GLENWOOD HIGH SCHOOL THE REDGUM · Glenwood High School is a uniform school and we expect that all...

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THE REDGUM Telephone: 9629 9577 Fax: 9629 2796 Email:


The Redgum - Issue 5 - 2 August 2017

Welcome back to Semester 3, 2017. Glenwood High School as always is in full drive as the year speeds ahead and this semester will be just as rewarding. Year 12 Trials Year 12 completed their HSC trial exams at the beginning of this term. They will be currently receiving valuable feedback from their teachers. With only this term left in their HSC pattern of study, it is imperative that year 12 students listen to the advice and feedback given by their teachers. This is the time to consolidate their learning journey to maximise their final HSC results. Students need to reflect on their current results and increase these through committing and engaging in each and every lesson as well as planning and maintaining a rigorous study regime. Year 12 students are encouraged to be studying in a structured and methodical manner. Three hours per night in 50 minute time slots. This should be increased on the weekend. We would also like to acknowledge the commitment of staff who give up time after school, on weekends and during holidays to further support their students. They are not required to do this but do so as they want the best results for all students in their care. Year 12 need to take full advantage of any extra opportunities their teachers offer them. This final focus over the next few weeks can mean the difference of up to 10 marks or more. Remember it is never too late to improve results.

Half-Yearly Reports By the time this article is published all

students will have received their Half-

Yearly Reports. Parents/carers are

encouraged to compare previous reports

with their children to celebrate

improvement as well as identify areas for

particular focus. I have been very

impressed with the quality of the reports

and the huge number of students who

have improved their skills and knowledge

so far this year. Year Advisers are currently

collating reports to identify the highest

achievers in each cohort for Principal


Congratulations to Year 11 Crossroads Camp Participants I have had wonderful feedback from Ms Hyder and Ms Saul, Year 11 Advisers, about the Year 11 students who attended the Crossroads Camp. They said the instructors at camp were extremely impressed with the students, who behaved in an exemplary fashion for all three days of the camp. When Ms Healy visited them on the Wednesday, they were all enjoying the activities, stepping outside their comfort zone and constantly challenging themselves. I know all teachers on camp were so proud of the way the students interacted and supported each other in the challenging physical activities. Once again, Glenwood High School students prove to the world that they are amazing young men and women.

Principal’s Message

The future depends on what we do in the present. - Gandhi

Special points of interest:

Community Training

Parent Portal

Parenting Ideas

Calendar Term 3

Media Articles

Nationally Consistent

collection of Data

NAPLAN online


The Redgum Issue 5 - 2 August 2017

Subject selections Year 10 have selected their subjects for their stage six

pattern of study. At Glenwood High School we offer a

very large curriculum which is driven by student choice.

Currently student’s have had an overview of courses

through a booklet and head Teacher presentations and

they have also attended our subject selection

information evening. At this evening the attainment for

the RoSA, HSC and ATAR was explained. Students have

since lodged their subject choices and the curriculum

structure is now being set. In addition to this Year 10

students will also engage in a subject selection interview

which will take place later this term. This is a

personalised examination of each student’s initial

subject consideration where advise will be offered on

the viability, appropriateness and post school pathway

of the selection. Parents are very welcome to attend this

interview. This will assist students in selecting the right

subjects to maximise their stage six education and


Year 7 enrolments 2018 We have had a record number of applicants for Year 7,

2018 which is a testament of the wonderful educational

facility Glenwood High School is and that it is the school

of choice within our community. We have currently an

anticipated enrolment number of 270 students and

some very difficult decisions had to be made regarding

placement offers. I personally would like to enrol

everyone, however, this is not possible. I must stress

that priority enrolment is given to our local community

and therefore out of area placements are very limited.

All successful placements that have been offered,

followed the school’s enrolment policy and I do know

some are disappointed in not being successful. Those

unsuccessful have been placed on a “wait list” and will

be considered by the enrolment panel should vacancies

arise in the future.

