Git Workflow With Gitflow

Post on 06-May-2015

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Git Workflow with Gitflow

What is a workflow?

"...consists of a sequence of connected steps.." - Wikipedia What are we looking? An way to multiple developers integrate a working code into a project


Why Gitflow?

■ Based on the graph you just saw.■ Github -■ Shortcuts for repetitive tasks.■ Branch naming convention "<prefix>/<name>"■ 2 main branches.

Main branches

1. master -> production-ready 2. develop -> latest for next release

Their lifetime is infinite.

Gitflow - prepare repository

$git flow init When creating a new git flow workflow it ask you questions about the names of the branches - USE DEFAULTS. when this is done a new develop branch is created from master and from this point you never commit to master branch anymore.

Gitflow - Supporting branches

There are 4 supporting branches:

1. feature2. release3. hotfix4. support

I will cover only feature since this is the only one you will work with.

Gitflow - Feature branches

● May branch off from: develop branch● Must merge back into: develop branch● Branch naming convention: anything except

master, develop, release/*, hotfix/* - our branching name will consist with 3base_<issue #>_<feature name>

● Typically exist in developer repos only, not in origin - from time to time I will ask to also push the specific branch also to origin.

Gitflow - Create feature branches

$git flow feature start 3base_<issue #>_<feature name> This is what it does: $git checkout -b feature/3base_<issue #>_<feature name> develop

Gitflow - finish feature branch● git flow feature finish <feature name>

$git checkout develop$git merge --no-ff myfeature - merges the branch to develop.$git branch -d myfeature - deletes the local branch$git push origin develop - push develop. The --no-ff flag avoids losing information about the historical existence of a feature

More on the subject

● gitflow on github -● A successful git branching model● A short introduction to git-flow ● On the path with git-flow