Getting Groovy With Grails

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Grails is an advanced web application development framework focused on rapid prototyping. It uses the Groovy language and runs on a standard JVM. This presentation will provide a hands-on introduction to using Grails and then provides examples of Grails applications. Grails is based upon a plugin architecture and several significant plugins will be described, such as the Spring Security plugin for web authentication and authorization.


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Getting Groovy with Grails

Bryan BashamSoftware Alchemy


GettingGroovy w/




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CreateEntity GUI Scaffolding



Getting Started

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Install Grails

● Download Grails at – I am using version 1.3.4 for this tech talk

● Unpack ZIP file on computer● Set GRAILS_HOME environment variable● Add $GRAILS_HOME/bin to PATH

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Create a Grails App

● Execute command, eg:grails create-app MyApp

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MyApp Use Cases

List employees

Update employee

Create employee

Retrieve employee

Delete employee

Classic CRUDOperations

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Create a Domain Entity

● Create the Employee domain class, eg:grails create-domain-class com.example.Employee

package com.example

class Employee {

String firstName String lastName Integer age

static constraints = { }}


{from com.example}

firstName : StringlastName : Stringage : Integer

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Create a GUI Controller

● Create the Employee controller class, eg:grails create-controller com.example.Employee

package com.example

class EmployeeController { def scaffold = Employee}

● Grails scaffolding provides all basic CRUD operations and GUI Views

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Default GUI Scaffolding

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Default GUI Scaffolding (2)

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Default GUI Scaffolding (3)

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Behind the Looking Glass

● Create the Employee GUI controller class:grails generate-controller com.example.Employee

class EmployeeController { def index = { redirect(action: "list", params: params) } def list = { params.max = Math.min(params.max ?'max') : 10, 100) [employeeList: Employee.list(params), employeeTotal: Employee.count()] } def save = { def employee = new Employee(params) if ( true)) { flash.message = "Employee ${} created." redirect(action: "show", id: } else { render(view: "create", model: [employeeInstance: employee]) } }

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Behind the Looking Glass (2)

● Create the Employee GUI views:grails generate-views com.example.Employee

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Behind the Looking Glass (3)

● The list.gsp View: <table> <tbody> <g:each in="${employeeList}" status="i" var="employee"> <tr class="${(i % 2) == 0 ? 'odd' : 'even'}"> <td><g:link action="show" id="${}"> ${fieldValue(bean: employee, field: "id")}</g:link> </td> <td>${fieldValue(bean: employee, field: "age")}</td> <td>${fieldValue(bean: employee, field: "firstName")}</td> <td>${fieldValue(bean: employee, field: "lastName")}</td> </tr> </g:each> </tbody></table>

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Behind the Looking Glass (4)

● The create.gsp View: <g:form action="save" > <table> <tbody>

<tr class="prop"> <td valign="top" class="name"> <label for="age"><g:message code="employee.age.label" default="Age" /></label> </td> <td valign="top" class="value ${hasErrors(bean: employeeInstance, field: 'age', 'errors')}"> <g:textField name="age" value="${fieldValue(bean: employeeInstance, field: 'age')}" /> </td> </tr>


</tbody> </table></g:form>

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A Simple Relationship

class Employee {

String firstName String lastName Integer age Department department

static constraints = { }}


{from com.example}

name : String


{from com.example}

firstName : StringlastName : Stringage : Integer



class Department {

String name

static constraints = { }}

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Create GUI components

● Create Department GUIs and recreate Employee GUIs

A drop-down list of department objects, but the names are weird.

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Fix Department Display

● Add a simple toString method:class Department {

String name

String toString() { name }

static constraints = { }}

The toString method is used to create a useful display name. You could also create custom GSP code for the drop-down list widget.