MOTIVATONG STUDENTS: “How to embrace their Cyber World” Adolescents of the 21st Century: interact through the internet and social

networking... Instagram… youtube...facebook....twitter and many other ever changing platforms.

engage in a whole new language eg podcast, vodcast, wiki, blog.

multi task. Do homework, chat online, listen to music, watch a movie and they do this all at the same time.

source information only when needed and when it is relevant to them and the immediate task at hand.

live in a click and go society. It is quick, immediate and ever changing.

How do we cope as parents and teachers with this Technology Generation? With:

Explore Advise Support Encourage

Explore the internet. Search, google, surf. Gain an understanding of the world in which our children are visiting, and the experiences they are encountering each day. Advise and teach our children to be digital citizens, and to be knowledgeable and selective with their network encounters. Monitor their social networking platforms and be aware of what they are engaging with socially. Support by showing interest in their cyber world through guiding them in using technology in an informative and safe way. Encourage in the use of technology as a learning tool to:

Utilising information Investigate information Questioning information Analysing information Creating with information

Together we can work to keep our children safe and

educate them in the use of technology in this digital


Prefect process for 2018 Our fabulous prefect process commences again this

term. Year 11 students have already provided their

written applications and the next step will be speeches,

voting and then interviews for the captain positions. This

is a very rigorous process and many students apply for

this amazing leadership opportunity. I wish all students

who have applied the best of luck and I know they will

do both Glenwood and their families proud.


The Redgum Issue 5 - 2 August 2017

Musical 2017 Our Musical production this year “Mary Poppins”, took

place at the end of last term and was our seventh

musical production. The students worked very hard on

Sundays, after school and during Wednesday sport to

make sure that “Mary Poppins” eclipsed the success of

last year's musical. Our musicals keeping getting bigger

and better each year and now rival any Broadway

performance. This year “Mary Poppins” was performed

over four nights, with two matinee performances for

the primary schools and senior citizens, a fabulous

experience for students and staff and highly

successful. We could not offer this experience each

year without the ongoing commitment and dedication

of staff guided by our producer and director

extraordinaire Sarah Cross and the creative talents of

Anne McDonald.

Congratulations Jayden Hall was successful in being selected as a solo artist in the “School Spectacular”. Not an easy achievement. I am looking forward to seeing him perform at this prestigious event.

Raveesh Srivastava has just returned from the UK where he represented in the Combined High Schools cricket team. I am sure Raveesh has benefited from this valuable experience. An amazing achievement. Well Done Raveesh ! I would also like to acknowledge three members of staff who have been recognised by the Secondary Principal’s Council:

“Excellence in Teaching” - Rachael Powter “Excellence in Administration” - Maureen Burns “Excellence in contributions to Student Wellbeing” - Michael Wood They will receive their awards at a ceremony later this term. It is wonderful to see some of our extraordinary staff being recognised for their fabulous contributions to education and our children at Glenwood High School.

Till next time Belinda Young


The Redgum Issue 5 - 2 August 2017

We are halfway through the school year and so

many wonderful events have already occurred at our

school! So far this year the school has been

represented at the highest levels in extracurricular

activities, such as sport, dance, debating and of

course our amazing school musical, ‘Mary Poppins’.

The Year 11 Crossroads Camp was once again a great

success, where students gained a greater knowledge

of how to handle the more difficult situations in life

and make informed choices. It is always so

rewarding to see students take pride in being a

member of the Glenwood community and represent

their school with distinction. The enthusiasm with

which students take on additional responsibilities

and roles not only benefits their own development

and provides them with valuable lifelong learning

experiences, but contributes to a positive tone

across the entire school. The deputy principals

encourage all students to make the most of every

opportunity provided to them. We would also like to

thank our staff members who give their time freely

to ensure our students are able to access the best

possible education and countless opportunities to


UNIFORM Glenwood High School is a uniform school and we expect that all students will attend school dressed in the correct uniform every day. Students who dress in the school uniform give a clear indication to their teachers that they are ready for learning and have invested time in ensuring that their appearance sets a positive tone. The deputy principals and executive staff closely

monitor the wearing of school uniform every day,

and we ask our parents to assist this process by

ensuring their child is equipped with the correct

uniform. With the cooler weather now here, parents

should note in particular that jumpers/jackets other

than the school approved jumpers/jackets are not

acceptable, including hoodies worn underneath our

school jackets. Non-uniform jumpers/jackets are

liable to be confiscated if they are worn without

justification. Also, it seems as though some of our

girls have had a recent growth spurt! Please check

your daughter’s skirt length and if needed, re-hem

them so that they sit on the knee. Girls who insist on

rolling their skirts at the waist will be instructed to

unroll them and if they persist, parents will be

contacted. For detailed information on the school’s

uniform policy, please see our school’s website.

