Global Energy Prize Annual report 2009 English

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ANNUAL REPORTGlobal Energy Foundation



What they don't know they don't wish, Ovid said.Many wish they got the Global Energy Prize.

Global Energy Foundation


Address by E.P. Velikhov, Chairman of the Board of Trustees 4

Address by I.M. Lobovsky, Executive Director 5

Mission. Strategy. Values. 6

Administrative bodies of the Foundation 7

International Award Committee 8

Membership of International Award Committee 9

Expert Council 10

Executive Directorate 11

2008 Global Energy Prize Laureates 12

Prize Projects

Nomination Process special project 14

Special project of the April Meeting of the Global Energy Prize International Award Committee 17

Laureates’ Week special project 18

Energy of Thought special project 21

Energy of Youth special project 22

Energy of the Quill special project 24

Energy of Childhood special project 25

Energy of the Gulf special project 26

International events 27

What the press has to say about the Global Energy International Prize 31

2009 Agenda advertisement 34

Financial accounts of the Prize for 2008 35



Global Energy Foundation

Dear friends,

The mere existence of the Global Energy International Prize is evidence that the energy sphere is and remains not only a critically important realm of research by leading scientists of our time but also an object of close regard by the leaders of all civilized countries.

But no general outline of energy technological engineering would be possible without considering the role of the Russian Federation in the specified context.

In regards to the elaboration of a strategy for development of this country’s fuel and energy sector one ought to try to find ways of ensuring the development of power engineering as an integrated complex to guarantee the use of each energy technology’s full potential.

It goes without saying that given the present situation the Russian Federation should develop and export its oil and gas resources. However, the less fossil fuel we sell today, the greater effect we may recon on in the future due to the sustaining trend for increase of expenditures associated with production of mineral resources and their stock exhaustion.

Awareness in Russia has been rising with respect to an urgent need for a comprehensive re-evaluation of the present state of things not only for further development but merely for reasonably adequate sustenance.

The economy of such a great state cannot be based wholly on the export of energy resources and other raw mineral resources. It is necessary to identify cross-roads of current and future interests of different states that, on the one hand, can do without Russian resources and on the other – can be relied on to provide assistance in reforming the Russian economy within a reasonably acceptable period.

One must provide conditions which are favourable for foreign investment and state-of-the-art technologies not only for the short-term generation of profit, but also to ensure the long-term development of vast regions taken as a whole while harmoniously developing the rest of the country, creating jobs and enhancing social welfare and living standards.

Thus the Global Energy Prize serves not only as an incentive for further progress of theoretical energy-related research but also to positively influence the economic “robustness” of nearly all countries of the world. The Prize’s significance and the publicity it attracts as well as the material rewardenables scientists from different countries to contribute to the development of their national fuel-and-energy sectors and to promote the implementation of new technologies.

Chairman of the Global Energy Board of Trustees Academician E.P. Velikhov

Address by E.P. Velikhov, Chairman of the Board of Trustees

Global Energy Foundation


Dear colleagues and friends,

Following the tradition established during the previous six years, the sixth Prize Cycle of 2008 was highly eventful and emotionally charged: we held the traditional award ceremony, organized the Global Energy road-shows in Europe and Asia, concluded the fifth Energy of Youth All-Russian Competition with research grants and development activities assigned to six deserving teams of young scientists from Obninsk, Irkutsk, Kazan and Moscow.

Among the noteworthy international events we attended in 2008 were: the International Forum in Verona, the Economic Forum in Budapest and the World Economic Summit in Bahrain.

In 2008 new members of the Prize International Award Committee were elected and confirmed. This was the third change in the Committee composition effected pursuant to the Prize Statute provisions due to outgoing members’ terms of office having expired. Among the newly elected members of the International Committee are representatives from twelve countries, including scientists, economists and public figures, all occupationally related to the energy sector and ranking as major specialists in solution of tasks and issues relevant to the industry. For the first time that the proportion of Russian and foreign representatives on the International Committee membership has reached 40%:60%.

Last December a new project was launched called the Energy of Childhood All-Russian Competition of Energy-related Projects by Children. The competition is aimed at stimulating children’s research skills, literary talents, artistic and musical creativity and developing a positive attitude to the industry.

We are glad that the Board of Trustees have appreciated and accepted our proposal to encourage greater involvement of young scientists into expert activities: winners of the Energy of Youth competitions can now take an active part in proceedings of the Expert Council.

In 2009 we are to address even more important tasks for developing and implementing large scale projects. Following the Prize motto “Keeping Traditions, Moving Ahead”, we shall develop, act, tackle difficulties and overcome obstacles regardless of the hard times experienced by the whole of the global community.

During the current year we expect to further develop cooperation with regions shaping the world power industry with the states of the Persian Gulf having a special priority. Among the undertakings scheduled for April 2009 are: the first Meeting of the newly composed Prize International Award Committee, the highly eventful Laureates’ Week and Global Energy Prize Award Ceremony with the participation of the President of the Russian Federation, Dmitry A. Medvedev, the culmination phase of the sixth Energy of Youth Competition for Research Projects in the Field of Energy Technology and the introduction of new format for the research grant ceremony. We also look forward to the excitement and surprises which are sure to be in store for us when our Energy of Childhood competition lets loose our children’s creativity.

We sincerely count on your support and participation in the activities of the Foundation and our projects.

Executive Director of the Global Energy Prize I.M. Lobovsky

Address by I.M. Lobovsky, Executive Director


Global Energy Foundation


To promote increased efficiency of existing energy sources as well as the development on new ones, which are more efficient, safer and environmentally friendlier, for the benefit of the whole of humanity.

To enhance the image of the Russian Federation and the companies that founded the Global Energy Prize in establishing themselves as fully legitimate and reliable leaders, attractive in their confidence, robustness and vigour with regard to both current and long-term plans.


To achieve the goals set out by its mission statement the Global Energy Foundation has adopted a strategy including the following components:

- promotion of theoretical and applied research and developments in the field of energy technology;

- provision of incentives to leading specialists and research entities from different countries to become involved in solution of major energy-related problems faced by the global community;

- increasing public awareness with regard to the importance of effective solution of energy related problems which are large scale and extremely relevant for mankind’s future development.


