Global Issue #3 2015

Post on 23-Jul-2016

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Features: Stories from Turkey, the Logos Hope, TeenStreet Europe and more! The on-line edition of Global is a sampling of what you will find in the full print version. Visit to find out how you can receive your free Global magazine by post.


no.3 2015

“ The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, for he has anointed me to bring Good News to the poor. He has sent me to proclaim that captives will be released, that the blind will see, that the oppressed will be set free.”

Luke 4:18 (NLT)

operation mobilisation magazine

Operation Mobilisationtransforming lives and communities

reFUgee Crisis

Responding to refugees with love and compassion, OM is bringing

Good News throughout Europe and at the heart of crisis.

om tUrkey


takin’ it to tHe streets Illusionists, unicycles, puppets and energetic music might be the stuff of which summer fêtes are made, but in OM Turkey, they are the building blocks of ministry to Muslims.

aco, a creative arts ministry led by OM workers, can be found on the street every Sunday using their art to draw people to the Gospel. One week it might be their marionette show declaring

truth about Jesus in three powerful scenes; another week might showcase the team’s unique performance of the story of Abraham and Sarah, or of ‘The Gardener’, a spin on the creation story.

Taco’s international team is made up of musicians, dancers, actors, puppeteers, sound engineers and – thankfully – an administrator or two. They work hard learning the Turkish language, perfecting their craft and looking for ways to communicate the Gospel effectively.

“While we want to do excellent art to the glory of God, that’s not the main focus” says team leader, Dave. “Our goal is finding those seeking the truth, seeing them come to faith and being added to local churches.”

Every week New Testaments and Jesus Films are distributed. Many more are distributed on the tours the team undertakes around Turkey, often with visiting artists. Those who respond to

“I have set the LORD always before me: because he is at my right hand, I shall not be moved.” Psalm 16:8by Aylin Mardin



the message are connected to local churches, church-planting teams, or linked with the Bible Correspondence Course for follow-up.

Ryan, a musician, said the team conservatively estimates that, not including tours, 5,000 to 7,000 people have heard an entire Gospel message as a result of Taco’s ministry. “Especially the ones that want to talk about Jesus can coordinate a time to have a local believer or a local worker connect with them, to drink tea and ask their questions in private.”

bCC on tHe streetThe Bible Correspondence Course itself has a street ministry every Wednesday when a team goes out to do sketch board and share the Gospel with passers-by. The message nearly always draws a crowd, and even hecklers have proved useful as others quickly defend the right of the team to do what they’re doing.

A highlight of the year for this team is the outreach out on the ‘Big Island.’ There, on the 23rd of April, tens of thousands of people climb a steep hill to an old monastery in search of a blessing. In recent years, more than 300 Christians have travelled together out to the island to be a witness. “Preaching with all my heart to those following the crowd to the top of the hill was a wonderful experience,” says David. “I told the people listening that if they wanted to know how to get through the narrow gate that is Jesus, they should ask one of my friends standing alongside the road….later I heard that several did just that!”

tHe 1881 projeCtFor the last three years, the BCC has used another approach to share the Gospel out on the streets. With no church in more than half of Turkey’s 81 provinces, the BCC devised “The 1881 Project” – an open air outreach in each of Turkey’s 81 provinces, over 18 months. The project was first run in 2013-2014 in support of the BCC’s 50th anniversary, but the effect on those being reached was so amazing that the team decided to do it again in 2014-2015. Project coordinator, Eileen, explains: “The provinces at turn red and show the story when a province has had an outreach. Some of the provinces are so unreached that it might be the first time in a hundred years that people have had access to a believer sharing the Good News with them.”

“ oUr goal is FinDing tHose seeking tHe trUtH, seeing tHem Come to FaitH anD being aDDeD to loCal CHUrCHes.” om’s First evangelistiC

Centre in tUrkey The BCC has just purchased its first facility! Housing literature, offices and rehearsal space for Taco, it will be OM’s first evangelistic centre in its 53 year history in Turkey. Renovations are underway and finances are still needed.

