + Line S'nagar 1 No. 128 Non-EPC

4 66KV S/S Wadhwan + Line S'nagar 1 No. 128 Non-EPC

5 66KV S/S Raigadh + Line S'nagar 1 No. 128 Non-EPC

6 66KV S/S Kuha + Line Ahmedabad 1 No. 128 Non-EPC

7 66KV S/S Alindra + Line Kheda 1 No. 128 Non-EPC

8 66KV S/S Waghjipura + Line Ahmedabad 1 No. 128 Non-EPC

9 66KV S/S Ishwarnagar + Line Ahmedabad 1 No. 257 EPC

TOTAL (Nadiad Circle) 1924

Palanpur TR Circle

1 220KV Lilo of both CKT of Kansari-Tharad at Lakhani (2 x D/C) Banaskantha 12 Kms. 190 EPC

2 220KV Lakhani S/S - 100 MVA Banaskantha 1 No. 540 EPC

3 220KV Dhanera 2nd Trafo 100 MVA Banaskantha 1 No. 203 EPC

4 220KV Sankhari-Jangaral D/C Patan 30 Kms. 476 EPC

5 66KV S/S Vadia + Line B.K. 1 No. 257 EPC

6 66KV S/S Runi + Line B.K. 1 No. 128 Non-EPC

7 66KV S/S Didarada + Line B.K. 1 No. 128 Non-EPC

8 66KV S/S Vaktapur + Line (in place of Negala) B.K. 1 No. 128 Non-EPC

9 66KV S/S Kumbhasan + Line B.K. 1 No. 128 Non-EPC

10 66KV S/S Virampur + Line B.K. 1 No. 128 Non-EPC

Sr.No Name of the Line / SS (Circlewise) District

(Within and around)

Qty. Estimated

Cost (Rs. Lacs)

TOTAL (Palanpur Circle) 2307

Anjar TR Circle

1 220 KV S/S Akrimota-Pandhro- Kutch 30 Kms. 203 EPC

2 220KV Kukma S/S 100 MVA Kutch 1 No. 996 EPC

3 220KV Varsana S/S 100 MVA Kutch 1 No. 996 EPC

4 220KVLilo of Anjar- Panandhro both CKTs at Kukma 2 x D/C – D/C 5 Kms. Kutch 10 Kms. 159 Non-EPC

5 220KV Hot line stringing of 220 KV Morbi-Chitrod S/C Kutch 73 Kms. 321 Non-EPC

6 66KV S/S Mundra Indl. (Adani Port) + Line

Kutch * (INDL) 1 No. 128 Non-EPC

7 66KV S/S Mokha + Line Kutch 1 No. 128 Non-EPC

8 66KV S/S Mothala + Line Kutch 1 No. 128 Non-EPC

TOTAL (Anjar Circle) 3058

Bharuch TR Circle

1 220KV Lilo of Vav – Zaghadia at Kosamba D/C

Surat * (URB) 10 Kms. 159 Non-EPC

2 220KV GSEG (Hazira) - Kosamba D/C

Surat * (URB) 10 Kms. 1031 Non-EPC

3220KV Multi CKT line from Ichhapur to Lilo point of GSEG - Kosamba 2 x D/C 3 Kms.

Surat 6 Kms. 95 Non-EPC

4 66KV S/S Areth (Naugam) + Line Surat 1 No. 257 EPC

5 66KV S/S Umarpada + Line Surat 1 No. 257 EPC

6 66KV S/S Muler + Line Bharuch 1 No. 128 Non-EPC

7 66KV S/S Bhensali + Line Bharuch 1 No. 128 Non-EPC

TOTAL (Bharuch Circle) 2055

Navsari TR Circle

1 220KV Lilo of 2nd CKT of Ukai-Vav at Bardoli Mota Surat 5 Kms. 80 Non-EPC

Sr.No Name of the Line / SS (Circlewise) District

(Within and around)

Qty. Estimated

Cost (Rs. Lacs)

2 66KV S/S Tankal + Line Navsari 1 No. 257 EPC

3 66KV S/S Bamaniya + Line Surat 1 No. 257 EPC

4 66KV S/S Chhala + Line Valsad 1 No. 257 EPC

TOTAL (Navsari Circle) 849

Mehsana TR Circle

1 220KV Ranchhodpura- Jotana (Mitha) Mehsana 48 Kms. 473 EPC

2 66KV S/S Unava + Line Mehsana 1 No. 128 Non-EPC

3 66KV S/S Samlaji + Line S.K. 1 No. 257 EPC

TOTAL (Mehsana Circle) 857

Gondal TR Circle

1 66KV S/S Khareda + Line Rajkot 1 No. 128 Non-EPC

2 66KV S/S Mitoda (Lodhika GIDC) + Line Rajkot 1 No. 128 Non-EPC

3 66KV S/S Raiyadhar + Line Rajkot 1 No. 128 Non-EPC

4 66KV S/S Nilkanth + Line Rajkot 1 No. 128 Non-EPC

5 66KV S/S Kagddi + Line Rajkot 1 No. 128 Non-EPC

666KV S/S Pipli (Mahendranagar) against Gauridad) + Line

Rajkot 1 No. 257 EPC

7 66KV S/S Pipartoda + Line Jamnagar 1 No. 257 EPC

8 66KV S/S Rameshwarnagar + Line Jamnagar 1 No. 257 EPC

TOTAL (Gondal Circle) 1411

Amreli TR Circle

1 66KV S/S Ganga-Jalia Talav. + Line Bhavnagar 1 No. 128 Non-EPC

2 66KV S/S Kalatalav + Line Bhavnagar 1 No. 128 Non-EPC

3 66KV S/S Thadach + Line Bhavnagar 1 No. 257 EPC

Sr.No Name of the Line / SS (Circlewise) District

(Within and around)

Qty. Estimated

Cost (Rs. Lacs)

4 66KV S/S Haliyad + Line Amreli 1 No. 257 EPC

TOTAL (Amreli Circle) 770

Junagadh TR Circle

1 66KV S/S Bhetali (in place of Veraval GIDC) + Line Junagadh 1 No. 128 Non-EPC

2 66KV S/S Kukaswada + Line Junagadh 1 No. 128 Non-EPC

TOTAL (Junagadh Circle) 257

Jambuva TR Circle

1 66KV S/S Bodka (Handod) + Line Baroda 1 No. 128 Non-EPC

2 66KV S/S Samiyala + Line Baroda 1 No. 128 Non-EPC

3 66KV S/S Boriavi (Jol) + Line Anand 1 No. 128 Non-EPC

4 66KV S/S Mujpur (Padra) + Line Baroda 1 No. 128 Non-EPC

TOTAL (Jambuva Circle) 513



(Rs. Lakhs) Sr. No. Particulars 2005-06

Incomea Revenue from Transmission of Power 65,2859

b Revenue from Subsidy & Grants -c Other Income 1,45410

d Total Income (a+b+c) 66,739

Expensese Repairs & Maintenance 3,009f Employee Costs 20,626g Admin & General Expenses 4,828h Less: Capitalised Expenses 670i Total Expenses (e+f+g-h) 27,793

j PBDIT (d-i) 38,946k Interest & financial Charges 17,482l Less: Capitalised Interest 727

m Depreciation 22,570n PBT (j-k+l-m) (379)o Other Expenses 307p Taxation11 q Profit after Tax (PAT) (n-o-p) (686)

9 The Revenue is considered as per the charges finalized in the TSA. The same may change after the ARR is finalized by the GERC. The same is also excluding the Return on Equity which are been claimed in the ARR being filed by GETCO. The returns if allowed will amount to Rs. 279 Crores. 10 Other income is assumed to increase by 5% over the previous year. 11 Tax computation has not be done as the same will depend upon the revenue that will be earned by GETCO and returns if any allowed by the Commission.


APDRP and Tribal Projects In addition to the above, certain investments are proposed to be undertaken under the APDRP and the Tribal Programme (TASP12). The details of the same are depicted in the following tables:

Approved and Proposed Projects under APDRP for FY2005-06

Sr. No. Transmission Schemes Units Cost (Rs.


1 Providing Static Meters on Feeders 800 Set 1 2 Establishment on New S/S and Lines

- 66 KV Sub Stations 5 nos 16 - 66 KV Lines 241.9 KM 7

3 R & M of 66 KV Sub Stations and Lines - R&M - 66 KV Sub Stations 209 nos 21 - R&M - 66 KV Lines 69 KM 5

4 Additional Sanction - 66 KV Sub Stations 4 nos 10

PROPOSED PROJECTS 5 Baroda (O&M) Circle 1 2 6 Porbandar Circle 2 4 7 Amreli Circle 2 4

Total 69

12 TASP - Tribal Area Sub Plan, is a scheme for development of tribal areas managed by Ministry of Tribal Affairs, Government of India. The grants are routed through the state government.

Approved Projects under TASP for FY2005-06


Transmission Schemes Cost (Rs. Crores)

1 Sub Stations 220 KV - 1 nos 66 KV - 11 nos


2 Transmission Lines - 100 CKM 6.00 3 System Improvement Link Line Cap Bank Augmentation 7.40

Total 26.00

The above projects are to be undertaken during the FY 2005-06. These are the balance projects out of the 10th Five-year Plan under Tribal Area Sub-Plan

(TASP). GETCO has further proposed projects for the period FY2006-07 to FY 2009-10 of the tune of Rs.26.00 Crores per year under the TASP scheme.

Manual 14

For details available in electronic form for


kindly visit our site

Manual 15

For obtaining the information of GETCO Manual

which shall be available in library for reading

Kindly visit the library of GUVNL at

1st Floor Sardar Patel Vidyut Bhavan Vadodara during the working hours from

10.30 a.m to 6.10 p.m on week days

for reading the manuals.

Manual 16

Names of Public Information Officer (PIO)

and Assitant Public Information Officer (APIO)


" Save Energy for Benefit of self and Nation "

G\PH[8SMq TFP v)v_5


lJQFI o ZF.8 8] .gD["XG V[S8vZ__5 V\TU"T HFC[Z DFlCTL VlWSFZL s Public Information Officer f GL lGD6}\S V\U[P


VlWSFZLGL lGD6}\S HFC[Z DFlCTL VlWSFZL s Public Information Officer f TZLS[








" Save Energy for Benefit of self and Nation "


lJQFI o ZF.8 8] .gD["XG V[S8vZ__5 V\TU"T DNNGLX HFC[Z DFlCTL VlWSFZL s Assistant Public Information Officer f GL lGD6}\S V\U[P EFZT ;ZSFZGF DFlCTL VlWSFZ VlWlGID v Z__5 GL S,D s5f D]HA GLR[ NXF"J[, VlWSFZLGL lGD6}\S DNNGLX HFC[Z DFlCTL VlWSFZL sAssistant Public Information Officer f TZLS[ SZJFDF\ VFJ[ K[P



!P zL ALP H[P 58[, 0[P HGZ, D[G[HZ s5LV[g0VF.VFZf







" Save Energy for Benefit of self and Nation "


lJQFI o ZF.8 8] .gD["XG V[S8vZ__5 V\TU"T V5L,[8 VMYMZL8LGL lGD6}\S V\U[P











G\PH[8SMq TFP v)v_5


EFZT ;ZSFZGF DFlCTL VlWSFZ VlWlGID v Z__5 GL S,D s5f VgJI[ 5F,G5]Z 5|JCG JT]"/ SR[ZL T[DH T[GF TFAF C[9/ VFJTL TDFD SR[ZLVM q ;A:8[XGMDF\ OZH AHFJTF GLR[ NXF"J[, VlWSFZLVM q SD"RFZLVMGL4 V[5[,[8 VMYMZL8L sAppellate Authorityf4 HFC[Z DFlCTL VlWSFZL sPublic Information Officerf4 DNNGLX HFC[Z DFlCTL VlWSFZL s Assistant Public Information Officer f TZLS[ lGD6}\S SZJFDF\ VFJ[ K[P

Appellate Authority

5F,G5]Z s5|f ;S", V[;P S[P DM- VlW1FS .HG[Z Name of Unit Name of public Information Officer(PIO)

Name of Assistance Public Information Officer.(APIO)

1 GETCO,Circle office.Palanpur. JLP 5LP 5ZDFZ4 GF.P

B.K.Patel DE(Tech-2) R.D. Solanki (A.S.)

2 Division Office Palanpur TR Division


L.B. Panchal DE(T) R.G. Brahmbhatt Dy.SA

3 Division Office Patan TR Division

Shri D.J.Vyas I/C EE D.J. Vyas DE(T) B.A. Thakkar Dy.SA

4 Division Office Deesa TR Division

Shri V.K.Mevada EE M.G. Parmar DE(T) C.D. Swami Dy. SA

5 Division Office Deodar TR Division

Shri K.T. Sheth EE J.R. Joraviya DE(T) S.J. Joshi Dy SA

6 Division Office Tharad TR Division

Shri B.R. Patel EE M.K. Thakore DE(T) K.K. . Solanki (Dy.S.A..)

7 Division Office Kheralu TR Division

Shri G.B. Patel EE G.D. Chaudhary DE(T) ,

8 Division Office Kansari TR Division

Shri M.B. Patel EE R.B. . Patel D. E(T) A.S. Patel JE (T)

9 Division Office Deesa const Division

Shri V.C. Patel EE P.N. Chauhan DE(T) , M.N. Patel Dy.SA

10 Sub-Division Office Deesa const

M.G. Panchal DE K.S. Patel JE, H.K. Joshi I/C Sr. Asstt.

11 Sub-Division Office Palanpur const

N.K. Rathod DE D.K. Patel JE, J.C. Patel Sr.Asstt.

12 Sub-Division Office Deodar const

R.V. Suthar I/C DE ……

13 Sub-Division Office Radhanpur const

M.G. Panchal I/C DE G.H. Barot I/C Sr.Asstt.

14 Sub-Division Office Deesa Civil C.B. Patel DE

N.J. Patel JE , H.K. Joshi Sr.Asstt.

15 Sub-Division Office Kansari Civil H.B. Singh DE

K.K. Karnavat JE , N.N. Patel Sr.Asstt.


16 Sub-Division Office Radhanpur Civil G.P.Dabhi DE

B.M. Parmar JE , G.H. Barot Sr. Asstt.

17 Independent S/S Incharge. 18 220 Kv Palanpur P.P.Mevada JE K.A. Modi JE 19 66 Kv Kanodar A. Chakravarti JE B.P.Parikh SBO 20 66 Kv Chandisar A. Chakravarti JE B.H. Patel SBO 21 66 Kv Basu A. Chakravarti JE K.B. Parmar SBO 22 66 Kv Palanpur-1 A. Chakravarti JE B.N. Bhavsar AO 23 66 Kv Gadh A. Chakravarti JE G.P.Prajapati AO 24 66 Kv Dantivada S.D. Modh JE J.A.Agevan SBO 25 66 Kv Jegol S.D. Modh JE M.M. Patel SBO 26 66 Kv Iqbalgadh S.D. Modh JE C.H. Patel SBO 27 66 Kv Amirgadh S.D. Modh JE K.M. Patel SBO 28 66 Kv Malan A. Chakravarti JE A.K. Patel SBO 29 66 Kv Palanpur-II S.D. Modh JE N.C. Solanki SBO 30 66 Kv Lalavada S.D. Modh JE N.R. Gupta SBO 31 66 Kv Hebatpur S.D. Modh JE B.R. Rana SBO 32 66 Kv Vadgam M.S. Mevada JE R.J. Patel SBO 33 66 Kv Jalotra M.S. Mevada JE B.R. PrajapatI SBO 34 66 Kv Danta M.S. Mevada JE K.J. Bhagora SBO 35 66 Kv Ambaji M.S. Mevada JE D.K. Brahmabhatt SBO 36 66 Kv Panchada M.S. Mevada JE A.K. Modh SBO 37 220KV JANGRAL B.P.Joshi JE R.J. Trivedi Po-I 38 132KV DEESA H.P.ChauhanDE K.G. Patel JE K.B. Vankar PO-I 39 66KV JANGRAL H.S. Patel JE N.J. Barot SBO 40 66KV SAMAU H.S. Patel JE S.N.Patel SBO 41 66KV SAMSHERPURA H.P.ChauhanDE B.B. Patel SBO 42 66KV MOTAKAPRA H.P.ChauhanDE R.B. Bhavsar SBO 43 66KV BHILDI K.G. Patel JE V.I. Patel AO 44 66KV SHERGADH H.P.ChauhanDE B.A. Parmar SBO 45 66KV LORWADA K.G. Patel JE P.A. Patel SBO 46 66KV ZERDA M.G. Parmar DE N.T. Rajput AO 47 66KV NANAMEDA K.G. Patel JE S.S, Solanki SBO 48 66KV PANTHAWADA K.G. Patel JE S.R. Patel SBO 49 66KV KHIMAT K.G. Patel JE S.J.Patel SBO 50 66KV BAIWADA M.G.Parmar DE B.A. Parmar SBO 51 66KV VITHODAR K.G. Patel JE S.G. Pathan SBO 52 66KV RAMUN K.G. Patel JE S.C. Patel SBO 53 66KV MANEKPURA H.S. Patel JE U.D. Parmar SBO 54 66KV RANPUR H.S. Patel JE S.P.Prajapati SBO 55 66KV DEVSARI H.P.Chauhan DE M.A. Gosai SBO 56 220KV SANKHARI V.A. Patel DE R.K.Parmar PO-I 57 132KV PATAN A.P.Patel DE A.N.Patel PO-I 58 66KV BALISANA R.H. Patel JE B.K. Patel AO 59 66KV CHANASMA P.B. Patel JE V.S. Sukla AO 60 66KV HARIJ P.J. Patel JE P.P.Rami SBO 61 66KV KANSA R.H. Patel JE A.J. Patel SBO 62 66KV MANUND N.V. Patel JE P.C. Patel SBO 63 66KV ADIYA A.P.Patel DE V.K.Patel SBO 64 66KV KAMBOI P.B. Patel JE V.B. Patel SBO 65 66KV SAMI P.J. Patel JE J.D. Kureshi SBO 66 66KV SANKHESWAR P.J. Patel JE R.S. Patel SBO