Competence. In our activities we rely on the highest standards of venue organization, administration and comprehensive analysis of scientific trends; striving for constant improvement we support creative initiatives and promote professional growth for our staff members.

Honesty and privacy. Our behaviour towards all our partners, laureates, nominees, members of staff and other parties is invariably honest and respectful. It is not only the letter, but also the spirit of the law that we obey.

Informational transparency. We support both positive exchange of information within the Foundation and open communication with outside parties concerned.

Social responsibility. We contribute to the scientific and educational well-being of society through the implementation of awareness and cultural projects.

The Global Energy International Prize is one of the world’s major scientific awards and the largest one to be conferred for achievement in the sphere of energy and power engineering. This independent Prize is awarded for outstanding research activities and developments in the field of energy.

Mission. Strategy. Values.

Global Energy Foundation



The Prize Board of Trustees is responsible for general administration and the financial framework of the Prize award, its basic powers are:- supervision of the Prize administrative bodies’ operation;- annual assignment of financial value of Prize; - estimate of the annual budget of expenditures associated with organizational, technical, specialist, informational and other forms of support for the processes of nomination, award and presentation of the Prize; - formal approval of the Prize Statutes and the Regulations governing operation of the Prize

administrative bodies (including introduction of amendments) as well as of the Prize administrative bodies overall framework; - decides and approves the Prize International Award Committee quantitative composition and membership; - appoints the Chairman and Academic Secretary of the Prize International Award Committee as well as the Chairman of the Expert Council for the Prize.

Members of the Board of Trustees do not take part nominating, reviewing of qualification papers submitted and final Prize award decision-making unless they are members of the Prize International Award Committee at the same time.

Membership of the Global Energy International Prize Board of Trustees

V.L. Bogdanov – Director General of Surgutneftegas JSC

E.P. Velikhov – Academician RAS, President of the Kurchatov Institute Russian Research Centre, Chairman of the Global Energy International Prize Board of Trustees

M.S. Gorbachev – Nobel Peace Prize Laureate, President of the International Non-Governmental Foundation for Socio-Economic and Political Studies (Gorbachev Foundation)

S.V. Kirienko – Director General of Rosatom State Nuclear Energy Corporation

A.B. Miller – Chairman of the Board of Gasprom JSC

V.P. Smirnov – Academician RAS, Director of the Institute for Nuclear Fusion attached to the Kurchatov Institute Russian Research Centre, Chairman of the Prize International Award Committee

V.Yu. Sinyugin – Chairman of the Board of GidroOGK JSC

I.H. Yusufov – Special Representative of President of the Russian Federation for International Energy Cooperation

S.V. Yastrzhembsky – Former Aide to President of the Russian Federation, Director General of Huntessential Fishfantastic Company

Administrative bodies of the Global Energy Foundation are as follows:

• Prize Board of Trustees

• Prize International Award Committee

• Expert Council under the Prize International Award Committee

• Prize Executive Directorate

Administrative bodies of the Foundation


Global Energy Foundation

To provide for the Prize organizational proceedings administration and annual award of the Prize the Prize Board of Trustees appoints the Prize International Award Committee to remain in office for a term of five years. The Committee membership may include directors of well respected research entities, eminent scientists internationally recognized for their achievements in the sphere of energy, statesmen and public figures (representing both Russia and foreign countries). The Prize International Award Committee quantitative composition and membership are to be decided on, formally approved and publicized by the Prize Board of Trustees prior to commencement of acceptance of qualification papers by contenders for the Prize. Activities of the Prize International Award Committee are constantly monitored by the Chairman and Academic Secretary of the Prize International Award Committee appointed by the Board of Trustees of the Prize for a five year term.

Basic powers of the Prize International Award Committee are as follows:

• provision for nomination and nominee selection proceedings

• formal approval of the nomination form submitted by authorized nominators for the Prize

• determination of the list of scientists specifically invited to be the current year’s nominators for the Prize

• appointment and confirmation of members of the Expert Council for the Prize

• setting the deadline for arrival of submissions, selection of nominees, decision-making, laureates declaration and Prize presentation

• formal approval of the procedure for selection of qualification papers by the Expert Council for the Prize including provision for possibility of selection from among all the nominees that have submitted their work both in the current year and in previous years (with the exception of Laureates)

• decision on the winner of the Global Energy International Prize

Composition and membership of the Prize International Award Committee is decided upon and formally approved by the Board of Trustees.

International Award Committee

Global Energy Foundation

9Membership of International Award Committee

EDUARD PETROVICH VOLKOV RussiaExecutive Director of the Krzhizhanovsky Power Engineering Institute

NIKOLAY IVANOVICH VOROPAY RussiaDirector of the Melentiev Energy Systems Institute, Corresponding Member RAS

ANATOLY FEDOROVICH DYAKOVRussiaPresident of the Nonprofit Partnership UES Scientific and Technical Council

KVINT VLADIMIR LVOVICHRussia/USAChair of the Department of Financial Strategy at the Moscow School of Economics attached to Lomonosov Moscow State University

ALEXANDER VICTOROVICH KLIMENKO RussiaDeputy Director of the Federal Agency for Science and Innovation

YURY ALEXEYEVICH KOVALENKORussiaDirector General of the Lenin All-Russian Electro-Technical Institute Federal State Unitary Enterprise

NIKOLAY NIKOLAYEVICH KUDRYAVTSEV RussiRector of Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology

ALEXEY MIKHAILOVICH MASTEPANOVRussiaAdvisor to Deputy Chairman of the Gasprom JSC Board


RussiaDirector of the Boreskov Catalyst Institute attached to the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences

VLADA VILORIKOVNA RUSAKOVARussiaMember of Board and Head of Strategic Development Department of Gasprom JSC

VALENTIN PANTELEIMONOVICH SMIRNOVRussiaDeputy Director for Research of the Kurchatov Institute Russian Research Centre

RUDOLF MIKHAILOVICH TER-SARKISOVRussiaFirst Deputy Director General – General Project Manager of Gasprom Dobycha Shelf LLC

MIKHAIL PETROVICH FEDOROV RussiaRector of State Educational Institution for Higher Vocational Education St. Petersburg State Polytechnical University, Advisor to the Board of RusGidro, Corresponding Member RAS

MIKHAIL IVANOVICH EPOV RussiaDirector of the Trofimuk Institute of Petroleum Geology and Geophysics attached to the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences

ALVIN TRIVELPIECE USA Consultant, Director, Oak Ridge National Laboratory

ANNE LAUVERGEON France Director General of AREVA group

RAJ BALDEVIndiaScientist, Director of Indira Gandhi Centre for Atomic Research

CLEMENT BOWMANCanadaChairman of ProGrid Ventures Inc.

