Getting Started with Altmetrics at Your Journal: An Editor's Guide

Post on 07-Jan-2017

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Getting Started with Altmetrics at Your Journal: An Editor’s Guide

Altmetric Scholastica



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For more tips on how you can start using altmetrics at your journal check out:

The Evolution of Impact Indicators: From bibliomentrics to altmetrics

1.What are altmetrics?

Digging into altmetrics data

“Altmetrics expand our view of what impact looks like, but also of what’s

making the impact. This matters because expressions of scholarship

are becoming more diverse.

altmetrics: a manifesto

Almetrics: Altmetrics capture the online engagement relating to individual research outputs, enabling users to understand how scholarship is being found, shared, and discussed.

Examples of altmetrics include:

▷ References to research in news and other online outlets

▷ Shares of research on social media

▷ Use of research in public policy

▷ Research mentions in post-publication peer review forums

Altmetrics show attentionHow research is being found, shared, and used in and outside of academia

Early indicator

Altmetrics show early signs of potential research impacts long before citations, which can take months or years to accrue.

Altmetrics complement bibliometric citations

Real-time insights

Attention is tracked as it occurs — journals don’t have to wait for a score to be released, like for the Impact Factor.

What altmetrics are not: Altmetrics are not indicative of research quality. As with bibliometric indicators, the cause of attention can sometimes be linked to article endorsements or references to errors.

2.Why should I be tracking altmetrics at my journal?

Benefits of altmetrics data

With altmetrics you can...

Track and plan journal promotion

Provide additional

value to authors

Show the broader

impacts of your journal

Provide additional value to authors

Altmetrics help authors track the reach and influence of their work in and outside of academia for tenure and grant applications.

Track and plan journal promotion

1. See which articles attract the most attention onlineArticles with high altmetrics impact may be good candidates to promote your journal and show that you publish noteworthy research.

2. Find ways to resurface articlesOptions include:

▷ Make online collections of related top articles

▷ Showcase top articles on your website

▷ Share popular articles on social media

3. Track the progress of your promotional activitiesTrack whether your promotional efforts are leading to more articles being found and shared online.

Demonstrate the value of your journal to submitting authors and readers

Unlike citation-based bibliometrics altmetrics track:

● How research is being used in and beyond academia

● Where research is being found and shared around the world

● The broader impacts of both traditional and nontraditional scholarly outputs

3.How can I start tracking altmetrics at my journal?

Tips for getting started

Install the free Altmetric bookmarklet in your browser to see a summary of the online attention of any article with a unique identifier.

If you’re unable to find your journal, email to check if it’s being tracked by Altmetric.

Here’s an example DOI to try searching: 10.1038/482027a

Use the Altmetric Explorer to see all activity your journal is generating and compare it to competitor titles.

Set up a free Google Analytics account for your journal website to track...

Number of article webpage and PDF views

Number of unique and returning visits to your website

Time visitors spend on your website and article pages

Traffic channels visitors are taking to get to your website

Where you visitors are coming from