67 66KV ANAWADA N.V. Patel JE A.S.Prajapati SBO 68 66KV DUNAWADA N.V. Patel JE P.C. Patel SBO 69 66KV ANGANWADA R.H. Patel JE B.K. Patel SBO 70 66KV KIMBUVA N.V. Patel JE B.S. Patel SBO 71 66KV BHADRADA P.J. Patel JE M.B. Patel SBO 72 66KV KAMLIWADA A.P.Patel DE U.V. Tamle SBO 73 66KV MUJPUR P.J. Patel JE D.S. Patel SBO 74 66KV RAJPUR N.V. Patel JE M.J. Pandya SBO 75 66KV KESHNI P.B. Patel JE A.V. Prajapati SBO 76 220 KV KHERALU Y.R. Dharkhad DE P.C. Patel PO-I 77 132KV SIDHPUR M.S. Mevada JE M.K. Chauhan PO-I 78 66KV KAKOSHI M.S. Mevada JE V.H. Patel SBO 79 66KV KAHODA M.S. Mevada JE S.P.Patel SBO 80 66KV UNJHA R.A. Patel JE S.G. Makvana AO 81 66KV KHERALU B.V. Chaudhary JE H.M. Parmar AO 82 66KV SATLASANA B.V. Chaudhary JE H.K. Jaysval SBO 83 66KV KARLI R.A. Patel JE B.G. Thakore SBO 84 66KV KHALI R.A. Patel JE V.D. Patel SBO 85 66KV CHHAPI M.S. Mevada JE S.H. Chaudhary SBO 86 66KV GIDASAN R.G. Patel JE V.M. Oza SBO 87 66KV KODRAM R.G. Patel JE N.S. Prajapati SBO 88 66KV VADNAGAR B.S. Patel JE B.A. Patel SBO 89 66KV UMTA B.S. Patel JE V.M. Solanki SBO 90 66KV KHANPUR Y.R. Dharkhad DE H.K. Nayak SBO 91 66KV VARETHA R.G. Patel JE R.G. Rathod SBO 92 66 KV MANDALI Y.R. Dharkhad DE A.K. Oza SBO 93 66KV DASAJ B.S. Patel JE R.B. Patel SBO 94 220KV THARAD V.V. Kulkarni DE R.S. Makvana PO-I 95 66KV THARAD J.N. Chaudhary JE P.S. Bhavsar SBO 96 66KV JALOYA ………..Do……… B.N. Patel SBO 97 66KV TADAV ………..Do……… S.D. Thakore SBO 98 66KV MERA ………..Do……… A.A. Patel SBO 99 66KV TITHGAM ………..Do……… A.K. Kharadi SBO 100 66KV BHABHAR ………..Do……… S.V. Patel SBO 101 66KV DHANERA N.B. Padhiyar JE R.K. Baleva SBO 102 66KV JADIYA ………. Do…………... L.N. Parmar SBO 103 66KV LAWARA ………. Do…………... D.K. Sadhu SBO 104 66KV ASODAR ………. Do…………... A.J. Patel SBO 105 66KV PILUDA ………. Do…………... R.S. Bhagora SBO 106 66KV RAH ………. Do…………... T.M. Solanki SBO 107 66KV JADIYALI ………. Do…………... P.M. Patel SBO 108 66KV KOTADA ( D ) V.V. Kulkarni DE A.B. Pathan SBO 109 66KV LAKHANI ………. Do…………... A.A. Raval SBO 110 66KV KUVANA ………. Do…………... A.M. Modi SBO 111 66KV MITHIPALDI M.K.Thakore DE B.P.Patel SBO 112 66KV AGTHALA ………. Do…………... A.H. Parmar SBO 113 66 KV MAKHANU ………. Do…………... A.S. Baranda. 114 220KV DEODAR R.P.Varma DE M.P.Prajapati JE 115 220 Kv Radhan pur R.K. Patel DE Smt S.H. Salvi JE 116 66KV DEODAR K.A. Kulkarni JE P.M. Parmar A.O. 117 66KV SHIHORI R.P.Varma DE A.A. Paramar SBO 118 66KV THARA H.V. Shah JE A.K. Patel LM


119 66KV KHODA K.A. Kulkarni JE K.S. Patel SBO 120 66KV VARAHI R.K. Patel DE A.B. Patel SBO 121 66KV KOTADA(F) K.A. Kulkarni JE K>J. Nayak SBO 122 66KV SANTALPUR R.K. Patel DE P.D. Patel SBO 123 66KV TERWADA H.V. Shah JE N.R. Patel SBO 124 66KV KAMBOI(F) R.P.Varma DE M.P.Bariya SBO 125 66KV DUNGRASAN R.P.Varma DE A.I.Patel SBO 126 66KV UN H.V. Shah JE P.J. Gamit SBO 127 66KV PADARDI K.A. Kulkarni JE J.P.Patel SBO 128 66KV DAHISAR R.K. Patel DE A.G. Bhagora SBO 129 66KV ARNIWADA R.P.Varma DE H.P.Patel SBO 130 66KV RADHANPUR R.K. Patel DE V.B. Podhirda LM 131 66KV RAIYA K.A. Kulkarni JE B.P.Patel SBO







EFZT ;ZSFZGF DFlCTL VlWSFZ VlWlGID v Z__5 GL S,D s5f VgJI[ HF\A]JF 5|JCG JT]"/ SR[ZL T[DH T[GF TFAF C[9/ VFJTL TDFD SR[ZLVM q ;A:8[XGMDF\ OZH AHFJTF GLR[ NXF"J[, VlWSFZLVM q SD"RFZLVMGL4 V[5[,[8 VMYMZL8L sAppellate Authorityf4 HFC[Z DFlCTL VlWSFZL sPublic Information Officerf4 DNNGLX HFC[Z DFlCTL VlWSFZL s Assistant Public Information Officer fTZLS[ lGD6}\S SZJFDF\ VFJ[ K[P

Appellate Authority

JAMBUVA TR CO Shri K.B.Bhatt S. E (TR)

Sr. No. Name of Unit Name of Public Information Officer (PIO)

Name of Asstt. Public Information Officer (APIO)

Division Jambuva Const.Division

1 Sub-Division Gotri Civil Sub-Divn Shri S.S. Shah, DE Shri P.P. Shah, JE Shri S.R. Thakkar, Sr.Asstt

Godhra Civil Sub-Divn Shri A.K.Rajbhoi, DE Shri B.V.Joshi, JE Shri P.K.Dutta, JE

Godhra Const. Sub-Divn. Shri P.R.Patelia, DE Shri D.N.Shah, JE Shri J.P. Joshi, Jr.Asstt.

Asoj Const. Sub-Divn. Shri V.G. Paradkar, DE Shri P.R. Bhavsar, JE Shri M.J. Bhatt, Sr. Asstt.

2 Independent S/S Incharge

JAMBUVA TRANS.DIVN.220KV Jambuva s/s Shri B.R. Shah , DE Shri A.J.Shah, DE

Shri R.H.Mengar, P.O.I 220KV Waghodia s/s Shri S.B.Vyas, DE Shri A.P.Shah, JE

Shri C.T.Patel, P.O.I GOTRI TRANS.DIVN.132KV Gotri s/s Shri N.M. Pandya, De Shri G.R. Pancholi, JE

Shri J.M. Thakkar, JE 220KV Gavasad s/s Shri V.N.Shah, DE Shri B.A.Waghela, JE

Shri V.R.Thakkar, P.O.I 66KV Padra s/s Shri P.K.Dave, JE Shri B.S.Talavia, AO

Shri B.K.Panchal, AO GODHRA TRANS.DIVN.220KV Godhra s/s Shri A.J.Amin, DE Shri J.M.Baria, JE

Shri D.L.Amin, P.O.I 220KV Chandrapura s/s Shri A.J.Amin, DE Shri S.V.Rajpura, JE


Shri B.C.Patel, P.O.I 132KV Dahod s/s Shri S.K.Saraiya, DE Shri S.B.Desai, P.O.I

Shri S.B.Patel, Line Inspector

66KV Timba s/s Shri K.M.Hathi,JE Shri V.L.Patel, SBO Shri B.N.Baria, SBO

BODELI TRANS.DIVN.132KV Tilakwada s/s Shri D.R.Ray, DE Shri R.H.Solanki, P.O.I

Shri M.G.Padvi, A.O. 132KV Vasedi s/s Shri H.R.Parmar, DE Shri P.N.Rathwa, AO

Shri C.K.Rathwa, AO 66KV Kawant s/s Shri M.G.Rathwa, JE Shri V.B.Rathwa, SBO

Shri B.M.Rathwa, SBO KARAMSAD TRANS.DIVN.220KV Karamsad s/s Shri G.S.Patel, DE Shri D.G.Jadhav, DE

Shri P.V.Patel, P.O.I 132KV Undel s/s Shri Y.A.Patel, DE Shri J.K.Shah, JE

Shri J.S.Chauhan, JE 66KV Anand s/s Shri S.V.Patel, DE Shri G.V.Patel, JE

Shri R.J.Patel, Line Inspector

66KV Mogar s/s Shri M.K.Jani, JE Shri N.J.Baria, SBO Shri M.V.Vohra, SBO

66KV Gopalpura s/s Shri G.V.Patel, JE Shri P.M.Rathod, SBO Shri H.S.Dave, Helper

KOYALI TRANS.DIVN.132KV Nandesari s/s Shri S.H.Trivedi, I/C DE Shri A.S.Sheth, JE

Shri B.B.Pandya, JE 132KV Fertilizernagar s/s Shri R.N. Desai Shri S.R.Josheph, P.O.I

Shri K.B.Vala, P.O.I 132KV Jawaharnagar s/s Shri S.V. Tailor, DE Shri A.V. Mohile, JE

Shri N.D.Parmar, P.O.I 132KV Manjusar s/s Shri J.J. Vania, DE Shri A.M.Holia, JE

Shri S.K.Patel, P.O.I 66KV Koyali s/s Shri J.H.Gajjar, DE Shri S.R.Pandya,AO

Shri D.R.Patel, AO 66KV Ranoli s/s Shri S.H.Trivedi, JE Shri D.B.Chauhan, SBO

Shri R.V.Rathwa, SBO 66KV Tundav s/s Shri J.M.Shah, JE Shri C.P.Patel, SBO

Shri B.D.Patel, SBO 400KV KASOR TR DIVN.400KV Kasor s/s Shri N.S. Panchal, EE Shri C.R.Jog, DE

Shri B.C.Panchal, JE 400KV ASOJ TR DIVN.

400KV Asoj s/s Shri P.O.Kulshreshtha,EE

Shri M.U.Swadia, DE

Shri D.J.Patel, DE

3Incharge of Group

of S/S JAMBUVA TRANS.DIVN.66KV Khatamba s/s Shri S.B.Vyas, DE Shri R.K.Patel, SBO

Shri B.C.Solanki, Lineman


66KV Dabhoi s/s Shri M.L.Vasava, JE Shri J.K.Tadvi, AO Shri A.M.Tadvi, AO

66KV Karvan s/s Shri M.L.Vasava, JE Shri A.G.Patel, SBO Shri D.M.Tadvi, SBO

66KV Tarsali s/s Shri R.J.Patel, JE Shri C.P.Pandya, AO Shri M.G.Soni, AO

66KV Makarpura s/s Shri R.J.Patel, JE Shri D.D.Bapat, AO Shri N.L.Patel, AO

66KV Motibaug s/s Shri U.J.Bhavsar, JE Shri M.R.Bodana, SBO Shri R.B.Solanki, Lineman

66KV Gajrawadi s/s Shri U.J.Bhavsar, JE Shri A.D.Jamdar, SBO Shri H.V.Trivedi, SBO

66KV Indrapuri s/s Shri V.S.Bidkar, JE Shri R.A.Patel, AO Shri F.R.Rajput, Lineman

66KV Harni s/s Shri V.S.Bidkar, JE Shri G.H.Zala, SBO Shri S.M.Machhi, SBO

GOTRI TRANS.DIVN.132KV Karjan s/s Shri J.M.Parmar, DE Shri P.N.Mengar, P.O.I

Shri A.M.Patel, P.O.I 66KV Kashipura s/s Shri J.M.Parmar, DE Shri G.K.Prajapati, SBO

Shri R.A.Panchal, SBO 66KV Vidyutnagar s/s Shri B.R. Gohil, DE Shri K.C.Bhoi, JE

Shri K.M.Devda, AO 66KV Atladra s/s Shri B.R. Gohil, DE Shri H.M.Patel, AO

Shri M.H.Patel, Lineman 66KV Mobha s/s Shri S.J.Trivedi, JE Shri K.N.Kadam, SBO

Shri T.R.Baria, SBO 66KV Karakhadi s/s Shri S.J.Trivedi, JE Shri P.S.Jethwa, SBO

Shri M.H.Parmar, SBO 66KV Masar Road s/s Shri S.J.Trivedi, JE Shri R.M.Garasia, SBO

Shri P.M.Patel, SBO 66KV Subhanpura s/s Shri P.J.Kapadia, JE Shri P.D.Chauhan, AO

Shri B.C.Vasava, AO 66KV Gorwa s/s Shri P.J.Kapadia, JE Shri B.A.Gandhi, SBO

Shri P.C.Amin, SBO 66KV Chhani A s/s Shri K.B.Tadvi, JE Shri M.R.Patel, AO

Shri D.D.Mistry, Lineman

66KV Chhani B s/s Shri K.B.Tadvi, JE Shri D.R.Patel, SBO Shri A.A.Patel, ALM

GODHRA TRANS.DIVN.66KV Zalod s/s Shri D.H.Bhagat, JE Shri J.R.Patel, SBO

Shri S.V.Patelia, SBO 66KV Devgadh Baria s/s Shri D.H.Bhagat, JE Shri P.B.Parikh, SBO

Shri H.J.Baria, SBO 66KV Limkheda s/s Shri D.H.Bhagat, JE Shri C.S.Patel, SBO

Shri V.S.Baria, Lineman 66KV Kharedi s/s Shri D.H.Bhagat, JE Shri K.V.Baria, SBO

Shri S.A.Shaikh, SBO 66KV Santroad s/s Shri J.N.Baria, JE Shri R.N.Patel, SBO

Shri B.H.Baria, Lineman


66KV Jafrabad s/s Shri J.N.Baria, JE Shri V.L.Patel, SBO Shri S.N.Baria, SBO

66KV Lunawada s/s Shri M.J.Joshi, JE Shri J.K.Patel, SBO Shri H.S.Patel, SBO

66KV Sahera s/s Shri M.J.Joshi, JE Shri B.D.Patel, SBO Shri M.R.Baria, SBO

66KV Motakhanpur s/s Shri M.J.Joshi, JE Shri V.R.Chauhan, SBO Shri V.B.Thakor, SBO

66KV Kothamba s/s Shri M.J.Joshi, JE Shri C.M.Patel, SBO Shri L.M.Damor, SBO

66KV Santrampur s/s Shri J.K.Malvi, JE Shri D.S.Patel, SBO Shri D.M.Munia, Sbo

33KV Kadana s/s Shri J.K.Malvi, JE Shri V.V.Garasia, ALM Shri V.G.Bhavsar, Helper

66KV Kalol s/s Shri R.H.Kahar, JE Shri N.K.Ganaswa, AO Shri K.D.Bamania, AO

66KV Vejalpur s/s Shri R.H.Kahar, JE Shri S.P.Shikari, SBO Shri R.J.Bamania, SBO

66KV Halol GIDC Shri R.R.Baria, JE Shri B.R.Shah, SBO Shri G.V.Patel, SBO

66KV Khakharia s/s Shri R.R.Baria, JE Shri P.R.Baria, SBO Shri P.G.Baria, Lineman

BODELI TRANS.DIVN.66KV Chandod s/s Shri N.R.Patel, JE Shri N.S.Rathod, SBO

Shri A.S.Tadvi, Lineman 66KV Shinor s/s Shri N.R.Patel, JE Shri J.N.Vasava, SBO

Shri S.L.Vasava, Lineman

66KV Sadhli s/s Shri N.R.Patel, JE Shri I.B.Nai, SBO Shri G.J.Tadvi, SBO

66KV Shivrajpur s/s Shri A.H.Prajapati, JE Shri A.C.Patel, SBO Shri V.K.Rathwa, SBO