JOSE GOLDEMBERGBrazilProfessor, Academy of Science of Brazil

KLAUS RIEDLEGermany Professor, Doctor

LASZLO KAPOLYIHungaryPresident of System Consulting

MASAJI YOSHIKAWAJapanSenior Advisor to Research Organization for International Science and Technology

ROBERT AIMAR FranceEx-Director General of CERN

ROBERT HIRSCH USASenior Energy Advisor to Management Information Services, Inc. (MISI)

THORSTEINN SIGFUSSON Iceland Director General of Innovation Centre Iceland and University of Iceland, Professor

THOMAS BLEES USAPresident of Science Council for Global Initiatives

PIUS YASEBASI NG’WANDU TanzaniaManaging Director of Yaseconsult Ltd

WILLIAM MARTIN USAPresident of US Nuclear Energy Advisory Committee


Global Energy Foundation

To carry out a preliminary review of the qualification papers nominated for the Prize the Prize International Award Committee appoints an Expert Council for the Prize. The Expert Council for the Prize is a body under the Prize International Award Committee. The Expert Council quantitative composition and membership are defined by the Prize International Award Committee, for a term of three years. The Expert Council composition and membership are to be decided on and formally approved of by the Prize International Award Committee prior to commencement of qualification papers acceptance. Chairman of the Expert Council for the Prize is appointed by the Prize Board of Trustees from among the Prize International Award Committee members for a term of three years.

Primary mission of the Expert Council is the preparation of a detailed presentation featuring an overview of the qualification papers admitted for participation in the competition and analysis of at least five papers recommended to the Prize International Award Committee for their decision at the meeting held in April.

Furthermore, the Expert Council undertakes expert evaluation of qualification papers submitted for assignment of Global Energy grants within the framework of the All-Russian Youth Competition for Research Projects in the Field of Energy Technology.

Membership of the Expert Council is never publicized and the Council members do not have the right to make any public comments on issues related to the Project operation.

Expert Council

Global Energy Foundation


The Prize Executive Directorate is responsible for the operational and financial activities of the foundation, Prize presentation preparation and organization as well as legal and informational support. The Foundation Executive Directorate forms part of the Prize Executive Directorate with the Foundation Executive Director serving as the Prize Executive Director.

The Prize Executive Directorate is vested with the following powers:

• carry out organizational and technical work related to the Prize operation;

• organizational, financial and material provision for operation of the Prize Board of Trustees, the Prize International Award Committee and the Prize Management Board;

• publication of the present Statutes and data on the qualification papers acceptance timeframe, selection of nominees, decision-making, laureates declaration and presentation of the Prize, time, place, and procedure of the award ceremony as well as any other Prize-related information;

• performance of work related to acceptance of documents submitted by the contenders and their review against the applicable requirements;

• preparation of materials selected and their presentation for consideration by the Expert Council for the Prize;

• organizational provision for meetings of the Expert Council for the Prize and the Prize International Award Committee;

• publication of decisions taken on the Prize award issue;

• management of records in relation to the Prize organization and award;

• specification of the rules for the Award Ceremony;

• organizational provision for the procedure of ceremonious presentation of diplomas, medals and the Prize itself to the laureates;

• information support of the Award Ceremony;

• covering expenses associated with financial provision for the above-mentioned events and other Prize-related programs as well as and the operation of the Prize administrative bodies;

• resolution of other organizational, financial, and technical issues associated with the Prize administration.

Executive Directorate


Global Energy Foundation

Research work by E.P. Volkov and C. Bowman deals with theoretical substantiation of highly efficient processes and development of innovative technologies for production of synthetic fuels from bituminous shales and oil sands.

E.P. VOLKOV is a leading investigator into combustion processes and ecologically substantiated processing of solid fuels.

C. Bowman is a world-famous scientist and expert in bituminous sands processing technologies.

Their efforts have resulted in development and industrial commercialization of efficient and highly remunerative plants for production of synthetic oil and high energy incondensable pyrolytic gas from HHC-containing shale and sands.

E.P. Volkov supervised development of plants that enable processing 1 mln t shales annually and ensure the highest cost efficiency ratings possible with oil production cost varying within the range of 17–20 USD per barrel.

It was under C. Bowman’s supervision that plants for bituminous sands processing were developed and commissioned for industrial-scale service in Alberta Province (Canada) whose commercial operation provides for annual production of millions of barrels of synthetic liquid fuels.

There are plans for construction and commissioning of similar plants in China, Turkey, Jordan, Israel, Germany, Morocco, Japan and USA.

In the 21st century with the steady depletion of available oil reserves the technologies proposed highlight a promising trend for enhanced efficiency of global energy resources development.

E.P. VOLKOV was born on July 18, 1938. In 1961 he graduated from Krzhizhanovsky Moscow Power Engineering Institute which he eventually came to head in 1986. In 2006 E.P. Volkov was elected Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences. He is Vice President of the International Energy House in Moscow, Member of the Board of the European Energy Club, Chairman of the Committee for Renewable Energy Issues under the World Energy Council (WEC).

Doctor C. Bowman is a renowned scientist specialising in production of oil from bituminous sands. He has conducted research into molecular and interphase properties of bituminous sands and designed techniques for their processing. In 1964 he supervised deployment of facilities for industrial-scale processing of bituminous sands at Athabasca deposit (project by Syncrude Consortium). In 1975 he undertook a series of applied studies extracting oil from deep sands. In 1978 Syncrude Consortium produced the first batch of synthetic oil; further successful operation of the plant has annually yielding some hundred thousand barrels on average.

During 1987–1993 C. Bowman supervised design of a test installation for further enhancement of the technology for production of oil from bituminous sands. Since 2007 he has been head of the research team under the Canadian Academy of Engineering in charge of the basic directions of the country’s energy sector development. C. Bowman is author of 40 published scientific papers and holder of 13 patents.

