Gigi’s Journey News - · the Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Foundation and the...

Post on 14-Sep-2019

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Georgette G.J. Uban . 4461 Bayside Rd. Maple Plain, MN 55359. (952) 249-9336email:

Total Raised-to-Date:$1565.00 (yeah!)

But, I need to raise$2100.00 to participate

in the 3-Day.

So... I need your help.!If you could please ask 1 or 2 of your friends to consider a

donation, that would really be great.

E-mail me and I can send you a link to my Fundraising Headquarters Website.

Thank You! Every little bit helps!


Training Update:

I am proud to say that I logged 55.2 miles in training walks during March. My current longest walk is 6.5 miles, a little behind the training goal scheduled by the 3-Day Virtual Coach, but I doing the best my body can manage.

During my walks alone, my thoughts of all that support me are many. Knowing that so many people believe in me literal pushes me to take each next step.

I have had the pleasure already to get to know many terrific women during the group training walks. Now that spring is actually here, the group walks will really be taking off. The Twin Cities’ is full of so many lovely walking opportunities, I can’t wait to get out there!

Give me a call if you would like to walk with me. (We can make it a shorter walk if needed.)

From Our Team Captions...

Team Captains, Judy and Heidi

Join us on an amazing journey in the fight against breast cancer! Team member, Judy Brandenburg, was diagnosed with breast cancer in May, 2004, and is currently cancer free! Walk with us to remember our friends and family that have been affected by breast cancer.

The Breast Cancer 3-Day is a 60-mile walk over the course of three days, June 24-26, 2005. Net proceeds benefit the Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Foundation and the National Philanthropic Trust, funding important breast cancer research, education, screening, and treatment.

big thank you to all my friends and family that have made a

donation to the Breast Cancer 3-Day!

Your genorisity is greated appreciated. The support I have received since the last letter I sent out has been overwelming and wonderful.

I am truly honored to have all of you behind me as I take this jouney.


A Big “Thank You”...

vol. 1 issue 1 April, 2005

Gigi’s Journey News


Team Member: Cathy Cramlet

NEWS BREAK:I Joined a Team

At the Breast Cancer 3-Day Expo, I ran into Judy Brandenburg whom I have known since high school. She and her daughter Heidi had made the team, “Woods Women” and asked me to join. We now have four members and would love others to join us.