66KV Ghoghamba s/s Shri A.H.Prajapati, JE Shri R.B.Patel,SBO Shri D.D.Pael, Lineman

66KV Sankheda s/s Shri A.H.Prajapati, JE Shri P.C.Chavda, SBO Shri R.D.Nayaka, SBO

66KV Pavi Jetpur s/s Shri A.H.Prajapati, JE Shri I.B.Rathwa, Sbo Shri T.N.Tadvi, Lineman

66KV Bodeli s/s Shri A.H.Prajapati, JE Shri B.J.Patel, SBO Shri N.C.Rathwa, Lineman

66KV Koshindra s/s Shri S.H.Pandya, JE Shri R.K.Rathwa, SBO Shri D.R.Rathod, SBO

66KV Naswadi s/s Shri S.H.Pandya, JE Shri R.S.Pancholi, SBO Shri P.C.Tadvi, SBO

66KV Navagam s/s Shri S.H.Pandya, JE Shri P.B.Patel, AO Shri D.G.Rathwa, Lineman

KARAMSAD TR.DIVN.132KV Ode s/s Shri R.G.Tale, I/C DE Shri R.C.Chauhan, P.O.I

Shri R.M.Chauhan, Helper


66KV Vasad s/s Shri R.G.Tale, JE Shri J.S.Barot, SBO Shri P.G.Solanki, SBO

66KV V.V.Nagar s/s Shri V.D.Ganatra, JE Shri P.C.Waghela, SBO Shri P.C.Vasava, SBO

66KV V.U.Nagar s/s Shri V.D.Ganatra, JE Shri V.D.Parekh, SBO Shri K.P.Patel, SBO

66KV Cambay s/s Shri R.J.Kachhia, JE Shri S.V.Solanki, SBO Shri D.S.Prajapati, Helper

66KV Neja s/s Shri R.J.Kachhia, JE Shri A.A. Baria, SBO Shri J.B.Solanki, Helper

66KV Borsad s/s Shri A.A.Joshi, JE Shri P.S.Prajapati, SBO Shri G.B.Makwana, SBO

66KV Anklav s/s Shri A.A.Joshi, JE Shri M.D.Patel, SBO Shri K.R. Mekwan, SBO

66KV Ras s/s Shri A.A.Joshi, JE Shri R.M.Bajania, SBO Shri R.D.Parmar, SBO

66KV Petlad s/s Shri R.B.Mistry, JE Shri S.N.Patel, AO Shri H.U.Malek, Helper

66KV Nar s/s Shri R.B.Mistry, JE Shri N.F.Rathwa, SBO Shri K.C.Patel, Helper

66KV Virsad s/s Shri R.B.Mistry, JE Shri R.D.Sindha, SBO Shri H.L.Kachhia, Helper

KOYALI TRANS.DIVN.66KV Nandesari s/s Shri S.L.Dabhi, JE Shri J.S.Joshi, SBO

Shri H.M.Patel, Lineman 66KV Rania s/s Shri S.L.Dabhi, JE Shri B.S.Vasava, SBO

Shri B.B.Dabhi, Lineman66KV Savli s/s Shri H.P.Sheth, JE Shri A.B.Patel, SBO

Shri L.A.Bamania, SBO 66KV Desar s/s Shri H.P.Sheth, JE Shri R.K.Baira, SBO

Shri H.H.Vasava, Lineman

66KV Jarod s/s Shri C.A.Makwana, JE Shri U.P.Patel, SBO Shri M.C.Brahmbhatt, SBO

66KV Baska s/s Shri C.A.Makwana, JE Shri K.B.Baria, SBO Shri B.P.Baria, Lineman

4 Division Office Jambuva Const.Division Shri L.N. Pandya, EE Shri U.B.Mistry, DE Smt.L.G.Bhatt, I/C Supdt(A/c)

Jambuva Trans.Division Shri C.A. Patel, I/C EE Shri M.A.Dave, DE Shri D.R.Pandya, Dy.Sup(A/c)

Hotline Crew, Jambuva Tr.Dn Shri R.M.Tapodhan, DE

Shri M.M.Mandanka, JE

Shri N.B.Patanwadia, Lineman

SMS Crew, Jambuva Tr.Dn. Shri S.A. Patel, DE

Shri J.V.Patel, JE

Shri P.R.Bodana, Electrician


Gotri Trans. Division Shri R.K.Shah, EE Shri P.T.Patel, DE Smt. N.P.Gandhi, Dy.Sup(A/c)

L.M.T.C. Gotri Tr. Divn. Shri J.B.Oza, DE Shri D.C.Dabhi, JE Shri V.H.Patel, P.O.I

Testing Gotri Tr. Divn. Shri A.M.Shukla, EE Shri D.J.Shah, DE Shri R.M.Athawale, Sr.Tech.

PLCC, Gotri Trans.Divn. Shri K.C.Patel, EE Shri M.G.Gadhavi, DE Shri N.N.Dhake, P.O.I

Godhra Trans. Division Shri A.F.Lokhandwala, EE

Shri D.B.Joshi, DE

Shri A.N.Soni, Dy.Sup(A/c)

Bodeli Trans. Division Shri M.G.Pawar, EE Shri H.R.Parmar, DE Shri H.S.Zala, Dy.Sup.(A/c)

Karamsad Trans. Divn. Shri J.F.Patel, EE Shri R.P.Waghela, DE Shri N.S.Desai, Dy.Sup(A/cs)

Koyali Trans. Division Shri D.K.Patel, EE Shri J.H.Gajjar, DE Shri G.S.Sheth, Sr.Asstt.

Kasor Trans. Division. Shri N.S.Panchal, EE Shri P.B.Shah, DE Shri N.D.Shah, Dy.Sup(A/c)

Asoj Trans. Division Shri S.C.Shah, SE Shri B.M.Parmar, DE Smt.H.A.Dave, Dy.Sup(A/c)

5 Circle Office Jambuva Trans.Circle Shri D.C.Parmar, DE(T-1)

Shri P.M.Rathwa, A.S.

Shri D.C.Parmar,I/C DE(T-2)






G\PH[8SMq TFP v)v_5


EFZT ;ZSFZGF DFlCTL VlWSFZ VlWlGID v Z__5 GL S,D s5f VgJI[ Gl0VFN 5|JCG JT]"/ SR[ZL T[DH T[GF TFAF C[9/ VFJTL TDFD SR[ZLVM q ;A:8[XGMDF\ OZH AHFJTF GLR[ NXF"J[, VlWSFZLVM q SD"RFZLVMGL4 V[5[,[8 VMYMZL8L sAppellate Authorityf4 HFC[Z DFlCTL VlWSFZL sPublic Information Officerf4 DNNGLX HFC[Z DFlCTL VlWSFZL s Assistant Public Information Officer f TZLS[ lGD6}\S SZJFDF\ VFJ[ K[P

Sr.No. Name of Unit Name of Public

Information Officer (PIO)

Name of Assistant Public Information

Officer (APIO)


S.E.[TR] --


D.E.(Tech-2) Shri.H.S. Shah,DE (Tech-1)

Shri. M.M. Patel, I/c A.S.(TR)

(3) CONSTRUCTION DIVISIONS & SUB-DIVISIONS. Nadiad Const. Division & Sub-Divisions.

1 Nadiad Const. Shri A.C. Patel. E.E.

Shri H.P.Patel. J.E.(Tech.) Shri M.M.Patel. Dy.Supdt.(Est.)

(a) Nadiad. Civil Sub Div. Shri M.D.Patel. D.E.(Civil)

Shri P.H.Mistri.J.E.(Civil) Smt. N.N.Upadyay. Sr.Asstt.

(b) Sabarmati Civil Sub Div. Shri R.J.Dabhi. D.E.

Shri D.R.Bhatt.J.E.

Smt. Pramodaben Patel. Sr.Asstt.

(c) Soja Const.Sub Div. Shri P.K.Shah. D.E.

Shri M.K.Shah. J.E.

(d) Viramgam. Const.SubDivision Shri A.B.Patel. D.E.

Shri R.J.Parikh. J.E.

(e) Viramgam Tower Bank. Shri D.S.Christi. D.E.

Shri Nafishben Vohra. Jr.Asstt.

Limbdi Construction Division & Sub-Divisions 2 Limbdi Const.Din. Shri N.K.Shah.

E.E. Shri V.U.Champaneri. I/c. H.C. Shri A.G.Solanki. J.E.(Tech.)


(a) Limbdi Const.Sub.Din. Shri H.M.Kanani. D.E.

Shri. P.C. Chavda, Surveyor.

(b) Limbdi Civil Sub Din. Shri U.A.Mistri D.E.

Shri. V.U. Champaneri, Sr. Asstt.

(c) Dhrangadhra Const.Sub-Div. Shri P.C.Mehta. D.E.

Shri K.R. Patel. Sr.Asstt.

(d) Dhrangadhra Civil Sub Div. Shri A.N.Solanki. D.E.



Nadiad TR.Division and Sub Stations.

1Nadiad Tr. Division Shri

M.N.Dave.D.E.(Tech)Shri M.A.Vohra

E.E. Shri H.D.Joshi. Dy.S.A.

INDEPENDENT S/S INCHARGE & GROUP S/S. 1 220 KV Kapadwanj I/c.M.A.Vohra. D.E. Shri J.D.Patel. J.E.

66KV Demai Shri V.R.Patel. P.O.I

132 KV Mehmedabad Shri T.V.Patel. P.O.I

2 66KV Kheda

Shri L.M.Patel. D.E. Shri N.G.Barot. SBO.

3 132 kV Nadiad Shri. H.M.Sharma. P.O.I

Shri V.K.Rabari I/c.D.E.

Shri. H.R. Mehta, P.O.I.

4 66KV Balasinor Shri J.A.Jani. J.E. Shri A.I.Shaikh. SBO.

5 66KV Changa Slhri M.A.Parmar. SBO.

66KV Uttarsanda

Shri J.S.Suthar. J.E.

Shri J.K.B'Bhatt. LM.

6 66KV Limbasi Shri R.N.Patel. SBO.

66KV Vaso

Shri K.R. Rami. J.E. Shri M.S.Patel. SBO.

7 66KV Mahudha Shri N.C.Patel. LM

66KV Kathlal Shri P.M.Acharya. SBO.

66KV Torna

Shri V.I.Mecwan. J.E.

8 66KV Sevalia Shri M.R.Raulji.Lineman.

66KV Umreth. Shri Z.A.Malek. SBO.

66KV Thasra

Shri U.D.Vaghela. J.E.

9 66KV Attarsumba Shri K.C.Vaghela L.M.

66KV Kapadwanj Shri M.U.Mansuri. SBO

66KV Nirmali

Shri M.K. Patel. J.E.

10 66KV Chaklashi Shri M.A.Sodha.SBO

66KV Kamla

Shri P.P.Rao. J.E. Shri H.I.Pandya. SBO.

Narol TR.Division and Sub Station

1 Narol TR Division. Shri B.K.Rajpura. E.E.

Shri K.L.Saghavi. Sr.Asstt. Shri. G.A. Darji, Dy. Supdt.(A/c)



1 220 KV Salejada Shri M.A.Khokhar. D.E.

Shri P.G.Purohit. J.E.

Shri. N.V. Khadia, J.E.

2 132KV Narol Shri H.N.Trivedi. I/c.D.E.

Shri H.A.Bhavsar. P.O.I Shri. P.B. Parmar, P.O.I.

3 66KV Bavla Shri N.R.Parmar. L.I.

66KV Kerala Shri L.D.Patel. SBO.

66KV Juval Roopavati

66KV Zamp

Shri B.P.Satapara.J.E.

4 66KV Dholka City Shri U.A.Momin. A.O.

66KV GIDC Dholka Shri S.S.Chauhan. SBO.

66KV Koth

66KV Simej

Shri L.P. Prajapti. J.E.

5 66KV Barejadi Shri D.G.Barot. A.O.

66KV Navagam Shri A.D.Upadhyay. S.B.O.

66KV Halderwas

66KV Jetalpur

66KV Samadra

Shri M.G.Patel. J.E.

6 66KV Sanand Shri K.S.Lava. SBO

66KV Changodar Shri M.G.Rana. SBO.

66KV Moraiya

Shri S.R.Yadav. J.E.

Ranasan TR.Division and Sub Station

1 Ranasan Tr.Division. Shri P.V.Shah. E.E.

Shri B.R.Solanki. Supdt.A/c. Shri. N.S. Shukla, D.E.

INDEPENDENT S/S INCHARGE & GROUP S/S. 1 220KV Khanpur Shri R.G.Joshi. J.E.

66KV Kadjodara Shri K.P.Parmar. P.O.I

66KV Rakhial

66KV Halisa

Shri K.N.Kapadia. D.E.

2 220KV Ranasan Shri M.A.Shaikh.D.E.

Shri. D.S. Chauhan, D.E. Shri A.Y.Joshi. P.O.I

3 132KV Chiloda Shri G.K.Solanki. J.E.

66KV Chhala Shri B.R.Patel. P.O.I

66KV Sadra

Shri R.G.Desai. D.E.

4 132KV Sabarmati Shri M.T.Sukhadia. P.O.I

66KV Bopal Shri H.R.Shah. LM.

66KV Bhadaj

Shri N.A.Sinha.I/c. D.E.


66KV Bhatt

66KV Kanbha

5 66KV Naroda Shri V.C.Prajapati. AO.

66KV Muthia Shri M.J.Patel. SBO.

66KV Vehlal

Shri H.P.Patel. J.E.

6 66KV Dehgam Shri R.S.Prajapati. A.O.

66KV Bahial

Shri J.R.Bhatt. J.E.

Shri S.B.Bariya. SBO

Limbdi TR.Division and Sub Station

1 Limbdi TR.Division. Shri N.J.Makwana. E.E.

Shri G.N.Doliya. Dy.S.A. Shri. H.D. Vyas, D.E.


1 220 KV Limbdi Shri N.M.Pandit. D.E.

Shri G.T.Padharia, J.E. Shri J.K.Acharya. ALM

2 132 KV Dhandhuka Shri S.R.Hemani. P.O.I

66KV Chuda Shri C.G.Khandla. SBO.

66KV Ranpur

Shri N.P.Panchal. D.E.

3 132 KV Sitagadh. Shri A.J.Gami. A.O.

66KV Muli Shri A.M.Kandya. SBO.

66KV Sadla

66KV Sayla

66KV Sudamda

Slhri N.M.Yadav. D.E.

4 66KV Surendranagar Shri Y.A.Dave. Electrician

66KV Dudhrej Shri D.B.Mehta. L.M.

66KV Rajsitapur

66KV Khodu

Shri H.M. Kadia J.E.

Viramgam TR.Division and Sub Station 1 Viramgam TR.Division. Shri

S.L.Limgavkar.E.E.Shri R.G.Radhanpura D.E.(Tech.) Shri V.P.Parmar. Dy.Supdt.


1 220 KV Viramgam Shri D.P.Parmar. D.E.

ShriB.M.Patel. P.O.I

Shri. Y.A. Shah, P.O.I.

2 66KV Mandal Shri V.M.Raval. SBO.

66KV Chharodi Shri S.G.Brahmbhatt, SBO

66KV Khavad

66KV Viramgam

Shri B.N.Makwana. J.E.


3 66KV Lakhtar Shri B.P.Keralia. SBO.

66KV Kamalpur Shri B.M.Patel. SBO

66KV Patdi

Shri D.B.parmar. J.E.

4 66KV Kanz Shri M.S.Prajapati. SBO.

66KV Jakhwada Shri R.A.Dave. SBO.

66KV Vadgam

66KV Vanod

Shri U.B.Mitra. J.E.

Dhrangadhra TR.Division and Sub Station

1 Dhrangadhra TR.Division. Shri G.K.Dave.E.E. Shri S.B.Bhatt.

Dy.S.A. Shri. P.K. Pabani, D.E


1 220 KV Dhrangadhra Shri P.A.Dave. D.E.

Shri N.I.Makwana. J.E. Shri. M.A. Chauhan, P.O.I.

2 220 KV Halvad. Shri D.H.Parmar. L.I.

66KV Dungarpur Shri J.G.Sharma. SBO

66KV Gahanshyamgadh66KV Halwad

66KV Malaniyad

66KV Sarambhada

66KV Ranakpur

Shri M.B. Patel. D.E.

3 66KV Chuli Shri R.V. Chauhan. SBO.

66KV Dhrangadhra Shri R.M.Sonagara.SBO.

66KV Kankawati

66KV Methan

66KV Vavdi

Shri R.S.Ladhani. J.E.

4 66KV Bhalgamda Shri N.G.Taviyad. SBO

66KV Kondh Shri J.V.Dave. SBO.

66KV Narichana

66KV Sara

66KV Tarnetar.

Shri R.B.Zala. J.E.







