Global Day of Coderetreat'14 - Istanbul Event

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These are the slides we used during Istanbul/Turkey event of Global Day of Coderetreat on November 15th, 2014.


celebrating passion and craftsmanship

November 15, 2014Global Day ofCoderetreat



Agile Turkey established in 2008 as a nonprofit organization.

It aims to enhance IT project success in the Turkish market by expanding the world wide proven

Agile Methodologies’ usage.


Lemi Orhan Ergin

Umut Işık

like to work alone feel safe to work on confort zone

have to focus on daily work skip writing tests

cannot find time to experiment not willing to learn new practices

do not think about design focus on gettings things done

over-engineer do not refactor


have to improve their craft


is the best way how we improve our craftPracticing

How to PracticeChallenge

Repeat Feedback

again and again and again and again

How to Practice

No Pressuredo not complete the task

but master it



Code Retreat is about


writing the perfect code

Code Retreat is about

learning through pairing extending your confort zone

no pressure of daily work experimenting

learning new practices thinking deeply about design

building structures simple developing whenever required


Code Retreat is about

1 day coding 45 minutes sessions

Pair programming Test first development

Different partners on each session Different constraints



Retrospective Break

Closing Ceramony

Coding 45

105 5 5 5 5

10 10 10 10 15

45 45 45 45 45



Code generation is not important Generate code by thinking the design

Focus on naming test cases Focus on Red/Green/Refactor cycle

Why Repeating?

You are not your code Learn to go slower

Focus on being better Do not think about finishing

It’s all about practicing

Why Deleting?

Language agnostic Do not try to complete

Focus on practicing Write code than open to accept change

Follow 4 rules of simple design Delete code after each session

Have fun


HistoryThe idea was spawned at CodeMash Conference’09 The owners of the idea Gary Bernhardt Patrick Welsh Nayan Hajratwala Corey Haines First was held on January 24, 2009

Corey Haines

Global Day of Code Retreat

6 continents 137 cities 20 timezones 2000+ developers 31 hours of coding

coderetreat.orgCoderetreat Community Network

November 15, 2014

Global Day of Code Retreat

Thanks to hundreds of hosts and facilitators


coderetreat.orgCoderetreat Community Network

November 15, 2014

This year's Global Day of Coderetreat supports CoderDojo Any funds not used to support GDCR will go to CoderDojo

CoderDojo is a global volunteer-led community of free programming clubs for young people between 7 and 17.

CoderDojo gives young people all over the world better access to the “Magic behind the technology” that surrounds

us and touches almost everything that we do in our lives.

Today, there are over 500 Dojos spread across 48 countries from Ireland, to the USA, to Japan, and even Nigeria.

Within CoderDojo there is a focus on developing creativity, a sense of community, peer learning skills, mentoring and self

led learning with an emphasis on openness and showing how coding can be a force for positive change.

SponsorsWe cannot make it

without their support

Galaxy Sponsor

A software company and community of passionate individuals whose purpose is to

revolutionise software creation and delivery, while advocating for positive social change.

globe Sponsor

GitHub is the best place to share code with friends, co-workers, classmates, and complete

strangers. Over seven million people use GitHub to build amazing things together.

continent Sponsor

DNSimple is a hosted DNS service that you can use to manage your domains.

local Sponsors

Simple DesignSimple design in one that is easy to change.We don’t know exactly what is going to need to change We’ll never be more ignorant than we are at this moment

Simple DesignTests pass

4 Rules of

“Tests pass” can be a significant factor in making changes. If you have to ask how fast your test suite should be, it should be faster


Simple DesignExpress Intent

4 Rules of

Paying attention to the names and how your code expresses itself is the key.


Simple DesignNo Duplication (DRY)

4 Rules of

It’s not about code duplication, it’s about knowledge duplication. Don’t repeat yourself. Every piece of knowledge should have one and only one representation.


Simple DesignSmall

4 Rules of

Has fewer classes, modules, packages. Any not-used code should be deleted. You should also check missing or duplicate abstractions. Over-extraction should also be not allowed.

4“Putting an Age-Old Battle to Rest” by Joe Rainsberger

The Simple Design Dynamo

TDDWrite exactly one new test1

2 Run the test to make sure it fails

3 Write least amount of code to make the test pass

4 Refactor to remove duplication

5 Repeat the process

Test Driven Development Test Driven Design Test First Development

Zero-player game Cellular automation system

Devised by John Horton Conway Evolution is determined by initial state

Each cell can be alive or dead

Conway’s Game of LifeProblem to solve:

Each cell has 8 neighbours and follows 3 rules

1 2 3




Any live cell with fewer than 2 live neighbours dies of loneliness

Rule 1

Any live cell with more than 3 live neighbours dies of overcrowding

Rule 2

Any dead cell with exactly 3 live neighbours comes to life of warmth

Rule 3

Avoid to use primitives Avoid to use conditional conditions (if, ?:, switch) Avoid to use loops (while, for) All methods return void Max 5 lines of code per method Verbs instead of nouns Ping pong programming Mute ping pong programming Swap computers Do not use mouse


ENJOYremember whatever you do do not forget to O'Brien and Jim Weirich while doing ruby code review

sessionslet the

beginWe select 6 activities amoung the activities list after checking

TDD and pair programming experiences of the attendees. Every coderetreat has its own set of activities.

No constraints Do your best

session 1

Ping-pong pair programming

session 2

No primitives Use only immutable objects

session 3

No primitives No conditionals

Max 5 lines of code

session 4

No way to return any value Verbs instead of Nouns

session 5

Mute ping-pong

session 6

What, if anything, did you learn today? What, if anything, surprised you today?

What, if anything, will you do differently?


The photo on the first slide is taken by Mirza Abdurrahim Çetin. It is adapted as allowed by the license CC BY-NC 2.0
