GIANT Conference 2016 Keynote Speakers

Post on 14-Apr-2017

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GIANT Conf 2016 Keynotes

Unique points of view drive this year’s experience | @GiantConf

Alexis Finch

Alexis will take you beyond the idea of marketing channels on to how experience it the key to our new era of marketing (which isn't really going to be marketing at all anymore).

She has led research for the brand architecture redesign of Pantene, helped NPM translate themselves from open-source project to a VC funded company, and taught more people than she can count the power of visual thinking, one dinosaur drawing at a time. An East Coaster on the West Coast, Alexis can be found opining on topics from women's visibility to the laziness of marketers in the modern era.

INFESTED: Marketing in your bedroom

Tickets are $800 for all 3 days. Buy one at

Katie Levans

From her work building Charlotte Agenda (and now also Raleigh Agenda) Katie will explore the experience and economics of a "less is more" approach to local news and the importance of the design that delivers that experience.

At Agenda, Katie writes obsessively about Charlotte, oversees social strategy across Instagram, Twitter, Facebook and Snapchat and fights people for the last Diet Coke. She's a graduate of Furman University and Winthrop University, a yoga teacher and a huge introvert. She lives in Charlotte with her fiance Nick, cats Ralphie and Weasel and pit bull Charlie. You'll find her on Instagram, Twitter and Snapchat @katie_levans.

The Importance of Design in Delivering Local News

Tickets are $800 for all 3 days. Buy one at

Nick Finck

In his talk “UX for Change” Nick will explain how the things we are creating today are going to shape the way the human race operates for the foreseeable future. He’ll show how we are the craftspeople of the future, and lead an exploration into the possibilities of changing the world as we know it.

Nick lives and plays in Seattle, Washington, where he’s a Product Design Manager at Facebook. Over more than a decade he has built a reputation as a community volunteer, promoting growth within the web industry both locally and abroad.

UX for Change

Tickets are $800 for all 3 days. Buy one at

Sandy Culver-Plemmons

How do you reinvent yourself when the career you’ comes crashing down? How do you look at your life and laugh when you would rather cry? Join Sandy for a fast paced keynote of some good laughs, a few nuggets of wisdom, and the challenge she will throw out to encourage you to look at your personal balance of work and volunteerism.

Sandy is now the Executive Director of the Martin Truex Jr. Foundaion. Her keynote will inspire you to make sure that it all counts – your day, your job, your life.

Use Your Experience

Tickets are $800 for all 3 days. Buy one at

Stephanie Evans

Frequently in STEM fields (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics), you hear the question asked "How do we get more women involved?" It is a valid question, but one that few companies or scientists seem to be able to answer. She’ll take it head-on in a keynote based on her struggles with sexism on the job and classroom, and all of the things in her life's trajectory that led her to working on satellites every day.

Stephanie is an engineer for Space Systems Loral in Palo Alto, CA by day and works on her YouTube science communication channel The STEMulus by night. Her hope is that by using The STEMulus as a platform, she will be able to get more people excited about STEM while serving as a visual representation of what a female engineer looks like.

I Find Your Lack of Women in STEM Disturbing

Tickets are $800 for all 3 days. Buy one at

Tom Greever

Working with other people on a design project is difficult. In fact, we may be tempted to create intentional distractions or control the conversation to ensure we get what we want. Tom will help us find better ways to be open and honest about our work, while maintaining our integrity and ensuring success.

Tom Greever is the author of Articulating Design Decisions and UX Director at Bitovi, a front-end design and development consulting company. Tom has worked with both small startups and large corporations across many different industries. He lives in Illinois with his wife and five kids. He is probably cleaning up the house right now.

Painting Ducks - Design Meetings & the Art of Persuasion

Tickets are $800 for all 3 days. Buy one at