During 1975–1985 C. Bowman occupied the post of Chairman of Crown Corporation of Alberta Oil Sands Technology and Research Authority (AOSTRA). It was during this time that the oil industry received a huge impetus for development and multiple oil production and processing projects began yielding profits. “That was one of the largest scale research programmes ever undertaken in Canada” (Merv Leitch, Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources of Alberta Province)

C. Bowman was born on January 7, 1930 in Toronto (Canada). In 1952 he graduated from the University of Toronto as a Chemical Engineer. At different times he worked for Dupont of Canada, Imperial Oil

2008 Global Energy Laureates

Global Energy Foundation


Enterprises Ltd. and Esso-Petroleum Canada, occupied the posts of Research Supervisor with Syncrude Canada Ltd. Corporation and Oil Department CEO with Imperial Oil Enterprises Ltd. Since 2006 C. Bowman has directed ProGrid Ventures Inc.

O.N. FAVORSKY is an eminent scientist whose major focus is the applied study of gas dynamics, design and development of gas-turbine power plants for decentralized terrestrial and extraterrestrial electric power systems as well as gas transportation. Under his supervision multiple magnetic-gas-hydrodynamic, thermoelectric and thermo-emissive electric installations for spacecrafts have been developed. O.N. Favorsky was Chief Designer of P-27-0300 and P-74-300 aircraft engines that were eventually redesigned into GTE-20 and GTE-30 gas turbine plants that are capable of replacing gas boilers and ensure reduction of gas consumption combined with reliable decentralization of thermal and energy efficiency.

O.N. Favorsky’s efforts enabled the conversion of high and medium energy aircraft gas turbine plants with Gasprom JSC gas processing stations within the tightest timeframe possible.

O.N. Favorsky was born on January 27, 1929. Having graduated from Moscow Aviation Institute in 1951 he advanced from a rank-and-file engineer to the position of First Deputy Director of the Central Institute for Aviation Engine Building during 1951-1973. He then qualified as Chief Designer, headed Soyuz Research and Production Association and occupied the post of Vice President at the Academy of Aviation and Aeronautics and the International Energy Academy.

In 1990 O.N. Favorsky was elected an Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Since 2003 he has been Deputy Academician-Secretary of the Russian Academy of Sciences’ Department of Power Engineering, Machine Building, Mechanics and Control Processes, supervisor of Power Engineering section and the research councils for Thermal Physics and Thermal Energy and Problems of the Russian Power Industry Development, Bureau Member with Scientific and Technical Councils of RAO UES of Russia and Gasprom JSC, Chairman of the Scientific and Technical Committee of the Russian Foundation for Technological Development.


Global Energy Foundation

The number of scientific papers submitted by way of nomination for the Global Energy Prize has significantly increased over the 2003 - 2008 period of the project’s history. There is also a pronounced trend for expansion of the papers’ topical coverage. This is yet more confirmation of the steady growth of interest in the Prize both domestically and internationally.

Judging by the six years’ experience of the Foundation’s operation one may observe a direct correlation between the number of nominators and the quality of papers submitted: indeed, the wider the net – the greater the opportunity to catch a big fish. In 2008 over 1200 scientists from all over the world received nomination forms for the Global Energy Prize International Award Committee. Of these only five papers were selected by the Expert Council and declared Laureates in April 2008.

Nomination Process special project






Global Energy Foundation










Global Energy Foundation






Global Energy Foundation


On April 14 a meeting of the Global Energy Prize International Award Committee was held with thirty leading scientists from ten countries was held in Moscow to consider the 182 nomination papers that had been submitted and select three of them for the Global Energy International Prize 2008.

It was for the first time that modifications were introduced to the operational procedures of the International Committee envisaging deployment of a remote transfer system using LAN technology and a terminal server.

The above system ensures real-time transfer of presentation and other data to multiple remote terminal units. The user workstation (which was that of the International Committee member for the purposes of the meeting referred to) is equipped so as to enable such options as paging through the table listing the nominees for the Prize, activation of hyperlinks for a multiple-level downward jump, detailed study of data configured as per individual nominee and table/presentation toggle.

In this way the International Committee members might choose to operate in any functional mode including that of a standalone PC.

The 2008 Global Energy Prize Laureates were elected by secret ballot by the International Committee members with their names publicized at the international press-conference held on April 16.

Special project of the April Meeting of the Global Energy Prize International Award Committee







Global Energy Foundation

In June St. Petersburg hosted the third Energy of the Future Laureates’ Week, its programme featured a series of important scientific and social events. The focus of the Week’s programme Award Ceremony for Global Energy International Prize with the Prize given by the newly elected President of the Russian Federation, Dmitry Medvedev.

On June 4 the Energy of the Future Week began with the Laureates’ meeting young scientists from St. Petersburg.

On the same day, at midday, a press-conference was held at the St. Petersburg regional ITAR-TASS info centre which included the participation of both winners of the second Energy of Youth All-Russian Youth Competition for Research Projects in the Field of Energy Technology and the 2008 Global Energy International Prize Laureates.

Laureates’ Week special project




Global Energy Foundation


On June 5 the Energy of Thought International Academic and Research Symposium brought together scientists of different generations to participate in debates and discussions. The 2008 Global Energy Laureates traditionally delivered lectures on topics related to their prize-winning achievements while young scientists set out and rationalized their propositions for the solution of urgent global, energy related problems. Winners of the second Energy of Youth All-Russian Youth Competition for Research Projects in the Field of Energy Technology reported on the results of their activities covered by the Global Energy Foundation grants assigned within the framework of the youth programme.

On June 6 at 4.00 p.m. the Global Energy International Prize Laureates’ briefing was organized in the presence of the Laureates, Chairman of the Prize Board of Trustees, Academician Evgeny Velikhov, Chairman of the Prize International Award Committee, Academician Fedor Mitenkov and Executive Director of Global Energy Prize, Igor Lobovsky.

On the evening of the same day an executive joint meeting of the Prize International Award Committee and the Expert Council took place, among the agenda items being the formal approval of the list of scientists authorized to be the Prize nominators for 2009 (in 2008 on the list there were a little less than 1200 persons).

June 7 was the day of the Award Ceremony for the Global Energy International Prize.