BANNED ITEMS To ensure the safety of all our students, Glenwood High School maintains a ‘banned items list’. Recently, we have added to this list any metal items. This includes, but is not limited to, metal fidget spinners and metal flick combs or similar. As a reminder, under no circumstances are students to bring the following items to school: chewing gum permanent markers ring pull cans (ie, salmon/tuna tins, etc) liquid paper aerosol cans of any description (inc. deodorant) skateboards and scooters laser lights metal items (eg rulers, combs, butterfly

accessories etc) cigarettes/electronic cigarettes lighters matches imitation guns or weapons illegal items (eg, weapons, drugs, drug

paraphernalia, etc) inappropriate or offensive material highly caffeinated beverages (such as ‘V’, Red

Bull etc) medications of any kind (unless registered with

the front office) ‘Deep Heat’ or similar products

Students found with these items will have the item

immediately confiscated and further consequences

will usually occur. We thank parents for ensuring

these items are not brought to school under any



“Believe you can and you’re halfway there.” Theodore Roosevelt


The Redgum Issue 5 - 2 August 2017

HSC TRIAL EXAMS Year 12 started the term with their Trial HSC exams in most subjects, the last formal exams before the HSC examinations. They now need to reflect on their results and take on board the invaluable feedback their teachers will provide to them. Students are reminded that they still have a long way to go in preparing for their HSC and all teachers have not yet finished teaching the course. As such, it is important, and is expected, that all Year 12 students be in class every lesson. Students now need to consolidate their knowledge and skills, while refining and perfecting their ability to perform well in the HSC exams in October. To balance out the work with some fun, there are also some great events for Year 12 coming up in their final term at GHS, including the Year 12 Fun Night, Picnic Day and of course, the prestigious Graduation Ceremony. We would like to acknowledge the commitment of

staff who give up their time after school, on

weekends and during holidays to further support

their students. They are not required to do this, but

do so as they want the best results for all students in

their care. Year 12 need to take full advantage of any

extra opportunities their teachers offer them. This

final focus over the next few weeks can result in

more marks – remember it is never too late to

improve results .

ASSESSMENT TASKS & N-AWARD WARNINGS Parents are reminded that if a student in Year 9 to Year 12 is absent for an assessment task (including examinations) for any reason, they must contact the relevant deputy principal as soon as possible – at the very latest, the first day the student returns to school. A medical certificate covering the absence and/or other documentation justifying the absence is essential. Students in these year groups are provided with an assessment handbook each year which details the rules governing assessment practice. It is important that all students familiarise themselves with these rules and follow them. Otherwise, students may receive a zero mark and this will affect the student’s overall grade and/or HSC mark submitted to the NESA. Copies of these assessment booklets can be found on our school website. For all Stage 5 and 6 courses, NESA requires schools to warn students who are at risk of not completing a

specific course. If a student receives an N-award warning letter, this is a clear indication that the student is at serious risk of not completing the course successfully. In the event that a student receives an N-award warning letter, the student should speak to their classroom teacher to ascertain the best method of redeeming the N-award warning and progress successfully in the course. It is not advisable to ignore these warning letters as they can normally be addressed quickly when teachers and students work together. This is particularly important for Year 11 students who are approaching the end of their preliminary year. They must complete all tasks, including redeeming any outstanding N-warnings before they can proceed to Year 12 in Term 4 and their final year of study. HSC Students