G\PH[8SMq TFP v)v_5


EFZT ;ZSFZGF DFlCTL VlWSFZ VlWlGID v Z__5 GL S,D s5f VgJI[ UM\0, 5|JCG JT]"/ SR[ZL T[DH T[GF TFAF C[9/ VFJTL TDFD SR[ZLVM q ;A:8[XGMDF\ OZH AHFJTF GLR[ NXF"J[, VlWSFZLVM q SD"RFZLVMGL4 V[5[,[8 VMYMZL8L sAppellate Authorityf4 HFC[Z DFlCTL VlWSFZL sPublic Information Officerf4 DNNGLX HFC[Z DFlCTL VlWSFZL s Assistant Public Information Officer fTZLS[ lGD6}\S SZJFDF\ VFJ[ K[P

Appellate Authority


Name of Unit Name of Public Information Officer (PIO)

Name of Assistant Public Information Officer (APIO)

Gondal Tr. Circle Office Sh. B. H. Jani (DE) Sh. K. K. Oza (I/C AS)

Sh. D. R. Ghutla (DE) Tr. Division, Rajkot

Tr. Divn. Office, Rajkot Sh. A. A. Patel (EE) Sh. R. P. Chotai (Dy. S. A.) 220KV Nyara S/S Sh. A. M. Vyas (DE) Sh. J. R. Parmar (PO-I)

Sh. J. D. Jadeja (PO-I) 132KV Vajdi S/S Sh. H. G. Ranpariya (DE) Sh. Y. N. Zala (PO-I)

Sh. B. H. Jadia (PO-I) 132KV Vikram S/S Sh. P. S. Gohil (DE) Sh. J. V. Limbani (PO-I)

Sh. M. J. Parmar (PO-I) 66KV Dudhsagar S/S Sh. R. B. Savaliya (DE) Sh. M. S. Kotadia (PO-I)

Sh. K. A. Joshi (SBO) 66KV GIDC (Rajkot)S/S Sh. R. B. Savaliya (DE) Sh. H. O. Ananat (APO)

Sh. J. P. Jadeja (APO) 66KV Navagam Sh. R. B. Savaliya (DE) Sh. J. J. Bhatt (SBO)

Sh. H. U. Bhatt (SBO) 66KV Kotharia S/S Sh. R. B. Savaliya (DE) Sh. S. C. Kapadi (SBO)

Sh. K. B. Tank (SBO) 66KV Punitnagar S/S Sh. D. K. Sadariya (JE) Sh. B. T. Chauhan (APO)

Sh. R. J. Hadia (APO) 66KV Laxminagar S/S Sh. D. K. Sadariya (JE) Sh. R. R. Mankad (SBO)

Sh. A. M. Karia (SBO) 66KV Shapar S/S Sh. P. S. Gohil (DE) Sh. R. J. Monpara (SBO)


Sh. M. M. Pargi (SBO) 66KV Siddeshwar S/S Sh. P. S. Gohil (DE) Sh. C. K. Ratanpara (SBO)

Sh. D. R. Vyas (SBO) 66KV Ghanteshwar S/S Sh. T. K. Tank (JE) Sh. B. B. Makwana (APO)

Sh. V. K. Raval (APO) 66KV Popatpara S/S Sh. T. K. Tank (JE) Sh. B. U. Bhatt (SBO)

Sh. R. K. Bhatt (SBO) 66KV Paddhari S/S Sh. B. L. Laheru (JE) Sh. A. K. Kubavat (SBO)

Sh. C. T. Jograjiya (SBO) 66KV Taraghadi S/S Sh. B. L. Laheru (JE) Sh. R. B. Joshi (SBO)

Sh. B. A. Bamna (SBO) 66KV Liyara S/S Sh. B. L. Laheru (JE) Sh. V. M. Jadeja (SBO)

Sh. C. P. Bramhabhatt (SBO) 66KV Nikava S/S Sh. H. G. Ranpariya (DE) Sh. B. A. Jadeja (I/C SBO)

Sh. J. B. Makwana (I/C SBO) Tr. Division, Gondal Tr. Divn. Office, Gondal Sh. T. B. Limbani (EE) Sh. R. J. Vinda (Dy. S. A.) 220KV Gondal S/S Sh. P. K. Adhiya (DE) Sh. V. K. Vaishnav (PO-I)

Sh. R. C. Dhandhukiya (PO-I) 132KV Jasdan S/S Sh. I. H. Trivedi (DE) Sh. K. Z. Chudhri (PO-I)

Sh. N. U. Dave (PO-I) 66KV Sardhar S/S Sh. I. H. Trivedi (DE) Sh. P. M. Aghera (SBO)

Sh. J. K. Panara (SBO) 66KV Kamlapur S/S Sh. I. H. Trivedi (DE) Sh. B. D. Bagda (SBO)

Sh. K. M. Rathva (SBO) 66KV Tramba S/S Sh. I. H. Trivedi (DE) Sh. V. D. Dhandhal (SBO)

Sh. M. B. Dekivadiya (SBO) 66KV KashivishvanathS/S Sh. P. K. Solanki (JE) Sh. S. B. Mahida (SBO)

Sh. D. B. Jethava (SBO) 66KV Lodhika S/S Sh. P. K. Solanki (JE) Sh. B. N. Savaliya (SBO)

Sh. P. A. Rathod (SBO) 66KV KotdaSangani S/S Sh. P. K. Solanki (JE) Sh. S. M. Bhatt (SBO)

Sh. A. D. Shukla (SBO) 66KV Vasavad S/S Sh. V. K. Hingu (I/C JE) Sh. C. R. Vahani (SBO)

Sh. R. J. Jadeja (SBO) 66KV Derdi (K) S/S Sh. V. K. Hingu (I/C JE) Sh. D. G. Thakar (SBO)

Sh. R. F. Savaliya (SBO) 66KV Moviya S/S Sh. V. K. Hingu (I/C JE) Sh. V. G. Ramotiya (SBO)

Sh. M. N. Kochara (SBO)

66KV Virpur S/S Sh. V. K. Hingu (I/C JE) Sh. R. N. Joshi (SBO) Sh. B. R. Baldaniya (SBO)


66KV Lilakha S/S Sh. V. K. Hingu (I/C JE) Sh. M. B. Raiyani (SBO) Sh. C. P. Movaliya (SBO)

66KV Kolithad S/S Sh. V. K. Hingu (I/C JE) Sh. B. J. Trivedi (SBO) Sh. C. V. Jadeja (SBO)

Const. Division, Rajkot Const. Divn. Office, Rajkot Sh. J. R. Vaidya (EE) Sh. K. G. Ramoliya (DE)

Sh. D. B. Savaliya (Dy.S.A.) Wankaner Store Sh. D. B. Vamja (DE) Sh. R. H. Kumbhar (Sr. Asst) Gondal Store Sh. A. C. Choksi (DE) Sh. N. A. Mankodi (Sr. Asst) Const. S/Dn. Wankaner Sh. M. H. Moradiya (DE) Sh. R. A. Parmar (JE)

Sh. M. R. Trivedi (Sr. Asst) Const. S/Dn. Jamnagar Sh. C. B. Bhalodiya (DE) Sh. R. S. Bhimani (JE)

Sh. S. J. Pandya (Sr. Asst) Const. S/Dn. Morbi Sh. S. D. Chikhaliya (DE) Sh. D. J. Adroja (JE)

Sh. B. U. Pandya (Sr. Asst) Const. S/Dn. Hadala Sh. M. G. Patel (DE) Sh. M. K. Jani (JE)

Sh. D. S. Munshiyani (SA) Const. S/Dn. Gondal Sh. N. M. Nakum (DE) Sh. J. P. Tilala (JE)

Sh. M. P. Chauhan (Sr. Asst) Civil S/Dn. Jamnagar Sh. D. H. Rokad (DE) Sh. J. H. Raval (JE)

Sh. P. R. Jadeja (Jr. Asst) Civil S/Dn. Morbi Sh. P. C. Chauhan (DE) Vacant Post (JE)

Vacant Post (Sr. Asst) Civil S/Dn. Hadala Sh. J. H. Choksi (DE) Sh. D. R. Patel (JE)

Sh. V. K. Mehta (Sr. Asst) Civil S/Dn. Gondal Sh. S. V. Panwala (DE) Sh. M. K. Solanki (JE)

Miss N. V. Avasiya (Jr. Asst) Tr. Division, Jamnagar Tr. Divn. Office, Jamnagar Sh. P. P. Bhonia (EE) Sh. P. G. Prajapati (DE)

Sh. A. M. Rathod (Dy.S.A) 220KV Jamnagar S/S Sh. N. H. Shukla (DE) Sh. P. P. Mithani (DE)

Sh. P. S. Gour (PO-I) 132KV Naghedi S/S Sh. P. G. Prajapati (DE) Sh. A. M. Dudhrajiya (PO-I)

Sh. A. M. Sarvaiya (APO) 132KV Dhrol S/S Sh. A. A. Bopaliya (DE) Sh. A. H. Anjariya (PO-I)

Sh. P. B. Sapovadiya (I/C PO-I) 132KV Reliance S/S Sh. P. G. Prajapati (DE) Sh. J. R. Joshi (APO)

Sh. J. M. Thakar (APO) 66KV Kalavad S/S Sh. J. D. Trivedi (JE) Sh. B. M. Gelhor (SBO)

Sh. R. D. Chauhan (SBO) 66KV Kharedi S/S Sh. K. V. Dangar (JE) Sh. R. M. Desai (I/C SBO)

Sh. T. G. Rathod (SBO)


66KV Hapa S/S Sh. H. A. Der (JE) Sh. P. G. Vadher (SBO) Sh. V. N. Vyas (SBO)

66KV Jamnagar-C S/S Sh. H. A. Der (JE) Sh. K. D. Kansara (SBO) Sh. S. M. Pandya (SBO)

66KV Sikka S/S Sh. H. A. Der (JE) Sh. J. J. Jadeja (SBO) Sh. J. R. Parmar (SBO)

66KV Satrasta S/S Sh. C. K. Vasoya (DE) Sh. V. P. Mehta (PO-I) Sh. L. K. Sondarva (I/CPO-I)

66KV Jamnagar-B S/S Sh. C. K. Vasoya (DE) Sh. H. B. Pandya (SBO) Sh. M. V. Bharadiya (SBO)

66KV Jamvanthali S/S Sh. C. K. Vasoya (DE) Sh. K. P. Bhatt (SBO) Sh. J. N. Satodiya (SBO)

66KV Pipali S/S Sh. C. K. Vasoya (DE) Sh. N. R. Jadeja (I/C SBO) Sh. N. A. Chudasama(SBO)

66KV Bedeshwar S/S Sh. H. G. Sapra (JE) Sh. V. V. Katira (SBO) Sh. H. M. Kawar (SBO)

66KV Lalpur S/S Sh. H. G. Sapra (JE) Sh. S. M. Kantesiya (SBO) Sh. P. H. Faldu (SBO)

66KV Matwa S/S Sh. H. G. Sapra (JE) Sh. R. A. Bhatt (SBO) Sh. B. R. Shukla (SBO)

66KV Moti Banugar S/S Sh. H. G. Sapra (JE) Sh. B. K. Bhut (SBO) Sh. M. S. Ninama (SBO)

66KV Dhrol S/S Sh. A. A. Bopaliya (DE) Sh. B. M. Bhagora (SBO) Sh. V. P. Pargi (SBO)

66KV Jamdudhai S/S Sh. A. A. Bopaliya (DE) Sh. R. B. Chauhan (SBO) Sh. H. N. Barot (SBO)

66KV Keshiya S/S Sh. A. A. Bopaliya (DE) Sh. P. K. Marvaniya (SBO) Sh. M. T. Vyas (SBO)

66KV Latipur S/S Sh. A. A. Bopaliya (DE) Sh. P. K. Barasada (SBO) Sh. D. J. Gohil (SBO)

Tr. Division, Khambhalia

Tr. Divn. Office, Khambhalia Sh. H. J. Dhamecha (EE) Sh. M. A. Popat (DE)

Sh. D. A. Jani (Dy. S. A.) 132KV Khambhalia S/S Sh. S. G. Kanjia (DE) Sh. G. A. Rathod (PO-I)

Sh. A. H. Kotia (PO-I) 132KV Bhatia S/S Sh. B. L. Hadiyal (DE) Sh. K. D. Badarshahi (PO-I)

Sh. H. R. Chaudhri (PO-I) 66KV Kalyanpur S/S Sh. J. B. Jankar (JE) Sh. N. K. Khorava (SBO)

Sh. R. M. Bhadrecha (SBO) 66KV Varvala S/S Sh. C. C. Darji (JE) Sh. D. A. Doller (SBO)

Sh. V. V. Nehru (SBO)


66KV Arambhada S/S Sh. C. C. Darji (JE) Sh. K. H. Vyas (SBO) Sh. B. K. Parmar (SBO)

66KV Meghpar S/S Sh. N. M. Odedara (JE) Sh. N. P. Raval (SBO) Sh. Y. J. Bhatt (SBO)

66KV Vadinar S/S Sh. N. M. Odedara (JE) Sh. B. D. Solanki (SBO) Sh. R. N. Gosai (SBO)

66KV Vadatra S/S Sh. N. M. Odedara (JE) Sh. R. J. Joshi (SBO) Sh. A. K. Joshi (SBO)

66KV Bhadthar S/S Sh. N. M. Odedara (JE) Sh. L. M. Kalathiya (SBO) Tr. Division, Morbi Tr. Divn. Office, Morbi Sh. A. J. Adhiaru (EE) Sh. K. D. Daftari (DE)

Sh. M. V. Dabhi (Dy. S.A.) 220KV Morbi S/S Sh. D. G. Hirani (DE) Sh. V. J. Adesara (JE)

Sh. S. H. Pandya (JE) 132KV Wankaner S/S Sh. A. D. Hulani (I/C DE) Sh. K. H. Dhama (PO-I)

Sh. M. D. Vaniya (PO-I) 132KV Lalpar S/S Sh. V. G. Patel (DE) Sh. H. J. Padaliya (PO-I)

Sh. B. C. Mehta (PO-I) 66KV Morbi-A S/S Sh. G. G. Malasana (JE) Sh. L. C. Kawar (AO)

Sh. M. P. Joshi (AO) 66KV Morbi-B S/S Sh. G. G. Malasana (JE) Sh. H. V. Bhagdev (SBO)

SH. K. N. Parmar (SBO) 66KV Pipalia S/S Sh. G. G. Malasana (JE) Sh. K. I. Gosai (SBO)

Sh. P. B. Bhatt (SBO) 66KV Charadva S/S Sh. P. B. Kunjera (JE) Sh. A. R. Gajjar (SBO)

Sh. B. D. Nandani (SBO) 66KV Devaliya S/S Sh. P. B. Kunjera (JE) Sh. P. R. Deveriya (SBO)

Sh. G. C. Naika (SBO) 66KV Chupani S/S Sh. P. B. Kunjera (JE) Sh. P. J. Pandya (SBO)

Sh. H. U. Patel (SBO) 66KV Jetpar S/S Sh. P. B. Kunjera (JE) Sh. G. C. Mehta (SBO)

Sh. J. M. Kalola (SBO) 66KV Tankara S/S Sh. A. K. Patel (JE) Sh. G. B. Bhadja (SBO)

Sh. P. S. Dalvadi (SBO) 66KV Lilapar S/S Sh. A. K. Patel (JE) Sh. A. G. Rajpara (SBO)

Sh. D. H. Padsumbiya (SBO) 66KV Bamanbore S/S Sh. V. N. Joshi (JE) Sh. P. D. Dave (SBO)

Sh. D. M. Tuvar (SBO) 66KV Chotila S/S Sh. V. N. Joshi (JE) Sh. G. R. Damor (SBO)

Sh. A. G. Chhatrola (SBO) 66KV Than S/S Sh. V. N. Joshi (JE) SH. J. V. Panchala (SBO)

Sh. D. S. Asari (SBO)


66KV Jadeshwar S/S Sh. R. G. Thumar (JE) Sh. R. J. Zala (SBO) Sh. K. N. Bagtharia (SBO)

66KV Lunsar S/S Sh. R. G. Thumar (JE) Sh. N. K. Dave (SBO) Sh. R. K. Jadeja (SBO)

66KV Mahika S/S Sh. R. G. Thumar (JE) Sh. K. N. Rathod (SBO) Sh. R. D. Kavaiya (SBO)

66KV Dhuva S/S Sh. R. G. Thumar (JE) Sh. B. R. Pandya (SBO) Sh. M. R. Ribadiya (SBO)

Tr. Division, Jetpur Sh. R. J. Patel (EE) Sh. P. K. Vansdaliya (DE) Sh. P. D. Gamot (Dy. S.A.)






G\PH[8SMq TFP v)v_5


EFZT ;ZSFZGF DFlCTL VlWSFZ VlWlGID v Z__5 GL S,D s5f VgJI[ V\HFZ 5|JCG JT]"/ SR[ZL T[DH T[GF TFAF C[9/ VFJTL TDFD SR[ZLVM q ;A:8[XGMDF\ OZH AHFJTF GLR[ NXF"J[, VlWSFZLVM q SD"RFZLVMGL4 V[5[,[8 VMYMZL8L sAppellate Authorityf4 HFC[Z DFlCTL VlWSFZL sPublic Information Officerf4 DNNGLX HFC[Z DFlCTL VlWSFZL s Assistant Public Information Officer fTZLS[ lGD6}\S SZJFDF\ VFJ[ K[P

Name of Unit Name of



Anjar TR Circle R.J. Thacker SE (TR)

Sr No. Name of Unit Name of Public

Information Officer (PIO)

Name of Assistant Public Information

Officer (APIO)

1 Anjar TR Circle Y.M. Jariwala, DE (T.I)

D.K. Antani, DE (T.II) P.L. Vyas, I/C A.S.