The ceremony was held at Lenexpo Pavilion 8А at the same time as the twelfth International Economic Forum in St. Petersburg. The commemoratives (a Grand Gold Medal, a Diploma of Honour and a Laureate’s badge) were presented to the winners by the President of the Russian Federation, Dmitry Medvedev. In addition to that each Laureate received a gift of money. In 2008 the Global Energy prize fund came to amount to 30 million roubles.







Global Energy Foundation

The ceremony was attended by Russian statesmen, eminent scientists including former years’ Laureates of the Global Energy Prize, CEOs of Russian and foreign power engineering businesses, celebrated cultural and artistic figures.

In the evening a social function was arranged in honour of the Global Energy International Prize Laureates.

Award ceremony

On June 7 the Global Energy International Prize ceremony was held simultaneously with the twelfth International Economic Forum in St. Petersburg, at Lenexpo Pavilion 8А.

President Dmitry Medvedev of the Russian Federation presented the Prize to the 2008 Laureates: Academician Eduard Volkov (Russia), Doctor Clement Bowman (Canada) and Academician Oleg Favorsky (Russia).

Each of them received from the President a Grand Gold Medal as well as a Diploma of Honour and a Laureate’s golden commemorative badge. The Global Energy prize fund amounted to 30 million roubles.

On the evening of the same day a social function in honour of the Global Energy International Prize Laureates was arranged at the Yusupov Palace in St. Petersburg.




Global Energy Foundation

21On June 5, 2008 the Energy of Thought International Academic and Research Symposium was held, initiated by the Global Energy International Foundation.

The unique scientific event was conceived as an event within the framework of the Energy of the Future Special Laureates' Week.

On the programme of the Energy of Thought International Academic Symposium were lectures delivered by the 2008 Global Energy Laureates as well as presentation of reports by young Russian scientists awarded prizes in the second Energy of Youth All-Russian Youth Competition for Research Projects in the Field of Energy Technology organized in 2005 who described the results of their activities covered by the Global Energy Foundation grants.

Energy оf Thought special project







Global Energy Foundation

On December 17, 2008 the gilded suites of the Russian Academy of Sciences’ House of Scientists hosted the award ceremony for the fifth Energy of Youth All-Russian Youth Competition for Research Projects in the Field of Energy Technology; such is the Global Energy Foundation’s way of recognizing and rewarding the most noteworthy research and creative achievements by young scientists.

The award ceremony was opened by Academician Evgeny Velikhov reading out the salutatory address by President of the Russian Federation, Dmitry Medvedev, which specifically stated: “During its five year history the competition held by the Global Energy Foundation has developed into a tradition providing young scientists the first steps to develop and implement their innovative ideas and projects”.

Energy оf Youth special project




Global Energy Foundation


The grants announced were applied for by teams of young researchers from dozens of cities all over Russia but only six of them were nominated winners by the Expert Council. They represented the Melentiev Energy Systems Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences’ Siberian Branch (Irkutsk), Faculty of Material Science and Faculty of Chemistry of Lomonosov Moscow State University, Leypunsky Institute of Physics and Power Engineering (Obninsk), Moscow Power Engineering Institute and Research Centre for Power Engineering Problems of Kazan Scientific Centre of the Russian Academy of Sciences. The prize-winning research projects deal with currently urgent power engineering problems such as energy efficiency, improvement in the energy production process in terms of effectiveness and environmental safety and use of alternative energy sources. Implementation of solutions and ideas proposed by young scientists may enable large-scale economic savings and minimize the use of other resources.

“Utilization of relatively inexpensive and environmentally friendly energy sources is a problem that has acquired special relevance for us today. Even the daily news broadcasts give a fairly good idea of its profoundness and acuteness. Development of oil and gas deposits provides us with a certain amount of time to enable us to develop a fundamental solution to the problem. It’s hardly worth wasting time on lengthier and basically fruitless discussions of whether the available hydrocarbon resources are likely to last 30 or 100 years: the problem has to be tackled anyway”, stated Oleg Voronin, one of the Energy of Youth laureates. The Energy of Youth Prize was instituted by the Global Energy Foundation specifically to enable young scientists concerned about development of domestic and global power industry to have a chance to contribute to solution of problems arising at every level within their capacities.

As noted in his opening address by President of the Russian Federation, technical progress is essential for sustainable economic development. Progress, in its turn, depends on the availability of highly qualified research specialists, the latter’s training being one of the key objectives of the Global Energy Foundation.

Having received their medals and grants, the competition winners will be able to proceed with their research on condition that the results finally attained will be publicized no later than two years after the award presentation. In this way the Foundation carries out another important task to increase the global bank of knowledge and help resolve urgent problems faced by human civilization.







Global Energy Foundation

It is already for a fifth time that the Energy of the Quill competition has been held. Its purpose is to attract public attention to innovative developments in the sphere of energy production and technology as well as publicize Global Energy International Foundation ideas.

The Energy of the Quill is awarded for highly professional, competent, knowledge-intensive and significant coverage of scientific achievements in the field of energy and power engineering following the criteria applicable to valuation of papers nominated for the Global Energy Prize (humanitarian appeal, global scope, practical usefulness for humanity).

Among previous years’ Laureates are RIA Novosti and A. Kolesnikov (Kommersant newspaper), Rosbalt and M. Astvatsaturyan (Echo of Moscow radio station), S. Leskov (Izvestia newspaper) and RosInvest.

The 2008 laureates were Channel One and the TV reporter Olga Sukhova nominated for coverage of the GEIP Award Ceremony and Tribuna newspaper that had published a series of articles on topics related to power engineering.

Energy оf the Quill special project




Global Energy Foundation


The mission of the competition is to publicize children’s research skills, literary talent, artistic and musical creativity aimed at development of creative thinking and formation of a positive attitude to the power engineering industry.

Primarily targeted for involvement of Russian children aged 5–17, the competition is in no way restrictive, receiving entries from children from other countries of the world.

The Competition programme included the following nomination categories: Literary Creation, Visual Art, Computer Technologies, Photography and Amateur Video Filming, Modeling, Musical Composition.

Energy of Childhood initiative gathered wide support all over Russia. Regional authorities of Murmansk, Vladimir, Perm, Chita, Kaliningrad, Tambov, Novosibirsk and other cities of the country expressed their gratitude and preparedness to assist in organising such a competition. There are few national-scale “senior” competitions demonstrating such wide geographical coverage.