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Web techPlugins


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CreateEntity GUI Scaffolding



Grails Architecture

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Grails Technology Stack

The Java Virtual Machine


Java Lang / JRE JDK


JavaEE Spring Hibernate SiteMesh


Your Grails Application

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Groovy Quick Look

● Groovy is a scripting langage on top of Java● Syntax for lists and maps:

– [1, 2, 3]

– [foo:1, bar:2, baz:3]

● Closures:– [1, 2, 3].collect { it * it } => [1, 4, 9]

● Fancy Strings:– 'foo' is a Java String– “foo is ${}” is a GString

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Groovy Quick Look (2)

● Groovy classes are JavaBeansclass Employee { String name Integer age}

● Setter/Getters are auto created unless specified:

class Employee { String name Date dateOfBirth Integer getAge() { /* calc age from DoB */ }}

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Convention over Configuration

● Configuration is kept to a bare minimum● Convention abounds:

– Entities– Controllers and URL patterns– Services and dependency injection– Tag libraries– Scaffolding– and much more

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● Configure logging in grails-app/conf/ Config.groovy file:

log4j = { root { info 'stdout' additivity = true } info 'com.example' // more configuration snipped}

● Log objects automatically available:if ( true)) { "Employee ${} created." redirect(action: "show", id:}

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Data Sources

● Configured in the grails-app/conf/ DataSource.groovy file

● Database driver JAR file configured in the grails-app/conf/BuildConfig.groovy file

● Must create the database before using, but schema creation is handled by Grails

– Use create-drop to create the DB on every run– This option destroys any data stored– Typically used during rapid prototyping

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Example: MySQL

● DataSource.groovy:environments { development { dataSource { dbCreate = "create-drop" // one of 'create', 'create-drop','update' url = "jdbc:mysql://localhost:8889/my-app-db" driverClassName = "com.mysql.jdbc.Driver" username = "root" password = "root" } }

● BuildConfig.groovy: dependencies { runtime 'mysql:mysql-connector-java:5.1.12' }

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Pre-populate DB

● Pre-populate the database using the grails-app/conf/BootStrap.groovy file:

import com.example.Department;

class BootStrap {

def init = { servletContext -> if ( Department.count() == 0 ) { new Department(name:"Accounting").save() new Department(name:"Marketing").save() new Department(name:"Development").save() new Department(name:"Sales").save() } } def destroy = { }}

The count() method is like the SQL statement:SELECT count(*) FROM department

The save() method is like an SQL INSERT statement.

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Eclipse Integration

● Install the Groovy plugin:

● Groovy support in Eclipse is spotty but workable

– Hard to find all necessary libraries– No obvious access to source or javadocs– Debugging Grails apps is very difficult

● Maven helps with some of these issues

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Maven Integration

● Creating a Grails app with Maven 2:mvn archetype:generate -DarchetypeGroupId=org.grails \

-DarchetypeArtifactId=grails-maven-archetype \-DarchetypeVersion=1.3.4 \-DgroupId=com.example -Dversion=0.1 -DartifactId=MyMavenApp

cd MyMavenApp/

mvn initialize

● Supporting Eclipse:mvn -DdownloadSources=true -DdownloadJavadocs=true \


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Ant Integration

● You can use Grails scripts in an Ant script● You can use Ant tasks in your own Grails

scripts,"${basedir}/")def appName = "${['']}"def appVersion = "${['app.version']}"def appPath = "${appName}-${appVersion}"

target(main: "Create an archive of the complete project source.") { "../${appPath}") { zipfileset(dir:"${basedir}", prefix:"${appPath}") { exclude(name:"target/**") exclude(name:"web-app/WEB-INF/classes/**") } }}


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External Deployment

● Build a WAR file using this command:grails dev war

● Deploy to your JavaEE compilant web container

– WAR includes all Groovy and Grails JARs– WAR includes all infrastructure JARs– WAR includes DB driver JAR– WAR includes all plugins

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Web Technologies

● Controllers● Views: GSPs● Tag libraries● Filters

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● Controllers are Groovy classes that reside in the grails-app/controllers source directory

● Method names map to URL patterns, eg: http://localhost:8080/MyApp/employee/list

– Maps to EmployeeController and list method● View selection:

– Use render to render a specific View component– Use redirect to tell the browser to redirect– Return a model Map to render this method's

View, eg. list action renders list.gsp

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Views: GSPs

● Very much like JSPs but uses Groovy as the scripting language; cavet: don't script!

