Getting Started on Facebook and Twitter

Post on 09-May-2015

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We will walk through the best practices for setting up a Facebook and Twitter page for your business and go through some ways to start engaging on the platform to grow your community. •Setting up Facebook for and Twitter pages •What you have to pay attention to, how to optimize your pages for the search engines •Best practices for growing communities on Facebook + Twitter •How often should you post on Facebook and Twitter? •What should I post on Facebook and Twitter? •What tools can I use to measure what I am doing?


Getting Started on Facebook and Twitter

Zion Kim

@zionk20 - @atlasprojectco


Partner, Atlas Project

I help for food.

Setting up your Facebook Page

Cover Photo

@AtlasProjectCoZion Kim

Is your cover photo shareable?

Cover Photo

Don’t have a spammy cover photo.

Your Information

Can people find out what they need to know?

Profile Image

What do you want to tell people about yourself?

About you

Take advantage of keywords to be found.

Make it easier to find you. Claim your page URL!

Setting up yourTwitter Page

Establish credibility with your photo and bio.

Picking your profile image.

If you are going to be an egg, you might as well just stop now.

Tell people what you do.Include a link to your website.Use #hashtags and Keywords

Help people find you.

Your Twitter Bio.

Example of an Optimized Profile

Neil does a great job using keywords for how he wants to be found.

Changing your header photo.

Get creative with your header image.

Changing Background Image: Edit Profile > Design

Background image

Use your background real estate.

Reveal something about your business.

Explain what you do or how to contact you.

Twitter Sizing Cheat Sheet

Everything you need to know for a great looking profile.

Secret to Social Media Posting

Ask yourself: Why should I care?

Secret to Social Media

Why should I share?

Share valuable information. Inspire, educate, entertain, connect.

Goal: Get people to engage.

Facebook Post Best Practices

Start a conversation.Focus on visuals.It is not about you, think value.Post twice a day.

Facebook posting tips

So what do we post onFacebook?

Walk through the day of your buyer.Post helpful information is useful to your customer.

Post with the times.

Facebook #hashtags don’t really help.

Start conversations. Ask questions and engage.

People like stories. Especially ones that make them feel good.

Think about your goals. Images get shared a lot but links don’t get clicked as much.

Add a + sign at the end of the link.

The secret behind the link

The secrets of the link. 97 shares should get you more than 174 clicks.

Post links on Facebook.

Here is what it used to look like

Links used to have the lowest possible reach.

Links are now favored by Facebook’s Algorithm.

New link images receive +55% increase in total clicks.

Images matter.

Posting on Twitter

Use #hashtags.Tracking links help measure CTR.Place links 25% of the way through.Post 3-5 times a day.

Twitter Posting Best Practices

Research by Dan Zarella

When should I post on Twitter?

Research by Dan Zarella

When should I post on Twitter?

Examples of Awesome Tweets

Highlight news around your local neighborhood.

Think about what information is important to your customers.

You can use other people’s content that matters to your customer.

Try to get retweeted by larger Twitter Accounts

Keep things interesting, make people click thru.

How Do You Measure Reach?


Zion Kim@zionk20 - @AtlasProectCo

URL shortener that tracks link performance

Buffer App

Zion Kim@zionk20 - @AtlasProjectCo

Schedules Tweets / Facebook Posts to launch at optimal times

Insert Tweet

Insert Tweet

How Do You Measure Engagement / Interaction?


Zion Kim@zionk20 - @AtlasProjectCo

Social media management dashboard

Manage all of your inbound using Hubspot’s software.

Any questions?