Sub stations Anjar (TR) Sub stations

M.D. Sanjot, DE1 220 KV Anjar P.A. Patel, DE S.D. Bharani, DE R.R. Parmar, JE2 220 KV Shivlakha V.H. Rachhadia,

DE M.H. Makwana, JE 3 132 KV Samakhiyali M.V. Baria, POI

M.I. Maru, POIK.B. Sodha, SBO4 66 KV Adhoi

A.J. Chauhan, DE

K.I. Dave, SBO 5 66 KV Ratnal S.J. Jadeja, SBO6 66 KV Khedoi A.J. Chauhan, SBO

M.H. Mata, SBOB.J. Chavda, SBOV.S. Baldania, SBO7 66 KV Dudhai

A.N. Rathod, JE

D.M. Mirani, SBO 8 66 KV FTZ M.D. Maheshwari, 9 66 KV Gandhidham’B’ M.K. Gameti, SBO10 66 KV Varsana M.N. Bhatt, SBO11 66 KV Mithirohar A.S. Bhatt, SBO

A.J. Barot, SBO12 66 KV Kandla

A.A. Bhiryani, JE

R.P. Sathwara, SBO


O.K. Vaghela, SBOA.G. Rathod, SBOM.S. Jani, SBOM.P. Dahicha, SBO

13 66 KV Rapar S.S. Sedalia, SBO14 66 KV Pragpar B.K. Gadhvi, SBO15 66 KV Bhimasar R.V. Kansara, SBO16 66 KV Balasar P.B. Parmar, SBO

B.V.Panchasara, B.C. Patel, SBOM.K. Patel, SBOS.R. Parmar, SBOR.L. Nimava, SBO

17 66 KV Vajepar

C.G. Loyal, JE

R.V. Dave, SBO 18 66 KV Bhachau L.R. Parmar, SBO19 66 KV Chirai J.K. Jadav, SBO20 66 KV Chobari P.B. Gohel, SBO

B.R. Khodiar, SBOK.M. Chauhan, SBOD.V. Bava, SBOM.R. Patel, SBO

21 66 KV Amardi

J.L. Chaudhary, JE

S.M. Arab, SBO B.V. Goswami, AO22 66 KV Anjar P.A. Patel, DE M.B. Kondia, SBO

Bhuj (TR) Sub stations

P.S. Patel, JE1 220 KV Nanikhakhar K.U. Patel, DE R.A. Brambhatt, JE R.G. Ahir, JE2 132 KV Bhuj R.K. Sakaria, DE N.D. Davda, POI

3 66 KV Bhuj ‘B’ M.D. Dave, SBO4 66 KV Loriya B.M. Mistry, SBO5 66 KV Khavda R.P. Gusai, SBO6 66 KV Madhapar R.P. Thacker, SBO

J.R. Mer, SBOM.P. Solanki, SBON.L. Tank, SBOP.H. Jethi, SBOB.N. Oza, SBO

7 66 KV Lakhond

R.M. Ashar, JE

R.K. Chavda, SBO C.P. Rathod, SBO8 66 KV Dhaneti R.M. Ashar, JE R.Y. Vaidya, SBO

9 66 KV Kotda (C) A.C. Vyas, SBO10 66 KV Mankuva K.M. Chauhan, SBO11 66 KV Tharawada V.J. Dabhi, SBO12 66 KV Dahisara C.N. Rathod, SBO13 66 KV Baladia M.K. Katara, SBO14 66 KV Koday K.S. Gadasa, SBO15 66 KV Mandvi R.R. Goswami, SBO16 66 KV Darshadi

R.G. Ahir, JE

M.V. Shah, SBO


H.J. Jadeja, SBOJ.N. Dalal, SBOK.C. Thacker, SBOK.U. Vaidya, SBOJ.P. Chauhan, SBOS.K. Lakhani, SBOR.M. Chauhan, SBOA.B. Maheshwari, SBO

17 66 KV Nanikhakhar K.S. Parmar, SBO18 66 KV Mundra H.L. Maheshwari,

V.B. Jethi, SBOY.R. Jadeja, SBOB.V. Jani, SBO19 66 KV Bhujpar

R.A. Brambhatt, JE

H.V. Jadeja, SBO Nakhatrana (TR) Sub stations

U.K. Amin, JE1 220 KV Nakhatrana R.V. Patel, DE M.B. Patel, JE T.P. Acharya, SBO2 66 KV Kothara A.J. Rathwa, JE C.H. Raval, SBO M.S. Pathak, AO3 66 KV Nakhatrana M.B. Patel, JE B.S. Vora, AO D.L. Gusai, SBO4 66 KV Deshalpar A.J. Rathod, JE S.J. Tank, SBO

5 66 KV Khirsara J.M. Solgama, SBOP.F. Solanki, SBOR.R. Aboti, SBO6 66 KV Naliya A.J. Rathwa, JE

B.L. Selot, SBO T.L. Pandya, SBO7 66 KV Vithon M.B. Patel, JE G.B. Jethi, SBO

A.J. Rathwa, JE P.J. Joshi, SBO8 66 KV Gadhsisa H.M. Joshi, SBO A.J. Rathwa, JE S.H. Dheda, SBO9 66 KV Bayath G.P. Parmar, SBO

P.N. Ramanuj, SBO10 66 KV Ravapar M.B. Patel, JE P.S. Bhatt, SBO H.V. Pandya, SBO11 66 KV Don A.J. Rathwa , JE B.K. Jeppar, SBO

12 66 KV Netra R.G. Bhabhor, SBOR.S. Balia, SBON.R. Chauhan, SBO13 66 KV Dayapar M.B. Patel, JE

M.B. Kataria, SBO N.J. Varu, SBO14 66 KV Kotda (J) A.J. Rathwa, JE K.D. Damor, SBO

Sub Division S.T. Sharma, JE1 Const. S/Dn. I Anjar N.V. Chauhan,

DE K.C. Panchal, JE A.R. Menat, S.A.

2 Const. S/Dn. II Anjar M.A. Maheshwari,




S.M. Mavadia, JE3 Const. S/Dn. Anjar S.N. Khiani, DE N.V. Tewani, JE D.G. Vasava, JE4 Const. S/Dn. Bhuj L.M. Maheshwari,

DE J.K. Parikh, JE C.V. Bhinde, S.A.5 Const. S/Dn.

Nakhatrana N.B. Gandhi, JE -K.D. Dabhi, J.A.6 Civil S/Dn. Bhuj A.M. Pahilwani,

DE Division Office

D.M. Dangi, DE (T.II)1 Anjar (Const) Div. B.R. Thumar, EE A.J. Chavda, DE (T.I)D.I. Dave, DE (T)2 Anjar (TR) Div. J.H. Khalsa, EE A.S. Rajgor, Dy. SA B.K. Parmar, DE3 Bhuj (TR) Div. N.R. Vyas, EE A.S. Gohil, Dy. SA L.B. Gavli, DE (T)G.S. Leuva, Dy. SA 4 Nakhatrana TR Div. K.N. Soriya, EE P.L. Vyas, I/C A.S.






G\PH[8SMq TFP v)v_5


EFZT ;ZSFZGF DFlCTL VlWSFZ VlWlGID v Z__5 GL S,D s5f VgJI[ E~R 5|JCG JT]"/ SR[ZL T[DH T[GF TFAF C[9/ VFJTL TDFD SR[ZLVM q ;A:8[XGMDF\ OZH AHFJTF GLR[ NXF"J[, VlWSFZLVM q SD"RFZLVMGL4 V[5[,[8 VMYMZL8L sAppellate Authorityf4 HFC[Z DFlCTL VlWSFZL sPublic Information Officerf4 DNNGLX HFC[Z DFlCTL VlWSFZL s Assistant Public Information Officer fTZLS[ lGD6}\S SZJFDF\ VFJ[ K[P

Appellate Authority

Bharuch Circle Shri P.B. Shukla S. E (TR)

Sr No Name of Unit Name of Public

Information Officer (PIO)Name of Assistant Public Information Officer (APIO)

Circle Office Shri N.K.Solanki, DE, Shri P.N. Vasava AS Shri B.T. Patel DE (T-2)

Sr No Name of Unit Name of Public

Information Officer (PIO)Name of Assistant Public Information Officer (APIO)

Sub-station: Sub-station under Tr.Division, Bharuch

1 Shri A.P. Patel J.E 1220kV DAHEJ Shri I.A. Shaikh D.E

2 Shri Y.M. Patel PO-I

1 Shri R.K. Baranda PO-I

2132kV BHARUCH Shri N.P.

Tapiawlala D.E 2 Shri D.P. Kataria PO-I 1 Shri R.R. Patel J.E 3

132kV ANKLESHWAR Shri P.A. Mehta D.E 2 Shri K.P. Modi PO-I 1 Shri S.G. Patel SBO 4 66kV ANKLESHWAR

GIDC-A Shri P.A. Mehta D.E 2 Shri G.N. Patel SBO 1 Shri M.H.

Narialwala SBO 5 66kV ANKLESHWAR

GIDC-B Shri P.A. Mehta D.E 2 Shri I. V. Patel SBO

1 Shri K.B. Panchal SBO

6 66kV ANKLESHWAR (Urban) Shri P.A. Mehta D.E

2 Shri K.C. Mistry SBO

1 Shri R. M. Vasava SBO

766kV DAHEJ Shri I.A. Shaikh D.E

2 Shri G.B. Vankar Lineman 1 Shri A.C. Patel SBO 8

66kV PANOLI GIDC Shri N.P. Tapiawlala D.E

2 Shri N.S. Baria SBO


1 Shri B.T. Chauhan SBO 9 66kV HANSOT Shri N.P.

Tapiawlala D.E 2 Shri K.P. Vasava SBO 1 Shri I.M. Patel SBO 10

66kV BHARUCH B Shri N.P. Tapiawlala D.E

2 Shri D.S. Makwana SBO

Sub-station under Tr. Division, Achhalia1 Shri M.A. Patel J.E 11

220kV JHAGADIA Shri B.A. Vyas D.E 2 Shri D.A.Pandya PO-I

1 Shri K.G. Khalashi J.E

12 220kV ACHHALIA Shri N.S. Patel D.E

2 Shri B.L. Tamboli PO-I 1 Shri A.K. Shah PO-I 13

132kV VALIA Shri B.A. Padhiar D.E 2 Shri A.N.

Chaudhary A.O 1 Shri B.D. Yadav SBO 14

66kV JHAGADIA Shri A.D, Korat J.E 2 Shri V.S. Vasava SBO 1 Shri S.H. Vasava SBO 15

66kV RAJPIPLA Shri A.D, Korat J.E 2 Shri S.H. Parmar SBO

1 Shri D.P. Pandiya SBO

16 66kV RAJPARDI Shri A.D, Korat J.E

2 Shri A.M. Tadvi SBO 1 Shri V.G. Vasava SBO 17

66kV DEDIYAPADA Shri B.A. Padhiar D.E 2 Shri C,M. Vasava SBO 1 Shri R.R. Gohil SBO 18

66kV SAGBARA Shri B.A. Padhiar D.E 2 Shri B.D. Vasava SBO 1 Shri K.J. Rohidas SBO 19

66kV NETRANG Shri B.A. Padhiar D.E 2 Shri S.P. Vasava SBO

1 Shri V.A. Prajapti SBO

20 66kV PRATAPNAGAR Shri A.D, Korat J.E

2 Shri D.C. Vasava SBO 1 Shri S.M. Vasava SBO 21

66kV RANDERI Shri V.P. Gujjar J.E 2 Shri M.K. Modi SBO

Sub-station under Tr. Division, Haldarwa

1 Shri R.A. Patel DE 22 220kV HALDARVA Shri T.K. Gupta D.E

2 Shri J.C. Patel PO-I 1 Shri C.K. Vasava A.O 23

66kV PALEJ Shri J.R. Parekh J.E 2 Shri M.M. Patel A.O 1 Shri U.K. Patel SBO 24 66kV

ZANOR(NABIPUR) Shri J.R. Parekh J.E 2 Shri J.M. Vasava SBO

1 Shri S.K. Sindhva SBO

25 66kV SARBHAN Shri M.M. Patel J.E

2 Shri K. R. Baria SBO

1 Shri J.S. Chauhan SBO

26 66kV WAGRA Shri M.M. Patel J.E

2 Shri B.C. Ajmeri SBO 1 Shri K.R. Prajapti SBO 27

66kV JAMBUSAR Shri G.S. Solanki J.E 2 Shri J.R. Patel SBO


1 Shri J.G. Rathwa SBO 28 66kV RAROD Shri J.R. Parekh J.E 2 Shri D.M. Vasava SBO

1 Shri D.H, Vyas SBO 29 66kV CHHIDRA Shri G.S. Solanki J.E

2 Shri A.V. Naika SBO 1 Shri A.D. Parmar SBO 30

66kV AMOD Shri G.S. Solanki J.E 2 Shri S.R.

Vasava SBO

Sub-station under Tr. Division, Kim

1 Shri R.K. Gohil DE 31 220kV KIM (LINDIAT) Shri C.R. Patel D.E

2 Shri R.R. Acharya PO-I

1 Shri R.B. Baria SBO 32 66kV 66kV PALOD(KIM) Shri C.R. Patel D.E

2 Shri D.M. Patel SBO 1 Shri J.S.

Chaudhary SBO 33 66kV MOSALI

(MANGROL) Shri A.B. Chaudhary J.E

2 Shri R.M. Vasava SBO 1 Shri S.N. Bhuriya SBO 34

66kV KARANJ Shri C.R. Patel D.E 2 Shri D.R.

Chaudhary SBO 1 Shri J.D. Ahir SBO 35

66kV VELANJA Shri C.R. Patel D.E 2 Shri K.M. Patel SBO 1 Shri C.T. Valand SBO 36

66kV PIPODARA Shri R.N. Mishra D.E 2 Shri R.M. Patel SBO 1 Shri M.M. Patel SBO 37

66kV MOTA BORSARA Shri J.N. Patel J.E 2 Shri A.S. Vasava SBO 1 Shri G.R. Patel SBO 38

66kV MANDVI Shri A.B. Chaudhary J.E

2 Shri A.V. Chaudhary SBO

1 Shri C.S. Chaudhary SBO

39 66kV ZANKHVAV Shri A.B.

Chaudhary J.E 2 Shri S.G. Baria SBO 1 Shri N.M. Vanza SBO 40

66kV KOSAMBA Shri J.N. Patel J.E 2 Shri K.M. Soni SBO 1 Shri R.M. Bhatt SBO 41 66kV KHARACH

(TARSALI) Shri J.N. Patel J.E 2 Shri G.I. Vasava SBO

Sub-Division: 1 Shri B.J.

Solanki. J.E 1 Construction S/Dn.,

Bharuch Shri B.B.Kher, D.E 2 Shri M.A. Shaikh JA 1 Shri Y.M. Gamit JE 2

Construction S/Dn., Kim Shri J.D. Kantaria D.E 2 Shri B.D. Chaudhary JA

1 Shri P.H. Patel JE 3 Civil Sub Division Bharuch Shri P.N. Parikh D.E 2 Shri J.M. Shaikh JA

Division Office: 1 Shri C.K. Patel DE 1

Construction Division Bharuch.

Shri. C.K. Patel, Deputy Engigeer

I.C. E.E.

2Shri V.G. Patel

Dy. Supdt. (A/c)


1 Shri J.K. Thakkar DE 2 Transmission Division Bharuch.

Shri. N.P. Tapiawala, Deputy Engigeer

I.C. E.E. 2 Shri S.T. Mehta Dy. Supdt.

(A/c) 1 Shri R. N. Mishra DE 3 Transmission Division

Kim. Shri K.N. Shah, E.E. 2 Shri V.B. Patel Dy. Supdt. (A/c)

1 Shri D.L. Patel DE 4 Transmission Division Achhalia. Shri J.S. Parekh E.E. 2 Shri V.S. Prjapati Dy. Supdt.

(A/c) 1 Shri D.J. Bhatt DE 5 Transmission Division

Haldarwa. Shri K.L. Baria E.E. 2 Smt. V.T. Shah Dy. Supdt. (A/c)






G\PH[8SMq TFP v)v_5


EFZT ;ZSFZGF DFlCTL VlWSFZ VlWlGID v Z__5 GL S,D s5f VgJI[ VDZ[,L 5|JCG JT]"/ SR[ZL T[DH T[GF TFAF C[9/ VFJTL TDFD SR[ZLVM q ;A:8[XGMDF\ OZH AHFJTF GLR[ NXF"J[, VlWSFZLVM q SD"RFZLVMGL4 V[5[,[8 VMYMZL8L sAppellate Authorityf4 HFC[Z DFlCTL VlWSFZL sPublic Information Officerf4 DNNGLX HFC[Z DFlCTL VlWSFZL s Assistant Public Information Officer fTZLS[ lGD6}\S SZJFDF\ VFJ[ K[P

Name of Unit Name of Appellete Authority Designation

Amreli (TR) C.O. P.D. Parmar Supdt. Engineer

Name of Public Name of Assi.

