Gids enabling continuous delivery for your web app

Post on 22-Jun-2015

222 views 5 download



Enabling Continuous Delivery for your


Ranjib Dey, ThoughtWorks@RanjibDey

Can you release your latest green build on demand at the push of a button while relaxing

on the beach in Goa?


Time to market

Affordable risks

No more work of art

Let business decide


Upfront design

Legacy code running in production

My stack does not support

My Domain does not require


Component based architecture

Deployment pipeline

Infrastructure as code

Automate as much as possible

Bring the pain froward

Extend CI


Automated testing

Feature branching

Branch by abstraction

Team organization

Have customized release strategies

Blue – Green deployments

Canary releases

Dark launching

Mitigating DB issues

Data is persistent

Not all changes can be rolled back

Don’t integrate late

Version control db migration scripts

Embrace DevOps

Adopt a configuration management tool

Test infrastructures with monitoring tools

Virtualization and Cloud helps

Phoenix servers

Maintaining CD projects

Collaboration is key

Enable faster smaller feed back loops

Set up comprehensive dashboard

Churn out cross cutting analytics

Exercise MVP principle at component level

Questions? Suggestion?

Violent disagreements?

Thank you