Meanwhile, it was only in December 2008 that the initiative of the Energy of Childhood All-Russian Competition of Energy-related Projects by Children was first publicized at the ceremony of the Energy of Youth grants presentation. There is special symbolism in the fact that it was announced by the nine-year old Xenia Missarzhevskaya, participant of the Moscow Club of Researchers.

Energy of Childhood special project







Global Energy Foundation

The Global Energy Foundation and the Bahrain World Economic Summit Organization are intent on establishing centres for innovation and education in Bahrain and (later on) other Persian Gulf countries (especially Kuwait and Saudi Arabia) with a priority view of provision for regional-scale development and implementation of knowledge-intensive high-tech energy technologies as well as for children and young people having the opportunity to learn the Russian language and further receive vocational training to finally qualify as energy sector specialists.

At the same time, by way of accelerated implementation of the programme for instructing students from the Persian Gulf countries in natural sciences, the Global Energy Foundation will arrange for the arrival of the required number of English-speaking professors to deliver courses of lectures on previously coordinated and approved energy-related topics at the University of Bahrain and eventually at tertiary institutions of other Gulf states. The Bahrain World Economic Summit Organization undertakes to provide for coordination of the lecture courses topical specialization and the curricular schedules of the professors’ employment as well as for the professors’ comfortable accommodation, travel, board and other commodities essential for the effectiveness of their activities.

In summer the first group of children from the Gulf countries to have taken a course of Russian language are invited to spend vacations with their Russian peers and receive further education at a children’s summer camp located in the Moscow Region.

Based on the results of the first year of cooperation the parties will decide on whether to extend the scope of tasks and objectives addressed by the centres, primarily with regard to the investment component of their activities.

Energy of the Gulf special project




Global Energy Foundation


Second EUROPE-UKRAINE Economic Forum

On February 27-29, 2008 the second EUROPE-UKRAINE Economic Forum took place in Kyiv (Ukraine) dedicated to such issues as the future of United Europe, its stability and development and provision for mutually beneficial cooperation of European states. The Forum was opened by President of the Ukraine, Victor Yushchenko. In his welcome address he specially emphasized the role of Russia as the Ukraine’s strategic partner and noted he was basically satisfied with the recent developments of the two country’s relations.

On the third day of the second EUROPE-UKRAINE Economic Forum a presentation was organized by the Global Energy International Foundation which caused a great deal of excitement.

Executive Director of the Foundation I.M. Lobovsky talked about the Prize’s history, Laureates and development prospects and made a report at a seminar on energy security.

Completely devoid of political overtones, the address by the Global Energy Foundation’s representative served to simply and clearly reveal the opinion of the academic community.

Alternative Energy International Forum in Verona (Italy)

On February 15, 2008 in Verona (Italy) the Alternative Energy International Forum was opened with the Global Energy Foundation acting one of its co-organizers.

The venue brought together chief executives of state institutions, international associations and leading energy industry businesses as well as major experts in energy polices to discuss key problems related to alternative energy.

The International Forum participants were addressed by Mayor of Verona Flavio Tosi, President of the Conoscere Eurasia Association Eugenio Caponi, Deputy Head of the Russian Federation Government Office Mikhail Kopeikin, Deputy Minister of Industry and Energy of the Russian Federation Anatoly Yankovsky, Co-chairman of the Russian-and-Italian Forum in the Line of Civil Societies, Member of the Global Energy Prize Board of Trustees Sergey Yastrzhembsky.

International events


Global Energy Foundation

Additionally, the Forum opening ceremony was attended by representatives of nearly all constitutor entities and partners of the Global Energy International Foundation: CEO of Gasprom JSC Department for Foreign Economic Activities S. Tsyganov, Deputy Director General of the Kurchatov Institute Russian Research Centre M. Rychev, Deputy Chairman of Board of GidroOGK JSC V. Zubakin and others.

Third Energy Forum in Budapest (Hungary)

On October 26-29, 2008 the third Energy Forum was held in Budapest under the auspices of President of Hungary, L szl S lyom.

Already a few hours after the official opening one could see the relations between Russia, the USA and EU were evolving in a controversial way. On the one hand, there were charges vehemently put forward against Russia in connection with the recent development in the Caucasus by representatives of Georgia (G. Baranidze), Hungary (V. Orb n), Poland (A. Zybertowicz) and the USA (B. Grey, K. Smith). On the other – there were contracts for supply of Russian energy resources concluded with European countries which will be valid until 2050.

However, it was analytical estimates that aroused the keenest interest. In particular, a Romanian delegate K. Gus declared that the Nabucco Pipeline project should only be implemented if Russia becomes involved in the process. T. Hobert, S. Sletner and J. Martins reported on the valuable experience accumulated with regard to energy strategy developed by Sweden, Norway and Portugal accordingly. Furthermore data was

Global Energy Foundation


made public on estimations which indicated that unless measures are taken mitigate climatic change and improve the existing situation in the energy sector 100 million people will lose their habitual residences in the near future with all available energy resources (hydrocarbons and uranium) being depleted by the end of the century.

Energy mix has recently been the most relevant topic for discussion and I. Lobovsky, Executive Director of the Global Energy International Prize, touched upon it in his report which he delivered in the capacity of Moderator of the main panel of the conference for the Role of Alternative Sources in an Energy Mix. He admitted that the currently urgent energy related problems might be addressed by international initiatives for investment and protection of the environment and development programmes as well as through transparency of information concerning energy sources and technologies. However, having scientifically analyzed all the available energy sources and identified their strong and weak points, he came to the conclusion that the only practical solution was to stimulate research into renewable and non-renewable energy sources. The Global Energy Prize was established by the Russian Federation and is the only award of its kind that follows such a policy 100%. This becomes evident if one considers research specialization areas of the recent years’ Laureates including ITER project, hydrogen energy and synthetic oil production.

The “round-table” discussion proceeded in a homely atmosphere. Representatives of Hungary noted that, being an intellectually sophisticated nation with sixteen countrymen having been awarded the Nobel Prize, their country failed to rank among the world energy industry leaders having to import 95% of the energy resources consumed. But a real storm of applause was elicited by Martha Bonifert, Director of the Regional Centre for Protection of the Environment. Through efficient management of sponsorship the Centre headed by her had succeeded in turning the house their office was accommodated in, constructed in 1950, into a zero-energy building equipped with state of the art systems.

