Glastonbury festival unit 18

Post on 11-Aug-2015

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Glastonbury festival

By Brooke Marquer

ACTS• Every year Glastonbury comes out in a • month for wild fun experience a good • time with the most craziest • Musicians and solo artist,

Dates Years- 1970–1971, 1978–1979, 1981–1987, 1989–1990, 1992–1995, 1997–Active- 2000, 2002–2005, 2007–2011, 2013-present

The first festival was in 1970; influenced by hippie ethics and the free festival movement the festival retains vestiges of this tradition such as the Green Fields area which includes the Green Futures and Healing Field. After the 1970s the festival took place almost every year and grew in size, with the number of attendees sometimes being swollen by gate-crashers. ReviewsPhoenix- Jul 2013: Perfect tunes, brilliant showmanship and mass bopping in the John Peel tent: the sun may have set, but the Phoenix has risen.Chase and status: 30 Jun 2013: Mark Beaumont: The duo's Prodigy via Skrillex dubstep certainly whoomps with a compulsive ferocity, but a formula swiftly emerges


• The Glastonbury Festival is now considered the largest greenfield festival in the entre world. All 135,000 tickets for 2013 sold out in 1 hour 40 minutes which references 170,000 overall and 100,000 for the Rolling Stones alone.Going back, there were just 1,500 attendance recorded in 1970, watched by an estimated 12,000 people in 1971, 500 in 1978, 12,000 in 1979, 18,000 in 1981, 25,000 in 1982, 30,000 in 1983, 35,000 in 1984.

As reported by The Guardian, Waitrose is the latest to benefit from the "Glastonbury effect". Sales across their 16 stores at Welcome Break motorway service stations were up 22% in the final week of June compared with last year. Hygiene was near the top of revellers' priorities: Sales of dry shampoo were up 30% and travel-size toiletries 84%, while demand for antibacterial hand-wipes rocketed by 262%!

Attended Glastonbury?