Please note that appeals for the HSC examinations are not lodged or approved at the school, but must be submitted through NESA. For Year 12 students, if you have an illness or misadventure on the day of a HSC exam: and can’t attend an exam, tell your principal/

deputy principal immediately before the exam but you can still attend, tell the

presiding officer when you arrive during an exam and it may have affected your

performance, tell the presiding officer


Students must always attend exams if they can, even

if they have had an illness or misadventure. Speak to

your deputy principal before you decide not to

attend an exam. If illness or misadventure stops you

from attending an exam or affects your performance

in the exam, it is your right and responsibility to

make an illness/misadventure application. To do

this, students will need to ask Mrs Hosen or the

exam’s presiding officer for an application form and

the Information Guide for Students, which explain

how to apply. Illness/misadventure applications are

for cases where an illness or mishap affected your

performance so that your result does not properly

measure your achievement.

There are a lot of instances that these applications do not cover – please refer to your HSC Rules and Regulations booklet handed out earlier this year (a


The Redgum Issue 5 - 2 August 2017

copy can be found on the NESA website).

If you apply for illness/misadventure, you will need

to include advice from a relevant independent

expert, like a doctor or police officer, to show why

you couldn’t attend the exam. NESA will not uphold

an illness/misadventure application if they do not

consider that the reason for your absence is


YEARS 8 & 10 SUBJECT SELECTIONS Year 10 students have now chosen their subjects for 2018 and 2019. We would like to thank parents for the massive turnout at the subject selection evening as it demonstrates that our parent body is eager to learn about the curriculum choices at Glenwood High School and want to play an active part in helping their child make good decisions. Year 8 students are currently going through a very similar process, with the subject selection information night for Year 9 2018 being held on Monday, 31st July and their subject selection forms due this Monday, 7th August. The key advice the school offers is that students should do the subjects they like, rather than what their friends are doing. Children will always achieve their best if they are happy and interested in what they are doing. The vast majority of students in both year groups generally receive all of the subjects they have selected and the school works hard to ensure that the process is as fair as possible. However, for a number of reasons, there will be some students who do not receive their preferred choices and may have to re-select. This will involve an interview with the relevant deputy principal and a discussion of different options available to the student. For Year 8 students, a confirmation sheet will be sent home with students in the months after selections are due, indicating the three electives they will be enrolled in for Year 9 (2018). For Year 10 students, they will have a more extensive process which involves subject selection interviews with an executive teacher, year advisor or careers advisor to ensure that NESA requirements have been met, and that subjects have been chosen in consideration of their ability and future aspirations. In past years, we have found this to be an effective process for helping students and provide detailed advice.

Students who have questions regarding their subject

choices or have changed their mind about what

subjects they want to do next year should see Mrs

O’Connor (Year 10) or Mrs Healy (Year 8) as a matter

of urgency so they do not miss out.

NAPLAN Online NAPLAN is moving online. This means moving NAPLAN from the current paper-based tests to computer-based assessments. The transition to NAPLAN online will commence from 2018. Schools across NSW will be participating in the NAPLAN Online school readiness test from Monday 14 August to Friday 22 September 2017 and all current Year 7 and 9 students will be participating in its trial. The school readiness test is designed to help schools assess their technical and administrative readiness in a ‘dress rehearsal’ for the transition from pen and paper to online testing from 2018. It will also allow students to become more familiar with the NAPLAN Online test format. Some of the main benefits of students taking part in NAPLAN Online include: Better assessment – and more precise results.

NAPLAN Online uses a tailored test or adaptive design, where the test automatically adapts to a student's performance and asks questions that match the student achievement level, allowing the student to demonstrate their knowledge. This provides teachers and schools with more targeted and detailed information on students’ performance on the tests.

Faster turnaround of results. Delivery of assessments online significantly reduces the time it takes to provide feedback to schools, students and parents, so teachers can respond more quickly to learning needs.

More engaging. ACARA research into online assessment has shown that students have engaged well with electronic tests.

Current GHS Year 7 and 9 students will be

completing the school readiness test in Week 8 of

this term. Parents and students will be provided

more information in the near future.