Bahrain World Economic Summit

On November 17-18, 2008 the Kingdom of Bahrain hosted the World Economic Summit held under the auspices of the country’s Royal Family.

The Chairman of the Global Energy Prize Board of Trustees, Academician E.P. Velikhov, was invited to occupy the position of Honorary Chairman of the World Economic Summit High Committee.


Global Energy Foundation

E.P. Velikhov made a speech at the Summit opening venue and delivered a report at the plenary meeting. In addition he moderated the master round-table discussion of “Globalization Problems and Environmental Protection”.

In his address Evgeny Velikhov presented a comprehensive review of the current state of the world’s energy industry during the economic crisis and outlined approaches for addressing the energy problem mankind faces. Furthermore, at a meeting with students and professors of the University of Bahrain (which regionally ranks as one of the largest polytechnic high schools) he dwelt on the importance of the Global Energy initiative and its role in stimulating solutions to the global energy problem.

Within the framework of the Summit activities there was also a report delivered by I. Lobovsky, Executive Director of the Global Energy Foundation, on the Global Energy International Prize acting as an incentive for the global advance of science and an accelerated solution to the global, energy problem.

Global Energy Foundation



The famous Russian scientist, Academician E. Velikhov believes that the foundation of the international scientific award, the Global Energy International Prize, is a good opportunity to motivate scientists and talented young people around the globe to strive for outstanding achievements in the sphere of energy technology.

“Providing an effectively operating energy industry is a priority for Russian science. The appearance of an international energy prize does not have any analogies anywhere in the world. This is an attempt by the scientific community to show the entire planet our direct interest in perfecting the fuel and energy industry,” observed E. Velikhov.

He thinks that: “Russia has for many years been a pioneer in establishing fundamentally new forms of energy resources and installations and has a powerful, scientific base.” According to the academician, research by Russian scientists in the field of energy technology has always been considered authoritative around the world, this, “enables us to hope that among the future laureates there will be a significant number of Russians.”

President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin announced the establishment of the Global Energy International Prize at the concluding press conference after the conclusion of a summit between the heads of European Union countries and Russia on 11 November 2002 in Brussels.

As the head of Gasprom A. Miller remarked in relation to the Global Energy International Prize establishment, “Big business supports those involved in preserving and strengthening Russia’s scientific legacy. Russia’s industrialists and entrepreneurs are slowly coming to understand that they have long term interests for which they are prepared to join their resources and energy.”

“It is strategically important for Russia to act as a catalyst for the development of electric energy technology over the next 10–20 years,” stated Anatoly Chubais. “It is extremely relevant on one hand to make maximum use of current scientific developments in the field of fundamental science, which so far has been unnecessary, on the other hand it is important to overcome serious degree of backwardness in several scientific fields. The establishment of an international energy prize will act as a catalyst for scientific research in the areas of production, transferal and distribution of electricity.”

The President of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Yu. Osipov stated that: “The search for new sources of energy is becoming more and more important each year. In order to find it we must attract huge, intellectual potential and provide a great deal of material resources. The establishment of the Global Energy International Prize comes as a very timely measure with such a backdrop.”

“I am convinced that our country has now reached the stage where it is capable of promoting such initiatives. This Prize is the answer to the critics. The hard times are over, the country is now dynamically developing, business is growing,” said Mr. Chubais.

Alexey Miller: “Gasprom is interest in research. The Prize will help us focus on scientific developments and be more competitive.”

“Human inventiveness can find solutions to the problem gradually increasing demand for energy,” observed Professor Brian Spalding of The Imperial College of Science, Technology and Medicine. The Global Energy International Prize is a magnificent initiative to encourage creative effort and ingenuity in the field of energy technology.”

What the press has to say about the Global Energy International Prize


Global Energy Foundation

“President Putin has a very positive attitude to the Prize,” said Presidential Aide Sergey Yastrzhembsky. “Energy technology is one of our trumps, of which we have unfortunately few. We have opportunities to confirm our Russian-American energy dialogue on the very highest level. Russia’s achievements in the field of energy technology are a contribution to strengthening the country’s international prestige. The Global Energy International Prize also adds to our prestige, the President immediately gave his support.”

The prestigious youth grants were first announced in June 2004 by Russian Prime Minister, Mikhail Fradkov at the award ceremony of the Global Energy International Prize at the Constantine Palace in Strelna.

“If we have talked so far about giving a token of thanks to those scientists who have already contributed to resolving contemporary problems, then the appearance of the youth programme is to lay the foundations of new scientific discoveries,” he said in summary.

The announcement of the new laureates of the Global Energy International Prize is yet another reason to look at the global tendencies in the energy sector.

Without a doubt, the class of work for which the Global Energy International Prize is awarded is the very highest.

Each year the number of international candidates for the Prize becomes greater and more internationally diverse – more global. This year, for example, the number of foreign scientists nominated for the Prize was equal to the number of Russian scientists – that is to say, the process is ongoing.

The Chairman of the Federation Council, Sergey Mironov has announced that the Global Energy International Prize is gaining greater authority, receiving broad popularity around the globe. “It is symbolic,” he said, “that such a Prize was founded in Russia, which is one of the international leaders of the energy market.” “It is truly a prestigious prize for the third millennium”, he highlighted. “The Global Energy Youth Programme, whose establishment in 2004 was announced by Prime Minister Mikhail Fradkov will enable the recruitment of young talent to resolving problems with the energy sector,” observed Mironov.

The chairman of the management of Gasprom, Alexey Miller, announced that in 2006 the value of the Global Energy International Prize would be raised to $1.1 mln. According to Alexey Miller, Gasprom had decided that energy technology is one of its promising fields and intends to become involved on development projects for nuclear and thermo-nuclear energy in order to use its gas for more efficient purposes. It seems likely that the future of global energy, and for which there are traditionally more nominations for the Global Energy International Prize, is in the field of nuclear energy technology and nuclear fusion.

“The Global Energy International Prize is the most important prize by its position and the main prize for its field in the world. Energy is the backbone of modern society and this prize meets current demands since it focuses on energy globally for the future and specifically underlines the international aspect,” said Sergey Kapitsa, RIA Novosti.

