GISD Technology & Media Services EmployeeWeb Overview Bentley Community Schools.

Post on 04-Jan-2016

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GISD Technology & Media Services

EmployeeWeb OverviewEmployeeWeb Overview

Bentley Community SchoolsBentley Community Schools

GISD Technology & Media ServicesEmployeeWeb OverviewEmployeeWeb Overview

EmployeeWeb is a secure online application that displays a single employee’s payroll related information.

LOGIN:• Login to the secure Web page address provided by your district • ID and PIN is provided by your district EmployeeWeb administrator

GISD Technology & Media ServicesEmployeeWeb OverviewEmployeeWeb Overview

The Welcome! page displays the navigation menu and district notices.Menu selections differ according to district settings.

GISD Technology & Media ServicesEmployeeWeb OverviewEmployeeWeb OverviewGISD Technology & Media Services

Basics page displays your personal and work information.

GISD Technology & Media ServicesEmployeeWeb OverviewEmployeeWeb Overview

Contacts page displays your contact information.

GISD Technology & Media ServicesEmployeeWeb OverviewEmployeeWeb Overview

Certificate/Degrees page displays your educational information.

GISD Technology & Media ServicesEmployeeWeb OverviewEmployeeWeb Overview

Accruals/Attendances page displays your attendance accruals details for the date you choose• Enter the desired date and click Change button

GISD Technology & Media ServicesEmployeeWeb OverviewEmployeeWeb Overview

The Benefits page displays your benefits information.

GISD Technology & Media ServicesEmployeeWeb OverviewEmployeeWeb Overview

• Use the dropdown box to select a check date

Contracts/Positions page displays your hourly and salary contract information for the check date you choose.

GISD Technology & Media ServicesEmployeeWeb OverviewEmployeeWeb Overview

• Use the dropdown box to select a check date

Deductions page displays your payroll deduction information for the check date you choose.

GISD Technology & Media ServicesEmployeeWeb OverviewEmployeeWeb Overview

• Use the dropdown box to select a check date

W4/Taxes page displays your W4/tax information for the check date you choose.

GISD Technology & Media ServicesEmployeeWeb OverviewEmployeeWeb Overview

• Click on a check date to view the specific records

Payroll History page displays your pay stub information for the check date you choose.

GISD Technology & Media ServicesEmployeeWeb OverviewEmployeeWeb Overview

GISD Technology & Media ServicesEmployeeWeb OverviewEmployeeWeb Overview

GISD Technology & Media ServicesEmployeeWeb OverviewEmployeeWeb Overview

• Use the dropdown box to select a check date

W2 page displays your W2 information for the check date you choose.

GISD Technology & Media ServicesEmployeeWeb OverviewEmployeeWeb Overview

GISD Technology & Media ServicesEmployeeWeb OverviewEmployeeWeb Overview

• Click Add New Activity to enter a new record

Staff Development OPTION – you may add new staff development courses and edit existing entries.

GISD Technology & Media ServicesEmployeeWeb OverviewEmployeeWeb Overview

• Enter Staff Development Information• Click Save

GISD Technology & Media ServicesEmployeeWeb OverviewEmployeeWeb Overview

• Click on the Date Attended link or the Development Activity link to edit an existing entry.

GISD Technology & Media ServicesEmployeeWeb OverviewEmployeeWeb Overview

• Edit the Staff Development Information• Click Save

GISD Technology & Media ServicesEmployeeWeb OverviewEmployeeWeb Overview

• Enter your Old and New Pin

• Confirm you New Pin• Click the Change PIN


Change your Pin page allows you to make changes at will.

GISD Technology & Media ServicesEmployeeWeb OverviewEmployeeWeb Overview

Change your Pin Confirmation Page displays after updating your PIN.

GISD Technology & Media ServicesEmployeeWeb OverviewEmployeeWeb Overview

Login History page displays the dates/times you have logged in and logged out of EmployeeWeb.

GISD Technology & Media ServicesEmployeeWeb OverviewEmployeeWeb Overview

Logout terminates your EmployeeWeb session.

GISD Technology & Media Services

EmployeeWeb OverviewEmployeeWeb Overview