The Redgum Issue 5 - 2 August 2017

COMMUNICATION There are many great ways to keep abreast of what

is happening with your child at school. These include

using our parent portal on Sentral, our school

website, our Facebook page, or for those who prefer

to use phone apps, we also post information to the

Glenwood High School app, available through

various app stores, depending on your phone type. A

reminder that reports for first semester are available

through the Parent Portal on Sentral. Paper copies

were not sent home for our Years 7-10 students. If

you are having difficulty downloading your child’s

Half-Yearly report, please contact the school office

for assistance.

SOCIAL MEDIA Social media has become the ‘new’ way of communicating and it certainly has its advantages. However, we have found that some students are inclined to use social media in an inappropriate manner, and we ask parents to consider how they monitor their child’s use of technology at home. The school takes incidents of cyber-bullying very seriously and has the authority from the Department of Education to intervene in such situations where a students is at risk, taking disciplinary action where necessary. The old adage that ‘if you don’t have anything nice to say about someone, it is better to say nothing at all’ still holds true. Over their six years of schooling, students at Glenwood high School attend a number of sessions on technology, the use of social media and internet etiquette. As such, students are expected to follow the school’s PBL expectations when communicating online. Always respect others. In addition, students are reminded that anything published on the internet is not private, even if it is posted ‘privately’ with privacy restrictions. There is nothing stopping a person from taking a screen shot of a message and re-broadcasting it for others to see. Of particular concern is the fact that future employers may have access to this information. We would ask all parents to have a conversation with their child about their use of social media to ensure they have an understanding of the possible implications and consequences of inappropriate use. Our welfare curriculum will continue to address many of these issues at regular intervals.

There are some fantastic events coming up on the school calendar and we are excited to be able to share some of these with you. The deputy principals would like to thank staff, students and parents for helping to make Glenwood High School a school of excellence and a great place to be.

Until next time,

Karen O’Connor—Deputy Principal Years 7 & 10

Donna Healy—Deputy Principal Years 8 & 11

Tina Hosen—Deputy Principal Years 9 & 12


The Redgum Issue 5 - 2 August 2017

Register for a Parent IT course in our iCentre. These courses are designed to help you assist your children with their school work


What is Flipped Learning? Flipped Learning is a teaching method that many teachers at Glenwood High School use. This course will help you support your child when participating in this at home.

Monday, 7 August 2017 6.30-7.30pm

What is Project Based Learning Project Based Learning is being used in many faculties at Glenwood High so that students can create more authentic and sophisticated projects

Monday, 21 August 2017 6.30-7.30pm

What do our PBL values mean? Glenwood High School is a Positive Behaviour School. This course will explain our PBL objective and how you can support your child through technology.

Monday, 4 September 2017 6.30-7.30pm

Learning about the Parent Portal Learn how you can see your child's attendance, timetable and daily messages via the Parent Portal.

Monday, 18th September, 2017 6.30pm-7.30pm


The Redgum Issue 5 - 2 August 2017

The Step Up Stand Out Program is an initiative run by Shahid Majeed, the founder and CEO of E-LEAD, Global Centre of Excellence for leadership, engagement and development. The program aims to help develop the emerging leaders of the 21st century through workshop and residential experiences, both of

which allow participants to reach their full potential and advance their leadership skills and qualities. The 2017 program occurred from the 6th to the 12th of March, 2017. Ten Year 9 and 10 students from our school and various schools attended the program, including myself – Ebony Turton. The workshop component was held at the headquarters of CPA Australia in Sydney. Ms Kafetzis joined us on Monday and Tuesday and Ms Kearney on the Wednesday and Thursday. This is where we were introduced to the qualities, roles and skills needed to be the best leaders possible. Throughout the week various speakers and panels focused on a particular aspect of leaderhip. Some of our workshops included:

In our workshop on the importance of effective communication we looked at the four categories of responses – active, passive, constructive and destructive. We learnt that only 7% of communication is

derived from words, 38% is your tone of voice and the remaining 55% is body language. The week prior to the Step Up Stand Out Leadership program, participants were asked to complete an online personality quiz to identify our top 5 strengths. We then used this in the strengths-based leadership workshop with Allan Watkinson who introduced us to strategies on how to develop and play to our strengths rather than trying to ‘fix’ our weaknesses. I discovered the importance of accepting and understanding others’ strengths as well as embracing and investing in my own.