Name of Unit information Officer Designation Public

Information Designation

No. Shri Officer - Shri

1 K.T. Patel D.E. (T-I) S.K. Bhura A.S. N.P. Maheswari D.E. (T-II) All PIO of D.O. S/s

Division Offices 2 4OO KV N.M. Vyas E.E. L.V. Baldaniya D.E.

R.B. Dudhakiya D.E. 3 Amreli Const. N.M. Gaudani E.E. B.J. Ramdev D.E.

G.S. Kabariya Dy. SA(A/c)

All PIO of D.O. S/s 4 Vartej H.A. Waghela E.E. P.V. Mehata D.E.

P.P. Solandki Dy. SA(A/c)

All PIO of D.O. S/s 5 Dhasa H.A. Waghela I/C E.E. V.R. Rai D.E.

N.S. Ramdev Dy. SA(A/c)

All PIO of D.O. S/s 6 Savarkundla K.H. Vora E.E. I.U. Goswami D.E.

B.B. Limbani Dy. SA(A/c)

All PIO of D.O. S/s 7 Kodinar H.L. Mori E.E. A.H. Makwana D.E.

H.D. Bhatt Dy. SA(A/c)

All PIO of D.O. S/s 8 Civil R.M. Godhani I/c E.E. H.B. Joshi D.E.


S/Dn. Offices 9 Vartej Const. A.C. Panchal D.E. B.C. Vakani J.E.

J.J. Rana Sr. Asstt. 10 Amreli Const. B.M. Sojitra D.E. H.C. Gandhi J.E

Smt. N.H. Raval Sr. Asstt. 11 S'kundla Const. B.M. Sojitra I/C D.E. K.K. Patel J.E.

J.J. Joshi Sr. Asstt. 12 Vartej Civil S.P. Patel D.E. D.B. Solanki J.E. 13 Amreli Civil K.K. Nimavat D.E. B.P. Makadiya J.E. 14 Const. Store R.P. Pandya D.E. V.K. Maheta Sr. Asstt.

TR. Sub-stations 15 220 KV DHASA V.R.Rai D.E. N.G.Patel J.E.

N.K.Pandya P.O.I. 16 66KV DAMNAGAR M.H.Bhatt S.B.O.

B.D.Tragtani S.B.O. 17 66KV GARIYADHAR B.L.Trivedi S.B.O.

V.C.Trivedi S.B.O. 18 66KV SANOSARA K.N.Washda S.B.O.

A.K.Mara S.B.O. 19 66KV LATHI B.M.Parmar S.B.O.

A.S.Vanzara S.B.O. 20 66KV BABARA R.M.Mandia S.B.O.

P.P.Yadav S.B.O. 21 66KV CHITTAL G.J.Makawana S.B.O.

P.L.Rathod S.B.O.



N.B.Dodiya SBO 24 132 KV PALIYAD S.S.Rathava D.E. R.K.Patel P.O.I.

B.M.Bardiya 25 66 KV GADHADA J.S.Anjar S.B.O.

B.L.Gozaia S.B.O. 26 66KV VICHHIYA D.M.Dhanesha S.B.O.

K.R.Patel S.B.O. 27 66KV TURKHA S.C.Khasia S.B.O.

A.J.Patel S.B.O. 28 66 KV LATHIDAD R.S.Patel S.B.O.

R.j.Patel S.B.O. 29 132 KV BARWALA S.P.Kansara J.E. J.V.Vankar S.B.O.

P.B.Baradia S.B.O. 30 66KV SALANGPUR A.J.Trivedi S.B.O.

B.K.Kharadi S.B.O. 31 66KV LAKHENI B.J.Bhatt S.B.O.

B.R.Sonara L.M. 32 66KV BOTAD M.V.Vasva J.E. B.J.Trivedi S.B.O.

M.A.Bervania L.M.

33 Vartej H.B.Upadhayay D.E. S.H.Ramanuj J.E. N.T.Jani PO1


34 Chitra J.R.Vyas SBO T.D.Timani SBO

35 City Bhavnagar R.R. Kasangra J.E. N.L.Patel APO B.M.Solanki APO

36 Nari Road M.K.Sisodiya SBO R.G.Chauhan SBO

37 Bunder Road A.P.Trivedi SBO A.T.Jani SBO

38 Sidsar J.J.Parmar SBO M.J.Trivedi SBO

39 Mamsa H.M.Gohel SBO S.V.Trivedi SBO

40 Tansa V.P.Trivedi SBO J.R.Trivedi SBO

41 Bhumbhli V.N.Bhabhor SBO L.K.Parmar SBO

42 Sihor I.B.Lad J.E. H.R.Vyas SBO R.C.Nakiya SBO

43 Navagam K.D.Maru SBO S.P.Rajyaguru SBO

44 Songadh A.H.Mehta SBO S.J.Pandya SBO

45 Tana S.M.Gohel SBO I.M.Rathod SBO

46 Ghanghli R.B.Dodiya SBO R.M.Trivedi SBO

47 Palitana J.J.Waghamsi J.E. N.D.Pitaliya SBO S.H.Pathan SBO

48 Talaja S.P.Rajyaguru SBO A.P.Savani SBO

49 Manar (Alang) J.M.Gohel SBO T.M.Damor SBO

50 Bagdana A.H.Bavalia SBO K.N.Patel SBO

51 Pithalpur T.R.Kasodariya SBO A.A.Kureshi SBO

52 Dhola M.G.Namsa SBO M.C.Vyas SBO

53 Vallbhipur B.R.jani D.E. S.S.Makwan PO1 D.L.patel PO1

54 Sagapara A.N.Variya D.E. P.Z.Chaudhari PO1 V.V.Patel PO1

55 220kv S'kundala J.N. Mistry D.E. C.R. Thumer J.E. J.G. Nayak PO

56 220kv Otha R.J. Kukadia D.E. N.M. Vasava J.E. P.D. Gamit PO

57 Jesar D.S. Damor SBO A.B. Makwana SBO

58 Mota Khutavada N.A. Makwana SBO J.B. Joshi SBO

59 66 KV S'Kundala B.M. Borad J.E. B.K. Dave APO


Group- A D.V. Desai APO 60 Mota-samadhiyala

61 Khambha M.M. Chavada SBO M.G. Rajyaguru SBO

62 Vijapadi I.K. Chauhan SBO A.J. Dobariya SBO

63 Vanda R.J. Bhatt SBO B.K. Ravat SBO

64 Ambardi P.M. Ghelatar SBO I.M. Chauhan SBO

65 Mota-Baraman R.R. Pandya SBO D.J. Patel SBO

66 66kv Mahuva R.P. Patel J.E. J.M. Pandya APO J.R. Jani APO

67 Rajula R.K. Dave SBO M.M. Khamsa SBO

68 Jafrabad K.K. Devmurari SBO J.N. Bamna SBO

69 Vadali K.L. Jani SBO K.B. Damor SBO

70 Dungar V.H. Jani SBO J.N. Pandya SBO

71 66 kv Amreli 'A' K.J. Kubavat J.E. B.K. Rajyaguru APO V.P. Desai APO

72 66kv Amreli 'B' N.J. Vagadiya SBO S.K. Biniwala SBO

73 Bagasara R.M. Chauhan SBO A.A. Pathan SBO

74 Kunkavav R.G. Makawana SBO A.B. Bhatt SBO

75 Liliya R.R. Rathava SBO R.R. Dave SBO

76 Dhari G.P. Kacha J.E. B.B. Chauhan SBO D.G. Garala SBO

77 Chalala A.N. Gohil SBO U.G. Vaghela SBO

78 Sarambhada V.R. Duhira SBO C.K. Dafada SBO

79 Bhader D.B. Meghnathi SBO R.R. Detroja SBO

80 Dudhala A.B. Makwana SBO L.J. Pancholi SBO

81 Dlakhaniya S.P. Bhatt SBO J.C. Rathod SBO

82 220 KV Timbdi H.L.Hindhocha D.E L.N.Chauhan J.E A.J.Parmar PO1

83 66KV Pranchi D.M.Nakum SBO N.K.Bhatti SBO

84 220KV Kansari K.N.Solanki D.E. N.G.Patel J.E. J.R.Patel J.E.


85 66 KV Samter M.B.Solanki SBO B.F.Twliad SBO

86 66 KV Kesariya M.M.Sakhat SBO A.D.Joshi SBO

87 132KV Talala R.B.Trambadia D.E. L.J.Mori APO D.D.Pathak APO

88 66KV Ankolwadi G.B.Vyas SBO M.K.Dayatar SBO

89 132KV Haripur N.D.Parmar J.E. G.H.Sidu LI V.M.Chavada PO1

90 66KV Kodinar A.M.Chachad D.E. S.M.Dadia SBO D.B.Kamadia SBO

91 66KV Advi J.V.gohel SBO R.M.Rathod SBO

92 66KV Ghantwad P.D.Pandya SBO A.N.Udes SBO

93 66KV Devli K.B.Bambharia SBO M.V.Maru SBO

94 66KV Una P.R.Senjalia J.E. D.B.Bambharia SBO S.S.Monpara SBO

95 66KV Dhokadva S.J.Gaykwad SBO C.B.Patel SBO

96 66KV Girgadhada K.N.Solanki SBO A.L.Talsandia SBO



VDZ[,L s5|f JT]"/ SR[ZL C[9/GF TDFD && S[PJLP4 !#Z S[PJLP4 ZZ_ S[PJLP4 $__ S[PJLP ;A:8[XG


G\PH[8SMq TFP v)v_5


EFZT ;ZSFZGF DFlCTL VlWSFZ VlWlGID v Z__5 GL S,D s5f VgJI[ DC[;F6F 5|JCG JT]"/ SR[ZL T[DH T[GF TFAF C[9/ VFJTL TDFD SR[ZLVM q ;A:8[XGMDF\ OZH AHFJTF GLR[ NXF"J[, VlWSFZLVM q SD"RFZLVMGL4 V[5[,[8 VMYMZL8L sAppellate Authorityf4 HFC[Z DFlCTL VlWSFZL sPublic Information Officerf4 DNNGLX HFC[Z DFlCTL VlWSFZL s Assistant Public Information Officer f TZLS[ lGD6}\S SZJFDF\ VFJ[ K[P

Appellate Authority


Sr. No.

Name of Unit

Name of Public Information Officer (PIO)

Desig. Name of Assistant Public Information

Officer (APIO) Designation

BM Parmar A.S. 1 Mehsana TR CO

Shri AD Patel DE T-1 RP Prajapati DE T-2

PM Patel DE 1 TR Divn. Mehsana

SM Patel EE VG Pandya DSA CV Samrat DE 2 220kv

Mehsana JA Mewada DE

DS Lodhari JE VN Patel JE 3 220kv Mitha JI Suthar DE BJ Chaudhari JE MM Chauhan AO 4 66kv Basna BD Patel JE CN Ninama AO MM Vankar SBO 5 66kv

Bhandu BD Patel JE

VN Patel SBO NM Behlim SBO 6 66kv Dhinoj BD Patel JE DM Patel LM KH Parmar SBO 7 66kv Valam BD Patel JE DM Patel SBO NS Parmar SBO 8 66kv

Bechraji SA Chauhan JE

AG Parmar LM PS Patel SBO 9 66kv

Modhera SA Chauhan JE

PL Chaudhari LM RS Patel SBO 10 66kv Balol SA Chauhan JE MM Prajapati LM RP Dave AO 11 66kv Motap VN Patel JE SM Patel LM RP Patel SBO 12 66kv Jotana VN Patel JE KN Desai LM JP Patel SBO 13 66kv

Udalpur VN Patel JE

DM Patel SBO


ND Patel AO 14 66kv Linch MP Patel JE JK Panchal AO KL Thakor SBO 15 66kv

Kherva MP Patel JE

LG Chaudhari SBO BN Chaudhari SBO 16 66kv

Palavasna MP Patel JE

RK Trivedi SBO MI Patel SBO 17 66kv

Nagalpur MP Patel JE

JA Prajapati SBO SP Patel DE 1 TR Divn.

Vijapur MG Vohra EE

CS Patel DSA MP Prajapati JE 2 220kv

Vijapur AG Prajapati DE

AH Kanoria JE JJ Gurjar JE 3 220kv

Jamla HR Sankhadiya DE

KM Trivedi DE MJ Patel PO 4 132kv

Visnagar NV Patel DE

NB Patel SBO RK Patel SBO 5 66kv Bhalak NV Patel DE BB Patel SBO ML Chavda SBO 6 66kv Vasai NV Patel DE JJ Patel ALM JS Patel SBO 7 66kv Jantral ZB Vohra JE VJ Patel SBO HM Parmar SBO 8 66kv Kada ZB Vohra JE CM Darji Helper IN Vaghela LM 9 66kv Mansa RM Leuva JE AP Patel ALM KD Prajapati SBO 10 66kv Lodra RM Leuva JE MC Patel Helper NJ Amin SBO 11 66kv

Manekpur RM Leuva JE

MM Patel SBO NH Patel AO 12 66kv

Gozaria JJ Dave JE

IS Vohra AO NJ Brahmbhatt SBO 13 66kv

Charada JJ Dave JE

CA Patel SBO KB Patel SBO 14 66kv Vihar JJ Dave JE PR Patel ALM KK Patel SBO 15 66kv

Tatosan MR Patel JE

HJ Patel SBO SV Patel SBO 16 66kv

Sundarpur MR Patel JE

JD Patel SBO DR Trivedi SBO 17 66kv Ladol MR Patel JE RM Patel SBO JA Kadiya SBO 18 66kv

Ranasan MP Prajapati JE

AR Patel SBO NL Patel DSA 1 TR Dn.

Dhansura IK Patel DE

SN Pargi Sr.Astt. DN Vaghela JE 2 220kv

Dhansura PC Shah DE

AN Dave JE


MA Rathod JE 3 132kv Talod IK Patel DE NP Joshi PO-I BM Parmar SBO 4 66kv

D'muvadi MA Rathod JE

KH Patel LM MJ Kazi SBO 5 66kv Rozad MA Rathod JE DS Patel Helper LL Nadia SBO 6 66kv

Bayal(D) MA Rathod JE

SC Ghori Helper GM Brahmbhatt SBO 7 66kv Bayad RC Patel JE CG Patel LM KB Patel SBO 8 66kv

Ambaliyara RC Patel JE

MG Desai Helper SL Patel SBO 9 66kv Gabat RC Patel JE NS Patel ALM CS Dave SBO 10 66kv Virpur RC Patel JE BP Patel SBO SN Suthar SBO 11 66kv

Sathamba RC Patel JE

HL Parikh Helper RD Makwana SBO 12 66kv

Modasa SS Suthar JE

CJ Chauhan ALM KH Kharadi SBO 13 66kv

meghraj SS Suthar JE

KM Katara Helper VL Damor SBO 14 66kv

Rellawada SS Suthar JE

VK Baranda Helper KD Bhavsar SBO 15 66kv Tintoi SS Suthar JE AM Saiyad Helper GN Makwana SBO 16 66kv

Sinawad SS Suthar JE

KK Patel Helper NM Upadhdhyay SBO 17 66kv Malpur SS Suthar JE MN Bamna Helper KD Patel SBO 18 66kv

Gambhoi VA Parmar JE

RA Patel LM RD Patel SBO 19 66kv

Ranasan VA Parmar JE

HK Mehta Helper AS Rathod SBO 20 66kv

Medhasan VA Parmar JE

KJ Kachhuva Helper MP Pranami AO 21 66kv Prantij RN Raval JE KA Rathod LI KA Rathod SBO 22 66kv Tajpur RN Raval JE RU Vyas Helper IC Nayak SBO 23 66kv

Amodara RN Raval JE

NN Desai Helper DM Patel DE 1 TR Divn.