If you’d like to give a financial gift towards the centre, visit or call 01691 776711.

interesteD in joining an 1881 oUtreaCH anD Using yoUr Creative arts skills WitH taCo or Helping WitH tHe bCC? visit to learn aboUt botH sHort anD long term opportUnities.


by Beth Hutchisonom sHips international

liFe tHroUgH tHe lens

a. taiCHUng, taiWan - aUgUstThe crowds on Taiwan have been unbelievable. During the ship’s visit, over 168,000 people queued, enduring heavy rain, typhoon winds and scorching heat. To wake up every day, look out the window and see people lining up even before opening hours is motivating. It is funny for me, being from Scotland, to go out in the sun and see everyone holding their umbrellas, but it has made for some good photograph opportunities.

b. kUCHing, malaysia - aprilI took this photograph in a village where the people used to be headhunters. Part of their culture was that the more tattoos you had, the more respect you got. As we got ready to start the programme, five men sat together, laughing and enjoying each other’s company. I loved watching them and their friendship with each other.

C. san FernanDo, pHilippines - jUlySince my passion is to reach out to youth, the time I spent in San Fernando as part of an onboard youth programme was particularly special. After sharing my testimony, I opened up the time for anyone else to share. I was surprised when DJ opened up to the whole group about his struggles. By the third day I knew I should ask him if he wanted to know Jesus more intimately by living his life to follow Him. He told me “I am not worthy of Jesus yet because I am so dirty. I want to make myself

clean first.” I told him that only Jesus could do this. After he asked Jesus into his heart and to make him clean, he said he felt a burden had been lifted from his shoulders.

D. sUbiC bay, pHilippines - jUneAt this port, we visited a home for women who have suffered abuse. In the office I saw a few cribs, some empty and some with babies inside. There was one little boy staring at me, named Raymond. I went over to pick him up and get a cuddle. He responded to me straight away, smiling and touching my face and wouldn’t let me put him down! I assumed his mother was one of the women who lived in the home until one of the staff told me, “He is eight-months old and abandoned so you can take him if you want!” I had to hold the tears back because I knew I couldn’t, but I had already fallen in love with him.

I asked God why He gave me so much love for baby Raymond, but I know now it’s because I can pray for him forever. Who else does he have to pray from him? go

iF yoU’D be interesteD in joining logos Hope For tHree montHs or a 1-2 year programme, visit

Since returning to full ministry in April, Logos Hope has hosted more than half a million visitors in Southeast Asia. Ship’s photographer, Beth Hutchison from Scotland, gives Global a unique perspective of these port visits from her side of the lens.a.




“ by tHe tHirD Day i kneW i sHoUlD ask Him iF He WanteD to knoW jesUs more intimately by living His liFe to FolloW Him.”

by Nicole Jamesteenstreet eUrope

experienCing goD at om teenstreet

“The Lord is my light and my salvation – whom shall I fear? The Lord is the stronghold of my life – of whom shall I be afraid?” Psalm 27:1

Seven days. 4,277 people. 42 countries. This year at TeenStreet (TS), OM’s European youth conference, thousands of Christians from all over Europe were encouraged to be HOME with God and to experience His presence in their daily lives.

This year’s theme, HOME, was especially personal for Josh and Debs Walker, the dynamic couple who develop and present the teaching sessions each year. Outside their TS responsibilities, they spend most of their time in inner-city Houston, Texas, working with homeless and low-income individuals.

“Last year, after TeenStreet, I was walking around with the homeless people that we work with, asking God why they don’t always take the help we have available for them,” Debs recalled. “God spoke to me about how people do that to Him - that He’s offering a home, He’s offering all the goodness of Heaven, and we would rather live homeless away from Him.”

Josh and Debs dug into Scripture to find out what God wanted to say about ‘home’, eventually deciding on the week’s anchor verse, John 14:23: “Jesus replied, ‘Anyone who loves me will obey my teaching. My Father will love them, and we will come to them and make our home with them.’” (NIV)

Throughout the event, TS attendees had the chance to participate in RAG (Raise and Give). Together, the teens and staff raised a promised €120,221 for the Emmanuel Centre in Lushnje, Albania, which ministers to Roma Gypsy children.