Justin Di Lollo focussed on the importance of public speaking skills. I learnt the best ways to gain the attention of an audience through the use of body language, pace, pauses, eye contact, demeanour, humour, projecting my voice and moving around the room. I also learnt how to structure a speech in a way that will help people remember it. Throughout the workshop, Justin kept reinforcing two points - ‘If you are easy to hear, people will want to listen to you’ and ‘tell them what you’re going to say, say it and then tell them what you said’.

In the teamwork session, hosted by Michelle Yeong and Chen Wang, I learnt skills for conflict resolution, adaptability, team development and that leadership and teamwork go hand in hand. In our groups for the day, we completed the following activities: building a tower out of foil and working together to lower a long straw to the ground whilst keeping it completely level. These challenged our knowledge, communication and patience.

Generations in the workplace (Louis Lloyd) The evolution of IT (Annemarie Kikos) Leadership seminar (Shahid Majeed) Career development panel (Sally McGhee,

Sophie Wang, Cara Fioravanti and Vikisha Thillai)

Resume and interview tips (Lydie Virollet) Leadership and your personal brand Decision making (Kerrie-Anne Turner) Leadership development panel (Alison

Bray, Angeline Young, and Sabrina Hossain)

2017 Step Up Stand Out Program


The Redgum Issue 5 - 2 August 2017

2017 Step Up Stand Out Program cont.

Mr Leaver and all the girls attended the second half of the program at Berry Sport and Recreation Centre from Friday to Sunday. This is where we split into teams to put all the leadership skills we learnt throughout the week into practice. With the help of our team mentors, we had to organize, cooperate, prioritise, plan ahead, pitch ideas, encourage one another, communicate and use our strengths. Some of the challenges we completed included: Making a poster about the meaning of leadership Creating a dance routine to perform Pitching an idea for a product/service to help others

improve their leadership skills Scavenger hunts Collecting points by completing a series of activities

around the recreational centre Developing and presenting our own leadership course

that could be implemented in schools

Before leaving Berry on Sunday afternoon, the self reflection session provided us the opportunity to examine what we had learnt during the week, whether we had improved and where in our lives we could implement these skills.

Having completed the program, on the 8th of June, 2017 E-Lead held the 21st Century Leadership Summit at the University of New South Wales. Participants from both the all girls, and the co-ed Step Up Stand Out programs attended along with many university students and current leaders from companies such as KPMG, Sydney Water, PWS and Toyota Finance. This leadership conference strived to inspire future leaders to be the best they can be with a range of keynote speakers, panels and a fantastic and very entertaining master of ceremony, Warren Bingham. Presenters spoke about their personal leadership journey and encouraged others to take on a leadership role. At the end of the Summit, everyone who took part in the Step Up Stand Out Program received a certificate.

The girls from our school are now applying all the leadership skills and qualities they possess within the Glenwood community by taking key roles in the following initiatives:

Peer to peer mentoring and tutoring Having filmed a clip that was presented on Staff Development Day Creating Know My Culture videos Involvement in various leadership activities

The Step Up Stand Out Program was an amazing experience that allowed me to meet new people who I am now very close with. It taught me how to be a better leader in my everyday life and gave me skills to carry through to my later life. Some of the key messages I took away are the importance of optimism, that change is not something to be feared, and that it is best to create a plan rather than jumping straight into a task. The program has certainly brought many benefits and is a fabulous initiative by Shahid and the E-LEAD team.