Chhatral BM Patel EE

AR Shah DSA BG Patel JE 2 220kv

Chhatral AI Kureshi DE

HK Patel LM SM Patel LM 3 66kv GIDC BG Patel JE AR Shah AO


BK Amin AO 4 66kv Nardipur

AK Parmar JE RD Patel LM BN Patel SBO 5 66kv Soja AK Parmar JE RC Raval LM VM Patel SBO 6 66kv

Randheja AK Parmar JE

DP Kharadi LM US Patel SBO 7 66kv

Langhnaj AK Parmar JE

DS Thakor LM NR Nayee SBO 8 66kv Veda AK Parmar JE VP Patel SBO AA Patel LM 9 66kv

Vadsar NM Gajjar JE

BK Patel SBO DR Nayee LM 10 66kv

Borisana NM Gajjar JE

DM Vyas SBO MB Thakor LI 11 66kv Kalol NM Gajjar JE CD Desai PO-I HR Rabadi LM 12 66kv

Pansar NM Gajjar JE

KL Parmar SBO NR Bhavsar SBO 13 66kv Moti

adraj NM Gajjar JE

DK Dhobi SBO VR Damor LM 14 66kv Santej PP Shah JE VP Mistri AO PP Rathod LM 15 66kv Adalaj PP Shah JE VR Nayak SBO NR Chavda LM 16 66kv

Medaadraj PP Shah JE

DN Parmar SBO HR Baria LM 17 66kv Medha PP Shah JE SA Patel SBO VD Patel AO 18 66kv

Nandasan NM Sutaria JE

KB Prajapati ALM GD Thakor ALM 19 66kv Rajpur NM Sutaria JE RB Patel SBO YA Pathan SBO 20 66kv

Mandali NM Sutaria JE

RB Patel SBO UR Patel SBO 21 66kv Suraj NM Sutaria JE CM Patel SBO JM Parmar AO 22 66kv Kadi JV Patel JE DS Patel ALM RP Patel AO 23 66kv

Karannagar JV Patel JE

DG Parikh LM GH Patel SBO 24 66kv

Katosan JV Patel JE

AA Patel LM BT Patel SBO 25 66kv

Rangpurda JV Patel JE

AA Patel SBO JV Tetar DE 1 Const.

Divn., SM Doshi EE

VI Patel DE SM Soni JE 2 Const S/Dn.

Mehsana JA Limbachiya DE

RN Jadav J.Asstt.


RC Shah JE 3 Civil S/Dn. Mehsana

JH Parikh DE MR Patel JE AA Patel JE 4 Const S/Dn.

Vadavi PJ Shah DE

CB Dantani J.Asstt. VN Patel JE 5 Civil S/Dn.

Vadavi VK Prajapati DE

MV Patel J.Asstt. HJ Patel JE 6 Const S/Dn.

H'nagar BB Khatri I/c DE

PO Mistry JE AR Patel JE 7 Civil S/Dn.

Vijapur NV Patel DE

NA Rajput JE KH Patel JE 8 Const S/Dn.

Idar BB Khatri DE

AK Asari S.Asstt SM Patel JE 9 Civil S/Dn.

Idar AB Deshmukh DE

LR Dindor S.Asstt BD Patel DE 1 TR Divn.

Idar MG Vohra I/c EE

NJ Joshi DSA GS Sheth JE 2 220kv Agiol TK Patel DE SD Parmar PO-I PU Patel PO-I 3 132kv Idar VR Chaudhari JE SK Kadiya PO-I AB Rehvar SBO 4 66kv Badoli VR Chaudhari JE BD Ninama LM RV Patel SBO 5 66kv

Sundarpur VR Chaudhari JE

VV Patel SBO DK Trivedi SBO 6 66kv Lai-

Ranasan VR Chaudhari JE

VS Patel LM PK Prajapati SBO 7 66kv Panol VR Chaudhari JE KK Patel SBO RJ Rathod SBO 8 66kv Kundla VR Chaudhari JE BU Bhabhi SBO MB Chavda SBO 9 66kv

Choriwad VR Chaudhari JE

BL Patodia LM RS Parmar SBO 10 66kv

Kaniyol GS Sheth JE

SR Prajapati SBO RP Suthar SBO 11 66kv

H'nagar-II GS Sheth JE

DP Prajapati SBO NS Patel SBO 12 66kv

Hansalpur GS Sheth JE

RM Jansari SBO AB dave SBO 13 66kv Nikoda GS Sheth JE RS Patel SBO SV Purani AO 14 66kv

H'nagar-I DA Yadav JE

BS Solanki LM RJ Darji SBO 15 66kv

Hajipur DA Yadav JE

VH Patel SBO PH Prajapati SBO 16 66kv Jadar DA Yadav JE RK Baria LM AC Goya SBO 17 66kv

Dedhrota DA Yadav JE

CB Makwana SBO


MK Joshi SBO 18 66kv Bhiloda

PK Panchal JE HM Suvera LM RK Bhagora SBO 19 66kv

Dantod PK Panchal JE

MV Parmar SBO AS Limbat SBO 20 66kv

Vijaynagar PK Panchal JE

KS Thakor SBO NS Pandor SBO 21 66kv Vasai PK Panchal JE PD Badeva SBO PK Joshi AO 22 66kv

K'brahma MK Baranda JE

KB Nayak AO KR Barot SBO 23 66kv

M'champa MK Baranda JE

BK Chekhaliya LM ND Barot SBO 24 66kv Vadali MK Baranda JE PT Pandya LM BN Makwana SBO 25 11kv

Poshina MK Baranda JE

MN Patel Helper






G\PH[8SMq TFP v)v_5


EFZT ;ZSFZGF DFlCTL VlWSFZ VlWlGID v Z__5 GL S,D s5f VgJI[ H]GFU- 5|JCG JT]"/ SR[ZL T[DH T[GF TFAF C[9/ VFJTL TDFD SR[ZLVM q ;A:8[XGMDF\ OZH AHFJTF GLR[ NXF"J[, VlWSFZLVM q SD"RFZLVMGL4 V[5[,[8 VMYMZL8L sAppellate Authorityf4 HFC[Z DFlCTL VlWSFZL sPublic Information Officerf4 DNNGLX HFC[Z DFlCTL VlWSFZL s Assistant Public Information Officer fTZLS[ lGD6}\S SZJFDF\ VFJ[ K[P

Appellate Authority

JUNAGADH TR CO Sh. R.F.Asodaria,

I/C S. E (TR)

Sr. No. Name of Unit Division Name of Public

Information officer (PIO) Name of Assistant Public Information officer (APIO)

Sub- Stations

1 220KV Keshod Keshod Sh. K.V. Karavadara, D.E. (1) Sh. T. M. Kukadia J.E. (2) Sh. V. J. Radia, APO

2 66KV Keshod Keshod Sh. M. A. Sheikh, J.E. (1) Sh. N.R. Parmar, SBO (2) Sh.R. N. Akola, L.M.

3 66KV Madhavpur Keshod Sh. M. A. Sheikh, J.E. (1) Sh. N.B. Kargathia, SBO (2) Sh. Y. A. Theba, L.M.

4 66KV Mangrol Keshod Sh. M. A. Sheikh, J.E. (1) Sh. M.A. Sheikh, SBO (2) Sh. N. S. Chavda, L.M.

5 66KV Shil Keshod Sh. M. A. Sheikh, J.E. (1) Sh. N. D. Bhagora, SBO (2) Sh. B. V. Mevada, L.M.

6 66KV Ajab Keshod Sh. M. A. Sheikh, J.E. (1) Sh J. T. Sadaria, SBO (2) Sh. J. M. Aghera, Helper

7 66KV Khodiyar Keshod Sh. M. A. Sheikh, J.E. (1) Sh. A. L.Ghodasara,SBO (2) Sh. M. B. Manvar, Helper

8 66KV Mendarda Keshod Sh. M. A. Sheikh, J.E. (1) Sh. M. R. Doba, SBO (2) Sh. V. K. Solanki, A.L.M.

9 66KV Malia Keshod Sh. A. K. Ravat, J.E. (1) Sh. D.J. Mehta, SBO (2) Sh. P. U. Vanvi, L.M.

10 66KV Chorvad Keshod Sh. A. K. Ravat, J.E. (1) Sh. B. D. Vaja, SBO (2) Sh. L. A. Solanki, A.L.M.

11 66KV Khirsara Keshod Sh. A. K. Ravat, J.E. (1) Sh. P.R. Sihora, SBO (2) Sh. B. M. Thumar, L.M.

12 66KV Koyalana Keshod Sh. A. K. Ravat, J.E. (1) Sh. J. K. Mehta, SBO (2) Sh. G. J. Dave, Helper

13 66KV Chuladi Keshod Sh. A. K. Ravat, J.E. (1) Sh. K. S. Solanki, SBO (2) Sh. J. K. Pandit, Helper

14 66KV Veravad Keshod Sh. D. K. Patel, J.E. (1) Sh. N.S. Garchar, APO (2) Sh. A. N. Parmar, A.L.M.

15 66KV P. Patan Keshod Sh. D. K. Patel, J.E. (1) Sh. N. P. Ajmera, SBO (2) Sh. A. R. Solanki, A.L.M.

16 66KV Sutrapada Keshod Sh. D. K. Patel, J.E. (1) Sh. R. G. Dudakia, SBO (2) Sh. A. H. Kathad, Helper


17 66KV Moraj Keshod Sh. D. K. Patel, J.E. (1) Sh. K. K. Zala, SBO (2) Sh. J. B. Parmar, Helper

18 220KV Ranavav Ranavav Sj. P.M.Dave, D.E. (1) Sh. V.B.Visavadia, J.E. (2) Sh. V.L.Kotiya, P.O.-I

19 66KV Colony PBR Ranavav Sh. H.D.Khodiyar, J.E. (1) Sh. R.G.Doshi, A.P.O. (2) Sh. J.J.Thanki, Helper

20 66KV Bhanvad Ranavav Sh. H.D.Khodiyar, J.E. (1) Sh. R.C.Motivaras, SBO (2) Sh. K.V.Rathod, Helper

21 66KV Gosa Ranavav Sh. H.D.Khodiyar, J.E. (1) Sh. H.M.Maheta, SBO (2) Sh. R.B.Pandya, Helper

22 66KV Vansjalia Ranavav Sh. H.D.Khodiyar, J.E. (1) Sh. J.B.Parghi, SBO (2) Sh. R.V.Erda, Helper

23 66KV Gunda Ranavav Sh. H.D.Khodiyar, J.E. (1) Sh. N.V.Rathod, SBO (2) Sh. R.K.Parmar, Helper

24 66KV GIDC PBR Ranavav Sh. S.R.Chandegara, J.E. (1) Sh. J.M.Joshi, APO (2) Sh. D.V.Nimbark, Helper

25 66KV Bokhira Ranavav Sh. S.R.Chandegara, J.E. (1) Sh. S.J.Thanki, SBO (2) Sh. P.D.Zala, SBO

26 66KV Bagavadar Ranavav Sh. S.R.Chandegara, J.E. (1) Sh. V.J.Khistariya, SBO (2) Sh. R.K.Odedara, A.L.M.

27 66KV Visavada Ranavav Sh. S.R.Chandegara, J.E. (1) Sh. B.R.Odedara, SBO (2) Sh. G.V.Ramdatti, Helper

28 66KV Aadvana Ranavav Sh. S.R.Chandegara, J.E. (1) Sh. P.K.Odedara, SBO (2) Sh. S.R.Baranda, Helper

29 66KV Kutiyana Ranavav Sh. A.L.Jethva, J.E. (1) Sh. S.J. Modha, SBO (2) Sh. P.S.Joshi, Helper

30 66KV Ranakandorna Ranavav Sh. A.L.Jethva, J.E. (1) Sh. B.M.Thanki, SBO (2) Sh. J.D.Bapodara, SBO

31 66KV Sonvadia Ranavav Sh. A.L.Jethva, J.E. (1) Sh. R.S.Koriya, SBO (2) Sh. D.R.Makadiya Helper

32 66KV Manavadar Ranavav Sh. N.J.Kadri, J.E. (1) Sh. C.B.Monpara, APO (2)Sh. H.L.Nimavat, APO

33 66KV Pajod Ranavav Sh. N.J.Kadri, J.E. (1) Sh. R.R.Manvar, SBO (2) Sh. C.K.Sapariya, SBO

34 66KV Mandodara Ranavav Sh. N.J.Kadri, J.E. (1) Sh. B.K.Joshi, SBO (2) Sh. J.R.Thumar, SBO

35 220KV Motipaneli Dhoraji Sh. K. N. Dhigani, D. E. (1) Sh.M. H. Ladva, PO-I(2) Sh. R. T. Manvar, L.I.

36 66KV Samana Dhoraji Sh. K. N. Dhigani, D. E. (1)Sh. R. S. Mayda, SBO (2)Sh. H. B. Joshi, Helper

37 66KV Kharachiya Dhoraji Sh. K. N. Dhigani, D. E. (1)Sh. M. J. Rana, SBO (2)Sh. R. M. Bhasa, L.M.

38 66KV JamJodhpur Dhoraji Sh. K. N. Dhigani, D. E. (1)Sh. H. V. Vaghela, SBO (2)Sh. S. V. Rathod, L.M.

39 132KV Dhoraji Dhoraji Sh. V. J. Khant, D.E. (1)Sh. J. H. Dadhania, PO-I(2)Sh. K. J. Shukla, APO

40 220KV Sardargadh Dhoraji Sh. T. J. Mackwan, D.E. (1) Sh. R. B. Jalu, PO-I(2)Sh. N. G. Parmar, L.I.

41 66KV Sardargadh Dhoraji Sh. T. J. Mackwan, D.E. (1)Sh. R. V. Acharya, SBO (2)Sh. T. D. Vadher, ALM

42 66KV Patanvav Dhoraji Sh. T. J. Mackwan, D.E. (1)Sh. H. G. Kaneria, SBO (2)Sh. M. M. Joshi, Helper

43 132KV Bhayavadar Dhoraji Sh. B. M. Patel, D.E. (1)Sh. K.C. Vasava, PO-I(2)Sh. N. D. Ghetiya, L.I.

44 66KV Chitravad Dhoraji Sh. B. M. Patel, D.E. (1)Sh. B. B. Kuvad, SBO (2)Sh. T. G. Paradva, L.M.


45 66KV Upleta Dhoraji Sh. D. M. Patel, J.E. (1)Sh. P. M. Kardani, SBO (2)Sh. K. B. Ghetiya, L.M.

46 66KV Tansava Dhoraji Sh. D. M. Patel, J.E. (1)Sh. B. B. Makwana, SBO (2)Sh. A. H. Parmar, L.M.

47 66KV Jetpur 'A' Dhoraji Sh. H. G. Patel, D.E. (1)Sh. V. V. Rokad, SBO (2)Sh. N. J. Jadav, L.I.

48 66KV Jetpur 'B' Dhoraji Sh. H. G. Patel, D.E. (1)Sh. A. N. Trivedi, SBO (2)Sh. L. D. Vania, Helper

49 66KV Jam Kandorana Dhoraji Sh. H. G. Patel, D.E. (1)Sh. T.G. Sondarva, SBO (2)Sh. A. N. Katara, L.M.

50 66KV Motimarad Dhoraji Sh. H. G. Patel, D.E. (1)Sh. M. B. Rajyaguru, SBO, (2)Sh. S. B. Sarvani, L.M.

51 66KV Supedi Dhoraji Sh. H. G. Patel, D.E. (1)Sh. J. T. Ghetiya, SBO (2)Sh. H. V. Bhorania, Helper

52 220KV Visavadar Junagadh Sh. B.J. Patel, D.E. (1) Sh.Y.L.Chaudhari PO-1(2) Sh. A.B.Barot, L.I.

53 66KV Motakotda Junagadh Sh. B.J. Patel, D.E. (1) Sh. A.N.Thakar, SBO (2) Sh. J.G.Vadher, Helper

54 66KV Bilkha Junagadh Sh. B.J. Patel, D.E. (1)Sh. Y.R.Bhatt, SBO (2)Sh. D.G.Chudasama, Helper

55 132KV Junagadh Junagadh Sh.D.D.Rathwa, D.E. (1) Sh. P.C.Dindor, P.O-1(2) Sh. R.B.Gauswami, L.I.

56 66KV Bhesan Junagadh Sh.D.D.Rathwa, D.E. (1)Sh. G.B.Gharsandia, SBO (2)Sh. H.B.Ladani, L.M.

57 66KV Chuda Junagadh Sh.D.D.Rathwa, D.E. (1)Sh. D.A.Sarvaiya, SBO (2)Sh. M.B.Gosai, Helper

58 66KV Devkigalol Junagadh Sh.D.D.Rathwa, D.E. (1)Sh. G.G.Bhalara, SBO (2)Sh. A.G.Fatania, Helper

59 66KV Prabhatpur Junagadh Sh.D.D.Rathwa, D.E. (1)Sh. N.J.Sarvaiya, SBO (2)Sh. J.D.Joshi, Helper

60 66KV GIDC JND Junagadh Sh. B.J.Bapodara, J.E. (1)Sh. R.K.Bhayani, SBO (2)Sh. P.K.Tank, L.M.

61 66KV Zanzarda Junagadh Sh. B.J.Bapodara, J.E. (1)Sh. P.M.Panara, SBO (2)Sh. K.V.Pandya, Helper

62 66KV Choki Junagadh Sh. B.J.Bapodara, J.E. (1)Sh. R.J.Kundaria, SBO (2)Sh. M.H.Maradiya, Helper

63 66KV Vadia Junagadh Sh. B.J.Bapodara, J.E. (1)Sh. R.P.Dave, SBO (2)Sh. J.N.Damor, L.M.

64 66KV Shapur Junagadh Sh. V.R.Gajera, J.E. (1)Sh. J.R.Tank, SBO (2)Sh. V.G.Bharai, L.M.

65 66KV Kanza Junagadh Sh. V.R.Gajera, J.E. (1)Sh. P.N.Trivedi, SBO (2)Sh. K.P.Ghodasara, Helper

66 66KV Majewadi Junagadh Sh. V.R.Gajera, J.E. (1)Sh. D.B.Maru, SBO (2)Sh. V.J.Patolia, Helper

67 66KV Visavadar Junagadh Sh. N.M.Parmar, J.E. (1)Sh. A.S.Tiwari, SBO (2)Sh. R.M.Bharad, L.M.