The TS programme allows teens to connect with God and each other through a variety of activities including art, sports, and outreach. RAG, for example, emphasises God’s generosity, whilst ArtZone allows teens to experience His creativity. Outreach opportunities in Offenburg included handing out flowers and visiting refugees, and encouraged the participants to engage the culture around them. Each element of TS serves a purpose in mentoring and discipling the younger generation of believers, and with around 1,800 staff and Service Team members volunteering, the camp’s impact reaches far beyond the words spoken from the main stage.


enjoy tHe Home sessions For yoUrselF. reaD stories anD WatCH viDeos aboUt teenstreet 2015 at WWW.teenstreet.De

teenstreet 2016If you would like more information about how you can bring your youth group to TeenStreet 2016, from 26th July-3rd August, or to volunteer – get in touch for a TeenStreet Discovered info pack and to chat with our OM TeenStreet Coordinator.

e - T - 01691 773388

om nepal

Healing anD restoration in nepal


ver 100 OM Nepal team members were well-placed to reach out to local villages and communities when the earthquake struck; a devastation killing thousands and displacing millions of Nepalis. Their immediate needs were met as the team was able to distribute basic food

supplies such as rice and lentils, as well as tarpaulins, which provided temporary shelters during the monsoon season. The team worked in nine of the worst affected areas, including the Langtang village, which was completely destroyed by the earthquake. After this initial phase, our team assessed the most prominent needs of people who had been internally displaced (IDPs), which were identified as land, sanitation and cooking fuel. The OM team was able to distribute 200 gas stoves to one community and enable them to provide food for their families.

While there is still some need for basic relief items, the OM team now focuses on efforts to help people rebuild and reconstruct their homes and communities as the monsoon season ends. People still living in IDP camps are getting despondent and losing hope, and many have turned to alcohol. There is also a high risk of trafficking at this time. It is essential, therefore, that we begin to help these people see hope and a future for themselves. We are encouraging them to approach the government for land so that they can begin planning and relocating their lives. We are also helping people tear down their homes, which have been destroyed so that they are able to begin the rebuilding process. Aside from being labour-intensive, this process is incredibly emotional, and our team has been trained to provide counselling and support to those who have experienced great loss. One team member shared, “I have been so humbled by the Nepalese people’s ability to survive on virtually nothing. Families who have lost homes, food and even loved ones are carrying on living.”

Since June, 500 children have taken part in week-long trauma counselling camps run by OM Nepal. These children have been


We have been overwhelmed by your generous gifts to the recent Nepal Earthquake Mercy Appeal, and on behalf of OM Nepal, we would like to communicate our heartfelt thanks for your compassionate response.

by Debs Craig

hit worst by the earthquake, many having lost parents, family members and close friends in devastating circumstances. The camps explore themes such as “You are not alone” and “Be strong and courageous”, using storytelling, crafts, games and snacks, as well as small-group time where they are encouraged to be honest about their feelings and experiences. One volunteer shared that “for many of the kids the chance to play and have fun is especially valuable.” It has been a privilege and a joy for our team to witness the beginning of the healing and restoration process that is taking place in the hearts and minds of these children.

“May the God of hope fill you all with joy and peace in believing, so that by the power of the Holy Spirit you may abound in hope.” Romans 15:13


om nepal Has proviDeD

Feeding50,000 people


riCe - 20,025 kg

bUns - 1,590

oil - 1,779 l

lentils - 3,836 kg

join us in praying for restoration in Nepalpray

“it Has been a privilege

anD a joy For oUr team to Witness tHe

beginning oF tHe

Healing anD restoration

proCess tHat is taking


bringing goD’s kingDom An OM team member was at a loss for words after finding Santa, whom she had met previously, camping out along with nine others in a cramped OM coffee shop.

She offered to pray for Santa, but felt helpless to bring any words of comfort or hope. Then she heard God’s voice reminding her that by sharing in their pain, we show that they are not alone, but that there is a God who loves them and walks with them through their troubles. Learning to love them as God loves us is bringing God’s Kingdom to this broken and hurting country.


by Steve Packwoodom Uk

CHUrCH partnersHipoday OM is working in over 110 countries around the world. Our work varies from country to country, both in size and in application, but always following Jesus’ mandate from Luke 4:18 of bringing Good News to the poor. By partnering with OM UK, your church can be involved in this mandate too.

