Getting Meta - How to Use SEO to Promote Your Music

Post on 18-Feb-2017

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Getting Meta: How to Use SEO to Promote Your Music

SXSW 2017 Panel Submission

Unpublished eBook Preview

SEO for Musicians starts with the Fan Journey

Gain a better understanding of where SEO as a marketing tactic can play a role in improving the experience your fans have with your music online, using the Fan Journey model as a visual reference.

Building an Intent-Based Master Keyword List

Learn how to uncover what your fans are actually looking for by researching and grouping keywords based on searcher intent.

Getting to Know Your SERPs

Google’s search results pages are jammed with features that musicians can benefit from, including event rich snippets, knowledge graph panels, tour date carousel, event information cards,

discography browser and more.

Optimizing Your Website as the Hub of your Entity

Learn about what it means to optimize your band website, and using it as the hub of your band entity.

Not sure what that means? We’ll talk about it, and why it matters.

Optimizing Your Knowledge Graph Sources

Learn about where Google gets its data for the Knowledge Graph panel, and how to optimize those sources for a richer search experience for your fans.

Optimizing Your Schema Markup

Your band probably uses schema without even knowing it. Learn how to optimize your structured data and create a richer search experience for your fans, including MusicGroup, MusicAlbum, Event, and SameAs


Optimizing Your Videos for Search

Your fans can interact with your media straight from the search engine results pages. Learn how you can optimize your videos for a more media-rich fan search experience.

What about other search engines?

SEO is more than Google. We’ll talk about other search engines you can look at for optimizing your visibility and fan experience.