Written by Ebony Turton – Year 9


CALENDAR Week 3A Monday 31 July NAIDOC Week Year 9, 2018 Subject Selection Evening 6.15pm—School Hall

Tuesday 1 August NAIDOC Week Year 7—12 Australian National Chemistry Quiz Community Course - Learning about the Parent Portal-Library iCentre 6.30-7.30pm

Wednesday 2 August NAIDOC Week Year 9 InterActive Shakespeare—”Romeo & Juliet”-GHS

Friday 4 August NAIDOC Week Knockout netball - South Windsor

Week 4B Monday 7 August Work Placement –Hospitality Community IT Course—What is Flipped Learning-Library iCentre 6.30-7.30pm

Tuesday 8 August Work Placement –Hospitality Year 12 RSA Training Course—(at GHS) Gifted & Talented Program Year 5 Wednesday 9 August Work Placement –Hospitality Year 12 Fun Night-4.30-10pm Year 11 Drama—Belvoir Theatre—6.30—8.30pm

Thursday 10 August Work Placement - Hospitality Gifted & Talented Program Year 5

Friday 11 August Work Placement-Hospitality Year 9 GAT & Year 10 InterACTive Shakespeare -Macbeth–GHS Hall

Week 5A Monday 14 August Work Placement-Hospitality Tuesday 15 August Work Placement-Hospitality Year 10 B Streetsmart Excursion —Homebush Year 12 Modern History Excursion—Sydney Jewish Museum— Darlinghurst Gifted & Talented Program Year 5

Wednesday 16 August Work Placement-Hospitality Thursday 17 August Work Placement-Hospitality Friday 18 August Work Placement-Hospitality

The Redgum Issue 5 - 2 August 2017



Week 6B Monday 21 August Community IT Course—What is Project Based Learning? -6.30-7.30pm Tuesday 11 August Gifted & Talented Program Year 5 Wednesday 23 August Year 10 Conviction Men’s Mentoring Program Thursday 24 August Year 8 –Show some Respect Theatre Performance—incursion Gifted & Talented Program Year 5 Friday 25 August Wear It Purple Year 12 Earth & Environmental Science—Field of Mars - All Day

Week 7A Monday 28 August Year 10 - VALID Science Test Tuesday 29 August Year 10 - VALID Science Test Wednesday 30 August Year 10 - VALID Science Test 2017 Premier’s Debating Challenge Year 10 Conviction Men’s Mentoring Thursday 31 August Year 10 - VALID Science Test GHS Community Mentoring Program Friday 1 September Year 10 - VALID Science Test Week 8B Monday 4 September Year 12 Physics Anston Excursion Year 10 Drive to Survive—incursion Community IT Course Tuesday 5 September AIME—Year 9, 10 & 12 Nirimba Campus Year 8 Motivational Event Wednesday 6 September Year 10 Conviction Men’s Mentoring Thursday 7 September Canberra -Support Unit Camp Friday 8 September Canberra -Support Unit Camp Saturday 9 September Mind Quest Sunday 10 September Mind Quest

The Redgum Issue 5 - 2 August 2017

Please refer to either our website/facebook or school app for further information

Please note dates are correct at the time of publishing


Issue 5 - 2 August 2017 The Redgum


Issue 5 - 2 August 2017 The Redgum


Opportunity Through Learning

Telephone: 9629 9577 Facsimile: 9629 2796 Email:

Expression of Interest to be a volunteer reader/ writer support for Higher School Certificate Exams 2017

During exams we have a number of students who require additional support through the use of a volunteer reader and/or writer. For this reason we are seeking volunteers for the Higher School Certificate Exams 2017. The reasons for this support may vary, but it enables students to access exam papers with the same level of fairness as other students. Exams are designed to test a student’s knowledge of the course content, and provisions are put in place to ensure that they are not being excessively disadvantaged, nor penalised due to other issues. The date for the HSC Exams are from Monday 16h October to Friday 10th November 2016 and are held at Glenwood High School. The only skills necessary to assist our students in this way are:

Literacy and numeracy skills

Must not have a child or guardian attending the school in the same year

The dates and times needed are as follows:

Monday 16th October 10:20am -12:30pm English Standard (paper 1)

Tuesday 17th October 9:25am – 11:30pm English Standard (paper 2)