HoW Does a partnersHip start?Like most partnerships, it starts with talking!

We like to walk alongside representatives of the church (this could be the Pastor or other leaders) to hear how God is leading them. They may already feel led to be involved in a particular country or a specific aspect of ministry, and we try to link them into that. Often, we can arrange a Vision Trip, allowing representatives from the church to visit the ministry and discern how God is leading them.

HoW is tHe partnersHip maintaineD?Before agreeing on the area of partnership, we will link you with one of our Partner Development Team who will become your key point of contact to walk you through the partnership process. After this they will submit a proposal detailing the church’s

involvement and how OM can serve the church’s needs. As the partnership develops, individuals or teams from the church

can visit the field and experience for themselves the joy of working with those who may be poor materially, but rich in faith and dependence on God. It is also often possible to

bring leaders from the ‘field’ to visit the church here and update them personally on the work.

WHo beneFits?Partnerships like this are hugely effective

in building God’s Kingdom.

The field is supported through the church’s prayer and intercession,

finance and visits to the field. Often, people within the church have skills and gifts that they can share. The funding of specific projects can have strategic impact on ministry that can result in lasting transformation for individuals and communities.

tSteve Packwood, OM UK’s Head of Partner Development, outlines how your fellowship can be part of bringing Good News.


Through partnership, the UK Church is often able to mobilise the whole church in mission through prayer, giving and going. Seeing God at work in another culture and context often serves to enlarge our vision of God, and can inspire people for mission here at home. The experience of mission can have significant impact in someone’s faith, helping him or her mature and grow.

UniqUe anD sUstainable partnersHipsEach partnership is unique and gives both partners the opportunity to share their resources and gifts. An example of sustainable partnership is one between OM UK and a church in Aberdeen.

It started with a phone call from the Pastor enquiring about the possibility of partnering with our work in India. After visiting the church with an OM leader from India, the church’s desire to support this country was ignited. Since then, the partnership has grown and developed, focusing on one area in India. The church has helped to build an assembly hall and classrooms for the school and community. They are now regular visitors to India, offering assistance, support and encouragement.

“So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.” Isaiah 41:10

“ tHe personal ConneCtion oF so many oF oUr people WitH tHe Work in inDia Has been tremenDoUs! it Has alloWeD Us to Demonstrate to oUr loCal CommUnity tHat oUr FaitH impaCts oUr Daily liFe.”

interesteD in om CHUrCH partnersHip?We would love to meet with you and discuss how your church can partner with us to bring Good News. You can contact Steve or someone on his Partnership team.

T - 0141 552 7716 e -

Last Christmas, Spicer Street Church in St Albans partnered with us in bringing Good News to the poor in Africa.

Funds raised through their Christmas offering are helping OM Africa provide training, micro-loans and equipment to believers in difficult circumstances because of poverty and discrimination.

One project sponsored by their gift was a training course run in partnership with a local church near Lake Victoria, Tanzania, where poverty and unemployment are rife. The course equipped participants with micro-enterprise training and Biblical principles of business. Through this, more than 20 new businesses were started and a framework established to ensure ongoing support and supervision.

To find out how your church could partner with us in Bringing Good News to the poor this Christmas, please contact us:

t - 0141 552 7716 e -

partner WitH Us For a jUst CHristmas


Where there’s overwhelming suffering and poverty, our relief and development workers are living out this One Message by meeting immediate needs and offering eternal hope in Jesus.

This is just one of the many practical and transformational ways we share this One Message and bring Good News to many of the world’s poorest, marginalised and most vulnerable people.

Find out more about how this One Message is transforming lives and communities across the world and how you can get involved.

Now that’s a text message!

Luke 4:18 (NLT)

“The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, for he has anointed me to bring Good News to the poor. He has sent me to proclaim that captives will be released, that the blind will see, that the oppressed will be set free.”

Registered office The Quinta, Weston Rhyn, Oswestry, Shropshire, SY10 7LT. Registered as a company limited by guarantee no. 2564320 and charity no.1008196 (England and Wales), and SCO40988 (Scotland).

Operation Mobilisationtransforming lives and communities

pray give go