According to him, the route to finding and establishing a new source of energy will take a significant amount of time.

“The Global Energy International Prize is a rare case with a clear continuity of resources between different generations of scientists and different countries,” observed Kapitsa.

Russia will from now on support scientific research in energy security and increasing energy production efficiency. This was announced today by President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin at the Awarding Ceremony for the Global Energy International Prize.

Global Energy Foundation


“Russia as one of the international leaders in energy technology not only exports energy resources but also electricity,” he emphasized. “We intend henceforth will support scientific developments which increase the efficiency and security of energy production and it goes without saying, will maintain environmental standards,” Putin added. “Among them are important fields like hydrogen, thermo-nuclear, biological and nanotechnological energy technologies,” he explained.

Putin observed that scientists from three different countries were today awarded the Prize. “From what I know, this is the first time there has been such a collaborative effort rewarded with the Prize, and this confirms the special value of your joint scientific work,” he said, speaking to the laureates.

“The Global Energy International Prize is a way of integrating the international, scientific resources to find a new approach for energy generation for all of humanity,” stated Putin. Energy security will be one of the main subjects discussed at the G8 summit in July.

The Awarding Ceremony of the Global Energy International Prize will be one of the memorable moments of the twelfth St. Petersburg International Economic Forum.

Chairman of the Global Energy International Award Committee Fedor Mitenkov, Academician RAS, emphasizes that “research activities in different areas proceed in various directions and the International Award Committee stimulates the specified diversification” since it is not simply usage of alternative energy sources that society needs but provision for supply of affordable inexpensive energy at a reasonable price.

Significance of the Russian prize arranged for with financial support from the country’s three power industry giants (RAO UES, Gasprom and Surgutneftegas) is evidenced not only by the Prize fund amount comparable to those of major world awards but also by its status with the Global Energy International Prize Laureates ranking virtually as equals to holders of the Nobel Prize Laureate title. The message requires no further justification. Intercontinental expansion of the Global Energy International Prize geographic scope is a fact doubtlessly meaningful and gratifying to all of us living in this country. Established and financially provided for by Russian Federation entities, the Global Energy International Prize may be awarded to a citizen of any country of the world.

Another noteworthy event on the programme of the current IAEA session was the display opened in the run-up to the venue at the Austria Congress Centre that is devoted to a long-standing initiative of the Russian Federation to have been recently re-incentivized which is the Global Energy International Prize established 2002 in the wake of the Russia-EU summit. Igor Lobovsky, the Prize Executive Director, states that during the five years to have elapsed the Global Energy International Prize has gone global and gained international repute and recognition, having been awarded to 14 scientists from 7 countries of the world.

Among the major Russian charitable foundations providing for support of research activities are the Dynasty Foundation (founded by VympelCom Company President Dmitry Zimin), the Triumph Foundation (with the present-day political emigrant Boris Berezovsky being among the initial founders), the Russian Science Support Foundation (jointly founded by a group of businessmen including Alexander Mamut, Oleg Deripaska and Roman Abramovich), the Global Energy Foundation (jointly founded by Gasprom JSC, RAO UES of Russia and Surgutneftegas JSC). They all have been established during the recent seven or ten years with some of them (like the Global Energy International Prize) having been initially conceived as prizes awarded for prominent achievements in a specific area of knowledge.

In Russia there are also sector-specific foundations cooperating with the authorities. The largest of them is the Global Energy Foundation sponsored by Gasprom, Surgutneftegas and RAO UES of Russia. A prize bearing the same name, established in 2002 as a scientific award equal in status to the Nobel Prize, has been awarded for outstanding theoretical, experimental and applied investigations, developments, inventions and discoveries in the field of energy and power engineering since 2003. Last year the Prize amount was equal to $1.2 mln.


Global Energy Foundation

2009 Agenda advertisement


March 24-27 Participation in the ninth St. Petersburg International Forum for the Fuel and Energy Industry


April 13 Opening of the exhibition within the framework of the Energy of Childhood All-Russian Competition of Energy-related Projects by Children

April 14 Meeting of the Prize International Award Committee

April 15 Press-conference dedicated to declaration of the Global Energy Prize 2009 Laureates


June 2-5 Energy of the Future Laureates’ Week (St. Petersburg, Russia)

June 2 Visit at TGK-1 Territorial Generating Company (Pravoberevhnaya TPP-5); Global Energy Prize Laureates’ meeting young representatives of the Russian academic community

June 3 Energy of Thought International Academic and Research Symposium hosted by St. Petersburg State Polytechnic University; Laureates meeting representatives of the teaching staff of St. Petersburg State Polytechnic University

June 4 Press-conference by the Global Energy International Prize 2009 Laureates

June 4 Young scientists visiting the RAS board and care facility for veteran scientists

June 4 Meeting of the Global Energy Prize International Award Committee

June 5 Award Ceremony of the Global Energy International Prize (St. Petersburg, Russia)


Beginning of the eighth Prize Cycle. Distribution of nomination forms to the scientists selected by the Prize International Award Committee to be 2010 Nominators

September 9-12 Nineteenth Economic Forum in Krynica (Poland)

September 25-27 Second Bahrain World Economic Summit. Chairman of the Global Energy Prize Board of Trustees Academician E.P. Velikhov invited to occupy the position of Honorary Chairman of the World Economic Summit High Committee


October 10 Award ceremony of the sixth Energy of the Quill media competition timed to the Prize anniversary


December 17 Award ceremony of the sixth Energy of Youth All-Russian Youth Competition for Research Projects in the Field of Energy Technology (Moscow, Russia)

Global Energy Foundation

35Sum total of the Global Energy Foundation amounts to 81.0 million roubles.

Prize expenditures, mln RUR

Expenditures related to organization, holding and support of Global Energy Prize events 32.3

Global Energy prize fund 30.0

Youth programme 3.4

General administrative expenditures 5.8

Remuneration of labour 8.9

Business travel expenditures 0.6

Financial accounts of the Prize

Expenditures related to organization, holding and support of Global Energy Prize events







Global Energy prize fund

Youth programme

General administrative expenditures

Remuneration of labour

Business travel expenditures

Prize Expenditures, %


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