68 66KV Dhebar Junagadh Sh. N.M.Parmar, J.E. (1)Sh. D.B.Oza, SBO (2)Sh. V.H.Chavda, Helper

69 66KV Motimonpari Junagadh Sh. N.M.Parmar, J.E. (1)Sh. G.A.Makarani, SBO (2)Sh. B.D.Rohit, Helper

70 66KV Bhalgam Junagadh Sh. N.M.Parmar, J.E. (1)Sh. N.V.Paradva, SBO (2)Sh. K.B.Bheda, Helper

71 66KV Bardia Junagadh Sh. N.M.Parmar, J.E. (1)Sh. J.G.Marvania, SBO (2)Sh. B.K.Gamot, Helper


Sub - Division

1 Const. Sub Division Shapur Const. Junagadh Sh. D.C. Vaishnani, D.E. (1) Sh. J.V. Vala, J.E. ,

(2)Sh. D.R. Vansh

2 Const. Sub Divi. Porbandar Const. Junagadh Sh. V.T. Raja, D.E.

(1) Sh.H.R.Chavada, Surveyer, (2) C.H.Vadhvana, L.I.

3 Const. Sub Division Upleta Const. Junagadh Sh. V.H. Govani, D.E. (1) Sh. S.D. Thumar, L.I.

(2) Sh. A.K. Joshi, S.A.

4 Civil Sub Division Junagadh Const. Junagadh Sh. A.J. Ramani, D.E. (1) Sh. M.K. Bhanderi, J.E.

(2) Sh. B.K. Jadeja, J.A.

5 Divisional Store Keshod Const. Junagadh Sh. A. A. Sheikh, D.E. (1) Sh. H.S. Dave, S.A.

(2) Sh. C.H. Vyas, Helper

Division Office

1 Const. Division, Junagadh Junagadh Sh. R.F.Asodaria, E.E. (1) Sh. L.M. Khanpara, D.E. (2) Sh. A.H. Nanavati, Dy.S.A.

2 TR Division, Junagadh Junagadh Sh. C.R.Radadia, E.E. (1) Sh. B.N. Trivedi, D.E. (2) Sh. S.L. Vaghela, Dy.S.A.

3 TR Division, Keshod Keshod Sh. G.C.Thakar, E.E. (1) Sh. R.C.Chavda, D.E. (2) Smt. S. H. Garchar, Dy.S.A.

4 TR Division, Dhoraji Dhoraji Sh. U.C. Shah, E.E. (1) Sh. V.J. Khant, D.E. (2) Sh. N.P. Jadav, Dy.S.A.

5 TR Division, Ranavav Ranavav Sh. S.J. Patel, E.E. (1) Sh. H.H. Madlani, D.E. (2) Sh. M.D. Garchar, Dy.S.A.

TR Circle Office

1 TR Circle, Junagadh Junagadh Sh. K.T.Ghetiya, D.E. (1)Sh. N.K.Rathva, A.S. (2) Sh. N.N.Bhatt, D.E.






G\PH[8SMq TFP v)v_5


EFZT ;ZSFZGF DFlCTL VlWSFZ VlWlGID v Z__5 GL S,D s5fVgJI[ GJ;FZL 5|JCG JT]"/ SR[ZL T[DH T[GF TFAF C[9/ VFJTL TDFD SR[ZLVM q ;A:8[XGMDF\ OZH AHFJTF GLR[ NXF"J[, VlWSFZLVM q SD"RFZLVMGL4 V[5[,[8 VMYMZL8L sAppellate Authorityf4 HFC[Z DFlCTL VlWSFZL sPublic Information Officerf4 DNNGLX HFC[Z DFlCTL VlWSFZL s Assistant Public Information Officer fTZLS[ lGD6}\S SZJFDF\ VFJ[ K[P

Appellate Authority

NAVSARI TR CO Shri M.H.Ksatriya, S. E (TR)

Sr.No. Name of unit Name of Public Information

Officer (PIO) Name of Assistant Public

Information Officer (APIO) Sub-station 1 220KV Vav s/s Shri V.G.Patel, DE 1. Shri J.N.Patel, JE

2. Shri M.J.Rathod, PO-I 2 220KV Mota s/s Shri K.D.Kunwar, DE 1. Shri B.M.Mistry, JE

2. Shri U.M.Patel, PO-I 3 220KV Vapi s/s Shri K.R.Ganvit, JE 1. Shri D.H.Gaikwad, PO-I 4 220KV Bhilad s/s Shri J.M.Tamboli, DE 1. Shri V.V.Shah, JE

2. Shri B.V.Patel, PO-I 5 220KV Ichchhapore s/s Shri H.B.Patel, JE 1. Shri M.D.Anand, PO-I 6 220KV Talangpore s/s Shri B.H.Sharma, DE 1. Shri S.B.Parmar. JE

2. Shri J.D.Rathod, PO-I 7 220KV Navsari s/s Shri.V.S.Rathod DE 1.Shri.B.K.Lad ,JE

2.Shri.A.N.Mistry, PO-I 8 220KV Ambheta s/s Shri. N.R.Patel,DE 1.Shri.A.K.Patel,JE

2.Shri.J.R.patel, PO-I 9 132KV Atul s/s Shri.A.N.Patel,DE 1.Shri.N.P.Patel,JE

2.Shri.N.B.Pawar,PO-I 10 132KV Bhestan s/s Shri.J.G.Patel,DE 1.Shri.C.H.Shah,JE

2.Shri.G.C.Patel,JE 11 66KV Bardoli s/s Shri.B.P.Chaudhary,JE 1.Shri.V.D.Mehta ,S.B.O.

2.Shri.S.R.Patel,S.B.O. 12 66KV Mahuva s/s Shri.B.P.Chaudhary,JE 1.Shri.H.R.Patel S.B.O.

2.Shri. D.D.Chaudhary,S.B.O. 13 66KV Valod s/s Shri.B.P.Chaudhary,JE 1.Shri.K.S.Parikh,S.B.O.

2.Shri.B.M.Desai,S.B.O. 14 66KV Vyara s/s Shri.B.P.Chaudhary,JE 1.Shri.R.P.Gavit,S.B.O.

2.Shri.R.G.Gamit,S.B.O. 15 66KV Songadh s/s Shri.N.B.Gamit, J.E. 1.Shri.D.M.Parekh,S.B.O.

2.Shri.N.R.Gamit,S.B.O. 16 66KV Uchchal s/s Shri.N.B.Gamit, J.E. 1.Shri.B.R.Rathod,S.B.O.



17 66KV Nizer s/s Shri.N.B.Gamit, J.E. 1.Shri.M.M.Soni,S.B.O. 2.Shri.N.R.Patil,S.B.O.

18 66KV Ukai s/s Shri.G.B.Chaudhary, J.E. 1.Shri.J.M.Patel,S.B.O. 2.Shri.H.J.Chauhan,S.B.O.

19 66KV Kamrej s/s Shri.S.K.Gamit, J.E. 1.Shri.S.R.Chaudhary,S.B.O. 2.Shri.D.S.Patel,S.B.O.

20 66KV Kadodara s/s Shri.A.S.Patel, D.E. 1.Shri.S.G.Lad,S.B.O. 2.Shri.D.M.Patel,S.B.O.

21 66KV Palsana s/s Shri.V.G.Patel, J.E. 1.Shri.R.N.Patel,S.B.O. 2.Shri.S.K.Makwana,S.B.O.

22 66KV Laskana s/s Shri.D.L.Lad D.E 1.Shri.M.K.Patel,S.B.O. 2.Shri.T.C.Patel,S.B.O.

23 66KV Atakpardi s/s Shri.A.N.Patel, DE 1.Shri.Ratilal.B.Patel,S.B.O. 2.Shri.U.R.Desai,S.B.O.

24 66KV Dharampur s/s Shri.A.N.Patel, DE 1.Shri.D.R.Patel,S.B.O. 2.Shri.G.Z.Surkal,S.B.O.

25 66KV Valsad s/s Shri.A.N.Patel, DE 1.Shri.K.S.Patel,S.B.O. 2.Shri.N.A.Naik,S.B.O.

26 66KV Dungari (Valsad)s/s

Shri.A.N.Patel, DE 1.Shri.R.M.Patel,S.B.O. 2.Shri.P.R.Lad,S.B.O.

27 66KV Kaparada s/s Shri.A.N.Patel, DE 1.Shri.A.G.Patel,S.B.O. 2.Shri.J.K.Patel,S.B.O.

28 66KV GIDC Vapi s/s Shri.B.G.Patel, DE 1.Shri.N.K.Patel,J.E 2.Shri.V.J.Tandel,S.B.O.

29 66KV 3rd Phase Vapi s/s Shri.B.G.Patel, DE 1.Shri.C.N.Patel,S.B.O 2.Shri.D.D.Patel,S.B.O.

30 66KV Damanganga s/s Shri.B.G.Patel, DE 1.Shri.N.P.Patel,S.B.O. 2.Shri.U.K.Patel,S.B.O.

31 66KV Mota Pondha s/s Shri.B.G.Patel, DE 1.Shri.J.M.Patel,S.B.O. 2.Shri.I.L.Dhunna,S.B.O.

32 66KV 4th Phase Vapi s/s Shri.B.G.Patel,DE 1.Shri.H.G.Bhatt,S.B.O 2.Shri.D.R.Patel,S.B.O.

33 66KV Sarigam s/s Shri.B.G.Patel, DE 1.Shri.G.R.Bhandari,S.B.O 2.Shri.M.S.Patel,S.B.O.

34 66KV Umargam s/s Shri.B.G.Patel, DE 1.Shri.M.U.Patel,S.B.O 2.Shri.K.B.Pandya,S.B.O.

35 66KV Sanjan s/s Shri.S.T.Patel, JE 1.Shri.S.R.Patel,S.B.O 2.Shri.B.M.Patel,S.B.O.

36 66KV Ichchhapore s/s Shri.R.P.Rathod, JE 1.Shri.N.C.Patel,S.B.O 2.Shri.S.S.Patel,S.B.O.

37 66KV Tapi s/s Shri.S.R.Vashi, DE 1.Shri.M.V.Naik,JE 2.Shri.B.M.Desai,A.O.

38 66KV Sarthana s/s .Shri.M.V.Naik, JE

1.Shri.B.N.Champaneri,S.B.O 2.Shri.N.C.Chauhan,S.B.O.

39 66KV Udhana s/s .Shri.C.D.Rana, JE

1.Shri.J.M.Desai,JE 2.Shri.C.C.Patel,PO-I.

40 66KV Govalak s/s Shri.J.M.Desai, JE

1.Shri.D.Z.Dudhwala,S.B.O. 2.Shri.A.N.Rathod,S.B.O.

41 66KV Godadara s/s Shri.J.M.Desai, JE

1.Shri.S.R.Mistry,S.B.O. 2.Shri.U.C.Rathod,S.B.O.

42 66KV Sachin-A s/s Shri.A.P.Bhabhor, JE

1.Shri.K.C.Patel,PO-I 2.Shri.J.G.Ghadvi,PO-I


43 66KV Sachin-B s/s Shri.P.R.Vesuwala ,JE

1.Shri.D.G.Naik,APO 2.Shri.K.M.Mistry,APO

44 66KV Puna s/s .Shri.M.V.Naik,JE

1.Shri.M.V.Rathod,S.B.O 2.Shri.G.O.Katre,S.B.O

45 66KV Olpad s/s Shri. H.B.Patel,JE 1.Shri.N.C.Desai,APO 2.Shri.N.G.Lad,APO

46 66KV Vesu s/s Shri. R.P.Rathod,JE 1.Shri.N.R.Patel,S.B.O 2.Shri.A.C.Dalvi,S.B.O.

47 66KV Variav s/s Shri. H.B.Patel,JE 1.Shri.M.K.Palanpuria,S.B.O 2.Shri.A.B.Patel,S.B.O.

48 66KV Pal s/s Shri. R.P.Rathod,JE 1.Shri.A.B.Mehta,S.B.O 2.Shri.B.R.Patel,S.B.O.

49 66KV Pandesara - A s/s Shri.C.H.Shah,JE

1.Shri.B.Z.Patel,S.B.O 2.Shri.B.B.Bharade,S.B.O.

50 66KV Pandesara - B s/s Shri.C.H.Shah,JE

1.Shri.R.C.Patel,S.B.O 2.Shri.B.M.Patel,S.B.O.

51 66KV Vanz s/s Shri.S.B.Parmar,JE

1.Shri.R.D.Naik,S.B.O 2.Shri.S.C.Patel,S.B.O.

52 66KV Chikhli s/s Shri.B.B.Thakor,JE

1.Shri.A.C.Patel,S.B.O 2.Shri.N.N.Desai,S.B.O.

53 66KV Anaval s/s Shri.B.B.Thakor,JE

1.Shri.K.N.Patel,S.B.O 2.Shri.N.M.Patel,S.B.O.

54 66KV Vansda s/s Shri.B.B.Thakor,JE

1.Shri.M.H.Chaudhry,S.B.O 2.Shri.R.K.Patel,S.B.O.

55 66KV Waghai s/s Shri.B.B.Thakor,JE

1.Shri.V.C.Patel,S.B.O 2.Shri.M.M.Patel,S.B.O.

56 66KV Ahwa s/s Shri.B.B.Thakor,JE

1.Shri.D.M.Mahla,S.B.O 2.Shri.L.N.Patel,S.B.O.

57 66KV Dolvan s/s Shri.B.B.Thakor,JE

1.Shri.R.T.Chaudhry,S.B.O 2.Shri.R.S.Patel,S.B.O.

58 66KV Khergam s/s Shri.A.K.Patel,JE

1.Shri.T.B.Patel,S.B.O 2.Shri.U.D.Patel,S.B.O.

59 66KV Billimora s/s Shri.M.B.Patel,JE

1.Shri.B.R.Lad,S.B.O 2.Shri.N.N.Desai,S.B.O.

60 66KV Gandevi s/s Shri.M.B.Patel,JE

1.Shri.D.D.Naik,S.B.O 2.Shri.B.K.Mehta,S.B.O.

61 66KV Amalsad s/s Shri.M.B.Patel,JE 1.Shri.N.J.Mistry,S.B.O 2.Shri.S.B.Patel,S.B.O.

62 66KV Eroo s/s Shri.A.H.Rana,JE

1.Shri.J.D.Patel,S.B.O 2.Shri.S.L.Patel,S.B.O.

63 66KV Maroli s/s Shri.A.H.Rana,JE

1.Shri.B.P.Patel,S.B.O 2.Shri.R.M.Halpati,S.B.O.

64 66KV Chhapra s/s Shri.A.H.Rana,JE

1.Shri.B.U.Rathod,S.B.O 2.Shri.G.P.Patel,S.B.O.

65 66KV Khadki Dungri s/s Shri A.N.Patel, JE 1. Shri K.M.Patel, S.B.O. 2. Shri R.N.Naik, S.B.O.

Sub-division 1 Construction S/Dn.,

Navsari Shri A.B.Rathod, DE 1. Shri R.J.Pancholi, JE

2. Shri J.I.Vashi, Sr. Asstt. 2 Construction S/Dn.,

Vav Shri A.A.Desai, DE 1. Shri M.N.Vora, JE

2. Shri S.M.Dhodia, Sr. Asstt.


3 Construction S/Dn., Vapi

Shri C.P.Singh, DE 1. Shri D.C.Gandhi, JE 2. Shri U.K.Hindonker, Sr. Asstt.

4 Construction Store S/Dn., Vav

Shri K.R.Surti, JE 1. Shri G.B.Patel, Store Keeper

5 Civil S/Dn., Navsari Shri M.A.Vhora, DE 1. Shri J.N.Patel, JE 2. Smt A.S.Gupte, Sr. Asstt.

Division Office 1 Construction Division

Office, Navsari Shri K.C.Patel, EE (Const.) 1. Shri P.P.Munsif, DE (Tech)

2. Shri Mehta, Dy. Supdt. (A) 2 Transmission

Division, Vav Shri R.K.Patel, EE (TR) 1. Shri D.L.Lad, DE (Tech)

2. Shri Mody, Dy. Supdt. (A) 3 Transmission

Division, Vapi Shri V.B.Padia, EE (TR) 1. Shri C.R.Tandel, DE (Tech)

2. Shri R.D.Rana, Dy. Supdt. (A)

4 Transmission Division, Navsari

Shri C.D.Patel, EE (TR) 1. Shri K.G.Patel, DE (Tech) 2. Shri B.M.Naik, Dy. Supdt. (A)

5 Transmission Division, Ichchhapore

Shri A.K.Chauhan, EE (TR) 1. Shri R.R.Dabekar, DE (Tech) 2. Shri C.B.Desai, Dy. Supdt. (A)

Circle Office 1 Navsari TR. Circle. Shri V.M.Patel, DE (Tech-1) 1. Shri M.S.Vasava, AS

2. Shri Q.M.M.Palida, DE (Tech-2)