Ghana's Chernobyl Timebomb ... or is it Ghana's own "Fukushima Daiichi"?

Post on 02-Jul-2015

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Energy Solutions Foundation

Golda Addo

June 16, 2011.

The world did not give us THIS option …


We. Took it. BY FORCE.

Then went right on to ABUSE and EXPLOIT it.

“More! “we said. “Give us much more!”

Well, now we gotta pay the bill.

Our people pay same prices but earn much less.

Our people struggle to live with the economic choices of their money-mongering governors.

Our people live in ignorance of their alternatives.

Our people sit on lodes of treasure and cry “Give us a penny!”

IT IS TIME to open our eyes and see …


… available to EVERYONE, ANYWHERE

... And with a myriad of approaches to tapping into it.

We bridge the gap between the experts, the knowledge, the service-providers, the funders AND the common Ghanaian.

We invent and actualize technologies that make these ALTERNATIVE fuel/energy sources available to Ghanaians.

We research, experiment, and deliver on ways that individuals can tap into Renewable Energy.

Awareness creation

Appropriate Technologies

Feeding a sustainable change

Engendering a future where survival is possible for Ghanaians

Replacing fossil fuels

Leaving a legacy for ENDLESS sources of energy for our children

Last I checked, we cannot reach into the sky and stop the rain during floods; or turn it on during droughts.

We cannot turn off the sun and make night when we feel like; or keep the sun burning long enough to finish our day’s chores.

When earthquakes, tsunamis, hurricanes happen, WE ARE PUNY and POWERLESS in the face of it.

Yet we live as if we are the end-it-all … be-it-all of life.

Let’s look around and accept what she gives us freely and in abundance.

FOSSIL FUELS invade, destruct.

RENEWABLE ENERGIES receive, protect.

FOSSIL FUELS are getting finished, and are controlled by the top big shots.

But RENEWABLE ENERGIES are always available, are everywhere, and controlled by ALL.

Energy Solutions is here to help, answer questions, and pave the way.

We work with a wide network , just so you can make this journey.


We’re here for you.