GLB Info Session Power Point

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Global Brigades, Inc. Copyright 2009Global Brigades, Inc. Copyright 2009

GLB Information SessionOctober 22, 2009


Global Brigades, Inc. Copyright 2009

Global Brigades is the world’s largest student-led global health and sustainable development organization. As a secular, international nonprofit organization, we mobilize student volunteers and professionals to empower communities in developing countries with programs that improve quality of life while respecting local culture and improving the environment.

Between 2008 and 2009, more than 4,000 volunteers from 80 GB university chapters in the U.S., Canada, and U.K. traveled to provide health and economic development solutions to more than 50,000 beneficiaries through our teams in Panama and Honduras.


Global Brigades, Inc. Copyright 2009

Global Brigades, Inc. Copyright 2009Global Brigades, Inc. Copyright 2009Global Brigades, Inc. Copyright 2009


Global Brigades, Inc. Copyright 2009

provides legal strategies and probono services to remote communities in developing countries to foster human rights and support sustainable development. GLB primarily works with remote indigenous communities that are under resourced and largely unaware of their legal rights. Projects include legal empowerment workshops, human rights education, environmental protection, and microenterprise/business support.

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Typical family income is less than $2 per day

Average level of education is approximately 5th grade

In need of alternative environmental sustainable businesses

In remote areas with little awareness of legal rights


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Global Brigades, Inc. Copyright 2009Global Brigades, Inc. Copyright 2009Global Brigades, Inc. Copyright 2009


GLB has identified 15 under resourced partner communities where we can monitor progress and provide necessary follow-up in conjunction with partner organizations.

Community leaders or partner organizations submit their projects through a comprehensive RFP (request for proposal) process for GLB leadership to review. GLB clubs then choose approved projects based on their passion and interests.

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Global Brigades, Inc. Copyright 2009Global Brigades, Inc. Copyright 2009Global Brigades, Inc. Copyright 2009


Global Brigades, Inc. Copyright 2009

Introduction to Law Brigades

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The first day is spent receiving GBB’s microenterprise consulting training, best practices from previous related projects, and an overview of any political, economic or cultural sensitivity.


Although specific projects vary for each club, a brigade incorporates the following phases: introduction, assessment, analysis, workshops, capital investment, tangible solutions, and cultural exchange.

Global Brigades, Inc. Copyright 2009

Once in the field, volunteers begin by breaking up into their project teams to learn as much as they can about the current operations and finances of the project from microenterprise stakeholders.

Volunteers then work side-by-side with the stakeholders to analyze the microenterprise using SWOT analysis and other methodologies to improve operations.

Workshops on accounting and other business practices are also provided to the microenterprises to improve sustainability.

After analysis, the club collectively identifies how to spend their “capital investment,” a monetary donation to the project to improve fiscal sustainability.

Many projects also include an opportunity to supply the microenterprise with extra hands to provide a tangible impact.

Throughout the brigade thevolunteers have the opportunity to participate in a variety of cultural exchange activities.

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Global Brigades, Inc. Copyright 2009Global Brigades, Inc. Copyright 2009Global Brigades, Inc. Copyright 2009


Between brigades our in-country team maintains relationships with partner organizations and communities to provide follow-up and measure outcomes. Partners include: Peace Corps Panama, Earth Train, Kuna Yala Congress, Planting Empowerment and Patronato de Nutricion, among others.

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Global Brigades, Inc. Copyright 2009Global Brigades, Inc. Copyright 2009Global Brigades, Inc. Copyright 2009

7:00pm: Flight arrives in Panama City7:30pm: Transport to accommodations8:30pm: Dinner9:30pm: Settle into accommodations9:45pm: Orientation

• Meet Panama team• Rules and expectations• Presentation on GBB

10:00pm: Night time bonding10:30pm: Emergency contacts notified

of safe arrival


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Global Brigades, Inc. Copyright 2009Global Brigades, Inc. Copyright 2009Global Brigades, Inc. Copyright 2009


Global Brigades, Inc. Copyright 2009

8:00am: Breakfast9:00am: Sustainable development training10:00am: Transport to community12:00pm: Lunch1:00pm: Settle into accommodations2:00pm: Introduction to community3:00pm: Meet microenterprise leaders6:00pm: Fun activity with community7:00pm: Dinner8:00pm: Meet with project teams9:00pm: Night time bonding

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Global Brigades, Inc. Copyright 2009

7:00am: Breakfast8:00am: Cultural activities #1, #2, #310:00am: Preparing workshops / hands on12:00pm: Lunch1:00pm: Community Action• Assess and analyze microenterprise• Capacity building / workshops• Implement proposed solutions• Community investment decision and presentation6:00pm: Dinner7:00pm: Global Brigades presentation• Overview of all programs• Opportunities

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Global Brigades, Inc. Copyright 2009

7:00am: Breakfast8:00am: Travel to Panama City10:00am: Tour surrounding area

• Examples: Canal tour, Casco Viejo, or beach visit

12:00pm: Lunch2:00pm: Return to accommodations2:30pm: Document experience• Prepare project report• Record final budget• CIF shopping5:00pm: Free time6:00pm: Surveys6:30pm: Get ready for special night7:00pm: Special dinner8:00pm: Fun activity!

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• The location of your project• The size of your brigade (minimum 10)• Necessary travel between locations• Your flight schedule

Global Brigades, Inc. Copyright 2009

Accommodations depend on:

Volunteers have the opportunity to experience life in the village, living alongside the microenterprise in secured dwellings. All accommodations will be hosted in clean and safe facilities ranging from cabins, community schools, to camp sites. A GB staff member will be with the brigade at all times and available for 24 hour assistance.

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Global Brigades, Inc. Copyright 2009

Included in program fee: 7 days and 6 nights program Accommodations and meals In-country transportation Spanish translators and coordinators Program sustainability Legal Investment Fund ($100)

$850 + Airfare

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Join the next Law Brigade!

Contact one of the following University of California GLB officers:



Kelly FabianVice-PresidentEmail:

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