Global Biodiversity Informatics Outlook

Post on 26-May-2015

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The Global Biodiversity Informatics Outlook helps to focus effort and investment towards better understanding of life on Earth and our impacts upon it. It proposes a framework that will help harness the immense power of information technology and an open data culture to gather unprecedented evidence about biodiversity and to inform better decisions.


The GBIO Framework

Focus Area: Culture

Making data sharing the norm

Ensuring data can be understood and used across systems and across disciplines

Creating a stable data archiving infrastructure to ensure no data are lost or mislaid

Creating a policy framework to encourage sharing and reuse of biodiversity data

Benefiting from the expertise of the whole global community

Focus Area: Data

Using data mining and semantic tools to turn unstructured data into information

Accelerating the rate at which historic specimen-based data are made discoverable

Making field data accessible and interoperable

Incorporating data arising from genomics

Harnessing automated monitoring technology to provide planet-wide surveys

Focus Area: Evidence

Creating a network of expertise to manage biodiversity data

Providing a stable and comprehensive catalogue of all species

Making accessible all data about when and where an organism has been recorded

Providing the framework to capture trait information and interactions between species

Delivering access to all published biodiversity knowledge

Focus Area: Understanding

Estimating biodiversity patterns from available evidenceUsing predictive modelling to assess status, trends and impacts

Building virtual models from molecules to ecosystems

Giving access to information in ways that will revolutionize how we understand biodiversity

Concentrating on the areas of greatest change and uncertainty