● Use custom tags for view logic– Large built-in library– Easy to create your own

● GSP attributes:– standard JSP attribute scopes plus flash scope– named values in the action method's model Map

● Grails uses SiteMesh for layout control

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Tag Libraries

● Tag libraries are Groovy classes that reside in the grails-app/taglib source directory

● Each method provides a custom tag, eg:class MyTags { def isAdmin = { attrs, body -> def user = attrs['user'] if ( user != null && checkUserPrivs(user) ) { out << body() } }}

● No configuration required● Automatically available in all GSPs, eg:<g:isAdmin user=”${theUser}”>ADMIN CONTENT</g:isAdmin>

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Request Filters

● Filters are Groovy classes that reside in the grails-app/conf source directory that end in Filters

class SecurityFilters { def filters = { loginCheck(controller:'*', action:'*') { before = { if (params.controller == null) { redirect(action:'login') return true } else if(!session.user && !actionName.equals('login')) { redirect(action:'login') return false } } } }}

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Transactions and Services

● Controller actions can be made transactional– Use Spring SessionFactory injection– Or use the withTransaction method

● Service components are a better solution– All classes that reside in the grails-

app/services source directory– Use the def transactional = true for Spring

transaction AOP wrapping– Inject the service into the controller:

def storeService // auto-injects StoreService

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● Grails is a framework built on plugins● Default plugins:

– Hibernate: the Grails ORM (aka GORM)– Tomcat: the Grails default runtime environment

● Hundreds of additional plugins– Security (40)– Services (117)– JavaScript frameworks (74)– many more...

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Spring Security Plugin

● Install the plugin:grails install-plugin spring-security-core

● Create the User and Role entities:grails s2-quickstart User Role



authority : String


username : Stringpassword : Stringenabled : boolean role






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BootStrap Roles and Users

import*;class BootStrap { def springSecurityService def init = { servletContext -> // Define user role's def hrRepRole = Role.findByAuthority('ROLE_HR_REP') ?: new Role(authority: 'ROLE_HR_REP').save(failOnError: true) def hrMgrRole = Role.findByAuthority('ROLE_HR_MANAGER') ?: new Role(authority: 'ROLE_HR_MANAGER').save(failOnError: true) def adminRole = Role.findByAuthority('ROLE_ADMIN') ?: new Role(authority: 'ROLE_ADMIN').save(failOnError: true) // a few users: def adminUser = User.findByUsername('admin') ?: new User( username: 'admin', password: springSecurityService.encodePassword('admin'), enabled: true).save(failOnError: true) if (!adminUser.authorities.contains(adminRole)) { UserRole.create adminUser, adminRole } // and so on }}

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Define Security Constraints

● Use annotations on controller actions, eg:import grails.plugins.springsecurity.Securedclass DepartmentController { @Secured(['ROLE_HR_MANAGER', 'ROLE_HR_REP']) def list = { ... } @Secured(['ROLE_HR_MANAGER']) def create = { ... } @Secured(['ROLE_ADMIN']) def delete = { ... }}

● Or static URL rules in the Config.groovy file● Or store the rules in the database

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Domain Modeling

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HrApp Use Cases

View HR action historyEmployee


HR Rep

HR Mgr

View department staff

Promote employee

Issue pay raise for employee

Confirm employee promotion

Confirm employee pay raise

Issue cost-of-living raise to department

Hire employee

Terminate employeeConfirm employee hire

Confirm employee termination

Confirm department COL raise

Create/update job roles

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Domain Model is King!

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Property Validations

● Property constraints are defined in the Domain model, eg:

class Employee { // skipping property definitions static constraints = { firstName(nullable:false, blank:false, maxSize:32) lastName(nullable:false, blank:false, maxSize:64) dateOfBirth(nullable:true) homeAddress(nullable:false) homePhone(nullable:false) cellPhone(nullable:true) department(nullable:false) jobRole(nullable:true) salary(nullable:true, min:10000) proposedChange(nullable:true) // workflow properties user(nullable:false) status(nullable:false) }

