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Post on 18-Jul-2015

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Former Chairman of the GFSI Board Corporate Quality General Manager, Danone

One World – One Safe Food

• Global population is expected to increase to over 9 billion by 2050 from the current 7 billion.

• Almost 3 billion people will join the middle class by 2050 – 40% of the today’s population

One World – One Safe Food Supply

One international Trade

• Global food system is

more complex than ever before.

• Food moves rapidly across countries and between continents

This man delivers:

– 35 ingredients

– from 60 different countries

– drawn from 5 different continents

One World – One Safe Food

GFSI – Vision





GFSI Board

1- Reduce Food

Safety Risks throughout the

Food Chain

3- Develop Competencies & Capacity Building

4- Platform for Knowledge

exchange and Networking

2- Manage Cost in the Supply Chain

GFSI’s Objectives

1-Reduce Food

Safety Risk thru the Food


GFSI – Objective 1

GFSI Guidance Document: Sets out the requirements for

food safety management schemes

Defines how these requirements should be implemented controlled and monitored

Help puts in place transparent procedures for the GFSI benchmarking process

A process by which a food safety scheme is compared to the GFSI Guidance Document to determine equivalence

What is Benchmarking?

Benchmark against

common set of requirements




Existing food safety management schemes are benchmarked against the common set of requirements defined by a global food industry that are set out in the GFSI Guidance Document. If a scheme’s requirements are found to be equivalent, then the scheme is ‘recognised’ by GFSI. The benchmarking process is further explained on the next slide.

•Reduction in duplication of audits •Comparable audit approach and outcomes Enhanced trade opportunities •Cost efficiencies throughout the supply chain

Suppliers Certified Against

any GFSI Recognised


Certificate Accepted by

Buying Companies Shared Benefits

for Industry

Manufacturer X Manufacturer Y Manufacturer Z Manufacturer …

Primary Producer X Primary Producer Y Primary Producer Z Primary Producer …

Recognised Schemes

Global Food Safety Initiative

Benchmark against

common set of requirements


Food Safety Schemes

1- International Recognition 2- Good execution –Training

Build Confidence in Third Party Certification in China 树立中国市场对第三方认证的信心

Existing food safety management schemes are benchmarked against the common set of requirements defined by a global food industry that are set out in the GFSI Guidance Document. If a scheme’s requirements are found to be equivalent, then the scheme is ‘recognised’ by GFSI. The benchmarking process is further explained on the next slide.

GFSI Integrity Programs

GFSI – Integrity Program

GFSI Global Market Program Capacity Building, Training: A programme for small

and/or less developed businesses

GFSI Auditor Competence: A program that outlines the

minimum level of auditor competences to operate audits

Increase reliability of audit results

GFSI – Private Public Partnership

Bridging the gap between:

Governments food safety policy, enforcement and inspections

And Business driven initiatives and investments

GFSI – Communication Program

GFSI Conferences – awareness program Global Conferences Focus Days Japan China, South

Africa, India, Chile, Brazil… Participation in Food Safety

Conferences GFSI Efficacy Study

Development of mechanism to gather and analyze data to demonstrate the efficacy of GFSI strategy

Benefits of Using GFSI: Win/Win

Improved product integrity Safer global supply chain Better access to market Reduced duplication

Consumer confidence Reduced food borne diseases Decreased product recalls

Improved public health Complement legislation Country reputation & local economy






China is the largest food producer and consumer in the world

Agribusiness in China: 20 million farm households (most is 2 acre or less) 448,000 processing enterprises (79% are small-scaled <10 persons) 4.8 million food catering and canteens 22 million practitioners (90% are individual households)

Value of Chinese food production: $536 billion

China is the 3nd largest food exporter to the US

Go figure…

Chinese consumers consider food safety as the top social concern above high food price and corruption

China public opinion is 74% more concerned about the food industry than it was 2years ago

Chinese consumers are willing to pay a price premium for food with safety certificates and traceable features

Go figure…

GFSI acts on a global level… but we should customize our

global strategy at local level

Setting up local groups to: Communicate the GFSI vision,

objectives and approach Gather and share back

information on Food Safety development in a country

Support the implementation of GFSI works locally.