Thursday 19th October 9:25am – 12:30pm PDHPE

Tuesday 24th October 9:25am – 12:30pm Ancient History

Tuesday 24th October 1:55pm – 4:00pm Textiles and Design

Thursday 26th October 9:25am – 12:30pm Business Studies

Friday 27th October 1:55pm – 4:00pm Hospitality

Monday 30th October 9:25am – 10:30am Dance

Tuesday 31st October 1:55pm – 5:00pm Community and Family Studies

Friday 3rd November 1:55pm – 3:30pm Visual Arts

If you are interested in being a volunteer reader and/or writer could you kindly contact me via email or via the school office on 9629 9577 at your earliest convenience. Yours Sincerely Miss Megan McClenahan Learning and Support Teacher (Learning Centre)


Parents now have immediate access to their child's attendance, timetables, daily messages and student reports via the Parent Portal. All Semester 1 reports will be uploaded on the Parent Portal shortly. In order to view these details, you will need to ensure that your contact details with the school are up-to-date. If you have not received an email that contains your 'Family Key, please contact our front school office.

To register on the Parent Portal, please go to

To access the Portal after registration, please follow the steps below


The Redgum Issue 5 - 2 August 2017


What a wonderful day it was participating in the Sydney West Orienteering Competition with 22 students ranging from year 7-11. We had a lot of novice students who were guided by some of the more experienced students. It tested not only their physical abilities but also their perseverance when faced with challenges. The students enjoyed their individual races and also their team relays. We did so well, that many students have been invited to participate in the upcoming NSW Schools Orienteering Championships in August. We look forward to sharing this experience with you soon.

Sydney West Orienteering Competition

The Redgum Issue 5 - 2 August 2017


The Redgum Issue 5 - 2 August 2017


The Redgum Issue 5 - 2 August 2017

We would like to introduce ourselves as a new non-profit athletic club

in the area, directly affiliated to Little Athletics NSW, for athletes from

3 years to Under 17 years of age.

The Ponds Little Athletic Centre will be running on Friday nights

during the summer sport season (8th September 2017 until 16th March 2018) at Peel

Reserve, 22 Alkoomie St, The Ponds.

Online Registrations open August 1st, 2017.

For more information, please check out our Facebook Page, Website, Team App,


The Redgum Issue 5 - 2 August 2017


The Redgum Issue 5 - 2 August 2017



School Uniform

1. Go to

2. Select the “Online Shopping” option from the top bar.

Click on “register”

3. You will now have the registration page up. In the school field type “(your school’s name).

4. Complete the rest of your details on this page then click “register” at the bottom of the page.

5. The system will advise you that your registration is now complete. Click on “continue”.

6. You will be returned to the Alinta home page—you can now enter your email address and

password into the Customer Login section.

7. You will now be in the SCHOOL section of the site (you will notice the school logo on the top right

of the page).

8. On the right side of the home screen, you can click “price list” for details of the uniform and


9. Click on “SHOPPING” at the top of the screen.

10. Choose which uniform (girl/boy, age group) that you want.

11. To build an order, find the clothing you want to buy, select a size from the drop-down panel, and

then click “Add to Cart” (below the image of the clothing).

12. You will be transferred to the ‘SHOPPING CART’ screen for each garment. Enter the quantity

you want. If you have selected the wrong garment, click “remove”.

13. If you wish to purchase more clothing, click “Continue Shopping”. If you have chosen all the

clothing you want, click “Checkout” to organise payment.

14. Choose the shipping format you want then click “Next”.

Pickup from school: enter your name and phone number Home Delivery: enter address and phone number. Please note a $7.90 fee is added. Ensure you complete the special instructions if required.

15. Enter your Credit Card details, then click “Next”, and confirm your order by clicking “Continue”.

16. An invoice will now be dispatched to your login email address, and the clothing you have purchased will be organised for you according to your details.

Please Note: Your order will be dispatched the next opening day of the Uniform Shop. If pick up is selected, your order will be ready in store waiting for you when the shop is next open. You must keep a copy of your ALINTA RECEIPT—the Eway receipt is for your credit card, but the Alinta receipt is for your actual clothing purchase and will be needed for refunds/exchanges and warranty purposes.

The Redgum Issue 5 - 2 August 2017



The Redgum Issue 5 - 2 August 2017