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Basic Enumerated Types

● Grails supports Java-style enums, eg:class Employee { // other properties Status status enum Status { CREATED, HIRED, DISCIPLINARY_REVIEW, TERMINATED; static def getActiveStatuses = { return [HIRED, DISCIPLINARY_REVIEW] } } // more code}

● ...but the enum name is stored in the DB field which is a bit wasteful, so...




firstName : StringlastName : String...status : Status

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Enumerated Types with Ids

● You can define an id field in the enum, eg:class EmployeeAction { // other properties enum ActionType { HIRE('HI'), RAISE('RA'), COL_RAISE('CR'), PROMOTE('PO'), TERMINATE('TE'); final String id ActionType(String id) { = id } } // more code}

● now the DB field is a two-char value.



id : String


type : ActionTypeemployee : EmployeenewRole : JobRole...

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Derived Properties

● Also know as transient properties, eg:class Employee { // Properties Date dateOfBirth

// Derived properties Integer getAge() { // corner case if ( dateOfBirth == null ) return null; // calculate and memoize the employee's age _age = _age ?: DateUtils.dateDiffYears(new Date(), dateOfBirth) return _age } private Integer _age

// GORM constraints static transients = [ 'age', ... ]



dateOfBirth : Date/age : Integer...

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Derived Relationships

● You can do the same with computed relationships, eg:

class Employee {

// Derived properties List<EmployeeAction> getHistory() { // calculate and memoize the employee's HR history _history = _history ?: EmployeeAction.findAllByEmployee( this, [sort:'proposedDate', order:'asc'] ) return _history } private List<EmployeeAction> _history

// GORM constraints static transients = [ 'age', 'history', ... ]




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Embedded Properties

● Grails encourages rich object models even for non-Entity objects, eg:

class Employee { // Properties Address homeAddress PhoneNumber homePhone PhoneNumber cellPhone

// GORM constraints static embedded = [ 'homeAddress', 'homePhone', 'cellPhone' ]


class PhoneNumber { // Properties String areaCode String prefix String number // GORM constraints...}


homeAddress : AddresshomePhone : PhoneNumbercellPhone : PhoneNumber


areaCode : Stringprefix : Stringnumber : String

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Embedded Properties (2)

● GORM creates a DB schema with each field of the Value Object embedded in the fields of the Entity.

class Employee { // Properties Address homeAddress PhoneNumber homePhone PhoneNumber cellPhone


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● Grails supports: one-to-one, one-to-many and many-to-many

● Grails supports uni- and bi-directional relationships

● Grails support ownership, with cascading deletes

● Grails supports unordered sets, sorted sets, and lists (with ordering index)

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One-to-One Relationships

class Employee { // Properties Department department JobRole jobRole User user

// GORM constraints static constraints = { department(nullable:false) jobRole(nullable:true) user(nullable:false)}







user : UserjobRole : JobRoledepartment : Department

«entity»Department department


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class HRRepresentative extends Employee {// Properties

Set<Department> departments // GORM constraints static hasMany = [ 'departments' : Department ]}


departments : Set<Department>




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● Inheritance is supported with little to no configuration

● By default, the whole hierarchy is stored in one table

● You can configure Grails to use multiple tables● ...but be aware of the DB performance impact

of multiple selects and table joins

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Inheritance (2)

class Employee { ... }

class HRRepresentative extends Employee { ... }

class Manager extends Employee { ... }

class Engineer extends Employee { ... }





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Inheritance (3)

● The resulting DB table:

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Q & A

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Ten Great Topics Not Covered

1) Supports unit and integration testing

2) Supports RESTful URL patterns

3) Supports Java and Spring integration

4) Supports multiple environments

5) Integration to legacy DBs using Hibernate mappings

6) Supports turning Service components into Web Services

7) Easy to create your own plugins for cross-team sharing

8) Supports other continuous integration tools: Hudson, Ivy, etc

9) Supports data auditing and time stamping w/ GORM event model

10) Supports Ajax and Spring Web Flows

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● Groovy (– Reference docs (click here)– Reference card (click here)

● Grails (– Reference docs (click here)

● Eclipse plugin(

● The Definitive Guide to Grails (by Rocher and Brown, Apress)