GFSI – Prerequisite Program to act locally

Advisory Committee

CFSI Board

Steering Committee

Member enterprise Member enterprise

Proposed Future Governance Structure



Communication & Implementation

Capacity Building

Technical Working Groups

Guidance Document

Food Fraud


Auditor competences

Regulatory Affairs

To meet the legal requirement and for future development of GFSI in China, The CFSI is an independent non-for-profit organisation established in China based on international thinking and closely-related to GFSI Currently we have Communication and Capacity Building groups starting the work Main update: Separate CFSI board and Steering Committee Board: (25-30) Top executives from leading retailers, manufacturers and food service (top 500 or top 5 in China with turnover more than 1 billion Yuan annually about 120 Million Euros) Balance between local and international companies, retailers and manufacturers MOU between GFSI and CFSI board to define relationship Advisory Committee: (10-15) Top officials (CFDA, CNCA, AQSIQ, MOH, MOA, etc), Academia and Key leaders from local leading food industry associations   Steering Committee: (25-30) Representatives from Board member companies only   Technical Working Groups: (up to need) Personnel responsible for the quality and safety management in the member organizations Retailer, Manufacturers, Food Services and Service providers or experts and scholars in the industry   Members: Promote GFSI concept and Acknowledge certificate against one of the GFSI recognised schemes by any accredited certification body Retailer, manufacturer and service providers   Secretariat: Secretary General - it is recommended that the position of the secretary general shall be filled by the authoritative experts in food safety with the work experience in the government departments (CNCA has already put forward Mr. Wenyi CHE who is retiring soon this year and previously is Executive Deputy Chief Administrator of CNCA as possible secretary General) + the CGF leader could be counterpart of CFSI Secretary General who is the legal representative of CGF GFSI Staff – Yangying + at least one or two additional resources

GFSI – Product Integrity

Action Plan行动计划

Benchmarking of the Chinese HACCP Food Safety Standard against GFSI Guidance Document 按照GFSI指导文件与China HACCP进行对标

Where do we stand? 我们所处的阶段

Benchmarking of China HACCP Food safety scheme

Application Submission – Done 提交申请 – 已完成 Application review – Done 申请审查 – 已完成 Desk Review – Done 书面材料审查 – 已完成 Benchmark Committee – Done 基准管理委员会的成立 – 已完成 Issue of assessment Report Done 发布评估报告 – 进行中 Stakeholder Consultation – to be done 利益相关者协商 – 等待进行 GFSI board Decision – to be done

GFSI董事会决议 – 等待进行

GFSI – Integrity Program

Action Plan- Global Markets Program Pilot in 2013 implemented by SJTU

& SSAFE Translation in Jan 2013 by SJTU –

reviewed by GFSI local Group 1st training done in October 2013 Adaptation of the program to local

needs Partnership with other universities

Wider training resource to cover more areas in China

GFSI – Private Public Partnership

Action Plan –Private Public Partnership in China

Strengthen Communication channel building on food safety with national and main regional government bodies

With key local partner associations and Institutions

With Key International Organizations in China: FDA China, World Bank…

MoU with CNCA on food safety Collaboration and CCAI for the benchmarking of the China HACCP

GFSI – Communication Program

Action Plan – GFSI Communication Program Increase GFSI awareness in

China thru: GFSI China Focus Day GFSI at major food safety

events and conferences in China

GFSI website in Chinese GFSI local working group for


August 2014 Beijing, China

GFSI in China – Greater Public-Private Partnership

Speaker: Jiacai TENG, Vice Minister,

CFDA (China Food and Drug Administration)

Danone France Meeting with Yong ZHANG, Minister, CFDA (China Food

and Drug Administration)

GFSI developing history in China since 2008, has been recognised officially as an effective international platform especially during this year's GFSI China Focus Day. the vice-minister of the new general food drug ministry agreed to spoke at the GFSI forum and it's the first time for them as a new-restructured department and they come to speak at non-governmental events. GFSI: actively carries out publicity and promotion work in China, enhances exchange and cooperation with government departments such as the CNCA. Starting from 2012, it held the China Day event in two consecutive years, and as to the next step, it desires to establish an office in China in order to enlarge its influence.